#do you guys want someone less capable? are you intimidated by me or something?
avvocarlo · 4 months
holy shit I hate the rules and politics within the community services industry
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islandofsages · 9 months
hey, I could ask the royal boys (Leona, Kalim and Malleus) with the male reader who is already the king of his country, like the boys thought he was a prince like them, but then on any given day he lets out a complaint how difficult it is to govern the kingdom and study for exams at the same time, sometimes he just wanted to be the prince and not the king.
characters: leona, kalim and malleus x king!male reader
tags: platonic, canon compliant, fluff, imagines + scenario format
warnings: a little bit of negativity towards reader in leona's part, a bit of swearing in kalim's
author's notes: loving all the male reader requests rn. i think i strayed a bit from the prompt but i hope you like it anyway <3
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Leona Kingscholar
Though being a prince himself, he’s not as “diplomatic” with the other princes at that school - except for you probably. No don’t ask him what happened, he’s ready to accept it as it is
At least because of your (assumed) status, he finds it easier to communicate with you; at least you’re not one of the top five most powerful mages in the world or the most optimistic person in Twisted Wonderland
Hangouts with him still consist more of silent chilling though; both of you just need to get away from it all for a while
He doesn’t question the days that you’re gone - sometimes people just end up needing you to do this and that. He tries not to dwell on it too much, lest his inferiority complex gets the best of him
Until one day, you come back after one day of absence, which is normal enough until-
“*sigh* I swear, being king is less appealing as my retainers make it sound, especially since I also have to go to school all the while.”
I’m sorry, being what now?
He knew you were royalty, that much he got from everyone whispering about you back when you enrolled and since you made little mention of your background, he just assumed you were a prince like him
You let out a tired chuckle then and comment on how you forgot that you never told him you’re an actual king of a nation
He has mixed feelings over this - he thought he finally met someone a little bit like him, yet you’re just another one of them and you never bothered telling him who you are?
But don’t worry, he gets over his feelings of betrayal after a while; it’s not like the reveal changed who you are as a person. You’re still the same guy who he’s been hanging out with and he knows his brain is trying to defend itself
You apologize for not telling him sooner and despite your complaints, you try not to sound ungrateful, especially considering his issues
At some point, even Leona himself starts to forget about that fact
It doesn’t matter if you carry a whole nation on your shoulders because - and he will never say this out loud - he knows you’re capable and if you start to crumble, he’ll be there for you.
Kalim Al-Asim
Though he’s not one to really care about someone’s social status, he’s happy to have more royal friends
Doesn’t stop him from spoiling you. Haven’t you heard? Any friends of Kalim are also friends of his many, many fortunes
He invites you over to Scarabia for parties every so often and either you are surrounded by people or everyone leaves you alone out of intimidation
But hey, if the latter happens, Kalim is more than happy to help you make some friends (unless you’re uncomfortable with it of course but he’ll still try to help)
One time, at one of his many parties, you two were simply laughing over something and it reminded you of something-
“That makes me think of the time this creature took a shit on my throne back at home - it took a few days for the stench to fade!”
Oh, of course, your throne! Everyone totally has a literal throne back home! Until Kalim realizes that is, in fact, untrue
As if he wasn’t already excited at the prospect of a new friend, he gets more excited at the fact that you have your own throne and is, he concludes, a monarch
You brush him off, light pink decorating your cheeks, saying that it’s not really that special - and you mean it
You tell him of the experience and you couldn’t help slip in a few complaints; it isn’t easy to juggle both school and royal responsibilities at the same time
He only listens in and tries his best to understand; he is no king, and though he is a housewarden and a prince, your struggles differ from his by a long mile
From that day on, he makes sure to check in on you and if you’re feeling less than, he’ll drop everything and do anything to relieve you of your stress
When he drops by your nation and your palace, he brings in a whole parade. It’s so Kalim that you can only laugh
You knew that story about a creature shitting on your throne was gonna be a good story at parties.
Malleus Draconia
Your presence is an absolute delight to him; it didn’t occur to him to ask what kind of royalty you are but it didn’t matter either way
He finds himself more comfortable talking about his heritage around you, knowing that you can somewhat relate to being of nobility
If you’re not part of his club, sometimes you tag along on his gargoyle crusades for the hell of it - seeing him so passionate about something brings a smile to your face
On one of your many escapades, he points out a gargoyle and begins to ramble about its features
Hearing it suddenly makes you remember-
“Ah gosh, I just remembered I should be back home right now, some of my people will be coming over to construct some gargoyles around my castle.”
He doesn’t question it at first but then the phrase “my people” registered in his mind. Wait, what do you mean your people?
You start to apologize for not telling him and also the fact that you have to leave that very moment
After you came back after the whole ordeal, you sit him down somewhere and tell him about your position
As mentioned, it doesn’t matter to him what responsibilities you have, as long as you can be his friend
You breathe out a sigh of relief and invite him to continue where you two left off last time
Nothing changes much between you two, except for the fact that you share more of your kingly experiences
He definitely drops by your place at least once - he could never miss out a chance on seeing some new gargoyles
And as he looks on at those beautiful waterspouts, you can’t help but be grateful that they can serve as a source of happiness for someone too.
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danieyells · 4 months
Re: Towa's voicelines
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What do you mean we don't know his blood type.
They run health checks on everyone and you're telling me in the year he's been here they somehow haven't found out? They have everyone else's bloodtypes, firstyears included, but Towa's is unknown?? If anyone else had an unstated blood type it'd be a little less suspicious but like. . . .
Next, his stigma. He controls weather. That's like six powers in practice? I know he has an incantation because he has an audio clip of it in the files, but he uses it exclusively in his head so far and. . .i find it hard to believe he's always reciting it when it responds to his emotions? Like his instinctive response to any minor irritation is to recite his stigma in his head? Maybe that's just me but it seems unlikely?
He's also constantly running around and using it even in casual situations. The only other person who uses their stigma that much is Leo and that's because he's using it to spy on people. Towa just silently changes the weather for fun and because he's been angered or offended or Haru was hurt or Ren was mildly irritating or whatever. He causes whole snowstorms and lightning and rain showers at the drop of a hat. Most people don't even realize he's doing it and just blame the weird weather!
Not to mention that when he was gone for more than a day Jabberwock's nature was suddenly in chaos??? The waters dried up, the sky was dark, he's the only thing keeping that place kind of temperate.
So his control of weather understandably makes anomalies obey him--animals know not to fuck with nature. But in the undersea palace the anomalies didn't know that, he just. . . .
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Jin would be jealous at how easily things just do what Towa tells them to. He just MAKES THEM SO INTIMIDATED THEY KNEEL BEFORE HIM AND STAY OUT OF HIS WAY. Young anomalies like Peekaboo and Calamari don't even need him to do anything around them before they feel scared of him--just having him nearby stresses them out sometimes afair? That's not him using his stigma. That's just him. Anomalies are just obedient to him and scared of him. Considering the weather responds to his emotions it's entirely possible the entire island anomaly Darkwick is on is scared of him and just changes patterns if he gets upset to try and get rid of his problems.
Speaking of the undersea palace, why can he smell Haru? Maybe I'm misremembering but even Taiga, the guy who eats people, never seems to suggest he has any scent awareness of them? Also they're underwater, several hallways away??? But he still smells him?????
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And he just follows Haru's scent to him, down the halls, under the sea. . . .
Next. . .Towa's total lack of regard for the lives and wellbeing of others. When told that people went missing in a way that says they're almost definitely dead, he was happy. Haru had to tell him, no that's a bad thing. Based on his expression I'm not entirely sure he agrees.
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Towa is clearly capable of self-determination. He has no problem whatsoever doing things without instruction. But if he doesn't want to do something he needs to be given an explanation he likes to comply. Even if it means saving the life of someone he cares about. You beg him with tears in your eyes to save everyone and he still thinks about it before deciding he'll do it. Even though he's the one who told you to ask him.
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TRY GROVELING HARDER. HE LIKES IT WHEN THEY BEG. it has the feeling of 'i'll grant your wish but you have to wish for it' y'know? like a demon? remember when Taiga showed you his demon impression and did something similar?
Another thing relating to the wellbeing of people he enjoys. . .he adores Haru. He electrocutes animals that even remotely offend Haru let alone hurt him.
Also, he handles Haru with 0 delicacy despite his broken leg.
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And when you're in the water and he sees Haru and wants to rescue him he drags you back under the water with 0 warning.
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Another thing displayed there and that he mentions in his home screen lines. . .he can see near perfectly in the dark? That water is pitch black, you cannot see Haru down there, but he can.
The last thing is. . .he speak to animals and plants? He already has like three other powers--he can 1. see in the dark; 2. control weather and electricity(even able to use his ability UNDER WATER, making what I think was a cyclone that was so fast and sharp it started to cut apart anything caught in it? May have been astonishingly controlled lightning though. I assume his near-flight jumps are controlling the wind to carry him higher up and he can't also almost fly); and 3. anomalies are so intimidated by him even when he can't electrocute them that they obey him and kneel at his feet!--but on top of that he can also understand any living thing that isn't a human? Like he is the only one who's exhibited the ability to understand what plants and animals say. Haru even knows and says 'you're the only one who can do this, ask the Kraken for help'.
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In his voicelines he mentions the tree telling him something about it waiting for a long time and crying. And he cries and hugs the tree too--he's more affected by the emotions of a tree than the wellbeing of his loved ones lmao
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The tree must be connected to something important. Of note, the background with this particular tree is called "kibou" in the files. "Kibou" can mean either "hope/wish/aspiration" or "ruse/trick/deception" depending on the kanji used. the positive meaning of 'hope' is more common i think--but I wonder if the double meaning is intentional? maybe i'm reading into it too much.
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apparently Towa spends a lot of time on this hill--to the point that he didn't go to the assembly where you were introduced. I assume he spends a lot of time talking to this tree. Maybe the tree knows what's going on too. Towa could be helping by way of the tree. . .but the tree could also be evil. Maybe someday we'll learn. Speaking of him not going to the assembly, when Haru mentions that you were there, Towa acts like he knows this, but Haru says he was on the hill and didn't attend. Towa proceeds to look confused, like it doesn't sound right to him that he wasn't there or wouldn't have had that information. Maybe the tree told him? Maybe he remembers things from other timelines too, like Taiga might???
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The one thing that's suspicious but also not thanks to that Taiga's also got an inhuman feature is that his pupils are a non-human shape. They look more like goat or octopus eyes than human eyes(most likely meant to be goat since he eats so many flowers.) But since Taiga's got big pointy teeth for chompin' that may not be an issue. I don't think Taiga's suspicious for having inhuman features, so Towa's eyes don't really make me feel like they're a huge point of suspicion--aside from that they add suspicion when combined with everything else ofc.
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A lot of it could be chalked up to mental illness just unique personality of course. But that doesn't explain why he's halfway to being nature incarnate.
Kaito is more believably suspicious imo because he exhibits connection to other aspects of the world in a somewhat suspicious way but like. . .Towa seems imbalanced in terms of power and abilities compared to everyone else. Everybody else gets one power and an artifact. Towa's got like 5, not including the bubble wand. And a lot of them are connected to nature.
However one could argue that his wish was to be closer to nature--and the demon took his ability to speak during the day(and perhaps took most of his empathy) in exchange for the ability to communicate with animals and plants. This is really very likely when you think about it. But it doesn't explain a few other things. Maybe he made multiple pacts or swallowed multiple demons? It'd be nice to learn someday.
Now to be fair!!! Moby, one of your teachers, is a humanoid tentacle horror anomaly who doesn't have human features so his facial expressions have to be portrayed via screen! So it's possible that Towa isn't a ghoul, he's a humanoid anomaly and he's allowed to be with the ghoul students instead and nobody explained that he's not an ex-human like everybody else--nobody seemed surprised by Professor Moby's apperance so 'anomalies as members of society' are probably somewhat normal at least by the time you're a second year. But. . .just. . .seems shady to me. Which is not a complaint i love shady characters and villains lol
BUT YEAH THOSE ARE MY LITTLE OBSERVATIONS ABOUT TOWA THAT MAKE ME SUSPECT THAT HEY MAYBE HE'S NOT HUMAN MAYBE SOMETHING'S UP. But also, thanks to the nature of that things here are anomalous to begin with, it's hard to say that these are for sure something to be suspicious over. Towa could just be insanely powerful. Maybe the demon he made a deal with was high ranking or something. Who knows. I really hope the game lasts long enough for us to find out lmao
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sweetkpopmusings · 1 year
minho coworker headcanons <3
a/n: how could i ever even describe how fond i am of minho ?? he is so silly and weird and i'd protect him at all costs <333 as my job has been less than desirable for a long time, these coworkers hcs bring me soooo much comfort, and i hope they provide the same kind of serotonin for you !! pics not mine~
content: fluff, nonidol!au | wc: 0.9k | warnings: none! | pairing: coworker!minho x gn!reader | requests: open
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almost everyone in the office is scared of him
you two never crossed paths because you work in different departments, so the only things you knew about him were what coworkers told you
the first time you saw him was when you went into a quiet place in the office to watch some videos and take a mental break from work
he was hiding in that very place because he had been reprimanded by his supervisor for a project (his partner on it was the one who dropped the ball but just so happened to be “sick” that day) and minho needed to collect himself before going back to his desk
that’s how you caught the scariest guy in the office looking at pictures of his beloved cats
when he noticed you, he tried to play it cool and act annoyed, but you saw the tips of his ears turn red as he realized you saw him being super soft for his precious cats
reading the room, you asked “rough day?” and the genuine concern in your voice completely melted minho’s scary facade away
he scoffed, rolled his eyes, and answered “yeah. gotta love being someone else’s fall guy”
that sparked a conversation that included him showing off his cats to you, and you showing him the silly little videos you were watching to boost your mood 
slowly but surely, minho would seek you out whenever he wanted a friendly conversation 
you were the only person in the office he didn’t try to intimidate, and everyone else was in complete awe of this
especially when they saw you two doing word/logic puzzles at work during your breaks
he even bought one of those massive puzzle books so you two could use it
whenever your lunches didn’t line up, you’d leave each other teasing and/or encouraging notes in the margins of the pages 
that book became a conversational record between you two
he’d never admit it, but, sometimes, when minho was feeling sentimental, he’d look through old pages and laugh at how your notes got more and more ridiculous as you two got more and more comfortable with each other :,-)
you become the minho translator because you just know him so well uwu
like if you two are sitting together during a coffee break and a coworker asks about weekend plans, minho would give a vague answer about interdimensional travel
before your coworker’s brain goes into overdrive trying to decode the statement, you’d explain, “he’s going to the animated film festival this weekend”
your coworker nods and silently leaves after getting their coffee, completely unaware of the snort minho let out at your translation
minho, despite befriending you, does not let go of his scary persona
in fact, because he’s so fond of you, he’ll use it to protect you
if someone bad mouths your quality of work or makes a snide remark about you in general, minho responds in a way that gives them nightmares for weeks
he never tells you that he does that, but you do catch him smirking whenever one of the perpetrators is nicer to you in the office >:-)
he’s super supportive of you at work too !! 
