#does anyone else feel this way or are yall normal
bearsbeetsbeskar · 1 year
Mando Episode 4 Thoughts:
Well foundlings, we are 2 episodes away from the season being over and here we are. I truly don't know how to feel at this point. I mainly feel like I am still clinging to the vestiges of positivity and hopefulness that this season will turn out amazing, and BUILD upon what we have witnessed and learned in s1 and s2. I would however, be lying if I said I am losing hope and feeling frustrated/short changed at what we continue to receive for our Mandalorian and his little ward (also c'mon Din when are you going to just say that you are his father and he is your son???)
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Buckle up cause this is long and I have a lot of feelings, and also I am sorry lol. I still love this show with all my heart but seeing Din and Grogu not really in the spotlight has got my panties in a bunch.
The Mon Calmari and Quarren romance that was dismissed as a FLING, I COULD NOT WITH THAT (she really said boy this was a situationship, cuffing season is over goodbye)
Din is playing sidekick to Bo as she embarks on this journey of reuniting Mandalore and reclaiming her forces (now let me be specific here and say that there is literally nothing wrong with sidequests, much of Din's journey with Grogu throughout s1 and s2 after The Sin, was completing sidequests, whether it was helping Cobb Vanth, the frog lady, or Cara Dune and Greef Karga. And I appreciate the friendship he has somewhat inadvertently formed with Bo up to this point, but it truly feels like he is being sidelined and she has been the main character). While Pedro confirmed that this season will show many other Mandalorians, the premise of this show focuses primarily on one Mandalorian and his journey with his son does it not??!!
It was endearing to see how he remembered speaking to Kuuil, and was educating Bo on how to speak to Ugnaughts but that was about it
WHEN JACK BLACK AND LIZZO APPEARED ON MY SCREEN I FULL OUT CACKLED AND SCREAMED YALL (because as much as I appreciate both respectively as actors and artists, that was the point that hammered home the writers and casting directors are taking their liberties with this season, not really serious, like yeah lets throw Jack Black in SW because why not???) Again, let me preface by saying there is nothing wrong with incorporating well known actors and celebrities when their characters add value, and depth to the storyline of the season or episode, e.g. Bill Burr as Mayfeld who appears in s1 and s2. But at this point it felt like shits and giggles that these two individuals were added to the storyline
I understand that the episode was called Guns for Hire, but it gets a little tiring to see the characters get sidequested into other things before they can accomplish their main mission. It feels like a plot line that has been overplayed at this point. Perhaps it would feel different if the stakes were higher with said sidequest, but investigating malfunctioning droids??? It's not really doing it for me. Now again, when Din was quested into helping Bo take that weapons freighter in Trask, or when he was quested into helping Cobb Vanth kill the krayt dragon for Boba Fett's armour, those had substance to them, and were genuinely enjoyable to watch because of the relationships he had with those characters, but this sidequest seemed so futile and put Din two steps backwards in terms of personal growth
Bringing me to my next point of contention, which is that we all of a sudden reverted back to Din hating droids? He made such progress with IG-11, specifically wanting THAT droid to help him navigate the atmosphere of Mandalore, or what about when he was rebuilding the N-1 starfighter in BoBF and working with Peli Motto's droids, like did we forget all that and return Din to his base programming of hating droids? I got a chuckle out of watching him donkey kick the battle droids, don't get me wrong, but the persistent comments to Bo and how his demeanour quickly changed up when he was interrogating them in the droid bar (it was hot but also disheartening) made me sad :(. What happened to that character development??
And lastly but most certainly not least, the relinquishing of the darksaber. LORD HELP ME THIS WAS THE HARDEST PART TO WATCH AND I WAS SITTING ON THE EDGE OF MY SEAT IN DISBELIEF THE WHOLE TIME
I genuinely could not fathom that the writers would disregard the lore of the darksaber and everything we had learnt about it up to this point, from what Moff Gideon said about having to win it in combat, to the armorer telling Din in the BoBF the tale of the darksaber, explaining to him how to wield it properly
SO much of the anticipation built up towards season 3 has been placed on this weapon (including it in all of the show promo and posters) and it was handled so carelessly imo, its importance in Dins character and story building, his journey, him learning to wield it properly (lets face it, even though he isn't perfect at it, every time that man pulls out the darksaber and uses it I get wet) it was flippantly pushed aside just so he could hand it over to Bo and be like 'this is yours, you are the ruler of Mandalore now'
I, as I am sure many others did, wanted a good chunk of this seasons storyline to be Din's redemption, and some introspection into his pov of being a ruler, being a leader, reuniting Mandalore, what the Creed means to him now, how to be free of conflict so he can properly wield the darksaber, and how to be a Mandalorian after all that he has seen and been through (*cough* AFTER HAVING WALKED BOTH WAYS *cough*)
It felt like they struggled to connect the dots so so soooo hard by having him be like ' Bo defeated the mechanical bug creature that defeated me so it belongs to her' LIKE SIR WHAT
EVEN AXE WOVES ACKNOWLEDGES THIS. He was like girl the man you need to defeat is standing right behind you like a damn sidekick, I am not the one. And while I appreciated Bo standing up for Din and validating his identity as a Mandalorian just as much as they are, it all was such a mess and made no sense???
There is so much internal conflict within me yall, I keep thinking about what Pedro said in that interview of how interesting it is to play and witness a character that is thrust into a leadership position reluctantly, who has no desire to lead, and watching them grow, but Din has not done much growing to me in this season, he has stayed to Bo's side, watching her journey
no other thoughts of substance, except that grogu continues to be a cutie pie (he's a KNIGHT NOW ASDAGSKDASDJ), Din continues to look like a shiny WHORE without even trying (I still swoon)
I am really, genuinely, worried for the next two episodes, there is a lot riding on them. I have a sneaking suspicion that they also will not confirm Moff Gideon's return until the season finale, and end on that cliff hanger
If you have read this far honestly you are wonderful and I appreciate you following me and listening to my nonsense rambling cause this show has ruined by life in the best way but it feels so UNTETHERED rn
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sant-riley · 11 months
[Touchy feely] [tf141 headcanons]
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(Romantic impied Task force 141 boys x gender neutral!reader headcanons :))
Summary: Being the sweetheart of the task force means the boys are not shy about the fact that they're all simps and always want some sort of contact with you at all times.
Consists of romantic/suggestive headcanons for each of the guys and little things they do with you <3
Words: about 1.5k (this was supposed to be short, whoops)
Warnings/Info: Can be read separately but it is intended that they all harbor feelings for you at the same time, possibly out of character for everyone, some swearing, the guys manhandle you, as always, let me know if I miss something!
Thinking about how each of the boys is so touchy with you, it doesn't matter where you are or who you're with, they're shameless.
Other units and teams who will sometimes share the base with 141 know better than to ask questions or directly say anything to one of the guys or you for that matter. Not that they could anyway, seeing as you always have at least one of them attached to your hip.
Anyone who walks into Price's office late at night to turn something in is used to seeing you next to the Captain on the little dingy loveseat he has in there.
John is usually smoking a cigar, taking care to not blow smoke your way while your head is resting on his shoulder. Your eyes closed as you hum at his words. It's terribly domestic for a military base.
John likes to gently play with your hair while he speaks about missions he's been on, always somehow trying to braid despite not knowing how to for jack shit, whether it because it's you or just the mindless motion, he's not willing to say.
John will usually walk you back to your room after dinner or time in his office unless he's swamped with work.
A small hand on the small of your back while he leads you. It's always a respectable touch, though he tucks you into his side, nodding at everyone you may pass.
If you're comfortable with it, he likes to press a kiss to your head, smiling that goofy ass smile, and tells you to get a good night's rest.
He lets you help him trim up his beard, he won't let you do all of it but he likes the closeness of it, him sitting down while you gently shape it up, tilting his head up and he tries his best to not stare directly at your chest.
The fact that he's letting you this close to his neck with a razor is a sign of trust, maybe small for others but for a man that doesn't drop his guard and doesn't truly trust others, it speaks volumes.
The first time he let you, you were barely putting any pressure and he grabbed your hand in his and showed you. "You're not gonna hurt me, put more force into it, yeah?"
Don't get me started on going out on walks in London with Price, he wraps you up in his beanie and some big leather jacket he has that dwarves you, helping you move through crowds by once again holding the small of your back, or taking your smaller hand in his. (He doesn't correct anyone if they mistake you as married)
He likes to kiss the back of your hand and laughs when it makes you blush and sputter out that his beard is scratchy.
Ghost is a subtle one, he won't actively reach for you or your hand but he does have some part of him against you most times.
Whether it be his leg, arm, or thigh, anything works. A normal place yall will be seen together is in the dining hall, you've both learned to ignore the stares from everyone else.
Simon never eats there, just sits with you until you're finished and then you both move on to either his quarters or somewhere else so he can peel his mask up to eat a bit.
However, while you're eating and telling him about anything under the sun, he'll lean over and wipe some crumbs off of your mouth with his thumb softly, which again, you're used to so okay whatever but Recruits always are taken aback in their seats.
Ghost's reflexes kick into overdrive with you. His hand going to cover a corner of a table 9/10 times before you completely wreck your shit, but when he does miss (sometimes on purpose).
He'll bring a hand up to rub at your head for you, chuckling under his breath before cooing down at you "That hurt pretty? Sure look like it did."
Whenever you two specifically are paired onto a mission, doesn't matter if any of the guys complain, he will share a cot/tent with you. He claims he runs the hottest (he doesn't, it's Johnny but he will not lose on this) and can keep your body the warmest.
He pretty much lugs you on top of him and wraps his arms around your waist, he'll press a hand against your head if you keep fidgeting, rasping at you to go to sleep. He takes great pride in the fact that you're usually out like a light very shortly.
I've said it once and I'll say it again, Ghost likes to hook a finger into your body straps and pull it really hard and let it smack you to get your attention if you're not actively paying attention to him, he'll soothe the area but he's smirking behind that fucking mask.
On that note, he definitely does the "You got something right here." And points at your chest and immediately pull up to flick your nose hard as fuck, he KNOWS his own strength but sometimes your eyes water and he immediately feels bad.
Ghost rests his head on your chest a lot, he finds your heartbeat to be soothing and reassuring, also grunts if you don't wrap your arms around him in return, bro literally shoves his head into you and groans
This is a grown man but it's cute so you let it slide bc he'll never ask for it outright, he just assumes you'll cradle his head.
Johnny is the most shameless motherfucker here, I'm talking about draping himself over you, grabbing at your cheeks, ruffling your hair, kissing you dangerously close to your lips (it drives the others mad), he's the most unapologetic about it and will gloat to the others.
Manhandler #1, isn't above grabbing you by your hips and picking you up to move you somewhere, he's literally gone and grabbed you from some rookies side to come stand next to him with a smile and you're just so used to it that you just shrug and go along with it. (He gets slightly jealous, why would you stand next to some random ass dude and not him??)
Throws you over his shoulder, or likes you to cling to his front or his back and just carries you, he says it's a comfortable weight. If you ever dare say you're too heavy, he's gonna go to the gym and work out even more to PROVE to you that he simply doesn't care, he will carry you.
Extremely bad habit of sneaking into your room to fall asleep with you, Price has come into your room many times to see Soap sprawled on top of you, he's drooling and snoring and you're knocked the fuck out (he's like a glorified weighted blanket).
I've touched on this before but he only wants you to cut his hair for him, yeah he can go to the barber on base but he much prefers you and loves it when you scratch at his scalp. He also likes to just have his head in between your thighs but that's something else for another time-
Soap specifically slings you over his shoulder a lot, especially off base where he truly doesn't have any fucks to give.
You're not going to bed because you have other work?? Too bad, shoulder time you go. You're not willing to get up and make yourself food? Good thing he's here, either pick what you want from the kitchen or throw some clothes on bc he IS dragging you out of the house.
Johnny likes to draw on you a lot, it ranges from scribbles, to sometimes his name if he's feeling cheeky (he's drawn it on your thigh before and you didn't notice until Gaz shot you a look), to intricate drawings of whatever he can think whether it be a landscape or an animal.
He always holds you steady and it isn't uncommon for your limbs to fall asleep but it's worth it, if only to see him smile.
Gaz is probably the most secretly clingy person out of the four, he CAN function without your touch but does he PREFER to? No.
His first instinct in any situation is to grab you and shield you, he's the fastest of the four so his body moves without thinking and it's saved you more times than any of you would like to count.
The one mission where you both fell out of a moving truck, he tucked your body into his despite it costing him his shoulder popping out of the socket, you couldn't help but freak out while Ghost moved to pop it back into place.
"Why the fuck would you do that? Look at your arm!" "It's nothing." "Garrick what the fuck-"
When you're out anywhere off base, he's holding your hand, good luck trying to pull away bc he is not letting go. Too bad so sad, resign to your fate.
I think Gaz is definitely good at dancing, at least with you and when the right music is on, you cannot tell me this man wouldn't twirl you around and shit-fight me on it. He'll even lift you off your feet, laughing when you scramble to grab at his shoulders.
He goes stark still if you rest your head on his shoulder, not because he's nervous but because he's worried about waking you up when he knows you deserve a rest.
