#domestic kanej
kazscrows · 11 months
Hi Tumblr so… I wrote a thing and I’m gonna share it with you all. I guess this could be considered a one shot?
I love imagining Kanej post CK once they’re married so that’s where the idea for this came from. I just kind of got thinking what would happen if Kaz got injured because the barrel is a dangerous place and then refused to be on bed rest when he needed it? How would Inej deal with that? And it spiraled from there. So anyways I hope y’all enjoy. I even gave it a title!!
No rest for the wicked
After Kaz’s wounds had been stitched and bandaged he begrudgingly agreed to go to bed and stay there.
But only for the night, he’d thought to himself. He had “business” to take care of the next morning.
However in the morning everything still ached. A lot. But there was never any rest for the wicked or the miserable for that matter. With a groan he began to sit up so he could climb out of bed. That’s when he found a knife suddenly pointed at his throat, held by his lovely wife.
“Inej, Darling,” he starts, “don’t you think slitting my throat rather defeats the purpose of forcing me to stay in all day?” He looks at her completely calm, almost bored.
Inej pulls the knife away from him, but she doesn’t put it away “Oh,” she says “No, you misunderstand. I’m not going to use this knife on you.”
He pauses and raises one eyebrow, “You’re not?”
“No. This knife is for my hair.”
He freezes in his efforts to get up. His signature poker face is still in place, but he’s suddenly panicked inside, she can’t cut it! She’d never cut her hair, her long and beautiful black hair, that he loved letting his fingers slide through. It was even down this morning instead of coiled tightly into its usual braid. “You’re bluffing-”
A Shink of the knife is heard and then a small black lock of hair floats down to the bed. It’s from just behind her ear. Inej says nothing, but she’s staring him right in the eyes as if to say, Do you really want to test me?
“Inej. Come on. You can’t actually be seri—”
He cuts off as she grabs more of her hair, a lot more of her hair- and raises the knife once more. He actually starts to sweat. No! Not your hair! He’s not sure if that was a thought or if he said it out loud…
“Fine- Okay!” He scowls and sinks back down into the bed, grumbling, “Put the knife away. I’ll stay in bed.. I’ll stay home until I’m healed-”
She grins triumphantly then and slips the knife away, back into its sheath. She’s beautiful, he thinks, she’s always beautiful.
“Great!” She exclaims and presses a quick kiss to his cheek, it’s feather light and lightning quick and a part of him wishes it had lasted longer. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to go make us some waffles for breakfast.” She gets up and reaches to grab her fallen lock of hair off the bed so she can toss it out, but it’s gone. She just smiles and shakes her head before leaving the room. On her way out she calls back to him, “I’ll grab my hairbrush too, you can brush it later.” She knows him too well.
Kaz waits until he knows she’s downstairs before he slips the little lock of her hair from his pocket and twirls it around his finger. A small smile touches his lips. Well, he thinks while he waits for his wife to return, misery does love company and maybe the wicked do get some rest after all…
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dreamtigress · 5 months
WIP Wednesday
For this WIP Wednesday, have a short section from Thuiskomst, (Homecoming) featuring Inej coming back to Ketterdam after six weeks. Kaz greets her at Fifth Harbor, but ends up having issues with a hug in public in the rain. She meets him back at the Slat...
“I think I can offer a better hug now,” he rumbled, and Inej could hear the yearning there.
She stepped forward even as she replied, “I’d love that.”
This time they were dry, with no hats in the way, and no one to see them press together. Kaz wrapped her in his arms, and Inej was home. She returned his embrace with every fiber of her being. His lips brushed the top of her hair as he murmured, “Me mangave pa.” 
It took Inej a moment to realize what she’d heard. Oh my sweet man… your pronunciation needs a little work, but I adore you. She wasn’t about to let him go, even if she wanted to stare at him with shock for telling her in Suli that he loved her. With her face nuzzled against his soft black dress shirt, she replied softly, “Me isto, me drage.” Me too, my beloved.
