pageofheartdj · 1 month
Heya can anyone recommend a series of cool interesting informative documanteries about all the countries, big and small?=3
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teacsblog · 1 year
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Graham Young's mannequins in Madame Tussauds (I took it in documantery)
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portfolioinaym · 2 years
observational drawings- documantery studies
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My sister is a chef. she got an assignment to cook a chicken dish. the question " who came first the Chicken or the egg?" was the leading idea, then she describe the dish, and I drew it before she prepared it. so who came first?
pencil, white charcoal, alcohol-markers and pen on paper.
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deathgripsgravemoth · 3 years
Baby girl ther eis a war going on in my intestines
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skippyv20 · 2 years
Oh Ohhh-good luck to the new PR chief for the DOC!
Hi Skippy & Friends-Pilgrim here wondering what documentary could PW have watched that convinced him this was the right thing to do? His letter is dated November 19, 2021. By then the news about how the police officer had died was available. Has his death been hijacked and used for this political agenda? I have found this short list-HBO has one that lasts 4 hours. Others by Netflix, MSNBC, NY Times called Day of Rage, ABC and PBS-Frontline are out there. Are any of them really accurate? How much political leaning are entwined into the documanteries narrative?
One would hope PW has accurate information made available to him and that he would be judicious. This new PR chief does come from a left leaning broadcast corp. specializing in financial news-the stock exchange with the rolling ticker tape show. Not so sure that is what is required for this particular position frought with detente tactics.
I was shocked to see the woman the letter was written to speak on national TV. She was downright lowball. She is officially now a player for this dubious witch hunt IMHO. Timing is everything and this is happening just before the Cambridges US tour. I think I would be dialing Lord Geidt right about now who might be available for coaching. Over and out for now...Long live the queen!
Thank you Pilgrim…perfect!❤️❤️❤️❤️
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hevzayendxwaz · 3 years
Romeyika’nın Türküsü (Τραγουδι των Ποντιακων/Ρωμεικων) είναι ένα ντοκιμαντέρ που μας εξιγησει σχετικα τη ζωη τους Ποντιους και πως ειναι ζωντανα τα ποντιακα στον Ποντο. Εδω βλεπουμε πως αυτοι μιλανε ποντιακα σε συγχρονη μερα. Μπορετε να ακουτε πως ειναι μερικα ιδιωματα οποια ομιλουνται στην επαρχια Τραπεζουντας στο Ποντο. Επισης σε αυτο το ντοκουμαντερ μιλουν με ποντιοι για την ποντιακη γλωσσα και μουσικη στην Αθηνα και Θεσσαλονικη. Το ντοκουμαντερ τραβηχτηκε απο την Ιελιζ Καρακουτουκ (Yeliz Karakütük).
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femmedesyeuxnoirs · 3 years
Anyways time to take my little evening kratom and watch video documanteries on industrial nuclear disasters
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simblrdreamsworld · 4 years
Hi everyone! ✨
I just watched this documantery and really wanted to share it, because it is soooo good!
