#dmt entities
intrexel · 3 months
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she never knew anyone to be a friend, instead learning from a young age that violence was a typical greeting, being punished for anything and everyhting, i think this is what is called.... abuse
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cookie-waffle · 9 months
I don’t judge Christians (who act like normal fucking people) for believing in God and Jesus and whatnot. I just…. could not continue to be one after actually thinking about the bible’s depiction of God more.
The (traditional) Christian god is a genocidal, child-murdering, ego maniac who is absolutely obsessed with himself. The 10 commandments are basically “rules for thee, but not for me.” He’s wrathful, violent, prideful, and greedy. The only deadly sin that God doesn’t seem to violate is lust.
He claims he loves us unconditionally, but then sends people to be tortured for eternity after they die if they don’t spend their lives licking his boots 24/7.
The “personal relationship” we’re supposed to have with God shows all the signs of an abusive power dynamic. And it’s really no surprise that many conservative Christian parents end up traumatizing the hell out of their kids. Their “God” gives them a horrible example of what love is supposed to look like.
There’s also far too many logical inconsistencies, redacted texts, and general human tampering in the bible for me to believe anything in it. Even if the Christian God does exist, the bible is not his word. It’s been skewed by human hands to an almost comical degree. I trust the bible about as far as I can chuck an elephant off of Noah’s Ark.
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tsurugis · 10 months
it was just scary because like I said I’m a skeptic, I overthink everything from every angle. I wasn’t expecting it to work, and I couldn’t even imagine what it working would look like. That was such an immediate and bizarrely dramatic and obvious…result?? I’m honestly not trying to fuck around and find out lollll but then I’m like why the fuck not??/ I dunno I don’t really believe that I could just ask for whatever and I think too I feel like if it did work consistently in some way it could end up like oh you got what you asked for but not in the way you expected etc and while on one hand if this stuff is what I *want* to believe it is, it should be fine. but the idea that I could be wrong freaks me out still like that seems like too much kfdsjhdskfj I don’t want to believe any of the various understandings of what these entities could be would be fucking out to get me if I approach them the way I do but uh. I’m just a little creature pfkjfhkjfch I don’t think I know shit
It’s such a mess of conflicting beliefs and thoughts that I’m just like. Not sure how to even handle that. And it could have just been the most ridiculous coincidence anyway so just *pushes vase off the shelf cat*
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xxintuitionxx · 2 years
Puppet M4ster - Dmt
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gerhardfourie · 2 years
How To Attain A Permanent State Of Beautiful DMT Consciousness — As Answered By A DMT Entity 
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iohnmcmullen · 3 months
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beautifult999 · 5 months
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This happens every night to me. I think the entity is 6th dimensional. I met it on DMT.
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paulius11 · 1 year
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Confrontation With A Hyperspace Entity
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intrexel · 4 months
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hi tumblr i’m a pixel artist/ nonhuman vessel for the ethereal world of elriel, standing saunter of the 2133. i hope you like my art as much as i like making it….
2133 2133 2133 2133
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swiftthistletea · 1 year
I think it's so funny that the people who abuse DMT, like near psychological addiction tier say that eventually the entities start telling them to literally get the fuck out of Fractal World and never come back. "Where I once felt love, compassion, and oneness I now felt malevolence, dislike and rejection." dude even your hallucinations are sick of you.