he’s your number one advocate when it comes to asking for a raise, applying for a promotion, etc.
minho thinks you deserve the best, and he’ll fight tooth and nail himself to get that for you, even though he knows you are more than capable of achieving greatness yourself
he thinks so highly of your skills and talent, and he wants to make sure you recognize your own potential <3
if he’s feeling insecure or down because of work or poor interactions with coworkers, he’ll turn to you for support, even if he doesn’t directly admit that something’s bothering him 
he could make a joke like “ah, how’re you going to solve this crossword if i get fired?”
obviously, you’d know exactly what he means by that and say “if you’re getting fired, i’m quitting because firing such a smart and competent employee is a major red flag”
he’d tease, “wow,  you’re really dedicated to crossword puzzles”
you’d nod, and he’d smile softly because he knew that you were always going to be his rock at work, and he’s eternally grateful for that
minho is so selective with the people he lets close to him, and, since you passed the test, he wants you two to be close outside of the office too
it takes him a while to work up the courage to invite you to hangout after work
but, when he’s throwing a casual dinner party with his friends, he knows it’s the perfect time to see each other without being bound by work schedules
you of course accept his invitation, but you also admit you’re a little nervous to meet all his friends
minho reassures you by telling you that he, a perfect and extremely cool person, has curated an impeccable group of people, so you have nothing to be worried about
and he’s totally right because all of his friends are not only super funny and kind, but they also love you !!!
and, more importantly, soonie, doongie, and dori love you <3333
every single one of his friends exposes minho for talking about you constantly lmao
minho gives them death glares but they refuse to miss out on the opportunity to tease him <3
especially chan because he thinks it’s so cute that minho is trying to act cool to impress you <3
by the end of the night, minho’s smiling ear to ear because you mesh so well with his friend group :,,,,-)
you two reference funny moments from the dinner party the next time you meet at work, and you’re both just bubbling with happiness because you can’t believe how lucky you are to have met each other by chance in a quiet corner of the office on a random afternoon <333
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possibilistfanfiction · 9 months
I love your butch!Bea AU, so maybe something where Ava is just a silly little guy and Bea is just so done with Avas tomfoolery
‘do you have to be so…’
you grin. ’so what, bea?’
‘it’s just not going to work,’ she says, utterly worn down. it’s fun, though, to be honest, making her huff and roll her eyes and laugh at your antics with no stakes involved.
‘well, how do you know?’
you watch with a fair amount of delight when she goes through, quite passionately, a list of everything known about the halo and its healing capabilities, its protective nature over you and the ones you care for. she’s in a soft, big hoodie and blue socks that are wearing out at the heels — her favorites, so she’s reluctant to part with them, you think — curled up on the edge of the comfortable couch in your living room, a pillow in her lap. she’d gone to the barber yesterday, as she does every three weeks like clockwork now, and her fade is as neat as you’ve ever seen it, the short top, an inch long, perfect for you to run your fingers through, as far as you’re concerned, messy from sleep. her glasses are a little smudged and she’s languishing with her cup of coffee so, even though she could kill a man in less than a second and has been into triathlons (terrible) lately — you are not intimidated or deterred by her in the slightest.
there’s a whoosh of sulfur and then mary and lilith are popping into your house, effectively stopping beatrice’s laundry list of reasons your plan will never work.
‘what’s he trying to do now?’ mary says, headed to the kitchen while lilith settles into her favorite reading chair, seemingly disengaged but you know she’s listening.
beatrice looks pointedly at you. 
‘i’m feeling like doing something impulsive,’ you announce.
‘you? impulsive?’ lilith scoffs — a point for you, though, because she was paying attention. ‘who would’ve thought?’
‘whatever,’ you say, no bite in it. ‘i thought it would be fun to get a piercing, but beatrice is claiming i can’t.’
‘you want to pierce your —‘
she turns red without even saying it. ‘nipples,’ you finish for her, a grin on your face.
‘never mind,’ mary says, walking over to lilith with two cups of coffee. ‘i can’t listen to this. beatrice, text me,’ and then they’re gone.
‘did they just abscond with our mugs?’ 
beatrice sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose. ‘what’s this really about?’
‘uh, it would be hot, i think. obviously.’ you roll your eyes. ‘and, like, everyone normal can do all kinds of impulsive shit that i can’t. what if i just really wanted to, like, skydive? or get a face tattoo?’
‘ava,’ she says, undeterred and a little weary. ‘what’s wrong?’
you swallow, the question hitting you square in the chest in a way you didn’t expect. it’s something, to be so seen and understood by someone. ‘nothing is wrong, really, i guess. i don’t know.’ 
she reaches for your hand and you sit next to her, lace your fingers together.
‘i just — with everything going on with my back, i guess i just feel, like…’ 
‘a loss of control?’ she asks, patiently after you’d been quiet for a while. 
you feel yourself let out an honest-to-god whine before you can stop it.
she smiles, a little sad and a little determined — she’s been waiting for this, you’re pretty sure, which is equal parts sweet and annoying. ‘i have an idea that i think might work better than nipple piercings to help you feel better. we can leave tonight even, if you want.’
you perk up and her smile blooms even further. ‘while i do definitely want to hear your idea of impulsivity, i just also need you to know that nipple piercings would be hot.’
she really does consider it. ‘perhaps,’ she offers.
‘i’ll take that as a yes,’ you say. ‘tell me about your idea.’
she sits up a little straighter and explains, hesitant enough at first to gauge your reaction, that she’s been researching adaptive ski and snowboarding programs. 
‘the alps?’ you ask, immediately a little teary.
‘if you’d like.’ she picks at her nail for a moment. ‘i’ve found ones closer to here as well, so wherever you’d like to go, we can go. just say the word.’
‘you really mean that?’
‘of course i do,’ she says, so sure, so steadfast. ‘and, plus, you know i’ll enjoy myself too.’
‘ah, yes, with your double black diamonds. insane.’
‘well, and the aprés ski with you.’
you grin and kiss her cheek. ‘as long as you promise to dance with me.’
‘i’ll do anything you want to make you happy, ava,’ she says, and it hits you in the chest that she means it. she means it, even though you’re mostly full of nonsense half the time, and you like to play pranks on her, and sometimes you get stoned and pester her to watch grace and frankie with you even though she’d been trying to read. she loves you through it all, the worst days, and you love her the same: when her hands shake; when she’s frustrated; when she worries so much about decisions she’s immobilized; when she’s too strict, even now. partnership, you’ve realized, is a practice.
‘switzerland, then?’
she smiles and kisses you. ‘i’ll book everything now.’
‘you have a spreadsheet, don’t you?’
‘of course,’ she says, as if there couldn’t be any other option. you laugh and she pulls it up on her laptop — there really are tabs on the sheet for at least six different programs that vary geographically and by difficulty level, and she’s also mapped out places to stay and restaurants you might enjoy, as well as other local attractions. 
‘this is so extra,’ you tell her, your voice a little shaky and the glance out the side of her eyes telling you, without words, she’s onto you. but it doesn’t matter: she gets everything all set up for tomorrow morning, and it’s there: love greater than this world, laid out in confirmation emails and conditionally formatted columns. ‘maybe we can visit jillian after,’ you say, the alternative being bursting into tears.
beatrice hums, never opposed to the idea of a trip to spain.
‘she could figure out how to pierce my nipples,’ you say, and beatrice groans. it’s the little victories.
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ominous-feychild · 3 months
✦ Character Voice Tag ✦
Following tag from @honeybewrites!
Characters from Sun and Shadow: Freya, Crow, and Daleira Characters from the Arcane Rifts: Gene, Tazin, and Mislav
Lines to be used: - "Move over! I wanna watch too." @honeybewrites - "A little help, please?" @the-golden-comet - "Unhand me!" @the-letterbox-archives - "Okay, someone has to come up with a plan" @fractured-shield
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"Move over! I wanna watch too."
Freya: "Move! Ugh--please, sorry!" *has already shoved her way past* Crow: *teleported through shadows to get to a better vantage point* Crow: "Excusez-moi!" *at the same time as slapping them aside with their wing* (note: they are not French.) Daleira: "Excuse me, please. I want to watch this too." Gene: "Uhm... ex-excuse me... please..." Tazin: "OUT OF THE WAY!" *meanwhile shoving people way more violently than necessary* Mislav: *way too quietly* "excuse me? I... excuse--vynost, I SAID MOVE!!!" *will shove if they haven't jumped out of the way of the screaming 9-year-old*
"A little help, please?"
Freya: "A little help over here!? Sooner rather than later???" Crow: "Ey! Over here! HELP!" Daleira: "Hey, could I get some help please?" Gene: *is not physically capable of asking for help* Gene: "Uhm... could-could I... please get some help?" Tazin: "Get your ass over here and HELP ME!" (note: read in a nasally, obnoxious 9-year-old's voice) Mislav: "hey, um... could I get some help? Please?"
"Unhand me!"
Freya: "what the--let go of me!" *will tear away from who/whatever grabbed her if she's able* Crow: *combat mode: engaged. Duck into their own shadows and teleport to get a moment to process the scene before reacting further.* Crow: *calmly, making eye contact* "you have less than five seconds to let go of me. Five. Four--" Daleira: *making eye contact, but trying to figure out if the grabbing was malicious or well-intentioned* "what's wrong." (hint: you do NOT want to be on her bad side.) Gene: *at the top of his lungs, voice cracking from under-use, and simultaneously yanking away with more strength than a 7-year-old should have* "LET GO OF ME!!!" (*panik attack*) Tazin: *insert unintelligible demonic screeching here. And imagine the grabber being set on fire. Because both will be the case.* Mislav: "LET GO OF ME!" *will yank away with, yet again, more strength than a human child should have. In fact, even more than a human adult if the grabber is intimidating. Will headbutt and leave a GNARLY bruise if necessary.*
"Okay, someone has to come up with a plan!"
Freya: "Guys??? What are we doing??? Don't tell me I have to figure something out!" Crow: *deadpan* "Don't make me break out Plan B. Trust me, you do NOT want Plan B." Daleira: *taking a deep breath and tying her hair back with a hairtie that JUST magically appeared* "alright, here's what we're going to do." Tazin: "GENE, COME UP WITH SOMETHING RIGHT NOW!!!" Gene: (regardless of whether or not ^^^ just happened) "I... I think I have an idea..." Mislav: "ohvynostpleaseno--does anyone have a plan??? Anyone??? Anything??? Ohvynostno--PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME HAVE TO USE IT!!!"
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Your line: "Well, you see, Perry the Platypus, it all started on the day I (...) AND THAT'S WHY I PLAN TO CONQUER THE TRI-STATE AREA!" (in other words, if you don't want to Doofenshmirtz it, "This is why I'm about to do this No Good, Very Bad Thing. That is also why you are not going to stop me or change my mind." I thought it'd be fun with Doofenshmirtz's way, but either should work!)
Tagging (with no pressure) @darkandstormydolls @yourpenpaldee @.honeybewrites @.the-letterbox-archives (avoiding double-tags) and whoever else wants to join!
Divider from @cafekitsune
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yellowhollyhock · 9 months
I don’t know if you talked about it but would you say Raph is a weak fighter compared to his brothers o ask because people talk about how strong and capable Don is and how talented Mike is but what about Raph
Okay, so. Short answer
Raph is an extremely skilled, massively strong, and deeply motivated turtle. He is an undeniably skilled fighter, and without him they would not win nearly as often.
Long answer under cut
First thing, I really am clueless about martial arts 😅 This will all just be from the perspective of your Slightly Less Than Average Viewer, I tend to focus on/notice the character beats much more than the action beats.
The cool thing about TMNT though, is that the character arcs and the fighting styles are very closely connected
Raph is the team’s Rock in so many ways. The most obvious, the one I think we tend to talk about, or at least that I usually focus on in fics, is his sheer determination. You just can’t knock this guy down. Especially if he’s protecting someone, which he pretty much always is (exception being the Battle Nexus. More on that later). But also, though. He brings out their strengths.
He makes himself a stepping stone for the brothers he believes in. Let’s talk about their strengths for a second.
When Mikey fights, his quick wit is a huge part of it. He uses intimidation tactics. In the H.A.T.E. episode he sees an enemy with the same weapon as him and, literally looming over the guy, grins like a maniac and says “This is just too good to be true.” When Bishop is about to literally cut him open he acts scared right up until the exact moment when he needs to act, and in that split second he takes the time to say “You should never take your eyes off of me.” He wants Bishop to remember that moment. There are times Mikey wants his enemies to underestimate him. But he also very often scares them on purpose, both to throw them off so they’re easier to beat, and so that he won’t actually have to hurt them. You cannot intimidate a guy like that.
And when we think about the people he lives with, and their fighting styles. And especially their specific relationships with him. Who do we think Mikey learned how to trash talk during a fight from? Who do we think taught him to always stand his ground?
Oh I don’t know maybe Mr Yo Mama himself
Not only is this something Raph and Mikey both do, it’s something we see them practicing together all the time. And it’s the way Mikey beats him at the Battle Nexus.
Honestly? I think that’s (one of) the reasons that defeat bothered Raph so deeply. This is his little brother who he taught how to stand up for himself. He’s the one who showed him how to keep your head and not let your enemy take advantage of your sensitivity (they are both so sensitive)! So if by this point Mikey has surpassed him, does that mean he can’t really protect him anymore?
Does it mean Mikey doesn’t need him anymore?
Reminder that his initial reaction is not, “Mikey will be impossible to live with” (and we do know that Mikey will be difficult to live with over this). What he actually says as he hysterically shakes the nearest stranger is, “I’ll never be able to live with myself.” He wants to be a better than his brothers because he feels like he needs to be able to protect them.
Now from Mikey’s pov, he just did a really great job at something Raph taught him, something he’s always been trying to mimic about Raph, and instead of being proud Raph is angry. In spite of all his bragging, I don’t think Mikey sees this the way Raph does. He thinks he won one time and that should be celebrated, not that he’s passing Raph up and leaving him behind.
Now in the end, is Mikey better at this skill than Raph? I don’t know, they both use it very well. They both also have their slip-ups, and the Battle Nexus was one of Raph’s. But the point is that Mikey learned it from Raph in the first place.
Ultimately Mikey will become better at it. Because why would Raph keep pushing himself once he sees that his little brother can do it?
