#does tony take advantage of his son as he sleeps a lot? of course he does baby it's free real estate!!
tnpt-depravity · 6 months
Peter waking up in the middle of the night to his daddy's head between his thighs, his tongue lapping up the slick he fingered from his loose pussy ♡
Delirious, half-asleep Peter trying to figure out what's going on, trying to protest, but his drowsy moans are muffled by Tony's hand because "we can't wake mommy, kiddo, just let daddy do what he has to do" as he laps and laps until Peter's forced to cum on his tongue ♡
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geeky-writes · 5 years
Pieces of Echoes Chapter 26 Preview
Behind? Catch up on AO3/ FFN 😊
“JARVIS, is Natasha at home?” Steve asked as he opened the notebook, flipping through the well-worn pages.
“Yes, Captain, Agent Romanoff is in her apartment,” JARVIS answered.
“Good. Can you call her, please?”
A few seconds later Natasha’s face filled the monitor, dressed in the clothes she often wore when she danced. She had told Steve a long time ago that ballet was one of her outlets, much like painting was for Steve and building things was for Peter, and he was proud that she had been able to get back into it lately.
“Hey, Cap, what’s up?”
“Um… I was wondering… do you have a few minutes?” Steve asked. He held up the notebook, clearing his throat. “I’m thinking that we need to start some training again, try and get back into… things, but… I’m not—I’m not quite sure if I can… do it alone. At least, not yet, so I was wondering—”
“Steve, it’s okay,” Natasha interrupted, giving him a soft smile. “I can be up there in ten minutes, does that work?”
Steve huffed as he nodded. “Yes, thank you.”
“Don't mention it,” Natasha said. “See you then.”
To pass the time while he waited, Steve padded into the kitchen, preparing two large mugs of the jasmine tea that he knew Natasha enjoyed. For how tired he was coffee would have probably been more useful, but he hadn't yet been able to bring himself to even touch the coffeemaker, ever since—
Well, ever since.
“Agent Romanoff is on her way up, Captain,” JARVIS announced once Steve finished preparing the tea.
“Thanks, JARVIS.”
He had just taken a seat at the kitchen table when Natasha breezed into the room, heading directly for her mug of tea.
“Mmm, jasmine,” she said, blowing on it before taking a small sip. “My favourite.”
“I thought I remembered that,” answered Steve. “I’d offer to make you something more substantial, but I’m afraid—well, I haven’t really been cooking all that much, since—since—”
Well, ever since.
“Steve, it’s okay,” Natasha said quietly. “You don't need to explain yourself to me, I understand.”
Something about the tone of Natasha’s gravelly voice, and the gentle way that she patted Steve’s hand in comfort—much like the way Steve had seen her do so many times for Peter—caused all of Steve’s internal floodgates to open and he suddenly burst into tears. And being the wonderful, kind, and compassionate person that she was, Natasha simply sat with him, occasionally squeezing his hand as he cried himself out over the next several minutes, finally getting up to retrieve some tissues from the nearby bathroom when she was certain that Steve could handle her leaving.
“I’m—I’m so sorry!” he sobbed, blotting at his puffy eyes with a tissue. “I didn't call you up here to watch me cry into my tea, I just—I just—”
“Steve, I said it’s okay,” said Natasha. “It’s not good to keep your emotions in check all the time. I know you're trying your damnedest to be strong for Peter and that’s admirable, but it’s not healthy for you in the long run, and I personally feel that it’s okay for Peter to see that you’re struggling too.” She gave him a rather sheepish grin as she took another sip of her tea. “Or, at least that’s what Sam’s always saying. I know it’s a lot easier said than done sometimes.”
“More like all the time,” Steve muttered, still scrubbing at his eyes. “I just—I just feel like I should be able to get past this agony at least a little, you know? I mean, I've lost people before, during the war, but—it still hurts so much that sometimes I can’t even breathe—like the very air itself is trying to choke me, and—”
“Steve, this was your husband,” Natasha said. “And it’s only been three months, I’d honestly be worried about you if I thought you were moving on already. You're a widower and a single dad now, it’s gonna take time for you to adjust to that. And that’s completely understandable.”
Fresh tears welled in Steve's eyes, and he shook his head. “I don't know if I’ll ever adjust to it,” he admitted. “I mean, I drag myself out of nightmares each morning—if I even sleep at all—and find that there’s no relief in waking. And I’m trying—I’m trying to do what I keep telling myself that I need to do, but I just—I just don't know how. And poor Peter, he never really stopped having his nightmares, even before—but lately they’ve gotten so much worse again, and I just don't know how to help him. I mean, just the other night he woke up screaming like he was being attacked, and I ran into his room to find him scratching and picking at his arm. And when I asked him about it, he told me that he’d been dreaming he was back in the cave and hooked up to some kind of medicine drip that was making him see things.”
“Oh my God, the poor kid!” Natasha exclaimed. “That’s horrible!”
“Yeah, it really was,” Steve agreed. He curled his hands around his mug, feeling the heat burning into his palms. “And the whole time I was trying to comfort him, he kept repeating, ‘it’s not real, Papa, it’s not real. Uncle Bucky says that I need to wake up’. Almost as if he knew it was a dream, but he couldn't quite figure out how to get out of it.”
“Uncle Bucky?” Natasha asked, confused. “He doesn’t mean Barnes, does he?”
“I guess, I don’t know who else he would mean,” Steve said sadly. “But I think it’s a bit of a stretch for Peter to be calling him ‘Uncle’ when Bucky tried to punch him in the head the only time that he saw him.”
“Yeah, you’re right, that doesn’t make much sense,” murmured Natasha. “I’m so sorry, Steve. I can’t imagine how scary that must have been.”
“Yeah, it was pretty awful,” Steve said, shuddering. “I was just glad that he didn’t manage to break the skin on his arm, but he was so scared and confused—” He paused, looking intently at Natasha. “And I haven’t told anyone else this. Peter asked me not to, I think he was embarrassed, so if you don’t mind—”
“Of course, you don't need to worry about that,” Natasha assured him. “I’m just sorry you had to go through it alone.”
Steve hung his head, sniffing. “I just feel so useless, because I can’t seem to help him like I should. I’m his father, but… I just can’t seem to plan my way out of this. I can’t seem to figure it out.”
Natasha was quiet for a moment. “Sometimes there just isn't a plan, Steve. Sometimes, and I know you're good at this because I’ve seen it, sometimes you just need to rely on your instincts. And that’s okay.”
Steve ran his fingertip around the rim of his mug, contemplating Natasha’s words. His Army superiors had always taught him to trust his instincts, and he had passed along that knowledge to both the Avengers and to Peter. But Steve was a master strategist; he always had been, even before the serum, and it was so hard for him to admit that there were just some things that he couldn't strategise his way out of.
“Where’d you get to be so knowledgeable about this stuff?” he asked, trying to smile. “I doubt that they taught very many classes on compassion in the Red Room.”
“No, no, they absolutely did not,” Natasha said with wide eyes. “Compassion was considered worse than a four-letter word in the Red Room.” She paused to take a sip of her tea, setting the mug down carefully. “I actually learned it from you guys. Well, maybe a bit from Fury and SHIELD, but mainly from you guys, ‘cause you know, it’s Fury.”
“Ah yes, I think I understand,” Steve said, his smile widening ever-so-slightly.
“Yeah, I’m sure you do,” Natasha said with a smirk. “So, I pretty much came from nothing, and then I was trained to be a ghost from the time I was old enough to write my name. Just an assassin, mindlessly following orders. I didn't understand what it was like to have real friends, to have… a family, until I got to the Avengers. You guys became my family, and I—I’m so much better now because of it. Better than I ever thought I was capable of being.”
“And we’re better for it too, Nat,” Steve managed through his tight throat. “All of us are, and so was Tony.”
Natasha gave him a wink as she drained the rest of her mug. “Well, I’m sure Tony had his moments. Now, you mentioned something about starting up some training sessions?”
Taking the hint, Steve opened his notebook to a fresh page. “All right, let’s get to work.”
They ended up spending the next three hours planning out training exercises, both for the individuals and the team as a whole, with Steve making sure to include some exercises for Peter as well. He had begun joining the rest of the team on some of their training sessions right before—well, right before—and had proved himself to be quite adept at meshing right in, so adept that while Steve was in no way ready to call his young teenage son an official Avenger, he at least knew that Peter could definitely hold his own if it ever became necessary.
“Well, I think we got a lot accomplished this afternoon,” Natasha said once they were done, absentmindedly chewing on a pizza crust left over from their hastily ordered lunch. “This is a great start, Steve.”
“I couldn’t have done it without you,” Steve said. He got to his feet, gathering up the pizza box and the empty drink glasses. “Thank you, Nat.”
Natasha gave him a smile as she patted his arm. “You're welcome. And don't forget, it’s okay to ask for help sometimes. You're not in this alone.”
“I know,” answered Steve as he let out a heavy sigh. “I think I just tend to forget that sometimes. I mean, I know our jobs are more dangerous than most, I guess I just never thought—” He broke off, not wanting the tears to start flowing again, he’d already taken enough advantage of Natasha’s patience and sympathy. “I just never thought that—”
“Steve, it’s okay,” said Natasha. “I’m not sure any of us ever thought all that much about it. Tony was… always so full of life, it just doesn't make sense.”
“Yeah, he was,” Steve said. Right up until the second he wasn’t.
“Okay, so we’ll start this schedule next week, then?” asked Natasha.
Steve gave a nod. “Yep, on Monday. Right after I take Peter to school.”
“All right. I guess I’ll see you then, if not before.”
Steve walked Natasha to the elevator, not exactly feeling what he would call “light”, but definitely better than he had been that morning. Unfortunately, almost as soon as the doors closed behind Natasha the heavy sadness he had managed to push aside during their work came roaring back with a vengeance, nearly bowling Steve over with its intensity.
He could plan all the Avengers’ training sessions that he wanted, but it still didn't change the fact that the team was now one member down.
And in Steve’s eyes, they were down the most important member. Tony had always been what Steve liked to call the heart of the Avengers, and he still had no idea how in the world they were going to survive without their heart.
No one can live without a heart, Steve thought miserably as he made his way back towards his bedroom. Especially not me.
Stepping inside the bedroom, Steve’s eyes were immediately drawn to the huge painting hung on the wall above the bed, the painting he had presented to Tony as a wedding gift. Tears stung Steve’s sore eyes as he remembered that wonderful day spent at Coney Island, how happy and full of life they all had been, he, Tony, and Peter, celebrating Peter’s birthday.
What a razor-sharp contrast to the misery he was in now.
“JARVIS, is Peter doing okay?” he asked.
“Master Peter’s vital signs are within his normal parameters, Captain,” answered JARVIS. “He is currently attending his chemistry class.”
Well, at least there’s that.
“All right, thank you.”
“You are most welcome, Captain.”
Suddenly exhausted, Steve picked up the arc reactor and collapsed onto the chair, pressing the reactor to his chest and closing his eyes. He had about ninety minutes before he had to pick Peter up from school, so… may as well see if he could catch up on some sleep, even if he never seemed to like what he saw while there.
