#dj pool service
storiesofsvu · 1 month
Decadent Desires Ch 17
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Emily Prentiss x reader warnings: language, alcohol, super late night deep somewhat emotional conversations, explicit and not so explicit smut. 6.5k
There wasn’t a single spot on the entire island that wasn’t stunning, sun soaked, full of fresh air and the utmost of relaxation. No matter where in the resort that you and Emily wandered off to, you always found yourselves in a tranquil oasis, bonus points if it had unlimited delicious food and heavily poured drinks. The Nava Beach Club was in the heart of the resort, on the crest of the beach surrounding various pools with stunning lagoon views. Much like other areas the entertainment varied throughout the day, a DJ currently setting the fun tone for an ideal afternoon. Beach loungers, high top and low top tables scattered through the space; certain areas seemed to have servers while others appeared to be bar service only. You and Emily were closer to the bar, opting to stay at a small table that had a huge umbrella blocking the beating sun, thankful for the shade and breeze coming off the water.
You’d decided on sharing multiple plates of food, wanting to try as many of the different offerings as you could while slowly working your way through the drink menu. Your free hand lay across the small table top, Emily regularly picking it up in hers without even noticing, her fingers tapping along to the rhythm of the music against your palm. You let out a soft breath as a breeze wafted through the air, nearly shivering at the way it made the loose hairs along your neck tickle at your skin. Emily’s eyes drifted from what had been turned into a dance floor and a group of younger guys attempting to breakdance to the table so she could pick up her drink. They drifted a little further and landed on you and she did her best not to stare. You’d certainly got some sun over the last couple of days, your skin practically glowing, your hair was still in the braid she’d put in, though many more pieces had come undone, drifting around your face in the low wind. Her hand reached out, fingers deftly picking a larger piece, tucking it back into its appropriate spot in the braid. Without even realizing it, your lips curved up into a soft smile and you leant into the touch.
“You planning on swimming when we get back?” She asked, hand returning to her glass to take a sip.
“Hmm?” You pulled your eyes away from the shoreline, turning to face her.
“Your usual nightly dip in the ocean?”
“Oh, yeah.” You laughed, a blush across your cheeks that she was certain wasn’t from the sun, “gotta take advantage while I can.”
“Good.” She smiled softly, her hand reaching out to tuck another large piece back into the slightly mussed braid, “your hair will hold a tighter braid if it’s wet.”
“And here I was thinking you didn’t know anything about hair care.” You teased, a laugh sweet as honey coming from your lips and Emily felt her cheeks heating this time.
“I know enough.” She shrugged, “and I think you’d look pretty cute with two braids.”
“Oh?” You raised a brow, “we’re going for cute now?”
“Oh—ar—c’mon.” She groaned and you laughed, scooping up your glass.
“I’m only teasing.” As you stood, you leant over, your free hand directing her face to yours to steal a kiss, “I’m gonna swing by the bathroom then grab another round, what’d you want?”
“Anything but that fucking blue drink.”
With a small smile on your lips you picked up her now empty glass, crossing the space to drop them off at the bar before disappearing inside. Emily kept her eyes on you the entire time, partially out of instinct and partially because it was hard as hell not to, the bikini you’d chosen today was clearly a Tony pick. Smaller than the others, extremely form fitting and minimal yet somehow giving your tits the perfect amount of support. You had a cover up tied around your waist in a mock skirt like fashion, but that still left pretty little to the imagination.
Her hands picked at the basket of fries in front of her, half playing with her food as she was lost in thought before she finally managed to pick one up, popping it in her mouth and her eyes shifted back to the beach.
“Excuse me,” an elderly voice broke through her daydream and she glanced towards where it came form, “I’m so sorry to bother you.”
“Oh, no worries.” Emily let out a small laugh, nearly shifting into professional mode as she took in the older woman who’d stopped at their table.
“I know this may sound weird, but you two have been in our eyeline all afternoon, we couldn’t help but notice just how adorable you are.” She glanced over Emily’s shoulder and when Emily did the same she saw an older man, assumedly the woman’s husband a few tables back giving her a bright smile and wave that she returned. “Something about new love in paradise just makes us so nostalgic. You seem so happy, are you celebrating your honeymoon?”
“Oh!” She stuttered suddenly, “Uh, thank you, oh! Oh, no, no…. we’re just uh.. on vacation.” Her eyes darted over to where you’d disappeared to and the woman chuckled at her reaction, especially as Emily tensed, fidgeting in her chair.
“Oh…” she grinned, “perhaps it’s too early for that kind of celebration?” She raised a knowing eyebrow, “don’t be so nervous about it sweetheart, you’ll give away the surprise.”
“No, I,” She laughed awkwardly, “no, that’s not. I dunno.”
“Mum’s the word.” She smiled softly, “either way, you and your girlfriend enjoy your vacation. I’m sure you’ll make memories you’ll never forget.” She winked at her, a hand reaching out to squeeze her shoulder, “my husband and I got engaged here too and we do our best to make it down every couple of years. A place like this, you always want to come back to.”
“Yeah… thanks.” Emily mustered up the best smile she could, not bothering to correct any of the woman’s missteps.
It would take too much explaining, too much awkward explaining and that wasn’t even if she started to include the whole sugar baby thing. Something about the entire interaction, as flustered as it made her, also made her stomach fill with butterflies. There certainly was something about this place that she was sure she’d never forget. Beginning to chew on her thumbnail she was suddenly craving that fresh drink, a couple ounces of eighty proof rum disguised in tropical juices would certainly calm her racing pulse.
Rather than actually being able to calm down, a jolt was sent through her at the sound of your laugh wafting across the area. Her brow furrowed for a second until she found where it was coming from, catching her lip between her teeth at the sight of you somewhat cozied up to a shirtless man at the bar. A sinking feeling dropped into her stomach as she slouched back into her chair, her eyes narrowing at the man as he reached out, playing with the tie on your cover up. You at least playfully swatted his hand away, a glittering smile on your cheeks as you scolded him, shaking your head in his direction. Emily let out a muted grumble, picking up a cold French fry in an attempt to distract her, her eyes drifting back to the breakdancing bros. Whatever you were up to she didn’t need to watch it all go down.
“Bet you can’t do a shot without flinching.” The man offered up with a cocky smile and you scoffed.
“Are you choosing the shot?”
“How do you feel about tequila?”
“Only if it’s top shelf.” You bartered back, watching as he flagged the bartender over to order.
“You want anything else?” He asked and your head tilted.
“You sure?”
“Yeah, get whatever you want.”
You tried to hold back the smirk on your lips, your hand squeezing gently at his bicep as you turned to the bartender, “two Mai Tai’s please.”
“So she’s a fruity drink girl.” He teased, sliding the shot over to you, “you sure you can handle this?”
“You had no idea what I can handle.” This time you let the smirk take over your lips, clinking your glass against his before throwing back the shot. You’d spent enough time rallying in political circles, hard liquor didn’t affect you, especially not smooth expensive tequila, your lips remaining curved in a smile as you watched the man wince, immediately reaching for a lime wedge and a small giggle broke out from your mouth.
“Damn.” He pulled the lime from his mouth, tucking it into the empty shot glass, “you really are built different.”
“So I’ve been told.” You replied with a smile, leaning up against the bar with crossed arms, your chest pressing up even more and you could feel his eyes lingering. “You here with friends?”
“Yeah.” He gestured back to the group on the dance floor, some of whom were successfully breakdancing, “boys trip. Celebrating a big win at work.”
“Mmm.” You nodded to the bartender as your drinks were slid over to you, picking one up to take a sip as you studied the man in front of you, “let me guess…. finance?”
He pulled a face, surprise taking over his eyes as he let out a small laugh, “how’d you figure that?”
“Wall Street boys need coke to have fun.” You ticked it off on your first finger, continuing to do so as you went, “blue collar boys would be an at all inclusive in Mexico not here, politicians are either at home with their families or somewhere like this with their mistresses, and lawyers don’t know how to have that much fun.” You gestured in the direction of his group and he laughed.
“Wow. Right on the nose.” He picked up his drink, “and what about you? Model? Actress? Something with fashion?”
You snorted into your drink, holding back an eye roll. At least the guy was complimentary without being sleazy, he could give Tony a run for his money. “Yeah right.”
“Well,” he nudged at your arm, “what’re you into?”
“It’s a secret.”
“Then how about, I put your drinks on my tab for the rest of the weekend, and you let me in on at least one?”
“You’re insane.” You laughed, knowing there was no way this guy had enough money to cover a tab like that with the costs of the drinks here.
“I mean, pretty girl like you, doesn’t deserve to pay for drinks.” He shrugged, “how about we settle for the rest of the day?”
“I guess I’ll have to accept.”
“There we go.” He clinked his glass with yours, a grin on his lips, “and I mean, after dinner, maybe if you’re interested, could always swap over to room service, you could come check out how nice the beach front villas are?”
You chuckled softly as he shifted closer, daring you to make the next move and you could feel Emily’s eyes burning into your back. “As enticing as that might sound, I really don’t think she would like that to much.” Your voice nearly husked into his ear as you pushed at his shoulder, turning his back to the bar and you were both able to catch Emily staring. “Beach front villa must be nice but she already splurged on an overwater one for us.”
The man let out an embarrassed laugh, as if he was caught passing notes in class, his cheeks tinging as he raised his drink in Emily’s direction. “Sorry, my bad.” He sheepishly waved at her, glancing between the two of you as he recollected himself, “damn. Look at the two of you, talk about a pair of hotties, your girlfriend’s a minx.”
You let out a loud laugh, to unbothered to correct him “okay, that’s enough.”
“I’m not flirting, promise, I’m just stating the obvious.” He defended with a laugh, pulling another one from you.
“Don’t I know it.”
“Hey,” he caught your hand before you could pick up Emily’s drink, “let me buy you a second round and some shots, I didn’t mean to step on any toes.”
You didn’t deny him, shrugging as the bartender signalled for someone to help you bring the tray of drinks back over to the table. The man gave you a small wave, saying he’d see you around and wishing the two of you a good night.
Emily felt the tension leaving her body as you reapproached the table, the man turning back to the bar, she figured at the very least he’d be staring at you the entire walk over. Her eyes widened at the tray of drinks beside you, her brow furrowing when they were all placed down onto your table.
“Did…did you just flirt your way into free drinks?” She asked and you laughed.
“Not intentionally. But it worked didn’t it.” You took a sip of yours, “and we’re on his tab for the rest of the day.”
“Damn.” Emily whistled, picking up her drink, “those extra skills really do work.”
“I think it was less about my political navigational skills and more about the fact that my tits are basically falling out of this top.”
