#doctor strangex reader
ironstrange1991 · 10 months
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Pairing: Doctor!Strange x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: It's Stephen's birthday and Y/n decides to give him a especial surprise.
Word Count: 1,2k
Warnings: None, just fluff.
A/N: I wrote this in 20 minutes and didn't have the time to edit, so if you see some typos or grammar mistakes pretend you didn't see them ;)
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"Is everything ready?" You asked America and she nodded, but then ran to the dining room to make sure and came back stating
"Everyone is ready."
The girl was even more excited than you and you didn't think that could be possible. However, her happiness when listening to your ideas and throughout the process of arranging everything was palpable and contagious. In fact, America was always contagious. In a good way. She had a lightness that was her own.
You smiled excitedly. "I'll go get him then. Make sure everyone stays in their seats and doesn't make any noises so he doesn't suspect anything."
At that moment Cloaky came flying towards you, it twirled in the air a few times demonstrating how excited it was and making America giggle.
"Okay. Wait in the dining room. You too, Cloaky. We don't want him to suspect us, right?"
Cloaky shook its collar and then flew back where it came from and America followed.
The room was dark when you slipped in. The curtains were drawn to block out the light and Stephen was sleeping heavily on his stomach hugging his pillow and totally unaware of anything.
You allowed yourself to admire him for a few seconds. Safe and sound at home after another difficult mission that left him away for almost two weeks. He had just returned. He arrived in the middle of the night, injured, and you helped him take a shower and took care of his injuries before he throwed himself on the bed and slept for almost twelve hours straight.
You had been planning to do something for his birthday for weeks, but you had given up because you thought he wouldn't be back in time, but when he showed up, you made a point of calling everyone and prepared everything in the morning with America, Peter and MJ’s help.
He deserved it, even if he wasn't a big fan of his own birthday, you knew that Stephen deserved to celebrate another year of life surrounded by people who loved him.
However, convincing him to get out of bed wouldn't be an easy task when he was sleeping so heavily, but you accepted the challenge and climbed into bed, squeezed yourself into the little space he left on the mattress for you and started stroking his hair, calling him softly.
"Stephen, wake up love. You've already slept a lot. I need a little attention."
He hummed and mumbled something you couldn't understand and continued sleeping. You smiled to yourself and started to shake his shoulder. "Stephen… Stephen... Steeepheeeen, I'm not leaving until you wake up and you know I'm very persistent."
He opened one eye to look at you.
"And very annoying." He mumbled, closing his eye again.
You chuckled "Well, in this we are equals. Now please look at me. I know you are awake."
He sighed, finally turning onto his back and stretching and letting out a long yawn. "What time is it?"
You combed his hair with your fingers affectionately "Almost 2pm. You slept for twelve hours."
"Why don't you lay here with me and let me sleep a little longer?" He suggested, stretching out his arm and waiting for you to snuggle close to him, but you were well aware that there were people waiting for you downstairs, so you just bent down to give him a quick kiss on the lips and stood up.
"Where are you going?" He complained watching you get up. "I thought you wanted attention."
You smirked "There's something down there I need you to see."
Stephen raised an eyebrow and you wondered if he was suspecting something, so you decided to go deeper into the lie. Anything that would make him get up and go down stairs.
"I think I broke one of your relics."
This caught his attention. He sat on the bed running his hands through his hair.
"What happened? Which relic?"
You had to try hard to hide a smirk as he immediately got up and put on the sweatpants you left folded on the bedside table.
"You'll see. But first..." You walked around the bed and went to him, standing on your tiptoes to give him a small kiss on his lips. "I want a good morning kiss."
He smiled cupping your cheeks and kissing you properly.
"Now go brush your teeth and fix your hair. The relic can wait a few minutes."
He gave a suspicious look. "Why do I get the feeling you're hiding something from me?"
You shrugged your shoulders feigning innocence, and he went to the bathroom to do what you asked. When he returned, you handed him a tee that he barely had time to put on before you grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the room.
"Sweetheart, no matter what happened to the relic..." He started to say as you practically dragged him down the stairs and strode towards the dining room. "I'm sure we can find a way..."
Everyone shouted in unison. The dining room was decorated with balloons, there was a huge cake filled with small candles and a pile of gifts on the table and all of his Avengers friends were there, including Tony, Pepper, Natasha, Clint, Steve, Sam, Bruce and Thor. Peter and MJ were also there, alongside Wong and America wearing birthday hats and whistling and clapping.
Stephen barely had the chance to react and Cloaky flew towards him, happily clinging to his shoulders.
Stephen finally allowed himself to look at you, his expressions were a mix of surprise, disbelief, but most of all, he looked happy. An open smile was on his face.
"There is no broken relic." He deduced.
You shook your head smiling and wrapping him in a tight hug. "Everything is fine and you are safe at home surrounded by people who love you, the way you deserve." You said giving him a little kiss on the cheek. "Happy birthday, love."
Stephen held you in his arms and buried his face in your neck. “Thank you, sweetheart, for everything. I love you.” He cooed giving you a kiss on the forehead.
"Happy birthday, Stephen." America said happily and he turned to hug her tightly.
