#do we write LETTERS Like PENPALS???
bluerosefox · 5 months
When Jason had been going to Gotham Academy, he had (for a good reputation for the media and to help him catch up on his penmanship, remember he had been on the streets and dropped out of school before getting picked up by Bruce for a while) signed up for a penpal project for 'less privileged people' to write to.
(Although Jason was annoyed the penpal project stayed within the states and only selected a middle of nowhere town, he knew the Richie Rich Elites would never subjugate their 'Heirs' to actual kids in need of learning how to read and write)
But Jason didn't mind his penpal.
Danny Fenton was a riot to talk, err write to in all honestly.
From his dry punny humor (and boy can he give even Dick a run for his money in the pun department but hey using some of them actually got Dick to warm up to him a few missions ago) and death jokes so many death jokes, to his nerdy love for space Jason enjoyed writing to Danny.
Even the short stories he would write about a ghost kid protecting a small town from other ghosts was interesting to read. He really liked the different kinds of ghosts there could be. Granted some seemed very OP like that Clockwork dude.
Jason liked writing to Danny, and even after the penpal project was over they had plans to keep sending letters, maybe even exchange numbers soon...
But then he died by the hands of the Joker.
The letters leaving Wayne Manor may had decreased but the letters being sent never did or at least until a few years ago.
Then Jason somehow returned to the land of the living.
Got taken by the LoA, tossed in the green waters and turned into their Pit Raged weapon for a while before leaving them behind and setting out for his revenge against the Joker and to force B's hand.
And becoming a Crime Boss for a while too. Can't forget that.
Point being with all this going on, the old warm memories of exchanging letters with Danny Fenton was pushed into the back of his mind and forgotten about for a while.
It isn't until one afternoon at Wayne Manor that while roughhousing with Dick, who had Jason in a brotherly headlock as they walked down a hall to one of the sitting rooms, that while Jason had slipped out of Dick's hold had stumbled into a hallway desk that had a few things on the top of it, one of the things being a small box that tumbled off when Jason hit it.
The box lid opened and out of it spilled out a good number of letters.
"Shiii-p, dang it Dick!" Jason said when he looked at the mess he accidentally made and stopped himself from swearing, the place might be named Wayne Manor but everyone knew this was Alfie's domain and no swearing was a rule within his halls.
Dick only laughed and teased only in a way a sibling can do "Hey not my fault your as big as a tank Jaybird! We should get you some caution signals if you keep bumping into things!"
Jason flipped him his favorite finger, thankfully Alfred only knew when they swore thus it did not summon him, and bent down to the letters.
His hands froze when he recognized the hand writing and the address it was sent from.
"From: Danny Fent Nightingale
Amity Park, IL"
To: Jason Todd-Wayne
Gotham City, NJ.
Wayne Manor"
And when Jason opened the letter. He really wasn't expecting what was written inside.
I'm finally leaving Amity Park. I can't be there anymore, not after everything. I'm too tired, and emotionally hurt. Everything is just to much. And I can't keep doing this to myself. My parents still can’t understand there is nothing ‘wrong’ with me or why I refuse to let them take care of Ellie, I refuse to let her live the way Jazz and I did, Jazz has to much on her plate already with her own life and college but she’s been hounding me to reach out to mom and dad, Sam refuses to listen to me when I tell her I want to be more than ‘Phantom’ in Amity Park, and Tucker is so busy trying to get into a good college and job we barely have time to talk nowadays. And don’t get me started on Vlad, that fruitloop’s been breathing down my neck since Ellie’s deaging.
Despite how much of a hellhole you like to call it, I think Gotham might be my, no mine and Ellie’s best bet of living some kind of life, especially now since the whole deaging she had to go through, she needs an ectoplasm rich city as well and since she has no actual papers because she was my clone and I remember you saying Gotham has people who can create new identities and-
I’m rambling again, to letter you again. I really need to stop it.
I can’t keep pretending you’re going to read these.
I know you’ll never read these. You’re gone. I can’t even find you in the Realms no matter where I look.
I’m sorry. For using you as, well, a way to vent my life for last couple of years. I shouldn’t had done it but it helped me.
Believing my friend was still alive and getting my letters I mean.
Again I’m sorry.
This will be my last letter to your ghost, pun unintended.
Goodbye Jason. Wish us luck in your city.
-Danny Fen-Nightingale...."
The sent date on the letter was roughly eight years ago.
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lovexjoe · 2 months
Imagine getting bored going on the internet to see which prisoner you can penpal. Every prisoner had a description to get a little insight of their personality but Armando? There was nothing but his name, his age and where he was. He was handsome, so handsome you didn’t think it was real. You decided to send your first message out of boredom. Clicking the box that says “write your first letter and we will forward it to Armando”
You stared at the blank box wondering what the fuck to write to a prisoner who has been in there for years and seems to be serving life.
“Do you have books there? If so what’s your favorite ?
- My name is Y/N”
With that you click send and went about your day. It’s been two weeks till your email got a response. Shocked didn’t even cut it. You read the message a few times just to confirm.
“Most of the books are damaged. I don’t get to fully enjoy the book. The Great Gatsby was enjoyable. No one ever writes. How are you?”
Armando didn’t want to press send, but he was honestly so bored of the same routine every single day that maybe talking to someone wouldn’t be so harmful. Plus it wasn’t going to be anything beyond this computer screen that he only had for an hour to himself in the library. He glanced at the clock and he had about 15 minutes left when his email got a response.
“The Great Gatsby is a great book. No one ever writes because you seem unreal. I didn’t think I’d get a response, I still think you’re an AI. Things are okay on my side, life could be better but it also could be worse so I can keep pushing forward.”
Armando positions the webcam and takes a silly picture to attach to the email. He wanted to make sure you had the reassurance you needed, plus it’s nice for him to look forward to something.
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“Am I real enough for you?”
Holy shit. You sent one back and he couldn’t believe how beautiful you looked. What was a girl like you doing talking to him? From then on the two of you got completely engulfed with each other. When Armando had the computer you made sure you had your phone or your laptop on you to talk to him. He eventually got access to video chat and he asked you for your first video chat date.
“I have video chat access now. Would you like to see me?”
You agreed to the video chat and quickly fixed yourself up with some lipgloss and brushing your hair quickly. One last glance at your mirror to see your computer ringing with a notification. You answered to see Armando and his handsome face.
“Como estas mi amor?”
Armando hates to admit it but he thought it was love at first sight. He felt giddy. Alive when he talks to you. Your smile, your voice and your eyes could light up an entire room. He was a little green of whoever got to see you everyday. He hopes one day he gets to hold you. You hoped the same thing. He was everything you could imagine minus being a fucking criminal.
You were pen pals with a criminal ….
Part 2?
Taglist: @yeahnohoneybye @cardi-bre91 @onlysarang @romanreignsluver1 @minwn
@armandosbabymama @dyttomori @bbyplutosblog @vergilnelosparda @believeinthefireflies95 @ebsmind @hopetookourvibe
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heartfullofleeches · 6 months
Letters from You
Yan T.V Show Cast + Clown Reader Snippet
Hm, usually that always does the trick. The strangled hics and sobs beyond the other side of the door depress any chance of your playful banter getting through to the poor jester. On brighter days, she'd hear the secret knock you two came up with together and dry her tears enough to finish things off. Whatever got her upset today was really dragging her down....
"She's been like that all morning, Sunny...." Gus chimes in. The clown has been worried sick about his sibling as presented by the stormy clouds replacing the smiling suns beneath their eyelids. "Not even Holly has been able to get through to her... You're our last hope, Sun..."
"I'll try my best." Pressing your ear to the door, you strike your knuckles against the door - careful not to cause the jester more duress. "Melan? It's Sunday, do you want to talk? We'll leave you alone if you need space, but we all just want to make sure you're okay...."
Through whimpers and sobs, a small, quivering voice bleeds through.
"M...my letter.... I can't go anywhere without my letter! They promised.... They promised to write to me everyday...."
Oh, no... Placing your hand on your pants pocket, your fingers trace out the rectangular shape within the fold. How could you forget something so important to her?
You pull the crumpled envelope from your pocket, smoothing out its corners as you speak up. "Melan! I have that letter from your penpal. Handyman must've given it to me by mistake. I'll read it out loud for you, got it?"
You open the letter up as the sniffling stops almost entirely.
"Dear Melan,
Hey there, Melan! How's my favorite jester doing today? I got the drawings you sent with your last letter. I'll hang them up in my room soon as I have the chance. Ice cream is one my favorite desserts too. Maybe we can have some together someday. If not, have an extra bowl in my honor!
Are you taking care of yourself and your siblings? How's your practice going? I heard you can juggle two pins without dropping them now, I'm so proud of you! You're getting better and better everyday - that's why you're my favorite jester.
Lots of love, your dear penpal - Y/n."
The room on the other side of the door goes dead quiet.
A creak in the floorboards - followed by another. They continue until -click- the door unlocks.
"Th... thank you, Sunday... I'll be out in a minute. I'm sorry for worrying you...."
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formosusiniquis · 4 months
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my @steddiesummerexchange gift fic for @oh-stars! I was so excited to work on this prompt: penpals through childhood until they both graduate -- road trip to meet one another in person. Epistolary fics are always a favorite of mine. oh-stars is such a brilliant writer and bright spot in the fandom, I was excited to be able to write a little something for her, I hope you like it!
October 13, 1976 Dear Eddie,
Mrs. Simpson says I’m supposed to thank you for volunteering to be my partner even though you’re a fifth grader. I don’t know why I should though since now I actually have to do this stupid pen pal project. I know she only paired me with an older kid cause she thinks I’m dumb. But thanks for the extra work I guess.
She said she wasn’t gonna read these before she sent them off, just that she was gonna make sure they were a page front and back like they were supposed to be. But I don’t really believe her. So I guess I should actually write this right.
Hi Eddie. My name is Steve Harrington. I’m 10 years old because I got put in Kindergarten late cause my parents were too busy in wherever my dad does his business stuff and my au pair -- that’s fancy for babysitter who lives in your house -- couldn’t do it. My birthday is in September, almost at the end (the 27th), so I guess that’s why it was okay. When’s your birthday (Mrs. Simpson says a friendly letter is supposed to ask questions.)
My favorite things are yellow and sports. I’m the best at red rover and kickball, Tommy says it's cause I’m the oldest and biggest in our class but he’s a sore loser and couldn’t even break through the girl side of the red rover line. Do you play games? Mrs. Simpson talks about your Hawkins like it’s on a different planet but you’re just in Kentucky. It’s right across the river. I’ve been there a couple times when Dad likes me and we’ll go watch Louisville play basketball. Basketball is my favorite sport but the only outside court is at the park and the big teenagers are always on it.
When you write back you can tell me what sports and games you like. Does your Dad ever bring you to Indiana to watch stuff? The Pacers only played okay last season and they lost to Kentucky in the playoffs. Is that who you root for?
Oh and I’m supposed to ask you about school since this is like homework. I kinda already did that at the beginning, remember. Do you like English or something? Is that why you asked for extra work? Or was your pen pal last year just a super dud?
That’s front and back now.
Sincerely (cause we aren’t friends), Steve Harrington
October 25, 1976 Dear Steve,
First of all I didn’t ask to have to write a letter to some fourth grader. I was told because I’m the only kid who didn’t do it last year that I had to be your partner. I do like English but extra work isn’t fun for anybody. I’ve never had a pen pal before so you’re the best and the worst one I’ve ever had. Are teachers allowed to call people dumb at your school? Mine just look at me like a really weird bug on the road or something.
Your teacher sounds like a real pain in the side, that’s what my Uncle Wayne would say. I think it’s cause he’s pretending he doesn’t know the word bitch. She talks about this Hawkins like it’s on another planet because it’s in the Appalachian Mountains and people think everyone here is stupid and marries their cousins.
Some of them are stupid but they would be like that anywhere it’s not because they live out here.
I’m actually from Lexington though so it isn’t even my Hawkins, but my Uncle Wayne lives here and he has to watch me for a little while.
You didn’t really ask me anything good about myself. I’m Eddie Munson, I’m going to be 11 when it’s my birthday this year (Halloween the coolest birthday cause everyone gives you candy). Red and black are my favorite colors. I don’t like any sports at all, they’re all stupid but everyone knows about basketball here, it's more important than church. Everywhere has games but when you get to fifth grade you learn which ones are for babies.
I like imagination games the best cause then I don’t have to worry about anyone else playing with me. There’s lots of woods here so I can go in them and hunt monsters or dragons or be an elf like in my favorite books.
Wayne’s looking over my shoulder and says I’m supposed to ask you a question. So what’s your favorite book? Do you like fantasy, that’s my favorite but the science fiction stuff with aliens is cool too.
I know you asked about my dad but since I live with Wayne I’m gonna use him instead. He hasn’t ever taken me to Indiana cause “his truck weren’t meant to leave these hills” whatever that means. He said he roots for The Colonels but he wishes your Pacers luck this season. What’s a Pacer anyway?
Do I have to ask you about school too? I don’t think this is homework for me more like extra credit. If you don’t like English what do you like? Don’t say recess or lunch those are cheating answers.
Not your friend either, Eddie Munson
Continue on AO3
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idyllcy · 2 months
from one admirer to the other : socmed / penpal au
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pairing: leon kennedy x reader, ada wong & reader (but with flirting >:)
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synopsis: from one admirer to the other, an online penpal service, allows for two people with common interests to write to each other without ever revealing their email address! However, much like the name... the person you're writing to tends to be the person you actually admire... surely that's not the case for Leon?!
or, in which Leon, a rising model, is truly not immune to the Ada brainrot even as a model and stays up til 3 reading an ongoing 200k fic of Ada x reader written by none other than... you.
and you? best friends with said model, actually. how else do you write so well?
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featuring: reader as poachedeggs // leon as rookiecookie // ada as adadadadadad
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To scrambled eggs:
it feels strange to write to someone in such a format, but I suppose I should get used to it. We got paired up via from one admirer to another because of our shared passion for Ada Wong. I find it a little amusing that someone else just straight-up put a model's name instead of modeling on its own, but I'm glad you did. As an ada stan, I feel the need to ask this immediately. How did you feel about her helicopter shoot? I'm hoping you aren't some weird stan like those... yeah. Also, while on that topic, if you're really as die-hard as me when I have free time, you should read glhf <3 by okaokra on ao3. It's gender-neutral, it's a great fic, unless, of course, you're too normal for reading fanfiction. In that case, hopefully we can find another middle ground other than Ada Wong.
Right, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm user Christmas, a weird translation + twisting of my real name. I live in Raccoon City, and I model as a part-time job because of ... you guessed it, ada wong. My dream role is to model with her, but considering that I'm only a local model, this is truly out of my reach. Maybe some strike of luck will help me? I used to dream of being a cop until I got scouted off the street by some guy for modeling. Do you think I suit it? Who am I kidding, you have no idea what I even look like. Tell me more about yourself, maybe?
signing off, Christmas
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notice: this is a gauge post! if enough people are interested I'll actually plan it! promise. also, ooc warning ofc I just think it'd be fucking hilarious if leon owned a stan twt
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yuyan · 9 months
To my darling
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A/n: Merry Christmas and have a happy new year! I hope you enjoy it @pavo-ocell-me! This was a very fun event that I loved taking part in @2023gisecretsanta
Pairing: Lyney x gn!reader
Tags: Pure fluff! Modern au, implied school/college setting, penpals, pre-established relationship, reader is learning French, where reader lives doesn't have snow, one curse word just one ^^
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"Take intermediate French they said. You'll be fine they said," you muttered to no one in particular as you read the Google translation over and over again. "My French teacher is going to kill me."
You rubbed your eyes, peeking out of makeshift pillow your arms made. Standing tall at the front of the class with a booming voice was your French teacher. She held a small, clear glass jar with folded bits of paper inside in one hand while placing a stack of letters on her lectern with her other.
"Speaking with natives is an excellent and necessary way to develop your language skills (unlike this soon to be 30 minute speech) so due to the cancellation of the exchange program for this year and the long dragged on meeting, we have decided to give you all pen pals!" she announced. Her arms held a wide stance, awaiting for something you were unaware of.
Some whispers and small squeals echoed through the lecture hall. Others groaned and put their head on the desk, waiting for celestia, perhaps even an archon to take them. You did neither.
"I wish I could turn back time," you sighed. After contemplating for an hour whether your teacher would ever find out that you used Google translate to write half your letter or not, you started handwriting it on a stack of fancy paper you really shouldn't have been able to afford. "Shell never know. It's not like he can tell her anyways."
As you dragged your pen along the piece of paper, you remembered the speech about how necessary this was, the small piece of paper you pulled out of the bag and the letter that came with it. With a small smile playing on your lips, you signed off and stuck the small paper that read "lyney" just below your name with a paper rainbow rose you made yourself. It had its imperfections but it's similarity to the fresh ones he sent you left you content.
"Oh my god why did he reply so fast?" you asked yourself. Not even 3 days later and you received another letter from lyney. You traced the grooves of the red wax seal made you shiver. He wouldn't ever know you used google translate right? With pursed lips, you opened it. Perfume immediately muddled your senses as you opened up the envelope. Your peers hadn't even sent their first letter, let alone receive their second.
As you skimmed over the letter, you took down some notes like where he's from–which was so uncessary–what he likes to do and some of his contact details. You hummed, giving yourself imaginary pats on the back for reading a whole three sentences before typing the other two paragraphs into Google translate. You really needed to switch classes, desperately.
It was only then you spotted that a sentence in french came out the same in the translation. "You really shouldn't be using Google translate for these letters," written at the very bottom. Well fuck.
"You are friends with your penpal? Well that's lovely (name)," your French teacher clapped with bright sparkles in her eyes. It blinded you for a second and you had to look away before you lost the ability to see forever.
(potato_name):lyney sent a reel.
(potato_name):lyney sent a picture.
(potato_name):lyney sent you a mes...
I didn't use Google translate for this one. Are you proud of me? You wrote at the bottom before slipping the letter into its envelope and sealing it with the new wax stamp set you bought recently.
You rushed back home. You winced at the clatter of your laptop in your bag hitting the floor, deciding it was a problem for future you. Ripping open the envelope and skimming through the letter, you read at the very bottom 'I am proud of anything you do, mon Cheri."