But as he felt his exhausted body sinking slowly towards unconsciousness, even more disturbing thoughts flitted across Steve’s mind. That nightmare of Peter’s that he’d described to Natasha had occurred only two nights ago. It hadn't happened again since then, and Peter had begged Steve not to tell Sam about it, but Steve couldn't help but be worried. As bad as Peter’s nightmares were it wasn’t normal for him to try and hurt himself during one, and Steve was now living in near-constant fear that it would happen again. And with Peter’s strength still increasing as he grew, Steve was also afraid that he wouldn't be able to stop him.
Not to mention the fact that Peter was suddenly claiming a connection with Bucky, of all people. The last time Steve had seen Bucky he’d been barely coherent, holed up in his padded room at the mental hospital where he’d been living ever since he took a swing at Peter. Tony had insisted that Bucky be removed from the Tower immediately, and Steve had relented, not wanting to risk Peter’s safety again.
There was no way Bucky could have been communicating with Peter when he couldn’t even take care of himself.
I need to get Peter some help, Steve thought miserably. I can’t do this alone. Not anymore.
The absolute last thing that Peter needed, was for Steve to fail him again.
The full chapter will post on Monday, July 29th 😊
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whumpingwithirondad · 6 years
Tony & Pepper Have Twins
We both want Tony Stark to get a happily ever after, and what would make it more perfect than having two babies at the same time!
Yeah! Just imagine Tony sleeping on his bed, with a baby on his chest and Peter curled up beside him. Or maybe they have twins and Peter comes in every day after school to help take care of them so that both kids would have sufficiently individual care
Yes! Peter and him stay up one night when the baby has cold and Pepper's away on a business trip. Most parents would be horrified of having twins but Tony's like 'oh my god i've always wanted a baby and now I get two of them!!" (well three bc Peter is his kid/baby too at this point).
Yes! Tony is thrilled he got more than one child at the same time. Like he would have even taken triplets. Tony loves every single moment with them and becomes the most dedicated stay at home dad, ever. I can imagine him doing interviews and just showing pics of the kids and the interviewers love hearing about his homelife and babies. He always refers to Peter "as his oldest, my surrogate son" because there is no use to deny it since so many pics of him and Peter together have arisen and yeah, if he didn't address it, people would think he was Peter's sugar daddy
When Tony has one of his own babies to take care of he loves bath time so much. He gives them a bath everynight and just cuddles with them afterwards because their skin is so soft and Tony kisses all their tiny toes and fingers after drying them
Tony's interviews no longer consist of ironman/avengers or stark industries. Rather he gives interviews on baby tips and parenting as well and just overall gushing about being a stay at home dad
Yes! Tony is an affectionate father! He is constantly cuddling his kids and loves spending time with them, Just imagine him pushing twin stroller while he (and Peter) do the groceries. He kisses their toes and fingers and through the babies, gets lot more physically affectionate with Peter too. Like when Pepper is away, he has all three of his kids sleep in the same bed with him and they would watch teletubbies in the morning (with him and Peter making fun of the show)
Tony's advice on parenting is wanted because he can sympathize with blended families and parents with surrogate children. He has two babies and a teenager (with serious issues). I think Peter and Tony have ADHD and so he can tell the tips on how to help those kids.
And the most asked question is "which is harder: rocket science or raising children?"
Tony and Peters favorite time Is definitely watching kid shows and making fun of them. Tony is affectionate and constantly telling All his kids how much he loves them. He has about a million pictures of the babies before they are even a year old. Twins one girl and one boy and they are a perfect blend between him and pepper. Yes they go to the store they take the babies to the park as well too. Pepper takes care of the company and during the day tony and peter are with the babies and it just all works out
He answers raising children because there was no manual on how to do it and he can’t learn it overnight. Plus rocket science isn’t a living object screaming and crying st him because he chose the wrong toy
I'd like to think Peter would take a gap year after high school and be sort of an au pair to the Starks. Like Peter didn't feel he was ready to leave home (May was angry with the idea but Tony just shrugged and told it was his life and decision). Yeah, Tony is affectionate, he is constantly kissing his children and holding them. The walls are filled with their pictures and artwork. The day the babies are too old for onesies, Tony cries.He is always talking to the babies, holding one-sided conversations
Awww, just think of the twins bundled up warmly and in a push swing. Tony also makes them an inside playground in case of rainy days or snow.
The audience laughs at the jokes and love seeing Tony so relaxed. He admits he is tired but that having kids is so worth it. He also talks about how SI is expanding to baby products such as highly intelligent strollers but yeah, the talk turns to his kids again.
I could definitely see Peter doing that as well. Plus he would get to be spider man without the stress of school and he gets to explore his tech ideas as much as he can now. MIT always has a place for him whenever he wants to start and tony doesn’t even care. He’s like kid ur going to be ceo of stark industries degree or no degree
Omg tony loves dressing his twins up.  Buys the cutest clothes ever and not like designer ones even tho he splurges on those every now and then or pepper does but ones that are the most comfortable for little babies as well.
When they got to the park tony bundles them up and puts them in the baby swings at the park and pushes them gently and kisses their little nose when they swing back to him. Paparazzi get thousands of pictures of him having fun st the park with his babies and then if Peter is there he’s usually coming down the slides with the babies in his lap because tony says his back is too old for him to do it
Yeah he basically builds an indoor adventure park for his kiddos
Yeah, Tony can practically buy him a spot at MIT (although I have been playing in my head with an idea that Peter doesn't get to MIT and sinks into deep depression because, well, why did he waste time at school is he couldn't get into college). Yep, Tony doesn't hire based on credentials but potentials and he knows hands on approach might actually teach Peter more than theory courses. I like to think Tony kept his old text books from MIT and gave them to Peter and gives him private lessons in maths, physics and anything engineering. Tony doesn't care about Peter staying in NY because Peter's wellbeing is the most important thing and if the kid doesn't want to go, he isn't going to be like his father and ship his reluctant child away.
Yes! Tony is very particular about the clothes being durable but comfortable and cute. He is not one of those parents who buys expensive clothes and then tells his kids they can't play in the snow or rain. Clint and Laura give them their kids old baby clothes and Peter sometimes goes to the flea market and buys rare clothes you don't find at stores anymore (like the first edition IronMan onesie).
Yes, the kids look like lumpy potatoes, Tony is so worried they might catch a cold :D He builds sand castles from them to smash. Sometimes Peter and him go to the local swimming center and enjoy the warm water in the baby pool. Also, Tony would sign them up for baby classes because he wants them to learn socializing and yeah, he kind of likes the attention (being a celebrity plus the only male in those groups)
Whenever they are down in the lab they each have a baby strapped to their chest in one of those little carriers. Tony kind of just has his nose pressed into his baby’s curls the entire time as he works on a few of his designs.
One time all three of his kiddos get sick and honestly Peter is whining more than the twins mostly because he uses getting sick to his advantage
Baby curls ❤️
So fluffy
Yeah, the twins are doing pretty normal, maybe getting more easily upset but Peter... Tony considers throwing the boy out the window. "Mr Stark, it's too cold!" "It would be warm if you didn't kick off al your blankets, Jesus Christ Kid."
Tony saying this while grumbling as he wraps heated blankets around peter until barely his eyes and curls peak out from underneath the blanket burrito. The babies are just a little bit more fussy but once tony gets some warm milk in their tummies and a nice cool bath they are out for the night and he can focus on peter. Lol at one point Tony’s trying to get a temperature on Peter and he won’t keep it in his mouth and Tony’s like kid if you want me to do it the old fashioned way I will and it’s not gonna be pleasant
Peter loves messing with Tony when he is sick because the man is a mother hen "Could you get me more juice? Orange slices? I feel like having soup. I want chips." At one point, Tony takes the kids to a bath and says : "You're an adult, get them yourself."
In Finland, we measure fever from armpit. It's not nearly as quick or reliable as from the mouth but hey, it's more comfortable.
How about Peter forgetting about his strength and just bites the thermometer into halves? And Tony uses old kind one which has liquid mercury in it and he is certain Peter now got some poisoning and maybe another mutation because of course he would.
Peter pouts as he watches Tony leaves but Tony made sure that he put enough snacks and drinks near Peter if he needs them.
Peter bites the thermometer accidentally and Tony has a near heart attack. He’s drags Peter to the sink to rinse his mouth out while asking Friday to look up how toxic mercury is and already calling Bruce to come check his stupid kid out
Tony also took his phone so Peter can call him if anything happens. Okay, I checked what happens if you break the mercury thermometer and apparently, normally it only causes minor irritation but it is dangerous when inhaled so yeah, the clean up is more important.
OMG, Think of Tony in an interview when he is talking about his kids "So, my oldest-" "Wasn't he at the SI gala with you a week ago?" "Yes, Peter was my plus one." "We have a pic of him," They show a smiling picture of Peter and the audience lets out a loud Aww (like when Baby Simba is shown for the first time). "He looks so much like you!" "I know!" Tony says with shock. "Are you sure he is not yours." "Yes, we have done all the paternity tests, there is no genetic link between us."
The world definitely falls in love with Peter as well. He starts to open up more with more events he goes to and everyone finds him funny charming and nice. Tony’s like “he’s practically mine in all ways but biological though” and then the interviewees show a picture that pepper took with peter and the twins all cuddled up with tony fast asleep when they were sick
At first Peter is nervous but with experience and Tony's encouragement, he begins to open up and just steals the audience away. He and Tony are invited to game shows to compete and do pair interviews on their relationship (because the world honestly doesn't believe Peter isn't Tony's secret love child). I like to think that during one mission, Peter lost a lot of blood and Tony was the donator (they of course, have the same blood group) and in the next interview he says "now he is mine biologically also."
One of Tony's arms is wrapped around the twins and Peter is resting on his other side. Tony smiles at the picture "That was the moment I had finally got them all to sleep. It was a sickness straight from hell, all had a high fever and were so miserable. I think I didn't sleep a wink during those days because when I wasn't making sure the babies didn't choke while sucking the pacifiers, I had to bathe Peter's brow with cold cloths."
Everyone just gushes about Tony being a dad and the photo proves how good of a father that he is. There is still some people that are hung up on his pre-iron man days and send nasty comments that Peter takes and basically rips apart
Tony has many haters and the most vicious attack Peter. They make awful comments on the photos with Tony and some rip apart everything in Tony's parenting because even if you love your kids, you might make some mistakes and yeah, everyone follows different directions. The haters comment when Tony carries his kids in his arms, they also send hate when Tony carries them in a babysitter. Someone took a photo of Peter and Tony shopping with the babies and they ripped apart their groceries "How can anyone feed their children formula?"
Tony's used to the comments and haters and he's learned to deal with it. However, it's dfifferent and harder for Peter who takes those comments to heart, especially the ones where they are calling Tony a bad dad for allowing his kid to play in the grass barefoot or something or that he's not giving his kids healthy foods
Yes, Tony has learned to ignore the comments and yeah, someone criticising his parenting, yeah, not a big deal. But then a pic emerges of Tony with his arm around Peter and setting a kiss on his head and the internet exploses. Most say the pic is adorable but some claim Tony was teaching his child wrong ways to convey love. "You don't kiss your teenage boys!"