"Happy birthday, sir" Peter said approaching and Stephen smirked.
"I think we agreed that you don't need to call me sir, Peter."
Peter smiled "Happy birthday, Stephen."
Stephen chuckled pulling Peter into a tight hug. "Thanks, kid."
He finally allowed himself to look around at everyone in the room.
"I can't believe you guys are here because of me." He admitted still with that silly smile on his lips.
"It wasn't like we had a choice." Tony teased, approaching. "But you deserve it, man." Tony raised his hand in a high five gesture and Stephen grimaced.
"Come on!" Tony pressed.
"I said we're not going to do this anymore."
Tony pretended not to hear and continued waiting.
"It'll be easier if you give in." You spoke softly in his ear and sighing Stephen hit Tony's hand who exclaimed happily "Awesome facial hair bros!!"
"Argh, I hate you" Stephen exclaimed and everyone laughed…
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Reblog please! Leave a comment if you liked it. Interact! I will love to read all of your comments and opinions. It inspires me to keep writing ;)
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ironstrange1991 · 2 years
Strange Love (Part 1)
Angst / +18 Smut
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Pairing: DoctorStrange!Supreme x Fem!Reader Doctor!Strange x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: After Escape from the traumas of the past, the reader finds shelter in Stark Tower and begins a new life that is threatened with the arrival of a visitor from another universe.
Word count: 5k
Warnings: Kidnapping, Mentions of abuse and traumas, Mentions of blood and wounds, Sexual content (P in V).
A/N: Specific plot parts and character powers may differ from what is seen in the movies and comics. I didn't try to make the story faithful to what we see in the MCU, this being used only as reference. Loki is only a tiny part of the story so if you don't like him don't worry ;)
English is not my first language so this will probably have some grammatical mistakes, I hope it doesnt spoil your experience.
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Chapter 1: A Strange Visitor
It was late at night and all your instincts were on alert. Something wasn't right.
After all the traumas you went through after arriving in NY, you knew how to detect certain things and learned not to ignore certain sensations when they arrived.
Loki was far away trying to sort himself out with the TVA, which made you anxious and worried, but you needed to trust that he would make it or you would never have peace.
So there you were, staring at the dawn through the window after a sleepless night and worried about something you couldn't say what it was.
The day dragged on slowly and anxiously, every time someone called your name you scared yourself thinking something bad was happening, but when something got out of your control, it wasn't someone who informed you, you saw what was happening yourself. right before your eyes.
The vision was blurred and frightening. Stephen Strange was struggling. Defending himself against an enemy you couldn't see. Wong was passed out on the floor. Doctor Strange surrendered and then shouted “Look around you, do you think this is going to end well? Every time we interfere with reality we bring destruction.”
The voice that answered Stephen was familiar, but it held a frightening tone that you had never heard.
“It's nothing I can't fix.”
Your heart skipped a beat when you noticed that the speaker was Doctor Strange, or at least a version of him.
When you came back to the reality of the living room in Stark Tower, you were scared. You wanted to pretend that this was just a dream, nonsense, but you couldn't help but see it as some kind of premonition. More importantly, you couldn't hide it from Strange. He needed to know about that threat as soon as possible. He would know what to do.
You headed for the Sanctum Sanctorum as fast as you could. You slammed the door, but no one answered. The door opened as you tried the handle and entered what was a totally different place than the last time you saw it, all the furniture lying on the ground.
“Doctor Strange" You called, but no one answered. "We need to talk about something I saw…"
Doctor Strange's voice came to you strangled and scared
“[Y/N] ... run now.”
You turned to run, but the door closed in front of you and Doctor Strange spoke again.
“Welcome, my dear.”
A chill ran down your spine and when you turned around you saw him for the first time: Stephen Strange. Well, some kind of Stephen Strange.
Doctor Strange was lying on the floor beside Wong. Another Stephen Strange was walking towards you.
“I knew you would come. I could feel you watching me. I see that this universe has done you good, your skills are much more developed here.”
You did not answer.
“Allow me to introduce myself, but it may seem a little strange.” He smirked  “I'm Doctor Stephen Strange.”
You nodded, trying not to show how much that scared you.
“I know who you are. I saw you some time ago, knew you would come at some point.”
“Of course, your skills are exceptional.” He said looking proud.
“[Y/N]... run.”  Doctor Strange shouted irritating the other Doctor Stephen Strange who gagged him with a spell.
“Please don't hurt him.”
Strange smiled evilly. He was slightly different from the Doctor Strange you knew. He looked mad. He had dark circles under his eyes, his hair was disheveled. Yet it was him. Scarily him”
“I imagine it must be difficult for you to understand, but this Stephen Strange never deserved you. He's weak, he would never do for you the things I've done, he'd never sacrifice as much as I've sacrificed.”
You were confused, but you let him finish.
“You deserve the best version of me.”
Doctor Strange stumbled to his feet and walked down the stairs approaching. He tried to speak, muttering under the gag. The scary Doctor Strange removed the gag.
“I think there's been a mistake, my relationship with [Y/N] is purely...
“We are friends” You said finishing “We are nothing more than just friends.”