A smile broke out onto your lips as you neatly kept it away in a small box your mother got you from Fontaine when you were little. The small box was made of white marble with gold outlining its edges and gathering in a few swirls in the middle where the golden clasp rested.
The Sun shone brightly despite it being the middle of December. Rays of Sunlight squeezed through your closed curtains and you wondered if it was snowing in Fontaine right now. Did Lyney like playing in the snow?
Letters became less and less frequent as your peers lost motivation in writing long drawn out of paragraphs with nothing but small talk. A year and a half had passed yet your teacher held a strong morale despite the head of languages not enforcing this penpals program anymore. Even they must have gotten tired of the back and forth.
A few days until Christmas holidays. Opening your phone, you checked to see if lyney had texted you anything. Nothing...
Your eyes kept glossing over your texts from Friday 11am. Its been a week. Pictures of him and his two siblings who added you back on Instagram. Even Lynette had texted you today, showing some new tea she bought from inazuma last week.
My brother has been writing non-stop for the past few days. Are you guys still doing the penpals thing?
No, maybe he is writing to someone else?
Your stomach dropped as you reread your message. "Writing to someone else...I need fresh air." You took your phone and wallet and headed out the door.
"Where are you going?" your roomate called out but you were already heading to the lift. You ran your fingers through your hair, pushing it out of your face with a sigh. It shouldn't matter. It shouldn't matter but this is the fifth time you've checked your phone this morning and its been a week with only a read tag.
"I seriously need to ban myself from my phone."
Oh...nevermind. I'll ask him then.
Sent Friday 10 : 39am
"The christmas carnival was so much funner this year," your friend said, laughing. Then one hiccup escaped from her mouth. And then another one. Until you and your other friend bursted out laughing. "Not funny!"
"Yeah yeah. I still can't believe (Name) won that plushie from that shooting stall," your other friend said. He tossed another chip in his mouth, after finally calming down from his laughter.
"I'm surprised too. Those games are typically so rigged, I mean did you see the look on the owner's face though?" you said.
Holding up the little classic brown teddy bear, you admired it at all angles. Its red bow had a little bell hanging from the centre, jingling as you walked.
Its silly smile matched yours and then you noticed it. The small teddy's bowtie resembled the one Lyney wore in one of the pictures he sent. And the small envelope the size of your palm that the teddy held was a real one made of paper.
"(Name)? Whats wrong?"
"Nothing! I just realised my parents wanted me back at 10 and well its 11 so I have to go," you said with a bright smile, "Bye!"
"You live in a dorm though?" your friend countered, "(Name)!" But you were already walking out of the festival gates.
Picking out the small envelope, you brushed your thumb over the grooves of the wax seal. The same wax seal that you used for the last letter you sent. Did he really get the same stamp?
A mini rainbow rose fell out. The vibrant colours provided a stark contrast to the humid summer night. One letter. Five words. I love you, Mon cheri.
Your eyes widened and you nearly dropped the letter, fumbling with it for a bit. Taking in the cool nighttime breeze, you looked up only to see the person you hadn't talk to in a week standing only a few metres away from you.
Lyney held a bouquet of vibrant rainbow roses in one hand and the other behind his back.
"How are you..?" You took as step back, your gaze falling to the floor then back up at him again.
"I told you I'm a magician in one of my letters didn't I?" Lyney started, "I would appear anywhere if it was to be with you."
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pallastrology · 4 months
little ways to feel a little happier
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make a playlist. i like to make playlists for certain times, or situations, or vibes
get yourself a drink that you like. lately i'm really into rooibos tea, do you like smoothies? juice? sparkling water? treat yourself to a fun beverage :-)
freshen up. everything seems awful when your body is being neglected. hydrate, fuel up, move around. wash your hair, or get it out of your face if you can't. open the windows, change the sheets, maybe light a nice candle. splash cold water on your face and look out of your window if you can't get outside
connect. we are all human, and to be human is to make connections. so reach out to a loved one for a good chat. if you can't talk to anyone, write a thoughtful comment on a blog post or youtube video, write a letter to a penpal, send someone the link to a playlist you made them. spending time with a sweet pet is a great substitute for human connection if you can't do it right now
get lost in something. whether that's art, research, a great book series, a creative project... find something that makes you want to dive in and never come up for air. let yourself get curious, it's good for the soul.
similarly, learning something new is also good for the soul, and the brain! whether that's a language, a musical instrument, a dance routine, a practical skill or an interesting theory... open your mind!
let yourself be bad at things. everyone is bad at many, many things. it's perfectly human to be bad at things. it will all be okay, and we will never improve if we don't allow ourselves to. accepting imperfection is really the best way to grow and develop our skills.
1% rule. if you're feeling terrible, it can be really hard to see things ever shifting or getting better. but if there's something you can do to help you feel 1% less terrible, that's a big improvement, and it's worth trying.
what can you do right now to feel 1% better? me, i'm going to go get some water and message my bestie :-) hope you're all doing well, i took an impromptu blog-break due to IRL stresses but am back in my lane now! astrology posts again from next week xo
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miumura · 2 years
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synopsis : you’ve had a penpal for at least 3 months now. you have been sending letters back and forth with an anonymous person at school. let’s say you might have caught some feelings for him.. little did you know, sunghoon, your rival was your penpal after all? when you realize he is the person you have been writing to all these times, will your feelings still be the same?
pairing : rival!sunghoon x fem!reader
genre : high school au, smau, enemies to lovers, classmates to lovers, angst (?) , fluff, slowburn, second chance thing
featuring : all enhypen members, yoon from stayc , minnie from gidle, yeojin from loona
warnings : me being unfunny 👎, cursing, use of kms + kys jokes, sunghoon and yn being very VERY annoying
status : completed ! [Nov 7 2022 - Dec 25 2022]
authors note : second smau wowowo 😍 heres the smau i was thinking abt while i was going to school 🤗 first time writing enemies to lovers.. this is going to be interesting. i hope you guys like it 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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01 - the letters.
02 - can you like stfu
03 - life is good 😘
04 - what was that, 2nd place?
05 - somethings fishy going on here 🤨
07 - no way..tutor era ???
08 - hes kind of cute..ig 🤢
10 - hold awn… 🤨 (written + smau)
11 - i’ve been lied to my whole life.
12 - sign him up for obedience school
13 - hanging out with the enemy
14 - two choices
15 - enemies to lovers
16 - who tf is hari (written + smau)
17 - #womensupportwomen .. but for hari..
18 - 1 - yn , 0 - hari
19 - why do i miss him 😹
20 - we are now friends
21 - just a little crush #lol
22 - whats this silly letter 😂
23 - what? (written)
24 - emo hours
25 - whats with the sunghoon slander?
— 26.5 - not your strongest soldier.
27 - a mistunderstanding
28 - the confrontation
30 - sunghoons plan
— 30.5 - the facetime call. (written)
31 - step one: sit next to her for all classes!
32 - step two: offer notes
33 - step three: give a gift!
34 - step four: repeat until trust is gained!
35 - the explanation
36 - not scared anymore
37 - FINALLY!!
38 - some progress
39 - lets date? (written)
40 - my bae
41 - under the mistletoe
42 - ice skating !!
43 - snowball fight
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thank you guys sm for showing support for this smau and have been patiently waiting for chaps all this time <33
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dira333 · 5 months
Want to love you - Akaashi x Reader
requested by @ur-local-simp , tagging @luvring because I'm legally obligated to do so when it's about Akaashi
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The letters aren't even necessary. Akaashi lives down the street, if you want to talk to him you can waddle up to his front door, knock and ask for him to play with you.
But you like letters, the crinkling sound they make, how they smell - yes, you may have overused your mom's perfume, but this is important! - or the fact that you can keep them, a literal moment of a moment shared.
Your school doesn't offer a penpal program. But Akaashi's there to help you out. If you write him, he'll write you back.
You don't go to the same school, so there's always something to write about. Sometimes you even write them together, words hidden from view by a hand held up, until it's time to fold them up and hand them over.
Years pass. Some of your letters travel greater distances. A postcard from the beach, a letter from the countryside, a two-day trip to Korea with your parents.
Akaashi's not one to travel. At least not physically. He reads a lot. Some of his letters are memories of the stories he's moved through and what moved him about them. Some - those are read more often - are his own stories, his ideas brought to paper, brought to life.
He's good at it. He doesn't think so, though.
But this is life. Akaashi who overthinks, who doubts and tries to make sure that nothing ever fails and you, who just jumps ahead, believing and trusting that everything will turn out alright.
But there's still one thing where you cannot risk it. Love.
Because what if you don't love him enough?
Tomorrow you're going to leave for your six-month internship. It's your dream job and yet so far away. Korea is only a short flight away but you've never been separated from Akaashi for so long.
What if he forgets you? What if you forget him? What if all these nights of dreaming of being with him don't measure up to the real world?
And it's late, you should get the sleep you'll definitely need tomorrow, but you just can't fall asleep. Your friends have said goodbye, your things are packed, you can hear your parents snoring through the thin walls, but you're still up, twirling a pen in your hands as you think... and think... and start to write.
Dear Akaashi
I love you. Have always loved you. And I don't know if I will, don't know if I should, but I'm pretty sure I'll always want to love you.
You're the best friend anyone could wish for. The love of your life should be the person you want to spend the rest of your life with and I can't remember the last time I wanted to spend a day apart.
I'm scared Keiji.
You stop, wipe away the tear that has fallen on the paper. Your hand shakes as you pen down the last few lines.
I'll be back. Braver. Different. Still in love with you.
Wait for me?
"Oh, Keiji, your friend was here." His mother greets him at the door. "She said she had to catch her flight, but she forgot to give this to you."
He's not surprised to be handed an envelope. Hundreds of those are up in his room, tied together by strings, only to be opened when he feels at his lowest.
He's almost determined to read it later when he's able to breathe a bit lighter, when the reality of your departure has sunken in.
But he can't wait, rips the envelope open with shaking fingers. Something in him urges him to do so even as his mother stands and watches, mumbling something about dinner being ready in a minute.
The paper sails to the floor as he understands and he almost keels over as he catches it before it lands.
"Everything okay?" His mother asks. Behind him there's a knock on the door, the unmistakable voice of his best friend. "Kaashi? Do you wanna come train with me for a bit?"
"I need to get to the airport," he bursts out, almost forgetting his jacket on the way out. "Bokuto, we need to go. What's the fastest way to the airport?"
He's too late.
He knows it. Even Bokuto knows it, though he still urges him on. They race to the Check-In Line and Bokuto jumps up and down trying to spot you in the crowd. He's almost ready to scream your name, even breathless as he is when Bokuto grabs his shoulder, pointing at the thick glass walls separating them from the other side.
"There!" He says and Akaashi nods. He can see it too.
His hands shake as he types your number, feeling more than just a little dumb he didn't think of it sooner.
You pick up after the first ring just like he thought you would. He can see you checking your phone after all.
"Keiji," he chokes out. "You need to call me Keiji. Like in your later."
You make a small sound in the back of your throat and he chokes too.
"I can see you," he points out, feeling every bit the lunatic that he is. "Turn around. Can you see us waving?"
And they must be a spectacle, Bokuto in his team colors and he in his sweater vest combo, waving like maniacs until you notice them in the crowd.
"I want to love you too," he says when you wave back, seemingly unable to speak. "For the rest of our lives. I didn't think-"
"I'm coming back," you sob and he can see you walk against the stream of people. Your face disappears in the crowd.
"No," he argues. "No, you need to do this. You need to go. This is your dream job."
"I love you," he breathes out and it's suddenly easy. Because this is you and this is him. There's nothing difficult about this.
"And we can make this work. It's just six months."
"But what if it doesn't work out?" You ask and he turns to look at his best friend.
"Bokuto," he asks, "What did you tell me during the Nationals of your third year? Do you remember?"
"Oh!" Bokuto beams and leans in to tell you: "It's not impossible. It's just hard."
"And with you," Akaashi adds, "It's easy."
112 notes · View notes
whackk-kermitt · 2 months
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Dear PenPal
Prompt: Write a story that only consists of love letters.
STRAP IN, IT’S A LONG ONE! Warning: Fluff, No fire, Mention of homophobic Bullying, Mention of Bullying and Harassment, Shameless(steamy)flirting, some sexting(if you can call it that), Some Angst, happy ending Summary: Due to bullying and harassment at Beacon Hills High, the school board came up with the idea to randomly match each student with another and make them write letters talking about their experiences. At the beginning of the day, they will receive their letter, and by the end of the day have to turn in their response(Receiving a letter every other day) They've been asked to keep their letters anonymous.
Important(sort of): I saw a post where someone said high school au's portray Derek wrong because in high school Derek was completely whipped for Paige and I can't agree more. So soft mushy Derek for one, soft mushy Derek for all!!
Certain grammar mistakes are on purpose, these are handwritten letters I'm emulating here. Others. . .I'm just too lazy to proofread- I mean-THEIR ON PURPOSE
≫ ────── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ────── ≪ Dear penpal,
I honestly don't understand why I'm being made to write about bullying and shit when I'm not the issue in this hellhole school. But Mr Harris said if I don't participate he's gonna knock points off my final grade. Does that count as bullying? I think he has it out for me.
Anyway, Jackson Whittmore is a jackass, and I'm comfortable blaming him for all my problems. If this is you Jackass, your daddy's money means nothing and you're pathetic.
Apparently, we're gonna have to deal with each other all year or until the superintendent gets bored and loses all interest in this project of his. I don't see this still being enforced past a month or two.
They don't want us telling each other our names or anything. which is stupid So I need something to call you. You can call me Batman!
Sincerely, Batman
Dear Batman,
It doesn't matter to me whether we're writing to penpals all year, I'm out of here soon enough anyway. But it's a half-decent idea for kids to hear about bullying and what it can do to someone behind the curtain, it opens your eyes. Really makes you think about what you say to people before you say it. Some kid in my homeroom was excused because whatever his pen pal had confessed to him made him cry so hard I thought his eyes would pop out of his head.
As for Jackson Whitt-whore, I totally agree. He's never bothered me in particular, but he's laid into some friends of mine before and I wanted to rip his throat out with my teeth. I know I have some serious issues, but that guy has ISSUES.
If we're gonna deal with each other all year, or however long this lasts we might as well have some fun with it. Right??
Tell me some things about yourself..
Sincerely, Superman (the best dc hero)
Dear Superman,
Since um when? As cool as Superman is, batman is easily better by at least a hundred times!! Don't embarrass yourself, buddy.
Was it Greenburge?? I heard something about him crying like a baby down the hall lol
I don't know what to tell you without giving away who I am. I mean I'm pretty unnoticeable unless you know what to look for, and then I stick out like a sore thumb.
I like
reading about starwars
reading comics
the smell outside just after rain
watching garbage cop shows with my dad and making fun of all the shit they get wrong
curly fires (I mentioned food but curly fries are in their own category because they deserve it)
Jackson Whitt-whore good one
tinny annoying dogs
when I forget my clothes in the washer and they start to stink and I have to wash them again
sports (only because I SUCK) I like watching hate playing
people who think Superman is better than Batman
lack of personal space
derek hale
fake cheese ruining otherwise perfectly good nachos
What about you, Superman
Dear Batman,
First off, not really funny about Greenburge. I talked to him about it yesterday and the person writing to him confessed some pretty dark shit that's been said to them. Videos of them got posted online and how they get picked on in school and online by complete strangers. They mention how they were seriously depressed. (Although he does blubber like a baby, it was valid in this case.)
Second, what did Derek Hale ever do to you?
Lastly, I like:
Basket Ball
Comics as well
Family time
My sisters (don't tell them that)
The idea of traveling
I don't like:
People with zero work ethic
People who hunt for sport
People who are dumb enough to think Batman outranks Superman
People who don't like sweets (can't trust them)
Dirt in between my tose
Mr Harris
Sincerely, Superman
Dear Superman,
Oh shit for real about Greenburge? damn. I feel sorry for whoever wrote him that letter.
Also derek hale is a douchebag jerk face. He used to tease the hell out of me but I guess he's mellowed out this year since everyone is talking about all the bullying and shit their penpals are confessing to.
I try not to hold grudges- dad says its not good for me- but I'm gonna hold onto this one. Derek hale can suck my big toe!
also dude it sounds like you just don't like people.. fair enough I guess I don't either but damn you do have issues
p.s sorry was in a rush, forgot to write until now school gets out in 5
I'm gonna be out of town for a few days next week, don't sus out who I am while I'm gone.
Also yeah, I don't trust easily. You know the deal with broken hearts. Been burned too many times. But as a result, I love and hold onto people even harder now. So I guess it's a win-lose.
Are you gonna be at the game tonight? Scratch that, you won't get this until tomorrow. Hope you have fun, otherwise, enjoy whatever it is you're doing tonight.
Question: what do you wanna be when you grow up?
Sorry, I'm just trying to think of ways to get to know you better. You seem cool.
Sincerely, Superman
Dear Superman,
I seem cool? I'm legit a geek with like one actual friend. People just roll their eyes when I speak I roll them back but whatevr
You wanna get to know me cause im cute ;) or . . . you want to get to know me, so you can sus me out first, huh? Well, the race is on baby!
I haven't really thought about what I wanna be, most likely something in law enforcement. Aim high how about the FBI that would be sick!!
What about you tough guy? any big plans for life?
Dear Batman,
I don't even know what you look like, how would I know if you're cute? You don't know what I look like, so you couldn't even say if I'm cute.
I haven't thought about it much either. Maybe I'll open a bookstore or even a bakery? I'm not sure, those are just two things I like pretty well. Might end up in the family business or as a mechanic.
It's kind of sad now that I think about it; I've never really considered what I am without my family. Whatever it turns out to be it won't be far from home, that's for sure. Hell, I'm down to be a stay-at-home dad even.
That sounds really nice.
Sincerely, Superman
P.S FBI is super cool
I think it's cute that you felt the need to defend yourself about thinking I'm cute. You so think I'm so cute, don't you??
I also think it's cute that you wanna be a stay-at-home dad. Not gonna lie- dads are hot. Sometimes. but like, dude-wife energy you know??
also, just an idea- might take some serious cha-ching- but if you owned your own bookstore cafe you could totally bring your little ones with you to work and it could become your very own family business
i can imagine Superman jr running around like he owned the place.
