#do these pepole have names
justhorizon1 · 7 months
Day 5 - Fire Eggs.
Fighting a Firebug outcome : 2
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I'm gonna have to wait and put it in the official Discord server when it reopens after this outright fucked up situation is sorted out. Or not, just when the discord server is open again cuz it closed, since I'm not gonna be posting my stuff on Twitter.com(I am not gonna call it X).
The art would have turned out better if I didn't feel like a wet sock
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icarustypicalfall · 1 year
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how cod men would use their phones
this is my first time doing head canons lmao if its bad just forget it 😭 i tried to be realistic but that was extremely dump lmaoo
warnings: none, totally sfw and maybe funny? 😀
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captain john price
honestly, i see him as the type of people who'll lecture you when they see you using a phone, while he plays candy crush and similar games on a loop when he's alone. he isn't much interested in social media, maybe he'll use Twitter for infos and What's up to talk with his team. Otherwise, he'd be a Facebook dad watching videos with that annoying laugh on full volume while cackling. Gaz tried to  convince him to use other platforms but it resulted in Price giving him a 10 minutes lecture on how bad social media is.
(john secretly watch tiktok video complications on YouTube)
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simon ghost riley
he doesn't use his phone much, he knows how it can be addicting and he has much things on his mind to worry about being social with others. although, he looks for dad jokes and have a laugh at them when he's alone. his camera roll is full of blurry pictures he took by mistake and screenshots of recipes.
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kyle gaz garrick
he's the youngest and the one who convinced price into buying a phone. i think Kyle is the the type of people who'd be popular on every platform, twitter, Instagram, you name it. he's funny (also really handsome 🤭) which makes it easy for him to have much moots and friends. He watches streams or horror stories at 2 am. (spoiler: he got scared more than once)
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johnny soap Mactavish
he watches shitty shows on Netflix to complain about them. he loves, and i mean really loves annoying people with stupid meaningless Messages when he's bored. if you are texting him, god be with you, this man makes 20 typos in a single word. he'd make comments on random posts to fight people for months.
"jus fer fun lass/lad"
(sorry if this isn't how Scottish people actually talk I've seen it around in fics 😭)
he looses arguments most of the time and asks Alejandro for some back up.
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Alejandro vargas
he uses his phone to call only, he despises texting and if he did, it'll be like this
you:"when shall i meet you tomorrow?"
although, he takes lots of pictures, sends them to you most of the time. rudy forced him to make an Instagram account and he ended by liking it.
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rudy parra
this cute man 🤭💕 he might be a military man, but he has a soft spot for cute videos of pepole taking care of animals. he'd watch them for hours. he doesn't use his phone much due to his job but he's keeps up with the trends and explains them to you if you're confused.
i can see him using this one a lot :3
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Phillip graves
he hates social media, he uses what's up to send to his shadows shirtless pictures of him. he'd drop the most heart wrenching pic ever and say"what's for dinner" (you sir 🤭)
he secretly loves watching those videos of reddit stories, he knows it's probably fake but he lives for the drama and enjoys it.
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i hope y'all like it, it's shitty and short lmao.
i Just got up from a nap lmao can't believe people actually liked my other work
shall i do other operaters from like Kor-Tac and ghosts? (and yes i know König is in Kor-Tac)
*just realized I didn't add tags im
✨d u m p ✨*
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I've been developping my au a bit more, and i wanted to share some bits, namely: the fuck's up with the gods?
There are two main types of gods
•Crowned gods
(example: Narinder, Shamura, Kallamar .. etc)
•Crownless gods (parasite gods)
(example: The Fox)
There are a few differences other than the crowns, but lets lay down what they both do first
-All gods survive on devotion, its their lifeblood, if theres no devotion they die.
-all gods have phases, as in, infant god, young god, adult god, and it goes all the way up to eldrich
-both types of gods are around the same power level, parasite gods are just as powerful as any other, (if fed regularly)
Now the differences
Crowned gods
-theese gods can only absorb devotion, and devotion doesnt only come from pepole but from what they stand for,
Example: Heket absorbs devotion from starvation too, if anything starves she gets more powerful, this is passive devotion absorbtion , witch itself can barely keep alive a younger god, but can easily sustain an eldrich one
-crowned gods need their own Cults to survive
-their powers are limited to what they stand for,
-gods of good things (love, life, health, justice) have an even stricter limit, most of them cant even kill or they'll lose their crowns immedietly. And thus they get exploited often by mortals
-their children are not born gods automaticly
Crownless gods (Parasite gods)
-as their name suggests, they are parasitic, they cannot absorb devotion from shrines, they need to eat believers of other gods to survive, the more devoted the follower they ate was,the more devotion they got from it (duh)
-parasite gods are noticibly smaller in (adult) size than crowned ones, they grow just big enough to swallow their prey whole
-they dont stand for things, they are just gods, thus they dont have the kinds of limitations that crowned ones have
-crownless godhood is genetic, and every child of a parasite god is automaticly a parasite god.
