#docomomo international
architectuul · 1 year
FOMA: Cultural Hackathon
Don’t miss the 24 Hours Open Architecture Archives in collaboration with Architectuul, Contineo 2020 Skopje, Docomomo Germany, Kaunas 2022 and with the support of LINA, which will take place from 30. April to 01. May 2023 from 14:00 to 14:00.  Our Digital Champions will discuss and solve issues with mentors regarding digitisation of Forgotten Masterpieces (FOMA) in Berlin, Kaunas and Skopje. Link to the Cultural Hackaton HERE.
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Forgotten Masterpieces will develop a new approach to share knowledge about architecture in the field of architecture via digital means. The project thus addresses the curious gap of audience development practices in the field of architecture as well as the disconnect between audience development and digitisation. Communication is at its core. The question the project asks and responds to is: How can we communicate and share architectural knowledge in the twenty-first century? The Cultural Hackathon will address this issue by leveraging the potential of an open digital platform for architecture communication through collaborative cooperation. 
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The project has three main outputs as its objective: to create a unique open archive to share architecture knowledge openly and freely on the internet through interoperable archives and other digital media formats to allow for the collaboration of experts and architecture enthusiasts; to build best practices to foster the creation and exchange of architectural knowledge, across different European countries and cultures and to create pan-European “digital champions“ in architecture research to be able to share expertise in online research and communication.
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Frankfurt-Römerstadt settlement around 1930. | Photo via arquiscopio
To achieve this, FOMA has united a unique set of partners. As the leading project partner, Architectuul, will make use of its digital expertise and experience in open networks, communities, online audience development and communication and empower its partners to bridge the digital divide. The project can rely on the large international network of DOCOMOMO Germany, an organization with a proven track record for the documentation of Modern architecture. Kaunas 2022 and Contineo 2020 in Skopje stand for two very different European cities which epitomize the rich cross-cultural connections which distinguish sites of local cultural heritage in Europe and their legacy. The interest in FOMA is further underpinned by the strong support of further partners which range from museums and universities, to architecture platforms and online publishers.
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* * * * *  P R O G R A M  * * * * *
14:00 - 14:30 Welcoming FOMA presentation; programme overview (Frankfurt) 14:30 - 15:00 Programme overview (Skopje)
15:00 - 16:00 Issue #1 / CONTINEO /  Mentor #1: Allan Tevi Mensah, Lyon (LINA Fellow)
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Tevi Allan Mensah is an architect and a visual artist graduated from the Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Architecture (Ensa) of Lyon. After completing two semester in Madrid at the I. Politecnico of the Francisco Vitoria University, in 2020, he came back to France where he worked for the architecture and design workshop Cigue during one year. He carries out a personal practice shared between the architectural project and artistic creation, where eclectic mediums cohabit : from furniture to the scale of the territory, between built projects and research projects. He is interested in the imaginaries of displaced and borderlands territories, as well as the possibility of architecture as a collective mean of communication. He is currently teaching at the Ensa Lyon in the framework of the master studio 'Utopie/Dystopie'.
16:00 - 17:00 Issue #2 / KAUNAS Mentor #2: Eduard Fernandez, Laura Solsona, Barcelona (LINA Fellow)
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Laura Solsona is an architect and urban designer. She studied at Escola Tecnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona (UPC-ETSAB) and Technische Universitat of Berlin (TUBerlin), where she graduated with a MSc in Architecture. From 2015 to 2018, she collaborated in the catalan studio Jornet Llop Pastor arquitectes, where she was involved in urban planning and landscape design projects in different cities of Spain and France. After that, she moved to Australia and worked at Aspect Studios, leading projects in landscape and urban design in Sydney, from 2018 to 2021. She taught at the University of Technology Sydney in 2019 and participated in several design reviews. Eduard Fernandez is an architect and educator. He studied at Escola Tecnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona (UPC-ETSAB) and Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto (FAUP), where he graduated with an MSc in Architecture. From 2014 to 2021, he worked in different architecture practices in Barcelona and Sydney, and collaborated with cultural institutions such as Fostering Arts and Design (FAD), Arquitectes per l'Arquitectura (AxA), Catalan Board of Architects (COAC), Barcelona City Council, and Casa da Arquitectura. In academia, he was a Research Assistant at the UPC Department of Urbanism and Regional Planning, and more recently a Teaching Associate at Monash University in Melbourne and the University of Technology Sydney, leading several design studios from 2018 to 2021.
17:00 - 18:00 Issue #3 / DOCOMOMO Mentor #3: Meriem Chabani, Paris (LINA Fellow)
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Meriem Chabani is an architect, urban planner and founding partner at New South. Her practice is international, prioritizing spaces for vulnerable bodies and territories in tension. She applies the words of bell hooks, putting the margin at the center. By questioning power dynamics and stakeholder relations, her projects include in-depth work on human practices to inform spatial resolution. She currently teaches at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris Malaquais (FR), Royal College of Arts (UK) and HEAD Geneva (CH), after teaching urban planning at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (CH). She has been a guest teacher at Royal Saint Martins (UK), Mohamed VI Polytechnic University (MA), the Department of Architecture at the University of Algiers (DZ) and the Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, Building Construction and City Development (ET). Since 2019, she serves as an expert on affordable housing and inclusive cities for the French delegation at the World Urban Forum. In 2022, she is selected as a Fellow for the LINA European Platform. Her work has been showcased at a number of international architecture Biennials, including Venice, Istanbul, Oslo and Lagos. In 2020 Meriem won a Europe 40 under 40 award from The European Centre for Architecture and The Chicago Athenaeum. In 2023, she is named one of the leading women architects in France by AMC.
- Wrap up Afternoon Session
18:00 - 19:00 Talk: Matevž Čelik (Head of LINA)
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Matevž Čelik is an architect, researcher and cultural producer in the field of architecture and design. He is currently State Secretary at the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, where he is leading the process of modernising the Slovenian museum sector, the management of cultural monuments and the integration of quality architecture into public projects. At the Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana, he is the head of the European Architecture Platform LINA. From 2010 to 2020 he was Director of MAO, Museum of Architecture and Design in Ljubljana, where he founded the first European Architecture Platform Future Architecture and led it from 2015 to 2021.
