#doctor shaun murphy
songdrop · 2 months
i don't understand why people shit on the good doctor
yeah the autism representation is not perfect, it never going to be cuase it's a spectrum. But it's not the worst?
i hear people say they infantilize Shaun but it's said time and time again that Shaun can do things on his own and even told directly to people in the show and to the audience as a result that we don't need to cuddle Shaun.
It's like the criticism of the first trans episode being transphobic. as a trans person myself, i don't think the ep was transphobic but i had transphobia as part of the events and message of the ep. just cuase it shows the bad stuff, it doesn't mean it is actually condoning it.
and outside of the rep or minorities, it's a damn good show
it makes me feel things, i fuckin cried in some of the episodes
the sound design, AAH the MUSIC it's soft and light and fluffy and feels good and yet it using music to bring out emotion and makes big moments bigger.
i don't like how in the Guatemala special episodes they made it all orange and brown like they do in 3rd world counties, or what americans think any country is outside of Europe. they do that shit to mexico and southern california. I live in socal and it is not brown, well the ground is during the summer but you know what i mean
this is one of my favorite shows, David Shore was made two of my mine now, The Good Doctor and House. Two autistics as leads, one being intentional lol
and yeah it sucks that the actor of shaun isn't autistic, but it's funny that both house and good doctor leads are british and i bet alot people don't know lol
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thena0315 · 4 months
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I don't think I can look at carousels the same now 😭
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thorn-harvester-ven · 3 months
I’ve only ever seen half a season of House and YouTube clips of The Good Doctor but this is how I imagine them meeting would go
House: who is this idiot and why is he in my office
Shawn: *says something extremely right about a patient and nobody seems to believe him*
House: I will only be working shifts with this man and this man only everybody else get out
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specialagentlokitty · 11 months
Shaun x sister!reader - the best day
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No. 2 with Shaun Murphy and sister Reader who's excited? - Anon💜
2: “Why are you here?” “Because it’s Christmas Eve.” “So you came to the hospital?” “Well, you’re here, so of course I did.”
Walking through the doors, you rubbed your hands together as you made your way straight to the cafe.
It was your first stop, you were in no rush and you had plenty of time for what you wanted to do.
Grabbing yourself a hot drink, you sat at a table, setting your bag next to you as you looked around the decorated cafe with a smile.
You spent a while there, trying to warm up a little bit before you carried on to your destination.
Standing next to the desk, you set your drink down, checking your phone before looking around, waving at a woman who was passing.
“Hey sorry, do you know where Doctor Murphy is?”
“I don’t I’m sorry, if you wait here I can tell him you’re looking for. Can I ask you for your name?”
You smiled at her.
“Of course, I’m (Y/N).”
“If I see him I’ll tell him you’re looking for him.”
With that she left.
You knew she knew where he was, and she was going to ask him about you.
After all, she couldn’t just go around giving out details of everybody or where they are, she had to see if he knew you or if you were safe.
It wasn’t long until you saw the man you were waiting for walk over, hands in front of him as he smiled a little bit.
“Hey Shaun, how’re you?”
“I’m good, I am working. How are you?”
“I’m good as well, a little cold though.”
He nodded a little bit.
“Why are you here?”
You grinned brightly at him.
“Because it’s Christmas Eve.”
He glanced at you before he looked away.
“So you came to the hospital?”
Laughing softly, you nodded and set your bag on the nurses desk.
“Well, you’re here, so of course I did.”
“Did you come all this way to see me?”
“Well obviously, I’ve got to spend Christmas with my brother!”
Opening your bag, you went through it and pulled out a messily wrapped box, holding it out to him.
“I know you’re busy, but open it when you can. I’ll be here or getting another drink or food.”
“Can I open it now?”
You were practically bouncing with excitement as you watched him inspect the box before he set it down to start unwrapping.
“You’re bad at wrapping presents.”
“Come on I tried!”
He looked at you before he finished unwrapping it.
Picking up the book, he read the title before reading the back.
“It’s an old medical journal, I know most of it won’t be relevant today but I thought it was cool.”
