#do i imagine grandpa at haight ashbury for san francisco pride with his not boyfriend arthur hawkins
unfriendlyamazon · 5 months
Find Your Flag (gen fanfic)
i was thinking of saving this but since @kaijous posted their bi pride yugi i'll post my bi pride tristan. a little exchange we did to celebrate our favorite bisexuals in this fandom
characters: Tristan Taylor, Yugi Muto, Joey Wheeler, Anzu Mazaki, Miho Nosaka, Duke Devlin & Seto Kaiba (mentions)
rating: G
As Domino City ramps up for its first pride event, Tristan can't help but feel a little anxiety.
Tristan took the side roads to Kame Game, his motorcycle puttering along with the increased traffic. Most of the main roads in Domino’s downtown were already cornered off, pushing motorists to wind through the streets. He caught glimpses of the main thoroughfare as it was being set up. Floats were being readied, and workers in bright t-shirts directed pedestrians off the main road. Music blared from all over, and the parade would end at the entrance gates to Kaibaland, which had free entry all day. Domino City’s first pride event was shaping up to be one for the history books.
And of course the crew was going wild. Duke’s game shop was along the parade route, and they’d secured a float, meaning they’d been traipsing around in a full ball gown for a week to get ready. Anzu and Miho had spent the morning at Kaibaland, dressed in oranges and pinks with flowers in their hair. They’d meet the boys when the parade was ready to start, which was why Tristan was heading over to Yugi’s with still a few hours to go. Joey’d slept over at Yugi’s to avoid the disrupted bus schedule, and he’d already gotten plenty of pics of them preparing their outfits. Tristan lagged behind, a little less enthusiastic than his friends. He was happy the parade was happening, and the whole thing had those Kaiba flourishes that really made it pop, but the truth was, he didn’t know if he was ready to take it to the streets. He’d only started admitting he was bisexual last year. Now the whole city was waiting for him to come out of the closet, fishnet shirt and bisexual pasties included.
He parked the bike and waved to Grandpa as he started up the steps to the upstairs apartment. Pride flags fluttered outside of Kame Game, and someone had draped a trans flag over a cardboard standee of Yugi. Some kids were taking pictures with it. He didn’t bother to knock as he pushed open the door to the comfy living space. Music carried from Yugi’s room, where Yugi and Joey were laughing on his bed. Both sat up as Tristan came in.
“The big man’s here!” Joey shouted. “I thought you were gonna bail.”
Tristan gave his best smile. “On Domino’s first pride? It’s a historic occasion.”
“Kaiba really went all out,” Yugi said, jumping from the bed. “He’s grand marshalling the whole thing.”
“Doesn’t surprise me,” Tristan said.
“Did you see the photos he posted?” Joey nudged his buddy. “He’s kinda hot as a girl.”
Tristan rolled his eyes and shoved him down, earning another peal of laughter. Yugi grabbed a handful of shirts from a discarded pile and held them up to Tristan.
“I went thrifting with Anzu,” he said. “You said you didn’t know what to wear.”
Tristan’s eyes swam with the options in front of him. Yugi definitely had his style, and he’d gone with a mesh shirt pleather pants for himself, crisscrossed with strips of fabric in dark colors of the bisexual flag. He’d done his hair at full spikiness, with enough gel to probably hurt someone if they got too close. A spiked collar and several chains hung down from his throat. The clothes he’d picked out, he’d at least gone more subtle on. Strips of fabric in dark pinks and blues on clothes where he’d definitely guessed the size.
“Thanks,” Tristan said, “but I think I’m just gonna wear this.”
He felt them both sizing up his current look. He’d stripped the motorcycle jacket off, and he’d gone with a simple blue button up and his usual jeans. The two glanced at each other, and Joey shrugged.
“Whatever works, big man.” He slapped a hand on Tristan’s back. “Show me what you got for me.”
Yugi brightened and untangled more outfits. Tristan sat back as they chattered together, holding up clothes, laughing at the stupid stuff they said. It was easy to let them caught up in whatever they were doing, so he could focus on breathing. He wished this whole thing wasn’t giving him anxiety. He wanted to join in with his friends, laugh and share and feel pride, but with every news camera and Instagram post he felt his fear rising. It wasn’t like his parents would see him front and center. It wasn’t like his buddies at the garage would just know. But they might. For so long Tristan had wrapped himself in the blanket of I have gay friends, and that shield was slowly disappearing. Now he’d be in the crowd, with the world watching.
No pressure.
He startled as Joey dropped down onto the bed beside him. Yugi was in the bathroom, applying his makeup, but it was as private a moment as the two were gonna get that day.
“You okay?” Joey asked.
Tristan grinned at him. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
He tilted his head, but didn’t say anything. After a few beats, he jumped up again, grabbing a tin from Yugi’s bedside and shoving it at Tristan.
“Gramps dug these out,” he said. “Vintage pride buttons.”
Tristan glanced at him as opened the tin. Buttons of varying size were collected among other trinkets. They came in all sorts of colors, bearing slogans like CURE AIDS NOW and GAY POWER. Lesbian and gay and liberation mixed together. Joey reached in, snagging a button and holding it out to Tristan.
“I know you’re not the flashiest guy,” he said, “but I thought you’d wanna wear that one.”
Tristan turned it over in his hands. The metal had tarnished on the back, and it was clearly homemade. The front was black, with a pink and blue triangle intersecting each other. The wording was simple: BISEXUAL PRIDE!
“If you want,” Joey said. “No pressure.”
Tristan wondered briefly where the elder Muto had picked these up, if it’d been a passing fancy, or an intentional collection. Maybe he’d felt the same way Tristan did holding it. Someone had made this, crafted it, shared it with the world, in a time where wearing a button like this was the bravest thing you could do. He closed his fist around it and smiled up at Joey.
“Thanks,” he said.
A knock against the bathroom door made them both look up. Yugi waved his phone at them.
“Anzu just texted,” he said. “She and Miho are heading this way.”
“Alright, alright, I’ll put on some clothes,” Joey groaned.
Yugi helped him worm into a top that showed off his top surgery scars, and he’d switched out the laces of sneakers with rainbow themed ones. He was digging through Yugi’s body glitter collection as Tristan opened his palm to look at the button again. Anzu and Miho’s voices carried from the doorway, and he smiled, lifting the button to his chest and pinning it into his shirt.
“Are we ready?” Anzu called, hands on hips, bossy as always.
Yugi bounded towards her, and Joey glanced at Tristan as he got to his feet.
“Yeah,” Tristan said. “I’m ready.”
Joey grinned at him, and together they all headed out onto the street, hand in hand, ready to face the world.
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