"do you know who my daddy is, he owns this place, he's Superman"
Dumb joke never mind
if were on the topic of getting to know each other whats your deepest darkest secret??
Sure, Batman, you're cute. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
That's a nice idea though, I like it. Maybe I'll aim for that. I wouldn't mind having my babies grow up and take over a shop I built. Definitely need that "cha-ching" though.
Deepest darkest secret? We only just met, you gotta at least buy me a drink first.
I'm a werewolf.
Your turn Batman
Sincerely, Superman
you SOOO think i'm cute!! I'll buy you a drink anywhere anywhen.
Also ha ha ha, super funny. but if you don't tell me yours I'm not telling you mine. hmm, you do have trust issues so I guess it's only gentlemanly of me to do it first- even though I'm buying you a drink at some point now.
Um I'm finding comfort in hoping you never ever know who I am when I tell you this
I've been talking to this guy and I kinda like him. We don't really know each other all that well, but from what I do know, there's nothing I don't like. But I'm not stupid enough to fall for that trap again so I'm not gonna bother
Also also “my babies” you're fucking adorable.
Dear Batman,
Hope you didn't miss me too much while I was gone.
I know it's Friday and you won't see this until Monday but how have you been? Do you have plans over the weekend? What did you do over the weekend, I should say? I've been home the last three days so I'm itching to go out this weekend.
I'll be at the lacrosse game tonight, then I'll most likely hang out at the arcade with some friends tomorrow. Someone beat my high score on Pac-Man so I've gotta reclaim my crown.
Anyways, whats been up since I've been gone?
Sincerely, Superman
Fuck you Superman
Not really sorry. I forgot you said you'd be gone for a few days and I thought for a while you ditched me.
Also, I was at the arcade on Saturday!! And just to let you know DRH your score was not hard to beat. Your crown is mine forever champ
What time were you there? What if we're were there at about the same time? Dude that's crazy! I was there at about 5ish and stayed for about two hours I think I don't really remember
Screw you STI,
I left about five o'clock and had to get home for dinner, so we just missed each other. I waisted nearly three hours trying to get my high score back! I finally did it!
And what happens when I go back after your letter yesterday? You're on top again! Screw you. All that time and money for nothing.
I don't know what made you think I'd ditch you before, but now I'm considering it. You are the reason I don't have nice things.
In your wise words, “suck my big toe”!
Sincerely, Superman
P.S your initials sound like damn std
Haha Superman
Don't be such a sourwolf.
Be humble, dude. Nobody likes a sore loser. Its not my fault I'm better then you, I'm perfect.
But hey maybe if you calm down I can give you some advice. I am perfect after all I give the best advice. And I advise you to take me up of it for the sake of your wolvly-hood.
But if you insist on being a sore loser, I could give you a massage to work out the kinks. ;)
-love yours truly, Batman 
Dear Batman,
“Sourwolf”? Really?
I regret telling you anything.
And don't think I didn't catch that last part. I had to hold it up to the light to see what you scribbled over but I saw it.
If you're so perfect why did you scribble out the shameless flirting? Not confident, hmm? If you're so perfect, why so shy, sti?
I think it’s cute, honestly. But I don't think you could take the heat. I think if we were face-to-face you'd be puddy in my hands. I think your mind would go blank and you'd revert to caveman lingo.
“Huh” “yeah” “mhmm” and a whole lot of grunting.
You're probably so hot under the collar right now you're not even reading this anymore. You're just thinking about us grunting a whole lot. I bet it's so easy to get under your skin.
I wonder what kinds of things you're thinking right now. I wonder if you'll go all day thinking about it. I wonder what you get up to when you're finally home alone.
You'll probably reread this letter over and over won't you, sti?
Can't wait to hear from you tomorrow.
Sincerely, Superman
Holy shit dude
Warn a guy before you say things like that. I literally choked on air my friend thought I was having a panic attack
Jeez I don't even know what to say now
What the hell am I supposed to say?
Yeah you're probably right about when I get home tonight though, not gonna lie. Damn dude
We should meet I think..
Holy hell, I was joking before. Wasn't expecting you to actually get hot and bothered. Thought you were just gonna roll your eyes and fuck with me.
Dude you actually touch yourself?
Like you seriously went home and I don't even know what to say cause I'm not sure if the teachers read these before passing them on. I don't wanna get into trouble.
But I kinda wanna get into trouble.
I regret nothing, hot damn.
As flattered and curious as I am about meeting you in person, I don't think I want it to be just for sex. You know? Like you seem like such a good guy, I don't wanna waste all my time with you on just that.
I want you to like me more then that.
Sincerely, Superman
Okay superman confession time I guess. Remember the letter I sent you before you took off? The guy I mentioned liking?
Sort kind of was you…
I said before I forgot you had mentioned not being in school for a few days, so when I never got a letter back I thought you put the very obvious pieces together and stopped writing back cause I mad it weird.
But I guess you're just ditzy cause clearly it when right over your head.
I do like you, I wanna meet you. Maybe at the arcade or something? I could show you how to actually be good at Pac-Man.
Only if you want!
That was me?! I didn't even adress it cause I didn't know what to say. I don't have a good track record with relationships and I didn't wanna screw anything up by getting jealous you weren't into me when we've never met.
Holy crap you have no idea how happy I am right now.
I think you're amazing. And I know we've only been talking for a month and it's been mostly banter but I really like the idea of getting to know you better. Person to person.
I’m gonna be honest though, I kind of don't want to cause I don't want you to be disappointed when you find out who I am. I don't think you like me very much outside these letters. I don't even know who you are in the slightest.
I've taken notes about you and tried to figure it out but I'm fucking clueless dude.
I'm nervous to talk new people, actually, anyone, cause I don't know if it's you want I don't wanna drive you away or give you a reason to be any more upset when you meet me.
Sincerely, Superman
You are the cutest ditz I've ever not met ever. You have no idea how many times I read that letter and GIGGLED. Honestly, I kinda hate you for it now. That was embarrassing in Mr harris's class. I couldn't help it your so fucking cute I swear
I was like a 13 year old girl getting Justin Bieber's autograph. EMBERASSING
but you're sweet so I forgive you.
I'm ready to meet when you are, I don't wanna push you into something you're unsure of. But I want you to know that whatever I may have thought of you before, whatever impression I gave you to make you think I don't like you, it doesn't really matter now.
I know you well enough that I don't think any of that matters anymore.
Unless I hate you in person cause you were a total dick.
Then I think you'll have to make it up to me. ;)
I take smooches as payment for being a jerk
Dear Batman,
You really are something special. But do you really think it would all be swept under the rug, just because I made you giggle?
And we've talking about ouselves and our goals and everything but do you really know me well enough to make such a bold statement like that?
I wanna trust that when we meet it will be like a fucking fairytale, but fairytales are never as fun and a hell of a lot more gory in real life. I don't wanna be a downer but I don't wanna be hurt again. I've told you things about myself I've never told anyone. Things I don't trust anyone with.
I let my guard down and if you end up looking me in the eye and you can't stand what you see, then that's gonna break my heart.
Sincerely, Superman.
I know that you're sweet. I know that you're a family man. I know you want kids and a big happy family of your own. I know you're smart, you always use basically perfect grammar and spelling. I know you're an introvert who like quiet time with friends more then parties. I know you love to cook. Not just because you told me, but because I get the feeling with you shifters that you're a total mommas boy. And mommas boys can always cook. I know you feel things with all you're heart and I bet you pour everything you have into your family and sisters. Even if you don't want them to know how much you love when they fuck with you. That's just what sibling are for- so I've heard. I know you've got enough charisma and charm that you probably have a lot of friends. But only maybe two or three of them would last long enough to be invited to your wedding someday. I know you are poetic, just based on the last few letters. I know you're funny as hell. You've made me laugh a few times. I know even though you seem like a macho sport guy your really a softy. Total hopeless romantic I bet. I know you're a geek like me, a fucking nerd too I bet. I bet you one of the top kids in class. I know my dad would love you. I know you're a werewolf. Which means if I tell you that tonight I'm gonna go to the store and find the strawberry-scented soap or perfume, what ever I can find, tomorrow you'll be able to sniff me out. You'll hear my heart when I walk into a room super nervous, knowing you'll know its me. I know that you care about me. And I know you're smiling like a little kid right now. I know you'll probably read this over and over but you won't tell a soul.
Have fun sniffing me out today, superman.
-Batman xoxo
I know who you are. You weren't lying when you said you were perfect.
I smelled the strawberries as soon as I knew to look for them. Followed it in between classes. Kind of sent me on a wild goose chase for a bit, was late a couple times. The scent traveled everywhere, couldn't tack it. The you came into lunch, you walked right by me.
Your heart was racing just like you said it would be. It looked like you were looking for me too. I wanted to just walk over and kiss you silly.
I ran away like a fucking loser though.
Just got up and left. I'm sorry I'm such a coward. I miss you though. I know you already went home. I'm staying late to right this to make sure you get this tomorrow.
I almost didn't write anything. I didn't expect you to take me seriously when I told you. Didn't expect you to believe in werewolves or to know anything about us. That kind of scared me.
I had a girlfriend before. She had no clue. When she found out, she moved. She was so afraid of me like she didn't even love me anymore. I was a monster to her all of a sudden.
But for you, you don't seem to care. You used it to help me find you. Used your scent to help me find you and you probably don't know as much as I think you might, but that sort of thing makes the wolf go crazy.
Like a hunting game of cat and mouse but without the murder and eating at the end.
Shit, Stiles, you're so perfect.
Sincerely, Superman
I told you so.
But, my friend got bit. I had to sort through Hollywood bullshit and actual facts to help him not kill anyone every full moon. Honestly if I had known there were wolves in Beacon Hills other than the sick fuck that attacked him I probably would've gone to them to help him.
But he's got control over it know. Full moons are more like a girl's time of the month for him now. Don't tell him I said that. Or your sisters! When I meet them I don't want them to be pissy over it.
But I don't mind. The claws and fangs are kinda hot. Definitely not hot on my friend! Ew
But I got to thinking about that night. I kinda liked it more than I thought I would.
I'm still here superman. You can't chase me away with claws and fangs. ;)
-Batman xoxo
Dear Batman,
Warn a guy. I read that first thing this morning and I lost control for a minute. Hand to hide my claws in my jacket. You owe me a new one by the way. The pockets are fucked.
I wanna scent you so bad. You don't smell like me and it makes me uncomfortable. I wanna rap you up on my scent and leave you there until you smell more like me than yourself.
On a more serious note, I think its time I ask. I don't wanna pry but this whole thing was supposed to be about bullying anyway. How did Derek Hale tease you? It's been really bothering me since your first few letters. Why do you hate Derek Hale? I mean you don't seem, at least from your letters so far, to be harboring a serious grudge against Jackson, so what makes Derek that much worse? What did he do exactly?
I don't really remember anything that could make someone hate him as much as you do. Yet I'm biased. So, I guess I'm just concerned.
Sincerely, Superman
Dear Batman,
Oh dear lord you're dereks friend??? That's why you think I don't like you? Cause you hang out with that jerk? this is awful I hate you
No i dont sorry
I'm serious Superman. Please.
I was humiliated by him! I dont want to drag up anything and relive freshmen year, it was the worst. Thank god people forgot about it over the summer and it's been peaceful since.
And don't get all wolfy jelly over it, cause I'm over it. Its all you now baby.
I may have let it slip ACCIDENTLY - i talk alot, my mouth moves before my brain can tell it to shut up- that I sort of maybe had a teeny weeny little bit had a major crush on him. the next day his friends were laughing at me in the halls and there was a note in my locker calling me a fag and shit
This was back before danny made it cool to be gay.
I couldn't even muster up the balls to tell my dad what I was crying about when I got home. I spent all last year avoiding him like the plague and yet I still got mean notes in my desk and locker every now and then
like i get he probably doesn't like guys, and even if he did I'm like a fish out of water on my best days- very clumsy- not the prettiest flower in the garden but let a guy down gently you know??
I just wanna forget about him and his stupid face
-Batman xoxo
Ps I owe you a drink, jacket, Pac-Man advice and you owe me smoches. Am I forgetting anything?
Dear Batman,
Don't be mad. . please don't be mad. Derek says he has no clue what you're talking about. He never had any guy confess a crush on him, and he certainly didn't tell anyone about anything like that. Literally ever.
Maybe someone else overheard and they made fun of you? But I don't know, cause you never told him anything like that. Derek isn't the kind of guy to do something that fucked up. He's an ass sometimes and he knows it but he wouldn't do that.
It doesn't change the fact that you were hurt, and I'm so sorry that happened. Whoever is responsible is twisted and deserves a beating. I'll rip their throats out with me teeth, just give me the word!
Please don't be mad!
Maybe try talking to Derek? I'm absolutely certain he will wanna hear from you in person about this.
Sincerely, Superman
[Blank Page]
Please, please, please talk to me! Nobody else knows about this and I swear Derek won't tell anyone. I want you to understand that Derek would never in a million years use someone's feelings like that to hurt them. He's a total pussy honestly!
He's been taken advantage of by someone he's gave his heart to, so he wouldn't do it to someone else.
I promise you with everything in me, Stiles.
Derek Hale if not that kind of guy, there's a misunderstanding somewhere. I want to understand what happened. I want to help!
Between you and me, Derek is Bi, not out to his family or literally anyone yet. He wouldn't out you like that.
Can you please tell me what happened? Spare no details.
Sincerely, Superman xoxo
Derek wouldnt out me maybe, but you just outed him??? how the hell am I supposed to trust you after I asked you not to say anything and then you did!! THEN you outed your fucking friend.
Yeah, I get how I fucked up there. But Derek was down for it! I let him read the letter and he told me what to say. Think of me as his wingman! He wants to know what happened just as much as I do.
Swear on my mother, Batman.
thats a weird thing to write so sincerely
Yours Truly, Superman xoxo
Fine Superman.
First off, why didn't you just fucking drop it! I don't wanna mend anything with this guy cause I want you! Derek Hale is dead to me, a thing of the past.
But you wanna know why your friend is a dick, sure.
I was sort of his friend- kind of only because I knew Cora. It was a best friend's-other friend's-friend's-friend thing- cora being the last one. I don't know we just kind of knew each other and we were chill. and that's how we met. we talked for maybe three minutes at Cora's birthday party last year and then I literally only saw him from a distance at school. but I was whipped okay.
I mean have you seen him?? he's fucking perfect. totally unfair
We ended up in a group project though, even though he was out for the week- family emergency or whatever it was. But the group got everyone's phone numbers down to go over shit, and thats how I got his number, and we started talking- like literally every night for a good two weeks. I let it slip on night when we were going back and forth fucking with each other that I liked him
I was gonna play it off like as friends or whatever but he said he had to go and then blocked my number.
The rest is history.
Stiles out
What was the phone number?? Are you sure you got the right one? Derek never got any texts like that! I swear he wouldn't do that to you. Ever. Not you.
If we can sort this out then you'd see where it all went wrong. And you won't hate him anymore.
I wanna make this right.
Sincerely yours, Superman xoxo
Dude why does this fucking matter? Its not like just because we’d potentially be a thing doesn't mean I have to be buddy buddy with all of your friends. I don't care about whatever happened between me and Derek fucking Hale. I don't give a shit about him. He's old news, loser boring basic news okay.
He's a jerk and there is no way in all his time hanging out with that asshole that called me names and beat me up, and told everyone I was a freak and a fag that he didn't catch on. He had to have known something was happening because the whole school knew it was happening. He may have not been the one to call me those names. Or break my arm and nose. He may have not been the one to tell Jackson all about how I thought he was pretty and smart or whatever I was hyped up for but he still knew I was getting shoved, jumped, and dragged through the dirt.
And just like everyone else who watched, he said NOTHING. didn't step in didn't stop it, nothing.
He may not be a bully, but he's a bystander which is so much worse Superman.
I was hurt and alone and at some point I let myself believe it was actually my fault. I don't care about Derek Hale anymore.
I don't wanna think about him.
If you wanna keep being his bud then whatever defending him and shit go ahead. I won't stop you.
Dear Superman,
Haven't heard from you in two weeks. I've been reading your letters over and over. I miss you. I'm sorry I kind of blue up on you in that last letter.
I ended up taking a lot of things out on you that I shouldn't have. I'm so sorry. I never talked about any of that with anyone, so I kind of just bottled it up. And you poking and the damn broke. Its not your fault.
You just wanted to help, and your stupidly sweet for that.
My feelings for you haven't changed at all. I still wanna be with you, and totally school you at Pac-Man. I wanna argue over Batman VS Superman. I wanna meet you and smooch and cuddle. I wanna go home smelling like you. I want your sisters to like me. I wanna do stupid romantic shit that makes you blush and get all cute.
I want you to talk to me again.
I miss you so much.
Sincerely Yours, Stiles xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
ps I guess I owe you kisses for being a jerk now
Dear Stiles,
You're really gonna hate me after this one.
I asked around about it. I don't hang out with those guys anymore. You were right, their fucking bullies. I don't know how I never noticed. They were always so cool and nice when I was around. But I guess you weren't their only victim. Basically, the whole school thinks those guys are assholes. And so am I by association.
You never had my number. You were taking Greenburge the whole time. He told Jackson and them about it and they said they thought they were doing me a favor.
If you hadn't been given the wrong number none of this would've happened.
Meeting you last year would've saved me from a lot of pain. You make me feel at home in my skin. I meet Paige at that party right after you. But you never seemed to notice me and Paige did.
When she saw me as I am she made me feel like a monster, I hated myself for it afterward. Still do. I felt like being born the way I am would cost me everything. Like id have to settle for someone who was just okay, because they're a wolf and they get it. Like I was robbed of being with someone as amazing as you because I was a monster.
But here you come, and you're so fucking perfect, Stiles. You make me feel whole again like I can trust my wolf again. I trust you with every part of me.
My anger, fear, loneliness, my love.
I didn't want you to know who I was while you hated my guts. I didn't want you to look at me like I don't even know. I wanted to clear up the misunderstanding before we met in person is what I'm saying. I want you to like me so bad it hurts, Stiles.
Cora made fun of me for crying when Mom put strawberries on our pancakes the other day. I didn't tell anyone about you. I couldn't. Didn't know how to think about you without feeling like shit.
I never wanted to hurt you but I did anyways. I'm so sorry sorry.