It would be great too if you send me a message when you have watched it and told me what you thought! I would love to hear it from you guys😊
Love you all🥰
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tammyfeabakker · 4 years
Watch "Ancient Egypt Greatest Pharaohs 1 1350 to 30 BC History Channel Documantery" on YouTube
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helleniclanguageboy · 4 years
Pontic Greek Language Ποντιακά/Ρωμαίικα/Romeyka
Pontic Greek was historically spoken throughout the Pontic region of Turkey on the Black Sea coast and in different countries around the Black Sea. However, following the genocide, most Pontic speakers fled or were forced to go to Greece, the USSR (Located today primarily in Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia, and Central Asia due to deportations by Stalin) and the larger Pontic diaspora. There still is a Pontic speaking community in Turkey (They refer to the language as Romeyka or Rumca), but, as with a lot of minority languages, the language’s use is declining. Pontic is mainly spoken by the older generations, and while there are younger speakers, the main population of speakers is aging. To this day, Pontic culture and our language are in decline and threats of assimilation. In Greece, Pontic is seen as nothing but a dialect which leads to the state not recognizing it and a lot of speakers to be ashamed of it. The country sends modern Greek teachers out to Pontic communities abroad, further leading to this decline. In Turkey, the language is used mainly with family and friends, but children are taught Turkish throughout all of school and Turkish is used in formal settings. Many families and individuals will move from the Pontic speaking villages to the larger cities, where they can find work, better or higher schooling, etc. This is leading to a lot of people shifting to solely speaking Turkish. In Turkey and in Greece, the national language is greatly influencing the Pontic language. For example, I’ve been told that, in Turkey, Pontic speakers count only partially in Pontic and the rest in Turkish. He said that the numbers 1-5 are Pontic but the rest are Turkish. A similar thing takes place in Greece, but with the languages being closely related, it leads to the language being closer to modern Greek. They’ll insert Greek into general sentences, but the core of the language is inherently Pontic. Traditionally there are three dialects of Pontic; Western, Eastern, or Northern. These dialects have even further developed into other dialects/languages; notably Mariopolitan Greek (I’ll make a post sometime soon on this) in Ukraine and Caucasian Greek in Georgia and Armenia. My family is from Bafra (Πάφρα) in the Western regions of Pontos, but I have been able to find little no information on our culture, language, or anything really. I know bits and pieces of information, but, linguistically speaking, I’m completely clueless. In Bafra, Pontic was largely falling out of use and most people spoke Turkish, however, my family was one of the families to retain speaking Greek (until we fled to the US that is). The origin of the language in the broader Hellenic branch is debated, but it is believed to have developed out of Hellenistic Koine or Ionic Greek. Like its cousin to the south, Cappadocian, Pontic was largely cut off from other Hellenic languages during Ottoman rule. The Turks even attempted, and succeeded in some areas (mainly in the West), to ban the use of Pontic. This isolation and linguistic imperialism caused Pontic to retain many features of Greek that were completely lost in Modern Greek and take in influence from Turkish. Pontic is unique for retaining features like the infinitive and other seemingly archaic features compared to Modern Greek. Depending on the origin of the speaker, the language could be written with the Greek, Latin (Turkish based), or Cyrillic alphabets. 
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Examples of phonology, grammar, etc:
As aforementioned, Pontic retains many archaic features compared to the other Hellenic languages. It is often considered the closest language to Ancient Greek. One aspect Pontic retained was in its pronunciation. In Ancient Greek, η was pronounced as an ε, so in Pontic many words will use ε instead of η keeping with this change. For example, ἦτον in Ancient Greek became έτον, ἤκουσα became έκουσα. Similarly, in other varieties of Greek ω became ου, but in Pontic, that ω became an ο. For example, ζουμί in Greek is ζωμίν in Pontic (Ancient is ζωμίον). One thing that is very prevalent in Pontic is the retaining of the ending -ν where Greek largely either uses -ς or other endings depending on gender. For example, παιδίν is παιδί in Greek and χωρίν is χώρος (Ancient: παιδίον and χωρίον). 
On the note of the infinitive, In case you aren’t sure of what that means, English slightly uses it when we say “to” + a verb (think “to eat”) or the unconjugated verbs in the romance languages (manger in French, comer in Spanish, or manducare in Latin). Some of these endings and their ancient equivalents are; -εινε from -εῖν, -ήναι from -ῆναι, and -έανε from -εῖν to name a few. 
The Lord’s Prayer 
Ουράνιε πατέρα μουν,ν' αγιάζ' τ' όνομα σ',να έρται η βασιλεία σ',το θέλεμα σ' να 'ίνεται,άμον 'ς σον ουρανόν και σην γήν.Τ' αναγκαίον μανάχα ψωμίν εμούνδώσ' 'μας οσήμερον,και σ'χώρεσον τα αμαρτίας εμούνάμον το σ' χωρούμε κι εμείςατείντ'ς τ' έβλαψαν εμάς.Μη θέκ'ς εμάς 'ς σον πειρασμόνκαι απεμάκρυνον απ' εμάς το κακόν.
Geography from the Pontic Wikipedia 
Ο Πόντος έx̌ σχήμαν αμόν το τοξάρ και ευρισκάται απαναφκά σο Βατούμι (πολιτεία τ' οσημερνού τη Γεωργίας) και σην Σινώπην απεσκές. Σα νότεα έx̌ σύνορα (σα 200-300 χιλιομέτρα) τα ψηλορραχέας τη Σκυδίση, τη Παρυάδρη και τη Αντιταύρονος (Ποντιακά Παρχάραι).
