#don’t give in to russian propoganda
rowanthestrange · 2 years
probably a good time to state that I am fully committed to the creation of peace between russia and ukraine, and by peace i mean russia getting the fuck out of all the land they’re attempting to steal, returning all the children and others they’ve ‘repatriated’, providing all the funds necessary to rebuild everything including the half of ukraine’s civilian energy infrastructure they’ve destroyed, and if i could magically give every ukranian a laser rifle to ensure that peace, so that russia never think of setting their jackboots across that line or any other country’s ever again, i absolutely fucking would
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nappingpaperclip · 6 months
“People who tell you not to vote Biden are psyops trying to steal left votes” type posts are pro-government propoganda.
Last time y’all spread that bullshit around the blogs getting deleted for being “Russian spies” were black leftists.
Not everyone who criticizes Biden or says they won’t be voting for a genocider and that you shouldn’t either wants you to vote for Trump or not vote!! Third party candidates exist!!! Write ins exist!!! If we actually organized instead of y’all pulling the “lesser evil” bs about a GENOCIDAL RACIST RAPIST OLD MAN we might actually see some fuckin progress!!
Did y’all forget Biden is a rapist?????
Btw is the “left” in the room with us? Where is the left? Where is the progress y’all keep claiming Biden is making?
Last time I checked Biden has not let those kids out of cages, has personally approved more huge pipelines that run through Indigenous lands and speed up climate change, has ex-BlackRock leaders (yknow, the top 10 climate change villains company who also funds most American private prisons as well as funding arms manufacturing companies, who spend millions lobbying politicians on environmental regulations, immigration and drug policy) in his cabinet, increased police and military budget, didn’t codify Roe v Wade, in fact he held it hostage for votes, hasn’t codified gay marriage or trans rights, hasn’t legalized marijuana, hasn’t raised the federal minimum wage, oh and also is DOING GENOCIDE in case y’all forgot or wanna tiptoe around the “some bad policies” y’all always talk about
Did y’all forget about his “nothing will fundamentally change” policy?
Y’all heard that and thought “left”?? Babes he’s a right leaning centrist AT BEST.
There are actually left candidates btw! Ones who care about things like Landback and reparations and free healthcare and education and sustainability! The ones y’all are telling people are throwaway votes/votes for Trump!! (Which isn’t even how the electoral college works btw)
So us telling y’all not to vote for a genocider makes us Russian psyop spies but y’all telling us not to vote for leftist third party candidates doesn’t? K.
The only way to get a politician to stop doing WAR CRIMES is to tell them you won’t vote for them or give them money or otherwise support them until they stop!
You can fucking lie if you want!!! All we’re asking is for y’all not to publicly announce Genocide Joe still has your unconditional support WHILE HES DOING GENOCIDE
His approval ratings are literally less than Trumps!
He has no one to blame but himself.
If he loses in November, I don’t want to hear y’all bitch and moan and blame black people or disillusioned voters or third party voters or “Russian spies” again like y’all did in 2016, I don’t want to see y’all blame anyone but him, BLAME BIDEN FOR HIS OWN ACTIONS. HE IS A GROWN MAN AND HAS THE MONEY AND POWER TO STOP IT IF HE ACTUALLY WANTED TO.
Y’all keep saying he’s doing his best to stop it, that he’s working behind the scenes, that he’s trying, IF HES TRYING WHY ARE WE STILL SENDING ISRAEL MONEY?
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littlestarkling · 2 years
Some time ago I had great respect for Vladimir Putin. He seemed very educated and like he had things together. He seemed to come down hard on people in his government that didn’t perform as they were supposed to and I found that to be admirable. There was that time when he stepped in and acted as a German translater. That was very impressive. I mean, contrasted againt Joe Biden, who comes across as a complete fool, he seemed like quite the guy.