He'll usually wrap his arm around your shoulder to hold you in place so the heli ride doesn't jostle you so much, gentleness rubbing his knuckles along your arm to soothe you.
Gaz is the one who holds you when you have nightmares, on rare occasions when Soap isn't in your room and you just need to be held with no talking, you always without thinking find yourself in Kyle's room, his arms wrapped around your waist as he tucks your head under his chin, no questions asked.
He'll maybe hum a tune to help you relax but other than that, he lets you lead the way.
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sugrhigh · 5 months
BOY NEXT DOOR 7 - ( c.s )
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part six
summary- you and your roommates live beside a bunch of senior hockey players, one of them being the infamous team captain chris sturniolo. he’s effortlessly flirty and undeniably attractive, but he’s also a pain in your ass. you find that you have to fight between lust and hatred as you finally get to know the boy next door, whether you want to or not.
warnings- cursing, smut (oral m!receiving)
a/n: part 7 bay beeeee let’s get it, they’re falling yall 😳
@fawnchives @teapartyprincess4two @55sturn @l9vesick @mattinside @sturnioloco @rootbeerworshiper @stonermattsgf @dazednmatthews @chrisactualwife @mattybsbitch @mattsmunch @breeloveschris @sturnifyed @julessspoetry @beijhe @luckistar-posts @gnxosblog @braindead4l @hearts4matty @orangeypepsi @ponyosturniolo @cupidsword @rainydayenthusiast @sturnvvz @wurlibydominicfike @poopydroopt @bernardsleftbootycheek @trilliwarner @rubyjanexxx @reallykaz @sturnlvrs @neatcarrot767 @kirby0strombolli @bunnysturns @junnniiieee07 @hrt-attack @sturnssmuts @stunza @beccaluvschris @asturniolos @slutz4sturniolos @mattslolita @alorsxsturn @sturnrc @chrissystur @kellsbells-18
the following week and a half are a complete haze. between classes and schoolwork and hanging out with chris, it’s been a whirlwind of both pleasure and stress, but you’re not complaining about it.
it’s the most fun you’ve had with a guy in a minute, the most fun you’ve had with anyone in a minute period.
you catch yourself smiling at your phone in class when he texts you silly things throughout the day, or when he gives you a quick call to tell you something crazy. he’s always insisting that you spend the night at his, just so he can wake up with his chin nuzzled into neck and his arm wrapped around your waist.
after practices he’ll pick you up to go get food, or bring something back for you if he stops on the way home instead. you’ve also been to a few of his games since making up, which depending on the result will usually end in some type of fun new sexual escapade.
he never forgets to kiss you hello and goodbye, is constantly giving you his clothes to wear because they “look better” on you, and he even throws his arm around your shoulder in public without shame.
he’s doing the little things, and you have to admit that you really like it.
ramona and cass have caught on at this point, always shooting you sly grins when you say you’re heading out, or that you have plans. you never even mentioned chris by name in the beginning, but they knew.
and despite prior flukes, they both support you whole-heartedly and are always gushing about how different he’s acting. you try not to read into their theories too much, but sometimes you can’t help but wonder.
why would he be putting in effort on all of these extra gestures if he didn’t truly want something more?
he’s already got the sex, so what else does he need?
but one thing you still haven’t fully learned about chris is that he’s selfish. he needs and wants everything, in almost all aspects of his life aside from his romantic interests. that is, until he met you.
and now that he has you, finally, he wants it all. whenever you’re not with him, he’s thinking about you. sometimes it’s the dirtiest fantasies that he’s just waiting to fulfill, and other times it’s wondering what you had for lunch, or what you dreamed about, or what you’re up to with your friends.
when you are with him, he can’t get enough; your smell, the way your hair feels against his palm, the softness of your lips all over him. he adores when he makes you laugh, when you toss one leg around him before the two of you go to sleep, when you’re standing in the crowd supporting him in his jersey.
he even likes when you scrunch your nose in disgust at him after he hits you with yet another cheesy pickup line.
chris has no idea how to handle the intensity of his feelings, or how to identify them. unbeknownst to him, you’re feeling the exact same.
but everything is still normal as you two lounge on his bed, both enjoying the wind down after a long day. the sun is well below the horizon now and you’ve been watching hockey for the past two hours—shocker. but you can feel chris growing restless beside you, hand stroking your thigh lazily.
“alright, what’s your deal?” you ask after he huffs for the fifth time, even though you know he’s just bored.
he pauses to think about it for a moment, rolling his lips between his teeth. then his eyes go wide and a grin takes over his face as you watch an idea form in his mind.
“wanna play super smash brothers?” chris asks, and you feel your own expression light up at the suggestion.
“oh my god, seriously? i didn’t even know that game was still around.” you gush in excitement.
“lucky for you, i’ve got it on my switch.” he wiggles his eyebrows a few times before he leans over to grab the device off of his nightstand.
you stay silent while he props the screen up on top of the covers, sitting up straighter like he’s preparing for war as he hands you a controller.
though the console is a completely foreign thing to you, you used to be decent when you played on the wii several years ago. you have a feeling the skill will translate.
“are you sure you’re ready? i’m a known pro.” he warns you with a smirk as the game loads.
you shrug, deciding not to boast about your own ability just yet. better to leave it a mystery, just in case you do actually suck.
“your threats are unimpressive.”
“i’d hold the sass, princess. we haven’t even started yet. plus,” he drags the word out for effect as he stares at you with a devious look in his eye, “i have a dare for you.”
a snort escapes before you can help it. “so we’re back in middle school now?”
“c’mon, humor me.”
“alright, let me hear it.” you give in, because you are wondering what he has in store.
“every time i beat you, you have to take off a piece of clothing. and every time i lose, if i ever actually lose, i’ll do the same.” chris explains.
it’s an enticing offer. you pretend to contemplate the challenge, tapping on your chin lightly with your pointer finger as you furrow your brows.
“okay, i’ll take the bait.” you finally say.
you don’t plan on being defeated anyways. he’s underestimating you yet again, and you can also tell that he’s surprised by your answer.
but regardless, he gives you a nod of approval. “very daring, i’m impressed.”
“you'll be even more impressed when i kick your ass.” you tease with a smile, leaning in to give him a quick kiss before you refocus on the task at hand.
“sure i will, now pick your character already.” he prompts, pointing a finger at the screen.
you already know who you’re going to play as, because you used to choose the same fighter pretty much every time. so you use your controls to scroll and select quickly.
“so you’re a kirby girl.” chris notes with a grin, like it makes perfect sense.
“force of habit, i guess.” you respond as you glance down at the switch.
he just shakes his head, clicking on the default stage so that he can get the game ready to go. “that big pink fuck won’t save you now.”
“hey! don’t you dare talk about him like that, he can hear you.” you motion to the screen in offense.
this makes him chuckle, a delightful sound that you’ve come to know and love.
“yeah, yeah, whatever. are you ready?”
you square your shoulders. “prepare to die, chris sturniolo.”
the game begins a moment later, and neither of you are relaxed in his bed anymore. you’re both quite literally on the edge of your seats, fingers frantically jamming at the controllers.
you’re the first to hit him, watching his XP fade just a little bit as a result. he grunts beside you while he continues throwing aimless attacks your way, eyes narrowed in determination.
he’s next to land a big one, which knocks kirby on his ass for a solid few seconds as chris pummels your character. you’re at nearly half of your health before you escape his grasp, so you grit your teeth and keep battling.
but it’s no use. even though you knock him off of the little island, he delivers the final blow a moment later and pikachu wins the first round.
“shit!” you yell as you watch your own fighter die.
chris throws his arms up in victory, already beaming over the fact that you’ll have to be the first to start stripping. you stare at the screen incredulously before you hang your head in shame.
“i think you owe me something, baby.” he chirps happily.
your mind races, trying to find some loophole to save your dignity. then the sides of your mouth turn up just a bit. you reach down to peel your socks off and toss them to the floor, fully smirking now.
chris shakes a finger at you accusingly, though he’s smiling regardless. “that does not count, you little cheater.”
“it totally does. socks are essential to daily life.” you argue.
he licks his lips as he grips his controller once more. “fine, but you don’t have an excuse after this, and puppy eyes won’t get you out of it.”
“sure they won’t.” you reply innocently, giving him a knowing look.
the next round starts up and this time you come out swinging, sending quite a few damaging hits his way. you’re satisfied with the head start, avoiding him by jumping around on the obstacles in the arena.
every time he’s about to strike, you feel him tense up beside you, so you decide to use it to your advantage. you back up as he advances, once again steering clear of any harm.
then you switch up and go on offense again, sending pikachu up into the air with the last strike of the match.
chris groans in disappointment as you let out a brief cheer, nudging him with your shoulder suggestively.
“i think you owe me something, pretty boy.” you mock him, unable to hide how pleased you are.
he just rolls his eyes in response, reaching to grab the collar of his shirt so he can pull it over his head. you honestly weren’t fully prepared yet, and your mouth goes dry as you watch his muscles clench while he shifts to chuck it to the ground.
you can see some of the hickies you gave him scattered across his collarbones, and although you’re a little embarrassed, it’s also a bit of a turn on.
“distracted?” chris taunts.
you narrow your eyes and turn back to the switch. “never.”
the third round commences and you’re feeling far more confident now. he may have a big ego, but he’s not as good as he made himself out to be, so you’ve at least got a chance.
it’s dead even for a moment while you each go punch for punch, bringing your health down quite a bit. you’re completely zoned in until you feel his hand grip your thigh, inching higher and higher rather quickly.
it makes your stomach flip, and you’re forced to look over at him in surprise. in that moment, you know you lost, because chris removes his fingers just as quickly as they were there and goes for the final kill.
he meets your eyes after he’s secured the second win, pure amusement evident in his expression.
“who’s the cheater now, huh?” you shove him lightly, but he just laughs.
“hey, you never said touching was off limits. i was just using my resources.” chris says, clearly deciding to maintain his innocence.
“that’s total horseshit and you know it. you’re lucky i’m a good sport.”
so you tug your own sweatshirt up, throwing it toward the foot of the bed without a second thought. you’re left in your lacey red bra, though it’s nothing he hasn’t seen before anyways.
but when you glance over, there’s a hungry glint in chris’s eyes that lets you know he's just as excited as the first time. his gaze flicks down to your chest, tilting his head forward a bit so his face is closer to yours.
“jesus, that bra is fucking sexy.” his words sound more like a whine than anything else.
you can feel yourself beginning to shake ever so slightly in anticipation, trying to steady your hands by holding your controller.
“don’t say shit like that to me.” oh, but it sounds so delicious.
“i’m sorry.” chris lies breathlessly.
his lips ghost over your cheek, his teeth clamping down on that sweet spot behind your ear a moment later. you let out a small gasp, placing your hands on his warm chest to push him away.
“we’re supposed to be playing.” you remind him quietly.
everything in your body is screaming for him to pin you to the bed, to let him have his way with you, but you won’t let yourself get carried away that easily. not this time.
“damnit, i’m not going to be able to win with you looking like that right beside me.” chris complains.
“sounds like a you problem.” you brush him off and click the button to start the next round.
you can feel your hands sweating as you move kirby around the stage. you know exactly what you’re doing now, walking right into his attacks as if you’re practically begging to die.
the attention chris gave you after you lost last time was intense, and you can only imagine how it’ll go once you take off your pants too.
so, you let yourself lose. pikachu defeats kirby swiftly, and now it’s time to face the consequences.
“you suck at this.” he grins widely after your third loss, clearly content.
but you don’t say anything. you just lay back, lifting your hips up so you can wiggle your sweats down your legs. you kick them off at the foot of the mattress, enjoying the way chris’s eyes go wide as he watches you.
“you’re evil, you know?” his voice is dangerously low as you sit back up, confidence flooding through your veins.
you nod, biting down on your lip to keep yourself from smiling like a cheshire cat. “what are you gonna do about it?”
he opens his mouth like he’s going to tell you, and then changes his mind.
not the answer you were expecting. you furrow your brows, completely thrown for a loop, when you get your own brilliant idea. an idea he won’t be able to resist, literally and figuratively.
“fine, then i have a game for you.” you say, trying to provoke him.
“i’m listening.” he sounds intrigued.
“let’s see how long you can go without touching me, because i bet you won’t last more than a minute. but i can do whatever i want.” your voice gets sultry at the end as you glance down at his mouth.
chris feels all of the blood rush to his dick just thinking about the dare, already turned on from seeing you in your tiny matching set. he knows he won’t be able to contain himself, but he doesn’t care.
“filthy girl.” he purrs, nodding his head yes.
you watch him situate himself against the pillows, laying so you can roll to your knees and straddle him. his eyes roam your body, lips tilted into a lopsided smile as he relishes the feeling of your silky skin on his.
your hands go to his bare shoulders, steadying yourself as you lean down to give him a brief kiss. you move to his jaw before he can get to into it, taking your time as you finally reach his neck. he spreads his hands out on the comforter, gripping it harshly to prevent himself from giving in.
your hips rock against him agonizingly slow, and you can feel his hard on as you grind your cunt into it. fingers trail down his stomach, raking at the skin lightly.
he’s choking on his breath underneath you, trying so hard not to buck into your movements even though he wants to so bad. you’re careful, leaving open-mouth kisses in new areas in the hopes of giving him more hickies.
chris’s eyes flutter closed, lips parted in bliss as a small whine escapes, and you can tell he’s just itching to truly feel you.
you move your face up so you’re right by his ear, whispering your next words without hesitation.
