#doctor strange: damnation
amagicdoctor · 1 year
It’s National Doctor’s Day!
Reblog with your favorite Doctor Strange scene/meme/headcanon/fun fact. I’ll go first.
Peep this screenshot from one of my favorite scenes from Doctor Strange: Damnation!
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"I trust you with it because you have no thumbs."
Doctor Strange & Bats the Ghost Dog
Doctor Strange: Damnation
Publication: February 21st, 2018 - April 17th, 2018
Writers: Donny Cates & Nick Spencer
Art By: Rod Reis
@sobeautifullyobsessed @fanartka @strangelockd @sinisterstrange616 @icytrickster17 @sassenach-on-the-rocks @darsynia @bakerstreethound
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age-of-moonknight · 9 months
Do you know comics where moon knight team up with strange? Or deadpool?
Or where he interact with magic marvel characters?
Oh, for sure! Moon Knight has teamed up with Doctor Strange a couple times, as well as with Doctor Voodoo and Clea. There's also the Damnation event which involved a whole slew of magic users and magic-adjacent characters, including Doctor Strange, Doctor Voodoo, and Wong. The event itself, however, is,,,,unfortunately (fair warning, the following is largely just my opinion) not the greatest in its portrayal of MK. It tends to use Mr. Knight as the comedic relief and the "comedy" boils down to "ohohoheehee I'm so unstable and can someone please recommend me a psychiatrist," which can be...abrasive if you're feeling charitable and I've seen others who were feeling decidedly less charitable describe it as a little offensive. Which is a shame, because at least in my eyes, the event has a great line up and could have been even better. I'll throw in the citations though for anyone who wants to check it out and form their own opinions.
MK's relationship with Deadpool is uuuuh unfortunately a bit more rocky. Moon Knight's goals rarely line up with Deadpool's in the 616 Universe, so MK doesn't "team up" with Wade so much as, as I said in this post (and I quote myself not to self-aggrandize, but because, well, I'm not particularly creative in my metaphors), use Wade like one of "those stress-relief squeeze toys." Moon Knight was greatly intrigued when he discovered Wade can't die and consequently uses that to his advantage. Outside of the 616 continuity, Mr. Knight is much more sympathetic to Wade in Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe Again, but gosh, I never feel great recommending that series without some degree of forewarning. While I genuinely enjoyed some moments, as you can probably guess from the title,,,,it has such a terribly sad ending that still kind of haunts me tbh. But I'll include that just in case you're curious! All of the associated citations are beneath the cut as this was starting to get a bit long (whoops mea culpa)
Doctor Strange
Moon Knight (Vol. 1/1980), #36: A classic two hero team-up
Marc Spector: Moon Knight (vol. 1/1989), #44 and #46: Strange was pivotal in I guess what could be considered exorcising a demon out of Moon Knight
“The Empty Tomb,” Moon Knight: Black, White & Blood (Vol. 1/2022), #2: I'm not entirely sure if this is 616-compliant (and I kind of hope it isn't personally), but this is another case of Marc approaching Stephen for medical/mystical advice The following are instances I found of MK and Strange being on a larger team together but their interactions are comparatively minimal
Marvel Knights (Vol. 1/2000), #8
Original Sin (Vol. 1/2014), #4
Punisher (Vol. 13/2022), #9-12
(Special Note) The Avengers (Vol. 8/2018), #33: the infamous time Marc punched out Strange and stole the Eye of Agamotto, which Marc mentions he wishes he could properly apologize for in Death of Doctor Strange: Spider-Man (Vol. 1/2022), #1 and is pointedly brought up by Wong in Moon Knight (Vol. 9/2021), #9 (the Damnation event is also alluded to in that latter issue) Deadpool
Vengeance of the Moon Knight (Vol. 1/2009), #7-8: Their only major interaction, as far as I'm aware, but it's not a team-up unfortunately (mainly they just beat each other up)
Deadpool (Vol. 4/2008), #28-9: Some collaborative work together, but the most interaction they have is when Moon Knight needs very little prompting to snap Deadpool's neck (unfortunate all around)
Deadpool (vol. 4/2008), #49.1: the previous incident gets a one-page musical reprise (this is Deadpool we're talking about, so you know I'm not kidding hahaha)
Deadpool: Assassin (Vol. 1/2018), #4: They do manage to have a comparatively amicable one-panel interaction here though...
