#does this make sense? idk but i am simply here to vibe my dears
paigemathews · 2 years
How do you feel about Chris killing the Valkyries? I felt it was very out of character to the character he was shown to be personally, like he wouldn't have it in him to do something so wrong.
How do you feel about how fast Chris forgave Leo? I know by the time he found out who Chris was they didn't have much time to make it all spaced out but I do feel it was a little rushed for how much Chris had against Leo..But perhaps it's just me?
As always, general disclaimer that I haven't done a full rewatch in a while. (Y'know what would negate the need for a disclaimer, is if I just rewatched the show like I've been meaning to for the past two damn years.)
In regards to the Valkyries, I actually disagree, I feel like it's very in-character for him. (It helps that it happens in one of the first episodes, which are typically pretty foundational for characters', well, characters.) Chris is incredibly dedicated to his mission, ultimately dying for the cause, and I don't really think it's out of character for him to be willing to cross a line that others wouldn't (murder) to accomplish his goal. Admittedly, this is in the context of said goal being preventing the world from being subjugated by an evil, ultra-powerful tyrant. It's clearly something that he did not enjoy doing, by any means, but it was a necessary evil at the same time if that makes sense. I will say though that it's a pretty common interpretation that Chris was actively working against Wyatt in the UF, to varying interpretations, but I mean. Very few people are engaged in a war without some kind of blood on their hands and Chris already knew that he could kill the Valkyries by using his powers like that, which wasn't something we'd seen other good characters do before. I don't necessarily think that was the first time that Chris killed someone for the sake of the mission.
At the same though, I think that part of the issue is that Charmed is very much a show that is... I guess black and white with good and evil is the best way to put it. We as the audience don't really have a good framework to interpret Chris's actions in-universe because of that. It also doesn't help that a) it really isn't ever brought up again and b) Valkyries are cast in a weirdly antagonistic role, despite presumably being good beings? Chris also makes mention of an agreement, but we never get anything more about that. Honestly, it's very much an instance of the show not really knowing where they're going with him at that instance.
For Chris and Leo, I'm gonna be honest, I really don't know because I haven't seen those episodes for quite a while. With how season six is written, I'm inclined to agree that it was rushed. At the same time though, I think it's interesting that it's Chris forgiving Leo when he tries. Chris continually shoots him down, but Leo keeps trying, which is a stark difference from Chris's experience with UF!Leo, who was never there for him. It also might be that Chris actually realized that he was holding Leo accountable for things that he hadn't even done yet, and may never do which. Isn't exactly a stellar precedent when the tiny baby he's trying to save originally grows up to be a murderous tyrant, y'know? But you're definitely not alone in thinking it's a bit rushed, I still feel like season six was a bit more by the seat of your pants than it probably should have been.
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zuzuslastbraincell · 4 years
mai & the rest of the gaang:
mai & aang: a bit awkward, at first? not on aang's end of course, he's totally unflustered and in fact quite keen to get to know zuko's girlfriend and I actually think mai doesn't know what to do with this attitude, given she spent six months or so trying to hunt him down, and that's very present in her mind. hanging out with aang is a very pleasant culture shock in how he casually diaregards half the norms she was raised to strictly follow, speaking with warm enthusiasm and genuine curiosity to all, be they dish washers or tea servers or the Fire Lord's girlfriend, disregarding barriers of social class that are so carefully upheld in the Fire Nation. It's refreshing as it is bewildering. I think mai does develop a fondness for aang - although she can find him and his antics a bit much at times - and deeply respects and cares for him if only for how valued his friendship with zuko is. she claims to tolerate his goofy antics but she enjoys them far more than she lets on (his flying marble trick does elicit a rare smile, although it only appears for 0.02 seconds before returning to the most deadpan expression). I think mai respects him most politically actually - aang grows up to be an excellent diplomat, an excellent mediator who does not lose sight of the importance of various different perspectives, especially those who are forgotten or maligned, even when in circles of power.
