#dominic Harrison imagine
nozirohhex · 11 months
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YUNGBLUD, Dan Reynolds - original me
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Dating Dom Harrison [YUNGBLUD] Would Include
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Dom’s a workaholic so you’d probably meet through the industry. 
And a simple work event would probably turn into a party. 
He’d be enamoured by you right away. 
And you’d spend the whole night talking.
Until finally he’d ask if he could kiss you. 
And, you’re only human, so of course, you’d agree. 
He wouldn’t care who was watching. 
His hands would be all over you.
And you’d be love drunk as well as drunk-drunk.
And thinking you’d never see him again you’d go back to his hotel room. 
The first time wouldn’t be much. Both of you wasted and very much goal orientated. 
But when you wake in the morning, cuddled into his side, you feel a flutter inside yourself that signals it's more than a one-night thing. 
There’d be no awkwardness. 
And he’d text you later on the same day. 
Your text chains would be mammoth. 
He loves to tell you every little thing about his day. Everything he’s thinking about you. 
He’d invite you to come and watch him perform. 
You’d be blown away. He’s a showman and the vibe is electric. You’d fall in love right then and there. 
His life is hectic so you’d see him as often as your schedule would allow.
But he’d always facetime you. 
‘I wrote a new song wanna hear it?’ ‘Of course.’ ‘Good cos it's about you.’
He’d brag about you on his insta.
His fans would adore you. 
You wouldn't be a month in before he told you he loved you.
And sealed it with a locked necklace.
Dates would include hotel movie nights, day drinking around whatever city you were in, he’d be obsessed with doing mundane things in different places like grocery shopping.
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He’d teach you how to play the guitar. 
And it would always get a bit handsy. 
He’s big on PDA. He’ll always lead the pair of you.
The first thing he does when he comes off stage is wrapping you up in a big bear hug.
But when it comes to the bedroom he’s such a sub. 
He loves being praised. 
And he’s awfully needy. 
‘Not until I tell you.’ ‘Please.’ ‘So needy.’ ‘Always.’ 
And he loves cuddling. 
Especially when he’s tired. 
As much as you love him you worry about him something chronic. 
He’s always on. Amped up for whatever task needs doing.
And it was something you loved about him. He was so caring. For his fans. His friends. His family. You. 
But you worry he’s going to make himself ill.
It was the only thing that you’d argue over. 
You hate arguing with him. 
But so does he. 
You’d make sure he slows down if only a little. 
And because he wants to please you he’d oblige. 
‘But we could do a late show and-’ ‘and run yourself ragged. You could do two shows over two days. It won’t kill you. We might even get to see some sights.’ ‘You’re right… I’ve always wanted to snog you on top of the Eiffel Tower.’ ‘On second thoughts…’
You weren’t sure if you wanted marriage or kids yet. 
And Dom would be terrified of fucking it up. 
But you knew he was it for you. 
And he felt the same.
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 2 years
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This is the pic you get late at night followed by a 'wha u doing? U up? 😉' text 🖤
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cherry-velvet-skies · 9 months
Within You, Without You (18+)
George Harrison × GN!Reader
Genre: Smut, fluff, angst, all the things
Warnings: A very short sex scene, power play if you squint, slight nipple play, convos about insecurities and low self confidence and stuff like that
Words: 3.2k
Summary: 1967 era; You need to find a way to relax, and George offers to be your guide through tantral meditation
T/N: Domine- Latin for master; used from a place of utmost respect
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You had tried everything. Anything that would help to decrease your stress levels. These past few weeks had been tough on you, and all you wanted was for your brain to quiet down for a bit. But nothing seemed to work, no matter how hard you tried. So, you thought of the only thing that even had a shot at clearing your head: meditation. And lucky for you, you had just the person to teach you.
For someone with his level of experience, George was very well versed in the art of meditation. He had been given the tools to get to a place where he was comfortable practicing on his own, and that was really all there was to it. And he was more than happy to pass on any amount of his knowledge to you.
"Most people start out in the position you see most often, which is sitting on the floor with your legs crossed." George instructed as he sat down next to you, demonstrating the position. You couldn't help but stare at the wide variety of decor placed throughout the room. George had a specific room that he would go only to meditate. Apparently, having a designated space is supposed to enhance your chances of successful meditation.
You had half expected the room to be devoid of color, but it was quite the opposite. It looked as though all the wonderful colors of the rainbow had performed an interpretive dance across the walls, twirling and swinging about in perfect harmony. This was not the environment you had in mind.
"I always thought meditation was supposed to be about clearing your mind." You stated. "That's why most yoga studios are painted white." George gave you a confused stare.
"Meditation is about clearing your mind of negative energy. Not blanking it out completely." He replied, smoothing out the carpet fibers beneath his feet. "Meditating in a completely white room is not going to help you at all. You should be surrounded by things that are going to positively stimulate your brain." He looked around for a moment, admiring his own decor before turning back to you. "Although positive stimulation looks different for everyone, an assortment of colors is the most natural form of it."
“So is meditation always done this way?” You questioned, honestly having no clue where to start. George always had so much knowledge to share, and it wasn’t that you had no interest in meditation. You often felt that it wouldn’t work for you, but realized that you would never know if you never tried.
“This practice is the best entry to meditation. But once it comes more naturally to you, you can do it from anywhere at any time,” George explained, “To reach an optimal mental state for meditation, it does take much more than to sit cross-legged and close your eyes. It’s about reaching an internal piece, which would then translate to the physical body. However, the key is to start small.” He motioned towards several fluffy pillows on the floor beside him. “If the floor is too hard, you can use one of these.”
“And by doing this, I'll just…feel better?” You asked, getting comfy on one of the pillows. There were several colors, the one you chose being a soft orange.
“Well, not exactly.” George chuckled, He was always so patient. “You have to incorporate your mind as well. Like I said, clearing your mind means clearing negative energy. The best way to do that is to think of a place that brings you comfort and imagine that you’re there. To get in touch with both your mind and your body.”
You sighed. That was always your problem. You felt like you were too much in your own head and needed an escape. How were you supposed to be one with your mind if you didn’t even want to be in there in the first place?
“I just know what’s going to happen,” You whined, “I’m gonna get frustrated and it’ll have the opposite effect on me.”
George blinked at you, pursing his lips. “Can you at least try, love?” He offered, “I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be here if you need me.”
You couldn’t help but smile. George’s genuine desire to help you truly did make things easier, but it was your stubborn brain that wouldn’t put in the effort. It technically wasn’t entirely your fault, but it was hell to live with. But George was right. Not trying meant shutting out the possibility of finding a solution. He didn’t want you to do it just to please him. He wanted you to want to do it. To do it for yourself.
“Alright.’ You said, exhaling sharply. “I’ll try.”
George smiled warmly, adorable fangs on full display. He didn’t have to do much to help you get ready as you were already in position. He stood off to the side, waiting to begin his part of the process as you settled into a comfortable zone. You did everything he said. Crossing your legs, closing your eyes, and relaxing into a decompressing posture. You drew in a deep breath, exhaling and trying your hardest to release any tension along with it.
After you closed your eyes, you felt George continue to stand around you, assessing your method of choice. You decided to go with the traditional method, despite your earlier qualms about its lack of stimulation. You figured that maybe less was more, and that by trying to calm your body down to an optimal level, you would achieve your desired outcome. But of course, without fail, once you tried to focus on finding a sense of tranquility, your thoughts took over and you were back where you started.
“I can’t…” You said shakily. “I can’t do it.’ You still hadn’t opened your eyes, because you knew if you did, there would be no stopping the flow of tears.
“Perhaps you need something else to focus on.” George replied, standing behind you now. He placed his hands on your shoulders and waited there for a moment. You didn’t tense up or try to move away, so he proceeded. He slid his fingers up and down your neck, gently squeezing your muscles as he went. You still kept your eyes closed, but furrowed your brows in confusion. To you, this seemed like the most inopportune time for a shoulder massage, but refused to object. You trusted that George knew what he was doing to some degree.
“Think of yourself as if you were facing them directly.” He announced, implementing a new kind of tactic, “Give them advice on how to achieve your goal right now.”
“George, what are you doing?” You interrupted, “How is this supposed to make me relax for meditation? The last thing I want to be thinking about is how I view myself.” George removed his right hand from your shoulder and placed his index finger at the base of your head, slowly tracing down your spine. You shivered, feeling like electricity was flowing through your body. “How did you do that?” You whispered, a slightly shudder moving through your voice as you spoke. “Why did I feel that?”
“We often find it hard to look within ourselves for answers, especially if we feel we aren’t qualified to give them. The vision of speaking to someone else helps to translate that motivation into an exterior perspective.” Classic George. You ask him a simple question and he gives you the secrets of life.
“Okay…” You breathed, “But when I look at myself, all I do is criticize them, whether it’s a mirror or a clone.” You were close to giving up, and it was clear George was running out of options. He remained stationary, his hands never leaving your shoulders. He sighed, thinking for a moment before making any sudden movements.
Mere seconds later, George resumed his shoulder massage, but instead of maintaining his posture, he bent down, mouth level with your ear. His voice was not above a whisper, his tone dripping with a new and improved delightful idea.
“Tell me how to help you, my Domine…”
You froze. This was the only thing that actually got you to sit up straight. You opened your eyes and turned to look at George only for him to shush you and turn your head back to stare at the wall in front of you. He kept his left hand cupped around your jaw, making sure you didn’t move it again, but there was no discipline. His grip was quite loose. You ideally could’ve gotten up and walked out if you truly wanted to. He wasn’t keeping you there.
“You know latin?” You mumbled, still perplexed at his new name for you.
George chuckled. “I know many things. All are useful at some time or another.” He pressed into your shoulders, his smile growing as you released some tension in the form of a strained whimper. He leaned to your ear again.
“If you can’t tell yourself what to do…tell me instead.”
You froze, but your following response was done with no hesitation. It was methodic. Robotic, almost. You adjusted your posture, locking into your newfound confidence.
“Make me feel good.” You whispered, knowing no additional details were needed. George went straight to work, placing his fingers at the back of your neck, towards the base of your skull. “Make me feel that sensation again.” You added, not knowing how to describe it but already feeling addicted. You wished it could flow through your body on command, giving you a boost at any time of day. You pretended as if you were alone, eyes closed and rhythmic breathing as his hands explored your body. A small sigh left George’s lips, exhaling a small puff of air onto your lower back while his fingers wisped across your spine. Every touch felt like a feather, as if he was there but he wasn’t. He truly gave you the illusion of peaceful solitude, merely being an assisting spirit to guide you in your journey of inward and outward reflection.
“Move to the front.” You announced, and George stopped in his tracks. Your initial reaction was to withdraw, fearing you sounded too demanding. Too commanding. Too strong. But you remained stationary, awaiting your lover’s next move. You heard him shuffle, and the new shadow in front of you, changing the amount of natural light billowing onto your body gave you the confirmation that your orders had been followed. George inhaled another long breath, ostensibly entering his own corresponding headspace.
“All I wish is to please you, my dear.”
Your body gave into the scene, falling back onto your palms while still keeping your legs crossed. You arched your back, pushing your chest towards him, giving him a compensatory level of control in this otherwise hierarchical situation. After a while, George began to drift off as well, taking in the sensation across your torso as he massaged your chest and pressed small kisses across your shoulders. You didn’t expect him to take to this so easily, but it seemed like second nature to the two of you. Perhaps it was always meant to be this way.
What mostly came to your surprise was when George’s fingers brushed over your nipples through your shirt, causing your hips to jolt involuntarily. You still weren’t sure if that was intentional or not, but there was certainly an additional advantage. He was testing you, waiting to see if it was what you wanted. Technically, you had complete control over what he would do next, yet he knew that if he took matters into his own hands, you wouldn’t stop him. You wanted it more than ever. You wanted to tell him to just have his way with you. And you knew you absolutely could. He knew you could. He would do whatever you wanted him to. But it wasn’t about what he wanted. It was all about how long you could fight the urge to tip the balance. To realize that the one who submits all power is truly the one in control. He was giving you the chance to be demanding. To be commanding. To be strong. The power play was absolutely diabolical.
“Do that again.” You choked out, trying your best not to sound desperate. George knew exactly what you wanted. So he did it again, but softer. More enjoyable. More deliberate. And by telling him what you wanted, he knew you had acquired a new goal. And you wanted to see how far he would go to please you.
“Make me feel confident.” You sighed. “Make me feel powerful.”
“I can’t do that, dear.” George replied without missing a beat, thumbs still slowly dragging back and forth across your nipples. “That has to come from within.”
You whined. The closer you got to what you wanted, the harder it was to keep up the confidence. You thought choosing the route of pleasure would be easier for you, but it was the same old story. Entering with a confident facade was simple. But the deeper you went, the more you wanted to back out.
“It doesn’t feel like me.” You breathed. George moved his hands to your waist, opting for a soft massage to ease the level of stimulation.
“Don’t lose it,” He whispered, “You were doing great.” You didn’t respond, slowly being dragged back inside your own head. If this had any shot of working, George knew he had to keep you grounded. “We both know this is something the real you wants.”
You paused for a moment, gathering your thoughts into a neatly folded pile. Based on your personal skills, it looked more like a lumpy pile of laundry, but at least it was all together. You tried to imagine that you were alone again. That your only company was yourself. And for the first time, the person staring back at you was a true reflection. Still in your own world, you whispered so that only you could hear.
“Give me what I need. Give me what I want.” But George heard you loud and clear, assuming his role and getting you to the end. He resumed his deliberate touching across your chest, and you immersed yourself in it as if it were your own. You don’t know how long it went on for, but all you knew was that you never wanted it to end. George moved as if he was giving a deep tissue massage to your soul. Everything you said, he did. Everywhere you wanted to be touched, he did. He didn’t need to understand your rhyme or reason. Whatever your body was calling out for needed to be answered. The real you needed to be heard.
Eventually you felt a bout of pressure begin to build inside you. The longer it went on, the stronger it felt. Lately, the concept of pleasure had been one form of stress relief you couldn’t rely on. Try as you must, you couldn’t bring yourself to the edge. But this time was different. In his newfound role, George had bestowed upon you the virtual reality of physical pleasure. It wasn’t sex. You didn’t want sex. Throughout this entire session, you had never once asked him to touch you in your most intimate place. This was about stimulation. But if it ended in an orgasm, you were more than satisfied with that.
And you felt it. It slowly rose, like a high tide during a full moon. The soft light bouncing off the rippling water like your body started to shake, the glorious light of your soul trying to break out of your skin. Though he sensed you nearing the edge, George didn’t speed up. He didn’t slow down. He didn’t change anything. He stared at you as your head tipped back, small moans leaving your lips. You couldn’t say anything else to direct him, but there was nothing left to say anyway. The pleasure had peaked, the wave reaching a new height. It came crashing down onto the shore, your orgasm flowing through you. You released with a gasping shout, your exclamation nothing short of the highest praise for George and his intricate touches. Your arms could no longer hold you up, and your elbows buckled, sending you falling backwards onto the floor. George caught your head before you made contact, lowering you down the rest of the way. He rubbed small circles on the soft skin of your stomach just above your waistband. You sighed, your breathing slowly returning to normal as your lover began to leave small kisses on your right shoulder. You giggled, celebrating the fact that your new goal had been accomplished: it was the first time you had ever come untouched.
George laid on the floor next to you, head tucked in your neck and one hand flat over your stomach, patting it in a slow, rhythmic fashion. “You need anything?” He whispered, poking your ear with his nose. You shook your head no, not wanting to move from this position, which included having him next to you. You rolled on your side to face him, brushing a few strands of hair away from his face. “I do have one question, though,” you mumbled, still in your post-coital haze, “does meditation usually lead to sex?”
George chuckled, slinging his arm over your hip to brush his hand over your back. “That is called tantra, love. It uses multiple forms of stimulation simultaneously, and yes, sometimes it does result in pleasurable situations like these.”
You smiled, pondering the topic. “So it’s meditation in the form of pleasure? But how does that relate to me feeling more confident?”
“It’s all about unlocking your true potential.” George replied, pausing briefly to perfect his explanation. “You felt confident. That’s mental stimulation. And paired with the physical stimulation, it provided enough emotional stimulation for you to have a powerful release.” He stared into your eyes with a mixture of love and gratitude. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to own up to it yet, but having you tell him what to do was also an example of mental and emotional stimulation. One that he had not been able to find on his own. The concept of joint meditation was something mutually beneficial.
“So when can we do it again?” You mused, earning a light chuckle from the man beside you.
“Whenever you want, my Domine.” George teased, seeing how you shivered at the recurring mention of your new title. He took the pillow that you had been using as a cushion and urged you to lift your head, placing it on the floor underneath you, watching as you sunk into the plush fabric. You smiled warmly, watching him take another pillow from the pile beside you, both of you get comfortable on the floor. The carpet was soft enough, but the addition of the pillows made for a fine place to have a nap. Eyes softly closing as the warm sun cascaded through the window and blanketed your nearly sleeping forms, your voice came as a barely audible whisper.
“Did you enjoy having me be in charge for once?” George smiled, not bothering to open his eyes to respond, but hearing your statement loud and clear. He thought for a moment before answering, but there was technically no need. He was no stranger to an apparently not so new experience.
“You’ve always been in charge to me, my dear.”
Happy new year y'all! 🥰🥰🥰 To kick off 2024, I figured I would finally finish up the last fic that was featured in that poll I made however many months ago that was lol also I will say that this is my first smut fic so pls go easy on me 😅 I'm sure I'll get there eventually BUT other than that I hope you enjoy! 😁
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harrisonarchive · 4 months
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Photo by María Moreno.
“George Harrison, called 'The Bloody Sphinx’ by John Lennon and ‘The Great Stone Face’ by Ringo Starr, is rather gaunt and ascetic in appearance. Someone once said that he’s the only one who could ever make the Beatles look like the Budapest String Quartet (that is, if they ever wanted to look like that!). […] [W]hile he may not say much, he […] has the sharpest tongue next to John Lennon, which is no mean achievement.” - Al Aronowitz, New York Post (?), 1964 “George’s face is so accustomed to having a smile on it, that no wonder everyone can see the kindliness engraved in his visage. The folds of George’s facial skin just don’t have any practice wrinkling in any other direction.  George is too much of a Mr. Nice Guy, as if there can be too much of such a thing in a world so dominated by an absence of Mr. Nice Guys. George radiates a warmth and love that a fan can take home with him from a seat all the way in the uppermost bleachers of Madison Square Garden […]. ‘There’s something very sincere about him,’ a woman who watched the Dylan Tribute concert on Pay-Per-View TV later told me. ‘Just looking at him, I could tell he’s a gentle soul with a very forgiving nature.’ So, I wasn’t just imagining it. Just from watching George on the tube, this woman friend of mine had gotten all the same sweet vibrations that I always had gotten from George in the flesh.” - Al Aronowitz, The Blacklisted Journalist, Column Sixty-Two, December 1, 2001 (x)
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decadentworld · 2 years
Hi!! Can I request Steve having his first time bottoming with reader? Im sure he would tbe the one you would have to take more time with, specialy since hes always been the top and only been with woman. I really love reading your longer fics where it all builds up. thankyou!!!
Anon, tell me why I keep making my request fills longer and longer? I hope I’m not being too exaggerated with the length of this one.
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A story divided into moments.
Steve thinks back to all the moments that lead to him being in this position. Literally.
※ Bottom Steve Harrington/Top Male Reader.
※ 23,391 words.
※ Requested by Anonymous.
※ +18. Minors do not interact.
※ Content and warnings: First time bottoming. Gentle manhandling. Praise kink. Slightest D/s dynamics (Submissive Steve Harrington/Dominant Male Reader). Brief allusion to subspace. Laughter during sex. Discussions about gender roles and stereotypes. Porn with a bit of plot. Allusions to dyslexia.
※ Both characters are canonically 18 or older.
※ Work available only on Tumblr and under ArchiveOfOurOwn pseud of the same name (DecadentWorld). Do not repost, edit, or redistribute. Do not use for TikTok videos.
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It’s already scary enough for Steve to be in a relationship with a man. Steve from two years ago, no, one year ago… perhaps even less: Steve from six months ago would have never imagined he’d ever have a significant other he would call a boyfriend instead of a girlfriend. How curious are life’s many twists and turns. It just so happens that this latest relationship of his has been the steadiest in a good while. Just shy of three months, but Steve feels it so much different from any relationship he’s ever had.
Especially from Nancy.
How to describe the contrast between you and her? He could start by the obvious: she’s a girl, you’re a guy. That’s easy. It wasn’t that easy at first, though. Steve’s only known he’s bisexual for just a bit longer than you’ve been together. It wasn’t a smooth transition, being able to put in words that he was also interested in men. It has been like that for a long time for Steve, always noticing that maybe Harrison Ford seemed a bit more handsome to him than to other guys at school. Not that he ever said it out loud. What’s always been easy for him to understand is that he could not be saying these things out loud, lest he accidentally out himself. Even at the time he wasn’t aware of his own bisexuality.
It’s different, thinking about girls and thinking about guys —a single guy, for the moment. The girls he’s been with were usually dainty, pretty, curvaceous. Soft. All things that truly appeal to Steve.
But you? A man?
Oh, boy.
You’re nothing like them. Whereas they were small, you’re big. And while they normally let themselves be led —like they expected Steve to take the reins, because both they and Steve believed it was their and Steve’s God-given place—, you’re independent. You don’t wait for any of Steve’s cues for anything at all, because this has been discussed between the two of you, which at the time gave him the biggest realization of his life: that there’s no need for there to be roles if it doesn’t feel right for both parties.
Even as this has been said, understood, and internalized… Steve started wondering early into the relationship how it would feel like if these roles (again, non-existent if not desired) were… reversed.
And you noticed. And you started to respond in kind.
It’s something new and fun to explore.
