#diwali puja timing
townpostin · 26 days
Railways Announces Special Trains for Festive Season
Extra Trains to Run Between Bengal, Chennai, and Mumbai; Jabalpur Special Cancelled To manage the surge in passenger traffic during Durga Puja, Diwali, and Chhath, Indian Railways has announced the operation of special trains. JAMSHEDPUR – In anticipation of the upcoming festive season, Indian Railways has decided to operate special trains between key destinations to accommodate the increased…
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mypanditastrologer · 7 months
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pujarambhsblog · 2 years
Lakshmi Ganesh Puja at Home During Diwali and Its Significance
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Diwali puja 2022 is just around the corner. And people have started to prep up their homes for Lakshmi Ganesh puja Vidhi. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do the puja at home, the significance of the puja, and its spiritual outcome.
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hum-suffer · 8 months
We'll say hello again (Nevermind the chasm between us) 12
The Diwali celebration is a beautiful sight to see at any day and especially at night. It's gorgeous and the whole state looks alive for the fortnight.
Gauri is allowed to attend the puja, the gleam in her brother's eyes tells her he had something to do with it but he's never opened up about it and Gauri doesn't think he will answer truthfully if she asks.
Something in her makes her want to drown. Does she need a man, even if it's her brother, to protect her? To defend her? To advocate her validity?
A finger brushes against her wrist and Gauri glances at Maa. She gives Gauri a smile, gentle yet reprimanding. "Focus, daughter." Gauri, properly chastised even though she hadn't even been scolded, looks away smiling.
They're given the first prasad after the Puja and as is traditional, Gauri takes the plate of fruits and smiles at the Rajpurohit. "Let me have the honor, Pandit ji." The Rajpurohit's face twists in a bitter grimace and Gauri takes all the more enjoyment in it. However, he seems to be trying to shove the plate off to someone else.
Gauri glances at Maa out of the corner of her eye and her impassive face tells Gauri that she needs to learn how to handle this on her own.
Her smile turns sharper, bigger. She beckons Bhairav forward and gestures him towards the plate. "Let my friend have this insurmountable honour, Pandit ji."
She shouldn't take so much pleasure in being a general menace. But making the Rajpurohit choose between either a woman recently over her periods and a man who is a mere sworn sword, little more than a slave in the eyes of men.
Pandit ji looks to be gritting his teeth before he smiles at her and wordlessly shoves the plate of fruits into her hands. She turns around pleasantly. "Come, Bhairav, one of us has to distribute the fruits, don't we?"
She's sure the Rajpurohit heard her when she hears Bahu snort and Maa sigh.
Bhairav looks awestruck and he makes a token protest about being unworthy but Gauri gives him a smile, giddy and smug, and Bhairav closes his mouth instantly.
Katappa is the only one who has tears in his eyes as Bhairav hands him a slice of banana. Gauri beams at him,"What are you staring at, Mama? It's Diwali, look alive!" The other people in the temple seem ecstatic to see her, some of them touch her hands and, as much as she tries to not let them, her feet.
The plate empties not soon after, when they're outside of the temple. The crowd has already thinned, and Gauri already has a ridiculously smug smile on her face. Bhairav looks done with her. "My princess, do try to look less smug. The public does not know that you gain pleasure in baiting your possible assassins."
"You worry too much, Bhairav." She grins at him, but her hand spasms in the way that reminds her once again of the way that Ratan had jerked her off. To distract herself, she pointedly drops the last slice of an apple into his hand. Bhairav gives her a look that tells her that he knows that she's distracting him from the conversation.
Before she can cajole him into being less sour, she hears a whisper of a movement. She stills and so does Bhairav, even though he looks confused. Her sense of hearing is sharper than most, he mustn't have heard it. There's another movement and this time, she can hear steel. She looks at Bhairav out of the corner of her eye and sees him looking around in confusion. He hasn't heard that.
Her heart beats in her ear and she takes a deep breath. She knows, she knows that she needs Bhairav here. But she also needs witnesses. Prominent, objective witnesses.
"Get my brothers and Maa." She tells him, her voice sounding harsh and furious to her own ears. She sees him open his mouth in protest but before he can speak, she gives him a look. "Now, Bhairav."
He hesitates for a moment before grabbing his dagger and pushing it in her hands. "I shall be right back, my princess."
Gauri nods at him and tightens her grip on the dagger, one finger at a time. His dagger is beautifully sharp and she's grateful for that. He gives her a heavy look and Gauri doesn't know what it means but before she can have a chance to decipher it, he turns on his heels and makes a run for the temple.
Gauri tilts her head, focusing on the full thump on the ground. It's probably footsteps. Uneven footsteps.
She looks back at the temple for a moment and breathes. Let me live today, she thinks. Let me have my vengeance.
The footsteps get louder.
There's a pause, a heavy silence, before she hears the noise quicken and steel cutting through air behind her. Gauri ducks on sheer instinct and it's the Rajpurohit who has a sword in his hands, holding it over his head, ready to strike again. Gauri swipes the dagger at his ankle, uncaring of war rules and ethics. He curses, jumping back, and swings the sword again. She parries with the dagger but she's at a disadvantage because of the size of the blade.
He kicks her stomach, and Gauri stumbles enough to trip and fall down. Before she can stand up, he kicks her face, hitting his foot on her nose.
Gauri grabs his ankle and twists it, pushing him away to stand up. She breathes heavily through her nose and tries to stabilize her heaving chest. Gauri feels her nose hurt and eyes burn in response but she only readjusts her hold on the dagger she's and snarls.
"You dare?" He says,"Coming here after I told you not to, sullying my place of worship with your presence! You dare break the sanctity of my sanctuary?"
Gauri grits her teeth. She doesn't reply and ducks underneath the sword. The blow would have sliced her torso and pulled out her intestines. The blaze of fury burns in her veins and she uses his momentum as an advantage to twirl around him and hit his back with the thali. She grasps the thali in her other hand vertically and stabs it in his back again, twice, thrice, until he's leaning forward and falling down and coughing.
Gauri doesn't realise that's blood on her hands.
But when she does, a surge of bloodlust roars through her. Now, she will aim for the neck.
He turns around at the last moment and kicks her stomach, sending her tumbling back, on the ground. She heaves and feels the ache spread over her torso like venom. Gauri clenches her teeth. She stands up again.
But before she can drive the dagger through his heart, there's already an arm snaking around his neck and choking him. She recognises the armband. It's Bhairav.
The Rajpurohit gurgles and elbows Bhairav, who grunts but doesn't let up. Gauri takes the moment to punch his nose, once, twice and thrice. Her eyes meet Bhairav's over the Rajpurohit's shoulder and the fury she sees in his eyes blinds her for a moment.
She wants nothing more than to kill him.
She knows that it is what he is feeling.
Dizzy with pain and want of blood, Gauri grits her teeth. "Don't kill him," she rasps,"Don't kill him, Bhairav."
He is hers to kill, Gauri thinks. But she won't kill him. It is not her discretion.
Bhairav nods at her resolutely, even as the Rajpurohit's eyes droop and his gurgles die down. He holds her eyes, even as her family comes closer. He holds her eyes, as her brothers fuzz over her and Katappa fuzzes over him. He holds her eyes and Gauri holds his dagger.
The trial is but a farce.
Somehow, her uncle manages not to get his name in the middle of the hell that the Rajpurohit's statement is. The official statement tells his distaste of Gauri due to her impertinence and her major flaw of being a royal woman.
Gauri doesn't stay to see the end of the trial.
Her stomach is covered with bruises, black and blue. Her hand heals a little everyday.
Bhairav is thoroughly scolded by Katappa and Bhalla for leaving her and Bahu is an overbearing shadow. Maa doesn't allow her to be alone anywhere until the trial ends. Bhairav keeps his duties impersonal. Her uncle gives her snide looks.
Gauri wants to scream.
It is her life that was threatened and yet her decisions seem to be everyone's favourite idea to despise.
Bhairav trails behind her, quiet as a mouse. His silence burdens her in ways she cannot begin to explain.