“Πάρθεν η Ρωμανία” 
Να αλί εμάς και βάι εμάς 
Πάρθεν η Ρωμανία
Επαίραν το βασιλοσκάμ'
Κι ελάεν η Αφεντινα
Μοιρολογούν τα εκκλησιάς κλαίγνε τα μοναστήρεα
Και Άη-Γιάννες ο Χρυσόστομον κλαίει δερνοκοπισκάται
Μην κλαις μην κλαις Άγ-Γιάννε μου μη δερνοκοπάσαι
Η Ρωμανία πέρασεν η Ρωμανία επάρθεν
Η Ρωμανία πέρασεν ανθεί και φέρει κι άλλο
Εκάμωσα τ’ ομάτια μ’ και το χωριό μ’ νονίζω...
Αχά, όλον επάν σην κορφή, φανερούνταν όμον κουκούλια,
Στρωμένα όμον χαλί, πολλά όμορφα τα παρχάρια...
Αχά, ελέπω στέκω, νάμεσα σα ραχία πολλά κοιλάδια...
Έκλεισα τ’ ομάτια μ’ και το χωριό μ’ ελέπω, ακούγω, νοήζω...
Τ’ ορμία πολλά, απ’ επάν ασα ραχία κατηβαίνουν όμον τσάμια...
Να, έχουν σούρκουλας, καταρράχτες, λιμνόπα τα ποτάμια...
Γομάτο με χλωρά δέντρα τ’ όρος, αλάτια, τεζιά, σπεντάμια...
Αχά, φανερούνταν και τα κάστανα, τα κλερθία, τα δρύδια...
Εκάμωσα τ’ ομάτια μ’ και το χωριό μ’ ελέπω, ακούω, νοήζω...
Έκατσα κα’ σ’ έναν καικά’, ωπίσα μ’ τα καφούλια...
Κάτου στρωμένα τα φύλλα, τρυφερά όμον στρώμα...
Ούλος ο τόπος χορτάρια, χολχόνια, ουκ’ ελεπισκάται χώμα...
Αδά ότι θέλεις ευρίσκεις, ούλα κοντά, ούλα σημά...
Έκλεισα τ’ ομάτια μ’ και το χωριό μ’ ελέπω, ακούγω, νοήζω...
Να, ασα μακρά έρται η λαλία, το ποτάμι χιοχιονίζει...
Αχά, ακούεται και τ’ ορμί πα σατί τρέχ’ τραγωδοί...
Ο άνεμος κουνίζ’ τα κλαδία, ουλίζ’ τα φύλλα...
Λες κι όλος ο τόπος για τ’ εσέν’ ψιλοσιουρίζει...
Εκάμωσα τ’ ομάτια μ’ και το χωριό μ’ ελέπω, ακούω, νοήζω...
Τ’ όμορφα τσιρίζουν τα πουλίκας, λαλεί ο κούκος...
Θαρρώ σον ουρανό γυροκλώσκεται ο τρανός αϊτός...
Κάτου τα κοσσάρας κακανίζουν, λαλεί ο πετινός...
Κράζ’ η κορόνα, μνέζ’ η κάτα, ιλάζ’ ο σκύλος...
Έκλεισα τ’ ομάτια μ’ και το χωριό μ’ ελέπω, ακούγω, νοήζω...
Ολόγυρα μ’ τσιφίνια, κομάρια, γομάτο τσιτσέκια...
Αν θέλεις έπαρ’ φα’ στίπικας, δίρκαπας, ζεβίρια...
Φα και μαμίκας μήλα, χαμωκέρασια, φα όμνοστα μούρια...
Αλεξανδρί κουκούτσια, οξοκουκόυτσια, φα και μασούρια...
Έκλεισα τ’ ομάτια μ’ και το χωριό μ’ ελέπω, ακούγω, νοήζω...
Αχά, θαρρώ έναν πατσί ανοιβαίν στέκ’ τα σκαλοπάτια...
Επαλαλώθαν τ’ αγουροπαίδια, γελούν και σούρουν λόγια...