They stayed entangled in each other’s arms for a few long minutes. Krai decided she needed to be a part of their reunion, and was twining around their legs. The cat was largely ignored as they communed with each other. Kaz laid kisses on Inej’s hair, lightly massaging over her leather vest. She returned the favor, rubbing his lower back. A low, satisfied groan came from him. Aside from his lips on her scalp, no skin touched yet. Just getting to be within the circle of his arms again was captivating. Inej inhaled, reveling in Kaz’s scent. But there was also the smell of hutspot and sausage and fried dough, and her stomach reminded her aloud it had been a long while since lunch on The Wraith. Kaz chuckled, the delightful sound vibrating her cheek. “I think you might be hungry, my beloved.”
Inej pulled back enough to be able to gaze up at his face, admiring the sight up close and personal. As much as she wanted more in the way of contact with him, she had to admit that eating was a solid plan. “I am. And you got us a lovely dinner, from the looks of it.”
“There’s one problem,” Kaz said with a devilish glint to his eyes. He was far more at ease now. 
Saints, I missed him like this. “Oh, and what’s that?”
“I am fairly certain I have to let you go in order for us to eat.”
Inej laughed, and watched as his face went tender, the glint in his eyes replaced with softness.
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crooked-jes · 2 years
what are wesper doing rn?
HEY, did you know that i have a funny little twitter account where i post cute little wesper headcanons? u didn't? well, now you do, go follow @wydwesper for a daily dose of wesper brainrot, you won't regret it (and i'm doing a follow spree currently!!)
*posting a gif of my fav scene from the show to get your attention*
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caveatscriptor · 1 year
They'd been two farm boys, missing their father, lost in this city.
That was how Pekka got them. It wasn't just the enticement of money.
He'd given them a new home. A fake wife who made them hutspot, a fake daughter for Kaz to play with. Pekka Rollins had lured them with a warm fire and the promise of the life they'd lost.
And that was what destroyed you in the end: the longing for something you could never have.
― Leigh Bardugo, Crooked Kingdom
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apathetic-kiss · 1 year
okay but think about WAY post-ck crows; in specific kanej.
kanej not really knowing how to handle getting older because they both never thought they would live that long. bypassing their twenties, thirties, and slowly breaking down the walls between the two of them and being able to do more than just coexist with one another. kaz taking over the city, slowly but surely, and over the years slipping away and controlling ketterdam in more anonymity than ever before. the children inej rescued initially growing up and joining up with her mission, her empire taking over foreign waters and ensuring the protection of those who can't protect themselves. kanej reaching their forties and fifties and realising they might need to slow down.
kaz, of course, is more than hesitant. he has controlled this city for most of his life, knows it better than anyone and would not trust a single individual to watch over it as he has. but between wylan and jesper and inej and hell even nina making remarks about him getting older and his leg barely holding up, he slowly starts to allow those who have followed him loyally for years to start to step in.
inej is nervous too; she has been at sea for years, her bones and muscles grown used to the ocean and her heart longing for the waves, but she is no longer the slip of a girl who first boarded The Wraith; she is a legend, a sankta in the eyes of many, and her body is failing her. for the first time in her life, gravity will not bend to her will. she frets over this for long periods; the idea that she might have a quiet life disappeared the second she was pulled from her parent's caravan, how can she even imagine one after all these years hunting slavers?
it takes a long time, and truly, neither of them ever really retire. they buy a place outside of ketterdam, close enough that kaz can return to check in on things and catch up with wylan and jesper, but far enough that they do not fear for their lives on the daily. inej can still reach the coast, and dip into the salty waters whenever her longing for the ocean becomes overwhelming. the people in the village all know who they are; of course they do. but in their eyes, kaz brekker is not dirtyhands, he's a greying man who stops to pet the cats in the town square. inej ghafa is not a saint, but an elegant woman who shares her home-made traditional suli treats with the children of the village.
the two of them never properly settle down, and they are not the typical picture of a regular married couple. but they have eachother, and their lives, and for once, maybe that is enough for them.