Gauri walks towards the armoury where Katappa is training the new recruits. He smiles when he notices her, the only person who isn't disappointed by her these days.
He walks towards her and stands beside her, Bhairav stops at a respectable distance to give them the illusion of privacy but they all know that he can hear them.
"How are you faring, Gauri?" Katappa asks her, gesturing a guard to bring her a chair. She overrides his order with a shake of her head.
"Way worse than is expected of a person who survived an assassination attempt. It seems that the only one happy to see me in this palace is my damned horse."
Katappa chuckles at her. "It is not like that, Gauri," his tone is reassuring but does it really matter? He continues,"We were all just very worried for you when Bhairavrath burst through and told us to come to you without any explanation and we found you two fighting the Rajpurohit. You must admit, it is a sight one cannot understand. An assassination attempt on you, Gauri. It is no small deal."
"And yet, I am made to feel like the culprit. Because I cared for diplomacy more than bloodlust?" She looks away with a sneer, staring into the far ends of the city that too must have heard about what happened at the Diwali Puja. "Whatever they say, Mama, I am still my mother's daughter. Polity is my best suit. I did what was right, and yet no one seems to want to understand me."
She's aware that she sounds petulant but is too far gone to care. She just wanted what was best for the state and her family, damn them. The least they could do is understand her reasoning.
Katappa's eyes soften. "Tell me, then."
Gauri sighs. "Had I not sent Bhairav away, we would have dealt with the Rajpurohit too. He is much more efficient than I am at the moment, I am very well aware that the matter would have ended without either of us hurt, had I let him stay."
Katappa doesn't say a word, lets her continue.
"But then, the tale could have been spun. We're but children in the eyes of you all, do not dare to deny it. Had you found that particular scene without warning, the tale could have been spun to say that we were misguided and we were the real perpetrators." Gauri sighs and wishes she hadn't denied the chair. She hadn't taken into account just how tired she is.
"And Maa may have trusted us, but she would have been labelled an emotional and unfit ruler, had she trusted the word of her daughter over the circumstantial evidence." Gauri turns again, catches Bhairav's eyes. He doesn't pretend that he is not overhearing them. He raises an eyebrow and the action endears him to her undeniably, a hint of his personality she's seen in two days.
She turns back to Katappa. "I don't want the crime of Brahmhatyaa on either of our heads. And trust me when I say this, Mama; the man would have been dead if I was as honest or as frank as my brothers are. He's alive, because he is useful. I let my culprit live and for what? Scorn? Distrust? Disappointment?"
Bitterness clogs her throat and she clenches her hands, her healing one sending tingling sensations up her arm. Her mouth tastes like ashes.
Katappa smiles at her, in that soft fatherly way that he so seldom does. Often, he preoccupies himself with believing that he is unworthy of the love that Gauri and Bahu give him. It is true that Gauri doesn't share that deep of a bond with him— she follows her brother, blindly, and if he gives his affection to Katappa, so shall she— but she's always had a kind of kinship and easy affection that flows between them. He provides her with clarity and safety.
Katappa is her safety away from comfort.
"Gauri, my child," he whispered, voice deliberately lowered and kindred,"I do not think that you want me for this conversation."
Gauri shakes her head. It is true that she wants her brothers and Maa to understand her. It is truer that she wants Bhairav to stop being so impersonal. But she needs Katappa to know this too. "No. I am at the correct place, having a true conversation with the correct person. The others that need to know, will ask me. If they can condemn me without knowing, they can apologise without knowing, too."
Her anger shimmers close to the surface even as Katappa changes the topic and asks her about her plans for the future and he tells her of ridiculous rumours that fly in the city. Some are amusing while some are plain unbelievable.
"They say you too Mata Mahalakshmi's blessings and tore down the Rajpurohit like She did with Kohlasur." Katappa says as they slowly come to an end, pride clear in his tone. Gauri shakes her head with a smile. She really loves the small folk and their inclination towards the dramatics of life.
"I shan't keep you any longer, Mama. Thank you for listening to me." She moves forward and tenderly hugs him, mindful of her own bruises. Katappa, infinitely more mindful, keeps his hands on her shoulder and her head, patting her head. She can tell that he's shocked but he doesn't freeze.
"Thank you for sharing with me," he says as they part, his eyes suspiciously glistening. "And do come whenever you will it. You are always welcome."
She nods and smiles at him. It doesn't feel forced.
The stony silence between them continues all the way to the gardens. Gauri, still righteously angry, feels no need to break it. Let him suffer, she thinks. Let him suffer in my silence.
Gauri sits down on the ground, curling in on herself to save her from the cold. She looks at Bhairav, standing rigidly, and feels the sting of mercy in her heart. "Sit down if you want to, Bhairav."
She doesn't look up to see if he sits down. After a moment of hesitation, she hears shuffling and he's sitting beside her.
Gauri closes her eyes and hopes that her mind quietens now, after her talk with Katappa. At least he listened to her. She needs to talk with her family too, needs them to know, too. But not today. Not even before they approach her. She has some self respect, damn them.
"I was nine," Bhairav begins in a whisper,"when my sister was murdered."
Gauri looks at him in shock, frozen. She expected a lot of things but not this. She turns completely towards him.
He doesn't glance at her when he continues,"My family wasn't the happiest but we made do. My mother...she left us. My father raised my sister and I to the best of his abilities, of course. We had a large age difference— ten years. My father died when I was seven and my sister later married her childhood friend. We made do."
Bhairav clears his throat and Gauri shifts, closer. Not touching him, for she knows what is proper, but she hopes her attention and silence provide him courage to continue, if he so wishes.
"I was out, gone with Katappa to learn sword fighting. My didi and jijaji did not like to fight but they supported me. They were sweet, non violent. When I came back, the door was broken down and they were lying dead, in their own house." He clenches his jaw and looks down at his feet. His hand plays with the black threat on his ankle. Gauri averts her eyes respectfully.
"They were killed, for money. My jijaji had earned good money for his pottery. They looted the house and killed them." Bhairav looks at her now. His eyes are smouldering and rimmed red. But his voice still breaks when he promises,"I will not see you dead as well, my princess."
Gauri nods. She understands what he means. He's always been one for a few words, but she's always felt what he feels.
He feels he failed his sister. He was devoted to her. His father was not the best but he tried and Bhairav respects that. His sister raised him. He loved her. He loved his brother-in-law too, felt indebted to him for letting Bhairav stay in his house. He never felt that he belonged in their house. It was theirs, not his. Now that it may be his, he hates it.
He thinks he failed his purpose, his devotion— he fears to fail another purpose, another dare she say it? devotion.
His anger is at her for risking herself but also at himself for obeying her.
She deliberately softens her voice,"And I will not have you hung because you levelled allegations against the Dowager King and the Rajpurohit, Bhairav. We needed witnesses, ones that could be unquestionable. Your life is my responsibility, your honour is my responsibility. I will not have you become a target. In return, I promise to do my level best to save myself from any dangers, but you must also always obey me in this capacity. Trust me."
Bhairav shakes his head and gives her a smile, fond and tired at the same time.
"Your honour is my honour, and your life is my life, my princess. And whether I like it or not, I am going to obey you for the rest of my life, my princess. Just never at the cost of your life. Never again."
Gauri smiles at him, tentatively, and teases,"We are at an impasse, then."
"How about I obey you and you only order me to save your life?" He asks with a charming grin.
They both know that either will stop at any cost to save the other.
Tagging: @allizzprobablynotwell @alhad-si-simran @vijayasena @voidsteffy
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golden-earcuffs · 1 year
Pavitr Prabhakar Headcanons Part 2 (Festival Special)
I'm back with headcanons, this time focusing on our precious boy during our festivals!
He's heart broken when girls start avoiding him during Rakshabandhan (the Indian festival where girls tie Rakhi on their brother's wrist. Usually this happens in family but a lot of boys-girls who consider each other brother-sister do this as well) because he's always wanted a sister. (Well sorry Pavitr but I won't want you as a brother).