“Hey, he’s not complaining.” She teased, “and if I not only get free drinks but also get that view, neither am I.”
“Please.” You chuckled over the rim of your glass, “you get to do a lot more than just look at them.”
“Yeah?” Emily’s hand slid up your thigh, “last time I checked, you liked that…”
“Mmm… very much so.”
She leant in, stealing a kiss from your sticky lips, “maybe we should take the rest of this back to the villa?”
“I wouldn’t complain about that.”
Emily found it amusing that no matter where in the world you were, or what you were doing, you still couldn’t break a morning routine. Practically every day of the trip you’d been up and gone from the villa for the beachfront yoga, making sure to get your body moving and stretched out as the sun rose. She enjoyed the mornings she got to wake up tangled in your limbs, but she had to admit the yoga mornings were nice too. Today she’d made coffee and picked up a book, settling herself on one of the loungers outside to get a start on her day.
She didn’t hear the lock beep, you’d likely come in through the terrace, she was so focused on her book it was only the splash you made while diving into the ocean that brought her back to earth. She watched as you surfaced, brushing a couple of loose hairs off your face before swimming a couple of laps to help cool your skin off. She was now very much not focused on her book as you pulled yourself up onto the deck and your bikini was absolutely clinging to your skin, leaving basically nothing to the imagination. She gulped, feeling a tingling between her legs and the deep desire to lick the water droplets off your skin. You squeezed out what you could from the flimsy fabric, crossing to the outdoor bar to grab a juice, glancing up when she spoke.
“I have to admit, this warm weather’s nice. Getting to see you wandering around in nothing but a bikini is an incredible bonus.” The smirk was ever present on her lips and you laughed, a sparkle in your eye as you glanced around, placing the juice back down.
“Well… we’ve got a totally private villa, terrace and pool. Who needs a swim suit?” Your hands swiftly went to the knots, undoing the straps and letting the fabric fall to the floor. With a little grin, your body now completely bare you picked up the juice again, along with a hand towel so you wouldn’t damage your own book as you approached the other lounger.
Emily though, had other ideas, not even giving you the chance to sit down before she grabbed your hand and you let out a little yelp as she yanked you down onto her lounger. Her lips immediately wrapping around a nipple, sucking it into her mouth and a moan was falling from your lips.
If asked, neither of you would have been able to figure out how many rounds you went that day. Once Emily laid eyes on your naked body walking around the villa there was no way she was going to keep her hands to herself and if she started to lose steam it only took a few seconds for you to flip her over and have your way with her.
What started on the lounger with hands and mouths roaming each other’s bodies morphed into something that needed more space and you were stumbling over to the daybed overlooking the ocean. More freedom to move around, more angles and positions to explore, the subtle rocking of the bed intensifying the sparks firing through you. On the breaks where both of you were out of breath, left panting against the bed, bodies glistening in a sheen of sweat, there were breaks for snacks, water and most importantly, cocktails, endless amounts of cocktails. Sometimes the post orgasmic haze got the best of you, the sun warm on your bodies, Emily wrapping her cover up back over her as the heat coaxed both of you in and out of little cat naps throughout the day.
As the sun sunk in the sky you stumbled your way back inside, still intoxicated with each other, the fuzziness of the cocktails driving you even more wild to keep your hands wandering. It was well past midnight, the moon high in the sky, rain drizzling from the few clouds floating around by the time you were both finally so physically exhausted you’d gotten your fill of each other. It wasn’t clear if it was humidity brought with the rain that was hanging thick in the air, or your endless amounts of orgasms, sweat and saliva that was making everything feel a little sticky. Heat wafting off both of your naked bodies, the bed covers were shoved aside, the floor to ceiling windows pushed wide to take advantage of the breeze.
The television was turned on, the usual middle of the night rom com playing on mute, your eyes drifting between it and the moonlit sea. You were laying on your side, half draped over Emily, her arm around you, her chest rising and falling in time with the waves crashing against the sand. It was almost too peaceful, listening to the rain gently hitting the ocean, the water rippling with each drop.
Your fingertips tickled across her skin, highlighted by the moonlight, it wasn’t often Emily left her stomach exposed, if she wasn’t busy fucking you she’d pulled her cover up back on. There was a heightened part of her skin, practically glowing in the moonlight and your fingers couldn’t help but trace a featherlight trail over the scar. Emily’s hand began trailing up and down your spine, lulling you into a sense of comfort, your breathing matching hers and the waves, there was just enough alcohol left in both your systems to have you utterly relaxed, comfortable a middle of the night blanket thick over any worries you’d had before.
“It was a long time ago.” Emily finally spoke, feeling your fingers begin their third trace around the faint scar in her abdomen. Your hand stalled, one finger at a time lifting off her skin before tapping gently and continuing its pattern, as if you weren’t sure you wanted to know. Emily’s lips brushed against the top of your head, reassuring you that it was okay, “he’s dead now and I’d do it again to protect who I was protecting.”
You pressed a kiss into her collarbone, your hand stilling, falling curved around her waist as you pondered on your next words. “You must have to be really strong to do your line of work, incredibly brave.”
Emily practically snorted, a laugh leaving her lips, “I’m not sure if you’d call it brave or self reckless endangerment.”
“You have a bit of a wild streak?” You asked with a tease and she nodded. “How many times have you been hurt in the field?”
She paused, pulling her lower lip between her teeth, wondering if you actually wanted her to list every single one of them off. The sound of rain pattering on the villa roof and the feeling of your heart beating against her side reminded her that this was a comfort space, not really a time for show and tell.
“Enough that it doesn’t scare me anymore.” She replied.
“Somehow I think that’s even scarier.” You murmured softly, your fingertips beginning to rub at her body again, as if memorizing the shapes on contours of her skin.
Emily hummed, not ready to agree and say that you were probably right, instead she pressed another kiss to the side of your head. “I guess it comes with being married to the job. I’ve been doing it so long I’ve kind of accepted my fate, I’ve walked into the hands of death before, maybe it isn’t actually so bad. If putting myself on the line is what I have to do to make sure my team doesn’t get hurt and stays safe then…so be it.”
Your hand stalled in its movements again, curling deeper around her so it was buried under the small of her back, tucked against the bed as you nuzzled deeper into her. She felt a wave of comfort soothe through her, as if you were her own personalized weighted blanket, calming her heart and racing mind, keeping her safe.
“The other members of your team aren’t the only important ones.” You finally spoke, voice hushed over the noise of the waves.
“I guess…” she half acknowledged it with a sigh, “they’ve got family, kids, people who expect them to come home in time for dinner, best I’ve got part time custody of an elderly cat who I’m sure isn’t going to be along for much longer.”
You didn’t reply, simply continued tracing patterns across Emily’s skin, her eyes glanced downward to see if she could get a read on you but all she could see was your eyes staring out toward the ocean, a ghost of a smile on your face. Finally, your lips kissed her body again,
“Your team is your family, they are your friends, and I bet they feel that way too.” You shifted your head up, your eyes glittering in the moonlight, the corner of your lips threatening to curve up and she new there was some kind of a tease coming, “besides, who else is gonna keep me company and spoil me with lavish vacations if you’re not around?”
Emily barked out a laugh, the corners of her eyes crinkling as she swatted at your ass. You let out a playful shriek as she suddenly flipped you onto your back, caging you into the bed.
“Oh? Keep you company and take you on trips? That’s all I do? Really?”
Her eyes darkened at the devilish grin on your lips before you surged up to kiss her, tugging her body down onto yours.
Emily’s head was thrown back into the pillows, her eyes scrunched tightly shut as her pussy pulsed around your fingers. The small bag of toys lay off to the side of the bed, she’d intended to spend the afternoon using them on you and after one round you were quick to remind her she deserved pleasure and ultimate relaxation as well. Your fingers thrust in and out of her, juices leaking down your wrist, your face nuzzled into the crook of her neck, sucking and nipping at the supple skin. She was already panting, her hands grasping at your body when her peak hit her, crying out as her thighs shook.
“God…” you muttered, “you’re so hot when you come.” Your lips left a trail of messy kisses across her jawline as you sat up on your haunches, fingers still slowly pushing into her, “can I fuck you?”
“Thought you were already doing that.” She replied with a chuckle, her breath catching in her throat when your finger tips brushed the sensitive spot inside her.
“Technically.” You purred, pulling your fingers out, sucking them clean between your lips and she let out a low swear, “but you look so pretty coming on my fingers I just know you’d look even better coming around my cock.”
All it took was half a pout of your pretty lips and Emily was swearing again, her hand quickly digging into the bag to get what you needed. You let out a small giggle, leaning down to quickly kiss her before getting ready. Your hands soothed up her thighs, spreading her legs, double checking that she was okay before you ran the tip of the toy through her folds. A low groan escaped from the back of her throat and the moment you sunk into her pussy every single thought left her brain as pleasure took over everything. Stars blinked through her vision when you began to move, your body meeting hers with each thrust, lips wrapping around one side of her chest while your fingers toyed with the other. It didn’t take long for fireworks to begin bursting under her skin, her limbs wrapping around you, pulling you impossibly close as you fucked her. The weight of your body on hers sent a warmth blooming through her that had nothing to do with the way her pussy was squeezing around your cock or how hot your breath was on her neck as you urged her on.
A week in paradise and it wasn’t just the stars in the sky that Emily was seeing.
Your last night on the island came before either of you were ready, the little reminder about your yacht transfer back to the airport hanging on your doorhandle when you went to accept the breakfast room service. You lounged around in the villa, not wanting to ever leave or forget the incredible views, knowing you only had one last chance to fall asleep and then wake up to the ocean ever again.
Throughout the day you wandered the resort, taking advantage of the amenities you hadn’t gotten to yet. Snacks and drinks at the various beach huts, lunch at the delectable main restaurant and another dinner down at the beach barbeque as it had become your favourite. Though this time you didn’t stay long enough to see the sunset, instead, Emily grasped your hand in hers and lead you to a dock you hadn’t explored yet.
You were greeted with a small, glass bottomed boat, a captain and a steward to complete your journey out into the ocean. There were tapas to eat, and unlimited champagne offered as the boat coasted out into the water, the bottom giving you a birds eye view of the incredible wildlife. You came to a stop once you were out far enough, the steward telling you which directions to keep you eye on as there were always dolphins at this time of night that were incredibly friendly.
You naturally sunk into Emily’s side, a happy grin on your face as your eyes scanned the horizon, little surprised gasps leaving your lips at the sight of a dolphin breaking the surface of the ocean. Emily’s fingers tickled at your shoulder, though her gaze was just as distracted as yours and you couldn’t help but smile, admiring the way her eyes sparkled in the sunlight. Leaning in you pressed a kiss to her shoulder and her arm wrapped tighter around you, her eyes finally tearing away from the water. With admiration taking over her face she leant in, kissing you softly, her lips moving with grace against your own and you let out a gentle hum into the kiss. If a perfect night to end a perfect vacation existed, this was it.