There’s more. Steve’s a pretty tall guy, and, sure, it’s rare to find taller girls. He’s always been the one to be looked up to. That would absolutely not be a problem for him at all. He liked, when he was with girls, to lean on them, to playfully put his chin atop their head, to surprise them by hoisting them —Nancy— up when they —she— least expected it.
And now?
There was one time when you did exactly the same to him. He’ll never forget the fuzzy feeling he experienced at that moment. He gave you a screaming giggle, hoping you wouldn’t notice the strong blush on his face. (You did). And when you released him and he stumbled while looking for his footing once again, he turned around, looked up at you, and…
And made this face, see, like he was having an epiphany.
It was as if he only then realized how much taller and bigger and stronger than him you were.
It was something endearing to see, that time. Steve looked as if he didn’t know what to say. His mouth was trying to form the words, but he seemed like he was also embarrassed by his inability to speak, because he looked like he was holding in a nervous laugh at the same time. And when he realized that he was truly speechless, he could only emit a little titter, tip his eyes down with an even darker flush, and bring a hand up his head to put a lock of his hair behind his ear.
The hair behind the ear is what pretty much sealed the deal. It was at that moment that Steve thought for the first time: Is this how girls would usually feel?
“Everything okay, sweetheart?”, you asked then, if only to tease him further, because you somehow knew what he was going through.
And he could only mumble incoherently.
Let’s go back to this change of dynamics for a second. Steve will never not be left reeling after he experiences any of the small pushes you give against his idea of ‘set role’. Any time he feels like his preconceptions are challenged, like when you experiment with his notion of a previously self-thought assertive person, he so gracefully takes it in stride. Enjoys it, even, which is great, and Steve senses you two are reaching an unspoken agreement of sorts:
He’s going to gradually let you take the reins of the relationship.
This is so new to him. Sometimes, it downright terrifies him how alright he is with it. He feels like he should be more combative about it, but…
Steve is curious, alright? He can’t stop recalling the time before you were together when you playfully asked him to compare hand sizes, one of the most overt romantic advances in history that he fortunately responded positively to. If not enthusiastically. And, oh, how very bothered he ended up when you actually pressed your right hand to his left one, palm to fingertips, because he only then became aware of how much bigger your hand was, compared to his. His reaction at that moment was unforgettable. It was similar to the one he had when you first surprise-hoisted him up. All blushy, unable to hide it.
One of the first few times in his life he was truly abashed.
He keeps remembering with each day that passes, with each newfound sensation he gets when he’s with you. There are a series of similar happenings he can’t get enough of. These involve the times when you’re teaching him how to cook.
Listen. Steve Harrington knows he sucks at cooking, alright? But that’s because no mother of his has ever taken the time to teach him basic stuff, such as the amount of time an egg needs to be boiled, and no father of his has ever handed him tongs or a spatula and told him how he’s exactly supposed to flip burgers at a barbecue. He knows he has some of the fault in this. His past as a spoiled brat has left him reliant on the housekeeper who always leaves the fridge stocked, with meals ready to be microwaved at a moment’s notice. And after, it’s not like he had any interest or time in reading any sort of cookbooks when he was constantly stressing over the end of the world.
The fact that every time he tries his hand at cooking he keeps burning that same meal leaves him crestfallen and uninterested in anything else.
So, when you one day visited him and saw how stressed out he was, fluttering around the kitchen, you knew you had to intervene.
“Are you okay, Steve?”, you asked worriedly, watching him turning his back to you, almost frenzied, stirring on a pot and attempting to do something else you couldn’t see from your position while also making quick glances at a book on the kitchen counter.
“Yeah. Uh, I mean…” Steve twisted his head at you and quickly back at the stove. “I mean…” He seemed to trail off, too busy and perhaps even frantic, fully focused on what he was doing.
“You sure?”, you pushed.
“Uh…” A quick turn of his head towards the book and you could suddenly feel his exasperation. “Shit! It was supposed to be half a spoonful? Not a— fucking spoonful and a half.” It was obvious that he was thinking out loud.
You approached him, then, from his left side so he could see what you were doing. A nervous and disheartened glance at your arrival told you everything you needed to know. You put your right hand on the low of his back. “Doesn’t look like ‘okay’ to me, sweetheart.”
Steve gave you a long, sad look, and turned off the dials on the stove. He heaved a brooding sigh. “It was supposed to be a surprise. I thought this’d be easier and quicker to make.”
You smiled at him. He was too sweet. “Honey. You were making me food?”
Steve looked to the side. “Yeah… but, apparently, I’m too stupid for that, too.” He didn’t want to cry over this. He thought he would look even more stupid if he did.
You knew he was spiraling, and you wouldn’t let him. You were familiar with how hard he was on himself on a good day, but you also knew how bad that would get when he was trying to give you his displays of affection. So you brought the hand you had on his lower back up to his chin, softly stroking it with your thumb, catching the gorgeous shy look he was giving you. “You’re not. I forbid you from calling yourself that.”
“Yeah, well…”
“Seriously, Steve. You’re not stupid. Whoever told you that, they’re all levels of wrong.”
His eyes strayed anywhere else, and he muttered: “I call myself that.”
“Well. You’re wrong, then.”
Steve quickly glanced up at you again. There was so much conviction in what you said that he just had to bite his lower lip to hold back a smile.
You smiled, too. You lead his head closer to yours, noticing how breathless he got, and gave him a slow and sweet kiss on his lips. When you withdrew, he was looking up at you with stars in his eyes. “You’re a sweet boy. You were cooking for me. That’s so lovely.”
Maybe you understood that he liked a little bit of praise, too, that day, if the way he looked down and to the side with the lightest dusting of pink on his face was indication enough.
But that expression was rapidly being overshadowed by dejection.
“I don’t know what I’m doing here. I can’t seem to follow basic instructions. It’s like the words get mixed up, or something.” He looked back at the cookbook and your hand fell from his chin.
“Hm.” You skimmed over the contents of the book, and glanced back at the previous preparations he had on the stove. “I got this one. Mind if I help you?”
Steve bit his lip. “How?”
And you—
You got behind him. Pressed your chest to his back. And took each of his hands in yours.
Steve gasped.
“Like this?”, you asked. “You might be able to learn a thing or two better if you have the muscle memory.”
Sure. Muscle memory, Steve thinks, among the haze that his mind has become. The warmth of your bigger body against his makes it hard to think of anything else. But he claws himself out of it long enough to answer: “Uh— Y-Yeah. Okay.”
“Okay!”, he reiterates, with a giddy smile you can’t see and a nervous titter present in his voice.
You chuckle as well.
That day was the first time Steve sincerely felt like he was being… eased into a lighter headspace. The way you guided his hands while chopping ingredients on the cutting board, while sliding them into a pot, even while in the act of properly washing his hands under the faucet and drying them as well… It all had him almost breathless. It was the first occasion in which he didn’t mind relinquishing that previously-thought position he had believed he had to occupy, once upon a time.
And how to describe the feeling?
It felt like a weight off his shoulders. It felt like something he thought should’ve always been present in his life.
It felt natural. Not forced.
That feeling of being enveloped, not only by your bigger and warmer frame, but by this sense of a guiding hand you were giving him, was slowly turning him into mush on the inside, and setting off a fuzzy sensation inside him, like a tickling feeling. It was causing chaos inside his mind, and he didn’t want it any other way.
Which made following your instructions a lot harder, but, hey, that’s why you were being his puppeteer, right?
“Pay attention, baby.” Your murmuring next to his ear had the exact opposite effect.
“I am,” he choked out.
God. His cheeks were so red by that point. Steve found himself abashed knowing that you could see him, because your head was lying on his shoulder, right against his. And the way his heart was pounding, reverberating through his body and through yours against his, was so obvious he knew you would’ve been able to sense it even if you’d been on the other side of the room.
But he found some solace in the fact that yours was pounding, too.
That is the flashback —or rather, string of flashbacks, since you had to keep teaching him how to make different meals— that keeps him going whenever he gets too much into the particular idea that he’s doing something wrong. Because he’s not. Steve feels right when you make him feel like this, and no amount of bigoted ideas drilled into his mind since he had use of reason will stop him from coming back to those moments.
And what moments. Steve has a little problem every time he remembers the first few times he was intimate with you. A man.
Hoo, boy. It’s so different with a guy. The change —or rather, lack— of dynamics would make for interesting situations in bed. And on the couch. And by the entrance door. And…
Well. You can’t blame Steve. It’s as if this new relationship, this new revelation, re-awakened his high libido he thought broken after the whole supernatural shebang. At first, it was he who would eagerly turn you around against the wall after you initially did, turning the previous make-out session into something hot and heavy that would leave him bothered. You would let him, because you understood how new and inexperienced he was with a male, and wanted him to be fully comfortable. He would fall into place and push his own hips against yours, feeling thoroughly thrown off in the best way at feeling something similar growing and pressing against himself. Then he would do it faster, harsher, getting light-headed when he’d feel your big hands on his lower back, urging him until he would muffle a shout in your chest and cum in his pants like it was the first time he’d ever had an orgasm.
But then, as more times followed, and more items of clothing would gradually disappear, Steve would find himself as the recipient of these same actions. The first time was the exact same situation: against the wall. Only, he was the one trapped against it and your body, and he was the one to be rutted against.
And this peculiar feeling of confinement wasn’t unpleasant.
The second time was on your couch. There was excitement in the fact that you two were slowly turning more horizontal. He tentatively let you arrange him to be sitting against one of the arm rests with his legs extended while you kneeled in the space between them. There was also comfort in the fact that you would check on him every five or so minutes, so that Steve would understand that that position was a choice fully of his own, and that he could tap out at any moment if he needed to. And so, the fun would heighten, and he would totally feel out of his depth when he understood that he didn’t have that much space or momentum to rut against you, and that he would have to receive more than he had to give.
He would have to take it.
And this knowledge made his heart beat so fast it’d feel like it was coming out of his chest, and it turned his face into the most appealing shade of pink, and it would pull the prettiest moans and the prettiest expressions out of him, and it made his legs shake like they had never before with a girl, and it had him coming in his pants and covering his mouth in shame at the loud moan that threatened to escape him.
And the third time was the first time he had the courage to ask to undress you, and you responded in kind and asked if you could undress him in turn, and suddenly you’d both be on your bed, only one layer of clothing left.
Steve would take off the last item of clothing of his by himself, the first time he’d ever be sheepish in a sexual encounter. You would compliment his size, because it was a very nice-looking cock indeed. There was no doubt over why he’d been called King Steve in the past.
But when your own underwear was off, he gasped and sat up in shock. In alarm, perhaps. Because, sure, he was King Steve, who was the subject of mainly nice rumors…
But you?
It was ridiculous. There had to be a limit.
So, understanding how apprehensive he was, you would comfort him, tell him you didn’t have to do anything if he changed his mind.
But Steve surprised you, and he smiled timidly, seeming to cover his mouth with one hand while he simply looked at it.
He would exhale, almost as if he was chuckling. Nervously, of course. “It’s…”
“Yeah. I know.” Your apologetic smile put him just a teeny bit more at ease.
Steve looked at your cock, then at you, then at it again, one jittery hand hovering in the air close to your body. “Um…”
“D’you wanna touch it?”, you encouraged him. You grabbed his right hand with all the softness in the world. You leant up on your right elbow and laid your head on your hand, trying to transmit as much ease as you could to him.
“Yeah. Okay,” he answered shyly, and he shortened the distance until his hand was gently palming your half-hard cock.
Steve heaved in a breath. It felt…
It felt so similar, yet so different. New. Exciting. He stroked with an open palm up and down once, releasing a small titter at your pleased hum.
You would not leave him unattended, of course. Your own left hand slowly approached him, first resting on his folded left leg. Your big hand stroked up and down his thigh twice, hearing his excited shaky breath, and came to rest on the juncture of his leg and hip.
You looked at him, noticing he was biting his lower lip in anticipation. So you didn’t tease him anymore, and finally wrapped your hand around his erect cock.
Steve released a silent moan and his eyes closed on their own for one moment, until he felt your initial first strokes and just had to watch you. He released a disappointed little noise that made you smile when you let his cock go, only to go red as a cherry afterward when he realized his little slip-up.
You chuckled. It was clear that this situation was so new to him, so much so that he didn’t know how to handle his own reactions. “Cute.”
Steve tried to hide. Impossible. His pink flush covered every part of his head, down to his neck and hairy chest. “‘M not cute.”
You straightened until you were sitting up, used one hand on the bed and another one on his thigh as leverage, and closed up on him, until you were leaning into him. Steve looked at you from under his lashes when you did this, biting his lip in anticipation, because the point of contact on his thigh, so very close to his hard cock, was making it hard to think about anything else. “You are.” The other hand that wasn’t on his thigh then slid to the back of his head, and you ran your fingers through his hair. He exhaled heavily. “There’s no fighting me on this.”
That’s how you slowly guided him into a steamy kiss, at the same time that you took hold of his cock once more, feeling more than hearing his muffled moan against your mouth. You stroked him, softly, just so enough that he would push his hips towards your hand, aching for more.
You were feeling particularly mean that day. Your hand kept its slow pace and you felt just how much that agitated Steve. He withdrew from the kiss and gave you this expression, like he was all but holding in the biggest pout ever. You only raised your eyebrow at him, secretly thrilled at his neediness. “Want anything?”, you teased him.
“Yeah. You know.” Steve’s face was so pink. You knew how much of a novel it was for him to have to actively ask for something, rather than simply do it himself, if only because he was still getting used to this fun change of dynamics.
“Oh, but I don’t. Do enlighten me.” You got all close and personal with Steve by this point, noticing his averting eyes. “Use your words, baby.”
At that, Steve could only bite his lip. He mumbled something, too low for you to hear.
“Sorry. What was that?” You smirked at him, because it was obvious that he was enjoying being teased so much.
“Do it faster,” Steve reiterated, unable to look at you by then.
“Do what faster, exactly?”
Steve made this embarrassed noise, something between a grumble and a whine. He hid his red face in the pillow under him while you chuckled. “Stroke me. Faster.”
You bit your lip while he couldn’t see you. You thought it was too early to test the waters for it, even though you were extremely sure he was starving for praise, so you settled with telling him: “Good.”
Steve’s eye peeked from the pillow’s soft cotton when you said this, and you knew you had hit the nail right on the head, if the way his face softened when you said it was indicative enough.
Then you complied with his request. Steve went from an embarrassed mess to a shameless one after only a few seconds of intense stroking. He shifted on the bed until his face was fully visible again, and you were able to see the way it transformed from his pleasure before your eyes. With no clothes to act as a hindrance, he could feel everything.
And even then, he took you by surprise. Without warning, he started stroking you with the same speed you did to him. You met his eyes. He had a particular glint in his that led you to understand he was feeling competitive.
You raised an eyebrow.
He bit his lip, like he was holding back a smile, even as his moans were momentarily muffled. Then, he gave you that same verbal confirmation for your thoughts, even though it was quite far off from what you had been expecting:
“You want me to go faster? Use your words.”
But he said it with such a waver in his voice and with such a deep shade of pink on his face that you couldn’t help but cackle at him. Steve’s face turned pouty as you did, but he knew you weren’t being mean on purpose. It was just so fun to think that he wanted to return to his former place on top, like he was trying to flip your own game on you.
How wrong he was to think that you would go down without a fight.
You chuckled a bit more. “Cute.”
“What?”, he asked with a shaky voice, subtly pushing his hips into the tunnel of your left hand.
“It’s cute that you think you can win this game.”
Steve’s face got impossibly redder. He closed his eyes for a second while his mouth opened in a silent moan, but tried to compose himself afterward. You leered at him, each time more convinced that he did have a little bit of a praise kink. He steeled his face as much as he could afterward, intently looking at you. “It’s not— It’s not a game if you’re not even trying to beat me.”
You smirked. “Oh, so you want me to put up a bit of a fight?”
“I mean,” Steve started, trying to look nonchalant. “…if you’re not a coward.”
You chuckled lowly at him. Then, you got close to him, trying to blanket his body with yours, but he was ready for it and met you in the middle. He kissed you hard, attempting to overpower you. That made you chuckle within the kiss, something that made him grunt in something similar to annoyance in response. Your hand moved faster and harder on his cock, a heavenly feel to him as the amount of pre-cum he was leaking made things easier, resulting in an intense handjob, made all the more vivid from your rough and calloused hands.
Even as he moaned freely in the kiss, he was still trying to get you to lie under him. His hand imitated your own’s movements, though you could feel the slight tremor his was showing. He tried to overcompensate by opening your mouth and pushing his tongue onto yours.
You raised your eyebrows at this, but kept this little game he didn’t know he had lost before he had even started. On one twist of your hand, his hips pushed up higher up and his cock accidentally brushed against yours, making him yelp and making you grunt. You withdrew to look at him and noticed the redness of his face overtaking his neck and chest now. Clearly, he was trying to keep up, but the haze of pleasure was making it difficult.
Still, he pushed on and attempted to lay the expanse of his body on yours, still stroking you fast. It seemed like he forgot how much stronger than him you were, because you didn’t even budge an inch.
As this dawned upon him, you did the same to him while in his stupor, gently pushing forward to lay him down until he was completely horizontal on the bed. He put his free hand on your chest, and you stopped in your tracks, wondering if he wanted to stop.
But when he started trying to push you back and to the side, you understood it was all still part of the game. Steve’s face took on an annoyed expression, like he was truly bothered about not being strong enough to overpower you.
He decided to up the ante and released your cock, using now both hands to attempt to subdue you, opting to clutch your hips with his legs to gain enough momentum to toss you aside.
You didn’t move at all. Instead, all that did was rub your cocks together.
Steve moaned, starting to understand that it was a lost battle.
And you chuckled again, releasing his cock to hold yourself up over him. “See, I think it’d be easier if you just admitted defeat.”
Steve groaned, but it was clear that he was trying to hold back a smile. “Not a chance.” He thrashed on the bed, putting all his strength in his limbs for a strong shove.
He managed to push you aside for a second thanks to the momentum, but as soon as he wanted to imitate your previous position, you were on him again. You wrestled on the bed for some seconds. You were delighted with the small giggles he was releasing, knowing how fun this change felt to him.
You laughed back at him once you were just like before: holding yourself up over him. This time, your hands held his shoulders softly, but firmly, pressing him down into the mattress.
Steve’s hands shot up at you, but you quickly grabbed his wrists and put them to the sides of his head. When you did this, he quieted down, and his face took on an even darker shade.
You softened the grip on his wrists just to make sure he was alright with it, but he didn’t move them an inch. Instead, his body went lax under you.
It was such a heady sight. “I win.”
Steve blinked out of his stupor for a second. “Y-Yeah. I guess.” He tried to look annoyed, but he just looked like he was holding back a nervous smile.
“Do you surrender?”, you drawled out, getting close to him, close enough to breathe the same air as him.
His heart was beating so fast. “I guess,” he mumbled, trying to look like this was a hassle for him, but the pink on his face wasn’t receding.
“You guess?”
Steve gave you a look, like he was annoyed. Then, he thrashed once again, attempting to use the element of surprise to overthrow you once more, but you were prepared.
With the grip on his wrists, you held his writhing body down and turned him around on the bed, softly, an intoxicating contrast to what he was expecting.
Steve gasped, genuinely feeling small at the feel.
You managed to lay him down until you were enveloping his body with yours, your chest pressing against his back.
When Steve felt this, he gave you a moan he’d never heard himself make. His face was almost squished against the pillow, and the feeling of being utterly overpowered was making his thoughts go haywire.
You released his left hand while you gently twisted his right one until it was held against the low of his back. At the same time, your hard cock brushed against his right cheek on accident.
Steve gasped.
“Don’t worry. I’m not gonna do anything weird right now.”
He was secretly relieved. You released his hand, which remained against his back even then, holding yourself up and your hips pushed off the bed just in case, so that your cock wouldn’t come in contact with him anymore. Steve noticed this but didn’t say anything at first, and he couldn’t after, when you took hold of his cock that was pressed in-between his belly and the mattress and started stroking it fast at once. He moaned loudly and freely.
“That’s it, baby. That’s so good.”
Steve moaned even louder at that. He didn’t know why that simple word made him feel all fuzzy inside. But you did.
He reached back with his left hand until he could touch your hips. “It’s— fine. You can…” He attempted to press you against him.
“You sure?”, you asked him; despite this, you complied immediately and pushed your hips against his ass, though you lowered your body a bit so that your cock wouldn’t be in direct contact with his ass.
“Yeah, but it’s— you can—” Steve pressed his face against the pillow from the embarrassment when he tried to push you higher up with his left hand behind him. “It’s okay if… but we don’t… Jesus, don’t make me say it.”
You chuckled. You pressed your body against him, angling your hips so that the length of your hard cock would be pressing between his cheeks, pointing downwards.
Steve almost shouted at the feel.
That was how you managed to make Steve feel even more helpless: your entire body pressed against the back of his against the bed led him to rut against your right hand in desperation.
You kissed his nape to give him some comfort. “Just this. I don’t think you’re ready for that.”
The back of his neck burned with abashment. “Yeah. You’re right. I mean, I think. I mean—”
You chuckled and gave his neck more little kisses. He released a small titter because of his nervousness. “Trust me. You aren’t.”
Steve bit his lip where you couldn’t see him. You just kept stroking him, the feeling of being enveloped by you adding on to his mental haze. He tentatively shifted his hips to chase more of the feel of your hand, but in doing so he also incidentally rubbed his ass on your cock.
Steve didn’t know why that pushed him so close to the edge.
You’d never heard Steve make such a sound— he was all but whimpering deliriously. Steve realized this and covered his mouth with his left hand, grabbing onto the sheets next to his head with his right one.
He was so adorable. You knew he was embarrassed from his own reactions to this change. “Does that feel good?”, you grunted next to his ear as you shifted your hips to rub against his rear again.
Steve blubbered something unintelligible, legs folding on their own, as if he was close.
You cackled at him. “Babe. I asked you a question.”
“What— Ah, fuck— Y-Yeah. Yeah.” Steve’s was all but writhing on the bed by that point. “Wh-Why does it feel so good?”