Has played Hanuman in Ram-Leela (the stage play of Ramayan, a major Hindu Epic) in Dusshehra (we celebrate the victory of Good over Evil). Wanted to be Shri Ram but was told that he's more of a Krishna than Ram.
BECOMES GOVINDA DURING KRISHNA JANMASHTAMI (the birth of Shri Krishna)!!! Ofc he does, he loves breaking the pot of maakhan (butter).
Ganesh Chaturthi (the birth of Lord Ganesh) is his favourite festival, dresses up the best during this, silk blue kurta with sleeves rolled up and plain white pajamas complete with mojri (a type of shoes).
Has cried once during Visarjan (immersion of idols of Bhagwan Ganesh after the end of festival) while screaming "agle baras tu jaldi aa!!" ("next year, come soon, God!")
Goes to his Muslim friends' house during Eid because sevai is delicious.
LOVES DIWALI. Would never forget to bring lotuses for Maa Lakshmi during the Puja. (and then jokingly say "Ma I brought you your favourite thing now you give me mine" and avsolutely refuses to say what he wants because "Ma already knows")
Lights up the entire house with Diyas only during Diwali and makes it look more serene than lights.
Cannot talk properly during Holi (festival of colors) because his mouth is always stuffed with gujia, malpua or Dahi Bara. Also his clothes in Holi are as colorful as his face.
Visits Gurudwara (the Sikh place of Worship) on the birth date of the Gurus because again the lungar is soo good.
Lol I typed this so fast and as soon as ideas came into my mind. More will come.
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pastara-cell · 2 months
God this blog may just turn into a tmf blog for a bit- Sorry hermitblr/trafficblr peeps
Just listing some basic drew headcanons here because I feel like I see the same ones over and over again so I’d like to combat that 🤺🤺/lh ofc, I love all headcanons
>Drew is Bengali, His great grandparents came to the uk from Kolkata (Whether it be from partition stuff or not) And since then, his family blood has still been entirely from west bengal
>Drew isn’t necessarily religious, however, He enjoys Hindu religious holidays (Like Diwali and Holi) and Pujas and He especially loves the food. His parents (who are Hindu) are fine with him being non religious, But do wish for him to participate in events just to spend time with him, which he doesn’t mind at all
>Adding onto that, he doesn’t eat beef or pork. Not for religious reasons, but because he just wasn’t raised on them and doesn’t enjoy the taste or texture.
>His parents love him, but are absent quite a lot due to work and business meetings. The only times he’ll see them for more than a months on end is during the winter months, mainly because thats holiday season. Other than that, 2 weeks at home, 2 weeks on a business trip, repeat
>His parents try to show their affection to him via gifts and food, because its really all they can send over while they’re away. Because of this, drew developed Gift giving and cooking food for people love languages
>this man can COOK. I know I said its one of his love languages, so you’d assume so, but oh my LORD this man can cook. Its half the reason henry and liam come over so often! He best at more traditional bengali food (although he hates doing it), but he can make pretty much anything if you give him a heads up, the ingredients, and enough time to tinker around with the recipe!
>His hair is actually wavy/loose curls, but he hates having curly hair, so he either straightens it so it doesn’t poof up, or uses a bit of hairspray. The only people who really know his hair is curly is the jomies (including jake, lia, and zoey) because they’ve slept over at his house, and have probably seen him when his hair was wet and curly again.
>He’s 15 feet into a glass closet. My sexuality head-canons for him change a lot, but I’ve sort of settled on omni/ace for now. However, For the most part, I think if he were to come out, he’d just be queer. I dont think he’d care for labels too much
>Obvious attachment issues, slight separation anxiety, although, I can see it being more leaning towards henry and liam than jake for that. He might have had an obsession with jake, but I think it’d have hurt more if henry and liam left him, considering they had been there the longest.
>He loves zoey, even still. He really does. He’s terrible at showing it, but he does his best.
>Zoey, knowing his love language is gift giving, and he’s rich, befriended him in late middle school/early high school, and they started dating seconds year odd high school. Drew definitely was the one who confessed after being hyped up about it by henry and liam and jake. Zoey definitely wasn’t planning on dating him, but shrugged it off as being able to get him to do more stuff. She eventually did develop feelings for him, but she was too far into the mess she had created to stop, so she kept pushing
>He has such an rbf guys, like, he would be thinking about the happiest thing ever and his face would be just this 1000 yard stare
>He definitely drinks energy drinks guys, probably monsters but I can see him bringing an alani to school because he knows he’s gonna get called emo if he brings a monster to school
>He is called emo quite a bit at school, although he isn’t. It doesn’t bother him much anymore.
>He loves cats and really really wants one, but he’s severely allergic. Like, your throat closes and you die unless you get to the ER or have an epipen level allergic.
>He has Two bearded dragons (Each around 18 inches long, a boy and a girl) named Jevin and Pearl, his two favourite hermits
>he watches hermitcraft. Probably the life series and Empires and Outsiders and Life steal and all that stuff too, but He watches hermitcraft RELIGIOUSLY (He’s watched every episode that Jevin, Pearl, Grian, and Xisuma have put out, and he’s working on Mumbo’s pov right now)
>His favourite broadway musicals are Heathers and Six. Mean girls is up there too, but those are his favorites
>He didn’t cry during the titanic because it was sad, but because he watched it with zoey and she was crying, which made him cry
>i’m not gonna diagnose him with anything necessarily because i’m in no way qualified for that, but he definitely has mood swings and his opinions change a lot depending on who else he finds has them. He can go from hating something for years to immediately liking it if Liam says its good, or go from liking something to hating it if Hailey likes it.
>He listens to music, heck, one of his main designs are airpods- So, I think that he definitely listens to electronic stuff, scenecore type shit (Asteria, Barely human, Odetari, Clover!, and allat jazz) Not because its his favourite, but because Liam and henry both listen to it, so drew likes it.
>He really cares about his friends, but is really shit at showing it.
>He’s not good at communication, and is not often sure how to communicate what he wants or what he needs without sounding blunt or rude. He often rehearses how talks will go.
>This mf does not regret bullying that music club guys- I love him but i’m not even gonna attempt to justify him bullying them because I feel like it takes away from his character a lot
>He hates Hailey and Zander, Mainly because he finds them annoying and freaky.
>He’s only bullied luke because of his connection to zander and the music club, he doesn’t really mind luke as a person
>Milly Is his second cousin, they really only have their families meet up on holidays, so they never grew up close. Drew and Milly dont view eachother as family, so they dont care about bullying eachother/doing stuff to eachother’s friends. Drew and Milly do both occasionally pull the “I’m going to tell Thamma (grandma)!”, which does admittedly stop the other from doing whatever they were going to do.
>Drew has picked on pretty much all the club members, except for sean. Whether this be because Sean is taller than him, older than him, Or because they simply just have never really talked, drew mostly leaves him alone. He forgets sean is there most of the time
>Insecure as shit, do I even need to say it lol?
I have a lot more, but these are my main headcanons. Ofc, I fluctuate a lot with them, I’m like a multishipper but instead of shipping its with headcanons.
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misspjsuperior · 11 months
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Since Skunky had a set during Diwali he embraced the timing of the Kali puja with the tapestry of my vision of Her hung for his performance. The name Kali comes from the Sanskrit root word “kal” meaning time 🌞  काल  🌚 and since music is a time based media I hope Her spirit is pleased with this sort of sonic puja. The first song of this Skunky Beaumont set is Our June Ah! inspired by the story of Arjuna’s relationship with Krishna within the stories of the Hindu pantheon which Diwali honors. 🪔 
In reference to Time, it is UNpopularly theorized that the word “calendar” has its etymological root in Kali reverence by the Romani people who were found throughout the ancient Roman empire. Today the word for calendar shares the root sound “kal” throughout over a dozen European languages. According to formally recognized etymology “calendar” comes from Old French calendier, from Latin calendarium (account book), from kalendae (the first day of the month), from calo (to announce solemnly, to call out (the sighting of the new moon). 🌚 Those who know of the ancient tradition of monthly Romani rituals of calling aloud to Kali every new moon (associated with menstrual blood flow) theorize along with these definitions that Kali is where we get “calendar”.