“It has very old procedures in.”
“Yup, and who knows you may be able to use some.”
“They are not very safe (Y/N).”
“I know, but I know you’ll make them safe.”
He looked at you, holding the book out.
“Will you look after it?”
“Of course. Have you had your dinner yet?”
He shook his head, tidying the mess he had made before he stood there looking at you.
“Do you want dinner?”
“I do not like the food they serve here.”
“I made food, it’s in my bag.”
He walked over, peaking into your bag.
Shaun took the tub with his name on it, and he lifted it up to look through the bottom.
“You made my favourite pasta.”
He smiled.
“We need to heat it up, come with me.”
With that he walked off and you ran to catch up to him.
You knew you wouldn’t see much of him, but when he was finished his shift in the morning you were going to make sure he had the best Christmas ever
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bitchwholoveslife · 1 year
"The Good Doctor set back autism acceptance by 50 years" No, it's just showing how ablist people actually are once you get past respectability politics. People are making fun of Shaun explicitly and solely because of his less pleasant autistic traits. They say, "I support autistic people" while mocking Shaun for his monotone voice, awkwardness, lack of eye contact, meltdowns, and inappropriate reactions at inopportune times. The Good Doctor did not set back autistic acceptance, it just shows how most folks' ""acceptance"" of autism is purely for looks, and stops once an autistic person starts showing their traits instead of masking until they die.
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railroad-spike · 6 months
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THE GOOD DOCTOR - 7x01|Skin In The Game
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coldasyou · 2 months
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TV Appreciation Week 2024: (Day Three) Favorite couple/dynamic - Shaun Murphy and Claire Browne (The Good Doctor)
I hope you’re moving forward. I think I am, Shaun.
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As an autistic person, I want to say something about The Good Doctor.
Over the last month or so - but especially the last two days - Twitter has gone nuts about dragging the absolute piss out of this show. Because autism representation is so rare in major television shows or movies, I’ve been finding myself questioning whether The Good Doctor is in fact “good” representation in the slightest or if I’m just clinging onto it because it’s one of the few shows out there with an autistic lead… and people dragging the shit out of it has made me even more unsure because I’ve only seen one and a half seasons of the show so far and so I can’t really speak on how the show has done recently in regards to portraying autism.
Personally, do I feel that Shaun in TGD represents me and how I am autistic? No. But to be honest, I wasn’t expecting him to because autism is a spectrum and the areas where my autism affects my life will be different to other people’s; it’s also worth noting that it’s been shown that autistic traits are different in girls than in boys, and that girls tend to mask more etc. Obviously this does not apply to ALL boys and ALL girls, but in general it’s thought that girls and women tend to have different traits to boys and men.
With this in mind, Shaun actually does remind me at times of a child at the school I’m currently at - again, not 100% the same but there’s similarities in regards to how they talk, what they say etc. However, that child is five-nearly-six, and Shaun is a grown man so… do with that information what you will. There have also been a couple of moments I’ve had so far watching the show where it’s seemed like lightening has struck and I’m like “Oh that’s me!” - namely the social awkwardness and a meltdown scene. It’s not every episode, it’s only on occasion, but it’s been nice to see nonetheless because the only other time I’ve witnessed that with an actual confirmed autistic character is Newt Scamander.
Obviously I don’t speak for all autistic people, and I’m very aware that many other autistic people have expressed dislike and criticism of the show - and I get it, I truly do. I do think the show isn’t exactly the best written (to put it nicely) and that it gives a very stereotypical representation of autism, namely “white boy/man autism”. I don’t want to bash the show too much because while I’ve seen complaints about it, I’ve also had some fellow autistic people say to me that they love the show and that they feel Shaun represents them - and that’s great.
I do want to express my discomfort about the fact that people have turned a scene where Shaun is having a meltdown into a meme. There is a very fine line between criticizing a piece of media for bad representation and then mocking autistic meltdowns - and I think a lot of neurotypicals are in fact just using it as an excuse to laugh at autistic people and mock us. It’s not just that scene either: I’ve seen people mocking clips showing how he stands, how he talks, how he interacts with people, and it very much feels like people just wanted a chance to make ableist comments about autistic people.