19:00 - 20:00 Issue #4 / CONTINEO Mentor #4: Puzzle, Skopje (LINA Fellow)
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Puzzle is a collective of young and enthusiastic architects established in 2018, comprising of: Adelina Fejza, Sanja Avramoska, Irena Lazarev, and Valbona Fejza - this team brings together a diverse range of skills and experiences to create unique architectural solutions.They have worked on a wide spectrum of projects including exhibitions, interior design, architectural projects, conceptual projects, research, etc. and successfully participated in many competitions.The team has been recognized for their work, winning several awards and honors. They received an Honorable Mention in the Shinkenchiku Residential Design Competition 2019 for "Living in The Future," and took second place in the competition for "Sports Centre Vllazerimi" organized by the municipality of Kichevo, Macedonia. They have also won first place in the international 24h ideas competition by Ideas Forward for the theme "Knowledge", the 1st prize in the "Industry in the City" competition awarded by the Faculty of Architecture, UKIM in Macedonia, and they won the 2nd place in the international 24h ideas competition by Ideas Forward for the theme "Ocean". Additionally, they have been selected as fellows in the Future Architecture Platform and LINA Platform.  Puzzle has also been actively involved in conferences, presentations and workshops, showcasing their ideas and insights. They have participated in conferences such as the LINA Conference 2022 on "Architecture and the Future of the Planet" and the 2nd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability (SMUS Conference). They have also presented at the Creative Exchange 2021 on "Landscapes of Care", demonstrating their commitment to exploring the intersection of architecture, sustainability, and social impact, and they lead a student workshop during Tirana Design Week 2021- Post Pandemic City, named “The future of terraces/balconies as in-between spaces”.Throughout their work, they try to have a research-oriented approach thus creating more sustainable, outspoken, and creative solutions for all architectural challenges.
20:00 - 21:00 Issue #5 / DOCOMOMO Mentor #5: Florian Köhl, Berlin (SHA Fellow)
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Prof. Florian Köhl, DipArch. Bartlett (UC London) fatkoehl architects is a Berlin based office founded by architect Florian Köhl in 2002. A major trait of the studio's work is its constant search for ways of relating people through architecture with their urban surroundings. In this context, the offices spearheaded efforts to elaborate alternative architectural production models on an all but stale Berlin housing market in the early 2000s. They were instrumental in the development of a new building approach - co-housing - which foresaw the major involvement of their clients in the building process and lead to a new type of architecture fusing a client's creativity with the strong design vision of the architect. In order to understand the role of architecture in urban ecosystems, in 2015 he founded together with Christian Burkhard the research-platform Quest. Prof. Florian Köhl was visiting professor at the University of Kassel, he researched and taught for several years at the Technical University of Berlin and the Bartlett School of Architecture, London. He is also a co-founder of the NBBA (Network of Co-housing Architects in Berlin), Teameleven and Instant City, Berlin.
21:00 - 22:00 Issue #6 / KAUNAS Mentor #6: Sonja Dragović, Lisbon (Digital FAP Fellow)
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Sonja Dragović is a PhD candidate and a researcher at the Center for Socioeconomic and Territorial Studies – DINÂMIA’CET-Iscte at the University Institute of Lisbon, where she is pursuing doctoral studies at the Department of Architecture and Urbanism as a scholarship holder of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology. She graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Montenegro and completed the 4CITIES master's degree in urban studies at the Free University of Brussels (ULB) in 2015. Her research interests include socially engaged architectural practices, commons, urban social movements, and the interplay between activism and urban governance. Her own activist efforts focus on working with local communities toward improving participatory methods, public policies, and shared spaces. She is the author and co-author of several books, research papers, expert reports, and policy proposals related to these issues. She is a member of activist and research collectives KANA/ko ako ne arhitekt (Podgorica) and Laboratório de Estudos Urbanos (Lisbon), and one of the editors of LeftEast.
22:00 - 23:00 Talk prof. Kyong Park, Seoul/San Diego [2086: Together How?]
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Kyong Park is a professor in the Department of Visual Arts at the University of California, San Diego (since 2007) and was the founding director of StoreFront for Art and Architecture in New York (1982–1998); the International Center for Urban Ecology in Detroit (1998–2001); and the Centrala Foundation for Future Cities in Rotterdam (2005–2006). There, he co-produced Lost Highway Expedition, an expedition through nine major cities of ex-Yugoslavia and Albania in 25 days, in which several hundred people participated [2006]. He was a curator for the Gwangju Biennale (1997) and the Artistic Director and Chief Curator for the Anyang Public Art Project 2010 in Korea, where he curated 30 projects and commissioned 23 international artists, including Suzanne Lacy, Marjetica Potrč, Rick Lowe, Raumlabor, Lot-ek, Mass Studies, Chan-Kyong Park. Kyong Park was also a Loeb Fellow at Harvard University (1996/97), Visiting Chair of Urbanism at the University of Detroit Mercy, School of Architecture (2000-2001), and the editor of “Urban Ecology: Detroit and Beyond,” a book on his projects, with contributions from 32 architects, artists and critics [2005]. His solo exhibitions are Kyong Park: New Silk Road at the Museo de Arte Contemporàneo de Castilla y León in Spain (2009–10), and Imagining New Eurasia, a sequence of three research art exhibitions that visualized continental and urban relations between East and West, which was commissioned and exhibited at the Asia Culture Center in Gwangju, South Korea (2015–18). He is the author of Urban Ecology: Detroit and Beyond (2005) and Imagining Eurasia: Visualizing A Continental History (2019).
23:00 - 02:00 Discussion with a break
02:00 - 03:00 Issue #7: DOCOMOMO Mentor #7: Aleksandra Globokar, Melbourne (Correspondent)
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03:00 - 04:00 Issue #8: KAUNAS Mentor #8: Urša Komac, Sydney (Correspondent)
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Urša Komac is a Senior Lecturer and the Director of Academic Programs in Architecture at Western Sydney University. She is a registered architect from Europe and holds a BA in Architecture, MSc in Landscape Architecture from the University of Ljubljana and a PhD from Barcelona School of Architecture. She has worked as an architect and as an architectural critic for more than 20 years. She has taught at the Boston Architectural College, the Barcelona School of Architecture, the University of New South Wales, the University of Sydney and Canberra. In 2018 she was a Visiting Research Fellow at Tokyo University of the Arts and a Marie Curie Fellow at the Barcelona School of Architecture, exploring connections between academia and practice. From 2015-17 she was a CI on an OLT teaching grant, exploring new paths for a PhD in architecture. Her research interests are architecture and the city, public space, heritage and architectural education. In addition to several articles, she co-authored a monograph on architect Bogdan Bogdanovic. She received the Piranesi Award for the Rest Areas for the Bicycle Paths in the Slovene Karst with Spela Kuhar. Her Observation Points in Škocjanski zatok were recently selected for the 9th International Biennial of Landscape Architecture and nominated for the Mies van der Rohe Award. Her co-authored book (with Pablo Guillen) City Form, Economics and Culture: For the Architecture of the Public Space is out in 2020.
