#don’t worry I’m still on my obsession with the smiling critters
awakentrashpanda · 5 months
Do you guys remember this show?
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Do you ever think about how the lore of that show was basically that there was a huge war and the winning side killed everybody on the losing side and then stuffed their corpses into a glorified lava lamp??
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chaomother · 2 years
Fooled ya
Anywho mY BAD - night + jet???
- Moon
*GASPS* YOU GOT ME!!! HEHEHE i hope this drabble can make you forgive me ;3 it got away from me a little so it was longer than i expected it to be hehe
「jet the hawk x gn!reader」
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Starlight gleamed upon the water’s surface, your hands distorting the quintessential reflections from your ripples as you delicately traced your fingertips across the cool liquid. “I wish I could be anywhere but here,” you huffed out tiredly, “Don’t you agree, Mr. Caterpillar?”
The vibrant green caterpillar making its way to the other side of the marble fountain paid you no mind, impelling you to sigh with an equally strained smile. “You’re heading home, aren’t you? Well, here, I’ll give you a lift,” you chortled as the little critter allowed you to scoop it up onto your finger.
“This spot looks perfect,” you gently placed the caterpillar onto a purple flower, observing how it rubbed itself against the luscious petals. The subdued, pale light emanating from the mansion magnified the lovely scene; and you couldn’t help but think about how beautiful the garden truly was.
Knowing that life beyond vegetation flourished here made the irritation you felt deep inside quell slightly—you never had anything against the abundant, bountiful place to begin with, but with how obsessively your parents cared for it… just made it feel spiritless. And ugly.
For the sake of ostensible cosmetics, every flower or vine had to be perfect; your parents pursuing this ideology so cruelly and vehemently that they’ve fired caretakers in the past for causing one accidental blemish.
“What’s someone as pretty as you doing out here at night all by themselves?”
At the sound of a familiar and disembodied voice, you gyrated on your heel and discerned your favorite vainglorious thief. “Jet? Why am I not surprised to see you here?” you couldn’t help but laugh, knowing he’d come this way, attracted to the lavish and rich gathering inside.
You sauntered back over to the fountain, taking your previous spot back but with new vigor at the appearance of a friend. Jet purloined the seat adjacent to you, prepared to listen to your ramble as he seen your lips parting again, “You know how these boring fancy parties go. I’m just sick of putting on a face for the sake of appearances, like, the food is terrible. It’s so hard not to cringe and say I like it…”
“Parents who push their own unattainable expectations on their kids are so annoying,” Jet sympathized with a light tone, thinking back on his own father. Not that his father pushed anything unwanted on him, but rather that Jet felt the need to live up to that legacy—and the subsequent worries that came along with it. “Want me to snatch your old man’s cane? It’s real gold, right? We can watch him stumble around in front of everyone and teach him a lesson!”
Jet sounded so utterly confident in his suggestion that you couldn’t stop your heart from fluttering into your throat. But it was still an undeniably absurd idea that the rigidness in your shoulder ricocheted off each other as you threw your head back in a fit of laughter.
“Haha, no, no, that’s okay!”
And as Jet watched you sincerely be in stitches, unrestrained and full of animation, he knew he’d allow you to get away with laughing at him this one time. “That’s better, isn’t it? Now quit your laughing!” Jet expressed his disapproval, his hand jerking your shoulder.
Rubbing a tear from your eye, you grinned, “Much better!” Did he say something so stupid to make you feel better on purpose? He really did have such an effect on you—ever since he first messed up the layout of your house and mistook your bedroom for the vault room…
You could still faithfully recollect how your heart pounded as the Babylon Rogues burst into your room and how Jet’s breathtaking poise captured your attention; right before he squawked panickedly when met face-to-face with you!
The way skeins of moonlight cascaded into your room and beguiled his handsome figure… and how you couldn’t resist explaining to the trio where the actual destination was. It’s not like you cared for the things in there anyway, instead you were riveted on the mystique and excitement in your chest.
A complacent smirk etched itself onto Jet’s expression, and he kicked himself off the fountain and stood before you. “If you’re feeling so fantastic, than, will you give me a dance on this lonesome night?” he questioned, hand sticking out to you in what you surmised was meant to be a debonair manner.
“Trying to be smooth? It doesn’t suit you,” you giggled as you slipped your hand into his, allowing him to pull you up onto your feet. He settled his other hand on your waist as you grasped his shoulder, and he nudged you closer; needing this propinquity as minimal as possible.
Jet rolled his eyes, exclaiming, “You just haven’t seen this side of me until now.”
“Hehe, alright… Show me,” you whispered, flitting your eyes shut as the world went quiet upon the two of you beginning to spin in place slowly. Jet was a terrible dancer, so there were no elaborate moves… but you liked this makeshift dance best. More than anything in the world.
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insaneasgardian · 4 years
Arachnid Enigma - Irondad and Spiderson
Inspired by a headcanon from @cassiecasyl
“I just had this thought... Tony suddenly gets hyperfixated on spiders and noone knows why. The first time the Avengers notice it's on a mission and it's not weird, he's a genius after all, they figure he just knows stuff. But then he begins rambling about spiders randomly. And sometimes he speaks about some issues like it's personal experience but he doesn't have a pet spider, Nat confirmed that?? What is going on???”
And an addition to it by @savvysass
“Lmao then spiderman walks in and they r like ah. Ok.”
Also, this is an Irondad and Spiderson fic. I do NOT ship Starker for obvious reasons. If you do, I would like you to leave my blog.
🦸‍♀️🦹‍♂️🦸‍♂️🦹‍♀️ 🦸‍♀️🦹‍♂️🦸‍♂️🦹‍♀️ 🦸‍♀️🦹‍♂️🦸‍♂️🦹‍♀️ 🦸‍♀️🦹‍♂️🦸‍♂️🦹‍♀️ 🦸‍♀️🦹‍♂️🦸‍♂️🦹‍♀️ 🦸‍♀️🦹‍♂️🦸‍♂️🦹‍♀️
There have been several times Tony Stark has displayed a fascination with arachnids. The first time Tony ever mentioned spiders was on a stealth mission in Bhutan where a HYDRA base had been spotted. It was supposed to be relatively easy, break in, grab intel, don’t be seen, and get out. It was a successful mission but not everything went according to plan.