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talonabraxas · 1 year
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The Spirit Molecule
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oliviridian · 1 year
at about a minute or two in a DMT trip, according to McKenna, one might burst through a chrysanthemum-like mandala, and find there’s a whole bunch of entities waiting on the other side saying, “How wonderful it is that you’re here, you come so rarely, we’re so delighted to see you.” They’re like jeweled self-dribbling basketballs and there are (other man: what?) so many of them and they come pounding towards you and they will stop in front of you and vibrate but when they do a very disconcerting thing which inhale is they jump into your body and they jump back out again the whole thing is going in a high speed mode where you’re being presented with thousands of details per second and you can NOT get a hold of them and they are these things saying, “dont give into astonishment” which is exactly what you wanna do, you wanna go nuts with how crazy this is. And they say, “dont do that, pay attention to what we’re doing” while they’re doing- what they’re doing is making objects with their voices, singing structures into existence, they offer you things saying, “ look at this! look at this!” and as your attention goes towards these objects, you realize what you’re being shown is impossible, its not simply intricate, beautiful, and hard to manufacture but its impossible to make these things. the nearest analogy would be the faberge eggs but these things, these things are like the toys scattered inside of the UFO, celestial toys and the toys themselves appear to be somehow alive and can sing other objects into existence. so whats happening is the proliferation of ‘elf gifts’ which are moving around and singing, “do what we are doing” and they are very insistent they say “do it! do it! do it!” and you feel like a bubble inside your body beginning to move up towards your mouth and when it comes out it isn’t sound but VISION Vision vision they say “Thats it!! thats it!!!! keep doing it!!” we are now at minute 4.5 of the trip and you speak in this sort of glossolali , there is a spontaneous outpouring of syntax unaccompanied by what is normally called ‘meaning’ after about a minute or two of this, the whole thing begins to collapse in on itself and they begin to physically move away from you usually their finally shot is they wave goodbye and say “Deja vu, deja vu”
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cookie-waffle · 1 year
“biblically accurate” trippy ass dmt entity-lookin’ Hylia headcanons:
- Mortals cannot comprehend her true physical form, so, she looks different to everyone depending on the individual observing her.
- She does feel genuine love for Link, but it’s a kind of love that is indescribable for mortals. It’s isn’t exactly romantic or queerplatonic love, but, no language has the words to really describe it.
- Despite mortals often depicting her as entirely female, she doesn’t really have a binary gender. She gives off a “feminine vibe” to most who encounter her, but, she’s also known to appear much more androgynous or even masculine to some people.
- She is almost universally considered a benevolent entity, however, her mere presence can also strike terror in those who frequently harm the innocent, and it can cause long term psychological effects in mortals.
-She doesn’t read minds, but she can speak to people telepathically.
- Mortals who take stuff like, “special hylian shrooms” might meet Hylia and actually get to see her true form, but will have trouble recalling what she looks like after the trip ends.
- Hylia is never reported to have two eyes. She almost always appears with three or more, or one big eye. wonder where the weak point is
-She also never only has two wings. She’s been seen with 2 pairs to hundreds of pairs. And they’re the same color as the goddess plumes from Skyward Sword.
- Link is one of the few mortals that can be around Hylia for long periods of time without feeling too overwhelmed by her presence.
- Link was never pressured into serving by Hylia’s side. Although, his decision was heavily influenced be the intense feelings of love and protection he gets whenever he’s around her.
- Hylia is not a selfish goddess, and is actually much more empathetic towards mortals than most. However, she has accidentally killed them in the past due to her not fully understanding the limits of their bodies.
- Hylia and the Goddess of Time from Majora’s Mask are alternate versions of each other.
- Hylia has the power to ascend mortals to godhood, but chooses not to because the power can easily take over them. This is exactly what happened to the Fierce Diety.
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beautifult999 · 6 months
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The entity that’s been with me since I did DMT
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sandimexicola · 8 months
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a painting of a woman sitting in front of mushrooms, dmt machine elves, epic shamanic dmt art, android jones and chris dyer, ayahuasca, psytrance artwork, psilocybin, galactic dmt entity, entheogen, highly detailed visionary art, psychedelic trippy visionary art, hallucinogen, dmt realm
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ayahuascadiaries · 1 year
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It’s very possible that you might encounter supremely enlightened entities while tripping, especially on tryptamines such as dimethyltryptamine (DMT) and even LSD. They may also appear to be extremely powerful and even omniscient, so it’s extremely easy to see how you could become enthralled by them. The fourteenth-century*22Bardo T’ ödol warns us again and again about such Buddhas as these, telling us that, while they are, in fact, just as wise and compassionate as they seem, they are nothing but the deepest nature of ourselves, being unrecognized emanations of our own Buddha-nature. We see them as separate because of our ingrained habit of not recognizing our innate enlightened nature, and they are the reason that the Zen koan told us to kill the Buddha on the road when we met him. While this Buddha-nature is the real deal, we still insist on seeing him as other, not us; somehow different and “on the road.”
Quote from the book Psychedelic Buddhism: a User's Guide to Traditions, Symbols, and Ceremonies of Mike Crowley
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