04:00 - 05:00 Issue #9: CONTINEO Mentor #9: Daniel Languré, Mexico City (Correspondent)
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Daniel de León Languré Bachelor of Architecture (ITESM 2012) and M. Arch (PUC 2017). Since 2013 and in parallel with his own practice, he has worked with local studios as Residente de obra and Project Architect. He was co-founder of Diseño Espacial (2013-2019)l, an architectural office that explored diverse aesthetic, perfomatic and construction practices around Mexico city’s peripheria. Before and after his M. Arch degree he took diploma courses focused on the history of prehispanic and colonial architecture in México. In 2017 he started his participation as a teacher assistant and professor in universities in both Chile and Mexico. In 2019 he was commissioned as a curator of an Associated Project for the 2019 Lisbon Architecture Triennale and has participated as an Academic Representant in the 2020 Quito Panamerican Architecture Biennale. In 2021 his work was exhibited at the 17th Venice Architecture Biennale as part of the Prishtina Public Archipielago and Co-habitats section. He is currently part of the British office based in Mexico OBVdS Workshops as a project architect and is also in charge of his independent practice Intermedio, an studio interested in the manner in which socially and politically relevant questions of Mexican society are raised through the architectural representation of utopian approaches. Retired soccer fan, closet drummer and nostalgic of Frank Zappa and Italian progressive rock.
MORNING SESSION (Wrap-up & Solutions)
9:00 - 10:00 Issue #10: KAUNAS Mentor #10: Merve Bedir, Istanbul (Correspondent)
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Merve Bedir is an architect. Her work focuses on infrastructures of hospitality and mobility. A second line of work refers to the collective intelligences and imaginaries of landscape. She is a postdoc researcher in Critical Media Lab, Basel, and tutor at Design Academy Eindhoven. She holds a PhD from Delft University of Technology, and a BArch from Middle East Technical University in Ankara. She is a co-initiator of Aformal Academy in Pearl River Delta region, Black Book Assembly in Hong Kong, Kitchen Workshop in Gaziantep, and Center for Spatial Justice in Istanbul. Merve's current design project involvements include a smart agriculture facility in Ningde, and Postane repair and regeneration project in Istanbul. Merve curated Vocabulary of Hospitality, Istanbul and Rotterdam (2014 and 2022); uncommon river, Plovdiv (2015); and co-curated Automated Landscapes (2017-19). Her work has taken part in Istanbul Design Biennale (several editions), Urbanism and Architecture Biennale Shenzhen (several editions), Sao Paulo Architecture Biennale (2017), and Venice Architecture Biennale (2021); and most recently exhibited in Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum (2023). Merve co-chairs Rethinking Partnerships panel of United International Architects Conference in 2023. Her work was funded by Prins Claus Funds, European Cultural Foundation, United Nations Development Program, among others. Her projects were reviewed in The Guardian, Metropolismag, Avery Review, and Frieze Magazine. 
10:00 - 13:00 Presentations of solutions and review of the issues Mentor #10: Yvette Vašourková, Prague (Correspondent)  
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Yvette Vašourková (*1976, Brno, Czechoslovakia) studied architecture and urban design at the Berlage Institute in the Netherlands as well as at Faculty of Architecture of the Czech Technical University in Prague, where she completed her PhD with a theses title: The Importance of a Metropolitan Palace for Sustainable. City. She is co-founder of Centre for Central European Architecture (CCEA) a non-profit organization and with Igor Kovačević she founded the architecture firm MOBA studio. She is member of Woking Group New European Bauhaus ACE. She was nominated as Architect of the Year 2016 by Czech Chamber of Architects. She is active as an architect, a curator and an initiator of urban transformations. Recently she is involved in in the project Negrelli Viaduct - The Opportunity for Creative City, which was awarded by Czech Architecture Award in 2017. In 2019  she was a guest professor at L´ESA Paris. She is leading design studio at Archip, international school of architecture Prague and she is guiding students of doctoral studies at Faculty of Architecture, CTU Prague. She will conduct her post doc research as Fulbright visiting scholar 23/24 at Pratt Institute New York.
13:00 - 14:00 Summary, Final Remarks, Closing
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eeloom · 2 years
exploring architecture through the lens: a reflection on my participation in a photography workshop with jean molitor
as a photographer passionate about architecture, i was thrilled to receive an invitation from my friend and instructor, alex ndibwami, to participate in a photography workshop led by the legendary architectural photographer, jean molitor. the workshop was held at the university of rwanda's school of architecture and environmental design, and it brought together rwandan architecture students, instructors, and their colleagues from around the world, for a day of exploring and documenting the city's heritage buildings.
the objective of the workshop was to share tips and tricks in architectural photography (being mindful of light, lens choice, and angles) and to encourage the students to be aware of the storytelling aspects of capturing the buildings and structures they create around them. as an integral component of the extensive DOCOMOMO international initiative, the school of architecture and environmental design is vigorously advocating for the establishment of a rwanda chapter, as part of the critically important shared heritage africa program overseen by DOCOMOMO germany.
through the day’s exercise, i had the privilege of facilitating the conversation between the students and their mentors as we explored key heritage buildings in kigali, including the cloister of bernadine sisters (built in 1930) and sainte-famille church (built in 1914) to name a few. this experience was a reminder of the significance of documenting heritage structures, especially with the fast-paced modernization and urbanization that many african cities are experiencing.
in today's rapidly changing world, the need to document and preserve our built environments is more critical than ever. through collaborations such as DOCOMOMO international and shared heritage africa, young architects and creatives have a unique opportunity to showcase the beauty and significance of modernist buildings and other architectural wonders built in the mid-twentieth century in various African countries. The photo exhibition hosted at the gallery of the school of art and industrial design (kyambogo university, uganda) displaying modernist buildings from ghana, nigeria, rwanda, and uganda is an excellent example of the potential for such collaborations. 
the impact of the spaces we inhabit on our lives is profound, and preserving them for future generations is of utmost importance. was reminded of the work of other talented photographers such as mutua matheka of kenya and timothy latim of uganda, who are advancing the conversation in this field.
in conclusion, as storytellers, it's crucial that we collaborate with architects and creatives to document and preserve our changing built environment. let's join hands to tell the stories of the architectural wonders around us, ensuring that they inspire and inform future generations as they design and shape the world.
suggested links:
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spyskrapbook · 3 years
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“Form Matters”, David Chipperfield Architects, Design Museum, London, UK [21.10.2009 – 31.01.2010] _ Exhibition photos by Spyros Kaprinis _  Last photo: David Chipperfield and Spyros Kaprinis at the Docomomo International / R.I.B.A. Lecture,  66 Portland Place, London, W1B 1AD  [06.12.2010].
“An exhibition of David Chipperfield Architects’ work, spanning the last 25 years, will be presented by the Design Museum, London from 21 October 2009 – 31 January 2010.
The exhibition comprises two main sections. The first explores an evolution of projects; both built and unbuilt, tracing a series of ideas and development of form. The second offers a more in-depth view of a series of representative projects, including The Hepworth Wakefield and Turner Contemporary in Margate, both due to open in 2011, the Stirling Prize winning Museum of Modern Literature in Marbach, Germany, the much celebrated Neues Museum in Berlin, that will open a week prior to the exhibition, and the Rockbund, a large-scale urban redevelopment project on the Bund in Shanghai.  
