#do ba wu
nyaskitten · 1 year
Wu/Misako/FSM understanders UNITE!
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lasenbyphoenix · 2 years
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empressofthesunwriter · 5 months
Change the Narrative
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If people knew the truth, they would call her a selfish monster.
But Katara had sacrificed anything for the world, for an ungrateful husband!
This time she would always choose herself first!
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Here is a little one-shot of my anger about what happened to Katara in canon.
I want to give her the end she deserves, so I hope you enjoy it!
Katara knew it was time for her to die.
She felt it in her old bones.
Alone she lay in her bed at the South Pole and watched how the snow was falling.
At least she would die seeing the beauty of her homeland.
It was a good death.
The old woman blinked tears away and tried to be positive about her nearing death.
She would see Sokka, her father, her mother and Gran-Gran again.
It was good.
She had lived a long happy life.
Something burning and unsettling spread through her chest as she thought this.
Was it a happy life?
How often did she and Aang argue over simple things?
How often did she beg him not to play favourites with Tenzin? Yes, their youngest was an airbender, but what about Bumi and Kya? They were his children too.
But no!
The Air Nomad legacy was more important than their two oldest children and their pain.
Once upon a time when she was a young girl and fantasized about the man and family one day she would have, she never would have guessed how she became the kind of mother, who didn't fight for her children.
Who didn't call out her husband for his wrongdoings?
However, she had so with Aang. Since she had met him, she always had mothered him, shielded him from things which didn't fit his narrative.
He was the Avatar, the only hope to end the war, with a track record of running away.
They couldn't lose him, so she had protected him the best she could.
And she did so to her children.
No wonder Bumi and Kya didn't even visit her and Tenzin didn't have much of a relationship with her.
Where did she go wrong in her life?
When did she become a shadow of herself in the name of love?
Why did she even choose Aang?
Was it because of Aunt Wu's prediction, she would marry a powerful bender or because she had a feeling Aang...deserved her?
He loved her and had ended the war.
Was it so bad to give him a chance?
Sadly after sacrificing her best years for him and being rewarded to die alone without her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren around her, it may have been the most stupid decision she ever made.
Spirits, was she a bad person to think that?
She loved her family, really she did, but deep down she had to admit...she wouldn't do it a second time.
Katara wouldn't sacrifice herself, her ideals, and her dreams for Aang's dream.
She had her whole life given and given and was now at the end of it rewarded with nothing.
Tears streamed down her cheeks, as she slowly closed her eyes.
Soon she would join her loved ones...
If she could...
If the spirits were so kind...
If dear Yue heard her...
She wanted a second chance.
She wanted to live a life for herself and herself alone.
Katara had given in this life all and more...was it so bad that she wished for a second chance to get it this time right?
Was she selfish?
But anyone had a point in their life where they had to put themselves first.
Her only regret was that she did not realise it sooner.
Katara closed her eyes and felt the last beats of her heart.
Never noting how the moon was shining brightly down at her...
She felt pain in her head.
Katara hissed and touched her forehead.
Why did she get a headache?
Where was she?
She blinked to banish the shadows before her eyes.
Slowly she could see.
Ah yes.
She was outside General Iroh's tea shop in Ba Sing Se.
The waterbender had seen Aang walk out and wanted to join him.
It was high time that she gave Aang her answer about them being a couple.
She had been unsure a few days ago, but now with the war over...why shouldn't she give him a chance?
He was standing at the balustrade watching the setting sun, it was the perfect moment.
As the waterbender made her first step towards him, an avalanche of emotions and vision filled her whole being.
Katara gasped quietly, trying to make sense of this.
It was too fast and also too slow...however, she felt it in her bones...whatever she had planned kissing Aang and getting together with him...it would be the worst decision of her life!
No, she didn't want what she had seen.
How could she sell herself, her principals, and her honour for a guy?!
How could she be together with someone who would play favourites with their children?!
No, absolutely not!
Whether this was a vision from the future to save her from this faith Katara didn't know, but what she knew she wouldn't make the same mistakes twice!
So angry she walked up to Aang and tapped his shoulder.
The Avatar turned smiling towards her. He seemed so happy and hopeful and looked at her like she had hung the stars and the moon.
For a second she flatter, which only made the vision come forth again and made her anger tenfold.
Oh no!
Not with her!
"Aang.", she began. "I don't love you and I never will! Stop pestering me about us being a couple! If you don't accept my feelings I will waterwhip you do your next incarnation, do you understand me?!"
To say he was shocked was the understatement of the century. She could formally see the heartbreak in his eyes and how he tried to speak up, maybe to guilt trip her, however, she wasn't having anything of it.
"Nothing you will say and do will ever change my mind! So don't even try. I will go back with Sokka to the South Pole and rebuild my home. That's where I belong!"
Dramatically she turned around and entered the tea shop again.
The others tried their hardest to seem like they hadn't listened in, yet Katara saw through them.
She sends them all an annoyed look.
No one said anything for a few seconds before Toph snickered: "Oh sugar queen, I hoped you had it in you."
This makes Katara smile.
The next months of her life Katara rebuilt with her father and Sokka their home. 
The Nothern Watertribe had tried to turn the South into a second North, except Katara was having none of it.
As a war hero, master waterbender and daughter of the chief she used all her power to stop this chances.
She was a force of nature!
No one had a chance against her.
Her family was so proud of her and she was satisfied with herself.
Yes, this was where she belonged.
Helping people and not being the soulless, passionless arm candy of Aang!
Katara was happy.
A voice inside her told her how she deserved it.
A year later found Katara as ambassador for her people at the first peace summit.
She was happy seeing Zuko again, they had written to each other, yet seeing each other in person was much better.
He had become her best friend.
And her wall against Aang.
As Avatar he was at the peace summit too. Of course, he tried to talk with her. Tried to sway her, saying he missed her and wanted to be friends again.
She saw right through him. Aang still wanted her.
Thank the spirits for Zuko having her back and distracting Aang.
When they enjoyed together a cup of tea in General Iroh's tea shop she thanked him for his help.
Awkwardly he waved it away.
It was nothing.
He and Mai had broken up and the black-haired girl wasn't happy about it.
Even if she and Aang weren't exes, Zuko knew how frustrating it was to have a person follow you like a shadow and demand to be together again.
In comfort, she petted Zuko's hand and told him he did the right thing to end things with Mai.
If she couldn't accept a no was she a good girlfriend?
A little crooked smile formed on Zuko's lips, and her heart stopped for a second, as he thanked her for her words and friendships.
Then he asked her to join him in the search for his mother.
Being with Zuko on a life-changing field trip again was... exciting.
They still worked flawlessly together, like when they had hunted down the murder of her mother, but now they were friends.
It changed a lot of interactions.
They were playful with each other.
Zuko was the only one who ever laughed at her jokes.
