#divorce horocope
subir-astrologer · 1 year
The answer is not straight and direct one need to understand step by step.
The first answer is YES the children is effected as their decision of faith is taken by their parents and as they are unable to live life independently.
This is practical also, but here we are seeing it from astrological point of view.
Now, it is an interesting learning here as we will know about the impact on the child astrologically by understanding the house activation.
When the parents of a child gets divorced then from mother’s point of view the 3rd, 9th and 11th house gets activated in the child’s horoscope.
In a horoscope the 3rd house signify courage, communication ( verbal expression ), intelligence, away from home etc etc.
The 9th house signify religious instincts, dharma, uprightness, good karma, ethics, higher learning & values and spiritual inclination and relationship with father also and many more . . . .
The 11th house signifies fulfillments of one’s desire, friends, finance, close well-wishers etc etc etc.
When the parents of a child gets divorced then from father’s point of view the 2nd, 4th and 8th house gets activated in the horoscope of the child.
The 2nd house signify we own, material goods, accumulated wealth, possessions and family relationships, feeling, emotions etc etc.
The 4th house signifies our home, peace of mind, relationship with mother, heritage, family values, land and properties etc etc etc.
The 8th house signifies over death, longevity, sudden events, depression, defame, delay, dissatisfaction and defeat, inheritance, insurance etc etc.
So, in all the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 8th, 9th and 11th house of the child’s horoscope gets activated when the parents of the child get divorced.
The destiny of an individual is governed by the planets of his own horoscope. The negative activated house can give worst impact to the child if the activated houses signify negative significances
If the activated house signifies positive significance and is strong then it will overcome / absorb the negative activated impact.
To understand the negative impacts one need to again read the activated significances of the houses.
The moon in a horoscope represents mother and the sun represents the father of an individual.
One also need to analyze the planet moon and the sun and understand their significance as moon also rules one’s mind and nature, emotional, domesticated, possessing a love for home and sun rules the self-confidence, full of energy, always high spirit, highly ambitious etc etc.
A bad moon or sun and the activated houses will hamper the significance of the planets in mental state of in physical state, and both the state is very harmful.
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subir-astrologer · 1 year
Yes divorce can be predicted very accurately thru astrological calculation and analysis. Since I am a KP vedic astrologer so I will be talking it from KP vedic astrology padhatti / system point of view.
There are many dictum in vedic astrology for divorce or separations according to different branches of vedic astrology and they give very accurate results.
As I am a KP vedic astrologer so I will talks about the combinations of houses which gives divorce. Vedic astrology came into existence some thousand years ago and during that time there was no divorce, it was only separations as divorce is a modern day term binded with law made made in modern era.
To study the marriage relationship in a horoscope, one need to study the 7th cuspal sublord. The 7th cuspal sublord should signify 2nd, 5th, 7th and 11th house for a native to get married or in other word marriage is promised in the horoscope.
The timing of the event is decided by studying the mahadasa, the dasapravesh along with the transit of that period.
Not elaborating much on the marriage part as our key focus is on divorce. Like marriage, if the 7th cuspal sublord is also signify 6th or 8th and or without 12th house along with 2nd, 5th, 7th and 11th house then there can or will be divorce.
I used the word CAN because the promise of divorce is applicable only when the delivery of the event, which is seen from mahadasa is also promising the same. If mahadasa period is not supporting then the native will not get divorce, but there will be lot of difference of opinions between the two.
For divorce to take place the 6th or 8th and or without 12th house should get activated by mahadasa period along with the transit of that that time which also activate these houses.
During the conjoint period of mahadasa, antardasa, pratiantardasa and prandasa which would signify the activation of 6th or 8th house, divorce will take place.
There are many cases that the 6th or 8th and or without 12th house got activated by mahadasa period, but since divorce is not promised so divorce will not take place, there could be situation of that kind, but as the horoscope negates divorce so it will not happen.
Another probabilities is that in 7th cuspal sublord level it is signifying the 6th or 8th house which gives divorce but because the mahadasa period is not supporting such event then also divorce will not happen. 
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subir-astrologer · 10 months
The native wants to know if there is chance of divorce from her birth chart as per Vedic astrology.
Based on the birth details DOB DOB is 30/9/1988 at 4PM in Bristol, UK and husband's DOB is 26/5/1988 at 7.17 AM in Hammersmith, UK and the analysis is done as per KP Vedic astrology.
The plotted horoscope shows Dhanu lagna / Sagittarius ascendant with Saturn in 1st house, rahu in 3rd house, mars in 4th house, Jupiter n moon in 6th house, venus n ketu in 9th house, sun in 10th house and mercury in 11th house.
The moon is in rohini nakshatra in vrushab rashi / moon in taurus sign and the current ruling mahadasha is Jupiter.
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In order to learn about the native’s marriage as per her horoscope, one need to study the 7th cuspal sublord. The study of the current ruling mahadasha will reveal how the dasha lords are going to give their results on the events in the life of the native during their ruling periods.
From the horoscope the 7th cuspal sublord is venus and its signifying 4,5,7 and 9th house in the planet level as well as in the sublord level and ketu signifying 4,5,7,8 and 9th house in the nakshatra level.
The current ruling mahadasha is Jupiter and its strongly signifying 1,4 and 12th house as its untenanted in the planet level, moon strongly signifying 4th house as it is in own nakshatra in the nakshatra level and rahu strongly signifying 1,2,4,5,7,9 and 11th house as it is in own nakshatra in the sublord level.