-their telling sign is black eye whites , (though this bodily change only shows after the god reaches 'young godhood') and splitting jaws
Fun facts:
-The pantheon of gods (the event that caused 99% of the god population to die) was caused by and overpopulation of parasite gods, and One single Crowned god, to swore to kill every P.god
-most crowned gods hate parasite gods. (For understandable reasons)
-the fox is the last parasite god, (up until his kids are born)
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haydenthewitch · 3 days
if i was doing a greek myths au of sanders sides, i think i would do intulogical as hades and persephone and here's why:
1. Logan as hades makes sense, Not only becuse of the thing they both do, the "i don't do feelings thing" but also becuse of the god of wealth thing. Logan's the one doing taxes in sanders sides. Also, Hades is not known for being like a "grim reeper" figure, he doesn't delight in death nor is he the god of death (the act of dying). He is the god of the dead (ruling over already dead pepole) and he seems to rule as fair as any of the gods did (maybe even more fair.)
2. Remus as persphone is so good acrualy. Did you know that before pepole refered to Persephone as Persephone they refered to her as kore. The intresting thing about Kore is that it doesn't translate to 'flower' or some spring goddess name like that. Kore translates as "maiden" or "girl." Some theroize that this is becuse saying the name of a god was bringing their attention to you; oftentimes pepole would not refer to hades AS HADES belivng it to be bad luck. THEREFORE some think that the greeks gave her the name 'KORE' becuse they were so scared of her: they wouldn't say her name. they basicly said "so in this tale a certain madien we don't say the name of does xyz." and this was BEFORE she hooked up with the god of the dead; she was then remaimed Persephone (witch btw translates to "to bring/cuase death".) NEED I SAY WHY REMUS WOULD BE SUCH A GOOD PERSEPHONE??? first, he'd totaly roll around in the dirt and mud, bring about the chayos of spring. and two EVRYONE IS FRICKING PISSING THEIR PANTS AROUND HIM ALL THE TIME. three: he would and does fuck shit up by sponatouisly growing vines everywhere. sometimes on purpose and sometimes not at all.
3. Logan (as hades) Seeing remus(as kore) Causing disaster and ruin with plants and insitantly falling in love and lementing how perfect and ordrly the underworld is becuse vines and plants can't grow there easily. Secretly wishing and hoping to see him again. Technicaly kidnapping remus on acceident but remus can smell fear on him and is SOOO INTENT on figuring out why (it's becuse logan is so deeply in love with his laugh and logan is kinda freaking out about it.) remus maybe intentionaly eating some of the pommagranite as a show of faith and logan proposes on the spot.
THEY ARE THE COUPLE OF ALL TIME (and this isn't even getting into why roman and virgil would make SUCH A GOOD orpheuis and erodice pair don't even get me started. i feel like i have to find a sanders pair for phsyce and eros becuse they are my favorite greek myth so)
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amaramizuki666 · 2 years
Dp x DC crossover
Ok so I had an idea what if all the main bat brothers where dateing the phenton siblings and didnt know. The pairings for this idea is Damian x dani(elle) phenton, tim x danny phenton, jason x jazz phenton, and dick x Dan phenton.
the chaos if one day when the brothers where hanging out one of them mentions their partners and how their last name was phenton then one of the other boys says that's their partners last name and then the other 2 also say their partners last name is phenton.
So they come to the most logical conclusion and say their partners names, and their just like oh their siblings until tim says his boyfriend danny is trans ftm and his dead name was juzeal (ju-zel). So they all assume after that since all of them are paranoid idots is that danny, Elle, jazz, and Dan where the same person and are useing them for something. They cant agree on what damion thinks it's a trick by the league, jason thinks it's one of the pepole hes killed relatives comeing for revenge, tim thinks it's for money, and dick thinks it's to kill Bruce.
So they are all upset thinking the loves of their lives are lying to them. Then jason says "how about we all invite them to a dinner to meat the fam on the same day" so they did. And where all very confused when all of them got the reply 'sure why not'.
So the dinner was at a restaurant they completely rented out so they would be the only ones there. Damion and elle arrived first sittling down. Then jason arrived with jazz. Then dick and dan, and lastly danny and tim. So everyone is just staring at eachother when Danny craked the joke "well I guess we do have similar taste huh guys". Elle bursted out laughing, dan and jazz rolled their eyes dan saying "well we are siblings".
The brothers are suprised but happy knowing their original conclusion on then being siblings was correct, now everyone wants to know how they all met.
Ok that's the idea also I kinda wanna write this as a series I'm thinking calling my au cork board because of all the theorys the brothers come up with. Also the the last name phenton instead of Fenton or nightingale is I like to think danny came up with it on the spot without jazz's supervision and 5 nights of no sleep.
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fornasedensgudar · 1 year
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Have you forgotten her?