Emily stirred in her sleep, while she had become completely accustomed to the sounds of the ocean overnight something about it was louder than earlier and she began to wonder if it was storming. She rolled over in the lush bed, her arm landing on what should have been your waist only to find your side of the bed empty. Opening her eyes she glanced around the room and immediately found why it was louder in the villa, one of the sliding doors had been pushed all the way open and she figured you must be outside.
She debated leaving you be, rolling over and going back to sleep for the rest of her last night in the almost too comfortable bed. But after a minute her brain had snapped fully awake, she knew that being up in the middle of the night wasn’t always a pleasurable thing and maybe company would help. So she slipped out of the bed, glancing around the deck, her eyes squinting in the dark moonlight, nose scrunching when she couldn’t see you. She stepped back inside, double checking the bathroom was actually empty before returning outside and making a sweep over by the daybed in case you’d fallen asleep over there. She was about to check if maybe you’d taken one of the bikes out for a mid night ride when she heard something softly splashing in the water off to her left.
Approaching the side of the deck she stopped with her feet at the edge, staring down at you in one of the overwater nets, your eyes gazing out to the horizon as one of your feet and hands trickled through the water.
“Ocean keeping you up?” She asked quietly.
You’d heard her coming, probably could have called out to let her know where you actually were before she started to panic, but you’d been having such a tranquil moment you hadn’t wanted to disturb it.
“No.” You replied, rolling your head to face her with a dreamy smile on your cheeks, “I love it.”
“You okay?” She thought she may as well double check.
“Perfect.” You sat up slightly, extending your hand to her, “c’mere.”
You tugged gently and Emily somehow gracefully tumbled into the net with a soft laugh, sitting beside you. You dropped back down, sprawling across the net as one of your hands returned to the water, your other one interlacing your fingers with hers.  Your gaze drifted to the sky above you, that happy smile returning to your face.
“The stars are so bright out here, I’m gonna miss it. And even in the middle of the night the water’s warm.” Your head tilted again as your hand flicked at the incoming waves, a quiet laugh escaping your lips, “god I love the ocean. I guarantee you I was a mermaid in a past life.”
Emily chuckled, her thumb brushing across your knuckles, “yeah? You grow up wishing you were Ariel?”
“Every fucking day.” You replied, your finger tips trailing through the water, “she was my favourite.” You let out an awkward laugh, “and I had a huge guilty pleasure for Aquamarine.” Your head rolled back to face Emily, a blush creeping into your cheeks, “I was probably too old for it when it came out but there was this bit about her wearing mini starfish as earrings and they’d whisper compliments and positive affirmations to her all the time. I loved it. Stupid, I know…”
You ducked your gaze, starting to chew on your lip as your hand began to play with Emily’s, she laughed softly, having absolutely no idea even what form of media you were talking about but she definitely didn’t think it was stupid.
“No… that’s adorable.” Her free hand reached out, pushing a piece of your now loose, wavy hair back behind your ear, her fingers lingering a little bit, gently pinching at your earlobe and lack of earrings before trailing down your jaw. “Was it strictly a mermaid thing? Or do you secretly have a hard on for Prince Eric?”
You snorted, cackling out a laugh, your hand clutching as your stomach, flicking salt water over the both of you that Emily didn’t give a care in the world about.
“If there’s anyone in that movie I had a hard on for it was Vanessa.”
“She was… the undercover version of the sea witch, yeah?”
“Yeah.” Your lips curved up on the side, amused by Emily’s description as your head rolled back to the side, looking out over the water. “I always identified with Ariel. She felt trapped somewhere that she didn’t belong, her dad never trusting her or letting her do what she wanted or go off and be herself. All she wanted was to be part of a different world, a chance to explore something new, something she was forever curious about. Rather than support her he forbid her, making her sit by the sidelines watching all these incredible things happening that she could be experiencing if it wasn’t for his doubts.”
You let out a soft sigh, both of your hands resting on your stomach now as you played with Emily’s hand in yours, your fingers tracing each one of the lines on her palm over and over again as if you were trying to memorize them.
“I think that must be why I ended up in the career field that I did. I always saw these really important, confident, powerful people, they knew exactly what they wanted and they got it. I wanted to be a part of that. To be important, impactful, have my own sense of power. I knew there was something different out there, something bigger, more fun, more influential. I always felt trapped whenever I was at home, like no one ever understood me, ya know?” Your head rolled back, your eyes searching Emily’s as she gazed down at you, an understanding smile on her face.
“Completely…” She nodded, a wave of relief washing through you as you let out a breath.
“Something about the ocean… it just makes me feel… free…”
 Emily’s free hand was on your hip, her thumb soothingly rubbing back and forth over the skin peeking out from your pj shorts. She knew exactly what you meant, the world seemed to stand still on calm nights like tonight with this view, everything was peaceful, everything was perfect. Which is exactly what you were thinking when you glanced back up to her, moonlight glittering across her skin, shining in her hair and she could see the stars sparkling in your eyes. It was the perfect moment. Your hand reached up, pushing her hair behind her ear with a soft smile on your cheeks, you couldn’t help the breath of a laugh, your gaze daring to duck.
“What?” Emily asked, lips curving up into a grin.
“Nothing.” You shook your head, your fingers trailing down her cheek, “you just look absolutely stunning right now.”
Blushing, she ducked her gaze, her eyes landing on her hand tangled in yours, warmth soothing through her from the touch as she breathed in the fresh air. You squeezed at her hand to get her attention, then tugged on it so she would topple over in the net, your arm wrapping around her, gently catching her. The hand on her cheek remained, thumb stroking at her soft skin as you leant in, kissing her tenderly.
Emily’s entire body relaxed into you, her arms loosely wrapping around your waist as your lips moved with grace. It was nothing hurried, nothing fierce, no huge fire behind it, hands didn’t roam, simply stayed in place, finger tips or thumbs rubbing soothingly as you held each other. Your tongue traced the seam of her lips and Emily let them drop open, easily welcoming you into her mouth. It wasn’t lazy, but it was relaxed, almost peaceful to be in the other’s arms as the ocean gently rocked underneath you. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d kissed somebody like this, the last time you’d felt this sensation of bliss, that it had felt so right to be exactly where you were with you who were with. There was absolutely no desire to be anywhere else, you were right where you were meant to be.
Your hand slid up Emily’s cheek, threading into her hair and she didn’t have a care in the world that it was wet, dampening her previously dried locks. All she cared about was the feeling of your lips on hers, moving with such perfect grace that it was like an invisible string had connected you all along. Her lips slipped off yours as the net rocked, her eyes fluttering open to find you gazing at her with a happy smile, she couldn’t help but return the gesture, leaning in to kiss you again and as much as she wanted to stay in that moment forever, her shoulder was beginning to cramp up. Very reluctantly she pulled away, leaving a kiss on the tip of your nose as her hand trailed through your hair.
“Okay as incredibly relaxing as the ocean is, I’m way too fucking old to spend any longer in this net.”
The laugh that left your lips was loud, your eyes glittering as Emily joined in, thankful for moments like this. She climbed out of the net, reaching her hand back down to help you out, her arm winding around your waist as you padded across the deck back to the villa. You paused in the doorway, turning back to the ocean and starry sky and let out a soft sigh.
“I really am gonna miss it here.”
“Well…” Emily’s lips brushed your temple, “guess that just means we’ll have to come back.”
Your head titled to face her, a childlike wonder written in your eyes, “yeah?”
“Yeah.” She smiled, leaning in to kiss you once more, a warmth wrapping around both of you as you giggled softly into the kiss, pulling her impossibly close to you.
“Thank you.” You murmured, your lips brushing against hers as you spoke and she hummed in response, unable to tear herself away from you, relaxing deeper into the kiss. Sparks flickered through you, feeling her lips against yours, her finger tips rubbing at the back of your neck, the warmth blooming through your chest.
If you absolutely had to leave paradise, if there must be a final night for you to feel the salt air on your skin and listen to the soft waves at least it was a night like tonight. A night that you thought you were going to spend hours watching the ocean alone, dreaming those far off dreams from when you were a kid. But instead of being on your own you were met with a force of warmth, compassion and support and it just so happened that force was in the shape of Emily.  
@mickey-gomez @momlifebehard @daddy-heather-dunbar @maybe-a-humanbean @rustyzebra @leftoverenvy @kades95 @dextur @supercriminalbean @emilyprentisssluvr @lex13cm @zizzlekwum @emobabeyy @riveramorylunar @scorpsik @onmykneesformarvel @inlovewithemilyprentiss @regalmilfs4me @ara-a-bird bird @inlovewithmiddleagewomen @kmc1989 @irishavengersassemble @hopedoesntknow @venromanova @waitaminuteashh @noahrex @imlike-so-gaydude @wittygutsy @cx-emerald-cx cx @momily @nilaues @borinxnovak @soverign @v3nusxsky @mccdreamys-writes @l4yne @obsessedwjill @supercorpstan97 @asolitaryrose3 @lisqueen @mrs-prentiss @whitewinewithice @d33pd3sire-blog @daffodil-heart @maximoffcarter @i-lovefandom @chimnlex @moonlightjxuregui @chestnutninny @gamma-rae-bursts @just-moondust @idkifimasub @gaydragonwitch @dowsedwithbleach @divergentalwaysandforever-blog @m1lfsh4ke
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jasfhercallejo · 6 days
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Located not far from the Coco Grove resort where we stayed, Runik Siquijor - Adults Only has made a name for itself over the past few seasons and the quality of the services meets the expectations of the most demanding.
This captivating resort welcomed us with Asian-Mediterranean architecture that for sure took our breath away. They had big tents and beds near the cliffside, offering both the cosy comfort of the interior and the raw beauty of the exterior.
There is an in-house restaurant, plus free private parking and free WiFi are available. The infinity pool features a pool bar and a DJ on lucky nights (we went on a weekend so we witnessed how the DJ made the scene alive). Guests can take in the views of the garden from the patio, which also has outdoor furniture where you can enjoy your food and drinks.
Three day pass options are as follows: (1) PhP 500, which limits you to the restaurant only; (2) PhP 800 lets you into the bar, use the pool, and roam around, but you can't use the beach beds and cabanas. If you want to use those, you'll have to shell out PhP 2000. Since this was our last night, we took one beach bed and everything was history.