“come on baby, touch me. i know you want to.”
it’s your first time using the pet name with him, and you can tell by the groan he lets out that it’s enough to send him over the edge.
his hands reach to grip your ass, rocking you against him harder as he gives one side a little slap. chris tilts his head so he can capture your mouth with his for a real kiss, tongue and teeth meshing together beautifully.
when you pull away his lips are glossy and red, which you always love seeing. you shift yourself off of him so your hands can move toward his sweats, fingers dipping below the waistband just slightly as you look up at him for permission.
chris nods eagerly, biting down on his lip and squirming around for any kind of contact. you steady his hips with your hands, clicking your tongue once in distaste.
“you better be patient, or i won’t do a damn thing.” you chide.
“i’ll be good. so good.” he promises, practically pleading with you now.
the neediness ignites a fire in your stomach, so you slowly begin to work his pants and boxers down his legs. his erection bounces free, slapping against his stomach, and you feel your mouth watering just looking at it.
once you’ve officially discarded his clothes, you position yourself between his legs so that you’re eye-level with his cock. he’s already throbbing at the sight, waiting as you spit in your palm and wrap it around the base of his shaft.
chris lets out a moan as you start to move your hand up and down ever so slowly, making sure to tease as much as possible because you know how sensitive he is right now. your run your thumb over his slit, which is leaking with precum, and he trembles in your grasp.
after a moment like this, you finally bring your head down, wrapping your lips around him and swirling your tongue across his tip.
“fuckkk.” he hisses through his teeth, reaching to wrap a hand in your hair messily.
you take as much of him into your mouth as you can, using your hand on the part you can’t reach as you hollow your cheeks and bob your head slightly. your other palm rests on his thigh, steadying yourself as you suck his dick.
“feels amazing.” he praises through a whimper, involuntarily bucking into your throat now.
you can feel him pulling you by the hair, forcing you to take more of him as tears brim your eyes. you know he’s getting close just based on the way he’s beginning to shake, so you pick up your pace a bit.
“shit, baby, just like that.” chris groans, his body shuddering as you work your tongue.
he’s breathing heavy now, head thrown back with his eyes screwed shut, hair messy across his forehead. his grip on you tightens, a dead giveaway that he’s about to come.
“fuck, fuck, i’m—”
you feel him twitch in your mouth, body completely tense as his orgasm spills down your throat. his hand untangles from your hair so you can pull away to swallow, brushing stray strands from your face.
his chest rises and falls heavily as he lays there, riding out the high before he peels his eyes open to look at you through the bleariness.
“you’re incredible.” chris says as he reaches for your hand, pulling you down into bed beside him.
he presses a kiss to your forehead, a gentle touch that you’re not used to, and you feel your stupid little heart melt.
“and you’re getting soft on me, mister tough guy.” you joke, poking his side like you're making a point.
“for you, i think i can live with that.”
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staycait · 7 months
⊹   ﹒   ❝  a losers secret ⠀⊹⠀˚⠀ ౨ৎ
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𝜗𝜚 ┈ loser!scara x shy!fem!reader ㅤ ✦
𝐈. ──ㅤ youre the good and shy girl of the school, everyone knows you and everyone likes you, you consider everyone a friend, even the loser that sits in the back of the class. but what happens if you, the most well-liked good girl, gets paired up with the most hated loser in school ?
𝐈𝐈. ──ㅤ mentions of fingering , overstimulation , cream pie , raw sex , mentions of markings , little bits of degradation 'n praise, reader is very shy and gets nervous easily , reader is inexperienced , reader is innocent , breeding kink , && corruption kink .
𝐈𝐈𝐈. ──ㅤ nsfw , smut , english is not my first language, please forgive me , proofread , fluffy yet suggestive ending .
﹒ thoughts ; hope u guys enjoy this ,, its been months since i was active here and im trying to get back here because ive been starving yall </3 . btw , reqs are open ! feel free to req anything . :) what do we think of new theme tho? it keeps changing 😭 .. and ngl this fic kinda sucks. ☹️☹️ but yeah i hope u guys still like this even if it’s horrible!
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> story right under the cut <
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SCARAMOUCHE is the typical loner you’d see in your class, black jacket with the hoodie over his head, headphones on, is at the back of the class, and much more. there were rumors that he murdered someone, that he does drugs, and the list goes on. no one likes him—in fact, everyone hates him.. almost everyone hates him.
for your english project, you got paired up with scaramouche. after the teacher announced who would be paired with who, everyone in your class came up to you, telling you how much sympathy they have for you, that how sorry they are for you, and telling you ‘good luck with dealing with him’.
you were confused, what was so bad about scaramouche? sure there were rumors, but if they don’t evidence that they did those stuff, you have no reason to believe in the rumors. you felt so bad for him, he already had no one by his side, and the entire school hates him.
you went up to scaramouche, he immediately notices your presence and looks up at you with an indifferent expression on his face, yet he looked awfully tired.. he took off his headphones and he stared to speak,
“what? here to bully me for having no friends?” you hear him scoff, a frown plays on his lips as he brings his gaze to the floor.
hearing his words made you protest, you would never bully anyone, or even hurt a fly !
“n-no! of course not..” you stammered.
you fiddle with your fingers in nervousness. you always get nervous whenever you talk to new people or when people assume things about you, a slight blush creeps up your cheeks as you think about his words.
the indifference immediately leaves scaramouche’s face once he notices your blushing. he stares at you for a moment before a huge smirk appears on his face.
“ah, so you’re not like all the others?” scaramouche tilts his head back and chuckles.
you take a seat next to scaramouche’s chair and you bring it closer to him.
“what do you mean by that..?”
“everyone else treats me like i’m sort of monster or freak. you, however, seem different from everyone.”scaramouche leans back in his chair.
“well, you don’t seem like a freak or a monster..”
you were growing increasingly nervous, and as an attempt to calm yourself down, you look down to your lap to hide your nervous and red face and grip the hem of your skirt. you never thought someone would assume you’d bully them— let alone think that you think of them as a freak or a monster!
you can’t help but notice that scaramouche’s eyes trail down to your legs. it’s quite unnerving, and your short skirt doesn’t help much with that either.
as a way to snap out of his thoughts, scaramouche shakes his head and sighs.
“are you just saying that to be nice? what about me isn’t freaky?”
“u-uhm… you seem like a normal person. you look.. um.. cool too..?”
scaramouche looks back at you and raises his eyebrows.
“oh yeah? you think I’m cool?”
you notice him shifting slightly, leaning toward you.
“then, you surely don’t mind me getting closer, right?”
your blush gets heavier the moment you feel scaramouche leaning in closer to you.
“no… not at all.”
scaramouche grins at your response and scoots even closer to you.
“then is it okay if…” he trails off, and his voice gets husky as he leans in. you feel something touch your leg, you look over to see his hand resting on your thigh.
“i suppose so..”
scaramouche’s eyes light up after hearing you agree. you could feel him plant his lips on your neck; a few gentle kisses on your skin.
“how about if i…” scaramouche places a finger along the hem of your short skirt.
a small whimper escapes your lips, you don’t know how to feel about being this close this to someone, you had never been this close or intimate with anyone.
“is it alright for me to… lift your skirt up?”
your eyes widened, you weren’t sure how you’d respond to that, but, if you were going to be honest, scaramouche was making you feel hot down there..
his words made you feel tingly and horny, but his gaze was what was making your panties damp and wet.
“can we.. go to a private room first?”
…who knew it was so easy for you to fall right into scaramouche’s trap?
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after successfully making the teacher believe that scaramouche he was taking you to the clinic, he brought you to his dorm, and next, to his bedroom.
SCARAMOUCHE had you on a tight mating press, your clothes on the floor with bits of your orgasm stained onto it. (it got to your clothes because scaramouche had fingered you until you squirted all over the place.)
how could scaramouche have resisted himself? you looked so innocent, and so corruptible, he just had to get his hands on you.
scaramouche groans as he feels your walls clamping down on him for the ‘nth time. it was a sign you were about to have another orgasm, another sign was when your moans get higher-pitched.
the feeling of scaramouche’s cock mercilessly ramming into you was agonizingly pleasurable. you couldn’t think of anything else but him and his cock, your body couldn’t help but just have orgasm after orgasm.
you held tightly onto his shoulders, clinging onto him as if your life had depended on it. scaramouche’s dick was bruising your cervix, fucking you into the mattress, and possibly trying to fuck your brains out.
“does it feel nice being reduced to nothing but a whore?”
scaramouche grabs a handful of your hair, staring at your messy and slutty state. the way you looked so disheveled, the way you were gasping for breath, the way you gave up trying to keep up with scaramouche’s quick and brutal pace.
you looked so helpless and vulnerable under him, his cock ramming into you and you have no choice but to take it like the good girl you are.
“answer me, you whore.”
scaramouche speaks to you with a stern voice, in which you immediately nod your head.
he smirks, letting go of your hair. he speeds up his thrusting, bringing one of his hands down from your waist to your clit, rubbing slow circles on it. you felt the knot in your stomach getting tighter and tighter until,
finally, with just one more snap of scaramouche’s hips, you both reach your intense climax and cum together.
scaramouche continues to sloppily thrust into you, however, it’s much much slower, he continues to thrust until he comes into a full stop.
“oh fuck, you felt so good..”
you both lay there panting, with scaramouche still on top of you. he stares at all the hickeys and bite marks he left on your neck (he also left a lot on your thighs.), feeling proud he had his markings left on you.
scaramouche snaps out of the daze he was in while he was staring at the markings he left on you—he immediately looks up at you and responds back.
“what is it?”
“can we do things like this… more often?..”
scaramouche chuckles, finding your shyness even after all the rough sex you two just had adorable.
“hmm.. sure.”
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artydonsgf · 4 months
If you're alright with NSFW prompts, can you think of any kinks the three might have?
hi anon! thank you sm for your request<3 honestly, this account has challenged me so much because i’ve never really written nsfw stuff before. it’s really fun actually! enjoy nsfw headcanons with art, tashi, and patrick
Art Donaldson
- completely submissive in bed
- he likes when you’re rough with him
- hair pulling, biting, nails digging into his back
- needy as fuck, any time you start to slow down, he’s kissing you n begging you to keep going
- loves praise, he’ll do anything to get it
- quick to try new things if you want to
- total begger
- likes being overstimulated
- the idea of being completely overwhelmed by you is so hot to him
- really likes it when you blindfold him
- your touch becomes a million times more exciting when he has no idea where it’s going to come from
- he also likes it when he’s slightly restricted
- not too much because grabbing your hips when you’re on top of him is his favorite thing
- always on the bottom, you have total control
- king of whimpering and moaning and begging (a/n: i need him)
- soft breathy whispers telling you that you’re so beautiful, you make him feel so good, etc
- begs to touch you, he lowkey can’t believe that you’re his
- asks for consent in the most slutty desperate voice ever (it’s very hot)
- desperate, needy, and pathetic is the best way to describe him in bed
- great at aftercare, it’s him showering you in kisses thanking you for rocking his world
- seriously, he’s so gentle and sweet and he always makes you food after
Tashi Duncan
- likes watching you on your knees
- any position where you’re under her does it for her
- likes it when you suck her fingers
- loves when you’re loud
- likes to have sex in non-traditional places
- the car, the shower, downstairs, kitchen, etc
- doesn’t want to share you with anyone but sometimes she wonders what it would be like watching you fuck someone else
- high sex drive
- i mean come on, you’re with the most competitive n passionate woman in the world, did you think that wasn’t gonna translate into bed?
- doesn’t let up even in bed, she makes you work for every ounce of pleasure you want
- you’re spoiled by her but that’s only once you work to get there
- obsessed with giving you hickies
- loves it when you dress up in pretty lingerie
- she slowly undresses you, kissing you everywhere as she goes
- loves buying you lingerie too
- aftercare is the best with her
- you guys shower together and softly whisper sweet words to one another
- you change the sheets together and settle into fresh sheets feeling nice and clean
Patrick Zweig
- total exhibitionist
- likes the thrill of almost being caught so you often find yourself with his hands down your pants in dark corners of parties
- likes being marked
- if he’s not walking away with a million hickies did yall really fuck?
- likes to go without a condom
- obviously with your consent and making sure you’re on birth control
- likes to come on your face when you give him blow jobs
- seeing you covered in his cum makes him hard all over again
- total brat, he does everything possible to rile you up
- he’s also a complete tease, he loves making you beg for him to keep touching you
- loudddd
- neighbors three doors down can hear his moaning
- he’s not even exaggerating either, bro just really can’t help himself when you’re fucking him
- likes it when you dress up in cute outfits
- he barely sees it because he’s so eager to rip it off but the brief moment he does look, he loves it
- aftercare is always sweet but pretty short because sex with you is like his version of melatonin
- besides staying awake for the general clean up, he’s normally out like a light afterwards
- even with quickies, he’s always falling asleep
- pussy so good you put his ass to bed🙏🏾
hiiii idk if this is that good, i spent so long reworking it cause i hated it. butttt i dont wanna keep anyone waiting so i hope you enjoyed<3
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yanderederee · 5 months
I love your work and your whole blog is just so amazing! I would like to request letter A for Baji from Tokyo revengers. Thank you, have a nice day dear! :)
This one’s going to be longer than normal— sue me. Read more cause it’s long
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Baji Keisuke is a very intense person. When he feels strongly about a person, it’s hard not to notice. He goes out of his way to give Pah’s dog extra attention when he’s away, carries Mikey to and from places when he falls asleep randomly— everyone feels at ease when they’re with Baji because he is a safe person that they know they can trust.