“So White. Yet, So Dark,” Moon Knight: Black, White & Blood (Vol. 1/2022), #1: ...but not amicable enough that Marc will lend Wade the Mr. Knight suit the next time they see each other
Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe Again (Vol. 1/2017) #1-3
Doctor Voodoo
Moon Knight (Vol. 1/1980), #21: Classic team-up
Marc Spector: Moon Knight (vol. 1/1989), #6-7: Classic team-up
Black Panther (Vol. 3/1998), #20-22: Collaborated on a team together
Strange (Vol. 3/2022), #5: An absolute delight of a classic team-up
Doctor Strange (Vol. 6/2023), #2: Mr. Knight calls her and Stephen in on a case
Bonus: according to Strange (Vol. 3/2022), #9, after working together, Clea thinks Moon Knight is a "dear," much to Stephen's consternation.
Moon Knight did work with the Strange Academy kids in Strange Academy: Moon Knight (Vol. 1/2023), #1, but that ends on a bit of a cliffhanger (for MK at least) that never did quite get resolved, unless I missed something entirely.
The issues Moon Knight appears in for the Damnation event are as follows, in chronological order:
Doctor Strange: Damnation (Vol. 1/2018), #1-2
Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider (Vol. 1/2017), #15
Doctor Strange (Vol. 4/2015), #387
Doctor Strange: Damnation (Vol. 1/2018), #3
Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider (Vol. 1/2017), #16-17
Doctor Strange: Damnation (Vol. 1/2018), #4
And with that, I'll leave you with something that could have been and something I will never miss a chance to bring up: Greg Smallwood's Midnight Sons (I WEEP for roads not taken, let me tell you)
I hope there's something in here that is of interest to you! Happy reading!
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lostgirl1428 · 1 year
Let it be known…I have been absolutely cackling over this panel for MONTHS now.
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nmmpmmnh-blog · 1 year
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panlight · 6 months
I just read your post about how easily Bella was able to adjust to vampirism, and do you think it was has something to do with she had already tasted human blood before she turned?
like if we go for the eternal damnation angle, where after you're turned you're supposed to drain the life of the kind you belonged to but that doesn't happen to Bella nor does she suffer through it as she had already tasted Blood and thus had already damned herself therefore making her immune???
I mean I know Smeyer didn't go for that angle but this adds an added layer of depth and darkness to the whole "Eww Bella drank Human Blood and LIKED IT" and " Wow, Bella has adjusted so well to being a vampire" like i feel like it ties the whole thing up in a neat lil bow
I could get behind this! She's already tasted human blood, "screwed her total," as she said, before she even becomes a vampire, and so she's primed for it, she's already doomed. There's no angst because the vampire essence had already taken root. I could also accept that the James bite did something to her, or even the pregnancy had changed her in a way that made the adjustment to vampirism less of a shock to the system.
I still wouldn't love that it was such an easy, non-event though. I don't, personally, feel like becoming a supernatural creature with an insatiable blood thirst is something you can really "mentally prepare" for. Like sure, making the choice beforehand and being informed might take the edge off; it could remove a few of the layers of chaos and fear, and that could help. She's not waking up in a strange world surrounded by strange people like the others were. But it should still be hard. You're still dealing with all-new senses, all-new instincts, all-new painful bloodthirst. "I just thought about it and made up my mind not to eat people!" is such a boring explanation.
And also, for me, the whole thing I found compelling was this sort of impossibly difficult and painful self-denial the Cullens had going on. It's only interesting if it's difficult. Newborn!Carlisle banishing himself to the woods and trying to starve himself for months and then spending centuries perfecting his self-control enough to be a doctor is just WAY more interesting to me than Bella hanging out with her human dad on day 2 of vampirism. Alice wandering alone and trying to make sense of her visions and having only "sporadic success" at not eating people is a hundred times more interesting to me than newborn!Bella dressing up all sexy and going to meet a lawyer. The mental image of Carlisle, Edward, Esme and Rosalie ALL having to tackle newborn!Emmett to try and keep him from eating someone because he's so outrageously strong is way more compelling (and scary! and sad!) than Bella just getting "distracted" by Edward and not eating the hikers. Jasper still struggling with the bad habits he picked up in the vampire wars; Rosalie killing her attackers without spilling a drop of blood because she knew she wouldn't be able to resist that; lovely gentle Esme slipping up and killing people and having to come home to Dr. Perfect Record with red eyes. Edward going on his rebellion because he didn't want to be in pain any more. THAT's the stuff I find compelling, that's the stuff that sucked me into this series.
But totally! At least explain her success with some actual lore. She's already tasted blood, she's already been bitten, she's been somehow changed by the nightmare pregnancy. All of that is better than "mentally prepared." Or at the very very very least really make it clear her success was about her circumstances. It was easier for her because she was informed and supported, not because she's innately magic or unusually self-controlled.