“I’m in” Steve spoke into his comms as he looked around the HYDRA base he had just infiltrated. “No sign of any people, just a lot of spiders and dust”, he added, eyeing the critters that scuttled around the dark and grimy area.
“Of course there are,” Tony commented, “HYDRA isn’t exactly a stickler for cleanliness, and spiders love dirty, sooty, nasty areas to live in”. Steve proceeded to roll his eyes at the obvious remark. It was just Tony being Tony.
“Has everyone managed to locate the entrance?”, The Captain inquired, getting plenty of affirmative responses. Soon enough, everyone managed to enter the building and joined Steve in the large room he stood in.
There was no illumination except for the few rays sunlight that filtered in through the cathedral window. Just as Steve had said, there was an immense amount of dust settled all over the floor, window, and grand staircase that led to the second floor, along with a lot of arachnids. Clint stepped forward, accidentally crunching a couple of spiders under his foot. Tony clenched his jaw tightly, “Don’t. DO THAT!” he hissed extremely loudly, alarming everyone.
Clint gulped, “Geez, sorry”. Unfortunately for the team of heroes, Tony had not only surprised his colleagues but the occupants of the building too. Shuffling and a lot of movement was heard, and before the Avengers could retreat, the enemy confronted them.
“Great work Tony”, Natasha mumbled angrily under her breath when she saw several HYDRA agents rushing down the stairs. Earth’s mightiest heroes worked quickly and efficiently to take out the flocks and flocks of operatives running at them. Although it wasn’t a very hard job, it still took out the stealth element out of their job.
After the oncoming threat was wiped out and the data they needed had been collected, the team swiftly exited the base and entered the quinjet where Bruce was waiting for them. “What happened?” the scientist asked, inspecting his friends who were covered in gore.
Sam sighed, “Tony happened”, he stated simply.
Another time Tony spoke of the arachnids was when they had a day off, and decided to spend them with Clint’s family at their farm. It was around now that a few of the heroes began to suspect that Tony wasn’t just knowledgeable about the eight legged critters, but he was utterly fascinated by them.
“Thank you again for having us Laura” Wanda said, earning a kind smile from Clint’s wife.
“It was no problem at all!” she responded, putting together some quick snacks for the whole team.
The Avengers had a great time with the Bartons. Chatting and laughing, gossiping and giggling. It was fun. Just before they were about to leave and as Clint kissed his wife goodbye, a little shriek was heard. It was Nathaniel Barton.
Everybody was alarmed at first, thinking something terrible had happened to the boy, but when they saw the cause, they couldn’t help burst out laughing. A large house spider was crawling on Nathaniel’s show. Although spiders were the cause of a rational phobia, the team of heroes did not fear the hairy critter before them.
Tony stepped forward and picked up the spider, placing it somewhere it would be safe, and also where Nathaniel wouldn’t freak out over it. He then turned to the youngest Barton child, “Don’t worry kid,” he began “spiders are great creatures! Honestly, they’re really cute, and nice, and brave”. 
Thor snickered, “You speak of spiders as if they’re people”. Tony opened his mouth to say something, but then hurriedly shut it and looked away from the group. Tony was quiet. That was a first. What was happening to Tony? 
Meanwhile, Rhodey stood in the corner, looking at the confused glances his friends gave each other as they attempted to figure out what was causing Tony’s new behavior. He smiled, and this didn’t go unnoticed by Loki who narrowed his eyes slightly and chewed his lip in thought. What did Colonel James know?
To mention one more instance in which Tony displayed an unusual interest in spiders was just the day after the Avengers visit to the Bartons. Nick Fury had brought his pet tarantula to work and the team was crowded around it.
“What’s his name?” Sam curiously inquired.
“It’s Bert,” the director responded, sounding rather bored, “I got him from Agent Hill’s house,  she despises spiders”. 
Tony looked at Maria, who was standing quite far away from Bert, cautiously watching him. “Don’t be scared Maria!” he exclaimed, “They’re gentle, come closer”. The agent’s eyes widened in fear and she rapidly shook her head which made a few of the Avengers chuckle. “Come on”, Tony encouraged. 
Maria looked around the room for an escape, but seeing that everyone in the room had conveniently blocked the exits she sighed and walked closer. “Go on and pet him”, Fury remarked, clearly amused at the situation. Agent Hill desperately wanted to refuse but she didn’t want to chicken out so she carefully held out a finger and ran it over the tarantula’s hairy body.
She wanted to puke.
“See! It’s not so bad!” Steve said, smiling at her. Still, the agent quickly pulled away. Spiders were definitely not her thing. “Yes, spiders are just as scared of humans and some humans are of them,” Tony began, “they’re quite shy actually but very gentle! They won’t hurt anybody unless they feel provoked-”
“What is it with you and spiders?” Bruce cut him off with a playful grin. The genius billionaire playboy philanthropist froze and all the humor initially on his features disappeared. Everyone noticed this change in behavior and Bruce fidgeted uncomfortably, believing he had upset his lab buddy. “I mean... you just speak of them a lot, do you have like a pet spider or something?”
Tony remained quiet but Natasha answered, “No, he doesn’t have any pets”. The group turned to the redheaded assassin and she shrugged, “What? I’m a spy, I know stuff”. 
A silence fell over once again, and it was interrupted by Tony. “Oh! I got a business meeting soon, see you guys later”, and with that, he turned and trudged away just as Phil Coulson walked in. Tony bumped into him, “Sorry Agent” he mumbled quietly before proceeding to walk out.