Move forward to the Ukraine invasion. Nothing in that invasion seems to be working as intended. They sent troops in that apparently didn’t even know they were invading. The propoganda campaign stating they were only doing military exercises  and that they weren’t planning anything was so good even there own forces fell for it. Then the invasion started and everybody was scared of this great Russian military that was just going to steam roller through Ukraine in a matter of days and conquer the entire country just like that. Well, it didn’t quite work out now did it? then they send this massive armoured column, I don’t know how many kilometers long into Ukraine towards Kiev. Everybody thinking they gonna mess Kiev up. then they run out of fuel along the way and the whole column just seems to dissappear? What a joke. They should give up and retreat just to save face. What a joke....
Vladimir Putin has lost much of his reputation. Now there are rumours going around that some Oligarchs are looking at assassinating him. The question is, do they want to assassinate him because he invaded Ukraine, or because he failed? People think that Vladimir Putin is this big dictator and that he pulls all the strings, but that is not how power works. He has to be keeping somebody happy. Who is that? Only time will tell how this whole thing works out, but I think Ukraine is going to push the Russian forces back across the border and Putin is going to have to have a long hard think about all the sanctions that there are against him and the fuel that he could have sold to Germany through his pipeline that is now standing still. What a fool.
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goldenkamuyhunting · 4 years
What's Tsurumi up to? Officially he wants revenge for his fallen comrades against the central government, but that reads too much like propoganda. We know he's extremely manipulative of people around him (family, subordinates), which makes me suspicious of his avenge-my-comrades spiel. On the other hand, he does emotionally care for some of those he manipulates, so maybe? For such a complex character, his official goal seems too simplistic, no? Does he even want to rule an independent Hokkaido?
we don’t have yet a canon answer. GK though is a pretty adult work so it’s entirely possible that, like in real life, Tsurumi has more than just one reason pushing him forward, and some of those reasons are very relevant to him and are what basically moves him on and some others are there but, alone, they wouldn’t have been enough to push him to act.
Think at something simpler like Boutarou.
He wanted to be a king, he wanted to rule over a whole island, have coins with his face on and subjects that would obey him.
But why he wanted to?
He wanted to have a family, a place to return, a place for him and them in which they wouldn’t be discriminate, a place in which they could feel safe, he wanted to be in control of his fate after his whole family was ripped from him due to an illness, he wanted to be remembered after his death as this was his own personal way to defeat death.
And in the middle of all this, as he liked Shiraishi he probably would have wanted to have him in his kingdom... and maybe he would have welcomed Asirpa and Sugimoto too and would have wanted to do other things as well... things that aren’t so relevant as the previous but would contribute to make his own dream perfect.
So yes, it’s very likely that Tsurumi wants to rule Hokkaido... but this, like Boutarou’s wish to have a kingdom, is probably a mean to get something he wants much more.
He very likely wants more to avenge HIMSELF than his fallen comrade, avenge the loss of his wife and child, but he likely isn’t against avenging his fallen comrades as well.
I think he’s the sort of man who believes it would be nice if others were to obey him willingly, without manipulation, but since this isn’t possible he resort to manipulation. I think he cares for his companions... but he cares much, MUCH more about his goals and he’s fully aware he might have to sacrifice his companions for them and fully willing to do so.
We’re so very used to simple characters, characters who have a single goal for a single motive (and, in the case of the bad guy, this single motive is always petty or downright evil) so of course Tsurumi and other characters of Golden Kamuy come out as much more complicate and hard to predict, especially because they’re many and they’ve some they prioritize over others... which doesn’t mean that the ones who don’t get prioritized don’t exist, or that they wouldn’t have been glad to pursue them as well, just that, if they have to decide between them and the more important goals, they’re willing to sacrifice them for a ‘greater purpose’.
Think at the whole revenge against Central as well. Yes, Central mistreated the people under it, sacrificed them with no problems because soldiers were just cannon fodder. Tsurumi likely was one of the many men who suffered through this, and he probably holds Central responsible for the loss of his wife and daughter.
In our modern way, Central should be held accountable for what it did (back then no, this wasn’t the case, they could do whatever they wanted with the men under them and not feel guilty because it was their right to use them).
The soldiers though, albeith wronged by Central wouldn’t probably join a rebellion (actually rebellions are pretty hard to organize) if Tsurumi hadn’t exasperated further the situation by killing Hanazawa (who was actually as guilty as Central), passing it as a suicide done to apologize to the men he has wronged (therefore giving legittimity to their following rebellion), something that caused Central to further wrong the soldiers to the point they agree to Tsurumi’s rebellion.
