#divorce plot is real
ceyskywalker · 1 year
i want to believe both kenjaku and tengen are much older than sukuna even by like centuries. and human kid sukuna witnessed their divorce
no reason at all idk how it's important to plot tho but still manifesting
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the-obnoxious-sibling · 2 months
birthday countdown 2024, day 6: no divorce au snippet
the birthday countdown continues! today, i have for you a bit of young luffy pov from the shuggy no divorce au:
“The rest of my crew has returned to me!” Shanks called over his shoulder, running out of the bar with another laughing shout of joy.  Luffy stared after him in shock; he’d never seen Shanks so happy.  Goofy, yes, having fun, all the time, but not, he realized now, really happy.  Luffy hadn’t known Shanks was feeling even a little bit sad until it all went away.  He was pretty good at hiding his true thoughts, for a grown-up. “‘The rest of my crew,’ right,” Yasopp said with a chuckle. “Just because there’s one person he’s happier to see than the rest doesn’t mean he isn’t happy to see everyone,” Lucky Roux said with a wide, wide grin that made Luffy think he maybe didn’t really mean what he was saying. But that was fine; the idea of Shanks having one person he was extra excited to see interested Luffy.  And he had a feeling he knew who it was, too: Shanks’ first mate!
(about 1.5k below the cut)
There came a day, hanging out with Shanks and his Red-Blue Pirates, when Luffy changed some lives forever, though it took him another ten years to realize what exactly he’d done.  That was the day their secondary ship, the Blue Moon, arrived at Windmill Village for the first time.
Shanks was at Party’s Bar along with a couple of his higher ranked officers, drinking and chatting with Makino, when the man who’d been on watch dashed in with a telescope in hand.  Panting breathlessly, he held it out to Shanks, who took it outside and peered through it for a moment before letting out a happy cry. Ducking back in the doorway he said, “Makino, prepare yourself!  We’re drinking your stores dry tonight!”
Beckman and Yasopp exchanged an amused look.  Lucky Roux whooped.
Makino smiled behind her hand, like that way the pirates wouldn’t be able to see it.  “What’s the occasion?”
“The rest of my crew has returned to me!” Shanks called over his shoulder, running out of the bar with another laughing shout of joy.  Luffy stared after him in shock; he’d never seen Shanks so happy.  Goofy, yes, having fun, all the time, but not, he realized now, really happy.  Luffy hadn’t known Shanks was feeling even a little bit sad until it all went away.  He was pretty good at hiding his true thoughts, for a grown-up.
“‘The rest of my crew,’ right,” Yasopp said with a chuckle.
“Just because there’s one person he’s happier to see than the rest doesn’t mean he isn’t happy to see everyone,” Lucky Roux said with a wide, wide grin that made Luffy think he maybe didn’t really mean what he was saying.
But that was fine; the idea of Shanks having one person he was extra excited to see interested Luffy.  And he had a feeling he knew who it was, too: Shanks’ first mate!
For weeks, Luffy was sure Benn Beckman was the first mate, because he was always the person Shanks’ guys looked to if Shanks wasn’t around, and who would that be but the first mate?  But the first time Luffy tried to be polite (a fairly foreign concept to Luffy, but it did make some people act nicer) by calling him Mr. First Mate, Beckman leaned back in his chair and laughed.
“I’m not the first mate, Luffy,” he explained, “I’m the second mate.  When Shanks and our first mate aren’t around, I’m in charge.”
“Oh, I see, so that’s the order it goes.”  Luffy nodded thoughtfully.  He squinted up at Beckman.  “Then who’s the first mate?”
“Ah, you haven’t met him yet,” Beckman said, scratching the side of his neck.  “He’s been off on a treasure hunt for a while.”
“Treasure!”  Now that was a pirate thing!  Luffy’s eyes shone at the thought.  “Why didn’t the rest of you go with him?  Don’t you care about treasure?”
Beckman laughed.  “No one cares about treasure the way our first mate does, Luffy,” he said.  “He gets so focused on one map, one story of hidden, lost gold, his treasure hunts can last for months.”