For Leo, throughout the show his biggest strength is his refusal to give into fear. He overcomes his fear of heights. He won’t be afraid of the Shredder. When Master Solinter goes missing he won’t assume the worst and give up, and he’s there for his brothers, giving them hope to balance out the fear. His ultimate victory is to overcome his fear of failure. Well, speaking of the Battle Nexus, who else is afraid of failure?
Early in the show we get little interactions between Raph and Leo showing Raph pushing Leo outside of his comfort zone. They’re out in something Donnie’s built that wasn’t fully tested and Leo reminds him to go slow, just to be safe? Raph’s slamming on the gas. They’re separated from Master Splinter and the only way around the rubble is up towards the surface, something Leo has been taught to fear all his life? Raph is the one who’s talking to him, waiting for him, making sure he’s with them. Even his fear of inadequacy—does anyone else remember when Leo was spending all that extra time with Master Splinter perfecting this one specific kick? When he gets a chance later to use it in battle, it’s Raph (out of his bros) who in the heat of battle takes a moment to watch and rates him on it (only a six because that’s all his fingers. Leo even says “only six?” Which I know is a joke but can you imagine little Leo being used to getting tens from Raph because he’ll use his toes?).
The point is that in the small moments as well as the big ones, right from the very start of the show, Raph knows fear is the big thing Leo’s going to struggle with and he is very deliberately helping him with it.
Then Leo fights Shredder, gets thrown through a window, and it kinda looks like he might not make it. The first thing he says when he wakes up?
I will not live in fear.
We see a pretty big shift in him thereafter. He’s much more confident to pursue what he thinks is right without first consulting Splinter (he still values his input but he’s maturing into his own person). And his fear of spending time on the surface, while always present, I don’t think we ever see being paralyzing again. And it’s Raph who sees this change and gives him the nickname “Fearless Leader.”
It’s usually Raph who calls Leo the leader. Splinter calls them a team, he rarely singles out Leo.
The reason Leo makes such a great leader is because he will always hang onto hope that there is a third option, a way out, an end of the tunnel. And he knows how to impart that hope to his brothers and spur them to action when they might otherwise be overwhelmed.
He knows how to do that because it’s what Raph has been doing for him all their lives.
Donny, the smart one. He didn’t learn that from Raph, right? He’s always simply been a prodigy.
Ahem, in my humble and correct opinion, wrong.
The turtles started mimicking Splinter’s moves when they were little. All of them were obsessed with ninjitsu, because Splinter was obsessed. And you know who, out of all of them, has the most obsessive personality? The most one track mind of anyone ever? The most reserved, passive even? The most likely to have the development of his own personality subsumed by his singular goal of succeeding at the task set in front of him, of perfecting this one specific skill and earning praise from his chosen authority figure?
It’s not Leo. He struggles with this some, but balance is a natural strength of his. Mr. I Literally Will Not Sleep Until I Have Rescued the Underground City, on the other hand….
But you know who is the best at prioritizing his goals, keeping an eye on his surroundings?
Maybe the turtle who’s always watching not only over his own shoulder, but every single one of his brothers’ when they fight together.
So we don’t see any of this. It’s all headcanon territory now. But I think Raph was interested in cars and machinery first. Leo and Mikey didn’t want to talk about it. So he looked around, and there’s Donny, who even Splinter is always saying needs to learn how to take breaks. Donny’s always been a good listener. Once Raph gets him started, he’s hooked—and now he has Two hobbies to obsess over which is slightly healthier than Only One.
I think from there he’d learn how much he loves learning and become obsessed with dinosaurs and other subjects all on his own. But still it’s usually Raph who’s grounding him back in reality when he gets so deep in thought he loses sight of the Task At Hand, or so overly focused on one thing he misses Life-Saving Details (such as, hey bro, there’s a guy standing directly behind you with a sharp weapon).
Anyway we see both Raph and Donny use this skill—whaddaya call it? Multitasking?—during important fights when they’re at their best. It’s elbowing the guy behind them on their way to grab their weapon. It’s throwing enemies at each other or getting out of the way at the exact right moment. And it’s especially, keeping eyes on their team.
So overall, yes, he did learn to be a genius from Raph. Not just from Raph, sure, he had his whole family helping and a lot of his own natural talent. But I think Raph is the one who would have been able to pull him away from his First Chosen Obsession to see that there’s a whole world out there to learn about. And out of all of them, I think Raph had the most interest in learning about the outside world at the earliest age.
Conclusion: In many specific areas Raph is second best, but this is precisely because he’s the one helping his brothers find and fully realize their individual strengths. So Jack of all trades, yes, which is a type of strength a master can’t have, but also a teacher. The skill he is the best at is recognizing and nurturing others skills. In that way (and some others), he is the most like Splinter of all the turtles.
I forgot to make this about his fighting style specifically and just ended up rambling about him, but! His passion by itself makes him near unstoppable, and he has worked hard to add deadly skill to that passion. I care him a normal amount (this is a lie she cares him so much)
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Assassination Classroom romantic concept for Asano Gakushu please? He's underrated qwp
I'll see what I got for you :) I'll write about him the best I can based on what I've seen of him, sorry if he's OOC, just let me know how to improve.
Yandere! Asano Gakushu Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Manipulation, Controlling behavior, Stalking mention, Threats, Obsession, Implied violence, Jealousy, Egotistical yandere, Forced relationship, Possessive behavior.
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Based on what I've seen of Gakushu, he is one of those yanderes who loves complete and utter control.
He's capable of it with his charismatic tongue and skills, too.
Fittingly enough his yandere traits are very similar to Karma's.
He's less sadistic than Karma, Gakushu is more calculated with manipulation rather than doing it for fun.
Gakushu is Obsessive, Manipulative, Controlling, Possessive, and very Persistent.
Gakushu is a man who likes to win.
He likes to get what he wants.
That includes his darling, whom he no doubt feels is lower than him.
Gakushu is a foil character to Karma I believe, which makes him share some similarities in behavior.
Although Karma doesn't usually see his darling as lower than him.
Gakushu feels like the type of guy to 'kabedon' his darling... y'know? The Japanese trope of pinning someone to a wall?
He likes to control and intimidate his darling, but he does it with such a sweet smile.
He's under the impression it should be easy to get you to fall for him.
After all, he's charismatic, smart, and a natural born leader thanks to his father.
Would you really turn down a guy such as him?
Even if you did, it just makes Gakushu try harder to obtain your heart.
Not only does getting you to like him stroke his ego, but deep down he really does love the chase.
What would make Gakushu obsessive over his darling is the fact you make him work for your affection.
In reality you just don't like him like that, no matter what others say about it.
Gakushu seems like he'd fit the stereotype of the spoiled popular boy who expects to get what he wants, then when he can't get who he wants, he freaks out because they hurt his ego.
You know the trope.
Gakushu is a hard man not to fall for, however.
Every word and action of his exudes charisma.
But he's always planning something.
Gakushu likes to research about his darling.
He gathers info about you like you're yet another subject he studies.
He likes to get others to spy on you then report to him.
Sometimes he himself likes to follow you before cornering you like a hungry beast.
Gakushu, like Karma, knows you've got to be something special to make him so obsessive about you.
He's determined, with all his research, to find it out.
Obviously Gakushu is manipulative.
Others listen to him as though he's a cult leader.
He doesn't mind lying, he doesn't mind breaking a few rules, as long as he wins it's fine.
Winning your heart is his goal and he'll do anything to accomplish it.
After all, the moment his purple irises saw you he knew you had to be his in the end.
Gakushu talks to you in a tone that makes it seem like you're friends.
When he does manage to get you alone he talks to you like he's here to help.
He's all smiles and laughs, gazing at you like a treasure he wants.
He wants to make you drop your guard.
He wants you to trust him so he can keep you to himself.
Gakushu sees nothing wrong with some lies here and there to gain your trust.
He isn't one for physical violence most of the time but he will send others to sabotage rivals.
He doesn't mind verbally taunting others, either.
Gakushu can be nasty with his manipulation.
He'll put together an elaborate plan to keep you to himself, then order others to execute it.
Soon... he'll make you feel alone.
Then you'll have to turn your attention to him.
He hates that you are insistent on refusing his offers.
Don't you realize how much power he has over you? He could outsmart you in an instant!
Just like he's doing now, bribing and blackmailing his way to you.
Gakushu is so controlling.
The moment he forces you to be in a relationship he wants to be your puppeteer.
He guides you with a deceptive tongue and cunning smile.
He claims he loves you, every touch and word more calculated than genuine.
He's more in love with the idea of control at first before genuinely falling for you.
He treats you like his little toy, a doll to kiss and hold all his own.
Gakushu is possessive.
He is a yandere who definitely feels an ownership towards his darling.
When he catches someone trying to get near you, he shuts it off quickly.
The nerve to touch what's his.
Safe to say, whoever talks to you is ruined in any way Gakushu feels like.
Maybe it's their reputation... maybe it's their appearance.
As long as everyone around you is out of the picture, he's happy.
Gakushu is someone who expects constant attention from you.
If he doesn't get it, he'll force it.
He likes to emphasize the fact you're still under him.
Passive comments... cornering you... it thrills him.
Even if you're dating, even if you stand up to him, one thing never changes...
You'll always be his... you're only his, no matter what happens.
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Unexpected Changes Chapter 3
Chapter 1 y 2
You and the team took their positions, being the defensive team they should be inside the building, you saw the different rooms, but there was one that was closed… it seemed strange to you but it was surely part of the setup. You went back to the window and grabbed the binoculars, you could see them advancing, you noticed one of them in particular, he was holding something to his ear, you adjusted the binoculars, and saw that he had a communicator identical to yours… you quickly placed the one you found in your ear… A few seconds later a thick and raspy voice spoke -Green, do you copy me?- You took a deep breath. Were you sure that voice belonged to the man in the ski mask, it's better not to let him wait -Yes, sir, I copied it- several seconds of silence, the headset came to life again - I'm only going to say it once… Protect the package- the communication was cut off, you took off the headset. You looked through the window but this time to the platform looking for the guy with the skull, who was looking at you with binoculars, you lowered them instantly, "Why does it have to be so intimidating?"- you looked around the house… -Guys, I found a communicator -you picked up the little receiver- They told me to protect a package- -Where is it?- The nasty guy asked. -They didn't say…- the soldier who made fun of you, whose name was Samuel Smith began to open the doors and entered the bathroom -There are packages here, they will simulate valuable cargo- they all nodded in agreement- Well, I want four defending this sector, four in front and you… can protect the kitchen… or the laundry room- the creep had the audacity to continue bothering you. -Who said you were the leader? those locations are not reliable, there is a lot uncovered- you asked. -I have the highest rank, I am a Technical Sergeant and I can- -I also have that Rank- you interrupted but your eyes were fixed straight ahead waiting for the signal for the combat to begin- -I am more capable than - An alarm sounded, and everyone saw the smoke of a red flare that rose from the platform, you could see even without binoculars the subject of the skull mask illuminated by the red light, it was frightening and at the same time there was something else that escaped you… but it was not the time for that… -Here they come!, team, three in front, one covers the back door, someone defends the other window, one inside the bathroom, and two in the living room, I defend this sector.- You looked through the peephole firing a burst of three bullets of paint landed on the chest of one of the careless attacking soldiers. You didn't turn to see if they listened or not, but you heard them running. The bullets came and went, you shot another in the chest, you didn't know if your companions had also shot others down. But you heard two curse, you took cover and saw the paint stains one on the helmet and one on the chest. They both left through the back door. The other guy at the window also cursed, you changed places, to the other window and looked for the shooter. You found him half camouflaged in the artificial undergrowth, you shot and hit him in the helmet, with that there were three less… in each team, the guy from the rear came. -Who protects the back?- ask yourself under cover. -No one comes from behind,- he replied, looking at you with disdain. You shook your head and went to the edge of the kitchen, protected by the island, you had the back door in sight, and the window that your despondent companion abandoned.
You had a limited number of bullets, better not waste. Someone approached the window and you fired without thinking, “Four less”.
How summoned three men entered through the back door, shooting two in the living room. Inside the house a paint shooting began, the three attackers were "killed." But that left you with two less members, it was just you and him from the bathroom, who was the nasty jerk Samuel. “There are 3 of them and 2 of ours left”, you looked at the paint marks, no one seemed to want to go to the bathroom, they had all tried to get to the attic door that you hadn't been able to open at first. "Protect the package" the voice sounded in your head, you had a hunch. -Samuel protects the attic! They don't care what's in the bathroom!" A smoke grenade came through the window and another through the back door, the smoke instantly blurring your vision "Shit" You touched your head and you found the thermal vision goggles, this was better than nothing. One came through the door and you shot his helmet, you heard him grunt in frustration. There were only two left, you turned in all directions and saw two run straight for the loft door, you dropped the heavy weapon and drew the pistol, firing as you ran, emptying the magazine into both of their backs. You leaned your back against the attic door and sat down… "Fuck" your body trembled, adrenaline pumped through your body.
The smoke was dissipating and the night vision goggles bother you, you took them off, there was still some smoke, you saw Samuel's figure coming from the bathroom, you were about to speak, but then you saw him raise the gun, his face was twisted in a look of contempt. -I'm not from the team Ahh!!- You felt the horrible burn of the paint bullets on your temple, the side of your face, chin and neck. The door you leaned against opened and you fell back on the floor trying to cope with the pain of the bullets, Samuel never stopped shooting. -Stop the fire!! She's from your team- between tears you saw Gaz leaning over you, receiving part of the bullets in his vest, Samuel dropped the gun when he saw someone come out of the attic -Can you see me? Did one of them hit you in the eyes? ?- You nodded and then you shook your head, hoping he understood that you answered in the order of the questions he asked, but it hurt like hell. I help you up, the impacts to the head made you feel dizzy. -What the hell is going on here?!- Price's voice takes you out of your thoughts. -I thought he was from the other side!- Samuel spoke a little nervous. -Captain, no…- She identified herself before she heard Smith open fire. She kept shooting even when I gave her the order to stop- Gaz turned around showing the red spots on his vest, the rest of the bullets were on you. You separated from Gaz being more stable on your feet. -Everyone out- Captain Price left the house and everyone followed him. -Separate by team and by the color of the bullets that eliminated them- The groups were formed, the bullets from your weapon were Turquoise in color, in total you killed 7 "enemies".
-Soap tell me what you see!- Price stared at you, and then you saw Soap, the one with the shaved hair, move forward and look at the Red group carefully. -I see a little colorful party in this team, Sir… we have green, yellow, brown, and light blue predominates…- he turned and looked at your team- Here we also have several colors, however this one catches my attention…- he stopped in front to you, looking at the bruises beginning to form under the red paint, if he could see them, you could already feel the sore parts.