They were there for each other.
In the long days when they hunted down one clue after another and Zuko seemed to lose hope, Katara reminded him to never give up.
They shared the workload.
It was amazing not mothering someone and having someone help her around camp.
They were getting closer to each other.
They shared things they never told anyone.
Zuko told her how he got his scar and Katara hugged him, wishing Aang had killed Ozai.
Wishing Ozai was before her and making him pay for hurting her best friend!
Sometimes they just stared at the stars, inventing constellations, their hands inching closer.
Something new was born between them.
Katara didn't know what it was, but she would enjoy it.
It made her feel good.
After weeks on the road, they finally found Ursa.
And also a society of hiding airbenders.
Katara couldn't help but laugh in utter glee.
Was it really that surprising that Katara and Zuko fell in love with each other after their journey?
When she kissed Zuko for the first time, it was like coming home. 
Warm, welcome, familair, intim.
It was the best sensation in the world.
Something inside her told her this was how it was supposed to be.
After two years of dating and being the ambassador of the Southern Water Tribe in the Fire Nation, they married.
All their friends and half of the world were invited.
Yes, even Aang.
Aang was so grateful to Katara and Zuko for having found his people and was busy with the air nomads to rebuild their society, and seemed to finally let go of Katara.
Now they really could be friends.
Katara of the Southern Water Tribe, master bender, war hero and Fire Lady became a living legend.
Not only the people in the Fire Nation adored her, but she used the power she wielded to make the whole world a better place.
She was the one who came up with the idea of Republic City, a place where all nations could live in harmony.
She revolutionized the art of healing with her bloodbending.
She installed fountains and aqueducts everywhere she could, so people had clean water.
Statues were built and universities, streets even neighbourhoods were named in her honour.
Katara taught new generations of waterbenders like her daughter Kya and people formally fought over to learn from the Fire Lady.
When their oldest daughter Izumi became Fire Lady, Katara and Zuko retired to Ember Island to live out their twilight years in peace.
They often had visits from their friends and families.
Their son Lu Ten, a nonbender, had married a waterbender named Mizuki and had with her five children.
So the proud grandparents helped their son and daughter-in-law raise the rascals.
It was fulfilling.
As Aang then died and was reborn as Korra from the Southern Water Tribe Katara and Zuko moved to the South to teach the new Avatar.
Korra loved Katara and Zuko like grandparents and loved hearing about their adventures.
After Korra goes to Republic City to learn airbending from one of Aang's sons he had with one of the hiding airbenders, the pair returns to Ember Island.
Zuko died a few months before her.
Katara followed him after the birth of their third great-grandchild.
Both died surrounded by their big and bustling family.
As Katara died, her oldest great-granddaughter, who was named after her held her hand, she couldn't help but feel happy.
She had lived a long and wonderful life.
Soon she would be together again with her beloved husband and her family.
And so the greatest and most beloved Fire Lady died in peace with no regrets in her heart, her story being told for thousands of years to come.
The Legend of Katara became a tale which young girls loved.
From a simple waterbender to a master, war hero and ruler over a nation, who changed the world only a few ever could.
It showed all girls, that they could do anything they wanted.
They could reach their goals and go even beyond.
This was Katara's legacy.
As it should have been.
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If you liked this one-shot and want more Zutara, a badass OC, personal growth for Aang and the Gaang being amazing check out Yin and Yang! 
Click on my profile and leave a comment.
I hope you liked this little One-Shot!
Let’s now scream together in the comment section how Katara deserved better and if it’s not canon we will give it to her in fanon! :D
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evilcarmona · 1 month
Fem!Sokka AU
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So, I thought a little about this AU.
(For starters, I don't speak english, so, well.. ehe)
To begin with, she is at least 19-20 years old. I would like to make her older, because I like to draw beautiful adult women, but then the plot will not work. The age of all older ATLA teenagers has been raised. The age of the younger ones does not change.
The story is the same. Initially, Sokka is a man. He probably remained the only boy in the tribe for longer. This may affect Katara, as he has been her parent figure for longer than in the canon. In general, I believe in Sokka's parental vibes.
He's also a little more mature. Responsible, strong. But still a sexist. Father said that he was the only warrior of the tribe. Then he left them and went away with other men for many years. It couldn't end well. On the other hand, living among women affects Sokka more than he thinks.
So, about after Kiyoshi Island, gaang stops at the shrine of a female warrior. This is not Kyoshi, because I don't want Aang to feel that he is indirectly to blame for the situation. In general, Sokka offends the spirit with some kind of sexist comment. The Spirit takes revenge and curses him. Sokka falls into a magic pond. Poof! He's a woman. Aang has talked to the spirit, and the spirit is ready to cast spells on the water in the pond again. But she won't do it for two years. Lol
So, Sokka can only put up with it. Saving the world is more important than a little curse. Somewhere in the background, Zuko is trying to figure out where gaang took this beautiful woman and where they put that beautiful man. Really, where did he go? (Uncle Iroh is very funny)
The fact is that during the journey, Sokka realizes that he actually feels good. He likes it. In addition, he likes to be beautiful and do hairstyles.
Besides, becoming a woman, he feels the injustice of the situation at the north Pole more acutely. Sokka understands that putting someone in a frame because of gender is unfair. He and Yue become friends. Sokka kicks Khann's ass. And he also kills Zhao before the disaster with the Moon happens. Yue deserves to live.
In the future, Sokka thinks a lot. He supports his sister and Toph more than anyone. In fact, he used to have his father's vibes. Now it's the mother's vibes. Vibes of the coolest mom in the world. She can cut off the offenders' heads with a halberd. Literally.
In fact, I have nothing to justify the halberd with. I love halberds as much as I love women in sexy dresses. A lady may have small hobbies)
Okay, maybe Sokka decided to explore more weapons. She loves her boomerang, but does not refuse to develop like a warrior. Halberd is clearly defeating bending, haha. Maybe Sokka will be given some cool nickname on the battlefield. The Moon Witch? Heh
(Somewhere far away, Hakoda and the South Pole fleet are wondering what kind of Moon Witch is this? They will be surprised)
Perhaps before they meet after Ba Sing Se, Hakoda meets someone who has met the gaang before. Someone: You have two wonderful daughters! Hakoda: What?
So Zuko comes to gaang and asks where the boy has gone. The explanation was awkward because Zuko barely had time to accept that he was bi. What does it mean that the two people who make his heart beat faster are one person?
I forgot to tell you! Just because Sokka was bewitched by a spirit doesn't mean that Sokka trusts Aunt Wu! It's a matter of pride, lol
So two years go by, and you know what? Sokka does not ask the spirit to lift the curse. He's fine as it is.
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wilcze-kudly · 7 months
Yes i know there's no scar but, like. In my head Mako is the one strapping Wu into the brainwashing chair.