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rotzaprachim · 1 year
Browsing ao3 like dear gd there is some astonishingly good fic on here but there is also so much astonishingly bad fic on here
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helniksdaughter · 2 years
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Kanej // Domestic AU
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cameliawrites · 2 years
seven sentence sunday
Tagged by the loveliest Rachel @youareiron-andyouarestrong to post seven sentences out of your WIP:
Inej only laughed brightly in response. Kaz’s whole body seemed to melt into the mattress at the sound.
“Fine,” he grumbled, feigning reluctance despite the small grin tugging at the corners of his lips. “Whatever makes you happy, dear.”
Inej darted across the bed to press a swift kiss to his cheek; she was there and gone again, slick as butter in a pan. 
“You make me happy,” she hummed. At Kaz’s raised eyebrow, she finished, “But a turn of good weather certainly wouldn’t hurt my mood.”
@oneofthewednesdays - tag, you’re it! What’s this about Kaz & a horse plow? ;)
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thegaycat · 1 year
hello yes still alive, accidentally started reading dealing with our demons by ravenjenn19 and also school so maybe i did forget about tumblr for like a week
an eeways go read it if you are cool and sexy
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z0mbieed · 4 months
(for the drawing requests) kaz and inej being domestic and in love plssss
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this is unfinished as you can see but im not sure if ill finish it.... i just wanted to draw them in love bc of kanej brain
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kazscrows · 1 year
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dreamtigress · 5 months
WIP Wednesday
For this WIP Wednesday, have another short section from Thuiskomst, (Homecoming). After some dinner and some reconnection time, Kaz brings up the vacation idea they'd talked about before Inej sailed off on her mission. But he's troubled, and she isn't sure why.
Inej could hear unexpected stress in Kaz’s words, and she was rather curious as to its cause. The abrupt change of topic, from the snippets he’d shared of his past, about his family, to the vacation trip, wasn’t all that surprising. She could understand him wanting to step away from the former. The things he’d said, about his father, his mother, had been heartbreaking. But why did the vacation idea sound like it also pained him? 
Keeping her voice even, she asked, “And where is that?”
“It’s…” He took a deep, shuddering breath in. “It’s down in the south. Outside Lij.”
Lij? Wait… “Outside Lij?”
“While you were away, I went down for a trip… to inspect the… the farm.”
“The farm?” Inej wanted to study his face, but she was afraid that if she pulled away from him, Kaz might freeze up. There was something different in his voice. So she stayed snuggled against him, resting on his chest, her hand on his heart. She could feel that his breathing was slightly erratic. 
So quietly it came out like the scrape of stone on stone, Kaz answered. “The farm where I grew up.”
Thuiskomst needs at least one more edit run before it goes up on A03, but I promise it will be up soon! I am also working furiously on like, the next three stories in a row, because so much of it all links up.
Soft tagging: anyone who has a WIP they wanna share!
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jackwolfes · 9 months
demigodbeautiies' end of 2023 grishaverse fic rec list ✨
this list is a selection of grishaverse fics i read and enjoyed in 2023! i've also had the absolute pleasure of getting to know a lot of these writers and hope you enjoy any of these fics if you give them a read 😊
spring cleaning by CSHfic and VSfic: G, Gen. Nina and Jesper help Wylan redecorate. i'm such a sucker for post-canon fics and this is a very very sweet one
put up with the rain by tepesh (@voidfishersong) : T, Gen. Kaz and Inej learn something about Jesper. tastiest fabrikator reveal fic i've ever bloody read
those who pull us free by @the-jennnster: M, Wesper/Gen, hurt/comfort. Wylan deals with nightmares. super artfully written, short and sweet and the right kind of painful.
like gravity by @basicbard : M, Wesper, angst with light smut. Super beautifully written
the open door invites the thief by thegoldenkneazle (@wylanvanfeck): M, Kanej/Gen. Wylan ends up in the midst of something he shouldn't, shenanigans ensue.