It’s also interesting that this show has so far had six whole seasons air, it’s got extremely high viewership, and yet it’s only now that people are taking offence to a scene that occurred at least four years ago. I know that Twitter has had a field day over another scene in the first season where Shaun at first struggles to understand why a trans woman is “she” (which, you know, is a whole other kettle of fish given that I’ve seen it claimed that autistic people are more likely to be trans/NB etc), and far right TERFs/bigots were using that scene as some kind of “gotcha!”… right up until it was pointed out that by the end of the episode, Shaun fully accepted the trans woman’s gender identity and used the correct pronouns.
Again, I’m not saying this was brilliant writing or anything, but it was several years ago and is only now being brought up, same with other scenes taken out of context in the show… Yes, autistic people have voiced grievances with it before, but were ignored - I don’t believe for one minute that the neurotypicals making the memes and being preachy give one shit about actually autistic people or care about us, because otherwise why were our voices ignored before? It’s only now that it’s been getting public notice for the trans episode that people are going “ohhhh this show sucks and is bad representation” as if members of the autistic community haven’t voiced that opinion for years. It just rubs me the wrong way quite frankly.
What I will say is that I’m tired of seeing people drag Freddie Highmore though. He’s a good actor, anyone who’s seen him in things he’s done since his childhood will know that, it’s not his fault if he’s given shit scripts to work with. I do also think Freddie means well with his portrayal, even if he’s (as far as we know) allistic and the fact he appeared in an Autism $peaks video (because of TGD/all the cast did it) - the man has zero social media presence whatsoever though and didn’t even know what Pokémon Go was, so I’m going to give him the benefit of the doubt this time and assume he truly hasn’t been informed about how harmful that organisation is. Or maybe I’m just going soft on him because seven year old me had an age appropriate crush on him eighteen years ago, who knows at this point?
I’m hoping all of this talk will open up a dialogue about the show and about the representation of autism, if nothing else.
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Hello tumblr TGD fandom 😇
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ahhvernin · 4 months
I need a crossover episode of House and The Good Doctor.
I need both Doctor House and Doctor Murphy to get into an argument and major avoidance, then realize they both are highly skilled at what they do and they do a whole brain storming session together and people outside their teams think they are in a heated debate but in the end they are speaking each other's language and the show ends with both of them giving each other a serious verbal burn...respectfully of course.
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junipum · 10 months
called me gay and autistic in nine different ways
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cupioriot · 9 months
if i had a nickle for everytime i liked a character that was both autistic and a surgeon, id have 3 nickles. isnt a lot but its weird that it happened thrice.
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toontooncartoon · 4 months
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Would you know my name if I saw you in heaven?Would it be the same if I saw you in heaven?
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specialagentlokitty · 7 months
Shaun Murphy x reader - the jobs we love
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Hi. I saw that you have The Good Doctor in your writing list. If you still write for it I was wondering if you would write a Shaun fic? If it could include this prompt 7. “You are the best person I’ve ever met, I’ve met so many people, but none of them compare to you.” from your prompt list. Also if it could be the Reader that says the prompt. Thank you and love all your work!❤️ - Anon💜
Slowly moving around your hospital room, you followed a strict step by step routine, being mindful of the furniture in there.
Each step hurt, but you had to keep practicing your routine.
“I would have to advise against moving around, you will hurt yourself more.”
You smiled a little bit, turning to the doorway, hands clasped behind your back as you smiled from ear to ear at the doctor who was waiting.
“I have to practice my routine Doctor Murphy, otherwise I’ll forget it.”
“Do you use the same routine every time?” He asked.
He padded in, holding your file to his chest, and he stood in front of you, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet slightly.
“I need you to sit down.”
You nodded, sitting on the edge of the bed.
You watched as Shaun walked over, standing in front of you as he began to do some basic checks on you.
“How are you feeling?” He asked.