-Lieutenant Ghost finish Soap's analysis- the man advanced and stopped in front of Samuel -Give me his weapon- his voice was serious, as if he was about to take him to hell, Samuel raised the weapon, his hand You noticed him trembling. Ghost removed the magazine showing only 2 red bullets left.
His black painted eyes looked at you, you couldn't keep his gaze, so you lowered it to the ground, but you clearly heard his voice, so you looked again, the lieutenant hadn't taken his eyes off you . -What team does soldier Samuel belong to?- His voice was still hard. -To… green team Mr… Lieutenant- Samuel was paler. -Tell me why he unloaded his bullets against an ally- Ghost's gaze was still fixed on you. -I thought it was from the other side- before he could finish his sentence, you saw the Lieutenant raise the gun with force and hit Samuel in the face, the guy fell to the ground, groaning in pain, you gasped like the rest, surprised by the man's actions. -My teammate Gaz testified on him, don't call him a lying piece of shit.- He dropped the gun and stepped back. Price stepped forward, -Get out of my view! You don't deserve the honor of being here, this will go in your file!- Samuel stood up, his nose bleeding, he gave Ghost a look, but he turned to you… and then his eyes shone with hatred, a promise of revenge. You took a step forward and then another until you were in front, I was taller, but not by much -Keep looking at me like that and I'll finish the job of the Lieutenant- Samuel spat next to your combat boot and left. You let the air out. -Marshall, Sanderson and T/A, stay, the rest go back where they came from- you looked around, when you arrived you were sure that there were more than 30 men in the room… now there were only 3 left.
-You three can consider yourself lucky or cursed, things are different here… You do what you are told or you leave, there are no warnings or second chances- he pointed to the two men next to you- Gaz will take you to your rooms- you stayed Alone with the team. -You…- you stiffened at Price's voice- You did well in there, keep it up and maybe you'll survive the next missions assigned to you. Now get out of here and go to the infirmary to have those bruises checked- you looked at him surprised, but he left before you could respond. The short-haired man, whom you identified as Soap, approached you- Well done rookie, the captain liked you, but don't trust yourself, come on I'll take you to the infirmary- -Thank you sir…-you hesitated because you didn't know his name. -John McTavish, this is Simon Riley, but you can call us by our nicknames Soap and Ghost- he said with a big smile- You were about to answer.
-Speak for yourself Soap- the lieutenant gave you one last look and left.
"I think he is not happy to have a woman on the team"
We're done for today, he comments, shares and leaves a heart :D
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So, what gets you monologuing?
It can be pretty much anything! Haha! Including just asking, if I’m in the right mood.
I’m working on a new animation for my Badly Drawn Fnaf series, where Mike has to meet with his younger teenage self. For sake of ease, I’ll call present Mike and past Michael.
In these two posts, you can already see (IN THE STORYBOARDS NO LESS) these two are drastically different! While still being very similar. Mike just grew up! (You can see the difference yet similarities even better here. Michael does the classic Mike pose, that I constantly draw. Which I did entirely unintentionally. I noticed it later and just javsjhfsjhfsjhfsjhfs)
Mike is far more reserved, and strained. Tired. He doesn’t want to have to deal with this idiot that he left in his past.
Meanwhile Michael views Mike as a threat. Being in his teenage years, Michael really doesn’t like the fact that even someone who claims to be himself is telling him to stop being wHo He Is It’S nOt A pHaSe!!
And sure in my reblogs of both those posts, you get the lyrics to the song I’m working with. But I’d argue, you can get everything I just described without any of that. Why? Body posture. It’s something I absolutely adore playing with In animation! Because for it to work correctly? You have to push it beyond what’s normal. That’s why everything is cartoony in cartoons! If you use real human poses? It looks flat and boring, like the characters are stiff, lifeless, or at least are actors that are phoning it in. Instead push the poses, exaggerate? (Which I do anyway lolll) And suddenly everything clicks! It depends on the style, how much you exaggerate. But you should do it, even a little bit, in most animation. Even in “realistic” things. Maybe they wouldn’t be nightmare fuel, or uncanny valley then. XD
Anyway, back to my little WIP.
Mike has small movements. At the beginning of the scene, he turns his head. That’s going to be a quick jerk to indicate “you messed up you idiot”. And that’s pretty much going to be his biggest movement this scene. Another movement he has is raising his hand, which is a pretty big one, but slower and more exasperated than snappish. He also rolls his eyes, which is a small movement, and he’s going to be tapping his finger on the table in impatience. (Compared to Michael? He’s very still. But he’s still the same guy. He won’t be completely still. He will be moving somehow) then he finishes off, by straightening up, and spreading his hand towards the camera. Taking up more space, aka, power move. It’s subtle? But he’s still using poses that are trying to one-up Michael.
And as we can see in the shift, Mike didn’t need much to intimidate this kid. Where Mike had 5 panels, and most were holds? Michael has 8 panels and he’s going to jump from one to the next in quick succession. They’re all very big and loud poses, spreading both arms wide in a “come at me” way usually once in between each other pose, hitting his chest gorilla style, leaning in and wagging his finger as if to say “nonono! You don’t bother me!” and finally crossing his arms and a dramatic amount of force. And the look on his face switches between one of “Ha! You think you have anything on me, old man?” to one of annoyance that Mike is even still here in his presence. All of this shows a teen who���s definitely dealing with “Don’t tell me what to do, dumb adult” while also being about to wet himself cause he doesn’t know what this guy across from him is capable of. It’s all bark and no bite. Knowing Michael, he would’ve come around the table and given Mike a knuckle sandwich already, if he wasn’t scared. But with how fast he moving? So many poses in one line? He’s doing most of this for himself. “This guy isn’t scary… he isn’t even moving that much… WHERES HIS OTHER HAND oh… ok still over the chair. Well, IM NOT SCARED OF HIM! I’ll show him how fierce I am!”
But in the end? He just look whiney and kinda stupid. Only proving Mike right. Calmer, and more subtle won the day this time. Sometimes bluster and bravado wins. But usually calmly, but purposefully, going about something? Scared the pants of the other party. Makes them make mistakes, hopefully gets them to do what you want.
Ok, I’ll stop there. Lol. Hope you enjoyed XD
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mutant-male-lee · 2 years
Are you up to Play as Evil Jamala?
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Would you like to Play the sexy but terrifying Blue haired Mistress known as Jamala? and have yours truly as your Wolf Boy tickle Pet?~ Keep in mind she’s technically a Fan girl turned villainess almost like a Yandre  except minus killing anyone? To best understand who your auditioning to role play as let’s see the rules and tips of what’s going on here.
1.Jamala is obsessed with Reaver first as a fan of his Hero work but even more so finding him attractive. She has investigated hard into him to learn as many weaknesses and connections about him to know him inside out.
2. Jamala knows what she wants and she goes to whatever length she must go and to any extreme to get what she wants.
3. She can seem nice on surface and would be willing to even help and can seem like a social butterfly so she’s not all bad
4. Despite how nice and willing to help she can be she’s not someone to drop your guard around as she will take any opportunity that is given to her.
5. She has been Prone to kidnapping guys and torturing them and turning them over to the Sister hood but to her their just toys but not the main objective of her life. Her first Love is tickle torture however.
6. Her First Love is tickle Torture but she would claim it is Reaver. But Reaver is more so like a second Love she is obsessed with, that she needs for her true first love and desire to be whole. She may have started out as just an admirer but it’s turned into a desire to have him all to herself. She enjoys being a bully to him and a sadist, which isn’t real love but she’s either Ignorant or willingly Ignorant.
7. She dresses lewdly and in anything sexy. she could probably were decent clothes too but sexy clothes help get wanted reactions out of people.
8. While she’d love to have Reaver fall in love with her and love her she seems to want him to FEAR her even more. Couldn’t tell you honestly where that comes from other than maybe than the fact that she get’s off on it. She loves having her victims squirm and cry. And So as Jamala Your goal would be to tease, flirt and intimidate and make sure your lee knows you r in full control and I’m completely at your mercy. hearing your lee whimper so that you can comfort them and cuddle with them is a reward. hearing your lee’s despair is like a cheer for joy to your sociopathic ears.
9 Jamala believes whatever she wants to believe. While somethings you ight be able to talk to her like you she can be reasoned with, there are other things where if you try to correct her or contradict her delusions and she will snap at you. Jamala is terrifying when angry because she will put you through Hell and is the most ruthless when ticked off. She’s already prepared to abuse her victim when she’s happy just imagine what she’s capable of when you cross her.
10. Is Jamala crazy? perhaps not at first but she’s probabaly become less mentaly healthy in her obsession. So I suppose that depends on you and how crazy you want her to be? I mean the girl can go into Emotional break down episodes but these are either for show to psyche out her prey like Psycological war fair or she’s truly that level of unhinged
11. Jamala loves full body tickling she doesn’t prefer one spot but she does love to try all positions and all methods. Maybe she’ll start out mild but always winds up pushing her victims beyond their limits
12.Now then I’m wanting to be Kidnapped and where ever and when ever it happens we can debate in chat. If you like you can change it up and use other tactics for how YOU as Jamala get me in your clutches. Like maybe you take someone hostage?
13.I want Jamala acting like her and Reaver are dating or even living together. I want her acting casual and pretending like there’s nothing wrong with what’s she’s doing. Like if she decides your having fun she’ll act like you are because she’s good at lying including to herself.
14. Concent is something we must discuss in chat before we get started. If I don’t concent to certain things before the RP then I will break off the PR if we cross a line that I did not agree with. You might be playing as Jamala but real life consent still matters. So even though Jamala herself needs no consent you will still have to limit what you do with her if I’m not ok with you doing certain things.
15. Jamala is evil despite whatever good she might be capable of she’s also capable of doing to Reaver whatever she wants. She might not try to kill him or mame him. but if we allow NSFW content then whatever NSFW content that is allowed she is capable of doing.
16. Jamala does not do drugs nor smokes
17 levels of violances must be discussed before RP
18. Jamala loves to feel Powerful so yes dominating and demasculating her victim is part of this but  she does it though tring him out and tickle torturing him into a giggling mess. However Jamala also admires Reaver’s strengh. She doesn’t hate Masculinity she just wants to bend Reaver around her finger and exercise some form of control and level over him.
19, I want her to put me in a pet colar and dress me in ways that turns her on.
but I do not consent to cross dressing nor diapers. I’m fine with tights. colorful clothes, leather, rubber, latex, straight jackets and so whatever I DEAM ok is what we can use. What I don’t deam ok will be left out.
20. Jamala’s goal is make me flustered, worn out, a laughing mess, feel defeated, scared and more importantly she’d just love to have me fall in love with her and smitten and in love. But she’d settle for me being turned on
21. Jamala is fine with sharing me with members of the Sister hood and friends but get’s competitive when it comes to anything more intimate relating to Reaver..
22. Jamala does like to rest from being a bully though and can still be happy with just cuddles and snuggles. it’s just that she can become a tickle bug any second without warning and once she get’s started there’s no telling if she’d ever pull out. She’s basicly just verry horny and frisky. I guess she has a Jykel and Hyde syndrome. One is the over infatuated obsessed but friendly girl friend the other is the obsessed stalker who needs to be arrested.
23. Music is a great way to help make things even better. I do like video game music but anything to fit the mood is good too. and if understand the use of Psycological war fair, then that can make it even better.
24. I mentioned she’s evil right? Well enjoys the thrill of the Hunt and like a Cat she likes to toy with her prey. So giving her victims any false since of hope just to foil it at the last second is something she likes to do as well as torture them at her leise.
25. Bad endings. there is no good ending in this scenario. the End goal is up to you depending on if you want to just want a your lee to feel defeated and hopeless your going towards the Tickle Hell ending. 
IF You want Jamala to get her hearts desire and finally get Reaver in love with her. You get the Stock Holm Ending Any other kind of ending is debatable in chat though.
0 notes
Is there anything worthwhile to be gained from Superman: American Alien given the author?
Landis being a shithead and tainting American Alien absolutely sucks, because this is the book that actually did something interesting with the refrain that Superman "is just a guy".
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If Superman is "just a guy" then we should let him be that, which is exactly what this story does. Clark gets angry, horny, sad, makes impulsive decisions that bite him in the ass, swears, drinks beer, fights with his friends, he acts like a normal American teenager rather than being a perfect angel. Underneath all that he's still recognizable as Superman, as a good guy trying to do right by others. Many takes on the character pay lip service to the idea of Clark being one of us, but still write him as this unimpeachable - downright corny if we're being honest - model of "traditional" values in a way that renders him unrelatable. Some people will earnestly claim that makes him charming, but I can't agree. Clark here is more personable and charming than Byrne or Loeb's country hick from 1950s America, and American Alien shows that being "retro" is not at all a required element for Superman to feel in-character. Being cool is not at odds with being Superman.
Additionally the focus of the book is on one of Superman's more unique characteristics, that he's not the product of a single moment or trauma, but rather a product of his upbringing. Here we see the individual lessons he learns that set him on the road to becoming Superman:
He's different from others, weird, but it's ok to be weird, and his family and friends love him regardless.
He has an obligation to help where he can, the classic Spider-Man "With Great Power..." teaching.
He can be himself, even when he's being someone else (and American Alien probably has my favorite take on the "Clark and Bruce look alike" gag).
Staying in Smallville his whole life isn't what he wants, he wants to see the world, to travel to interesting places and meet interesting people, to see the bigger picture.
Becoming a better version of himself is part of growing up, and if he doesn't use his gifts then he's wasting them. Especially because there are less scrupulous people out there who have no problem using their gifts to benefit only themselves.
There's room for more than one type of heroism. People can't just be intimidated into not being bad, they need to be inspired into doing good.
Being reckless and reacting emotionally only worsens the situation, but giving up isn't an option because the world needs heroes to give it hope that life can improve.
Superman changes the world simply by existing, and Clark's actions have impact beyond what he can see, so he needs to weigh his actions and consider what the repercussions of what he does are going to be for everyone else.
There are things and people out there capable of hurting even Superman, and he has to be prepared to face them.
Being the Last Son of Krypton doesn't mean he has to go through life alone.
Learning how to be Superman is a process that continues even after Clark has put on the suit and has started saving lives. For all his powers he struggles sometimes to grasp the scope of what he's trying to do, and his friends, family, and even enemies have to slap him upside the head to help him get perspective.