Tony just rolls his eyes at the comments and has to bite his tongue from speaking back something about teenage sons deserved affection still. He does it more often just to get back at the haters. He doesn’t want to get into anything that’s not important. End of the day all his kids know how much he loves them and it’s all that matters.
Yes! Tony would totally feed the haters. Some people got a pic of him kissing his babies on the mouth and by God, that got a backlash about how he would be messing up his kids and yes, some even called the child protective services (who informed Tony and they both had a good laugh about it). Then Tony does an interview and brings Peter along because their relationship is so fascinating. The audience just melts how Tony is so affectionate with his kid, like at one point he fixes the boy's collar
Yes with the kissing too. And it’s so cute with tony asking for a kiss from his twins and they just pout their lips and when Tony gets closer they grab his cheeks and give him kisses and Tony just melts inside and scoops both of his babies up into his arms and smothers their face with kisses. It’s just hundreds of photos of him kissing his kids and vice versa and while most are just gushing about how good of a dad he is older folks are like “how can his kids ever take him seriously if he’s kissing them all the time. He has toughen them up especially the boy”
The audience coos and Peter just takes it in stride because he’s used to all of this now.
They share a photo of when the kiddos were sick and tony was tucking Peter into bed and presses a kiss to his head
When Tony gets hate from this it starts a movement with other dads sharing photos of tucking their kids in and giving them kisses.
Yes, Tony is so affectionate with his babies. Some people are thinking he is sick because he kisses the babies on the lips. "You will mess up your daughter that way!" "You're making your son gay!" "Is this incest?" Some comments were terrible and Tony could not help getting angry. People could tell lies about him but anything regarding his kids was off limits.
Peter once released a video of Tony watching television with the twins laying at his side and both looked at their father with such adoration. Tony snickered as he caught the look on their faces.
Peter was just answering a question when Tony noticed the collar was not properly and set it straight. Peter laughs at the audience's reaction and says "This is what I have to put up with." "You wouldn't if you learned to dress yourself properly," Tony quipped back. "The kid still needs someone to tie his tie for him."
And not just of little kids but teenagers as well. The movement gets so big Pepper releases a video of Peter sleeping on the couch with his head resting on Tony's lap. Tony has his arm around Peter chest and his thumb was rubbing the boy's shoulder. "Is he okay?" Pepper was heard asking. "Yeah, just had a little headache," Tony sets a hand on Peter's forehead. "He doesn't feel warm, maybe he just didn't sleep well last night."
The twins LOVE tony so much. Pepper filled a video of Tony coming back home after a weekend camping with Peter and the twins are waddling towards Tony with huge smiles on their faces and clapping their hands. Tony just kneels and opens up his arms waiting for the little babies to come to him and they are just giggling and once they reach him tony just scoops both of them up in his arms and just smothers them in kisses telling them how much he missed them. They don’t let go of him for th entire night
Yes the movement definitely involves teenagers as well. Tony can’t believe that he’s a part of something that involves spreading love all around. Pepper definitely has more videos like those as well. One after Peter has his tonsils out and Tony is there as he wakes up from surgery. Another where tony is carrying peter up from the lab after he fell asleep there muttering something about how his body’s too old for this but still does tit all the time
irondadgroupie I was walking to the gym today and imagined that the daughter is Tony's princess and she loves pink and anything traditionally feminine, has cute dresses and watches Barbie and Princess movies. Tony likes them too and will argue with anyone who claims those are bad role models. The boy loves Bob the Builder and has his toy tool box and is constantly "fixing" everything from DUM-E to the doorknobs.
wordscorrupt Tony gets haters saying that he's forcing his children into gender roles but the next day his son is playing with barbie dolls and his daughter is building legos and Tony just kind of flips all those haters off.
irondadgroupie But then Tony releases a pic of his son dressed in a sparkly princess dress with a tiara and Pepper's heels and again the haters are on them claiming he is making his boy confused about his gender and sexuality and raising him to be gay. But again, majority are praising his parenting, how he is letting his kids play and yeah, most are shocked his children have a dress that costs like 20 dollars at Target.
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leisurelypanda · 5 years
A Moment’s Bliss
(a What Happens in Asgard one shot)
Four months. It had been four months since Bucky gave birth to his twins. It had been the busiest, most exhausting times of his life, since then. He had thought that retiring from hero work would mean his life would free up a bit. As it turned out, however, it just meant that he had just enough time to take care of his babies. Rebecca and Joey were beautiful and wonderful, but God, they required a lot of care and attention. Bucky was happy to give it to them, but he was getting tired.
According to May Parker, raising kids was one long case of being tired. Apparently being a super soldier didn’t make him immune to that.
On top of all that, he and Steve had spent the first couple months looking for a place to live away from the Tower. Sirens going off at all hours signaling distress in need of taking care of wasn’t good for the babies. After the first couple times it happened, they were able to get the signal disabled on their floor since they weren’t active duty.
They had looked at a number of places in Brooklyn, which was way more expensive than either of them remembered. That was everything, though. Thankfully, Stark had been paying them handsomely the past few years, so it wasn’t as though they were penniless. It was still somewhat flabbergasting to look at some of the prices, though.
They finally found a house that actually not that bad, price wise. It was large, spacious, and beautifully modern without Tony’s unfortunate minimalist tendencies and oblong structure. The outside had light grey paneling and the inside had gorgeous amber colored hardwood floors, and cream/beige colored tiles in the kitchen.
The living room was round with a massive window which gave them a beautiful view of the front yard, more windows beneath that with a door that led to the wrap around porch, and a stone mantle with a fireplace (a real one, not the cutesy fake kind). Overlooking the room was a balcony that led to the bedrooms.
His favorite part of the house, though, was the master bath. The bathtub was huge, and it easily fit both Steve and Bucky comfortably. More often, though, Bucky let himself take advantage of it, letting himself fully submerge and luxuriate in the hot water. Peter had gifted him with a small collection of bath bombs and Bucky had to admit, they were his new favorite thing.
Now, four and a half months after his babies were born, the four of them were moved in. The sellers were only too happy to sell to the former Captain America. The house was bigger than either of them knew what to do with, but with the help of an interior decorator, they had managed to furnish and decorate the house in a way that was practical, comfortable, and pleasing to the eye.
His reverie was broken by the sound of babies crying. He sighed, but got up from the couch. Bucky went up the stairs and turned the corner to the nursery. Steve held little Joey in his arms in the rocking chair, while Becca was still crying in the crib. She sounded hungry and Bucky picked her up with a gentle coo and let her latch onto a nipple. He sat down in the other rocking chair next to Steve and relaxed. Joey was drinking from one of the bottles they had, since Bucky produced a lot of milk. He blamed the serum, as usual.
“They’re getting so big,” Steve murmured. Bucky hummed in agreement. They were big for their age, according to Dr. Cho. Becca had been nearly 7 pounds, while Joey had been closer to six, but now, they were 18 and 16 pounds respectively. That Becca was consistently bigger than Joey was interesting, but Dr. Cho insisted that there was nothing to worry about.
“I know it’s pointless to say this, but I wish they’d stay small,” Bucky said.
“Me, too,” Steve chuckled. He stroked Joey’s cheek with a finger, a soft, loving smile on his face. It was so bright it made Bucky’s heart melt. “They’re so cute.”
Bucky smiled and looked down at their daughter. She had a mop of wispy brown hair, as opposed to the blond hair on Joey’s head. He stroked her cheek lovingly as she drank, her blue eyes wide and bright. He smiled and she smiled back around his nipple. Or she tried to. She grinned up at him with milk dripping down her chin.
“Baphhhha!” she babbled.
“Made a mess, little miss,” Bucky said with a chuckle. He took a soft towel and gently wiped up the mess. She babbled again and grabbed his finger. “Aww, you wanna play, Becca?”
He got up and grabbed her favorite toy: a set of plastic keys. He sat on the floor and set her down on her stomach. She propped herself up and looked at him with a wide, gummy smile as he rattled the toy. She babbled happily and reached for them. Bucky gave them to her and she shook them and laughed at the sound they made.
Joey started babbling too and Steve got on the floor with them. He set their son down and handed him a bright, blue and yellow elephant toy. It was Joey’s favorite. He tended to like soft toys and he often smiled and babbled at them while Becca preferred toys that made interesting sounds. It was so weird and fascinating to Bucky, how they could be twins, but so different.
Still, despite that, they still played together. Bucky loved watching them babble and play, like they understood each other already. Every now and then they would catch him watching and smile at him and Bucky would smile back and play with them for a bit.
Becca moved towards Bucky with a little difficulty. She hadn’t quite figured out crawling yet, so Bucky picked her up and placed her in his lap. She laughed and slapped her keys against his metal arm. She laughed as she did it again, smiling and laughing brightly as the keys clanged against his metal arm.
“She loves it,” Bucky said with a mix of bewilderment and fondness.
“Course she does,” Steve said. “It’s yours. You’re her Papa.”
Bucky smiled at that and looked down at their daughter. She reached a hand out to wrap around one of his metal fingers, her eyes full of curiosity and wonder. It was beautiful.
“I love them,” Bucky murmured. “God, I love them so much.”
“Gppphhh!” Joey replied. Steve chuckled and blew a raspberry at him. Joey smiled and laughed and Steve smiled down at him before he kissed the top of his head.
“I love them, too.”
Mother’s Day was somewhat strange. Bucky didn’t think of himself as a mother, like some other male omegas. He simply thought of himself a man who could get pregnant and give birth. At the same time, this was the first parent holiday when he’d actually been a parent and he was at something of a loss for what to do.
Steve was up to something, he knew that much. He wasn’t avoiding Bucky, but at the same time, he was oddly… circumspect about the subject for what to do on Mother’s Day. Bucky proposed that they simply use the day to celebrate parenthood. Steve had agreed, but that was it. The man with a plan… didn’t have one. At least, not that he’d told Bucky.
When Bucky emerged from the bedroom that morning, the house was strangely quiet. He crept downstairs, eager to not wake the twins if he didn’t have to. Quiet was hard to come by these days and Bucky found he craved the moments when the house was still and the twins were sleeping.
Who knew babies could be so exhausting? Bucky thought. Peter had enough energy as it was, but the babies seemed to have two speeds: 0 and 100. It was adorable and endearing, but still exhausting.
He went into the dining room and found a vase full with a large bouquet of red roses. His heart swelled at the sight (he blamed the omega hormones) and he put his nose near them and smelled. They even smelled like roses. It was hard to believe that people had ruined the flowers, but most roses these days didn’t seem to have a smell to speak of. It was the best part.
Steve came around the corner and smiled. He crossed over to where Bucky was standing and placed a soft kiss to his lips. Bucky hummed into the kiss.
“Happy Mother’s Day,” Steve said. Bucky rolled his eyes.
“I’m not a ma, Steve,” he replied.
“So why are you giving me shit for Mother’s Day?” he asked.