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eyeodyssey · 3 months
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MOON AGE 15 : DAMNATION (English Translation) Moon Age 15: Damnation is a 1988 short comic by pseudonymous author Not Osada, who openly drew influence from the Tokyo Grand Guignol's work in such a way that can arguably give a loose insight to the TGG's mysteriously anomalous works. While only a slight window into what could've existed in Ameya's vision, each contemporary rendering of his world of gore-soaked medical equipment and rusted metal is valuable in what it represents. As mentioned in my prior Litchi essay, the fragments of the Tokyo Grand Guignol we have now are descendants of a cultural phantom, standing as shrouded windows to a strange intangible stage that's positioned somewhere between post-Maruo inferno, industrial subculture and decadent poetry. While Osada’s manga featured notably grizzly and cruelly morbid scenarios, his stories were made explicitly for the shoujo market with a distinctly shoujo-influenced art style. Characters appear almost doll-like with their visual perfections, all while they’re often dismantled and reassembled in bizarre surgical practices by sadistic doctors. Much like how Zera expresses horror to seeing his own imperfect organs in contrast with his youthful appearance, our pristine victims share the same internals as any other slaughtered cadaver, all in a maddening spiral of narratives that contemporary readers often described as resembling descents to insanity. This fixation of the contrast between perceived beauty and grotesqueness is arguably traced back to the Tokyo Grand Guignol’s own works, with lines accentuating the youthful features of certain characters while audience members were known to fondly look back on the actors’ appearances. Litchi himself was described as being a “cute” robot despite the violence it was programed to carry out. It’s possible that this collision is inherent to Ameya’s conceptual destruction of the TGG. A known detractor to poetic writing, he called on a romantic author to pen the screenplays to the TGG’s first three plays so he could “destroy” them in his direction. The use of beauty could arguably be a mockery of it, taking these idealized dolls and leaving them trapped in worlds of fascism and hospital rooms that are haunted by the stinging stench of antiseptics and blood. Plastic hospital drapes were used in place of stage curtains and autopsy films were shown to the wide-eyed characters, who spoke of pure blood and dirty blood, the antithesis of blood, mercuro. What is beauty a representation of in the Grand Guignol’s works with the prominent fascist leanings of the protagonists? Considering the perspectives of our characters where the Hikari Club and the deranged teachers and Nazi doctors are treated as protagonists rather than explicit antagonists, the plays could arguably be read as the decay of a self-convinced beauty under fascist rule. Songs of the pure-blooded ubermensch fading into silence as the singers all collapse, lost in their own delirium as they pump mercurochrome into their hearts and try to rationalize their own organs that resemble the internals of the so-called ‘landraces’ they rendered into lifeless meat. It’s the natural conclusion of fascism, a collapse that occurs in demented violence to the face of a denial of death. I was originally split on publicizing my translation due to copyright-related complications, but after seeing the increasing gatekeeping of TGG materials at the hands of a rapidly growing market riddled with competitive spending and scalping, I feel obliged to share it to the public who (like myself) can’t afford to spend the now literal hundreds that are required to access angura ephemera that was meant to be openly available to the public to begin with. When originally finding this story, the book it was featured in was only 5 dollars. Now it goes for 60 to 200. That's ridiculous. With all the preamble out of the way, the story is under the cut...
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While I made my best effort to maintain accuracy to the source material in translation despite my practically nonexistent understanding of Japanese (my translation method is a Frankensteining of language learning videos, a Japanese to English dictionary from the Internet Archive and Google Translate with a lot of localizing and dissection in between), there are several details I feel I should note for the sake of transparency. One smaller one was the inclusion of the term l * lita. It was in the original text, and I was honestly very unsure of including it in my translation as it’s a term I’m personally icked out by. While I was ultimately recommended to keep the line as is for accuracy, I wish to state that it's a term I'm personally very uncomfortable with in what it represents. The other note, which is the more prominent one in the final product, are the references to The Last Attempt at Paradise. In the original text the club members solely refer to their hideout as paradise and Eden, leaving a lot of excess space in the speech bubbles after translation when making the shift from Japanese text to English. The Last Attempt at Paradise was the name of S.P.K.’s 1982 live album that documents their set at the Off the Wall Hall venue in Lawrence, Kansas. Often considered one of their best concerts and a highlight of the industrial genre, the S.P.K. Appreciation Society of Sydney in their All The Way With S.P.K. / American Tour article describes the concert as being the group's “best performance to date”, further adding that they “Flattened (an) enthusiastic audience with massive P.A. amplification of FX bass regeneration”. This insertion wasn’t done at random, as the Tokyo Grand Guignol’s works were heavily engrained in the original industrial scene of the 80s. Both the 1985 and 1986 performances of Litchi began on a playback of the S.P.K. song Culturcide (from their 1983 Dekompositiones EP), and it was likely that use of the track that led to Not Osada’s early fixation on S.P.K.’s music. At the end of Blind Beast, in a sort of reader Q&A Osada is questioned about some of his favorite music. At the top of the list he features the tracklist of the Dekompositiones EP and the track Mekano from their 1979 Mekano / Contact / Slogun single. Interestingly enough he states that he only likes those four songs from the band, following the text with laughter in regards to their remaining discography. I’m unsure if this means he was unimpressed with their noisier work (which would be curious knowing his liking of Mekano with how it originated from their earliest noise-adjacent album) or if he was directed to their later Machine Age Voodoo material and was alienated by it. In the same Q&A he also mentions the band Funeral Party, who featured specially commissioned art by Suehiro Maruo on their Dream of Embryo single. It's apparent that he also had a copy of the compilation album Vision Of The Emortion, as the list also includes C·C·Mekka and Ego'n Mole, who were both featured in the album alongside Funeral Party's only two other documented tracks, Das Sunde and Gears - Night. S.P.K. references are sprinkled throughout this story along with Osada's other Litchi-adjacent entries. Aside from one of Zera's henchmen being named after the Mekano track, it's very likely that the frequent references to Eden are in homage to the lyrics of Mekano. The first lines of the track include the verses "One by one, odd to even. Break the scenes, rudely eden...".