So for his significant other; of course he’ll show his affections openly. Though it may look like less like romantic affection than it would a doting mother (does that make sense?)
Baji will wholeheartedly take care of you.
You have a stomach ache in public? He rubs your back and finds a place for you to sit, or takes you home immediately if you want. Even if he’s not entirely sure how to fix your issues, he’s dutiful in the way he cares for you.
Order something you don’t like at a restaurant? You got two options, you two can swap meals (because he doesn’t care what he eats as long as you’re happy), or he’ll order a safer option for you.
Can’t sleep? He’ll be half delirious, but he’ll stay on the phone with you and let you chat while he mumbles back replies to make you feel better. Battery might be shot tomorrow but he only uses it to stay in touch with you anyway.
Leaning into romantic affection: not so much into the casual stuff like hand holding (he’s a little squirrelly and gets frustrated if his arm is locked down for too long), but loves looping his arm over your shoulder and holding you close to him at all times. It’s more than showing people you belong to him, it’s also the comfort having you near brings him.
If he’s sitting and getting stir crazy, he’ll play with your fingers. It eventually becomes a fidget of his so he doesn’t realize he does it, but everyone else does.
Likes cuddles, specially holding you. He loves feeling you wrapped up in his arms and pressed into his neck. He could get lost in thought and lay there for hours thinking of all the things he adores about you.
If you fall asleep, he’ll stare at your face; gently pat your hair or trace your features… he’s star stuck thinking about you.
Also shows his affection in protecting you. Can not stand when other people waste your time. If you’re enjoying the conversation then sure, he’ll endure. But if you show any sign of fatigue or annoyance, he’s quick to swoop in and come up with an excuse to get yall going.
That goes for his own friends too. If anyone so much as gives a backhanded comment about you, (I.e: she’s leeching all of your time Baji/Cant you go anywhere without her?/she’s fine but I don’t like having her around/etc), he goes off. There was nothing fucking wrong with you and if you were content being by his side, then he would happily keep you there.
“Fuck you say? Ain’t no one ask you, so keep your shit shut.” He can get really aggressive with his language and dialect, don’t try fighting him further than that, it will end in fists and blood.
Speaking of, is happy to beat the shit out of anyone for you. There’s not a lot that is beneath him. (More on this @/Blood) He doesn’t hit girls, but he will pull their hair and scream in their face for a long time until they get the picture to not mess with you.
Overall: Baji only becomes an intense yandere if other people get involved. If it’s just the two of you, he’s extremely doting and careful with you, but does his best not to stir you into complex feelings that might cause you to leave him.
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xiki-pupper · 5 months
I can understand how Shuro may be a frustrating character to some folks - in fact that is kinda what he is there for, narratively speaking. But it really gives me ick when people just wanna shit on him for "being awful/the worst/an asshole"
The way I see it, the dude is his own different flavor of Autism- repressed, conditioned, awkward, and forced to participate in high society, not to mention the culture clash - and he sees laios just being his own weirdo self and he hates it --- no, thats not it. I honestly don't think he hates laios; i truly believe he hates that Laios gets to be TRUE to himself, and he (shuro) Doesn't get to be.
And it's a feeling I can understand and sympathize and empathize with, as I have been on my own personal journey to try and un-mask and deconstruct and heal myself in a world that has made me feel broken my entire life
People scream "hypocrisy" as shuro sees the same traits between the touden siblings, and is attracted to one whilst hating the other - and yes, I can agree that it's a bit hypocritical, but yall are taking it at face value and not understanding where his feelings are coming from. Shuro doesn't hate laios because he has a special interest, shuro hates that his whole life, he has had to squash himself into a form-fitting box, behave as his family commands, and now he sees laios being free of expectation, just out here being a weirdo, and shuro is possibly feeling that frustrated grief that comes with the late diagnosed autistic situation of "I could have been happy, too, but no, *I* had to be the responsible one"
... at least, that's how I view it. Coz I myself have had those thoughts. And I know, it's NOT a good look for me to be out here admitting that I have felt this way, like for example, maybe I see someone else's struggle with anxiety, whether it's online or in real life, and I have this bitter thought to myself of "yeah, I have anxiety too, but *I* was still forced to be a responsible adult anyway" which makes me momentarily frustrated.
And before anyone jumps my ass about it, NO, I definitely DO NOT think that "if I had to suffer thru it, so should everyone else" that's NOT what I'm saying. But I AM saying that, there is a bitterness, when u see someone who is able to avoid a struggle that you had to endure - that bitterness is NOT thinking that everyone should suffer as I did, but me being bitter that *I had to* at all.
Does that make sense? Coz I really feel like Shuro just gets shit on because people think he's there to interrupt the Yuri and be mean to Laois, and I really feel that he's a whole ass person. And a somewhat melancholic one, at that. He makes me think of how I had to grow up Christian whilst being queer and undiagnosed Audhd my entire life, and I would be very very surprised to hear that a large chunk of dunmeshi fans didn't ALSO grow up this way, feeling broken and stupid and tired, forced to do things the "normal people" way, and then NOT understand how Shuro feels when he sees someone who is in a position to be mostly free of that...
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Maybe The Narrator, Tyler and Male Reader as like a lil throuple or something? it can be anything idm🙏
Jack “The Narrator” x Tyler Durden x male reader
Relationship headcanons I guess?
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I love this gif,,,, whys he wearing his pants like that? who does he want to grab his hips like that, men???
Tyler is a real person in this universe, cuz it’s easier to write.
How tf did you bag not one mentally ill delusional guy, but two? Honestly, hats off to you. Cuz either you have to be just as unstable as them, or be weirdly too stable to even out their crazy.
So, depending on which, Tyler might not even pull off project mayhem if you are there to reel him in like a rabid Pomeranian wearing one of those full body harnesses.
Jack on the other hand just has so much insomnia it makes him kinda crazy, cuz not sleeping for a long time will drive you insane. Get this guy some sleeping meds, a noise machine, a weighted blanket and some of those melatonin gummies.
If you first start dating them after they start fight club, maybe you even met them there cuz one of your coworkers invited you, they’d still be kinda delulu and out for blood this time around.
Jack seems like he falls fastest, but Tyler falls hardest. You either deck both of them into the ground because its your first night at fight club, or they deck you and think you look so handsome with a bloody nose.
They’d keep circling you at fight club every week, in the beginning Tyler only does it cuz Jack likes you, and maybe Tyler is a little jealous you are taking his friends attention. At some point you���d be invited to their place.
Damn bitch, yall live like this? You try to be polite about it, but its kinda clear they live in a shithole. Screw Tyler’s whole, not owning anything and rejecting modern needs, you need a functioning shower and cable tv.
If Tyler bitches too much about your preferences, you just only invite Jack over, which has Tyler reeling too. So, whilst you are on the couch with an arm around Jack, Tyler can sit on his weirdly soggy mattress and pout.
I think we can all agree that Tyler would be jealous and possessive very easily, think a dog that seems chill, maybe a little hyper, but then snarling and snapping at anyone who comes near you or Jack. You are his, and his alone, so everyone else can stay away.
Jack is jealous and possessive too, but he’s less obvious about it, to others at least. You can tell from the way he glares or clenches his jaw, or how he bites a bit too hard when he makes hickeys on either you or Tyler.
Again, you are the most mentally stable out of all three of you, so you don’t get jealous that easily, compared to them. But that also means when you do get jealous, it has both Tyler and Jack climbing the walls, because its so hot to them.
Especially if you had to fight someone because they kept coming onto either of them, seeing you with a sneer and a bloody fist immediately has both these dudes feeling all types of hot under the collar.
Tyler is definitely a sloppy kisser. He kisses like he fights, overpowering and controlling, bites at your lips a bit too hard and grips the back of your neck and only let’s go when he’s gotten his fill.
For Jack it depends on how he’s feeling, if he’s feeling alright, he’s got the more normal kisses, maybe even just pecks. But if he’s wound up, jealous, or sleep deprived its more like how Tyler kisses.
But kissing them is also your best distraction method if either of them are getting a little too out there. Kissing or like, scruffing them or wrestling them a bit. Just keep in mind the last two most likely lead to something more.
Tyler is a blanket hog, whilst also somehow filling the bed as much as possible. Stretches out all his limbs, or keeps scooting closer to you and jack until you two are pressed up against the wall, whilst Tyler has the rest of it.
Jack is sticky when he sleeps, that meaning he’s hanging onto you. Got both arms and both legs wrapped around you, head on your chest to listen to your heartbeat cuz it helps him sleep. Sleeping between these two is hell in the summer.
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panda-writes-kpop · 17 days
I'll only stay with you one more night ~ j. hjn.
a/n: two weeks between posts will probably become the new normal as I struggle through this semester 😭 don't worry, school's going fine, I'm just busy as hell right now with work, school, and familial obligations. So don't worry if there's a week or two between uploads, I'm totally fine!! 🫶
tw: a bit pg-13 with some of the description (my bad yall, i just want to make out with jeon heejin y'know), mention of booze, reader is a romantic yet a bit depressed but we love them for it ❤️
summary: a precarious dance between you and heejin threatens to end as she lures you into her thralls yet again, but you won't break this new normal between the two of you. neither will she, so you're stuck in this limbo of 'not-quite-friends-but-not-quite-lovers'.
♡ Masterlist ♡
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“You shouldn’t be here.”
Jeon Heejin eyes you, warily, as you approach her in the kitchen.
“You thought parties weren’t my… thing?” She draws out the last word, inviting a rebuttal from you.
You’re too smart to take the obvious bait, but too stupid to leave the conversation alone in its entirety.
“Didn’t think you were one to shoot vodka straight.” You gesture to the red solo cup in her hand - you’re a foot away from her, but you can practically taste the liquor in the air.
The smell makes you wish that you had drank something before starting this conversation. It’d help you feel less bad about what happens afterward.
“Maybe I like the way it tastes.” She teases before lifting the cup to her lips.
You’d almost believe her, if you didn’t know her so well, but the ghastly grimace on her face gives away her true thoughts about the drink.
“No person drinks vodka because they like the taste. What’s on your mind, Little Miss Perfect?”
Heejin scowls at the nickname - a long standing tradition between the two of you. You’d call her a role model or a perfect princess, and she’d respond by calling you a jackass or rolling her eyes at you.
Two people, perfectly molded to be each other’s opposite.
So why are you here, at this party, with her of all people?
“Would you believe me if I told you?”
“No,” Your response falls from your lips, immediately, and a teasing grin appears on your face, “but I’m willing to hear you out anyway.”
“You’re a liar.”
“It’s my charm, really.” You shrug before leaning against the fridge. “Are you in the mood for confessions or not?”
“Well…” She trails off, an unreadable expression on her face.
She leans against the counter after setting her drink aside. Her shirt lifts up, perfectly showing her well-defined body.
Why does she play this game with you, again and again? You’re both losers in the end.
Heejin is a perfect calamity of a woman - her eyes a whirlwind of emotions, a smile that is genuine but never quite reaches her eyes, her gestures as icy as they are warming.
You can’t tell if you want to slap or kiss that shit-eating grin off of her face.
And, based on your previous encounters with her, it’s most definitely going to be the latter option.
“Like what you see?” She winks at you before grabbing her drink again.
Her eyes study you, just as she studies her materials in class. Brutally methodical, looking for any errors or opportunities to pounce on.
She wants to lure you into her trap, into her clutches - you wanted her first, right?
“Fuck you.” The words would sound malicious coming from anyone else, but they’re oddly playful from your lips.
“You told me you wanted to know what’s on my mind…” Heejin strolls towards you with an unmistakable amount of confidence, the type that comes with experience.
She’s got you right where she wants you - as she does every time.
When she lands right in front of you, one of her hands lands on your abdomen. Heejin leans in close, close enough for only the two of you to hear.
“You. I’ve only had you on my mind, and it’s ruining my day.”
She leans back, a playful pout on her face.
A lioness with her prey in her claws - so much for her façade of innocence.
You should resist, push her hand away and let yourself get some air. Maybe it’s the booze in her breath that’s making you drunk, or maybe you’re just drunk on her.
Either way, that fleeting thought of rationality doesn’t seem to stop you from chasing Heejin’s lips as you kiss her with the pent-up frustration of her teasing.
Her hand leaves your chest as you place your hands on your lips - if you’re letting this happen, you may as well be in control of your actions.
You know you want this, as does she. You’re both just scared of the after.
The eternal after, the words you two should tell each other.
I love you. I miss you. I want you. I need you.
But you’re stuck in this charade, this mess where you push and pull against each other, hoping one will give before the other does. 
