#dln 008
theletterwsartflap · 1 year
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CARROT was sounding very Elec Man today.
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shockmagnum · 1 year
What do you think of tundra man?
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scatterpatter · 6 months
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Something funny I've noticed about The Megas and The Protomen
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so, i actually had a question regarding all of them. do any of them have flavor preferences or things that taste like anything to them? that or if they look at an object or a person and go "yes, they would taste like ___" but in a positive or negative connotation way
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"Relax, Time. It's only the first question."
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"Since we are robots, we don't really have to eat. However, we can still eat if we really want to try new stuff."
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"I will go first~!"
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"Have you ever tried starfruit? It's something I eat on my spare time whenever we go to purchase groceries."
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"I tried to eat a penny before!"
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"That I had you spit out, because you can't eat penny's! What if someone needed those?"
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"Who even uses penny's in the year 200X??"
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"But-! Ah, anyways!"
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"I have enjoyed the taste of Olaydi before. It's been quite a long time since I have had those! And I also do indulge-"
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"If by 'indulge', you mean eat on a daily basis."
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"Also, are you the reason the living room smells like mints?"
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"What? N-No!" *He's.. currently got a mouthful of mints, with a third empty container of mints on his desk*
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"Oh my circuits Bright Man! That's a lot of mints!"
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"It's not like we can get sick..."
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"He does unfortunately speak the truth.."
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"...I've eaten these honey sweets given to me by Roll one time. I never got to a-"
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"Well.. that happened."
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"Uh.. I guess I've had a tangerine recently. Other than that, nothing much since, again, robots don't need to eat."
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dreamcast-official · 9 months
Ooh, what’s the Mega Man lore like?
OK. SO. BUCKLE UP ITS GONNA BE A WHILE. im gonna focus on the classic series because theres quite a bit in the whole franchise as well as branching timelines (if you wanna know anything about any specific series in the franchise then lmk but yeah focusing on the classic series for now!)
the whole story starts with two scientists - dr. thomas light and dr. albert w. wily. light and wily were colleagues in university and studied robotics together, but they had very different end goals with robotkind. while light planned on creating robots not only to make life easier for humans but also so that robots themselves could live freely as any other lifeform would, wily saw things differently and only wanted to create robots for working. no plans on treating them like people at all. because of this (and wily's inferiority complex) their friendship began to fall apart, but it lasted long enough for them to work on robots together.
the first ever robot with sentience was created by dr. light (with dr. wily as an assistant) - his name was blues, serial number DLN-000. dr. light created him as a prototype, a test to see if this sort of robot would be feasible, but most of all, light created blues to be his son. light had always wanted a family but for some reason or another was unable to have biological kids, so when he found the chance to make a child, he took it. and he loved blues so dearly.
but blues... well. he was a prototype, after all. he wasnt perfect. his power core was deeply, deeply unstable, and he ended up suffering a malfunction during a test run. dr. light wanted to fix him, of course, he had to help his son, but... it just wouldn't be possible to fix his core without replacing it, and since he was a prototype, he wasn't made to be able to withstand such repairs. replacing blues' core would erase his memories and personality, functionally turning him into someone else entirely. dr. light had two choices: either his son would die, or his son would die and his body would become a shell for someone else. it was an impossible decision. for some reason (it varies depending on which material you're looking at), blues opted to run away and not make his father make that choice. so blues just disappeared into the world, the first of his kind, the only of his kind.
either way. that happened. for all that happened, blues was a successful prototype. he proved a robot with sentience and free will, limited as it was, was possible. so dr. light went forward with his work, creating the first line of robot masters, known as the light numbers: DLN-001, rock light; DLN-002, roll light; DLN-003, cut man; DLN-004, guts man; DLN-005, ice man; DLN-006, bomb man; DLN-007, fire man and DLN-008, elec man. with the exception of the twins, rock and roll, every robot master in the original light numbers line was created to do work human beings couldn't do. rock and roll's purpose was to be not only lab assistants, but also dr. light's children - much like blues had once been.