“We can talk about it later. For now…” Your hand was a blur between his belly and the mattress while you rubbed your cock on his ass. “… I want you to cum just like this. Come on, sweetness. Make a mess.”
You knew just how nonsensical he got when he came on a good day. But you didn’t know this would be a strong orgasm, so you weren’t prepared for the way he moaned, almost like it hurt, when he had the most intense orgasm he’d had to date, spurting lines upon lines of cum, as if you’d edged him for hours. God. His face was probably the best part, but you couldn’t see him from your position. Such a shame. His little whines would probably embarrass him if he had more coherence that moment.
After coming like a literal freight train for what seemed like minutes, you knew he was done when he relaxed on the bed. His breaths were quick and deep, like he couldn’t draw in enough air.
Your hard cock was twitching from its snug position between his cheeks, but you ignored it for the while. Your mouth started making its way to his, starting from his nape, where you left slow kisses, until you reached his red cheek. Steve was too out of it to respond.
You lifted yourself off his body, and he still didn’t acknowledge you. You gently manhandled his body and rolled it around, until he was lying on his back on the bed, next to the frankly impressive cumstain on the sheets. Steve’s eyes were closed and his breathing only then started to return to normal. You kneeled between his parted legs.
Steve finally opened his eyes, seeming to just then realize that his position had been changed without his knowledge.
“Back on the land of the living?”
He breathed in and out a couple of times before he chuckled, shyly, rolling his eyes at you. “Jesus, dude.” Steve took in the hard cock that was looming over his own spent one, the heat from yours so strong that he could feel it in the proximity. He bit his lip, extending a shaky hand forward and taking your cock in it. “You’re still…”
“Yeah,” you answered nonchalantly.
“I… let me…?” Steve looked up at you in question.
As if he ever needed confirmation from you. “Whatever you want, baby.”
He steeled himself and started stroking you, slowly at first, but quickly building up the pace until his hand was a blur on you.
You closed your eyes and bit your lip. “Won’t be too long, now.” Your hips freely pushed to and fro within the tunnel of his hand.
Steve was taken aback by this at first, but the visual rapidly turned the feelings inside him into something fuzzy and hot and.
And. Big.
And when you moaned in that low voice of yours, it was like one of the few remaining notions in his mind were broken once again: the contrast between a feeble and feminine voice against this gruff and masculine one was unmistakable. He welcomed this change too much. He’d thought he couldn’t get any more flustered, but he’d been wrong.
As you leant down and held yourself over Steve on your hands and knees, Steve thought he’d never felt smaller than at that moment. His heart was pounding so hard from the feeling of being caged in, but he —even with his terrible experiences with being trapped, confined, restricted in any way— felt safe, not cornered.
You opened your eyes just in time to see another one of those epiphanies he continuously had those days. You smirked at him, and Steve glanced at you before his eyes strayed downwards again, mesmerized with the sight of your cock thrusting into his fist.
Which. Well. Might have been just the tiniest beginning of a second epiphany that day.
“‘Find out something new?”, you grunted out, already close.
Steve looked up at you once more, mouth opening but then closing, biting his lip in that shy way you were so familiar with. “Maybe…”, he mumbled.
You gave him a low laugh before you bit your lip and closed your eyes, face twisted in bliss. “Getting close.”
Steve seemed to breathe faster at that. He only nodded, almost enthusiastically, and his hand stroked you even faster. He gave you a quick sultry look, and you were left wondering what it meant before his left hand went under the one he had on your member, and rolled your testes with it.
You growled at him, hearing his intake of breath at it, before you lent forward, closer to him, hovering only shy of a foot over him. You opened your eyes to see him looking almost frantic, unable to choose between looking at your face or at your cock, before you closed the distance and gave him a short, steamy kiss.
Steve whined a little when you withdrew, because you were suddenly coming on his stomach, grunting from the release. He kept stroking you through it, drawing in breaths from his open mouth as you added to the mess on his stomach.
His cock valiantly tried to fill for a second.
Once you were done, you smiled at him, noticing his sheepish expression. You rolled to the part of the bed that wasn’t stained with his cum and lay down on your side.
Steve’s eyes were shyly straying away from yours, but he wasn’t able to look away for too long, always coming back to your own or to the mess you made on his belly.
You used the hand that wasn’t stained with his cum to stroke a finger across his cheekbone. “So? What did you think?”, you asked him, as you reached behind you without looking to grab some tissues.
“W-Well…” He looked adorable. He lowered his face down to your chest, so hopelessly trying to hide the blush on his face, but it was useless. He giggled against your skin. “It was… something.”
You chuckled in sympathy. “Baby.”
“Was there any point where you didn’t like any of it?”, you asked, specifically thinking of the part where you were rubbing yourself against his ass.
Steve’s eye peeked from your chest. He bit his lip to hide a smile, even though you couldn’t see it from your position, and shook his head.
“No? None at all?”
Steve knew what you were referring to. His face only got redder. “No. Actually…” He looked like he was about to say something, but quickly lost his courage and hid his face again. “N-Nevermind.”
“It’s okay to be embarrassed, sweetheart.”
He grumbled, embarrassed. “‘M not embarrassed.”
You could only chuckle at that. You kissed his forehead, and Steve laid his head in such a way that you could see him. “Whatever you say. I’m just saying there’s a first time for everything, and I recall you seemed to like a certain part a lot.”
Steve kicked his feet against the bed and he— he whined. Like it physically hurt him to hear you say this. He mumbled: “And what about it.”
You openly laughed at him. He was just so fun to tease. “Nothing. Just saying. There’s a whole world of possibilities you might have not thought about yet.”
God. Steve’s face was steaming hot by this point. He knew what you meant, but he couldn’t verbalize it, the sole idea setting off many different reactions in him, most of which were welcome, but made his heart pound fast at the same time, gave him the shivers.
But you knew he was probably drained, so you took his silence as a gentle dismissal for the day.
That last memory could be named ‘The Beginning Of It All’, because Steve feels like something fundamentally changed in him after you both were done that day, him staying up for a while after you started dozing off, lost in his thoughts.
These same thoughts invade his mind at every point of the day the next days that pass. At work, at home —alone, like always—, while going to run some errands. He can’t get that particular moment out of his mind, and it makes his face turn so red to just catch himself starting to think about it.
Because, first of all, he’s still wrapping his head around it. It being the fact that you were right: there is truly a world of possibilities he hasn’t completely thought about up to that moment. It being the fact that he’s starting to wonder how… some things might feel, and Steve finds himself almost steaming from bashfulness when he can finally find the courage to put it into words:
Fucked. He wants to know how it would feel like to be fucked.
He runs his hands through his hair, across his face, over his mouth, anything to try to somehow erase the red tint his face gets when he thinks about it.
It never works, of course. At work, Robin gives him that squinty look whenever she catches the most minuscule shift from his normal skin tone to anything other. Like a shark to blood.
“You know you can tell me anything, right, Stevie?”
“I know, Robbie. But maybe not this one?”
And his face goes the deepest shade imaginable after saying it and he tries to cover it, and Robin stews in her concern, but leaves it at that. She helps by offering to pull out the old reliable You’re Cool vs. You Suck board, to which Steve gently but exasperatedly refuses. Because he is cool, for once. He believes.
Some few days after The Beginning Of It All, Steve caves in. He’s just so desperate to know more about this particular fixation of his that has his mind going haywire, but he knows it has to be different.
He’s had anal with a few of the girls he’s had sex with, so he knows the difference between vaginal and anal penetration. Obviously. He won’t be able to involuntarily self-lubricate or dilate before being penetrated. He knows that.
He just doesn’t know what it entails. Before sealing the deal.
So Steve, in his eagerness to learn more, spends one of his weekend days travelling all the way down to Columbus, where he knows no one will recognize him, an almost two-hour-long trip just to have a semblance of anonymity.
How freeing it is, to be able to walk into a —though secluded— queer-friendly sex shop, just to buy a magazine where he’ll be able to read ‘Everything You Need to Know About Anal!”, and come out of it, full-incognito. He just hopes times will change in the future and he won’t have to hide so much for something so simple.
So, two hours later, when he’s back home and with a fresh new magazine in his hands that he treasures like a family heirloom, he gets comfortable on his bed after closing the door to his bedroom —as if his ever-absent parents would barge in at any moment.
And he reads.
Admittedly, the more he reads, the more he can feel his face start to heat up, albeit for a different reason now. Because he now knows what he needs to do. Before.
He giggles. He reads on. Discovers new things apart from the specific act of anal penetration, since the magazine focuses on gay sexual health in general. Is taken aback by a few things, mentally slaps himself on the face for not paying enough attention back in high school. Particularly reprimands himself for thinking that condoms are only useful for stopping pregnancies, hasn’t really thought about the possibility that there are sexual diseases and a whole epidemic going on, something that could have gotten to him even during the times that he would have sex with girls.
Finds out something that interests him way too much, another one of the things he glossed over at school, but is sure a lot more of his classmates would have as well:
��The prostate. Just a quick stroke on this bad boy will have you seeing stars. Ask your partner to try it on you.’
Curious. Where is it, again?
Oh, right. Just about two inches into.
“Into…”, Steve mutters, feeling the tips of his ears burn. He covers his face with the magazine and giggles, just like a girl with a crush. He lowers the mag until his eyes can peek from above it. His eyes stray anywhere and everywhere as he’s in deep thought.
Into. Steve hasn’t had any sort of stimulation on his behind other than some days ago, when you got him off while rubbing yourself against him, but he can clearly recall his own reaction to it. Such a strong response has to mean something. He just hopes it ends being all it was said to be.
His cock is starting to get hard from the thought. Just recalling that encounter has him feeling heady, growing inside his pants. Steve bits his lip. He lays the magazine on his chest and rubs the juncture between his thighs and groin with his hands while he thinks. The idea of fingering himself is growing more and more in his mind. He just has to give it a try.
A wild thought strays into his mind: the image of you thrusting two fingers in and out of him.
Steve releases a heavy breath. That vision has his cock throbbing.
He grabs the magazine and drops it beside him, on the mattress. Then, he quickly gets up and makes his way to the shower.
Previous preparations are done. Now comes the fun part. Hopefully.
Steve throws himself on the bed, still naked after the shower. His cock has remained on the beginnings of an erection all throughout, and it’s driving Steve crazy.
He settles until he’s half sitting up, half lying down on the center of the bed. He reaches to the side and opens his drawer, taking out the bottle of lube he has stored. Quickly, he opens it and pours a generous amount of the liquid on the fingers of his right hand, recalling what the magazine said about there never being enough lube for anal. He giggles a bit in the face of what he’s about to do.
With a heavy breath, Steve lowers his right hand down to his behind. He plants his feet on the bed to have a better approach. Then, he tentatively brushes his middle finger against the furl of his hole.
Steve bits his lip. It feels intense, and he hasn’t even started doing anything yet. He tries to relax, just in the way he’s read. Breathing in and out, he rubs the tip of his finger in circles, around his hole and occasionally venturing towards the center of it. Then, he steels himself, and starts pushing in.
He finds that the first finger enters without much trouble, perhaps a bit too easily, because he suddenly finds himself pushing it to the last knuckle on accident.
Steve gasps. It feels… equal parts good and weird. He covers his mouth with his free hand and giggles. He can’t believe he’s really doing this.
He waits for some seconds until he gets used to the feeling of his finger inside himself, and then starts pulling it out.
Okay. That feels downright weird.
Steve continues in spite of this, talking himself into enjoying this, trying to recall the feel of your hard cock rubbing between his cheeks. But it’s one thing to have another person do it to him while in a context where he was already hard, and another entirely different one to experiment with himself while he’s only now starting to feel pleasure.
He lowers his left hand to the discarded tube of lubricant on the bed. Steve does some gymnastics with his fingers, trying to open the lid with only one hand and to pour lube on that same hand, something that makes him spill some lube on the bed on accident. Oh, well. At least he gets some of it on his hand. When he’s done, he closes the lid with one wet hand and moves that same hand towards his cock. He encloses his member with his lubed hand, and that instantly brings him some pleasure.
But it’s not enough. It’s sort of difficult to stroke himself with his left hand, given that he’s right-handed.
Steve shakes his head. He thrusts his finger in and out of himself and tries to look for… anything that might give him some pleasure, but he simply can’t.
He thinks it’s because he only has one finger in him, so he puts his ring finger next to his middle one, squeezing together until he feels his rim give a little. It feels like a tight fit, but Steve pushes on, before he manages to fit the tip of his second finger inside him.
The stretch gives him pause. It certainly feels like a strain and it burns to a degree.
He doesn’t let that stop him and pushes forward, and he suddenly finds himself with two fingers inside him.
Steve breathes heavily. The stretch does something for him, but he doesn’t know if it’s something good or not. The only thing he knows is that his cock gives a little kick at the strain, but it’s too early to say if he really likes it, or if his body is just reacting naturally at this point.
So he waits and strokes himself slowly. His cock is only about half hard. Still, he holds on until he feels like he can move his right hand. He starts pulling his two fingers out and then back in at a leisured pace. There is undoubtedly something intense about the feeling. He keeps on thrusting slowly, in and out, still rubbing his cock at the same speed, and then starts a faster pace with his fingers.
Still. Nothing much.
He suddenly recalls what he read in the magazine. Right. The prostate. Two inches into.
Only, Steve doesn’t know what he’s supposed to feel for. He presses forward, upward, but nothing really stands out.
Steve purses his lips, almost pouting. He was expecting something mind-blowing after the other day. He prods and thrusts some more, but it’s fruitless.
He reaches a sad conclusion: What if he doesn’t enjoy anal sex at all? Has that time just been a one-off?
Sighing, he pulls his fingers out, resigning himself to finishing himself with a mediocre handjob.
Steve’s dejected mood translates into most of his actions the next days. You’re the one who notices the most, when you visit him at Family Video today.
He’s alone in the store, Robin probably in the back room for her break, no clients in sight. He has his back to you, for once seeming to do his job and arranging VHS’s in a neat pile. That tells you all you need to know.
He senses someone behind him, but doesn’t turn around as he says: “Welcome. How may I help you?”
“I’d like the longest and horniest movie you have, please.”
Steve jumps at your voice. He quickly turns around, and whatever light scowl that might have been present in his face is instantly swapped for a nervous smile.
But you can see some slight tension on his face, so you say: “Don’t worry. There’s no other people here.”
“Yeah,” Steve starts, his voice almost tight, “…I know.”
You think his attitude is a bit strange. On any other normal day he would’ve been vibrating with energy just by having you in his proximity, but today it seems like he’s just subdued. Unhappy for some reason.
So you lean on the counter and notice his intake of breath, as well as the subtle reddening of his cheeks, something that will never change regardless of his mood.
“What’s got my pretty boy so down?”
Steve valiantly tries to grin at you, but it sort of comes out as a grimace. He hums. “I can’t really talk about it at work.”
You hum, too. “Wanna tell me about it after work?”
Steve bites his lip, like it’s a hard decision for him. Now you’re convinced that there’s something truly wrong going on. Finally, he decides. “Yeah. Same time as always?”
“Yep.” You subtly brush your fingers against his hand on the counter, the most overt thing you’ll try in public, knowing how nervous he gets about it. Steve sighs happily when you do. Then, you lower your voice, almost to a murmur. “I’ll give you an extra good time, just to see you smile. And, well. Make other sorts of faces, too.”
Your angel turns red. He giggles against his own shoulder, giving you the first display of genuine happiness.
You chuckle as well, as you turn to leave.
Later in the evening, Steve shows up in your doorstep, and you can’t help the way you practically drag him inside your house. He laughs when you do.
As soon as you close the door, you’re on him. Steve’s gasp is muffled by your lips, but he composes himself to respond in kind. You feel him opening his mouth to push his tongue onto yours, which surprises you, since he’s not usually the one to start such contact. Not that you’re complaining. You brush your tongue against his and feel his moan vibrate throughout your body. As if on instinct, his body presses against yours, but as soon as you feel the beginnings of a hard-on —which, surprisingly, isn’t yours—, he withdraws at once.
Steve gives you a nervous half-smile. “Hi,” he says, so shyly it gives you whiplash.
You chuckle. “Hey, there.” You lean down to give him one last peck on his lips. When you separate, you take his hand to start leading him further into your house. “Wanna sit on the couch? Watch a movie? Or…”
He stays in silence for some seconds, starting to look all too awkward for some reason.
You rub the hand you have in yours with your thumb, the question obvious in your face.
“Um…” Steve looks down, abashed. “Wh-Whatever you want.”
You purse your lips. “Hm. No offense, sweetheart, but that was the least convincing thing you’ve ever said.”
Steve chuckles. “You’re not wrong.” He looks up at you from under his lashes. That’s enough to get you going. “Well… we could…”
His face does a funny thing and he releases a titter. “You’re gonna make me say it, aren’t you?”
You want to tease him more, truly, but you feel as though whatever had him so crestfallen today might have drained him for the day, so you settle with: “Not this time, sweet thing. Let’s just go to my room so we can talk.”
“Yeah…” Steve’s face takes on a deep shade of red.
“Really,” you try to sound reassuring as you start walking to your bedroom with him in tow. “Whatever you want. We can talk… or we can talk.”
He laughs openly. “Right.”
You arrive at the door of your room. Steve looks at you, so bashful it’s almost painful to watch him.
You both cross the threshold. “Want me to close the door?”, you ask, knowing about his usual want of privacy, even though you lived alone.
He nods, meekly. So you close the door and stand in front of him, taking his hands in yours, expectant of whatever he’s going to say, because you know that he has it on the tip of his tongue. “Wanna lie down? Or sit down for a bit?”
Steve understands. He bites his lip. “Um…” He stays in silence for a while after that, so you take it as a refusal. You’re truly worried at this point.
You give him some encouragement. “Is anything wrong, sweetheart? Or was it that way at work?”
“Uh…” Steve looks skittish. You’ve never seen him quite like this. “I guess you could say so. But it’s…” He heaves out a breath and looks down. “God. It’s so embarrassing.”
“Anything you wanna tell me, baby, know that I’ll never judge you for it.” You rub circles on the insides of his wrists.
God. He’s so quiet it’s almost creeping you out. You want him to say what’s on his mind so bad, but you don’t want to rush him, so you just stand there, awaiting his next words.
“So, um…” Steve purses his lips, feeling the tips of his ears burning. He still doesn’t look up. “You know the other day, when we, um…”
Your heart sinks. You’re so sure he’s going to say something along the lines of ‘I hated this and that and I didn’t want to say it at the time’. You just stand there, trying to not let the panic show on your face. “Yeah?”
He doesn’t notice, since his eyes are glued to the floor. “Wh-When we were…” He exhales, and it comes out a bit whiny. “It’s so hard to say this.”
You decide to put him out of his misery. “Something you didn’t like?”
At that, Steve looks up at you quickly in confusion. “Um. No? Actually…” He bites his lip, unable to even give you a nervous smile. “I, um… might have liked it too much.”
You try to not let the relief you feel be too obvious. “Oh.”
“Y-Yeah. So, I, um… I might have… done more research? And…” He whines from the embarrassment.
“Yeah?”, you encourage him, because this ‘research’ he’s talking about feels just too good to be true. “That’s amazing. What did you find?”
“Well…” Steve looks you in the eye for one second before he decides it’s too much for him, whines again, and hides his face in your chest.
You chuckle in compassion. You kiss the top of his head. “Go on?”
Steve takes a deep breath. He tilts his head so you can see some of his face. “Well, I kind of… tried some stuff.”
“Some stuff?”, you press on, almost desperate to know more. “That’s great, babe. What’s wrong with it?”
At the reminder that there is something wrong, Steve seems to deflate. “I’m getting there.”
“Okay. Sorry.”
He chuckles softly. Next, he encircles your torso with his arms, noticing how you’ve done the same to him. “I kind of… I don’t know… liked it but also didn’t, so it was kind of disappointing. And I got really bitchy afterwards because I thought I had it down.” Steve looks up at you with the saddest, most adorable eyes from his position on your chest as he kept speaking freely. “And I’m also kind of mad at myself because I think I did it right, but it wasn’t what I expected. And…” He seems to get shy again. “And I wanted to… do more… with you… but I don’t know if I’m doing it wrong, or if it’s something I really don’t like.”
You card your fingers through his hair, knowing how hard it is for him to talk about something like this. You lift his head, with your right hand under his chin, and let his pretty face look at you. “You’re so brave for telling me this, honey.” You give him a slow, sweet kiss on the lips that seems to soothe his nerves. Now, you let him know just how supportive you are. “Just to make sure, is this something you want to like? Or is it something you feel like you have to like to make me happy?” You raise your eyebrow at him, jokingly scolding him, and he knows what you’re about to say, because he looks equally exasperated and amused. “What did we say about expectations and roles?”
“I know,” he says, a small genuine smile on his face. He bites his lip. “I want to like it. For myself.”
Steve unconsciously catches his breath at that and carries on. “I’m just not sure if I’m doing it right.”
“Okay,” you conclude. “So let’s get this straight: you’re talking about…” Your hands lower down his back, until your fingertips are touching the rim of his pants. “Playing with this?” They stray lower, until you can feel up his cheeks on your hands, over the denim. “As in, anal?”
Steve’s face gets so red once the word is out. He nods.
“Okay. Did you use a toy? Or fingers? Something else?”
He hides his face in your chest again. “F-Fingers.”
“Cool. What did it feel like?”
Steve’s eyes stray downwards, and he chews on his lower lip, trying to find the words. “It was… sort of intense? It was kind of good but also weird. And I was expecting it to feel a lot better since, you know…” Steve looks like he’s about to break into nervous laughter. “But… I don’t know what I was expecting, honestly.”
You purse your lips in thought. “Did you reach your prostate?”
Steve shakes his head. “No. I know about it since I read— I mean… during my research…” His lips tremble in a shy smile.
You chuckle. He was just so adorable. “What would this research be, if I may know?”
“Well. Kind of… a magazine?”