Sincerely, Derek Hale
Dear Derek,
Saw Greenburge with a cast and broken nose. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you? I know you've been suspended for fighting the past few days. But I know you'll be back here today so
I just wanna forget about this. I wanna just get to the good bit where you're all over me because I'm so fucking perfect.
heres my number xxx-xxx-xxxx text me so I can actually have your number this time.
With Love, Stiles
ps meet me in the locker room during lunch so we can be alone
I'm gonna smooch you so hard ≫ ────── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ────── ≪
Part Two (Comming Soon)
•Kermitts Masterlist•
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Male Reader X Lesserafim Huh Yunjin
Length: 13,200 +
Tags: Boyfriend, Girlfriend, friends,
A/N- Merry Christmas. the smut on this is is a bit short but I enjoy the plot I created. I hope you do too.
Can you remember your first time using a pen? Maybe a pencil? 
Honestly, you would be lying if you said you remembered the first time but one certain time stuck out to you. 
It was a rainy day. You can remember that because you weren’t allowed to go outside for recess, the favorite part of the day in 4th grade. As you sat in your chair sulking about your afternoon, your teacher clapped her hands to get everyone’s attention.
“Ok, now boys and girls. I have a fun activity planned today. Now I might have mentioned it before but I have a sister who is also a teacher in New York. We thought it would be fun if our classes were penpals!” 
“What’s penpals?” 
“Ah well, penpals are basically people who become friends by writing letters. Each of you will be given someone to write a letter to, so everyone pull out a piece and paper and a pencil please.”
Despite your thoughts still lurking on recess, your body reacted on its own to grab the materials you needed. Setting the notebook down on your desk, you grabbed your pencil and just held it in your hand. One by one, your teacher handed out a sheet to each student until she reached you. 
“Ok Porter. You will write to Jennifer. I ran out of boys sadly but I’m sure this will still be fun.” 
A groan left your mouth as you heard it was a girl you were gonna be forced to write to. 
“But I don’t want to write to a girl Mrs. White.” 
“Porter. This is your assignment. You need to do it. Just have fun with it. Talk about anything you like.” 
As your teacher walked away, your eyes just started at the blank sheet. The scratches from your classmate's pencil’s echoed in the air as you just sat there. 
“Three more minutes!”
You knew Mrs.White would be mad if you didn’t write anything but you had nothing. Each second that ticked by the more nervous you felt. With one minute left you quickly scribbled a few words and there and put your pencil down. 
Hi, I’m Porter. How are you?
Your teacher came by and saw your note and frowned a bit. Despite that, she grabbed your note and folded it. Once she put it in an envelope, she took it back to her desk. Maybe that would be the end of all that. 
A week later you found yourself walking back into class after recess. As you sat down at your desk, you noticed a small envelope sitting on top. 
“Ok, everyone. Your letters from your pen pals have arrived. Feel free to open the envelopes and read what was written to you.” 
Looking around, you saw your classmates grab their envelopes and begin to read the notes they got. Following their example, you ripped open the envelope and pulled out the piece of paper. Opening it, you saw there was more than you wrote. 
Hi Porter, I’m Jennifer. I’m ok thank you. Where are you from? I’m from New York. It’s loud but fun here. Is it fun where you are? What do you like to do? Bye.” 
As you finished reading the note, your hands extended out and ripped a new piece of paper to write. You honestly aren’t sure why you grabbed some paper when you didn’t want to write to her in the first place but it would be rude not to respond. 
Grabbing your pencil, you began to write. 
Hi Jennifer. I’m from New Jersey. It’s loud here too but I have fun. I like recess. What about you? Do you like recess?” 
As you finished your note, you folded it and set it down on your table. Mrs. White came close to you and saw the letter was ready. 
“Wow. You are done already. I’m glad I didn’t need to tell you to write to her.” 
“I’m not mean.” 
“No. You aren’t.” 
Grabbing your letter, Mrs. White took it and put it in an envelope. Guess it’s just waiting time now. 
5 months later
It was the final day of 4th grade and you sat at your desk. Everyone was excited it was the day before summer vacation, but you were excited for another reason. 
“Ok class. This is the final letter from your penpal so please enjoy.” 
Tearing the envelope open, your eyes quickly scanned the words on the sheet of paper.
Hi Porter. It’s the last day of school huh? I had a lot of fun talking to you all this time. I know we are done with the letters in class but can we keep talking? I asked my teacher and she said it’s ok. Send me another letter if you want to. Please?
“Yes, Mrs.White?”
“Jennifer seems to really like talking to you so she asked her parents to see if you guys could keep sending letters. I already asked your parents also and they said ok. Would you like to?” 
Your body reacted on its own as you just nodded aggressively. 
“Very well then Porter. Your parents have her address to send the letters so feel free to continue. You are the only one who is gonna keep talking to their own pen pal.” 
“Jen is really nice.” 
“Well, I hope it continues to be fun. I’m glad I could get you a new friend.” 
Walking away, you could agree with her. You really do have a new friend. 
6th grade, October 
Walking into your math class, you went over to your seat and began to take a seat. A sharp pain shot all over your butt as you jumped up. Looking down at the chair, you could see there was a thumbtack facing up. Laughter came from the other corner of the classroom as you saw your usual bullies enjoying your suffering. 
Moving the thumbtack off your chair, you took your seat just as the teacher walked in and commenced his class. The rest of your day continued with much of the same. Dumb pranks being pulled on you while everyone else’s just ignored it. 
Your walk home was calm for once as you managed to avoid all the other students leaving. As you saw the familiar outline of your home, you noticed the mailman dropping off your stuff in the mailbox. Seeing him made you excited, so you decided to run the final stretch to your home. 
Once home, your hand opened the mailbox and pulled everything out. Grocery store fliers, bills stacked on top of everything. Despite looking for a few seconds, your excitement never dissipates, and for good reason. 
At the bottom of the pile, a letter addressed to you could be found. From the handwriting alone, you could already tell who sent you this. Running into your home, you closed the door behind you and ran up to your room. 
Closing the door, you jumped on your unmade bed and ripped open the cover. 
Hi Porter. I hope your family is ok. I’m sorry you have been struggling with bullies at school. I want to tell you something my own parents told me. They said people who bully others normally have a horrible life at home. They just do it to make others feel how they feel. Keep that in mind, they are just sad about their own lives. 
Let’s talk about something else to distract you. I recently heard some music that I think is cool. It’s called K-pop. I’m Korean so I know what they are saying but you might not. Either way, the beats are great. Check it out. I recommend 2NE1. 
I have to get going but I’m looking forward to hearing from you port. Take care, please. 
Love Jen 
A large smile was plastered on your face after hearing from your best friend. Before you write something back, you decide to turn on your computer and go on YouTube. Typing in the name Jen gave you, you saw a couple of options pull up for this group. 
Easy to say you were a bit reluctant to even listen to this music but Jennifer never did you wrong. Clicking on the first song, you noticed the title was Fire. The loud EDM-style beat started playing in your ears. Your head began to bop to the beat despite not understanding all the words. After a minute your whole body began to dance along to the video. It was official, you were hooked with just one song. 
The rest of your afternoon was you going on a K-pop binge. Jumping all around from all these different artists, having fun. After a few hours, you heard a knock on your door it opened. 
“Porter. Dinner is ready. Also, what’s with all the noise in here?”
“O-Oh, nothing mom. I was just getting ready to write back to Jennifer.” 
“Well just write up your letter and then come down for dinner. Ok?”
“Ok, mom.” 
As the door closed, you made your way back to your desk and got to writing. 
Hey Jen. 
I’m not even gonna lie. That music was so fun to dance around with. If you have more recommendations then let me know. 
Thank you for saying those nice words also. You’re my best friend and I appreciate it. Mom came and told me dinner is ready so I should head down. I will talk to you in the next letter. 
Bye, from Porter. 
As you ended the letter, you quickly folded it up and put it in an envelope. All of your envelopes are already stamped and ready to be sent with how often you talk to Jen. Walking downstairs with the letter, you placed it down on the table next to the front door and made your way over to the kitchen. 
Your best friend really did help distract you from some of the bad things in life. 
8th grade, August 
Summer vacation is one of the best times for a kid. As you sat down in the living room to watch tv, you couldn’t help but take small glances at the clock above the screen. As the clock strikes 1 pm, you dashed from off the couch to the mailbox outside. 
You timed it perfectly as the mailman had just dropped off the correspondence for your home. Grabbing all of it, you ran back into your home and jumped back on the couch. 
Looking through everything, you quickly found the letter addressed to you and ripped it open. As you read through the letter the best you could. With the obsession of K-pop between the two of you, you both decided to work on your Korean. Jen obviously wanted to make sure she kept up with the language her Parents spoke but you wanted to finally understand what you have been singing along to. 
After 2 years, your Korean is decent enough that you can have a conversation. 
Dear Porter
Sorry I missed our letter last week. Lately, I have been stuck singing all the time. My parents even tell me to be quiet at times with how I begin to belt songs out. 
I actually want to run something past you. What would you think about me becoming an idol trainee? Sure you have never heard my voice but I keep having these dreams of me performing on a stage. Maybe that’s a sign. 
If I do go with this I would have to go back to Korea for the first time in years but I think I could do it. What do you think, Oppa?
Be honest.
Love Jen 
Yes, she calls you Oppa even if you are only a few months older. 
Right off the bat, you knew if she went back to Korea the mail would probably have to stop but you were not about to stop this girl from going toward her dreams. 
Getting your pen and paper, you got to writing.
Dear Jennifer
Don’t ever be sorry if you miss a week. We might have to get used to that. 
If this is really what you feel is meant for you in life then do it. Even if I said no, you should follow your own gut. Yes, I haven’t heard your voice but I can just tell you have an amazing voice, just trust me on my gut feeling. 
Go for it. I know you can do this. We can figure out how to keep in contact later. I wish you luck in deciding what to do. 
From Porter
Only time will tell how this continues.
10th grade, November 
High school somehow had a change. You ended up with a reputation for being very relaxed with everyone and helped people when they needed it. Nobody made fun of you anymore and in fact, respected you. With your new confidence in school, you began to take up new activities to make more friends. 
Hockey ended up being your pastime. Making up for some of your spare time in the afternoon. Some of your other time was also spent on a few girls. 
Yes, girls. You had a random glow-up one day that brought you the attention of plenty of girls. You had a few girlfriends in a year and a half but they always ended with you not being able to give your everything to the girl. 
As you stood outside the front of the school, your now ex-girlfriend was walking away as you just ended things with her. It hurt you but it was for the best.
With no practice today, you made your way home on the bus. After the short bus ride, you got back home and walked into your home. With the house empty, your legs went straight to your room as you lay down on your bed. 
A bit of time passed as you got back up and sat at your desk. A part of your afternoon is spent just doing your homework until it’s 5 pm. At that time, a ringing sound could be heard in your pocket. Searching, your hand pulls out your cell phone and answers the call you got. 
“So how full is the bus today?” 
“Surprisingly empty. Even though I’m running a bit late.” 
“Did you forget to put on your alarm?” 
“Yes. It was an accident.” 
“You gotta make sure your school attendance is good. Too many mess ups and they won’t let you continue as a trainee.” 
“I will make sure to continue doing well. Don’t worry about me, Oppa.” 
“Speaking of doing well. I’m assuming that’s how you are doing with your training?”
“I-It’s tough but I think I’m doing well.” 
“I k…”
“Oppa I’m sorry but I need to hop off the bus. We can talk later tonight, bye.” 
Before you could get another word out, Jen hung up the call and left you there. You weren’t mad at all as you knew she was late for school. Putting your phone down, you ended the rest of your afternoon with dinner and a few games. 
1 AM came around as you began a FaceTime call. After a few rings, the call was answered. Looking at the screen, you could only see some brown hair as well as a brown eye. 
“We have been FaceTiming for a year and a half now and I have only seen the corner of your face all this time.” 
“I have told you before. I’m shy.” 
“I know I know. I’m just playing. How was school today?” 
“Not bad. I managed to make it with one minute to spare so that was good. I have practice in a few hours and you started a call. Figured I could kill time with my B-Best friend.” 
You couldn’t help but notice a small flutter in her tone as she said that. 
“Well thank you for picking up my call. I actually sent you a care package to your P.O. Box. I’m not sure if you got it yet.” 
“Yeah, I stopped by the post office. I see it’s a box. What’s in it this time?”
Not waiting for a response, Jennifer ripped off the tape of the box and opened it. 
“Yessssss cheez-it’s. They can be so hard to find here in Korea. Thank you!”
“No problem. There are a few other snacks in there so I hope you enjoy them.” 
“Thanks, Porter Oppa. I never got to ask but how was school for you today?” 
“Oh. It was ok.” 
“H-How’s Natalie?” 
There was a bit of a sad tone in that question. 
“Oh. I ended things” 
“WAIT REALLY? I mean why?” 
“I couldn’t reciprocate her feelings properly. Why continue a relationship I’m not entirely in?” 
“Yeah, I get that. That happened to me with all my previous relationships. I guess I’m stuck on trying to find the perfect guy.” 
“W-Who is the perfect guy?” 
“I-I guess it would be a sweet guy who encouraged me with everything and helped me when I needed it.” 
In your mind, you were hoping she was describing you but it’s best not to assume. 
“What about you Oppa? What’s your dream girl?” 
You. That’s what you wanted to blurt out but it would be best not to risk it. 
“A sweet girl who will want to talk to me even when she is tired. Someone who just gets me.” 
“W-Well. I hope you find your dream girl one of these days.” 
“Enough about relationships. What song did you choose for your monthly evaluation?” 
“Well this is a bit of a throwback but I’m doing Lonely by 2ne1.” 
“I love that song. 2ne1 reminds me of you and the start of my love for K-pop.” 
“Yeah. Man, I can't believe it’s been a few years already.” 
“Yeah. Time really flies.” 
That statement was very true as you took a small glance at the time, it was 3 am. Your body reacted to that sight with a yawn. 
“Shoot, it's been a few hours already. I should let you sleep. Good night Porter. I’ll talk to you later. Love ya.” 
“Night Jen.” 
Hanging up the call, you quickly close your eyes and lay on your bed. Exhaustion took over as you quickly passed out. 
12th Grade, June. 
As you parked your car, you stepped out of your vehicle with your cap and gown still on. Today was a day of celebration but you didn’t feel like doing that. As you entered your house, the sound of nothingness was apparent throughout the house. 
Sitting down on the couch, you just sat there in silence with a picture frame in front of you. 
Two months ago your parents sadly passed away in a car accident. It was the shock of your life that nearly broke you. You managed to graduate but just barely. The only thing you don't have to worry about is money. They left you enough to last a decade. 
Staring at the image, your eyes began to water slowly. You could have started sobbing if it wasn’t for the sudden ring from your cell phone. Cleaning your eyes, you pulled out your phone and saw who was calling. Pick up the FaceTime call, you smiled at the screen. 
“Thanks, Jen.” 
Even after all this time, Jennifer was still hiding her full face. All you could see on the screen was her left eye. 
Despite only her eye on the screen, she could look into your own. 
“If I was there I would hug you myself. Your parents would be proud.” 
Those few words were enough to make you break your facàde. Your tears began to roll down your cheek, falling from your face. 
“I miss them. I-It’s just hard being alone.” 
“I’m sorry Oppa. They were great people. Every time I talked to them, they treated me like I was a part of your family too. 
“Yeah. That’s how they were. Kind.” 
“I know you said you are alone but I want you to remember that you have me. I'm not going anywhere.”
A simple statement but it reminded you that Jennifer had stuck by your side for so many years. She would continue to stick around. Smiling towards the screen you cleaned up your face and laughed a bit. 
“Thank you, Jen. It’s a happy day. I should try to be happy. It’s what they would want.” 
“Yeah. I actually took the whole day off from all plans so we will spend the whole day eating and watching movies. Ok?” 
“Sure. That sounds great.” 
Your whole day went by doing exactly that. Eating junk food and watching movies all day. The pain still lingered in your heart but Jen did everything she could to make you happy.
Once it got dark out, you looked at the time and saw it was early morning. A small snore could be heard from the phone. Jennifer stayed up all night with you to celebrate. This little action just confirmed how you felt. 
Picking up your phone, your finger hovered over the red button. Before you ended the call, you said four words to the sleeping girl. 
“I love you, Jen.” 
As your heart pounded from saying those words, you hung up the call and laid back on your couch. Maybe one day you can tell her in person. 
November 2022 
In a year, you found yourself studying in a little trade job. Higher education wasn’t really in your sight for the future and you felt joy working with your hands. 
After a long day at work, you found yourself cooking. And by cooking, you were just heating a microwave dinner. Pulling the small box out of the microwave, you placed it down on your kitchen table. Grabbing your utensils, you began to move your food around till you heard your phone ring. 
A groan left your mouth as you were already getting ready to eat. Pulling your phone out, you saw it was a number you didn’t talk to often. 
“Oh hello Mrs. Huh. How are you?” 
“I’m well Porter. How are you?” 
“I’m ok. Was getting dinner ready.” 
“Oh I’m sorry to bother but I want to talk to you about something.” 
“Oh sure. What’s up?” 
“Have you had a chance to talk to Jen today?” 
“No, not yet. I haven’t spoken to her in 2 days but we speak when she can. She says her training is getting harder so I don’t want to bother.” 
“I see. Well, Jennifer has been stressed lately and I was thinking about giving her a gift to make her happy.” 
“Oh, that’s a great idea. Did you want me to pitch in?” 
“No. I want you to be the present. I think it’s time for the two of you to meet.” 
Your eyes shot open at those words. Was she serious?
“W-Wait really?” 
“Yes. Me and Mr. Huh think it’s time for the two of you to meet. She needs her best friend I feel and it’s best to get an actual hug from you in person. We will cover all the costs and such. You just need to be there in time to be her Christmas gift.” 
It was your dream to meet Jennifer in person but should you do it? 
Your heart took over somehow as the word “absolutely” left your mouth. 
“Perfect. So the plan is that I will tell Jen that a package from me is at the post office. She always lets me know when she’s gonna go get it so you will wait for her there. She will hold a medium size red box with snowmen all over it. When you see her, you can go and surprise her!” 
A little bit of a weird plan but you were down for it. 
“Ok. Let’s do this then.” 