Heejin’s too prideful, and you’re too resistant to the idea of “us”.
But you’re both content, especially as she pulls at your shirt for more as her lips continue to meet yours.
Why should you deny her of you, of the things that make you both content?
Maybe next time will be different.
It won’t be. 
You know this.
She knows this.
Yet you’re still kissing her, and she’s still kissing you.
Forever in limbo.
Forever two souls together, but not quite intertwined.
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That's so fucked up that people are romantizing Franco, because even Red Barrels are showing him as a total creep and disgusting person. In Outlast Tag I have a feeling that some artists are making him completly different character, making him charming/safe/lovely. I even have seen some people who were drawing him with normal face (without big forehead) and you couldn't tell them that it's the right character design! I feel like Franco enjoyers are more agressive than fans of other Outlast character. Even with Coyle/Eddie simps they seem to understand that they are evil and they murder others, but with Franco I feel like they can take it when someone tell them that he's grown up, murder people in very brutal way and his voice lines are just disgusting... it really seems that people are getting agressive only because someone tell some shit about 🎀✨️Franco🎀✨️. I know his fans isn't the only one that have stick in their ass (cause I seen a lot of shit bout Coyle/Big Grunts/Easterman etc.) but yall need to understand that FRANCO IS A GROWN ASS MAN and you would run for your life if you'd meet someone in irl as 1% fucked up as he is. Saying that he's just a Baby and he made nothing wrong is just 🤮 and problem is in yall if you justificate him and things he made.
idk how to tell you this ,,,, but this game is fictional. The characters are fictional. You're free to feel however you want about them, just like I and anyone else is.
I partially agree with the part about changing his appearance to make him look more "normal" or whatever, but at the same time people are allowed to interpret their favs however they want to. They can draw / write for him however they want to. I don't like "fixing" his face, just because it (personally) feels like saying "he's too ugly", but again, that's just me. As an artist, I know that people are going to have different interpretations of a character I like. It's just part of other people existing in the world. Not everyone thinks like you do, and that's okay.
Do you know how many posts I saw (and STILL see) about Eddie Gluskin, doing essentially the same thing as what you said people do with Franco?? That man would cut you open to "make a baby in you" no hesitation and people still ""romanticize"" him (me fuckin included I LOVE YOU EDDIE). Its just part of liking fucked up characters, some people are going to want to make them more "normal".
Personally, I see the normalization as more like wanting to give him some normalcy in his life, because of his past / lore. I love the idea of letting Franco have a normal life, be a normal person. A life where he never had to deal with the stupid Mafia stuff, had a decent father and never ran into Murkoff, having a normal, happy life. But, I also seriously adore his original, fucked up character.
Honestly, who actually cares if people are "justifying" his actions??? None of them are real. He is not real. I have never understood the sentiment that you have to make sure people know you don't justify a fictional characters actions... they are not real. It's not a real person. None of the things he did happened.
Maybe it's just me, but I would not run from someone like him. That's not some edge lord "im so evil and dark" bs but because of my real life experiences. Been with and around people in my life / family who are quite like him and I didn't run.
I imagine some of us are using it as a sort of coping mechanism, because (at least for me) some of us dealt with people who treated us like he would. Though, that's getting into personal territory, and I won't try and speak for others.
All I can really say is either learn that not everybody's going to have the same ideas as you or block the tag. Sorry if that's too harsh a response, but life is too short to really give that much of a fuck about someone /something other people like.
And I've said this before but this is literally Outlast, all of the characters are this fucked up, it's not just him.
Like does no one remember Outlast 2??? Does no one remember the pile of dead burnt babies, or the hundreds of other fucked up things in that game?? I really feel like Franco does not compare.
So, can we please just be over with this now? I mean, drama is totally fun and I love it, but I can imagine others don't.
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cumulo-stratus · 1 year
BAU autism headcannons
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(male reader)
CW: possible swearing, mentions of meltdowns and overstimulation, lemme know if theres anything else!
A/N: sry i havent rly posted in a while, i started a school recently and its been a rly big change for me so ive just been emotionally/mentally exhausted like all the time, but i dont wanna abandon u guys so i decided i would get something up, even if its not super good, thanks for y’all’s understanding <3
i think both JJ and Emily would become sort of mothers to reader
(not that they werent already mothers to the rest of the team but reader especially)
like JJ would totally have a motherly instinct for readers needs (like a sort of spider sense)
like if your ever nervous about something being too much or being overwhelming, jj would kinds know this and either make arrangements for accommodations or make sure you know you dont have to go if you want to.
and like she definitely wold put herself in charge of keeping your safe foods stashed on the jet and at the office
emily is more of a mother in a protective way than jj is
like this girl will not hesitate at all to go off on someone for maybe being disrespected to about stimming your chair while thinking
or like if you dont want to shake a police officers hand when your being introduced, and you get dirty/weird looks for it, or anyone comments on it? BOOM this girl will stare at them with so much animosity they’ll be scared of her shes so hot oml
anyways i thinks he team would be super accepting of you, especially if you joined after reid like they would already have some experience with autism
and like if you weren’t ent comfortable telling anyone other than hotch(i feel like it would be like a in ur file thing idk how the government works tho) spencer would defo be able to tell and confront u privately abt it (our respectful king <3)
and if you are comfortable telling the team, everyone would be respectful
i think like rossi/gideon would be a little clueless but like trying their hardest
like rossi would have no idea what stimming is but understands that like you move in certain ways or make certain noises when ur excited
and like with all his money he wouldnt hesitate to spoil u with any fidget toy u need/want or like a rly nice weighted blanket (its insane how expensive those things are)
and like gideon despite his profound understanding of others (hope yall got that ;)) he wouldn’ t get why sometimes you dont feel like/cant talk but totally respects it
omg garcia is our autism ally QUEEN im telling you
always has a big basket of fidgets/stim toys sitting on her desk and when your having a rough day shell leave you a little goodie in a brightly colored and decorated bag
i firmly believe that she is the queen at finding brands with clothes that not only fits your style perfectly but is also sensory friendly
i think she would definitely say that if she never ended up working in the FBI she wouldve started a clothing shop for sensory friendly clothing/accessories
spencer would totallllyyyy be your best friend when it comes to being under-stimulated
he will totally info dump on you and vice-versa
spencer (like penlope) would totally recommend clothing brands that are sensory friendly, but sock brands in particular
and everyone makes fun of you for nerding out over everything
also spencer would definitely get in the habit of grabbing your hands in his when you start to pick a t your nails and cuticles
like he didnt even realize what he was doing the first time but now he does it without thinking about it and for the team its normal
“hey,” and he would gently grab your hands to stop you from picking at them
”youve nothing to be sorry for” (with that little reid smile oml rf[osifjgturhv)
and i also firmly believe that morgan is the best people to go to if your having a meltdown
he would stop you from harmfully stimming
“hey sugar, unclench those pretty little hands for me. there we go… good job kid.” he would have the softest smile and voice
and when he takes your hands to stop you from hitting yourself his grip is rly firm but gentle
but hotch is the best to go to for when your overstimulated
like he would make sure you know his office is always a quiet place you can go to with out questions
and he would secretly have a stash of like stimm toys in his office that he stole from garcia
his couch is always open to you, especially like late at night if you are really tired his fatherly instincts will kick in and force you to come to his office for a break
he would would hand you and blanket and a stim toy
”sit. sleep”
thats all he would say in his cute little stern but actually caring voice <3
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angelyuji · 1 year
jaime reyes bf headcanons (+yandere)
jaime reyes x gn!reader yandere headcanons under the cut warnings (under the cut): kidnapping, stealing, manipulation (from scarab), stalking when i talk abt scarab, i'm talking young justice scarab btw
jaime reyes is the type to spray all of your clothes with his cologne, so you (and everyone else) can smell him 24/7
he’s the type to carry your books or your bags if you mention in passing that you were kinda tired
if you’re out on a date with jaime and he sees your eyes linger on something, he immediately goes back to buy whatever you looked at
he knows what color matches your skin, so if he’s getting you guys matching jewelry (and he mostly def would) he would get the right color for your skin
and also going off of this, he knows if you were bracelets, necklaces, earrings, etc like he knows your preferences and tastes so well bro im GONNA BE VIOLENTLY ILL
jaime would always offer to study with you, but would most def get distracted and try to make out with you
LIKE he starts off by making it so with every right answer, he gives you kiss and then things get heated ykkkkkkk ;)
his family absolutely adores you too like his mom constantly cooks for you and teaches you recipes, his grandma teaches you how to sew, his uncle and his dad are chill with you, and you’re best friends with his sister like ong you’re one of them.
scarab would most def by suspicious of you at first cuz why tf are you the only thing that jaime thinks about (it’s insufferable)
but once it realizes that you’re not a threat, he’s chill with you
if you know that jaime is blue beetle, you def mess around with scarab, but you guys team up to make fun of jaime (obviously jaime is telling you what scarab is saying until you guys team up then he refuses to talk)
jaime is such a cutie, he’s a total flirt when you guys meet, but once u guys start dating, he’s totally shy and like asks for permission to hold your hands and to kiss you until he gets more comfortable then hes literally all over you OIABGIEUWop
yall know that tiktok trend with that scene from ?100 days of summer? where one person goes “i love the smiths” and the other goes, “what?” “i love the smiths.” and then the other person like pulls you into a kiss and ot4ro;twf’gb’o its so you and jaime OPNF:OEJP if anyone wants a ref video lmk ill post it <3
yandere :)
jaime reyes was kinda totally normal abt u before the scarab
like yes, he knows ur entire schedule, where you live, and takes candid blurry pictures of you from across the hall or smth (very girl of him) (i knew a girl who did this exact thing for a guy she liked like honestly it was so insane i was really concerned abt her)
but he would never like act on it, he was very self-aware abt it like he knew he was lowkey acting insane
untillll scarab showed up, obviously he had forgotten abt his crush on you while he was in college (GOTHAM UNIVERSITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) but now that you’re both graduated and back home. jaime gets to see you again every time he passes your workplace on his way to work. now that he gets to see you, his obsession with you is back and THREE THOUSAND times worse becuz of monsieur scarab
scarab feeds into jaime’s delusions that you’re both meant to be with each other, his sister tries to make him understand that his feelings are like super concerningly weird asf, but scarab knows that if jaime is obsessed with you to an extreme, it could make jaime easier to manipulate, so it tells jaime that his sister doesn’t understand, but you know who does? the alien attached to his back
jaime would break into your room/apartment (whether you’re staying with ur parents or nah) he would smell your clothes, your soaps and lotions, your bed cover
total underwear stealer imo like he saw the opportunity and is going for it honestly i respect it
he’d try to work up the courage to ask you out, and he’s so smooth with it and (obviously) you say yes
first things are calm yk, but as your relationship progresses (very fast), you see a lot of the red flags and try to exit stage left
but jaime’s not down for that like you’re the love of his life, however he lets you go cuz he’s got a plan
he preps the old blue beetle base and straight up kidnaps you
he’d have you tied up cuz you were putting up a fight and you’d watch as jaime fucking panics and paces back and forth yk
jaime’s not the type to hurt you, so he’s very sweet with you. even when you toss your food at his head, slap him, kick him, yell at him, it doesn’t matter. he’ll take it cuz he can’t bear the thought of hurting you
he still won’t let you go tho
scarab reassures him, now that you’re here, you can’t leave him. you won’t ever get hurt.
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part-time-zombie · 3 months
Does It Matter?
pairings: logince (platonic, can be read as romantic)
summary: it had become normal to logan and roman to argue. this time though, roman took it too far and logan took it to heart. now he's not leaving his room and roman looks for a way to make things right.
tags/warnings: hurt/comfort, so much angst, logan is really not doing alright yall, dont worry roman wants to help, self isolation, depression, brief suicide ideation, basically a vent fic, patton and virgil are there for a little bit, angst with a hopeful ending
word count: 6519
Logan didn’t really feel like talking anymore. Well, he wanted to, he really did. He would give anything to engage with any of the other sides like he used to, but he knew why it wasn’t going to work out for him. He tried many times to include himself with them in the same lighthearted way that he used to when everything was so much simpler, but nothing worked.
They never listened to him.
Everything Logan said went unheard, completely disregarded in favor of what the others had to say every time. He felt he should be used to it by now, it shouldn’t bother him anymore. It had been going on for years with nothing changing or improving at all, and Logan wished he could have just gone numb to the experience. He wished it didn’t upset him, but it did.
He just wanted to be heard, to be seen. If not by Thomas, then by someone. By anyone.
As much as he wanted that, he knew he’d never have it. Every interaction he had with the other sides only worked to further prove that fact, as lately he could hardly get a single word in before someone else interrupted and ignored him.
It was exhausting and frustrating, and Logan couldn’t take much more of it. He didn’t see the point in continuing to involve himself with them if he was just going to be let down every time.
And yet he still continued all the same. After all, what would he be without his work?
If only the others could see that. If only Roman would.