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And even if you don't ship Wuko, you have to admit that's gotta be terrifying for Wu. Like. At the beginning of B4 Wu trusted and liked Mako so much that hw wanted to take the guy with him to Ba Sing Se and assumedly spend like the rest of their lives together or smth (boy just say you wanna get married and get on with it.)
And now Mako, the guy whom Wu had seen as a protector and friend and advisor, is the one helping harm him.
Like I do firmly believe that Mako was/may still very well be the person Wu trusts most in the world. And Mako had a huge part in Wu choosing to take control of his own life and improve himself as a person and a ruler. And now a brainwashed Mako is helping brainwashed Wu. The irony!
Anyway, in the long run, I think this could help Wu realize that Mako is just human after all and can be hurt/overpowered.
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year
Updating Masterlist of "The Monkey King and the Infant" au posts;
Official Fanfic (ao3): "The Monkey King and the Infant"
"#The Monkey King and the Infant" Au Tag Original Post (may be outdated) Spotify Playlist (may contain spoilers for story) + with a general outlin of pre and current story events Details: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 Assorted answered details
Shadowpeach being parents/mortal:
●"#shadowpeach being parents" - for all posts shadowpeach being parents. ●"#freenoodles being parents" - whether by themselves or co-parenting with shadowpeach. ●"#spicynoodles being parents" - ideas for future spicynoodles family stuff. ●"#sandy being the best uncle" - Sandy is just the Best Uncle. ●"#shadowpeach parental debuff" - posts relating to or explaining why these two are stuck on earth. ↳A (hopefully) clear outline of how the "Soul Energy Transfer" works. + Mortal Debuff ●"#dad bod sun wukong" + "#mom bod macaque" - posts about these two and their mortal bodies. Includes unrelated fanart I adore. ●"#pregnancy tw" - for all things preggers related cus I know some people ain't about that. ↳"childbirth tw" tag - you know why. Why Xiaotian? Macaque is the LMK world's version of Nicole Waterson + Fanart! "Qi Sun Wukong/Qi Wu" & "Qi Liu'er Mihou/Qi Mihou" + Now with Fanart! MORE FANART!!! Mortality/Aging Crisis + Now with really sweet edits that made me cry
Other Characters:
"#lmk character ideas" - more so for characters from chinese mythos/Journey to the West that have yet to appear in LMK. ●"#lmk bai he" - my version of Bai He/The Lady Bone Demon's Host ●"#lmk liu chenxiang" - for my version of Sun Wukong's student from The Lotus Lantern fairytale. ●"#lmk eclipse twins" - tag for Rumble & Savage, Macaque's little shadowclones in the au. ●"#lmk yuebei xing" & "#lmk lunar nodelets" tags - for my version of Yuebei Xing, and Jidu & Luohou from the non-canonical 1580-1590s "Journey the South" book. ●"#lmk sun luzhen" & "#sun luzhen" - for my versions of Sun Luzhen, Wukong's mini-me/biggest fan from the 17th century book "Later Journey to the West". ●"#lmk the four stalwarts" - for my version of the Monkey King's closest compatriots; Ma, Ba, Beng, and Liu. ●"#lmk guanyin" - for my version of Guanyin. ●"#lmk xiwangmu" - for my version of The Queen Mother of the West/Xiwangmu. ●"#lmk fan children" + "jttw inspo fan children" - for fan children of different pairings Princess Jade Face aka Auntie Jade Star Lord of Fire of the South aka SWK's Lawyer Spindrax aka the team's mean biker Mozhi the Ink Demon Babs and Gibs: The Other Celestial Primates
Events in Au/Story (may be unorganised):
●"#lmk tmkati au story events" - tag for straight forward story events in the au. Some older posts may be outdated. How does MK happen? (a little outdated but has the basic details) McCaque :3 aka "Why nobody tell me that food is amazing now!?" "A Hero is Born" changes, "A Hero is Born" changes Part 2 + Now with fanart!! What happens when you possess someone with a living debuff Diyu had two free babies The Wedding + the Proposal + Wedding Vows Azure Lion is trying to do the math here?
World Details/Non-Story Specific:
●"#lmk backstory hcs" - for backstory headcanons not particular to any aus. ●"#lmk character hcs" - character headcanons not particular to aus but may intersect. ●"#jttw inspo character ideas" - for ideas for Jttw characters who don't appear in certain other Jttw-inspired media (ex; a version of Six Eared Macaque in Smash Legends to contrast their Wukong). ●"#jttw inspo ocs" - for new characters made for my Jttw-inspired media ideas. Ie; Xiaoshi for my Netflix Monkey King idea, or the Fruit Babies in my Reborn idea. ●"#lmk gender hcs" - includes personal hcs. ●"#lmk theories" + "#jttw theories"- for theories. ●"#monkey facts" - monkey facts :)
Other Aus/Theories:
●"#Celestial NATO" - goofy idea where the LMK cast interact with other pantheon gods. ● "#wukongverse" - crossover ideas between different JttW inspired characters. ↳Different verses SWK and LEM Nicknames ↳Different verses SWK/LEM ship names/tags +Look at this amazing Smash Legends! Six Earred Macaque art ●"#born grown stone monkeys" - based on the idea that Sun Wukong and Macaque were both born "fully formed" as adults, but were mentally still kids pre-Journey. ●"#Reincarnated!lbd au" - a collection of mini-aus where after her defeat, the Lady Bone Demon's soul split off to reincarnate immediately. In the main version it splits four ways into different fan children (including a version of Yuebei Xing). ●"#lmk penumbra au" - Before Macaque got canonically ded'd, he left behind a pair of shadow clones to "watch the fort" at FFM. Wukong can't bring himself to destroy them, and donates his life energy/dao to the shadows to keep them around. The shadows decide to transform into Rumble & Savage after a few centuries of this, and now Wukong is a proud dad/mom to a pair of chirpy Macaque-looking babies. Macaque is confused when he gets back. ●"#stone egg talk" - ideas about Stone Monkeys being able to reproduce asexually under desperate means through a form of very-risky Parthenogenesis that creates a slow-cooking Stone Egg in their body. Sun Luzhen is created this way in some aus + in the main TMKATI au. ● ↳"#century stone egg au" aka "#SWK is MK's stone egg dad theory au" - exactly what it says on the tin. SWK inducing the process out of loneliness/desire to be a parent = MK's egg. The modern gang hangs out on the island with him once he gets unburied. Has vibes of a flipped TMKATI au. ●↳"#jttw stone egged au" - Turns out being trapped under Five Point Mountain is the perfect trigger conditions for SWK's body to create a Stone Egg. He spends the Journey pregnant and very pissed off. ●+↳"#slow boiled stone egg au" - an Au of an Au. In which Wukong's stone egg-pregnancy during the Journey is extended by many years from him deciding to isolate himself after the Samadhi Fire incident + the death of Macaque. By the time of the canon LMK series, SWK has been pregnant for many, many years, and still is. MK is very confused and horrified. ●+↳"#soft boiled stone egg au" - Au of Slow Boiled in which Yuebei XIng is born during the events of the Samadhi Fire Ritual. Wukong retreats from the public eye after the Journey to settle down and raise his daughter. Yuebei has spent most of her life recieving treatments and learning on Guanyin's island, and at the time of LMK has finally hit her rebelious teen phase. ●++↳"#lmk marbled egg au" - au of an au of an au; Slow Boiled but Wukong keeps MK when he gets dumped on him. Gets a bunch of friends within the Noodle Gang early.