 The exhibition will include a large amount of primary material, including original sketches, drawings and working models, along with a number of newly created large scale models and drawings.”
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modernistestates · 2 years
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What’s on Talk Peter Moro 26 April, 7pm Docomomo The Gallery, 77 Cowcross Street London EC1M 6EL
A talk by Alistair Fair, author of the recent book ‘Peter Moro and Partners’.
Peter Moro emigrated from Germany in the late 1930s and spent two years working for Berthold Lubetkin. Briefly interned at the start of the Second World War as an enemy alien, Moro spent the remainder of the war teaching at the Regent Street Polytechnic. Postwar, Moro was a leading figure in the design of London’s Festival Hall. In 1952 he set up in private practice with Peter Moro and Partners. He designed schools and housing for the Greater London Council, and theatres including the Playhouse, Nottingham, and the Theatre Royal Plymouth.
Dr Alistair Fair, FRHistS, is Reader in Architectural History at the University of Edinburgh
Register for tickets here.
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citymaus · 4 years
“When the General Post Office opened on Hong Kong’s waterfront in 1976, with its white concrete facade, harsh angles and tinted glass—it became a fixture of Hong Kong’s downtown. But it was never added to the city’s register of protected landmarks. Now, with Hong Kong officials under pressure to generate revenue, the nearly 12-acre site, which has been valued at over $5 billion, was put up for sale this month.
Supporters of the building are scrambling to save it because whoever buys the land underneath would have every right to tear down the post office.
“Some people in Hong Kong might think it’s just a white box,” Charles Lai, an architect in Hong Kong, a Chinese territory, said on a fall afternoon outside the post office, where people were lined up inside to mail packages.
“But, as a matter of fact, this simplistic aesthetic is exactly where the value is,” he added.
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“In cities across Asia, residents and design buffs are rallying to save or document postwar buildings that officials consider too new, too ugly or too unimportant to protect from demolition. Many of the structures were municipal buildings that served as downtown hubs of civic life. The campaigns, in a sense, are an attempt to preserve the collective memories stored inside.
The efforts also reflect an aversion to the generic-looking shopping malls and condominiums that have been replacing Modernist-style buildings across urban Asia, as well as the nostalgia of city dwellers who watch their skylines constantly change.
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“Mr. Lai said the five-story Hong Kong post office building, designed by architect K.M. Tseng, working for the government’s Architectural Services Department, is interesting because its form defines the functions performed within—a principle of the Modernist movement that was popular from the 1920s to the 1970s. The floors for customers have loftier ceilings and larger windows, for example, than the ones for mail-sorting machines.
“The GPO is a simple, forward statement of what goes on inside the building,” Tseng told the Hong Kong Star in 1976. “From the ground one can see inside while the exterior design suggests the functions performed on each floor. I tried to make the building functional and truthful, an expression of what goes on within the concrete walls.”
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“These are places that are part of people’s day-to-day life; they do not necessarily have to be very pretty to be significant,” Haider Kikabhoy, who leads heritage walking tours in Hong Kong, said of the city’s postwar landmarks.
With older buildings, the authorities “tend to focus on the rarity of the architecture or how well designed the building is, or the historical significance,” Mr. Kikabhoy said. “But there are many ways to understand history, and social history is just as important.”
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“More than just a landmark, though, the GPO represents a period of civic-mindedness in Hong Kong, says Cecilia Chu, an assistant professor of landscape architecture at the University of Hong Kong and the president of the local chapter of Docomomo, an international organisation that promotes modern heritage.
A time when public institutions and civil society were quickly expanding. Mandatory schooling was introduced, shack-dwelling squatters were being given new homes in public housing estates, a public healthcare system was introduced. “A lot of mid-century buildings were built with the ideal of serving the public, not just the elite, and that makes them quite attractive,” she says. “They represent a different era of Hong Kong.””
read more: nytimes, 25.12.2020.  and “hong kong’s modern heritage, part i: the general post office.” zolimacitymag, 28.01.19. 
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arquigraph · 5 years
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ICC Berlin · Schüler & Witte
A kind of spaceship lay down in the west end side of Berlin. This is the International Congress Center Berlin (abbreviated ICC Berlin) it was designed by Ralf Schüler and Ursulina Schüler-Witte and build in the 70s. They won the competition for the construction of a multifunctional hall in 1965, after several changes in the specifications, began its construction period between 1965 to 1979. ICC Berlin is one of the most important buildings of the post-war period, and probably the most expensive building in West Berlin. 40 years since then the actual owners (the state of Berlin, operator Messe Berlin GmbH) consider this building “technically worn”. In April 2014 it was closed in order to remove asbestos contamination, but now it remains closed. It was one of the largest convention centers in the world. Indeed, the 313-meter-long, 89-meter-wide and almost 40-meter-high support this statement. ICC Berlin is a very unique and special building. State of Berlin, DOCOMOMO Germany and DOCOMOMO International please, consider to give ICC Berlin other uses. As a multifunctional building it has been demostrated ICC Berlin could handle other uses, don’t let this building remains abandoned. If you are in Berlin or you have planned to travel there try to visit their surroundings. Wikipedia`s friend told us the actual state of this building, thanks to them: “..For years, the future of the building has been discussed in Berlin. Messe Berlin has no interest in continuing operation as the operating costs exceed the income from events. Even a demolition was brought into conversation, this is rejected by large parts of Berlin’s policy, however. The last public event in the building was on March 9, 2014, and after the Daimler Annual General Meeting on April 9, 2014, it was closed. So far, it is unclear whether and when the ICC will be rehabilitated and who bears the costs. Sustainable concepts for further use after a renovation are not yet available. In the wake of the refugee crisis in Europe in 2015, the ICC has been used since December 2015 as emergency shelter for initially more than 500 residents. In June 2017, about 260 people still lived there. From May 2016 to June 2017, the building was also used as one of Berlin’s first port of call for refugees. Up to 1,400 asylum seekers were processed daily here…” images: 1- Instructional plan. Drawing Illustration by Robinson. Domus v.557 2-7-8 Arquigraph 3-5-6 aerial view. wikipedia 4- facade detail. Alexander Stumm 5- ICC Berlin Illustration by Robinson,1978
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hongkongfp · 7 years
God or Mammon? Who gains when Hong Kong's historic churches are turned into blocks of flats
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Referrals Heritage Preservation Info.