Stephen Strange smirked “Stephen... you are even worse than I imagined. You have no idea how precious she is, what I've done to have her again, the things I've sacrificed and you have her here as a friend?”
“Strange...”  The two looked at you “Is there a version of me in your universe?”
He smiled and now he looked less scary, even sad “There was, but I lost her. Her death is an absolute point in my universe, it's what triggered the events that made me Doctor Strange, therefore immutable. The things I did to bring her back...”
“Are you saying there was no accident?”  Doctor Strange showed his hands to the other Stranger who denied it “In my universe I lost my heart. I lost her” He pointed to you.
It was surreal to admit that other versions of you existed, let alone accept that one of those versions was in love with Stephen Strange.
“I'm sorry”  You said “But I'm not her. Me and Doctor Strange are just friends.”
Stephen Strange smiled “You are her, you just have to remember.”
Stephen seemed to understand what he intended “No, you can put the whole universe in danger using that spell.”
Strange didn't seem to mind “I've already destroyed one universe to save her, I would destroy them all if I had to.”
That creepy Doctor Strange approached you with his black and purple cloak and touched your face and smiled confidently. A portal opened and he dragged you through it.
You were in another Sanctum Sanctorum, but you didn't know where.
“Are we in another universe?”
He smiled “We're at the London’s Sanctum.”
“The masters of this Sanctum. You killed them?”
He didn’t answer.
You went silent, you were at the mercy of a terrifying and infinitely more powerful version of Doctor Strange. You were terrified.
He approached and touched your face “For so long I imagined this moment, now you are here beside me, alive.”
“Strange... I'm not who you expect me to be.”
“Of course you are. You are scared now, but everything will make sense when you remember everything we've lived together.”
“I can't remember something I haven't experienced. In this universe I never fell in love with Doctor Strange.”
He approached dangerously and then kissed you. You were paralyzed.
“We'll make new memories.”
“Stark we need you” Doctor Strange entered through a portal in Tony Stark's workshop in the Stark Tower.
Tony stared scared  “Can you stop doing this? You scared me.”
“Yeah... I'm sorry, but I need your help.”
“Another alien attack?”
Doctor Strange shook his head negatively “It's infinitely worse.”
He told Stark about his dark version and everything he knew and that you had been kidnapped.
Tony went silent.
“Tony, It's not your fault, no one could fight him at that stage of power.”
Tony stared at him “How is that possible? If he is you from another universe, how can he be stronger?”
“Centuries of forgotten knowledge, dark magic training, absorption of other magical beings.”  Stephen looked perplexed “I always thought I was irresponsible, especially after everything that happened with Peter Parker, but this is a limit of irresponsibility that I never dreamed of exceeding.”
“And how did he get here?”
“I don't know. But he is here and he is with her.”
“Why? Why he needs her?”
Strange sighed “Because in his universe Stephen Strange and [Y/N] were engaged."
Tony chuckled nervously “Say it again”
“The accident that destroyed my hands, that made me become Doctor Strange, in his universe killed her. He tried to bring her back, learned everything he could for that, but her death is an absolute point in that universe, therefore immutable.”
Tony agreed “So he came to get [Y/N] to take her to his universe."
Tony felt a primal fear of losing you.
“Stark, he destroyed his entire universe to get her back. He won't stop.”
Tony got up “So we’ll stopped him. I won't leave her alone with that lunatic bastard... no offense.”
Doctor Strange sighed “We don't have much time.”
“What are you talking about?”
“There is a spell, dangerous, but theoretically possible. If he uses it... it's irreversible”
“What does it do?”
“He re-signifies the essence of [Y/N] of his universe and condenses her memories..."
“Okay, translate that.”
“He downloads [Y/N]’s memory from his universe into [Y/N]'s mind.”
Tony's eyes widened “What would happen to her? Would it cease to exist? Would we lose her forever?”
“I don't know. This spell has never been used by our order of mages. It's something hideous that requires dark magic. Messing with reality this way, interfering with the multiverse this way…”  Doctor Strange went silent.
Tony held his breath waiting for him to finish explaining.
“I don't know what would happen to her, but I know it would destroy our universe the same way he destroyed his.”
You were trapped in London's Sanctum Sanctorum. There was no getting away from this situation, you were dealing with a very powerful sorcerer who had gone completely insane.
You struggled to keep your head straight, trying not to completely freak out. That whole multiverse theory that Loki had talked about, that Doctor Strange had explained, was scary enough in theory, in practice it was just maddening.
Yet something about the whole story moved you in a strange way. How could there be another version of you that was so different from what you are? Such an uncomplicated version, how was that possible?
Wouldn't that [Y/N] have gone through the same traumas as you? Wouldn't she have suffered at the hands of her own family like you did? Wouldn't she have to run away like you and taken shelter in Tony Stark’s Tower?
 You still couldn't conceive the idea that you had a relationship with Doctor Strange. In your universe, Doctor Stephen Strange was someone you rarely spoke to. You couldn't understand how you could be in love with him. But another universe was supposed to mean a completely different life, and in that life you were Doctor Strange's fiancé and you were dead.
