#don and judy
I think about these 2 stoopid mother fuckers like 12 times a day They couldn't have given us A single kiss!?!?!
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thebarroomortheboy · 4 months
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HOLLYWOOD STEPS OUT (1941) | dir. Tex Avery
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celadons-penultimate · 3 months
💁🏿‍♂️The Flash has SO much more mythos to explore beside Flashpoint. Plenty of speedsters & allies, plenty of Rogues & other antagonists.
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Whether y'all know / respect them or not, they are there.
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Their family
-could easily sustain multiple simultaneous, continuing comic titles (even if its just a main Flash title & a slice-of-life, like a speedster version of Batman: Wayne Family Adventures)
-should have multiple seasons of an animated TV show
-should have a movie trilogy by now 🤷🏿‍♂️
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Like...give them more! Around the world, across time, throughout the multiverse! It'd surely mean coming up w/ new Rogues & other threats beside the ones we're familiar with, but that works for me; they (and we, their fans) deserve more! 🤩
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crispy0nion · 3 months
grabs you by the shoulders. destiny the game fans please please please watch netflix lost in space (2018). i promise you'll like it ok that's where cayde's soul went after he died ok cayde-6 walked so donald west could run and also there's robots and i know y'all robot fuckers are gonna like these ones. please. please it has found family + a disaster bio family learning to function again + space, like the whole thing takes place anywhere but on earth + a 6 feet tall robot + more robots, actually. lots of them + constant Situations™ + many nice things. pls pls pls
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texasthrillbilly · 8 months
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Sunset on an alien world.
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Mental image of the Rogues stumbling across a small speedster child in the wild and just backing away slowly with their hands up.
Doesn't matter what they were doing. They could've been in the middle of a heist that they painstakingly planned for months. They could've been at the grocery store in civvies. Doesn't matter.
For the Rogues, seeing a speedster child is like seeing a bear cub in the middle of the woods. You don't know where the fuck momma bear is but you sure as shit don't want to stick around to find out.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 3 months
It's That Time Again!!! (1/5)
Through All of Time and Space: Space alien, Thad Thawne, falls to Earth and takes on the form of Bart Allen, making minor changes according to what he saw in orbit... Tim Drake mistakes him for an angel. (yj98/flashfam; TimThad also TimBart; space alien AU)
A Love For All Seasons: Jay Garrick catalogs the first five years of Judy's life. (flashfam/jsa; JayJoan; no powers AU)
magic yellow lightning: AU where Barry keeps Bart while he recovers from a near-death experience. Bart is four years old, and Barry suggests it'd be best for Bart to stay with him on his vacation. (flashfam; BarryIris; no powers AU)
in between seconds: Don goes to the past to speak with his son, knowing his next mission might be his last. They speak to each other between seconds. (flashfam; MeloniDon; canon divergent AU)
Comfortably Wrong, Painfully Right: Bart accidentally sends two similar text messages to Conner and Preston. (flashfam/yj98; KonBart and PrestonBart)
A Joyful Rebellion: AU where Meloni Thawne recalls her time with Digger Harkness. (flashfam/flash rogues; DiggerMeloni)
Nothing But Time: Tim and Thad are roommates and freshman year classmates at Brentwood Academy. Both tightly wound boys struggle to overcome their differences to pass the class's partner assignment. (yj98/batfam/flashfam; TimThad; boarding school AU/no capes AU)
✨Snippets of the fics under the cut to help you guys decide✨
Through All of Time and Space:
The subject’s name is Tim. Bipedal human creature. Non-childbearing. Blue eyes, dark hair, and fewer organs than documented in human literature. I believe something in him is broken. I wonder if he’ll be useful to me in the future despite this. For now, he’s chosen to keep me a secret. I believe this is for his benefit. He doubts his mental faculties despite my original subject, Bart’s declaration of his intelligence. I needed his assistance to assimilate into Earth's culture. 
Tim’s expressions change when he looks at me. His heartbeat slows and his eyes waver as he studies my form. He fails to understand that Bart is my blueprint for appearance and nothing more. I tried to explain it but the explanations only upset him. Human emotion feels complicated. I took the form of someone he had a fondness for, but he looks at me with pain in his eyes and a heaviness in his heart. I apologize to him for it, and he smiles. I don’t understand him. But I want to.