Colour has actually been made use of to highlight Creative presents and also to brighten our lifestyles in several means but is at times incorrectly made use of to express Wicked activities or Adverse emotions, as one more instance; to some blue ways being actually dispirited and green envious and also there are others but God claimed whatever He created was good which features Hues, He offered the world Colour in His spectacular Development as well as in His Rainbow of Commitment after the World Wide Flooding which contained stunning Hues. Seventh International DOCOMOMO Conference: Image, Usage and also Heritage, the Event of Architecture of the Modern Motion; September 16-19, 2002. Section Three - Ethereal expertises her initial time out in the real life, as well as it is full of all type of folks as well as experiences. They found that redheads possess a various feedback to ache than people with various other hair colours. Took a picture of a chopper 6 entirely when I looked at accounts there was a little white lighting at that point a blue one at that point overhead as if it moved. Wall structures and also a roof repainted medium eco-friendlies and also blues give the area a setting of intimacy as contrasted to white wall structures. The eyes are established broad apart as well as have a docious but alert articulation. I'm not exactly sure concerning the Italian lady trait, I tried blonde yet the "olive" in my skin layer transformed greenish appearing rapidly with blond hair. Today, I no more stop at the insinuation belonging to my head packed with gray hairs - the implication that I am certainly and swiftly heading where our experts are actually all heading, if we are actually privileged - to advancing years. This colour was actually connected with misfortune and which new bride will yearn for that on their wedding. Bertha, the slim, fair-haired female, whose current ideas as well as feelings were an enigma to me amidst the fatiguing obviousness of the other minds around me, was as absorbing to me as a single unknown to-day-as a single hypothetic proposal to stay troublesome till sunset; plus all the confined, hemmed-in view as well as disbelief, depend on and distrust, of my nature, welled out in this one slim network. Thus why is actually the different colors blue therefore related to reality and also especially so in weddings? Architectural cement home heritage, complications and also strate- gies for information and also preservation: The case study of Turin. Recommendation: pretty-look-2018.info Rinse your gray hair along with lemon extract once a month to minimize yellowish tones triggered by contamination. Nonetheless, in Time View, the colour obstructs receive trimmed since the day-to-day time periods are as well brief (up and down) to show the event time along with the label below it. MUCH much worse than this, in the Full week viewpoint, the colored celebration blocks are additionally trimmed as well as they quiver on and off till they simply vanish. Whether it is among the various designer prom gowns you tried out or the many official prom gowns you considered, ensure to tell your time the color of your outfit simply after you have bought it. Like any significant event, you might alter your thoughts and also intend to pick one of the many various other senior prom dresses you found as well as might not match with the different colors you initially informed your day.
Art has actually constantly relied on colours and also styles. During the course of the 18th and also 17th centuries musicians as well as scientists started to build the very first synthetic pigments and also around 1706 Prussian blue was actually created the very first time. Any bilirubin that can't get away from the body starts to present via the skin as a yellow pigment.Our company continue to profit from a reasonably secure credit scores environment along with the non-reforming possession proportion improving further to 0.46%, a 4 manner aspect improvement from the previous region, as well as an 11 manner point renovation coming from a year earlier.
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architectuul · 2 years
Modernist Reflections From Valencia: Parallels With The African Continent
The Shared Heritage Africa fellows met in Valencia for the first time to reflect on the project. This is their report:
There is a saying in one of the African tribes: "We see with our hands". Our experience in Valencia was an exciting way to learn [more] about heritage by actually experiencing it, through conversations at the 17th International Docomomo conference, as well as in walking through the old city which stands as a testament to heritage conservation. It is one thing to read about things, it is another to walk through those things in live encounters. The lessons from the latter stick better.
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Cheste Workers University, a forgotten Modernist landmark near Valencia, photographed on an excursion during the Docomomo conference by Shared Heritage Africa fellow Bola Oguntade
This trip was our first opportunity to meet other fellows and project members in person. For us, engaging with each other’s work on Modernist buildings from our respective countries, showed us that, in many ways, Africa is a country. The forms and facades are similar and  in regarding these similarities, we have also become sensitive to differences that give us a better understanding of what being modern is and what it means for Africa. 
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The architect Timothy Latim, a Shared Heritage Africa fellow from Uganda and an excellent photographer 
Why Modernism, Why Now?
The overarching theme we got from the conference was ‘innovative functionality’: the contribution of notable individuals and groups (post-WWII) that led to a worldwide phenomenon that prioritised human-centred solutions to everyday problems. 
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This theme helped us tune our research practice to the following questions: How can the principles of our modernist heritage address the need for locally inspired solutions/technology to improve the quality of our living spaces? What can we learn—or unlearn—from how our modern buildings leverage tropical climate and local materials to attend to domestic energy needs in a scalable model? How might we synthesise these lessons with the lessons from other styles (traditional, vernacular, urban, etc.) that came before, after and around modernism?
The City of and Arts and Sciences, Valencia
In the tourist destination of the City of Arts and Sciences, we found an interesting parallel to what modernist architecture did in Africa. Built by the 20th century architects Félix Candela and Santiago Calatrava, the building complex poses a controversy, selectively choosing to respond to the environment part of the context and ignoring all other buildings around. The parallel to what modernist architecture did in Africa.  
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Lots of things to discuss
Like the rest of Valencia, the complex showcases how different architectural movements over the past centuries—from Neoclassicism to Gothic architecture—can sit well with one another. Walking around we thought, “Perhaps this, too, is what modernism is about. Perhaps, this is a possible answer to the question of what Africa could do to keep our Modern heritage alive.” 
Written by Tubi, Justicia, Bola, Timothy and Christine. Edited by Immaculata Shared Heritage Africa Fellows 2022
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From left to right: Tubi Otitooluwa, Anica Dragutinovic (Docomomo), Bola Oguntade, Christine Matua, Uta Pottgiesser (Docomomo), Timothy Latim, Justicia Caesaria Kiconco
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jacelynmullen8-blog · 6 years
An Extensive Take A Look At Various Forms Of Monkeys.