Why was fate so cruel to them? You couldn't imagine the pain that Doctor Strange was going through all those years alone, scared trying to bring you back. You could feel that pain somehow and along with it, you could empathize with all of his suffering.
Stephen Strange returned to the hall after some time. You were sitting in an armchair facing the fireplace and you startled when you saw him standing next to you.
“You don't have to be afraid of me. I would never hurt you.”
You nodded. His hair was combed now, his goatee trimmed as if he was trying hard to look more restrained and less scary. He wore a dark tunic with a leather belt at the waist and black boots. Something your universe's Doctor Strange use to wear, but this Doctor Strange had a black and purple cloak instead of the blood red one.
His eyes still had dark circles under them and a haze that made him look like he was a thousand years old, and somehow you didn't doubt that was true. Yet he was terribly like the Doctor Strange you knew.
He sat in another armchair in front of you  “There is a spell, I've been studying it for a few years.”
You nodded, trying to stay calm, but you were terrified. “Will it hurt?”
You nodded “The people I know, my friends... will I forget about them?”
Strange sighed “Possibly. There are no parameters to support us, this spell has never been performed before.”
You went silent having a bad feeling about this. You needed someone to rescue you from that man before he had time to perform such spell.
“Strange... Don't do that” You asked in vain. You knew he'd had that idea fixed in his mind for years, maybe centuries, and he wouldn't give up easily.
He smiled but doesn't respond.
You felt a tightness in your chest. Maybe that was fate calling you. Their love made more sense than your daily madness. But you loved Loki, or at least you thought you loved him, sometimes you wondered if you really knew what love was. All you've ever known is abuse and negligence. You found a sense of brotherhood and friendship with Tony and Natasha and an intimacy with Loki that was strange but very welcome. You weren’t willing to give that up.
“Come on, you need to rest. I'll show you where your room is.”
You followed Strange upstairs and down a long corridor. He opened the door and he entered a spacious room with dark rugs and curtains. The furniture was old Victorian type. You were relieved it wasn't a dungeon.
“Are you hungry? I can order something to eat.”
“I am fine."
He nodded and walked out closing the door behind him and walked to you. You felt your body stiffen as he approached looking at you with eyes you never imagined Doctor Strange looking at you.
Stephen Strange was a handsome guy but you'd never looked at him the way this Stephen Strange wanted you to.
He stopped just inches away from you “The last time we saw each other we were celebrating. I was going to speak at a ceremony and you asked me for Creme Brûlée” His voice was slightly choked “A car hit us on the road. I tried to bring you back so many times, for years... I thought I would never see you again... I can't explain how happy it makes me to have you by my side.”
Your heart raced pounding in your ears. You could almost feel a heat inside rising up. He wasn't crazy, he was just in love... with you. How was that possible?”
He smiled “I'm sorry. I know you don't remember, but something tells me that maybe you can feel it.” He took your hand and placed it on his chest over the tunic “We love each other.”
You instinctively pulled your hand away and backed away. Your chest was warm from those words, you could almost feel something and it scared you. The intensity of his gaze, the words, all that pain. you didn't want to admit it.
“I'm sorry... it's a lot to...”
“I know. Try to rest.”
He left the room and you sat on the bed completely bewildered.
Why was you feeling that way? It was almost as if you could feel something for him, but how could you feel something that hadn't happened to you?
Your mind was in a whirlwind and you suddenly remembered Loki. You needed to see him one last time before you were cosmically brainwashed.
You stayed there in the room watching the place through the window. You've never been to London. You've never been anywhere.
Your mind wandered to your memories with Loki, it was trying to catch up with him.
It was crazy, you'd done it just once and without intending to. You had simply maintained a connection with Loki's mind that had brought him to you, but doing it premeditatedly seemed to me a rather ridiculous idea.
Still you needed to try. You forced yourself to think about what you wanted him to know: "Tony and Doctor Strange need you and Thor right now."
You repeated the phrase in your head, but nothing happened. You didn't know what you wanted to happen. It wasn't like he was going to respond.
You lay down on the bed to rest. your head ached from the exertion and you ended up falling asleep.
You woke up in the middle of the night and decided to test the door. It was open.
You left the room walking through the unfamiliar corridors and down the stairs. That Sanctum Santorum was exactly like the one in NY, even the furniture was the same. You had visited the place once with Thor when you went to talk about Loki and his TVA stories, but you hadn't really paid attention to the place until then.
You looked for something that looked like a kitchen and found it, but there was nothing there. Your stomach growled with hunger. You had a glass of water and was walking back to the hall when you heard a loud, frightening noise. When you looked towards the noise you saw Doctor Strange fighting with something that looked like an octopus. You were mesmerized watching him use magic. He was graceful and terrifying at the same time. You've never seen Doctor Strange do the things that Doctor Strange did.
You couldn't believe your eyes: Strange sucked the octopus into him, absorbing it and when he opened his eyes they were like flashes of red light.
The noise ceased and Doctor Strange used magic to repair the damage the fight had done to the hall. He stopped with his back to where you were hiding.
“You can leave now. It's safe.”
You were embarrassed, but walked over to him.