Do you know her name?
Who is she?
The goddess Ilmr.
(Pardon my bad english, not my first language)
Shes listed as a goddess and occurs in skaldic kennings in the 10th and 11th centuries, and were likely about to be forgotten and lost to all time.
Her name and mystery intreeged me and my fiance, so we did some witchy trans work and see what we could find and then compared, and we both came down to:
"Goddess of change, opens portals to helheim.
Protect the dead and give a safe passage.
Maker of scents to calm the dying. Half sister to Eir. Cold, alone and missunderstood.
Helps you re-think situations and see diffrent outlooks.
Half asir and half jötunn.
Perhaps listed as a disir and a valkyria."
(This is our UPG so take it as you may, its ok if you see her diffrent.)
But also, Not to far of I say so. If you look at some of the very little we have about her and some theories scholars have.
Like most goddesses her name hints to her role. But we are not sure what it means? Some say ilmr means "pleasant scent". This is strange for a goddess/valkyrie but another of her name some say could etymologically related to almr, meaning Elm tree. A tree that on iceland would then ben a rare and more and more rare thing to see along with most trees after the first settlments. Wich might be why she was forgotten, if she is the goddess of the Elm and the Elm becomes rare and travel to places where the elm grow and pepole know of her, then she becomes more and more unknown.
Another intresting thing about the Elm is that in folklore all over Europe its associated with death, something thats rather intresting when looking to a skald from 950s with the kenning "jalmr Ilmar" meaing "Ilmrs alarm". A nother hint to this is that Ilmr may be related to the noun jalmr (noise).
Also, in "Bjarnar saga Hítdælakappa" Bjarnar calls the disir that tells him about his comming death for "Ilmr armleggjar orma". Meaning sort of "ilmr of the armrings". Another thing hinting to her work in death.
So what do you say? Goddess of good scent? Or death? I say why not both? Of lovely scents and with incense we give thanks to spirits of the dead and their Guardian Who guides them to the next realm. With a lovely scent she calms the dead. She who screams in allarm on the battlefeald, goddeass of the Elm. She who helps those Eir could not.
Here it up to us, the modern polytheistic community to remake as well make something new. Traditions and gods change and its we Who write the history as we work with and learn more about these gods. ((But remeber to make it clear whats UPG and whats based in old sources))
So what do you say?
Do you know the name Ilmr? And how do you see this forgotten goddess?
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anime3fan · 1 year
a Life without you
Aizetsu x Reader Part 1
: Angst
Creators Note :
( i don't know about hantengus Backstory )
Let's pretend aizetsu was once a human and isnt a Clone ,think of it as an au and because every demon has a different name in their Backstorys so i gave him one too
The First Part is Just about the Backstory !
( He's so Babygirl )
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You hadn't much friends as a child , Not even one ,you Always sat under a roof watching others play and had fun while you sat in the shadows
and even when you tried to fit in when you hear Something you do and try to Talk with them about it , the only Thing they responded with was laughing at you or telling you to shut up
One day a single mother came to the Village and you heard that she had a son , it was your chanse , If you could impress him maybe He will become your friend and you wont be alone anymore
So the next day when you saw her Holding a Boys Hand while smiling at him you went to her and asked If you could Play with him , she Said You should ask her son Not her
You saw the calm Boy building a Snow man , can i Help you ?
You asked him , he turned around and saw you standing behind him , He nods with a shy Look on His face , you sat down besides him helping him build a Snow man,you found Out His name was azak, since that day you bacame bestfriends , pepole didn't Like him either so you both Always hang Out , until one day after three years later a Girl moved in the House besides His , she asked him to be her friend and He acctepted after Sometime you tought that Something was wrong with her and didn't feel good about her
When you told the Same thing to azak tho , you Had a big fight with him ,,you are Just Jealous that i found someone better than you , do you think your the best in the World ?" Bu- but what are you going to cry about it ? Or do you want to be alone again that much ? You Look shocked at him The Person before you wasn't azak , He wasn't the Same kind Boy you knew
,, i have better Things to do than Bring with a someone Like you , He went away
after Sometime Standing you feel to the ground tears Ran uncontrolbly down your eyes falling to the ground , you couldn't hold Back you tears anymore
After that day you never talked to him Nor did He to you , you sat under that roof again , you now didn't want Friends anymore they all betrayed you and used you , you better than them anyways
You Wish you could belive it yourself, but you knew you Lied to yourself
Seven years has bassed you we're now 19 and it was still the Same , the Girl who ruined your friendship, Marie told everyone that you Hit and harmed her , azak belived her without even caring If it was a lie or Not ,even your Family did , you Life became hell since then
Everyone hated you sice then , the Most Thing you hated about it was how azak looked at you with a cold disgusted Look on His face , you even tried to Tell him that it wasen't you , but He never listend