Phil shot Nick and Maria a confused look, and both returned it. The Avengers on the other hand knew for sure something was up.
The last time the Avengers wondered about Tony’s obsession with spiders was also the time they found out its cause. The entire team was just about to enter Tony’s lab.
“Sleep well spidey boy” are exactly the words the Avengers heard Tony whisper before they could walk into his lab. They all heard it, and looked around at each other for confirmation that they were hearing the right thing. They then proceeded to have a conversation right outside Tony’s work space. A quick one, in which they decided it was time to confront Tony about his spider problem. There was nothing wrong with loving them, but talking to a spider? This was unhealthy.
So they opened the door to the lab and walked in on a very surprised Tony Stark, his face paled, but he regained his composure. “Heyyyy, what’s up guys?” he asked, casually leaning against a wall. 
His superhero friends looked at him sadly and Steve stepped forward, “Tony, I think it’s time we talked about-” he was interrupted by a snore. Captain America agitatedly glanced back, “Can you guys please be serious?”, he requested. However, everyone behind him was looking confused.
Then a cough was heard, then another, it then developed into a coughing fit. Then there was silence. Until there wasn’t. “Oh shoot! I am so sorry Mr Stark, did I disturb yo-... OH MY GOD IT’S THE AVENGERS!”, a voice came from the ceiling. The group collectively looked up and saw a boy, no older than 16 with wavy brown hair and adorable doe brown eyes gaping at them.
Tony tiredly rubbed his eyes, “Hope you had a nice nap Peter,” he said, “Come down now”. The boy, Peter, obliged and hopped down from the ceiling without injuring himself. 
“How did you do that? Stick to the ceiling I mean” Bucky asked.
Peter looked at the super soldier and smiled brightly, “I’m spiderman!”, he practically yelled, “It’s what I do!”. The Avengers all looked at this young boy in shock. 
“The kid from Queens?” Wanda asked.
“Yea, the kid from Queens,” Rhodey confirmed, “Tony kept Peter a secret this whole time as so not to endanger him”. 
The billionaire nodded and smiled sheepishly, “Secrets out now I guess...” he murmured.
There was silence, it wasn’t awkward or comfortable. It was the kind of silence that hung in the air after a huge revelation... It was astounded silence.
Tony broke it, he placed a hand on Peter’s shoulder and began guiding him out the room, “Come on kid, let’s go get some cheeseburgers”. With that, they stepped out the lab and left the rest of the people still standing there, completely appalled.
Steve turned back to the group he had led into the lab, “Well... that kind of explains the interest in spiders I guess...”
@emma-elsa-0000 @lost-lunar-wolf @joyful-soul-collector @teammightypen @blerghfish @incorrect-spiderson @only-love-can @badmcuposts @cassiecasyl @savvysass 
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ambrial-blog · 2 years
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Blitzo winces, his head throbbing painfully, eyes sore and sensitive to light. He groans, his mouth as dry as cotton.  
Where was he?. 
What happened?
The last thing he could remember was Stolas’s face hidden behind a menu: bits and pieces of that night flooded back to him as he awoke strapped to a table. 
The Boss imp cries out in pain, feeling his bones contort, shrinking he struggles in his restraints: which had specs of blood, blotted everywhere. his limbs were both sore as his head lulled listlessly to the side.  
He was inside a tin, rusted out old trailer hidden in the back of Asmodeus’s grand house of lust. His cries were muffled by a strap of leather bound to his mouth. 
The scarlet devil whimpers, but it is no use. No one can hear him cry. With tears in his eyes, he looks around: he was attached to a makeshift lab. There was an IV drip that lead up and into his arm. His eyes wide and fearful, he searches the room. 
Fizzorolli’s grinning face pops up in his line of view. 
“Wakey, Wakey BlitzO,” 
“Bad dreams?” Fizzorolli said while adjusting the drip. 
“Here, let me get that. After all, were family” Too bad about your sister should’ve fucked her when I had the chance. 
“But then again, she wasn’t you,” Fizzorolli told him. But I’m going to give you another chance the jester spoke. this time you’ll be happy with what you are. No memories of your past life as a boss imp will exist.
“No-one, will find a sad little BlitzO. You can smile at last,” 
Blitzo held back the tears collecting at the corners of his eyes.
“Your body is already regressing.. soon your mind will follow,” the jester told the Harlequin. 
An image of Barbie-Wire plummeting to her death burns through his mind as Blitzo closes his eyes. He could still hear her piercing scream echoing through his head as she called out for her little brother. 
The sudden gasps filling the big top, and Mammon standing up in the bleachers with a worried look on his face, his eyes locking on the surviving sibling. Fizzorolli had planned it all out. 
He’d finally be sharing the limelight with his obsession. But this time would be different, the jester told himself as he pours some water into Blitzo’s mouth. I’ll groom you BlitzO. Mammon will have no choice but to take you back to Loo-Loo-land, where he will work you until you can no longer move. 
“I can’t have you. Stashed here, it would be too obvious your little critters would try to find you. But when they catch onto what I’m planning for you, my Harlequin, it will be too late,” He cackles.  
 Each day Blitzo would ask if anyone was looking for him, his hopes growing dim as each day Fizzorolli would lie to him. 
“Who would love you, you can’t even tell a joke right” the jester cracks a grin. But that will all change  
Blitzo hated to admit it, but his memories were fading. He couldn’t remember what he had said five minutes ago. When Fizz went away for the night, he’d take out his phone and look through some pictures, but he couldn’t recognize half of them. He stared for almost an hour into Moxie’s face before a name came to mind. 
He cried. 
Then one day, he asks if the jester if they were friends, and why would the clown put him through this amount of torture? Did he hate him? Had he wronged the clown?. 
How long had he known Fizzorolli?. 
Blitzo cries out, feeling his bones crack and contort as Fizzorolli checks on his vitals. It was already demeaning the way Fizz had put a catheter inside him.