“Ooh. And did it tell you where it was?”
“It did. But I just couldn’t find it for some reason.”
You hum while carding your fingers through his hair. You’re almost sure this entire talk might be doing something to Steve, but you don’t want to push just yet. “That might be a very good reason why you didn’t like it that much. The prostate is extremely important for this.”
“Yep. If you’ve never felt naturally inclined to do any sort of anal play, it’s most probable that you might not feel pleasure just from anal itself. You’d need something more.”
Steve puts the tiniest bit of space between you two to look at you better. In doing so, you notice his state of arousal, which proves that he is a bit pent up over this.
When he realizes this, he shifts in place, subtly trying to cover himself, looking at you sheepishly.
You chuckle, grabbing his chin and laying a hot kiss on his lips. “Baby. ‘This talk doing something for you?”
Steve bites his lip and shyly nods.
Your hands tentatively slide under his shirt, resting on the sides of his hips within it. “Tell you what. Someday… if you want, that is… I could help you with this. We could play a little to see if we find a fix.”
At this, Steve sucks his lips into his teeth, like he’s trying not to laugh, and his face takes on a deep shade of pink. “Um… well…”
“Yeah?” You’re eager now, knowing he’s onto something.
“You could… right now, if you want?”
“Oh, babe.” Your hands slide underneath his polo shirt until they reach the middle part of his back. “You mean…?”
“I… kind of… today, I… before I came here…” Steve fidgets with the rim on the back of your shirt. “Again. W-With fingers— Like— I tried to see if…”
You give him a steamy kiss to put him out of his misery. He whines lowly within it, and moans when you open his mouth to rub your tongue against his. You separate too soon for his liking. “Yeah? Played with yourself?”
Steve is so abashed he can only nod.
“That’s so hot. I bet you’re so pent up right now.” Your hands return to the rim of his polo, and start pulling it up to his midriff, looking at him in question, to which he eagerly nods. You take off his shirt and leave it on the bed.
He’s on you the moment you return to him. His sudden kiss leaves you breathless, but it only makes you chuckle. His jittery hands pull at the rim of your shirt and you comply, quickly taking it off.
After some moments of haste, you’re both completely bare to each other, returning to that prolonged kiss you can’t get enough of. Your hands stray lower and lower down his back.
You withdraw long enough to breathe out: “Cool if I do this?”, before lowering your hands to the top of his cheeks.
Steve gasps. He nods, almost vibrating against you.
You chuckle, and take each of his glutes in a firm handful each.
He whines as you play with him, looking at you from under his lashes. You lean forward, and lay heavy kisses down his neck.
“Oh, fuck.” A little bite has his legs twitching on the floor. “Fuck!” A long lick from the hollow of his clavicles to the side of his jaw while you massage each handful has him moaning intelligibly.
Two fingers of your right hand suddenly rubbing against his hole have him jumping almost a foot in the air. “Okay?”
Steve’s moans are airy. “That’s…” He breathes in and out as you rub up and down the sensitive skin. “G-Good.”
You finish this with a steamy kiss on his lips, before laying your hands on his hips. “Let’s go to the bed?”
After you’re done leading him to the side of the bed that has the night table next to it, you both sit down and continue kissing and caressing each other for some seconds.
You know Steve’s impatient. You have to make this good for him, have to prove to him that he could totally like this, so, after you withdraw from his lips, without taking your eyes off him, you reach out and open the drawer, taking out a tube of lube and a condom.
Steve’s eyes land on the square packet, almost nervously.
“Don’t worry, babe. It’s not what you’re thinking.”
He bites his lip. “Um… what is it, then?”, he asks, apprehensively.
“Let me tell you.” You leave the objects in the space between you and Steve on the mattress. With your right hand, you shift Steve’s legs to part them. He lets you, albeit hesitantly, unsure of what you’re planning. You grab the condom and show it to him. “Sometimes, people who have any sort of anal play with others might use condoms for whatever they’re gonna be inserting into the other, even if it’s not a dick.”
“Really?”, he sighs out, almost relieved.
“Yeah. They might use it for toys or even fingers. So I’m asking you now: do you want me to wear this when I’m fingering you?”
Steve’s face burns at your bluntness, but he takes the time to think it over. “Hm. Is it necessary?”
“Not as much as it is for anal sex per se. Depends on how worried you are about contracting STI’s, which is pretty much a null possibility. Our results looked pretty good, if you ask me.”
Indeed. The doctors cleared you both something like a week ago.
“It’s whatever you want, babe. I’m okay with either.”
“Okay,” he agrees. “Maybe you could not wear it? I kind of… need to feel it properly if I’m gonna be doing it later on my own.” Steve turns giggly as his face darkens.
You chuckle as well. “Now, that’s a pretty picture.” You start leaning forward into Steve, hearing his giddy intake of breath when he feels you rearranging him on the bed, until he’s half lying down in the center of it. You muse for a second. “In fact… I’d be totally okay if you tried that right now.” Steve’s mouth quirks in a demure smile. “You know, to see what you’re doing wrong.”
He rolls his eyes. “Of course. Just for that.” He bites his lip, pink on the face, because he will do it, just because your encouragement makes him all warm inside. He grabs your lube, pouring some on the fingers of his right hand, and then leaves it aside. “Fair warning, though. It might be kind of unsexy. I’m gonna be flagging.”
“That’s normal. It’s not easy to remain hard just from anal.”
He smiles. “Yeah, well…”, he trails off.
And he starts. He lowers both hands to the area near his groin, his left one going for his cock, stroking himself in order to relax, before rubbing the lubed fingers of his right hand on his hole. He exhales.
You wonder at the sight. Steve lightly squirms from your pointed gaze, but he continues on nonetheless. His middle finger enters him without much trouble, due to having played with himself previously. He doesn’t make much noise, apart from the occasional exhalation.
“How’s that feel?”, you ask him.
“Underwhelming.” Steve’s expression resembles a grimace, but he valiantly tries to give you a little grin. He quickly makes way for a second finger, which takes a bit longer to enter, but when he does, you can see the subtle shift in his features. He looks like it’s a bit of a strain for him. “It feels only sort of better right now.”
“Because of the stretch?”
You hum. The visual is breathtaking. If only Steve could see himself right now, he’d know that you don’t need much more than this to go. Still, you feel kind of bad for thinking this when he’s clearly not enjoying it thoroughly. “Try to search for your prostate. It should feel like a spongy patch.”
“I’m trying, now.” Steve shifts his hand, probably moving his fingers inside him.
After some seconds, you see his shoulders slump.
“I can’t.” He sounds petulant about it.
You click your tongue. “Poor baby. Maybe I could do it for you?” And his face takes on the red hue it’d lost during his act. He bites his lip. “If you want, of course.”
Steve licks his lips. That certainly sounds nice. He nods, biting his lip as he takes his fingers out, wincing at the empty feel. Once they’re out, he looks around, hand hovering in the air for some seconds, before he lays that hand on his thigh, not quite knowing what to do.
You pull some tissues from the box atop the night table and give them to him, to which he looks grateful and cleans his hand.
“Just leave it there,” you tell him, and he drops the tissue next to him on the bed.
Now, you lean forward. Just as you were expecting, he gives you that demure expression before you take his lips in a slow kiss, opening his mouth just in time for him to lay his tongue on yours. You kiss him for some moments, rubbing your hands up and down his torso, playing with the hair on his chest and his nipples until you’ve got him panting against your mouth.
Before you withdraw completely, you bite his lower lip, to which he gasps. “Now I’ve got you all hot and bothered.” Steve smiles, head tilted down to his chest. “Were you all hot and bothered when you tried to finger yourself, too?”
“Sort of. Not as much as right now.” Steve parts his legs wider, something that has you ready to go.
“I’m flattered.” Still leaning into his space, sharing the same air, your right hand sneakily goes down his belly until you can grasp his hard cock. He breathes out, minutely thrusting up and down into your fist. Your fondling doesn’t last for too long. Your right hand releases his cock and slides over his testes, lower and lower, until you’ve got four main fingers resting on the juncture of his thigh and hip and your thumb against his perineum. “I want you to feel something.”
Steve gives you a heady look, heart almost beating out of his chest at the soft contact. “What?”, he whispers.
Your thumb presses against his perineum.
Steve’s body seizes. He gives you the prettiest, loudest moan, and his body curls into your hand for a moment before dropping on the bed, at the same time that you release the pressure.
“Fuck… What the fuck is that?” He runs a hand through his hair, looking at you in wonder.
“That is your prostate.” You smile at him.
“Oh my God.” Steve laughs softly.
“Yeah. Now imagine that, but…” You muse for a second. “Ten times more intense.”
Steve gives you an almost panicked look, but you know it’s in the best way, because he finds himself muttering: “Holy fuck…”
“Now you know why so many gay men like to bottom.” Your thumb rubs the skin of his perineum without pressing forward, something that makes Steve antsy with pleasure. Then, your hand slides downward, until your thumb can rub against the tight furl of his hole.
Steve bites his lip to hold back his desperate moan.
“I’m gonna make you feel so good, you’ll see. I bet I could make you come just from your prostate.”
“Fuck,” Steve breathes out. “Is that even possible?”
“Yeah. After this, you’ll be able to do it to yourself. Trust me. Once you start, you can never stop. It just feels so good.” Your thumb presses in without much intent; you only do it to hear Steve’s frantic breathing increasing. “With time, your body might learn how to get pleasure just from penetration alone.”
“Ah, fuck. I can— I can totally see it.”
“Yeah.” You lay a heavy kiss on his lips. “I could get you all needy when you do.” Your hand now rests in front of his ass, middle and ring finger rubbing up and down his hole. His legs twitch. “Make you want a real cock in place of fingers. If you want,” you clarify when you spot Steve’s big eyes glancing at you with something that looks like nervousness, which, in reality, is pure unadulterated want.
He nods fervently. He subtly pushes his hips towards you, letting you know how ready he is for you to start.
So you do. You quickly grab the tube and pour lubricant on the fingers of your right hand. As soon as you press the tips of two fingers against his hole, his hips twitch, and he makes the smallest sound that has your cock throbbing.
“Good. Let’s just start with one since my fingers are thicker.”
God. Steve seems to only now recall this fact. It only serves to turn him even more flustered. He nods.
The tip of your middle finger starts pressing forward. To be fair, it’s not too difficult to breach him, since he played with himself using two fingers before he arrived, but doing it himself is so different from feeling someone else do it for him.
When the tip of your finger enters him, his lungs seem to run out of air. He clenches harshly around you.
“I’m gonna need you to relax, baby.”
Steve pants. “I’m trying. It’s just… so intense.”
You understand him, of course. Your left hand goes to his cock and you start stroking him at a leisured pace.
He gives you the smallest moan. Once you feel like he won’t clamp down on you, you continue entering him with your finger, until it’s down to the last knuckle.
Steve keeps on breathing heavy, but there’s a small smile on his face. “Oh my God. That’s so…”
“How is it?”
“Better than on my own.”
You nod. “I wanna put two in before I start feeling for your prostate. I promise it’s gonna feel real good like that.”
“Yeah.” Steve nods with a blush high on his face.
You pull your middle finger out until only the tip is in. Your ring finger rubs softly against his rim, next to your middle one, before you start pushing both fingers forward.
Steve clenches down, gritting his teeth from the small strain.
“Hm. Can’t have you clamping down on me like this, sweetheart. How about you try to push out a bit?”
“‘Push out’? Oh my God,” Steve laughs, embarrassed. Covers his mouth but does as he’s told.
Your two fingers push in to the last knuckle way too easily after this, so much so that Steve’s left panting, his arms buckling and ending up having to lean on his right elbow.
“Oh my God,” Steve repeats. His cock is only half-hard by now; in spite of this, he feels it kicking at the stretch.
You still your two fingers inside him, waiting for him to get used. When you hear Steve’s heavy breathing calm down, you decide to start thrusting them in and out.
He clenches down and makes small whines.
“Too much?”, you ask softly, as you stop your motions.
Steve gives you a half-smile, half-grimace. “Hm… I don’t know, honestly.”
You think you see some of his previous frustration seep into his expression, so you decide to not tease him anymore.
Your fingertips press against the upper part of his walls. Steve bites his lower lip, knowing what you’re trying to do.
It takes some long seconds of exploration, but when it happens, it’s a sight to behold.
Steve shouts. His face is the best part: pinched tight in a perfect mix between shock and pleasure. His entire body twitches against your hand. His legs kick for a second, and his cock hardens in front of you, before he slumps against the bed.
“Holy fuck,” is all he can pant out, left hand against his beating heart.
“There it is.” You smirk at Steve, and he only has a brief second to catch his breath and look at you in euphoric torment before you’re suddenly thrusting right against that spot, focusing on bringing the most prolonged and intense reactions out of him.
And you certainly fulfill this task to the maximum, if the long, whiny moans coming out of your boyfriend are indicative enough. Steve grabs at his own knees to try to keep himself as open as possible, because the forceful twitches of his body have him closing them without meaning to, too uncoordinated to do anything other than suffer from pleasure. When he can’t even coordinate his hands anymore just for that, he has no option but to thrash on the bed.
This is the hottest thing you’ve ever seen. Steve’s expressions are some of the prettiest, most arousing you’ve had the honor of witnessing. The way his eyebrows pinch and his eyes shut tight, mouth open to let out airy moans, is something that won’t leave your mind alone for the foreseeable future.
Steve opens those beautiful eyes just in time to beg you with them to not stop, and you don’t need any verbal ratification to understand.
Your fingers move in circles against the bundle of nerves, and his legs shake so bad you’re afraid he might start cramping at any given moment. Steve is laid out on the bed, almost unable to comprehend the amount of pleasure you’re giving him, unable to even open his eyes to witness this.
“Oh my God,” is all he can moan. It’s so endearing, the way he keeps his left hand over his chest, like he’s trying to will his heart into not beating so fast.
“Ever thought it could feel like this?”
“N-No. Not at all— fuck!” His left hand leaves his chest and goes up to his mouth, covering it, as if he doesn’t know what to do with it. “I-It feels… Fuck, it feels kinda weird too, like I’m gonna…” Steve takes his hard cock in his right hand, gritting his teeth when he feels like there’s going to be a rush of something other than cum in any second.
You chuckle. “That’s normal.” You softly take his right hand in your free one, leaving it aside without much resistance. “Look at that. You’re all hard just from this. That’s so good.” Steve breathes out a series of short moans behind his hand after you say this, looking at you with a bit of newfound shyness, even now that he’s laid out, taking your fingers in him.
“Y-You think it’s good?” He squirms when you give slow, deep thrusts against his prostate.
“Oh, baby. It is. It’s so good. You’re doing so good for me.”
Sweet boy. Does he really think covering his face with one hand will hide him from you noticing his deep blush?
You give him the quietest chuckle. “Look at this for one second, babe?”
Steve lowers his hand until only his mouth is being concealed, looking at you while debating himself on doing it or not, but he ends up bringing it down to hold himself up on quivering arms while you give him short, less intense thrusts with your fingers.
He leans up until he’s half sitting up, looking at your wrist.
“Would you look at that,” you drawl out, pointing at your moving hand with a nod.
Steve looks. His cock releases a steady stream of pre-cum at the sight.
Because right now, he’s looking at you doing to him the same thing he used to do to so many girls: you’re finger-fucking him with the two fingers in the middle, index and pinky ones pressed flat against the sides of them.
Just like a girl.
Steve feels faint at the sight. “I’m gonna cum.”
“Oh, yeah?” You resume a fast, intense pace, your fingers making squelching noises when your palm meets his skin.
Steve his moaning through his teeth, unable to hold himself up anymore and leaning back on his trembling arms, on his elbows. His legs twitch restlessly, and he’s helpless to stop himself.
He grits his teeth not only at the pleasure, but at the intense feeling growing on him with each passing second. His right hand rests on his heavy cock. “I— I c-can’t— I really feel like I’m gonna…”
You know what he’s referring to. “It’s okay. Just let it happen. I promise it’s nothing bad.”
Steve trembles, writhes, sways from one side to the other one as he tries to fight the feeling. “I— can’t.”
The truth is, Steve can. He’s just too scared about the novelty of this one orgasm, because he knows it’s not going to be gentle on him, and it’s something so new it frightens him. The thought of its magnitude makes his heart beat even faster and has him terrified at the same time.
“Okay, baby.” Your left hand goes on his cock, and you start rubbing him up and down quickly.
“Ah, fuck— I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?” You chuckle. “You did so good, baby.”
Steve’s body starts curling in itself. “Ah—! Did I?”
“Yeah, you did.”
Before Steve’s overwhelmed eyes, you slide down the bed until your face is at the same level as his cock.
“You were so good for me. You deserve a reward.”
And you just manage to give him a little suck while you stroke him and finger him, right on his glans, before his eyes roll back and he’s cumming harder than he’s ever had.
The noises he makes are so— animalistic. His face crumples in the most euphoric agony, and his body curls against your head, like he can’t take such amount of pleasure, like he’s trying to push you off.
But he isn’t.
He comes, and comes, and comes into your mouth, his orgasm seeming to never end, and his own body not giving him a second of respite. You just swallow as much cum as he’ll give you, because you just can’t stop giving him pleasure, either, still bobbing your head up and down in short strokes to prolong this. Your fingers haven’t stopped, either. You’re pretty sure you might be overdoing it by this point, but the way he can’t stop moaning and whimpering as you keep on rubbing circles against his gland tells you he’s enjoying this too much.
At last, his body stops twitching so much. He drops on the bed. You take this as your cue to lift off him, licking the last traces of his cum off your lips before you give his slumped face a smile, removing your fingers from inside him.
God. Steve’s eyes are so glazed over behind barely-opened eyelids that you wouldn’t be surprised if he can’t focus his sight for minutes after this. His chest heaves quickly on the mattress, left hand loosely on the left side of it, no doubt trying to calm down his thumping heart.
You can’t help yourself. You slide up all the way until you’re kneeling before him, and your right hand lowers to your painfully-hard cock.
He looks like he just got fucked.
Steve comes to only seconds after you’ve started a quick pace with your hand.
You chuckle at his barely-there expression. “That was a strong one, wasn’t it?”, you grunt out, already feeling close.
Steve’s breathing doesn’t get any slower than as it is right now. He reaches forward with a trembling right hand, hovering under your cock.
“Just rest, babe. You can barely move.”
“No, I… I need to. Didn’t even touch you yet.” He looks sheepish. “Sorry. I get so stupid when I’m horny, I forget to do anything else.”
You give him a wolfish grin. “That’s not a problem at all.” You feel a pull at your gut. “In fact, I’d say it’s hot as fuck. But if you really want to…” You take his lax right hand in yours and manipulate it until it’s circling your cock.
You then start fucking his fist.
Steve’s mouth opens in a silent gasp as he feels the friction of your cock thrusting in and out of the tunnel of his fingers. His spent cock makes a brave attempt of filling again.
Only a few more thrusts are enough to have you grunting, increasing in volume as the only warning you can give him before you’re coming long lines on his torso.
Steve gasps at this. The heat that hits his chest, along with the visual of your cock virtually fucking him, is enough to have him almost dipping into a gentler state of mind, something that makes him panic for the briefest second before he’s pulled out of that place when he hears you grunt out for the last time.
You didn’t notice his predicament, so when you come to and take note of Steve’s spooked eyes, you take his drenched hand in yours. “Babe, you okay?”, you ask him, concerned.
Steve nods, reassuring. “Yeah. That was just… kind of intense.” He chuckles. A blush sits high on his cheeks as he looks at you, at the same time that he brings his soaked hand close to his lips. “Now it’s my turn,” he says, albeit a bit uncertainly, referring to when you swallowed him.
“You don’t have to.” But fuck if the visual doesn’t make your spent cock throb again.
He doesn’t answer. Only looks at you with the most smoldering expression on his face while he opens his mouth, brings his cum-stained fingers into it, sucks, swallows, and…
Tries to hide a grossed-looking grimace. “Um.”
You openly laugh at him, dropping next to him on the bed while he still has you in stitches.
Steve hits you on the chest with that same hand while he pouts. “Don’t— fucking laugh, man. I was trying to have a moment.” But he’s trying to hold back a laugh as well. “How the hell did you swallow… that so easily?”
You try to calm down enough to answer. “You just get used to the taste.”
His mouth purses, and his grimace just makes you start laughing again. “Is that what I taste like, too? Jesus. I mean—! No offense.”
Steve can only hide his own smile with a pout when that just makes you laugh harder.
Steve’s newfound good mood is contagious. Robin is almost afraid at this point. She thinks his mood swings are so over the place as of lately that he needs some sort of emotional support. Continuously, she asks him if he’s really feeling fine, to which he answers with nonchalance.
He obviously can’t tell her exactly what’s got him so happy.
It’s not just a single thing. It’s not just the fact that you helped him overcome his frustration after being so pent up.
It’s also the fact that, yes, he recently found out that he could do it himself…
And yes. He can get aroused just from penetration alone.
In fact, Steve’s almost embarrassed by how much his libido has gone up these past few days, namely because he now actually craves penetration at times.
He bites his lip on his way home from work, pupils dilated as he fights to keep his hard-on down within the privacy of his car, because he wants it right now. He wants to use his fingers on himself, wants to keep adding to feel the stretch.
Wants to get ready for you.
So he doesn’t bother to get comfortable before he climbs out his car in a haste, almost forgetting to close his entrance door with key before going up the stairs, heading straight for the shower.
Steve is splayed on the bed and has two fingers inside himself, this time from his left hand, so that he can stroke himself easily with his right one. He’s done this exact thing every single day this week, attempting to imitate your movements from a week ago, hoping to replicate that glorious moment.
It’s never the same as if you were the one doing it to him, but it still makes him come harder than all the previous years before this.
Currently, he’s scissoring himself open, gasping out at the small stretch. He has his eyes to the ceiling, picturing you instead of him. Your two thick fingers felt so amazing in him, stretching him out so much more than he could with his own.