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From its delicious food to its great drinks and lively music ambiance, Runik is a must-visit destination for anyone looking to immerse themselves in the flavors and rhythms of the Mediterranean.
The standout feature of Runik is its Mediterranean-inspired cuisine. With a focus on simple, high-quality ingredients, the menu features a range of dishes from different countries. There are also plenty of vegetarian and seafood options available. The drinks menu at Runik is equally impressive, with a variety of cocktails, wines, and spirits on offer. The bartenders are skilled at crafting delicious and creative drinks, and there’s always something new and exciting to try.
In addition to its great food and drinks, Runik is also known for its lively music ambiance. The bar hosts live music performances several nights a week, with a mix of local and international acts. The music here is a blend of Mediterranean and world music, with plenty of upbeat rhythms and melodies. The atmosphere is lively and energetic, but not too loud, making it easy to chat with friends or simply enjoy the music.
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octuscle · 1 year
My friend’s in search of a pool boy for August. He recently told me to download this Chronoviac app to help him look. We’re buds, so I agreed, even though I suspect by “pool boy” he just wants me to keep an eye out for twunks. But while I thought it would be like Craigslist or maybe Uber or something, the link he sent me just has one big button: “ACTIVATE SCENARIO”. Am I supposed to press that? Am I doing this right?
It's early in the morning. You still have some time before you have to go to work, so you can have a look at it. And hey, it's your buddy, what can happen? Push the button!
If you need to think, it's best to go for a run first. That clears your head. And obviously you need a clear head. Since when do you go running in the morning? You have running shorts and top hanging above your desk chair. There are running shoes in the hallway with not-so-fresh socks in them. You are really confused. But your morning 10-kilometre run is clearly in your mind's eye. So you get ready and start running.
Fuck, that was a good time for the distance. You are in top form today. A quick protein shake and then get into your hybrid Hyundai and off to work. It's really hard for you to concentrate at your desk today… For one thing, it's hard for you to sit still and not move. On the other hand, you find the air conditioning incredibly stuffy. Fortunately, as the day goes on, you receive fewer and fewer enquiries about the planning figures for the next year. Instead, you are asked every now and then to look for a blocked drain or a defective socket. Actually, that's not the job of controlling now. But you are happy when you can get out and move around.
During your lunch break you go to the company gym. There's usually no one there at that time. But only losers take lunch. A big protein shake after training is enough for you. When you go to your locker after training, your suit is gone. Dios mio, you think, why is there an overall with "Janitor Marques" hanging in the locker? You get annoyed every time that your engineering master's degree from the Dominican Republic is not accepted here. You studied climate engineering. And you graduated with honours. And here you are allowed to refill toilet paper and repair the flush. Fucking gringos. And the money isn't even enough for a decent life. But luckily your little pool service business is doing quite well. Someone was looking for help on the noticeboard at the gym. The guy who advertised the job sounds chilled out and you can even use the pool by arrangement. In return, you have to maintain the equipment, clean the pool and the terrace and occasionally help out at pool parties. At the university in Santo Domingo, you were a popular DJ at student parties. Maybe you can do the same here.
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After work, you hop in your pickup truck and drive to the guy looking for pool service. The interview goes close and smoothly. Finally, your new client, who is a pretty hot guy, asks if you'd like to try out the pool. And takes off his shirt. You follow his example without hesitation. The first pool party can begin!
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theehorsepusssy · 11 months
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TheeHorsepussys Portland : Vaseline Alley aka Stark Street aka Harvey Weinstein ( I always get that mixed up) Harvey Milk Blvd
Documenting some gay-ass history for the kids
Red Arrow - 2 blocks to Touche. Not gay but spent most of the 90s in that bar. Fancy looking dining room/pool room but mostly service industry clientele. Hard to find a spot to do drugs discreetly.
Green - Everyday Music. Where to sell vinyl for dope money.
Yellow - Big BIG abandoned, scary building. Looked haunted. Was eventually renovated. But gave you the heebie-jeebies walking past it at night. Gay bashing zone
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Green Arrow - The City Nightclub. Underage nightclub. Chicken Hawks(is that Gus Van Sant?), lots of drugs, good DJ downstairs, GREAT DJ upstairs
Red - The Henry Weinhard Brewery (demolished) Made the area smell really, really awful. Gagging thinking of it.
(Stark Street starts to the right here. It looks like they built some weird barrier in the intersection..probably cuz drunk gays in middle of street)
Orange - The Bathhouse. Home away from home. I would sell rip-off size bags of meth to subsidize my habit. Sucked a huge penis here. Gagging thinking of it. Gay bar downstairs was called either Flossies or Silverado or both. Male strippers. Would buy my shitty little bags of dope.
Blue Arrow - at one moment in the 90s, a sex club I think owned by Fantasy Video. Robert would meet his side piece there . The director Todd Haynes, I fuzzily recall reading, was a patron. I went once. Weird vibe. There was a plaque on the wall outside the entrance commemorating the recording of Louie, Louie.
Orange - The Eagle. Bar where it was common to have sex. I saw a guy take a foot up his butt. Cops started randomly coming in to cock block. There is a new bar called the Eagle up in NE Portland up by the Heroin Fred Meyer (I suppose they all are now)
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Blue - Transient hotel above the store I hated buying cigarettes from but can't recall why. Maybe it was expensive.
Green - Greasy spoon called Roxys. Horrible breakfast food 24/7. I think it used to be down the street on Everett. Had a tiny basement bar. Moved to Vaseline Alley in 90s. Had ginormous picture of Quentin Tarantino or some shit. Very 90s
Yellow - Three Sisters (Six Titties) dive bar/gay bar. Never really went there. At some point was a male strippers bar. Robert had me escort one of his side pieces there. Kid thought the stripper was really into him. I tried to explain. I won $600 on the poker machine and drove the kid home.
Orange - Django Records. Large amounts of cheap used records. 3 for a dollar bins! I bought Eyehategod In the Name of Suffering here. Also the Cruising soundtrack...33cents!
Red - Fancy, expensive hotel. Yell really loud underneath the windows. They like that. Cops always parked along this stretch. Drunk gays got their first DUIs around here.
Mint- block of amnesia. I don't think it existed
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Red - Boxes. Gay bar where you did lines of coke/mda/meth in the bathroom without hassle. TV sets with Oprah or Steel Magnolias, shit like that on. Spartacus Leather fetish store was down a couple doors. Inside Boxes, you could take a wood paneled passage through the fish restaurant kitchen ( I don't think anyone ever ate there) and end up at.....
Green - the Brig. Named because dance floor had bars around it like a jail cell. Imagine the creative dance moves as the queens grappled bars, ass out while Madonna songs played on a loop. Your meth dealer could be found here, doing a fan dance. Don't wear black. Semen stains show up under the blacklights. (or do)
Yellow - the house paint store. Eventually became the Panorama in the age of MDMA. Rave type music. Went there once to meet a dealer. Obnoxious experience.
White - Silverado. Country Western night most nights. My roommate dj'd andtaught line dancing but dance floor was like 10 sq ft so it was just the gays holding hands and boot scootin' in a little circle for eternity. Bar I could get into underage.
Orange - Ben Stark Hotel. Like outta Barton Fink. But really,really seedy. Had some weird sex in there. Now a boutique hotel owned by some Donald Trump guy Gordon Someone who did something once. Probably haunted.
Brown - Scandals. Beer /wine bar. Big windows so you can people-watch and talk shit. Used to go in there underage until I got thrown out snorting a rail of MDA off the tabletop. Had electronic darts and video poker in the 90s. Me and Robert had a domestic dispute there.
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Red - row of funky vintage/antique shops. Someone used to broadcast a pirate radio station somewhere around there in the 90s
Blue - Portland Underground. Small venue had some big shows early 90s. Top floor is where I swear I saw Econochrist play. But it's an office building. Maybe confused
Yellow. OBryant Square aka Paranoid Park. Skateboarders and street drugs. I got "chased" by AF Nazis here. Probably more like I ran my fat ass up the street after this girl I knew screamed "run!" And they probably just laughed. I didn't look back. I think it's demolished now.
White arrow- up the block toward the Galleria. Second floor toilet was really cruisy. Careful of cockblocking rent-a-cops. Kiosk by cafe I think was only place downtown to buy pipe to smoke pot
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rebirthgarments · 3 months
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July 1st- Virtual Fundraiser Dance Party and Auction for Palestinian disabled mom Nara!
Put on your swimsuit and Zoom from your bathtub, shower, a body of water, or from the comfort of your bed for Nara’s Virtual “Pool” Party - a 2 hour virtual accessible dance party hosted by Sky from Rebirth Garments on July 1 from 7-9pm CDT ! Get tickets + bid on the auction at givebutter.com/naraparty
Nara is a 33 year old disabled mom who has MS + Pancreatic Cancer due to complications from a white phosphorus attack in 2008. Her and her husband have 7 + 13 year old kids who are obsessed with my dog and make songs and drawings about her. This party/auction is to raise money for ongoing survival funds while the border is closed. They are currently all very sick due to contaminated water, and need to be able to buy clean water and fresh vegetables.
More party info: Dance to beats from DJ @QueerShoulders Featuring selections from past @RebirthGarments fashion performances. We will be hyping up Nara’s fundraiser while talking about all 64 art pieces + services in our auction that you can bid on!
bid at givebutter.com/c/naraparty/auction
Access Info/ Access Doula’s: Audio Description: @moira670 Sound Description: @xxAlexaDexaxx and @TSuhh Zoom Support: @invalid_input404 Auto Captions available! It will be hosted on Zoom, get a ticket to get the details! All ticket money goes towards Nara’s family because our DJ + Access doula’s are all volunteers!
$0+ up sliding scale tickets! Feel free to also send dough-nations to the link too!
[image description: A digital drawing of @DianeDianeChery , @Cqqchifruit , Van and Sky of @RebirthGarments in a bathtub with big bubbles all around them and a giant rubber ducky inflatable! They are all wearing different kinds of Rebirth Garments swimsuits with black and white triangle print and neon trims. The background is of aqua square tiles. A drawing of Nara, a 33 year old mom wearing a purple and black hijab and oxygen device, by @K8deciccio is in the foreground in the right corner. Text reads: “‘Pool’ party Nara’s Virtual Accessible Fund-raizer Bathtub Party and Auction! get tickets & bid! givebutter.com/naraparty July 1 from 7-9 pm CDT” the text is in purple bubbles and there is a QR code that goes to the link in a bubble]
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music-ntproduction · 7 months
Discover the Benefits of Music Worx: A Comprehensive Guide
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Are you an artist or DJ looking to make waves in the music industry? Look no further than Music Worx! This comprehensive guide will unveil Music Worx's plethora of benefits, from boosting your music career to reaching a wider audience. Let's dive into how this powerful platform can take your music promotion game to the next level.