Logan had… complicated opinions about Roman. He valued his work highly, and respected his contributions just as greatly as he did any other side, but there was something else there that made things different, more confusing. Maybe it was the flamboyant yet charming demeanor Roman held about himself, or the way he always managed to bring a lightness and ease to any conversation. It might have been how self-absorbed and selfish he could be, the way his arrogance and dogmatic pursuit for the spotlight blinded him to the wants and needs of everyone else. There were a lot of things that made Roman so difficult to understand, but Logan did like to think that he was getting along with him at least somewhat better, every now and then.
He just wished Roman would accept his usefulness and recognize that were it not for Logan directing and guiding his whimsical ideals, nothing in Thomas’ life would work out. If they could just see eye to eye on something, maybe they wouldn’t argue so often.
They did manage to work together on occasion, despite their many differences and disagreements. Thomas had actually said that the two of them were a good team once, some time ago. Logan was tempted to agree about that.
Maybe not right now, though. This time, things had gotten out of hand.
He and Roman had been pulled into another discussion about planning and video ideas. It was a topic they had debated many times now, with Roman rambling on about all kinds of fantastical and whimsical concepts that Logan always tried to organize and schedule in a way that would be most effective and efficient. They rarely reached a consensus on this topic, and it didn’t look like they would find any agreement today either, not with how they were arguing.
The tension only increased, leaving no room for Logan to say a single word. Yet again Roman refused to listen to him, only this time he wouldn’t even let him talk at all. Accusations and insults were constantly being thrown and Logan was struggling to get Roman to pay attention to what he was saying. He could feel his chest grow tight as an unpleasant pressure threatened to spill out at any second. Why wouldn’t he just listen?
Logan tried again to talk and make his point. “If you would please just- “
"No one cares, Logan!” Roman shouted. “Stop making this about you, it doesn’t matter!”
The words washed over him like ice. “No one cares”. Not about his work, not about his role, and certainly not about him. He had suspected as such for a while now, but to hear Roman say it, to have audible proof confirming what he had always dreaded, it made his stomach turn.
Roman kept talking, throwing a few more insulting nicknames and rants his way, but Logan wasn’t registering any of them. He didn’t care, none of them did. He didn’t matter to them.
Logan felt his chest tighten, his vision growing hazy. He could practically feel his blood rushing red-hot through his veins. He was burning and drowning all at once, desperate for Roman to understand the impact of what he had just said.
He wanted to scream until his voice went hoarse from the abuse. He wanted to grab Roman by his sash and shout everything that he had held back for so long, to finally force his frustrations down his throat until he choked on the realization of what he was feeling.
He wouldn’t, though. No matter how much Logan wished it, nothing would make him understand. Roman would never sympathize or say that he was sorry. After all, he didn’t care.
Watering a plastic plant would yield better results.
That realization forced a hollow laugh out of him. Going by the look on Roman's face, he was just as surprised about this as Logan was. The situation was definitely not funny.
And yet, it was.
“…You good, Logan?”
If he could think past the haze in his head, Logan might have answered Roman. It was hard to focus on how he was feeling, or even if he was feeling, but even then, why would Roman care?
“It doesn’t matter.”
Logan quickly sank out, not bothering to continue their conversation. He didn’t care anyway.
Logan shut down completely after that incident, and he had stopped talking to everyone. In fact, he stopped showing up in general. It had been several days if not a week, and he still hadn’t done so much as leave his room. It didn’t matter how much Thomas or any of the sides tried to summon him, he refused to appear for anything. It’s not like Thomas needed him around every moment of the day. Then again, Logan hardly felt like he was needed at all lately.
Besides, unlike when Virgil ducked out, Logan's functions would continue to impact and influence Thomas regardless of whether or not he involved himself. He didn’t have to show up at all now. He wasn’t needed, and he certainly wasn’t wanted. Not by Thomas, not by anyone.
A distant part of him hoped they would come looking for him, that they would all follow him to his room and ask him to come back just like they did when Virgil had ducked out. It was selfish, cruelly so, but he still wished that he meant enough for them to miss him.
They didn’t.
After weeks of hiding away in his room without a word, Logan was starting to get used to the isolation. It was almost comforting, in a strange way. He no longer had to endure the constant arguing and insults, the endless slew of problems and crises that never wanted to be solved. He could focus on his scheduling and his projects without interruption.
As nice as it was, Logan couldn’t help but somewhat miss the noise. He didn’t want to admit it, but he secretly enjoyed the movie nights and the banter, even some of the puns and songs. He missed the sound of laughter, even if it was directed at him most of the time.
But it didn’t matter. If they didn’t want him around then he would just live with the memory of the time he had with them, back when they were all still a family.
Virgil was getting worried. He usually worried about everything, but this was different. He hadn’t seen Logan in weeks, neither had any of the other sides or even Thomas. Normally he’d get it, sometimes people just needed some alone time. Hell, Virgil understood that very well, but the problem was that Logan had never expressed a need to be left alone before. As long as Virgil had known him, Logan had always been on top of things. He was always so self-assured and confident about everything, and even if something got to him, he always bounced back quickly. For him to duck out for so long without warning or explanation was definitely note-worthy in Virgil's book.
That was why, despite Patton asking him to respect Logan's privacy and Roman's insistence on leaving him alone, Virgil still bit back his nervousness and knocked on the logical sides door.
He didn’t hear anything, and part of him kind of saw that coming. That part of Virgil was currently freaking out while the rest of him was trying to figure out what to do.
"Logan? You there?”
No response.
Virgil ignored the shake in his hands and the tightness on his chest as he tried to continue.
“Look, I get that you probably want to be alone right now, and believe me, I’ve been there, but you’ve been gone for a while now and I’m kind of starting to get worried.”
He laughed to himself, despite the fear that was starting to choke him from the inside out. “I know, what else is new. I’m sure I’m probably overthinking this, but I just want to make sure you’re doing okay. I haven’t seen you in a while now, and I just wanted to check in on you.”
It could have just been Virgil's imagination, but he swore he heard a muffled something from behind the door. He couldn’t make out exactly what it was, but he took it as a sign enough that he was welcome to keep talking.
“Look, I know I’m not really good with this kind of thing, but I do want you to know that I miss having you around. I really like hanging out with you, and I get that you probably don’t want to talk to me or anyone, but I just hope you can come back downstairs and join us for a movie night soon.”
Virgil waited another moment, praying that he’d hear something or that Logan would open the door and talk to him again, even if it was just to tell him that he was overthinking and to stop worrying about nothing. As long as it meant Logan was talking to him.
He didn’t hear anything, especially not Logan's voice.
Virgil sighed to himself, letting his worry turn into despair. “Alright, I guess I’ll leave you alone now. It’s just- I miss you, y’know? You can always talk to me if you need to, okay? I promise, I’ll listen. I will. I just don’t want you feeling like you’re alone.”
After allowing himself one final second of pause on the off chance that Logan might still say something, he finally turned to leave, the silence behind him deafening.
Patton didn’t like to admit it when things were getting bad. If something was wrong, then it meant that he or someone else was struggling and Thomas might be hurting as a result.
He knew that it never happened on purpose. No one went out of their way to hurt Thomas, especially not by letting themselves suffer in the process. Still, knowing that someone was hurting and that they couldn’t or wouldn’t talk about it always bothered him. He had been working hard to stop hiding his own sad feelings, and he wanted everyone else to know that they ought to do the same. Patton had gotten used to the others coming to him when they needed to; he made it clear to everyone that his room and arms were always open if someone needed comfort or support.
By now he had had his share of Roman mourning lost opportunities or ranting about imperfect ideas, and of Virgil working himself up over a small misunderstanding until he needed to calm down with a supportive dad hug, even if he said he thought they were embarrassing.
In all his years, however, Logan had never gone to him.
It made a bit of sense; Logan was always so cool and collected. There was nothing Patton felt he couldn’t figure out, but that didn’t mean he was incapable of seeking out comfort every now and then. Even if the others didn’t see it, Patton could tell when something was weighing on him. It was subtle, but he saw it in the way his shoulders sagged how his voice lacked any enthusiasm.
Whatever had been bothering Logan, it had been going on for quite a while now, and Patton tried over and over again to cheer him up. He’d tell his funniest jokes, put on Logan's favorite shows, and give out reminders that he would always be there for everyone, and that he would listen if anyone needed to talk about something.
Logan never took the hint. He would insist he was fine, or tell Patton not to assume things, but it always ended with him refusing to admit he wasn’t doing well.
Now he had been cooped up in his room for weeks, and Patton didn’t want to admit it, but it was officially a problem to be handled.
At first he was willing to give Logan his space and let him take some time to be alone for a little while. He knew that the last thing he would have wanted was Patton's cheery, cheesy self smothering him with a whole bunch of mushy feelings Logan never liked dealing with.
After Virgil tried and failed to get through to him, though, Patton figured it had gotten bad enough for him to step in. So, with a plate of cookies in hand and a hopefully convincing smile on his face, Patton knocked gingerly on Logan's door.
And was only met with silence.
Patton paused, shifting slightly where he stood, before knocking again, this time louder.
“Hey, Logan! How’re you holding up?” he called, trying to keep his voice cheery.
No response.
“Um, okay, well I know you’re probably not feeling too good right now, but I was hoping I could cheer you up a little bit! I brought some cookies, and if you wanted we could just, I don’t know, hang out for a little bit. It could be just us two, if you like.”
Patton almost heard a slight shuffling from behind the door, and he pressured on.
“Listen, it’s okay if you’re feeling kinda bad right now. I’ve been there myself. It’s just, I hope you know that you can always come to me if you need to. You can talk to any of us about whatever’s bothering you, okay? We’re all here for you, and we’re all worrying about you, kiddo.”
This time he heard a much clearer noise in response. A cough, or some sort of dry chuckle, like someone who didn’t want to be caught laughing at an unfunny joke.
“Logan? You okay?”
Nothing, not even the same sound as before.
Patton tried not to let his voice betray the creeping grief and fear he was feeling. “Okay, well I guess I’ll just leave you alone for now, then. I’ll uh, I’ll leave the cookies out here by the door, just in case you might want them later. They might help you feel better.”
Patton set the tray down, ensuring no one would be able to trip on it accidentally before making his way back downstairs, wishing he knew how to help.
Logan felt awful. Actually, he hardly felt at all anymore, but what little he did still feel was far from enjoyable. He had stopped keeping track of how long he had been in his room, and the days were blending together as he rotted in his self-imposed prison.
He initially thought it would be good to take a break from the others, to spend some time alone and let them deal with their problems without him. After so much time in isolation, though, he started to become aware of this ache in his chest, sinking over his heart. Every day it got worse, and he worried that it would one day consume him entirely until there was nothing left but the pain.
Maybe that wouldn’t be a bad thing. After all, Thomas was functioning just fine without him, and the others didn’t seem to mind his absence all that much. Maybe it was for the best that he faded away in his room, letting himself be forgotten. He was sure that there would be less problems to manage without him constantly bringing up his pointless wants and needs.
So what if he wanted to help Thomas? So what if that was the only purpose he’s ever known? If no one else needed him there, if he didn’t matter as a side, then maybe he just shouldn’t try to help out anymore. No one appreciated his efforts, anyway.
Virgil was the first to check in on him. He sounded concerned, and for a moment Logan was almost touched. Almost. He didn’t know what was wrong, or what to do, and Logan felt himself burning at that fact. How could Virgil have no idea what happened? He had endured years of Roman's bullying before his attention shifted to Logan. If anyone would know how this felt, it ought to be him. He wanted to say just that, but that would mean admitting that he was more affected by it than he should be. It would show them all just how weak he really was.
Virgil left him alone after that, and Logan didn’t know if he was grateful or resentful for it.
Patton came shortly after. He was sympathetic, if not fully understanding, and tried to make an effort to comfort him. Logan was tempted to talk to him, or to open the door and finally let him see, but then Patton lied to him. He said they all cared about him, and that they would all listen to him. Logan couldn’t help but laugh. If either of those statements were ever true, he wouldn’t be hiding in his room right now. Sure, maybe Virgil would listen, or Patton might care, but to say that all of them thought he mattered? He couldn’t think of a more ridiculous claim.
After Patton gave up too, he stopped expecting anyone else to visit. Who else would care to?
If he were human, he’d probably be dead by now. It had been several weeks, probably over a month, and he hadn’t left his room or even spoken at all. He hadn’t bothered to eat or drink anything either, spending most of his days either sleeping or going over his older projects. He’d have certainly starved to death by this point, but it’s not like food really meant anything to him. He wasn’t real, sustenance was pretty much optional for him.
He couldn’t even die.
Well, he could, technically. He exists because Thomas decides he will. Logan's life is tied to him inextricably. If Thomas died, so would he. Or, if Thomas decided he didn’t want or need him as a side anymore, he would simply stop existing entirely.
Logic would still continue to function of course, that aspect was as constant and continuing as the passage of time. Logan merely existed as a face to the function. Thomas wanted to give himself a literal “Voice of Reason”, and as such created Logan as a representation of his own logic.
But what if Thomas didn't want that anymore? What if he decided, much like the others have by now, that Logan wasn't really important? All he'd have to do is decide Logan wasn't a side anymore and then poof! He'd no longer exist.
That thought should worry him. It should terrify him to think that his current absence could prompt Thomas to unmake him entirely, but instead he felt a calming wave of acceptance.
