#don��t hug me i’m scared x reader
intensid4d · 2 years
Scared To Be Happy - Leah Williamson x Reader
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It's my first imagine, hope you like it! (Plus english isn't my first language so I'm sorry for any mistakes). Maybe I'll make it a series, if u like it.
It has some past Alexia Putellas x Reader, some fears, maybe truamas, angst.
Not read proof.
Part 2
Leaving Barcelona was something that never crossed Y/n mind until her brake up with the captain of the team, Alexia Putellas. How things ended broke your heart in a lot of pieces, especially when you denied it and tried to hide from everyone what was yours trully feelings.
So when she got that call saying Arsenal wanted to sign for four seasons, she don´t even though twice to accept. One month later and Y/n was on a plane on her way.
Right away  you became close with Katie McCabe, becoming best friends in a matter of two months. Everything was fine, you got play time, made a new best friend (one that you would dare to say was like a life sister for you), usually went out with your teammantes to eat or have some drinks (especially with Katie or Leah Williamson).
And that’s it. Leah Williamson. You always had a smile to her, would fight to defend her on the field and especially, would always be touchy with her. You weren’t a touchy person, at least not with everyone, you had a unconscious list off people who could hug and kiss you. And everyone knew it. Everyone saw how you was with the blondle. McCabe would say “You’re like a puppy around her and a lyon to defend her honor. Soooo in love...”
You always denied. You couldn’t be in love, not again and not with Leah. C’mon she could be with anyone she wanted and you were just... You. So you denied to yourself and to everyone else.
“Hey, the team is going to have some drinks, you in?” Beth asked after practice. You nodded your head and you both went to get changed.
After many drinks you were on the corner at the table watching Leah, Beth, Katie and Lotte dancing awkwardly with each other. Viv, Rafa and Little were on the table in a conversation that you really wasn’t paying attention.
“So... How are you?” You hear Viv ask, and you turn to her. The others no longer seen.
“I’m fine, I guess. And you?” You reply, not really undestanding the real meaning of her question.
“I’m fine... I know I’m not McCabe, but you know you can trust me, right? I’m here to hear and help you...” You frown. Was there something happening that you didn’t know? But then, she looks to Leah and turns back to you. It’s like something clicks on you.
“I... Well, I... Uh... I just got out of a heart break like six months ago... I can’t feel anything for anyone. Won’t let myself feel like shit again... Plus, we’re just friends. I think she’s seeing someone else, actually.” You swallow your drink and look at your empty glass.
“I’m sorry about that. She must be someone really stupid to loose someone like you. You’re a golden girl, Y/n. If I haven’t found the love of my life already and If I didn’t have Leah like a competitive, I would totally go for you.” She laughs a little while you turn a bit red.  “But for real, we all think that Leah has something for you. You should allow yourself to feel. That blonde over there is a really nice person, but already know that. All I trying to say is allow yourself to feel what you are already feeling. It’s stupid how you both are in love with each other, especially ‘cause you try to hide it from yourselves. She’s not your ex, plus if she break your heart I’ll get Katie to tackle her.”
“I don’t think she feels something for me, but that’s okay. Thank you for saying those things. Really. I will have this three days of break to think about all of that. I just... I’m so fucking afraid to be hurt again...” You give her a sad smile and she hugs you.
“Hey! Everything alright?” You both turn to see Leah stading close to you, looking straight into your eyes with worry. Viv gives a gentle squeeze in your arm and let you go.
“Yes, just having some heartfull drunk conversation. Nothing to be worried.” You answer and give her a small smile. She grabs your hand and pushs you up and close to her. You allow her to do it all.
“Come dance with me, please.” She says looking into your eyes and you just nod, not trusting your own words, she was incredible beautiful and attractive with her hair a little messy because of all dacing, her eyes were a little dark too and had something you couldn’t really know what was.
You went to the dance floor, both stading in front of each other and dacing to the beat of the song. Your eyes locked. Unknowingly you closed the distance, now with your bodies glued. Leah put her arms around your neck and instinctively you put yours hand around her waist. Yours hips moved in sync.
Miedema’s words still fresh on your mind, you say without noticing. “You’re looking incredible.”
You only realise you said that because of how her cheeks turn a bit red and she got that little smirk on her lips. She doesn’t reply, instead she just hides her face on your neck. You can feel her breath on your skin, and that’s make you take a deep breath.
Viv was right, you actually had feelings for Leah. With that being realised and the end of the song you excuse yourself, grab your things and go. You couldn’t be in the same room as her. Not right now. You heard the blonde calling your name, but you didn’t turn around.
When you got home all you could do was cry. Cry out of fear, fear of feeling something for somebody else. You had thought it was just a crush and nothing else. You hear your phone ring and just turn it off. You had to alone.
You were just afraid, all the memories of how Alexia came to your home after practice and ended things, saying she “sometimes felt everything and sometimes didn’t feel nothing at all”. It was how thing were for you, everyone would say and show love for you until they just fell out of love.
And with these thoughts you cry your to sleep.
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pastanest · 2 years
if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to @iamburdened - thanks so much!! ♡
Daryl Dixon x she/her!reader
spoilers: set in season 3
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Right Person, Right Time
It all seemed to pass by so quickly. You were sitting with Lori, holding her as she sobbed on her bed while Shane threw her clothes into some bags. In the blink of an eye, you, Shane, Lori and Carl were on the road together, stuck in a line of traffic that would last longer than some people’s lives. It took the world to end for you to spend more than five minutes in Shane’s presence, Lori and Rick had kept you and Shane apart since high school, and for good reason - you had an instinctual disliking to each other for reasons that you couldnt name because you didnt know each other well enough. But sitting in that car for hours told you exactly what you had always suspected: he was nothing more than an egotistical toe of a man that thought he was sex on legs. Even back then, you saw Lori leaning on the only man she had left in her life, or at least that’s what she thought. As if the situation couldnt get any worse, the family you befriended, Carol and Sophia, had another asshole of a man with them, too.
Once you all found the camp, you watched in horror as Shane assumed the role of leader. Someone like him should never be in charge. When Lori and Shane would go off together, and you stayed back at the camp hanging out with Carl, those were the moments you missed Rick most. He and Lori had been your best friends, you were the one that set them up in high school, and you couldnt believe he was gone.
With everyone new that joined the camp, you had more distractions from Shane, and your personal favourite distraction, from the moment you laid eyes on him, was none other than Daryl Dixon. Him and his brother arrived at the camp during one of the countless arguments between you and Shane that ended in you giving him a piece of your mind.
“None of these people will say shit to you ‘cause you’ve scared them into thinking you’re some kind of leader, like you’ll kick them out if they dare defy you! Guess what, gumdrop?” You crossed your arms and tilted your head to the side. “I will never fucking stop telling you how it is, or calling you out for being a fucking asshole, because that’s exactly what you are!” You started taking slow steps towards Shane as you continued, not caring how loud you were being. “You can threaten me, you could beat me to the fucking ground, and I would get right back up to spit right in your smug face! I dont need to be physically stronger than you to put you in your place, so read the fucking room and dont test me.” By the time you finished your rant, you were mere centimetres apart from the ticking time bomb known more commonly as Shane.
You didnt even give him the chance to talk, you stormed off into the woods, straight past the new arrivals.
“Well, this is gonna be fun!” The older brother laughed, while the younger brother stared off after you.
It wasnt until you had cooled off and returned to the camp that you truly noticed Daryl. You happened to glance at him a couple of seconds before Carl ran up to you, and you crouched down to hug him, apologising for running off and worrying him. Carl ran back to Lori when she called him for dinner, and then you turned your attention to the new face.