“Well, the way I see it,” Steve replied. “Mother’s Day is really just a day to appreciate someone you love. So… I decided that since there isn’t a mother in this family, that I would just celebrate you.”
Bucky reached a hand down and laced their fingers together.
“You’re a dork,” he said. Steve smiled.
“And a sap.”
“And a punk.”
“I love you,” Bucky said. He pressed their lips together in a gentle kiss. Steve wrapped his free arm around Bucky and drew him close. They kissed for a long, peaceful, blissful moment before the twins started crying. Bucky sighed with annoyance.
“Just as it was getting good,” Steve chuckled.
“Shut up, they’re hungry,” Bucky said. “I’m hungry, too. Make me some breakfast if you really appreciate me.”
Steve laughed and waved him off. He marched up the stairs and went straight to the nursery. He carefully picked up each baby and cradled them gently as he set himself down in a rocking chair. Becca was already hitting his chest, demanding food while little Joey just cried. Bucky hummed gently as he pulled his shirt up and each of them latched onto a nipple and began to suck. He leaned back in the chair and settled in.
He must have dozed off a bit, because the next thing he knew, the twins were squirming in his arms and definitely were not interested in food anymore. He stood up and took them downstairs. He placed them in the play pen they kept in the living room so he could help Steve with the cooking. He took a moment to smile down at them before he did so.
They worked in silent efficiency, orbiting around each other as they worked. Soon the room was filled with the smell of biscuits and eggs and bacon. It was an easy, somewhat shocking form of happiness. Back in the 40s, most of these seasonings weren’t even available and those that were were too expensive.
This part of retirement was both the most comforting and the most difficult to get used to. The cooking without wondering if they would be called on a mission, the going to sleep without wondering if an alarm would wake them and the twins, even being able to take a bath without wondering if they would have to get dressed quickly, it all seemed so strange.
The only thing that disturbed the quiet was the sound of babies crying. Even that was less stressful than hero work. Bucky didn’t mind it, either. After decades of assassinations, brutality, and violence, it was good to do something different.
Maybe it was why Steve started making more art. Maybe he got tired of the violence and destruction, too. Making something, nurturing something, it was hard, but it was also immensely satisfying.
“What are you doing?” Bucky asked.
Steve glanced up from where he was standing over the twins. They were playing on the carpet in the living room with big, goofy smiles on their faces. Steve, meanwhile, held a camera. An actual, honest to God camera, like professional people used instead of his phone like a normal person. He looked up sheepishly and grinned at Bucky.
“It’s their first Mother’s Day,” Steve replied.
“They don’t have a ma,” Bucky countered.
“They have parents who love them,” Steve said.
“You didn’t do this before,” Bucky said.
“Well, I thought I’d try something new,” Steve replied. “You know, scrapbooking, so we can look back on the times we had when they were babies.”
“You mean the thing where people have embarrassing baby pictures of their kids that they show to dates?” Bucky asked. Steve grinned and nodded.
“But, you know, also because they’re cute,” Steve replied. He held up the camera and looked at Bucky hopefully. “You wanna be in one?”
“For their, ‘Babies’ First Mother’s Day’ picture?” Bucky asked.
Steve looked like a little puppy the way he smiled so earnestly. It wasn’t fair that he could do that. Bucky’s resolve crumbled as he walked over to the twins and sat on the floor. They turned and smiled at him. He scooped up Becca with his left arm and Joey with his right. Joey reached up and took a lock of Bucky’s hair and giggled as he pulled it. Bucky ignored the little bit of pain. Hopefully it wouldn’t become a habit. He liked his hair.
The camera lens clicked and Bucky ignored it as he smiled between his babies. Becca giggled as Bucky kissed her head gently and the camera clicked again.
“You’re gonna be that suburban dweller who makes the family get themed pictures every year, aren’t you?” Bucky asked with a grin on his face.
“That’s a good idea,” Steve said. “Could be fun.”
Bucky made a note to kick himself later. Steve placed Joey’s elephant in Bucky’s lap and Joey abandoned the lock of Bucky’s hair (thank God) and started playing with the stuffed animal instead. He pulled on the ears, instead, and laughed.
“You’ll show me the pictures later, right?” Bucky asked.
“Of course,” Steve said. “I think I’m good, now.”
Bucky didn’t move to get up, but he did set them down on the floor. Steve sat down, too, and they played with their babies until they tuckered themselves out.
At the end of the day, after the babies were put to bed, Bucky crept through the house as quietly as possible. Who knew that the decades of espionage and assassin training would come in handy like this? He knew which parts of the house made sounds, how to avoid making them, and how to get from one end of the house to the other in complete silence.
Steve was decent at it, but obviously as Captain America, he had fewer stealth missions and more that involved straight up fights. There tended to be more explosions, too. As long as that didn’t become part of his parenting style, though, Bucky had no issues with that.
Of course, knowing that his birthday was on the 4th of July, there probably would be explosions involved in Steve’s parenting at some point. There was no getting around that. At least they would be small and easily controlled.
The light to the office was on and Bucky crept inside. Steve was sitting at the desk, clicking away at something. Bucky cleared his throat as he approached and Steve smiled sheepishly up at him.
“What’cha doin’?” Bucky asked. Steve was quiet for a bit.
“I’m experimenting with Photoshop,” he said. Bucky looked at the screen and sure enough, it was one of the pictures Steve had taken earlier. It was beautiful as it was, from what Bucky could tell. Then again, he had never been the artist. Steve had the attention to detail, the perfectionism that made him so good at it.
“You ever thought about going to school for this sorta thing?” Bucky asked. “They have that these days, you know. Could learn how to do this stuff all fancy and shit.”
“Language, Buck.”
“They’re sleeping,” Bucky drawled softly.
“I’ve thought about it,” Steve replied. “Not sure I’d wanna do it… you know, with my name.”
“Think SHIELD would give us fake names so we could go to college?” Bucky asked.
“Maybe,” Steve replied. “Not sure what they could do about your arm, though.”
“It’s easy enough to hide if you know how,” Bucky said. “I could manage.”
“Does that mean you wanna go to school?” Steve asked.
“Well I’m not gonna be your pretty stay-at-home omega, barefoot and pregnant,” Bucky said. “Not exactly what I was thinking when we retired.”
Steve chuckled. “Darn, there goes that fantasy.”
“Tough luck,” Bucky replied.
“What would you study?” Steve asked.
“No idea,” Bucky replied. “I just know that I have to do something. Staying at home is fine for now, but eventually I’m gonna get antsy.”
Steve was quiet for a while. “You know,” he said. “I could be the stay-at-home parent.”
Bucky looked down at him. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” Steve said. “I mean, I like being here. I could make art here at home, watch the kids. I don’t know if I would even have to take that many classes.”
“Could get Peter to babysit if we ever needed to be out of the house,” Bucky said. “I think you’d be great at being a stay-at-home parent.”
Steve smiled and leaned in to rest his head on Bucky’s chest. Bucky wrapped an arm around his shoulders and hugged him gently.
“Thank you,” Steve murmured. Bucky leaned down and kissed him. It was sweet and chaste and affectionate. Steve reached up and took Bucky’s face in his hands as he started to deepen the kiss. It became heated and Bucky pulled back.
“Stop,” he said. Steve nodded and pulled back a bit.
“Still not up for it?” he asked.
“No, I just don’t want an Irish twin in addition to the twins we have already,” Bucky replied. Steve chuckled.
“That would get in the way of school, wouldn’t it?” Steve said.
“I mean, maybe,” Bucky said. “I just know that I’m not ready to get knocked up again.”
Steve chuckled. At that moment, they heard the sound of a baby crying, which soon lead to the sound of two babies crying. Bucky sighed as his own arousal dampened.
“Duty calls,” he said. “I’ll get them, you keep doing what you’re doing here.”
“Okay, sweetheart,” Steve said.
Bucky walked out of the room and went to the nursery. He picked his babies up out of the crib and shushed them quietly, soothing their distress. They were tired. He sympathized. He walked over to his rocking chair and sat down to let them scent him. He stayed that way until they fell back asleep. The sound of a camera lens drew his attention and he looked up at Steve.
“Another one?” Bucky asked quietly.
“You’re all so cute when you’re like this,” Steve replied softly. “I love it. I’m gonna use this as a reference and draw it.”
Bucky actually smiled at that. “Sap.”
“That’s right,” Steve said. He walked over and kissed him. “Your sap.”
Bucky smiled. It was a nice thought. Steve was a good alpha. He was lucky, so lucky, to have him. Steve picked up one of the babies and set them back in the crib for the night. Bucky followed suit and as they walked off back to their room to go to bed, he found himself smiling at the simple, blissful life he had.
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Parent trap au
Peter has a semi-identical twin brother named Pierce. They have the same face but Peter has freckles and Pierce doesn't. Pierce also has dirty blond hair and Peter had chestnut brown hair. They both however have the same hazel doe eyes that held so much hope and innocence.
So they weren't perfect mirror twins but they were brothers and while Pierce was the bolder older brother he was also the dependent one. He was lost without Peter's calming presence. Peter was on the other hand lived on his twins shadow, he had no interest in changing that either.
Unfortunately when Pierce and his parents where driving to the air port there was a accident. Each of them where presumed dead and Peter he wasn't with them. The four year old was staying with his aunt and uncle because he caught the flu and couldn't go on the trip with his family.
Ironically, the family was going to cancel the trip and turn back instead because they couldn't really leave their son alone.
Their car was hit due to an officer redirecting traffic when they where making a turn around the corner. The result was not only both cars crashing but a third rear ending the first killing the Parkers on impact. The driver sandwiched in between bother cars was none other then Doctor Stephen Strange who later watched half conscious as paramedics pryed open a back door and pulled a bleeding child from the back seat.
I was impossible for the Doctor to forget the that night. He could only see the blood soaked boy being wrapped up carried off to one of the ambulances before they retrieved the mangled corpses of his family. Stephen did even know if the kid lived.
Surgery after surgery did nothing for the hotshot doctor. He had to find alternative practices in medicine. You know how that part of the story goes but what you don't know is that Stephen returned to the hospital to see what happened to the family he destroyed. He was thankful that the boy had actually survived but was shocked to find out that the boy was sent to foster care because they couldn't find a next of kin. The boy couldn't tell them either since they boy was not only mute but had amnesia. The accident had damaged the kid's brain quite a bit and while physically the boy can speak his brain can't connect the words to his mouth.
Nothing about the kid's parents could be found either. The record on them had been stripped clean, they didn't exist anymore.
So the nameless, mute, amnesiac child was staying at the hospital until they found a home for him after recovery.
The child was later adopted a few months later, by Stephen. The boy was renamed Sterling Strange. It meant valuable and pure in its modern form but its old English origins meant 'Little Star'.(Stephen read through twenty baby name books before finding the perfect match)
Stephen raised Sterling in the sanctum and was determined to teach him how to speak again and how to use ASL. Sign language was challenging since using his hands was hard for the warlock but he has Wong around to help.
Sterling knew about what happened to his family but never blamed Stephen for it. He loved his wizard dad and wouldn't change it for the world.