Εκείνε πα’ βοήζ’, ανασκάφτ’, υβρίζ’, ου’ στέκ’ και ατέ...
Ας το λέγουν εγροικώ, μούστας τα βυζία, όμορφα μερία, ίσα καλάμια...
Έκλεισα τ’ ομάτια μ’ και το χωριό μ’ ελέπω, ακούγω, νοήζω...
Ε Ώκενα μ’, ε φουκαράενα μάνα μ’, ε αγάπη μ’, ε ψή μ’, ε χώμα μ’, ε αίμα μ’,
Όντα είμαι σην εγγάλια σ’, εξέρεις, άλο ου’ φοβούμαι καϊνέναν...
Κ’ ετότε ομορφότερος είναιται ο ντουνιάς, ομνοστότερη η ζωή...
Και να έξερνες, ε οροσπίκα μ’, ε δανίστρα μ’ εσένα αγαπώ άλο τίναν...
Έκλεισα τ’ ομάτια μ’ και το χωριό μ’ ελέπω, ακούγω, νοήζω...
The Sound of the Pontic Greek language/ dialect (Numbers, Phrases & Sample Text)
WIKITONGUES: Asimenia speaking Greek and Pontic
Miltiadis Tsalouchidis (Μιλτιάδης Τσαλουχίδης)
Archaic Greek in a modern world 
Reframing the Phylogeny of Asia Minor Greek: The View from Pontic Greek
A Disappearing Language - Pontic Greek, Romeyka
Romeika Trağothiyas (Rumca Şarkılar)
ROMEİKA (Rumca, Pontiaka) Belgesel / Documentary 
Playlist (It’s public so add Pontic songs if you know of any)
I highly recommend the album “Romeika” by Apolas Lermi 
Some resources:
Pontic Greek on Wikipedia
Wikipedia in Pontic Greek
Pontos World’s page on the language (They have info on the different villages, history, culture, and the language. Specifically, they have a large Greek-Pontic dictionary, lessons, and other info) 
Wiktionary dictionary  
Glosbe Greek-Pontic 
Glosbe English-Pontic (You can probably find other on there by switching the language, I primarily just use Greek-Pontic though)
Pontic-Turkish dictionary 
(If you have any more resources please leave comment them and I’ll add them and credit you!)
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domesticsns · 5 years
When Naruto talks to Sasuke about like what game station is better. Sasuke is often quiet and seems to not be paying any attention, until Naruto stops talking and Sasuke looks up from whatever he was doing and asks a sincere question about the topic, causing Naruto to lit up for a second because his husband does listen even though he knows it does not interest him In the slightest.
Meanwhile when Sasuke talks about, for instance what happened during work or a case. He is so short about it.
Sasuke:"So we found a dismembered body in the river and it turns out it was his wife who killed him. "
Naruto:"Holy shit, what happened? "
Sasuke:"I just told you. Dismembered body in the river and the wife did it. Jeez, it is like you never listen."
Naruto:"I mean how did you find it!? Why did the wife do it? What tied the wife to the crime?What is the story behind the crime! Was she crazy!? Was he cheating? Why did it happen? How long ago did this happen? Where is the wife now? Did they have kids? What about the family? SASUKE YOU GOTTA GIMME MORE THAN JUST THE SUMMARY!"
Sasuke:"sorry am I a murder documantery on Netflix? I am telling you what happened, I am not going to let you sit for 45 minutes and go around the point from who killed him. I kn ow who killed him. I am telling you who killed him. What more do you want? Case over."