Fizz was giving him a sponge bath. “We’ve always been friends. Don’t you remember Blitzo sneaking out to get some popcorn and snacks, watching wacky and zany cartoons on the projector outside the big top? The way your sister used to snitch on us when she caught us necking” “
“Snitches get stitches”, he sang-songed into Blitzo’s ear.  
“Barbie never liked me. She always thought I was a bad influence, so you see BlitzO, that’s why she had to go-”
Blitzo shook his head. Where did she go?
what was Fizz talking about?.
“you see Blitzo, you were lost to us years ago, you and your sister ran away from Loo-Loo-land leaving me behind,”
“I forgave you because she dragged you away from me. She’s always hated me!” snarls Fizzorolli. 
“What did you do?- fizz!” Blitzo cries. 
“I did what I had to, to ensure that you stayed, but you never did- you always wanted something bigger and better. You thought you were special BlitzO, the truth is you aren’t.” 
“None of us are,” Fizzorolli continues. Barbie filled your head with fairytales, but your mother dies, leaving Mammon to take care of two orphans” spat Fizzorolli.
Blitzo could’ve sworn he saw green fire flashing in Fizz’s eyes as he recoils from the jester. 
“you are going through some changes. Don’t be scared BlitzO, it’s for the best you want to be my friend right, to stay together forever. I can make that happen,” Fizzorolli told him. 
There were days, horrid days of clarity when Blitzo could recall everything, remember everyone: his daughter, his employees and Stolas.. pain sears through his chest as Stolas’s face flashes through his head. 
“Striker was right,” he thought. “He was using me. He would’ve found me by now if he cared.. but here I am alone with a demented clown. now he was regretting not taking the offer the cowboy had given him. The wrangler had given him a way out on a silver platter and the boss imp had spat at him. 
But he wasn’t thinking clearly nowadays. and as soon as he was finished with the de-aging process, no one would recognize him. The Boss imp was dead, long live on the Harlequin.  
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“Lookee here, what a masterpiece you’ve turned out to be” Blitzo couldn’t believe it at first Fizzorolli was unbuckling a few straps as he angled a long mirror so that the scarlet devil could look into the mirror. 
A porcelain face with a heart-shaped crest and black eyes peers back: he’s mute, he realizes as he tries to scream in frustration. The effects of the serum are not permeant but this is BlitzO. 
“Lets play pretend shall we, my little lost Harlequin”  
.Lord Mammon is coming for your debut. I can’t wait to show him the improvements I made. “So what do you say, that we give him a performance that will get him salivating for more?”
Blitzo gaped back into the full-length mirror, a silent scream mirroring his face.
“What-what did you do to me!” The Boss imp screams in his head. 
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faustonastring · 4 years
I just wanna say your headcannons are so SOFT and wholesome. I loved your stuffed animals ones. I was wondering if you could do some dim headcannons for an MC with a dinosaur hyperfixation. Like they secretly have a jar in their bag full of the tiny plastic dinosaurs. Their favorite ones are the ones with moving parts. And NESSIE. Plesiosaurs. Thank you so so much in advance. I’m sorry if this is hard considering that they probably don’t know what dinosaurs are yet.
Hi thanks for requesting! For the sake of this headcanon I’m going to do this in a modern au, because it’s a little easier and makes a little more sense, I hope that’s okay! ( I can change it if you want, just let me know!)
Also if anyone’s interested in my stuffed animal headcanons you can read them here!
My Request are open!
Main six with a Mc with a dinosaur fixiation!
Let me get one thing straight. Asra makes and wears, crazy earrings in a modern au. Some of his faveroites are: worm on a string earrings, juul pod earrings, calico critter earrings, and the dinosaur earrings he made for you.(he made an matching pair for himself) he also has a thing for tourist traps, and everytime he travels he makes sure to check one out, so dinosaur tourist traps are a must.
It’s also canon that his faveroite character from Jurassic park is the dinosaurs (via ask the arcana) so he fully endorses your dinosaur fixiation, and starts to develop one himself (but he’s not complaing, it just brings him closer to you.) and before you know it you’re shop is decked out with dinosaur themed furniture, and toys, and stuffed animals.
The two of you make it your goal to watch every movie with dinosaurs in it, no matter how bad, how old, how cheesy, or how little of an appearance the dinosaurs have. You also have a tier list where you rank all the movies you’ve seen. Wether this teir list is on your phone, or a sheet of paper you tape to your fridge is up to you,but it exist and you can’t tell me it doesn’t.
She is just a tad confused, but as soon as she gets over the initial confusion, she supports your interest 100%. Besides, dinosaurs are a great thing to be interested in! And she’ll only admit this to you, but when she was younger she had a thing for dinosaurs as well.
Museum dates are a must! She’ll take you all over the world with her so you could look at diffrent dinosaurs in exhibits, no matter how cliche or touristy trapish they are. (She’ll stick her nose up but she’ll keep her complaining to a minimum. She just wants to see you happy more than anything else.
You know those hard plastic dinosaurs you can get from places like michaels? (Or toy stores if they sell them...?) she’ll buy you a couple of those and tinker with them to make their limbs move. She’s happy because she gets to tinker and your happy because you get a moving dinosaur so a win win if you ask me. (Shes happy that your happy as well)
He finds it endearing and cute. Espically if you know a lot about dinosaurs. He’ll ask you tons of questions about dinosaurs just so you can go on about them and how intresting you find them (Portias new nickname for you is blathers. Sorry I don’t make the rules.) not only does he find it cute, but it also slightly turns him on so have fun with that.
Everytime he has to travel away from you, wether it be business related, or he’s going to visit family and you for whatever reason couldn’t make it, he’ll stop by the nearest museum and take shakey pictures of the exhibits and/or face time you if you’re not busy, and buy you a shirt or a mug, or a tiny replica of you’re favorite dinosaur (he always checks to see if there are any moving ones for you don’t worry)
Cheer him up by leaving tiny dinosaurs in his jacket pockets, bags, books, mugs, anywhere, when he finds them at first he’s mildly confused, but when he realizes it was you, he laughs to him self and hides them of you to find once you get home.