How Music Worx Can Benefit Artists And Djs
Music Worx provides a valuable platform for artists and DJs to showcase their work to a global audience. By utilizing this service, musicians can gain exposure and recognition in the industry, ultimately leading to increased opportunities for collaboration and performance.
One key benefit of Music Worx is its ability to connect artists with record labels, radio stations, and music influencers. This networking opportunity can open doors for artists looking to expand their reach and grow their fan base.
Moreover, Music Worx offers detailed analytics that allows users to track the performance of their releases. Artists and DJs can monitor metrics such as downloads, streams, and chart positions, enabling them to make informed decisions about their promotional strategies.
Music Worx is a powerful tool for emerging talents seeking to establish themselves in the competitive music landscape.
The Features Of Music Worx
Music Worx offers many features designed to streamline music promotion for artists and DJs. One standout feature is its user-friendly interface, making it easy to navigate and use even for those new to the platform.
With Music Worx, users can access a vast database of tracks across various genres, providing ample opportunities for discovery and collaboration. The platform allows artists to submit their music directly to record labels and industry professionals, increasing visibility and potential career opportunities.
Music Worx offers detailed analytics and feedback on-track performance, allowing users to make informed decisions about their promotional strategies. The ability to create personalized promo pools for specific audiences further enhances targeted marketing efforts.
Music Worx is a comprehensive tool that empowers musicians to elevate their careers in the competitive music industry.
How To Use Music Worx Effectively For Music Promotion
Are you an artist or DJ looking to elevate your music promotion game? Music Worx is here to help you amplify your reach and connect with a broader audience.
Create a compelling profile on Music Worx that effectively showcases your brand and music style. This will grab the attention of potential listeners and industry professionals browsing the platform.
Utilize the platform's playlist submission feature to get your tracks in front of influential curators who can boost your visibility. Engage with other users by commenting on tracks, sharing feedback, and networking within the community.
Take advantage of Music Worx's analytics tools to track the performance of your releases and gain valuable insights into listener behavior. Use this data to refine your promotional strategies and tailor your content for maximum impact.
By leveraging all of Music Worx's powerful features, you can take control of your music promotion efforts and unlock new opportunities for success in the competitive music industry.
Tips For Maximizing The Benefits Of Music Worx
By following these tips and using Music Worx to its full potential, artists and DJs can maximize this powerful platform's benefits. From accessing new promotional tools to connecting with a global network of industry professionals, Music Worx offers unparalleled opportunities for advancing your music career. Embrace the features, engage with the community, and watch your music reach new heights with Music Worx. Start making waves in the music industry today!
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mariacallous · 4 months
When poet John Keats wrote in “Ode on a Grecian Urn” that “beauty is truth, truth beauty,” he probably didn’t have AI influencers in mind.
Perhaps he should have. Back in April, Fanvue, an AI-infused creator platform that falls somewhere between OnlyFans and Cameo in terms of services, launched what it’s calling the “world’s first beauty pageant for AI creators.” On Monday, the World AI Creator Awards announced the contest’s 10 semifinalists. Drawn from a pool of more than 1,500 applicants, they are vying for the chance to make a liar out of Keats—and a prize package valued at about $20,000.
Amongst those 10 finalists, you’ll find Seren Ay, a stunning Turkish redhead who is sometimes pictured doing jobs traditionally held by men in her country, like electrical lineman or firefighter. (She’s also a time traveler, posting “photos” with velociraptors and the first Turkish president, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.)
Then there’s Aiyana Rainbow, a Romanian biker babe/DJ whose creators have decided is queer—something they advertise through both her name and her shock of perfectly ruffled rainbow hair—and Kenza Layli, a hijab-wearing influencer from Morocco who already hawks everything from personal hygiene products to local tourism. (This makes sense considering that a recent study found that almost half of Gen Z respondents in the US and UK were “more likely” to be interested in a brand if they knew it had an AI spokesperson.)
While Fanvue’s finalists run the global gamut in terms of origins, they’re also all capital-B beautiful, each possessing a supernatural combination of a buff (but not too buff) body, a stunning face, and the kind of effervescent personality that only really exists in influencer culture. Their hobbies and pet causes (Fashion! Inclusion! Travel! Hormonal imbalances!) are blandly interesting enough to make them palatable to followers and brands alike. Their image captions—some of which are written by actual humans and some of which are written by AI—are generally full of platitudes about how cool life is.
While all that might seem surface-level at best, these totally fake beauties aren’t all that different from real-life pageant participants, especially in 2024. Hilary Levey Friedman, a sociologist who studies beauty pageants and whose mom was a former Miss America, says that she doesn’t think the idea of an AI beauty pageant is a big deal considering “the long-standing practice in pageants of enhancing what you have,” whether that means surgery, hair extensions, fake tans, petroleum jelly teeth, body contour, or “chicken cutlets.”
In social media posts and headshots in particular, Friedman says, pageant contestants often use airbrushing and camera tricks to make their images pop, something that’s never been seen as a negative in the industry. When push comes to shove, though, there’s still a physical human behind that account and on that stage, living and breathing under all those lights and filters.
What makes an AI pageant different, Friedman asserts, is that Fanvue’s contestants are products of their creators. “They’re drawing on all these stereotypes that we have about what a ‘beautiful woman’ is,” she says, “and people who tend to use AI might have a different idea of what an attractive woman might be. She might have pink hair, but she’ll still be within the realm of traditional beauty, with a thin body or not a lot of moles on her face.”
For the record, Fanvue’s contest, like human beauty pageants, will anoint a winner based on more than appearances. Unlike some of those contests, though, the World AI Creator Awards are looking for things like “social media clout” and how well their creators used prompts to create their contestants. Winners are set to be announced later this month.
Berat Gungor, one of Seren Ay’s creators, says that “in AI, you actually can’t create an ugly face,” though he’s careful to note that no human faces are ever truly ugly. While it’s easy enough for image-generating newbies to end up with blurred features and weird hands, Gungor says his experienced team was able to create an initial pool of 300 beautiful women in Stable Diffusion, ultimately picking Seren Ay’s face from the crowd because “she looked like a real person.”
Fanvue’s pool of thin, beautiful, mostly light-skinned finalists reflects what The Washington Post found when it tasked Dall-E, Midjourney, and Stable Diffusion with creating beautiful women. Stating that the programs tended to “steer users toward a startlingly narrow vision of attractiveness,” the Post reported last week that in the thousands of images it generated, almost all were thin, light- to medium-skinned, and young. (Just 2 percent of the “beautiful woman” images showed visible signs of aging.)
In some ways, those images are reflective of the pool they pull from. “How people are represented in the media, in art, in the entertainment industry—the dynamics there kind of bleed into AI,” OpenAI’s head of trustworthy AI, Sandhini Agarwal, told the Post.
But if mass-market images of thin, beautiful women yield AI-generated images of thin, beautiful women, who then turn into thin, beautiful AI-generated influencers, creating pictures that just feed back into the collective media stream, isn’t the snake just going to end up eating its own tail? And what does that mean for those of us who aren’t traditionally beautiful, whose bust-waist-hip proportions can’t live up to Barbie-like online standards or who just can’t afford the upkeep on a head of perfectly coiffed hair?
More than anything, it means the rift between human influencer and AI influencer gets deeper. Aiyana Rainbow’s multicolor 'do, for example, exists to attract attention. (Also, generative AI seems to love giving queer people colorful hair.) Creating someone with mousy brown hair or a 50-year-old gardening mom, for instance, wouldn’t have provided the visual hook needed, no matter how unrealistic or stereotypical that hook might be.
Aiyana Rainbow isn’t 100 percent perfect—her face, her creators note, isn��t entirely symmetrical—but any quick-scrolling fan would be hard-pressed to notice any sort of flaw.
Brands, certainly, aren’t interested in rolling the financial dice on creators whose images aren’t as perfect as possible. And while in recent years there has seemed to be a general love of celebrities who are “authentic” online (see: the relative success of “give no shits” actors like Renee Rapp, Nicola Coughlin, and Dakota Johnson on press tours, for instance), that doesn’t mean that carefully curated influencer lives—real or AI-generated—aren’t being rewarded all the same.
Fanvue cofounder Will Monange says his service currently has “thousands of monthly earning AI creators” on its platform, a number that’s seemed to grow exponentially over the past year. AI influencers like Aitana Lopez, whose creators are judging Fanvue’s contest, are doing similarly well, with hundreds of thousands of followers interested in Lopez’s virtual likes, interests, and lingerie pics. (She even plays Fortnite online.)
Seren Ay’s creators say their online doll gets queries looking for relationship advice, which she’s more than happy to provide, and Kenza Layli, the Moroccan contest finalist, gets about a 5 percent engagement rate on her posts, a number most marketing professionals would froth at the mouth for.
It doesn’t hurt that they’re beautiful on top of all of this. Or it does, but in the same way it hurts that society values one specific standard of beauty, whether on a human being or on some AI creation. In a world where millions upon millions of people follow hot influencers that they know, consciously or not, they’ll never meet or form a meaningful connection with, an AI pageant like Fanvue’s is a symptom of a larger issue, not a harbinger of impending doom.
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valerysweetsstudio · 1 year
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Luxury restaurant "Lionera" - NoCC
Luxury restaurant "Lionera" on the top floor of a skyscraper in San Myshuno. The restaurant is known for its exquisite interior and menu, excellent service, as well as incredible views of San Myshuno. Perfect for luxurious meetings and events. And above the restaurant is an elite nightclub "Blue Way" for famous characters, where they like to have fun all night superstar. But the coolest parties take place near the pool with an incendiary DJ.
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nora-berkeley · 6 months
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Location: The Berkeley Estate, Guildford. (ignore the Christmas theme, but just so you can get an idea of the place they're spending the night.) Hosts: Nora Berkeley. Date: Friday 22nd March, 2024. (roleplaying will start now.) Dress Code: Formal. Dress to impress. Short dresses are now fine.
