#don’t get me started on Ray
layingwithlay · 2 months
Ngl I do not fuck with TUA s4😭😭
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cloakedspurs · 2 years
Sure mn9 might be dead- but
Really liked how robotic & even spooky some of their designs were: w/ their joints that look like they need WD 40 spray, robotic eyes, sharp teeth.
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What YJ Ray shoulda looked like. I like the costume from YJ (mostly cause 92’ Ray just zipped around naked- and JLA rebirth was just bad, idk it just was)
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soullessjack · 6 months
idk i just think it’s a little weird that almost every character who gets the “innocent baby” / “little ray of sunshine” treatment usually ends up just having neurodivergent traits and actual negative traits in the show that nobody pays attention to. like idk man it just feels like diet infantilization to me and it’s a teeny weeny bit uncomfortable to see all the time
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starlooove · 9 months
Ok now that we’re talking about the makeup are y’all ready to acknowledge that this entire y2k revival is just based off black trends at the time and that WHITE y2k fashion was different. Like the reason ppl shit on the fashion you wanna wear now was not just misogyny, it was RACISM! Shit like mcbling specifically! It “fell outta style” bc y’all wore it for 3 months then called it ghetto like you ALWAYS do.
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septnautical · 8 months
Hybrid Creation Logs
RR-001 and SE-002
(AN: Hello friends! I’m getting back into writing stuff and while rereading older stories (and fixing a lot of stuff like how I used to write Henrik’s dialogue, yikes!) I realized I absolutely hated how little info I gave in the original creation story of how the boys were made and met- they didn’t even have their designation numbers back then!! So!! It’s revamp time!! Starting with Chase and Jack and - a bit more from the white suits too :3)
To: Grant Xander, 4546B Xenobiology Research Team 213
From: Xeno Research Division
Subject: RE: Experimentation Grant
Proposed: Experimentation of humanoid -fauna hybrids using DNA from dominant species of 4546B and DNA samples from deceased Altera crew member, Sean Mcloughlin.
Good luck with your experiments, team. We look forward to seeing the fruits of your labor. Please send regular updates and logs.
-Alterra Xeno Research Division
Notes from Dr. Cynthia Goodall, regarding growth of Rabbit Ray human hybrid RR-001:
It has been about 8 months since RR first emerged from his egg. He has made tremendous progress and his growth factor has been outstanding. Despite it only being months… mentally the subject is processing information and even speaking to other scientists at the level of a 4 year old human child. It is extraordinary to witness. That means mentally each month he is maturing about half a year. We are providing him enrichment and lessons to help accelerate his growth. Vitals are all good and he is quite active. No predatory or omnivorous traits to be seen so far- despite the extra fauna we have supplied in his tank. He actually likes to race the other fish and has even been found singing to them, despite low exposure to his mother species. Perhaps linked to instinct? Further research required on that point…
However, I am a bit worried. For the past couple weeks he seems to be more tired and lethargic. We make sure he has exposure to the sun through the top of the tank and artificial sunlight is provided. So, not a seasonal issue… again maybe further research is necessary. I hear there’s already talk and work being done on another hybrid… perhaps that might give me some answers.
Notes from Dr. Grant Xander, regarding growth of Sea Emperor human hybrid SE-002:
It has been 3 months since SE-002 emerged from its egg on 07-02-2227. We didn’t think it could be possible… that’s why we tried with RR-001 first. A more readily available DNA to procure. Though, the sea emperor population has increased exponentially since 4546B’s rediscovery about a century ago.
However- we should have tried this much sooner… SE-002 is a marvel. The fauna it interacts with seem to love and adore it, much like a king with his subjects. The whole tank has been more energetic and lively, with SE-002 playing and laughing throughout the day before tiring itself out to collapse into a sleeping heap. Usually the other fish circle around it.
It has been documented the Sea Emperor while held in the Primary Containment Facility seemed to be able to pacify predator and prey alike within its tank- to see a similar phenomenon with a half human is unlike anything we have seen… we are unwilling to try to see if SE can truly pacify a predator at the moment but perhaps after more growth from the subject. It is healthy and happy.