So overall my feeling is that:
- he wants to control Hokkaido and then take possession of some Russian territories, but this is more a mean to get what he wants than a true goal.
- he wants to punish the Japanese government for the mistreatment of the people under it, but it’s more a personal revenge in which he searched for allies with similar feelings. In short this is less for his men and much more for himself. He probably empathize with them as they all were wronged, but it’s more like he wanted THEM to empathize with HIM and therefore follow him.
- he wants to recover the bones of the fallens, but amog those fallens the real priority are his wife and child much more than his fallen comrades. His fallen comrades are probably a mere added bonus, not the real reason why he’s doing it.
- he cares for his men, especially for some of them, but doesn’t prioritize them over his goal. He wouldn’t sacrifice them needlessly, nor he would be happy or indifferent at their sacrifice, but if it were to be useful to his goal he would sacrifice them all without a single hesitation.
- he might hold a grudge toward Wilk whom he might see as technically responsible of shooting down his wife and child. So, even though we saw him sparing the child of Sakamoto and O-gin and even affording him some moderate kindness (he let him to be entrusted into the hands of someone who would care for him) he might not feel the same propension for kindness toward the daughter of the man who killed his own daughter.
- overall most of his actions are tied to his personal trauma, pain and loss and to the (maladaptive and terrible) way he has chosen to cope with it
- he’s one hell of a clever guy who’s always a step ahead to his adversaries so we might miss to see how his actions figure in the big picture but he very likely has A BIG PICTURE in mind and he’s giving his all to reach his goal. As a result some of his actions can seem hard to understand just because we can’t predict where they’re meant to lead us.
Well, that’s all I can think for now.
I hope it can be of some help and thank you for your ask!
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meotherwise · 4 years
Alright, here’s the deal. I’m supposed to have a conversation with you. Like, touch base on “where we are” since we had a fight. Okay cool. 
And I keep coming back to the same two things:
1. I’m sorry. You didn’t and don’t deserve my anger. 
2. If you can’t see a difference between Biden and Trump, then like...
So I’m kinda stuck in this perpetual loop. Because if we start up a conversation and I explain why I feel and felt the way I do, and we come back to your viewpoint that there’s not really any difference between those two, then we’re back to square one. 
I get not liking Biden. Hell, Biden was either my last or second to last choice. But compared to Trump? My god. Give me the chance at a liberal supreme court. Give me someone who will end the concentration camps at the border. Give me someone who wouldn’t authorize his justice department to use any means necessary to clear a park of peaceful protestors so they could have a photo op holding a bible upside down. 
We literally this week completely crossed the line over into a facist state with that last part but ThErE’s No DiFfErEnCe BeTwEeN tRuMp AnD bIdEn so like. What’s there to discuss? 
I miss you like fucking hell but I’m upset dude. I told you when I got internet back I didn’t want to talk politics anymore with anyone. I like it better when I can sit back, observe, and grow. Which is what I’ve done this whole week, checking my own inner thoughts and feelings and listening to the perspective of others over my own. My thoughts have evolved plenty 
I’m sad but I’m also not in the mood to be gaslit by russian propoganda either so. Maybe tomorrow I’ll be in the mood to have this conversation with you. 
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bewareoftrees · 7 years
Babylon 5 Watch (Season 1, Episodes 1-3)
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With @jenniferstolzer a season deep into Buffy the Vampire Slayer already, it’s time for me to hold up my side of the trade by starting Babylon 5. Like with Jen, I’m going to be sharing my thoughts as I go through the episodes.
Pre-show Apology: I’m going to go ahead and say sorry now for the nicknames I give people. It’s a new show and names are hard for me anyway, but I’m sure I’ll remember who everyone is at some point. Maybe…
Episode 1.1 “Midnight on the Firing Line”
I’ll do my best not to laugh at the CGI too much. You’ve seen them, you know. Side note: I really want to play Star Fox 64 now! Yay old space graphics!
So, Babylon 5 is like the Citadel, right? Wonder what store Commander Shepard would recommend.
