#dolores cannon
spiritualseeker777 · 5 months
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calmwaterstarot · 4 months
What’s the basics for loa or manifesting, I’d like to try it this week. It’s basically believing you already have what you long for right and if god or the universe approves you get it? I’d love to learn or any tips. 😊
This is going to be a long one, anon!
I prefer Law of Assumption over Law of Attraction. The gist is that you are the master creator of your own reality and your subconscious mind is the computer, so to speak. You generate your reality through your thoughts. Once you assume something is yours, it HAS to happen. People like to speed this up using LoA techniques, like scripting (writing down what you want as if you already have it), affirmations (telling yourself the same thing over and over again), or by using State Akin to Sleep (SATS, which is visualizing a scene that implies you already have what you want before you go to sleep). I follow Neville Goddard's teachings and have this ten-books-in-one collection.
Essentially, your imagination powers your reality. We've been taught that we need to react to the 3D reality around us and leave our imagination behind, that nothing is in our control, but this is backwards. We control everything. Our minds are so powerful, and all we have to do is believe (assume) that it's ours. What you desire, desires you, too; otherwise, you wouldn't think of it.
So, you can write down what you want. Make sure it's always in present or past tense; future tense denotes that you don't have what you want and it will forever be out of reach. For example:
"I'm so happy I have ____ [whatever you want]." "I'm grateful that I received a job promotion and raise." "I love my new ____ [apartment/flat, house, car, phone, etc.]."
You get the idea. Same with affirmations, except with affirmations, you can do robotic affirmations and repeat the same thing over and over again when you have nothing else to do or are completing mindless tasks, such as laundry, dishes, cooking, taking a shower, etc. "I'm so rich. I'm so rich. I'm so rich. I'm so rich." Over and over again.
You can say these in your head. You don't have to say them out loud, but it's whatever you prefer.
Before bed, as you're about to doze off to sleep, thinking of a scenario implying you have what you want. There are a few different methods you could use:
You could use the Eavesdropping Method, which is you overhearing someone you're close to tell someone else that you got whatever it is you want. This could be friends, family, or co-workers. You could do the Telephone Method, which is imagining you're on the phone with someone you're close to and they say you got what it is you're wanting. For instance: "Wow, I can't believe you got $5,000." And you'd reply something along the lines of, "Yeah, I manifested it." The last method is you imagining a scenario that implies you already have the thing you want. If it's a car, imagine driving down the road. How does the steering wheel feel underneath your fingers? What does the inside look like? What color is it? If it's a house, imagine walking through the front door. What's the layout? How is it decorated? The more realistic you can make your visualizations, the better.
Pick any of these methods to use before bed as you're drifting off to sleep. Keep looping the scene; it doesn't have to be long--less than 5-10 seconds. When you fall asleep, this scene is the last thing your conscious mind saw before turning off, which means it's impressing on your subconscious mind for 7-8 hours through the night (or however long you sleep). Since your subconscious mind controls your reality, guess what's gonna happen? It's going to do everything it can behind the scenes to make your vision a reality because you're telling it to. This is why there's that saying, "Don't go to bed angry; it'll ruin tomorrow." Neville Goddard says, "Never go to sleep feeling discouraged or dissatisfied. Never sleep in the consciousness of failure."
Don't worry about the how or the when; everything will come together when it's ready. Would you take a dish you're baking out of the oven before it's fully cooked? It's the same with your manifestations. Let the Universe (a.k.a. - you/your mind) handle it.
Whatever you do, DO NOT react to your 3D reality in the sense that you're questioning time and why your desire isn't visible yet. Essentially, you've shown your mind you already have that thing you desire, so when you do a 180 and say, "I don't have this," guess what happens? Your mind goes, "Alright. You don't have this," and you're back at square one. This takes discipline and a good mental diet to achieve. You almost have to be delusional to achieve success. Even if someone else gets that promotion, that house, that person you love, etc., you have to keep saying, "I have this and it's mine." Your 3D reality is on a lag, so you have to keep pretending (using your imagination) until it appears in your reality. Persist, persist, persist. Don't give up.
That's the gist. It's long, I know, but if you follow through and persist, nothing can stop you. You're the creator of your own reality, and once you realize this, there's no stopping what you can achieve.
Some great manifestation gurus I follow on YouTube are:
Sammy Ingram, Free Tea, Dylan James, Indigo Detry, Neyah, Maleeka is my guardian angel, and any videos featuring Neville Goddard's teachings or Dolores Cannon.
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urloveangel · 4 months
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kamala-laxman · 5 months
Love is the most powerful force in the world. If people tell you that the opposite of love is fear, it is not so. Love just is. Love has no opposite. Dolores Cannon
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infinitydivine · 4 months
In case someone needs it today :)
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creature-wizard · 7 months
Dolores Cannon sure has some interesting things to say huh?
Ya know, I've never really looked into Dolores Cannon. Like I'm aware that she exists and she said some stuff, but that's about as far as it goes.
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jackineddy · 1 month
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poeticblkcoffee · 2 months
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mysticalblizzardcolor · 5 months
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What makes a society poisonous?
Have you been poisoned by your own society?
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infinitedonut · 4 months
"Love just is. Love has no opposite." - Dolores Cannon
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liberum-esse · 6 months
“Everything is energy and you come to earth to learn how to manipulate that to be a master manifestor so once you learn to manipulate energy you can have anything you want nothing is impossible there are no limitations expect the limitations you put on yourself”
— Dolores Cannon
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y0ur-maj3sty · 2 years
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boookofquotes · 2 years
The light has its own intelligence. It always moves in the right place at the right time and it does the right thing. It's all orderly. It takes care of everything. It's not important to know details. The real necessary thing is the heart[…] The only thing causing disease is fear. It’s the only thing that can hinder the light. As long as the light is there, there’s no problem.
The Convoluted Universe 4 by Dolores Cannon
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muyomi · 2 years
Every cell in the body has a consciousness
They are alive and we can talk to them. They will listen. We are like the voice of God. So talk to it every day. Tell it what you want it to do. Address it as "We".
Dolores Cannon's body health mantra:
We have a strong body
We have a healthy body
We have a good body
We have a good body
We have a strong body
We have a healthy body (repeat)
We are NOT a body. We have a body.
We are a collection of millions of cells that are conscious. We are housing an entire universe within our body.
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creature-wizard · 4 months
Hey man have you seen the shit Dolores Cannon has been saying? Some wild ass new age bullshit
Haven't paid much attention to her, any highlights I should know?
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