the light numbers were a great success! and they worked perfectly! and, what i think is most important, they were happy with their lives! but of course, good things can't last. because dr. wily is a manchild who can't let go of a grudge, he went after the light numbers and stole them. reprogrammed them. made them do horrible things. only rock and roll escaped this. there was nothing that could combat the robot masters - the world would fall to ruin if it stayed like this. because of his strong sense of justice, rock decided to stand up and do something. he was modified and given the capacity to fight, becoming mega man! he went after his fellow light numbers, defeated them, returned them to dr. light so they could be their normal selves again, and defeated dr. wily!
of course though this wasn't the end of it. there are a lot of games in this series after all. and this was all just the first game!!!
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Headcanon - The Robot Master Wanderers
Since I know this won't get touched upon in detail within the story, so I might as well make a post/chapter about this.
So - Protoman aka Blues, makes a group called the Robot Master Wanderers. He makes this out of other Robot Masters wanting to escape being Wily's robot, to explore the world as a human would, or explore beyond their programming. It didn't start out that way, of course.
But Blues did it all on his own. It all starts by running away to not have his personality taken from him just to get his core fixed. Yes, I think you noticed I got this from the Archie Comics. From there, Wily finds him and he becomes part of Wily's legion of robots and fights out of his newfound hatred for Dr Light.
Until he meets Rock in person. They fight and Blues realizes how much Rock cares for their creator. No matter if Rock has a driven purpose or not. Rock trying to convince Blues that Dr Light isn't a bad person and that he doesn't want to destroy any part of him, is the first instance of his code expansion-
Damn I should make a delta nano headcanon part 2- since it started from code expansion, plus Blues' independence, his coding helping with that.
Anyway- It's, of course, a visible change, albeit subtle, and Blue definitely notices it.
He then learns that Wily only temporarily fixed him, and he decided to run off again. Fighting alongside Rock. He then finds another Robot Master named Night Man, who was one of Cossack's Robot Masters and they grow a friendship in a short matter of time. I'll also make another post about Night Man and who he is, don't worry. But I'll have to get my best friend's permission first, cuz it is his character so- ye lmao
But yeah they wander together while helping Rock as he fights the Robot Masters tied to Wily and Wily himself within his Wily Machines.
Over the course of the two wandering, they find a few Robot Masters have escaped Wily's clutches to find out about their story and rumors circulating around them. Some were curious about their wanderings and if they could do the same, and Blues knows they can do what they please, as long as they don't hurt other humans, referring to the First Law of Robotics.
Which I may also touch upon. Man, I'm thinking of other headcanons I wanna post from this one alone, jesus.
I'll put in the list of wanderers they acquire throughout the story of Classic, and a little bit of X in the AU.
In order of joining in the Robot Master Era, we have
-Protoman/Blues (DLN-000) -Night Man (DCN-009) -Metal Man (DWN-009) -Skull Man (DCN-008) -Star Man (DWN-037) -Tengu Man (DWN-057) -Bass Maestro (SWN-001) -Tornado Man (DLN-010) -Splash Woman (DLN-011) -Jewel Man (DLN-013) -Chill Man (DWN-076) -Sheep Man (DWN-077) -Solar Man (DWN-080) -Block Man (DLN-017) -Fuse Man (DLN-018) -Blast Man (DLN-019) -Tundra Man (DCN-010)
And in the Replioid Era we have
-Kejicchi (Who I'll also touch upon, and he's my OC huehue) -ProtoBlues (SLN-REP-000) -Nocturnal Bat (SCN-REP-001) -Bass “Fortenium” Maestro (SLN-REP-001) -Dynamo -Night Shade -Axl (Temporary) -Lumine (Temporary)
The reason why Axl and Lumine go in temporarily is when Axl tries to ask the Hunters for help in X7 Arc, he teams up with Keji, who also fights alongside Zero. I can't wait to write that arc too omg.