mai & sokka: as discussed, they have a rocky start. sokka, my darling beloved sokka, has a tendency to be a bit abrasive, if we're honest, in that his humour and his puns are a little in-your-face, he has a bit of an ego aboht being the funniest/smartest person in the room, and he can take it personally when people don't like it. mai doesn't have much time for that. mai doesn't care much for sokka's jokes if only because they're attached to this ego, but also and finds the puns a bit flat (whereas she finds aang's mischief making genuinely funny, though she tries to hide it), and sokka takes this deeply personally and tries really hard to elicit a laugh from her. this just ends up with him aggravating her more. I think mai has little time for sensitive male ego games and that's partially why her and sokka clash- she won't blunt herself for him, even if he is one of zuko's closest friends. I think sokka, to his credit, doesn't dismiss her as a 'bitch' and keeps trying - in fact, the reason he comes on so strong is because he actually really wants her to like her - and i think that's because of boiling rock, and because of that alone sokka deeply respects mai on many levels (and was extremely surprised by how all that played out, and knows from that alone that mai is a layered and complex person who contains multitudes). I think what might cause mai to warm to him is politics - sokka's a pragmatist, who is skeptical of idealism without material backing and is refreshingly realistic for one of aang's friends. he keeps the fire nation on its toes at the negotiating table but he's also the first to point out when a potential proposition - when anyone's potential proposition - has more logical holes than a piece of honeycomb. i think mai appreciates that perspective. and i think they could slowly and gradually go from personality clashing to building this begrudging friendship where mai will never openly admit that she likes him, where sokka will still grate but in a way that becomes almost familiar and comfortable because of that, and where - especially in a situation where they have to work on a project together - they're a formidable team. a difficult friendship but eventually could be a dear one.
mai & katara: another personality clash that becomes a really fascinating friendship. katara wasn't there for boiling rock and is perhaps a bit cool towards mai even understanding what she did there, and the grounds where they most often meet is politics, and they largely are at odds there too. they're interesting parallels, in terms of role - both partners of powerful world leaders, but while mai positions herself as a vital support and power behind zuko's regime, furthering that goal, katara loathes to be associated with aang simply because of their romantic relationship, and does not envision their relationship to be a political one: aang and katara stand independent, but with shared values and goals (and perhaps katara simply does not understand why mai takes the position she does regarding politics and relationships). their actual political approach wildly differs, with katara being an impassioned idealist who is the most radical out of the gaang, whereas mai is a pragmatist - much more concerned about the feasibility of the radical ideas proposed and sees herself occupying the role of a much needed skeptic who asks 'okay, but how are we going to do this?' in a group of radicals. this does lead to some fierce clashes actually - some of katara's proposals appear outlandish to mai, and katara interprets this as fire nation indoctrination and ideological conditioning limiting her perspective (and honestly neither are completely wrong - mai can be on occasion perhaps too conservative and cynical and that is often because her upbringing has limited her scope, and katara sometimes isn't fully aware of how feasible her ideas are and leaves practical concerns to others). I think despite this they have such a deep respect for each other - and that's in part why their arguments are so impassioned, because they both fundamentally know the other comes from a good place. mai saved katara's brother's life at boiling rock, and katara saved mai's partner during the final agni kai - they have both proven to each other the extent of their commitment and cared for another they care about deeply. they're the biggest idealism vs. cynicism clash but honestly over time i think the respect only grows over time despite periods of hot and cold. I'd like to think if katara ever has relationship difficulties with aang, after her gran's, it's mai whose advice she might respect the most - after all, it's mai who understands what it's like to date someone who is a world leader, and mai absolutely believes in having firm, healthy boundaries and little tolerance for sufferring for men in relationships. I think given their positions they're often in dialogue and in conversation and end up building the most unexpected but also rock solid friendship. they *would* take a bullet for each other, i am sure of it.