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Moon Age 15 was originally printed in 1988 as a two-part miniseries in the horror magazine Complete Collection of Horror and Occult Works - HELP, namely in volumes 5 and 6. While being an early work that derived from the TGG, it still wasn’t the first comic to adapt the Litchi stage play, with Das Blut : Blood and Eternal Girl preceding it with their 1986 publication in Osada’s debut anthology Night Reading Room, sharing the same year as the TGG’s early closure following creative conflicts between Norimizu Ameya and K Tagane (the group's author, who remains anonymous to this day). It’s to be noted however that while Das Blut and Eternal Girl were the first stories to feature the Hikari Club as antagonists, they are only tangentially related with Moon Age showing more distinct Grand Guignol archetypes (musings of the full moon, examinations of the Hikari club’s misogyny, idealization of technology, and even an early rendition of the Litchi robot itself). First kept solely as a brief serial, Moon Age was later reprinted in abridged form as a short story in the 1996 Blind Beast anthology. While copies of HELP are notably hard to find and demand high prices, I was given an in depth view of both volumes that featured Moon Age’s serialization by a collector earlier last year. While the drawings are still the same on a rudimentary level, the length of the serialized version is notably longer than the later Blind Beast variant, with the HELP serialization being over 40 pages while Blind Beast’s is only 24. This was the product of the manga being entirely revised for Blind Beast’s print, with the layouts being drastically altered along with basic revisions of the line art. Certain scenes that would usually take 2 to 3 pages in the HELP version were condensed to 1, resulting in a unique tradeoff where one version feels unusually spacious in its framing while the other is heavily condensed and almost chaotic by comparison. It’s only a thing that springs on you once you compare the two variants, I saw the revised version first and originally didn’t pay any mind to it. One thing that is certain is the polishing of the art. The brush work in the Blind Beast version is refined with a more elaborate sense of weight and flow while the HELP version is notably rough with the prominent use of rudimentary screentones. It reflects as a somewhat rougher variant of the art shown in Night Reading Room. It feels strangely digital, like it’s the product of early computer art. The line-by-line reuse of the decapitation scene from Eternal Girl being shown on the TVs further adds to the strange digital feel of the art style.
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Similar to Moon Age, Osada's other stories of the Hikari Club featured the members luring girls to their brutal deaths. In Eternal Girl the members bring in a student and film her mutilation for a snuff film that acts as the story's namesake, in Das Blut they corner another student to the woods where they hang her, and in Jinta Jinta they kidnap a student who bullied one of her classmates to suicide before trepanning her with a strange device that's somewhere between an electric chair and a drill. Not Osada was very recently namedropped in the concluding essay of an English print of Kawashima Norikazu’s Her Frankenstein under the alternate Nagata Nooto anglicization of Osada’s pseudonym. Their name is a curious case as while there is a prominent written variant (長田ノオト), it’s seen numerous English iterations. In Osada’s own English signatures it is written as Not Osada (with the name apparently being derived from a German phrase), but other variants include Osada Nohto, Osada Nooto and Not Nagata. If I'm not mistaken, it could count as one of the first English acknowledgements of Osada's works in print.
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liliegrayson · 1 year
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doctor strange: damnation (2018) #2
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deadqueenz · 23 days
Immortal Eddie Gluskin x Reader: All For You
(Part One. Might Continue)
Where and how to begin? He adored you, the moment he first saw you. After escaping from the asylum, he made sure to keep his head low and not stay in one place for too long. But that changed when he saw you, and your dull eyes.