All European language etymology studies tend to lead back to Latin even in instances professed to be only a vague theory, further obscuring from history countless native languages of the “barbarians” conquered by Roman colonization. The history of how subsequent European cultures since Romanization have oppressed Romani peoples as “Gypsies” is inherited from Roman culture. Why wouldn’t these enduring systems actively repress the truth their influences? So with that in mind I think why not Kalinder? 
PS! ”rom” is a Romani word for “man” and so the similarities of Roman and Romani are not etymologically linked as some have assumed, mistakenly believing that Romani means “from Rome” in the way that the derogatory term Gypsy meant “from Egypt”. The Romani have their roots in India. 
Menstrual themed Kali tapestries (and shirts) by Miss PJ Superior
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atimefordragons · 4 months
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☾♔; March 17, 2024 ☾♔; 4:56pm ☾♔; sotd: What Jhumka? (from Rocky aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani) ☾♔; cotd: Rani Chatterjee ☾♔; Thistle Grove Academy ☾♔; Storyboard/Important Connections
𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: lyrics from "Laila Main Laila"
I've always sucked at making storyboard type sets, but YIKES. lol, whatever.
Laila is an heiress of 𝓡𝓪𝓲𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓭 Industries, an Indian multinational conglomerate founded by Laila's great-grandfather, Thakur Raj Raichand, in the early 1950's after Partition. While the company has long since gone public, it is still majority owned by the Raichand Family, and they run every aspect of it. Now Mumbai (Bombay) based, the Raichand's originate from the state of Rajasthan where the family once owned a fairly large piece of land that was sold off when Laila's grandfather was young. After succeeding in Bombay, the land was repurchased, as well as much of the surrounding area and a large palace named Chandshah Haveli was constructed in the Indo-Saracenic architecture style.
Karshvar is the seven-story Raichand estate in Mumbai, located on Altamount Road (also known as Billionaires’ Row), the name of the estate comes from Zoroastrian mythology. The Avesta, the primary collection of religious texts in Zoroastrianism, describes seven Karshwar, climbs or zones, that organize the world into seven circles superimposed on top of one another, separated by waters, mountains, and forests. Until the completion of the Ambani’s Antilia, Karshvar was the most expensive private residence in the country, possibly the entire region, and yes, it is more expensive than their literal palace in Rajasthan (as an FYI, Antilia is the most expensive private residence in the world, as of 2014, might’ve been surpassed by now). However, Karshvar still claims the most ground floor square footage of the road.
The Raichand's are a relatively traditional family, certainly in western standards, though they are considered very progressive amongst other Desi's, having a very religiously mixed and accepting family, and very matriarchal family. Women have long held authoritative power over the family, though that has passed matrimonially, with the wife of each successive head of the family gaining that authority. Overall the Raichands are a Hindu family, however, their spouses have come from all over India and beyond, of varied faiths and sects, due to this, the Raichand’s also have large celebrations for holidays of multiple religions, obviously Hinduism, as well as Sikhism, Jainism, and Islam. Their biggest events are Diwali, Durga Puja, Vaisakhi, Navratri, Karva Chauth, Eid, the First and Last Iftars of Ramadan, and Holi. They also have a fairly large, but private, family only event for Raksha Bandhan.
Laila is not close to her maternal family at all, neither is her mother. She's asked about them a couple times before, but her mother doesn't have the best expression when talking about her family, so Laila stopped asking. If they want to know them, they can find them, it's not Laila's problem. She’s not even completely sure if her mom’s original last name is even Burakgazi, her parents have changed the story a few times, but have more or less stayed consistent that they met while her father was working. At one point the story was almost identical to the plot of the film Bang Bang!, wherein a RAW agent supposedly stole the Koor-i-noor diamond back from the British, something involving multi-national terrorists, and her mom being a bank teller caught in the middle after her dad hijacked her blind date, none of which made any sense, but it was a fun story.
𝓐𝓵𝓮𝔂𝓷𝓪 𝓑𝓾𝓻𝓪𝓴𝓰𝓪𝔃𝓲 & 𝓥𝓲𝓴𝓻𝓪𝓷𝓽 𝓡𝓪𝓲𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓭 FC: Beren Saat & Hrithik Roshan
Mama aur Papa!
𝓨𝓸𝓰𝓮𝓼𝓱 𝓡𝓪𝓲𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓭 & 𝓜𝓸𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓲 𝓡𝓪𝓲𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓭 née Tiwari FC: Amitabh Bachchan & Jaya Bachchan
Dadaji aur Dadi (paternal grandparents, literally means grandpa/grandma, ji is a respectful suffix, not always used, and can be omitted based on the personal relationship or the situation).
Dadi does not have a favourite grandchild, she loves them all equally. She does, however, have a favourite child, and that is Veer. Papa and Auntie Riya do not like to talk about it.
𝓥𝓮𝓮𝓻 𝓡𝓪𝓲𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓭 & 𝓩𝓪𝓪𝓻𝓪 𝓠𝓪𝓭𝓻𝓲 𝓡𝓪𝓲𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓭 FC: Shah Rukh Khan & Kajol
Tauji & Taiji
(if you see chacha, chachi in the set, no you don't. look, I'm a Bengali okay, not Indian, and in Bengali, there is no Tauji, your dad's brothers are all chacha)
Zaara is publicly referred to as “Zaara Bhabhi”, by netizens, Raichand Industries employees, and other industrialists, all of whom regard her as the true head of Raichand Industries, as even though she does not work in the company, Veer’s love for her and deference to her is well-known, and she has the last word on everything. Because of this she is often the target for schmoozing campaigns (though it doesn’t necessarily work, a lot of Laila’s judgey and stubborn personality comes from her).
𝓡𝓲𝔂𝓪 𝓡𝓪𝓲𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓭 & 𝓡𝓪𝓱𝓾𝓵 𝓓𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓻𝓪𝓳 FC: Shilpa Shetty & Suniel Shetty
Phuphi (which Riya hates being called, so Auntie Riya instead), & Phuphaji
𝓨𝓪𝓼𝓱 𝓡𝓪𝓲𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓭 FC: Varun Dhawan
Bhaiyah, also Bade Bhaiyah if with Vijay,
𝓩𝓸𝔂𝓪 𝓡𝓪𝓲𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓭 FC: Alia Bhatt
𝓥𝓲𝓳𝓪𝔂 𝓓𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓻𝓪𝓳 & 𝓟𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓵 𝓓𝓮𝓼𝓪𝓲 FC: Kartik Aaryan & Kiara Advani
Aka the Mean Girls! They are so judgey and bitchy, and kinda ice cold. Very much alienate others by speaking in languages only the three of them will understand, usually Portuguese while in Dubai, and Arabic elsewhere. The three are neighbours, living in the same residential Skyscraper in Downtown Dubai, though all three's families have additional properties in Dubai, and with Kiran in particular, the Desai's have a villa right next to the Raichand one on the Palm Jumeirah. They also went to the same private school until Laila and Isabella started attending Thistle Grove.
𝓚𝓲𝓻𝓪𝓷 𝓓𝓮𝓼𝓪𝓲 FC: Ananya Panday
𝓘𝓼𝓪𝓫𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓪 𝓡𝓲𝓸𝓼 FC: Valentina Zenere
𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓲𝓪 𝓚𝓪𝓹𝓸𝓸𝓻 FC: Suhana Khan
Definitely not OK and Sandi's daughter. (She is and I'm totally not making a bollywood "movie" of bollywood movies).
𝓛𝓪𝓻𝓪 𝓚𝓱𝓪𝓷 FC: Shanaya Kapoor
Do I think I'm being funny by flipping their filmi fam's? Yeah.