“I was just... looking for something to eat when I heard the noise of the fight... I didn't want to…”
He smiled, but the smile never seemed to reach his eyes. His eyes had deep circles under them and they always looked so sad. His face was scarred, he looked tired and much older than the Doctor Strange from your universe.
“I'll get you something to eat. Sorry, I'm not used to having company.”
You sat in the armchair facing him “It’s okay”
You couldn't help but notice how awkward you felt when in his presence. The fear you felt when you saw him for the first time gradually disappeared and gave way to something different that you didn't understand.
He noticed the way you was looking at him “ You can ask me anything you want”
“How did you do that? The Doctor Strange I know doesn't do that. I think.”
He got serious “Hundreds of years of practice. The Stephen Strange of this universe is very young, he hasn't developed a fraction of the power he can develop.”
You sighed “He is... please don't hurt him.”
He smiled “You told me you didn't feel anything for him.”
You disagreed “I said I wasn't in love with him, but he's a decent man, he helped me when I asked for his help, and he's helped keep things under control here in our universe. He's a good man.”
He agreed “I'm not here to hurt anyone, I just want what's rightfully mine.”
You nodded hesitantly, but you needed to tell the truth “Strange... this isn't going to end well.. it's going to hurt people.”
He looked at you regretfully.
“I saw what you're going to do to this universe. Your interference here will destroy it as it destroyed yours.”
Strange got up in exasperation “I won't give you up. I lost you before, I won't lose you now. Not again”
You were startled by his reaction and noticed that there was blood dripping from his clothes. “You are hurt.”
He shook his head negatively “I'm fine, don't worry.”
You didnt understand why you cared, but you approached him
“Let me see it.”
He sighed in surprise and shrugged off his cloak and untied his tunic baring his chest and back.
You couldn't help but feel the blush on your face.
There was a huge gash on his chest and another on his back as if something had gone through him. “This... needs a doctor.”
“I am a doctor.”
You disagreed “You cannot treat yourself.”
“I've been doing this for centuries.”  He groaned when you touched it “It's not serious, don't worry.”
“Let me help you at least.”
He smiled “There are bandages upstairs.”
He opened a portal and then answered your mute question “I'd better avoid the stairs for the moment.”
You agreed and went with him.
You entered another room very similar to the room you spent the afternoon in. He sat up in bed. A closet door opened with a wave of his hand. You went there and got bandages and alcohol.
“You'll need the suture kit.”
You stared at him perplexed “But I... I don't know...”
“I'll show you how to do it.”
You agreed.
You cleaned the wound as best you could, but it looked so deep. He grimaced every time you touched him, but he didn't object.
When it came time for suturing he showed how you should do it by putting the first stitches on and you continued. You finished in the back cutting the line and glued the bandage.
You sat next to him on the bed “What happens to them when you do that?”
He looked at you surprised by the question.
“They die, but their powers merge with mine.”
“Can Stephen do that too?”
“He could if he wanted to, but he won't.”
“How you know?”
“Because he lacks motivation. Only a very strong reason would lead him to use that kind of magic. He didn't lose what I lost.”
You stared at your hands “I wouldn't want to see him...”
“Like me?”
You sighed “Were you like him? It's not fair what happened. I'm very sorry.”
He touched your face “It's been terrible years trying to get you back, but now I have you... at least in parts.”
Loki's face came to your mind. However, at that moment you saw no other way out than to give in to that Strange. After all, if that was your destiny in another universe, wouldn't it be in this one too? Either way, you needed to protect the ones you loved. You couldn't let him destroy your universe.
You touched his face and kissed him. His lips were cautious on yours and his hand touched your hair holding you in that moment. You couldn't deny that something in the moment warmed your heart and you convinced yourself there was no other way.
When your lips parted you felt your face heat up and got up in a hurry “I'll throw this away” You said taking the bloodstained bandages and he didn't object.
You walked out of the room feeling his eyes on your back. How was it possible? Why was you feeling that way?
You got rid of the bandages and went back to the bedroom. You needed a bath, clean clothes, and food. You felt your chest tighten thinking about your apartment in the Stark Tower and Loki. You would give anything to be with Loki in that moment, but you knew you couldn't see him again. If you wanted to stop Doctor Strange from destroying the universe using that spell, you needed to show him that the spell wasn't necessary, that you was capable of loving him as much as you loved in his universe. You needed to make him believe that, even if it meant sacrificing your love for Loki.
The day dragged on and you didn’t see Strange again. It was night when he knocked on your door.
You opened it and he was dressed in an elegant suit and handed you a covered coat rack.
“Get dressed, I'll take you to dinner.”
You agreed surprised. You put on the dress, a strappy midi and heels.
It was particularly cold that night, but you didn't ask.
You tied your hair up and left the room. It was far from neat, but Strange stared at you in amazement and smiled, handing you an elegant black coat.
"Let's go." He held out his hand to you. His hand was smooth it didn't have the strange scars that covered Doctor Strange's hands, and it didn't shake neither.
He took you to a nice restaurant downtown. He drove fast through the busy streets and got out of the car opening the door for you.
You sat at a table in a very private place.
"It's a pleasure to serve you, Mr. Strange,” said the discreet waiter. "Your wine catalog and menu."