I do hope that at some point they’re able to open up the sets a bit more. Right now everything is too claustrophobic, making this feel like it takes place on a ship and not a space station.
Centauri = space vampires? Between Londo’s accent and his assistant’s fangs a strong argument is forming and my mind refuses to avoid running with it. Also, why the “Centauri”? What’s he got going on under those pants? Upper body of a man, legs of a vampire. Whatever their legs look like, one thing is for sure: they’re sure making me feel better about the size of my eyebrows and forehead.
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Don’t trust someone with a name that sounds like Jafar. I’m calling it now!
Also, maybe don’t upset a telepath. 
I will say her inability to talk to this Braided Brunette is pretty ridiculous.  She gives up the chase super easily. At one point BB suddenly leaves the room and the telepath just doesn’t know what to do. I guess changing directions mid walk was just too much for her.
Commander: “Ignore the propoganda, focus on what you see.” What if I see propoganda?
Did Sounds-Like-Jafar just say he was eating spoo? I’m gonna go ahead and say that a good rule of thumb is to not eat anything that is just one letter away from being excrement.
Sounds Like Jafar: “Sleep well, Ambassador. Sleep lightly.” Well which is it!? 
Don’t let the O2 fool you. Those are definitely hot dogs on those oxygen masks, which seems inadvisable. Breathe now, snack later.
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“Afterward, if you like, you can stop by my quarters and I can show you my favorite thing in the whole universe. Ok ok my second favorite thing in the universe.” I don’t care if you can see into his mind and know he is talking about Daffy Duck cartoons. Don’t smile at that!
Man I really want to know more about human history in this universe. At one point the Commander mentioned Pearl Harbor, the terrorist nuking of San Diego (RIP SDCC), and destruction of the first Mars colony. And later some history of the response to telepathy developing in humans comes up. Color me intrigued.
One thing that hasn’t changed is politicians still suck.
Man, all the alien races are designed to look so angry. No wonder there’s so much drama between the races, they’re always glowering at each other. Well, except for camo guy. Who knows what he’s thinking.
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Apparently those gloves the telepath wears are just a fashion choice? I assumed they were to block seeing images and thoughts through touch like it is in most cases, but nope. 
I do not appreciate the look she is giving that piece of popcorn. (No commentary or drawings on this image, just distrust.)
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Episode 1.2 “Soul Hunter”
No… Follow the wizard! Who cares about a stupid doctor… 
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Oh… I thought those were just intense clubbing stamps on the back of everyone’s hands. But no, comms makes more sense…
I actually fully listened to the opening this time and at one point Babylon 5 is described as a place “where humans and aliens can work out their differences peacefully.“ Technically humans are aliens too… This is the type of deep thinking commentary you can expect from me.
I am starting to worry that Daffy Duck and the Commander are the only pilots on this whole station.
Is that a headdress Delenn (had to look up her name, couldn’t come up with a nickname for her) takes off at night, or is it as permanent as the vamp brow?
Brunette Braid shall now be known as The Russian.
He may look silly, but this Soul Hunter dude is a pretty cool villain when it comes to his backstory and how he was pushed towards joining the dark side by his inability to capture the souls of the recently departed. Failure sucks, dude, I get it. But that just made me a procrastinator, not a murderer.
New favorite head decorations = his mud flaps. Fashion or function? Who know!?
Also, biggest surprise of the episode is that the souls aren’t stored in that thing in the middle of his forehead. Guess it’s another fashion over function choice.
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This isn’t Sunnydale and that dude isn’t as stupid as Xander. Stop trying to put the moves on everyone!
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Commander: "Two soul hunters. Did someone book a convention without telling me?” Too soon! I just learned about the loss of SDCC one episode ago!
Daffy Duck:  “I really hate it when you get heroic. Cuts into my business. Man’s gotta earn a living, you know.“ Seriously, hire other people to do stuff on this space station!
Quick force pull a lightsaber to you and kill him!
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Looks like someone accidentally brought their glue gun to the real gun fight.
Did she just go full Gollum on the souls?