“Hey, sorry you had to see my outburst earlier. I promise Im not always on a rampage.” You chuckled lightly, feeling a little awkward.
Daryl shook his head at you. “Don’ worry, yer good.”
You smiled at him gratefully. “Thanks. My name’s (Y/N), it’s nice to meet you...?”
“Daryl.” He answered.
“It’s nice to meet you, Daryl. I hope we get the chance to talk more.” Your smile widened when you noticed the corner of his mouth beginning to curl into the smallest smile of his own.
“Same t’ you.”
The two of you didnt talk much, but the way he viewed you was different to how he viewed the rest of the people at the camp, purely because of who he saw you were the second he saw you. There was so much fire, strength, and power in you, but when you calmed down you were kind and welcoming, which was more than could be said for the rest of the people there. Then again, Merle didnt exactly make it easy for Daryl to make friends.
Rick’s arrival broke you, it really did. When he broke free from hugging his sobbing wife and son, he laughed with tears in his eyes at the sight of you.
“Of course you’re here!” Rick chuckled in disbelief, pulling you into a hug and kissing the top of your head.
“Even the end of the world wont stop me sticking around to piss you off!” You cheered, wiping away your own tears.
It was an awkward situation, the whole camp was confused by Lori and Rick, considering they all assumed Lori and Shane were together. Nobody felt the way you did though, the anger, the disappointment - and when Lori came to you and made you promise not to tell Rick until she spoke to him about it - the guilt. But, you agreed, wanting to respect her and her business, her marriage. You couldnt understand why she did what she did, because you werent her, and you had voiced your disapproval of her antics with Shane since the start, but Lori was stubborn and devastated.
Things were so hectic in that area of your life, you didnt really have time to focus on anything else. You just took care of Carl, gave Shane endless shit, kept Lori’s secret and enjoyed being in the company of your best friends again. But when Rick revealed the way in which they’d left Merle handcuffed to a roof, you were the only one that stood up to defend Daryl’s anger.
“Rick, this was a shitty thing to do. We all know Merle can be an asshole, but he’s a human being! You wouldnt even leave an animal to die like that! If you wont go back and get him, I’ll go with Daryl myself.”
Daryl stared at you in shock, the two of you hadnt had more than short conversations in passing since meeting each other, and yet you were kind enough to stick up for him, for what was right. That was what solidified his trust in you.
As soon as the group settled on the farm, you noticed the changes in Lori. She didnt want to admit it to you, but you guessed outright that she was pregnant, and she never could lie to you. That also meant she couldnt lie about who she thought the father was, she honestly didnt know. That almost made you snap, you were so close to going right up to Rick and telling him everything, but you found yourself marching over to where the crossbowman was standing all by himself, staring out at the farm. Daryl heard you huffing and turned to greet you, but seeing your pissed off state, he stayed quiet. You paced in front of him, running your hands through your hair as hot tears stung your eyes. It was only when they broke free that Daryl couldnt fight the urge to speak up.
“Wha’s goin’ on?”
You took a deep breath and stopped walking. “I’ve promised to keep this is a secret, but they’re my best fucking friends, Daryl. How could she do this? Im the only one that knows and I cant do or say anything about it, I just have to support her because she’s gotten herself into this mess and now she’s stuck in it, and Im stuck with her! I have to keep it a secret for her, but she’s made it so much worse!”
Daryl frowned at you, trying to see if he could figure out what you were referring to by the little you were revealing.
“This is going to ruin Rick.” You shook your head, more tears rolling down your cheeks.
“Hey, Rick can handle himself, it aint right fer you to worry yerself like this.” Daryl spoke softer than you’d ever heard him speak to anyone else. You looked at him, an utterly devastated and hopeless expression on your face, and he kept talking. “Ya cant tell me, I get it, I wont make ya. But whatever’s goin’ on, the people involved will work it out. Sucks to be sat on the sidelines, but ya gotta let them do whatever they gotta do.”
You nodded slowly, unable to believe how the man who said so little had just said something so...right. “Thank you, Daryl.”
He shrugged you off. “‘s nothin’.”
You smiled at him. “Nothing you say is ever just ‘nothing’, and you should never think of it as that.”
Your words hit Daryl hard, he still felt the impact of them long after you’d walked away, his eyes following you until you disappeared into your tent.
Daryl kept his eye on you after that. He’d always watched out for you, noticed how you’d risked your life for Carl and Sophia by acting as a human shield. But upon watching closer after your conversation with him, Daryl saw you treating Lori a little differently, like she was more fragile all of a sudden. It was a very subtle change that nobody else seemed to pick up from. Whenever Rick was around, you didnt feel the need to, because he was there to protect Lori, but you took that role the moment he was a few feet away. It didnt take long for Daryl to figure things out, but he didnt confront you with what hew knew, because it’d only stress you out more, so he kept Lori’s secret too.
More than once, you found yourself wrapping a blanket around yourself and wandering over to Daryl’s camp at night, just to sit and talk with him. Sometimes not even talk. The company was enough, the separation from the stressful situation that overwhelmed you in the main camp. You always made the effort to bring Daryl a helping of whatever meal was prepared, even if he’d hunted something himself and was skinning it when you got there. He tried to refuse a couple of times, but gave up when he realised how stubborn you were.
By the time the farm fell, Lori’s secret was common knowledge. It was Daryl who rescued you, along with Carol, driving with the two of you awkwardly squashed on the back of his bike. That time spent on the road was rough, food was short, and anytime you did get food, Daryl would catch you giving at least half of your rations to Lori. And every time you did, Daryl would gesture for you to come and sit by him, only for him to offer you some of his own rations.
“Yer not gonna be no good to anyone if ya get sick.” He would tell you, and you would sigh and give in, not wanting to worry him.
Taking care of Lori made you discard the mere thought of caring for yourself, but Daryl made sure to do his best to make up for that.
The sight of the prison was enough to reduce you to happy, hopeful tears. You beamed at Daryl, sprinting into the main prison field at Rick’s side to take out as many walkers as you could. That night, Lori followed Rick in an attempt to patch up the areas of the relationship that she had ruined. Things had only gotten worse for them, what with Rick killing Shane in an act of self defence, and Lori being angry at Rick for that despite her trying to stir up a conflict between the two ever since he’d come back. You didnt agree with the way she’d handled any aspect of her relationship, but without Rick, and without Shane, you were all she had, the only form of love she could get that wouldnt feel forced by the friends around her. You watched her walk over to Rick, frowning subconsciously at them in immediate worry, until your eyes were pulled away. Opposite you, through the flames, Daryl sat, looking at you. When you looked back at him, he tilted his nose up at you, his way of asking you if you were alright, and you offered him a bright smile. Daryl couldnt resist letting his own smile slip out, and that time it wasnt as shy.
Your world came crashing down when a very bloody Maggie walked out of the prison holding a baby, beside a cold, distant looking Carl. Instincts took over, and you approached Maggie, opening your arms for her to pass you the baby so that Maggie could get the comfort she needed from Glenn. You held the baby close, crying silently, your tears rolling down your face onto the baby’s head as you quietly shushed her, rocking her in your arms as your best friend’s blood soaked through your shirt. Daryl gingerly approached you, the shock of the situation made him even less sure of what to do to help you feel better, but when you leant into his chest, he wrapped his arms around you and baby Judith.