Memes & Misc Addons:
●"#memes" - main memes tag. ●Love Dodecahedron Chart (spoilers) ●POV: You just said you were hungry within 10 miles of Pigsy ●Nezha: Ultimate Babysitter
Be sure to send in asks about any details that may be unclear, I've only just gotten back into fic-writing, and it's my first time dedicating some blog time to one.
Update: May create a new pinned post for a general overview of my blog, rather than solely LMK works.
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badgermolebender · 8 months
A day in the life of Wu of the Hou-Ting Dynasty, King of all the Earth Lands, and Glorious Defender of Ba Sing Se, 54th Earth Monarch
* Wake up
* Get out of bed
* Get out of bed
* Come on, you really have to get out of bed now, you have responsibilities
* Get out of bed
* Breakfast - look over the day’s meeting schedule
* Read over reports from yesterday
* Consider writing Mako, he still hasn’t responded to your last letter
* Attend first meeting, with transportation ministers, discuss the new trains constructed by Kuvira and the funding needed to maintain the system
* Try not to freak out at the mention of Kuvira and the war, succeed — mostly
* Wish Mako was there, you could really use some of his straight-talking, no-nonsense comfort, he doesn’t need to put up with you, he doesn’t need your problems
* Attend second meeting, with financial ministers, argue with them over the new tax structure
* The next time one of them implies you are too young or inexperienced to know what you are doing you are going to scream
* NO! that’s what Auntie would do, you are not Auntie, you won’t let yourself be
* Succeed — for now
* Lunch - breathe, you can get through the rest of the day
* Consider writing to Mako, the worst thing that happens is he doesn’t respond, it’s not like he isn’t already annoyed with you
* Attend last meeting of the day, with cultural ministers, try once again to convince them to use their funds for a memorial for the victims of Lake Laogai rather than finishing The Earth Queen’s Temple, that it would be good to commemorate the history of the people not just the Royals
* Make no progress, argue them to a standstill
* Consider introducing legislation to undo centuries of discrimination against same-sex relationships
* Your ministers/the aristocracy/the remaining Dai Li would know, they would know
* They’d go after you, your reign, your life
* Decide to start small, tomorrow
* Dinner - try not to cry staring at the empty table
* Wish that your parents were alive
* Wish that any of your family were alive, so you weren’t king, so you didn’t have to do this, so you weren’t alone
* Feel guilty for thinking this, you’re doing good work, you know you are
* Read over reports from the day
* Wish you could run away to The Cave of the Two Lovers and live with the badgermoles
* Make notes for tomorrow’s meetings
* Consider writing to Mako, he hasn’t written back because he hates you
* He’s always hated you
* He’s always going to hate you
* Go to bed
* Wish you weren’t so alone
* Wish he didn’t hate you
* Wish he could love you the way you love him
* Try not to cry yourself to sleep
* Fail
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goodbuttaken · 25 days
shiz and giggles list jmen, která reálně mají/nedávno měli lidé v česku
(part 3, [mostly czech, asian and pronoun-like] short names; per 2016, kdy je KdeJsme naposled mohlo sbírat)
Ban (1 jméno, dřív i příjmení)
De (2 příjmení v Praze, 15 ex jmen)
Ill (31 příjmení, hodně v Náměšti nad Oslavou)
Ell (5 příjmení), Illie (1 jméno)
Elf (1 příjmení)
Ič (2 příjmení, FM)
Iš (16 příjmení, jižní Morava)
Ižo (10 příjmení, JV a SV cíp ČR) vs Ižóf (8, úplný S Čech) vs Ižof (4, úplný J) vs Ižol (4, Hradec Králové) vs Iž (9, Přerov/Zlín) + Izsó (14), Izso (3), Ižyk (1) a dřív i Izo
Id (2 příjmení, Praha)
Re (17 příjmení, skoro všichni Šumperk), Ré (5, taky)
Le (4 jména, 569 příjmení)
Ly (5 jmen, 6 příjmení)
Or (14 jmen, všichni v Brně + 2 ex příjmení)
Ot (1 příjmení)
Xi (další sudden ex jméno i příjmení), Wi, Ri
Ro, So, Xo, Co, Pho
Ra, Ka, Xa, Ca, Na
Xe, Te, Ce, Ve
Si (1 jméno + řada složených)
Xxx (do 2011 obojí; komunikace s těmi lidmi by mě *fakt* zajímala)
Pan (do r. 2011 51 jmen a 4 příjmení)
Lo (po redukci 2011 zůstalo 1 příjmení), La (4)
Do (1 jméno, 241 příjmení)
Vo (49 příjmení, ex jméno)
Ko (1 příjmení, ex jméno)
Lé (1 příjmení)
Foo (1 příjmení)
An (5 jmen, 1 příjmení) + složeniny, Am (ex jméno)
Ye (1 jméno, 7 příjmení), Yeová (2)
Yu (4 příjmení), Yuová (1), Yú
Au (2 příjmení), Ou
Du (1 jméno a 5 příjmení), Bu (stále 1 příjmení), Cu (6), Ku (2), Gu (1), Lu (1)
Mu, Fu, Ru, Su, Ju, Nu
Wu (1 jméno, 11 příjmení, ale do 2011 jich bylo 232 + 1 Wuová)
Tu (nyní 7 jmen a 3 příjmení)
Hu (17 příjmení, ex jméno), Chu (ex 11 jmen a stále 62 [dřív 267] příjmení)
Vu (6 jmen a 365 příjmení, ze jmen tohohle typu top přeživší)
Xu (19 příjmení, ex jméno), Qu (ex příjmení), Qi (jméno ještě ano)
Ky (34 ex příjmení), Ký, Ny, Hy, Dy, Cy
Go (1 příjmení, ex jméno), Ge (8 příjmení, 2 ex jména)
Yi (jedno jméno), Ai (taky)
Ia (6 ex jmen)
Ke (2 jména, ex příjmení), Que (1 jméno, ex příjmení)
Ač (11 příjmení), Áč (25), At
Oo (dvě ex příjmení), Uu (dvě ex jména)
Be (1 příjmení, 10 ex jmen)
I, A, E (vše ex obojí)
Y, Ý (ex jména)
O (4 ex příjmení)
Ayu, Uy