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Episode 1.3 “Born to the Purple”
Wait, wasn’t Sounds like Jafar the bad guy in episode 1? Was there no punishment for what he did? Short memories on this space station I guess, cuz now Space Vamp is all buddy buddy with him like he didn’t just threaten to kill Space Vamp’s nephew. He’s even smiling as he’s watching his UV Blue get stolen! 
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You’d think they’d break out the nicer tables for important talks. At least put a tablecloth or a centerpiece on it! Something!
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Commander to The Telepath: “You are my peeler. You’re going to peel away their lies until they’re left with that inescapable truth.” Whoa you sweet talker. That’s on par with “You are my sunshine.” (Oh, and The Telepath is now The Peeler and everyone should get on @jenniferstolzer‘s case until she draws us some fan art!)
Oh no! Sexy Time Lady has an evil pimp! …Or a master? Slavery is apparently still a thing. Yay…
Centauri = Space Vampires Exhibit C: “I long to sink my teeth into something.” Only a vampire would talk like this about eating!
The Russian is about as possessive of her computer as I am. I like to imagine Daffy Duck had Cheetos fingers one time years ago and she has never forgotten or forgiven it.
Sexy Time Lady, no!!! Space Vamp loves you enough to forget about his hatred of Sounds Like Jafar and this is how you repay him!?
Wait, Daffy Duck’s real name is Garibaldi? That’s just cruel, what with the Garibalding.
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morethankradio · 5 years
Week 6 Analysis Class
Okay, so we’ve identified some threats... what would we recommend Australia do now, to prepare for the possibility of cyberwarfare threats? (Groups again).
As it turns out, it’s quite difficult to come up with 10 sound recommendations in 20 minutes, and so much the joy of this class was hearing the 10th recommendation of any group.
Background check everybody before giving them access to the internet
Segmentation of networks (okay, this is probably a #1 on any other list)
Headhunt potential hackers
Hire Russian hackers
Ditch the entire continent
Public security initiatives
Anyway, this is what we came up with going back to the drawing board:
Australian economy
Political system
Food and fuel
Trade relationships
Well the list of attacks we came up with in class (appended)
Destruction or DoS of any of our assets
Isolation from our strong allies.
Airgap our infrastructure. Internet connectivity is convenience, but also a huge vulnerability. Make it harder to remotely access our critical infrastructure.
Increase our satellite capacity. We need more redundancy because right now it’s pretty much transatlantic cables or nothing.
Pen test ourselves.
Mainstream education about propaganda and political influence.
Review the security of our critical infrastructure; a lot of it wasn’t designed with security in mind. Let alone cyber security.
Infrastructure redundancy. Maybe Elon can get us some more of those batteries.
Let’s review our data security. Some legacy storage solutions could offer increased security if the techniques for exploiting them are more difficult, less refined, or are a lost art.
Cooperate with our telecommunication providers. These giants interface us with the rest of the world. They could have a big role to play in any cyber efforts.
Use cryptocurrencies instead of the Australian dollar. Look, I’ll be honest, I don’t know much about economics.
Censorship. Let’s make the Australia LAN.
Cumulative class threats from pre-writing:
1. Intercept private communications between allies 2. Propoganda campaigns- Promote internal division 3. DoS on government infastructure 4. Destruction of trans-atlantic cables- 5. Spoof financial data- Degradation of trust 6. Take control of our missile systems 7. Destroy ecommerce systems- Cripple the country's economy 8. Attack our water systems- Kills a lot of people very quickly 9. Shutdown control towers of airports- 10. Infect government computers with malware- Spy on government communications 11. Attacking the electricity grid- Panic 12. Attacking transport infrastructure- City can't function 13. Hack and release government data- 14. Introduce fake currency to cause hyperinfaltion 15. Stuxnet-style attack on PLC controllers for network grid- Cripple the grid 16. Hack large corporations to ruin local businesses 17. Ransomware with delayed 18. Forge communications between officials
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meidoki · 8 years
Russian contestant is banned from Eurovision 2017
Okay,geniuses,let me tell you this. Ya'll folks who never been in Russia/Crimea/Ukraine think you know best,so let me clear it up: my mother was born in Crimea,Sivastopol in 1976 (if you don't know,it was all called The Soviet Union back then). in 1991 it became a part of Ukraine. it was basically given as a gift to Ukraine. the people who lived back then in Crimea (my mom was one of them) has suffured from lack of electricity and water that the Ukrainian goverment has been shutting down once in a while to save up some resources and money. They had NOTHING back then. In 1999 my mom,dad and grandma moved to Israel because my mom was terrefied of giving birth to me in Ukranian Crimea and wanted to save my grandma who later died of cancer.