𝓚𝓪𝓽𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓪 𝓚𝓪𝔃𝓲 FC: Mimi Keene
Kat is Payal and Kiran’s second cousin (probably), her paternal grandmother, Rashmi, is the sister of Yogesh Raichand’s best friend and Payal and Kiran’s grandfather, all three (Yogesh and the Desai siblings) grew up together, Rashmi and Yogesh even dated with talks of marriage until he met Mohini. Rashmi eventually married Kat’s paternal grandfather, and the couple moved to London for his work. A couple years younger than the Emirati trio, Kat lived most of her life in the UK, until her parents company moved them to their Dubai offices, and she built a closer relationship with Kiran and joined her friend group. Having grown up abroad, Kat’s Hindi isn’t great, though she can understand the gist of what is being said, her Arabic is far more fluent.
𝓐𝓷𝓽𝓸𝓷𝓲𝓪 𝓓𝓮𝓿𝓻𝓮𝓾𝔁 FC: Meghan Roche
Kat’s cousin-in-law (I do not know why I’m asoiaf noble housing this situation),
𝓐𝓪𝓻𝓸𝓷 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓸 𝓡𝓸𝓳𝓪𝓼 FC: Manu Ríos
A new addition to the Emirati gang, Aarón joined the friends after moving to Dubai following his mother’s marriage to Siddharth Singhania, and making him the younger step-brother of Vikram Singhania, both of whom are part of the Raichand generational family friends group. Senior Singhania being a close friend of Veer, Vikrant, and Riya, while Vikram is besties with Yash and Zoya.
I am very normal and not creating 80 thousand additional relationships.
𝓢𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓻𝓪 𝓡𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓱𝓪𝔀𝓪 FC: Kriti Sanon
A slightly more distant cousin (second I think, don’t ask me), Samara is the granddaughter of Yogesh Raichand’s youngest sister, Sriti. Samara grew up primarily in Delhi with her paternal family, but often celebrated religious holidays with the Raichands.
𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓪𝓶 𝓑𝓪𝓴𝓼𝓱𝓲 FC: Pooja Hegde
Vijay's cousin, daughter of one his dad's sisters. Studied at the University of Orléans (Université d'Orléans)
This is literally for me because I’m losing track of all the notable Families affiliated with the Raichands and their histories. I keep expanding my family tree, and forgetting things I don’t put in the bio sections. Laila took keeping things in the family too literally, by her I mean me, but literally everyone mentioned up there is bound in her family tree through one method or another, even got Is in there cause I decided that her half-brother is Laila’s eventual endgame. Far in the future, cause he a lot older (like red flag), so he doesn’t show up now, it’ll be creepy if he does.
Desai’s, friendship dates back to before even Yogesh, the Desai’s were heavily involved in establishing Raichand Industries, and outside of the Raichand family, own the most shares of RaiI, in the current generation, Vijay (grandson of Yogesh) and Payal (granddaughter of Dushant) are engaged. Yogesh once dated Dushant’s sister with semi-serious marriage talks, but forgot all of that after meeting Mohini, so that was awkward and dramatic. Lol Dadaji is a slut.
Khan & Kapoor filmi fam’s, friendship from the Veer/Vikrant/Riya generation, very thinly veiled references to bollywood things for my enjoyment. This Khan and Kapoor branch are also connected to each other, I think they are cousins by descent, while the Raichand connection is through a marriage, oh wait, the Raichand connection is even further away, cause it’s through the Dhanraj’s marriage! So at most, Vijay’s something, something cousins, but not Laila, Zoya, or Yash’s.
Singhania, frienship from Veer/Vikrant/Riya generation, but working relationship from Yogesh’s era
Churail dadi/nani
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imperfectorange · 2 years
Diwali: Pan-Indian in its Truest Sense!
One of the biggest festivals in India, Diwali knows no foundation of the North and South as it is celebrated with great zeal across the country. Diwali falls on the 15th day in the month of Kartik according to the Hindu calendar. Celebrated as a cumulation of various festivals spread over a period of five days, the rituals of Diwali take place on the third day.
The first day of the festivities is celebrated as Dhanteras. It is believed that on this day Lord Dhanwantari came out of the ocean and bestowed Ayurveda to mankind. The second day is celebrated as Choti Diwali/Narak Chaturdasi, the day when Lord Krishna killed the demon Narakasur. On the third day, Diwali rituals are fulfilled and Lakshmi Puja takes place. The puja is done to seek blessings for wealth and prosperity. The fourth day is celebrated as Govardhan puja, attributed to Lord Krishna. The fifth day is dedicated to all sisters as it is Bhai Dooj. It is believed that Lord Yama visited his sister Yamuna on this day and granted her a boon that whosoever visits her banks on this day will be liberated from all of their sins.
The legend behind the culmination of the festival is well-known in the entire region of India. Diwali is associated with the return of Lord Ram to Ayodhya after vanquishing the demon king, Raavan. It is said that the entire city of Ayodhya was lit up with candles and diyas, so much so that the night appeared to be as bright as day. The tradition of lighting diyas roots in the same legend. The festival is also associated with Goddess Lakshmi’s marriage to Lord Vishnu and also Lakshmi’s birth. Diwali also signifies the harvest festival. As it occurs at the end of a cropping season, it is also believed that Diwali originated as a harvest festival. Following the same notion, many households in urban and rural areas prepare the dish of Poha from freshly cropped rice.
Although the zest of Diwali is unsurmountable and is perhaps one of the most awaited festivals in the country, the rituals differ from region to region. While gurudwaras in Punjab are lit up with candles and fairy lights even though Sikhs are not directly a part of this festival, Goddess Kali is worshipped in Bengal. In Eastern India, in addition to diya and candle lighting, doors are kept open by people to allow entry to Goddess Lakshmi. Western Indian regions mainly associate Diwali with business and trade and the time is considered auspicious to invest in new ventures, land and businesses. In Gujarat, a diya is left burning for the entire night and in the morning the residual material is collected to make kajal and is used by women, which signifies prosperity for a whole year. In Tamil Nadu, Naraka Chaturdasi is the main day of celebration, where the oven is cleaned, smeared with lime, and religious symbols are drawn on it, filled with water, and used on the main day for an oil bath. There is a musical act of Hari performed in Andhra Pradesh where there is a common belief that Krishna’s spouse, Satyabhama actually killed Narakasur.
The varied interpretation of the same festival across different states provides a detailed insight into the diversity contained in India. People from different regions, communities, religions, and classes celebrate this festival to the best of their abilities is further proof that Diwali is not restricted to one section of society. The handicraft market booms around this time as diyas, decorative items, and firecrackers (although hazardous) sell like hotcakes, providing employment and some financial stability to the families involved in the same.
- Ananya.
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ssj2hindudude · 11 months
My diwali went good. I woke up around 5 am today because I slept late last night. I did some gym and took my dog for a walk . Got ready in a chikankari kurti and worshipped ( you know morning diwali puja )
Then I called my parents and just helped Amma ( my housekeeper ) with the decoration and cooking . I went to a parlor in the afternoon to get my spa and returned with getting the Diwali gifts packed . Coming back home I studied and later I got dressed in the saree and did the Diwali puja at evening. did party arrangements and party started at nine pm. Had snacks , my friends drank ( I didn't because I don't drink ) , danced way too much and now after having dinner and dessert we're having a sleepover
Just gonna break apart my reactions:
-Definite difference in wake-up culture because your late is 5am and mine goes as far as 10:30. You did all kinds of stuff before puja, meanwhile I just go straight from PJs to puja (with a shower in between)
-I actually watched a Diwali-related movie with my mom last night. It's the 2023 Ramayan remake, Adipurush. Maybe you heard of it?
-Ugh, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I legit miss going to the gym. I haven't been in weeks because of a fracture (word of advice: always keep proper form on the treadmill)
-Pretty neat that you did the decorations on the same day. We'd probably have to do it the day before. Did you make a rangoli?
-Come to think of it, we don't even trade gifts on Diwali over here. We'll have to change that.
-You don't drink too?!? And you're also the only one in your friend group that doesn't? (Where have you been all my life?!?)