Ay (8 příjmení), Aw (1 příjmení, Kyjov)
Aia (jméno, Luhačovice)
Bi (ex 2011)
Sy (1 jméno, 1 ex příjmení)
Ba (9 příjmení)
Bá, Da, Dá, Tá, Bé
Bo (stále 3 jména)
Mo, Moo, Boo (vše ex 2011)
X (ex jméno)
Ya (jméno, Brno)
Ha (dřív 487 jmen a 365 příjmení, teď 22, resp. 66), Che (2 příjmení, ex jméno), Chi (3 příjmení v Kolíně + 2 jména), do r. 2011 taky Cha, Há, Cho a Huh
Tu (7 jmen, 3 příjmení), Tú (2 jména)
Hop (33 příjmení, ale i 2 jména)
Cá (1 příjmení, Cheb)
Cé (7 příjmení)
Ok (2 příjmení [ÚnL, Kladno], ex jméno)
Ox (3 příjmení, Teplice)
Oi, Oi Tak, Od, Ng, Šé, Oh, Ol, Ip, Is, Ib, Xú, Lý, Sú
Ťie (1, Praha)
Ji (2 příjmení, ex jméno), Di (1 jméno, ex příjmení), Mi (1 jméno i příjmení), Mí (ex jméno), Zi (2 ex jména)
Vi (4 příjmení, 14 ex jmen), Wi (5 ex příjmení)
Li (23 příjmení a 36 ex jmen), Ni (5 ex jmen, 28 ex příjmení)
Ut, Út, Er, Ur, Uz, Us
Fˇs, Bˇk, Wˇs (ex 2011)
Ině, Iňová (celkem 15, jižní Čechy)
Iňa (jméno, Hlinsko)
In (ex 1 příjmení + řada složených jmen), In Santi (3), Im
Pa Sait (1), Paa (1 v Karlových Varech)
Ma (4 příjmení, ex jméno)
Maąa (do r. 2011 jich bylo 5), Paąa (těch bylo dokonce 10)
Ao, Ąaąo
Bang (1 jméno), Bong (1 jméno i 4 příjmení)
V Yun (ex 2011), V Yacheslav
I ching, I ting, I ying (tj. varianty originálního názvu Knihy proměn)
D' Escragnolle Taunay, D´marco Odremán, Sita Nzolamesso Da S S (etc.)
pod. Al -, El -, Ó - (etc.) příjmení
Inyi (1 příjmení v Litovli)
Uyi (1 jméno v Ústí nad Labem)
Yuy Sya Gen, Sha Re Ja
Uj (11 příjmení, Ivančice + Vysočina), Új (ex)
Uc (8 příjmení)
Oz (3 jména v Brně, 1 příjmení)
Sič (30), Síč (65 příjmení), do r. 2011 i Sick
Onn (1 jméno, Brno), Oňa (1 příjmení, Bystřice p/H), Ong (2 příjmení, západ Čech)
Úa Séaghdha, Ün
Ág (3 příjmení, Blansko)
Lala (3 jména), Lála (1)
Chat (3 příjmení, dřív i jméno)
Gag (1 příjmení, Brno)
A. C., B K, K C, K. C. (ex 2011 příjmení), J C (ex jméno)
Jo (do 2011 obojí), Joo (26 příjmení, 1 jméno), Joová (4), No (ex), Ne (do 2011 jméno), Nee Tha Blay
Jojo (do 2011 příjmení), Nou Nou (2 v Brně)
Man (ex 18 jmen, příjmení běžné: 528)
Md a Mhd (do r. 2011 spousta arabských jmen, vyřazeno)
Jazz Jasper (Aš), Jax (Praha)
Je Young (ex jméno)
Gay (1 příjmení v Jihlavě, do r. 2014 i 1 jméno), That Gay (ex 1)
My (8 jmen a 1 příjmení)
That (ex 4 jména)
Ho (39 příjmení, dřív i jméno), Hoe (3 ex křestní)
Vy (1 jméno a 2 příjmení, Praha)
Ty (1 jméno)
He (2 příjmení, dřív 6 jmen), On (3 ex jména + složeniny, 1 ex příjmení)
His (2 příjmení, Přerov)
She (1 ex příjmení), Ona (19 ex příjmení), Ta (46 příjmení, 1 jméno)
Her (3 ex příjmení)
Oni (2 příjmení, 1 jméno)
Ono (2 příjmení, Brno)
To (18 příjmení, ex 6 jmen)
Them (1 jméno)
Nic (3, všichni v Orlové)
End (1 příjmení v Jablonci)
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Danmei I've read & Love and My Ratings (mostly angst with happy endings)
MDZS/Mo Dao Zu Shin (Angst) /5🌟 TGCF/Heaven Officials Blessing (Angst) / 5🌟 Yuwu/Remnants of Filth (❤️‍🩹🥹 Angst) /5🌟 Sword Named No Way Out (Angst) /5🌟 Would You Like to Have A Drink /4🌟 Wu Chang Jie (Angst🥹) /5🌟 War Prisoner (Angst) /5🌟 Cold Sands (Angst/Bittersweet Ending/not a HE but not a bad ending) /5🌟 The Ugly Empress (Angst) /5🌟 Swallowing the Seas (Modern/Angst) /5🌟 Mo Du/Silent Reading (Modern/some decent Angst) /5🌟 Cherry Blossoms Upon a Wintry Sword ( Some Angst) /5🌟 Nan Chan (Angst) /5🌟 Misvil (Mistakenly Saving The Villain/Angst but with comedic tone...hard to explain but has TWs) /5🌟 Blind Concubine (Angst/No HE, Bittersweet? Haven't read in a long time) /5🌟 Spring Trees & Sunset Clouds (Angst) /5🌟 Huitian /5🌟 Ballad of Song & Wine (Qiang Jin Jiu)/ 5🌟 Peerless /Wushuang /5🌟 Can Ci Pin/ 5🌟 Kaleidoscope of Death/5🌟 Global University Entrance Exam/5🌟 Mist /5🌟 Copper Coins ( A little bit of Angst to me, but still a great story, HE)/ 5🌟 Governor's Illness /5🌟 Faraway Wanderers /5🌟 It's Not Easy Being a Master (Angst)/5🌟 Record of the Missing Sect Master (Angst) /5🌟 Stranger (KR novel) /4🌟 Thrive In Catastrophe /5🌟 The Legendary Master's Wife /4🌟 Rebirth of The Supreme Celestial Being /4🌟
I wrote a poem for Cold Sands danmei novel years ago, right after I finished the novel because I was so inspired by the story and it made my heart ache. Here is the poem:
Wings clipped by truth The fall swift and harsh Lies unveiled  Fate strung a web of deceit  A trap, snaring the victim This bird, tied down Voice cut-out -silenced Never to sing Never to cry out Never to sing its beautiful melodies once more Never to give sound to its pain The world itself, what a beautiful cage- A big and wide unknown, and sometimes deceitful place Freedom- is only a short illusory image  Unobtainable- A Mirage in the desert when one is dying from thirst Just out of reach, as though grasping at sand as it slips through your fingertips And as the dark begins to unravel Twist and unwind- Mighty is the weight thrust upon the heart, Subduing its pulse, the beating drum- a strangled ba-thump...ba-thump...ba-thump... An anchor drowning the soul, Just as as heavy as one that bears a crown upon their head,  No escape is possible now  As the strings of fate tighten, the birds wings are broken Fragmented and shattered Unable to never fly Never again to soar the skies
(End/ Extra below)
Did you ever once hear the Greek tale of a boy, the boy who wanted to fly close to the sun?