It didn’t matter if he was here or not, or if he really existed.
No one cared, no one would miss him.
Roman had never seen Logan as upset as he was that day. Sure, he had seen him stressed and frustrated before, but the pain he saw on his face was unlike anything he had ever thought the other side was even capable of experiencing. Logan had thrown a few rude comments and even lost his temper on occasion, but nothing like this. Logan had never reacted like that before, not to anything. He had been so hurt that he was now refusing to talk to anyone, not even leaving his room. Roman didn’t understand, they had always butted heads in the past and exchanged plenty of insults, so what had prompted such a strong response this time? What went wrong between them?
Everything had carried on like normal before it happened, despite Roman feeling rather worse for wear. He was desperate for a chance to prove himself as still worthy of his princely role and the urge to come up with a perfect idea was becoming overbearing. It seemed like every suggestion he brought up was being shut down by Logan all day, and the pressure was mounting.
That was when the argument exploded. It all became too much and he finally snapped at Logan, far too frustrated to focus on reasoning with him. He knew starting a fight when they’re both already at their wits end would only make things worse, but at that point all Roman wanted was for Logan to just cut him some slack. He relied on Logan's approval more than anyone’s; if his goals and dreams had any chance of coming to fruition then he needed logic to see some merit in what he had to offer. His opinion made the difference between a good idea and wishful thinking.
That fact meant everything to him, and in that moment it was the last thing on his mind. He just wanted to make something worthwhile again, and he needed Logan to hear him out. Hearing every one of his ideas get repeatedly shut down had struck a nerve, and he acted in anger when he should have tried to reason with him. Roman only meant to make him listen and those hurtful words had slipped out before he could think about it.
He was definitely thinking about it now.
Roman could hardly sleep. He hadn’t seen Logan at all after their fight, with him not even having left his room for months now. Roman wanted to knock on his door and talk things out, but the stubborn silence the others were met with earlier was evidence enough that Logan wasn’t interested in hearing him out at all.
The events of that day played out over and over in his head, hurting worse each time. He didn’t mean for it to go that far, but now Logan was hurt and he didn’t know how to make it better.
How could he apologize to Logan when he couldn’t even talk to him? Both Virgil and Patton had tried to check in on him, but to no avail. Logan had stopped talking to all of them.
He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t a little bit pleased at first. Without Logan shutting down every idea he came up with, it was a lot easier for Roman's suggestions to be considered. Of course, Logan had been there for a reason. Now that he wasn’t here to keep everyone else on track, plans were becoming near impossible and arguments came up more frequently.
Honestly, life without Logan was a nightmare. One that Roman was eager to wake up from.
Now he stood outside of Logan's door, building up the courage to knock.
He had been up all night trying to come up with the perfect way to apologize. Flowers, speeches, groveling, gifts, even a whole performance that somehow managed to include all of the above. As extravagant and theatrical as his plans were, none of them felt authentic enough. They were all performative and grand, but he doubted they would come off as genuine.
He needed to speak from the heart, first and foremost. Whatever he says, it has to be real.
He only hoped Logan would be willing to listen to whatever he ended up saying.
Roman took a deep breath and knocked lightly on the door, waiting patiently for a response that he already knew he wouldn’t receive.
Sure enough, all that answered was silence.
Roman knocked again, this time louder. “Logan? It’s me. Can we talk? Please?”
Still nothing.
“Look, I know I upset you, and I swear I didn’t mean to, but I just wanted to talk about what happened. I wanted to make sure you’re okay, and to let you know that I’m sorry. Can you please just open the door so I can see you? I want to apologize, and I want to do it the right way. I want to make this right between us. I just need to see how you’re doing. I’m worried about you, we all are.”
Silence followed again and Roman was almost ready to admit defeat, until he heard the sudden and swift click of the door unlocking.
He grasped the door handle, turning it gently as the door opened for him. Not willing to let this opportunity get away from him, he quickly entered the room.
Only to stop dead in his tracks once he crossed the threshold.
Logan's room was completely desolated. The walls had completely lost their rich blue color and were now faded to a dull grey, the only thing breaking up the blank expanse being a myriad of cracks and chips in the paint. Dust covered every surface, and scraps of paper lay scattered like apathetic autumn leaves. Logan's bed was disheveled and unkempt, and clothes were haphazardly strewn about the room in a horrendously uncharacteristic manner. What little light the room still had in it was dim, and the air was impossibly cold.
God, this was worse than he thought.
Roman squinted his eyes through the dark and finally found Logan, sitting on the floor with his back against the wall on the far side of the room. Even with the darkness and distance, Roman could still tell that he was worse for wear. His tie was discarded completely, his shirt unbuttoned and untucked. The dark circles under his eyes rivalled Virgil's makeup, and the eyes themselves looked tired and vacant. His pale and faded form almost made him look like a ghost, and he didn’t seem to acknowledge Roman at all as he continued to stare blankly forward.
All he got in response was a nod, Logan's eyes never meeting Roman's.
“Can I come over there?”
A shrug this time, but it was enough for Roman to take it as a yes. He slowly moved to him, the sound of papers crunching beneath his shoes now thunderous in the otherwise silent room. He stopped and kneeled an arms length away from him, keeping his eyes level with Logan's.
He still didn’t look at him, focusing instead on the clock.
“Can you look at me, or even just say something?”
Logan only clenched his jaw in response, not reacting otherwise.
Roman summoned a jar of Crofters, holding it out in front of him. Logan looked down at it, a small spark of something flashing in his eyes for a moment, only for it to fade as quickly as it came. He looked away with a sigh, not even bothering to grab the jar.
“Aren’t you hungry? How long has it been since you’ve eaten?”
Another shrug.
“Have you slept at all?”
Logan didn’t react to the question, still looking off to the side. If Roman were to guess, he’s either been sleeping far too much or not at all. Hopefully not the latter.
Roman sighed, moving to sit down beside him. He tried not to focus on how Logan subtly flinched as a result, or on how it tugged at something in his chest.
“Logan, I’m sorry. I truly am. What happened earlier, what I said to you then, I didn’t mean it. I never meant to hurt you like that, I swear.” Roman paused for a moment, hoping Logan would respond or at least look at him, but he didn’t. His eyes were downcast, looking absently at his hands, but he didn’t react to what Roman had said.
“Please, I know I’ve hurt you. I didn’t mean to, but I did. I want to make it better, but I don’t know how. I don’t know what I can do to show you how much I care about you.”
Logan let out a scoff at that, his jaw clenching again as his hands balled into fists. He definitely heard what Roman was saying, but he sure as hell didn’t believe a word of it. Still, any reaction is better than none at all, as far as Roman was concerned. At least he was listening.
“Logan, I’ve treated you terribly for far too long, I see that now. I should have known how badly you were hurting. I should have done or said something or just stopped tormenting you like that, but I didn’t, and I’m so sorry for that. I shouldn’t have hurt you the way that I did, and I shouldn’t have let you believe that I didn’t care about you.”
Logan started to release some of the tension he was holding. Not much, but it was a start. Roman ducked his head as he tried to focus on what he was going to say. He had to get this right.
“I never thought I’d say this, but I miss having you around. Really, I do. We all miss you so much and it kills me to see you like this. I just wish you’d come back downstairs and be with us again, it’s not the same without you there with us. I want you back, please. We all do.”
Roman's head shot back up to look at Logan. His arms were now wrapped almost protectively around himself, and his knees were tucked up to his chest. He looked so small like this, but his eyes had sharpened with an anger that was only exaggerated in the roughness of his voice.
“You don’t miss me,” he started, tone hoarse and raspy from disuse. “You don’t want me. You don’t even need me. No one does.” Logan turned his head, finally looking at Roman. “Leave.”
Roman could only stare back in shock. What had he done? Logan wasn’t just hurt; he was completely and utterly broken. How could Roman have messed up so severely without even realizing it? How could he have let this happen? He needed to fix this, here and now.
“I can’t, Logan. I won’t just leave you like this. God, how could I have failed you so badly? I never wanted this for you, I swear. This is the last thing I wanted.”
Logan rolled his eyes, looking back away. The anger was still there, but it had started to dim.
“We do need you, Logan. Life without you is a complete disaster, and I’m so sorry that this is what it took for us to realize it. Without you here, we can hardly get anything done. Sure, at first I thought it would be nice. Thomas was listening to my suggestions a lot more and I really needed that. But none of them are working. Without any plans or direction, all of my ideas are going up in smoke. We aren’t mapping things out right, we keep overlooking things and missing stuff we need to focus on. I can hardly remember the last time Thomas remembered to cook an actual meal for himself. And the others are an absolute mess right now. We fight all the time, and we can’t agree on anything. Patton is a wreck without you here, and Virgil has convinced himself that you’re dead.”
Or working on it, Roman thought to himself.
“Please, you are so important to Thomas, to all of us. Especially to me.”
Logan looked back up at him now, a look of uncertainty on his face.
“I need you to help me make my dreams a reality. I need you to keep me on track when I start to overdo things. I need you because without you, I can’t do anything.”
Logan started to relax the tight ball he had wrapped himself into, but not by much.
“And as much as I need you, I also just plain miss you. I miss our jokes, I miss talking over movies with you, I miss seeing you laugh and smile. I haven’t heard you laugh in years now, and you really do have such a wonderful smile. Even just watching you dig into Crofters with all the zeal of a multi-headed hydra at a buffet is something I wish I could see again.” Roman continued.
Logan's eyes drifted back over to the discarded jar of jam, that same spark from earlier flitting over his face for a moment. Roman swore he heard his stomach growl.
“Please just come back to us, Logan. I know I messed this up, but I swear to you that I will do whatever I can to make sure it never happens again.”
Logan sighed, tilting his head back against the wall as he let his eyes slip shut. “I don’t know how to feel again,” he whispered. “I stopped trying for so long, I can’t remember what it’s like.”
Something tugged at Roman's heart again, but he powered through as best as he could.
“You can talk it out with me. Whatever you’re thinking or feeling, I’ll listen. I promise.”
Logan swallowed slightly, letting out a shaky breath. There was a moment of silence, and Roman worried he had shut back down again. Instead, Logan took another deep breath.
“It’s exhausting,” he mumbled, voice still strained. “I try so hard to be heard, to be seen, and no one notices or cares. It’s hard to see the point in continuing anymore, when all it ever gets me is more neglect and ridicule.” He looked over at Roman, eyes shining with tears. “What’s the point in existing when none of it matters? When I don’t even matter?”
“You do,” Roman blurted out. “You mean so much to me, to all of us. Without you, we’re lost. Thomas needs you so much, and we all want you back with us. You matter. You always have, and you always will. I’m so sorry we let you think you didn’t.”
The tears Logan struggled to hold back finally fell from his eyes, and Roman felt his heart breaking all over again. Logan screwed his eyes shut, running a hand over his face to try and stop crying, but it did little to stop the torrent that finally spilled from the breaking dam in his mind.
“I don’t mean to- I mean, this just isn’t… please don’t say anything,” he choked out past the tears, not looking at him. “This isn’t like me.”
Roman obediently stayed quiet, letting Logan ride the wave of his emotional breakdown. Turns out he was mistaken before; this is the most hurt he had ever seen him. How many years of pain had he buried for it to have built up like this? How much of it was Roman's fault?
Eventually Logan stopped crying, the shaking breaths slowing down to small gasps as the tears finally ran out. He looked embarrassed now, almost ashamed of how he had acted.
“Can you not tell the others about this?” he pleaded, eyes downcast. “I can’t stand the idea of them knowing that any of this happened, or that I had reacted like that.”
Roman could only nod, unsure of what he could say that would help Logan feel better.
There was a brief period of silence before Logan spoke again, his voice barely a whisper.
“Will things ever get better? Will I stop being like this one day?”
Roman forced back the tears that threatened to spill free at any moment, shifting his stance until he was kneeling beside him. “There’s nothing you need to be or stop being as long as you’re still you, and things will always get better. We’ll work this out together,” he said, offering his hand.
Logan eyed it for a moment, before slowly taking hold of it. Roman smiled, standing back up and gently guiding Logan to his feet. Logan swayed slightly, holding onto Roman to gain his balance.
“What do you say we get out of this room for a little while?” Roman offered. “We don’t have to go downstairs or talk to anyone else if you don’t want to, but I think a change of scenery is in order. That and there’s something in the Imagination I think you’d like to see.”
Logan looked skeptical but gave him a nod, and Roman quickly sank them both out of the room. With the two of them now standing in an open field in the Imagination, Roman willed the sky to change, swiftly casting the land into the soft darkness of the night sky.
All at once the sky burst to life. Stars and planets lit up the expanse in dazzling color and light, with nebulas and galaxies impossibly visible and beautifully vivid. It was a moving piece of art, and some of Roman's proudest work in his own opinion.
Logan gasped beside him, eyes widened in surprise and delight at the view above him. Roman saw a ghost of a smile starting to form, and he felt himself beam at the small victory.
“It’s incredible,” Logan exhaled, eyes not leaving the night sky. “Thank you.” His voice still bore a hint of roughness from his time spent alone, but Roman could make out a spark of emotion working its way out. Despite it all, he still fell in love with the stars.
“I can’t lasso the moon for you, but I’ll show you the universe very night, if you want.”