Though one of your best friends was gone and your other best friend was absent in his grief, you had no time to let yourself feel either of their pain. There was a baby that needed to be cared for, and you would be damned if you let yourself slip and let her feel even more alone. Lori would never forgive you if you left her baby when Rick wasnt there. So, for the first small portion of Judith’s life, she lived in your arms. She slept in a cardboard box crib in your cell, so that anytime she woke up in the night, you were right there to console her. Every night, to help Judith get to sleep, you would walk her around the cellblock and sing to her. It was always the same song, and you always ended up singing to her when the two of you reached the perch.
“There’s a world where I can go and tell my secrets to-“ You smiled down at her lovingly. “-in my room, in my room. Now it’s dark and Im alone but I wont be afraid, in my room, in my room.” You placed a light kiss on her forehead as her eyes drifted closed.
In the midst of everything, Carl was struggling a lot more than he let on, and although you had been his cool aunt and close friend since he was born, he even fought to tell you anything. So you stopped trying to get him to, and instead you used actions. You’d deliberately walk by his cell with Judith every night, and if Carl wasnt asleep, you’d gesture for him to come with you, and he’d walk with you in silence as you sang. The walk would end back at his cell, where you’d tuck him into bed and kiss his forehead without a word. Carl didnt like to be referred to as a kid, so you tried your best not to make him feel like one, and you found that without verbalising things, it was easier for him to accept comfort.
As well as not being able to think about yourself, it often escaped your mind that Daryl was up in the perch most nights. The first few nights that he heard you sing, he would just sit and listen, sometimes even shed a tear or two because your voice always sounded so sad. After those first few nights, Judith and Carl werent the only ones you were singing to sleep with that song.
One day, out of the blue, he accidentally revealed that he heard overheard your singing because he was so curious as to where you got that song from.
“Wha’s the song ya sing to ‘er?” Daryl asked, and you smiled at him bashfully, blushing at the thought of him hearing you.
“It’s from Happy Feet, this animated movie about penguins, it was one of my all time favourites. Has a real good message about being yourself, finding yourself no matter how much the world throws at you, no matter how alone you feel. People will always find you again, people will love you for you. Even though the song doesnt say all that, I like to think that it’ll help her, somehow.” Your eyes glazed over with something sad, and you shook your head and walked away before Daryl could say anything else.
Once Rick returned, the weight of being an adoptive parent was somewhat lifted, and you finally allowed yourself to feel what you had lost. Daryl would often find you crying in your cell, and he would sit down beside you, not saying anything, just letting you cry on his shoulder for as long as you needed to. For a while, there were no words you could find that would express what you were feeling, the pain was silent and haunting, and so you cried.
Daryl wanders by your cell after lunch, listening carefully to see if he can hear you crying, and when he doesnt, he calls your name quietly to see if you’re in there. He gets no reply, and frowns to himself, immediately setting out on a one-man-search for you. After lunch, you always went to your cell to relax or cry by yourself for a little while before going back to work, you not being in there means something has changed. Daryl steps outside the prison and breathes a sigh of relief when he sees you in the field, sitting in the grass. Stepping through the gate, he realises where you’re sitting, and as he slowly walks closer, he understands why.
“...I really hope you can see her, she’s so beautiful. She has your eyes. I’ll take care of her, I promise.”
You nod to yourself, sniffle, wipe your eyes and stand to your feet. Turning around, you jump out of your skin, not expecting someone to be behind you.
“O-Oh, hey Daryl!” You greet him, smiling in surprise.
“Ya talkin’ to Lori?” Daryl asks gruffly, and you nod sadly, but dont say anything.
You somewhat expect Daryl to say something slightly rude without meaning to, it doesnt sound like something he’d agree with doing.
But he surprises you again, in an entirely different way.
“Bet she’s up there smilin’-“ Daryl looks up to the blue sky. “-aint nobody gonna protect that baby like us.” He meets your eyes again. “Yer doin’ a great thing, carin’ for little ass kicker.”
You laugh lightly at his nickname for Judith, your heart swelling at his words. “Thank you so much, Daryl. You’re really good with her, too.”
Daryl shrugs off your compliment, and the two of you stand in somewhat awkward silence for maybe half a minute, until Daryl asks you something you definitely werent expecting. “Kids sum’ ya want in yer future?”
Your eyes widen at his question, and you can see he’s about to retract it based on your reaction, so your expression softens. “Ever since I was little I’ve always wanted to be a mother, it would be a dream come true.”
Daryl nods. “I think ya’d be good at it.”
You chuckle. “Gotta find a man willing to settle down with the likes of me first!”
Daryl scoffs at that. “Ain’ hard, any guy would be lucky t’ end up with ya.”
You blush, looking down to hide your cheeks behind your hair as you try to divert his attention away from you. “Do you want kids someday, Daryl?”
He bites his thumb anxiously, shrugging. “Dunno...”
You stare at him with kind eyes, remembering the heartbreaking revelations he’s made to you about his childhood. “You’re not your dad, you would outdo him in every possible area of fatherhood, and that’s a fact. Dont let those fears get in the way of some kid having the coolest dad ever.”
Daryl shrugs. “Like ya said, gotta fin’ a girl willin’ t’ settle down with the likes o’ me first.”
You grin at him. “When you find a girl you want, let me know and I’ll be the world’s greatest wingman, ‘cause whoever she is, she needs to know she’s the luckiest girl in the world to have your attention.”
Daryl tilts his nose up at you, a smirk curling at the corner of his mouth. “Same t’ you when you fin’ a guy.”
You sigh, shaking your head and glancing around the field. “I’ve had my heart set on one guy for so long, if I was going to find someone else I think my heart would’ve given up on him by now, but it just wont quit. Think Im stuck!” You laugh at yourself in embarrassment, and Daryl scowls.
“Who? I’ll beat his ass if he cant see wha’s good for ‘im.”
Your suddenly shy gaze meets his. “Not sure it’s quite possible for you to beat your own ass, but I appreciate the sentiment.”
The confession finally takes centre stage, the words that have been waiting in the wings for the right time to escape you. They hang in the air, floating around Daryl much like the butterflies in his stomach.
“…Yer sure?” His voice is gruffer than usual, maybe even hoarse.
“Have been since the start, dont think it’s gonna change anytime soon.” You smile lamely, staring down at your shoes.
“Why didnt ya say nothin’?” Daryl asks gently.
You shrug, huffing slightly. “What would be the point? There’s no way someone as wonderful as you could think of me as anything more than a friend.”
Daryl doesnt take a second to think about his reply. “Says who?”
You roll your eyes at him playfully. “The laws of romance.”
“Screw them!” Daryl barks.
“Daryl...” You sigh, and he frowns at you.
“Do ya wan’ me to admit ma feelin’s or not?!”
You nod, avoiding his eyes as they burn into you. “Yeah, I just dont want you to feel pressured to, I feel like I’ve put you on the spot and this is a lot and-“
Daryl curs you off. “Had a while to think about all this, aint nobody else crossin’ my mind, ya don’ even cross it no more, yer there all the damn time.”
You burst out laughing at that, and Daryl cant help laughing with you, the tension that was building now evaporating into the air.
“So, you wanna become the world’s best parents together someday?” You raise an eyebrow at him teasingly.
Your question definitely stuns Daryl, he takes several seconds to recover and find an answer. “If i’s with you, sure.”
You grin. “Damn, we arent even dating and we’re already discussing having kids.”
He walks closer to you with a smile on his face. “One step at a time.”
You beam at him. “Baby steps?”
Daryl scoffs. “Stop.”
You giggle, taking ahold of his hand as the two of you turn to walk back into the prison. “Okay, okay, I’ll stop.”
Daryl feels giddy, something he hasnt felt in a long time, a feeling he’d completely forgotten even existed. Your fingers intertwined with his, your words locked away safely in his heart for him to relive as many times as he possibly can. Nothing can be better than this, he thinks to himself. At least, he thinks that until you say something else.