His father created wings of made wax for his child and warned him, told him not to fly to high, to not fly to close to the sun.
However, the boy, Icarus, didn't listen to his father's words.
He flew, soaring higher, and higher, as close as he could get to the sun. His wings made of wax were melted away by the suns brilliance and Icarus fell to earth.
To his end.
And the Lotus flower, that blooms at the bottom of a lake, steeped in mud, struggles and craves, longing and yearning for the suns brilliance, but they can never touch the sun.
And a bird, born with wings to fly, can only fly so high, but never crossing that line, that boundary.
And sometimes love is just the same.
Not every story can have a happy ending, no matter the toil, the strife, the pain.
And some times, no my matter how much you love someone, you may forever be enemies, on opposing sides, love hidden deep in your heart, and all you can do, is to stare wistfully at the horizon, yearning until the end.
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kingwuko · 2 months
Mako's take on being a sugar baby?
Mako's take? I love to joke that Mako definitely should be a sugar baby. Just quit the force, pack up his bags and show up in Ba Sing Se at the palace doors. If he was just like "Hey Wu is that invitation to live the life still open?" Mako would want for nothing.
Buuuuut. I actually don't know how comfortable Mako would be with it. I think Mako would feel like he needed to pull his own weight and would feel weird about just hanging around and being the King's concubine live-in boyfriend. I feel like Mako needs to do something.
I also think Mako has too much trauma around his history of poverty to just be comfortable letting someone else take care of him. Mako, unfortunately, strikes me as someone who is constantly worried that anything good that happens will end, and that he'll always have to fight to survive.
It would be a long journey for Mako to just accept that Wu will take care of him forever. Until then I think he's gotta feel like he's working, making his own money, and I feel like he'd even have some secret money stashed away for an emergency.
So Mako's take on being a sugar baby is that he isn't one and doesn't want to be one. I think he would absolutely accept living in luxury and letting Wu foot the bill, but I think he'd also keep working. And sadly, I think that somewhere in his mind he's always waiting for the other shoe to drop and for him to lose everything again 😭 because of this he'd be unwilling to let go of the kind of financial independence of earning his paycheck through his job.
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 4 months
when did wu and garmadon start learning how to use their essences and will kid wu or teen wu be able to do it in hunted
The thing about Essences is that they are intrinsically linked with the being who possess it—dragons, oni, hybrids-with-complicated-genetic makeup…but that’s all just a fancy way to say wielding Essence and tapping into it does not require True Potential. Rather than coming to terms with being 1:1 with it (like an element), Essences are baked into the soul of the individual (you could say it’s…part of their own essence *ba dum tiss*)
Anyway, this is why the FSM was doing crazy Essence stuff as a child that made two races go to war for him, this is why Wu and Garmadon never had to comes to terms with themselves to be powerful (although they would still need a TP if they want to even come close to their father), and this is why Lloyd more easily slips into the Golden Essence as opposed to his actual element which does require TP (and also why it becomes so tempting for him to use Gold over Green rather than in tandem over the course of the story)
Anyway anyway, this just means Wu and Garm started their training young, though the FSM had to use separate approaches for them to get the most out of the (half of) Essence they inherited. This also eventually bleeds into their Sensei styles—Wu tends to focus on a more constructive approach while Garmadon tends to do the opposite (as seen in their approaches to trying to guide Nya)
And yeah Young!Wu can tap into it, except for as wise as he is he sorts has to relearn how to do it (which the Core Four + Mira manage to help with)
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thatoneguy56fanfic · 7 months
Inspired by this awesome post I decided to try my own version!
Excerpts from The White Lotus Avatar Guide Book (Unofficial)
Or updated protocol concerning Avatar Korra.
1. Get used to the nicknames.
1.1. Avatar Korra does occasionally give multiple nicknames to the same person.
1.2. If you value your life, DO NOT ever call Chief Lin Beifong “Chief Cranky Pants”.
1.3. Avatar Korra is the only one allowed to call General Kuvira “General Eyebrows.”
1.4. Detective Mako asks that you no longer call him “Sharkbrows” no matter how much Avatar Korra does it.
1.5. Please only address Avatar Korra as “Korra”, “Avatar”, or “Avatar Korra” instead of whatever nicknames she tries giving herself.
1.6. No, we cannot address Avatar Korra as “The Most Badass Avatar Who Ever Lived.” Avatar Kyoshi still holds that title.
2. Please try to limit Naga’s treats to only per person.
2.1. Do not try to take away any of Naga’s toys/bones.
2.2. If you have recommendations on how to remove polar-bear-dog hair from clothes please contact the Grand Lotus.
2.3. Naga is permitted at least one hour of play time every day.
3. If you cannot find Avatar Korra search all nearby rooftops. Seaside cliffs and mountains are a good choice as well.
3.1. Checking Avatar Aang Memorial Island is also recommended.
3.2. If she still isn’t found, try asking Master Katara.
3.3. On further consideration, do not ask Master Katara. She can and will mislead you for amusement.
3.4. So will Meelo, Ikki, Rohan, and Jinora.
3.5. Detective Mako and Asami Sato will as well. Bolin most likely doesn’t know where she is, but will insist he does.
3.6. Naga is the best choice. She can track.
3.7. If Naga cannot be found either, contact Chief Tonraq or Senna. Or Master Tenzin.
3.8. If she still cannot be found, contact General Kuvira.
4.1. Please do not challenge Avatar Korra with dares. She will do them.
4.2. Please do not participate in any drinking games with Avatar Korra. She will win.
4.4. If Avatar Korra goes out in public while drunk, please contact her publicist. Master Tenzin has the number.
4.5. Drunk Avatar Korra can be persuaded to come home by mentioning Naga, or food.
4.6. If that fails call General Kuvira.
4.8. On the rare chance that Avatar Korra gets her hands on cactus juice, please notify the local authorities. As well as General Kuvira, and the Avatar’s publicist.