It seems to be growing in the same manner that RR-001 had. About half a year or so within a month mentally and physically- at least by human standards. By now, SE-002 mentally seems close to a 2 year old child. Maybe younger… unlike human toddlers though- they are not helpless. It seems the hybrids are able to swim almost right away- and find food quickly. Though, it seems they do need help at the beginning- they very quickly learn what they can find themselves provided it’s planted for them in the aquarium. Until about 2 weeks after hatching- it seems the hybrids behave more like their mother species- i.e. fish-like. They had a vacant far off stare and were driven by food and providing for their needs. They had trouble gripping things with their hands and would often run into objects with little grace. At this stage, a small personal aquarium is the safest option. Then, there is this… spark. It's like the human part of their brain has caught up and starts to develop milestones much like a human infant. Imitating smiles, babbling, gaining control of their hands, eye tracking. Thank god that Alterra has mastered the childhood development programming that we all grew up with on our own planets- they have been essential in ensuring we can provide correct education to the hybrids as they mature. We are not childcare providers… I don’t think any of us quite expected this experiment to result in… something so… human? Ironic, I know. I think we all expected something a bit more… easy to document and understand. And perhaps it is- just from a parental perspective instead of purely scientific. It was harder to understand what exactly we were seeing when observing RR-001… until one of our crew had a child. Then, we started to see the connections, even if the hybrids are growing more rapidly than human infants do.
I do hope this accelerated growth has a plateau however… Maybe human maturity? Perhaps, they will be like Terra canines- growing at a fast mental rate within the first years then stagnating after adulthood. We can only hope… if the hybrids grow so rapidly and it only leads to faster expirations… then this experiment might be considered a failure and waste of resources. I don’t want that to happen. I believe this project has so much left for us to discover…
Especially with SE-002. Even if it’s been a century since the curing of the infamous Khaara bacterium- it is still present here on 4546B. Just- much less deadly and easy enough to cure. Like the common cold, really. However… we saw in the Sector Zero Levithan… Khaara has a chance to survive and mutate- which we are all well aware of. History could very well repeat itself as we put ourselves into the grand roles of the ancient Architects. So… SE-002 could be the key we need should any disaster strike. Once stable enough, we should be able to see if he can provide any Enzyme 42 samples like its mother species.
Personal notes: …I’ve started to call him Jack… Jackaboy. I can’t help it. He looks so much like him when he was younger. Almost makes me miss home. But, I can carry a piece of my Jack with me this way. It’s unprofessional, I know. Unnecessary attachment… but SE-002 has an irresistible charm to him and zest for life. Just like Jack. I believe my brother would be honored.
To: Grant Xander
From: Cynthia Goodall
Subject: Hybrid Interaction, Urgent Matter
I am deeply concerned for the well-being of RR-001 at the moment. Subject is showing signs of depression and is not as active as he once was. I believe SE-002 is showing signs of being healthy and active. Perhaps we should combine our efforts and house the hybrids together for observation and socialization? I believe this could negate any negative impact from perceived isolation. Many fauna here are highly social, especially the rabbit rays. I think RR-001 could really use a friend. Please advise.
- Cynthia
To: Cynthia Goodall
From: Automated Response Line
Hybrid Tank integration: APPROVED
-Grant Xander
Xander walked down the bright white corridors of the lab, holding SE-002 in his arms. The little sea emperor had his arms wrapped around the scientist’s neck as he observed the base with wide curious eyes. They sparkled as they passed windows showing the ocean beyond, bright with fish and glowing fauna. It wasn’t too different from SE’s tank but…. It was so big. It seemed like it went on forever.
“Hey Xander? Where are we goin’ again?” SE-002 asked.
Xander chuckled, “I thought I told you Jackaboy! Today, you’re going to meet a new friend. Someone who could really use someone as energetic as you.”
“Oh yay!” Jack smiled wide, “I like making friends! Is it more fishies??”
“No, lad,” Xander laughed, “It’s another hybrid. Just like you.”