December 22nd, 2022 
Sitting in a restaurant, you found yourself just going over things. You had a month to plan your visit so you decided to see what else you could do in South Korea during your trip. 
Conveniently enough. On the 24th, there was gonna be a special fan sign meeting for your new favorite group. Lesserafim quickly took the place as your favorite 4th gen K-pop group. Each member had qualities you loved so you were excited to meet every single one of them but one specific girl always caught your attention. Yunjin was such a chill and cool person that she seemed like the type of person you could talk to for hours. 
Heck, it felt like you almost knew her. Her voice even seemed familiar. Probably just your imagination. Either way, you were excited to get to meet the idols who made you smile. 
Taking a final bite of your chicken, you raised your hand and asked for the check. A woman quickly ran over with it and put it on your table. Seeing the total was 30,000 won, you placed three 10,000 won bills on the table and walked outside. 
With a short two-minute walk, you entered a post office and sat down at a chair. 
Today was the day you would meet her in person. To say you were nervous was an understatement. Taking a few deep breaths, you began to relax until your ringtone went off. Pulling it out of your pocket, you saw it was Jennifer’s mom. 
“Porter. Are you there?” 
“Yes, I am Mrs.Huh.” 
“Perfect, she will be there in two minutes. Remember, the red box with snowmen around it is her.” 
“Got it!” 
Hanging up the call, you continued to take small glances at the door that people entered and left. Finally, after what seems to be Four minutes, you happen to see 2 girls enter the building with masks on. You couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity with these two subjects but you paid them no mind. 
At that time your mind gave you the bright idea to start looking around as the girl could already be in the building. Once looking, you were met with a nightmare. Several people had red boxes with snowmen on them. As each person passed you, the more you felt confused about who Jennifer could be. Heck, maybe she wasn't even here anymore. 
At that moment, you got the bright idea of calling Jen’s phone and seeing if she picked up. Once your phone was out, you found Jennifer's contact info and clicked on her number. Putting the phone up to your ear, you began to look around to see if anyone with a red box picked up their phone. 
As your eyes scanned the group of people, you heard a ringtone come from your left side. Looking for the source, you saw the two girls from earlier walking out with a red box with snowmen. As one of the girls puts up her phone to her ear and removes her mask, you finally hear a response through your phone. 
You had no doubt, that was Jennifer. Standing up, you began to run after the girl. 
“Hello? Oppa?” 
“Oh hey, Jen.” 
Once outside, you looked both directions and saw the 2 girls walking towards a van. Running behind them you began to get closer and closer to them. 
“Why does it sound like you're running?” 
“I-I am.” 
Finally, behind the blonde girl, you tapped on her shoulder. The girl jumped a bit and turned around. Once she faced you, your eyes shot open. Your heart began to pound as you stared at the familiar girl in front of you. It was Huh Yunjin from Lesserafim. 
Both you and Yunjin stood there in silence for a moment until you heard a cough. Looking for the source, you saw it was the girl next to Yunjin. 
“Hi there. I'm Chaewon. You are?” 
“I-Im I-Im P-Porter.” 
Chaewon’s own eyes shot wide open as she heard your name. You were so confused about what was happening but you knew you needed to speak to Yunjin. 
“I-I never knew you were-“ 
Before you could get another word out, Yunjin ran towards the van and opened the door. As she jumped in, you began to run after her until the driver came out of the van and grabbed you. 
“Jennifer! Talk to me please!” 
The man that grabbed you got angrier but before he could do anything you heard a voice next to the both of you. 
“Oppa. He's a friend, please don't call the police. Just give me a minute with him ok.” 
The man who you could now assume was their manager let go and sat back in the van. 
“Porter. Let's step back.” 
Listening to Chaewon, you both backed up from the van, out of earshot. 
“I’ve heard a lot about you. What are you doing here?” 
“Her parents made this happen. They thought it was time for the best friends to meet in person. It was a surprise.” 
“Of course they did. It's a great gift idea but you caught Yunjin off guard. Just give her a minute to cool down. Are you in town for a while?” 
“Yeah. I'm here for a couple more weeks. I was also gonna attend the fansign but I guess I shouldn't now.” 
“No, it's ok. You can come. I'm sure she will be ok with all this by then. Just give her a bit, ok?” 
“O-Oh ok then, Chaewon. Thank you.” 
“Call me Noona. It was great to meet you either way. I’ll see you at the fansign.” 
With a nod, Chaewon ran back to the van and sat down. As the door closed you could see Yunjin was just staring at you. Once the door was closed it began to drive away. 
It wasn’t until you were all alone that it hit you. Yunjin’s English name is Jennifer. Her last name is Huh and she lived in New York. How were you so dumb?
Despite all this, you were just hoping that Jen wasn’t mad and would talk to you later on. Seeing a cab, you hailed it down and made your way back to your hotel. 
The ride in the van was silent. Chaewon nor your manager decided to talk to you as you just looked down at the ground. Once in the parking garage, you opened the door and made your way up to the apartment. Time just flew as you were suddenly at your front door. 
Once the passcode was typed in, you made your way into the home and ran into your room. Seeing there was no one in there, your hand quickly locked the door and then threw the box on your bed. Ripping it open, you found a small envelope in the center of the box. 
Pulling it out, you opened it and found writing that you recognized as your mother's. 
Call me. I hope you liked your gift.
An annoyed grunt left your mouth as your hand pulled out your phone. Finding your mother's number, you rang her up waiting for her to pick up. As you heard someone pick up, you didn’t even let them get a word out. 
“MOM, WHY?” 
“Why what? Did you enjoy your gift? Is Porter there with you?” 
“No, he’s not here mom. I-I got in the van and left him there.” 
Silence is all that could be heard. You could already tell your mother was not happy. 
“Huh Yunjin. I taught you not to be rude. Why would you do that?” 
“Because I’m not ready to meet him in person yet!” 
“So when will be the right time? When you are both senior citizens? You always say you aren’t ready. Why?” 
Before you could answer you heard the door handle begin to rattle a bit. 
“Unnie? Are you ok?” 
“I-I’m fine Eunchae. Just on a call with my mom.” 
“Oh sorry. I’ll go.” 
As the sound of footsteps hit your ears, you heard a ring come from your phone. Your mother was now wanting to do a facetime call. Picking it up, you could see the angry look on her face. 
“Why do you keep saying you aren’t ready?”
Hesitation is what you felt before you spoke until it just came out of your mouth. 
“What if he acts differently because I’m an idol? Do you know how many times he told me Yunjin from Lesserafim was his bias? Not only that, I have been lying to him for a year now.” 
As your mother looked at you, her angry stare became one of care. 
“You have known Porter for over ten years now. Does he seem like the type to change because of that? If I recall correctly he always said Yunjin was his bias because she seemed like the two he could be great friends with. That’s what you told me he said. He will still treat you like his best friend, he will also understand why you kept it from him. What is the real reason you are scared to see him?”
It wasn’t until your mother said those words that you realized those weren’t the real reasons.
“Yunjin, Sweetie. Be honest with yourself. What is the reason?” 
“What if he doesn’t love me?” 
You were shocked those words left your mouth but that was the real reason. 
“Sweetie. Do you really think a boy who spends all his time waiting to talk to a girl, even sacrificing his sleep, doesn't love her? I have seen how the two of you talk over the years. That boy is head over heels for you and he had never even seen your face.” 
The source of comfort from your mother finally filled you with a confidence you never had before. 
“What are you doing talking to me then? Go find him!” 
“Right. Bye mom!” 
Unlocking the door, you yanked the door open. Out of nowhere, you felt a weight fall on your body as it dropped to the ground. On top of you was the combined weight of all of the Lesserafim members. 
Jumping off you, the girls all stood up and helped you up. 
“Sorry. We couldn’t help but be nosey. Are you ok Yunjin?” 
“I’m ok Kkura Unnie. I just really need to go find Porter.” 
“Yeah, manager Oppa doesn’t want us going out for the rest of the day sadly.” 
“Chaewon unnie. Can you talk to him, please? I need to talk to Porter Oppa.” 
“I’m sorry Yunjin but he said no exceptions. I do have a nice bit of information to share with you though. Guess who will be going to our fansign?” 
“Yeah, he will. Take that moment to say a few words to him.” 
“But I want to say more than just a few words!” 
“Why don’t you invite him to our Christmas party at the dorm? We can all talk to him more at the time also! Most of us will be leaving before midnight to visit our families so you can have some company until tomorrow as well.” 
“Zuha! You’re a genius!” 
“I know. So guess we are all meeting your future husband then.” 
A slight blush filled your face as the girls laughed. 
You were gonna try to make it up to him. 
December 24th, Christmas eve
Stepping out of your taxi, you began the short walk up the sidewalk to the building. Seeing a small line for the door, you got behind everyone and began to wait. After a few minutes, the line began to move into the building. 
Once through the metal doors, you saw everyone going up to a desk where they were checking in. The process seemed to be shorter than you thought as after 5 minutes you are in front of the woman. 
“Welcome. Do you have your QR code to check in? I will also need to see an ID.” 
“Yeah, one sec.” 
Pulling your phone out, you opened the email with the QR code and handed it to the woman. As she scanned it, you pulled out your passport and handed it to her. Matching your id with the information on her device, the woman handed it all back and gave you a small badge. 
“Ok Mr. Ward, now you just need to pull your number out of this box and it will decide what seat you will be in.” 
Putting your hand in the box, your hand began to roam around passing small pieces of paper. Landing on the top right corner, you grab the piece of paper closest to your hand and pull it out. Unfolding the blue sheet, you felt excitement and Nerves as you saw the number Seven plastered in the middle. 
“Ah. Lucky number seven. You will be in the front row! When you enter, just look for the chair with the same number. That will be the seat for the fansign.” 
“Thank you, miss. Have a good day.” 
A few steps away from the desk you made it to the security section. Once you pass the various machines and people checking you, your legs follow the signs to the hall for the fansign. Entering, you saw all of the previous people in line already in their seats. The excitement is plastered on their faces despite having face masks on. 
Walking into the front row, you looked at the numbers until you found your seat. Sitting down, you proceeded to pull out your phone and just play on it. Various people were walking around and such but your concentration was stuck on your mobile device. 
Open on the notes page, your eyes scanned over the various things you had written. Each paragraph was a different thing you could say to your best friend. Should you be funny? Nice? Dorky?. 
You had options for all of those but your mind was running a million miles per hour, thinking about what was possibly the right thing. Time just passed as you suddenly heard the tap of a hand on a microphone. 
At the top right corner of your phone, 6:00 pm was plastered. 
“Alright, ladies and gentlemen! Are you all ready to see Lesserafim!?”
The cheers that left everyone’s mouths nearly left you deaf at that moment. Despite the back of your mind still being stuck on what to say, your excitement overtook all other emotions you were feeling. As your own cheers began to fill the air, the door on the right side swung open. 
A man you recognized as manager from before walked into the hall with the girls in tow. Chaewon walked in first, waving at everyone in the crowd. Next was Sakura who was shooting finger hearts at everyone who did the same. 
You thought it was going in age order but as the playful maknae ran in and jumped on Sakura, you saw it wasn’t. Riding on Sakura’s back, Eunchae's actions just warmed your heart. Kazuha got closer to the Maknea and began to pull her off her unnie’s back. 
Despite the sound of laughter filling the room, one distinct laugh blessed your ears. Even in this full room, you could recognize the sound of your best friend. As she walked in, a smile was plastered on her face watching her members' interaction. 
The black beret with little white cloth balls dangling matched her white sweater on top. Below all of that was a short checkered skirt that showed her long legs. You were hypnotized by the young idol as she stood on stage, next to her group mates. 
“One two three, Hi we are Lesserafim!” 
Applause from yourself and other fellow fans filled the hall from those seven words. As each girl looked around, Yunjin’s eyes suddenly met with your own. It felt like you two were the only ones in the room at that instant. 
Her face was just blank as was your own. A sudden tap on Yunjin’s shoulder brought her back to her senses as she went back to the fansign. With each joke that the members made, the more you forgot about your worries. 
“Ok, I think we have killed a little bit of time. Let’s get started with the fansign. Pull out your albums and they should have post-it notes on what pages you want to be signed already. With that said, let’s get out fansign started.” 
As everyone clapped, you pulled out your album and went over what pages you wanted to be signed. 
“Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Now we will be going in numerical order. Number one will start with Chaewon, then go down the line. Each person will go up as the next chair opens. Ok?” 
Confirming you all understood, the first fan made his way up the small stairs and sat in front of the baby cheetah. As each person went up the staircase, you prepared yourself to meet the idols that stole your heart. 
A security guard at that time tapped on your shoulder and pointed at the first open seat. As you stood up, your legs began to shake as you stepped closer and closer. The three steps up to the stage were soon behind you as your behind sat in the chair. 
A wide smile was on the leader's face as she saw you. 
“Porter! How are you?” 
“O-Oh I’m ok Chaewon. How are you?” 
“Good and remember I told you to call me Noona, ok?” 
“Right. Sorry, Noona. I’m not really used to that. Also doesn’t help that I'm such a big fan.” 
“It’s ok. I'm sure you will get used to it. We have heard so much about you that you are basically a friend of ours already.” 
A small ring of a bell let you know your minute was over with Chaewon. Passing your album to Sakura, the cheese ball smiled at you. 
“I’ll talk to you later. Enjoy the rest of the fansign!” 
“Thank you Noona.” 
Sliding to the next seat, you are now face to face with the oldest member of Lesserafim, Sakura. When in front of the Japanese girl, her face gave you a giant smile as she made eye contact. 
Looking down at the album, her eyes almost popped out as she saw your name. 
“So you are the famous Porter.” 
Sakura must have said that louder than she intended as the rest of the members down the line looked over at you. A small blush must have appeared on your face as Sakura began to giggle. 
“Don’t worry. I have only heard good things. So how long have you been a fan?” 
“O-Oh I was a big fan of Izone and was very sad after, well you know what. The second I heard you and chae would be in a new group together I was so excited and couldn’t wait. Your debut didn’t disappoint.” 
“Well, I’m grateful you continued to support me and Chaewon after that difficult time. Please continue to support us all!” 
The small ring from earlier returned, signaling your time is up. With a small bow, you slid over to the next seat facing the beautiful swan that is Kazuha. 
“Hi, Oppa. How are you?” 
“I’m great Kazuha. How are you? Your Korean is sounding great.”
“Thank you. I am practicing hard. I hope you like Korea. It’s really nice.” 
“Oh yeah. The food already has me in love as well as other things.” 
Taking a small glance down the line. You saw Yunjin with a wide smile towards the fan in front of her.
“Yeah, unnie is great. She was one of the few people I could talk to when I came. She’s the best.” 
As the bell rang, you took one more glance at the Japanese girl's eyes. You could see the sincerity in her love for Yunjin. You’re glad she has friends like them. 
Waving goodbye to Kazuha, you hopped to the next seat in front of the young maknae. 
“Hi, Eunchae. Did you enjoy your ride on Zuha earlier?” 
“Of course I did. Piggyback rides are the best Oppa. Maybe one day you can give me one.” 
Just as you thought, she was very playful. 
“I hope the girls treat you well but I’m sure there are times when they scold you.” 
“Yeah they do but it’s ok. I love my unnies. Yunjin has been helping me study English more.” 
“I’m sure she’s a great teacher. She’s always been smart.” 
“Were you always good at Korean? You speak it very well.” 
“Oh. Well my friend Jennifer helped teach me. You should have seen the beginning. I could barely say hello. She had plenty of patience with me and that helped a lot.” 
Before either of you could get another word out, the small ring echoed in your ears once more. 
“Bye Oppa. Good luck.” 
With a small nod, you began to stand up from the seat. Taking a glance at Yunjin, your legs suddenly felt like jelly. All the strength in your legs left as you fell on the seat perfectly. At that moment you couldn’t bring yourself to look at the idol, Your glance just toward the table. 
“Hi, there! Porter right?” 
As you finally found the courage to look Yunjin in the eyes, you were met with a sweet smile like the other girls. The sight paired with her voice took all feelings of anxiety away. 
“H-Hi Yunjin. It’s very nice to meet you.” 
“It’s very nice to meet you, Porter. You don’t seem like you're from here. Where are you from?” 
“Um. New Jersey. Kinda close to where you lived right?” 
“Yeah. New York. It’s always nice to meet a fellow east coaster. I hope your visit here was worth the long flight.” 
“Y-Yeah. It’s starting to feel like it was.” 
A small blush appeared on Yunjin’s face as she continued to write in your album. As much as you wanted to make more conversation, you honestly weren’t sure what to say. Before you knew it, the ring from the bell told you it was all over. 
“I-Um. Thank you Je- I mean Yunjin.” 
“Of course Porter. Please continue to support us. And I hope you liked my message in the album.” 
Grabbing the album, your legs pushed your body up from the chair. Stepping down from the stage, you made your way back to your numbered seat and relaxed finally. As you went through the pages signed, you couldn’t help but chuckle at the kind words from Yunjin’s members. 
Eunchae’s note was the most playful.
“I’m happy to finally meet in person unnies, future husband.!”
Moving on from her note you went on to the last page signed, Yunjin’s. As you finally opened the sheet of paper on the book, your eyes were suddenly brought to something that was written. 
On the pages was an address written out on the sticky note. 
“Meet us here at Seven. It’s our Christmas party and we want to spend time with you.” 
Reading those words made you excited yet a bit let down it did say that she specifically wanted to spend time with you. Either way, you would take this blessing and roll with it. The rest of the fansign went by in a flash with the girls performing their latest hit Antifragile for everyone before leaving. 
The travel back to your hotel room was uneventful and short. When you entered, your mind automatically went to your gift for Yunjin. Finding the wrapped package in the corner, your hands picked it up and put it in the black backpack laying on your bed. Would Yunjin like this gift? 
Only one way to find out. 
Walking out of the hotel building, you found the Uber you ordered waiting. The red tint of the car matched the red tint from the box you used to find Yunjin a few days ago. Had you been told that your person would be going to meet up with Lesserafim a month ago, you would have called them crazy. 
Your life was just filled with surprises. Scrolling through Twitter made the car ride flash by in an instant. Saying thank you to the man, your legs brought you out of the crimson vehicle into the large city. Looking around, you saw that the girl's home was in a nice part of town. 