He walked away and you watched as everyone kept looking at you.
“I recently discovered that Stephen Strange is some kind of a celebrity in this universe.”
You nodded “He helped save it a few years ago.”
Strange agreed “He and the Avengers, whatever that means” He stared at the wine catalogue.
“They're my friends... the Avengers. They help people, some died fighting.”
He stared at you ignoring what you said “Did you choose what you want to eat?”
He called the waiter and ordered your plates and a red wine which the waiter brought right away.
He served you.
“How are you feeling?” You asked drinking the wine quickly to see if the alcohol helped you to deal with the situation.
“Much better, thanks for helping me.”
He thought for a moment “I've been thinking...”
You stared at him fearfully.
“I imagine your Avengers friends are planning to rescue you, it would be better for everyone if there wasn't a conflict.”
You vehemently agreed.
“I will allow you to return to NY to say goodbye and then I will perform the spell.”
You felt a chill down your spine.
“I'll take you to NY tomorrow. We will perform the spell within three days.”
The waiter served your plates, but hunger had completely left you.
He began to eat elegantly and you forced yourself to do the same. How could you convince him not to use that spell?
You finished dinner and Stephen insisted on serving you Creme brûlée. It was far from being your favorite dessert, but you savored it slowly under his thrilled eyes. And that was the hardest, he expected from you what you were in his universe, but you were a completely different person.
You got back to Sanctum Santorum and he walked you to your bedroom door.
“Thank you for the night” He said “I had forgotten what it was like.”
You nodded trying to smile.
“I'm sorry for making you hungry.” He smiled “Good night.”
He walked away and you watched his back and in a rash act you called out to him.
He turned around and you kissed him, he held you tight in his arms and walked into the room and closed the door behind him.
Your lips parted and his hand ran over your face, his thumb caressing your lip. “You’re sure?”
You weren’t sure, but you needed to try. You needed to convince him that you could love him. “Yes”
He kissed you again and your hands unbuttoned his suit.
He pulled you onto his lap and carried you to bed. He took off his suit and tie and kissed you again.
You pulled him by the shirt on top of you. His lips roamed your neck, his hand caressed your thigh lifting the dress.
Your hands unbuttoned his shirt freeing him from it. His chest and back were bandaged. You touched his chest and pushed him down, laying him on the bed and he didn't hesitate. You straddled him, wrapping your legs around his hips.
He moaned softly against your lips and you shrugged off your dress and unbuttoned his pants. Your lips met again and you directed him inside you and moaned loudly.
Your body responded to him with an intimacy that scared you. It was as if making love to Doctor Strange was commonplace.
His kisses were passionate, your bodies moved in sync and you realized you didn't feel bad for the way it satisfied you. It was good.
He rolled over you slowly forcing himself inside you, kissing you and after an indeterminate time lapse to your confused and ecstatic mind, you came together.
He pulled you into his arms. You knew this was the moment to convince him. You don’t even had to lie.
“I can... feel something for you”
He looked at you in surprise and his eyes lit up.
"I can feel it," You said pulling him back to your lips. “It's not a memory, but I feel how happy we were.”
He held you in his arms “You are her.”
You didn't understand what you were doing, You felt strange there in his arms. You liked the feeling of being in his arms. It was confusing and scary and you didn't want to admit it even to yourself.
Kissing him, making love to him had been something so natural it felt ordinary, as if you'd done it dozens of times.
He caressed your face “I know you're afraid of the spell, but I promise you have nothing to fear.”
“I'm not afraid for myself, I'm afraid of the consequences. If everything is destroyed again, how could you be happy?”
He stared at the ceiling “I can make it work.”
“You can't” You said sitting down “I saw it.”
He sat up too, your bodies covered by a thin duvet.
“I went to see Doctor Strange because I needed to alert him to what I had seen.”
“What did you saw?”
“You. Everything around you was disintegrating.”
He sighed “You need to remember”
You caressed his face “I am her, but I am also me. The same person and yet different. Would you be able to love this version of me? Because if not, you're living a fantasy and not reality.”
He sighed regretfully “You speak like her.”
“You can remember for both of us and we can create our own memories.”
What was you doing? How could you promise a life with that man? You just wanted to make sure your universe continued. May the people you loved continue.
He stared at you “But this way she would still be dead.”
You touched his face “No, she's alive because you remember and I'm here. I am her."
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Tell me what you think about my stories, leave a comment, I will love to read it. Interact, it really inspires me to continue writing ;)
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ironstrange1991 · 2 years
Strawberries and a Horror Tale
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Pairing: Defender!Strange x Fem!Reader (Established Relationship)
Synopsis: After work the reader finds comfort in the arms of Defender Strange.
Word Count: 2,2k
Warnings: Implied smut, basically just fluffy
A/N: I was having a bad day so I wrote a fluffy Defender. Hope it comforts you as much as it comforts me ;) Read the smut continuation You Look Pretty When You Cum
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"The number of unidentified magical events has become alarming in the last weeks" reported Luke Cage.
"And we still need to worry about the rampant violence that has hit our city" Completed Hawkeye.