In New York a similar story was told as a Peter had adjusted to a life with out his parents and brother. On the anniversary of the accident his aunt and uncle cheered him up with tickets to the Stark expo. But like curse or a blessing it was attacked. Iron man himself had saved Peter's life and shielded him from the blasts. After it was all over Mr. Stark help him find his aunt and uncle.
Later that year there when financial troubles and they were faced with a hard decision. Peter was technically a foster child in the eyes of the state, mostly because they wanted him to have parents again and not just a aunt and uncle. This way May and Ben could also have a say in who Peter ended up with. They didn't want to lose their other nefew to a terrible family. Unfortunately they had to consider sending Peter to live in a different foster home for a bit until everything was sorted.
Peter was more then a little scared, he didn't want to be alone. So, in one of his weekly letters he sent to his hero Tony Stark he talked about what was wrong.
Tony unlike what you'd expect actually did read the letters. They were usually about what Lego sets the kid built or how good he did in class that day. The inventor kept the letters all over the house from his office desk to his work bench. Something about reading them always gave him the energy to go the extra mile. Heck, he even had a few of Peter's tests hung on his fridge.
So, the billionaire got involved. After many talks with the Parkers he knew they would never take money from him but they did agree to something else.
Soon enough Peter Parker became Peter Stark and May and Ben went back to working full time.
Tony learned that is wasn't going to be easy taking care of Peter.
The night of the accident Peter fever shot up quickly in his sleep. It caused a lot of damage to his respiratory system, it left Peter with bad asthma as well has a weakened immune system. There are some truly frightening times when Peter catches a cold and has a seizure. Thankfully Tony can afford the medical treatments and medications Peter needed to increase his immune response.
It was worst it of course Peter was the light of his life and he spoiled the kid as much as possible. He was a better father then his own as he watched star wars and help build robots with his son.
But then came that fateful day when the two boy where dropped off at camp. It was a camp for young upperclass geniuses. For children born and bred for greatness.
Tony cheated Peter's bag over and over again to make sure he had his inhaler. Peter watched as a bunch of kids stared as them. He hoped that no one at the camp treated him differently because of his last name. He hated being treated like some kind of celebrity by people his age because they always try to take advantage of him or talk behind his back.
On the other side of the drop off point Sterling and his father went over the rules. No magic, no fighting, no talking about magic, and play nice with the other kids. Sterling knew almost immediately that he was very different from the other kids. His robes where the first sign. In Kamar-Taj they were normal but he knew the outside world was a very different place. Stephen assured Sterling would be fine, as far as anyone could tell he was one of the foreign students from Nepal.
It was during a chess competition between cabins when the boys met. They where evenly matched the entire game until Sterling got bored and switched the rook and the bishop when no one was looking. Peter immediately called him out causing an argument.
This resulted into an all-out war between the boys. Peter would make fun of the blond's posh British accent when he was supposedly from india. Sterling believed Peter was a spoiled rich kid that couldn't take a joke.
Eventually the boys where forced to stay in a cabin together until they got along after a few too many pranks.
The boy eventually found out more and more about each other's pasts. Like that they were both adopted, they had the same birthday, and that both their parents died in a car crash. Peter admitted that he had a twin brother who died as well.
When Sterling signed/asked what he was like Peter shifted uncomfortably before saying his brother had blond hair and freckles like Sterling.
Sterling admitted that he lost his memory after the accident.
Peter thought for a moment before saying that his brother had a star shaped birth mark on the back of his neck. And upon inspection Sterling had it. Proof his bother was alive.
Sterling didn't know what to think. He wanted to know where he came from but he didn't know how to begin.
The boys came up with an admittedly stupid idea but two bottles of hair dye and a haircut later there they were.
The newly reunited twins wanted to see the other's life and this was their chance.
Sterling helped his brother learn sign language as well as how to navigate the sanctum. He also needed to tell Peter about magic and how to start using it. Thankfully, Sterling didn't know too much yet. Peter also needed to know how to speak in a British accent.
Peter laughed everytime he had to say telly instead of tv. It was also hilarious to see Sterling try to pronounce penguin.
On the other hand Peter had to teach his brother about New York and how to get around happy. He needed to make sure Rodney didn't catch on, he had the eyes of a hawk. Also Sterling needed to learn Italian since it was something he spoke exclusively with his dad and aunt when they where alone.
At the end of camp the boys had ended swapped places as they met their 'dads'.
For weeks they spent time getting to know their other parents.
Peter was in awe of the pure beauty of the sanctum and exploring the temples. Learning about relics and reading the ancient books in the library was insanely fascinating.
Sterling stared out at the city from the penthouse home. Looking down at the all the people going about their day was mesmerizeing. The city was alive and constantly moving and changing. Kamar-Taj seemed almost small in comparison.
Getting to know the fathers they had never met was another thing entirely.
Stephen worked tirelessly to help his son speak and when Peter who had no difficulty doing so did, the wizard had so much joy in his eyes.
The same went for Sterling as he had no trouble when it came to being active and had no need for an inhaler. Tony had lost hope of ever seeing his son run and play like a normal child but this was unbelievable.
Both boys felt guilty for what they where doing. They where tricking the people they cared about most and giving false hope to their guardians.
So they had to reveal themselves, the lies had to stop somewhere.
Stephen broke down when he heard the truth. He had no idea Sterling had a brother. He had not only orphaned two boys but he took one of them away. He should have tried harder to find his family. He shouldn't have separated them. He apologized over and over again as the boy hugged him. Peter didn't care what happened, he was just glad his brother had someone so caring in his life even if he wasn't in it.
"I should have help you too. He needed you more." Stephen whispered as he ran has hand through the boy's fake blond hair.
Tony had to hold back tears as he realized what this meant. He would listen to Peter's endless stories about his brother on nights he couldn't sleep or had nightmares about that night. Sometimes he really wished he could have just adopted both boys or at least have met Pierce. That way Peter could at have had someone else to grieve like he did. But to have that brother stand right in front of him m, it was a miracle. To know that Peter wasn't alone, it made things so much lighter.
"You look just like him. It's not a bad thing but I think I prefer your natural look." Tony said tears running down his face as he swiped the pale makeup off Sterling's nose so reveal a cluster of freckles underneath.
There came the time when both families had to switch their twins back but as soon as they met again the boy refused to be separated. They loved their fathers but they where brothers and they weren't going anywhere without the other.
The fathers had their hands tied so they had to work out a system.
At first the twin constantly changed houses but Stephen made a portal that linked the homes so everyone could come and go as they pleased. It resulted in what felt like one large home that didn't exist in a single place. The children got to explore a whole new world and the adults where at ease that they didn't lose theirs sons but gained another.
They co-parented like champs but Tony was still quick to spoil his twins. Stephen was still the fun dad though.
They became a happy family and yes they lived happily ever after.
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merinmunson · 6 years
I am my own hero
Pairings: Loki Laufeyson x Reader
Summary: You're Tony's sister and you worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. before you found out it had been taken over by HYDRA. HYDRA agents were trying to turn you into a Winter Soldier, when Loki tries to save you. But will he?
Warnings: mentions of violence, blood and angst.
S.H.I.E.L.D had collapsed and the Captain, Natasha, Sam and you were responsible. Bucky, Steve's best friend was alive and had been turned into a weapon. All the people you had worked with over the years... most of them served HYDRA. You used to have blood on your hands, but now it was better depicted as hands in a pool of blood. You had killed people you thought to be close with, people you'd trusted with your life... Those memories did not leave your mind any second of any day since you would find yourself remembering all that pain, all those perfect pictures of betrayal and death. And you were to blame.
Moving on from that came with a cost, you'd always have nightmares. But eventually you were able to find peace and rest, although you still had those horrendous bad dreams from time to time. A lot of HYDRA groupies were still on the streets, either camouflaged of just plain hiding from the new S.H.I.E.L.D and especially the Avengers (a team you weren't ashamed to say you belonged to), despite what most thought, you were not afraid of facing those thugs. There was a reason you were on the Avengers, you had superpowers and boy, were they amazing. You could control energy.
What did come as a surprise to you is that HYDRA was planning on turning you into their new Winter Soldier since Bucky had already been freed.
You were all alone in your apartment talking to Tony over the phone.
"Y/N, what would you say if I bought an island?"
"I thought you already owned an island"
"What made you think that?"
"You're probably the only billionaire who doesn't own an island"
Then you started to hear vague noises coming from outside your apartment, near the door. The best course of action was to alert Tony that something was going on.
"Well, brother, I gotta say, it's a shame Cap's lost his shield"
He understood the reference immediately.
"It is, but I'm on it right now"
And with that, you knew whatever happened you'd be safe. Carefully planning your next steps you hunged up the phone knowing they'd come without hesitation, whoever they were. And so it happened. A whole tactical HYDRA team broke into your apartment, a burnt Rumlow leading the way. You got on your knees with your hands on your head aware that there was no point on fighting, they were, after all, heavily armed. It took one punch to put you to sleep.
When you opened your eyes you found yourself tied up, obviously, to a chair. Your only advantage was the fact that none of them knew about your powers. Most of the time you would fight with weapons or just your body, only your team mates knew about your powers. You waited a short amount of time until one HYDRA agent showed up.
"Y/N Y/L... Who would've thought that the one to kill us, would be our salvation" he showed you a dark smile.
"What do you want? Who are you?"
Not only were you going to buy time until Tony and the others arrived but you wanted to solve this problem by yourself too.
"I suppose I can answer both of those questions, since you'll obviously forget in no time..."
Then it hit you. They wanted to turn you into a Winter Soldier.
"What, the Black Widow wasn't available for the job?" You joked, both Natasha and yourself were really good at fighting, but she already spoke many languages, that made her a perfect candidate for Winter Soldier. You would have had to be taught some stuff.
"That's one of the main things we like about you, you're smart. Too much, if you ask me. Unfortunately, we do not know where Miss Romanoff may be, unlike you. Not so hard to track you down."
"Huh, and here little old me thought changing apartments would do... guess I should have gotten myself out of the internet, shouldn't I?"
"Yes. You should have"
"But man, do you know how hard it is to live without Wi-Fi?"
He punched you straight on the jaw.
"That's definitely leaving a bruise"
He punched you again, this time near your mouth. You bit your lip and blood started dripping.
"Shut your mouth or we will sew it"
"Don't you need it open for me to talk in different languages? You seriously have to put your plan together..."
He was about to hit you again when suddenly, he stopped mid air.
"So you're stalling me, huh?"
Now you were terrified.
"Let's see if you talk so much shit after being wiped!"
He called for some agents to pick you up and take you to the machine were they'd turn you into a monster. On the way you tried to free yourself and hit the men carrying you, you screamed your lungs out hoping they would stop or drop you to cover their ears. All of that in vain. When you reached the room, one of them held you by the neck and the other untied you, both of them placed you and trapped you on the machine.
"I'm gonna kill you all!! Get me out of this!!"
All they did was look at you with an empty stare and wait for the magic to happen. Now was the time to use your powers. Looking at the source of the machine's powers you concentrated and saw clearly its energy, with a little effort you absorbed the energy into your own body and waited. You could easily take them all down now, but you wanted to see their boss.