mai & toph: i love these two. an incredible friendship. mai takes to toph the quickest out of aang's friends. it makes sense - toph comes from a similar class and upbringing as mai, albeit has taken a different life path and expresses herself completely differently, and i think while surprised and thrown at first by toph's bluntness, mai sees that and not only respects but honestly just loves how toph is a little crass, and doesn't hold decorum as the be all and end all. I think the age difference here actually makes a difference - mai very much sees toph as a younger peer (and eventually, much like zuko, a younger sibling), and while it can be sad to see someone from a younger generation express themselves freely in a way that mai feel she can't, i think her joy at seeing that takes precedence here over any mixed feelings. mai pretends not to be amused at toph's antics (but quietly delights at them) and absolutely is the person who will get the authorities that be in the fire nation to look away from whatever misdemeanours she's committing at any given time (indeed, mai as often been a partner in crime - actually, speaking of, she's been surprised before to see katara also partake with toph, and it was an ice-breaking moment for them, probably one engineered by toph). that said, mai absolutely does not patronise toph, gives it to her straight, will also tell toph when she's going too far or pushing the limit, something toph deeply respects and values. mai can see toph's wisdom and her strong intuitive understanding of how others feel, and admires that, as well as the kindness toph shows (i would not be surprised if mai looks at toph and wants to be a little more like her). I also think mai's sardonic and biting sense of humour is best appreciated by toph out of aang's friends (sokka also finds it very funny, but sokka is also trying hard to get mai to like him, as aforementioned). mai and toph vibe together *so hard* and *so well* (something i think zuko is quietly deeply grateful for, since mai hasn't clicked as well with the rest of the gaang, but also because he views toph like a little sister too).
mai & suki: right! so this one is complicated. mai does not see suki as often as the rest of the gaang - she sees katara and aang often for political reasons, at summits and keets and so on, sokka keeps in touch often and is constantly sending letters, and toph will just turn up unannounced and will stay for several weeks to "relandscape" the fire nation gardens (so she claims) every year or so. I am sticking to show canon here but reject the comics canon - there is no way in hell suki ends up as a bodyguard for zuko, the kyoshi warriors have better things to be doing. so! while mai absolutely saved the teal at boiling rock and suki knows this, the fact that they see each other relatively little mean things are a bit... cool between them? Not quite cold, but there's a degree of awkwardness that mai works past with the others that takes longer with suki. I honestly don't know if suki knows how she should feel about mai? like ty lee not only helped at boiling rock but then went on to work with the warriors and suki very much sees someone who wants to prove herself and right those wrongs in ty lee (as well as someone who is running away but. that's another post). mai completed step 1 and 2 with boiling rock, but hasn't... done anything after that. and on paper they're cool and she knows it but... idk if she knows how to feel? it's a bit weird. a bit awkward and weird. it's possible suki holds more of a grudge than she's willing to admit (she's been most directly wronged by mai and ty lee after all) and the fact that mai has returned to the fire nation, and been, according to katara, disappointingly conservative at times, makes her question what boiling rock meant. suki is cordial and professional around mai but doesn't really know her that well and doesn't trust her as much as the others. mai doesn't particularly care either way and will take or leave friendship with suki (though mai, to be clear, does respect suki immensely as a warrior). the key factor here is ty lee, honestly. i think the two of them could have an excellent relationship if so inclined but it would apmost definitely be due to ty lee trying to prod them into getting along and hanging out and getting to know each other - because i think they're both practical minded, no-nonsense girls who are exceptionally skilled in martial arts and if nothing else they could bond theough sparring sessions, but i think they'd also just get along splendidly if they had the chance. suki just doesn't quite trust mai and mai making those personal amends isn't a priority when she's trying to stop zuko running the fire nation into the ground.