It might be hard to recognize why a deck appears to endure therefore rapidly. Yet lots of have actually been actually evaluated only from the splendid dot memory cards that Daniel Smith were the first to create, such as the Mayan Yellowish and also many of the other Mayan colours. L'architecture municipale moderne: Une étape dans la préservation du passé moderne du Canada= Modern communal architecture: A step in the direction of shielding Canada's present day culture. Red led the way, followed by yellows and woes - yet gloomy and also vanished. Orange brings out the much more reddish aspects within in. It is the colour for electrical power, although it is actually additionally taken into consideration as being one of the recovery colours. Considering that you do not yearn for the entire region in the exact same floral print (incredibly tiring on the eyes) you pull colors coming from the blossomy to make use of. The major shades used for these unique NASA attires in the course of the shuttle bus program were actually blue, orange, as well as white. Docomomo International: Modernity as ancestry. I have actually directly found that repainting the plastic or lumber panelling with a light colour really adds to a room, opening it up and providing it a fresh feeling. I've possessed really good outcomes along with their Dim Brown prior to, as well as I enjoy the chocolaty heat of the shade. Regardless of whether you had strong, coarse hair as a young person, it is going to ultimately become thinner, fine and light-colored. Your eye colour is perhaps greenish, hazel, gold brown, or even red-brown. After a time frame, as the variety of individuals on the earth has increased in amount, they likewise have actually developed in wickedness. Daniel Smith Watercolours - Cerulean Blue Chromium, Azurite Genuine (ceased 2017), Manganese Blue Tone, Cobalt Teal Blue, Phthalo Turquoise, Ultramarine Turquoise. The Moments of India record likewise says Sharma as well as his team are heading to utilize colour stereoscopy, Victorian-era technique that can improve the understanding of deepness in graphics. Every one of the coloring pages on this page were generated by KaylinArt and shared under a CC0 Artistic Commons certificate. The Roman chronicler Pliny referred to it as a precious stone "having the fire of the carbuncle, the fantastic violet of the ocean and the amethyst green colour of the emerald, all polishing all together in astonishing union". They are porphyropsin, iodopsin and Beautytips29.Info cynopsin which feel to three colours red, environment-friendly, blue specifically. Those who love the gorgeous pink shade may opt for to acquire an university bag that is actually either of that hue or even which possesses a pink style, theme or even pattern. The phrase has even even older origin in connection with Cordon Blue, riband of light blue color, put on by knights that were actually granted through Cross of the Holy Spirit. In Fine art '11: 10th Worldwide Conference on Non-Destructive Inspections and Microanalysis for the Diagnostics as well as Preservation of Cultural and Environmental Culture = Convegno internazionale sulle prove non distruttive every la salvaguardia del patrimonio artistico. Although a specific amount of fading over time is actually inevitable, laundering your colors appropriately may minimize shade loss. Your hair will definitely experience a wide array of shade phases that may involve vivid or even blue coppery orange depending upon the different colors dye you used - don't freak out-- this is actually normal. The main features of this particular higher requirements gadget consist of Blackberry e-mails solutions for easy interaction on the go, WiFi, Bluetooth as well as HSDPA for rapid connections as well as a 3.2 mega pixel camera which although was actually featured in the previous 9000 collection has actually right now had actually boosted optics added as well as more camera functions. A beginning window will accompany 3 possibilities: Get Online, Enter Into License Key or even Make An Effort Recolored. Packing methods like intense colors, fashionable styles and knowledgeable depiction like vehicles, sports or even bikes tasks accentuates the product and also produces a younger viewpoint.
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spyskrapbook · 3 years
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Allen Cunningham [09.03.1932–11.09.2020] _ Photos by: Spyridon Kaprinis [Paris, France _ 06-11.03.1997].
“Architect, teacher, writer, scholar, critic, organiser, creative artist, intellectual, cook, conversationalist – how to sum up the extraordinary range of talents of this man who was such an inspirational figure and friend to so many of us fortunate to have known him? Here we salute Allen’s founding role in conceiving and curating The Journal of Architecture that over its first quarter century has seen it become a leading international academic journal of architectural discourse and research. Yet, this project with its now vast heritage of scholarly material is only one of Allen’s many outstanding achievements. One could equally celebrate his career as a practising architect who worked with the likes of Marcel Breuer and Sir Leslie Martin, or as Head of Architecture at PCL/University of Westminster lighting the paths of generations of grateful graduates, or Co-ordinator of DoCoMoMo, the international organisation for conserving Modern Movement buildings and his milestone publication Modern Movement Heritage (1998), or his inexhaustible artistic creativity so splendidly displayed in his house in France, a one-man gallery of stunning inventiveness that delighted and amazed those of us who visited him there. To refer to his skills in the kitchen might seem trivial in this context, but to be a guest at one of Allen’s culinary grand projets was to witness a different yet equal creativity of operatic brilliance. And permeating everything was an innate modesty, warmth, and kindness revealed in all his personal dealings – even his mode of addressing his group emails to every member of the Editorial Board individually by name. For those of us privileged to serve the Journal under his leadership, our sadness at Allen’s passing is softened by the realisation that his legacy will endure far into the future to the benefit of an audience more numerous, more diverse, and more appreciative than perhaps even he could ever have imagined. “
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nicholzepps4-blog · 6 years
Travel Articles.
Browse travelogues and also the net for attractions and also events in the spot you are about to go to. Integrating legitimacy as well as repair in the preservation of modern-day architec- ture. On the East Coast, the metropolitan areas of New york city, Boston Ma, and also Philly produce folks the happiest. There are actually a lot of attractive buildings in the Area & district of Iloilo. Design of Today: A Survey of New Building Throughout the Planet. The United States chapter of DOCOMOMO preserves the DOCOMOMO US register, an online data source of contemporary movement sites as well as buildings that likens the objective of the International Sign up. Carry out not visit this national forest at weekends or even national holidays when it receives badly hectic - it is even more pleasurable to see at quieter opportunities. This is one of the sites you are going to view if you see New york city Urban area in the course of the Xmas time, certainly on Christmas Eve and also Xmas. On Weathering: The Life of Properties over time. Landmarc's area back then Warner Facility creates it a great spot to appreciate profuse dishes while resting from shopping. Owning the early elegance of Europe, this splendid country is actually the planet's most prominent tourist locations with attractive cities that have actually enticed 1000s of guests every year. In July of 1993, while enduring an extremely hard time in his lifestyle, Jim was actually unexpectedly honored along with managing to communicate, view as well as hear several individuals and also greater level hearts in the other world. Spain is a big nation separated right into regions as well as each of these areas possesses one thing to deliver to visitors creating a holiday or even journey to the country informative and also incredibly satisfying too. Preservation of historic improved concrete properties by means of electrochemical realkalisation. Almost any section of the state is a fantastic option for a honeymoon destination, I have actually constantly loved the appeal of the Hudson Valley. Craft fanatics, go directly to the Bellavista community to the previous home of renowned Ecuadorian artist Oswaldo Guayasamín and also among the metropolitan area's very most excellent art galleries, the Capilla del Hombre, dedicated to the aboriginal and exploited folks of Latin The United States.
These packs deliver similar components, though typically feature layout elements that are actually better to a considerable amount of worldwide visitors, including aerated back boards, moisture sleeves, weather-resistant textiles, a much more processed suitable for all-day comfort, and also in some cases lighter weight. You will find below likewise an amazing citadel named Castillo de San Felipe, as well as museums, churches, as well as historic old communities can easily additionally be found listed here for you to take pleasure in and also discover. Without a doubt, a lot of people with health and newsportblog.info wellness similar complications are today depending on different recuperation procedures, oft-times to muscle building supplement proposed medication; and a lot of these are tintroduced to Foot Reflexology. If you are actually checking out Walt Disney World's quartet, take this to heart and insurance claim your FASTPASSES for your desired tourist attractions, as turismo porta-bandeiras (referring to flag-brandishing tour guides) expel distribution kiosks in a dash.There are numerous lovely segments in the northerly areas as well, but considering that I am actually very most accustomed to the southerly part of New york city the emphasis within this piece are going to perform the reduced Hudson Stream location. I will certainly take my city over your nation any day.