She likes learning things about you, so she’ll want to know what you like about dinosaurs, what you’re faveroite types are,etc etc more etc, you’re faveroite Jurassic park movie, etc.
For you’re birthday, she makes you a dinosaur cake. A cake that looks like a dinosaur, and gifts you this book,and a a whole bunch of other stuffed animal themed stuff, including a stuffed dinosaur she sewed herself that pepi destroyed in about a week, so she makes you another one
You can’t leave tiny dinosaurs around her cottage because pepi will eat them, so hide some in the secret parts of the palace next time you go, she’ll be pleasntly surprised, but happy nonetheless
He smiles to himself about it, it’s cute, it’s endearing, he even brings himself to ask questions about dinosaurs, he thinks it’s cute how much you know about them. Plus he’s a great listener and will remember every little detail
Where I live we have a dinosaur themed hiking trail, so I feel like Muriel would love to go somewhere like that, and having a little picnic somewhere off trail, where he will listen to you talk about dinosaurs all day long.
He’ll also whittle you little dinosaurs that move, and some that stand still for decoration, he’ll also crochet you little dinosaur stuffed animals if you like sleeping with them, and his face lights up every time he sees that you like them
He thinks it’s so cute when he finds out, he covers your face in kisses and tells you how cute he thinks you are, and how much he loves you, and your little obsession with dinosaurs you’re just absolute perfection to him
He buys you any kind of toy, figure, stuffed animal, anything dinosaur related, he doesn’t care he just wants you happy. But don’t expect him to sit through all the Jurassic parks with no break. Hell he can’t even sit though the first one with no break.
He isn’t the biggest fan of museum dates because he finds them boring, so expect him to break or steal something not even half way though, but hey how was he supposed to know you couldn’t touch the dinosaurs?!
Hi! I’m really tired, so this one fell apart towards the end but I hope you liked it anyway!
Next headcanon: main six reacting to Mc disappearing
Request are open!
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rootbeergoddess · 7 years
Buttercup’s Birthday
It’s Buttercup birthday and Peter is worried about what gift Yondu is getting here. Leave me a tip here if you like my stuff. Also, I used Grammarly to edit this so if you see any mistakes, they’re mine. Ao3 link.
“Alright, checklist!” Peter clicked his pen. “We got the cake?”
“Yes,” Gamora said. “A cake shaped like R2-D2.”
“We have the decorations covered?” Peter asked.
“I am Groot!” Groot grinned.
“I knew I could count on you buddy,” Peter gave the tree a thumbs up. “Drax, all the presents accounted for?”
“I have watched these Terran gifts, and not a single one has escaped my sight,” Drax said, still staring at the pile of presents.
“And we have the costume entertainers?”
“They’re ready to go!” Rocket saluted.
“Perfect! Buttercup’s eighth birthday is going to be perfect!”
Peter took birthdays very seriously. Buttercup’s first birthday with her new family had been one hell of an event. Peter had somehow gotten Captain America and Spider-Man to come to her party. Buttercup’s cake was three layers tall, each layer with a different type of cake and icing. There had been jugglers, clowns, and even a tightrope walker. Peter had spared no expense. As they years continued, Gamora had asked Peter to tone it down a bit. And while he had, he still wanted to make sure Buttercup had the most perfect birthday parties.
This year, Buttercup had asked for a Star Wars birthday. It was one of her obsessions. She had watched every single movie, had read all the comics, and each year for Halloween, she had been a Star Wars character. When she was three, she had been Leia, at age four she was Rey, and it just continued from there. The walls of her room were covered with Star War posters, and she declared that when she grew up, she was going to be a Jedi. At age eight, she had begged her parents for a Star Wars themed party. Of course, how could Peter and Gamora say no to their only daughter?
They had decorated their backyard to make it look like a scene from the Star Wars movie. All the children were dressed as characters. Buttercup was Princess Leia of course. Out of all the characters, Leia still remained her all time favorite character. Their Newfoundland, Falkor, had a weapon belt around them like Chewbacca. Besides an R2-D2 cake, all the food was inspired by the movie as well: pizza bites with Stormtrooper designs,  blueberry juice to resemble the blue milk from the first film, pretzel sticks dipped in icing to look like lightsabers and some scones shaped like C-3PO.
Buttercup ran over to her parents. She smiled as Groot picked her up. No matter how big she got, Groot still loved to her hug. The giant tree also seemed excited. Parties always made him happy. Buttercup smiled at Groot, giving the plant a kiss on the cheek.
“Having fun princess?” Peter asked her.
“Yes but I wanna know where Grandpa is! He isn’t here yet!”
“He’ll be here.”
Or at least Peter had hoped so. Yondu hadn’t shown up yet, and that made him worried. While Peter was confident that his love for Buttercup was massive, Yondu’s love for his granddaughter was unprecedented. Peter remembered the day he introduced Buttercup to Yondu. Never had Yondu smiled so much. Just like Gamora and Peter, Yondu had loved Buttercup automatically. Whenever he could, Yondu came to visit Earth to see Buttercup. And when he visited, he would bring a gift for Buttercup.
Originally, Peter had been okay with it, but the gifts became more and more extravagant.
At first, it had been some knick knacks like the things Yondu had on his console. Small dolls, glittery figurines, little things. But the gifts started getting bigger. He brought books, stuffed animals, larger dolls and before Peter knew it, Yondu was buying Buttercup a space motorcycle. One that she would never use as long as Peter was alive.  There were times that Peter had to tell Yondu not to bring Buttercup anything and if he did, it would have to be something safe and not alive.
“You’re worried.” Gamora suddenly said.
“What? Me? Worried? I’m not worried!”