“You got space up on that perch?”
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unicorncornflakes · 1 year
Wedding Dress - Modern AU! | Chapter 4
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Paring: Jacaerys Velaryon x Reader x Aemond Targaryen.
Summary: You have always seemed happy. A perfect life: a good job, a good family… and a good boyfriend. Finally, you are going to marry Jace after three years of dating. Everything seems perfect, but you know it's not.
Everything falters the same night you meet Aemond Targaryen. You are no longer sure of your decisions… let alone about the wedding…
Tags: Alternate Universe – Modern/ Setting Enemies to Friends to Lovers/ Emotional Hurt/ComfortDrama & Romance/ Eventual Smut.
Author´s note: Hi everyone! English is not my first language, sorry for any mistake! All of them are my fault! Pls, enjoy! Feedback, shares and comments are always welcome!
Warnings: I don't know High Valyrian. Translations are done by AI.
Word Count: 4.8K
Tag-List (If you wanna be tagged, let me know): @tssf-imagines @nika-sophie05 @hkmultifandom @thetrueblackheart @chainsawsangell @darkenchantress @itsabby15 @afro-hispwriter @ipostwhatifeel
The room was dark, but that didn't mean it was calm. The tension was present, Aemond was still lying down, trying to compose himself after what had happened. He looked to the opposite side of the bed. It was empty. Alys was fidgeting around the room, picking up her clothes. He could have gotten up and hugged her, but he just wasn't sorry. He was a man faithful to his principles, he couldn't hug her and tell her that everything was fine, that it had been a mistake, because it wasn't. He took the tobacco from the nightstand and lit a cigarette. He got up and opened the curtain, letting the light in. That way, Alys could find her clothes sooner and leave. He needed to be alone to maintain his stoicism.
“I don’t know which is your problem right now, but I can assure you that I don´t want you to share it with me” Alys was really upset while she was dressing herself. She seemed altered and, adove all, she was anxious because Aemond´s silence. He was just smoking while was looking thought the window. He still was naked. Alys sat on the edge of the bed, putting on her high heels. “You are so…”
“Alys, you are a married woman, I cannot understand this attack of jealousy” he interrupted her. His lips released the smoke from the cigarette really slow, like if nothing was happening, and however, everything was changing. She had no right to claim anything, at least that was what Aemond believed. He began to feel how anger was born from his chest and he knew that with those words they were only going to argue. He had to remained in silence, quiet.
“You were thinking on other woman, have you not any clue about why I’m so bothered?” her eyes were fixed on him, attempting to understand what Aemond thinking was. “You are not an easy man, are you?” she snorted and continued putting her heels.
 “You were the first one in leaving the boat when it started to sank…” Aemond accusated her, remembering again what happened between the both of them. Now, he was upset too.
“I lost a baby, Aemond, your baby. And all you did was running away” she cried out, like if all her anger and rave would have waiting for that moment. She only used to swallow that she was the only one in Aemond´s life, because, after all, she was the mother of his only and dead child. Behind her cold and materialist façade, there was a really injured and damaged woman.
“I was scared” he shouted, trying to justify himself. He was young, he was… other man, and he liked to think that was all. Life wasn’t easy at that moment of his life. He was leaving everything for the company, and Alys was one of the things who he left, without regret in that time.
“I was scared too. And then, when the wound was healing, you came back to me, like if nothing would have happened” she cried again, but the tears didn’t run down her cheeks, Alys never was a sentimental woman. She was only passional for one thing, the only thing that Aemond needed from her those days “Of course, I married other man. I want to heal myself, not to suffer never again” she confessed after all those years, and Aemond´s heart sank. He wasn’t a good man, but he came back to her just to start again, to try again everything. He needed first to recover himself to help another to heal. Alys couldn’t see that. After all, she was wounded too.
“Then why you come back again and again?” he spoke though his teeth. Anger, he could only feel anger.
“Because I was still loving you” she spoke up. Her heart was so broken, all the pieces lost in the revelation that Aemond wasn’t only hers.
“You are kidding me” he sneered; he couldn’t believe what he was listening. He clenched his fist trying to calm down, but it was impossible. “The day you married another man you made it very clear”.
“Look, I don´t know who is she, but I pity her” her voice only was cold. She wasn’t regretting anything of that conversation. Actually, they really needed long time ago. Perhaps they should stop seeing each other in order to continue with their lives; at least Alys felt that way. “You are not capable of any kind of love, Aemond. And she is going to suffer all the consequences”.  She sentenced, as if she could see the future through a crystal ball.
He heard how the door was closed behind his. He even didn’t look back to watch how she left. The look of nostalgia only occurs when we really care about things, And Aemond thought if he really would feel nostalgia because she leaved. She had left the room and Aemond´s life with that door slam. He chased in his mind a regret about what was happening. In that précised moment, his stoic façade felt apart. He turned and banged on the door furiously. His knuckles just ached, and he just felt like a monster. Perhaps, Alys was right. He wasn’t able to love. After all, in that moment, you only appeared like an obsession or a fantasy in his mind. And he really hated not to be a better man for Alys, and, after all for you.
You got out of the shower and the smell of coffee ended up waking you up completely. You walked towards the kitchen and you found Jace, calmly eating his breakfast with a stupid smile on his lips. He smiled even more when he saw you and you collapsed seeing him so happy. "Good morning" he whispered to you.
"Good morning" you also whispered and sat next to him. At that moment, his presence consumed you on all sides. What was happening to you? You had no idea, but they were regrets. You hadn't broken the rules until then and it was taking its toll on you. How could people who cheat on their partners live? It was something you didn't know. But after what had happened to you that night, you didn't know if you were in a position to continue with this farce. You yawned. You tried to convince yourself that it had only been once and that it was not going to happen again. You were very sure.
"Do you want coffee?" He asked calmly. You knew him well, or so you thought. Jace was always correct, but also this morning he was happy after a good job well done between the sheets. You hated yourself again and sighed. You just nodded your head and he kept talking. He seemed to ignore what was happening to you, you wondered if he ever found out about something that could happen to you. "Today is lunch at my grandfather's house, do you think you feel ready?" he asked you as he grabbed a mug from the kitchen cabinet.
"I don't know" you groaned sleepily and he could only laugh to himself. You scratched your eye trying to put your ideas in its place. Perhaps, seeing his family in his natural environment was what you needed to disenchant yourself with a certain individual that made it up.
"We are going to pick up Luke and Joffrey and have them come with us" and there he woke you up again from your musings. You just sighed and nodded with a smile, but you knew what was going to happen. An hour later you were in the car with them. Joffrey had pushed you out of the passenger seat, saying that he always sat next to his brother. That was his seat. And Jace had given in. You hadn't even complained, what did he care about your place in his life? Ahead it was all his family. Luke, sitting next to you, seemed to be more aware of what was happening to you than his own brother was and he was trying to make conversation with you, while Joffrey monopolized any attempt to get you to talk about anything with Jace. The truth was, you couldn't take Jace's brothers. You tolerated them, Luke more than Joffrey, but you were tired of having them in almost every moment of intimacy with Jace since the first half year of your courtship. Your grandmother thought they were a very close family, not like you two, but honestly, such happy families had always given you an aura of falsehood that you couldn't with. You sighed with relief when they informed you that you had arrived and you jumped out of the car like a spring. You stretched out and stared at the house in front of you.
Life had been good for your grandmother and parents, but you could never compare to the Targaryens. 'How many bathrooms do you think that has?' Alara's voice sounded in your head. Without a doubt that is what she would have asked if she found herself like you, in front of that house that seemed more like a castle than a house.