And now it's time for the after party. If you weren't smart enough to send your attire ahead of time, better make sure you grab it before the fleet of cars leaves without you. You've got forty five minutes before anybody who's anybody is whisked away from Central London, and off to the expansive Berkeley Estate nestled in the ever idyllic Guildford. Don't worry, nobody needs to worry about disturbing the neighbours. The 120+ rooms means that everybody is more than welcome to stay the night. Some might have to share rooms, or shack up on an antique sofa worth more than their existence, but that's part of the fun...no? There will be plenty of food on offer upon arrival to line stomachs before the real party begins, and breakfast will be provided to all those who survive the night. There will be several bars scattered across the property, including the conservatory and pool room. Said pool will be open and welcoming visitors, so if you feel like taking a dip? Get wild... (Not that any of you need a excuse to take your clothes off, obviously.) Each of the formal dining rooms will be transformed into mini-night clubs, all hosting its own genre specific DJ, as well as a handful of tables for bottle service. Just because one room doesn't suit you, doesn't mean another won't. Find your vibe. If you prefer to take things at a slower pace, the impressive wine cellar will offer some respite; a string quartet, a huge selection of cigars to choose from, and a calmer atmosphere in which to mull over the night's events. The conservatory will also be spared the blaring music, and instead play host to a pop-up bar and casino courtesy of Damon Rutherford and The Empire Hotel.
Everyone can attend this event, regardless of their affiliation or whether they attended the ceremony itself. That said, if you feel you character wouldn’t participate, then there’s no pressure to. Take note that there will canonically be a lot of important members of London’s social scene present, so the party will be pretty jam-packed with the city’s self-proclaimed finest and most famous. This will be considered a monumental social event this year, so people will be looking to go wild and make the most of it. TWI will be paying attention. It is not a private event.
For all of those who walked away from the ceremony with an award in their hands, your fortunes do not end with a golden statue. Thank God because that ain’t real gold fam. You will be entitled to some complementary treats as an added bonus, courtesy of Damon Rutherford. These cannot be exchanged, nor gifted to non-winners. Winners are permitted to bring a guest when they redeem their weekend at The Empire.
All winners will enjoy free drinks for the entirety of the evening. This will include bottle service so the peasants can feel special. They will also be guaranteed a private bedroom at the estate for themselves and a guest.
All winners will be offered access to a hotel suite at The Empire Hotel in Westminster for a future weekend of their choosing. Winners for Best Couple and Should-Be couple will get presidential suites. Enjoy them.
Winner of both Man of the Year and Woman of the Year will win an all expenses paid trip, transfers included, to Porto Velho. A private jet will take them and a guest of their choosing whenever they wish to redeem the prize.
Winner of Best Dressed Man and Best Dressed Woman (awards that will be announced at the after party, rather than the ceremony itself) will both win £15k of credit to spend at Harrods in Knightsbridge.
Winners of the Best Dates award (also announced at the after party) will win an all inclusive spa day at the hotel, at a time of their choosing.
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m0ckest · 2 years
NPC Spawn Types on Lots
A list of the types of NPCs that spawn on different lots. This is copied from a Sims Forum post. I haven't verified all of these but it's a good general guide.
By the way, I highly recommend the Home Regions mod by kuttoe which keeps sims in their respective worlds.
Residential/Tiny Home - Mailperson, Roommate, Roommate's Boy/Girlfriend, Roommate's Friend, (Hired) Service NPC's
Arts Center - Bartender, Children, Painters
Bar - Bartender, (events) Aliens, Bears, Ghosts, Knights, (Unknown if the event causes more of said NPC category to spawn) Singles, Women, Men
Café - Barista
Community Garden/Space/Maker Space/Marketplace - Children, Sales Table Vendors, Stall Vendors, Maker Mentors (maker space)
Generic - N/A
Gym - Gym trainer
Karaoke Bar - Bartender
Library - Librarian
Lounge - Bartender, (mostly) Elders, Entertainer
Museum - N/A
National Park - N/A
Nightclub - Bartender, DJ
Onsen Bathhouse - N/A
Park - Children, Erratic sims, Teens (night)
Pool - N/A
Rental - N/A
Restaurant - Bartender, Chefs, Host, Waiters
Retail - Employees
Spa - Masseuses, Reflexologists
University Commons - Professors(?), University Students, Vendor
University Housing - Roommates, Roommate's Girl/Boyfriend, Roommate's Friend
Vet Clinic - Vets
Sad Clown Painting - Sad Clown
Yoga Instructor Mat - Yoga Instructor
Lot Traits:
Cat/Dog Friendly - Owned cats/dogs
Cat/Dog Hangout - Stray cats/dogs
Hottest Spot In Town - Bouncer, Celebrities (especially during Starlight Accolades), Fans, Paparazzi
Reduce and Recycle - Waste Manager, Eco Inspector (Hire)
Spooky - A ghost (per night)
Teen Neighbourhood - Teens
University Student Hangout - University Students
Up-and-Coming Hotspot - Bouncer, Celebrities, Fans, Paparazzi
Vampire Nexus - Vampires
Chalet Gardens - Von Haunt ghosts (Bernard and Mimsy)
Hospital - Hospital staff, Patients
Island Bluffs - (event only) Bartender, DJ
Police Dept. - Law officers, Inmates
Science Lab - Scientists, Aliens, Tourists
Studio - Set workers, Actors
Sixam - Aliens
Beach - Lifeguard
Bowling Alley - Bartender
Gym - Massage worker(?), yoga teacher(?)
Onsen - Maid(?)
From KyreRoen on The Sim Forums, April 2022 [credit]
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norahmusic · 5 months
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Music and Social Life
Restaurants and Lounge Bars are social places, what we expect when we visit them is to have an unwind moment where we can relax and feel comfortable. We may be in a hotel lounge closing a deal while listening to nice music or just enjoying a drink. Whatever your purpose, music will make it easy always. A music enhanced ambience makes dinner or drink experience best as we feel happier and free during that moment of relaxation. Music can helps us to eat less if under soft lightning and music relax our system, since it regulates our organism and makes it function in a more relaxed way (1).
Ambient and live music in restaurants have social benefits for consumers and revenues for restaurants. Music is why consumers turn to loyal customers in restaurant or lounge bar (2). The reason for that is, that have a drink or a meal with background music creates a more gratifying experience and we tend to extend our evening event consuming more because we feel comfortable. When customers have the best possible experience your bar or restaurant will still be busy in the mid and long term ahead. Either if you like ambient, live music or live of DJ sessions, the fabulous experience will leave you the sensation of coming back again and bring some other friends along to show them.
In order to match your restaurant dining experience with your plates and the ambience of your brand you need to study closely your customer tastes. Choosing the best background music comprises sending the right message to customers through music at different moments in the day so they match the appropriate energy level with the right moment of the day. Breakfast and lunch may need more active music than for dinner and drink services and definitely more relaxed and engaging (3). Music with lyrics is not recommended during brunch or lunch time. The type of background music enhances the quality of food. Rhythm is vital on ambience music, the fastest, the more rotation on tables and bar, the slowest, will provide us the possibility of increasing customer engagement and higher dinner bills as well. Loudness is not recommended in lounge bars and restaurants, as it inhibits a relaxed conversation. Noise level under 70 decibels is quiet adequate (5). Restaurant theme, dishes served and music should be aligned in order to make customers repeat and stay. A satisfied customer will bring more stable customers that share same interests and tastes in the future. Hence, if promoting or improving loyalty and making new customers on a similar segment is among your business goals, aligning dishes, colour-decoration and music playlist or live performances on at your restaurant turn to be essential to raise your sales.
But what type of music makes the difference between a good and an extraordinary dining experience?  Cocktail bars can be classic or modern. A more classic cocktail bar music playlist or live music should match softy lighting and classic bartenders and at the same time create a distended atmosphere. So, playlists that would fit better in these places are warm jazz and soul music styles (9). Later on, and to get more upbeat, we can shift into electronic music (9). A modern cocktail bar music playlist will bring fresher and contemporary music highlights, according to ambiance decoration creating a more stylish background for drinks (10). Rooftop Bars’ most successful playlists trend into cinematic and emotive tunes that go along a nice sunset watching or a relaxed conversation (11). Pubs, taprooms and brewerieshave impulse craft beers as many independent breweries choose them to promote their brands. Music playlists for these places need to avoid anything too commercial. Instead, more classic soul or pops will do it to all age customers (12). Most successful playlists for Pool Bars and Beach Bars tend to be not too loud, subtle, making people feel breezy and casual (13).
Another categorization of background music can be made according to restaurant formats (5). Music background for a café, is full of lounge, bossa nova and nu bass among others. Fine Dine needs more instrumental melodies to encourage the diners order more for instance. Fast Casual Dining aims for fast-paced background music as this boosts table turnovers (tropical latin, pop hits, R&B, progressive house). For Casual Dine smooth jazz, country blues or soft instrumental playlists may be the best option. Playlists made of indie-pop, electronic music (acid jazz, french house, downtempo) or R&B tracks will make coffee and delicacies much better on a Coffee Shop. For Pubs and Bars a more loud and vocal music (pop, rock, techno or jazz) may increase excitement on customers adding energy to the atmosphere. Luxury restaurants playlists usually are around elegant and classical music and jazz that mates customers sophistication while vegan restaurants playlists are more bound to creating a positive atmosphere enhancing the healthy nature of their cuisine (5). Themed restaurants and lounge bars always will match directly service and the music played, so there is no surprise on these (Mexicans, Indians, Japanese, Portuguese, and Irish …).
Some tips to elaborate a nice playlist that matches your brand are, to update and renew playlist frequently, variety and dynamism within the same music style will trap your customer ears. Set different levels of energy to create different playlists for each moment of the day: more calmed for breakfast, live and bright music during happy hour, a mix of the previous two for dinner and more upbeat for late night moments. Breaks between two playlists or transitions are recommended between music styles. Volume and music tempo can be slowed down to make customers linger a bit more or speed up to dispatch them or increase the tables turn over. Search for advice service on music platforms and experts, there you´ll surely find a music service that fulfils your expectations, music platforms have massive data to extract accurate segmentation and statistics on customers, restaurants, and many other establishments that use their services and playlists already. Music equipment is crucial, quality of sound and acoustics may be seriously affected if sound locations, loudspeakers or acoustic panels are not well placed. Either if you get advice from a music solutions service (4) as a PRO subscriber or you prefer to use only a music platform and make your own playlists (14), it is good to have in mind your customer`s market segment and align that with your business goals, brand and organizational culture to avoid future mistakes that may end up on an income loss.
To spot your market segmentation in order to know the musical taste of your potential and actual customers it is vital to surround via online SEO and Social Media study, Strategic Marketing reports and Social Media Analytics to determine demographics, psychographics, economic and educational bandwidth and behavioural tendencies of your customers (15) as well as taking care of your online reputation. Once we have this data analysis we will be able to use it to cross this information with music platforms surveys results and reports about these segments we want to find out if our business is already running, or keep working on targeting and positioning if this is your business stage. Since we are not all the same, we do not have the same age, profession or musical taste, customer segmentation is extremely important before any other decision is performed around your business. Targeting and positioning cannot be advantageous if you don´t know to whom are you preparing your dishes or decorating your establishment, not even guess correctly your customer´s musical taste in the middle and long term, and, your sales increase may not happen. Successful menus, ambience establishments and revenues come after a good designed market segmentation to create target customer groups always.