Steve recalls the feel of your cock in his hand, so big he almost can’t close his fingers around it completely.
Oh, fuck. He always forgets how big you are. The size of it scares him a little, but when he’s so horny like this he feels like he could take you, at all costs.
Still. He needs to prepare for it if he’s really going to ask you for it later.
So he pulls his two fingers out, until only the tip of them are in, and tightly presses his index against them, gently thrusting in to get all three of them inside him at the same time. It’s a snug fit, and he finds it’s more difficult to add something as scant as a single finger inside, but he presses on.
It burns, but Steve manages to push three fingers in to the last knuckle.
And then, he wants more. Because the stretch, which has become more intense now, sets off different reactions in him that he could have never imagined.
And so he doesn’t wait long enough to get used to the current stretch, and he tries to push in the last finger, his pinky one into himself. But he finds that it’s sort of too much, the strain he puts on himself causing mixed, overwhelming sensations, but even that doesn’t stop him.
With a great amount of mental effort, he slips the last finger into himself, and—!
And it’s such a big stretch that it has him hissing behind gritted teeth, and it still doesn’t stop him as he starts thrusting in and out of himself, not waiting to get used to the pressure as he strokes his cock faster and faster—
Steve cums without even reaching his prostate. He feels his hole clench repeatedly, tight around his own fingers, at the same time he releases onto his chest, heaving in gasps from an open smiling mouth because it feels so good.
When he’s done, he slumps against the bed, fingers pulling out but pushing in one last time as he feels an overwhelming current of painful pleasure from it, and isn’t that an idea for another time?
At last, he pulls out completely, a resolute thought resounding in his mind:
Steve needs you to fuck him.
He doesn’t even attempt to wait in order to not look so pent up. He calls you only one hour later.
He breathes out: “Hi,” before you can even exchange greetings and ask who it is.
“Hey, baby,” you chuckle. “You sound eager.”
“Well… maybe.”
You hum in agreement, now eager as well, sensing he’s going to say something you’re going to like a lot. “Why would that be?”
“Um… well, you see…” The way he’s speaking tells you he’s probably blushing; you just know him like that. There’s a brief silence after this, before he continues. “Can I… If you’re free, I mean…”
“Yes?”, you say teasingly.
“I was… I was wondering if I could…”
You hear something that sounds like a mix between a whine and a groan. “You’re going to make me say it.”
“Yep.” Your voice now takes on a lower, more smoldering quality. “If you want something, you have to ask for it, baby.”
There’s an intake of breath on the other side of the line. Then, the smallest of whimpers. “Okay,” he croaks out. “Do you think I could come over?”
“Sure. Movie, snacks, and cuddles it is.”
He’s so fun to tease. You obviously know what he wants, but it’s just so fulfilling to hear the petulant groan he gives you. “Not what I meant…”, is his almost inaudible response.
“Sorry. I didn’t quite catch that. Can you repeat it for me?” Your face hurts from the way you’re smiling so widely.
On the line, he groans, and you hear a series of… taps?
Oh, he’s probably kicking his feet against the floor, just in the way he does when he’s so abashed it physically hurts him.
You openly laugh at him. “Alright. No more teasing. Come over already.”
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever.”
“Just don’t stretch yourself too much. I wanna have my fun, too.”
“Holy fuck—” is the last thing you hear before he hangs up on you.
You’re left laughing loudly.
At last, Steve steps foot on the threshold of your house, finally about to get what he’s been aching for.
He raises his hand to knock, but he’s taken aback when the door opens in his face before he can do so.
It seems he’s not the only eager one.
“Hey, there.”
“Hi,” he answers, bashfully. It hits him only now, that he’s about to do this. He tries to cover it with a smug expression. “Were you waiting for me behind the door?” He raises his eyebrow.
“Nooo. Why would you think that?” You put your right hand on the low of his back to guide him in before he can answer. “Just come inside already.”
Steve snorts, and his face takes on a deep shade of red as he mumbles: “Pretty sure that’s my line— I mean.”
You give him a wolfish smile. You close the door, and immediately you push him against it, leaning into his space without kissing him, only giving him a pointed look that he squirms under. “You know, you’re being a lot more overt than usual, did you know?” You lean down, your lips almost brushing his. “Why’s that? Hm? Something on your mind?”
Steve makes that shy, quivering smile and tops it off with the straying eyes. It might be seen as part of this little game, but you know Steve well enough to know that he’s feeling truly bashful right now. “You know what it is,” he whines out.
“Hm, but I don’t. I think you should spell it out for me.” Your right hand goes under his chin. You tilt his head to be facing yours in a better way, using your thumb to rub against his skin. By this point, you’re positive that you can try out something related to his glaring praise kink. “Eyes on me, sweet thing.”
He moans airily. Steve looks at you, seeming to want to obey you at all costs, even if that makes his face burn and his heart feel like it’s going to beat out of his chest.
“Tell me, baby.” You speak with your mouth directly onto his, in a sensual caress of sorts.
Steve heaves out. “I— want you to fuck me.”
As soon as the words are out of his mouth, you push your lips onto his in a steamy kiss that has him closing his eyes from the intensity. His arms wrap around your neck, hands going down your back to grab at whatever part of your shirt he can. Your hands, conversely, hold onto the sides of his hips, quickly sliding under his polo to stroke up his ribs.
He moans within the kiss, which finishes too soon for his liking.
“That’s so good, baby. You’re such a good boy for me.”
Steve almost yells from how loud he moans. Rushes to lean his face on the side of your neck, almost mortified by his own reaction. The tip of his right shoe kicks softly against the floor.
You chuckle next to his ear. “You like me calling you ‘good’?”
He doesn’t remove his face from your shoulder; he only nods against it, blushing so hard you can see it spread down his nape.
You chuckle against his ear. “That’s good to hear. Now, be good and follow me to my room.”
Steve’s eye peeks from against your shoulder. He’s feeling so sheepish he almost can’t speak. “Okay,” he croaks out lowly.
You lean back some until he can no longer hide into your neck, enough that you can see the deep shade of pink his face has taken. Your right arm goes around his waist now; you use this leverage to lead him towards your bedroom. “Feeling fine?”, you have to ask while you walk, because you know that this is a very big step, and that he probably needs the highest level of reassurance.
“Yeah,” he mumbles. “I just… You’re kinda making me feel the way I probably made girls feel.” He laughs nervously.
You chuckle as well. Once you’re behind the threshold of your bedroom door, you close it, noticing his low intake of breath at the action. “What’s that mean?”
“Just…” Steve’s hands find yours and he plays with them to anchor himself. He shakes his head shyly, his foot twisting, like he doesn’t want to answer.
“Small?”, you venture, and his little nod and bite of the lip confirm it. That makes you smile. “That’s fine.” You rub his hands with your thumbs. Then, you pull him closer to the bed. “I’m here to make you feel nice and safe.”
Steve looks up at you with a small shaky smile. He closes the distance, giving you a soft kiss on the lips. “Thanks.”
He blushes when you chuckle at him. “Don’t thank me over that. It’s just my duty.” And he’s left breathless when you slide your hands under his polo shirt, high enough to start lifting it up to his middle. “Now… how about I take off your clothes so I can make you feel real good? Hm?”
At his shy nod, you slide his shirt up and off him, immediately going for his lips after it, gliding your rough hands over his torso, playing with the hair on his chest. Steve moans inside the kiss when he feels you thumbing at his nipples. When you withdraw, your mouth finds its way to the right side of his neck, leaving hot trails with lips and teeth. He moans softly, grabbing at the rim of your shirt and pulling it up with eagerness. You chuckle at him. You allow him to pull it off you, and the moment it’s on the floor, the pounces on you just like you’ve done to him. Steve attacks your mouth with an impatience you haven’t seen before, but that’s fine. That just makes you smile within the kiss, because you’re so glad Steve’s found something he likes that you can both passionately agree on.
Steve pulls back from the kiss, flushed, but raising an eyebrow at your obvious smile. You decide to distract him, feeling for his button and zipper, and you fulfill this mission, since you can see and hear his enthusiastic response to this. Quickly, you undo the front of his pants, and before you pull them down, you take Steve by the shoulders and gently push him down the bed, until he’s sitting down by the end of it. His hands support his weight behind him, and for this brief second, he looks up and up at you, because you standing before him forces him to lift his head to look at you, and he feels so hazy he has to subtly cross his legs at this, mindful of his now fully-hard cock tenting the front of his jeans.
But you don’t let him. Your hands push his knees outwards at the same time you lower yourself to kneel before him, and this vision has him gasping out and leaking just from that.
You wink at him from your position on the floor. Swiftly undoing his shoes and taking them off, your hands reach forward for the rim of his pants, and as he looks at you in a daze, your fingers hook right under the edge of his underwear, and you start pulling his lower garments down at once, giving him a gruff little laugh when his very hard cock is released from its confines with a small rebound.
When it’s off him and he’s bare before you, you lift yourself up using his thighs as leverage and start leaning towards him, in a low prowl, until you’re hovering over him with your hands on the sides of his head.
Steve’s nervous hands jitter down your torso, all the way to the rim of your own pants, and he makes quick work of the button and zipper. He pointedly looks at his hands, so as to not lose his nerve at your searing gaze. When he’s done, he ventures a quick glance at your eyes, but quickly looks down again as he starts slipping your lower garments off you.
You haven’t stopped looking at him throughout this. Your eyes just can’t leave his rosy face and nervous bites of his lips as you shift above him to help him undress you.
Once you’re both nude, it seems to hit him that you’re both going to do this. Steve’s demeanor changes into one of agitation. He finally looks at you, a nervous, quivery smile on his mouth, though you understand that he’s looking for reassurance now, which you’ll easily give to him.
You lower your head to his and kiss his worries away. “Let’s start slowly, yeah?”, you say, almost in a whisper, all but reading his thoughts, since his torso seems to deflate at that.
“Yeah,” he breathes out.
There’s a little grin on your face now. You lean back to let Steve rearrange himself on the mattress, until he’s lying in the middle of it with you on top of him.
Your hands rest on top of his knees, sliding all the way down to his groin, but before they get there, Steve lays his own on top of yours. “Wait. Before we start…”
“Yeah?”, you ask, about to be concerned.
“Um… W-Well, you said on the phone… But I’d already— Uh…”
You exhale a laugh at his little stammering. “What, sweetheart?”
“Uhhh…” Steve smiles shakily. “Y-You said…”
“I said…?”
“You s-said… you wanted to have your fun, too, but I’d already— By that point, I’d…” Steve covers his nervous giggle with his right hand and looks elsewhere.
A heavy current of pleasure drops down your belly. “Oh, baby.” Your hands lower to the juncture between his legs and groin, fondling the surrounding place without giving him what he wants, to which he whimpers. “Did you stretch yourself?”
“Ah— I mean… I called you like an hour after that?” His voice is nothing more than a whisper now.
He tries to hide from the weight of your gaze behind his hands but—
Your hands hold onto his wrists. You gently push them against the sides of his head.
Steve’s eyes glaze over.
“How many?”, comes your rumbling voice.
And he has to inhale heavily, in vain, because his response comes as a whisper. “Four.”
You use the grip on his wrists as leverage to push yourself onto him, and he allows you and welcomes you into his open mouth. Your tongue pushes into his mouth, and he has the frenzied realization that you’re virtually fucking his mouth with it.
Steve cries out. His eyes roll back as he feels himself leaking.
He tries to prolong the feel, but you pull back too soon, and he finds himself whining at the loss.
“Got yourself all nice and open for me? That’s so good, baby.” Your heavy, grumbling voice against his lips has him trying to cross his legs uselessly, since you’re in the way.
Steve bites his lip. “Sorry,” he says, moving his legs around to caress yours, urging you to do more.
“Why are you sorry?” You laugh while you take your hands off his wrists and lay them to the sides of his head. You think you imagine the disappointment in his eyes when you do this.
“You said you wanted to…”
“That was all talk, sweetness. I absolutely do not mind that we can skip that part and go straight to the main course.”
At that, Steve can only shut his eyes tightly and bite back a moan. He opens them just as quick, embarrassed at his own reaction.
You just give him a tight-lipped smile. “Not sure if this is gonna reassure you or do the opposite, but I’m pretty sure you still need more prep before we do anything else.”
Steve’s right hand rubs at his mouth nervously. “Oh my God…”, he mumbles, even though he has a small nervous smile on his face as his eyes lower to your big erection. “Right.”
“Right,” you echo with a contrite smile. “Did you forget about it?”
“N-No. Not at all.” Steve looks up and elsewhere as he mutters the following: “You have my word.”
“Do I?”, you tease, stretching towards your night table and opening the drawer.
Steve bites his nails as he watches you do this. “Mm-hm.”
When you have the objects you were looking for in your hands, you show them to him, and he centers on the one on your right hand with an hyperfocus you’ve seldom seen on him.
Steve’s eyes rest on the condom packet with apprehension and excitement at the same time.
You lay it and the tube of lubricant on the bed, between his open legs, next to you. Leaning down to rest a quick kiss on his bitten lips, you run the fingers of your right hand through his hair. “Whenever you want to stop, just say so.”
“‘Kay,” he whispers bashfully.
You lean back, staying in a kneeling position between his parted legs, and smirk at him. “Now, I would totally like to know more about this little bit of playing you did before you came here,” you say as you open the lid of the tube.
Steve covers his mouth with his right hand as he giggles. “What’s there to know?”, he asks shyly.
You pour some lube on your right hand and rub your hands together to warm it up. “Just fun stuff. Did you find your prostate?”
Steve looks elsewhere with a shy smile. “No. I mean— Not today.” His right hand lowers to his chest, resting atop his thundering heart.
“Hm? Then how…?”
“Just…” Steve clenches his eyes shut as he giggles nervously. “Just from my fingers.”
“Oh, yeah?” Your right hand lowers to his entrance while your left hand goes to his hard cock. You don’t even need to stroke him; he’s already turned on enough from your previous teasing. “Just from the penetration alone?”
Steve nods meekly. Then, as he feels your fingers spread the lube on his already tender entrance, he lays his left hand on your wrist. “I… Let me touch you, too. Don’t wanna leave you hanging like the last time.”
You chuckle. He’s just so sweet for you. You can feel his hand shaking. Lifting your left hand from his erection, you rub the unlubed knuckles from that hand onto his own. “Let me be selfish, yeah? I wanna make this about you today.”
It’s really telling for you that he doesn’t insist. “Okay… You sure?”
Your middle and ring finger prod at his hole, leading him to gasp in short breaths. “Yes. Just leave it to me, sweetheart.”
He nods resolutely, then.
Now, at the same time that you start pushing in the two fingers in the middle, your hand returns to his hard cock, which hasn’t gone down at all— You think it might actually be harder now. Steve’s jaw drops open when he feels your two fingers start pushing in, almost easily from how much he’s stretched himself before he arrived here. Even that initial stretch feels heavenly to him: your thick fingers fill him out so good, and they feel so different from his. Whereas he’s used to his own smooth, almost delicate ones, yours are hard and rough. Thicker, too. Steve bites his lower lip as you breach him to the second knuckle, choosing to still yourself to let him get used to this small stretch.
His legs twitch to the sides of you, rubbing onto yours in a sensual caress. “Come on…”, he mumbles.
“‘Want more?”, you ask, not waiting for an answer before you push the two fingers to the last knuckle.
Steve’s back arches in a beautiful curve as he gives you the most breathless and erotic moan. He quickly lets himself fall from it just to hold himself up on his hands behind himself, half-sitting up, all to see the place where you’re joined.
You give him a small chuckle. “Oh, you wanna take a look.”
He looks up at you from under his lashes, because he does. He wants to see, and he wants to feel the same way you made him feel so many days ago. Steve’s breaths are so noisy now; he can’t stop himself when he sees and feels the way you are thrusting in and out of him, two fingers at the sides of the ones inside him just like he’s fantasized about. His feet are restless, stirring next to you on the bed, increasingly rustling the bedsheets the faster you go.
Your fingers go softly now, barely coming out of him, just to rub circles along the walls inside him in a sensual massage that has him gasping out. Your other hand is barely a caress on his cock, knowing he now doesn’t need much more than your fingers.
The tips of your fingers suddenly press up against that spot. Steve’s body curls in itself.
“Fuck…”, he finds himself choking out.
His eyes are drawn to the place that connects you two, but he finds that he can’t keep looking for much longer, because you’re pulling him into a short kiss that leaves him even more breathless. When you separate, he looks at you impatiently, and his voice is nothing more than a whisper.
“Come on. Come on.”
You chuckle through your nose. “Eager.” But you pull your fingers out and press your index one against them, beginning to push in.
There’s a brief resistance, but as Steve breathes out heavily and wills himself to relax, you manage to thrust inside, this time with more pauses in-between.
Steve’s mouth opens to draw in as much breath as he can. Putting one hand on his pounding heart, he looks at you with something that can only be described as adoration.
You give him a little smile. Taking your left hand off his member, you lay it atop his own, on his chest, gently pushing him back on the bed.
“Relax.” Your low, rumbling voice is soothing for his nerves, so he obeys. He lies on the bed, growing more restless with each second that passes.
In a weak voice, he requests: “The last one— Add the last one.”
“You sure?”, you ask, knowing that he should get used to the current stretch, but you still thrust out until you’re at his rim, adding the fourth and final finger next to the other three.
Steve nods so eagerly you have to laugh.
With a lot of patience, taking his cock in hand to soothe him further, you begin to thrust four thick fingers inside him, meeting resistance right away.
Your left hand strokes him slowly, focusing on the head to bring out the greatest amount of pleasure possible. “You have to unclench for this, baby,” you mumble out.
Right after, your right thumb presses against his perineum, drawing a startled moan out of him. You feel him clamping down on you even further for a second, and then you do it again.
Steve hides his eyes under the back of his hand, already winded from this. He can feel himself surrendering to your touches, opening up to let the tips of your fingers thrust in, just far enough to breach him. “Fuck…” His moan is prolonged as he uncovers himself, looking at the general direction of your hands.
“That’s it…”, you encourage him.
Softly, you inch in, until you have four fingers seated deep inside him.
Steve heaves in a loud breath.
“There we go. So good for me, Stevie.” His moan at this is choked off when he feels your rough fingertips moving around in him. “Feels good?”
He moans again, but cuts himself off with a short cackle. “What do you think?”
That only makes you chuckle as well. “Yeah, I bet it feels real good.” You start pulling out, loving the way his legs just can’t stay still. “Just look at how much you’re leaking, baby.” Your left hand focuses on the tip of his cock at the same time you thrust back in, drawing a small shrill sound from him.
Steve tries to look at the place you’re showing him. He does. He just can’t with the way you’re suddenly pushing up, pressing against that bundle of nerves.
He shouts.
His body trembles, his hands hold onto your wrist, his legs kick against your hips, and his own hips grind onto your hand, desperate for more of that contact.
You gladly give it to him. The more you rub circles and press harshly against his prostate, the more Steve’s resolve thins out. Sparks fly behind his eyelids as he tries to process the amount of pleasure you’re giving him, feeling himself slowly drenching your hand in pre-cum.
He can’t take much longer than this. He grabs your left wrist, stopping the movements of your hand on his cock. “N-Not gonna last if you keep…”
Your left hand leaves his cock. “Yeah. You probably can come just from my fingers, can’t you?”
And you press up inside him, at the same time you press with your thumb from the outside, and he wails.
He brings himself out of it with a giddy laugh as you begin pulling your fingers out. He rests his hand on his eyes. “You did that on purpose.”
Your smile is wolfish as you wipe your hands on the sheets, lean forward, and get closer to him. “Maybe.”
And then he’s uncovering his eyes, looking up at you as you take hold of the pillow under his head. Steve shifts to help you, and when he sees you bring that same pillow at the height of his hips, he starts biting his lip with impatience. He understands what you’re trying to do. With the help of his feet, he pushes his hips up, enough for you to slide the pillow under them, leaving him in a very vulnerable position.
You lean into him once more, and when your groins just slot together, he shivers, overwhelmed all of a sudden. You understand this, and push downward, taking his lips in a soft, soothing kiss he yields to.
Steve withdraws first because he needs to take a deep breath to not lose it. His hands grab at your shoulders, unsure of how to anchor himself.
“Need a break?”, you ask him, concerned.
He just shakes his head with vigor. Biting his lip, he wraps his legs around your hips, pushing you against him. You both moan at the contact.
You laugh. “Alright, then. Let me just…” You lean back, Steve’s hands falling from your shoulders and laying on his own chest now. You grab the packet, open it, and start rolling the ring of the condom on your cock, before Steve’s hands come to rest on yours. “Wanna help me?”, you ask.
Steve nods, unable to get the nervous smile off his face, and, with his hands under yours, he starts sliding the condom on.
Once his hand gets to your base and you’re done groaning about it, you grab the tube of lubricant and pour a generous amount on your member. You stroke yourself a couple of times before you inch closer to Steve.
And Steve looks at you with excitement and the slightest tinge of agitation before he brings his own folded legs closer to his own chest.
“That’s it, sweetheart. Hold yourself open for me,” you mumble, grabbing his right knee with your left hand and laying a kiss on it.
With your right hand, you take hold of your cock, and slowly, very slowly, start pushing inside.
Steve clamps down around you almost immediately. His throat chokes around a moan, and his legs twitch in your hold. “Sorry.”
You lay wet kisses on the inside of his right leg, your mouth twisted in a small smile. “Why?”
He chews on his nails while he looks elsewhere. “I dunno,” he mumbles, embarrassed.
That makes you smile. Your right hand leaves your cock, which is already fixed in place, ready to thrust in, and it goes around his cock. You stroke him softly for some seconds, loving the small changes in his expression, how gorgeous he looks with every single face you can pull off him. His small noises prompt you to keep stroking him, subtly pushing forward to start inching into him.
He clenches with each small inch you push inside, and as you manage to push the end of your head inside, he hisses between gritted teeth, and puts his hands on your shoulders. “Just… a second.”