You looked so bored of everything, so uninterested. And yet, Eddie knew instantly there was something more to you. He couldn't stop himself from following you, trying to figure out what it is about you that made him find you interesting.
But perhaps he was too interested. His tongue felt heavy, mouth dry. Brain stuffed with cotton and cobwebs. No, no, no, no! His eyes snap open wide, sitting up on the hospital bed expecting to find himself trapped back in that damned facility.
But there weren't any tubes down his throat, he didn't see 'the walrider', no strange voices or visions...hallucinations. The room he was in was dark, cold. Goosebumps form over his arms and legs. Squinting in the darkness, he could feel someone watching him.
It's when his eyes finally adjust to the darkness when he notices you. Standing in the corner of the room, the outline of your features, your eyes... Oh how the way you looked at him, examining him.
"You're awake..."
Walking out from the dark corner, you push a tray with scaples, filled syringes, and other medical tools. Eddie's eyes following your every move, his mouth slightly agape in awe as he took you in. Not paying attention as you listed off his vitals, and other things. He will praise the ground you walk on, never let your feet touch the filthy ground again if you so command him to.
Just keep your eyes on him, no one else. You are the one he's been looking for, his love. His wife, the mother to his children, his darling. Oh so precious darling that could do no wrong. Just don't be a whore, please don't be like those other whores, and he will be yours.
He breathes, his body trembling on the hospital bed, not from the cold but from excitement. And when you stop talking to glare at him, by the damnation of the Walrider, he could finish right then and there.
"Patient seems overwhelmed by something. Heart rate is tachycardia, BP is climbing...Giving beta blockers to slow his heart to normal rhythm, now."
You state with a sigh, wanting to get started sooner than later. But these things happen, at least this lab rat wasn't fighting back for now. Grabbing one of the filled syringes, you firmly grasp Eddie's arm. His eyes widening, body growing rigid as he remembers how he was forcibly pinned down, given injections and tests he didn't consent to. How he begged to be helped, to be saved from that hell.
He pulls away, feeling violently sick to his stomach and cold. Sweat beading across his forehead. You stare at him, placing the syringe down before taking hold of his hand as his breathing becomes ragged. The other rubbing soothing circles into his skin.
"Breathe, it's okay. You're safe here."
As safe as one could be with a Doctor slash Scientist who tests on humans rather than rats or animals. Eddie squeezes your hand, and with a blank expression, you squeezed his back. This was common with your test subjects, at first you never cared if they were terrified or furious, spatting curses.
But you came to realize, you get more flies with honey than with vinegar. Comfort them, and they will trust you more. Seems like you'd have to gain Eddie's trust before you can move forward.
You say, pulling your gloved hand free as Eddie nodded, yet his blue eyes follow you as you leave, stopping to turn on a small lantern giving the room a soft yellow glow. Eddie lays back down on the hospital bed, pulling the thin sheet up to his chest.
He feels as if he's embarrassed himself in front of you, he wasn't being a man at all. Nightmares and trauma plagues him. And yet, you comforted him. He turns on his side, placing the hand that you held to his lips, feeling your lingering warmth. It calms him, eases him. He drifts off into a dreamless sleep...
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burningfudge · 5 months
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Stephen got stabbed in the chest AGAIN? 😭 I don’t think he’s dead but he needs to do something to avoid being stabbed right after Death of Doctor Strange. Also RIP Blade. Not because he’s dead, but because he will be after attempting to kill Stephen when Clea’s in the room. My girl’s probably gonna go full Faltine!
“I am a doctor. If I must cut away a limb to save the patient, I will do it. I will accept my own damnation to save my patient, my world.” Another banger Doctor Strange line has dropped.
I also loved that Blade mentioned that Wanda would never cast a spell to exterminate a species after House of M. She was fueled by her guilt for what she did to the mutants for years, so of course, she wouldn’t.
Blood Hunt (2024) #1
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amagicdoctor · 9 months
Marvel better not be dropping the ball for Doctor Strange too and disappointing his fans cuz that's been the life blood of my heart for 3 years now and that fandom healed me in ways I can't describe.
Give us some good Doyle content Marvel you cowards
Signed, a saddened X-Men fan that learnt to shake my head and move on
Yeah idk if I've ever said this to you guys but I haven't enjoyed a Dr. Strange solo series since the 2016 one.
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funnypages · 3 months
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Wong apparently likes football
Doctor Strange: Damnation #2
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bearbearbon · 1 year
I get hit by Truck-kun, Now I'm screwed!: I don't like it here. It's cold, and wet, and in Historical Europe, and there's Yanderes everywhere.