"Are you ready?" Jace asked you. You agreed. Total, you were already lost, What mattered a little more or a little less? He put his arm around your shoulders as you walked down the garbilla hallway. At that moment, a Lamborgini driven by almost a camicace also arrived, braking noisily in front of the house, without even parking it and leaving it anyway, a boy a little older than you got out with a pretty pretty girl who was laughing at his side. He also had silver hair, or rather blonde, and you wondered if everyone in that family didn't have hair like that except Jace and his siblings.
"Jacey and company!" he exclaimed, closing that expensive car. The girl was now tangled in his arm. He approached with an arrogant smile, he must have been in the family, and he looked at you. "You must be (Y/N), a big fan," he smiled, his lips pursed into an amused sneer. You were surprised. You didn't even know what he was talking about. Jace took the iron out of the matter by outlining you a sweet smile. At that moment when you were just about to speak, Aemond appeared. His entrance had been less scandalous and he was heading towards the house, his hands in the pockets of his pants.
"I love that you're a fan" Aemond replied with a scowl "I am a fan of the girl you have on your arm." Aemond walked past you without even looking at you, but you knew he was defending you where Jace couldn't. "Hello, don't even tell me your name, because you're not going to last too much" he smiled, curving one of the corners of his mouth, in a gesture of contempt. Aegon looked at him funny, as if he didn't believe what had just happened and the girl just blushed. Jace sighed.
"Well, welcome to the family" he smiled, like he always wanted to pretend nothing was wrong.
"And this little dragon here is Maelor" Helaena introduced her son to you. The little boy looked at you with round eyes only to quickly lose interest.
"He's clearly a little wolf," Cregan Stark replied. He was Helaena's husband. From what you had noticed they had been together for quite some time. Unlike Aegon and Aemond they seemed level-headed, as was Daeron, who had been charming to you from the moment he was introduced to you. You sighed. You already knew everyone, and everyone had already arrived at the house, even Daemon, who, like Aemond, had disappeared as people had begun to arrive. No sign of either of them. Better, that way you would be calmer. You sat in that pompous room with Helaena and her son. Daeron sat there as well, while you could hear Aegon up and down showing the nameless girl around the house. Alicent and Rhaenyra were there too, but they were still talking about their things in the kitchen, while you looked in front of you at Viserys, Jace's grandfather. You were sad to see how he had degenerated over time and you thought that his mind was hardly there at that moment. "If you don't mind, (Y/N), I'm going to steal your boyfriend for a moment to talk business" Cregan addressed you. But you said with a smile that you didn't care, of course. You sighed, he was going to leave you alone again, surrounded by people you barely had contact with or didn't even know. A voice inside you, guilt, reminded you to keep your place in mind now. It was not that you deserved much more. Daemon appeared after a while and asked if you wanted to see the library. You grabbed onto his arm with a genuine smile. Thank to the seven.
"I would never have forgiven myself for leaving you alone in that nest of vipers" Daemon whispered to you as you headed towards the library of the house. You just smiled at him in thanks.
Daemon was guiding you through the library, showing you that place he had told you about so many times in the office. At last you gave shape to that place that had reigned in your fantasies and it was even better than in them. Shelves and shelves of books, most of them in High Valyrian. Daemon stopped in front of a shelf and pulled out one of the books.
"This was what he was looking for to teach you" you had stopped in front of a large desk. But when you wanted to realize it, you were not alone. Aemond was reading in one of the corners of the room. He raised his head and raised a questioning eyebrow at his uncle.
“Halarak se sālae?” (Why are you showing her the library?) Aemond asked sullenly, closing his book, annoyed by your interruption in his reading. “'Sia ñu ēro udrīri.” (She won't understand anything).
“'Sia ēro edrossi sarnyri nyke.'” (She speaks it perfectly). Her uncle answered, and you could see how Aemond's face paled, as if someone might know his secret language,  baffled him. However, he got up from his chair and approached after closing his book.
“Edrossi me sarnyr.” (I studied High Valyrian at the University). You answered him and saw how his gesture changed to indescribable. Aemond cleared his throat, blushing, but he wasn't blushing because you could speak his mother tongue and had understood what he had said to his uncle, but because he was turned on by your knowing High Valyrian. He felt a slight itch in his crotch. He had never been with a woman who understood the things he grunted during sex, or better yet, that she knew how to respond to him. Why didn't you answer him in High Valyrian that night when he moaned in your ear? It would have been fucking perfect, really, at that moment he found you perfect. He moved behind you, holding onto your hips. He rested his head on your shoulder, looking at the book that Daemon was going to show you and that was on the desk. In a gesture of dominance, he made Daemon raise his eyebrow questioningly, but you didn't see it. At the time you were too distracted to see it.
At that precise moment, Daemon's phone rang and he went to another part of the library, leaving you two alone, despite being clueless about the situation. The call could already be important, because he didn't feel comfortable leaving you alone with Aemond.
"Fascinating, princess," he replied with a smirk, letting go of your hips. Princess? He had called you princess, as if you were his girl. You wanted to ask him about the night before, but if he asked you, you wouldn't know what to answer. So you shut up, you were in no condition to face him and emerge victorious, not after the disaster the night before. “Is that how you met Jace? He spoke it so badly that he must have had to take private lessons. Did you give him the classes?"
You blushed. Indeed, that was how you had met him. When you were teaching children, he came to you with a pitiful level and the desire to learn. You changed the subject, still blushing, trying to get along with him, like the rest of the family, unaware that you had already seen him naked and had slept with him. You were going to keep the secret until the end. You didn't want to hurt Jace and it was just stupid. “The library is awesome,” you whispered, trying to change the subject. And you wanted to die when he saw his arrogant smile, but he played along. You'd never said something so stupid.
"Yes, yes it is" he leaned against the desk. You were still clinging to the handle of your bandolier, as if you needed some kind of restraint when you were with him. "When I was studying at the university I didn't need to study a single day on campus, I had this" he smiled at you for a moment until you thought that you could be friends.
"What did you study?" You hated yourself for asking him and not ending the conversation there, but you needed to hear from him. A part of you needed it, just to erase him from your head. He couldn't be perfect. He was surely full of bad things, like his arrogance and stoicism.
"Philosophy and history" he answered briefly. Looking at the ground, like you're both flirting. For a moment there was a comfortable silence. "Why did a girl like you study High Valyrian?"
"Because I'm smart" you laughed. You were flirting with him and you weren't even realizing it. Your body language said so, and it didn't run away from someone as observant as Aemond.
"I have no doubt about it" he smiled again.
“My mother came from Valyria. I thought it was a good way to honour her memory” you confessed, leaning on the desk like him, already more relaxed.
"Then it's a shame," he replied and clicked his tongue at him, straightening up again. Looking into your eyes, he was attacking you again after a truce. "You're going to waste Valyrian blood on a boy who doesn't deserve it or understand it" he attacked Jace again. Before you could reply, he was already gone, leaving you knocked out. Daemon looked from the top of the library, he had seen everything and his head began to suspect that you did not know each other only from the dress fitting.
"And we should also toast to the great contract Jace got with the wolves," Rhaenyra spoke happily across the table. Cregan raised his glass happily as did the others and Aemond only licked his lips for not arguing with his mother. He wasn't going to drink to that jerk's health.
"Yes, he's gotten me out of having to sell the car after nearly bankrupting us," Aegon chuckled, and Aemond gave him a knowing look. Although they were not the best brothers in the world, the youngest of them believed that they read minds to spoil situations. Alicent cleared her throat, indicating that this was not the time. They both controlled themselves again. Jace also got up and toasted Cregan about the new opportunities. Aemond saw how you smiled at him pretty, but he could bet that he could make you smile more and better. He got up and cleared his throat.