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barkoturktv · 4 years
Tartışmaların gölgesinde Ayasofya 📺
İstanbul'un fethinin yıldönümü nedeniyle yapılan kutlama törenleri kapsamında 29 Mayıs'ta Ayasofya'da Fetih Suresi okunmuştu. Bunun üzerine Ayasofya'nın tekrar ibadete açılması tartışmaları başlamıştı. İnşatına Roma imparatoru Büyük Konstantin (Bizans’ın ilk imparatoru I. Constantinus) tarafından başlatılmıştır. 337 ile 361 yılları arasında tahtta olan Büyük Konstantin'in oğlu II. Constantius tarafından tamamlanmış ve Ayasofya kilisesinin açılışı 15 Şubat 360’ta Constantius II tarafından gerçekleştirilmiştir. Tarihi açıdan son derece büyük bir öneme sahip olan Hagia Sofia (Ayasofya) birçok belgesele, kitaba ve filme konu olmuş bir ibadethane. 1994 Yılında Yönetmen Göksel Gülensoy tarafından hazırlanarak çekimi gerçekleştirilen HAGİA SOFIA (Ayasofya) belgeseli tarihe ışık tutan bir çalışma olmuştu. Bu belgesel sonrası dünya çapında ilgi uyandırmış ve DAN BROWN'un da ilgisini çekerek INFERNO (Cehennem) adlı kitabına da konu olmuştur. Daha sonra, 2016 yılında Yönetmenliğini RON HOWARD'ın yaptığı ve Başrollerinde TOM HANKS, FELİCİTY JONES, IRRFAN KHAN 'ın yer aldığı çekimleri İstanbul'da gerçekleştirilen filme de ilham kaynağı olmuştur. Araştırmacı Yönetmen Göksel Gülensoy, "1994 yılında biz bu belgeseli çekerken de Ayasofya'da bu tartışmalar devam ediyordu. Her dönem siyasi tartışmalara konu olmuştur ve olacaktır da. Ayasofya tarihi açıdan son derece önemli bir yapıdır. Read the full article
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avesta-asiwa · 7 years
You made my day ❤️ the bird repeater by @jaquetdroz #jaquetdroz #thebirdrepeater #documantery #shortmovie #movie #nature #birds #Repost @boskof.ru with @get_repost ・・・ Jaquet Droz Bird Repeater Geneva Эта модель пропитана духом Женевы, изображенной на заднем плане цифеблата. Классический круглый корпус часов изготовлен из розового золота 18к. В оформлении циферблата приняли участие гравировщики, художники и эмальеры. Каждый из мастеров оставил свой профессиональный отпечаток в изображении Женевского озера, его знаменитого фонтана Уотер Фонтейн и маяка (Le Phare Des Paquis), а также силуэта горы Salève, пика в предгорьях Альп, признанным символом города. Женева – место, где Пьер Жаке-Дро открыл первую в истории города часовую мануфактуру в 1784, и в то же время учредил производство часов с великолепными усложнениями. Более заметной на циферблате является пара элегантных щеглов, скульптура, выполненная вручную из золота с ярким оперением. В гнезде сидят двое их птенцов и одно инкубационное яйцо. Все создано руками весьма и весьма квалифицированных мастеров. В соответствии с предыдущими версиями, Bird Repeater Genevaможет похвастаться примером анимации, миниатюрным, но впечатляющим: птицы, кормящие своих птенцов и раскрывающие крылья, поток воды, инкубационное яйцо – и всё это в честь знаменитого автоматона, созданного Пьером Жаке-Дро и его сыном в 18 веке. Часовой механизм Jaquet Droz RMA88 с автоматическим заводом имеет потрясающую отделку и полностью виден сквозь заднюю часть корпуса. Снизу расположены отполированные до зеркального блеска ударные молоточки. Также, как и в предыдущих моделях Bird Repeater, тираж Bird Repeater Geneve будет составлять только 8 единиц, каждая в корпусе из розового золота 18к диаметром 47 мм. Цена модели составляет около 500 000 USD. Поразительная сумма, но не столь необычная как для механизмов подобной сложности и уникальности. #JaquetDroz #BirdRepeater #Geneva #люксовыечасы #купитьчасы #купитьчасышвейцарские #швейцарскиечасы
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portfolioinaym · 2 years
observational drawings- documantery studies
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spray paint on bristol.
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sheslit · 2 years
Hello! My name is Natasha Isabelle Chiu and I’m a student of Ateneo De Naga University under the strand of HUMSS. I love to watch sci-fi movies, extraterrestrial & historic documanteries, and I also love shark movies 😆 I want to be a Psychiatrist someday and will take Psychology as my premed!
I hope you enjoy my content ❤︎
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boneybonessmith · 4 years
Life isn't too bad while watching nature documanteries I think while taking my antidepressants with a bottle of wine.
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