2014 Crimea came back to Russia after a series of polls has stated that most of the Crimean citizens would like to become a part of Russia again. My family was thrilled. The ones that decided to stay there and the ones that imigrated to other countries. My mom who missed her home country so much over the years for the first time ever offered me to travel with her to Crimea.
STOP labeling my family’s misfortune. Stop using is as a part of your propoganda when you have nothing to do with it.When you don’t even understand it.
All facts asaid,remember when Eurovision was a fun,non political singing contest that was meant to pull all the countries closer? What the fuck is going on then? Why and when did it became all about politics? I don’t even watch the news because I can’t stand all this political nonsense,now I can’t watch Eurovision for the same reason.
Lads,you fucked it up big time.This contest is bringing more anger and hatred than anything.
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samanthaares · 6 years
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1&2. What do you think encouraging domestic violence shelters and welfare are? Trying to address the epidemic of school shootings? Opposing police brutality (oh wait, that's right. 12 year old black people are equivalent to 30 year old whites in maturity to these people). 3. Agreed. Not nearly as much as Republicans lie to everyone always, but yea, they have historically lied to minorities. Good thing there's a progressive rise sparked by the Sander's campaign seeking to uphold leftist values benefitial to minorities. 4. Did these guys miss the ACA? Or the Republicans ripping apart our already poor social health services such as Medicare and Medicaid? 5. 65,844,610 Clinton vs 62,979,636 Trump. A massive investigation on collusion for an already proven Russian propoganda effort. Significant Obstruction of Justice. Also, 2000 50,456,062 Bush vs 50,996,582 Gore (540,520 vote different for Gore). The electoral college is only supported by republicans and it's the biggest rigging we have. 6. I'm sorry, which side is the Man-Made Climate Change denialists? And which side has the large majority of climatologists supporting them? 7. Iraq and Afghanistan seem to be a bigger act of hatred to our troops, don't they? So, I guess this is right, because the military industrial complex is bipartisan. 8. Our unjust, tyrannical president who literally ran on an entire campaign of white supremacy, nationalism, and lies? Yeah, better to hate them than to hate our last one because he's black or has a D next to his name or he was settling into the presidency when Bush's deregulation hit in a recession or conspiracies on him being an illegal immigrant. 9. At least 70 attempts to repeal Obamacare, obstructing Obama's rightful Supreme Court pick for months, and at least 7 different benghazi probes. Didn't want to give the idiot who posted this first any more notes.
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savagegarbage · 8 years
Old Habits
Last night was… nice? I drove to NM to see The Viking and we had a good time. He made me dinner and we went through 2 ½ bottles of wine. We started listening to vinyls and during some Russian Communist Propoganda music, he made the first move (completely new for him) and one thing lead to another and we were tangled up on the floor like when we were together 3 years ago. You know how Russian Communist Propoganda music gets the people going apparently… certainly one of our weirder moments. It was comfortable since he’s still familiar but I have a few more years of experience under my belt and I wasn’t suffering from crippling self consciousness. We ended up in his bed and while we both wanted to have sex, it’s that time of the month so i ended up just giving him a blow job. We still don’t sleep well together, so we passed the night taking turns giving each other bruises like we used to back in the day. His shoulder looks like he was repeatedly shot at point blank range with a paintball gun. This morning he made coffee and we had a cigarette before he had to go to work. He kissed me good bye and then I started my trek home. I haven’t slept much in the last 24 hours and with the 104 mile drive home this morning, I’m much worse for wear. It didn’t mean anything and I’m not going to fall back into feelings with him because I already know how that’s going to play out, but it was still nice to have spent time with him again. Lord have mercy on my depraved soul.
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