You are, well technically, were a typical 21st century girl that fell into the rabbit hole of otome isekai manhwa while bored on a rainy Sunday afternoon—And you got hooked. You have read through anything you could get your sleep-deprived hands on, yes even the downright illiterate incoherent translations on some website that shall not be named because you were desperate to see what happens next. You were walking down the street just reading the latest chapter of your latest interest, really, just walking down some normal sidewalk to your nearest grocery store for an errand for your mother.
Then you heard someone scream, you turned to see that a truck speeding down the highway out of control—And problem is, it was headed straight towards you.
You should’ve moved or something. But you just stood there like a deer in headlights.
“Hey kid, get out of the way—!” Then it went dark.
.. … ….
You woke up. With a splitting headache but woke up and alive regardless. “I did just get hit by a truck..” you murmured, looking around your surroundings. Well this is odd. you thought to yourself getting up. ‘The hospital room is looking raaaather grand today...’ you realized, looking at the room you found yourself in. The large ceiling tall windows let in the sunlight, with velvet curtains as the stray rays reflected off the intricate furniture. All of it was screaming luxury, and expensive and then you started to fear for you and your wallet.
“Dang, I suuure hope the hospital bill won’t cost me returning my arms and legs.” you joked, laughing to yourself. Like an insane person. “Yeah, maybe the truck did help let some screws loose.” you admit to no one in particular as you wiggle your fingers and toes. Yep, perfect condition. Maybe you were better off crippled or dead—
You look around the room to find a mirror to inspect yourself in—to check if you really had to work till old age to pay back your debt. Ignoring the fact your head felt like it was gonna explode, you force yourself out of the soft covers on the cold floor. Strange… you felt a lot shorter than you remember. “Maybe the doctors really had to work on me.” you rationalized, dreading how much that’d cost you.
You carefully walk around the extravagant room, tip toe-ing lest you break any of the expensive looking decor, which could send you literal years into debt…. You better watch out for that aquamarine vase then. “Oof..!” you made a head dive barely catching it before it could shatter to a million sad little pieces on the ground. Along with your life savings. “Whew…”
You carefully put it back, making sure it won’t tumble and fall before sighing in relief—That is until you saw a big mirror mounted on the wall, perfectly mounted to flatter the room and make it look more spacious than it already is. The frame was intricate, warm golden and had designs that reminded you of rococo when you went down a rabbit hole of historical desig—you’re getting off topic...!
That being said, The problem wasn’t the mirror itself, no! Course not. The problem is what you saw in the mirror… You. “Is.. that me..?” you mumbled to yourself, startled and absolutely shell-shocked, oh I mean shell-shocked! When the girl mimicked your movements.
Oh no.
You immediately paced around the room, pinching yourself, slapping yourself, looking around the room to see if things would get distorted if you looked hard enough. “Oh, no, no,no,nonononono—”
You were screwed, doomed even. To damnation.
Now you’ve read your fair share of manhwa, you even consider yourself an expert in the field. But you see… That's also the reason for your demise. You’ve read so many so many of them all the plots started to fuse together into one big amalgamation that you still eat up every time. You forget plot points, male love interests, you even forget the main characters’ own names! Defaulting to nicknames like ,the mc, black haired one, the prince etc. Ah.. to reap the consequences of your own hubris—You slap yourself back into focus mode.
So you currently have two cards against you:
A ) You were chucked into this world with no warning whatsoever at the hands of truck-kun B ) You don’t even know which story you are in, which plot, and what even happens to you because your brain cells just ate everything they could find their hands on.
“Well, technically I have another weakness… since I barely have ¼ of the average isekai mc’s IQ” Wow. way to go you are such an optimist.
Unfortunately for you, your little existential crisis was interrupted by a loud knock on the door. “My lady?” a voice calls out, noticeably female. And old. Probably a maid.
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age-of-moonknight · 9 months
Hello , just wanna ask if you know more comics where he appears as Mr knight?