“Peter, how many times I have told you that you are a terrible liar?”
“Many times,” Peter sighed. “I’m a bit worried that Yondu is going to do something over the top for Buttercup’s birthday.”
“You know he does it out of love right?”
“Gamora, last birthday, he bought Buttercup, a dog without telling us.”
“Yes, and she loves that dog."
“We had to build to build a doghouse.”
“Peter, he’ll come, and he’ll have a great gift. Why are you worried?”
“I don’t know,” Peter sighed. “I’m just worried that he’s going to bring something that might terrify the other children. We don’t need Buttercup’s friends being scared shitless and their parents trying to sue us. You remember Billy Baker right?”
“We don’t need to talk about Billy Baker,” Gamora sighed. “Peter, just trust him. I know he’s a bit---unconventional but you know he loves Buttercup right?”
“Yeah, I know.”
“Alright, the party can officially start! I’m here!”
Yondu appeared with the biggest grin on his face. Groot placed Buttercup down, and she ran over to her grandfather.
“Happy birthday sugar!” Yondu picked her up. “Look at you, dressed as Princess Lee Lee.”
“Grandpa,” Buttercup giggled. “It’s Princess Leia!”
“Isn’t that what I said? Princess Leeway!”
“You came! I was afraid you wouldn’t show up!” Buttercup said.
“I’m just running late because Kraglin and I had to go pick up your present,” Yondu assured. “It took us a while, but we finally got her.”
Kraglin was carrying a small cat carrier. He placed it down on the ground and opened it up. A small black kitten came out of it. Buttercup gasped as the kitten mewed, rubbing against Yondu’s leg.
“A KITTY!”  Buttercup exclaimed. “
“Happy birthday darlin’!”
“She’s beautiful!” Buttercup said as Yondu set her down. “And she’s mine?”
“Yeah but you know the deal,” Yondu crouched down. “You gotta take care her like you take care of Falkor. Got it?”
“I promise I’ll take care of her!” Buttercup picked up the cat. “She’s adorable! Daddy, look! A kitty!”
“Yeah, I see her,” Peter smiled, but he was looking at Yondu. “Isn’t that great? Another animal for us to feed.”
“You’ll be happy to know, I paid for the cat’s veterinary bills up to five years,” Yondu said. “And I already bought a litter box for the small critter.”
“She really is beautiful Yondu,” Gamora said with a smile. “Thank you.”
“I’m going to name her Carrie!” Buttercup said. “After Miss Carrie Fisher who played Leia!”
"I think Carrie would be very flattered," Peter grinned. "She really is beautiful."
"Now, where is the cake?" Yondu rubbed his hands together.
"My cake is R2-D2 this year!"
"Ah, that little robot feller? I always liked him, R2-Three Dude."
"Grandpa, you're so silly! It's R2-D2!" Buttercup giggled.
"See? You have no reason to be worried." Gamora said with a grin.
"I'm just happy it wasn't a horse," Peter said.
"Don't give him ideas."
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auntiegilli · 7 years
23Magpies is a self-taught artist, her style is fluid and evolves along with her interests. She has explored everything, from illustrations and paste-ups to spray painting (stencil and freehand) and paper cuttings.  Quirky joyous work.  This year at Upfest she will be exploring environmental themes in her own gorgeous style.
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  Bit of background and how you got into art.  
I was always a very private person, creating only for myself and becoming terribly embarrassed if anyone else saw what I was doing – even as a creative writing student at uni, the idea of sharing my work mortified me!
This all changed when I graduated and started working in a call centre – I was lost in a dead end job where doodling on post-it notes kept me sane between calls. Before I knew it my desk was covered in my creations, drawing the attention of my colleagues who urged me to share my art online. This was the first time I’d openly let others into my world and I couldn’t believe that people liked the critters I conjured up.
My confidence continued to grow and within a couple of years I’d achieved so much: I’d curated two solo art shows, took part in many live painting events, and finally got the opportunity to paint at Upfest in 2016 – I couldn’t believe that I was selected to paint alongside so many awesome artists! I love being part of the art community because everyone is super supportive and encouraging.
As a self-taught artist, I still love trying new mediums and techniques, so my style is fluid and evolves along with my interests. I’ve explored everything, from illustrations and paste-ups to spray painting (stencil and freehand) and paper cuttings. (All you have to do is scroll through my Instagram to see that!)
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What I love most about street art is the fact that it’s unexpected – a routine walk to the office is suddenly disrupted by a little fennec fox staring up at you or a space man drifting off into space. It used to make me smile when I’d spot other artists’ works, and I’m glad I can share this feeling with others too. There are a few of my past ups still in Gloucester, London, Bristol and Birmingham, though I definitely need to get out there and put some fresh work out!
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I love seeing people sharing photos of the pieces they stumbled upon, tucked away on a street somewhere. Who knew that some of these pieces secured onto a lamppost or utility box using only PVA glue could still be around years later making perfect strangers happy… It’s the best feeling.
  Influences on your work 
  There are so many people I admire and who influence me that I wouldn’t even know where to start! I’m lucky to have an incredibly talented bunch of friends… (I won’t name them all, but you will be seeing most of them painting at Upfest!).
I admire imagination, good composition, and the ability to draw by hand, and to give you one example, most recently I am in love with the art of Iraville – here is her Instagram link.  Her feisty girl with a backpack and pig toy is my favourite piece.
  A bit about previous exhibitions / events / festivals / walls 
  My first solo art show, ‘How Many Magpies?’, was a huge gamble: I took a large white room in the Gloucester Guildhall where artwork was always hung in a straight line around the room at eye level, and I splashed blue paint over the walls with a messy roller effect and hung my artwork up intentionally wonky… and guess what – it worked! That show is my proudest achievement to-date, and I still don’t know how I managed to create 72 pieces of original artwork for it in only 2 months!