-Dam, girls are lucky they can have sleepovers so casually. Talking, games, movies, blood sacrifices, sounds like an awesome time to me!
Hope you had a blast. (Speaking of which, you didn't mention fireworks)
Thanks for the update. It was nice to read. May Laxmi and Narayana bless you while they're not making ou-
I think they found this post🤕
Anyways, Happy Diwali! Ram-Ram Siya Ram!🙏
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pigeonwhumps · 2 years
Diwali lights
Sanctuary masterlist
AMOW day 4: holiday lights show
Taglist: @littlespacecastle @whumpymirages @flowersarefreetherapy @amonthofwhump
Theo and Lea attend a Diwali fireworks display with Anita and Indira.
932 words
CWs: BBU, pet whump, recovery whump, collar and leash, mild dehumanisation
After they've finished the puja ceremony, Mistress hands Theo and Lea a clay candle each to help light the diyas. Theo takes his and watches as Miss Indira lights one of the small clay lamps using her own, and then copies her, carefully lighting the one in front of the plant. He smiles at the flickering flame in its colourful patterned pot. It's the one Lea decorated. His is across the room.
Lea nudges him as he finishes lighting another diya and he smiles at her. She's glowing, and it's partly her golden yellow sari, but mostly, he thinks, it's because she actually looks properly happy for once. He's never seen her like this before, and he sets down his candle carefully and pulls her into a hug. She reciprocates eagerly.
Soon, it's time to go out, and Mistress helps Theo into his harness and attaches the leash to it (which is apparently safer for him than attaching it to his collar, less likely to hurt if someone yanks it, and he agrees, after what happened). Then she places the other end in his hand, signing, "Yours."
Theo stares, feeling a frisson of fear. He's... he's holding himself? That's not supposed to happen. That's not allowed. Mistress owns him, she's supposed to show that.
But then, owners are always right. And if Lea can take off her collar entirely, he can hold his own leash for an evening. She's already holding hers.
It's as good a time as any for something new.
Slowly, Theo clenches his fist firmly around the fabric with a bow. Mistress smiles. "Well done."
They head out, and Theo walks down the stairs confidently at first, buoyed by the praise, but when they reach the outside, the actual outside, where there's people who could touch him and take him and hurt him again, he slows down, becoming more nervous. What if people pet him, or yank on his leash because they think it's funny? What if someone thinks he's a runaway, holding his own leash, and he's taken to the police station again? He can't do that.
Miss Indira slips him a colourful sweet and takes his hand in hers. Immediately, he feels better. He's owned, it's okay.
The road becomes busier as they reach the park, and Theo presses closer to Miss Indira, watching Lea talking to a small girl, who hands her a biscuit, receiving a sweet in return. She skips towards him, and he recognises her from Lea's attempt at childminding. She says something he can't make out between the speed and the low light, and hands him and Miss Indira a misshapen iced biscuit each. She's probably decorated them herself.
"Thank you, miss."
The girl gives him a quick hug, making him stiffen in surprise, and moves on.
Theo takes a small bite after getting a nod of permission from Miss Indira. Pets shouldn't refuse treats but... he's still getting used to being allowed to keep them. He's not sure what he's done right to get it but it's very nice. Smells nice, too. He can taste cardamom.
Towards the lake they stop, Mistress and Lea coming to stand right with them. It's busy, but that's okay. He notices lots of men in similar outfits to his and he swallows, not sure what that makes him feel. He thinks he's the only one with a collar, he and Lea are the only Pets here, but he's dressed like the people are. And he'd guessed but... he hadn't seen it until now.
What does it mean, that he and Lea are dressed like people, at a celebration for people, and they're barely being spared a glance? Clearly they're not here to show off, then.
Miss Indira lets go of his hand to spread a blanket on the grass and Theo kneels automatically, Lea by his side. He watches as Mistress and Miss Indira talk to people they apparently know well, handing out the sweets they made earlier. Everything's so colourful here and everyone's so happy. And no-one's petted him once.
He hopes it's the same for Lea.
Mistress taps to get his attention and gestures towards the sky, saying something to Lea at the same time. She looks nervous, and Theo shuffles closer, taking her hand. She smiles at him.
Suddenly, the sky bursts with sudden bright lights, and Theo watches, wide-eyed. They're fireworks. He gets to watch fireworks!
The colours are amazing, red and yellow and green and blue, they light up the sky and the tree-tops and Theo gapes. They're beautiful. And the way they spread, light up everything in sight... it's incredible. He doesn't remember having ever been able to watch any before.
He gets a sudden, strong to paint it. He's not sure what to do with that.
Someone nudges him and he jumps, looking up. Mistress is holding out a sparkler towards him. He takes it gingerly and lets her light it.
The golden sparks fly in the air, and beside him Lea's waving her silver one around. He waves his in circles and spirals, random patterns that shine in the air as afterimages when the sparkler itself is moved.
Mistress squeezes his shoulder, and he squeezes Lea's hand. There's people doing the same with sparklers all around, children are giggling and chasing each other, and Theo feels a warm glow inside. It almost feels like he belongs here, which is dangerous but he can't get rid of the feeling. He's a Pet, he belongs below people, not with them, but all the same. He likes the way it feels.
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travelwithtravejar · 1 year
8 Most Famous Festivals in India
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India is known for its multitude of festivals and the peaceful coexistence of people from different religious backgrounds. These festivals are a true representation of India's rich cultural heritage and traditions. There are several festivals and celebrations. While there are celebrations throughout the year, the country is at its most colorful from October to January. Every religion and community in India practice their own culture and enjoy it to the fullest. India celebrates holidays according to state, religion, and society. Festivals in India are never ending and every day is something to celebrate.
The nation commemorates Lord Rama's homecoming to Ayodhya after a 14-year exile by lighting diyas, making rangolis, adorning homes, donning new garments, giving out presents, and setting off fireworks. People also revere Lord Ganesha, who represents moral beginnings, and Goddess Lakshmi, the Goddess of riches and prosperity. In West Bengal and Odisha, it is referred to as Kali Puja. It is known as Bandi Chor Diwas in Sikhism, and around this time, worshippers light the Golden Temple of Amritsar and enjoy fireworks displays. All around the nation, Diwali melas are organized. In Karnataka, there is a five-day celebration, which can be witnessed during India tours. In the Braj region, Diwali is devoted to Lord Krishna, and as a result, they worship Govardhan Mountain. There is a lot of fervor and spectacle around the Festival of Lights.
Republic Day
India became a republic on January 26, 1950, when the Indian Constitution went into effect. Since then, Indians have proudly celebrated the national holiday on January 26 each year. The festivities take the form of ceremonial marches at Rajpath in front of the Indian President and other foreign dignitaries. Numerous thousands of people come to the venue to watch the spectacle showcasing the nation's unity and cultural diversity. You need to register for this event from government websites during your India tour packages. 
The festival of colors is the friendliest holiday in the nation. The night before Holi is Holika Dahan, when all negativity is burned in a bonfire. People play with organic colors while grooving to music on the main day. The festival's signature dishes include Gujiya, Mathri, and Thandai. In the Mathura district of Bhaj, Lathmar Holi is observed. Sticks were used by women to amusingly beat their husbands' shields. Offerings are made to Kamadeva, the Hindu god of love, throughout the south.  In Gujarat's coastal city of Dwarka, the event is observed at the Dwarkadheesh Temple. It is celebrated as the holiday of reconciliation and fresh starts.
Rath Yatra, Puri, Orissa
The largest celebration observed in Puri is the Rath Yatra. In Puri's primary Jagannath temple, the deities Lord Jagannath, Lord Balabhadra, and Goddess Subhadra are carried away on the heavenly wheel and placed in their corresponding chariots. The chariots are then driven up to the Gundicha Temple's grand avenue. Participants in this Yatra number in the thousands. This Yatra is also shown live on foreign channels.