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mythykl · 5 years
class 1A in a discord group chat,, part 1**
goin ahead w my tops. bear with me
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our boii Denki Kaminari *gonna talk about him first cuz’ he made this grp**
is literally online 24/7,, does he even sleep??
smol caps, that’s it boiz
types random shit, such as ‘nsjdecjenf’ when he’s mad
is always havin silly arguments w kyoko,, over random shit,
get ready to be astonished by his large vocabulary yet writes shit that just,, makes u go fAcEPaLm
shuts one w the quirkiest comebacks out there,,
you can literally sense shit lotta energy and positivity in her text even though she sends something as minimal as ‘sUPP yall’
suprisingly, not really online on discord,, but might reply at any point in 24h
types super fast
reads notifications mostly n joins in only when ppl are down for some badass gameplay *more of an instagram hoe*
uses lotta abbreviations,, and uses ‘lmao’ usually
always down for gossips
are we even surprised of how much he cusses???
didn’t want to be in the groupchat, but kirishima kept adding him back
never texts w emojis or all large caps, even though he might be practically screamin’ while typing,, hence leavin everyone confused
lately he’s never on, since he muted the groupchat still an unknown fact to all
thus when he texts, the usual replies he earns range from ‘oh, so u alive.’ to ‘did you blast ya PC/phone this time too?’
calls everyone w fucked up nicknames,, except eijiro ofc.
‘What does brb even mean raccoon eyes?’ anddd ‘Try studying instead of crying in here fuckers”~ yupp vibes pretty confusin’ 
‘man up momo!!’ aka an attempt to emit motivation to our dear yaoyorozu after her fourth defeat in fortnite idk vid games,, don’t bully me uwu
well it did work,, cuz she won the next match
online, most of the day. yup. except for his work out period. again, yupp.
loves conspiracy talks, especially of heros and villans,, a new discovery for his classmates,,,
that’s all they talk about when he’s online and in full element
goes all caps lotta times and never really uses emojis
only one to sense the mysterious nature of kacchan’s texts,, you shouldn’t be surprised
hates using silly abbrevations, 
emojis,, sums it all
he literally goes all emojis at times- meaning to communicate full ass sentences *obviously for fun* ,, uraraka seems to be the only one to understand them, even ashido at times??
w every new online member, he’s the first one to text ‘how was ya day?’
it was here that he trolled bAkUGoU for the v first time, didn’t realise it until Aoyama points it out
ofc bakugou, yet again, replied in a confusin way. tho a few swear they heard him loudly cussin at deku in his dorm room.
blurts out motivational shit,, and his texts naturally feel fuckin relatable everyone just goes,, ‘yup’ ‘true’ ‘yaa’ ‘eXaCtLYyyy’ n so on
doesn’t really ever play video games to begin w,, this poor soul wonders why’s she in this group
ashido was the one to ask uraraka to sign in discord,, and she doesn’t regret it a bit.
is never really online
was once teased by yuga w uk who,, she wasn’t herself that day.
again, a newbie here,, didn’t want an account but had to make one under class’ pressure
never really online, well are we surprised??
is never really teased, but when someone makes him mad he mocks em’ using their full name
 not gonna lie,, that shit lowkey funny
once was being stripped off his innocence by indirect yet explicit description of sex by kaminari and mineta,, iida simply logged off to get away from that,,,
her laid back yet straight forward nature really shines in her texts, givin the most sweet yet blunt replies,, which might just turn out to be an unintentional burn
has amazing reflexes in vid games,,
never cusses or argues 
called izuku ‘young midoriya’ once, in hopes of being funny,, well,,, hasn’t tried to fake humour since then
kaminari was the one to help out our icy hot w makin a discord,, this dude was still stuck on facebook 
seems innocent, but unknowing cracks adult jokes in heat of the conversations,, earned him the name ‘icy thot’ from bakugou, but also is usually confused why everyone’s crackin up- i myself am confused w this imagination
but c’mon. he doesn’t text those intentionally,, lets hope maybe??
either replies to midoriya’s ‘how’s ya day’ and justifies his actions in games w long ass paras, OR replies w ‘oh’. 
tho amateur, he’s a vid game prodigy. apparently nvr played once before comin to UA high.
continued sending ‘gm everyone’ everyday for the first two weeks until his classmates teased him for that- no one by far knows if that did hurt his feelings or wut-
tries to make people feel better- ya
once gave a big speech justifying his love for cats. everyone read it ofc, n replied w kawai cat videos. shoto went to bed late that night.