I had read the 2014-15 run, and the Lemire run, the 'deadpool kills marvel again' (mk got killed too early :/) and the 'marvel comics present' issue 4, I am also reading the current moon knight run,
(sorry bad English)
Hello! Thanks for sending an ask and there's absolutely no need to apologize for your English (yours is great and goodness knows that it's an absolute charlie foxtrot of a language/I kark it up often enough myself)! Looks like you've definitely read the main comics that feature Mr. Knight and can skip the first three bullet points below, but here's a compilation of appearances I scraped together where at least some variation of that all-white three piece suit is present, i.e. in some of these, he might have the mask and/or suit jacket off, but it's still pretty clearly the Mr. Knight suit. Just let me know if you'd like a list of variant covers featuring Mr. Knight as I would be happy to make that as well! I hope there might be some potentially new material in here for you/this might be of use and happy reading! Moon Knight Comics
Moon Knight (Vol. 7/2014), #1, #3-9, #11-15, #17
Moon Knight (Vol. 8/2016), ("Lemire Run" in brackets) [#1-5, #8-14], #188, #200
Moon Knight (Vol. 9/2021), #1-7, #9, #13-18, #20, #22-25, #30
Devil’s Reign: Moon Knight (Vol. 1/2022), #1
Moon Knight: Black, White & Blood (Vol. 1/2022), #1-4
Ms. Marvel & Moon Knight (Vol. 1/2022), #1
Moon Knight Annual (Vol. 3/2022), #1
Moon Knight: City of the Dead (Vol. 1/2023), #5 Other Comic Series
Secret Avengers (Vol. 1/2010), #19 (Special mention: the name "Mr. Knight" isn't used, but it's the first published instance I've tracked down of the iconic white suit + mask combo)
Doctor Strange: Damnation (Vol. 1/2018), #1-4
Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider (Vol. 1/2017), #15-17
Marvel Comics Presents (Vol. 3/2019), #4
The Avengers (Vol. 8/2018), #33
Strange (Vol. 3/2022), #5
Doctor Strange (Vol. 6/2023), #2 Other Continuities
Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe Again (Vol. 1/2017), #1-3 Cameos
Deadpool’s Secret Secret Wars (Vol. 1/2015), #1
Doctor Strange (Vol. 4/2015), #387-388
Deadpool: Assassin (Vol. 1/2018), #4
Daredevil (Vol. 5/2016), #612
Avengers: No Road Home (Vol. 1/2019), #10
Crazy (Vol. 3/2019), #1
Avengers Unlimited (Vol. 1/2022), Infinity Comic, #33 Additional Special Notes
Soldier wears the "Mr. Knight" suit in Moon Knight (Vol. 9/2021) #11 and #12
There's a pretty cool (imo) variation on the Mr. Knight suit in Moon Knight Annual (Vol. 4/2023), #1
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comicwaren · 3 months
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“Oh, Wong, I am damned already. And now you will join me in damnation.” -- Victor Strange
Cover art for Doctor Strange Vol. 6 #017, “Blood Hunt: Part 3”
Art by Alex Ross
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sanctum-stinker · 2 years
What made you like wongrange? They're an interesting couple and I'm interested
Strap in folks this will be a long one.
I have a brief and summed up version of how I got into it, and I also have screenshots of the panels, pages and comic issues that feed my dedication to this ship. Read whichever you please!
Doctor Strange: Way of the weird is the comic run that made me ship WongStrange for the first time. It was my first comic, and my perception of Wong was simply what the MCU served us with Benedict Wong, so I was immediately drawn to his character. His dedication and loyalty to Stephen and his job, as well as Stephen’s attachment and care for Wong in this run made me raise a brow, as I had never expected them to be this close. Furthermore the marvel gods decided to gift us with a confession.  I later branched out to more comics and picked and chose moments that I liked and forgot the ones I didn’t. Way of the weird set the bar very high in terms of how people write Wong, so I was shocked at how vile and disgusting some of the things that happen to him are. The servant and Master dynamic is still yet to be fully addressed in the way I think it deserves, so the issues I have with their dynamic are still being written in at times. So yeah! I basically just weave my own narrative with the comic bits I like. The way in which I ship them (like most ships) is very non-canon, so I understand that it may be confusing as to why I even stand by this weird niche pairing. I just think they’re neat, and I think Wong deserves proper love.
Thank you for coming this far. Here are my beloveds!
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Way of the weird offers us a look into their first meeting! This has been done many times before, but this run put a spin on it and introduces them before Stephen was a proper sorcerer. To see where they started out from and to see Wong’s ever present patience gives us such a neat little comparison to how they were to how they are now.
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They also sprinkle little domestic moments in which I really love. Everything Wong does in this comic doesn’t feel too Servanty and more just… interior decorating? Also his sass and his witty remarks as he keeps up with Stephen, they are so good.
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Wong’s deepest darkest fear is revealed to be Stephen’s death! Teehee giggle  this will not be heartbreaking in later years. Death of Doctor Strange I’m looking at you.
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So many things to say of about the Mr Misery chapters. First of all Mr Misery, a being made of Stephen’s pain which lives off Stephen’s pain chooses to possess Wong knowing it would hurt Stephen. It also uses Wong’s memories and emotions against Stephen. There is literally a confession in here if you ignore the ‘like a father’ bit. I choose to perceive that statement as Wong being protective of him because he does act that way consistently throughout the comic run (sacrificial monk cult I will never forget you).