“The longest so far was six.  Even Shanks can’t keep up with him that long, so they have an arrangement.  When our first mate gets the urge to hunt for treasure non-stop, he and a few crew members take one of our smaller boats, and Shanks and the rest of us hole up on a nice little island for a time, like this one.  When he’s found it, or given up—though he never gives up unless the Navy gets on his tail—he knows where to find us, and the rest of us get to relax, train, make some shorter trips in this part of the sea… whatever we want to do.”
“Huh.”  Luffy considered this arrangement.  “But isn’t he really the captain of that other boat, then?  If he’s never around, and you’re always doing first mate things?”
“These urges only come on him once a year or so, he’s around often enough,” Beckman said, taking a pull off his cigarette.  “And anyway, Shanks wouldn’t have anyone else as his first mate.”
Luffy blinked.  “Why not?”
Beckman laughed.  “That’s an excellent question.  You’d have to ask Shanks.”
When asked, Shanks laughed too.  “Did Beck put you up to this?  That guy.”  He shook his head, tsking, ignoring the way Luffy was starting to steam at his question being ignored.  “My first mate’s my first mate because he’s my first mate!  That’s all there is to it.”
Fuming, Luffy shouted, “What kind of answer is that?!”
“The truth,” Shanks said simply.  “The two of us are captain and first mate.  It’s always been that way, it’s always gonna be that way.”
There was something behind his tone of voice Luffy didn’t understand.  “Is it just because he was the first person to join your crew?” he asked skeptically.  “Did you have to promise he would be first mate forever to get him to join?”
“Luffy.”  Shanks was looking very serious at this point.  “There are some bonds between pirates that are hard to explain to ordinary people.  The bond between captain and first mate is one of them.  You have to know each other well.  There has to be a lot of trust there.”
“Yeah.  I trust him to have my back, to guard my weak points in a fight and look out for my interests in an argument.  I trust that if anything ever happens to me, he’ll look out for our ship and our crew. I trust that he believes we’re doing the right thing, that working together is going to get us what we want—and that if that ever changes, he’ll tell me so to my face.” Shanks smiled. “There’s no one I trust more than him.”
Luffy blew out his breath huffily. “Is that all? Trust?”
“It’s the most important thing, Luffy.”
“Hm.”  Luffy didn’t know anybody he felt that way about.  Would he make a bad pirate?
“Hey, what’s that worried face for?”  Luffy explained his dilemma, and scowled when Shanks laughed again.  He wasn’t taking Luffy seriously!  “Oh, kid, don’t worry so much.  Not everyone’s as lucky as me, to find that person before I even started looking!”  Shanks’ laughter trailed off and he sighed, leaning backwards to stare out the open door of Party’s Bar.  “How much longer is he gonna be, though…?”
“Oh?  But I thought you trusted him to find the treasure and take care of the ship and everything?”
“I trust him!  I just also miss him.”
The bonds of pirate friendship ran deep!  Luffy wanted to see it for himself!  With a wave goodbye to Makino, he ran off after Shanks.  New pirates!  He cheered at the thought.  What other kinds of pirates might work for Shanks?  Of the ones Luffy knew, all of them were human men, except for the monkey… maybe a lion?  A fishman?  A bird?!
At the dock next to Shanks’ ship was a small boat with a pointy front Luffy just knew was made for speed.  It proudly bore the Red-Blue Pirates’ flag, though the red and blue swords were swapped around and it didn’t have the three lines across one eye.  Weird.  Pirates—some that Luffy recognized, a few strangers—were carrying wooden boxes off the little boat and up onto Shanks’ bigger one.  Treasure!  Luffy shook his head furiously.  No!  He could stare at the treasure later!  He was looking for Shanks now!
But to his disappointment, Shanks wasn’t doing any happy shouting or cheering with his crew.  He was hugging, the laughing-spinning-clinging kind of hug Luffy only saw when Mrs. Chicken welcomed her husband back from one of his long fishing trips.  Luffy scowled and crossed his arms at the sight.  Here he’d thought Shanks was cool, but one visit from a long-haired jewelry-covered somebody and he got as gooshy as all the villagers did.
“Aw, what’s wrong, kid?” asked Yasopp, stepping up beside Luffy.  “Did they not let you see the treasure?”