“A toast to the happy couple, we are here for them too. Such a solid and faithful couple. An example to follow” Aemond smirked, fixing his eye on you. He emphasized the last part of his speech. The other attendees smiled and toasted, but you wanted to kill him. The others didn't know why he said it, but you knew all the hints that those words kept. Aemond smiled at you again. 'Princess, the next toast will be in our honor,' he thought, sitting back down. The rest of the meal proceeded without major incident. Except for Daemon's gaze, now fixed on you, as if he knew that his nephew's words had a hint included. After all, he was the only one who had seen you in the library. He smiled, but in disbelief. And Alicent couldn't be happier, Aemond was finally behaving as expected of him.
At the end of the meal, you all sat down again in the coffee room, because as Alara would say, that house must have even a room for the dog, the cat and the canary. You all settled around the coffee table. It was quite a familiar picture, and you noticed that Aemond was presiding over the gathering, seated in a large chair that should have been meant for his father, but was now occupied by him, drinking wine and ignoring everyone, but it was a latent presence. He was the leader of that part of the family, although no one said so, and without a doubt, he was in the middle of a war with Jace. He sat down next to you, but you soon realized that the whole gathering revolved around Helaena's child, whom his uncles and uncles seemed fascinated with, as did his grandmother, and even Rhaenyra, who you knew was desiring too much to be grandmother. Again, Daemon was gone and Joffrey already seemed drunk after several beers, so Luke was just checking on him.
“Okay… it's… uhmm… a cow. Yes, look at its, the tail, the snout… ”Aegon sat next to his little nephew, while he colored at the table in the living room, trying to impress his latest flirt. She laughed at the picture. Aemond wondered how long this affair with the girl from the restaurant would last, but surely it would be short.
“What is it going to be a cow? It is a pig ”Daeron replied, looking at the abstract drawing of his nephew. The boy narrowed his eyes, picking up another color from the box.
"It's not a pig" he answered annoyed, painting the tail green. Aemond looked at both of his brothers with a smirk and just as he was about to answer what it was, you passed him by far.
"It's a dragon, isn't it?" you asked the boy, who looked at you as if an angel had appeared in front of him. Finally someone who understood his art. The boy nodded and sat next to you, you sat next to him, and despite not having a hand with the children, you began to help him with the drawing. Aemond lowered his gaze, as if he didn't expect you to get along with Helaena's child as well. He was fascinated by the sweetness with which you treated him. Jace came up beside you and rubbed your back, completely in love. Aemond squeezed his glass. This was his fucking place, not Jace's. You were perfect for him, not for that bastard. And then, a pang of regret. He remembered Alys's words. He was incapable of love.
"Have you thought about being parents?" Healena asked and you looked up from the paper, seeing the perfect, loving smile on Jace's face.
"Well…" you started to speak, but Jace cut you off quickly, answering for you.
"We have thought about having two children" he replied, kissing you on the cheek, and you looked at him confused.
"Yes, but eventually, not now," you replied, trying not to sound like you were contradicting him. You had already talked about it. You needed time, you didn't look ready, at least not with him.
“As soon as possible, after the wedding. Not now of course” he declared, and you pursed your lips, wanting to answer that you had projects in mind first. So you dropped a quip that made you smile.
"I'd rather be aunty first, so we would practice" you told him, looking at Luke who smiled sweetly and at Joffrey who snorted discontentedly.
"Well, we're the first to get married, so…" Jace answered you again and you started to feel uncomfortable. You have already talked about this. It was not the first time. Aemond thought he remained cold and indifferent, but a smirk played on his lips as he saw what kind of relationship the two of you had. Maybe you two weren't as perfect as you seemed. And that made him smile. He could understand you.
"Yeah, sure" you answered, turning your attention back to the drawing. Jace smiled at you again, and the others continued talking, but Aemond remained silent. Jace was an asshole. If he didn't understand what your opinion was under all that, he couldnt understand you, and if he didn't understand you, he didn't deserve you. Aemond got up, leaving the chair free, where Aegon and his new girlfriend sat to kiss as if there was no one there, much to the dissatisfaction of Helaena, who covered her eyes with her youngest son. He couldn't see it, but you watched carefully his departure.
You took your bag, after spending all day there. It was already late and it had begun to get dark, but in the end, the experience had not been as bad as you expected. You saw Jace saying goodbye to his grandfather and headed towards the car. You had already said goodbye to everyone, except Aemond, who had disappeared. At least, that had made things easier, and yet, you were missing something by not seeing it.
But, life is always capricious and you found him outside, reading a book on the front porch of the house. Sitting there, he looked like one of the Valyrian heroes you'd studied at university. You wondered if he knew what could awaken in you after your conversation in the library, but of course he did. He just looked up and smiled at you. A sweet smile that she should never have given anyone. Without saying a word, he got up and offered you the book. In front of you, all dressed in black, his slender hands clutching the book as he handed it over to you. You looked at him with a goofy smile, more like someone who's in high school than you.
“Dohaeros iksā iksā vaege, vēle dohaeris, qaemāe sōvekāes” ("Take this book and read it. When you finish it, give me your opinion") he asked. You looked at the book curiously.
“Syktā qaehaesā?” (Is this a trap?) You smiled, with an illuminated look. You just smiled, and he brought her lips to your ear, after placing a lock of hair behind it.
“You're a smart girl, princess, not like Jace thinks. You will like the book, besides, it is in High Valyrian. Your boyfriend is not going to find out anything ”he confessed in a whisper, being himself again. Once again haughty. Enough again. Over Jace again.
You huffed, trying to sound outraged, but you weren't. You appreciated for the first time meeting someone who shared part of your tastes. It didn't bother you that he messed with Jace, because, maybe you were upset with him too for what had happened after lunch.
You heard Daemon clear his throat behind you, and you jumped in fright. You turned to see him. His eyes were fixed on you, as if he had finally managed to put the pieces of a complicated puzzle together, now he just needed to know how you had gotten to that situation. He put his hands in his pants and cocked his head: “Do you only find pleasure in married women, nephew?” was the only thing he asked.
You blushed and pursed your lips in regret. Aemond did not answer. He just walked inside the house at a slow pace, challenging Daemon. That had always been his game, and for that reason, the publisher hated his nephew. So similar and so different at the same time.
“Don't play with fire, (Y/N).Don't shit where you eat” He looked at you hard, as if he hadn't expected that from you, but deep down, he knew what you wanted. He couldn't hate you, but he could feel wounded by your acts. He wasn't going to say anything, but you knew you'd hurt him. He simply retreated to his car, looking at the ground, and you hated yourself more. You took the book and put it in your bag. You tried to convince yourself that you hadn't done anything wrong. Jace came out shortly after, grabbed your hand, and you got in the car. You had to end the situation with Aemond no matter what, but why would you fool yourself? You knew as well as Daemon that you were human. And humans always make mistakes.