A good skilled and customer oriented staff is the other key to customer excellence. Menu options, ambiance and music fulfil the rest of factors a customer perceives when dining at your restaurant. Loyal regulars and mouth-to-mouth marketing is the result of combining those factors into your service (6). Customer engagement necessarily goes through a good analysis of data collected via online customer satisfaction survey relating to quality service, food quality, ambiance, staff service and empathy among others (7).
A well designed customer satisfaction survey, a constant SEO and social media analytics feedback and an everyday skilling on service staff are the best resources to match every aspect of your brand and establishment alignment so that choosing the correct music does not turn into a mistaken decision. Information retrieved from these tools is valuable if it gives us a hint of trends on any product, music or ambiance decoration go or what we may improve in our lounge bar or music restaurant in order to improve customers’ loyalty and get to see them again at your facilities. Reservation platforms are of a high importance since they give an automated control of guests flow and provide quick satisfaction survey more than useful to have a good basis on service feedback and a good path to build up a good loyalty program (8).
Sometimes we come back to places to repeat a nice experience from the past, others because we have felt a bit like at home and sometimes we just need to escape from our routines for a while and hang out with friends. Music helps to have a better experience. The right piece of music at the right moment makes us come back home with a reconnected soul, a happier state of mind and healthier relationships. When tone, ambiance and human touch have a good combination for our souls we tend to be loyal and come back.
Thanks for smiling. Enjoy and Dream!
(1)      https://liveforlivemusic.com/features/10-positive-benefits-of-listening-to-music-according-to-science/ | https://soundsuit.fm/music-for-bars-soundsuits-guide-to-the-perfect-bar-playlist/ | https://medium.com/@maryboroughrsl/the-benefits-of-live-music-in-bars-and-restaurants-9e07f588fa38
(2)      https://www.barandrestaurant.com/operations/new-study-confirms-music-matters-bars-restaurants
(3)      https://openearmusic.com/blog/2023/02/01/the-ultimate-guide-to-music-for-restaurants/ |  https://www.academia.edu/65102331/The_Effects_of_Music_as_an_Atmospheric_Variable_on_Consumer_Behaviour_in_the_Context_of_Retailing_and_Service_Environments
(4) https://www.webstaurantstore.com/article/14/restaurant-music-playlists.html | https://www.finedininglovers.com/article/best-restaurant-playlists-spotify
(5) https:/6 /beambox.com/townsquare/how-to-guide-customer-segmentation-for-restaurants | https://www.restaurantseatingblog.com/commercial-seating/restaurant-background-music-guide/ | https://www.posist.com/restaurant-times/restro-gyaan/how-to-choose-the-right-background-music.html | https://zerotodrum.com/music-for-restaurants/ | https://joinposter.com/en/post/how-to-choose-the-right-background-music-for-restaurants | https://www.startlemusic.com/blog/the-best-background-music-for-restaurants
(6) https://lesroches.edu/blog/customer-service-restaurant/
(7) https://forms.app/en/blog/restaurant-survey-questions | https://www.touchbistro.com/blog/restaurant-survey-questions/
(8)  https://www.touchbistro.com/blog/restaurant-survey-questions/
(9) Classic Cocktail Playlists, Jazz and Soul https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/track/6yrnPCDXguFp5eZTGmZawc?go=1&sp_cid=02cc96f73c63ea6baa24c69174c6da63&utm_source=embed_player_p&utm_medium=desktop&nd=1&dlsi=977015e63cc343c7 | https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/track/3uwjxxGgmVoGyAm4EIKt19?go=1&sp_cid=0b82315bea940b5ddc4056667814f774&utm_source=embed_player_p&utm_medium=desktop&nd=1&dlsi=094c172554544315 Electronic: https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/track/06URTR3ZGKjB9MKpV9JxSQ?go=1&sp_cid=864e639fbf7de892df9a495f23567ba4&utm_source=embed_player_p&utm_medium=desktop&nd=1&dlsi=38f08b11e8664378
(10) Modern Cocktail Playlists https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/track/7xkRfnn9VM74l98qoF44OJ?go=1&sp_cid=4687a9b29526efabfc4b5e7294abd956&utm_source=embed_player_p&utm_medium=desktop&nd=1&dlsi=649295cd9037443d | https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/track/3sJCADvtbzgKPzEBHhHSLY?go=1&sp_cid=288bebdc00dd96ed9cadd75104bbf8bd&utm_source=embed_player_p&utm_medium=desktop&nd=1&dlsi=e4e438c5c2fc407d
(11) Rooftop Bar Playlists https://www.therooftopguide.com/ | https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/track/5BxHfyGk49gqbg5BdW6FO4?go=1&sp_cid=61e1e35f326c8f4c72da8660d0786ce9&utm_source=embed_player_p&utm_medium=desktop&nd=1&dlsi=a81b10878408404e
(12) Pubs, Taprooms and Breweries https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/track/5lmGgOaixbwKHtpTzjJoqx?go=1&sp_cid=2fbac1f6b01faeb87fc4212780c22a48&utm_source=embed_player_p&utm_medium=desktop&nd=1&dlsi=e067025c7e354429 | https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/track/3NfxSdJnVdon1axzloJgba?go=1&sp_cid=7845ddad676dbd3ca7699ac3a156e8fd&utm_source=embed_player_p&utm_medium=desktop&nd=1&dlsi=e5f0871f415b47d7 | https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/track/3C542UknrX76XSRXTyQ1Qg?go=1&sp_cid=52945450793d32bd05842e6140028a53&utm_source=embed_player_p&utm_medium=desktop&nd=1&dlsi=e7056c6778dc4bd1 |  https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/track/1YAPymH9iJsrybzxvNhBdg?go=1&sp_cid=23888fa282ca920d923efe64a0427641&utm_source=embed_player_p&utm_medium=desktop&nd=1&dlsi=b3eb832803b04af1
(13) Pool and Beach Bars https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/track/0AYl5nMugFsfR26LpRN791?go=1&sp_cid=3ec14e222e0215c02c29bd5a73f03f2b&utm_source=embed_player_p&utm_medium=desktop&nd=1&dlsi=ba24c85e51644e0e | https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/track/5wL7QN2f19UEC6gx2tzGr4?go=1&sp_cid=93c94ac8133c2f2306e2f3cc7a6e403a&utm_source=embed_player_p&utm_medium=desktop&nd=1&dlsi=9f50204ce49a4834 | https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/track/3C542UknrX76XSRXTyQ1Qg?go=1&sp_cid=52945450793d32bd05842e6140028a53&utm_source=embed_player_p&utm_medium=desktop&nd=1&dlsi=e7056c6778dc4bd1 |
(14) Music Lists App for Businesses https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fm.soundsuit.app&pli=1
(15) Spotify Target Market Segmentation: https://www.start.io/blog/spotify-target-market-segmentation-user-demographics-audience-targeting-strategy/ | https://research.atspotify.com/2020/12/just-the-way-you-are-music-listening-and-personality/
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zaktours · 6 months
Discover the Enchantment of Hurghada: A Jewel by the Red Sea
Nestled on the stunning coast of the Red Sea, Hurghada is a paradise that beckons travelers with its turquoise waters, vibrant coral reefs, and an array of unforgettable experiences. A perfect blend of relaxation and adventure, this Egyptian city has evolved from a serene fishing village into a bustling hub of tourism, offering a myriad of activities for every type of traveler. Let's dive into what makes Hurghada a must-visit destination for your next vacation.
Unparalleled Diving and Snorkeling Adventures
Hurghada is a haven for underwater enthusiasts. Home to some of the world's most exquisite coral reefs and marine life, the city is a hotspot for diving and snorkeling. Whether you're a seasoned diver or a beginner, the crystal-clear waters of the Red Sea provide the perfect backdrop for exploring vibrant coral gardens and enchanting underwater landscapes. Popular sites like the Giftun Islands and Abu Ramada Island offer mesmerizing views of colorful fish, turtles, and even dolphins, making every dive a unique experience.
Luxurious Beach Resorts and Waterfront Relaxation
For those seeking relaxation, Hurghada's luxury resorts offer world-class amenities with breathtaking sea views. From private sandy beaches to infinity pools, spa treatments, and gourmet dining, visitors can indulge in unparalleled comfort and serenity. Resorts in areas like Sahl Hasheesh and Makadi Bay are renowned for their exquisite services, providing an oasis of tranquility away from the bustling city life.
Thrilling Desert Safaris and Cultural Tours
Adventure enthusiasts will find no shortage of excitement in Hurghada. The city's surrounding desert is a playground for thrilling activities such as quad biking, camel riding, and Jeep safaris. Exploring the vast desert landscape, with its majestic mountains and bedouin villages, offers a glimpse into the heart of Egypt's natural beauty and ancient culture. For a deeper dive into history, day trips to the iconic cities of Luxor and Cairo reveal the wonders of ancient Egypt, from the Valley of the Kings to the Great Pyramids.
A Culinary Journey Through Egyptian Delicacies
Hurghada's dining scene is as diverse as its landscapes. Visitors can savor traditional Egyptian dishes, fresh seafood, and international cuisine at various restaurants and cafes. The marina and downtown areas are bustling with culinary hotspots where you can enjoy mouthwatering koshari, succulent grilled seafood, and rich Arabic coffee. Dining by the waterfront, with views of the Red Sea, adds a magical touch to every meal.
Vibrant Nightlife and Entertainment
As the sun sets, Hurghada transforms into a vibrant nightlife hub. The city's bars, clubs, and beach parties come alive with music, dance, and entertainment. From laid-back beach bars to electrifying nightclubs featuring international DJs, there's something for everyone to enjoy. The Marina Boulevard is a popular spot for evening strolls, shopping, and experiencing the lively local atmosphere.
Eco-Tourism and Conservation Efforts
In recent years, Hurghada has embraced eco-tourism, with initiatives aimed at preserving its natural wonders and promoting sustainable tourism practices. Visitors can participate in coral reef conservation projects, eco-friendly diving expeditions, and educational tours that highlight the importance of environmental preservation.
Plan Your Visit to Hurghada
Whether you're an adventure seeker, a history enthusiast, or simply in need of a peaceful getaway, Hurghada offers a slice of paradise with something for every traveler. With its stunning landscapes, rich culture, and vibrant atmosphere, Hurghada promises an unforgettable vacation experience by the Red Sea. Start planning your journey to this Egyptian treasure and discover the magic of Hurghada for yourself.