Luffy scuffed a sandal against the dock.  “I wanted to see Shanks’ first mate,” he complained, “but he’s too busy hugging his girlfriend.” Yasopp put a fist against his mouth and a weird noise came out, like when Meat (the stray cat Luffy had tried to adopt last year) didn’t like how tight Luffy held him.  Luffy gave him a concerned look.  “Are you okay?”
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sugarlesswriting · 1 year
I always knew that Gotham War was going to be stupid because Selina's plans of stealing from the rich has flaws and Bruce has his whole Zurr still lingering in his mindscape thing, but like goodness. So after I read the first two issues of the Gotham War event I'm wondering if I'm the only one who noticed this
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Now this might just be me grasping at straws to try and make their ooc moments seem in character but why would Barbra correct herself? We know from Batman/Catwoman Gotham Wars Issue 1 that Bruce said that he turned off his comms, but did that include monitoring? Also, why would Bruce take out his suits monitoring but still keep the tracker in there? For plot relevance yes, it makes sense but this is delulu town and I'm making up excuses.
I feel like some readers are looking at the ooc moments and going well that doesn't make sense, which fair because girl same, but I got to this sentence and was like Oracle babe why did you correct yourself? Why did you feed intel to Jason knowing that he is working with Selina?
They know that they are being monitored. It's been weeks since Bruce got into his coma, right? (I refuse to say he was just sleeping because that's not how sleeping works) So what if something happened during that time that has them acting like this? Because I simply refuse that all of the batfam drank dumb bitch juice for breakfast 8 weeks straight. Again let us be delusional for a bit longer.
They know that whoever is working the bigger game here wants Batman to be alone, to be at his weakest, so they play that part.
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Whoever is watching them now knows that Batman is going off the deep end, he can't be helped because who knows what he'll do next, and they are going to help Selina if she asks. This gives the unknown watcher the thought that he won't have backup when he needs it.
We already know that they're being watched by The Riddler
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But I refuse to believe that they're being like that because of the Riddler, like he's good villain, don't get me wrong but it just seems too easy for it to be him.
Hell they aren't the only ones being watched I mean even the villains are being secretive
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Of course the villains are going to be meeting each other in secret but we are indulging on the idea that even they know something bigger is in Gotham and watching their own every move. Could they be talking about Batman? Maybe. But they also could be talking about an unknown being.
I know this is just a theory that probably isn't true but I can't live through another Civil War 2 type of hero vs hero. I didn't like it when it was Avengers vs X-men, (even though Scott was in the right #Cyclopswasright), or the many times when heroes had to fight against each other to create sales. On a side note wouldn't it be funny if this just tanked? Like I'm not going to buy anymore because to me it's a waste of money.
Anyway, I know that they're doing this to go back to the status quo of Batman and Robin being the only heroes in Gotham and that the Joker (boring) is going to be back and it'll be like the good old days of the crime duo fighting together. I mean who can't wait to read the amazing villain known as Shush (She-Hush)? Joking aside I'm sure it'll be good but dear god that villain name.
Anyways the only good thing about Gotham War was this banger of a line.
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I don't know which one wrote Batman's line, Howard or Zdarsky but it was the greatest thing that I read so far. 10/10 made me laugh and was able to foget how bad the premise to this whole war was.