“Of course,” you answer, stilling in place to let him get used to the stretch, which is quite a lot more than four of your fingers.
Steve’s eyes are also clenched shut, but after some seconds he opens them, looking at you from under his lashes, breathing heavily and quickly. He nods at you, resolutely.
You lean down to surround him completely, and his arms easily go around your shoulders, anchoring himself with you. Your mouth seeks his, and he meets you in the middle with enthusiasm, or perhaps anxiety. Steve pushes forward with his lips, trying to get the most of the kiss, and you open his mouth in turn, pushing your tongue onto his.
As you do this, your hips push forward minimally, starting to thrust yourself inside him while you distract him, but it seems to not work that well.
Steve pulls off you. “W-Wait,” he grits out. He looks at you with a grimace that he’s trying to conceal with a quivery smile, but you know him too well for that.
“Of course,” you say once again, because you’ll take as much time as he needs to. “Hurts?”
He opens his mouth to answer, but seems to lose his nerve and shyly looks to the side.
“Tell me the truth, baby.”
“Kinda…”, he mumbles.
You give him a small peck on the lips for reassurance. “That’s okay. Just tell me when you’re ready to go.”
Steve gives you the tiniest nod, too embarrassed by himself. Some seconds pass, before his restless legs rub imperceptibly around your waist, him looking at you and nodding. “Okay.”
You take your cue and start pressing forward once more, but once again, his arms cling tight around your neck and he yelps: “Wait!”
You’re halfway into him, and the way he’s clenching around you is almost sexually tortuous, but you obviously heed his word again. “Sorry. Sorry.”
Steve’s pinched expression eases up after a second, and this time, he gives you a genuine smile, pressing his mouth to the side of your neck to cover it in kisses. “You treat me so nicely,” he mumbles out, like it makes him bashful to say it.
You feel your chest soar at this. There’s a small, breathless chuckle coming straight from your chest right now. “Do I?”, you ask, even though it’s pointless, because you’re only showing him basic decency.
But your Steve still looks you in the eye and nods.
Another small chuckle, and now you’re leaning back. “Okay.”
Steve seems almost confused as your hands grab at the back of his knees, but then realizes what you’re going to do as you manipulate his legs until they’re crossed, and then place them in a right angle to his body, his ankles coming to rest above the left side of your neck. “What are we doing now?”, he asks, almost forgetting he still has half of your cock inside him.
“I’m putting your legs in a specific position that’ll help you relax better,” you explain, noticing his still-puzzled expression. “Your anus. This position helps you relax your anus.”
Steve bursts out laughing, covering his mouth with his hands because it’s just rolling off him now. You laugh with him.
“I thought it was the other way round,” Steve says. “Like, with my legs open?”
“That’s for the pussy,” you answer, and you rest your hands on his crossed knees, laying hot kisses on the expanse of his shins. Steve shivers at this. “You ready?”
Biting his lip, he nods slowly, bracing himself once again.
“Alright, sweetheart. Remember to push out, too.”
Steve laughs, almost in a sob, because you’re starting to inch forward, and this position does help him a lot, and as he does as he’s told, he finds that what felt like something impossible is now too easily possible.
Your hips meet his ass almost too quickly, sending him scrambling for a grip on the bedsheets. He breathes in and out like he’s hyperventilating. His left hand is now on his chest, trying to calm his heart down. You lower your right hand to that hand and lay it on top of it, wanting to reassure him.
His expressions. God. His expressions are something out of this world. His eyes are closed, eyebrows pinched and mouth open to let out quiet moan after moan.
As soon as Steve opens his eyes, they stray towards the place where you’re joined.
“Oh my God,” he says, almost in a whisper.
“Too much?”, you ask.
Steve shakes his head. “Just… a lot.” He bites his lip to hold back his little noises whenever he feels your cock so much as twitch inside him. His free hand covers his mouth. “So big…”, he says, almost to himself.
“Yeah?” You teasingly move your hips a minimum fraction, and that is enough to have Steve gasping out and shifting his legs onto your shoulder.
When he sees your amused expression, he almost pouts, though it’s obvious that he’s trying to look teasing, too. “You’re mean. I thought you were gonna be gentle with me…”
His words make something hot and heavy settle deep in your belly. Your grip on his legs gets tighter, and he makes the quietest little squeak at it. “Yeah. I did say that.” Your right hand rubs up and down his left thigh, going down to his cheek and fondling it to open him up more. Steve makes a breathless moan at this. “I’m gonna be so nice to you, baby. In fact, I’m gonna go real nice and slow, just so you can see how gentle I’m being with you.”
He moans openly now. Steve finds that while he likes that idea, he also craves something different in the near future.
For now, he just nods.
So you start. Using your grip on his gorgeous long legs, caressing his left one down to his ass and back up, you start pulling out of him, hearing his long intake of breath. You do this until you’re halfway into him, and then push forward until you meet his hips again. Steve breathes heavily and quickly, his jaw slack as he tries not to succumb and close his eyes to the sensations. Then, you do this again a couple of times, thrusting out and in minimally, just so that he can get used to the stretch. His legs twitch every time your hips meet his rear. His left hand has returned to his chest, and you find this so endearing; you know how nervous but excited Steve is by this, so much so that he tries to halt his pounding heart however he can.
Now your hips are pulling back further, until only the head of your cock is inside him. You push all the way into him with the same slow pace. Steve’s expressions are something wonderful. You know he can’t help himself when he clenches his eyes shut at the pleasure, but still tries to open them as soon as he can every single time.
On the next thrust, you pull back, and this time, the head of your cock starts sliding out of him.
Steve hisses and clamps down when he feels the widest part of it breaching him on its way out.
You shush him and kiss his shins. “Relax,” comes your soothing mumble.
His breaths turn quicker, and his eyes close for a brief second before he opens them again, looking at you with dazed eyes and nodding.
You feel him gradually unclench as you’re pulling out completely, the tip barely inside him. Then, you push forward once again.
Steve has less trouble to take you in this time, if the way you’re easily fitting inside with a smooth thrust is indicative enough.
And once again, he gives you a breathless moan when you’re all the way in.
“Alright there?”, you have to ask, because you know of his tendency to hide his own discomfort at times. Luckily, he gives you a genuine smile and —this makes you laugh— a thumbs-up. “Alright, you dork.”
“Yeah,” he adds on. His flushed face now takes on a darker hue. “Actually… can you go a bit faster now?” He mumbles the last part, like it embarrasses him to say so.
You laugh softly at him. “Obviously.”
Now, you’re pulling out of him all the way, and pushing back in with a bit more force than before. This leaves Steve breathless, jittery, and blissed out all the same. So you do it again and again. With each thrust, your pace increases, and the friction makes his mostly-quiet moans rise in volume. What were previously soft noises of skin slapping begin turning loud too.
You’re purposefully avoiding his prostate. You think it might be a good idea to build up to it first, so as to get him used to the stretch before you do anything, but you know it won’t be a long time now.
Steve slowly parting his legs to bring them to the sides of you tells you enough.
“Tired of that position?”
He shakes his head. “Just…” He rises his arms to encircle your shoulders, face burning at this point while you’re still thrusting in and out of him. “…wanna hold you.”
“Oh, sweetheart.” You give him what he wants.
Steve’s legs wrap around your waist as you push in and out of him. The newfound friction of your belly on his cock has his legs growing restless, his moans pouring from his lips freely now. His eyes can’t stay open for too long.
He makes the effort just to look at you, long enough to let you know he wants you to kiss him. So you do. He opens his mouth to deepen the kiss as you start going faster, small moans slipping from the spaces in-between.
Steve withdraws, already feeling breathless.
After some long moments like this, just thrusting at a moderate pace and looking at each other with — something strong, something that could shakily be called love, his face begins to show some signs of discomfort, too subtle to seem that way to any other person, but you know your boy well enough.
“Just my hips,” he talks in between moans.
You gradually slow down until your movements are minimal, something that seems to turn Steve antsy. You ignore this for a second, though there’s a smile on your face at his impatience. “Must be the position.”
You stop completely. Steve tries to not make such a loud whine at this, but it’s obvious that it doesn’t work. He blushes right after.
As you pull out completely, he makes the quickest yelp at the emptiness.
“How about this?”, you ask. Your hands softly grab at his sides, starting to manipulate his body in a way that lets him know you want him to turn around.
Steve blushes even further and starts giggling when he understands. He rolls over until his chest is to the bed.
“Just like that,” you grumble. “On your hands and knees, yeah?”
It’s a good thing that you can’t see his face, because Steve just about melts from pleasure at your words, and it embarrasses him so bad that he makes the smallest whine. He does as he’s told, though. This position leaves him feeling vulnerable and open, until you lie across his back and envelop him, making him feel safe now.
“Good boy,” comes your low mumble, and Steve’s jaw drops to let the quietest moan out.
Your right hand grabs your cock, and at the first contact of your tip against him, he clamps down once again. Steve bites his lip as he tries to relax, breathing heavily.
Slowly, you begin to breach him once more, feeling the small contractions around your cock. “Close your legs, baby.” He obeys, knees rustling the bedsheets, and suddenly you’re thrusting all the way into him again.
Steve lets out a loud moan, loud enough to be considered a shout. This position is… something else. It leaves him reeling from how much deeper it somehow feels, almost hurting from it. Most of all, Steve can feel himself surrendering to you, feeling so safe and loved.
His arms quiver, struggling to hold his weight already. At the same time that he notices this, you start pulling out only to push in with a strong thrust that makes him buckle and fall down to his elbows. Steve’s moan at this is something so erotic it has you throbbing inside him.
“Good to keep going?”, you ask him, and he nods enthusiastically from under you.
Now you resume that moderate pace you had before, only this time, somehow, it feels more intense. You hips slap against the back of his legs every time they meet, filling the room with the erotic sounds of skin against skin and his loud, airy moans. Steve can’t keep his eyes open anymore. He just yields to the intensity of your thrusts, feeling full to the brim with your big cock going in and out of him. His moans increase in volume the more you press down against him, because he understands what you’re trying to do.
Your hands rest on the high of his back, pressing down with gentleness. “Lie down.” You find just the tiniest bit of resistance, probably because Steve almost can’t stand the idea of getting even more pleasure than this. “Trust me. It’ll feel so good.”
So Steve shakily obeys. His arms go lax to his sides as he lays his chest on the mattress, his spine almost straining from the curve you’ve enforced onto him.
Your cock presses on his prostate.
Steve screams.
“Ah— Fuck!” His legs fold on themselves, and his feet kick against the bed as you continue stimulating him. “Fuck— Oh my God. Th-That’s…”
“Feels good, right?” You lay off his prostate for the moment, knowing it probably wouldn’t take much to overwhelm him if you kept on.
“Y-Yeah…” Now you can feel his quivering legs working to— to meet your thrust. “Again. Please.”
“Oh, yeah?” Your hips bear down with force on his own, and you know you’re hitting his prostate dead-on because his wails are so sudden and loud they almost scare you.
“Yes!” His jaw is left open in an endless moan, eyes clenched shut at the intensity.
The more you keep pressing down, the more you feel his body lowering, wondering why this could be, until you lean up a fraction and notice his legs sliding open on the bed. Your cock throbs at the sight. To know that he’s so turned on that he can’t keep up with you…
“Fuck— S-Sorry— Can’t h-hold myself up.” Steve confirms this same thought as he keeps moaning.
You laugh in his ear— It’s something almost mean that has Steve’s eyes wide open in a second. “Don’t worry about it,” you say as you keep thrusting, following him to the mattress.
Suddenly, your right leg is pushing his own closer to his center. Your left one does the same with the other one. As soon as you have him in the position you want, your legs press against the sides of his, holding them together tightly, not allowing him to open them to lie in a puddle on the mattress.
Steve screams at this.
“Holy— fuck!” He screams, he moans, he wails, because this specific position has your cock rubbing against his prostate on every single thrust, and it has you going deeper still, and he starts to feel himself lose it when it almost hurts when you reach the end of his walls on every thrust, feeling so small and almost bursting at the seams with it.
You know that it won’t take longer for him, so you keep bearing down on him, focusing on that bundle of nerves, feeling it increase in size the slightest bit. Your hips go faster.
Steve begins to feel the same way he did the other day. There is this very specific intense feel that comes from his prostate and has him feeling desperate, because it’s so different from anything he’s ever felt.
He knows he’s going to come just from this, and this time, though terrified, he’s ready for it.
“C-Close— Ah— I’m close.” He says this, and you kiss the back of his nape, your left hand going under his body to press against his pounding heart. Steve’s left hand presses against yours, intertwining your fingers. “J-Just from this!”
“Yeah? You want it?”
He nods so quickly it almost makes you laugh. “It’s weird. F-Feels so weird. I really— fuck!— Really feel l-like…!”
“Okay, baby. Let it happen. I’m right here. It’s alright.”
Steve nods, his face in such agonic pleasure he’s almost glad you can’t see it, because you’d probably feel concerned over him. “Okay. O-Okay—!,” he concedes, his heart beating faster at the mounting feeling.
The more you thrust against him, the more he can feel himself losing it, until the feeling turns so intense he almost can’t breathe.
“C-Coming— I’m coming! I’m coming! Oh my God!” Steve’s voice turns desperate.
And he screams.
His body seizes. A sensation he’s never felt before ravages his entire body. His eyes sting with a hint of tears at it. He feels a forceful tremble throughout his limbs, and he’s left unable to control them as he feels himself coming and coming and coming, so intensely it almost hurts, and in such a different way he’s almost ashamed, because he really thought…
But there’s no room for thoughts in his mind because he’s still coming, and he’s still moaning without noticing, shutting his eyes at the acuteness of the feeling.
“Oh, that’s it, baby. You’re squeezing me so hard— fuck!”
As Steve begins coming down from the longest and most intense orgasm of his life, he moans weakly when he feels your hips shuttering behind him, yelping at the warmth of your cum filling the condom.
After some long seconds of you groaning in his ear, which makes his hurting cock valiantly attempt to twitch, you pull out of him, softly, though it still makes him yelp, almost in a whisper, until you’re off.
Without the support of your legs against his, he drops to the bed in a helpless pile.
Steve’s chest rises and lowers quickly, still trying to draw in as much breath as possible and to calm his still-pounding heart. You lie to the side of him, your right hand caressing the expanse of his back to let him know you’re still there.
You know he’s not even processing this, too gone to even notice you’re not holding him up anymore.
But after some long minutes, Steve calms down enough and regains enough lucidity to shift on the mattress, feeling your hand on his back and sighing at the sensation.
With what you think is the biggest display of effort in history, his arms strain enough for his head to rise and turn to the side you’re on.
Steve looks at you without saying anything. You don’t know if it’s because he doesn’t know what to say, or because he can’t, so you do, first.
Sliding down the bed to be at the same height as his head, you circle your arm around his back, and say: “Hey. That was a full-body one, wasn’t it?” You kiss his left shoulder.
He still won’t answer. You start getting concerned, before he smiles, bigger and bigger, until he’s giggling against the bedsheets. He mushes his face into the mattress as he does this.
You laugh with him, still not understanding if he’s too out of it and high on endorphins.
After some seconds, Steve stills, and his concealed face turns just the slightest fraction, just enough for his eye to peek, showing you that he’s sporting the darkest blush ever.
“Um…”, he starts. “Hi?”
And that makes you laugh even harder. “Hi, baby. How are you feeling?”
Steve turns his head further towards you, biting his lip. “Good.”
“Good,” you repeat. “How did all of that feel?”
His expression is so cute to see now. It’s like he’s getting shy all over again after everything you’ve just done. His lips twitch, not knowing whether to smile or to bite his own lower lip. “Good,” he mumbles again.
You hum, almost teasingly. “Just ‘good’?”
Steve laughs, embarrassed, shoving your face with a weak hand while you laugh. “What do you think? Jesus. I can’t even move.”
You give him a wolfish smile, but contradict it when you wrap your arms around his body. Steve lets himself be surrounded by you, feeling small and safe in a way he’s never had before.
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iheartjohnlennon · 2 months
Fic masterlist!
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>>(If you make a request, sorry if it takes time to be done, I'm a professional procrastinator)<<
John Lennon
'Let me take you down'
A sultry threesome with John and Paul...
'Lost weekend'
John eats you out as an apology...
John comes over to sort things out...
'You know I feel alright'
John gets jealous and takes you to the broom closet...
John gets you high, one thing leads to another...
'You really got a hold on me'
John's secret love for his assistant gets uncovered...
Paul McCartney
'All my loving'
A casual session with Paul...
'Let me take you down'
A sultry threesome with John and Paul...
'Looking out for you'
Paul apologises for his jealousy over another man...
You and Paul try 69...
'Any time at all, any time at all'
Paul drags you to the nearest broom closet...
In her arms
You distract him so bad he wants to worship you...
George Harrison
'Moonlight on the river'
The aftermath of fucking on the beach is pretty melancholy...
'Heaven is a bedroom'
You guys make the cutest throuple...
'I'd have you anytime'
George confesses his love to you, with help from Paul and Ringo...
'Behind that locked door'
You want to try something new on George, something that will leave him breathless and restrained...
'Please please me'
George shows his soon-to-be girlfriend a good time with his mouth...
Ringo Starr
'Heaven is a bedroom'
You guys make the cutest throuple...
You dating George as Ringo's sibling
Your relationship with teddy boy John
Their reaction, and the aftermath, of you wanting to be dominant
The Beatles NSFW Alphabet - John
The Beatles NSFW Alphabet - Paul
The Beatles NSFW Alphabet - George
The Beatles NSFW Alphabet - Ringo
Mick Jagger
'Luna, amore e no'
Mick's sexy affair with a fashion designer who's making his wife's wedding dress...
And there'll always be more to come...
I accept requests!! Please do send them!!!!
Check out my ao3 x
Ily <3333
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Do not interact if you........are politically right-wing, stan t*ylor sw*ft, idolise murders/mass shooters/terrorists/pedos/criminals, are racist, are anti-lgbtqia+, are a zionist, are anti BLM, are pro-military, don't believe fiction ≠ reality.
Thanks 💋
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pynkhues · 10 months
I recently read an article in which Quentin Tarantino stated that fewer movie stars exist as a result of "Marvel movies in Hollywood." I think Jennifer Aniston made a similar argument before saying that there are no longer any movie stars. I'm not sure what that means. I can think of a lot of movie stars right now, such as Zendaya, Timothee Chalamet, and Zoey Deutch etc. what do you think? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this and Quentin's comments.
Months ago, when you sent me this ask, anon, I wrote out a really long reply and as soon as I hit post, my laptop crashed and ate the answer, and I was so annoyed at myself for not saving my reply, that I couldn't bring myself to try and re-write an answer. I'm really sorry for that, especially because I think this is such an interesting ask (or well, two asks, because I think the death of the movie star and the impact Marvel's had on the broader concept of a movie star, are kinda two different things).
I've been thinking about it a bit again recently though, particularly as the Oscar race gears up, and Jacob Elordi and Charles Melton''s respective stars are rising in an industry currently desperate to find the new young Hollywood male 'talent', and I've been thinking about it again because honestly?
I agree with Jennifer Aniston, I think the movie star is dead.
We are a long, long way from Golden Age Hollywood where actors like Cary Grant and Marilyn Monroe could captivate a public imagination in a way that translated to big box office effect, after all. Hell, we're even out of New Hollywood, an era dominated by names like Al Pacino, Jack Nicholson, and Jane Fonda, and the Blockbuster era with Tom Cruise, Sylvester Stallone and Harrison Ford.
My original reply went into a lot of the different reasoning as to why this is (like with many things, I don't think there's any one reason for it), in particular how the advent of streaming has changed our relationship with films and TV shows, how the saturation of the market has diluted the staying power of celebrities, how social media and the perceived accessibility of celebrities removes personal mystique which in turn removes intrigue and increases a sense of entitlement, and the fact that so many people having stopped going to the cinema means that the experiential element of seeing a film in a setting larger than life has been diminished.
I think call out culture plays a role too, with any actor on the rise being torn down by tweets they made eight, nine or ten years ago impacting how their star rises, I think the dismantling of the studio system (which is a good thing!) also harmed actors in the long run as studios stopped investing the same resources into making and training stars (they used to be able to sing, dance and act! Now some can barely even act!), and I think, of course, the rise of prestige TV changed the industry substantially (after all, movie stars were movie stars - they traditionally did not, and would not, do TV, which created a clear class structure in terms of screen-based storytelling).
And yeah, I think the language shift from film and TV to content has done irrepairable damage to the artistry of filmmaking and the consideration of a movie star as an actor at the top of their field instead of an actor with the most Insta followers or YouTube subscribers (after all, if everything's content, isn't it the same thing? [no lol]).
Which I guess is kind of where Quentin Tarantino's argument comes in, right? What he's saying is that Marvel's made it so that the IP - the content itself - is the star, not the actor, and I'd say he's probably right with that.
Think of it this way - back in the New Hollywood/Blockbuster era, Harrison Ford was the movie star - he was leading new franchises left-right-and-centre between Star Wars and Indiana Jones, sci fi epics like Blade Runner, leading action thrillers like Patriot Games, The Fugitive and Clear and Present Danger and getting nominated for Oscars for Witness.
He was a movie star in every sense of the word because you could hinge a film - one with a new concept, not just remakes or sequels - on him and be virtually guaranteed a success. He was what sold the tickets, the director just hopefully had to make something good enough people would leave the cinema glad they saw.
Tarantino's argument is the Marvel model - - hell, even the new Star Wars properties, turned the franchise into the star, for better or worse, which means original films can't compete because nobody knows the IP. Back when Harrison Ford was at the top of his game, his name was what helped original films including smaller, standalone works like Witness find an audience, but the studios have changed that. Capitalism has changed that.
Properties with existing audiences and deep pockets for merch were prioritised, only now those franchises are faltering and you've got a generation trained that 'cinematic events' are reserved for blockbusters in established universes, instead of taking a risk on a new film because you know you love an actor who's in it.