4.9. After the last incident we’d like to remind everyone NOT to encourage drunk Avatar Korra to go streaking.
5. Under NO circumstances is Avatar Korra allowed to drive any vehicle.
5.1. President Zhu Li banned Avatar Korra from ever getting a driver’s license. Do not believe her if she tries to convince you otherwise.
5.2. Chief Lin Beifong herself promised to arrest anyone who helps Avatar Korra drive.
5.3. After the incident in Ba Sing Se, King Wu has permanently banned Korra from ever having a driver’s license.
5.4. Do not believe Asami Sato when she says she has “special permission” to teach Avatar Korra how to drive.
6. Do not try to interrupt Avatar Korra and Chief Tonraq while they’re listening to Pro-bending on the radio.
6.1. Please don’t encourage Avatar Korra to gamble on Pro-bending matches.
6.2. Please don’t encourage Chief Tonraq to gamble on Pro-bending matches.
7. For the last time, we are not allowed in Avatar Korra’s family home.
7.1. Please do not try to interrupt Avatar Korra’s time with her parents. It will not end well.
7.2. For the love of Agni, DO NOT try to interrupt Avatar Korra’s alone time with General Kuvira.
8. No, Avatar Korra will never stop saying “I’m the Avatar and you have to deal with it.”
8.1. Avatar Korra is also very fond of terrible puns and “dad” jokes.
8.2. Please do not tell Avatar Korra sex jokes. She’ll never stop repeating them.
8.3. Also don’t ask for sex stories unless you’re prepared to hear them.
9. The Avatar Fund is NOT to be used for Avatar Korra’s personal investments.
9.1. After the Varriwash incident, we’d like to remind everyone to carefully screen Avatar Korra’s mail for scams.
10. Avatar Korra would appreciate it if you didn’t mention her PTSD publicly.
10.1. Talking about Avatar Korra to ANY newspaper, radio show, or magazine will result in immediate termination.
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savemysoulmyartsucks · 10 months
Season 5 Favourite Quotes (as I watch it)
”Why is it whenever Lloyd is gone we look to Kai? We really should be following Zane” “That would be logical”
“Why be a ninja if you don’t like sneaking around”
“Wu’s my partner, I would never do anything behind his back” *takes out bag of money* “We leave at night”
“STOP STALLING” “We’re not stalling we are THINKING. *turns to the rest of the team* He is totally right, I am stalling”
“Tea that gives us four arms!” [this is coming from the guy that body shamed Garmadon]
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thatonebirdwrites · 1 year
Legend of Korra Really Doesn't Want Asami To Eat
A friend and myself were going through the show, and we realized that the show doesn't ever reveal Asami eating. She seems to subsist on tea alone, while her friends and found family eat around her. In Book 1, she and Mako do not eat anything on their date. Asami does sip her tea. When Korra is rescued from Tarrlok, Korra devours her food, and Asami is at the table with her, but she has no food in front of her. She goes with Pema to wash dishes.
When in the sewers, she spits out the dumpster food and gives it to Pabu. In Book 2, Asami is not at the feast nor is she shown eating any snacks offered by Bolin or Varrick. She doesn't eat anything in Republic City despite there being at least one potential meal scene. In Book 3, we start off with Korra and Asami doing things together and Asami supporting her at Korra's press conference. They return to Air Temple Island, where Tenzin and his family are eating. Korra sits down to join them, but Asami stands there in the doorway awkwardly. She doesn't join them, and no one calls her over. Little to no food is shown on the airship journey. In Ba Sing Se, there is some food shown, but Asami is either not present for it, or again doesn't eat it. In Zaofu, she is at the dinner table with everyone else and there is indeed food in front of her. Others show signs of the food on their plates being eaten or touched, but Asami's plate is untouched. Again, she only sips her tea or tests Varrick's terrible detect-air-bender device. In Book 4, she is seen offering Korra tea, but if there is any food scenes (hardly any), Asami is either not present or she does not eat while everyone else does.
She is seen at a table but only has tea while others have food. In the Comics, we once again never see Asami eat. Korra does eat at one point -- see Ruins of Empire when she eats snacks offered by Bolin during the briefing with Wu and President Moon. Asami only sips tea. So the conclusion (edited in to add that this conclusion is partly tongue in cheek): The writers have a vendetta against Asami eating. Therefore, I proclaim that Asami deserves food! LET ASAMI EAT. Raise your voices with me! LET ASAMI EAT.
Now on a more serious note (edited for clarity on definitions):
Disordered eating and anorexia is very unhealthy, and sure, I can't say for certain if Asami is anorexic or not. Disordered eating on the other hand is when one's eating habits are not consistent and not as nutritious as they need to be, which would fit with the consistent pattern of not showing Asami as eating.
I struggle with this too, and watching Asami in the show and comics not eat at all while her friends and found family do? That was pretty triggering for me, and had me legit worried. Like, why does everyone else have at last one meal where they are shown putting food in their mouth or shown with a half-eaten plate of food, but Asami doesn't get that? Even Mako and Zhu Li gets a moment to eat.
(Edit: To be this consistent with such a trait, requires conscious decisions; if it was once or twice, it'd be insignificant of a pattern, but for it to happen numerous times each season, the pattern is consistent and frequent enough to be significant. It is very hard to accidentally create a character trait that is very consistent across four seasons.) It's bothered me so much that I wrote about it in my fanfiction, where she struggles with her disordered eating and remembering to eat. It helped me feel better and validate my own struggle with eating disorders. (EDIT: A lot of fanfics writers and artists write her as forgetting to eat due to being caught up in work, so numerous people have caught on to this consistent trait to the point they include it in their own fics.)
It just makes me sad to see that, especially the Book three scene where Korra and Tenzin's family FAIL to invite Asami -- who has done so much for all of them, especially as she saved Tenzin's life twice and Korra's at least once -- to the table to eat with them. This shows a callous disregard for her by those characters, which was a little unnerving to see.
Asami's only family is Korra and the brothers. She's lost everything else, and her company can't fill the role of family. And yet, they keep neglecting her. Korra doesn't start to really include her until after Zaheer, despite Asami being 1000% at her side and always saying yes to everything Korra needed. (Asami was so in love with her from when she first met Korra, let's be honest. All their scenes together are very gay). So despite Asami's total loyalty, she's treated more like an emotional-support-nonbender for the team.
Despite the fact she can take down people on motorcycles and large mech tanks.
Asami is an excellent fighter in her own right. Genius inventor. Caring person with a heart bent toward justice.
And yet, and yet, she's so underutilized, her complex backstory mostly off screen, and when on screen, she's on the edge of everything.
When I examined transcripts for Book 3, I kept finding scenes where they would write a description of the scene. Asami was listed with Naga and Pabu most of the time. For example: Asami, Naga, and Pabu are on the edge of the scene, looking on.