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vividblaze · 2 years
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S5Ch1... definitely my top favorite of the story so far 👌
Is it crazy that I kind of want to see Mizuki try to make his own team... again lmfaooo
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heart-wit-strength · 10 months
I just watched Wish and I'd say I kinda genuinely enjoyed this movie
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unproduciblesmackdown · 3 months
another billions analysis thing is like so yeah while it's like "hmm let's think about power" but then doesn't really do that, what's there to offset that is "but let's think about what these people with billions(tm) are doing because of their like personal feelings & lives & whatever" and the personal feelings are the thrilling journey of s1 men following the compass of their ego & the way their personal lives matter at all beyond this is about their Relationships. except the relationships are also actually about the power billions isn't really thinking about because the ones billions focuses on involve this Fealty where one person does whatever and the other is just stuck with it. sure they might air some unhappiness sometimes, but if it's not punished or ignored from the start anyway, it'll still end up so inconsequential that it's as though it never happened. and what's left to offset the way that can't mean anything if you again take it for granted that of course people are just locked into such relationships & best they can do is fix it from the inside or embrace it as is? is "do you think this character is a winner among losers & you want to see them pwn everyone & do whatever they want forever" & if you like all the media the creators do like
#or you can watch the show wrong but where billions was never planning to allow taylor to Disrupt these crucial dynamics#sure they can kind of break with axe but never with wendy!#who can also kind of break with axe & chuck but also not really at all! worst Cost for anyone: divorce. & even then it's not that bad#it's like whenever things just conclude with a reverent nod to like Nuclear Family subsection Fealty To Parent or To Cishet Spouse#like where invoking that serves as a resolution to all the shit going on throughout the actual plot / themes of the material#oh well thank god we have the nuclear family. wendy's on emergency call for her kids & sometimes she will pat their head as they silently#disappear out of frame but that's all we need to be so glad for her she has her nightmare family dinners forever#does taylor have Okay I Guess weekly friend dinners? who cares.#and i mean from there which relationships matter are also just determined by which ones the show cares about in particular#same as which it believes is obviously an Epic Man. or a girlboss. which is primarily wendy sorry! as the wife who will epic divorce you#winston billions#kind of putting a damper on thinking about how Feelings & Personal Motivations play into things#when once again it's precluded by the power dynamics of characters who get to do whatever they want no consequence ever#just going through motions like oh no wendy feels she was in the wrong in s4? no consequence by the end of it & that just Goes Away#how does anything have anything to do with wendy's motivations in s7#the real shining example of how really nothing holds up upon any earnest consideration is everything going on with axe & wendy#those relevant Motivations and it's like okay so wendy should want axe dead right? Wrong. it's peak beautiful romance time now#and anytime there's a more actually balanced relationship where nobody just does whatever they want no consequence?#billions is only interested if a s1 epic winner is involved & even then it'll only get so much material simply as fun little bonus flair#all that stuff about chuck's dad always being around to ruin his life? well he'll just keep doing that forever i guess#and this isn't some ''oh no'' moment like ah the parent always means well! and what's the child gonna do? escape this? lol
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kylo-skywalkerr · 1 year
I know a lot of the SW comics aren't canon, Dark Empire especially since Boba's alive in a different way + many more details, but Kylo's backstory makes a lot more sense with this particular set of comics.
One thing I feel like the sequels didn't get right was that it didn't show enough about the corruption of Ben Solo. About why Leia and Luke sensed something awful within young Ben. You can't tell me Luke would look at a 6 year old boy and see him as irredeemable when Vader was in his perspective.
With comic context, it makes more sense. Here's the exchange between Leia and Palpatine when he tries to claim her as an apprentice due to her more upfront and occasionally aggressive way of handling things:
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(Side note: The line about him being able to enter one of his clones additionally justifies Snoke's existence.)
With this context, it makes sense that Ben's family would sense something very wrong with him. Palpatine is an irredeemable evil, simply corrupt because he eroded himself until there was nothing left but that evil. Luke, in a moment of fear, was going to end Ben Solo's life to stop the growing evil that was within him. Another thing it explains is why he always heard Palpatine's voice in his head. It was Ben's mind, but he was not alone. Palpatine tormented another Skywalker boy until he had him running into his arms once more, this time using Snoke.
These comics were released in 1991. In fact, while researching this, I found out that this comic was potentially an inspiration for the sequels, which makes this even more disappointing. These comics were great. They set up a great potential, but they run into the issue of execution.
The sequels had great ideas and characters to explore, but expecting the audience to simply know where your story is coming from is a bit dumb. This is the meat they should have shown in TFA, not throwing us into the halfway point of a story where everyone's favorite characters are plucked off one by one.
Yet I still very much enjoy the flavor that this adds to the life of young Ben Solo, who never had a damn chance from the moment he was conceived. For the love of god, someone get this wretched old man away from this poor family.