Momo Yaoyorozu
she speaks pretty formally on texts, well ya she’s tryna loosen up a bit tho,,
andd quite impressed by denki’s vocab btw
she was the one to ask mineta and kaminari to stfu as they were describing- uk-
even her cusses and insults on chats sound regal af, you’d even pay her to insult you
the only one who has not yet been teased on the group
click here for part 2;))
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sexyrasputin · 4 years
The 1:
The story of us grew up. She healed and matured. Wistful and nostalgic.
Peaceful. Nostalgic, reminiscent. Wistful, too. Reminds me of her trying to find true love and hating that they weren’t there yet and cursing them but she found the true love eventually. Idk but I like it.
The Last Great American Dynasty:
I’m overthinking who it’s about but I’m obsessed. Also. THE VOCALS AT THE END!!! And the lyrics are simply magical. It reminds me of Red.
Exile (ft. Bon Iver):
The intro sounds like a Bon Iver song. The vocals. The lyrics. The imagery. I’m losing my mind. AND THE INSTRUMENTALS. I CANNOT HANDLE IT. this is my exact speed I swear. (Getting The Last Time vibes). It’s the last time they’re there.
My Tears Ricochet:
Ethereal. That’s my first response. It sounds like a Howard Shore song for Lord of the Rings. The absolute best. “What a ghostly scene.” Wow. The imagery YET AGAIN. Kinda reminds me of modern Taylor Back to December vibes.
It instantly reminded me of another song by her or someone else that I love BUT I CANT REMEMBER THE SONG. It might be a Panic! song. Anyways, I am loving the eighties soft love song vibes. Maybe it’s seventies. THE HONESTY AND REFLECTION (hehe) AND SHOWING SOMEONE WHO THEY ARE AND LOVING THEM NO MATTER WHAT.
Wanting to go back to childhood innocence and beauty and excitement and simplicity. Getting Innocent vibes but from the other’s side about how they remember when they were innocent. The folk songs and going back to her roots THIS WHOLE ALBUM IS NOSTALGIA INCARNATE.
“A moment in time ‘cause it was never mine” MAN THIS HITS ME HARD probs bc I wrote a similar line in a poem back in April lol and it was my fav line so I am honored to share a spark of genius with Taylor the Queen herself. Also just the wanting to have possession of someone even tho they were never yours. The yearning! It’s hopeful and wistful and my large vocabulary does not own the right words to describe this feeling !!!
This Is Me Trying:
Back to December YET AGAIN. My early Speak Now new-fan experience is reliving itself on the eve of my twentieth bday. “I got wasted like all my potential.” Wow call us out. Says me who has never drank a drop. The knowing it isn’t good enough but it’s all you’ve got.
Illicit Affairs:
It sounds almost regretful. Getting Dear John vibes. Wow. Is this album just a speak now x red lovechild? Anyways the relationship deteriorating and tracking it. Cold as you vibes with “for you I would ruin myself.” If I died for you you wouldn’t tell anyone or the exact lyric.
Invisible String:
More upbeat and positive in the beginning. Hopeful. Kind of a sense of anonymity. It reminds me of her relationship with Joe and the purity of that love and how they were meant to be and are meant to be, even at the beginning. You never could have arrived here (...) without your [past]. One single thread of gold tied me to you? Daylight. Steel and the ax to grind. Referencing to her life. I love this.
Mad Woman:
THERES NOTHING I DO BETTER THAN REVENGE. that being said as a summary of the first few lines. Also breathe vibes? Teardrops on my guitar a bit? Blank space? I can’t even name all the songs this is related to in her catalogue. I DID SOMETHING BAD. HAHAHAHA “really wanting to see me dead has brought you two together” (not exact lyric) funny about how that did sort of bring kimye closer.