A Love For All Seasons:
Day One: As she lay on my chest, I remembered touching her little head. It was the size of my palm. My heart skipped a beat and found the rhythm of hers. I glanced at Joan as she slept peacefully in her hospital bed, wondering how she could remain so calm. I felt her hands and feet, counting her fingers and toes as tears streamed down my cheeks. How could I ever sleep again? How could I ever relax, knowing her tiny life was in my hands? Her little head that couldn’t fill up my entire palm? Her tiny fragile body with her perfect little face—. She had a full head of hair. It was the last thing I noticed. I spent so much time worrying that I didn’t notice my daughter’s full head of beautiful brown hair. I didn’t notice my eyes and nose and mouth translated onto her little face. It all sank in at that moment. I would love her forever.
magic yellow lightning:
I put his red rubber rain boots on as he sat with his hands stretched out. “Grandpa? Am I magic now?” Bart questioned. 
“Huh?” I asked in reply.
“I got shocked-ed by lightning. Am I magic now?” Bart asked. I smiled as I held his hand. 
There was no harm in letting him see the accident in a fun light. He survived and that was all that mattered. “Yup… And now that we’ve both been struck by lightning, I can tell you all my magic secrets. You can help me make my potions,” I answered. Bart smiled with his eyes shut. “You can open your eyes. If you keep them closed, we won’t be able to tell if you’ve gotten your sight back.” 
“It’s not bad to open them?” Bart questioned. I kneeled beside him, rubbing a smudge on his cheek with my finger. 
“No, it’s not bad. It’s helpful. You’ll start to see lights again, then shapes, and your sight should come back fully in a few days. It happened to me, too. You’re so brave, Bart. I was really scared when it happened to me, but I’m so proud of you. You’ve been such a big boy,” I commended him. He reached up for me to carry him, and I felt his body go limp in my arms. 
“Not seeing makes me sleepy, Grandpa,” Bart mumbled. I rubbed his back, wondering if I upset him. “How am I gonna watch SpongeBob?” I held back a laugh. 
in between seconds:
Time is a lot like origami paper to me. If I use the speed force like fingers, I can fold a straight line into a three-dimensional object. And in those folds are points in time. When Bart was born, I could feel all the creases in time where he touched. So, I searched for a crease in time where he would understand. I kissed my Bart goodbye and ventured through the folds of time until I saw an opening. A pocket in time where he and I could talk. I waited for him to feel my presence in his time. Bart. 
I felt him before I recognized his face. The speed force carries unique energy for all of us. Dawn felt like cool air like the inside of a tornado. Wally felt like the rumble in a thunderstorm. Bart’s energy felt like rippling rays of sunlight, almost like water. Uncontrolled but uniform. 
He met me in a space between milliseconds. “You’re not supposed to be here,” Bart stated. It wasn’t accusatory. It was an observation. My breath caught, and I wanted to cry, but I had an urgency in me that wouldn’t allow it. Not yet. I touched his face, and he gasped. 
“Dad?” Bart questioned as tears streamed down his cheeks. He knew me by energy alone. I nodded. 
“Hi, Bubs… We’ve got a lot of catching up to do. Don’t we?” I asked, still holding back my tears as I held his face in my hands. I was pure energy, but he was flesh and blood. My flesh and blood. 
Comfortably Wrong, Painfully RIght:
“Okay… Let me get this right: You have a crush on Kon. You have a crush on Preston. You couldn’t decide which one you wanted to ask out, and you were so baked you sent them the same question. Am I getting this?” Cassie questioned. 
Bart nodded. “Oh, you’re fucked. Like this is better than TV,” Cassie laughed. 
“You’re not helping,” Bart half-shouted before lowering his voice, “They’re both coming tonight. I can’t cancel on Preston because he went through a lot to come here, and—.” 
“Cancel on Conner,” Cassie interrupted. 
“I can’t. How do I tell him I take it back?” Bart replied. Cassie groaned. “Exactly!”
A Joyful Rebellion:
I sat there next to him, hiding in a brand-new HDPE pipe for my father’s new construction project. He pushed his feet out, attempting to roll us, and I laughed. “Hey, amnesia boy… Do you wanna do something bad?” I questioned. He grinned, moving to take off his jacket and shirt while I took a lighter out of my pocket. His eyes widened, and he backed away.