“My leg hurts a lot, but other than that I’m okay.”
“Yes, you have broken your leg in two places. It is why we told you not to move around.”
You hummed a little bit and nodded.
“Why do you carry on walking around if it hurts you?”
You moved back on to the bed, putting your leg up and Shaun before checking it over, and you let him.
Sometimes you would move in discomfort, but you didn’t do anything to stop him from doing his job.
“Well, it’s my job. I have deadlines to meet, and the season starts up again soon, so I need to be ready to practice.”
“I would advise against practicing until your breaks are fully healed, you may break your leg again.”
“I’ve broken many bones.” You smiled.
“What is your job?”
“Professional figure skater.”
Shaun nodded his head, pacing back and forth as he went through your file.
“Why do you still do it if you get hurt?”
You rested your head back on one of your arms, looking as he took a marker out of his pocket, and began to draw on your leg.
“Well, it’s something I love doing. Would you stop being a surgeon if you got hurt?”
“Yes, it is not logical to stay at a work place where you get hurt.”
“Soldiers get hurt, police officers get hurt, firemen get hurt, sometimes doctors and nurses get hurt too Shaun. If everybody stopped doing their jobs because they’re scared of being hurt then we’d have nobody to help us.”
Shaun furrowed his brows a little in confusion.
“I.. I don’t understand.”
“Are to scared that you’ll get hurt when you get a really bad patient?”
“Yes, sometimes I am.”
“But you’re still here, right?”
Shaun nodded his head.
“You know why you’re still here?”
“Because I like my job. I am a surgeon. I am a good surgeon.”
You laughed softly, nodding your head.
“Yeah, you’re a good surgeon. Exactly. You love your job, that’s why you’re still here.”
“You love your job.”
“Yeah, I do. That’s why you see me every time I break a bone Shaun.”
He nodded a little.
“You break a lot of bones (Y/N). You should be more careful.”
This made you laugh, and you grinned a little at him.
“Maybe I should, but sometimes we’ve got to take the risk.”
“I cannot take risks, that is dangerous.”
Shaun clasped his hands in front of him, unclasping and clasping them back together as he looked around the room.
“You need surgery to fix one of the breaks in your leg, Doctor Melendez has you scheduled for this evening.”
You hummed a bit.
“Are you gonna be in there too?”
“Yes, I am assisting.”
“Good, i trust you Shaun. I know you’ll do right by me and my leg, you make whatever choice you have to.”
“What if it means you cannot ice skate anymore?”
You smiled softly.
“I trust you.”
“Why? Many people do not like me taking part in the surgery. They do not like having an autistic doctor.”
“You want to know a secret Shaun?” You whispered.
He quickly nodded, shuffling closer so he could hear what you were going to say to him.
“You are the best person I’ve ever met, I’ve met so many people, but none of them compare to you.” You whispered.
Shaun smiled a little bit, and he leant back, looking at you briefly before he turned away.
“Nobody has ever told me that before.”
“Well it’s true, you, Shaun Murphy, are extraordinary. You are amazing, you are smart, and you are going to be the best surgeon in the country one day.”
“How do you know?”
You turned your attention to the ceiling.
“Because you’re the best at what you do. I trust you. I’m glad you’re going to be the one to fix my leg.”
Shaun smiled a little more and he quietly left the room, still smiling to himself.
He had met a few times, sometimes you would go to the hospital with small fractures or head injuries from falling.
Every time you would remind him how he’s going to be a great surgeon, and he would ask you questions about figure skating.
It was a friendship he had never had before, you never doubted him for a second, you listened to him and let him talk about everything that was bothering him.
Shaun liked seeing you, but he didn’t like seeing you in the hospital, but he knew you were going to be okay, because he knew exactly how to fix your break so you could go back to doing exactly what you loved
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your-fav-is-divorced · 3 months
doctor Shaun Murphy and sun wukong (from lmk) are divorced
the guy from the good doctor??? huhhh who the fuck am i divorcing
Shaun Murphy from The Good Doctor and Sub Wukong from Lego are Divorced!
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