Very cinematic opening. Reminds me of the intro to Joe Brooks’ “The Island” (it’s great I stan). Some things you just can’t speak about. Protecting someone and keeping their secrets. The loyalty, no matter what happens, it’s for you and I’m with you. IM WITH YOU TIL THE END OF THE LINE.
WAIT. HARMONICA. this is one of the three high school love songs. “I’m 17 nobody understands.” I’m seventeen I don’t know anything but I know I miss you. The narrator doesn’t understand but they know they miss her. Regretting hurting someone and making a mistake. I showed up at your party. Literal song speak now vibes!!!
I just. This whole album is so nostalgic in the imagery, lyrics, aesthetics, music, EVERYTHING. I think this might be another love triangle song. I’d give you everything but I’ll always bring the hard times. The rain always pours. Even just being friends is fine. Ugh.
I don’t want no other shade of blue but you. This is giving me soft cruel summer but way softer even than that.
Might end up one day replacing speak now as my fav album ever. Just saying.
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taetaespeaches · 4 years
What zodiac sign do you feel each lover might possess? I love love love your stories btw... literally bee line to your page daily reason I feel are obvious. You’re just great 💕
oooh I love this question. Keep in mind I am not even close to really knowing a damn thing about astrology, but it fascinates me and I love it. Here are my thoughts... but I also want to know what you guys think!!!!! You know these girls just as much as I do! 
p.s. thank you, lovely, you’re the sweetest <3
Jin’s girlfriend (Love): 
Jin’s girlfriend is very nurturing and down to earth. She seems to always be busy doing something and she just wants to give and provide for the people she loves- especially Jin, but we see it extended to Guk in some of the fics as well. Also, she’s very playful which makes me lean toward Virgo- think Jungkook’s personality actually. The woman lives to provide for others, and she loves being needed. She just seems like a Virgo to me but could have some very soft and emotional Cancer placements. 
Yoongi’s girlfriend (Kid): 
So I know I said I imagine Kid to be pretty introverted, but what I mean by that is that she needs a substantial amount of alone time to kind of recharge. But in social situations, she is super friendly and can talk to just about anyone. I mean when Yoongi meets her, she is literally humming in a grocery store in her own world, she’s not like excessively shy or anything. Because she’s quite independent, I think she has to have some pretty strong air placements. Her independence is also perfect for Yoon because she gives him the space he needs- I don’t think we’ll ever get one of those “he calls her clingy” Yoon fics because if anyone is clingy here it’s gonna be Yoongi. That doesn’t mean they aren’t affectionate as fuck with each other once they’re together. She’s also very loyal and she and Yoon seem to balance each other out while complementing each other. She also has a major crackhead side which points at Gemini- the “let’s masturbate” video playing when they first confess their love and Yoon is just like yeah this is normal for me now. Idk, she just gives me Libra and Gemini vibes. With some fiery Aries because she’s also forward as fuck. 
Hoseok’s girlfriend (Petal): 
Petal is fun loving and quite extroverted in the way that she can talk to anyone and feel comfortable- not necessarily in the friends with anyone and everyone way. She’s also very loyal and passionate and devoted. When she decides to give Hobi a chance, he quickly becomes her number one. They are ride or die. That points to some Scorpio placements in my opinion. She’s quite friendly, but she also seems like she might be a bit intimidating I think. People are drawn to her- Hobi definitely was before they even got together- but she’s very picky with who she lets in. But she’s always going to be friendly and social- just not a lot of people know the real true her. I don’t know, she’s outgoing and passionate and yeah she just gives off some Aries and Sag and Scorpio vibes. 