Krishna Janmashtami
The birth of Lord Krishna is commemorated each year by a Hindu event. The holiday is observed differently in each state. The traditional Krishna play, Rasa Lila, is performed throughout the states of Gujarat, Manipur, Assam, Rajasthan, and Mathura. The Dahi Handi festival is held in Mumbai, Pune, and Gujarat, during which groups construct human pyramids to reach a yogurt pot that is suspended at a specific height. In Gujarat, traditional dances are presented at the temples. Farmers in Gujarat's Kutch region paint bullock carriages with Krishna statues to perform pageants. People participate in devotional songs and celebrate the holiday in North East and South India, respectively. The most important Indian festivals are observed in Mathura, Vrindavan, and ISKCON.
Durga Pooja
The festival honors Goddess Durga's victory over Mahishasura and the triumph of good over evil. In the eastern and north-eastern states of India, it is celebrated over a period of ten days and is a significant social occasion. The believers take pleasure in the lengthy and intricate procedures. You are surrounded by colorful streets, pandals, bhajans, and dazzling lights throughout the festival season. Additionally, to commemorate Maa Durga's victory over the buffalo demon, actual animal sacrifices are made at the temples of West Bengal, Odisha, and Assam. In Karnataka, it is known as Mysore Dasara. The scheduled dates could change.
Rann Utsav, Kutch, Gujrat
Visitors are cordially welcomed in the White Desert. The celebration continues until February. The vibrant fairs at the river's edge enhance people's spirits with a festive spirit. There are activities like horseback riding, camel riding, bird watching, traditional dances, various games, giant chess, paramotoring, and net cricket, to name a few. The festivals in India offer guests an opportunity to get a taste of the many customs and friendliness of the Kutchi people. Everyone enjoys looking at white sand that has colorful ornaments.
Hornbill Festival, Nagaland
The Hornbill Festival, often known as the Festival of Festivals, takes place annually from December 1–7. a distinctive traditional event that takes place in Nagaland, a state in northeastern India. Nagaland is a multiethnic state that is home to various tribes. The state tourism and arts & culture agencies of Nagaland organize the Hornbill Festival to highlight the culture and ethnicity of the region and to promote interaction between various tribal tribes. 
India's festivals are a vibrant tapestry of cultural diversity, reflecting the nation's rich heritage. From the dazzling lights of Diwali to the colors of Holi and the grandeur of Republic Day, these celebrations are a testament to India's unity in diversity. The Rath Yatra in Puri, Krishna Janmashtami's joyous festivities, and the grandeur of Durga Puja in the east showcase the country's deep-rooted traditions.
As you plan your journey through India, don't miss these opportunities to immerse yourself in the country's cultural tapestry. Each festival paints a unique picture of India's traditions, making your visit to places in India like Delhi, Kolkata, Mathura, and Nagaland an unforgettable experience.
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yehsahihai · 2 years
1, 2, 6 and 14 for the desi asks
ohhhh funn. OK
first language- Marathi. I'm fluent in it. comfort really depends on the person in front of me but mainly I do speak in english more.
which state? damnnn i don't know. like I blue screen every time someone asks me because I genuinely have shifted too much to have a solid answer to that
favorite holiday: my most recent one was my favorite so I'm gonna say western ghats. it was soooo prettyyyyy
core desi memory: the time after all the puja and stuff during diwali when it's my family and me and we're all sitting around eating something and just gossipping or playing games or singing in our traditionals
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So, um. . .tomorrow is Diwali, and the day after is Kali Puja. Kind of a traumatic time for me.
15 years ago, when I was 1½ years old, my Amma's (how I addressed my paternal grandmother) sari caught on fire from a cracker. A few days (weeks, I'm not sure) later, she died due to severe burns. My family doesn't celebrate Diwali after that.
I have been told (obviously, I don't remember much) that I was really attached to her. And I was inconsolable after. . .you know, even though I probably couldn't properly understand the situation.
Sometimes, I have nightmares, mostly just blurry flashes of a few people and then a blazing fire.
My dad says it might have left a permanent mark on me. All I know is that there hasn't been a single Diwali till date when I haven't cried myself to sleep, and at 16 years of age, I still haven't stopped flinching every time I hear a firework, no matter how muted. I pride myself on being able to get through my fears but this is just something else.
Sorry, I didn't wanna dump this on you all, just. . .the pandals, the lights, the crackers. . .it's overwhelming.
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troytiwari · 2 years
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Govardhan Puja (or Annakut Pooja) is celebrated across Bharat (India) and Nepal (which was part of Bharat in ancient times) in commemoration of one of the great leelas of Lord Krishna in his child form. Then, what is the significance and what does it symbolise actually? Let’s have an indepth delving into the whole episode.
2. In retrospect: Govardhan Pooja is performed on the fourth day of Diwali by worshipping the heap of grains which symbolically marks the Govardhan Mountain. In ancient times, it was customary in the Gokulam to perform Yagnas in honour of Lord Indra with whose Grace there were seasonal rainfall due to which the crops yielded good harvest and the people were living in peace and prosperity. Lord Indra became egoistic as he thought that because of him, all the activities are being carried out promptly and regularly. The Lord incarnate thought for a while that unless and until the ego that has sprouted is extirpated, this will cause irreparable damage to the celestials. Usually, one may wonder why even in the celestial world, the ego is prevalent. It is usually not the case; but sometimes, this may give rise to such contretemps.
3. Then, how did Bal Krishna act? As Nandagopa was the Chieftain of Yadava clan, all the elders in Gokul assembled at his Palace for a threadbare discussion on the arrangements that should be put in place. Albeit a child, Krishna, in his anxiety, also was present and wanted to know as to what the important issue they are discussing. As if an ignoramus would question, the omniscient Lord eagerly asked his father as to why this Yajna is being performed and the purpose sought to be achieved therefrom. To this query, Nandagopa addressed his son like this, “Oh: Dear Child, Lord Indra has been made the chieftain of the clouds and at his behest only, we are receiving timely rains and to requite our indebtedness, we’re performing this ritual every year”. Lord Krishna thought for a while and addressed his Father like this, -
Oh! Dear Father, What you say is correct. I agree that Lord Vishnu (Narayana) has made Indra to perform the activities as you’ve narrated. But, why? Think it for a while. Lord Narayana is fond of Brahmins who always tread the path of righteousness (dharmic path) and also the animals especially the cows, etc. Hence, it would be a befitting tribute if we invite the learned pandits and perform Yagnas for the Lord Vishnu. Another factor that should not be lost sight of is to feed the cows to their stomach full. As the forests, trees and the rivers, etc. are the main sources of this, it would behoove us to convey our indebtedness by offering worship to the King of Mountains, forests and the Rivers. When the Child Krishna utters a suggestion, there would be no second word or objection. Hence, it was unanimously decided to act on the suggestion of little Krishna.
4. Was it carried out and the ramifications: Yes. The denizens of Gokul accordingly invited the Learned Brahmins who were well versed in Vedas, got the Yagnas performed, went to the nearby forests and the Rivers and offered their obeisance to them. Finally, they went to the Govardhan Gri (Mountain), offered their worship and returned back to their homes. Krishna then assumed the form of a mountain himself and accepted the villagers' offerings
5. Did that become the finality? No. When Indra saw all that was happening before his eyes, he called for the Clouds (Indra is also called under the sobriquet “Meghraj’] and Lo! there was thunderstorm throughout Gokul and with the alarming proportion of torrential downpour which was never witnessed earlier, the residents of Gokul immediately rushed to Krishna crying out for his succour. Even the cows and their calves were running hither and thither. Little Krishna was cool and composed and advised all the people and their cattle to come to the foothills of the Mountain, Govardhan Giri. The Lord assumed Vrat Roopa without the knowledge of the Yadava clan, who were none other than the incarnations of the celestials, and with no effort, lifted the entire heavy mountain by his little finger of the left hand and held it continuously throughout the days and nights for a week. All the denizens took shelter under its umbrage and there was plenty of food available to them which sustained them without any difficulty.