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Great as it is, it's obviously not without flaws. Often you will have a character all but break the fourth wall to deliver a monologue on what Landis wants the reader to take away from each issue. Sometimes the panels are overstuffed with dialogue, Landis' background in writing for films hurting the flow of the pages. One issue has Clark burn the arms off a murderer accidentally, and that might be deal-breaker for some (I think getting shot in the face with a shotgun and being a young kid freaking out gives him some leeway, especially since the guy was a piece of shit). But it's all minor flaws at best for me, and I personally rate this alongside Secret Identity as one of the all time greatest Superman stories. Growing up is a journey everyone undergoes, with plenty of setbacks and stumbles along the way, and this story manages to capture that aspect in a way that dumps all over the notion that Superman can't be relatable. This take might lean more on the Everyman side of Superman being the Everyman+, but the core of what makes the character work is intact.
Wouldn't be right to not talk about the art which is crazy good, we'll probably never get to see most of these guys on a Superman ongoing or monthly. Nick Dragotta captures the excitement and terror of kid Clark learning to fly. Tommy Lee Edwards portrays a modern depiction of an American small town and the problems it faces. Joelle Jones gives us a sexy and funny Clark who knows how to party. Jae Lee's Metropolis is bright and sinister at the same time, a place where "visionaries" like Lex Luthor run the show. Francis Manupal paints a beautifully gloomy picture of Clark struggling to figure out how to handle supervillains. Jonathan Case brings a mixture of humor and heart to Clark reconnecting with old friends from Smallville. And Jocks brings it home by putting Clark through the ringer as he finds out what happened to his home planet and has to fight someone as strong as he is. All fantastic artists that turned in beautiful work, and the variant covers were gorgeous too!
If Landis hadn't been a creep, I think it's likely he would have gone on to be a big influence on Superman as a character, given how influential this story has been. Despite neither explicitly naming it as influence, to avoid giving Landis any credit or financial benefit he would be entitled to otherwise I'm sure, you would be hard-pressed to explain away the obvious connections between American Alien and the two new animated incarnations of Superman. My Adventures With Superman has an Asian Lois and a black Jimmy. Parasite and Lobo are the first proper supervillains that Superman in the Man of Tomorrow movie fights, and he even wears a version of the black proto-suit. Both focus on a young Superman just beginning his career as a hero, working as an intern for the Daily Planet, and figuring out what it really means to be Superman. American Alien's depiction of a more grittier, down on it's luck Smallville may also have influenced the take on the town in Superman & Lois. It's rare to see a new book come out and influence an 80+ year old character like that, especially with Superman where adaptions seem stuck to either Donner or Byrne as the main influence.
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On the other hand it was likely a blessing in disguise that this is the only major work Landis will ever likely do with the character. His supposed plans for the sequel, Agent of Batman, do not sound appealing for me at all, frankly it sounds like a Dark Knight Strikes Again jumping of the shark. Let this stand as Landis' only work on the character, and let other works/media adaptions mine the best elements of it going forward. That's the best case scenario for me, and what I hope happens. If you're someone who doesn't mind separating the work from the author, or to be frank you just don't care, then by all means read it, because this is one of the best Superman stories.
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sukirichi · 3 years
earned it [02]
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Gojo Satoru is a firm believer that if you work hard for it then you shall earn it. But on the other side, he’s not unfamiliar with his own sins. He also believes that there is punishment due for his sins as he’s earned it.
cw. mentions of murder, suggestive content, unedited fic
notes. err, i’m only doing this on impulse. i would like to continue it, but i think part one stands enough for itself :> i might delete this if i don’t like it a few days later lollll
series masterlist
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Your infamous customer hadn’t arrived even as the restaurant closed. You watched close enough, fidgety in your movements and often bumping into other servers, all because your gaze kept darting back to the front door, awaiting his presence.
There’s no actual reason why you want to see him. Maybe it’s because he left an impression? The guy didn’t even budge after finding out someone had snuck into the kitchen to poison him, leaving you to wonder why anyone wanted to kill him. Not that it was any of your business, but you figured it was only common between powerful people who are equally greedy. Still, you’re unfocussed in your work, apologizing every now and then when your boss shook their head at you.
Thankfully, you managed to get back to your old pace. Thoughts of the white-haired tall man left the room at the same time everyone did, leaving only you and your boss in the locker room. You ended up working two shifts again on this weekend, your co-worker asking you to cover for them due to sudden family issues.
It’s tiring, that much is for sure, but you won’t complain when it’s more money down in your pocket. You’re dazzled, however, as you leave the locker room and see that your main chefs are still there.
Upon seeing you, they immediately usher you into a lone table, table 98 that remained untouched the whole night, a two lit candles illuminating the otherwise darkness of the isolated restaurant. Only this time, it’s occupied by him no less, his azure eyes flittering up to yours at the sound of your hesitant footsteps.
You’ve been looking for him the whole night, yet now that he’s in front of you, you don’t have any words to say. Instead, you bow down deep, the hands clasped in your lap shaking.
“No need to be so nervous. I only wish to discuss something with you,” his laugh is so carefree, lighthearted as he gestures to the empty spot across him. “Take a seat,” Wordlessly, you foolow his orders and dash down to the seat, spine straight and head held high. There’s a hint of amusement in his small smile, but he doesn’t tease you, save for the lilting tone he held. “So you’re in sophomore year of university?”
“Yes, Sir. How’d you know?” You furrowed your brows, unsure of whether you’re supposed to expensive meal served in two.
Gosh, and this was on page three too, a single meal cost at least six months’ worth of rent.
“I pulled a string or two,” he lifts one shoulder lazily, waving his knife in the air. “And please, call me Satoru. Assuming we come to an understanding, things will go well for the both of us. You are in need of financial aid, yes?” You nod, utterly clueless in where this is leading, but Satoru’s already made up his mind long before he came here that he found no need in beating around the bush.
“Good. Then what do you say about being my sugar baby?”
“S-sugar baby?” you repeat the word first in confusion, then with distaste. He simply hums around the meat he’s eating, as if it’s a normal occurrence for him to inquire such things, and you scoff, crossing your arms on your chest.
You don’t care that this guy is your precious customer – he was just the same as everyone else.
“Is that the reason why you asked me to stay behind? Do you think you can just pay people to sleep with you? It may have worked on others, but not to me. I would rather keep my dignity than be with you,” you breathe hard after your rant, slapping your palms down on the table. The impact of it makes the table shake, his hand reflexively reaching to steady his wine glass. “As for what happened yesterday, you don’t have to thank me about it. I did what any right-minded person would.”
“And if I said I never wanted to be saved?” he asks, his tone still so calm that it further infuriates you. You stare at him, stunned and mouth gaping. “Sit down. I didn’t mean it that way.”
“Thank you for graciousness, Sir, but I really don’t—”
“Angel,” You freeze at the nickname. He chuckles with his forehead pressed to his clasped hands, “Do you really think I need to pay people to sleep with me? I could have anyone I want,” his voice falls an octave or two, the sonorous warning rumbling something…alien inside your body. You stand there, unable to move, and he easily sees through this as he hides a smirk behind his drink. “Sit down. I’m not done talking to you.”
You don’t know what snapped in you to actually follow, but his words weren’t just that. They were always laced with eased dominance, the words leaving his lips coming out as a command. No, it was more like a hypnotizing order, and you’re nothing but a puppet enslaved by it.
His smile only grows bigger, and you hate that he looks ridiculously handsome under the dim lights of the room. Life would’ve been much easier if this man had been ugly.
“As I was saying, this relationship should be casual, no strings attached. I’d prefer if you’re exclusive to me, and in return, I’ll cover all your school fees and everything else. As for the sex,” he cuts his eyes straight to yours, an intense burning heat in them. You squirm in your seat, a little intimidated, albeit excited, by this proposition too, though you’d rather die than let him know that, “I don’t need that from you. I just want someone to talk to.”
“You’re paying me to talk to you?”
“No,” he chuckles, “I’m saying you form a relationship with me in exchange of financial aid. You’d be similar to a lover, nothing less of a friend,” he stares at his drink so hard like he was having a debate with it. A few seconds later, he found his answer, the gleam in his eyes surreptitious as he says, “Someone I can trust.”
You huff. Surely it wasn’t easy as that. “Why me?”
“No reason,” he shrugged, “I just find you endearing, that is all,” You lean back on your seat, trying to process all this. The hesitance must be written all over your face because he adjusts his tie, sliding a white business card your way before sliding his chair back in. At least he’s well-mannered enough to do that. “You can take your time to think about it. There’s no need to rush.”
Somehow, seeing his figure retreat triggers something within you. You watch as silhouettes emerge from the darkness trail after him; must be his security team, serving as an additional note that what you so struggled to achieve was likely nothing for him.
Was it fear? Desperation? Shame?
You don’t know, you won’t ever really know, but you run up to him anyway, brave enough to tug at his sleeve. The guards surrounding him tense up at the contact, stepping away only when he raises a finger that spoke a thousand words.
“You-you’ll pay for everything?”
With his back turned to you, you failed to see that victorious grin he wore. “And everything more,” he reassured. He turns around to confirm your submission, but you’re quivering under his towering frame, poor hands clutched around the card so tightly he won’t be surprised if you break it. He chuckles, coaxing the worries out of you as he caresses your cheek, his breath evident of expensive liquor hitting your cheeks. “Relax, angel. It’s not like you’re selling your soul to the devil.”
Your pupils blow wide at the close proximity. If he was attractive before, it’s nothing compared to the clarity of his sharp, angular features that are softened by his playful smile. Oddly enough, his thumb caressing your cheeks is tender yet calloused.
There’s no telling when who put who under a spell, because you’re clutching helplessly at his suit jacket, whispering, “Am I not?”
You are, he wants to say, but you’re so innocent, so vulnerable – such an angel, he can’t help but hum in his head – that he doesn’t have the heart to let you know. He already knew things were bound to fall out of place one another, but until that hasn’t happened yet, he’ll have to keep you close. He’ll make you his.
“I’ll take good care of you,” he declares so confidently that you couldn’t even question his capability to do so you, and for a moment, just a moment, your knees weaken under his stare. “Now that, I can promise.”
Should you have pulled away then? When he leaned down to seal the contract with a kiss, should you have pulled away then? Or better yet, could you even pull away then?
You’ve been so alone your whole life that each moment with him is awakening, soul-crushing, mind-shattering and so damn weakening that you should’ve pulled away then. If anyone were to tell you you’d share your first kiss after work hours with a man whose name you don’t even know of, you’d tell them they were crazy, crazier if they claimed you would enjoy it.
But you did. Oh, you did, you were addicted to him – his taste, his scent, his touch, everything about him – that when he pulled away, taking away every last breath in your lung that formerly remained taint-free by him, you’re left wanting. Craving.
And he knows this. How could he not? Your eyes are hazy with lust, chest pressed against his firm ones that would soon be the same body you found home over and over again.  You’re not the only left intoxicated from this sudden agreement. Whatever you feel, he feels it twice as much after years of watching you from the sidelines, asking himself a million times over what it is about you that pulled him in so much in the first place.
The innocence? The dedication? The youthful naivety?
Gojo wants to laugh at himself. It was never any of those – he simply wanted to fool himself that maybe he’s worthy of this, of your love, of your purity. He’s selfish, manipulative, heartless, and he wants nothing more than someone like you to make him feel like he’s everything he’s not.
He steps forward to brush his nose against yours; breathing in the tiny gasps you reward him with. And he’s barely even touched you.
“I look forward to our next meeting,” he rasps, butterfly touches all the way down your back to hold you flush against him, letting you feel that he’s all muscle and hardness, while you’re the complete opposite, composed of softness and little ghosting kisses. Perhaps when he gives you by a name, he was right to call you –  “My Angel.”
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The loud blaring of your alarm cuts through the silence of the room, its shrill sound piercing your ears. You groan, blindly patting the bedside table to swipe snooze. The spot next to you has been cold for a while now, but it’s normal for Satoru to leave early for work that you burrow yourself deeper in the covers. Five more minutes of sleep shouldn’t be so bad; it’s the weekend, anyway. You’ve got nothing else to do.
Waking up after that, on the other hand, now that is an impending task on itself.
You’re beyond sore, your inner thighs littered with handprints and your shoulder covered in love bites. “Jeez,” you mutter to yourself, stepping out of the bathroom. Tying your robe around you, you go out your shared bedroom, rubbing your eyes to get the sleep out.
It’s past noon already – Satoru really wore you out. And fuck, you could barely walk. You had to grip the counters just to sit on the stools, and even then, you’re wincing from the pain.
He should be doing paperwork in his office right now or something; he never really told you what to do. You don’t feel like asking either since he’s made it clear he prefers to keep his personal life, well…personal. But nevertheless, you swing your legs back and forth on the stool, texting him a quick I love you baby :)
Satoru doesn’t reply.
Usually, he’d respond in a few minutes, always supplied with a wink and an eggplant emoji. It was so him to act this way, that when those few minutes turned into a few hours and you’re met with radio silence, you can’t help but worry.
You try to brush it off, ignoring the deafening silence that rings all over his penthouse. He’s busy, he’s working, he’s got things to do – that’s all it is.
You convince yourself hard enough that you’ve cleaned the place until it’s sparkling, your reflection bouncing off the black marble floors. Every minute, though, your mind would race back to him. Not thinking about him proved to be a really daunting task because you think of him when you’re eating, reminiscing the way he’d always surprise you with a back hug, muttering morning angel all over your skin just to distract you from your meal. You think of him as you’re killing time with boring dramas; if he was here, he’d nudge your leg with his foot, pushing your shorts until it exposes your panties. He’d make sure you don’t get to focus at all, riling you up and kissing you hard that the show playing becomes nothing but background noise. You think of him, you dream of him, you remember him – and yet, you can’t feel him.
Nails bitten down to the skin, you scramble for your phone, swiping call over his contact. It doesn’t go through. Now that’s another odd thing; Satoru never fails to pick up your calls.
“He’s just busy,” you lie to yourself, telling the same thing over and over again even as night falls and you’re staring at the empty left side of the bed, hands smoothing over where the curve of his body would’ve been. “He’s just busy,” you say once more, giving into the exhaustion brought on by your worries. “He’ll come home soon. He always will.”
Except he didn’t.
And that was two weeks ago.
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“Angel, I got you—” Satoru immediately clamps his shut, his footsteps muted as he walks closer to you. You’ve been dating for a few months now, and you’re still very wary of the nature of your relationship so you refuse to move in with him. He doesn’t mind, he respects your space and decisions, but now he’s starting to regret letting you have your way. You’re hunched over your swiveling chair, cheek pressed against the opened textbook and glasses perched on your hair. The lamp desk illuminates the dark circles lining your eyes, his heart breaking at the sight.
Thanks to his help, you’ve been able to spend more time focusing on your studies. It should be comforting, but Satoru’s heart aches as he thinks of what you’ve been like prior to meeting him.