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Klaus x wolf reader
Klaus is walking through the woods in mystic falls , soon too inact his plan to become the hybrid . As he is walking he hears growls . He follows the growls to find a beutiful black wolf , with glowing blue eyes . That’s when he smelled it , I sent he knew all too well. Blood . He looked down at the wolfs paw to see it was caught in a trap . He carefully advanced as not to scare it . He got closer and closer , he extended his hand petting the wolfs head . The wolf didn’t growl she only whimpered. Klaus finally freed the wolfs paw from the trap . The wolf rubbed up on klaus affectionately . He sat down on the ground as the wolf curled up in his lap , the wolf was a very big wolf.klaus said (that’s a good gurl luv , just go to sleep ) and the wolf did . She fell right asleep , but as she slept blue sparkled floated in the air transforming the wolf into a girl . Klaus was stunned at the girls beauty , she had y/h/c and glowing blue eyes that soon settled to a stunning y/e/c . Klaus said ( hello luv) you siad (umm.. h .. hello ) u tried to cover yourself , klaus said (here luv , take this he wraps his trench coat around you . (Thankyou ) u said shyly . Klaus said ( what your name ?) you reply(yn, ) klaus said (klaus mikealson , where are you staying , I haven’t seen you in Town ) you say (I don t live in town , I live out here I’m free out here I fit in I’m not the town freak ) klaus looks at you with a sympathetic glance (I understand , being I was born from a different father that’s the rest of my siblings my father always despised me ) I give him a hug , and he hugs back it had been so long since the evil klaus mikealson was shown any affection ir kindness and this hug ment the world to him . But not all good things can last as he heard Stefan and Damon calling his name blood thirsty , he looked you in the eyes and said (run ) so u did u transformed back into your wolf form and ran ,
a few days pass
Your trying to sleep in your den at the quarry , when you hear screams and the wind blows , then you hear klaus scream you know you had to save him . You ran out the den to see a man in a suit white his hand in klaus chest . You pounced on him taking him down . As you attack bitting the vampire over and over again . That’s when you saw the witch , Bonnie an old Emmy from school when you went . She tried to stop you with her magic as you charged her , but it didn’t work on you .. well how could it your a syphon Wearwolf hybrid descendant if inadue (the hollow ) you jumped on her clawed her arms and bit her leg . He got off of her rushing yo stand in front of klaus and protect him while his transition happened . The Salvatore brothers came at you but you stood your ground growling and snarling . But they kept coming you have one powerful bark , sending power out , Damon charged you vamp speed but you bit him , when the power surge from your bark hit the brothers they were dead (temporarily) while klaus went through his transition you lay by his side encouraging him to keep pushing , and he did . He became the hybrid and you ran through the woods together under the moon light . (Insert lion king can you feel the love , montage ) and when dawn came you woke up naked cuddled together. Klaus pulled you close . You were so shy tho ,you stiffen at his gester . (Come on luv , I won’t bite ) you chuckle as cuddle close to him ( I know ) klaus says ( will you please move in with me ?) you say (ar e you sure ?) klaus says ( yes please !) you say (ok….) when an arrow was shot through your back . Klaus looks up to see Jeremy Gilbert with a cross bow . Klaus quickly bites his wrist shoving it in your mouth , (come on luv , you have to drink ) ur eyes blinked (klaus … good bye , be brave , I love .. y) when your eyes shut. Your heart stoped . You were dead . Klaus let out a horrifying scream . Anger and. Anguish , misery . He just held you close in his arms . Crying , something klaus never did . He stayed like that your body clutched to his all night . When (huuuhhhhh!!!) u shot up sucking in air . Klaus stares at you in shock . You breathe heavily and cling to klaus . Klaus holds you so tight . Carrying you back to mystic falls ( luv , you have to drink Elenas blood , to survive ) you nod your head (god ! I love you yn ! When I thought you died ! I lost my mind ! I love you ! Please be mine ) you say (yess!!!) and jump up in his arms , as he spins you around . Klaus kidnaps Elena , as you feed on her the sky turns red , lightning flashing , thunder roaring , and your eyes , vampire , Wearwolf , and witch , the worlds fist tribrid was born
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talia-rumlow · 2 years
My Saviour (Rumlow X Reader) Chapter Thirtyfour - Please Don´t Be Mad At Me!
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You look into his eyes. But it’s still all blurry. You feel dizzy from all the adrenaline. You try to feel if you’re breathing or not. But you can’t tell. Then it all goes black.
You wake up in the bed in Rumlows apartment, with his arms around you. You look around a bit, before you feel him pulling you close to him.
– Welcome back, YN! Are you OK?
You look at him. Into his beautiful hazel brown eyes. And he looks back, into yours. Searching your face.
– YN! Is there anything I can do for you?
You don’t say anything. You just nuzzle your face into his neck, taking in that nice, safe smell that is him. You don’t know why, but suddenly tears are flowing from your eyes, and your whole body is shaking. Rumlow pulls you even closer to him. Holds you tight.
– It’s fine. He’s gone. He’s never gonna hurt you again. EVER! I’m here. Everything is going to be fine.
You try to calm down, but it’s impossible. After everything you’ve been through, you don’t even know where to begin. You lift your face and look at Rumlow again.
– Wh… What happened to the guard I was with? Did he make it?
Rumlow plants a kiss on your forehead.
– I’m sorry YN. He didn’t.
He lets his forehead rest on yours. Forehead to forehead, you slowly start to calm down.
– But you did. And that’s all that matters to me. What happened YN?
– Thomas? What happened to Thomas?
– He’s been taken care of. None of them will hurt you again. I promise, YN!
– What happened to Thomas, Brock?!
The fear you felt before is about to turn into anger. And you want answers. Pierce put you in jail. It was the most scared you’ve ever been before, and you want to know why. You need to know why!
– He’s back in jail, YN. Where he belongs.
– Back?
Did they put him in jail right away? Why didn’t he tell you?
– What happened, YN?
You take a deep breath before you tell everything. How nice Marcus was. And how you knew that he knew something. But that he didn’t tell you. How your computer froze, and about what Pierce said to you. How scared and alone you felt. What happened, and how you helped the guard.
When you’re done talking, Rumlow kisses you.
– I’m sorry, YN. I’m so sorry. I never ment for it to go this far. I thought we had full control. I thought we knew their next move.
You look at him. Surprised.
– For what to go this far?
He’s not saying anything. He just looks at you. You feel the anger bubbling up in you again.
– For what to go this far, Brock??!
– YN!
He tries to give you a hug. But you pull away from him. Sit up on the bed. You look at him.
– Brock?!
– Please don’t be mad at me, YN. I couldn’t tell you. I wasn’t allowed to. Orders!
You get up from the bed. And turn towards him again.
– Well, can you tell me now?
– Officially, no. But I love you, YN. So I’m going to disobey orders, for the first time in my career. Will you please sit down?
You look at him for a split second, before you sit down beside him on the bed.
– We knew that Thomas was stealing classified information. That’s Part of the reason I didn’t like that you spent time with him.
– Why didn’t you tell me?
– I wasn’t allowed to, YN. Security reasons. I didn’t know that David was involved, or that they stole your keycard. If I’d known that, I would never have left you.
– Did you know that Pierce put me in prison?
Rumlow takes your hand.
– Yes. An agent called me. And that’s when I understood that David was involved, and that they stole your keycard to pin it on you. We went straight to SHIELD after that.
– Have you talked to Pierce about this? I escaped! He’ll probably fire me.
– I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen YN. I can prove that you never left the apartment.
You shift in the bed. He can prove that you never left the apartment? How? You thought you already had proofe of that, because of Marcus, guarding the door. Pierce didn’t believe that.
– How? Marcus couldn’t help, because Pierce said that there was other ways to leave the apartment.
Rumlow gets up from the bed. Still holding your hand.
– Follow me! I have to show you something.
You get up, and follow him around the apartment. He shows you small cameras in almost every room. Except the toilet and the bathroom. When you finally sit down on the couch with him, you don’t know what to say.
– Y…. You had me under surveillance?
– I’ve had these cameras here for years. In case something happened to me. Sometimes my job is dangerous. I just forgot to tell you about it, when you moved in.