Jack gasped, his eyes widening and sparkling. “Wooahhh! Really?? Someone just like me??”
“Well, he’s a different kind of fish but… very similar.” Xander smiled. “In a way… you two are like family. Brothers, really. I think you’ll like him. You two can be together from now on.”
“Yay yay yay!!” Jack cheered, bouncing up and down in Xander’s arms. The scientist shook his head with a laugh, “Save some of that excitement for RR, Jack!”
Soon enough, Xander strides into the main lab that housed RR-001. Dr. Goodall looked up and beamed at seeing SE-002. She walked over with a bright smile.
“Hello Xander! SE-2! My… look how big you’re getting!” She cooed. Jack shyly hid behind Xander’s neck but did attempt to wave.
Xander chuckled, “You remember Dr. Goodall, don’t you, SE?”
Jack shook his head. Cynthia smiled. “Well that’s alright. I’ve only really seen you in passing. But, I watch over RR-1 so… now that you’re joining him- we can all get to know each other better, hm?”
Jack looked a bit nervous and clung tighter to Xander, digging his little fingers into his white coat. Xander pats his head. “I’ll be around too, Jackaboy.” He whispers. “You don’t need to worry.” Jack slowly nods.
Cynthia gives him an understanding smile then gestures towards the hatch at the end of the large aquarium tank in the room. “Ready to meet RR, SE?”
Jack nodded again and smiled, his tails flicking to show his excitement. “Yes…!” He says quietly and the doctors smile. Dr. Goodall opened the hatch and Xander gently lowered Jack into the water. He smiles and ruffles Jack’s hair, “Go have fun, lad. I’ll see you later, okay?”
Jack beamed, “Okay! Bye Xander!” And then the little sea emperor rocketed off deeper into the aquarium to explore.
RR-001 was lying in the sand in a hidden corner of the tank, hiding behind some of the long creepvines. He was too tired to go swimming around today… he was hardly getting any sleep. And there was this- hole in his chest. It ached. More than the needles and small tests the doctors did on him. But… different somehow. He didn’t really have a word for it. And he didn’t want to deal with Dr. Goodall’s attempts today… she had been trying so hard to make RR act happier. Saying he wasn’t himself. Maybe he could see that… but he just didn’t have the energy. She did seem to mention a… surprise for him though? He couldn’t remember what… maybe a new fish for him to attempt to eat. He didn’t really like eating them though… made his stomach churn.
Suddenly, the vines he’s hiding behind are split apart by hands and a similar looking face to his pops into view.
“There you are!” The doppelgänger shouts with a smile. RR screams in turn and backs away, curling his tail up as close to him as possible, squeezing himself between the rock and the glass of the tank.
“W-W-Who are you?!” RR squeaks in a trembling voice.
The other hybrid grins, his teeth sharp but his expression is friendly. “I’m SE-2! But I dun really like that name. Xander calls me Jack and I like that sooo much more! So you can call me that!!”
“…j…Jack…” RR repeats. “Okay uh… h-how did you find me? I… I thought it was really good at hiding…”
“You were!” Jack laughs, “But I could hear you over here.”
“Really?” RR says with a tilt of his head, “…I didn’t think I was making any noise-“
“You didn’t tell me your name!” Jack interrupts, spurring forward to sit on the sand in front of RR. The rabbit Ray mer tries to scoot back again but he’s out of room. He looks at Jack with wide eyes.
“Uh… I… I’m RR-001.” He says slowly. Jack makes a face, raising an eyebrow.
“Your white suit doesn’t call you anything else?”
“…white suit?” RR asks.
“Oh- that’s what I call the doctors sometimes. Especially if I dunno who they are. They all wear white all the time!” Jack laughs.
RR finds himself chuckling too. Then his face falls. “…my ‘white suit’ hasn’t really called me anything. She gives me… nicknames? I think she called them? Like sweetie and love and stuff but… I don’t think those are… names. Usually, she just calls me RR.”
“Well that won’t do!” Jack exclaims, “s’not fair for me to have a name when you don’t! Besides- you don’t look like an RR to me… that’s a dumb name!”