One day you heard Panick screaming and crying you Ran as fast as you could , you arrivel was Welcomed with a big fire
a Villager then told you that zandak was there you rushed in without histenation after Hearing His Words , you Goughed, you've been sreaching for azak for ten minutes now it was slowly becoming hard to breath , after Sometime you finally found azaks Body you checked If He was still breathing , you we're reliefed after Hearing His calm breathing you Put him on your Back and went to the outpot trying to hold yourself together after finally ariving at the door you opened it and Fell to the ground azak in your arms
You woke Up , finding yourself in a room you never Seen before you Look around and See azak lying the bed next to you , you try to sit Up and feel and awful pain in your Back
You shouldn't sit Up much , you have a big Sound in your Back so be cearful you heared a familiar voice , you looked where it came form ,oh Miss renaer Long time No see , how have you been ? You asked azaks mother
you right, it has been a long time , i am fine thanks for asking , and how have you been ? I Heard about how you saved my son , thank you she bowed infornt of you
please don't bow infornt of me , i didn't do something that big , you Shake your Hands in the Air , hahaha you haven't Change even a little you heard her laughing gentely you Smile , please i have a little request for you Miss renaer
i would Love to do anything i can honey as a thank for saving my son , please don't Tell him i was the one who saved him and If He ever asked Tell him it was Marie He Likes her more than me i Look down , you Like my son don't you , you raise your head shocked , was it this obvious , she chuckeled no, no but i know it , but If you Wish Not to Tell him i wont force you , but please try to get better with eachother again
thank you, i will try to , you sayed your goodbyes
After Walking for Sometime you Turn around seing the sun Go down , remembering how you Always watched it with the man who once meant the world to you
Will we ever be as Happy as we we're once ? Or never ? Azak ...
Wait for more ;⁠)
I am Not the best at writing fanfictions but i gave my best (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
Please don't Reporst or translate my work
i will rewrite this with more ditails and Backstory later i was in a Rush when i started it , i Hope you Like it
There will be a Part 2 for the Backstory but i will write everything including this Part with it
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zonatcannibalism · 11 months
if i hear "zionism is the new nazism" one more time im gonna SCREAM.
lets explain something, ok? the pepole saying that do not fucking know what nazism is. 90 precent of goyim do not understand the extent of the horrors our people were put through. You need to realise that every Ashkenazi jew alive today has a story about the way their grandparents escaped. That we grew up hearing stories about the way our people were abused. About the human experimentations. About the starvation. About the way people who could have been us if we were born 80 years ago were treated as less then animals. About how they had their names taken away. About the children slaughtered and the women raped. About the mass graves we were forced to dig for our own people. Its not just 6 milion to us- its humans. Its the children my great grandmother played tag with. This is me keeping out some of the harsher shit i know about the shoa so it would be Tumblr appropriate. This is the CENSORED description.
No matter how bad do you think "the oppressive white supremacist zionists occupation" is, i promise you it is not slightly fucking close to being as bad as what our people went through in the 1940s, and saying it does is just trivialising our pain so it serves your agenda. Its disgusting and dehumanising. Do you realise we still carry the generational trauma of the shoa with us? Do you? You don't get to call anyone a nazi unless they're literally neo nazis. I don't care how awful of a racist bigot they are. You don't get to call someone a nazi until you learn what that word means.
"Punch nazis" is also a trivialisation of the shoa btw. Just dont. Please dont. Yes, i know queer and disabled people were slaughtered by the nazis too. Its still not the fucking same. Every single Jewish person today is haunted by the memory of the shoa. You goyim don't get to turn it into a fucking slogan.
To be clear: this is NOT a post saying Palestinians have a jolly ol time and should stop complaining beacuse the shoa was worst. Its about the way goyim trivialise our trauma.
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tagged by @steffen-dilfrael
yo sorry im late
Are you named after anyone: nop unique name here i think.
When was the last time you cried: .... a monthnago i think... sadness, homesickness, havent eatent ginger since new year...
Do you have kids: nop.. doesnt plan to
What sports do you play/have you played: Oh boy! a lot in order of favoriteness: pingpong, volleyball, swimming, biking, basketball, football, badmington, tennis, walking, and my least favorite running.
Do you use sarcasme: rarely (on the net and IRL)
Whats the first thing you notice about people: first impression if they're nice or not.
Whats your eyes color: very dark brown
Scary movie or happy ending: HAPPY HAPPY HAPYY
Any talents? : people say i sing great, my friends say i draw great, but i thik my talent is eating.
Where were you born: Tamatave
What are your hobbies: reading fanfiction, procrastinating , drawing, playing old pokemon rom (hack), guitar, singing, writing?
Do you have any pets: not curently (does my four cats and one dogs living an ocean apart from me count?)
How tall are you: 1.70 on my ID ..... okay buts its 1.69 ...