“Kinky… But I prefer my pleasure without pain,” he chuckled. I shook my head and climbed over his lap and out of the tube. He followed me, and I reached down into his pocket for his flask. 
“Wanna see something cool?” I questioned. He bounced his head from side-to-side, and I walked toward the wooden structure of the building and took a swig of his ancient alcohol before spitting and lighting a fire. He hooked an arm around my stomach and pulled me away from the blaze as he laughed. 
He rocked as he walked me back and away with two strong arms wrapped around me. “Good on ya! Fuck that building,” he smiled into my neck. He understood me. Even if it was on a base level, he could accept my actions without any explanation. He didn’t care who my father was. All that mattered was me and what I wanted, and I wanted him. 
“It’s my dad’s,” I replied. He froze, resting his chin on my shoulder. 
“Fuck him,” he whispered. And the weight fell off of me. “Yeah, fuck him. What does he matter? Whatever he did to make you feel this way… Fuck him.” 
Nothing But Time:
Thad sighed as he sprayed the room with an air freshener and opened the window. “God,” Thad groaned as he stifled a gag. He asked for a new roommate, but he didn’t expect someone like that. He covered his mouth and nose with one hand as he looked around in horror at the clothes strewn across the beds and floor. Open soda cans lined the nightstand and dressers. A used bandaid rested on the dresser. He stepped outside, waiting for his new roommate to arrive, growing more and more agitated as time progressed.
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80smovies · 1 year
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hammah-banana · 1 year
Don West: I won't leave a single stone unturned, not a corner unscoured, not a rotisserie unrotated until my little egg-laying ingenue is found! Maureen Robinson: Debbie's missing again. Penny Robinson: Ooh. Mystery. Intrigue. I love it. Judy Robinson: Maybe she just needed some alone time, Don. Don West: Debbie hates alone time, unless it's with me. Besides, she's been acting strange lately. She keeps disappearing, she's tired all the time, and she didn't show up to book club this week. She never misses book club, especially when we're reading chick lit. Get it? Chick. Lit. Will Robinson: Maybe Debbie just flew the coop? Don West: Oh, no! Really, Will? Terrible chicken puns at a time like this? You are better than that. Penny Robinson: But had Debbie really flown the coop, or was there something more sinister going on? Only time would tell. Or would it?
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clemsfilmdiary · 19 days
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GoldenEye (1995, Martin Campbell)
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pinemai · 2 years
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Happy holidays from the Robinson crew ❤️
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I wrote a litte VERY smut filled fluff
About my favourite CANNON couple ( I refuse to believe otherwise )
Its over on ao3
Its only my second smut so be kind
Im also dyslexic so be kind🙃
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ozu-teapot · 11 months
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Queen of Blood | Curtis Harrington | 1966
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somewhat-intelligent · 11 months
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Lost In Space S3 - Judy moving toward Don
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handsome-edvard · 7 months
Hot take for the Robinwest nation
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I think the scene in season 1 where she gives him the puppy eyes could have been more interesting if he did stick to his firm NO. He storms off and that’s the end of that.
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But what if that was just the set up?
Cut to the Robinsons scrambling to figure out how to make it work with just John’s weight in the shuttle, and Maureen is stressed but determined in her calculations, and Judy is clearly considering going with her dad when-
Enter Don West, clad in a bright orange spacesuit, swaggering into the passenger seat of the shuttle saying, “If anyone asks, I got paid for this.”
“Don?” Maureen gasps.
“A lot,” Don carries on, settling into the co-pilot station. “And if I die up there I better get a statue. My own holiday on Alpha Centauri.”
And Maureen is smiling in disbelief and John is skeptical but at a loss, and Penny and Will are relieved. Don sees all of that but he hasn’t looked at Judy. Not yet.
Thing is he didn’t see her behind him in that room when Maureen and John tried to sell him on the idea, and he told them to send him a postcard.
He’d said no because it is his life on the line too, he likes being alive, and doing the right thing does really suck.
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So he doesn’t look at Judy right now as he doesn’t know what he’s going to find behind those big brown eyes that previously beseeched him to help. The ones he couldn’t stop thinking about later.