"Won't you at least tell your boss to come here?!"
"Baron Strucker will see you after you're ready "
Now you had a name and you knew he had to be somewhere inside the building.
"Wow, I get to meet HYDRA's crème de la crème"
They took it as your last joke and pulled the lever. Right then you all heard a loud crash and witnessed how a man dressed in green with a mischievous smile, two daggers and black hair walked into the room. Two HYDRA troops appeared to fight him as you sighed, annoyed. It was Loki and he had ruined your goddamn plan!
You got out of the machine, breaking the metallic grips with your acquired superstrenght, product of the energy you absorbed, and fought HYDRA while they were too busy looking out for Loki. He had become an Avenger not so long ago to redeem himself from his past sins, you were completely okay with giving him a second chance and all that, you had to admit you were close to him. Nevertheless you didn't trust him enough to tell him about your powers.
They tried to shoot you and you simply dodged the bullets and shot them with the guns you took from your first victims. Once all of them were down and Loki was simply standing there since you acted faster than him, you turned around to actually face him. An exasperated sigh dropped from your lips.
"Why the hell did you come? I had this under control! Now their boss is probably out of reach, goddammit!"
"They were gonna turn you into their weapon, they hurt you, I can see the blood in your face and the bruises. Did you honestly expect me doing nothing to stop them?!" He asks not believing what he's hearing.
"It was all an act!" You shoot the remaining bullets against one of the lifeless bodies on the floor. "Fuck you, you son of a bitch" you tell the body.
"Your brother sent me here to save you, the least you could do was explain to me how did you do all that and say thank you."
"I'm not thanking you for saving myself"
"Come on, Y/N, you're the only one I would do this for willingly. I am kinda like your personal hero" he finished joking.
"Okay. Thank you, Loki. For standing there doing nothing." you tease him, now relaxed as you remember you still have the name.
"You do love to tease me, don't you, love?" He had never called you that, but hearing his voice whisper that to your ears sent shivers all over your skin.
"Who's teasing now, huh?"
"You still have to tell me how you did that"
You wondered if it was safe to tell him. He saw your consideration and told you to trust him, he told you he would never do anything to hurt you. You knew you had feeling for him and you also knew he had feelings for you too, the only reason you two weren't a thing was because of your trust issues.
That was when you finally decided it was time to let him into your heart.
"This is supposed to be a secret... I have powers. I control all kinds of energy"
"Does that mean that you could take all energy out of me right now and kill me?"
"If I knew how, yes. I haven't really used them much, I prefer to fight fair. And by the way, love, I am my own hero"
"How am I not surprised by that" he closes the space between you two. "I promise you, I will keep it a secret"
"Loki... do you... like... do you like me?" You ask afraid of the answer, not capable of being apart from him.
"No. I don't. I don't like you, Y/N... I love you"
You kiss him cupping his head on your hands as he grabs your body firmly, once you separate he looks at you smiling.
"We should have done that earlier"
"WHAT THE HELL, LOKI?! I TOLD YOU TO SAVE MY SISTER NOT TO MAKE OUT WITH HER!" Tony and the rest of the team appear and see the scene.
"Uh... Y/N are you okay?" Both Steve and Clint ask examining you whole. Loki steps aside to face an angry Big brother!Tony, Momma!Bruce and Momma!Nat
"If you hurt her in any way, I'll kill you" Nat threatens him.
"Just for you to know, Hulk is ready for round two"
"You'll kill me?"
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Your Eyes Burning at The Back on my Mind
A/N: SO. This is a late birthday present for the lovely!!!! @queen-of-pigeons , 
H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y !!
(Side note: this is possibly the longest thing I’ve written yet. 2.8k O_O)
(Side side note: I’m not abandoning my other fandoms or anything. Dw, my few followers. Although I’m on a semi hiatus lol.)
(Side side side note: Special Thanks to @slightlystalesushirolls , the best beta anyone could ask for!)
They meet on the battlefield, and Tony can't look away. At all. 
Which is either very fortunate, or very unfortunate. Fortunate, because this is important, the type of deal that could make or break his business (not that it isn't already made). Tony can't afford to look away, to lose focus, even for a second. Hydraulics manufacturers are serious business. It's unfortunate though, because he can't rip his eyes off of the man across from him long enough to pay attention to what's actually going on. For the rest of the meeting, he runs on autopilot and relies on natural charm. He's not entirely sure what just went on, and whether or not he's been completely taken advantage of. But Tony knows what hydraulics company he wants for his next venture. The one with the blue-eyed negotiator. STEVE After the meeting, Steve stops to take a break. They had, of course, briefed him beforehand. They told him about Tony Stark, ruthless CEO, who got what he wanted far too often. Always informed, with an insatiable urge to be at the top. But they didn't tell him about the dry wit and sharp banter, or his ass in Armani slacks, or the scent of expensive cologne that permeated the air. Steve stares off into space and inhales deeply, partly to calm himself, partly to try and get another breath of that cologne.
It's a few months after they meet, and he's home late. Again.
As he enters, he nearly trips over Peter, the six-year-old lump in spider-themed pyjamas sprawled practically in the doorframe. Damnit.
Five seconds later, Jarvis materializes.
“Hey, Jarvis.”
"He insisted on waiting up, Sir. I tried to convince him you would be happier if he waited in bed, but he refused quite adamantly."
"It's alright. C'mon, let's get you to bed."
He carries the boy back to bed. As he gently sets him down, Peter stirs awake. Just what Tony needs.
"Daddy? You're home late again."
"I know. It was a long day."
“Did you talk to Mr. Rogers again?”
He's mentioned the blue-eyed negotiator, whom he's learned is named Steve Rogers, a few times (or more) to Peter, but he never realized it had gotten to the point where his son remembered the name.
“Not today.”
He flashes back to endless agonizing over whether he's going to buy an entire company. Not over Steve Rogers. Buying companies is, also, serious business. The type that involves countless headaches and mountains of paperwork and negotiations galore (the only good part).
He does need hydraulics manufacturing if he's going to work on heavy vehicles, but if he's losing time with his son, perhaps this is going a bit far.
“Tell you what, I'll make it up to you by having take your kid to work day tomorrow!”
“But I have school!”
“You're so smart that you don't need school!”
Peter laughs. “You just say that ‘cause you’re my dad!”
“Well I am your dad, and you know what I say, Bug? I say you have to go sleep.”
“Can't I stay up a bit?”
“Nope. You've already stayed up late enough.”
Tony smiles, Peter scowls, and that's that. “Fine.” STEVE
"Seriously! You two give 'heated negotiations' a new meaning! The rest of us are just waiting for the sexual tension to end!"
Steve groans. The new techie ended up staying for the whole meeting, chatting with the Stark Industries secretary after coming to check on a faulty projector. Her name is… Wanda? Or something. Pretty sure she has a brother in the engineering department.
And she hasn't stopped talking about him and… Tony? Mr. Stark? The CEO of Stark Industries.
According to her (and apparently, the rest of the tech department) they have good chemistry.
There certainly is some kind of spark when they're in an intense back and forth. Like holding a match to an oil slick, dangerous and ready to ignite.
He hopes it might lead to something more. But Tony (Mr. Stark?) is so above him, he might as well wish for the moon.
Even though he's made an impromptu take-your-kid-to-work day, it doesn't mean any less work, which is a problem. He can't take Jarvis with him (the butler/babysitter probably needs a break anyways), and Bruce (head of engineering) flat out refused, citing a short temper and lack of child-minding skills despite possibly being the most gentle person Tony knows.
This is how he ends up with Peter in his office, babbling nonsensically.
“Yeah, Bug?”
“I'm bored.”
There's a pause, as Tony attempts to fill out yet more forms and the phone rings.
“Tony Stark speaking. Who is this and why the hell are you bothering me? … I see. When is it due? … Fuck. I'll be there in five minutes.”
Peter looks up.
“Bug, something important just came up. I need to go up.”
“Can I come?”
“Not this time. Here, why don't you go down to the vending machine and get some snacks? Then come back here to wait for me. I'll be right back.”
Peter takes the twenty dollar bill and nods wordlessly. Tony walks out of the office, but not before registering the disappointment on his son’s face.
He's on break wandering through the building when he noticed the kid. Pretty cute, actually. (Steve’s been always susceptible to cute kids.) He knows Tony has a son, so this is probably him. What other child would be on the engineering floor sitting beside the entrance to Mr. CEO’s personal workshop with a bag of chips?
As he gets closer, he realizes that the boy is struggling to hold back tears.
“What's your name?”
“Daddy calls me Bug, but my real name is Peter.” he sniffles.
“So, Peter, what are you doing out here?”
He imagines the enigmatic Tony Stark losing his temper and throwing the child out, but can't really picture him doing it.
“I got locked out.”
This time, he's actually starting to cry, and the tears that pooled in his eyes are running down his cheeks. In no time, he's sobbing, almost wailing into the floor.
Steve does the reasonable thing to do when confronted with a crying child. Panicking internally and forcing his face into (hopefully) a happy expression.
“Well, until he comes back, I can stay here with you!”
Peter gulps, and his breathing slows, if only slightly.
There's an awkward pause in the conversation. Peter quickly fills it.
“Do you know my dad?”
“Is this his office we’re outside of?”
“Then yes, I do know him. In fact, I work with him!”
Peter smiles, and it's as brilliantly blinding as only a happy child’s can be. Completely adorable.
“Wait, Mister, what’s your name?”
Steve realizes with some horror that he never introduced himself. He just walked up to a random kid in the hallway and starting talking. Not creepy at all.
“I'm Steve. But you can call me Mr. Rogers if you want.”
Peter's eyes light up in recognition.
“Oh! I know you! Daddy talks about you all the time!”
Steve’s heart skips a beat. He's pretty sure there's a blush spreading across his face. What if it's something bad, though? Like how Bucky (his roommate and best friend) talks about his coworker T’Challa constantly. As in fuckin’ T’Challa finished the contract before me. Again. And he’s team leader for the Vibranium Project. Or fuckin’ T’Challa brought gluten-free scones to staff social night again. Why can't he just get regular scones like a normal-fuckin’-person? Of course, he's met T’Challa and the man seems kind, technologically minded, and clever. Gluten-free scones aside. Still, what might the great CEO, Tony Stark, say about him?
“Mhmm. He usually says a lot of bad words when he thinks I'm not listening! And he thinks your butt is nice. And you have pretty eyes. And he says you're suuuper haaandsoo--”
“Peter Benjamin Parker-Stark!”
“Uh-oh.” Peter’s eyes widen, a grimace appears. But not before Steve watches a self-satisfied grin flit across his face.
“That’s enough of that! Into my office!”
Steve looks up, at the flustered, exasperated, and very, very red CEO of Stark Industries.
“Uh.” Steve gulps, acutely aware of his precarious position.
Then Mr. Stark (Tony?) clears his throat. “Oh, you know. Kids like to babble and exaggerate. My apologies, Mr. Rogers.” He half mutters, half says (but still in that forceful way of his).