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I have since had another smaller show at Pepper’s Cafe in Gloucester (it’s an amazing place – if you’re ever in the area you should check them out), as well as participating in a few group shows and donating work to charity auctions.
I overcame my fear of live painting by taking part in quite a few festivals over the summer of 2016 – these included painting a giant panda on the Crafty Teacup in Burnham-on-Sea (another incredible little cafe that I wholeheartedly recommend), foxes at Birnbeck Pier, a sparrow and a snail (inspired by Simon and Garfunkel) in my hometown of Gloucester, an aquatic scene with an octopus in Kidderminster (this was one of my favourites!), as well as a geometric fox and bee piece at Upfest. I absolutely loved creating all of these pieces and getting the opportunity to meet so many passionate and interesting people.
  What do you do to challenge yourself in art?
For February I asked people to give me themes for each day of the month so that I could challenge myself to draw more as I was going through a dry spell… At first I thought that 28 pieces in as many days was an impossible task, but the experience proved to be great and I managed to do it! I tried to put my own spin on each theme, even if it was one which was totally outside of my comfort zone.
Indie Matharu (the best portrait artist I know) challenged me to draw a self-portrait on one of the days – now, the woman knows I really struggle with portraits! But I did it, and it turned out to be the best portrait I’ve ever drawn. I unearthed a new style of drawing and I really enjoyed it. My artist friends push me to try new things and to practice until I get better.
Tell me about the shows / events you have coming up this year 
I will be hosting my third solo show at the Gloucester Guildhall again in December 2017-January 2018. My chosen theme is ‘Into the Wild’ – expect lots of animals and plants, with a bit of space thrown in. I’m working on pieces for this at the moment, though I expect September-November will be full steam ahead! I want to create a bit of everything for this one again; an amalgamation of ideas and styles
      What is important to you about your art?
It’s important to me that my artwork is unique – each piece is one of a kind and I’m only willing to use an idea a couple of times (each with a little variation) before I move on to something new. You won’t get a hundred prints of the same thing from me. Anyone who has brought my art knows that they own something that no-one else can say “hey, I have that exact one too” – I think it makes it all the more special.
I’m passionate about the topics of space, animals and mental health; though they may seem like strange themes to combine, some of my favourite pieces have consisted of an amalgamation of these things. (After all, who doesn’t love a space fox?) I’m obsessed with geometric shapes, lines and stars, and love framing my pieces within a shape to make them stand out. I’d describe my style as quirky and I’m definitely a perfectionist, though I’ve been trying to teach myself to adopt a more messy style every now and then.
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  Through my work, I try to share personalities and a purpose – each animal is a someone, each thought shared is an intimate one, and each piece reflects my belief that this world we live in is an incredible place. We share this planet with so many fascinating creatures and it’s our responsibility to look after it.
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Where people can find you at Upfest
I’m painting in North Street Green. I have a bigger board this year in a busy location with a lot of footfall – I can’t wait. If you see me, feel free to say hi!
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Can you tell me something about what you will be doing? 
I’m still toying with ideas for Upfest – I have a bigger board this year and have decided that I want to make a piece with a message. Having attended recently attended some incredibly interesting talks at the Cheltenham Science Festival, I’m particularly interested in exploring the idea of the sixth extinction because I do worry that one day many of these amazing creatures will be lost… watch this space.
What are you looking forward to about Upfest?
The people and the sharing of ideas. It’s a very inspirational festival, and a great place to pick up ideas, tips, and new techniques. It’s a great opportunity to see artists from around the UK and abroad coming together to create something awesome – you have to be there to understand just how good it is, so make sure you come along!
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See 23 Magpies s work at North Street Green.
Upfest Saturday 29, Sunday 30 Monday 31 July 2017
Upfest Festival Map
Upfest 2017 – 23 Magpies – the woman who disrupts a routine walk with a little fennec fox 23Magpies is a self-taught artist, her style is fluid and evolves along with her interests. She has explored everything, from illustrations and paste-ups to spray painting (stencil and freehand) and paper cuttings.  
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it-smyfault · 8 years
Get to know me.
1. What is your full name? Millie Grace Clements.
2. What is your nickname? Mill.
3. What is your zodiac sign? Taurus. 
4. What is your favorite book series? Don’t have one.
5. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? Due to the fact that their are trillions of undiscovered planets, that will likely remain undiscovered, there is bound to be at least one planet that sustains some kind of life. Ghosts however, I used to believe in as a kid as a result to the stories my mother would tell me, but now not so much. 
6. Who is your favorite author? I don’t have one.
7. What is your favorite radio station? 101.9, 101.1, 100.3, 105.1 and 107.5 as of Victoria, Australia.
8. What is your favorite flavor of anything? I don’t understand this question.
9. What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? Amazing, beautiful, gorgeous, lovely, Lauren.
10. What is your current favorite song? I don’t have one.
11. What is your favorite word? Flabbergasted.
12. What was the last song you listened to? I don’t remember.
13. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? Gilmore girls.
14. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? Gilmore girls.
15. Do you play video games? Used to, but don’t time time to anymore.
16. What is your biggest fear? Losing those that are close to me.
17. What is your best quality, in your opinion? Umm, ability to do self-analysis?
18. What is your worst quality, in your opinion? Just about everything else :’)
19. Do you like cats or dogs better? Dogs.
20. What is your favorite season? Spring.
21. Are you in a relationship? Happily so.
22. What is something you miss from your childhood? My best friend and my dog.
23. Who is your best friend? Lauren.
24. What is your eye color? Green.
25. What is your hair color? Blonde.
26. Who is someone you love? Lauren.
27. Who is someone you trust? I trust my mother the most.
28. Who is someone you think about often? Lauren, of course!
29. Are you currently excited about/for something? Seeing Lauren in about 12 hours time.
30. What is your biggest obsession? Lauren and my animals.
31. What was your favorite TV show as a child? Pooh Bear.
32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? None.
33. Are you superstitious? Nah.
34. Do you have any unusual phobias? Escalators.
35. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? Behind it.