Strolling up to the large glass building, your arms opened a door leading you to a small gangway of sorts. The door has a scanner for a key fob but since you didn’t have one, you would need to ring the doorbell. 
Finding the button to apartment two hundred twenty-one, your finger then hovers above it for a few minutes. You hadn't even realized time had passed until your senses came back to you. Pressing the button, your ears picked up the buzzing sound coming out of the device.
Waiting for a response, a few seconds passed until you heard a voice. 
“H-Hello. It’s Porter.” 
“Oh, Oppa. Take the elevator up to the 15th floor. Our apartment will be on the right side when you exit. Third door on the left wall.” 
“Thanks, Eunchae. I’ll be up there soon.” 
Once you heard the buzzing, your hand pulled on the door opening it. Finally in the building, you saw a few chairs in that lobby as well as some plants. Taking a few steps further, you found yourself in front of the elevator summoning it to the lobby. 
A familiar ding fills the lobby as the metal cube arrives. Once the doors opened, you stepped on and saw it was one of the nicest elevators you had ever been in. Ordering the button to the 15th floor. The doors to the metal machine closed rapidly. The elevator began to rise the floors quickly as a little tune echoed in there. 
Once a ding hit your ears once more, the doors opened showing you the white hallway. Following Eunchae’s instructions, you exited the elevator and went right. Walking past two doors, your feet brought you to the apartment of the girls. 
Knocking on the door, you patiently waited as you heard whispers behind the door. With a swing, the door opened showing you an excited Maknae. 
“Hi, Oppa. Come in!”
“Oh, thanks Manchae. Can I call you that?”
“Of course. Now let’s go!”
Grabbing your hand, Eunchae pulled you into their home. Once passed the small hallway, you found yourself in the middle of the living room. The giant living room was blessed with a skyline view. Easy to see when the window in the room was the entire wall. 
“Yeah. The view is amazing huh Oppa?” 
“Yes it is. I’ve only been in here yet I can tell this is an amazing home. Can I sit down?” 
With a nod of approval, you sat down on the leather couch as Eunchae sat next to you. On your right side, you could see several figures moving around rapidly. 
“So Oppa, are you in love with unnie?” 
That question made you choke on your air suddenly. Your aggressive coughing seed to get everyone’s attention as a couple of heads popped from the kitchen. 
Sakura was like a mother. Standing up, you made your way over to the kitchen for your dinner. The nice Samsung fridge caught your attention as you saw all of the top-of-the-line appliances in there. 
“Welcome to our home Porter. We ordered a variety of food I hope you enjoyed.” 
“T-Thank you Kkura Noona.” 
Grabbing your plate, you filled it to the brim with a variety of noodles, rice, and meat. As all the other girls finished serving their plates, you went and picked up another. Filling it with the same food as your own, you then picked your spare plate up and brought it to the living room with the rest of the girls. 
“Why did you get two plates, Oppa? Are you that hungry?”
“No Zuha. This plate isn’t for me.” 
On cue, footsteps came from the second hallway. Time felt like it stopped with each step the person took. After a few seconds, a shadow appeared and grew bigger and bigger until a figure appeared. 
Her beauty just took your breath at that moment. Her blonde hair just flowed perfectly down her shoulders fitting in well with the white sweater she had on. The short skirt showed you her milky legs that just made your mouth water at that moment. Looks like she didn’t change clothes. 
Looking up, you made eye contact with Yunjin who was smiling at you. The two of you must have just frozen as laughter and the sound of Chaewon got both of your attention. 
“If you two are done staring at each other the food is getting cold.”
“O-Oh. Yeah, let's eat. Let me get a plate.”
“NO! I mean, I already got you a plate.” 
Stretching out your hand, you showed the plate to Yunjin who walked over and grabbed it. 
“Ttboki, chicken, these are all of my favorites. You remembered.” 
“Of course. Enjoy your meal, Jen.” 
“T-Thank you Oppa.” 
Sitting next to You, the group began to eat and enjoy their meals in silence for a bit. The echo of silence began to feel awkward, Your mind honestly couldn’t come up with anything to say. 
“So how was the fansign Oppa? Did you have fun?” 
“Oh, Yeah definitely. It was my first fansign ever and it met all my expectations. It’s honestly so crazy I got in. Some of those fans buy so many albums but I still got in!” 
Your overexcitement was funny to the girls. Sure they saw it from fans all the time but to have one of those fans in their home, also a close friend of one of them was a completely new thing.
“Well, Porter. I’m glad you had fun but we all wanted to get to know you more so we told Yunjin to invite you. Plus I think she owes you that after running away a few days ago.” 
“YAH! That was an accident. Oppa I-I” 
“We can talk about that later? Ok?” 
“Ok. Let’s just enjoy this holiday.” 
“Yeah Porter. Tell us about your family and such. 
“Oh. Well, I'm a single child and I had two amazing parents. They sadly aren’t with us anymore but they supported me a lot. I owe them a lot.” 
Your body sulked a little thinking about your parents but the sudden feeling of a hand on your back got your attention. Looking to the right, you saw that Yunjin had her hand on you as a sign of comfort. A basic sentiment but it was enough.
“I never met Porter's parents in person, though they always treated me like I was a part of the family. They really were great people.” 
“Yeah. Anyway, do you have any more questions?” 
At that time Sakura raised her hand to ask a question. 
“Yunjin never specified but how did you guys meet? It’s a little weird that best friends had never seen each other's face before.” 
“Wow. She never told you? Well, Yunjin and I met in fourth grade. We were penpals.”
“What are penpals?” 
“Oh, you don’t know Eunchae? Well when you are younger, sometimes your teachers will start this project. You get assigned someone you are supposed to write letters to who is from another location. Sometimes it’s with others from another country but we were assigned because our teachers were sisters.” 
“So you both met by writing letters to each other?” 
“Yep. That’s how Zuha.” 
“That’s cool. How did it continue?” 
A glance at Chaewon showed you how excited she was to learn more. 
“Once the assignment was over, our teachers noticed that we got so invested in being friends so maybe we should continue. They gave our home info to our parents and asked us if we wanted to keep going. Months turned into years as we continued to talk. Not only that but cell phones and video calls improved.”
“Oh, we know all about your video calls. Yunjin would never let us in the room when she would talk to you.” 
“Jen why?” 
“Hey it’s true, Yunjin. Plus he would find out one way or another. It’s fine either way. We saw the way talking to him made you smile.” 
Laughing at what you heard, you wrapped Yunjin in a side hug as she sulked. Neither of you reacted to your action at first until you heard the Lesserafim girls scream in excitement. Realizing what you did, your arm came off of her and stood back at your side. 
“Hey, you shouldn't have moved your arm, Oppa. I’m sure unnie liked it.” 
“Ok, that’s enough Eunchae. Don’t bother your Unnie.” 
“Ok ok. I’m sorry Oppa and I’m sorry to you too unnie. Or should I say, Mrs.Ward.” 
The maknae said that last bit in a whisper but enough for everyone but Yunjin to hear. Hearing Eunchae call her your future wife made your heart flutter at that moment. It was like music to your ears. 
“Ok ok let’s keep talking. Anything else you guys are wondering?” 
All of the other girls raised their hands in that instant. Looks like it would be a long talk. 
Hours went by as it finally reached 11:30 pm. The various questions that both you and Yunjin answered made time get away from everybody. The sound of the front door opening got everyone’s attention. The sight of their manager seemed to get a response from the girls as everyone but Yunjin jumped up. 
“Go? Oh did I take up too much of your guy’s time? I’m so sorry.” 
“No, it’s ok Porter. Me and the rest of my members are going home for the holiday. Yunjin is staying here until tomorrow so you guys can still catch up. We are going to go get our stuff.” 
Before you could respond to Chaewon, all of the rest of the girls ran to their rooms and grabbed their bags. In a matter of seconds, the girls all returned to the living room handing their small backpacks to their manager.
“Two minutes girls. I’ll see you all in the van. Yunjin, have a safe holiday. And you, be smart please.” 
Taking a glance at Yunjin, you saw a small blush appear on her face that matched your own. Standing up, you went over to their manager and shook his hand.
“Have a good night.” 
Releasing your hand from his grip, you suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around you. 
“Goodnight Oppa. I hope to see you more one day.” 
“I hope so too Manchae. Take care.” 
Saying your farewells to almost everyone else, Sakura walks in front of you and extends her hand. Shaking it, Sakura then gives you a smile and whispers at you.
“Make her smile. Ok?” 
“Always. Safe travels.” 
Waving goodbye, Sakura walked out of the living room leaving just you and Yunjin standing there. Deciding to take the initiative, You walked back over to the couch and grabbed the backpack you had placed down. As your left hand opened the bag, your right hand pulled out a green box you had wrapped up. 
Facing your best friend once more, your feet took a few steps towards her until you were just a few inches away. 
“Merry Christmas Jen. I-I hope you like it.” 
Raising her hands, your best friend then took the box from your hands and sat down on the couch. A look of excitement was on her face as her hands ripped open the wrapping from the box. With the cardboard box now free, Yunjin then took the lid off and looked inside. 
Her face changed from one of excitement to one of confusion as she pulled out a large book. Despite being confused about what was in her hands, Yunjin pulled open the cover of the book. Just like other times in the day, her eyes shot open but there was quickly a mix of tears added. 
“A-Are these?” 
“Yeah. These are all the letters you sent me over the years. I kept every single one and put them all in there.” 
Yunjin proceeded to flip through the pages as tears rolled down her cheeks. Despite her scrolling through, her hand went back to the first page. 
“The first letter. I was so curious about your life then. Talking to someone from another state sounded amazing to me. I’m sorry if I annoyed you back then.” 
“Hey. Don’t ever apologize. I was a salty little kid who didn’t want to do his work. Your excitement about the project made me write to you. Thank you for just being you.”
As you finished those words, Yunjin jumped into your arms and took you in an embrace. The action was sudden but her warmth in your arms felt just perfect. As your nose laid next to her hair, the smell of lavender filled your nostrils and then your senses. You could have kept smelling her but much to your dismay, Yunjin pulled back and ran away.
You were about to stand up and follow until she looked back at you. 
With those words said, Yunjin ran back towards her room. After a few agonizing seconds wondering if you did something wrong, you heard the same footsteps as before come towards you. The tall idol had returned with a wooden box. Placing it in front of you, Yunjin opened the lid showing several small letters. 
“You aren’t the only one who kept all the letters. I have every single one too Oppa.” 
Almost like a routine, a smile filled your face looking through the box. It was nostalgic seeing all of the things you wrote before to her. 
“Thank you, Jen.”
“Oppa. Can you call me Yunjin a little more often? I don’t mind Jen either but I was just wondering.” 
“Oh. Of course, I can. I’m sorry about that. I guess I’m just really used to calling you, Jen.” 
“No no. It’s fine. I guess it is an adjustment since you-“
Yunjin was silent, just looking at the ground. 
“Since I didn’t know you were Lesserafim Yunjin?” 
“Y-Yeah. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you Oppa. I-I just, I wanted to- I don’t know what to say. Are you mad?” 
Silence filled the room as you just looked into Yunjin’s eyes. You could tell she was nervous. 
“I-I’m not mad at you per se. Look Yunjin, I’m not happy you didn’t tell me because I should have been there for you when you needed me. You probably had to lie to me about your struggles. I-I wanted to be there for you. I want to be there for you.” 
With a sigh, you grabbed Yunjin’s hand and held it. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” 
After a few seconds of waiting, the girl opened her mouth. 
“At first, I wasn’t sure I would debut. The first time was when I went on produce 48. I wanted to surprise you if I passed. I thought it would help excite you more. Then I lost. I was ashamed that I failed so I decided I wouldn't tell you.” 
“You still should have told me. I should have been there for you.” 
“I’m sorry Oppa.” 
“What about when you debuted? Why didn’t you tell me then?” 
“W-When I debuted. It was the joy of my life. The music video came out and I called you. I didn’t get to say anything as you were talking about Kkura unnie in the music video.” 
“Well, I was a big Iz*one fan. I was excited to see her and Chaewon debut again. I’m sorry about that but why would that stop you from telling me?”
There was some hesitation in Yunjin’s look. Her words began to fumble out of her mouth nervously. 
“I promise I won’t get mad, Yunjin. Just, talk to me.”
Taking a deep breath, Yunjin tightened her hold on your hand. 
“I-I was nervous they would take you from me.”
“Take me?” 
“Y-You always talked about how Sakura was so pretty, how Chaewon had an amazing voice. If I introduced you to them, there would be a chance you would ask me to introduce you. I wouldn't be able to say no to you so I would do it. You are an amazing person. I could see the girls loving you. This was their first time meeting you and they did. I-I didn’t want to lose you and now that you know I lied I still might.”
Hearing those words from her broke your heart. Raising your left hand, your fingers began to caress her cheek. 
“How could you ever lose me? I-I love you Yunjin.” 
Those four words caused the idol's eyes to nearly pop out of her head. 
“I know it sounds stupid but you were there for me all the time and the more we spent time talking and such, the more I fell for this dorky girl from New York.” 
Yunjin is just silent. Now you’re scared you freaked her out so you begin to let go of her hand. In a sudden movement, Yunjin tightened her hold on your hand and began to tear up once more. 
“I-I love you too Oppa. That’s why I didn’t want them to take you from me.” 
Your heart began to pump rapidly as you heard her say it back. As you both stared into each other's eyes you began to feel an attraction to her. Your lips felt drawn to hers and she must have felt the same as you both began to get closer and closer. With each inch you got closer, the more you felt your heart pump. 
Closing your eyes, your left hand grabbed her shoulder and finally pulled her in for the kiss. It’s quick, a little peck but your first kiss with Yunjin. Opening your eyes, you are met with the girl you love and a grin on her face.”
“Please tell me you're gonna kiss me Better than that?” 
With a new challenge issued, you grabbed Yunjin and laid her down on the couch. Getting on top of her, you dipped your head back down and put your lips back on hers. Unlike before, your lips stayed attached to hers for a few seconds. As you felt Yunjin kiss you back, your tongue began to push forward.  
Seeing that you want access, Yunjin opened her mouth and let your tongue in. The idol gave you no resistance as your tongue began to swirl in her mouth. The subtle state of watermelon could be felt as your tongue asserted its dominance. 
Moving your hands from Yunjin’s face, your fingers began to move down her shoulders, then to her breast. Feeling the round-clothed surface, your finger tightened its hold on her mound. Each squeeze you gave to her clothed breast received a small gasp from your friend. 
Pulling back from the kiss, you finally were brought back to your senses. 
“Wait Yunjin. Is this ok?” 
“More than ok Oppa. Make love to your girlfriend please.” 
Raising her upper body, Yunjin grabbed the ends of her sweater and pulled it over her head. As her hat and sweater came off, your eyes were blessed but the sight of your new girlfriend in a white lacy bra. 
Your mouth began to water at the amazing sight, and a smirk was Present on Yunjin’s face. That smirk broke your trance, causing you to reach for the back of her bra and unhook it. Your girlfriend's breasts were not as big as other girls but it was perfect for you. She was perfect. 
With a sudden movement, your head dipped down a bit and latched onto her nipple. Starting with small sucks, your tongue began to swirl around just as it did in her mouth. As you took the girl In an embrace, your fingertips moved down to her long legs. Feeling the smoothness of her white skin along your fingertips nearly distracted you from her breast. 
Pulling your head off her right boob, Yunjin pulled your mouth to her left nipple and latched you back on. Each suck you have made your dick twitch in your pants. The sudden sensation of a hand on your rod surprised you. Yanking your mouth off of Yunjin’s erect nipple, you’re faced with your girlfriend giggling. 
“Eager aren’t we Oppa? Well, I am too.”
Hopping out of your arms, your girlfriend dropped to her knees and looked up at you. 
“Let's get you ready to fuck me.” 
Unhooking your belt, Yunjin undid your pants and yanked them down in one swoop. As your dick was free, it managed to hit Yunjin in her face. Wrapping her hand around it, your girlfriend began to stroke your length slowly. A bit of Precum leaked from your tip with those actions. Raising her left hand, her index finger began to circle the top of your tip, collecting the leaking semen. 
“F-Fuck Yunjin. Such a good girl.” 
Bringing her finger to her mouth, Yunjin began to lick the fluid off her fingers. 
“I’ve dreamed of this before Oppa. I’m done waiting.” 
Bringing her face to your cock, Yunjin’s tongue began to give your tip a few licks. Once done with her teasing, your girlfriend wrapped her lips around your length. You expected her to start slowly but the sudden constricting feeling around your rod made your legs jolt. 
Raising her head, Yunjin began to bob her head rapidly on your length. Your hand instinctively went for her head as you formed it into a makeshift ponytail. Each movement from your girl caused you to push her down a little deeper. 
With one final push, Yunjin had her throat around your rod. Holding her down, Yunjin’s nose began to expand widely as she took in air. After a few seconds, your girlfriend began to tap on your leg rapidly. Letting go, Yunjin swooped up gasping for air. 
“Fuck Oppa. I guess you like it rough.” 
Grabbing your girlfriend’s arms, you threw her on top of the couch. Raising her waist, Yunjin reached back and lowered the zipper on her skirt. Helping her, you lowered her skirt to the ground. The white lacy bra from earlier had a matching pair of panties that covered your prize. 
Lowering your head, your nose began to take in the smell of lavender coming off her thighs. Puckering your lips, you began to pepper her thighs with kisses. Each smooch on her upper leg decreased at height as you got lower and lower. Closer to her snatch, your kisses began to get near her folds. 
Spreading open her legs, Your tongue came out of your mouth and extended over her folds. Giving it a few small flicks, Yunjin began to gasp and shudder at the contact. Wrapping your arms around her thighs, you brought your fingers toward her lips and spread them open. 
Finding her little nub, your tongue began to attack it with a constant barrage of licks. The young idol began to jolt around in your legs as you continued to lick her clit. Unwrapping your arms from Yunjin’s legs, you brought your hands straight and pinned her folds once more with your left hand. 
With her pussy now open, your right hand brought your index and middle finger to her folds and pushed in. With a bit of resistance, your finger went all the way in and stood there for a second. Pulling your finger back out, the digit moved in and out of her snatch. 
“T-That’s it, Oppa. Just a little more and I’m ready.” 