“Apology accepted. And please, call me Steve.”
“In that case, Mr. Ro--Steve, call me Tony.”
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. This was not how Steve Rogers was supposed to find out. Tony was going to dazzle him and awe him and make him so love-struck that Steve would be falling at his feet. Not that anyone wouldn't fall at his feet, Tony assures himself. He is the irresistible Tony Stark. Now to explain some very crucial details to his son.
“Yes Daddy?”
Peter gives him a wide-eyed, innocent look. Where’d he learn that? (Tony then realizes that it’s the same look he gives Pepper after he’s dismantled the photocopier for the millionth time.)
“If someone asks what someone else thinks of them, we don’t say if one likes the other.”
“But you do have a crush on himmm. Don’t you want me to tell the truth?”
Tony almost shrieks, before catching himself. “It’s not a crush.” he says firmly. (It is in fact a crush, now that Tony thinks about it. But he refuses anything ‘cutesy’. That’s just not in the Stark code of conduct.)
Peter groans. “But you liiiiiiike him.”
Tony sighs. This is going to take a while.
So. Tony Stark. Gorgeous, witty, fucking CEO of Stark Industries, likes him. Maybe. Probably. What the fuck is he going to do now?
Besides panic. He's got that covered. What if it's just innocent child babble?
Or what if Peter overheard Tony (it's nice to know what to call him) talking about Pepper Potts, the almost freakishly competent secretary? Or Diana Prince, the charming, kickass personal relations manager?
What will he do then? And why does this information matter so much anyways?
Then he remembers; somewhere along the line, he's called head over heels, completely in love.
He needs help. Professional help. He needs to talk to someone.
“Bucky. Stop laughing! Please.”
“I-I’m sorry, Steve, really.” Bucky manages to huff out, before collapsing into another fit of laughter.
“It's just so funny…”
“Right. My personal relationship crisis is funny. You know, I listen to you rant about T’Challa and the scones.”
“O-o-okay slow down. Those issues are totally different! One is the tiny, little son of your boss or whatever telling you that Stark thinks you're hot--”
“--he's not my boss. Negotiations for the company are practically at a standstill.” Steve is bright, bright red. The red you'd find on ripe tomatoes and fire trucks.
“Sure, try to add the technical talk in there. The issue still stands; not-boss thinks you're hot. On the other hand, we have a job-stealer, and more importantly, gluten free scones. Do you understand how bad they are? Do you understand? They look like normal scones, but it's like eating fuckin’ glue!”
“Fine. I can be serious. Honestly? Tell him you've fallen madly in love with him and maybe he'll take you in.”
Well. That conversation went nowhere. Maybe he needs a different angle.
Natasha isn't laughing as hard as Bucky, but she's still cackling.
“Ha! Clint needs to pay up! I told him that Tony would come through first!”
“The office has a pool. Diana, Pietro, Bruce, and Sam all think Tony’s too much of a chicken to make the first move. Me, Clint, Wanda, and Pepper, are all team Tony ‘cause we think he's got more nerve than you! There are different bets going, though, for the details.”
Steve takes a moment to clear his head, and consider his next statement.
“That's not relevant to the question though. Natasha, please.”
“Alright. I know the face of a man in pain.”
He sighs in relief.
“Do you really want my honest opinion? I don't know if you'll like it...”
“I'm desperate. I'll take it.”
It's her turn to sigh, then take a deep breath. “I think that you should tell him. You two would be good for each other! You’d balance him out, y’know?”
“I guess…”
Damn. This wasn't what he was hoping for. He was hoping someone would tell him that he didn't have a chance. It would be a lot easier than actually telling Tony that he reciprocates these (possible) feelings. But what if he’s wrong?
Lately, it feels as though there's something between him and Steve. Not just the slightly heated tension from before. Just… Tension. Like how sometimes, Steve will start to say something, flush (attractively, everything he does is attractive, from the little gestures he makes when he's talking, to the way of his voice when he's talking about something he cares about) then start talking about finances. Or tie colours. Or anything remotely uninteresting.
Tony’s not an idiot. He knows what it is.
Peter may have meant well, but he’s put up an awkward sort of wall. Not that it’s really Peter’s fault. Tony should've made a move sooner. But what if Steve had said no? It's a foreign thing, this fear or rejection. Tony has been charming and disarming for as long as he can remember. He's always gotten what he wants. Until now. This is different. Maybe, just maybe, it's some form of love? Whatever that is.
October turns to December, fall to winter, and he's still done nothing. Nothing. At. All. He hates this. But he's too much of a coward to do anything. That's going to change tonight, probably.
It's the office party for Tony’s near and dear (besides Peter, who is hopefully asleep and away from all the stupid, inebriated people here). This includes certain people from the hydraulics manufacturing company, with whom he's works so close with for the year. Even after deciding not to buy it at the end of November. It's a sort of last hurrah. He's completely drunk.
Steve shows up, cute in an ugly Christmas-themed sweater. Tony’s opted for a casual suit, which he hopes looks good. Well, he did. He's too far gone to care right now. Besides the top-notch assortment of alcohol, there is also a buffet. The canapés are amazing.
Steve walks up to him. Tony almost swoons. But not quite. He can hold his liquor.
They meander over to a doorway.
“Tony Stark? Drunk at this hour? Why am I not surprised?” Steve smirks, smile made of light and teasing and mischief.
Tony notes the change in his manner instantly. It's less formal, much more intimate than usual.
“I’m not. Just, less coherent. Have I mentioned you look fabulous tonight?”
“Are you hitting on me, Mr. Stark?”
“It's Tony, and so what if I am?”
What is coming out of his mouth? Apparently he has no filter now. Might as well come out and say it.
“Your ass looks fucking fantastic in those jeans, by-the-way.”
Aaand he’s said it. It's done. Steve is the colour of an adorable beetroot. Everyone is staring. All conversation has stopped. Must've been loud.
Chatter eventually resumes. But some things are different. First of all, conversation is stilted and charged. There’s a buzz in the air, and it's not just the alcohol. Second, the rest of the party seems to be holding its breath.
Someone from the crowd yells; “Just kiss already!”
He realizes that they're standing under mistletoe (what a fucking cliché) and decides to throw all caution into the wind. Except Steve’s already done that.
They're kissing, really kissing. Lips and tongue and teeth mesh together and time stands still.
Someone in the crowd (Natasha?) shouts out. And he doesn't think anymore.
Before Steve, love was a string of one night stands and extravagant gifts, empty promises and bottles of vodka. He knows better now. Because this, right here in Steve’s arms, is where he belongs.
He wakes up beside Tony. It's… warm. And soft. And better than anything he dared to hope it would be. Slowly, reluctantly, he gets out of bed. If only to open the blinds for the view from the penthouse apartment.
Tony grumbles. “Why are the blinds open? Jarvis? Turn on a heater. It's fucking cold--”
He looks up.
“Oh. Come back.”
Once they're snuggled back together, Tony pipes up again.
“I'm going to have a hell of a time explaining this to Peter.”
Steve smiles. “I think he's already figured it out.
“I think I might be in love with you.”
“I know.”
Closing A/N: This is just to say that I know that Diana is DC. (She’s Wonder Woman for goodness’ sake. Geez.) But I love her so much... 
Deleted Scene:
“Yup. I'm adopted.” He rolls each syllable of the word around in his mouth like a pebble.
“But Daddy says don't worry about stuff like that when I have school!”
“That does sound like your dad.”
“Well duh! He said it
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leisurelypanda · 6 years
To be honest, Steve didn't have any idea what was going on. One moment he was asking his boyfriend to have sex with him someday, the next he was scared out of his wits. He and Thor spent more time together than ever. It was a few days before Steve once again found himself with his shirt off and Thor tenderly kissing the scars left long ago. Just like before, he found himself feeling exposed and vulnerable. Unlike before, Thor removed his shirt as well and their chests touched. Steve trembled against him. Thor made no move, however, to press his advantage.
Not that it helped with Steve's arousal. And this second time, he could feel the evidence of Thor's. And that, more than anything, more than being with him or showing him his scars, more than the idea of standing up to his father, terrified him. The idea that someone could somehow want him in… that way.
He could barely sleep at night, going over what he said to him, wondering if he made a mistake, whether Thor really wanted him at all or if he was just a horny teenager. He wondered if he truly was falling for him or if he himself was a horny teenager. He wondered if he would ever really be ready when Thor was ready. He even wondered whether all of this was a good idea.
On the Friday before Thanksgiving, Steve awoke feeling like he hadn't slept at all. His alarm went off 5 times before his mom was forced to practically pull him out of bed so he could get ready for school. They barely got out the door to get to school on time. On the way to school, Steve looked down at his phone to see a text from his boyfriend. It made sense, he would usually have been at the meeting place 15 minutes ago by now.
Are you well?
I’m fine, I was just late getting out of bed, he replied.
I am relieved. See you soon :)
He smiled in spite of himself at the fact that Thor was worried about him. It didn’t help his conundrum, though.
“Mom, can I ask you something?”
“Of course, dear,” she said.
“How do you know when you’re... ?” he trailed off.
“When you’re what?” she asked.
“...in love,” he said. His mom, thankfully, didn’t laugh at him. She smiled knowingly.
“It depends. You might think about him constantly, you might feel really, really good when you’re around them, you might feel really, really stressed--”
“Well, if anyone can accomplish feeling really happy and really stressed at the same time,” he said. “I think it’s me.”
She laughed at that. “You make future plans with him--”
“Like Thanksgiving,” he interrupted again.
“Yes, like that,” she said with a smile. It had been years since they actually went somewhere with a Thanksgiving dinner. Bucky always visited family elsewhere, so it was usually just the two of them. “You might feel safe when you’re with him and things that might terrify you don’t seem as bad if you’re with him.”
Steve remembered the night Thor got him to go on the roller coasters at Coney Island. He hated it, but somehow it didn’t fill him with trepidation like it did. He’d do it again. That was to say nothing of the daily fear that he lived with that he wasn’t living up to Thor’s expectations or that he was somehow failing him. Thor had a… soothing presence. Even if it didn’t help completely, it did help some.
“I think I might be falling in love with Thor,” he said quietly. She smiled with sympathy.
“I know, dear,” she whispered, reaching out to squeeze his hand. “I know.”
“I don’t know what to do,” he confessed.
“Have you told him?” she asked.
“Well, a couple weeks ago I said I thought I was falling hard for him,” he said.
“What did he say?”
“He said he was in the same boat,” he replied. “But I don’t want to like… scare him off, you know?”
“Well, you don’t have to say anything just yet,” she said. “Who knows? Maybe you’ll be surprised.”
“I wish I could know for sure,” he said.
“I know you do,” she whispered. Shortly after she pulled into the school parking lot. “Now, dry your eyes and hurry on inside before you’re late to class.”
“Thanks mom,” he said, grabbing his backpack. “Love you!”
“I love you, too,” she said with a wave. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Steve didn’t get a chance to talk to Thor until school let out. For a school that was about to go on break, the teachers were oddly insistent that they get shit done. Except for Ms. Foster, who seemed to understand that at the end of the day, no one was really paying attention to physics. Not with a week off school so within reach.