Favorite subject in school: MATH!!! ok no it was Art plastique and Music
Dream job: Math Professor.... (exept now i have doubt about it hmmmmm... idk)
so now ill tag other pepole: euh... @miraclechatbug, @briselegeredansletemps , @leechysmile, @joeytaylor, @venus-vulpes, @anonymous-lizard, @gem-zed, ah.... everyone else who want to!
@amimiamimiamimi, @stgcookie99, hmmmmm.... , @,
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casualwriters · 6 months
Oh, Yea were parents. Now - Gale X fem teifling reader
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A/n: I know I have been Gone for a Whille, so here this cute little fan fic of my fav boy.
Spoilers for the ending ~ ♡
With the brain being deafeted, WaterDeep was calling both of their names, Baulder Gates didn't need you anymore for the time.
Of course, the heroes will be back eventually. Gale details and Illusions didn't show the true beauty of your lovers. Home, you only lived in Baulder Gates and were thrilled when he put the power of the Crown of Karsus aside and decided to have a life with you instead,
the last time you spoke to the others was a few months ago still greiving over Karlach Death, and not seeing the pepole you gone so close with but it was nice, starting you're own life together.
Tara and you needed to run some errands together.
Gale was with Willow, the young girl they found in the rumbles of broken buildings in Baulder Gates she was barely six years old, when you looked at her she was cover in grime dirt and gashes cover in dry blood.
Her platinum blond hair was knotted covering her elf ears. You could tell she was only a half elf.
Gale moved quickly, summoning Mage Hands, and his hands moved the rocks away from the innocent girl. What shocked both the teifling and the wizard was that she ran straight and hugged Gale.
"Love is this normal," he mumbled, surprised he awkwardly wrapped his arms around the child
Gale groaned "I know what you gonna say" he says throwing his hands up and when he saw you're puppy pout he chuckled he couldn't say no to that beautiful face, "of course I wouldn't want to leave her stranded " but a small smile quirk up on his lips knowing this was the right choice and that how you ended up with the young half elf in you're life.
"Okay, so why do we need these things?" Has you looked down at Tara, her wings tucked, in her furr, she spoke, " Gale needs some something about Willow being a wizard last time she try a spell, I was balled for almost a week!" She says, shivering her tone filled with annoyance but humor. Covering you're mouth you chuckled.
" At least I made you a warm sweater," you said. You could tell the Tressym wanted to say something to you just from bringing up the horrid memories, but she scoffs, "It was warm. I give you that." She says
WaterDeep was beautiful, waking to shops and shops, getting ingredients for the potion you didn't mind helping Tara because not everyone can understand feline.
"Momma, watch out!" Moving quickly, Tara gasped and flew away behind you, moving quickly. The fireball hit the brown door, and the chard was now noticeable.
"Oh, by the God's," you groan, pinching your noise looking up seeing Gale cheek red has he was sitting in front of a large book his brown hair. The strands falling into his face
A dorky smile was on your partners face. You took care of Willow for almost eight months now, and it still warmed your heart when she called you mom.
"I got what you need, my loves," bending down and kissing Willow's head , she giggles, skipping over to Tara to help her.
Wrapping your arms around Gale's neck, leaning into his back, he automatically relaxes you.
"What are you reading," muttering into his neck as Gale turned the pages his body was relaxed and calm snickering "well Willow was reading the begging book of Wizarding " laughing out loud " how am I not surprised you're teaching her magic, " she kissed his cheek " but I'n the house?" You asked
Gale pouted, and you raised a brow, and he threw his arms up from laying on the book. "I can't say no to you. Fine the balcony it is, " he says." You step away, and he turns his head, planting a kiss on your lips.
"Dad, dad!" Willow says, and before you guys could turn around and watch her, Gale fell off his chair as the slice of ice hit the tabel you yelp ducking and slipping on the ice, "beginner I very much doubt that" you say trying to contain you're laughter Gale stood up dusting his robes off "Hey at least she can defend her self" he says smiling .
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stiffyck · 2 years
So I have been thinking again
And I was thinking what happens to corpses in the life sieries
And I figured out that they rot quicker than normal corpses but pepole burry them anyway
Standing over his own grave.
"Let's keep moving. You wanted to live on the desert, right?"
"Go on without me. I'll catch you later."
"Sure take your time"
And then Scar proceded to dig up his own grave and eat his own corpse
(A little fricked up?
Well I only started)
Grian blew up three pepole. Three pepole! And Scar could do whatever he wanted with their corpses. Maybe he'll invite Grian for a fancy dinner?
(Now we're getting on very fricked up territory)
"I'll go see if there's some stuff left" Scar car carefully climbed down the canion. He didn't want to fall again.
"Sure see you later"
And then Scar ate his own corpse again. This man needs therapy. Beacuse. This is just fricked up.
He killed Etho.
Everyone was cheering.
He did it.
"I'm just gonna, you know, throw him into lava and you go stort his stuff. Leave usless things here and hide the useful somwhere, ok?"