RR makes an offended noise and slaps his tail against the sand. “Well! It’s the only name I know! M-Maybe I think Jack is a dumb name!”
“No you don’t. You think it’s cool. You’re kinda jealous.” Jack says simply, looking at RR with a strange, almost knowing expression. RR finds himself shivering. “H-How do you know that?”
“Mmm… I can feel it. Coming from your head, like- you’re saying it but not through your mouth.” Jack shrugs. “Dunno how I do it. I just know. So! Let’s think of a real name for you!!” He smiles brightly.
RR looks at the other hybrid nervously and curls up some more. “I…. I dunno how to… do that though…”
“We can figure something out! C’mon!” Jack says, grabbing RR’s hand and pulling him out of his hiding spot. RR makes a noise of protest but is eventually pulled out into the light, squinting his eyes and covering them up with his other hand. Man… how long had he been hiding in the dark…?
“Woahhh! You’re so much bigger than me!” Jack exclaims, looping around RR to look at him. “And your tail looks squishy!!” He pokes it and RR exclaims and pulls it back. “Hey!”
Jack’s head pops up under RR’s wing, almost looking like he’s wearing it as a hat. He giggles and nuzzles around in it. RR finds himself laughing without meaning to, pushing the other hybrid away. “Ah s-stop! That tickles!”
Jack pulls back up and giggles, swirling his tails around. “Sorry!! I just haven’t seen anything like ya! You’re a… a… oh what are they called?”
“…a rabbit ray.” RR supplies quietly, “that’s what Dr. Goodall says the RR in my name is. Rabbit Ray, RR. The 1 is because I was the first. That’s why you’re 2- you’re next.”
“Oooh!” Jack nods, then flicks his tails towards RR and giggles. “Well! I’m a Sea Emperor! Xander tells me they’re really special and junk. But, I dunno- you seem pretty special too!”
RR finds himself flushing. “You… you really think so…?” He asks, fidgeting with his hands.
“Yeah!” Jack says enthusiastically. “You were made first! That’s super special! That makes you my… brother- I think Xander said!”
RR’s eyes widen, a light coming into them that wasn’t there before. “…a… brother? Like… a… a family?”
Jack grins more and nods, “Yeah! That must be why we look alike, right? Xander and his brother also look alike but I’ve only seen pictures on the PDAs-“
RR finds himself laughing dazedly. “Y-Yeah… I guess so…”
Jack smiles at him and then twirls to look at the tank. “Alright then! Let’s look for your name then cuz I ain’t calling my brother a dumb letter name!”
After a few seconds of looking around Jack hums and then turns back to RR. “Before I came here, what did you like to do? Like- your most favorite thing to do!”
RR flicked his tail and played with the end of one of his wings. He eventually shrugs. “I… I like to swim fast- race with the other fish and try to chase them…”
“Oh! I like that!”
RR looks up and cocks his head, “like… what?”
“Chase!” Jack exclaims with a bright smile. “I think that sounds more like you than RR!”
“C…Chase…” RR tries out. It feels weird but… right. Slowly he smiles warmly at Jack, the biggest smile the tinier hybrid at seen from him.
“Yeah… Chase. I… I think I like that too.” Chase says. Jack yells in excitement and goes to tackle Chase in a hug. Chase startles, stiff in it as first. But, slowly he experimentally wraps his arms around Jack and… oh… that… that felt really good. Suddenly, his eyes feel wet and he makes a choked noise.
Jack backs up and then looks at Chase with concern. “Oh no! Why are you crying??”
Chase wipes at his face and looks at his hands in confusion. “I… I dunno…” he then laughs, “I think… t-they’re cuz I… I’m… happy…?” He laughs a bit louder and pushes his hair back, “y-yeah…! That feels right. I… I’m happy.”
Jack grins and grabs Chase’s hands, “Good! That’s really really good! C’mon! We can play now!” He starts tugging Chase through the water. “I wanna see how good you are at chasing, Chase!” And Chase can’t help but laugh and follow after him.
