#does kdj have enough confidence to whisper flirtatious lines about yjh not frowning so much or else his face would get stuck that way...lol
qserasera · 7 months
darker timeline AU where things twist just enough that it ends up with yoo joonghyuk on the absolute throne; the supreme king, unchallenged, ever victorious at his left hand lounges a man in a white coat, who sometimes leans in close and whispers in the supreme king's ear (advice, admonitions, negotiations, gentle teasing-- 'joonghyuk-ah, don't be so stubborn, won't you listen to me on this once?' he is the only one who would dare), with a devotion so pure it is almost cruel, loyalty sharp as a sword and his tongue sharper; one of the few times that the supreme king's mouth forms a shadow of a smile, when his eyes show a ripple of something other than imperious indifference, is when he lifts his head, and glances at him
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