Wong shook his head worriedly "I was talking to some masters at Kamar Taj and they all claimed to have been harassed within their dreams. Clearly this whole mess is the work of Nightmare, he was not happy with your latest meddling in his business."
"Without my meddling Nightmare would have waged a war against all other realms of the dream dimension which would seriously affect our reality" Defender Strange stated with a sigh leaning his elbow on the table in the Sanctum Sanctorum meeting room and pinching the bridge of his nose.
It was Saturday morning and all he didn't want to do was deal with it. "It's not yet clear whether all these things are linked or not. I need you to keep surveillance on the main streets of the city where the violence rates have increased" Luke Cage nodded. "What are we looking for?" asked Barton.
"Anything that is not up to normal standards. All information must be reported to me immediately."
"What about nightmare?" Wong asked and Stephen sighed "Apparently I'll have to summon and interrogate him."
When the meeting was over and the Defenders were leaving, Luke Cage and Barton still standing in the doorway receiving the final instructions from the Sorcerer Supreme, you descended the stairs ready for work and carrying your 5 year old daughter Kate's bags and belongings. She ran past you to her father and wrapped her arms around his waist in a tight hug.
"Dad is Saturday, you shouldn't be working." Cage and Barton laughed and Stephen picked her up "Did your mother tell you to say that?" She shook her head no, but a mischievous smile on her lips said otherwise.
"Guilty" You said approaching "Good morning guys"
"Good morning" Cage and Barton replied.
"We'll keep in touch during the day, I want to know every step you take." Stephen said authoritative. They nodded and left. Stephen sighed heavily.
"Daddy why are you angry?" He smiled, pinching Kate's cheek "I'm not angry, just a little worried because I heard I'll have to spend the whole weekend without my little sorceress"
She smiles broadly "I'm going to Disneyland, but mommy will take care of you" Stephen smirked looking at you “I’m sure she will”
You smiled innocently "It's already late, grandpa and grandma are waiting, let's go" Stephen kissed his daughter's forehead and set her on the floor "Have fun baby"
You arranged the backpack on her back and gave Stephen a quick kiss on the lips "Is everything alright?" He nodded "Nothing I can't fix before you come home" You nodded "Be careful. I love you"
"I love you too"
"Bye Daddy"
“Bye Baby”
Stephen watched you leave and headed for the main hall where Wong was waiting for him for the summoning ritual. In all the ways Saturday could start... talking to Nightmare wasn't in his plans.
You came home right after lunch and were surprised by the delicious smell of strawberry. You followed the scent into the kitchen and found Stephen distracted chopping strawberries for some recipe.
You approached hugging him from behind "I swear I thought today would be one of those days where I would barely see you" He nodded "Me too, but I managed to get everything sorted out in the morning." He dropped the strawberries and turned to you pulling you into his arms "Unfortunately the main hall didn't make it, but I promise I'll restore everything"
You feigned surprise "Really? This has never happened before!" He smiled and you noticed a nasty cut on his cheekbone "You're hurt" He shook his head "It's not like this has never happened before" He replied trying to reassure you. You sighed “The problem is that it happens too often, Stephen." He nodded cupping your face in his big and scarred hands, they were steady and you know he was using magic to work "I'm fine"
You nodded. You would never get used to seeing him hurt, it always broke your heart, but you had to accept that. "So, what are strawberries for?" He grinned "For your favorite dessert. I saw them at the market and couldn't help but buy them, they were so big and red." You stood on tiptoe to kiss him. It was supposed to be just a touch of lips but he ran his tongue over your lips forcing them to part and deepening the kiss with wonderful strawberry flavor
"They're sweet too apparently" You said on his lips and he nodded "Very sweet. I could not resist." You smirked "Can I taste one?" He took one from the bowl "Of course" but instead of putting it in your mouth he put it in his mouth and held the back of your neck pulling you into a hungry and messy strawberry kiss. You hummed wrapping your arms around his neck, melting into his lips, sweet strawberry taste on your tongue.
Your lips parted for you to breathe, you ran your index finger on the corner of his lips and brought it to your mouth, he licked his lower lip devouring you with his eyes.
"Well, I don't want to be in the way, so I'm going upstairs to take a shower and maybe read a little." He pulled you back pinning you to his chest, purposefully rubbing his hips against you so you could feel his arousal.
"You never get in the way, baby. By the way, did you realize we have the house to ourselves today?" He smirked.
"Oh this will help a lot in my reading" You said feigning innocence. He took your hand and directed it to his bulge, he was very hard and twitching and you tightened your hand around him over the fabric, he rested his forehead on yours and moaned softly. "May I know what book is so interesting to be better company than your husband?"
You smirked, stroking him lightly over his pants "It's a book by HP Lovecraft. Very interesting actually..." You replied but were interrupted by another passionate kiss, his tongue invading your mouth, touching, caressing, battling yours for a dominance he knew very well he was always lose.
You broke the kiss gasping "I really want to eat my dessert" You said chuckling "I better go upstairs and stop distracting my favorite cook"
You kissed his lips lightly distracting him enough to take a strawberry from the bowl. He groaned complaining as you walked away "Don't think you'll get away so easily" He said with a smirk.
