#doktor blutwurst
tealeafmissiles · 1 year
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scrapped berman comedies of steel episodes, official and drawn by higashi !! featuring blutwurst making coffee, baum and stollen being deaf, flam being pretzel's bodyguard while he writes in his journal, hax secretly reading children's picture books, and britz being bros with boron ! havent seen anyone else post all of these so i guess i finally will !! unfortunately there's no translation, though someday i may try to translate em if no one else will. they were published in volume 6 of cyberconnect2's "Our Chaser Game" books iirc.
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flam-kish · 2 years
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Blutwurst: ok so im on medication and it can make me spacey as fuck, right?
Pretzel: where is this going?
Blutwurst: and that’s not too much of an issue, I can make batteries in my sleep at this point, don’t even care, anyway. The issue comes when we’re driving.
Flam: we were in the car yesterday and there was a pothole. I said “to the left” and he just mumbled “take it back now y’all” and hit the Pothole straight on.
Pretzel: how did you live to 33…?
Blutwurst: I’d say god only knows but I killed him.
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small-toast · 2 years
I can have one problematic fave...yes it's Doktor Blutwurst (´。_。`)
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number1villainstan · 6 months
Ok, so, I have a random question and it’s something that’s been bugging me for a while but I don’t know how to go about figuring it out so I decided I’d ask you cos I know it’s something you can probably know more about.
Would you say that from a meta standpoint, that Doktor Blutwurst is a good character? Like, his canonical backstory and how he is as a villain and such, would you say he’s a good character? Not likeable but well written/well executed I suppose.
Take your time answering this, there’s no rush.
Hmm, that is a good question. I'm not sure if I'd say he's a well-fleshed out character, especially because a lot of the tropes surrounding his backstory are kind of overused for cheap sympathy plays and because we see very little of him, but I'd definitely say he's the most character lmao
Okay, so--Blutwurst's role in the story is as an antagonist, obviously, but we can get more specific than that. The main emotions that Blutwurst's depiction in-game are meant to evoke are disgust and hatred; outside the diary entries that insinuate he was raised in an abusive household, he's never presented as sympathetic or kind or fair or with any sort of redeeming quality. The game gives him no charisma, not like Hax. To this end, the game not only shows him engaging in undeniably harmful acts and conduct, but also uses a variety of common (fatphobic, ableist, probably racist too) tropes to establish him as a "gross villain" right off the bat. I won't get into them right now, but I will say that these tropes seem to convince the average player to hate and be disgusted by Blutwurst pretty quickly.
(It bears saying right now that you and I, Horizon, are not average players/viewers--we're living a lot of the things those bigoted tropes are based on and know that That's Not How It Works, and we can use ourselves and our life experience as reference to figure out what's going on inside Blutwurst's head. In other words, he's more sympathetic to us than he is to the average viewer because we share certain traits with him.)
In the sense of doing what he's supposed to do, providing a Hate Sink for the player, then yeah he does a pretty good job for the average player, even though the designers used bigoted tropes to do it. In the sense of being well-fleshed-out or realistic, not so much--but then again, as a general rule, Hate Sinks generally aren't very well-fleshed-out, because knowing a character's backstory tends to make the average player hate them less. I hope that answers the question?
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Pretzel: what are you people doing?
Flam: Girlbossing.
Blutwurst: no fucking clue.
Britz: suffering.
Hax: Enduring Flam’s artery-clogging torture.
Flam: I’m just saying! Sometimes I wanna drink the oil from the pan when I’m done!
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Pretzel: there are no ‘I’s in team.
Blutwurst: nah, but there are six Is in ‘fuck it, I don’t care how big the room is, I cast fireball!’
Hax: oh my god…
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number1villainstan · 11 months
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new hyperfixation just dropped
(credit for edited images goes to @chrono-of-june)
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Blutwurst: -what did you just say about me?
Flam: that you’re easy to draw.
Blutwurst: I’m not easy to draw! ..why is this so insulting? Easy to draw…If I’m so easy to draw then draw me!
Flam: I will. Bet.
Blutwurst: …I already regret that.
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Flam, pestering Blutwurst at 3am in the lab: what are you thinking about?
Blutwurst: what if one day I was wearing a watch and I asked it for the time, and you notice it’s not actually a watch at all, but in fact a shrimp, curled around my wrist, and he whispers ‘10:30pm’ to me, but of course, he’s just guesstimating, as shrimps often do.
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Flam: you ever stay awake for so long you start seeing spiders?
Blutwurst: me when i pull three all nighters and start seeing the hat man
Flam: the WHO
Blutwurst: oh this isn’t a safe space suddenly
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Hax: You’re Gay?
Flam: yeah, I’m a lesbian.
Hax: Blutwurst is Gay Too. You two should hook up.
Blutwurst: what!?
Flam: I- no- that’s not how it works-
Pretzel: I’m so sorry about him- he’s new to this whole thing-
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Pretzel: wait you’re helping hax do WHAT to felineko!?
Blutwurst: i don’t know! He says insane shit and abandons projects all the time! How was I supposed to know he was being serious!?
Hax: Bank Accounts Are a scam created by the shadow government!
Blutwurst: See!?
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Muscat: I’m pulling you over on account of having three people on a single motorcycle.
Flam: damnit…wait, three?
Muscat: …yes..three..?
Blutwurst: oh my god
Hax: Pretzel fell off!!
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Flam: what the fuck happened.
Pretzel, Holding baby Blutwurst: he turned himself into a baby.
Hax: and he’s still a bitch.
Blutwurst: you are literally fatherless and motherless, pick a struggle.
Hax: i’m about to get real racist-
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*texting in some sort of modern au*
Hax: Virgin Olive oil? Heh. Not after I’m done with it.
Hax: oh my god wrong group chat.
Pretzel: who the hell could that POSSIBLY have been for!?
Blutwurst: don’t answer that. I like my sanity.
Kish: you don’t have sanity
Blutwurst: i did until about 10 years ago.
Kish: what happened ten years ago?
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