There was, in fact, terrific thunderstorms accompanied with gale and gusty winds. Due to the structure of Govardhan mountain, there was not even a single drop of rain inside and the water gushed out through the outlets on the mountains. As the Little Krishna was holding tirelessly the mountain for a week, people inside it were not feeling any discomfort and were, indeed, happy and comfortable. See the Lord’s unfathomable compassion!
When the clouds got depleted, the rain stopped instantaneously. The Gokul denizens were very ecstatic and surrounded Little Krishna and showered eulogies on the Lord. Nandagopa was also extremely overwhelmed with joy, now revealed the secret of the Sacred Lord He addressed them and informed them that when the Sage Garg who came for naming ceremony both Lord Krishna and Balaram revealed the secret of incarnation of the Lord. Really they were blessed. Now, Indra realised his folly and even if there were incessant rains for about a year, he cannot succeed in his mission. Wisdom dawned on him.
Now, it was the turn of Lord Indra who was counselled by Lord Brahma, the Creator to approach the Lord and seek his pardon. Indra along with Kamadhenu, the Celestial Cow, proceeded directly to the banks of the Holy Yamuna (Jamuna in North India) River and fell flatly at the lotus feet of the Lord and sought his forgiveness. The all-knowing Lord told Indra that due to the sprouting of ego which will, if not nipped in the bud, may ultimately lead to his downfall, he had to intervene and make him realise his folly; but the moment the ego was rooted out, he has become dear to the Lord.
Indra now wanted to make amends for his action and, therefore, made a supplication to the Lord that He should accept the title of “Lord of the Lords” (Devathi Deva). Krishna, with an inscrutable smile, now told Indra that if at all he wanted the title, let it be so; but, he never aspired for that. Indra, having been immensely pleased, now milked the teats of Milch Cow, Kamadhenu and along with the waters from various holy Rivers bathed the Lord with the same when there was a great assemblage of Kinnaras, Saaranaas and Gandharvas. There was a beautiful mellifluous musical concert by the Vidyadharas. Indra paid rich encomia on the Lord with the names of Govinda, Madhava, Narayana and Krishna. Thereafter, with a satisfied heart, Indra returned to his Amaravathi. Lord Krishna with Balarama returned to Ayarpadi.
Do you know? Even the Creator, Lord Brahma, was no exception to the leelas of Lord Vishnu. Once it so happened that Brahma, through his Maya, hid all the cows and cattle in a very gargantuan cave in the forest where they were grazing. The colleagues and the cowherd yadava boys were playing in the sand dune and when time was ripe for driving them home, one of them went in search of the cattle; but in vain. He promptly reported to Little Krishna who went in search of them but returned empty handed. To his astonishment, even his friends had vanished. For a moment, he thought that this act is not of human nature; but of divine celestial. He, in a trice, came to know that this is Lord Brahma’s mischief. He never went to him; but on the contrary, created through his Maya the same cattle – both cows and calves as well as cowherd colleagues. Everyone went home and this continued for about a year. No one noticed the difference nor were they worried about the missing cows or their sons as they were now with them through the illusion of Little Krishna.
When a year was drawing to a close, Brahma wanted to know what was going on in Gokul. To his amazement, he could not believe his own eyes. Everything was as usual and there were cows and calves. He immediately rushed to the cave where he hid the boys and the cattle. Everything was in tact. He rushed to Gokul and fell at the Lotus Feet of the Lord and addressed him thus, :Oh! Lord! When I was created through your navel cord, I could not see you. Now, I realise that you are the Supreme Lord and I have committed a blunder by hiding your cattle and companions. Oh! It’s my folly! Please forgive me.: So saying, he handed over the cattle and his companions. The cowherd boys were unaware that they were in the cave for about a year. Little Krishna made his Maya disappear and also forgave the Creator.
Okay Well explained. Now, I have a lingering doubt. Why is it called Annakut Pooja? Please listen. I’ll explain now.
Devotees prepare varieties of foodstuffs with grain and ghee and all kinds of milk preparations. The food is stacked like a small hill and offered to the Lord. Then it is distributed to everyone as prasadam. Hence, this festival is also called the Annakut Festival.
Annakut is celebrated on the fourth day of Diwali. Therefore, the rituals surrounding Annakut are closely linked with the rituals of the five days of Diwali. While the first three days of Diwali are days of prayer to sanctify wealth and invite greater wealth into the devotee's life, the annakut day is a day of offering gratitude for Krishna beneficence
Is the Govardhan Puja part of Annakut festival?
Govardhan Puja is a principal ritual performed during Annakut. Although some texts treat Govardhan Puja and Annakut as synonymous, the Govardhan Puja is one segment of the day-long Annakut festival.
Krishna spent most of his childhood in Braj, a place devotees associate with many of Krishna's divine and heroic exploits with his childhood friends. One of the most significant incidents, described in the Bhagavata involves Krishna lifting Mount Govardhan (Govardhan Hill), a low hill situated in the middle of Braj Govardhan has since become a major pilgrimage site in Braj for devotees of Krishna. On the day of Annakut, devotees circumambulate the hill and offer food to the mountain—one of the oldest rituals in Braj. The circumambulation consists of an eleven-mile trek dotted along the way with several shrines, before which devotees place flowers and other offerings.
Families create an image of Giriraj Govardhan (the mountain) from cow dung, adorning it with miniature cow figures as well as grass as twigs, representing trees and greenery. In the days leading up to Annakut, fifty-six food items (chappan bhog) are typically prepared and offered in the evening. Someone from a cow-herding caste officiates the ritual, circling the hill with a cow and a bull, followed by families in the village. They partake in the sanctified food after offering the food to the hill. The festival often draws a large crowd, including the Chaube Brahmins of Mathura.
Krishna holding the Govardhan, a historic legend is depicted in many major Hindu temples complexes. This panel is from the Hoysaleswara temple, Halebidu Karnataka (c. 1150 CE). The stone block was carved to show the Krishna legend, and Indra behind it.
Several thousand years later, on this same day, Srila Madhavendra Puri established a temple for the self-manifest Gopala Deity on top of Govardhan Hill.
Shubh Govardhan Puja 🙏🏻 Shubh Nava Saal🙏🏻✨
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I'm asking all of them one through fifteen cuz I didn't realize it was an ask game and thought I was just gonna learn about you in the tags. So now I wanna know everything.
ahh alright!
1. What's your first language? Are you more comfortable in it than english?
My native language is Bengali. Sadly no, I am more comfortable speaking English.
2. Which state are you from and do you like it?
West Bengal! Love it here :))
3. Favourite Indian city?
I have been to most major cities but I don't have a favourite. My favourite town is Shantiniketan though. Love sleeping there.
4. A Indian language you don't speak but would like to learn?
Nepali and Sanskrit
5. Favourite Indian classical dance? and why?
oooh hard one! Kathakali, because it's very vibrant and expressive. I used to learn Bharatnatyam, Manipuri and Kathakali when i was younger. but I've mostly performed Kathakali on stage.
6. Favourite holiday destination in India?
Puri😭 take me there😭😭
because i love beach
7. Favourite festival and why?
Durga puja. because the city doesn't sleep those days. Everything becomes colourful and bright.
8. Favourite traditions (or superstition) and why?
If bhoot chaturdashi counts then that. because i love dipping my hands in wax while lighting the candles and spookyspooky time.
9. Something that makes you glad you are Desi?
variety of food
10. If you weren't born in desi countries which country would have been born in?
i thought of saying Bangladesh but i misread the question. I don't know then :(
11. Have you ever thought of leaving this country?
12. Favourite Indian singer and song?
singer....i dont know maybe Arijit Singh because that's all my father plays in the car.
13. Favourite film from any language?
for bengali any of those old Feluda movies. Hindi i think jagga jasoos
14. A core desi memory?
sitting with my hand inside a bucket of water when i was 5. it was Diwali and i put my hand too close to the crackers. i spend rest of the night looking at my sister burst crackers while my hand was inside the bucket. (the crackers we used to burst weren't sound ones)
15. Favourite person from your extended family?
my second cousin from my father's side. we both are the gay cousins of the family🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
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