And they listened. Of course they did. He was a red name. They were scared of him. Exept Grian. He had to listen to him.
But anyway. Dinner!
"Scar where is my... um... corpse?"
"Oh it... it fell into the lava I'm sorry G" said Scar with his face and hands covered in blood.
That was wierd
Beacuse he didn't exit the bunker until the battle ended.
Later Scott came looking for Jimmys corpse
"I'm afraid it also fell into the lava. I didn't realize that this was his third life. I'm so sorry for your loss Scott"
Nobody knows what happend to Rens and Martyns corpses
Exept Scar
Of course he knows
Three corpses layed in front of him.
Bigb tried to kill Grian, he deserved it.
Bdubs too.
But not Grian, he didn't deserve to die.
And Scar was hungry after a long day of fighting.
So. Dinner time?
Idk if I got all the opportunities eties but this was wild. I'm not rly plannig to do ll and dl. But who knows. (Please don't make me do this again)
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wildissylupus · 1 year
YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW HAPPY IT MAKES ME THAT THE REST OF THE GANG HAVE NAMES!!! I've gotten so used to minor characters not having names/their names being buried in credits if by some miracle they have a speaking role, so to know these guys have names AND potential backstories is AMAZING!!! Also, for some reason, I did not know Bars was an omnic. I thought she was a human with a robotic mask and arms. Honestly, I was kinda under the impression that, other than B.O.B, most if not all of Ashes gang were humans, so seeing another omnic as part of her gang is awesome!!
Yeah!! Honestly for me having Deadlock characters be named and have backstories fits the theme of family Ashe has going on. Also I find it interesting that out of all the groups in Overwatch, Deadlock is probably the most accepting of Omnics because of Ashe and B.O.B.
I think Bars being an Omnic really shows how much influence Ashe has had on the criminal world in Texas, cause in the Novel, Ashe and Cassidy were pretty much the only people who are shown treating B.O.B like a person, Frankie seemed indifferent and Julian bet B.O.B on a race. Also a little thing to note about Bars is that she's the only other Deadlock member Cassidy talks about in game.
I personally believe that Cassidy only ever considered Ashe, B.O.B and Frankie family, cause during his time in Deadlock there only really would have been ex-Diamondback members, and Cassidy at this time held a grudge. The Diamondback literally kidnapped him and beat him up, so I think he would refrain from getting close to any of them, especially Zeke. So Cassidy talking about Bars in game kind of implies to me that she joined after the Diamondbacks and was never associated with them, allowing her to be one of the few new members of Deadlock to get close to Cassidy before he was captured by Blackwatch.
I find Deadlocks dynamic with each other so interesting cause I think it's very much what people wish Blackwatch was. Deadlock is a home to many pepole effected by the Crisis, it's a family but also actively supports if you have motivation different from it (Frankie wanting to help her family by rebuilding her old neighborhood). I think a lot of people forget that Ashe started Deadlock, not because she liked comitting crime (it was a part of it, adrenaline will do that to you), but because she felt like she finally found a place, a group, she belonged.
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kusho-void · 11 months
Hi, its my first time writting something, i wanted to write something wholesome so here we go, my phone sucks and im still fixing my english so feel free to correct me
*Eddie was walking down the street...it was a cold chilly night*
V: eddieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee im hungry
E: yeah...sorry man but there are no bad guys...so shut up
V: pussy
E: fuck you
*eddie ad venom kept fighting until the stumbuled uppon a watch...a weird watch...eddie pressed some buttons and some numbers popped up, eddie pressed a random bunch of numbers...1227..suddenly a portal opened beneath eddie and sucked him inside of it.*
E: shishitshitshitshits
*a few hours later eddie woke up...it was dark as fuck and eddie foun himself in a dark room...*
E: what? What the fuck?
V: tf did you just do eddie?
E: I dont know!
???: hey, sup you finally woke up
*a femenine voice said...it sounded like a teen...*
E: w-who are you huh?
???: woooooooow you have one of dose?
*a girl with long white hair came out od the shdows, her eyes where red and her skin pale, she whore a leather jacket and a black and white skirt, plus some high black boots (the ones that goth, or emo pepole use, i dont know their name, sorry)*
Eddiana: hi, im eddiana brock, but pepole call me eddie
E: ...ok? Where are we?
Eddiana: oh well, you are in my house...but you where like, nocked out so i brought you to bed
*eddiana turns on the lights...her room s filled with posters and lights ad she even has a small fridge*
Eddiana: you want a katkit?
E: a what?
Eddiana: a katkit, a chocolate?
E: isint it kitkat?
Eddiana: no, its katkit
*a white goo emerges from eddiana's shoulder grabbing a "katkit" and eating it*
Eddiana: meet sinner, he is a very bad boy
*the white goo looks at eddie...then at venom...*
S: who tf are dose ugly bitches?
Eddiana: HEY!