And why it's temporary for Lumine is after his redemption arc starts (yes, he gets one), he goes to Keji and Blues to see if he could join somewhere, so he won't be cooped up at Hunter Base all day. And Keji welcomes him to the club. And so he and Axl can find their respective creator, since she went missing after Lumine went under quarantine for his very dangerous variant of the Maverick Virus.
After they find her, they all live together as a family, a domestic life they all wish they had and are having their wish come true.
And because of the Wanderers starting in the Robot Master Era, they have code expanded on them as well, Blues being untouched most of the time, because his already does that on its own. X's does too, of course, but on a wayyyyy more advanced level compared to Blues.
Bass' code expands when he joins the Wanderers and gets a torn cape from Tengu Man to try and find Blues to join. Especially being closer to Rock.
Oh- and the Wanderers have a theme of wearing capes, cloaks, and scarfs, thanks to blues starting that with wearing his own scarf. But it's unintentional, he swears upon it. The others just started wearing their own after a while and he established the group officially.
And- there you have it. A brief history of how the Wanderers became an official group of Robot Masters who would expand their coding to experience things and to be able to break the obey code for the Three Laws of Robotics. As well as Blues internally promising to himself that he would redeem robots having independence like him and hot have a stigma of Robots being dangerous.
Which may hint that he may feel responsible for starting the obey code become a reality in the first place >w>
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geosabor · 2 years
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DLN-008 Elecman
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linkoftime-64 · 4 years
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intergalacticforces · 5 years
@angsty-cobrafish replied to your post.
Bass just stares at his beloved in shock and awe. In his hand is a bouquet of flowers, Volt's favorite to be exact.
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“Wh-- Why are you looking at me like that?”
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“Also, did you actually go out of your way to get those flowers for me?”
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binariimachina-a · 5 years
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“Nega Man, seriously? Anyone would be smart enough not to give a Robot Master such a stupid name.”
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megaman-rockman · 2 years
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Hey everyone! This is a run through of DLNs.003-008 : The first industrial Robot Masters. This will contain their Mega Man & Bass bios with added information about their development.
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DLN.003: CUT MAN (カットマン)
A robot for forest logging. The cutter on his head is so sharp that it can cut a large tree in half. He is weak to Guts Man's Super Arm, but the Mega Buster hurts him well too!
"Snip, snip, snip!"
Good Point: Keen-witted Bad Point: Doesn't listen Like: Papercutting Dislike: Rock paper scissors
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DLN.004: GUTS MAN (ガッツマン)
A robot for civil engineering work. He is powerful and can lift two tons of rock. He is weak to Bomb Man's Hyper Bomb. Make sure to jump before he causes an earthquake.
"Fuuuull power!"
Good Point: Compassionate Bad Point: Quick-tempered Like: Karaoke Dislike: Arguments
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DLN.005: ICE MAN (アイスマン)
A robot for cold-weather work. His weapon Ice Slasher can freeze anything to 200 degrees below zero. He is extremely weak to Elec Man's Thunder Beam, some players know how to take him out in a matter of seconds.
"Peace sign, peace sign! Are you guys watching?"
Good Point: Show-off Bad Point: Selfish Like: Snowball fights Dislike: Saunas
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DLN.006: BOMB MAN (ボンバーマン)
A explosives demolition robot. There is no rock that can't be broken by his powerful Hyper Bomb. He is usually weak to Fire Man's Fire Storm, but it should be easy to take him out with the Mega Buster.
"Three, two, one... Bombs away!"
Good Point: Very flashy Bad Point: Doesn't take care of things Like: Bowling Dislike: Lighters, matches
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DLN.007: FIRE MAN (ファイヤーマン)
A waste disposal robot. He burns garbage with 8,000-degree flames. Fire Storm is his special weapon. Though he gets put out very easily with the Ice Slasher, he is one of the more challenging robot masters.