Jupiter is in conjunction with moon signifying 4th house.
Moon is in conjunction with Jupiter signifying 1,4 and 12th house.
The full analysis of the husband’s chart is not presented just stating the main points of the horoscope.
The plotted horoscope of the husband show Mithun lagna / gemini ascendant with moon in uttarphalguni nakshatra in kanya rashi / moon in virgo sign and the current ruling mahadasha is Jupiter.
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To learn about his marriage lets analyze
The 7th cuspal sublord is venus and its signifying 12th house in the planet level, mars signifying 6 and 9th house in the nakshatra level and moon signifying 3 and 4th house in the sublord level.
Venus is in conjunction with mercury signifying 1,2,5 and 12th house.
The current ruling mahadasha is Jupiter and its signifying 7,8 and 11th house in the planet level, venus signifying 12th house in the nakshatra level and mercury strongly signifying 1,2,5 and 12th house as its untenanted in the sublord level.
Venus is in conjunction with mercury signifying 1,2,5 and 12th house.
Mercury is in conjunction with venus signifying 12th house.
From the analysis I conclude that the native do not have happy married life and does have divorce promise as per her horoscope and also in her husband’s horoscope more strongly and it will be initiated by her husband.
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subir-astrologer · 2 years
The native wants to know if there is divorce as per vedic astrology of his horoscope.
Based on the given birth details DOB 10-11-1980 at 15.50 PM in Kumru, Ordu, Turkey and the analysis is done as per KP vedic astrology padhatti / system.
The plotted horoscope shows meen lagna / pisces ascendant with rahu in 5th house, venus Saturn n Jupiter in 7th house, mercury n sun in 8th house, mars n moon in 9th house and ketu in 11th house.
The moon is in Jyestha nakshatra in vruschik rashi / moon in scorpio sign and the current ruling mahadasha is moon.
In order to learn if the native will has divorce as per his horoscope, one need to study the 7th cuspal sublord. The study of the current ruling mahadasha will reveal how the dasha lords are going to give their results on the events in the life of the native during their ruling periods.
From the horoscope the 7th cuspal sublord is mars and its strongly signifying 8 and 9th house as its untenanted in the planet level, mercury signifying 4 and 7th house in the nakshatra level and Jupiter signifying 1,6 and 10th house in the sublord level.
Mars is in conjunction with moon signifying 5 and 8th house.
Jupiter is in conjunction with Saturn signifying 6,11 and 12th house.
The current ruling mahadasha is moon and its signifying 5 and 8th in the planet level, mercury signifying 4 and 7th house in the nakshatra level and rahu signifying 5 and 8th in the sublord level.
Moon is in conjunction with mars signifying 8 and 9th house.
From the analysis of the horoscope, happy married life is not promised in the horoscope and there will be lot of difference of opinions with native’s spouse.
The separation is on the card and to confirm the divorce, the spouse horoscope is also need as the event is between 2 parties and by reading only one horoscope will give half of the picture.
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subir-astrologer · 2 years
The friend of the native wants to know if there is divorce in her destiny as per vedic astrolog of her horoscope.
Based on the given birth details DOB 04-06-1994 at 07:15 AM in Shyamnagar, West Bengal, India and the analysis is done as per KP vedic astrology.
The plotted horoscope shows Mithun lagna / gemini ascendant with venus n mercury in 1st house, Jupiter n rahu in 5th house, Saturn in 9th house, moon in 10th house, mars n ketu in 11th house and sun in 12th house.
The moon is in revati nakshatra in meen rashi / moon in pisces sign and the current ruling mahadasha is venus.
In order to learn if the native has got divorce in her destiny as per her horoscope, one need to study the 7th cuspal sublord. The study of the current ruling mahadasha will reveal how the dasha lords are going to give their results on the events in the life of the native during their ruling periods.
From the horoscope the 7th cuspal sublord is Jupiter and its signifying 4,7 and 10th house in the planet level, rahu signifying 1,4,5,6,7,10,11 and 12th house in the nakshatra level and Saturn strongly signifying 8 and 9th house as its untenanted in the sublord level.
The current ruling mahadasha is venus and its signifying 1,5 and 12th house in the planet level, Jupiter signifying 4,7 and 10th house in the nakshatra level and Saturn strongly signifying 8 and 9th house as its untenanted in the sublord level.
From the analysis I conclude that the native do not have happy married relationship and shows separation after marriage as per her horoscope.
In case of divorce both the horoscope of boy and the girl are needed to study as the event is between both of them.
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subir-astrologer · 2 years
The prediction can be give correctly only after reading the 2 horoscopes, of the boy and the girl.
There are few probabilities that may happen in such case :
The marriage may take place considering the girl’s horoscope to be strong and have good marriage relationship, but since the boy’s horoscope shows separation so after marriage the boy may get a job in abroad or far place from their home and so need to leave her and take up the job and go there alone.
The marriage will take place because of the girl’s horoscope not showing separation and then after sometime when the boy’s separation event gets activated in his horoscope then they will get separated.
The marriage may take place and there will not be any separation physically but mentally YES and there will be lots of difference of opinions between the boy and the girl.
Marriage may take place but the boy will spend maximum time out of home and only come home to eat and sleep.
No marriage will take place if the boy’s horoscope is stronger than the girl’s horoscope.
These are all probabilities that may happen, but unless and until both the horoscopes are studied, nothing can be said correctly.
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