Logan glanced away from the stars for a moment to look at Roman, the spark slowly starting to fan itself into a faint flame. “I think I’d like that.”
Logan gave him a small but genuine smile, still holding his hand like it was the only thing keeping him standing. Maybe it was, but Roman didn’t mind at all. He was going to guide his friend back to life one way or another, and if Logan was going to hold onto him the whole time, then he wasn’t going to complain one bit. Feeling Logan's hand in his own helped to remind him that in spite of everything, his friend was still beside him.
That simple fact mattered more to Roman than anything else.
@britt-ish123 @lio-the-chaotic-nonbeanie-weenie @rougeside4 @nico-the-overlord @oatmeal-stans-the-trash-rat @keitaisghost @can-i-take-a-stab @new-zee-land
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I was hoping you could do Secondo with a s/o who is kinda clingy and talks a lot, but he finds out it’s cause they are constantly talked over and left out of stuff
Secondo being the supportive partner we need and deserve tbh. I made the friend group in this one sound... kinda not nice?? Not bullies or anything like that, but more the kind of friends I've had experience with that I wouldn't want others to have to go through bc it makes you feel like you're invisible
It's something that he finds out pretty quickly after hanging out with you and your friends for the first time
Secondo is incredibly perceptive after all
You'd introduced him to your friend group because yall were gonna go out for a night on the town as it were
It all seemed normal at first. He had no reason to think anything was wrong
You'd always been clingy and very chatty with him, so you clinging to him wasn't out of the ordinary for him and it's something he appreciates in a partner after being used by so many for his power and influence
When you cling to him, it's because you adore him as a person and you have no ulterior motives
What first makes Secondo realise the way you get treated in your friend group is how un-chatty you become in comparison to when it's you and him
And how unphased by this your friends are as they carry on their conversations and having their drinks as if you're not even there
It becomes clear to him when you try to pipe up and everyone talks over you and ignores you mid-conversation that perhaps the reason you don't talk is because they don't let you
After that night, he vows to himself to observe how you are with them in other settings in case it was just a one off
Turns out that no, it was not a one off
You almost shrink in on yourself when you're with your friends and he fucking hates it
So he does the one thing he thinks to do before anything else: he inserts himself in conversations
If he thinks you've got something to say, he'll interject and state his opinion then ask you what you think in a way that makes it very obvious that he wants to hear your opinion and not anyone else's
When someone talks over you, he pointedly clears his throat and then gestures for you to speak up
If they continue to ignore you and talk over you, that's when he starts getting angry
He will call out every single one of your friends for their treatment of you and how much of a polar opposite you are with him in comparison to them
And when he finds out that they've been purposely leaving you out of hang outs and activities?
They will live to regret that
He will give them a dressing down and demand that they treat you far better or stop stringing you along because it's not fair for you to be made to feel so invisible by people who are meant to care about you and value you as a human being
He's your biggest supporter. He fights in your corner. He advocates for you, your opinions, your thoughts, who you are as a person
And he makes it abundantly clear that they need to take a good long look at themselves if they've been deliberately leaving you out and talking over you
Secondo will apologise in private for letting his temper go like that because he doesn't want to make life hard for you
But fuck, he can't watch you become this quiet mouse of a person because of their behaviour and treatment of you when he's seen how chatty and wonderful you are
He jokes that "nobody puts my baby in the corner" and will put music from Dirty Dancing on to get you giggling while he tries to get you to dance with him
If you do stay friends with them and they do genuinely change for the better, he's going to make sure to remind you the first few times you hang out with them alone that your voice and your opinion are just as valuable as theirs and he doesn't want you to extinguish your flame for anyone
If they don't change, I like to think that Secondo would do whatever he can to make you truly see your worth and realise that you deserve to be treated far better. He won't force you to not be friends with them because he's not an asshole, but he does remind you of your worth and that there are going to be people in your life who value you and will treat you the way you deserve to be treated
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dragon-watcher03 · 11 months
Hello! <3 how are you?! I love what you write, could you place an order for me, about bi-han's head cannons, Johnny cage, smoke and reptile from mortal kombat 1 meeting and falling in love and conquering an autistic reader or one with asperger's, I'm very curious about that already I have Asperger's and curiosity kills me a lot.
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Sorry it took so long to answer your ask. Had to do some research first.
Mk1 x Autistic! Reader
Ft: Sub-Zero, Smoke, Reptile, Johnny
Note: I appreciate all the asks and requests yall. <3
He was never good at understanding others either, so you 2 were the perfect match for each other.
He probably met you through Tomas or Kuai Liang and didn't talk to you at first. But as time passed, he realized that you are just as socially awkward as he was. So he plucked up the courage to start a conversation with you.
He fell in love with your strength; you can't tell me otherwise. It's what he looks for in a partner. He also found your silence endearing and comforting. And as you two grew closer, you eventually plucked up the courage to tell him about your autism.
He didn't react that much since that didn't change how he saw you. But he now understood why you were so quiet and socially awkward, so he tried to keep you away from situations like that so you don't feel uncomfortable.
He isn't very empathetic either, so you two can relate pretty well with each other. Most of your time is spent alone with each other in silence and just enjoying the comfortable silence.
He's a pretty social person, so he had a little trouble understanding you and your quietness.
You both met when Liu Kang introduced you to them and he obviously tried to start a conversation with you, but sensing your awkwardness and discomfort he stopped. Over time though you started talking a little bit with him which made him very happy.
He probably fell in love with your determination. Since you don't talk much he doesn't really know much about your personality but he saw your determination during missions as clear as day.
When you told him about your diagnosis, he was very supportive and reassuring that he didn't see you any differently. But he definitely does plenty of research about your specific type of autism and does his best to understand.
He tries to have you avoid social situations since he doesn't want to see you uncomfortable. Plus, he prefers your company over anyone else's so it's a win-win in his book.
He doesn't really go out of his way to talk with other people or attend social events, but that doesn't make him bad at it. In fact, he's actually quite good at socializing.
You both probably met through Ashrah and he didn't really see your awkwardness as odd, he thought it was normal for people to be quiet when they first meet.
But then over time, he saw you were still quite distant despite having known him for a while. So he took it upon himself to start a conversation with you.
He probably fell in love with your voice, at least when he does hear it. He thinks it's the most beautiful melody in the entire realm and wishes he would hear more of it, but he also doesn't know if it's weird to want to listen to someone's voice.
When you tell him of your condition, he's kind of confused. Poor boy doesn't know what Autism is, so you'll have to explain it to him. When he eventually does understand, he's very understanding. He usually talks for you in social settings but doesn't avoid them entirely since his species are social creatures.
He is the most social out of all of them, he's constantly going out to events and talking with everyone in the area.
You both met through Raiden and he warned Johnny that you weren't much of a talker. That didn't stop him from starting a conversation immediately. That's when he really saw how socially awkward you were.
So he laid you off for a bit since he thought maybe you were too shy to speak with him, but the longer he knew you, the more he noticed something off about your behavior. So he does some research and finds out you most likely have autism.
So he keeps it to himself but still tries to engage in conversation with you. He fell in love with your shyness, 100%. And he doesn't even need to do anything to make you that way.
Eventually, you tell him you have autism and he tells you he already knew. So now that you were comfortable with telling him that, he thought that meant you two were a lot closer now. So he tends to let you stay at home while he continues to socialize as he usually does, but he does it a little less often so he can also spend time with you as well.
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onlyangellucifer · 1 year
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Morning, Baby - Part 1
Summary: Y/N wakes up in a bed next to her dad's bestfriend, Harry one morning. Confused at where things lie, she wrestles with if the relationship is worth the risk.
Warnings: smut, angst, age gap (Harry is 30, reader is 23), alcohol consumption, unprotected sex (please wrap it before you do it!)
Authors Note: This part is 1268 words long, so sorta short. No smut involved this time yall, i'm so sorry. I'm a bit rusty at writing but any feedback is welcomed and encouraged! (please be kind). You can read the sneak peak here. There is a time jump, however, it's noted with a line!
dad's bestfriend!Harry
The birds chirping while the sunlight made it’s appearance through her sheer curtains was what y/n woke up to every morning. She used to love the way it woke her up, but lately she’s grown irritated with it. Then again she wasn’t out until all hours of the night in the past like she is now. She wasn’t much of a partier, in fact she loathed being there. She hated how the room always reeked of weed, sweaty bodies, and booze. However, since she was in college now and had adult friends, she went. She was a shy person, never really talked to anyone and kept to herself. Her friends dubbed her the “mom friend” and it was fitting. She would nurse the same drink all night, if she even drank, or she’d fill a red solo cup with water and tell people it was vodka. She made sure everyone got home safe and had everything they needed for the hangover that was sure to follow. However, with it being summer time and college was on a break, that meant her friends wanted to go out more and she would be dragged with. Too nice to say no or tell them she wanted to have an early night.
That’s probably why she groaned, flopping a pillow over her head before looking over at the clock, 8am. She normally would sleep till noon, seeing as she got home at 4am. Her parents were trusting, never gave her a curfew due to the fact that she never really broke their trust or gave them a reason to. Today was her birthday, turning 23. Her parents insisted on throwing her party, she was an only child so her birthdays were always extravagant. Her dad was a CEO at a major law firm and her mom owned a flower shop in town, so they were pretty set on money and anything y/n wanted was what y/n got. Well, not anything per say. There was one thing or one person that she wanted but never had the balls to actually make a move on, Harry.
Harry was always around, for as long as she could remember. He was one of the most successful lawyers at her dad’s firm and thus her dad took a liking to him very early on. Despite being 10 years younger than her own father. Her dad was always inviting him out. Whether it be golfing, out on the lake on their family boat, or to family dinners, Harry was there. She wasn’t sure when she started to gain an attraction to Harry, she just knew she wasn’t crazy for feeling that way. All of her friends always gawked over him. His tan skin was complimented with the dark ink of his tattoos, the cross necklace dangled on his chest and his abs were toned perfectly. It was like he was a walking Greek statue and the god’s made him a sin walking. She does remember the first time she masturbated to the thought of him though, or the image of him more or less.
She was 17 at the time, she wasn’t a very sexually active teenager, which her parents were thankful for, but she still had needs like anyone else. It was Summertime, the sun was beating down on their backyard as people were gathered in groups or in the pool. Her dad had thrown a pool party to celebrate the first day of summer and the big win of the company, which of course was achieved by Harry. Harry showed up wearing patterned button down shirt, overtop laid a sweater vest, while his toned legs were hidden by plaid trousers, which hugged him in all the right places. His hair was styled perfectly, but also messily which lead her mind to think about how it would feel between her fingers as she tugged on it, his name rolling off her cherry red lips. The real torture came when he was eating watermelon and the juice dribbled down his chin, his ring clad hand wiped it away. She was trying not to gawk but all she could think of was her juices dripping down his chin. Her thighs rubbed together, trying her best not to drip on the chair, clad only in a red bikini.
Needless to say, she touched herself that night thinking of how his hands or more so his mouth would feel like on her.
He never flirted with her though, he always kept things innocent and polite, well at least while she was underage.
She sighed loudly into her empty room, deciding it’s time to get up before her mom came to drag her out of bed. While it was her 23rd birthday, she still had to help setup and these were the times she wished she had siblings to do that instead. She heard voices downstairs, footsteps rushing around and then she heard him. His accent echoed through the halls and a smile spread on her face.
The night was filled with drinks, laughter, birthday gifts and a cake with her face on it. She tried to keep her eyes to herself, but how could she when Harry was dressed in only olive green swim shorts, the July air was still humid and the theme was pool party. She wore her olive green bikini, not meaning to match him but happy regardless. He had shown up wearing a white tanktop, backwards cap and navy blue shorts. So, there was no way to tell that they’d be matching. Y/N couldnt keep her eyes off Harry, and Harry couldn’t keep his eyes off her.
He’s had an attraction building since she turned 19 and lately it’s been harder to keep his eyes and hands to himself. He was unsure if she’d have any feelings back, but the vodka redbull her father handed him was clouding his mind. Y/N laid in that olive green bikini next to her two other friends, Mary and Char. She felt eyes on her and was pleased when her eyes caught Harry’s before he looked away. Her own alcoholic beverage was clouding her mind.
That’s probably how they ended up here. In her room, her back pressed against the door as his lips found her neck and her hands found his hair. The chocolate curls felt smooth and soft in her fingers as she tugged him back to her mouth. His lips tasted like orange chapstick and his breath smelled like mint and vodka, which was instantly her favorite smell. She cursed softly as he pulled away, both of them painting before he let out the first words since they entered the room;
“I hate to interrupt this, baby but.. I think we should get back to the party before they come looking for us and find us in a compromising position.. Continue this at my place?”
She wanted to whine, wanting this to continue but she knew he was right. They were only supposed to be gone to get extra towels and had been gone for a good 10 minutes. She nodded her head reluctantly before responding with a simple kiss to his lips before they pulled away from each other, straightening out their clothes and unlocking the door.
They grabbed the towels from the hall closet outside her room, both of them eagerly awaiting the end of the party to continue what just happened. Both of them were still unsure if it was the alcohol that was making this happen or that they both shared mutual feelings, but that was half the fun.
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