“Have you been sleeping, älskling?” Thor asked after class.
“Not really,” he admitted as they trudged down to the parking lot. They made plans to hang out after school today, to celebrate a break from school. “I’m pretty sure I went most of the night without.”
“Is it your anxiety?” he asked.
Yes. “No, I’ve just been working too hard,” he replied. Thor raised an eyebrow but didn’t contradict him. He wasn’t sure whether that was a good sign or not. Besides, if the bags under his eyes were any indication, Thor looked like he was short on sleep, too.
“Maybe we can take a nap before we do anything else today,” Thor said. Steve snickered.
“Does the mighty Thor take naps?” he asked.
“The mighty Thor takes power naps,” his boyfriend replied with a grin. “Care to join me?”
Perhaps against his better judgment, Steve nodded as he stifled a yawn. He managed to last until they got to Thor's house. As soon as they were on the couch, Steve laid his head on his boyfriend's shoulder and fell right to sleep. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Steve was standing in the middle of a golden palace. All around him people wore garments that hadn't been seen in easily 1000 years. There were robes so regal he couldn't imagine the cost, warriors in armor that gleamed in the golden light. He couldn't help but feel like he was out of place until he looked down at himself. He was dressed in soft, form fitting blue robes with a burgundy tunic beneath.
He looked up and, to his shock, he stood in the middle of a crowded throne room. The people cheered. Steve immediately felt self-conscious being the center of everyone's attention. At the end of the hall in front of the steps ascending to the throne was… Thor… on a majestic, white horse. Clad in glittering black armor that outlined his muscular form, a long red cape that dragged behind him on the floor, and a hammer, of all things, he was the image of royal bearing. His boyfriend beamed at him as he approached.
When Steve arrived at the foot of the stairs, Thor dismounted and kissed him full on the lips to the adoring cheers of the public.
“Welcome,” a voice boomed. Steve jumped and looked up at the throne. It was Odin, but instead of looking like a thundercloud as he so often did, he looked kind, gentle even. Strangely, he also wore an eye patch and he held a great spear in one hand. Next to him on one side was Frigga, smiling down at him and Loki on the other. Tony was there too, and he looked as out of place as Steve felt.
“My firstborn son shall declare his intentions today before our court,” he intoned.
“Huh now?” Steve asked. Thor walked over to him and took his hand in his, lacing their fingers together as they so often did.
“My love,” he said in a clear, powerful voice. “I have never been happier since I have known you. Your beautiful heart and your warrior's spirit have enticed me like no other. With your blessing, I will make you my husband and consort. Will you have me?”
“Yes!” he cried. “Yes I will!”
“Let it be known,” Odin intoned. “That I, Odin All-father, bless and sanction this union!”
The throne room erupted in cheers and Thor captured Steve's lips in a passionate kiss. Then he lifted him up onto the horse. Steve gripped the saddle for dear life as Thor mounted the steed behind him.
“I have you, my love,” he whispered. He gripped the reins and drove the horse into a gallop. They rode through the streets, people cheering as they passed and they kept riding until finally they reached the limits of the golden city.
“Ready for the next adventure?” Thor asked. Steve smiled and laid a hand on his.
“Always,” he said. Thor moved the horse to a trot and they rode out into the gleaming sunset. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Steve awoke on the couch feeling somewhat disoriented. For one, he was lying down. His head was resting against something… not uncomfortable, but definitely too firm to be a pillow. He felt someone's hand in his hair and heard someone snoring softly above him. Another arm was resting protectively on his back. His arms were also wrapped around something warm. It was then that he realized that he was literally sleeping on Thor. Steve's body was nestled between Thor's legs and his head rested on his stomach.
Thor's breaths were slow and even. Steve was in the awkward position of wanting to cuddle with his boyfriend but also wanting to do something. With nothing better to do, he thought back on the dream he had. It wasn’t like most dreams he remembered. Most were bad, based in some kind of fear, according to Dr. Erskine. This one, this one was positively joyful. It was strange. The image of Thor as a kind of knight in shining armor seemed appropriate. It did fit somewhat with how he saw him. He reached for his backpack on the floor beneath him and took out his sketchbook. He was going to try and capture that image.
Trying to draw something from a memory as hazy as a dream was always challenging. He had already drawn Thor. That picture was more or less done by now. He just needed to make a few adjustments. Motivation to work on it had been fleeting over the past few weeks. He looked up an image of a white horse for a reference. Having only ever seen horses a handful of times, and then mostly in movies or videos, it was difficult at first. He managed to get the dimensions right after a few tries. Drawing Thor on top of it would be another challenge. He went through half a dozen sheets of paper before he was satisfied with the outcome.
In lieu of drawing dozens of separate, distinct faces, Steve decided to just draw the sun through a large, open window with Loki and Frigga in the background. He debated drawing Odin as well, but decided to forego it for now. Odin left a bad taste in Steve’s mouth. He couldn’t figure out why. The sun shone its rays down on the figures there, filling the room with the golden light from Steve’s dream.
Steve set the drawing aside and stretched his cramped hand. His fingers had long since formed calluses where he held his pencils when he was sketching. He looked over at Thor. He was still sleeping, none the wiser, evidently. His face was gentle, serene. Stray strands of hair fell across his face. His beard was getting a bit long, but it was well groomed and neat, not like the messy, scraggly beards young people seemed to have more often than not. He honestly couldn’t imagine him clean shaven. He found his beard too attractive to entertain the thought for long.
He leaned back against him. He relished the warmth of his body. Thor hummed and wrapped one of his arms back around him. Steve smiled and rested his head against his chest.
Then, whether it was bravado or if he was spending too much time with Loki, a wonderful, mischievous thought occurred to him. He moved up Thor's body and began to kiss his neck. His hand sneaked up to his hair and ran his hands through it, massaging his scalp.
Thor purred. Whether it was in his sleep or if he was beginning to wake up, Steve couldn't tell. But he took it as a good sign. He continued his ministrations, moving to suck at his neck and sneaked a hand up beneath Thor's shirt to feel his body. He trembled. This boldness wasn't usually his thing. Maybe Thor was rubbing off on him.
Thor hummed beneath him. He was beginning to stir beneath him. His hands began to roam over his body. Steve shivered as his hands touched his sides, trying not to laugh. His hands reached the small of his back… then went past it to rest on his ass.
“Thor,” Steve whispered.
“Steve,” Thor replied. His hands continued to grope him. Thor bucked his hips slightly and Steve gasped as he realized they were both hard. He bit his lip and moaned.
Thor's eyes fluttered open. His hands paused for a moment and Steve froze.
“Is this a dream?” he asked. He, perhaps hesitantly, squeezed Steve's ass. Steve moaned and jumped in Thor's arms as his boyfriend began to knead his ass. “If it is, it is a good dream.”
“No,” he whispered.
Thor paused and his hands rose up to his back.
“Please,” he whispered into Thor's ear. He pulled his hair, gently. “Don't stop.”
Thor regarded him for a moment. Then Thor kissed him and returned his hands to where they had been. It was the slow, lazy kiss of a man who had everything he wanted and Steve smiled against his lips.
“My little hero,” he whispered. “How brave you are becoming.”
Steve preened at the endearment. One of Thor's hands squeezed his ass again. The other snaked up below his shirt. Steve hummed as he felt Thor's callused hand caress the small of his back. He arched into the touch, pressing the evidence of his arousal against his boyfriend's.
“Oh my God!” he gasped. He blushed so much he thought his face would burst into flames. He tried to get away, but Thor pulled him close and rolled them over so Steve was trapped between him and the couch cushions. He was completely shocked when Thor began to rut himself against him.
Someone made a disgusted noise. He saw Loki covering his head with a hand.
“If you two must hump each other,” he said. “You might want to wait until everyone's gone or find somewhere private to do it.”
Steve hid is mortification in Thor's neck until Loki left.
“We can stop if you want,” Thor whispered.
Do I want that? he wondered. It was hard to think clearly. He wanted the physical proximity. He wanted to be with Thor, but… was he ready for their relationship to go there? It wasn't like they would go that far today, but still, it felt like a big deal. He couldn't help the surge of anxiety as he realized what his answer was.
“Yes,” he said. “I want to stop. I'm sorry.”
Thor rested his head against Steve's. “You need not apologize, älskling,” he said. “We do not have to do anything you are not ready for.”
Steve closed his eyes and breathed in tandem with his boyfriend. He felt his heart rate begin to settle. He released a shaky breath.
“Thank you,” he whispered.
“It is no trouble, my little hero,” Thor replied. He kissed his nose and sat up. “What's this?”
Thor held up the picture of him from Steve's dream. Steve had managed to get the rough outline of the picture mostly done. If he wanted to, he could start sketching with colors.
“Oh. That,” he said. “It’s something knew that came to me.”
“Should I pose on a horse to help your process?” he asked with a grin. “I can ride a horse, if you want.”
“Do you happen to have a red cape as well?” Steve asked drily. "What about a suit of armor?"
“Alas, I do not,” he replied. “My heroic visage will be incomplete. I would like to see it when it is complete.”
“I can do that,” Steve agreed. “Speaking of completed drawings, I have this.”
He flipped to the page with the final edition of the picture he had started sketching some weeks back and handed it to his boyfriend. Thor held it gently.
“You did this with colored pencils?” he asked in amazement.
“It's not that impressive,” he said.
“Älskling, I do not know what you compare your art to,” Thor said as he gazed at the picture. “But you are too modest. This is amazing.”
“Thanks babe,” he said. He wasn't sure whether to believe him. He personally didn't think that his art was that impressive. But it was rude to turn down a compliment, he had learned.
“Do you mind if I show mother?” he asked. “She wanted to see it, remember?”
Steve fell back against the couch cushions again.
“Fine.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Whether it was empty flattery or if Frigga genuinely loved it, Steve wasn't sure how to react. Frigga stared at it for a long time, her eyes wandering over every little detail examining. He sat still and waited for any word of criticism. She was silent, though. He felt a bit like he was in the hot seat. He was trying not to fidget.
“Steve,” she said. “This is truly remarkable.”
“It's nothing special,” he said. “I mean, it's just some scribbles on a piece of paper. I can't make real art like you.”
“Steve, false modesty isn't attractive on anyone,” she said. “What you have here is art as much as anything I've ever done.”
Frigga set down the drawing and took his hands in hers. For the first time, he noticed that she also had calluses from practicing her art. She looked into his eyes with such gentleness that whatever protest he had prepared died on his tongue.
“Sweetheart,” she said. “It's okay to be proud of what you've done. To be happy with what you've managed to achieve. This is something to take pride in. Don't be ashamed of anything that makes you happy.”
Tears welled in his eyes. He wished, very briefly, that he wasn't such an easy crier. It made him feel weak. Frigga looked at him for another long moment and drew him into a gentle, motherly embrace. It was a bit like hugging Thor, actually.
“Thank you,” he whispered.
“My dear boy,” she whispered back. “Anytime.”
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