when crows blush by talking-crow (@six-of-crows-hyperfixation): E, Wesper, Smut. Wesper work in an office together and fuck around. super fun, super hot.
the pleasures of altruism by dimtraces (@doorsclosingslowly): E, Kazper, Smut. look me in the eye and tell me jesper WOULDN'T fabrikate a fucking machine for his best friend
bite my lips (lover red) by the_lady_king: E, Wesper, Smut. i just think it's really fun and really hot so it's going on the list.
contrast ratio by anonymous: E, Wesper, Smut. Jesper and Wylan have fun with hidden cameras. i wont lie this fic rewired my brain a bit in a very, very fun way.
holiest thing i know by @chaosride: E, Wesper, A/B/O. omegaverse can be a bit of a marmite trope but this fic in particular plays around with ketterdam's worldbuilding in a very intriguing, well done way and it's also just really hot i'm ngl
screw top rose by calicomma: E, Wesper, trans!Wylan. impeccable tender domestic romance vibes.
and the shameless self promo zone below because i've written a lot of things i'm very, very proud of this year 💖
a choice of two locked doors: M, Wesper, arranged marriage au. my current magnum opus and general baby, incredibly proud with the way this turned out.
the bed we loved in: M, Wesper, immediately post canon hurt/comfort. just, very pleased with the vibes of it.
not just girls: E, Wesper, trans!Wylan character study. really gratified with how much this seems to have meant to people.
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fanfic-corner · 2 years
Kanej Fic Recs
I've been thoroughly sucked back into the Grishaverse fandom after Shadow and Bone S2, so here's some Kanej fics for you to enjoy! But don't worry - none of these fics have spoilers for the show.
not like this by rebel_hearts (865)
Inej has been kissed before, but not like this. Not as if she's everything somebody could ever want - and not just because of her body, or her talents, but because it's her.
Drowning by witteefool (1.2k)
The shock of cold sent any stray thought from his mind, his body sinking as his wool coat grew sodden and heavy.
Then they were back. His demons grabbed at him from the depths, their bloated, grisly bodies pulling him downwards to the reaper. His escape had only been temporary. Jordie was ready to take him back now.
Tantalus Skin Hunger by PestilenceandSunshine (1.6k)
Why should they keep our Secrets? Keep us Safe? The Demon in his mind spoke.
Because they love us. They're our Friends, our Family. The Child answered again. They love us.
Dirtyhands did not speak again. 
Or: Kaz Brekker platonically pines and yearns, but Recovery takes time and is not a linear process
a laugh I could recognise anywhere by onthelasttrain (1.7k)
“Jesper Llewellyn Fahey, domesticated at last.” He freezes, his breath trapped in his lungs. All those months looking at maps, wondering where she is, and now he doesn't have to wonder. She travelled farther than any merchant or sailor ever did, and then she came back to the Barrel.
(Back to him, he thinks selfishly).
two solitudes by sixappleseeds (2k)
“I was going to say,” Kaz remarked. “That memory is a tricky bastard. It takes cheap shots when you’re not looking. Cuts you up when you least expect it.”
we wear red so they don't see us bleed by A_7187 (2.9k)
jesper fahey: this really hurts. after everything i’ve done for you
kaz brekker: which is nothing?
inej ghafa: im sorry?
Kidnapped by Youknowit (2.9k)
Inej's parents and some of her caravan are kidnapped by slavers. It's up to Inej and Kaz to fight the encampment and free those who were stolen.
a foreigner called candor by kallliope (2.9k)
A new strain of parem is tampered with to make a truth serum, which Kaz unknowingly consumes.
the end of a movie i've seen before by downn_in_flames (3.3k)
And then, standing before her, in a sober black wool coat, ink-dark hair tossed about by the wind, a small rolling bag at his side, is the very same person who’s taken up permanent residence in her dreams.
She’s not entirely convinced she’s not dreaming now - though if she is, this one’s an entirely new creation of her imagination, with not an ounce of intertwined past memory to be found. She entertains the thought of pinching herself just to be sure.