"If you get too close to me, you'll get burned!"
Good Point: Passionate Bad Point: Hot-tempered Like: Camping Dislike: Rainfalls
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DLN.008: ELEC MAN (エレキマン)
A robot that controls the voltage at a power plant. Countless robots have been shorted out by his Thunder Beam. He is also the strongest out of Doctor Light's robots, he may be weak to the Rolling Cutter but his Thunder Beam can take Mega Man out in as low as three hits.
"Take this! Thunder Beeeeam!"
Good Point: Strong sense of purpose Bad Point: Sourpuss Like: Singing to his guitar Dislike: Rubber products
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That's all for now! Posts on characters like Mega Man and Roll will come later! And the Mega Man 2 bosses are to come sooner!
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theletterwsartflap · 1 year
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that new ship meme or whatever
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shockmagnum · 1 year
hi how are you
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I mean, really?
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scatterpatter · 9 months
Any Cutman headcanons?
Okay so my headcanons on Cutman kind of conglomerate a bunch of different medias since he's so different across the,, but I'd describe how I see him best as a mix between Megamix/Gigamix and Archie, leeet's see here
Given he's the first robot master built, and the first robot after Rock and Roll, he's extremely close with the two
Cutman was finished before the rest of DLN 004-008, and as a result got to hang around Light Labs while his linemates were finished
He's either the mom of the group or the bratty child, there is NO in between
No seriously, hell hath no fury like a Cutman scorned. You touch one of his linemates and you're DEAD. You thought Elecman could get scary when mad? Nooooooononono, nah. You mess with the scissors, the pain delivers.
His relationship with his linemates is best described as brotherly, and he'll often refer to them as "bro" or similar affectionate nicknames
He's terrible when it comes to puns. Everyone hates it (they secretly adore them but sh don't tell Cut)
He has an interesting dynamic with Elecman- Cutman is the first in the line, but Elecman tends to have the more mature personality and is often considered the leader of the line. So as such they often bicker back and forth a lot, but they each take their turns making sure the rest of the line is being taken care of.
Cutman, clinging to Elecman's arm: "I don't have a favorite linemate."
"Deforestation" NO. Cutman works in the forestry management department yeah but HE ISN'T JUST CUTTING DOWN TREES LEFT AND RIGHT, he works in sustainable forestry. Meaning preserving old growth, ensuring replanting after harvesting, protecting from diseases/wildfire, etc etc. If all he was there for was to only cut down trees, Light wouldve just built a chainsaw.
... I'm... I'm a MetalCut shipper... 👉👈
haha what ANYWAYS- Cutman doesn't get along with most of the DWN for- for pretty obvious reasons- though he moreso hates Wily for building them for destruction instead of hating the DWN for simply being the way they are
... Woodman is cool tho. Woodman can stay.
He's all for any DWN redeeming themselves and choosing a different path in life other than just destruction tho
He totally owns multiple houseplants (mostly bonsai trees) and names each and every one of them
He usually doesn't wear human clothes but whenever he does he's a flannel guy <3
Also his favorite genre of music is alt rock dont @ me
He likes spending his weekends at Light Labs and hangs out with Rock and Roll a lot- he and Rock play lots of video games together
He has multiple nicknames for Rock and Roll- his personal favorites are Rockstar and Rollercoaster
He has retractable cleats on the soles of his boots- they give him a good grip to easily climb trees or keep a good grip on any rough terrain
He has... mixed feelings about Protoman. A familial love-hate kind of dynamic.
The rolling cutter on his head acts like finials and can emote with him (yes like cat ears >:3)
Trust me I could keep going but enjoy these for now <3
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[CRORQ]'s First Poll Results!
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megapatty2006 · 2 years
This is my first art post but I decided to make a collection of my favorite robot masters from all the mega man games. Let's start off with DLN:008 Fire man from Mega man 1.
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