The two played all day long, Chase more lively and energetic than the scientists have seen in months. So, when the ocean water dimmed around the base and the lights turned off in the lab- the two were exhausted.
Chase swam over to his usual sleeping spot and splat down, ready to curl up in the warm sand and pass out. But, then he startles as he feels Jack crash down next to him and then sleepily curl up into his side, under his wing.
“Uh… Jack? What are you doing…?” Chase asked quietly.
“Gettin’ comfy….” Jack yawned, pressing his face into Chase’s side.
“Oh… um… why here?”
Jack blinked opened an eye and Chase now notices that they kinda glowed in the dark like his tails. Jack snorts out a tired laugh. “The fish in my tank never let me sleep alone so… I'm not gonna let my new brother sleep alone. Seems too lonely…” He yawns again and closes his eyes. “Dun wanna feel lonely again…”
Chase feels a grip on his heart and… that ache in his chest that had been so persistent seemed to fade. He chuckles softly and curls up so his wing is properly over Jack like a blanket and curls his tail around the tinier merman. “Okay…” He suddenly felt a surge of protectiveness flow through him as he looked down at Jack’s tiny body, how he breathes softly and relaxes into the sand. If there were predators around… he wouldn’t be safe.
Chase finds himself scooping up Jack to rest against his chest as he hugs him tight to himself. Jack is mostly asleep but just hums with a slight smile and curls some of his tails around Chase’s waist.
“…I’ll protect you, little brother.” Chase whispers, pressing his cheek against Jack’s hair. “We don’t have to be alone anymore…”
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raydaviespilled · 5 months
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forever thinking about the lost shangri-la and australia tv performances. clawing at the air like the disappering mary jane + spiderman gif. at least we have these images I suppose….the lord giveth and the lord taketh away
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I do genuinely like my neuroanatomy professor but I am gently shaking him by the shoulders in my mind. Sir you don’t have to vaguepost about me every time I startle. We both know. The whole class knows. “Well usually I like to startle you guys a bit- make sure you remember stuff- but some students get easily frightened…” YOU ONLY SAY THAT AFTER I DO IT. PLEASE STOP.
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lesparis83 · 5 months
☕️ Gavin Alistair Ellis
I’ve been sitting on this so I could rest my hand before typing this out lmao
where to start w Gavin. the tragedy inherent in his whole story gets to me constantly. I imagine his life sort of went downhill after he went to juvie and maybe after his mom died (though it’s not clear when that happened), and Pat presumably found him and brought him into his network. He has this lifestyle where he throws parties and has money, but he still seems. sad underneath all that to me. I’m also curious about his relationship w the football team; he doesn’t seem sporty and he feels separate from them, but he’s also the vice-captain so clearly there’s some camaraderie there. I’m also curious about his and Ray’s relationship between their school days and the movie, because they obviously have played football together for. presumably more than one season, but they just never hung out outside of that? for years? anyway oops I was talking about tragedy RIGHT so he has this lifestyle he seems to be. portraying himself as enjoying and maybe he is, but he’s still under Pat’s thumb and at risk of threat from him, and clearly has been to Bangkok to mule drugs multiple times and I just. feel so bad for him; I wonder what he would’ve done with this life if he hadn’t gone to juvie. and then just. god. the way he treats Ray from Bangkok on. it makes me feel all kinds of emotions, like looking at the way he feels about betraying him and the way he looks so crestfallen when he realises Ray trusts him completely in the Bangkok markets, and then when Ray has been putting himself through torture for Gavin’s sake in the motel and Gavin really has to reckon with himself and his choices and the way Ray’s unwavering trust and loyalty fucks with his beliefs and lives and past. god. it hurts so good, I’m sure I have more thoughts but these are just. the things I think about on a near-daily basis
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slippersmoo · 1 year
Made for love being cancelled from HBO is one of life’s biggest tragedies
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gwdihw · 1 year
I was putting off the finale of Foundation til the ✨ right moment ✨
and tell me why that show put me through the seven stages of grief in ONE FUCKING EPISODE
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
2024 affirmation: I will not dislocate my knee