Six Fifteen by orphan_account (3.5k)
Every morning at six fifteen, gymnastics instructor Inej Ghafa sings in the shower. Her apartment neighbor Kaz hears her through the connecting wall, and one morning accidentally joins in.
love is not love which alters when it alteration finds by cameliawrites (3.8k)
“I do look forward to meeting this husband of yours one day, Captain,” the deputy drawls sardonically at her back.
Inej finds herself dangerously tempted by the notion. She caresses the blade of Sankt Petyr at her side as she takes her leave, the metal smooth and sharp as her lover’s dark gaze. The thought draws her homeward, and she quickens her steps, a single utterance underneath her breath:
“No, you don’t.”
By the Book by marycontraire (4.2k)
“You look like a pirate,” Kaz says.
“I am a pirate,” Inej reminds him as they emerge into the dark storage room. 
Kaz holds his bonelight aloft to illuminate the rows and rows of garments.  “Not this morning,” he says. “This morning you’re the bride of a respectable gentleman farmer."
home by northyard (5.5k)
When the assassin spoke, his voice was gravelly and strange. "Smart." He mused. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Dirtyhands. I've heard a lot about you." His hands drifted to the two knives strapped to his thighs. "And I'm sure it'll be a pleasure to kill you. Most of Ketterdam wants you dead, Brekker." He added, hands deft as he unsheathed his knives. Kaz didn't miss the bulge in the forearms of his sleeves (more knives) nor the two tipped daggers that emerged from the end of his boots.
Kaz lifted an eyebrow, waving his hand in a nonchalant manner. "Tell me something I don't know."
The assassin grinned. "You've underestimated me," he fired back, teeth bared like a wolf. "Any person who crosses me does not live to tell the tale."
Kaz shot back a wolfish grin of his own, tipping his hat to the assassin. "It's a good thing I'm not a person."
Can I Watch You? by aknosde (6.7k)
The older they get the more late nights working on his bed mean. And sometimes they let themselves become a little more vulnerable. And sometimes their friends are nosy and annoying.
farmer kaz by cafatonin (7k)
Kaz cleared his throat. “It reminds me of home.” Inej’s head popped up, her senses finely attuned to Kaz’s sharing voice. She looked to where he was lounging on the bale nearest the door, bad leg lazily draped over the side. He didn’t dare look back at her.
my pain shouldn't be yours by dregstrash (11k)
In a world where soulmates exist, what do you do when you feel the pain of someone else? Kaz Brekker and Inej Ghafa share that singular thread, and neither of them wants to acknowledge it. Kaz Brekker, the boy who never admits to weakness, and Inej Ghafa, the girl who has her own scars, must learn to navigate the dangerous streets of Ketterdam while trying to ignore the bond between them.
Dinner & Diatribes by Thesuncameout (12k)
There wasn’t supposed to be a storm.
Time spent creating this plan had taken up almost a month’s worth of days and nights. Neither of them had slept more than four bells, too caught up in perfecting the swindling. Even Jesper had lost a few nights helping them figure out the heist. They planned everything. The ins and outs, the what ifs and possible dooms, the plan A all the way to Z.
And yet, they hadn’t bothered to look above and see the rolling clouds and rumbling skies.
i wanna hold the hand inside you (i look to you to see the truth) by hyperspecificplaylists (12k)
It's 7:00 a.m. on the day before Valentine's Day when Kuwei's listicle comes out and promptly exposes everyone.
Wherein Nikolai sings love songs for the internet and pretends they're not for Zoya (except they totally are).
O Loving Hate by this_pendent_world (13k)
‘The Ravkan Roast’ is the top coffee shop on the doorstep of Ketterdam University - or at least, it was until ‘Tooth & Claw’ opened up right across the street.
While her friends insist that they are at war with the rival coffee shop, Nina Zenik believes that Matthias Helvar is too cute to be her sworn enemy.
If only they weren't on opposite sides of the brewing war, and the street.