How long have you stayed up all night just to pass your exams? How long have you cried yourself to sleep, unable to handle the burden placed by the world on your shoulders at such a young age? How long have you had to turn down friends’ invites to parties with a forced smile because you had to go to work? How many times have you stared at a failing mark, teeth clenched because you studied well for it; your exhaustion just got the best of you and muddled your brain?
Satoru places the beer and dinner he’s got you on his way back home on top of your one-man dining table, pressing a kiss at the top of your head. You look so beautiful this way – unaware, unknowing, and focused in nothing but the future ahead of you that you don’t bother yourself with his past.
Perhaps…it was comforting, after all.
He’d rather have you worry over your own studies than worry about him. Satoru can’t stomach the idea of you – his precious angel – being involved in his own shit, possibly get caught between the crossfire. It pains him to say it, but he doesn’t want you getting too close for comfort.
So he stays there by your side, simply because it would expel all ideas of you wanting to be beside him. He’ll be right where you’re safe, and the sigh that leaves your lips when he moves you to your bed, fitting in his long, lanky bed on your cramped mattress an immense struggle. As if feeling that you’re finally home, you snuggle closer to his chest, murmuring sweet nothings that tug at his heartstrings.
Satoru rubs circles at your back, staring so hard at the chipped paint on your wall that he’s sure he’s got it burned in his memory.
Now that he thinks about it, he should’ve been satisfied with that. He should’ve held back in his desire to have more of you. He should’ve just tucked you in and left, but he was never really in control of himself. Before he knew it, he’s pulled in by you too much, encouraging him to move in with you under the lie it’s easier to keep an eye on you.
Had he just left you earlier…would things have been different then?
He’s asked himself this question too many times. Satoru always came to one conclusion. He loved you way too much that it consumed him, and soon the love he held for you slowly burned you inch by inch. The only way to save you was to pull away – but he wasn’t ready for that yet, not now – but he’s too scared, too deep in love that he ignores the warning signals and holds you close instead, finding comfort in the warmth of your arms.
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Fuck. Satoru downs his second drink, glaring at everyone beneath his shades. Geto snickers beside him, sending side eyes to his boss every now and then just to check. Of course, Satoru’s not actually going to pass out, he was no lightweight, but he’d been uneasy every since that pretentious gold envelope landed on his desk.
One of the downsides of being a mafia leader meant you had to mingle with other clan shit, including him of all people. There were always new leaders popping out of nowhere, Satoru quote unquoting, criminals be spawning like maniacs.
For fourteen years – fourteen fucking years – his clan had been in bad blood with the Zen’ins. They were pretty new in the illegal side of business, starting off as a powerful name in the trade industry before they got interested in oil. One thing led to another, the family began to realize they could have so much more if they turned a blind eye to a law or to, soon shifting into illegal weaponry trade, human trafficking, then drug manufacturing.
These bastards had the audacity to insult the Gojo Clan when Satoru’s family dropped by to strike a contract out of curiosity to their goods, only to be turned down because they’re ‘barbaric’ and ‘informal.’
Satoru still remembers that humiliating moment of being escorted out by bodyguards, but he held his head high, vowing to show that bastard Zen’in guy that the Gojo’s were one of the powerhouses for a reason. He doesn’t even know where the elderly guy got his confidence from. Mafia business was not the same as their former expertise, yet they acted all high and mighty with their rules and standard of being sophisticated even in a life or death situation.
Gojo doesn’t know whether he should be happy or sad that the old man died, his son taking over just as soon as his father perished. He would’ve celebrated with a whiskey or two, except the new clan leader was quite adamant in cleaning up their name to prove he would not create the same mistake his father did.
The new leader threw a large cruise party, inviting pretty much everyone they were chummy with, and Satoru has never felt more out of place. He recognized a face or two, but he couldn’t really give a fuck. He hated events like this – it was all about establishing power and face.
Satoru groaned under his breath, swiping at another flute as a waiter passed by. He felt the bubbles fizzle down his throat, the slight burning sensation somewhat easing his nerves.
He leans back at the wall and checks his watch for what seemed like the hundredth time that night. It’s been two fucking hours since they arrived, and the host still hadn’t arrived. If they planned on being ‘fashionably late’ Satoru won’t hesitate to slice someone’s neck tonight. He hates his time being wasted the most, and his eyes slid over to his friend’s still posture, looking like he just saw a ghost.
“Suguru,” he sighs through his mouth, “Don’t be so tense. This is a formal event – no blood will be shed tonight.” Suguru had a weird skill of being able to read Satoru’s thoughts that he raised his hands in surrender, silently promising that he’s not going to kill anyone.
“You’re not sure of that.”
“I won’t lose my composure, if that’s what you’re worried about,” he rolls his eyes, not looking back as he effortlessly places the empty glass back to another waiter. Satoru stands next to his friend, sucking his teeth out of boredom. Suguru, on the other hand, is tenser than ever, his eyes locked onto something in the middle of the crowd that began to cheer.
Faintly, somewhere at the back of his mind, Satoru hears someone whistle in signal. A few seconds later, the fireworks are lit and decorate the night sky, bursts of gold and beauty accompanying the entrance of the woman who’s so effortlessly caught everyone’s eye tonight.
Satoru is rooted to his spot, taking off his glasses the same time the crowd parts. Then, his breath is knocked away from his body, his heart pumping so hard he actually struggled to breathe.
Because you’re there, smiling and waving at the crowd as if it’s second nature to you. Seven years of being apart from one another and Satoru is still bewitched each time he lays his eyes on you. You’re the same…from your face down to the angelic feeling you always carried, but at the same time, you’re different. Gone was his precious angel who shied away from too much attention, his precious angel who would’ve never worn such a bodacious ring embedded on her left ring finger. Your smile is more charismatic, confident, and even fierce compared to the small, private ones you always shared with him – he almost couldn’t recognize you.
As if feeling someone’s eyes on you, you spot him leaning languidly against the walls, those lips you used to kiss turned downwards.
Seven years ago, you would’ve kissed him until he smiles again, singing to your pouty and clingy boyfriend who never voiced out the reason of his troubles. Seven years ago, he would’ve carried you and swung you around, showering you with affection as he reminds you how lucky he is to have you.
But this was no longer the past – that much is clear from when he left you without another word.
Still, you smile at him, an empty one that showed nothing but concealed anger. He was sure though, so fucking sure, that for a split second, he saw you light up. That may have been seven years ago, but you loved each other to the point of insanity – surely you still held some sort of fondness of him.
Satoru takes long, self-assured stride towards you, his gaze never leaving yours with his hands tucked into his pockets. There’s no telling what he’ll do, but in his mind, it’s clear.
You still love him, he still loves you. He’ll do something about it. It doesn’t matter what, he just will. That was until a young man closer to your age with blond hair and pierced earrings, narrow feline eyes lined with eyeliner hobbles beside you, his weight supported by a cane that Satoru stops in his movements.
He’d recognize that face anywhere.
The youngest and perhaps most mischievous leader of them all, Naoya Zen’in. Albeit not as hard-headed as his father in comparison with his rather laid-back and welcoming nature, Satoru knows a monster when he sees it. It takes one to know one, after all, and despite the heir being crippled from a former accident, his intelligence and power was not to be overlooked through his appearance and coy smiles.
In fact, he might even be more dangerous than his old man, this theory only proven when his arms snake around your waist. The matching rings gleam from under the light, and you press yourself closer to him to whisper in his ear, your attention very much still on Satoru.
Satoru’s entire body burns.
“Still there, Sir?” Suguru asks, gripping his boss’ bicep to hold him back. Smart of him, Satoru exhales through his nose, unable to stop his glare from darting to your husband’s.
He’s heard of you, of him, of how his most annoying rival had a phenomenal trophy wife who looked harmless at first look, but was actually the brains of most of his operations. Satoru forgets how to breathe normally because he’s heard of you, and the rumors he’s gotten wind of about Naoya’s trophy wife are nothing less of how dedicated and perfect the two of you are.
Slapping Suguru’s arm away from him, Satoru grits his teeth. “Get me a drink.”
His precious angel was gone. No, this woman that stood before him…you were an entirely different entity, something darker, something along the lines that were more like him.
What exactly happened the day he left you?
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taglist: @ladywaifuuwrites​ @savantsoulfinder​ @my-reality-is-in-my-head​ tagging the ones who asked for part 2, please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!
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Karasuno boys when you wander away
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Characters: Tsukishima Kei, Dachi Sawamura, Asahi Azumane, & Kageyama Tobio, all with a Fem!Reader
Warnings: probably some swearing but nothing besides that :) 
A/N: So this is somewhat based on my IRL relationship haha. I’m very bad with just walking away or getting distracted by something and always worry my partner xD thought it would make for some cute headcanons! Let me know if you’d like more!
Haikyuu Masterlist
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Tsukishima had only looked away for a moment. He walked towards a fresh fruit stand, glancing at the peaches and wondering if you wanted one to snack on on the way home. He glanced back and his lips parted to ask you, but you were no where to be seen.
His lips turned into a frown, trying not to give into that small moment of panic as his eyes scanned the outside market. You were no where to be found nearby. His heart pulsed harder against his chest as his mind reminded him of that news story of girls going missing in public places. Tsukishima pushed through people, giving half-assed apologies as he thought about you being dragged away and no one noticing. How had he not noticed? How would he find you? What should he do now?
His heart raced as he continued to look for you, giving out a small yelp when he felt someone grab his hand.
“Tsukki?” You were suddenly next to him, smiling innocently up at him. “Are you okay?”
The rush of relief that came with seeing you next to him was followed with frustration. “Idiot! Where did you wander off to?” He scolded, his hand tightening on yours.
“There was a puppy,” you admitted with slight embarrassment, smiling shyly. “I just gave him a couple of pats - he looked so lonely. Everyone was ignoring him,” you explained, nodding towards an older man who was dozing off on a bench. He had a leash in his hand and a large dog sat next to his feet, eagerly watching people was if begging for someone to pet him.
Tsukishima shook his head in disbelief, “You scared me for a dog? Moron,” he grumbled, pulling you further into the market. He didn’t want to be in such a big crowd right now.
You giggled, trying not to note the redness in his ears, “Aw I’m sorry Tsukki, I didn’t mean to scare you.” You tugged on his arm gently, trying to give him an apologetic smile but he kept looking away from you.
“Whatever, get yourself lost for all I care,” he pouted slightly and you tried your best not to laugh at how such a tall boy could act like a 4 year old.
“I’ll stay with you, promise. Won’t ever leave your side!” you insisted, clutching his arm and beaming up at him.
Tsukishima glanced at your smile, noticing it looked... almost playful? “What?” He raised an eyebrow, already knowing he wasn’t going to like the answer.
“You care about me,” you teased, reaching up to poke his nose playfully. “You were worried about me because you careeee about me.” You had expected him to pull his arm away, stomp off until you apologized for making fun of him.
But instead he just rolled his eyes, flicking your forehead gently, “Maybe just a bit.”
That surprised you just a little, your heart skipping a beat or two in response, “I am sorry, Tsukki, I didn’t think I went off that far. It just got really crowded,” you told him sincerely, squeezing his hand gently. “But lucky for me! You’re so tall so it’s easy to find you!”
Tsukishima scoffed some more but blushed anyways, feeling now like he had overreacted, “Whatever. You’re buying me a snack to make it up to me, idiot.”
“Mmkay!” You beamed, the two of you roaming the market together. Tsukishima pretended like he had completely forgotten the whole thing, but you noticed that he never let go of your hand that easily after that. And he always kept you close in crowded areas.
So yeah, maybe Tsukishima Kei really did care for you.
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Daichi is a calm cool collected dude. Calm. Cool. Collected. It was as if he was chanting these words in his brain, eyes frantically trying to find you. CALM COOL COLLECTED, he desperately tried to remind himself. Everything is FINE.
But that still didn’t answer the question: where the hell could you have gone off to?
It was one of the first big matches that Daichi ever invited you too and the crowds were 10x bigger than anything you’ve been to. Daichi’s whole body trembled with the idea that you were completely lost and waiting for him to find you.
“I’m sure she’s alright, Daichi! Y/N’s probably just exploring,” Asahi clapped a hand onto his friend’s shoulder, though Daichi could tell he was nervous too.
“Stop being such worry-bums,” Suga insisted, smacking both of their arms. “Y/N can be as scary as the rest of us! No one would pick on her!”
You were fully capable of dealing with things yourself, Daichi knew this. But he felt a surge of protective energy anytime he felt you needed him. “I’ll be right back,” he mumbled to his friends, his feet quickly running around the gyms to try and catch a glimpse of you.
“Daichi!” Your voice made his eyes widen, darting around to try to find you. Suddenly, he was attacked with a full on jump hug, staggering backwards to keep them upright.
“Y-Y/N! Where’ve you been?” Daichi asked with a laugh, holding you tightly and trying to avoid showing you how nervous he was.
“Coach Ukai told me Hinata left his shoes in the bus so I went to grab it before the game! Shimizu-san and Yachi were both busy so I wanted to help!” You explained, smiling up at him while holding the little bag up for him to see. Your eyes flickered over Daichi’s for a moment, noting the slight blush on his cheeks and the way he couldn’t fully meet your gaze. You couldn’t help but let out a giggle, your lips turning into a little smirk, “Were you worried about me, Daichi?” You teased and laughed as his face turned even more red.
“Well I can’t win without my lucky charm on the stands,” he chuckled, ruffling your hair.
“Oh and I just thought you liked me,” Y/N shot back with a laugh. “Didn’t know it was just cause of your game.”
You turned on your heel, starting to walk back to the gym, Daichi following while stammering out a, “I-I do liked you!” He tried to laugh off his nerves, rubbing the back of his neck as he gave you a smile, “Don’t make me all nervous before a game, love!”
You two shared some more laughs as everyone warmed up, and just before you headed to the stands, you pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. Daichi tried to play it off cool but he was wobbly the whole walk towards the team and the group of boys just laughed, all slapping his back in pride. 
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Unlike the Cap’n, Asahi is not calm, cool, or collected. I mean I think he’s cool but not in this sense LOL.
Asahi and you decided to have a picnic for lunch in a nearby park. But while he was setting up, you magically disappeared and Asahi felt all of his panic just intensify.
Did you? Leave him? To be on his own? Was this your way of breaking up with him?
No, Asahi tried to convince himself, you loved him. You guys had been together for almost a year now, that’s not how you’d end thins... is it?
Maybe you got lost? Did Asahi walk a little too fast to this spot? He knew sometimes you had a hard time keeping up with his long legs but he thought you had been holding his hand this whole time.
His eyes scanned the somewhat busy park. He couldn’t find you anywhere. His heart was starting to beat way too fast and his fingers were shaking while he tried to text the other third years to ask what the hell he should do.