This utterly baffled me, and coupled with the fact she isn't shown eating, it makes me wonder about if she struggled with whether she belonged or not. Because Korra, Mako, and Bolin sort of sucked at being present for her, despite her tripping over backward to be there for them.
Asami Sato is incredibly loyal, and she honestly deserved so much better than what she was given in the storylines of the show and the comics. Her and Korra being together canonically is awesome, and sure, Korra is better at being attentive to Asami and her needs, but there's that imbalance of Asami still going out of her way to be present for Korra no matter what.
I wish the Bryke and his team would let someone like me or my fellow fanfic writers who have tackled Asami so well -- write an Asami-centric comic that no only addresses the above, but shows how Asami overcomes her disordered eating, finds belonging in found family, and comes to terms with her intense grief over all that she's lost in her life. That would be such a compelling story, and yet it's so overlooked.
So I wrote it, and so have other fanfic writers. Thank you to all the other fanfic writers who did their best to write Asami and dig into her story in a respectful way.
May Asami be given space to grieve and be able to eat with her found family.
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the-archlich · 4 months
Realistically, how culturally Han would the Sichuan that Liu Bei conquered be? Do we know if its southwestern location and any present non-Han groups influenced its culture at all?
For the purposes of this question, we can divide Liu Bei's territory into three basic spheres: Shu proper (the Sichuan basin), Ba (the northeast mountains), and Nanzhong (the southern portion).
Shu was as culturally Han as anywhere in the north. Han settlers had been living there since the time of Emperor Wu and were thoroughly entrenched. It is for this reason that Shu became a gathering place for many different Han refugees, who knew that they would find a familiar home there.
The Ba region was more heavily inhabited by non-Han clades (mostly the Di people). There were fortified Han cities and towns in the river valleys, where their traditional agricultural practices could flourish. The lowlands were Han, the highlands were Di and others.
The situation in Nanzhong was similar. Han settlements dotted the landscape where their agricultural practices were applicable, with the people of Nanzhong occupying the places that were difficult for them to reach. The campaigns of Ma Zhong and his successors expanded the region of Han settlement, or at least firmly nailed down where those settlements were.
It's also crucial to remember that in this region, the Han people had been interacting with local polities for centuries. Some of the leading families in Nanzhong were originally Han but intermarried with the local population to such an extent that they were accepted as locals (like the families of Meng Huo, Yong Kai, Li Hui, etc.) but were also amenable to Han/Shu administration.
Like almost everywhere else in the Han empire, the region of the southeast was culturally diverse. Very few regions were culturally homogeneous. There was a firmly entrenched and very distinct Han population, but there was also extensive interaction with the non-Han population, which likely outnumbered them. The cities belonged to the Hans; everything else belonged to everyone else.
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kafkaoftherubble · 9 months
试问:这是啥?//Question: what is this?
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and I only just remembered about these, but I kept seeing these turtle dragon statues around. I need to research them more but honestly, they're so cute I might just call them my 6th favorite type
@secondhanddragon So, you wanted to know what this is?
I went to search for their information and the creature with the highest probability (so high my confidence level is at 99%) of matching the above is...
Golden Ao, also known as Dragon Turtle
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It's classified as a divine turtle (神龟)rather than a dragon; my guess is that since it is not one of the Dragon's Sons, it doesn't count in a traditional bestiary.
It has the shell of a turtle but the body of a dragon, and once again, it's useful in Fengshui. It symbolizes power and wealth.
However! This is not the only turtle-dragon in Chinese mythology. In fact, my Brain's first thought—though we kinda immediately discarded it—was the other one...
Bixi, also known as Ba Xia ("Dominate Below") and Gui Fu ("Foot Tortoise")
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Now this is one of the Dragon's Nine Sons. Bixi is strong; the word 赑 basically means "able to support great weight," but it's not a common word to be used in any stretch. It's the son of the dragon and a tortoise, and later depictions of Bixi gradually show characteristics of a dragon more than its earlier, clearly-tortoise-like features.
How did you rate your confidence level? Why are you sre that the image I showed you was a Dragon Turtle and not a Bixi?
It's the function of Bixi that gave it away!
Bixi is always made to carry steles and important tablets on its back, especially the ones by emperors. The idea is that the deeds and/or names of those recorded on this stele/tablet will live on forever with Bixi, who has the steadfast longevity of a tortoise and the divine power of a dragon.
It possesses quite a few meanings:
power and status; hence its steles are often those of emperors, high chiefs, and whatnot.
longevity, since it is the son of a tortoise
local cultural symbol (local tribal importance)
and mythological symbolism (in Taoism)
One of the myths concerning Bixi is this: Bixi used to carry mountains on its back and wreak chaos through tidal waves. Then, one of China's ancient emperors, Da Yu, subjugated Bixi and made it work under him. Da Yu was known for his Great Flood project—he devoted much of his life to solving it, and in this mythologized version, Bixi was one of those divine creatures who helped*. When the project was over, Da Yu worried that Bixi would return to its old wayward ways, so he created this gigantic stone tablet detailing Bixi's contribution and great deeds and asked Bixi to carry it around. The weight of that tablet caused Bixi to be too sluggish to wreak havoc anymore.
*You might be interested to know that another one who helped Da Yu was "Ying Long (应龙)"—yes, this is a full-fledged dragon.
This is how I'm confident that your image was that of a dragon turtle and not a Bixi.
How do I distinguish between a Bixi and Black Tortoise (Xuan Wu 玄武)?
Same deal. It's the stele/tablet. Also, Bixi has teeth. Tortoises do not. Later Bixi has draconic features. Xuan Wu is always... a tortoise! Hahahaha.
So there you go. I'm most confident that it is a dragon turtle. However, Bixi has more stories to it due to being a Son of the Dragon.
As a rule of heuristics (not statistics; I did not collect data for this), if a Chinese myth creature is found as a small, delicate ornament, it's quite likely that it has connotations in Fengshui. It's the same for Pixiu and Qilin, and the same for dragon turtles too.
Thank you for reading my ramble! I hope it was fun and informative for you!
Citations and Links:
"Dragon Turtle" in Wikipedia.
"Bixi" in Wikipedia.
"金鳌 (中国古代神兽)" in Baidu Baike. (In Chinese)
"赑屃(中国古代神兽)" in Baidu Baike. (In Chinese)
Kafka's Notes: I generally don't like Baidu Baike because it lacks citational rigor, so it's hard to trace information to its source. However, it was very useful for me to search for names and preliminary information, so I included it here. Some of the stuff I mentioned (like the Legend of Bixi and Da Yu) was from Baidu Baike; I judged that a folklore is not always recorded in academic sources, so this instance of lacking citational rigor is acceptable.
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