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Stephen decides that to draw Misery back into his body he has to feel more pain than Wong is. He tries jabbing a hot rod into his neck, but the physical pain is not enough so he instead tells Wong he cannot love him or anyone else. The pain of this action is more than any physical pain he has ever felt, and is painful enough to draw Misery into his body. I mean, what do I even have to say. 
This scene pushed the ship for me. Until this point I was just raising an eyebrow and saying ‘it his is certainly fruity’ but this… historians would call them best friends I guess.
Moving onto Doctor Strange: Damnation.
Now this is a cool case because there’s a Stephen and Wong POV going on which is dope.
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Marvel tell us what Wong was going to say IMPOSSIBLE EDITION.
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This whole sequence is just very sweet. Wong had since left the sanctum because of a dubious decision Stephen made. The forgiveness, and yet again the patience Wong has with Stephen is so soft. Regardless of his opinions of Stephen Wong still dragged his ass out of Hell, and that’s something and a half. Also the way they look and smile at each other. Very platonic homie activity.
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The hug, the promise to return, the hand on his shoulder. Yeah. Just very lovely.
Now onto Death of Doctor Strange. The title says it for itself! This shit hurts!
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Wong has obviously since returned to the sanctum. This domestic banter is so good, the reminiscences on older times and the care Wong has for Stephen just shows and I adore it. Unfortunately this never happens again after Clea turns up, and Wong is sort of pushed into a background character which was a little saddening considering how important of a character he is and how much the next events effected him.
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Wong was the first to notice and the first to arrive when Stephen was killed. He was already grieving when Zelma and Jericho turned up, and considering the fact he was in an art class means that he was there in a snap. 
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The trauma of the memory of Stephen’s death haunts Wong and continues to do so until he is revived. It’s a little odd, as Wong is more openly reactive and weighed down by Stephen’s death than Clea is. Wong is a very calm, closed off and controlled person and I honestly expected Clea to be the one to be so emotional due to her warlord origins, but it was an unexpected surprise to see how he deals with it.
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The fact that these two sentences come out of his mouth and not Stephen’s wife’s is peculiar. Honestly very fruity behaviour from Wong.
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‘my’ sorcerer supreme.
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The culmination of his guilt, anger and grief over the loss of Stephen bursting out in this violent rage was so emotional to see. Wong has very rarely if not never reacted this way, as i mentioned before he was always the calm and collected one out of the bunch. The effect Stephen’s death had on him will always be very important to me.
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These are the only two images we get of their reunion which I thought was a bit stingy considering how much Wong went through, but it’s still sweet! Look at how happy he is!
Now for one shots which are unrelated to the main story.
What If Magik? Is a narrative in which Illyana Rasputin becomes sorcerer supreme. I consider this the prequel to Doctor Strange: The end, though I don’t know if that’s canon. It just fits very well and the art style is the same.
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Wong explaining his relationship to Stephen while he eats his tentacle soup in the back is very funny and I love the art style and dialogue.
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Stephen being Stephen and Wong being fed up is my favorite dynamic. Never gets old.
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Illyana and her family. Just this whole sequence is very adorable and sweet. To be honest the whole comic is. This is a truly hidden gem, I’d recommend anyone to read it. Stephen Dilf era is canon in this timeline.
Doctor Strange: The end switches between being my favorite with WoTW because it’s so good but so short. There’s actually a lot of Wong content in this even though he is not physically there.
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He’s a little memorial cabinet and just everything about this makes me go insane. Stephen is openly very protective of it, and also talks to it regularly.
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In an attempt to keep magic alive he grave robs a bunch of old mystics and outs their bones in Wong’s cabinet which he Carrie’s around in his back and travels with. He also keeps talking to him almost constantly while he’s on this journey and it’s really bittersweet to see how lonely he is.
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Just this dialogue and Stephen sleeping in his cabinet.
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Another confession. This time just true and raw. I like that the ‘….’ Implies that Wong said it to him first. Stephen is willing to sacrifice the rotten remains of his friends to keep magic alive, but is very reluctant to throw a very willing Wong into the fire. Anywho, spoilers but after he puts the cabinet into the flames he climbs in himself and they burn together. Homie activity.
That concludes the selection of images I kept to prove my ship worthy to you all. I hope it was worth while! I am very passionate about them, so this was fun to write out. I’ve missed out a lot of good moments and even whole comics which have a good dynamic between them like Doctor Strange:Origin or Doctor Strange: Sorcerer supreme #80-90(?). Regardless, I hope this is enough to make you consider joining this niche community! We don’t bite!
If you have any questions or comments please message me! Never bored of talking about them.
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