Suga: LOL knowing Y/N she probably saw some cute chipmunk or something and stopped to take a photo of it
Daichi: don’t worry, Asahi, she’ll probably find you soon - you’re this gigantic dude in a park. I doubt she’d lose you
That didn’t help. Now Asahi was noticing how parents and kids were specifically avoiding him. His bottom lip pouted as he wondered just what he could do to seem less intimidating. Should he sit down? No, what if you were trying to see him? Sitting would only make it harder!
Just as he was considering climbing up the nearby tree to see the park from a higher distance, you popped out from some nearby bushes, holding a few wildflowers.
“Asahi?” You blinked in surprise, finding him trying to find a foothold on the tree. “Are we... eating in the tree?”
“Y/N!” The poor boy almost knocked his head on the tree when he turned around to see you, eyes widening. He immediately ran over to you and twirled you around in a hug, “God, you scared me!” 
You quickly apologized profusely seeing how nervous he was, “I’m sorry, Asahi! I saw some pretty flowers over there and thought maybe it would be nice to decorate our tablecloth with!” You kiss his nose and cheeks over and over again trying to get him to calm down (but really that’s just making him more flustered).
The two of you share a gorgeous meal together, and you spend the rest of the day with his head in your lap and you braiding his hair, intertwining some of the flowers you found. The two of you talked about everything and anything and Asahi made sure from that day forward, he could always spot you. Any time you guys weren’t holding hands or standing next to each other, everyone noticed that Asahi’s eyes would dart over to you every now and then, whether consciously or unconsciously. 
When he got home that night, he pressed the flowers you put in his hair in a book and kept them as a keepsake. And then gave them to you in a gift for your anniversary later.
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Kageyama would start feeling panic and wouldn’t even know why. The game was starting soon and something just didn’t feel right. His muscles? No… he felt in tiptop shape. He stretched a little extra today too to make sure he wasn’t feeling stiff. His stomach? No, he made sure to have some food and milk a little earlier. And he wasn’t feeling nauseous so it couldn’t be that. His hands? No, they felt perfect in fact. He was so excited for this game earlier, he had felt the anticipation running to his fingers to just set the perfect ball. So why was he feeling so uncomfortable?
His eyebrows furrowed as he tried to think about what was making him feel different. His eyes scanned the crowd unconsciously before realizing what it was.
You weren’t standing up there with the rest of the Karasuno fans.
Where the hell were you?
His feet moved towards the gym doors before Ukai yelled at him, “Where the hell do you think you’re going, Kageyama? The game is staring soon!”
Kageyama’s eyes widened, noting the whole team watching him curiously. Why did Kageyama seem so nervous? He never seemed nervous.
“Don’t worry, Kageyama, with my spikes better than ever, we’re definitely going to win!” Hinata grinned, trying to lighten the tense air in the team.
“I’m not worried, just don’t be stupid on the court,” Kageyama replied, shrugging it off. But his eyes still scanned the stands. Where were you? You had said hello to the whole and wished Kageyama luck just a few minutes ago? So how come you weren’t standing up there with Coach’s friends and Yachi?
The whistle blew to indicate the game starting and Kageyama felt his stomach turn. Why was he feeling like this? You were probably fine so what did it matter?
You had been buying some milk from the nearby vending machines to make sure that Kageyama had some after his game. You knew that he had accidentally finished all the ones he had packed earlier and had been kinda crabby about it so you thought maybe it would cheer him up. You had stood in line for the vending machine for what felt like forever but it was all worth it knowing that you could throw the milk boxes into your lunch bag to keep them cool. Knowing Kageyama would be excited about it made you really happy.
As you walked back towards the gym, you could hear cheering. Your eyes widened as you realized that the game had already started and you ran towards the stands.
“Y/N! There you are!” Yachi’s smile looked oddly nervous. Not that she wasn’t normally nervous at these games, but this one seemed different. “I think something’s wrong with Kageyama.”
Your eyes shot down to the court, seeing how stiff Kageyama looked next to everyone else. They were patting him on the back, yelling “We’ll get the next one!” and Noya screaming, “BRING IT ON!”
“He was looking for you in the stands earlier I think,” Yachi told you with a small giggle, “He looked really nervous when he couldn’t see you.”
Your heart swelled slightly, wondering if Kageyama was off his game because he hadn’t been able to see you. “Kageyama!!” You yelled from the stands, cupping your hands around your mouth. The dark haired boy’s head shot up to look at you, a sense of relief growing on his face. “You can do it!!” You screamed some more, the people on the stands behind you yelling in support.
Even from far away, you could see his lips turn upward in a smile.
Alright, you both thought to yourself. Now we can get started.
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raggaraddy · 3 years
Can you Taehyungs version of reader being shot cause of them?
I really like your Jimin and Namjoon Version that you’ve written🥰
Request from @dramaclub-thin: Mafia BTS where the reader is shot for/because of them.
A/N: It is so much longer than I meant for it to be. Hope you enjoy! Thanks for reading.
If anyone else wants to request, you can here.
Mafia Bangtan other parts:
Summary: When you agreed to help Bangtan take down one of their enemies, you never imagined it could go so wrong.
Trigger warning: Smut, violence, blood, murder.
Mafia! Taehyung
"Are you ready?" Namjoon asks, shutting off the car's engine and turning around in his seat.
"Yeah," you nod back, hoping the rocking pit of nerves in your stomach isn't visible on your face. Scanning back and forth between him in the front and Jin sat beside you, you're checking to see if they are showing any signs of worry either. Finding a bit of solace in their surety.
"We're gonna lag behind about 20 minutes to be cautious and stay out of sight. But we'll be close. Just do everything like we said, and you'll be fine." Namjoon summarizes once again. Jin offering you a kind, reassuring smile to accompany the leader's words.
You nod again, sucking your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Running your fingers through your hair to fluff it for the 30th time. Hyperfixated on the time, you see the dashboard clock tick over. 20:21.
"Okay, let's go." You exhale deeply.
It was three weeks ago that Namjoon came to you with a problem that Bangtan was facing. Their weapons dealer was forcefully put out of business, which was Namjoons gentle way of saying he was killed, cutting off their supply to automatics and other bigger guns. Leaving them vulnerable. The man who took over their previous partners supply was known to be working with some of the other, smaller local crews. It was also known that he was a rival of Namjoon's and due to this tension refused to work with Bangtan. Normally, a problem like this would be something that they could handle. However, as Namjoon explained it, this guy was backed and protected by foreign money and was too hot to touch without starting a bloody war.
So the plan was simple. Risky, but simple. The supplier had to die. And it needed to appear to be from natural causes, so it could never fall back on Bangtan. No one directly affiliated could be involved. That meant none of the members could risk doing it. It also meant that it was too high a priority to trust an associate or hired gun with this information. Not with the reach and money the opposition had. No, it had to be someone within the family that could handle this, but someone the supplier would never know.
Opportunely, the supplier was known to have a weakness for women, hence the logical conclusion for Namjoon was one of the member's girls. Trustworthy enough not to turn or rat, not likely to be noticed among the myriad of other women, and except a few of them, all had no record linking them to Bangtan, so they would be complete unknowns.
Jin said it, but you already knew it. Out of all of the girls, you were the one who was the most capable. Your difficult past left you with many emotional scars but made you the best person to handle the responsibility. You're not susceptible to intimidation. Have very few moral hangups. And most importantly Namjoon knows how much you love Taehyung. How you would do anything for him. To keep him safe and happy. He knows he can trust you, and that when the time comes, you wouldn't hesitate to do what they needed you to.
As for you, you knew that Taehyung trusted Namjoon irrefutably and you had seen countless times that he was a good leader. Furthermore, you could appreciate the gravity of the situation. Because you're sure that if Bangtan's brain had any other choice, he would not have asked for your help. But since he had, you were going to do what was necessary to keep your family and Taehyung safe.
The problem was that Namjoon had insisted on secrecy. The only ones to know about his plan were you, him, and Jin. A few years ago, sure, lying would not have been a problem for you, you hardly ever told the truth to anyone. But this changed when you met Taehyung. He was the first person you could be honest with, the first person you ever let love you. And lying to him was something you were genuinely struggling with.
However, you knew Namjoon and Jin were right. There was no way Tae would have been okay with you being put in harm's way and he wouldn't be able to separate his feelings from the urgency of the task.
Although, that justification doesn't make you feel less guilty for deceiving him. And to make matters worse, you expected this to be over with last week already. But on your first date with the supplier, he had left the club early to deal with work suddenly. Giving you no time to spike his drink.
So here you were, attempt number two.
While you were meant to meet the supplier at a fancy restaurant first, Namjoon's plan was to skip that and get to his house as quickly as possible. Before the valet could open the supplier's car door, you leant through the open window, teasingly licking your lips. "I just realized," you purr, noting his eyes drop to your mouth and back. "I'm actually not that hungry. So how about we skip to the end of the night, and then you can take me out for breakfast tomorrow morning."
Your blatant offer works like a charm. 20 minutes and a car ride later, he's pulling you down onto his couch. Hardly able to keep his hands or lips off of you.
Tearing at your blouse he rips the buttons apart, his mouth sucking and licking at your neck. One of his hands roaming and grabbing at anything he can, while the other starts to hike up your pencil skirt. He removes his vest and buttoned shirt, not once parting his lips from yours. His large, hard chest muscles pressing against you as he pins you in between his arms and the couch. Spreading your legs apart, he grinds his crotch into your core and you can feel what effect this is having on him. And you have to admit, despite your mind being focused elsewhere, physically it's having the same kind of arousing results on you.
But this isn't what's supposed to happen. He's moving too fast and it's quickly getting away from you. You only want to get him comfortable and distracted enough that he completely lets his guard down. You're trying to poison him, not fuck him.
Pushing his chest lightly, you spring upright. Slightly out of breath you pull your hair over your shoulder covering up a little and running your fingers through it, trying to regain some composure.
"I could use a drink." You pant, batting your eyes up at him.
"Sounds good." He nods, his gaze dark and ravenous. Suddenly haulting he leans back down to kiss you. His hands gripping your hips as he kisses you back into the sofa. Abruptly leaving you flat on the couch with flushed cheeks.
This is better. One or two drinks from now, you should be able to slip him the ricin. He drinks it, you fake a headache, and skip home.  24 hours from now he has a heart attack and dies from natural causes. Nothing tied to you. Nothing connected to Bangtan.
"I hope you like-"  The supplier calls out, only to be interrupted by a grating smack at the front of the house. You startle upright, sitting alert watching the hall entrance. He comes from the other side, coming back from the kitchen, a curious look on his face. Both of you staring at the same doorway as Taehyung suddenly comes in.
Your eyes go wide, half not able to believe he is actually here. He wasn't supposed to be!  Namjoon had arranged for Jimin to take him out tonight. And you had told him you were going to meet some of the other girls.
The thing you didn't know; a week ago when you met the supplier at the club, you had also said you were out with a few girls, including Jimin's girlfriend. But she was with Jimin at that time. And Jimin was with Taehyung. And she knew nothing about any plans to go out.
So when you said there was a movie night tonight, he asked around and found out that was also a lie. He wanted to trust you. To trust that it wouldn't be as bad as his worst fear. Still, the more he thought over how you lied to him, the more he worked himself up, getting himself into a paranoid and anxious state. Until he found himself tracking your phone, following you to an unknown house.
Seeing you half undressed and with someone he considers an enemy, his anger and jealously turns to pure rage. It only taking a second for the scene in front of him to confirm his worst suspicions.
Unleashing his gun he shoots wildly at the supplier. Reason slipping from him completely.
Barley able to avoid being hit, the supplier dives behind one of the sofa chairs. Nearly being riddled with the showering of bullets.
Wrapping your hands over your head, you cover your ears from the explosive sounds. Still firing, and keeping the supplier pinned, Taehyung storms at you.
"Tae-" you start. The gun empties, but Taehyung couldn't care less, tossing it aside. All of his attention focused on you.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" He growls through gritted teeth. His hand flying down smacking your cheek, slapping you back into the sofa. "How could you do this to me?!" He screams, his voice wavering from the emotion in his question.
"I can explain," You ignore the burn on your cheek, running your hands along your body, trying your best to cover and redress yourself.  You never wanted him to see you like this, and the look of betrayal in his eyes is stinging your heart more than any slap could.  "I-," you begin with no next word coming. There's nothing you can tell him. Not while the supplier is right here.
Taehyung's anger aside, you're terrified to think what him being here means. Namjoon's plan is completely derailed. And Taehyung attacked the supplier, creating an entirely new problem. You're not the smart one. You have no idea what to do or how to fix this.
Where the hell are Jin and Namjoon?
Taehyung is so fixated on you that he doesn't see the other man charging from the side.
"Look out!" You scream. Only it's a second too slow. Taehyung doesn't have time to react and the supplier swings a ceramic table ornament at his head. The shattered fragments raining over you, as your boyfriend is knocked to the ground. The shoe of the imposing man booting into Taehyung's torso.
You dive towards them, driving your body weight into the supplier to separate the two men. Pushing him away as his heel scarcely misses Taehyung's face.
He stumbles back a few steps and straightens up, nodding and pursing his lips with a look of revelation. Seeing you spring to Taehyungs defence revealed much more than you had intended.
While you're attempting to help Tae upright, he quickly shirks you off and lunges at the other man diving through him and dragging him to the floor. Fighting for dominance and survival, the two men break into a brutal fight trading blow after blow as they struggle to overpower the other.
While you're relieved to see that Taehyung is the more skilled of the two, and mostly has the upper hand, you're mainly sick with worry. The ramifications of this will play out beyond this simple fistfight.
All you can do is get Tae out of here for now, and hope that the supplier hasn't realised that this was an attempt to kill him. Maybe if you're really lucky he will only think of it at face value. A cheating girlfriend and her jealous boyfriend.
"Tae," you grab his arm, dragging him back with resistance. "We have to get out of here. Please,"
He drops the supplier's collar, who falls back limply. Turning to you he has blood pouring down his face from a cut on his cheek. Intensifying the cold look in his eye.
"We? What we? Don't you wanna stay here with this piece of shit." He snarls, standing up.
"I can explain after." You tug him again. He can hate you all he likes later. But first, you have to get out of here. "Please," you beg for his agreement.
Staring harshly, he retreats from you. A pained look in his eye that cuts you more than any blade could. Anger, hate, rage. You could handle all of it. But there's so much hurt and sadness on his face. It's nothing you ever wanted to be responsible for. It's more than you can bear.