36. What is your favorite hobby? Horse riding.
37. What was the last book you read? You Before Me.
38. What was the last movie you watched? Pretty Little Liars
39. What musical instruments do you play, if any? Used to play guitar, have a beautiful 1962 hot rod, fender stratocaster but it doesn’t get any love anymore as I lost interest during my depression and now it collects dust. Which now that I think of it, I may have to sell if my money problems get worse..
40. What is your favorite animal? I love horses and dogs equally.
41. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? shitindiekid is my main.
42. What superpower do you wish you had? Ability to control the feelings of others.
43. When and where do you feel most at peace? Wrapped in Lauren’s little arms.
44. What makes you smile? Lauren’s laugh, ‘he he he *snort*’, adorable.
45. What sports do you play, if any? Dressage, but not competitively. 
46. What is your favorite drink? Raspberry lemonaid.
47. When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? A long time ago..
48. Are you afraid of heights? No.
49. What is your biggest pet peeve? Snobby people.
50. Have you ever been to a concert? Yeah a handful.
51. Are you vegan/vegetarian? I wish, but nah
52. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? Even as a little kid I had no idea, but I knew I wanted to work with animals.
53. What fictional world would you like to live in? A happy one with Lauren and my animals
54. What is something you worry about? Money, Lauren
55. Are you scared of the dark? No
56. Do you like to sing? Not really, it makes me yawn (literally) and my eyes always water up for no reason. It’s irritating so I don’t sing often.
57. Have you ever skipped school? A few times, but rarely did I ever.
58. What is your favorite place on the planet? In Lauren’s arms, as said before.
59. Where would you like to live? On at least 10 acres but in a nice big, pretty house somewhat near the city.
60. Do you have any pets? Yes, a dog named Ruby and a horse named Jack.
61. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? Neither
62. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? Sunsets, not as tired then.
63. Do you know how to drive? Yeah.
64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? Depends on the situation. 
65. Have you ever had braces? Nah, dentist wouldn’t let me have them.
66. What is your favorite genre of music? Changes with my mood.
67. Who is your hero? My mum.
68. Do you read comic books? Nah.
69. What makes you the most angry? Betrayal.
70. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? Depends on the lighting in the outside world. 
71. What is your favorite subject in school? Psychology and English.
72. Do you have any siblings? A half brother, two step sisters, and one adopted sister.
73. What was the last thing you bought? Medication for my dog.
74. How tall are you? 5 “7
75. Can you cook? Sorta.
76. What are three things that you love? Ruby, Jack and Lauren.
77. What are three things that you hate? Losing money, disrespect, lack of loyalty. 
78. Do you have more female friends or more male friends? More female friends.
79. What is your sexual orientation? laurensexual
80. Where do you currently live? Between my mum’s, dad’s and girlfriend’s house. It’s getting a little stressful, but I deal.
81. Who was the last person you texted? Lauren.
82. When was the last time you cried? Like 5 minutes ago :’) I cry a lot
83. Who is your favorite YouTuber? I dunno
84. Do you like to take selfies? Hate it 
85. What is your favorite app? Calculator, always there for me when I need to work out simple maths that I should already know so people don’t think I’m stupid.
86. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? Good
87. What is your favorite foreign accent? New Zealand maybe I dunno
88. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? Don’t know, I’m not much of a travel bug so don’t think about that stuff much.
89. What is your favorite number? 7
90. Can you juggle? Used to, not sure if I still can.
91. Are you religious? I’m atheist 
92. Do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting? Probably ocean, it’s so wild how we live on the same planet as thousands of deep sea critters that we are yet to discover.. who knows, maybe mermaids are real? 
93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? No, but it really upsets me that people call me ‘conservative’, because I’m not traditional or a believer in traditional values as such and I feel people use that word for me in a degrading way without really knowing the actual meaning. I am not entirely inflexible, and lacking in rebellion but I don’t like to make decisions that will affect me negatively in the long term. I am willing to do ‘scary’ things, I just don’t have the desire to do so and therefore will not waste energy doing these things. 
94. Are you allergic to anything? Local anesthetic gives me pretty bruising but that’s all I think. 
95. Can you curl your tongue? Yeah.
96. Can you wiggle your ears? Yeah.
97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? Rarely, I don’t usually say stuff without fully believing in my own words.
98. Do you prefer the forest or the beach? Forest.
99. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? Don’t give up on something you once loved just because you’re going through a tough time, you’ll regret it later. 
100. Are you a good liar? I can be, usually not so much though.
101. What is your Hogwarts House? I have no idea what this means.
102. Do you talk to yourself? Yeah, I always talk to myself in the car or when out doing paddock maintenance. Or rather I talk to people in my mind, such as Lauren or mum or mark or josh, and I say what I really wish I was able to say to them in response to certain situations. 
103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Introvert.
104. Do you keep a journal/diary? Yes.
105. Do you believe in second chances? Depends.
106. If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? Send it to the address provided on the I.D.
107. Do you believe that people are capable of change? Over long periods of time, yes. 
108. Are you ticklish? Yes.
109. Have you ever been on a plane? Plenty of times. 
110. Do you have any piercings? None.
111. What fictional character do you wish was real? I dunno.
112. Do you have any tattoos? Nah
113. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? Saying yes to being Lauren’s girlfriend.  
114. Do you believe in karma? I wish.
115. Do you wear glasses or contacts? I’m supposed to. 
116. Do you want children? Not really
117. Who is the smartest person you know? My mother
118. What is your most embarrassing memory? I don’t wish to say
119. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? Yeah, as a kid
120. What color are most of you clothes? Black
121. Do you like adventures? I can do
122. Have you ever been on TV? I don’t think so, I’ve been in the newspaper a few times tho 
123. How old are you? 18
124. What is your favorite quote? “never take life too seriously, because everyone ends up dead anyway.”
125. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? sweet.
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