*everyone goes silent...akward...*
E: sooooo where am i?
Eddiana: oh you are in new york
(Finishing later, im leaving it like this for a while, might finish it later, loooove yall!)
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1randomperson15 · 1 year
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last ten people who reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals & followers!!
Hi, hello this has been sitting in my inbox for a few days. Thanks for sending it! So in no particular order
1. Getting Expert on MCCI pkw - it is very time consuming but it feels great when I finally complete it + it is very rewarding to see my progress. I only got 2/7 expert completions in the June courses, but now I'm aiming for (and sure I'll get it) for 7/7. Probably should have found something else to dedicate myself to but oh well (I do this a lot - get obsessed with hard video games. See: 1 world where I have all Radiant in Hollow Knight's godhome and my 3 200% Cuphead saves. Idk why but I'm drawn to doing repetitive & challenging things)
2. Talking to people! I have recently been able to talk to/message more people than I used to (0 -> 2). It's nice to have that, to be comfortable enough to randomly dm someone. And in general I like talking to and learning about pepole
3. cc dynamics. This is an mcyt blog, what do you expect? I love seeing the ccs interact, but especially when you can tell how much they care about each other. Bad & Skeppy will argue for hours, but there's a very strong love and affection there that you can feel. When listening to Imp & Skizz their 20+ year friendship shows in how relaxed they are. I will never tire of watching the muffinteers (remember that name?) and listening to the stories of how they all met and became friends. (also rivals & orphan duo (name for Skeppy & Techno) & ranchers will always have my heart)
4. People in general. I love seeing the best of humanity, I have a whole tag dedicated to it. I love seeing displays of companionship and comradery. I love seeing strangers helping each other out and connecting. I love seeing people having fun, experiencing infectious joy. I love the knowledge that every person that I see on the street has their own life, their own ambitions, their own loves. Us humans can be pretty great sometimes and I love to see that.
5. The ocean/the beach. I like cool weather, I like the wind, and I like the smell & the sound. Once in a science camp/school field trip I would wake up early and read on an empty beach and it was very peaceful. On one trip I dug a hole so deep I somehow found a tennis ball. I dunno, maybe it's because I don't get to go that often but I find the beach very nice to go to.
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jack-shadow · 1 year
My Theory on the Zelda timeline.
okay with tears of the kingdom out The timeline has been shaken up a bit but I think it aslo made it clearer where Breath of the Wild or tears of the kingdom fall on the timeline, but in order for this Theory to work we first must establish what Era of hyrule's history Zelda was sent back into.
For this many pepole have pointed to the fact that hyrule was only recently founded to put it somewhere between Skyward sword and minish cap, but I have have a somewhat outrageous idea that it takes place a few years before the events of ocarina of time, you might think I'm crazy but I point out there is no way that it could take place too long before ocarina of time because of Gannondorf, he seems to be the same age as he was in Oot in totk which can't happen if He is some couple centuries before that game, he isn't some God (not yet anyway) he ages like a human being.
Aslo The castle town and the temple of time seemed to be positioned on the Great plateau which pepole have already pointed our seems to be the location of Oot's castle town ruins. With this I would like to ho back on my previous statement and say that Oot couldn't have happened in the same timline as this game because of Ganondorf's sealing which would make it impossible for him to be on Oot or TP or WW or any other game because he is sealed underground still not knowing who link is!
However Zelda's involvement changed the timeline making it so Oot never happened, my evidence is as followed, Ganondorf used a Zelda phantom to kill try Sonia of Zelda wasn't there he wouldn't be able to do that, Zelda was there when Gannon first saw the power of the stones and if she wasn't there who knows if Rauru would have even arrived, the butterfly effect of Zelda being there caused the timeline to change into a new branch, if Zelda did not show up which knows what would have happened,but my guess is that Ganondorf laid in wait for longer this time meanwhile Rauru and Sonia had a daughter named Zelda after one of Sonia's Ancestors. Ganondorf's interest in the Secret stones diminishes when he hears of the Tri-force and goes after that instead, without Zelda's involvement the events Oot unfold as we see in game. Now you probably are telling me that this can't take place around Oot because Oot was an already well established kingdom, and my counter argument is that it already seems well established in Totk given the glimpses we see in the past, it has guards a throne room, and multiple structures, it could be by first king and Queen of hyrule, they mean of hyrule proper as in minish cap and four swords it's still growing.
Anyway that's my belief on where botw and totk fall on the timline, I think it's pretty solid,if you have any points that add or contradict this theory please share I'm happy to hear.
Edit: more evidence to the First rulers of hyrule proper idea, they refer to hyrule as a kingdom in the past, but in minish cap (a game that most think comes after Rauru's time) hyrule is legit referred to as one town, hyrule is just a big town! Not a kingdom! Which means Rauru's rein would have to come after minish cap!