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What Are Actually Disadvantages Of Suspended Ceilings.
Given that folks have the wish to have actually paintings shown on the wall surfaces and also they prefer their favourite pictures change to painting, the style has caught up in today's times and also this has been actually rightfully assisted due to the innovation to accomplish so. A vibrant eye different colors like brown demands a red that possesses undertones of yellowish. to draw out the pointers of gold in numerous brownish eyes that provide a lighter, also auburn appeal. Wait for eventually: DOCOMOMO majordomo Theodore Prudon is battling to maintain America's Modern home culture. ( 103.) For the 1st announcement of Adam Forepaugh's white colored elephant in The New York Times view "Siam and also the Elephants," New York City Times, March 16, 1884. Quite light-toned gold hair different colors - may turn your hair orange. Procedures of Hydrophobe IV, International Meeting on Water Repellent Treatment of Structure Products, Swedish Concrete and also Concrete Research Principle, Stockholm, Sweden, April 12-13, 2005, revised by Johan Silfwerbrand, 119-24.
I don't declare to become an expert in different colors or layout. Besides the various packing colours, this is perhaps the best differentiating aspect in between the 2 labels. 2. HAIR LOW-LIGHTING - like highlighting however utilizes hair dyes in darker or even much deeper colors of organic hair different colors. In The Interiors Manual for Historic Structures, Quantity II, modified by Michael J. Auer, Charles E. Fisher, Thomas C. Prankster as well as Marilyn E. Kaplan, 4-29 - 4-34. The business offers porcelains, developing components, paints as well as smashed all-natural aesthetic component sheets. Purple is actually essentially the outcome of incorporating both key colours blue and reddish and differing the percentages will certainly differ the hue of purple produced. Throughout past, people have experienced a considerable amount of initiative - and at times paid out large sums of loan - to get the design, kind and also colour of hair they intend. In guide, Rajiv goes over the value of 'Cinematography, Colour, Movie Noir, Painting as well as Lighting'. It is typically described as painting or writing along with lighting. When darker skin layer seems to appear all of a sudden or over a quick time period, it is actually organic for guys to worry. The principal organisation is architectural layers (56 percent), followed by commercial (33 per-cent) and also defensive finishes (11 per-cent) as well as a much smaller company device of motor vehicle refinish coatings. Choose a colour as well as paint your stone with an extremely thin layer. Adhere to solid-colored bests that best complement your colouring, http://dietsexybody.Info/coconut-Diet-plan/ and also you'll have a yearbook look that are going to stand up the exam of time. While a stained penis is actually usually absolutely nothing to fret about, there are a wide array of problems that can easily change the appeal of the penis skin layer.This instance regarding two guys that altered the whites of their eyes to a different colour completely. The staying one-third consists of solvent-based coatings. ( 49.) "The White Elephant," Times, January 21, 1884. The business creates products that deal with the mid-tier as well as premium-tier markets.In Social Heritage Analysis: A Pan-European Problem, modified through Roman Kozlowski, Michel Chapuis, Miloš Drdácký, Rainer Drewello, Johanna Leissner, Pedro Redol and Jean-Marc Vallet, 105-09. A performer may be able to offer their job seasonally through paint home windows for the vacations.Rock Coating has actually lately introduced a one-package kind basecoat referred to as Pro Touch as part of an attempt to frequently develop and enhance its own collection of products. Meanwhile, regardless of whether you have truly rather brownish, blonde, or even reddish color, a bad hairstyle will certainly mature you.
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Road Contents.
I understood 3 features of the Tanzanian metropolitan area of Mwanza before coming right here: one, that it's the second-largest urban area in the country after Dar es Salaam. Indian bistros in Greater london are checked out are actually undoubtedly explored for the affection folks have for India. In Konservierung der Moderne?: Preservation of Modern Design?: Über den Umgang mit den Zeugnissen der Architekturgeschichte des twenty. Jahrhunderts, Our Lawmakers Facility Leipzig, 31.10.-2.11.1996, 95-101. There are actually travel companions in Sri Lanka that arrange 14 days scenic tour package deal to Sri Lanka which covers nearly all the scorching attractions. Hotel Health spa Villalba is aimed at holidaymakers looking to get away the normal Tenerife resorts as well as as an alternative devote time in the joyous countryside. Lots of hiking daypacks are actually sizable good enough to suit long-term vacationers, however light adequate to function as an excursion or weekend getaway pack when they are actually packed just along with the fundamentals, Dodaci-za-zdravlje.info making it possible for backpackers to stuff a single bag rather than 2. Even listed below AFRIKA you take pleasure in a whole lot in nation lifestyle A lot of means of transportation a great deal of bicycle, electric motor cycle. There is actually tons of realty incomplete in Abu Dhabi as the need for building is boosting day by day as a result of great deals of visitors visiting to Abu Dhabi. The second in between small town lifestyle as well as large area life is actually that in big areas is that it more likely to meet folks that are various from each various other. It goes without saying, the urban area is actually a sanctuary of the crafts yet it additionally provides and has a vivid night life loads of experiences for those that aspire to try something new. It is actually a tiny area of about lower than 50,000 folks yet such is actually the prestige in which it is kept that it has actually been designated a UNESCO Ancestry Site having been actually recognised as an essential place for popular music, art and society. Lead writer Dr. Elliot Freeman, Elderly Person Lecturer in the Division of Psychology at Metropolitan Area, College of Greater london, suggests a service based on a comparable 'various time clocks' problem: "Picture status in a vintage shop packed with clocks, and you would like to know what the amount of time is. Your finest estimate stems from the ordinary throughout clocks. St. Augustine is the urban area in Florida to apply a most lovely checklist. The institution additionally sustains the DOCOMOMO International Register documenting signifi- cant instances of modern action ancestry and also a list of risked websites as well as struc- tures. The urban area is the financial and also legislative capital of South Africa with a mix of people coming from various nationalities dwelling it. In the latest past times, Peninsula Community has covered a lot of checklists mentioning the top most wonderful metropolitan areas in the world. Now adequately sustained, explore the halls of the landmark building for events focusing on various cultural movements as well as happenings in fine art, business, politics, civil rights and even more over the course of the metropolitan area's past. The absolute most important spiritual building in the urban area is the Duomo di Salerno Dedicated to St Matthew, the remains of the Christian Evangelist could be found in the congregation's gorgeous crypt. Among the most intriguing aspects of Pennsylvania past history, beyond its own relationship along with the very early days of the United States federal government, is actually the background of coal mining and lumbering that was very important here in times passed. DuBois is actually one instance of a city that is actually rich with that record.