She had looked so devastated by his refusal, so vulnerable, that he is honestly not sure risking his life is enough to get her to talk to him again.
Probably for the best.
He flipped that tanker for her and he lost the money, then they lost Evan eventually. It was all for nothing. From where he’s standing, doing things for Judy doesn’t help him in any way, and that’s a problem because he can’t seem to stop. It’s entirely irrational.
He locks eyes with her later on, after various trials of his recovery time in test launches. He’s even more sluggish with each trial but it can work. They can do it. Don can’t tell what Judy is thinking and she looks away just as quickly as he does. But one thing he knows for certain is how she looks when she’s pissed and this — is not that.
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Now they’re about to leave and Don needs an excuse to be near Judy one last time. Debbie clucks beside him and Don figures if he dies up there with John, he should make sure the lucky chicken is with someone else, maybe bring them a bit of extra luck like she did for him.
“I don’t want your chicken,” Judy says, when she realizes what Don has for her.
He thought she looked almost eager when he called out for her (it was endearing, really), and the way she rolls his eye at him right now is—that’s what it is.
That’s what does it for him.
The reason he’s risking even more than he already has is not because Maureen asked or because John needs someone else in the shuttle.
“And I don’t want to hurtle through space in a tin can,” Don replied, “but here we are.”
She doesn’t seem mad at him, not anymore, and that’s good enough for him. If he goes out doing something for her, it’s good enough for him.
He’s a decent person who has been dealt a bad hand and it’s still so awkward for someone like him to admit he’s a smuggler—he never liked that word—and the thing about Judy is, when she looks at him, it’s like she can see who he actually is underneath everything.
That’s why all her appeals to his better nature always succeed. It’s how the prior caught-off guard No eventually turned into a Yes.
It’s not just his life on the line, it’s her life too, and everyone else’s lives. He wants to reaffirm that he is a better man than everyone thinks, that they are past the money.
“Bye Debbie,” Don says gently.
“Don?” Judy calls after him just as he turns to leave. Her eyes are different, almost shimmering with emotion. Doing that thing from earlier but for a different reason. “Hey, try not to die up there, okay? Make sure you fight.”
There it is. Now he knows for certain they’re back on good terms. Beneath the hefty space suit, a flutter blooms in his chest.
Judy is preparing herself for the possibility that they may never see each other again. Don gives her a smile. He wants her to remember him well.
“Do my best. See you on the other side.” He winks at her and departs, hiding his own bittersweet smile.
. . .
When the shuttle explodes as it hurtles through the atmosphere Judy lets out a scream before she even knows it, and her eyes fill with tears for her Dad and for Don, because Don didn’t want to do this. She tried so hard to convince him and she thought she failed until he came back and strapped into the copilot seat.
And now he’s gone. He’s dead because of her. How can she live with that?
. . .
But then when she hears his sweetly bruised voice through the comm, thick with emotion, her eyes fill with tears again. “Are you crying?”
“No?” Don says.
“Yes you are!” Judy laughs and cries a little too, already thinking about when she’s going to see him again.
“They’re happy tears,” John confirms.
Don is so heroic. He made it. Judy is overjoyed and she can’t wait to hear his voice his person, to see the crinkles near his eyes when his smiles begin to form.
. . .
Don shuffles a few paces behind John Robinson. He knows the family is going to be all over the man, so he figures he’ll just give them some space. Although he’s been thinking about Judy he can’t let that show in front of everyone, and so when he becomes aware of her presence, Don tries his best to maneuver around everyone and maybe go see about Debbie.
But Judy pulls away from John and comes to him. Her eyes are full of admiration and pride and relief. It’s crazy how one person can make him feel like he’s a hero among men.
“Hey Doc,” Don says, watching as her arms extend. He catches her quickly, glad to see someone is happy to see him, and not just anyone — her. “That’s right Judy, I am amazing.”
Judy laughs, her arms tightening around him, basking in his warmth. “I’m glad you’re okay,” she says softly.
“Yeah. Me too.” Don pulls back to see that something is different about Judy’s demeanor — like calling her princess might do some things to her. “You good?”
Judy nods. “Never better.”
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texasthrillbilly · 8 months
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