"Tae," you hold your hand outreached, gingerly approaching him.  He doesn't withdraw further, allowing you to rest your hand on his cheek. Your heart breaking further as he leans into your touch. Resting in your palm for comfort like an injured puppy. "I promise, baby, this isn't what it looks like." you coo, "I love you so much,"
His eyes close, his face scrunching in anguish. He wants to believe you so badly. To forget everything he has seen. To take you home and never let you go. He may be the first person you let love you, but for him, you are the only person he ever let himself love.
Turning, you use his softening demeanour to lead him towards the door. But the supplier pulls your attention. Neither of you were paying him any mind and standing in the corner of the room he's pulled his own gun from hiding.
Reacting without a thought you shove your back into Taehyung, covering him. Guarding him.
At the same time, a shot rings out and the bullet hits you. A painful, sharp sensation piercing through your torso that makes you stumble back. Losing your footing you fall into Taehyung, your body never hitting the ground. Taehyung catching your weight, lowering with you. Resting you on his legs.
Taehyung grimaces in pain, his hand wrapping his own side momentarily. The bullet went clean through you and cut his side before flying into the wall behind the both of you. Dismissing his own injury, he leans over your body, ripping off his shirt and pressing it and his palms into your entrance wound. Trying to slow the bleeding.
Looking up at Taehyung with tear-filled eyes, you're in shock. Every breath you take is sore but other than that, your body is numb. Your hands clinging to his, all you can think is that you wished you knew what to say or do to lessen his panic. The sweat on his forehead rolls into the cut on his cheek causing the blood to drip further down his neck and chest. The fear and worry in his eyes exposing what you can't see or feel. That you're losing a lot of blood.
The supplier comes over the top of you both. He presses the barrel of the gun into the back of Taehyungs head, forcing him to crouch lower over you.
"I was searching for a reason to annihilate Namjoon and his pathetic crew. Thank you for giving me one." He digs the gun down harder. Taehyung growls, baring his teeth in frustration. "Too bad we didn't get to finish what we started though, Y/n. Oh well." He smirks, cocking the gun for additional effect.
"I love you," Taehyung whispers, the finality in his voice breaking your restraint, tears gushing down your face.
"I-," you can only begin.
Another blast rings out that makes both you and Taehyung jump. The supplier's body goes heavy and plummets to the ground, smashing through the glass coffee table beside you. Glass shatters everywhere as he falls down dead, blood pouring out of his head, collecting into a pool.
"Fuck sakes." Namjoon sighs from the living room entrance. Standing with Jin, both looking over the destruction with disbelief.
"Hyung," Taehyung calls out, his voice raspy and on the verge of tears. "Help." He looks down at you, your face pale, your limps drooping as the blood loss is starting to make you dizzy.
Namjoon opens his mouth readying to scold his brother, but he quickly stops himself. His own faults glaringly obvious at this moment. Jin removes his belt, wrapping it around your waist he fixes it tightly, making you whine in pain, keeping Taehyungs shirt pressed to both sides of your wound.
"Can you carry her?" Jin asks his younger brother.
Namjoon passes all of you, walking toward the lifeless body of his enemy, shooting another round into the back of his head with a frustrated look in his eye.
Taehyung nods at Jin with wide, panicked eyes.
"Then bring her." Namjoon turns with a flick of his head gesturing to follow him.
Jin supports Taehyung as he struggles to get himself and you to a standing position. Finding more strength once he is upright, lifting you into his arms as you whimper and moan weakly.
"Taehyung-" you start, your words sounding breathless and weak. "I'm sorry," you whisper.
"Shh baby." He hushes you. "Don't worry about that now."
He gets you into Namjoons truck, laying you down the length of the seat. As Namjoon speeds to the hospital, Taehyung sits in the back, his legs under your head. Holding firm against your bullet wound while petting your head.
Jin takes Tae's keys and follows you in his car. Already calling a cleanup crew to get rid of the supplier's body. Trying to salvage what he can of the bad situation.
"Namjoon," you call out. Even as your mind is starting to slip into unconsciousness your worry over the family is consuming your focus. "the plan. Can you fix the-" you breathe heavily running out of air.
He looks over his shoulder, guilt overtaking his expression. Nodding with an affirming grunt.
"Plan? What plan?" Taehyung muses, the shock steadily drifting away. "What is she talking about, Hyung?" One look at the blame on Namjoon's face and it clicks into place. "What did you do?"
"It wasn't supposed to happen like this." Namjoon reasons.
"Are you kidding me? You organized this?!" He snaps, "How the fuck could you risk her like that?!"
"It was supposed to be easy. She wasn't meant to get hurt-"
"Well, clearly she did!" Taehyung roars, his hands bunching into fists.
"I'm sorry, Tae. I wanted to help." You whine, lifting your arm up to touch his chest, trying to soothe him in any way.
"It's okay, baby. I know you did." He coos kissing your forehead, Taehyung's rage immediately subsiding towards you. He takes your blood-drenched hands in his and kisses them lovingly. Kissing down your forearms, pressing your hands to his head in agony and want to have you closer. Wishing he could absorb your pain and suffering.
Returning his wrath to the leader his voice lowers, coming out like ice. "We're gonna talk about this once she's okay." He snarls, "And know, I hold you personally responsible for every second she's in pain."
Looking in the rearview mirror, Namjoon nods solemnly. "Yeah, I do too."
Luckily for you, you recover quickly, and no permanent physical damage was done. But the damage that was done to Namjoon and Taehyungs relationship, the repercussions caused for Bangtan, and the fall out from the supplier's death... well that's another story entirely.
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littlepadika · 3 years
Hi!! Can I please request 💕Din, 🔥enemies to lovers, 💅dom!reader ??? Thank you!!☺️☺️☺️
OOOH I love dom!reader with Din mwahahaha this one is hot and takes a nosedive into soft. Your fave @axshadows?
500 follower celebration
Warnings: Male receiving oral, Dom reader
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Din despised you. Whenever he'd be close to catching a bounty you would swoop in and finish the job yourself, stealing his thunder. You didn't do any work yourself. Din tried everything to shake you from his trail. He tried to lay a trap, he tried to split the reward, he even tried to kill you once. Nothing worked. You always slipped through his grasp.
Your conflict was coming to a head as Karga was tired of the constant bickering.
"Work it out you two or no pucks."
"Find someone else to steal from." Din glared up at you from his seat.
"But I like annoying you, Mando." You smirked. "Fine..." You groaned dramatically. "How about a deal? We both go after the same bounty. If you get him first then I'll leave you alone."
"You'll just come and steal it at the last second like you always do." Din shook his head.
"I'll play fair. I'll even give you a head start."
"I don't need a head start." Din leaned forward menacingly only you weren't scared at all. In fact you smiled.
"Let me finish." You held up your hands. "If you win, I leave you alone. If I win, things proceed as usual and you can't complain. Do we have a deal?"
"If I win, you should give me all the credits you stole from me."
"No way. Finders keepers."
Din grit his teeth under his helmet. Your little grin made something inside him ball up tight and sometimes he just wanted to throw you over his lap and-and- he didn't let himself think those things right now.
"I want a better deal." He folded his arms.
"You're not exactly in a position to negotiate. I'm perfectly happy with our current arrangement."
You loved playing with Mando, making him stutter and sigh. It started off as a power trip, making a Mandalorian putty in your hands. He tried to kill you once but he hesitated at the last moment. You realized his hatred for you wasn't pure, it was tangled with need. You knew he would miss you if you just left him by himself and you sure as hell would miss him too.
"How about..." You saunter over to him, perching yourself on the table in front of him. You saw him stiffen immediately, clenching his hands into fists on the seat below. "If you win... you can do whatever you want to me. You could try and kill me again, but something tells me that's not what you really want." You watched as the visor of his helmet turned towards you. You felt your heart pound faster knowing you had him in your grasp. "See... you could shut me up with a bullet in my skull or with your cock in my mouth. Decisions decisions, Mando."
With you left him dumbstruck at the table.
"Karga- We've reached a deal. One puck and we'll make it a race."
"One puck huh?"
"And don't make it an easy one." You hold your hand out. Karga rolls his eyes shoving two pucks into your hands.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was a close one. Both of you were at the same cantina spying on the target. You happened to have more natural assests that drew the targets attention. What an idiot, you smirked ready to drop the sedative into his glass. What you didn't expect was for Din to blast the idiot to hell from across the cantina.
"I win." Din cheered, strolling up to pull the lifeless body off the counter.
"We said bring him in warm!" You glared at Mando.
"We never agreed on that."
"Didn't we?" You frowned.
Mando shook his head. He lugged the body over his shoulder with ease. "Come on, let's get out of here before the imps are on us."
Outside on the street it hit you that Mando won the bet technically. This would maybe be the last time you saw him if what he asked as reward was for you to leave him forever. The warmth in the pit of your stomach hoped that he'd ask for something different.
"You won, Mando." You stopped at the end of the street. He turned, the bounty still on his shoulder. "My ship is that way. Shall I take off never to return?"
The breeze made his cape flutter, but otherwise he was a statue. Conversely it made you squirm where you stood, tugging at your shirt which now felt too tight for some reason.
"No." He said quietly, so quiet you almost missed it.
"Then what do you want?"
"Will you let me put the bounty away before we talk?"
"Fine." You shrugged nonchalantly though you were still nervous. "Lead on."
You had never been on Mando's ship before. It was dirty and breaking down but it softened him. Gave him some personality. He was less intimidating. The clutter and dusty knick knacks made him so human.
"So..." You place your hands on your hips trying to project confidence though you were becoming more and more anxious. "What'll it be, Mando?" Was this the end?
Din was freaking out. He stood on a shaky pedestal he had built to stand up to you. He had only pretended to be arrogant and capable. He played into his appeal towards you but now the game had ended. He was proud of his abilities to catch bounties, track targets, to kill, but his confidence ended there. He had no skills when it came to sex let alone with pretty women like you. You expected so much from him from the way you teased and talked crudely. Din knew he’d never live up to that. He didn’t even know where to start. His desire was bottled up in him with no clear outlet. Just a general direction towards you.
"Mando?" Your gaze softened a little. You realized perhaps he wasn’t going to send you away. You almost smiled as he rocked on his heels. The nervous tick was strangely endearing.
"I'm not going to kill you. I want-" Din struggled to find the words. "What you said in the cantina. You said I could silence you..."
You furrowed your brow in confusion. What did you say? You couldn’t remember-
"When you said I could put my-my cock in your mouth." Din felt his cheeks heat up. He felt himself harden in is pants just at the dirty word.
"Did I say that?" You chuckled. “I guess I did. Is that what you want?"
Din nodded. He waited for you to take charge, tell him what to do, but for some strange reason you were waiting for him.
"You've never done this have you?" You realized, your smile falling off your face. You felt bad for how you treated him this whole time. Maker, you probably made him uncomfortable.
"No." Din looked down in shame. "Fuck-This was dumb. Just go away."
"Mando..." You stepped towards him placing a hand on his arm. The first time you've really touched him. "I'm sorry. I wasn't judging. Most guys don’t like me to be in charge.”
Din cringed further at the mention of your copious previous experience.
“Mando… look at me please-“ and he did feeling some of his dread subside. Your warm reassuring hand felt so good. “I'm happy to show you everything. I want to make you feel good. If that’s what you want.”
“I’m sorry.” He grumbled. He hated feeling so vulnerable. He wanted to explain himself, give excuses for his lack of experience, but the truth was he hadn’t found anyone he was interested in until you.
“There’s nothing to apologize for. Now will you let me do this for you?” He looked at you, searching for honesty. There wasn’t a hint of disgust or doubt on your face.
Din nodded, feeling his stomach lurch in excitement. He felt safe with you which was another completely foreign feeling for him.
“Thank you, good boy.” The word shot through him, making him stand up straighter. You chuckled. “You like that?”
Din nodded shyly.
“Go and sit down.” You pointed at the crate against the wall. Din obeyed looking at you again for acknowledgement. You smiled kneeling down below him. “Good boy. See you’re a pro already.” Din blushed at your praise wanting to continue pleasing you. You slid your hands up his thighs slowly. “You can stop me at any point. Just say stop. My only rule is you have to tell me if I’m making you feel good. I wanna hear you.”
Din nodded his understanding. You raised an eyebrow. “Okay.” He said.
“Good boy. I know you can’t remove your armor which is fine. But can I take your cock out?”
Din nodded biting his lip. His dick was already straining against its confines. He exhaled sharply as you tugged down his waistband just far enough to pull him out. The only piece of skin exposed.
“You’re beautiful, Mando.” You cooed, stroking the warm length gently. You couldn’t wait to feel him in your mouth. A low broken cry cracked the voicecoder. “That’s it… feel good baby?” You stare right into his visor. Din swallowed harshly and nodded rapidly trying to keep from blowing his load.
“Tell me.” You reminded him of the rule.
“Yes!” He huffed. “It feels good. Please more.”
“We’re just getting started.” You promised opening you mouth and letting a dollop of saliva hit the head of his cock.”
“Oh Kriff…” Din pounded his fist against the crate. You continued your slow movements. You didn’t want to push him. He seemed lost in pleasure and you felt yourself warm at his trust in you. You slowly lowered your mouth on him, keeping your suction soft. He whined above you, his thighs flexing under your hands. You flicked your eyes up to him. His head was thrown back. You could see just a small slice of golden neck. He was sucking air between his teeth. The edges of the crate groaned under his grip.
“So-so good.” He mumbled between shallow breaths. You chuckled. He was trying so hard poor thing.
“It’s okay if you cum, Mando. I want you to.”
“But-“ Din’s hips jerked up into your hands. “What about you? I want to- I want-“
“Shh I know baby boy.” You chuckled at his eagerness. Already wanting to jump ahead. “We’ll get there but first you’re going to cum in my mouth.”
And almost on instinct he did, hunching over as ropes and ropes slid into your hot mouth.
“Oh fuck…” He croaked. It was better than anything he had done on his own. Your hot mouth and tongue had brought him so high only to let him plummet into his pleasure with no safety net. He was totally out of control. He didn’t hate it though. He loved it. He wanted more.
He came so much it made your pussy tighten longingly. His groans and sighs were gorgeous. You moaned, getting the last drops.
“Good boy…” You started stroking him back to full mast again. Surging with control and pride.
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Permanet Taglist: @ajeff855 5 @what-iwish-you-knew @kirsteng42 @fan-of-encouragement t @sleep-tight1 @pascalisfairyy @ceniington, @prettypedros 🧁, @pascal-rascal424 @axshadows @prideandpascal @frenchyjuju @pedrosmustache @blackmarketmummy @idreamofboobear @pretty-brown-eyess @persephones-garden @javierpinme @mylittlesenaar @bellaorisa @elinedjarin @beskarboobs @beskar-candy
Din Djarin taglist: @a-skov @pasckles
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