Do I think we could go back?
Maybe, but probably not.
I think the place we are now in the history of cinema / TV / 'content' means you can't make a movie star anymore because I think the industry is simply so different that no actor can break through in the same way that even Leonardo DiCaprio could 30 years ago. That industry doesn't exist anymore, actors aren't guaranteed draws (Bones and All proved that for Timothee Chalamet, and Wonka I think could go a similar way), or they have to heavily rely on other industries to become household names which I think dilutes them as a pure 'movie star' (Zendaya's a great example of this - I like her a lot, but how many movies has she even been in? They built her career up in peripheral industries long before they tried to sell her as a movie star, and frankly, I'd question her even as a leading actress yet given she's typically only either been in ensemble casts or clear supporting).
It's a whole new world, and yeah, I think the movie star is dead.
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ljblueteak · 10 months
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Richard Hamilton Swingeing London 67 poster and Beatles 68 poster
Text from Andrew Wilson's Swingeing London 67
The [Beatles] poster, described by Hamilton as a 'give-away' print, was the result of a fairly complex design process that took about two weeks to complete, with daily visits from Paul McCartney, the one Beatle who worked directly with Hamilton on the project and who had prior knowledge, through[Robert] Fraser, of Hamilton's work--he had earlier bought one of the Solomon R. Guggenheim (1965) screenprints from the 1966 exhibition of the series that he had helped hang.
This relationship gave Hamilton the freedom to develop his idea for the poster and the whole design project without interference from the other band members, Yoko Ono, or the record company.
The poster shows George Harrison, John Lennon, McCartney and Ringo Starr as distinct individuals. This is in sharp contrast to the individual John Kelly portraits, in which the similarities of pose, gaze, and lighting, conforming to the aesthetics of of a record company's publicity department, portray them as members of a band.
The seemingly casual pinboard aesthetic by which these informal photographs were arranged was determined primarily as a solution to crucial design issues (echoing his decision to order the collage for Swingeing London 67--poster as newspaper columns, with headline at top left).
The sheet had to be folded three times in order to be inserted into the square album sleeve, and this obliged Hamilton to approach it as 'a series of subsidiary compositions. The top right and left-hand square are front and back of the folder and and had to independently stand as well as be a double spread together. The bottom four squares can be read independently and as a group of four. They all mate together when opened up and used as wall decoration.'
The top left-hand panel is what is seen first, and it presents the songwriting duo of Lennon and McCartney. Lennon is shown in blue light, singing. The image has probably been taken from a television screen, and the attendant distortion and blue glow are unflattering.
The image of Lennon overlays the bottom right corner of an equally unusual portrait of McCartney in a bathtub, his head half submerged, soapy suds giving him a halo. Running beneath the two portraits is a fabricated contact strip that includes an image of Lennon in front of one of his wall drawings; the band in a recording session...in which they are, unusually, playing brass instruments; and a colour image from the recording of 'Hey Jude' (1968).
This sense of fragmentation, of hidden codes and messages, echoes both the 'guarded privacy and locked rooms' and the 'disturbing, dreamlike darkness' that have been identified in the album, inviting the fan to imagine the band members' private worlds, and hinting at the beginning of the band's disintegration.
The dominant image of the poster's top right panel, opposite Lennon and McCartney, is of George Harrison. This portrait casts him in a mystical, otherworldly and contemplative light, with the right side of his face obscured and out of focus....
There are very few collective photographs of the band: playing in recording sessions or in filmed concerts; with Harold Wilson after they had each received the MBE; and a sequence of them doing the 'business' as they re-sign their contract with EMI.
Instead, the poster emphasizes the individual activities of John, Paul, George and Ringo around the time of the collage. Starr is shown with his co-star from the film Candy (1968), Ewa Aulin, and also dancing with Liz Taylor (wife of his other co-star in the film, Richard Burton). Lennon is shown becoming the working-class hero. Yoko Ono appears just twice: in a self-portrait by Lennon of the naked couple, and in an image of a naked Lennon sitting cross-legged in bed talking on the phone, as its stretched cord cuts her out-of-focus head in two--cancelling her identity.
Of the band, it is McCartney who emerges as the poster's dominant figure. Hamilton has said how The Beatles contains 'arcane touches which only The Beatles' more intimate associates were likely to smile at,' and yet such details--such as the doubled image of a shut door or McCartney 'pole dancing' both naked and clothed--are not at the cost of the poster's legibility. At its centre is the reverse of a photograph, a gift to one of the band, bearing a lipstick imprint and a groupie's imploring words: 'I love you.'
In all this, Hamilton's fundamental aim for The Beatles was that it should reach a large audience and be as accessible as the cover design was remote. This was not a new subject for Hamilton. My Marilyn had already adopted, three years earlier, the motif of the publicity photograph and the manipulation of celebrity image as a subject. What is different here is Hamilton's direct participation in popular culture: The Beatles, like Swingeing London 67--poster, shows him not only constructing work with a subject that revolves around the manipulation and production of pop celebrity imagery, but also inserting these works into the mass circulation of popular culture.
--Andrew Wilson. Bold mine.
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slowlypalefire · 8 months
Harrison vs Victor
Event Story
Part 3- Victor's ending
*The translation are not guaranteed to be entirely accurate, so expect some errors
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Harrison & Victor: "Come on, let's check the answers."
Victor: "I'd like to get excited, but you're better at deduction. I'll leave it to you, Harrison."
At Victor's call, Harrison response with a look then open his mouth.
Harrison: "At first, we thought you were in charge of distribution. I guessed that there was some kind of evil behind it."
"...However, there was nothing suspicious about the conversation that was taking place in this mansion."
"That's why, we have to ask why you bought all the chocolates."
Brown: "Well, that's because it's to treat the people who visited the mansion today! There's nothing unnatural about it, right?!"
Harrison: "Yes, it’s a lie."
Brown: "What...!"
Harrison flatly dismisses the claim. Mr. Brown's nose turned white.
Harrison: "There are two clues here."
"The fact that you only allowed men into this mansion. And how you reacted when you found out there was a woman."
"It was obvious to everyone that your face turned red like an octopus."
As if to add to Harrison's reasoning,Victor opens his mouth.
Victor: "If you had malicious intent, you could have taken all of England's chocolate."
"After all, you are a talented trader who is the president of a company that got recognized by everyone around you.''
"But you didn't do that. That's because you added some extra effort... . Am I wrong?"
(Not only was he not complicit in any criminal activity, but he also did not completely obstruct distribution and did his best to cut corners...)
*corners: control (a market) by dominating the supplies of a particular commodity.
(When it comes to work-related matters, you don't go easy on things. )
(In other words, this commotion is-... completely personal?)
Brown: "It doesn't have to do with you guys, you're opinion doesn't matter "
Mr. Brown seemed to have come to terms with this, as he began to speak in a slurred manner, like rain falling under the leaves.
Since childhood, he has been physically weak and has lived a life without relationships with women or love.
When you grow up and become physically strong, you can work and become successful... .
However, when it comes time to start dating a woman he couldn't speak well.
Valentine's Day without being able to find a lover he have lived a life where he have only been looking at people sideways.
sideways: looking people with deceitful and scornful
Brown: " ...That's why I was trying to vent my jealousy by stealing chocolate from a specialty store."
"Isn’t this a tough treat for people who want to prepare special chocolates for Valentine’s Day?"
(It made sense that only specialty stores and their affiliated stores were affected.)
Brown: "You can just laugh at how silly it is. You guys have no idea how I feel."
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Victor: "Oh, I don’t know. You and we a different person."
(...... Victor?)
I was surprised by his words, which were uncharacteristic of him.
But as soon as I saw the calm look on Victor's face, I realized that that wasn't the only thing he wanted to say.
Victor: "But we can imagine your pain."
"I can imagine the feelings that are in the corner of your heart that I cannot understand."
"...You must have been lonely."
Brown: "..U..U.." *croaking voice*
"Uwa...!" *he's crying*
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Harrison: "Hey, you… hugging Victor. Are you ok ?"
Victor: "Ahaha, I don't mind. You're always welcome in my chest."
"It's okay, I'm sure you'll meet a girl who will cherish you someday."
After Brown stopped crying, this time we apologizing for the uproar, he declared that he would try his best again.
He promised to stop the hoarding of chocolate and hampering logistics.
Victor: "Harry showed me a brilliant deduction, so it looks like I've lost the game."
Victor laughs and quickly leaves the place.
Kate: "....Viktor!"
I hurriedly chased after him, trying not to lose sight of his back, which seemed to disappear into the pitch black.
Viktor: "Kate…what happened? The case was solved."
Kate: "Um, Harry told me this earlier."
Flash back
Harrison: "Kate, that guy, it seems he's telling 1 more lie again"
After Victor admits defeat,Harry spoke before he was out of sight.
Kate: "....Viktor lied?"
Harrison: "Ever since we set foot in this mansion,his two eyes were always chasing something else."
"He must be pursuing some other case at the same time, separate from the Brown case."
"He was the one who found out the truth of the incident first. In other words, the game is my loss."
Harry said that, looking into my face and he grinned.
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Harrison: "On your next holiday, let's invite Liam to eat something sweet or anything"
Kate: "Eh?"
Harrison: "Even if I can't get it from you, it doesn't matter if I give it to you. See you then."
End of flash back
Kate: "- So it's like that"
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Viktor: "As expected of Harrison...that kid has become an adult."
(So, what Harry said was true after all.)
Harry's insight is obvious,/ Not to mention Harry's insight,
but... I was surprised at Victor's depth as he tried not to let me realize this.
And to myself, who had followed Victor without any hesitation after learning from Harry.
(Why did I want to go after Victor in the first place?)
Viktor: "Kate"
Kate: "Ye, yes."
Viktor: "Did you approach me because Harrison told you to? Or was it you?"
Just like when I showed my reasoning to Mr. Brown,
I feel like Victor knows my heart, even if I don't say it in clear words, and my heart skips a beat.
Kate: "it is..."
Viktor: "We'll check the answers after we've solved the problem. Come, Kate "
Kate: “Y-yes…!"
Sharing with me the incident you were following behind the scenes is making me happy.
Besides, I felt like I had saved my life by not being investigated any further as to why I had followed him.
Victor was chasing someone behind the scenes.It was a trading company that secretly traded illegal cannabis.
The people reportedly tried to contact Brown in order to take advantage of him.
And that night. The company was plunged into darkness by Victor, and I made sure to record his actions.
Later, Mr. Brown sent me a large amount of chocolate ingredients as an apology.
Using those materials, Victor and I are making chocolate cake together.
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Viktor: "You want the inside to be moist!"
Kate: "Yes, please be careful about the baking time,Victor."
While the two of us are making something to everyone at Crown-
I secretly making 1 big chocolate cake.
Of course, I'm happily making sweets next door. The purpose is to give it to someone who is working on it.
Viktor: "Is there something wrong?"
Kate: "N-no. It's nothing."
I panics and avert my glance from Viktor, thinking he's been staring at me too long.
-When I was asked why I chased after Victor that day, I was shocked.
However, as if Victor had forgotten that day, he never bothered to asked me again.
(Maybe this is a good thing.)
(I didn't know what to answer from)
I was inwardly(secretly) relieved to be back to normal life.
Kate: "...That's right, Viktor . There is one question i would like to ask of you"
Viktor: "Yeah, what is it?"
Kate: "That day, you challenged Harry to a match. Isn't that intentional?"
Viktor: "What made you think that?"
Kate: "In the first place, Viktor really like Harry"
"I don't think you would ask for a fight for no reason."
"Also, as a fairy taler, when I'm writing a report.Then I realized..."
"Victor regularly works with the Crown's and has the opportunities to observe them one by one."
Viktor: "And so this case is a great opportunity?"
Kate: "Yes"
Viktor: "Kate, you now know how think by yourself."
"Half the answer is correct. But half of the answer is incorrect."
Kate: "Eh"
Viktor: "As you said, the reason I offered the fight was to observe Harrison."
"The other half of the answer is that I've already given to you"
I thought about Viktor's words, but I can't find the answer.
I don't have the talent for reasoning like the two of them do.
Kate: "I am sorry, I do not understand,Victor"
Viktor: "I do, Kate"
"I wanted some chocolate from you. Even if I took it from Harrison."
Victor took a step closer to me.
Viktor: "Kate. Then I already answer, what would you do?"
"That day, you followed me,was it because Harrison told you to? Or was it you yourself?
"Is this your own intention?"
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littlequeenies · 4 months
‘I’ve been called a witch, slut, murderer’: the ultra-creative women dismissed as rock star girlfriends
Despite their artistic skill, Anita Pallenberg, Suzi Ronson and Yoko Ono were cast as mere lovers or muses. They're now being allowed to tell their own stories – even if it's after death-Annie ZaleskiTue 21 May 2024 11.46 CEST
In a 2008 interview, Anita Pallenberg swore she would never write her autobiography. The artist, model and actor was weary of publishers who only wanted to read about her intimate dealings with the Rolling Stones – she dated both Brian Jones and Keith Richards, and had an affair with Mick Jagger. “They all wanted salacious,” she said then. “And everybody is writing autobiographies and that’s one reason why I’m not going to do it.”
Yet when Pallenberg died in 2017, she left behind pages of a neatly typed manuscript, titled Black Magic, that contained her life story. True to form, she characterised these memoirs as “memory images, a traveller’s tale through a landscape of dreams and shadows” rather than an autobiography. But she held little back while chronicling her spirited and frequently tumultuous life, quipping: “I don’t think the lawyers will like it very much.”Read in a narration by Scarlett Johansson, her unpublished words are the backbone of a compelling new documentary, Catching Fire: The Story of Anita Pallenberg. Kate Moss celebrates her as “the original bohemian rock chick that people still aspire to today” but more valuable is Pallenberg reframing her legacy on her own terms from beyond the grave. “I’ve been called a witch, a slut, a murderer. I’ve been hounded by the police and slandered in the press,” she wrote, before adding, “But I don’t need to settle scores. I’m reclaiming my soul.”Given how much ink has been spilt on the Stones over the years, it’s refreshing to hear Pallenberg share her own perspective on her experiences. She’s not the only high-profile rock girlfriend now getting a chance to tell their own story, asserting their place in, and influence on, male-dominated music culture.
Suzi Ronson, who was married to the guitarist Mick Ronson, just released a candid memoir, Me and Mr Jones: My Life with David Bowie and the Spiders from Mars, that’s a clear-eyed look at rock star mythology. Pattie Boyd, married to both George Harrison and Eric Clapton, was interviewed in 2018 by Taylor Swift for Harper’s Bazaar (“George and Eric had an inability to communicate their feelings through normal conversation,” Boyd said, “I became a reflection for them”) and this year she eloquently reminisced as she auctioned her memorabilia, including love letters from Clapton and handwritten Harrison lyrics, for a staggering £2,818,184. “The letters from Eric – they’re so desperate and passionate, a passion that blooms once in a lifetime,” she said. “They’re too painful in their beauty.”
Tate Modern, in London, is meanwhile celebrating Yoko Ono with a career-spanning exhibition, Yoko Ono: Music of the Mind – a pointed reminder that Ono’s artistic collaboration with John Lennon was only a relatively brief part of her career. It shows how her artistry spans theatre, writing and music, but also how it makes space for her story to change over time – for example, the various performances of Cut Piece across the decades – and for others’ perspectives. Take Ono’s 1964 artist’s book Grapefruit, which uses short, abstract action items (“Imagine the clouds dripping. Dig a hole in your garden to put it in”) to generate a huge potential variety of creative responses.
Among those was Lennon’s Imagine. In a 1980 BBC interview, Lennon said Grapefruit provided “the lyric and the concept” of the song, but Ono didn’t receive a songwriting credit until 2017 even though Lennon was aware of the oversight in his lifetime. “But those days I was a bit more selfish, a bit more macho,” he told the BBC, “and I sort of omitted to mention her contribution.”
Pallenberg, too, served as inspiration for Rolling Stones songs such as Gimme Shelter. But Catching Fire reinforces the idea that even if sexism meant she was underestimated by the public, she wasn’t a passive presence or muse. “Neither Anita nor I wanted to be with them because we wanted some of their power,” Marianne Faithfull says in voiceover – she was in the band’s orbit alongside Pallenberg owing to a relationship with Jagger. “We had our own power.”
Faithfull’s power was her own music career; Pallenberg, who spoke several languages and worked as a model, influenced the Stones’ look. (“I started to become a fashion icon for wearing my old lady’s clothes,” Richards quipped in his bookLife.) And she refused to rearrange her life for the Stones. “No girls were allowed in the studio when they were recording,” she said. “You weren’t allowed even to ring. I did other things; I didn’t sit at home.” She maintained an acting career, notably in 1968’s movie Barbarella and 1970’s Performance – though her voice was dubbed out in the former: you wonder whether her “muse” tag meant casting directors underestimated her.
Suzi Ronson, a colour-loving hair wizard who brought David Bowie’s tomato-red Ziggy Stardust coif to life, also took a different path from other women of her time. She left a steady job and went on the road, steering the Ziggy Stardust tour aesthetic by handling hair, makeup, and other tasks.
Me and Mr Jones illuminates her part in helping Bowie crystallise his vision – and shows how fame and rock stardom corrupt. On a Mott the Hoople tour, she seethes while Mick, cozying up to a baroness, orders Suzi to find his hairbrush, treating her like an assistant rather than a girlfriend. It wasn’t the only time she was underestimated. “I’m now the pathetic girlfriend, clinging on to my man, a position I never thought I’d find myself in,” she writes after joining Mick on tour with Bob Dylan for a few days, after not being invited. “I try to be understanding, but truthfully I’m infuriated at being left out.”
These new works also highlight how each woman, at a time when women struggled to “have it all”, cultivated agency through one of the only paths open to them: motherhood. Rather than being something limiting, becoming mothers allowed them to reinvent their lives. Suzi Ronson, long out of Bowie’s orbit and living in England with her parents after giving birth, reflects that “the life I created for myself has disappeared, and my career with it,” she writes, but her daughter brings joy and solace – and encourages her to stay optimistic and keep striving for a unique path. “As I push her around the same streets my mother used to push me, I swear to her: this isn’t going to be it, and I pray I’m right.” Ronson closes the loop by noting that she and Mick return to the US, living in the singer Maria Muldaur’s house and finding equilibrium.
Ono confronted motherhood’s messiness. Her installation My Mommy Was Beautiful used photos of breasts and vaginas to demystify birth and celebrate the strength of the body, and the 1969 song Don’t Worry Kyoko (Mummy’s Only Looking for a Hand in the Snow) – which Yoko wrote for her young daughter Kyoko – conveys primal agony and frustration. “Society’s myth is that all women are supposed to love having children,” Ono said in 1981. “But that was a myth. So there was Kyoko, and I did become attached to her and had great love for her, but at the same time, I was still struggling to get my own space in the world. I felt that if l didn’t have room for myself, how could I give room to another human being?”
Pallenberg also navigates this conundrum. Jake Weber, the actor son of notorious Stones associate Tommy Weber, becomes visibly emotional when talking about how “generous and funny” Pallenberg was to him after his mother died in 1971, during the Stones’ debauched French summer. “She filled a vacuum of a surrogate parent,” he said. “She was lovely like that. Her thing was trying to give us joy.” Catching Fire also visits the agonising fallout of the sudden June 1976 death of Pallenberg’s 10-week-old son Tara.
Pallenberg has the last word in Catching Fire, and her conclusion illustrates the importance of women directing their own narratives. “Writing this has helped me emerge in my own eyes,” she noted. “Reading over what I’ve written, I get a lump in my throat. But it doesn’t need to be a doom and gloom kind of story.” The film makes it clear that Pallenberg’s chief power was, ultimately, resilience, which she needed during an often-challenging life (she lived with various addictions, including to heroin and alcohol) and several tragic events, such as when a 17-year-old shot and killed himself in Richards’ bed.
“I felt like some nasty person who caused death and destruction around her,” Pallenberg said after the 1979 incident, but Catching Fire refuses to let Pallenberg become a tragic figure or cautionary tale. The film ends noting that she got sober, graduated from college, and aged with iconoclastic gusto. The lessons are clear – redemption is possible and we are not our worst moments – while also reinforcing what we miss when women’s voices are silenced or ignored. Catching Fire: The Story of Anita Pallenberg, directed by Alexis Bloom and Svetlana Zill is in UK and Irish cinemas now
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You wrote another eobarry fic! It's so good, I love your writing, you really nail the one-side Eobard is obsessed in every way he can be messed up version of the ship that is the version I am most interested in (sorry Barry), it's excellent.
Yeah! I decided to start turning some of these ideas I have that aren't fully fleshed out (and probably don't need to be, really) into little drabbles. They're going to be collected on AO3--Tribute is the first. It's my first published Eobarry fic that's suitable for general audiences and the first published one that's set in the comics-verse instead of the CW-verse. The show's got a bit of a different dynamic going for it--it's easier to imagine that Barry, who knew Eobard as Harrison Wells, might have some lingering regard or even affection for Eobard. So that's a different kind of tension to handle.
I think one-sided, obsessed Eobarry is what we're given in comics canon. I wouldn't call it subtext, either, or say it's something that Barry himself is unaware of. Barry draws parallels between a woman's romantic stalker and his own situation with Eobard, so I think he's uncomfortably aware of what Eobard feels for him. I think he doesn't want to acknowledge it, so putting him in situations where he's forced to is interesting to me.
How Eobard acts on this changes from moment to moment--sometimes he wants to be Barry, sometimes he wants to destroy him, other times he wants to be the only person in Barry's world in one way or another. To be clear, this isn't inconsistent writing. This is just a symptom of how erratic and unstable Eobard is.
I really enjoy exploring the parasocial nature of Eobard's obsession, and how unhealthy it is, why it's turned into this monstrous all-consuming thing that dominates his narrative and taints Barry's. And how there's nothing either he or Barry can do that will satisfy his obsession or erase it.