Ace by KatyaMorrigan (15k)
Healing takes time and work, but Kaz and Inej have been putting in the hours. While once it seemed that they may always have to love each other at a distance, it now couldn't be further from the case. Although, Inej's thoughts have been wandering, and now she isn't sure what they are working towards. Even though the possibility that had once seemed so slim is now an option, is sex something she wants? Is it something Kaz wants?
And if the answer is no, what happens then?
A coming-out-to-herself fic in which Inej and Kaz explore intimacy and come to the conclusion that, for them, sex isn't a part of the equation.
all in good time by terribletruths (15k)
Inej needs a powerful man dead. Kaz, busy conducting 'renovations' across the West Stave and feuding with famous stage actors, is glad to have the opportunity to eliminate a threat.
False Hearts by QHQ (16k)
This was the weirdest fucking job Inej had ever taken.
Kaz and Inej go to marriage counseling. The only thing is, they’re not married. They don’t even know each other.
Killing Me To Love You by venus_in_retrograde (31k)
Inej comes down with a bizzare illness that has her weak and feverish and at the brink of death. As a result, she is forced to confront some truths about her heart she's spent the longest time avoiding.
Truths meaning her feelings about Kaz Brekker. Feelings which, knowing him, are most definitely unrequited, and will therefore only make her suffer more.
All in all, it's a pretty dire situation. Things are bound to get messy.
But her time is running out.
Dealing with Our Demons by ravenyenn19 (747k, in progress)
Inej's first letter back to Kaz after she leaves on her journey to hunt slavers, reunion ensues! Will they continue to learn how to battle their demons in order to get close to one another?
If you have any other Kanej fics that you recommend, please let me know! And in the meantime, thank you to all the fantastic authors who shared their work with us and happy reading :D
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lunarthecorvus · 9 months
just the best/your favourite crows fics that you’ve encountered. Ideally Kaz or kanej-centred, angst and whump very welcome <33
Plan F by @bee-a-lover
170k words (incomplete) | Tons of Angst | Whumpish | Some domestic fluff
I wasn't going to recommend an incomplete fic but this fic is so good and I would always recommend it.
8k words | Kaz & Nina talk to Jordie | Grief | Angst | Sad with happy ending
I lovedd this fic. Its mainly Kaz & Nina, but there is some Kanej and the other crows make an appearance
On Shaky Ground by darkstuffhappens
150k words | TW: extreme language and implied / referenced non con | AU - crows as a foster family | Whump | Kaz Brekker centric | Violence
This fic will hurt, it is not for the light hearted. Great fic though
As always if you want any more fics just send me an ask and I have so many more fics where those came from, I hope you like these <3
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ruins-and-rewritez · 11 months
Kanej but like, domestic
Kaz coming home exhausted and weary, a long day of crunching the numbers and making well researched investments, limping up the stairs to their little home, Kaz could have built her a mansion, burnt the city to the ground and erected a palace in its place, anything for her, but Inej of course has no use for the material things in life "as long as we're together", he opens the door to their room, practically falling over his feet to lay down or see his wife he's not quite sure, she's in bed, blessedly, thank whatever saints that she believes in that she's finally taken the healer's advice, to rest, stay off her feet, of course she can work as hard as any man, better even, but she's pregnant, and Kaz can barely stomach the idea of her lifting a single finger let alone put in a full day's work, anything could happen and he wouldn't be there to keep her safe, so it's better that she's here where his mind is at ease and not constantly split between what could or might happen, she smiles at his entrance, radiant and beautiful in that way that makes his knees buckle and he stumbles way to her, the bed bending slightly under his sudden weight, and he wraps her in his arms and buries his face into her neck mumbling compliments laced with relief and she laughs, "there's the laugh", because what did he think was going to happen in the maybe two hours he's been gone, he was just home for lunch, but there's just something about being apart that kills him a little and he tells her as much and her voice and touch are soothing and calm as she tells him that he better get a handle on this if he wants to meet their little because at this rate because the stress is most assuredly going to kill him and he let's himself relax at that because if not for her then who would he let himself have this
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