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fornasedensgudar · 1 year
Hello! I have a questions but i'm not sure if there's even an answer: do you know whether there is a norse or continental germanic god/goddess that is associated with wind??
Oh Im so glad you asked because I love wind gods and spirits and I got two that I feel like almost no one outside of Scandinavia seemes to know about.
One is norse but not really germanic. The other, is not even norse just swedish af lol.
First I like to tell you about Kåre.
I bet most of you have never heard of him, but I also bet you heard of Ran, or Logi och Ägir.
As some may know, Ran is married to Ägir, a sea jötun. And I bet you know Logi, the jötun who is wild fire personified.
What does this have to do with Ägir? Well Ägir is listed as the brother of Logi and Ägir. Whos father Fornjot, is know in one saga to be the King of the swedish island of Gotland. (Perhaps a hint to an old cult or god of the island.)
These three sons of Fornjot personified the elements or the three most brutal aspects of nature, the wild deep seas, the every hungry wild fires and the ever harsh and cold northen wind. (With a father who rule over an island in the baltic sea that makes rather sense)
The name Kåre is also a swedish word describing a special form of wind or storm.
Kåre is also mentiond in Flatöboken and in one story in Fundinn Nóergr Kåre is the father of Frosti of the frost. But in Hversu the son is named Jökull wish means ice feald. This Jökull is in folklore (mostly in norway) said to be the father of old man winter.
So a lot of maybes here and things that hint he was more well known from Gotland to iceland and norway back in the day but a lot been lost.
But we do know he was a winter and wind jötun and one of the three elemental brothers.
My local group do offerings to him during winter and autum rituals but I know some pepole up north do as well. But overall hes rather forgotten compared to his brothers.
Here is a drawing of him by me:
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THEN we get to the fun local part.
Now who the heck is this and whats her deal?
Well Im from a Village called Asker, In Närke.
And back in the day, the farmers spoke about a troll by some, a Huldra by others and by some a spirit/creature who did not fitt any of the molds. Manny famous writers also wrote about her. Most famous of them all is Selma Lagerlöf.
Ysätters-Kajsas name came from the old Moss/lake in Ysätters thats said to be her home or birthplace, but she ruled the weather (but mainly wind) all over Närke but mostly Asker and the sorounding flat plains and fealds.
Ysätterskällan was likely an old offering place to what once was an old goddess or for spirits witch hints to her older roots before she was said to be an evil troll or forest spirit.
The Kajsa in her name is explained in a intervju with an old farmer from Asker in the start of the 1900s dokumentet in the book "Asker, Sant å sånt"
"that was just wat they named them trolls and giants back in the day"
That might seeme weird but tbh in the 1700s there are stories how pepole would toss coins to Kajsa of the sea while fishing.
Or in the 1800s when some in the Mountains and forest called forest and Mountain spirits for Kajsa as well.
It almost seemed as a form of a so called "noa-name" or maybe as the old man said: "it was just what them trolls was named back in the day."
(Im sure there is someone smarter here who can explain this weird Kajsa thing)
But ok, her wind aspect then?
Well first of all, its windy in East Närke.
Like the start of this old poem said
"Den ljuva Närke slätten, där enbart stormen består."
"The lovely Närke plains, where only the storm remains."
Also in manny stories she is said to controll wind and to travel by air.
In one story its said Ysätters-Kajsa looking down on Närke and was like "man this place is pretty, pepole have it good here, we cant have it like that."
And pretty much just made sure its always a bit windy and would play trick on the humans, making them get lost in forest, stealing laundry that hanged out to dry and in general just make the pepole of Närke just a little less comfy in their home.
But she is also a protector or the land!
In one myth, back in the day when a wild fire almost brought an end to the village of Asked she came to save the pepole, because even if she liked to play tricks on them she also deeply loved the pepole and needed them just as much as she they needed her.
So its said when the fire got to the center of the village, a woman was seen dancing up on the church towers roof and as she did storm clouds started to form and with wind and rain the fires was put out and the Village was saved.
Ysätters-Kajsa drawing by me:
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This is also why my group call to her and giver her offerings for protection. Shes our local trickster and protector spirit of the wind.
But being a very Asker and Närke spirit. This is one I have to say I would think would be very weird and not really ok if like, pagans in america for some reason started to make offeings to. Because this is not just any big ol god or goddess. This is a local myth and spirit and part of my childhood and culture. I added a lot here from books just to get the facts right but I also just str8 up heared stories about her as a kid. She is just the protector of Asker and the bringer of wind in Närke.
Like if you dont live here, dont.
Go with Kåre then instead whos more wind in general.
But I had to share this about her becouse I just love her and wind spirits and gods in general.
Also, this is a good reminder to check what you have local, you might have myths and stories about old spirits and gods of the land you grow up and live in.
As I often say. The best way to do polytheism and anmism is to know and work with your local land and the spiritits and gods within said land. Because thats the best tools you got right here, right now. The land it self.
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