#dmytro kovalchuk
tomorrowusa · 1 year
Ukraine is not just sitting around waiting for aid to arrive. It is developing its own arms industry that is taking a toll on Russian aggressors.
Warbirds of Ukraine is a company which makes innovative cutting edge drones.
Ukraine puts MacGyver to shame. When they experienced supply chain issues for foreign components for UAVs, they simply started manufacturing their own.
The name Warbirds of Ukraine reminds me of the Romulans in Star Trek. Don't be surprised if they develop cloaking technology for their UAVs.
Most people know that Ukraine sunk the Moskva, flagship of Russia's Black Sea Fleet, with a Ukrainian-made Neptun R-360 missile. It is not the only homegrown ingenuity put to use by Ukraine.
In addition to the UAVs and missiles, here are other examples of Ukrainians developing technology to push back Putin's invaders.
Ukraine is developing what amounts to compact tank drones.
Ukrainian versatile unmanned combat vehicle undergoes frontline testing
Ukraine is manufacturing custom self-propelled howitzers called the 2s22 Bohdana which can fire NATO-standard 155 mm caliber shells. They have a range of 40 km.
Bohdana self-propelled gun is produced in several versions - Militarnyi
Ukraine is doing a lot for its own defense. And NATO countries may be interested in some of these technologies for their own defense needs.
But when you're under attack by a country with 3.5 times your population which holds vast oil reserves and is led by an irrational dictator bent on restoring the hegemony of a defunct empire, you need some outside help to survive.
So if you're in the United States, contact your House member in Washington and demand that aid to Ukraine, which was left out of the measure to keep the government running through mid-November, be approved ASAP.
Representatives | house.gov
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harpianews · 3 years
Putin's war on Ukraine is about ethnicity and empire
Putin’s war on Ukraine is about ethnicity and empire
President Joe Biden took office with the idea that this century’s struggle would be between the world’s democracies and autocracies. But in waging war on Ukraine, President Vladimir Putin of Russia has been driven by a different concept, ethno-nationalism. It is an idea of ​​nationhood and identity based on language, culture and blood — a collectivist ideology with deep roots in Russian history…
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dipulb3 · 4 years
US sanctions Russia-linked disinformation network for involvement in attempts to influence US election
New Post has been published on https://appradab.com/us-sanctions-russia-linked-disinformation-network-for-involvement-in-attempts-to-influence-us-election/
US sanctions Russia-linked disinformation network for involvement in attempts to influence US election
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced sanctions against seven individuals and four entities “that are part of a Russia-linked foreign influence network associated with” accused Russian agent Andrii Derkach, designating them for their involvement in efforts to try to influence the election.
“Russian disinformation campaigns targeting American citizens are a threat to our democracy,” Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in his own statement. “The United States will continue to aggressively defend the integrity of our election systems and processes.”
The Trump administration sanctioned Derkach in September, accusing him of being an “active Russian agent” who was part of Moscow’s efforts to interfere in the 2020 campaign. Derkach has close ties to President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani and was singled out earlier this summer by the US intelligence community for helping Moscow’s ongoing efforts to weaken Biden.
Monday’s announcement again shows that some parts of the US government are cracking down on Russia’s attempts to interfere in US elections and undermine Biden, even after Trump openly embraced the Russian effort, did not speak out against it and continues to make the baseless claim that Biden is not the legitimate winner of the 2020 election.
Giuliani allies
Derkach was part of a small group of Ukrainian political figures who injected themselves into the 2020 election by promoting dubious claims of corruption against Biden and releasing alleged audiotapes from Biden’s diplomatic work as vice president.
“Former Ukraine Government officials Konstantin Kulyk, Oleksandr Onyshchenko, Andriy Telizhenko, and current member of the Ukrainian parliament Oleksandr Dubinsky, have publicly appeared with or affiliated themselves with Derkach through the coordinated dissemination and promotion of fraudulent or unsubstantiated allegations involving a U.S. political candidate,” Pompeo said in a statement Monday.
Pompeo did not mention Biden by name in his statement of almost 300 words. Neither did Mnuchin, whose statement ran just over 800 words.
Telizhenko’s US visa was revoked in October of last year. Like Derkach, Telizhenko is also an ally of Giuliani.
“They have made repeated public statements advancing malicious narratives that U.S. Government officials have engaged in corrupt dealings in Ukraine,” Pompeo said Monday.
“These efforts and narratives are consistent with or in support of Derkach’s objectives to influence the 2020 U.S. presidential election,” he continued. “As such, these individuals have been designated pursuant to E.O. 13848 for having directly or indirectly engaged in, sponsored, concealed, or otherwise been complicit in foreign influence in an attempt to undermine the 2020 U.S. elections.”
Monday’s announcement once again shows how Trump and his most ardent GOP allies are out of step with official efforts by the President’s administration to crack down on Russian meddling.
Despite the September sanctions against Derkach and an earlier warning in August from the nation’s top election official that Russia and Derkach were working to undermine Biden, Trump re-tweeted material from Derkach during the 2020 campaign.
Giuliani repeatedly spread discredited information from Derkach. Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson used his perch as the GOP chairman of a Senate committee to promote false allegations that Telizhenko levied against Biden and other Democrats.
The new sanctions are also a serious rebuke for the pro-Trump network OANN, which featured a propaganda-style documentary series during Trump’s first impeachment featuring Giuliani, Derkach and Telizhenko. The network gave these figures an unchecked platform to lie about the Biden family.
The cleavages were even seen in the Treasury Department’s press release on Monday. The release encouraged Americans to seek credible information about the election from the “rumor control” website run by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. Trump fired that agency’s chief, Chris Krebs, after the election after Krebs used the agency’s “rumor control” page to debunk Trump’s conspiracy theories about voter fraud and election-rigging.
Russian interference
Trump still refuses to unequivocally acknowledge Russia interfered in the 2016 election to help his campaign, an assessment long confirmed by US intelligence agencies and the Senate Intelligence Committee.
On Monday, Pompeo outlined a few of the front companies Derkach and his associates used.
“NabuLeaks, Era-Media, Only News, and Skeptik TOV are media front companies in Ukraine that disseminate false narratives at the behest of Derkach’s and his associates,” he said.
“They are being designated pursuant to E.O. 13848 for being owned or controlled by Derkach or his media team. Today’s action also includes the designation of Petro Zhuravel, Dmytro Kovalchuk, and Anton Simonenko for having materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of, Derkach.”
Monday’s designations mean that all property and interests in property that belong to the men and are subject to US jurisdiction are frozen and that US citizens are “generally prohibited from engaging in transactions with them,” the Treasury Department said. Additionally, any entities that are majority-owned by one or more designated people are also blocked.
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newsnextnow · 4 years
Treasury Department announces sanctions tied to Giuliani's Biden attacks
Treasury Department announces sanctions tied to Giuliani’s Biden attacks
Those designated for sanctions on Monday included former Ukrainian government officials Konstantin Kulyk, Oleksandr Onyshchenko and Andriy Telizhenko, as well as current Ukrainain lawmaker Oleksandr Dubinsky. Also designated for sanctions were Petro Zhuravel, a “key member of Derkach’s media team;” Dmytro Kovalchuk, a “long-time supporter” of Derkach who assisted with his media efforts; and Anton…
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