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fasterthanfury · 10 months
closed starter: @caramelxcarmen
location: topsy turvy
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francis ferguson was in his element— bottle service, private booth, all the hottest girls money could buy... er, rent; living in lavish, spoiled luxury. credit cards and dime bags littered the table, emptied shot glasses and condensation-endowed cups cluttering the space but the man of the hour paid no mind. he sat back on the couch, arms stretched across the top, foot propped up as eyes surveyed the pool of the less fortunate who only had the option to sardine-pack themselves below him.
through the thick fog streaming from a machine above the dj both and the dark lights, he had spotted her though. he'd be able to spot her from a mile away. swizz's girl... what was her name again ?? carter... ?? carol... ?? francis had sent one of the bouncers guarding entry to his booth to retrieve her, like she was some kind of lavish pet, and when he returned with the pretty girl in tow... francis sat up, a wicked gleam in his eye. carmen, that was her name. ❛ hey there, sunshine... ❜ francis called to her, tilting his head, visibly gawking; ❛ — wanna come party up in my playground or what ?? ❜
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soulsxng · 2 years
Rhezar's Bar and Club
Technically located in the Pythius' domain of Hell, Ephlyt, it has entry points all over across multiple realms, courtesy of Io, when he decided to add on the club area.
These entry points each have magical systems in place that connect them to one of the three entrances into Rhezar's-- two on the club side, and one on the bar side. They subsequently "stamp" a person with the signature of whatever entry point they came through, so the door sends them back out through the place they entered from.
Another thing it does, is cast a sort of glamour on beings entering from "mortal world" entry points. Though it's weak enough for most nonhumans to naturally dispel it, it would for a human to be unable to see any of the more...Hellish influences inside. Whether that be use of magic, features of workers and patrons alike, or catching glimpses out the doors of places not where they entered from, those under the effect of this glamour either will have these things replaced with things their mind sees as more "normal", or would be unable to see them at all.
Of course, this presented a fairly obvious issue. Throw a bunch of humans in with demons, and some other non-human species, and there's a large potential for trouble to arise. Some of the largest being demonic contracts, vampires/incubi/succubi going too far in their feeding and killing someone, and humans being abducted or unknowingly spirited away somewhere.
Because of this, Io has his staff trained specifically to watch out for any humans that may be getting themselves into a bad situation. Demonic contracts are unable to be made anywhere on the premises, and humans are only able to leave out the entry point they originally came from, and only with anybody that entered at the same time as they did.
Going into the actual establishment, though! The bar side is actually relatively small-- can probably fit 75 people comfortably? A lot of the booths are very private, though there are also chairs and tables, as well as the bar counter itself that people can sit at. Things there are quieter, and more lowkey, sort of like a speakeasy, or old style pub type of feel. The music is kept pretty quiet, there's a room off to the side with a couple pool tables and some dart boards. Somehow, visitors there can hardly hear the thrumming beats of music and the rowdiness of the people in the club side next door.
The bar side is generally where Io can be found, in a big booth in the back. It's where he conducts his other business, for the most part-- gathering and handing out work contracts for anything people may need help with, from helping to find a lost relative, to stealing, to murder, or protection services, he'll take just about anything if he thinks one of his people will be interested. Obviously, he gets a predetermined cut of the profit, but most of it goes to whoever actually fulfills the contract.
He also deals in information and connections, as well as being the middle man for clients that want him to procure specific items for them.
Because of this, a lot of people that go to the bar are in similar lines of work, and it's pretty obvious that most of them view Io rather highly. Probably best not to start too much trouble there, because people will get pushy really quick over the "disrespect" to Io, and "to the Old Man, may he be resting well."
The club side, on the other hand, is pretty much the exact opposite. Little of Io's other work is conducted there, unless it's for a meeting place that's a little harder to eavesdrop or watch. It's huge, as well as being loud, boisterous, and colorful; with many of the bar tenders being trained in flair, courtesy of the club's manager, Orin.
There's a little bit of gambling for those who are interested, DJs, sometimes live music and performances, different "game" and competition sorts of things, and plenty of space for dancing!
Staff: Io Orin A lot of side muses can be found working here as well from time to time, most notably Io's younger brother, Eluvias, as well as some of the other former Elyki members like Blackwood, Duva'li, Efina, and Zakarye
A lot of other main muses can be found here fairly often, too!
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Credit messages for Hellspawntale Rebooted in order of when the character appeared in the au (If their name was mentioned it counts as appearing) (I'm writing this for the possibility of a credits)
Probably won't finish all in one, expect an edit.
Hellspawn: Awaiting a new adventure with her friends!
Azreal: Got their Happy Ending, along with their friends.
Asgore: Has his Family once again, with a new addition! (Hint: It's Azreal)
Flowey:Got his Best friend back.
Toriel:Has her Family once again, with a new addition! (Hint: It's still Azreal)
Froggit: Secretly the mastermind behind everything.... Only kidding.
Whimsum: Can have conversations now!
Loox: May the force be with them.
The Eyewalker Entourage: Started a Band.
Draincloud: Famous Gardener
Jeffery The Snorkelpoff: exploring the Cosmos
Frisk: Got their Happy Ending, along with their friends.
Chara:Got a second chance at life, and their best friend back.
Emily:Got a second chance at life, and their True love (haha it's Azreal)
Streek:Made his Mark! Cyflops: Skydives off of Skyscrapers
Coney: Still giving laughs to anyone who needs them.
Sans: coney's other new co star.
Frost: Living life to the fullest!
Snowdrake: Coney's other other new Co star!
Doggo: Realized that breathing makes you move and he could see people normally the whole time.
Nubert: MY MAN!!!
Dogamy and Dogaressa: Knocked down to number 4 Nose Nuzzlers.
Undyne:Teaching Gym, in a HEROIC WAY!!!
Chilldrake:Getting suspended every 3 weeks.
Lesser Dog: PET PET PET
Greater Dog: runs a pet shelter
Berdly: Rage quitting in super smashing fighters online
Starwalker: is the original
Mech-Mouse: Became a comic collector
Froon: became a farmer
Blocko: is the mascot for a childrens toy company
Cutrend: Starts his OWN trends
Blooky: Spooky DJ For MTT Inc.
Monster Kid: Doesn't know who to look up to
Ice Cap: lost his hat
The Gaster Followers: Fulfilled their Duties.
Sarcasia:is still a jerk
Water:Having fun with all his new friends.
Redacted:Awaits new experiences.
Annoying Dog: slept through most of The journey
Mettaton:Preforming with ASTOUNDING Ratings!
Shyren: Singing her way to stardom!
Prototon: Preforming alongside their cousins.
Alphys: being a science teacher… and Watching anime.
Syekick: Helps her friends get great grades
Mad mew mew: Partnered up with Mettaton for some amazing shows!
Gerson: Being a history teacher.
Flight Knight: Acts as the hero In fantasy movies
Scorch: Hanging out with his old and new friends!
Kyle:Using his power for good.
Bold Boulder: Part time mall Security guard
Sock puppet: Works as a Cashier
Tsunderplane: Heartbroken. (What? N-no i’m not!)
Muffet and Spiderton: Expanding their brand!
Roulxs Kaard:Stumped trying to solve the horoscope
Lancer: has his own bed now (the other one was for the bike)
Gaster and Ralsei: Doing very, very, interesting research.
Flowerbot: Working on stage with mettaton!
Robot 196: is Still working for MTT
Knight Knight:Sleeping
Madjick: Got the good manners award
Brofkit: owns a postal service company
Vultor: pretends to be a pool noodle
Spronch and Spranch: play at trampoline parks everyday
Iduno: I dunno
Spoils: got booed out the theater
Amalgamates: living Their lives happily.
Memoryheads:Joined the fun.
Queen: got the banana
Univer: Can finally work on other stuff
Temmie: Temmie
Tricksly: living with her new family
Deter: ???
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weddingvenuemeerut · 6 days
General overview: The Wedding Hall in Meerut
If you are planning to organise your event in Meerut, a city in Uttar Pradesh, which is about 60 km from the capital city of Delhi. Meerut is well known for its hospitality. With the increase in demand for luxurious Wedding Halls in meerut, Meerut has become one of the main wedding spots for the surrounding cities. Weddings are one of the special moments in one's life. Therefore, your special day should be celebrated at a location that has all the amenities and has great accessibility. Wedding halls need to be well decorated in order to provide great ambience for people attending the function. After doing some research I have identified that NH-58 Bypass road had a wide range of options for Wedding halls that cater superior taste In this article, we will highlight the best wedding halls in Meerut and what are the services they provide. What to Look for in a Wedding Hall? Before we list down the wedding halls that one should explore, It’s important to consider some key factors that one should consider before finalising the wedding hall for their special occasion:
1) Location: The wedding hall must have good connectivity and should be easily accessible. Ample parking space is a must.
2) Capacity: Total gathering the Wedding Hall can accommodate.
3) Ambiance and Amenities: The wedding hall should be well decorated. Amenities such as air conditioning, DJ and clean restrooms.
4) Cuisine: One should look whether the chosen wedding offers veg or non-veg cuisine.
List of Wedding Halls in Meerut We will discuss only three wedding halls which I find provide one of the top services in Meerut: UV CLUB Address - NH-58 Bypass Road, Meerut Capacity : 1500 Pax Amenities : Air conditioning, sound system, Wi-Fi Swimming pool: Yes Cuisine : Serves only Veg, Indian, Chinese and Continental Website : www.uvclub.co.in UV CLUB provides one of the best wedding halls. They also organise all events such as engagements, birthday functions etc.
The Grand 5 Address: NH-58, Bypass Road Meerut Capacity: 1000 guests Amenities: Air conditioning, sound system, projector, and Wi-Fi
Swimming pool - No Cuisine: Indian, Chinese, and Continental The Grand Wedding is a popular choice for weddings, parties, and corporate events. Sanskriti Address: NH-58, Rohta Road, Meerut Capacity: 2000 guests Amenities: Air conditioning, sound system, On Demand projector, and Wi-Fi Swimming pool in meerut - Yes Cuisine: Indian, Chinese, and Continental Sanskrit Wedding might not have superior interiors like UV Club and Grand 5 but they have large areas which can host large gatherings up to 2000 pax. Will not recommend for small gatherings.
Listed wedding hall provides one of the best wedding venues in Meerut. All the above venues have ample parking space with connectivity from the NH-58 which makes them highly accessible. If you are looking for high ceilings with a great interior, then I will highly recommend UV Club. If you have a large gathering of more than 1500 pax Sanskrit has large area to host such gatherings. While if you are looking for wedding decoration with real flowers, then UV CLUB and Grand 5 will be on your choice list.
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