Speeding the movements from your fingers and tongue, Yunjin then grabbed your hair and pulled you in deeper. Yunjin must have needed this as her yells began to fill the room. The jumps from her body became wild and erratic as a rush of fluids hit your mouth. 
Drinking as much as you can, some of the fluids ended up on other parts of your face. Once Yunjin calmed down, her chest moved up and down as she took in as much air as possible. Raising your upper body, Yunjin did the same and kissed you suddenly. 
After a few seconds, your girlfriend pulled back from the kiss and smiled. 
“D-Damn I taste good.” 
“You came fast. I’m guessing you were a bit needy.” 
With a nod, Yunjin grabbed your hips and lined your cock with her folds. Teasing her snatch, Yunjin wrapped her arms around her body and pulled your face towards her neck. 
“Come on Oppa. Shove that c-“
Your girlfriend didn’t even get to finish her sentence as you pushed your length into her pussy. The constricting feeling from her throat couldn’t even compare to how tight her pussy was. Taking a few seconds to breathe, You then pulled your hips back till only your tip was in her. 
Kissing Yunjin’s neck, your ass suddenly felt a slap as you plunged back into her walls. The moan that left your girlfriend’s mouth was mixed with a giggle as she talked in your ear. 
“Fuck my pussy Oppa. This is years of pent-up emotions. Let them out.” 
Your left hand went down to her waist as you began to enter and exit her pussy. Before you were going to go a bit more softly but the words Yunjin said to you got your emotions feeling wild. The speed at which you piston her cavern increases. Her moans and grunts echoed in your ears as your pants began to come out. 
“Fuck. You are so hot, Yunjin. I love you.” 
“I love you too Oppa.” 
Lowering your hand to her left breast, you began to take handfuls of her mound. Bringing your fingers to her nipple, you began to squeeze on them. The extra stimulation caused her walls to begin to tighten around your length. Spinning around, you sat down on the couch and placed Yunjin on top of you. Taking this opportunity, your girlfriend began to grind her hips on you while you helped her bounce. 
The tight feeling from her walls returns as the grinding and bouncing speed up. With all the energy you have left, you helped Yunjin grind on your cock. The grinding helped stimulate her clit as the young idol began to pant harder and harder. 
“I-Oppa I’m gonna cum!” 
Continuing with the speed, the young idol began to jump around in your hold. Her fluids began to leak down your rod as she came. Giving her face small kisses, your girlfriend began to come down from her high and laid down on your body. 
“You are so pretty, sweetie.” 
“T-Thank you Oppa. You haven’t cummed yet. Where do you want to? My body is yours.” 
“Yes. Anywhere Oppa. Why don’t I just decide for you?” 
With a smirk, Yunjin began to hop on your length once more. The rapid speed at which she fucked you returned. Taking hold of her waist once more, you helped Yunjin move up and down on your length. As her body moved back a bit, you couldn’t help but look down at Yunjin’s toned abs. 
“Oh. Do you like my abs Oppa? I know they aren’t as good as Zuha’s but I work hard on them.” 
“I love them, sweetie.” 
Yunjin then at that moment flexed her muscles showing you a better view of her abs. The sight was amazing but you were distracted by the flexing of her vaginal muscles. 
“F-Fuck. Do that again!” 
Seeing you enjoy the flexing of her muscles, Yunjin flexed them once more. Repeating this action as you rammed your length into her, your length began to twitch more and more from the constricting feeling. 
“Shit I’m gonna cum Yunjin.” 
“C-Cum in my pussy oppa. I’m safe.” 
Those words were all you needed to hear as you shoved your length into her cavern one final time. With each jolt of your legs, a shot of semen left your cock. Yunjin’s walls got painted white in that instant. It could have been seven or seventy shots of cum you shot in her but after a while, you came back to your senses. Panting for air, Yunjin pulled your lips towards hers and kissed you aggressively. 
Your girlfriend's lips left your mouth after a couple of seconds. Smiling at Yunjin, the young idol gave you one back. 
“So this was quite a meeting for best friends.” 
“Meeting between a new couple you mean but yes. I just can’t believe we finally met.” 
“Me neither. I’m glad I finally have you in my arms, Sweetie.” 
“I love that nickname. Might be stereotypical but I think honey fits you perfectly. I’m sorry for lying. No more of that.” 
“Good. I also better see your face in video calls now. And talk to me about any of your troubles. Ok?” 
“I promise I will.” 
Picking up Yunjin, you began to walk towards the hallway she came from earlier in the day. 
“The door at the end of the hall.” 
Following your girlfriend’s instructions, you arrived at the door that was luckily already open. Pushing it open, you found a single bed in the corner of the room and walked toward it. Laying Yunjin on the bed. You followed behind her and got in the sheets. The sudden sound of a bell got both of your attention. 
Finding the source, you saw it was a little clock that showed it was midnight. 
“Merry Christmas Yunjin.” 
“Merry Christmas Porter.” 
With one final kiss on her lips, the two of you closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep. 
The next day 
Walking out of the complex, you saw a car pull up and park in front of the building. Both doors opened as two familiar figures walked over. 
“MOM, DAD!” 
“Yunjin, how are you my little one?” 
“I’m ok dad. I-I would like to introduce you both to Porter. My boyfriend.” 
“H-Hello. I’m Porter.” 
Yunjin’s father walked up to you and glared at you. Your heart began to race until the man smiled and pulled you in for a hug. 
“It’s great to finally meet you, Porter. Treat my daughter well please.” 
Your girlfriend’s mother then walked up to you and hugged you just as her father did. 
“I’m so glad you finally met.” 
Pulling back from the hug, Mrs. Huh looked at her daughter and smiled. 
“Did you enjoy your gift dear?” 
“Yes mother. Thank you very much. I was wondering, C-Could Oppa come to the family dinner?” 
You were wondering what the response would be, but with a quick nod and smile, you were happy. Taking hold of Yunjin’s hand you all made your way into the car and set off for the dinner. 
After all this time you were finally with your penmate, the girl of your dreams. Who would have ever thought one letter would lead to a relationship like this? 
It might be hard with the long distance but you are gonna find a way to make it work. 
A/n 2- Thanks for reading. I am going to try to get one last quckie out this year but if I don't, then thank you for a great year. As always sorry for typos and see you next time
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watchmegetobsessed · 2 years
A/N: how crazy that we are on week 3 already?? i hope you guys are seriously getting into the holiday spirit!!
SUMMARY: You become penpals with a cute boy in middle school. You fall for him while he becomes an international rockstar, but will you ever actually meet him?
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This fic is part of ❄️ FANFICmas 2022 ❄️ Read more about fanficmas here!
“Y/N! You got a letter!”
You have never sped down faster than at that moment. You’ve been anticipating that letter more than anything and quite frankly, you never thought receiving a letter would ever feel this exciting.
But it does. And it’s all because of a boy you have never even met.
“Gimme!” you exclaim as you run up to your mother, grabbing the letter from her before she could even hold it out for you and you are already on your way back to your room to read it and probably memorize every word of it.
Throwing yourself onto the bed you take a look at the handwriting on the envelope, your smile growing wider before you open it and pull out the paper.
Dear Y/N,
I have news for you! But I will only reveal them to you at the end of the letter. And don’t cheat! Don’t read ahead!
This week has been boring so far, we had a math quiz and I didn’t do too well, but it’s okay. If only you lived here, you could tutor me, but I’m left with my sister who is definitely not fit to be a teacher. She is so impatient and gets angry when I don’t understand something.
How did you do on your science project? I bet yours was the best and I’m convinced you’ll be a scientist one day. A scientist with a coffee shop. That’s an awesome pairing, don’t you think?
It’s been raining a lot here so I haven’t been out that much. Mum said it probably won’t change for a while.
And now the exciting news… Drumroll please! Are you ready?... I’m going to be on the X-Factor! Crazy, right? But I finally applied and I got a date for my first audition. It’s not the one you see on TV just yet, I only get there if I pass this first round, so wish me luck. Don’t worry, I won’t stop sending you letters even when I’m a big star. You’ll always be my favorite penpal!
I can’t wait to read your next letter!
Love, Harry
You read it over and over again until you can recite the whole thing almost word to word. Then you grab a paper and write your letter right away, putting it aside when it’s done so you can neatly fold Harry’s letter into the box that has all his previous ones. Eighty-seven, to be exact.
You’ve been penpals since last year. Your teachers were friends in college and they loved matching up their classes every year, turning them into penpals and making them send a few mails as a task so kids experience what it was like when there was no internet. You didn’t think much of the task and never expected to make a friend out of it.
But then you got paired with a boy named Harry, who lives in Holmes Chapel.
The first few letters were awkward and both of you just wanted the task to be over. But then you started sharing more and more with each other and kept up with the letters even when the task was over and they haven’t stopped, not even over a year later.
You have no idea what he looks or sounds like, you haven’t exchanged phone numbers, you both agreed you wouldn’t do that until your 100th letter, which is now approaching. Still, you feel like he is your best friend, better than the ones you see every day. And maybe it’s starting to feel more than a friendship, but can you fall for someone you have never even met?
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You finish the drink in your hand, wait for the girl next to you to get to the end of the story she’s been telling your group. You came down to this little dorm party willing to socialize and make new friends, but you feel like a total outsider and you really don’t want to stay any longer. There are other things you’d rather do right now. Or at least one thing.
Trying your best to stay unnoticed, you slip out of the basement where the party is being held and head up to your room on the third floor. Your college experience hasn’t been like the ones you saw in movies, if you’re being honest, but you’re hoping it will get better in time.
The building feels empty outside of the basement, everyone is down there, having a blast while you can’t wait to return to your room. You’re roommate is either at the party too or maybe she is out with her friends, whichever it is, she’s not there when you get back to your room.
Throwing yourself down to the bed you grab your phone and type out a quick message to the only person you always want to talk to.
Y/N: What time is it where you are? Are you up?
You don’t expect him to answer right away, but his reply comes just moments after your message.
HARRY: Call?
You smile at how he ignored your questions and then start a call. He answers after the first ring.
“Aren’t you supposed to be at a party?” he asks instantly.
“I didn’t like it,” you shrug.
“You said that about the last three parties you went to. You’ll never meet people if you just sit around in your dorm room, Y/N.”
“Didn’t know I called my mother,” you mumble under your breath, which makes him laugh.
“Sorry… I’m just… worried. I want you to have fun.”
“Let’s talk about the fun you’re having. Tell me, where are you today?”
“New York. But I’m leaving tomorrow to LA. And don’t think you successfully changed the subject, we’ll get back to your social distancing.”
“LA, wow!” you pretend to be so into it, even though he’s been there a million times before. “Work stuff?”
“You could say that. There is this thing…”
You listen to him talk, he could be saying anything and you’d have him talk for hours, you wouldn’t get enough of his voice. After all, he’s a singer, it’s no surprise his voice is so soothing, though deep down you know you like it for a different reason.
It’s kind of ridiculous. You’re in love with a guy you’ve known since you were fourteen, but you’ve never met and in the meantime he also turned into an international rockstar, so the whole world knows him. It took the two of you almost two years to have your first phone call instead of sending letters. You still remember the first time you heard his voice over the phone, how he said your name and how you could barely get a word out at first. Now you text and call all the time though you’re still yet to meet.
You like to say it’s just how things turned out so far, that you could just never match a date to meet up, but in reality, you’re too scared to meet him, it would make it all too real and you fear he wouldn’t like you if you stood in front of him. So you remain in this bubble, where he is your friend far away who is also a celebrity. But to you, he’s just Harry, your old penpal.
“Promise me something, Y/N.” His tone turns serious and you bite your bottom lip before answering him.
“Make at least one friend by the end of the semester.”
“Is that my homework?” you try to joke.
“I’m serious,” he breathes out. “I hate knowing that you’re there all alone.
“I do have friends. You’re my friend.”
“But I’m not there. You need someone to go to the library with, have lunch together and all that stuff. Please, promise me you’ll try, okay? Or I will have to take matters into my own hands.”
“Uh, what’s that supposed to mean?” you frown.
“I will fly over to you, no matter what and show up with you so people will want to get to know you.”
“Oh, so you’ll use your fame to get me friends who are only interested in you?” you laugh.
“Exactly, so you better get a friend yourself!”
“Okay, you got me. I will… try.”
“That’s good enough. I gotta go now. Talk to you later?”
“Sure. Call me whenever your schedule loosens up,” you tease him, hearing his laugh on the other end of the call.
“Will do.”
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“Are you sure you’re okay? Because I could come over, make a woodoo doll for Mark and poke the shit out of him.”
You chuckle at Hilde’s suggestion as you sink further into your couch.
“I’m sure. I’ll be fine, don’t worry.”
“Okay, but I’m taking you out for lunch tomorrow. I’m not letting you lock yourself up in your cave just because a dumbass with a receding hairline dumped you.”
“God, Hilde, will you ever run out of the mean comments about him?” you laugh in disbelief. You knew she wasn’t too fond of him, but she’s been extremely, aggressively mean towards him since the two of you broke up two days ago. You can’t believe you thought her to be an angelic, shy girl when you met her in college. It must have been those Scandinavian features, her blonde hair and blue eyes tricked you for sure when you sat next to her at the cafeteria. Hilde is the friend you made because Harry forced you to meet someone and you hate to admit it, but your life wouldn’t be the same without her. She’s the only friend you made in college and luckily, she’s still in your life, three years after graduation.
“I have a whole notebook full of them,” she proudly says. “Alright, I have to go now, but call me if you feel like you want to cry after Mark. He doesn’t deserve your tears, so we have to prevent that.”
“I promise,” you smile softly.
“I’ll be at yours tomorrow at one. Bye!”
The smile fades from your face as soon as the call ends and you settle back into your loneliness. If anyone saw you, they would think it’s because of the breakup, but deep down you know it’s not the reason.
Yes, it’s shitty that you dated someone for almost an entire year and they dumped you over the phone, but that’s not what hurts the most. You’re alone. Well, Hilde is always there for you, but you can’t turn to the person who was your biggest support in the past decade. Your failed relationship is just a reminder that you will never have the same kind of feelings for anything like you had for Harry. No matter what went down with Mark, you always knew he wasn’t the one.
Because he wasn’t Harry.
Unlocking your phone you scroll down in the messages until you find the last one you sent to Harry. It’s been over a year and you still miss him.
There was no fight, no one hurt anyone, you just had a fall-out around the time he started dating some model. The messages came less and less often, he missed your phone calls and took a long time to respond whenever you sent him a picture of something you thought he would appreciate. His actions spoke loud and you didn’t want to be the annoying friend who doesn’t get a hint. He just started his solo career, things were going great for him, he didn’t have time to keep in touch with the penpal he had when he was a teenager.
So you stopped trying and eventually, everything stopped.
And you miss him probably too much, but you can’t help it. You keep catching yourself wondering if he thinks about you too, if he sees something and it reminds him of you, because it happens to you all the time.
You’ve wanted to text him a million times since the radio silence has started, but talked yourself down every time. He is a celebrity, he has way too many things to do than to catch up with you, that’s if he even answered your message. His number might not even be the same.
You regret never meeting him. Now you’ll never know what it feels like to hug him, to see him smile in real life, to smell his scent. He’ll remain just his letters you still have under your bed and the memories you have of your phone calls.
Seeking closure you grab a paper and pen and write one last letter to him.
Dear Harry…
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You can’t mask your shock as you stare down at the letter you just took out of your mail box. You recognize the handwriting right away, but you never thought you’d ever see it again, not on an envelope at least.
It takes you several minutes to snap out of your initial shock and rush up to your apartment, holding the letter to your chest as if it was your most precious treasure and in the meanwhile you think back at the date you sent out that last letter to Harry.
It’s been six months.
It took him six months for him to reply to a letter you didn’t even think he would ever read. What happened? Did he only get it now? Or did he hesitate for this long before deciding to reply? You have so many questions and you might get a few answers from the letter.
You drop down to your couch and open the envelope with shaking hands, pulling the neatly folded paper out.
Dear Y/N…
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“You look disgustingly happy, have I told you that?” Hilde comments and you roll your eyes at her.
“Yes. Like a million times before.”
“Okay, then I will just keep saying it.”
“I thought you’d be happy to see me like this, you’ve been nagging me about him for years!” you tell her off teasingly.
“I am happy! But I didn’t think you’d radiate like this! Though I should have expected, you are so hopelessly in love with that man,” she sighs. “I can’t believe it took you guys fourteen years to finally arrange a meeting, what the fuck?”
“It’s not that dramatic,” you tell her, finishing up putting the mugs away. It’s the 23rd of December, you’re just an hour away from closing up so it’s just two customers and Hilde left in the café. Soon everyone will be gone and Harry will arrive to meet you for the very first time in real life.
It’s been a long journey up to this point. After your farewell letter you didn’t think you’d ever talk to him, but then six months later you got another letter from him. Since then, you figured out what took so long. You sent the letter to his old address, but his mum has moved away for a while now. Luckily, the new owner was kind enough to track Anne down and give her the letter, but it took some time for that to happen. Then it took about two months for Anne to give it to Harry, she kept forgetting about it until he was finally home and she could just hand it over when she remembered she still had it. Then came some hesitation, but it was just a week before Harry decided to write to you.
And then you started talking again.
He apologized for being so distant, he said his then girlfriend didn’t appreciate the tight friendship he had with you and it didn’t take long to get back to where you were before the fall-out.
Now it’s been a year and the moment has finally come. It’s time to meet in person and you feel better about it than ever. Probably because the two of you have definitely passed being just friends.
The flirty texts started about a month after you reconnected and they’ve been building up ever since. All your doubts that Harry could never see you as more than just a friend has vanished and now you’re just patiently waiting for the big moment to happen.
“We can’t change what happened now,” you shrug.
“Yeah. Now he’ll have a great story to tell at talk shows about how he met his girlfriend!” she snorts out a laugh.
“I’m not his girlfriend!” you protest, but your heart skips a beat at the word.
“But you will be when you leave this place tonight, hopefully with him, heading up to your place to make up for all the sex you missed in the past decade.”
“Hilde!” you chuckle, throwing a rug at her.
Soon the café empties out, Hilde helps you closing and she heads out to give you some peace before Harry is set to arrive. As you’re left alone, you take a look around the place and you can’t help but feel content with your life.