Namjoon’s girlfriend (Babe/Daisy- it’s her nickname I just haven’t introduced it yet): 
Down to earth, loyal, passionate, and stubborn. That’s Namjoon’s lady. She would kill for Joon, but also for all of the people she loves. Namjoon and his girl are pretty private. Like even unnecessarily private- they try to hide their relationship at first and pretend they met and just simply became friends- even though they met at a club and hooked up that same night. I haven’t written much of the origins of this couple yet, but after a supposed to be one night stand, they start dating, but they tell the boys they’re just friends for fucking weeks. They are so private and for some reason that screams Taurus to me. Like she just has this aura of ‘I’m doing my thing, you don’t need to know anything about it’. She is also extremely stubborn, and we can see this even in the “When it’s very fucking cold in my apartment” drabble where she demands Namjoon leave the studio and then even tells Yoongi to go home too.  The passion and stability she brings to Joon’s life just makes me think Taurus and Scorpio. 
Jimin’s girlfriend (Dear): 
Jimin’s girlfriend is probably the most extroverted of all the girlfriends. Dear is also quite confident and loves loves loves the affection Jimin gives her. She’s also very devoted and loyal. When she chooses Jimin, she chooses him flaws and all. However, she isn’t one that’s going to let people push her around and treat her like shit. After Jimin breaks up with her over text, she knows she still loves him and wants him, but she makes him work for their relationship. She’s honestly just a fun confident queen and that makes me think of Leos and Geminis for whatever reason. 
Taehyung’s girlfriend (Peaches): 
Peaches lives in her own world honestly. She’s on the shyer side so not a lot of people really take time to get to know her, but ya know how Tae can kind of see through people’s facades? Well he does that with her and he’s just intrigued as hell by her. She’s quite unique and even a bit weird. All of this points to Aquarius to me- she’s this interesting person who can be quite closed off. However, she’s also loyal as hell. Oh and she’s stubborn. She’s stubborn and rational (Taurus) and Tae is the king of self-control and that’s how they end up being best friends for six years before they finally act on their feelings for each other. Yeah I don’t know- unique, loyal, stubborn- she just seems like she might have both Aquarius and Taurus placements. And I know Taurus and Aquarius are like completely different- but Peaches’ personality can be quite conflicting so I think she has some major placements in both these signs. 
Jungkook’s girlfriend (Baby/Holly- another nickname I haven’t introduced yet): 
Jungkook’s girlfriend is kind of a boss ass bitch. She keeps Jungkook on his toes but she’s not overly boisterous or anything. She comes across as very cool and confident, but really she’s a softie who wants to be told she’s loved and appreciated. Her presence just screams Capricorn. She can be pretty quiet but her presence is strong. Also, her sense of humor is amazing and idk if any of y’all have a Capricorn in your life but oh my god their humor is top notch. Guk’s Baby is also pretty sensitive and idealistic in some aspects which points toward Pisces placements to me. Playful, strong, confident, but a soft baby.
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rowbeana · 4 years
sometimes i have dreams and then remember them post #23
IT’S BEEN A YEAR??? lmao well that’s fair and this dream is wild enough to be worth the wait
so it started off stressful with my friend (and i?? idr) moving. now that i’m thinking about it, the friend was claire or maybe it was simply maya hawke but anyways. our other friend...lauren lapkus...akljskd was helping us move by driving the uhaul. SO, FOR SOME REASON, MY FRIEND WAS SITTING IN THE BACK OF THE UHAUL WHICH IS OBVIOUSLY NOT SAFE AND IDER HOW THIS WORKED BUT I WAS LIKE HOLDING ONTO SOMEONE TIED TO THE BACK FOR DEAR LIFE AND HOPING NOT TO DIE
sadly. when my friend got in, she fucked up so the uhaul was slightly open and lich rally her head was sticking out a little and she was stuck and lauren started driving and i was like??? THIS IS. SO DANGEROUS and my friend was like. mad but she said it was fine and i was like...IT’S NOT BUT OKAY.