#genuinely will be my thirteenth reason if this happens again and i’m not joking#i don’t think most of the people in my life get it. they don’t get what it’s like for every single step you take to cause you pain#for MONTHS on end. this started in MAY#and they don’t get what it’s like to have pain when you’re just standing up. or to worry that your knee is randomly going to give out on you#and that that’s going to be it this time and you’re going to need a knee replacement#OR; maybe worse; that your Other knee which has never given you a single problem will suddenly decide to give out (maybe due to all the#strain that’s been on it) and you’ll have to walk like a crab until that one heals#or to wonder if you’re just malingering and being too lazy. meanwhile doing all the exercises that your physio recommends you#+ taking a pilates class + buying a walking pad and trying to walk on it 5 days a week#+ going on a diet; cutting down on salt and overly processed food in the hope it’ll give you more energy#so you can exercise more and drop some excess weight so there’s maybe less strain on your knees and ankles#(or at the very least build muscle rather than fat so that the muscles are just better)#not to mention that nobody knows what the fuck is wrong with me. x-ray came back clear apart from ‘fluid on the knee’#which by the way - has never actually gone away? that x-ray happened on the 5th of july. i’d been injured for 6 weeks already by then#i still get this godawful like.. almost Bubble of fluid on the top right of my kneecap whenever i’ve been walking a lot#coming up on five months and i still have swelling. why. i’ve iced it into fucking oblivion#my doctor thought i had a hamstring tear. nope. my physio can’t find anything structurally wrong with me#we fixed the quad lag and my complete lack of ability to straighten the leg#but i still have pain and i still have discomfort and i still limp and i still feel like my kneecap is floating in a fucking soup#at this point i wonder if i have arthritis and nobody has noticed. the knee is crunchy. 🥴#all of it just makes me feel like i’m going insane. i fell and i was like ‘oh i’ll be fine in two weeks’#two weeks later i couldn’t even walk unassisted. like.#what did i doooooooo. why does no one seem to know. why does nothing show up on tests. idgi#personal#rant
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acanadiansim · 2 years
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reshade is going to be the death of me 😍
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charmsandtealeaves · 1 year
Getting to go feral about birds in DMs and now all I wanna do is go out to my fav places but it’s raining 🌧️ so instead have some birds.
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Some juvenile kākā during my last visit to mt maungatautari
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starlooove · 2 years
Ok I know Duke is a meta and all but I think the shadow aspect of his powers should be magically related just so that he can have zatanna and Constantine tryna mentor him too
#flashfam is already tryna get at him#now we have the magic users#don’t let Martian manhunter know that his powers give him precognition#that’s the inch he’ll take a mile with#combine all that with Duke punching hal in the face#(in my mind he also took and used the ring)#and now the LANTERNS want him too#when Duke comes out as genderfluid Diana absolutely steals him on his girl days#Clark is so sad there’s truly no way to twist him into being a super#until Kon says he needs help working with the x ray vision#the bats are at war with the general superhero community everyone loves Duke#don’t get me started on the rogues#riddler is absolutely tryna goad him into becoming an apprentice#joker wants to joker junior-fy him so bad :/#everyone loves Duke#my new fave tag sorry imma be talking Abt this for months#starfire wants to teach Duke how to harness his light into beams#or smth#literally an excuse to hang out#raven says she wants to teach Duke to control his shadows#actually works#cyborg and bb say they wanna work on his hacking skills#they play coolmathgames the whole time#only members of the fam Duke says no to others for are Damian jason and Cass#Damian and Cass especially#Duke stole all of Tim and dicks friends smh my head#Dick was already used to it bc of what happened with Roy and kory#Tim has never felt this way before he’s actually going to die#Duke is honestly just happy bc 9/10 times he wants to do some absolutely crazy shit they’ll LET him this is great#Bruce is going grayer and grayer every day
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rainyraisin · 1 year
Do I think that posting art daily on instagram for two months is starting to catch up to me and is burning me out a little?
Am I gonna stop and take a little break from arting to recover?
No because I have so much to do 💪💪💪 gonna power through it besties lesgoooooo‼️‼️‼️
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