You opened the café last year, an old dream of yours that’s now finally reality. It’s small and took almost all of your savings to start the business, but you wouldn’t trade it for anything. It’s decorated with Christmas lights and ornaments, one of your employees, Krissy did it, she’s obsessed with the holidays so you let her go all out. Now it looks like a tiny winter wonderland, setting the perfect mood for your first time meeting Harry.
You can’t help but feel nervous. What will he think of you? Will he think you’re just like on the photos he’s seen of you? Or are you different? Is he nervous too?
You arrange a little setup on one of the tables, some freshly baked cookies and two mugs of hot chocolate. Everything looks perfect and he could be here anytime.
A car pulls up in front of the building and your heart skips a beat when you see him get out of it with a bouquet of roses in his hands. He doesn’t notice you through the windows, so you can have a good look at him before he comes inside.
He seems to take a few moments to himself, checking his hair in the mirror before taking a deep breath and nodding to himself. Seeing him like this, nervous like you makes you smile.
Then he turns to face the café and he spots you through the glass of the door and your eyes meet for the first time. For a few seconds you just stare at each other, bask in the moment before you both break out in smiles and he walks inside, stopping by the door, a few feet away from you.
“Hi,” he breathes out and you swear his voice sounds a million times better than on the phone or any video you’ve seen of him.
“Hi,” you chuckle and your legs start moving before you could even think.
You throw yourself into his arms and he catches you with ease, holding you tight and suddenly, you know this is where you belong.
“God, it’s so good to hold you, Y/N,” he chuckles, burying his face into your neck. You want to say the same, but it’s so overwhelming that you can just laugh and hold him tighter.
You have no idea how long you stay like that, wrapped up in each other, hours could have passed by and you wouldn’t have noticed. All you feel and see is Harry.
“It’s really you,” he chuckles when you pull apart at last and he can take a better look at you.
“I should be saying that, I was the one talking to a celebrity! You could have been a catfish all along!” you laugh as you soak him in, standing in the middle of your tiny café. “Um, come sit. I made cookies and… hot chocolate.”
“And I brought you these,” he holds out the roses for you that you take with a lovesick smile, placing them onto the counter before the two of you settle at the table you set.
You sit and talk and talk for hours, tell each other everything you’ve written about and the things you didn’t. Words and stories flow so easily, it’s like you’ve spent every waking moment by each other this past fourteen years. You cherish how you’re able to touch his arm and hand and he barely looks away from you, as if the sight of you has put a spell on him.
“Oh wow, it’s past midnight,” you snap out of the bubble you’ve been sitting in, realizing just how late it has gotten.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to overstay my welcome.” His eyes widen, but you just chuckle, shaking your head.
“You didn’t. It’s just that I have to be here by six thirty to open.”
“Oh shit, then… we should get going?” he suggests. “I can drive you home.”
“That would be great, thank you. Let me just bring these back to the kitchen,” you gesture at the empty mugs and plates.
“Let me help,” he offers, but you shake your head no.
“It’s alright, I can do it.”
You stack them all together and then bring them back, just tossing them into the sink. You’ll deal with them in the morning. When you walk out, you find Harry inspecting the place with a tiny smile.
“You really made this happen,” he says. “I remember when you wrote about wanting to start your own business when we were sixteen.”
“Well, it took me over a decade, but yeah,��� you chuckle softly.
“I’m proud of you,” he says, his gaze meeting yours as he steps closer to you. “You’ve achieved so much. I just wish I could be next to you on the way.”
You catch a hint of disappointment flashing through his expression, but you don’t want him to blame himself. The fall-out might have been his fault mostly, but before that, it was you who avoided meeting him at any cost. Maybe things would have turned out different if you just met as soon as possible.
You’ll never know. But it’s alright, because you have a second chance now.
“You can be here from now on,” you quietly say and you can feel the atmosphere change in an instant. “If… If you want to,” you add.
Harry steps closer again until there are only inches parting you from him. He reaches up and cups your cheek in his hand, his eyes snapping down at your lips when they part.
“There’s nothing I would want more,” he replies, his lips pressing against yours finally.
Suddenly, you’re a curious teenager again, whose heart threatens to jump out of her chest seeing a new letter. The excitement of opening the envelope, reading his words and then writing back to him as soon as possible, it’s all here now that there’s no distance between the two of you.
You belonged to him even before you met and you belong to him now that he is closer to you than ever before.
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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the---hermit · 10 months
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My day was brightened by a couple of letters from dear friends. My best friend, who has been studying abroad, has been sending me a new post cared every few weeks to share with me some of her thoughts, and I feel like I am seeing her adventures from a privileged seat. It's just a couple of lines everytime but it's lovely. I have been wanting to write her a letter in a while, and I decided that part of my afternoon would be dedicated to that. I then got a letter from my beloved friend and penpal @oneardentstudybuddy, I cherish this letter exchange we have so much and I don't know if anything else brings me the same kind of joy I feel when I sit down with a cup of tea to read those letters.
cozy hobbit autumn activities:
read in the morning
worked on the last two lectures of my power practices and men theories class (I have still one hour-ish of the last lecture to work on, but that will be a tomorrow task)
daily Irish practice of duolingo
crochet + tma relistening
wrote a letter to a friend, which I will post as soon as I have written the other letter I want to send
today's self care:
took my meds
took a relaxing bath, and let me tell you I do need to take care of my body a bit more lately
📖: Odyssey by Homer
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idyllcy · 2 months
from one admirer to another : how do you like your eggs?
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pairing: leon kennedy x reader || masterpost: from one admirer to another
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synopsis: from one admirer to another, an online penpal service, allows for two people with common interests to write to each other without ever revealing their actual address! Luckily for both you and Leon, you get matched up! What do eggs and Christmas even have in common anyway? sure hope it's that modeling business and NOT that Ada Wong addiction.
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featuring: reader as scrambled eggs // leon as christmas
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Dear scrambled eggs:
it feels strange to write to someone in such a format, but I suppose I should get used to it. We got paired up via from one admirer to another because of our shared passion for Ada Wong. I find it a little amusing that someone else just straight-up put a model's name instead of modeling on its own, but I'm glad you did.
As an ada stan, I feel the need to ask this immediately. How did you feel about her helicopter shoot? I'm hoping you aren't some weird stan like those... yeah. Also, while on that topic, if you're really as die-hard as me when I have free time, you should read glhf <3 by okaokra on ao3. It's gender-neutral, it's a great fic, unless, of course, you're too normal for reading fanfiction. In that case, maybe we can find another middle ground aside from Ada Wong.
Right, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm user Christmas, a weird translation + twisting of my real name. I live in Raccoon City, and I model as a part-time job because of ... you guessed it, Ada. My dream role is to model with her, but considering that I'm only a local model, this is truly out of my reach. Maybe some strike of luck will help me?
I used to dream of being a cop until I got scouted off the street by some guy for modeling. Do you think I suit it? Who am I kidding, you have no idea what I even look like. Maybe you pass me on the covers of local magazines all the time if you live nearby. I'm not nearly as famous as Ada Wong, though, so I suppose I can never truly call myself a big model until I become someone like her. Even then, she's not a supermodel.
Tell me more about yourself, maybe? What's your favorite holiday? How do you like your eggs in the morning? Do you even eat eggs? Why the name "scrambled eggs" over anything else? What do you do in your free time— oh, I should answer that question.
I seldom have free time lately, but I feel like all I've been doing late is reading the fic that I mentioned earlier. Oh, right, hopefully you enjoy the sticker I got from a fan gathering. I did a little bit of research, and it seems pretty normal to send your penpal small trinkets in the letters, so we'll start with a sticker.
I thought the mail would be digital, and then I was notified that you would prefer physical mail — which, to be fair, I'm not complaining about. I think it would be funny to open a box of letters exchanged between a penpal and I 10 years down the line. Who knows, maybe you'll even be at my wedding.
Right, my apologies for a long first letter, but I'm excited to be starting this.
signing off, Christmas
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Leon sends the mail the next morning, rubbing his eyes slowly as he rides the public transport to his next shoot, waving good morning to his manager as he sips on his coffee, hair blushed back and gelled, formal clothes handed to him. Leon finds that he doesn't really suit clothes like this, but for the camera, he puts up with just about everything. He finds it interesting that he would be modeling in clothes he hadn't liked wearing all that much.
"You have another shoot later today, and then you're off for the rest of the weekdays. You have another shoot over the weekend."
Leon nods, blinking slowly as the coffee shoots through his system and he's revived magically. It feels unreal. He's working as a model despite finishing the police academy at the top of his class. Is this what delusion and some sweet talking from a random agent can do to a person? It feels a little wasteful to let his training turn into this, but he's not complaining all that much. Yet. he meets eyes with the model he's supposed to be posing with, blinking in surprise. Wow. That appearance is lethal.
He waves at you, giving you a small smile as you wave back, smiling back.
"Mm... moreso someone who doesn't like booking. My manager booked this months in advance, so I'm here." You stay still as the makeup artist finishes with you, Leon raising a brow as you give him a cheeky grin.
"Did you leave before your makeup was finished?"
"I wanted to meet you. I heard I was modeling with someone pretty well-known." You grin. "Leon Kennedy, was it?"
"Yes. Am I that big now?"
"Mm... you're quite a name amongst us local models." You tap your chin. "It's quite an honor modeling with you. I heard you have deadly biceps."
"Well, you can't see them through the suit."
"It comes off, no? I'll just fix it." You tilt your head.
"And how do I know you won't jump my bones?"
"Oh, please. I'm your coworker right now. I'm not someone sketchy." You roll your eyes, helping him free an arm as he flexes for you. You blink at his arms, raising a brow as you stare up at him. "Can I squeeze?"
"As long are you're not weird about it."
You grab his bicep, giving it a squeeze as you nod slowly. "God, I need your arm routine. You got a trainer? I'd like to get that contact."
Leon rolls his eyes, fighting the blush that threatens to creep up his neck from your skin contact. God, what is he? fourteen? Get a grip, Leon. "Gotta get that from my manager, then."
"Shame." You sigh, helping him put the suit jacket back. "Maybe the next time I bump into you, I'll have biceps of a greek god too."
"Leon, model two! You two are up!"
"Wow, they don't even name you?"
"Maybe I just like being mysterious."
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start : masterlist : next letter
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wordsofoleander · 4 months
🌸 answer me, my prince!
a suave prince with all he could ever ask for. a starry-eyed editor who longed for more. two unexpected penpals from vastly different worlds.
they were undoubtedly fated to meet, but never face-to-face.
❥ 735 words ❥ tags: au, fluff, slightly angsty if you blink, very very self-indulgent, no beta we die like chads, mentions of cove, qiu, and my ol2 mc! ❥ notes: the hyperfixation was so strong i emerged from inactivity. i finished the comic this fic shares a title with last weekend and refused to move on,,, made for #baxtermcweek (day 4 prompt: au), hosted by @minthe-drawings
He doesn’t realize how long he’s repeatedly been opening and closing the empty book chest until he slams it shut a little too loud, snapping him out of his reverie. His eyes dart left and right and his ears stay alert in case he accidentally woke anyone up.
He hears nothing, so hopefully the coast is clear. He opens the book chest again, and the letter he’s waited all night for sits perfectly inside, having appeared out of thin air. 
He needs not wait to carefully examine the envelope or admire its design (far more cleaner-cut and colorful than what he's received from others over the years) as he immediately gets to reading.
Prince Baxter Alexander.
You’re getting better at pressuring me to reply to you faster and faster. It scares me a little.
Regarding your story, I think what you did for their sake was quite admirable. I can’t even imagine going as far as to pretend to be Cove’s fiancée for his protection, let alone for 5 years! But back to you. Since you didn’t end up falling in love with each other, does this mean Lady Ysabel’s lover is much more good-looking than you are? Would you mind getting a portrait of the Laird Qiu for your friend?
Silly Iri.
(You’ve never asked me for my portrait. You wound me. Nonetheless, I forgive you.)
You of all people should be able to know that not every long-standing friendship necessarily has the potential to end in romance.
Like us?
We are a bit of a special case because I do not think of Ysabel every day.
(Oh, what am I going to do with you?)
Ever the type to give people the answers they want to hear now, are you? You’re surrounded by far more impressive people in your daily life, people you can actually talk to and see.  I highly doubt that you think of me every day.
(PS It’s way past midnight, so I should probably get ready for bed if I don’t want to be late for work. Sleep well, my prince.)
Irina Clarice, my sick twisted friend.
What? Is laying my entire self bare to you, heart and soul, in the written word last night not enough for you? After all the times I’ve spent my evenings waiting for your letters?
I specifically chose this time of year to get away from my parents under the guise of avoiding the heat and helping the monks at the scriptorium. Summer, after all, is the perfect time to do something crazy, pursue a new beauty, to start anew. I confess to you that I imagined nightly sneak-outs to rendezvous with someone who’s caught my eye, but all this time, I’ve been holed up in the scriptorium’s writing room, idly and politely waiting by the book chest on my desk in anticipation to see if you have replied to what I’ve written about my latest misadventures. Before I knew it, I’d already spent the entirety of my summer getting to know you. Now I do know you, and there is no one else like you anywhere else in the world. 
Tragically, we shall never have the chance to meet, so I don’t think whatever it is I’m feeling in my chest can be called love. My fate is sealed. 
Still, whenever the sight of someone so beautiful catches my eye, thoughts of you fill my head, and I become almost upset, complaining that no matter who I meet, they will never be anything like my Iri. So, my dear friend, do not tell me that I do not think of you every day. 
I do not recall you mentioning having felt this way towards your childhood companions, nor your devilishly handsome Xander from the antique shop,  so I shall regrettably but with dignity take this as a victory.
On a lonely night on the month of heat’s end, Your Baxter Alexander.
(PS Clarence and I are departing tomorrow at dawn for Golden Grove to attend Qiu’s wedding, just in time for the beginning of fall. Bringing the book chest with me would be far too bothersome for such a short trip. I expect to be away for about three to four days.
Even so, worry not your pretty little head and get a good night’s rest without my letters to bother you, Iri. I hope you do not miss me too much.)
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letters-from-dekarios · 5 months
(Jasper is a snarky drow wild-magic sorcerer/multiclassed rogue. He was pretty careless about his magic until meeting Gale, and his solutions to things still mostly ends up being ‘is it worth lockpicking, or should we just explode it and run?’ He’s closed-off and snippy with people he doesn’t know, but longs for connection at heart. It just… takes a while to get there. He’s quite awkward when he’s actually being open with people. When the two of them are alone, it’s one of the few times Jasper actually is fully himself.
Jasper is illiterate; never learned to read, but ‘begrudgingly’ lets Gale teach him slowly after the events of the game. Still not great, but getting there. While they do live together, Jasper still takes trips to the Underdark every now and again. This letter was written during one of his times there.)
Gale, hello.
(The handwriting drastically changes. While the above line is practically intended into the paper, the rest is written in neat cursive.)
The rest of this letter is being transcribed by Astarion because I don’t feel like sending you something that could be mistaken for a toddler’s journal. Then again, that’s what your handwriting can look like sometimes if you’re tired enough, so maybe you’d find it readable anyway.
What do people even write in letters, anyway? Hello, dearest Gale of Waterdeep, how farest thou in my absence? Psh, he’d laugh at that. He’s cute when he- wait, don’t write that down- hey, give me the-
(There’s some illegible scribbling after that.)
Anyway, Gale. How are your bookshelves? They’re probably dusty. You should dust them.
Did you eat food today? It’s dinnertime. It won’t be when you get this, though, I guess. Hm.
Ok, seriously, what am I supposed to say? Astarion note: He rambled for about five minutes about the uselessness of letters and small talk, darling, I’m not writing all of this down. He misses you, you’re both pathetically in love, it’s absolutely sickening, get a room.
Oh, right. Some of the mushroom people myconids gave me some stuff to bring back to you. I didn’t really stay long enough to figure out exactly what it all is since the whole mind speaking thing makes me nauseous, but there’s some amulet and a couple scrolls.
I also have not blown anything up yet. On purpose. Two explosive surges happened. Whether that’s good or bad is up for debate. There aren’t any of the explodey mushrooms around where I’m staying.
Pet Tara for me.
And if you look like you’ve pulled even one all-nighter when I get back, I’m dragging you to bed. Put your books down and go to sleep, wizard.
~ Jasper
(The name is signed in the same poor handwriting as the greeting)
P.S. Hello. Astarion again, absolute pleasure. Next time, send a scribe with him if you want to be penpals, or I’m going to start charging.
Sweet Jasper,
And Astarion, by default.
No matter the transcriber, you know I adore hearing from you. I’d spend countless nights decoding your handwriting if it meant our communication stayed strong during your nights away. And, for the record, I’m glad you think I’m cute when I laugh. You’re rather adorable when you laugh, too.
I have cleaned the tower in your absence, but it’s quickly returned to dust-filled madness since beginning a new project of mine. No matter, though, it’ll be spotless by the time you return. You’ll be happy to know I’m eating just fine, and Tara can vouch for me on such. She’d have a field day if I didn’t stop and have a meal now and then, no matter how deep I was into a tome.
Thank the Myconids for me. Their scrolls have proved to be rather helpful lately. It’s always a joy to receive new items from them. And, I am glad to hear you’ve not yet blown anything, or anyone for that matter, up! I would hate to have another incident occur and use all of our resurrection spells again. Those are pricey and hard to come by nowadays. Stay strong, darling, I know how much you desire to set fire to things.
I cannot guarantee the state of myself when you return. I’m awfully invested in my current tomes and you know how much I hate losing my place. But I will try, dear.
Enough about me. How are you? I hope your time in the Underdark is serving you well. Have you found anything of interest? I’ll be more than delighted to hear all about your adventure when you return home. The nights grow cold without you by my side, love. But I know how much your journey means to you.
I hope you’re eating well, also. Sleeping just as much, too. Send word when you aim to return home, I’ll have everything ready for you.
Be safe, my love. I hope to hear from you again, soon.
With all my love,
𝑮𝒂𝒍𝒆 𝑫𝒆𝒌𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒔
Astarion, I thank you for your hard work with Jasper. You know the depths of my coin pouch. Name your price, though not too substantial- I’m not made of money, after all. But, I’d much rather you than a stranger scribe for him.
text reads: gale dekarios
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