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no27-autonation-honda · 8 months
you know there's a real missed opportunity of not making versions of like the real housewives franchise in comics. you look me in the eyes and you goddamned tell me that the real housewives of gotham or central city doesn't fucking SMACK in the dc universe and give atlanta and rhony a run for the crown
#kazoo noises#superhero posting#dc#can YOU IMAGINE how good real housewives of gotham would be? my GOD#better tv than early rhonj! i am so serious that shit would be REVOLUTIONARY!!!! oh the reality tv scholars in superhero universes are#SICK. like. play with me in this space guys. please. gotham is famously corrupt and chockablock of villains and the only good wealthy perso#is basically wayne and affiliates. who despite waynes freewheeling pretty boy idle rich energy is not reality tv trashy (SOMEHOW)#why isnt he on the show? isnt he with a new gal every month? ''guess he never gets passed to the housewife crowd''#one of the season plotlines involves a messy divorce a disgraced mayor and like idk *spins wheel* city comptroller of gotham that happened#during a local election year and the city gathers together for the inside scoop in between this poor fuckin rich lady who while kinda..#sketch (real housewives vibes truly) is still sympathetic and raked over the coals by national media and HEY THATS ONE OF OUR FREAKS! who#has a home renovation. a divorce. her kids! and is really trying the poor gal. crazy season. theres still another plotline#and you KNOW central city breeds folks weird. like gotham has the sketchiness and the weirdness. central city is kitsch#central citys housewives are all balls to the wall wild. theres the workin ladies and the vaguely old money ladies and They Dislike Each#Other but u know they'll circle them wagons when an out of towner gets involved (this is me projecting bc i view central city as superhero#stl) do you think someone ever gets wrapped up in a supervillain plot? just this housewife and the camera guy for bravo out shopping and OH#FUCK! ITS CAPTAIN COLD! and now we got a hostage situation#and you knooooow that whichever speedster comes to save the day is making small talk during the rescue. you just know it.#bet that episode of housewives won an emmy tbh. theres like five different phd dissertations on it. in an oral history of the franchise#someone does fucking bag an interview with the flash about the Captain Cold Episode. its the most peaceful fucking reunion andy ever hosts#dont ask about my opinions about drag scenes in comics im worse about that
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gender-euphowrya · 1 year
is the new detective pikachu genuinely awful or are people saying it's bad because it's a spin-off
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kashilascorner · 2 years
just watched notting hill which is supposed to be like an epitome of a good romcom and... Well. Let's just say i highly disagree
#jab we met (2006) really fcked up my expectations of what a good romcom should be#also stuff like nothing serious (2021). it's not enough with the pretty cinematography the colorful#(pun intendes cause they're all white) cast of side characters and the chemistey between the lead actors#i need their background their baggage their context how they actually connect as human beings and change each other#otherwise you're just preaching a stupid idea of what love should be and making up a story where the main couple#go back and forth because PLOT but it's actually because there's practically nothing going on between them in terms of actual trust#you're selling infatuation as love and they're not the same#so in notting hill we know anna has all these troubles. we know she has been in an abusive relationship one after the other. we know she#has a bf by the time she meets the guy. we know that but we never EXPLORE that. we see she's deeply hurt that her intimate#photos were leaked and that her relationship with the guy (her only solace) was revealed to the press but we never really DEAL with the#consequences of that. we're TOLD the guy is a hopeless romantic and an pverall decent fellow. they let drop he dated bella at some point#and worst of all we know he got divorced recently. but we never see his ex wife we know nothing about her he doesn't seem to think#about her at all which is odd at best for someone who claims to both be very devoted to the one he's in love and also claims he's#only been in love twice (bella & his exwife) before anna. we don't see their baggage just hear it. we don't see them talk it out or work#through it and when anna reacts roughly surely because of stress and trauma the narrative ends up putting her in the wrong (though to be#fair he isn't protrayed as being in the right exactly). the film is supposedly all about illusion vs reality and anna's deakre to be seen#for what she is (just a girl standing in front of a boy asking him to love her thing) but actually the movie is about infatuation. a deep#one sure buy not about love. it's about solace but not nuance. it's fairy tale but fairy tales don't work in real life. we're supposed to#strive for the fairy tale which is literally completely impossible to achieve#effective romance movies and romcoms have that fantasy element for sure but they stay grounded. if not in plot surely in human connection#laura watches stuff
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themournwatcher · 1 year
ok google play "no children" by the mountain goats but please don't summon people who think that "hand in unlovable hand" is a romantic line
this is abt my solavellan
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bishonenspit · 1 year
when i first read through the manga i like simultaneously had the ao3 tag open and was reading basically any fic that appealed to me and i guess some were written so well(?) or accurately(??) that i started getting plots genuinely confused with canon in my like, hyperfixation clouded stupor
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llycaons · 2 years
I feel like the people obsessed with mpreg fanfiction (not trans content I mean writing cis men getting pregnant) should be studied in a lab
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peach-pot · 1 year
my dnd character is going through EVENTS at the moment. like she’s always going through crazy events, but things have somehow gotten so so much worse AFTER we killed the big bads of the campaign.