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Best Trends In Lehenga Layouts And Also Choli Patterns.
Monitor publishing is a really easy-to make use of process. A dietary analysis of cannibalism and dealing with kidney stones on roller-coasters were actually research jobs honored by tongue-in-cheek honors at Harvard University Thursday, developed to create you laugh initially, as well as think eventually.
This bibliography includes citations for DOCOMOMO's technology- nology files, proceedings, and choose concerns of the publication; a number of these citations are actually noted under the institution's previous name, International Working Celebration for Documentation of Structures, Web Sites and also Neighbourhoods of the Modern Action. Simple had a good initial fourth along with purchases of 5.1 million, an increase of 25.2% over in 2013's Q1. The labels functionality was actually fueled by tough requirement for ecoSneaks, which made up greater than 40% of Straightforward sales throughout the time frame, as well as, sturdy sale with of the spring Veggie Toe selection. Too a lot of colors and font types sidetrack coming from the information and also make it harder for folks to review. Second ed. Greater london; Chicago: Architectural Press; Educational Institution of Chicago Press. Perhaps I have actually been actually - I understand individuals specifically passion both Intriguing Moments and also Soul Music.
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London: International Institute for Preservation of Historic and Artistic Works. The loudness of the colour can be toned down through neutral accents or even furnishings along with colours that are in sync based on the shade steering wheel. Throughout the holiday season, a lot of folks use reddish as well as environment-friendly while Halloween comes with an upsurge in dark as well as orange. In Cultural Culture Analysis: A Pan-European Obstacle, modified by Roman Kozlowski, Michel Chapuis, Miloš Drdácký, Rainer Drewello, Johanna Leissner, Pedro Redol and Dietlifestyle-Body.info also Jean-Marc Vallet, 105-09. A performer may have the capacity to sell their work seasonally by painting home windows for the vacations.Dark lowlights to blonde hair generates artistic contrast. SCC coatings are actually extensively used throughout China's public as well as commercial fields. The Individual Group consists of 13.9 percent of purchases and also sells top quality, exclusive tag and also accredited company coatings, stains, varnishes, industrial items, hardwood polishing items, sprays, adhesives as well as caulks.Maintenance of historic properties: Understanding of corrosion mechanisms of metallic rebars in concrete. Once they acquire comfortable along with contact lens and manage to pinpoint what colours satisfies all of them most effectively, they may opt for 3 hue coloured lenses. Boosted requirement as well as increased rate of interest in all 3 labels couple with more effective advertising programs have resulted in a considerable spike in overall brows through to our website, including that triple digit rise at for the 1st fourth.Darker-skinned pupils are actually an exception to this regulation, as well as look attractive in different colors like lavender, smooth blue and also yellowish Paint for the sea sector is actually the most extensive segment and also accounted for 25 percent of purchases. This different colors palette is actually named an Analogous - the eco-friendly and blue hues appear next to one another on the shade steering wheel.Calling black people blue individuals could possess been actually a way of steering clear of pointer that their colour created them heinous. Lots of people do not as if the concept of applying colour to their organic hair therefore utilizing hair extensions to include colour feels like the ideal remedy.
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architectuul · 6 years
Architecture In Danger
Based on Docomomo International alerts regarding threatened Modern Movement heritage, we will present a new campaign: Architecture in Danger - which aims to prevent demolition and to promote the dissemination of Forgotten Masterpieces within our community.    
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The first demolition case is the Robin Hood Gardens, the post-war brutalist housing estate in east London by Alison and Peter Smithson. Despite years of campaigning from architects and heritage bodies is now underway demolition.
Video captures Robin Hood Gardens ahead of demolition. | Video via Dezeen
The Twentieth Century Society revived its earlier campaign to have the building saved in 2014. Its report claimed that the decision not to protect the estate with a formal heritage listing the first time around was ill-judged. Post-war architecture and Smithons expert Dirk van den Heuvel describes the estate as a rare, majestic gesture, both radical and generation in its aspiration for an architecture of human association. Also Richard Rogers, Zaha Hadid, Robert Venturi and Toyo Ito joined the protests against the destruction of the complex.
Ultimately the campaign failed for a second time and the developer Swan Housing Association with the backing of Tower Hamlets council revealed its plans for a new housing estate named Blackwall Reach.
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Original drawing for the Robin Hood Gardens. |  © Alison and Peter Smithson
The National Theatre of Albania dates in 1939 following the Italian occupation of Albania. Previously a movie theatre was primarily built to serve Italian soldiers as a form of entertainment (dopolavoro). 
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The building of the National Theatre of Albania at the beginning of the construction in the 1940s and today. | Photo via Balcanicaucaso 
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This rationalist building was one of the first constructed Italian architectural works in Albania. | Photo by T. Mali and via Voice of Albanians 
Today the Albanian authorities have announced the demolition and the construction of a new complex, where BIG plan to build three indoor performance spaces, a rooftop amphitheater and a covered public space beneath the grounds of the current theater. Therefore people started to protests against government plans to demolish the iconic building. Facing these circumstances, Docomomo International would like to express encouragement to the on-going efforts to protect the building from demolition.
The Technical Faculty of Pristina University is one of Prishtina modern landmarks. The building that was designed by one of the most important Slovenian architects of its time, Edvard Ravnikar. It is of great importance for the city as well as the Modern Movement in the region. To the primary flat roof was added current tile roof. As one of the few buildings representing that movement and period in the City of Prishtina, should be fully preserved for what strives Docomomo Kosovo. 
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One of the best representatives of the late Modern Movement in the region of South-Eastern Europe. | Photo © Bostjan Bugarič
The National Theatre in Uganda is the main component of the Uganda National Cultural Centre.  Designed by Peatfield and Bodgener Architects, it was the first modern and purpose built theatre in Uganda. 
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In keeping with the principles of tropical modernism, the building is naturally ventilated. | Photo © Jim and Hilda Dixon
Docomomo International expressed its full support for the preservation of the National Theatre and is glad to announce that it has been successfully refurbished and reopened in September 2018 as part of Uganda National Cultural Centre.
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The main facade is an elegantly curved lattice of prefabricated concrete rings that act as a passive shading device. | Photo via Pinterst
Former telemetric control center of Transgas Complex is situated in the center of Prague. The complex is going to be demolished and rebuild.
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The overall architectural approach is an unusual mixture of High-tech details and New brutalism. | Photo © Petr Vorlík
The strong campaign against the demolition runs since 2015. After more than two years of negotiations on heritage protection, the Minister of Culture ended the case without resolving - facing the threat of proceeding for the lost profits from the owner, investor of the future administrative building. Docomomo International would like to express encouragement to the on-going efforts to protect the Transgas Complex from demolition.
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The pipes were used for the interior and exterior design. | Photo © Petr Vorlík
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