eventually, we’re on the freeway and the uhaul like opens completely (and now i’m remembering lauren had stuff in it too, idk what was going on) and stuff falls on us so we both tumble off/out of the vehicle and lauren doesn’t notice and keeps driving.
i guess...i thought she would realize soon enough so i’m not THAT panicked?? i said something about feeling bad about all our stuff falling out skhdf. but i’m on my phone trying to figure something out and i think my friend wanders away? idr how we meet this priest guy and he offers to? help us? he ends up taking us to what looks like a hotel but his house is in the back idk lmao and he puts us in this underground cell things with his daughters and i don’t know! what he said we were supposed to do there, work? but i was like...um no LMAO?
so i’m like what the FUCK and i leave but my friend is like what’s the point and accepts her new life and i’m like. BITCH IT’S BEEN TWO SECONDS, YOU ALREADY QUIT? BYE IG. i sort of remember the priest guy chasing after me yelling but i was like fuck off!! god!!!
i end up back on the same stretch of highway bc this is a tiny town, fsr a mom and her daughter are there. i think this is where i learn about how the priest guy injects people with something that kills them unless they use an inhaler and no that doesn’t make sense. but basically his “church” is clearly a cult and i’m like...now why did we have to fall off the uhaul in this weird ass town!
i’m desperately trying to contact lauren but i message her through an app like wire but not bc wire does let you make phone calls and i couldn’t figure out how to call her and i did get in contact with her but she gave me a really confusing way to get her number and i was like!! my dumb friend is probs gonna die soon so why all this!! i tried but i kind of gave up bc fsr i went back to get my friend
somehow days had passed? maybe. don’t ask! she’s not looking great and she’s been working and she’s like part of their creepy family now and i’m like well stop i’m gonna save you! but again she is useless. some stuff happens -- there’s like? a college on their compound/in their giant hotel building ashkdjf? and i...end up being a professor, sure why not...omg this reminds me i had a pet dog and he could talk ASLJKDH YEAH SOMEHOW I FORGOT THAT BECAME A PART OF THE DREAM AT THIS POINT
i try setting up my classroom and another class is in session across the way and whatever why am i doing this lmao. then some time later idk me and my friend get injected by the priest bc it’s “time” to die (just cult tings) and he also injected himself and his whole fam but he injected them a bit before us so when they start dying we’re like...sHIT WHERE’S AN INHALER. BUT FSR MY FRIEND IS STILL DEFEATED AND NOT EVEN TRYING AND IM LIKE OKAY WELL I WANT TO LIVE SO CAN YOU HELP. and she does bc she finds an inhaler and i use it and i’m like hope that helped! and i make her use it and we’re vibing bc the priest is dead now so! swag!
i’m in my classroom, to get my dog bc fsr i guess he lives there, and there’s a college party and these cool girls come over and i’m like oh i’m actually a professor here and one of them kind of starts to be like that’s cool-- but i say and i’m quitting because get me the fuck out of this town and she’s like of course bc ig they have a high turnover rate at the school akhsd and they seem Liberal and Normal so i’m like. yeah i was almost killed by that cult leader so! and they’re like...blink...yes that sounds bad!
there’s literally a time jump and suddenly we’re playing a game at this party and my friend is my partner for the game and (she might be kali at this point lmao) suddenly everyone leaves but i was facing away from everyone and i gather that there’s a new cult guy and he’s there and as my friend is like “oh no...rowan you’ll never guess who it is” my eyes land on some writing on a wall or something about who it is and i’m like...unfortunately i know!
so i turn around and soren JKSHD IS WEARING THESE WHITE ROBES IDK AND HE LOOKS bad....and i’m like...now what the fuck....and i’m not scared he’s gonna hecking inject me so i like hit him and i said ARE YOU A MURDERER NOW? AND HE SAID SOMETHING LIKE...WHO CARES THESE PEOPLE ARE UNCLEAN OR WHATEVER AND I WAS LIKE. SIGH
then i woke up <3
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