You smiled victorious biting the strawberry  "I already did. Hmm  it's so sweet"
He smiled that beautiful sideways smile that melts your heart and was reserved just for you. "You'd better go upstairs before I decide to take that strawberry out of your hand" You stuffed the whole strawberry in your mouth smiling mischievously and walked out of the kitchen.
Stephen refrained from abandoning his task and going after you. He chuckled to himself going back to chopping the strawberries slowly. He was still amazed at how you could mess with him. No matter how much time had passed, his love for you seemed to grow more each day. Everything he did was for you, whether it was his duties as Sorcerer Supreme or the simpler household chore like making dessert, it was all for you. He needed to keep the universe safe for you, he needed to please you, pamper you, to worship you because you were what gave his life meaning.
By the time he finished making the dessert he was already too eager to get back into your arms so he cheated by using magic to clean everything up.
He knew he should take care of the damage to the main hall caused by the stupid fight with Nightmare, but the desire to be with you made him leave that for another time.
When he walked into the bedroom he found you lying lazily on the bed in your comfy knit pajamas, your wet hair splayed across his pillow, your legs crossed, your nose buried in the book you were reading.
"Baby you're wetting my pillow again" You put the book down staring at him with puppy eyes "I am sorry"
He sighed. He didn't really care. "How's the reading?"
You cleared your throat dramatically and started reading aloud "St. John is a mangled corpse; I alone know why, and such is my knowledge that I am about to blow out my brains for fear I shall be mangled in the same way. Down unlit and illimitable corridors of eldritch phantasy sweeps the black, shapeless Nemesis that drives me to self-annihilation."
He raised an eyebrow "Sounds interesting"
You agreed "I just started, want to read with me?" He made a motion with his hands, exchanging the black and red robe he was wearing for comfortable pajama bottoms. You didn't let that go unnoticed, your eyes devoured him and a smile played on your lips. He sat beside you on the bed. "Reading with you, or reading to you?" You grinned handing the book into his hands "Read to me."
He positioned the bookmark and placed the book on the bedside table "First let me take care of this wet hair" He said and you stood up. He moved his fingers in a simple gesture and an instant later your hair was dry. He did the same with his pillow and then lay down crossing his legs "Come here"
You cuddled with him, your head on his chest. He picked up the book again and started reading from the beginning with that baritone voice that made you shiver. "In my tortured ears there sounds unceasingly a nightmare whirring and flapping, and a faint, distant baying as of some gigantic hound. It is not dream—it is not, I fear, even madness—for too much has already happened to give me these merciful doubts. "
You sighed contentedly, letting yourself be carried away by the sound of his voice, the sound of his heart beating in your ear and the terrifying story he was telling. You wondered if there was a better way to spend your Saturday afternoon, you were sure there wasn't. Not when you had your man safe at home with you reading a tale from your favorite fantasy writer to you.
You could tell he was enjoying the story by the tone of his voice. Stephen was an extraordinary reader, he didn't even realize he was doing that, but he always created a different tonality of voice for each character in the story, or in the case of the tale he was reading to you now where everything was narrated through the protagonist's vision, the tonality of his voice changed according to the character's emotion making the reading incredibly immersive.
"Madness rides the star-wind . . . claws and teeth sharpened on centuries of corpses . . . dripping death astride a Bacchanale of bats from night-black ruins of buried temples of Belial. . . . Now, as the baying of that dead, fleshless monstrosity grows louder and louder, and the stealthy whirring and flapping of those accursed web-wings circles closer and closer, I shall seek with my revolver the oblivion which is my only refuge from the unnamed and unnamable."
He closed the book and kissed your forehead.
"I think they got what they deserved" You said still gaping at the story. He chuckled "So you liked it?" You shook your head excitedly "They should make a movie with this story. Something dark and gothic"
He denied putting the book on the bedside table "Every time they make a movie based on a book the result is disappointing. Besides, how are they going to show the unimaginable?"
You sighed "You're so annoying sometimes." He brought his hands up to your hair slowly stroking "I know"
You smirked "You read so well, you could work recording audiobooks." He chuckled "Baby, how would I make time for this?" You agreed snuggling closer to him "You're right, besides I wouldn't like to know that other people could hear your beautiful voice. I'd rather it be mine alone" He lifted your chin to kiss you "My voice is yours, as well as everything else" He ran his hand down your waist, tucking it inside your pajama top and up to your breasts.
"No bra?" You bit your bottom lip when he circled a nipple with his thumb "The idea is to get comfortable" He nodded in agreement "You're right, comfortable is good..." He kissed your lips softly and bit your bottom lip "You know I live to make you feel good."
He cupped your breast, squeezing it gently in his rough hand and returning to kiss you now with passion, his tongue penetrating your mouth and dominating yours demandingly. You moaned into his lips "Looks like I'll have to pay for your reading services after all" He hummed lowering his lips to your chin "What's fair is fair"
You hummed excited.
"But today baby, I am in control" He whispered in your ear
You grinned "We'll see."
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Leave a comment if you liked it. Interact! I will love to read all of your comments and opinions. It inspires me to keep writing ;)
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