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bsaka7 · 2 years
so is pierresteban divorce fic coming back together fic possible?
i guess if you're on this blog. you know me okay. and i hope you won't mind if I say. probably not. here's a little of how some of it might go.
A house, already big for two people, feels empty with one. Esteban has his cat, old and ornary, and prone to pissing on the floor of the kitchen when her routine is interrupted, which it has been. He cleans it up on his hands and knees and when she sits on his lap as he sits alone in the middle of the couch, not his spot and not Pierre's either, he tells her he forgives her. She purrs, uncaring.
Pierre comes by after dinner. Esteban ate leftover takeout which he probably should feel worse about, but he doesn't. He has bigger things to feel bad about. The pasta is good, anyway, reheated in the microwave, the only appliance that gets any regular use these days.
Sorry, Pierre apologizes when he comes in the front door, letting the screen door bounce in the wind shut behind him. I didn't know you'd be here.
Esteban doesn't know what to tell him. He doesn't know where else he'd go. He figured Pierre was staying at Charles' place, or at a hotel, if Charles didn't want to take sides so early, even if they all knew which side he would choose.
It's okay. It's not okay but there's nothing else Esteban could say.
When Pierre kisses him in the kitchen, looking for the good kitchen knife which had been a gift from his brother and his wife so it was his, Esteban lets him. It's stupidly familiar, the curve of his mouth, the way his eyes flash when Esteban pulls away. Esteban wants to tell him he loves him. He doesn't have that right anymore.
He lets Pierre kiss him again anyway. The drawer slams shut behind him. Esteban thinks he should know where the knife is. It was his kitchen too, after all. It is his kitchen. His name is still on the mortgage, even if Esteban is the only one paying. It's only been a month. It doesn't matter.
Esteban hasn't been in their bedroom in weeks. He closes the door to keep the cat out. Sometimes when he gets home from work, she's sitting outside of it. She meows until Esteban puts his headphones on and turns the music so he can't hear her. He let's Pierre open the door anyway.
Esteban probably wants it more than Pierre. Pierre's the only one brave enough to instigate it. No papers have been filed. In the eyes of the law, it shouldn't be any different than it was before, but it is. He pushes Pierre back onto the bed and climbs on top of him. Pierre looks at him with blown pupils.
Esteban lets him have what he wants. It hurts, maybe more than it did before. More than Pierre reaching for him and turning away instead of accepting his touch. More than Pierre saying I can't do this anymore. More than Esteban saying me either. More than the lies, easy on the tongue, heavy on the soul.
Esteban wakes up in the middle of the night to the cat meowing. They'd always left the door open for her, before, but Pierre had closed it coming back from the bathroom and Esteban had let him. Pierre's arm is wrapped right around Esteban, like he doesn't want to let him go. Like he doesn't want to go. Esteban breathes in, Pierre's hair tickling his nose. Pierre's arm is heavy against him, burning hot. He won't mention it if Pierre doesn't. He won't speak of any of it ever again.
In the morning, as Esteban roots around in the drawer for a spatula, he realizes Pierre took the knife. His cat meows, waiting for her breakfast.
Yeah, Esteban says, quiet and nonsensical in the morning light. Pierre isn't there to listen. Yeah, baby, I know.
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pankomako · 1 month
honestly once a while ago i DID think about "what if shipwreck was divorced" and now im actually genuinely considering it lmao
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