Usually when I do write something fluffy or sweet with these two, the domesticity is just a veneer. The foundation of this pairing is dangerously rotten and that's what I try to convey.
Thanks for the kind words, and thanks for reading!
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Ranting and Raving: "Telephone Line" by Electric Light Orchestra
In the early seventies, when the breakup of the Beatles was still fresh and still being mourned, many people asked who (or what) could ever replace them. Asking which group was the second coming of the Beatles is like asking for a definitive answer on what the Great American Novel is. You’ll get possible answers, but you’ll never get the answer. Of the various options I’ve heard in my lifetime, only two answers make sense. The first is everything Paul McCartney did with Wings in the seventies. 
The second answer is Electric Light Orchestra.
Jeff Lynne is the Beatles fanboy to end them all. He’s made it no secret. He’s lived out the fantasies that every Beatles lover could imagine. He’s played songs with three of them (never got to jam with John Lennon), he’s produced for George Harrison (the album Cloud Nine in 1987) and got to be in a band with him (Traveling Wilburys), he’s produced for Paul McCartney (songs on Flaming Pie in 1997), hell, he even got to produce the Beatles themselves when they reunited and brought John’s final demos to life (“Real Love” and “Free as a Bird” for Anthology in 1995). John even called ELO “Son of Beatles” during a radio interview in 1974. Lynne’s dream with ELO was to pick up where the Beatles left off with “I Am the Walrus” and he absolutely did.
There is no ELO without the Beatles, but I do think there are several ways Lynne stands out from the Lennon/McCartney model of songwriting. For starters, Lennon/McCartney started the Beatles with silly love songs like “Love Me Do,” “Please Please Me,” and “All My Loving.” It was only during the second half that they started writing about stranger things and getting weird with it. Lynne did the reverse. He started ELO with weird science-fiction and fantasy concepts. “Kuiama” is a song about a soldier trying to comfort an orphan girl while also having to be the one to explain he killed her parents. “From the Sun to the World” might be about the apocalypse. “Bluebird is Dead” is about somebody learning about and coming to terms with death because their bluebird is no longer moving. The entire Eldorado album tells a story of someone lost in dreams, going from dream world to dream world a la Quantum Leap in the hopes that they will find the mythical city of Eldorado. In short, the first few ELO albums are strange progressive rock that’s more in line with the sound of the Moody Blues, not the Beatles-inspired pop rock that would define their golden years.
The reason for all of this preamble is because “Telephone Line” is a pivotal moment in ELO’s story, both for their success and for Lynne as a songwriter. It’s when Lynne turned into a full on pop songwriter and his songs started focusing more on ordinary situations for ordinary people as opposed to the strange, almost otherworldly ideas that dominated the first ELO albums. It started with the album Face the Music in 1975, it was perfected the year after with A New World Record and “Telephone Line,” which might be one of Lynne’s best.
Jeff Lynne is a strange entity, both as a songwriter and as a guy. I wrote about his love for the Beatles and his connection to them because as a songwriter, he defies the Lennon/McCartney model because none of the songs are about him. At all. He would get inspired by things that happened in his real life, but he himself is never the subject of the song. No trace of the man is left on the page of his biggest hits. Like McCartney, he writes melodic, catchy, heartfelt songs and delivers them with love and sincerity. It’s a big reason why people still love the band so many years later. He’s good at what he does. However, McCartney also wears his heart on his sleeve and plenty of songs are about him. “Let It Be” famously came to him after he had a dream of his mother giving him advice while he was knee-deep in the rough final days of the Beatles. “Hey Jude” was famously written as a way to comfort Julian Lennon when his dad left his first wife for Yoko Ono. “Silly Love Songs” was a response to Lennon saying that silly love songs are the only kind of song he writes, with McCartney famously asking, “What’s wrong with that?” In short, a lot of lyrics to McCartney’s songs are personal to him in one way or another. John Lennon, on the other hand, rejected that. Words only mattered in the context of fitting into a song or what he was thinking about in a certain moment. It could be complete nonsense for all he cared. He once famously told a fan outside his door, “You just take words, and you stick them together and see if they have any meaning. Some of them do, some of them don't.” Lynne takes the best qualities of both Beatles. The words sound like they could be personal to him, but they’re just words to a song he wrote and they just happened to make a good song idea. Lynne himself talks about it in a radio show interview from 2001:
“Telephone Line” was like a song that was-- You know, I knew somebody, I knew a girl in America and I would phone her. But it was an imaginary story. I pictured a guy who phoned up this girl. And all he ever got was a ring tone, just rang out for days, y'know. And obviously he couldn't do that now. Somebody... some electronic thing would answer it and tell you to clear off or something. But this was just the loneliness of the long distance telephone call.
Whenever we fall in love with a song, we have a hunger to learn what the inspiration for it was. When lyrics to a song really resonate, we often want to learn what caused them to be written. People always wonder what Uncle Joey on Full House did to warrant Alanis Morrisette to write a song like “You Oughta Know.” People debated like Ancient Greek philosophers trying to figure out who Carly Simon wrote “You’re So Vain” about. We care about the performer behind the song, whether it matters or not. Tina Turner didn’t write “What’s Love Got to Do With It?”, but she may as well have, due to the way she performs it and the details of her abusive marriage to Ike Turner fitting the lyrics so well. ELO remains lyrically interesting due to Jeff Lynne remaining a sort of mystery man. We’re talking about a guy who hasn’t been seen in public or on stage without sunglasses on for close to forty years! The reason being that if you ever saw Jeff Lynne’s eyes you would probably start seeing those colors that only shrimp can see. He also has a habit of explaining his songs much in the way that Paul McCartney does, which is to say that he says something about how the song got written, but what he says usually doesn’t explain a hell of a lot.
I talk about the impersonalness of Lynne because I think that helps to illustrate what a great performer he is. “Telephone Line” is fantastic. Every note of it. I can’t think of another song where loneliness has been expressed in a more melancholic, wistful, and almost desperate manner. There’s so many little moments that make this song so wonderful. That keyboard in the beginning that’s mimicking a phone being dialed. Those sad, glittery keyboard notes that lead into the verses. The way the first verse sounds like Lynne is singing from an answering machine. The way the drum beat comes in after Lynne says “Hey” and begins the second verse. The way those gorgeous strings fill the empty spaces between Lynne’s lyrics and follow the lead of his vocal melody. It’s all so wonderful. There’s a reason Lynne got inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame. A New World Record is also around the time he really perfected the production side of ELO. This song still sounds fantastic even now. That vocal harmony and blending of Lynne and bassist/vocalist Kelly Groucutt during the chorus is just wonderful. Lynne gets a lot of credit for ELO, but I think he still needs a nod on his production work. You don’t get to produce for the likes of the Beatles, Tom Petty, Roy Orbison, and Del Shannon unless you know what you’re doing. Compare this to the first couple ELO albums, where Lynne was just stacking layers of instruments on top of each other, to this and the difference is night and day. This entire song is a musical treasure from one of the best that was just entering the top of his game.
Similar songs on this topic, like New Edition’s “Mr. Telephone Man” and “Misunderstanding” by Genesis, don’t work the same way. It’s mostly because they’re too poppy and you immediately know why the girl isn’t answering. For New Edition, it’s because she’s cheating and in the case of Genesis, it’s because the person trying to be reached isn’t dating the narrator. Lynne keeps the nature of the relationship ambiguous and the song is better for it. It’s clear that he’s singing to a person he was dating or at least romantically involved with (“Don’t you realize the things we did we did / Were all for real? Not a dream”) but this phone call could be coming from a one night stand or an ex he hasn’t spoken to in months. Up to you to decide. Whatever the case, Lynne delivers those first lines with such longing, such care, sadness, and desperation that you can’t help but want to root for him. It’s such an earnest way to start.
Hello, how are you?  Have you been alright through all those lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely  Lonely nights? That's what I'd say  I'd tell you everything if you'd pick up that telephone
You don’t know what happened between these two people, but you know that he’s at least trying to make an effort to fix it. It’s unclear whether he’s singing this song to an answering machine, or he’s just holding the phone to his ear and hearing a telephone ring endlessly. Either way, it’s tragic. It’s also a place all of us have been at one time or another. Things happen and we try desperately to call (or text, in the modern world) and fix things but the person on the other side of the line just lets it ring (or ignores it or blocks you). A lesser song would pick anger as the driving emotion for the song or just make the whole thing sad and have it revolve around a relationship that has ended. Instead, Lynne goes for a scenario where two people are separated, but the relationship can still be saved if they both work together and talk it out. This is highlighted in the chorus when he sings, “I’m living in twilight.” 
“Telephone Line” isn’t a love song, but it isn’t a break up song either. It’s something much worse: an inbetween song. It’s a song that represents the worst moments that come with the end of a relationship: the ones where you know things aren’t looking good and it’ll probably end in despair and heartbreak, but something inside you still wants to fight for it. Something inside you wants things to work out and you don’t care how sad and desperate you might sound trying to save it because it’s the only thing that matters in that moment. The ringing of the telephone represents those moments in time where you’re trying to save something, but the other person has given up. The endless ringing is “the hint,” that (hopefully) clear sign that you should give up and accept that things are over. There’s genuine melancholy to “Telephone Line” and I think Lynne strikes that wonderful balance between “someone who desperately wants to fix a broken relationship they still see hope for” and “pathetic loser who won’t take a hint and looks foolish for continuing to try.” The final verse of the song illustrates this balance wonderfully.
Okay, so no one's answering  Well, can't you just let it ring a little longer, longer, longer?  I'll just sit tight, in shadows of the night  Let it ring forevermore
He accepts that this isn’t working, but he’s still not ready to give up because the hope that maybe the other person will answer is still driving him to try. One of the reasons I think this song has lasted is due to how we all have stories of losing friends, loved ones, romantic partners, etc. because they simply stopped talking to us. Sometimes it’s because we’re in the wrong, sometimes we’re given no reason and we’re left to figure out what happened. Regardless, Lynne took that relatable situation and he spun it into ELO’s first single that went Gold. 
Whatever the outcome of this song is, we’ll never know. The song ends with the chorus repeated until fade out. We end up living in twilight the same way that the narrator is. The song will always be stuck in that inbetween. If we’re lucky, we’ll hear it ring forever more.
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pint4punt · 8 days
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What the actual F$*% was Week 2?
With teams reaching Dick Cheney levels of conservative when it comes to playing their starters in the preseason, it only makes sense to take the first month of the season with a grain of salt as teams learn to gel together and assimilate to regular season speed. That being said, Week 2 gave us the most laughably batshit crazy outcomes imaginable and turned the league completely upside down. Our staff vigorously questioned what was in that newest strain we paired with the Sunday action as the results unfolded.
Yet through sober eyes now that the smoke has cleared, we can confirm each of the following stories is true. Two weeks in, Sam Darnold and Baker Mayfield are the front runners for MVP, the Saints are a threshing machine, and Justin Fields is 2-0. Warning the following content may disturb some readers.
Rams vs Cardinals
Coming into Sunday’s matchup, Sean McVay owned the Cardinals with an all-time record of 13-2 against Arizona. And between a bitterly disappointing rookie debut from Marvin Harrison Jr., a nonexistent Cardinals’ pass rush in Week 1, and the Rams taking the Lions to overtime in Detroit the week before, there was plenty of reason to believe that trend would continue. Then MHJ reminded us all why he was the top receiver taken in this draft, exploding for 130 yards and two touchdowns on only four receptions.
But it wasn’t just the Offense, with its 489 total yards of production, that put on an absolute clinic against LA. The Cardinals’ defense held the Rams to less than 300 total yards, while their anemic Pass Rush that recently failed to make Josh Allen so much as look over his shoulder, managed to sack Stafford five times. To make matters worse, one of the trendiest picks to take the NFC this year is now without Cooper Kupp, Puka Nacua, and basically their entire Offensive Line after two weeks. They now find themselves sitting at 0-2 for the first time in Sean McVay’s career as a Head Coach, right before facing the next team that was on the wrong side of a baffling outcome.
49ers vs Vikings
The student may very quickly have become the master as Sam Darnold (yes that Sam Darnold) outdueled the Quarterback he sat behind last year with his new team. While it’s impossible to discount the impact that Christian McCaffrey makes for this team, the Niners are still largely the same squad that came comically close to winning it all last year, while Darnold is on his fourth team since 2018 for a reason. But for whatever reason, the Kevin O’Connell/Brian Flores combo just gives Shanahan and Co fits they can’t seem to handle.
Those fits included a blocked punt, an interception, a fumble, multiple turnovers on downs, and a 97 yard touchdown from Darnold to Justin Jefferson, the highest paid receiver in the league for a reason. Dominating the Giants in Week 1 was cute, but getting the best of the reigning NFC Champions is a statement. Maybe the fourth time is the charm?
Lions vs Bucs
Credit where credit is due, the Bucs played the Lions tough in the divisional round last year, losing a spirited one-score affair. But Baker Mayfield has always been great when he’s been doubted only to crash and burn the minute people believe in him. Yet as we alluded to earlier, Baker Mayfield is on a tear so far this season, tied for first in the league in touchdowns amongst quarterbacks despite getting paid (whom he shares that distinction with, is every bit as insane).
On the other side of this rematch, 4th Down aggression bit Dan Campbell in the kneecaps once again late in the 4th Quarter, while confusion between the Offense and Special teams earlier in the game cost them a field goal. Goff didn’t help much either throwing two interceptions and going 1 of 7 in the red zone which fucked oh so many fantasy teams out there. Tampa Bay looks primed to defend its division title, but to do that they’ll have to go through the QB who shares Baker’s league lead in touchdowns and just dominated in
Cowboys vs Saints
Dallas coming off an unbelievable high and feeling invincible only to immediately lose to an opponent they absolutely shouldn’t will never stop being funny. Inarguably the most vocal fanbase in the league, they find a way to be brought back to reality the minute they start getting high off their own supply. While it’s not inconceivable for Dallas to lose to a lesser team, the manner in which the Saints went marching in to AT&T Stadium was particularly surprising.
Carr had a 125.0 passer rating, Kamara punched in 3 scores including a 57 yarder off a screen pass, and Dak was pulled in the Fourth Quarter ending the Cowboys’ 16 game home winning streak in emphatic fashion. New Orleans blowing out Carolina was one thing, but annihilating the Cowboys on their turf for the first time in the regular season since Tom Brady himself did it in Week 1 of the 2022 was truly a mindfuck we didn’t see coming. With a point differential of +62 two weeks in, it’s time to stop underestimating the Saints.
Raiders vs Ravens
How in God’s name did Lamar Jackson and Derrick Henry get outdueled at home by Gardner fucking Minshew with a 10 point lead in the 4th Quarter??? We love Gardner Minshew, he’s a fucking maniac who doesn’t know what he doesn’t know and has never had a single fuck to give. But him outdueling a two-time MVP is like Uncle Rico outdueling……Lamar Jackson! That said don’t look now, but Minshew is currently 2nd in the NFL in passing yards.
The fact of the matter is Baltimore might feature the scariest rushing combo in the league and still couldn’t ice this game behind the roars of their fans. In a fortnight, the Ravens have gone from strong Super Bowl bets to being in danger of missing the playoffs (less than 11% of teams that start 0-2 have reached the postseason in the past decade). To make matters worse their next 3 games are against the Cowboys, Bills, and division rival Bengals. What the actual flock.
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justjarminsports · 10 days
NFL Week 2 Winners and Losers
By; BenJarmin Munguia
Date: September 17th, 2024
Twitter X: @JustJarmin
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Photo credit: Getty Images
Week 2 is over, and the games were wild. We had some great winners and some really bad losers. Who made the list?
Alvin Kamara and the Saints 
Nobody took the Saints seriously when they smoked the Panthers 47-10. They were going to have their "real test." vs the Cowboys in Dallas, and it seemed that the Saints were on their bye week.
For the second straight Week, the Saints scored more than 30 points in the first half, taking a 35-16 halftime lead. Saints running back Alvin Kamara scored 3 touchdowns in the first half. The Saints would continue to dominate the Cowboys in Dallas, 44-19.
Kamara racked up 4 touchdowns and 180 yards on 22 touches. The most he's come close to this state was on Christmas day vs. the Minnesota Vikings in 2020, when he scored 6 touchdowns and 155 yards on 22 carries. 
The Saints scored 91 points in their first two games of the season. The last and only time the Saints scored 90 points or more in their first two games was in 2009 when they scored 93 points; they won a Super Bowl that year with Drew Brees under center. Are the Saints this good?
Matt LaFleur
The Packers were without starting quarterback Jordan Love, while backup quarterback Malik Willis started vs the Indianapolis Colts. Willis had a good game. Completing 12 of his 14 passes for 122 yards and a touchdown, but LaFleur pounded the run game vs the Colts.
The Colts gave up 213 rushing yards last Week to the Texans, and that's one thing Matt LeFleur knew he could do to hold off the Colts. 
Green Bay ran the ball 53 times out of their 67 snaps on Sunday, racking up 263 yards. Running back Josh Jacobs ran 151 of those yards. The Packers squeezed past the Colts 16-10. 
Green Bay ran the ball so much that they had the ball for 40 minutes of the game. That is the most Time of Possession they have had in a game since 2020.
Marvin Harrison Jr.
After a quiet NFL debut in his first NFL game, the fourth pick overall, Marvin Harrison Jr., had himself a game vs. the Rams, hauling in 4 catches for 131 yards and 2 touchdowns. The first 2 catches that he had were for touchdowns.
Harrison JR. only had one catch for four yards last Sunday during the Cardinals' loss to the Buffalo Bills, and there was a lot of buzzing about whether the Cardinals were using Harrison enough. It seems this past Sunday was the answer to whether Harrison was involved with the offense.
Austin Seibert 
Austin Seibert became the Washington Commanders' number one kicker over the Week, as the Commanders released kicker Cade York. and Seibert delveried.
Seibert has kicked 7-of-7 field goal attempts, and the Commanders beat the Giants 21-18 by just kicking field goals. 
It's rare to hear anybody from Special Teams named the MVP of the game, but I'm sure Seribert will be the NFC Special Teams Player of the Week. 
Bears O-Line
The Bears have had offensive line issues for the past decade, and they seem to be worse this year.
Chicago has given up 9 sacks in the first two games of the season, which is first in the league. Bears quarterback Caleb Williams was sacked 7 times on Sunday Night during their ugly 19-13 loss to the Houston Texans. If Chicago has any chance at succeeding in the offense, that offensive line needs to be addressed ASAP, or at this rate, Williams will be traded to the Steelers in two years.
New York Giants
The Giants have had a rough start to the season, losing to the Minnesota Vikings 28-6. There was little to no offense in that game. However, the Giants scored 3 touchdowns and still lost, but that's not the stinger.
If it wasn't for their 1st round draft choice, Mailk Nabers, dropping a crucial catch late in the 4th quarter while tied at 18, New York lost to The Washington Commander by 7 field goals to a score of 21-18. Can you imagine scoring 3 touchdowns and losing to a team that picked up a new kicker in the middle of the Week, and he drops 7 field goals on the Giants
Sure, it didn't help that the Giants lost their kicker, Graham Gano, to a hamstring injury during pregame warmup, so the Giants were hopeless during the PATs.  
Carolina Panthers
The Carolina Panthers seemed to have gone from bad to worse, losing to the Los Angeles Chargers, 26-3. 
The Panthers have been outscored 108-13 in their previous four games and 73-13 this season alone; they've also managed only 3 points in the first half of the last two games. 
Carolina will take a different approach this Week against the Las Vegas Raiders. The Panthers are benching the former first-round pick and turning to backup quarterback Andy Dalton to start. 
The Panthers are trying to win so badly that they don't care how silly they look after trading DJ Moore for the Bears' first pick overall and then some.
Daijahn Anthony
The 7th-round rookie out of Old Miss will have a game he'll label "Rookie Mistakes."
Bengals cornerback Daijahn Anthony had two PI penalties called on Sunday during their matchup with the Kansas City Chiefs. The last was too costly, as the Bengals were leading 25-23. The Chiefs had the ball on 4th and 16; the Chiefs quarterback threw a pass to wide receiver Rashee Rice, but Anthony pushed Rice out of the way, drawing the flag. Anthony was called for pass interference, and the Chiefs got the first down and kicked the game-winning field goal, winning 25-26.
This will be the game he'll remember not to do, especially against an excellent Kansas City Chiefs football team.
Did I miss anyone this Week? Who were your winners and losers in Week 2
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
Edgar Poe as Cultural Warrior Part 17
Matthew Ehret
Aug 16, 2024
The Possibility of Royal Blood Sacrifice and Moloch
Since Stephen Knight’s 1976 book ‘Jack the Ripper: The Final Solution’, and earlier 1973 BBC documentary Jack the Ripper, a theory has found fertile ground within the public imagination that the culprit behind the Jack the Ripper murders of 1888 was none other than Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence and Avondale, grandson of Queen Victoria and first son of Prince Albert Edward.
Three years prior to Albert Victor’s birth in 1864, his father would become the globally recognized Grand Master of British Freemasonry and patron of the Solomon Temple revival mission through his co-founding of the Palestinian Expedition Fund and later Quatuor Coronati Lodge.
By 1902, his father would be crowned King Edward VII, but by then the young prince would already be dead for over ten years.Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught, Prince Albert Edward (later King Edward VII) and Prince Albert Victor in 1886
By all accounts, the prince’s short life was one of scandal, disappointment and intellectual lethargy punctuated by an early death at the age of 28 due to the onset of pneumonia (according to official records).
Medical letters dated from 1885 (when the prince was only 21 years old) showcase that he was already receiving medicine for “glete” (gleet)… a 19th century name for gonorrhea discharge- implying a lifestyle of hedonism which will continue to dominate his life. [1]
It was while studying in Cambridge in 1883, that the under-achieving Prince was assigned a private tutor and companion named James Kenneth Stephen, poet, and Cambridge Apostle. According to author Michael Harrison, it was here that there “developed a sexual relationship between the tutor and pupil.”
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