– You forgot to tell me about the cameras in the living room, and the bedroom. Did you videotape us… when we…??
He sends you a playful smile.
– You want to watch them?
– This isn’t funny, Brock! What if I… When you were gone?
He lets his hand glide slowly up your thigh, and lets it rest between your legs. His eyes looking deeply into yours.
– What if you wanted to pleasure yourself, when I was gone?
He slowly reaches inside your underwear. You kinda want to stop him, because you’re angry with him. But it feels so good.
– Aha…
You nod slowly. And then you lean your head back.
– Then I would have loved to watch you, YN. In fact, why don’t you give me a live show… Right now..?
Rumlow removes his hand, takes a soft grip around yours and guides it down to where he wants it. When your fingers glides over you, you understand why you didn’t stop him. He could easily glide into you right now. But that’s not his style. He want’s you to feel as good as he does.
The thought of him inside you, makes you moan loud. Rumlow leans in, closer to you, and whisper in your ear.
– Think about the cameras, YN. We can watch this over and over. How you’re pleasuring yourself for me. How you moan my name. How I’m gonna make you come…
Fuck, how you want him. The thought about you watching this together is more than you can take. You start to work yourself harder. He breathes a couple of times into your ear, before he takes over. His fingers inside you, instantly finding that spot, massaging it in a way that makes your whole body tense up. Your moans more ragged with each movement he makes.
His lips meets yours. His tongue dancing with yours, mixed with your desperate moans, as he brings you closer and closer to climax.
– Yes! Moan my name.
– Ahha.. God .. Brock!
– Yes! Come on. Do it!
The orgasm is unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. You’ve only ever heard of rescue sex and make up sex. In fact Rumlow is the only man who’s saved you. Not only once, but twice. And this is indescribable. You almost feel like you never going to come back down…
@nekoannie-chan @late-to-the-party-81 @there-goes-thefighter @here4thefanfics @mostlybuckystuff
Check out the My Saviour Masterlist HERE!
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mrs-barnes-library · 2 years
My Favorite Katsuki Bakugo Fanfictions 💥
Fluff : 🌺    Smut : 🔥    Angst : 😭    None : 🌲    My Work ✨💚
If you like these characters don'-t hesitate to check the new arrivals, I update every day according to my readings.
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Katsuki Bakugo / Kacchan 💥 :
I Say Something Loving 🌺
Charade 🌺🔥
Charity Calendar 🌺
Do You Smell That ? 🌺
When You Try To Deny A Kiss 🌺
Catching you After you Fell 🌺
There Is No Way He Loves Me 🌺
Him Simping 🌺
Kissing Him 🌺
When He Is Bad At Dating 🌺
If You Cry In Front Of Him 🌺
I Think I Kissed You 🌺
My Pretty Girl 🌺
Worried 🌺
Him Reacting To Playing 7 Minutes In Heaven With His Crush 🌺
Pretty Boy 🌺
Missed You Dumbass 🌺
Having A Scarlet Witch S/o 🌺
Let’s Talk 🌺
The Abyss 🌺😭
Mismatched 🌺🔥
Resurrection 🌺😭
Profanities 🌺
How He Reacts When You Wake Up From A Nightmare 🌺
Activating His Quirk During An Argument 🌺
S/o With An Empath Quirk 🌺
Finding Out You Real Hair Color 🌺
Love At First Sight 🌺
How He Reacts When You Both Have The Same Quirk 🌺
How He Reacts When You Ask Him To Fight 🌺
Him And Shoto Having a Crush on You 🌺
How He Reacts To You Having Sharp Teeth 🌺
You Are Mine, Whoever You Are ( x vampire reader ) 🌺
Types Of Kisses 🌺
Him Givin You flowers 🌺
So... Are You Single ? 🌺
He Likes To Bite 🌺
Red 🌺
Kissing During An Argument 🌺
Hot Things They Do 🌺🔥
When He Accidentally Hurts You 🌺
When He Feels Jealous | Protective | Possessive 🌺
When He Gets Scared By You 🌺
Are You Coming ? 🌺
When You Boop His Nose 🌺
How He Likes To Kiss You 🌺
Take The Damn Thing 🌺
When You Target Them At Mario Kart 🌺
When You Kiss His Cheek 🌺
Cuddling With Them 🌺
Hold You Tightly 🌺
When You Catch Him Staring At You 🌺
Catching Him Dancing Alone In His Room 🌺
When He Gets Into A Fight 🌺
When He Gets Flustered By Something You Say 🌺
When He Walks On You Changing 🌺
When You’re Holding Hands 🌺
When You Call Him Dude 🌺
When You Wipe Away His Kiss 🌺
Calling Him The Wrong Name 🌺
When Someone Flirts With You🌺
Hands Holding 🌺
Him Catching Mineta Perving On You 🌺
You Get Caught Kissing Him 🌺🔥
Cuddling 🌺
When He Gets Jealous 🌺
Kisses 🌺🔥
Spin The Bottle 🌺🔥
How He React to Surprise Hugs 🌺
Class 1-A Nicknames 🌺
[ 5:08 ] 🌺
When He Calls You Clingy 🌺
Cuddling You After He Has Had A Long Day 🌺
When You Call Him Pretty 🌺
When You Tie His Hair Into A Small Ponytail 🌺
When You Pepper His Face With Kisses 🌺
When You Say His Name Angry During An Argument 🌺
When You Tell Him You’re Glad You Didn’t Break Up With Him 🌺
When You Hold His Face 🌺
Soft Things They Do For You 🌺
Him Reacting To “My Boyfriend Here” Tiktok Prank 🌺
When He Mets You A New Student 🌺
Reacting To You Not Saying I Love You Back 🌺
How He Reacts To you Asking To Kiss Under The Mistletoe 🌺
How He Reacts At You Being Turned On By His Voice 🌺🔥
S/o With A Cat Quirk 🌺
How He Smells 🌺
Meeting Your Parents And Something Goes Wrong 🌺
Boop ! 🌺
Pda With Him 🌺
Kissing Him Headcanon 🌺
When Someone Pretends To Be Your Friend To Flirt We You 🌺
Halloween Is All Treats When I'm With You 🌺
What He Smells Like 🌺
Gettin' Handsy 🌺
Please Don't Get Tired Of Me🌺
Will You 🌺
Bunny Quirk 🌺🔥
How He would React With You Being Eccentric 🌺
Short Hair 🌺
A Second Family ( x Kirishima ) 🌺
Something New 🌺
Falling Asleep On Him 🌺
Introducing You To His Family 🌺
There Was Only One Bed 🌺
When He Sees Someone Flirting With His S/o 🌺
When He Sees You In A Dress For The First Time 🌺
When He Has A Crush On You 🌺
When You're On Your Period 🌺
When He Accidentally Confesses To You 🌺
When You Try On His Hero Suit 🌺
Taking Care Of Him When He Is Sick 🌺
What Would He Do If You Teased Him ? 🌺
Calling Them Bro While Dating 🌺
Ask Them For A Hug 🌺
Moment That Makes Him Soft 🌺
I'll Carry You To Heaven 🌺
Dating Shoto And Being His Sister 🌺
Here For You 🌺
What Do You Have In You Hair ? 🌺 ✨💚
Clingy 🌺
He Likes It When You Sing 🌺
He Reaches In The Pocket Of Your Hoodie To Hold Your Hand 🌺
A Present For Christmas 🌺✨💚
For You 🌺
Screaming Your Heart Out While He Plays Drums 🌺 ✨💚
Like He'll Give You Fashion Advices🌺✨💚
You Boop Him🌺
How He Kisses You 🌺
A Lazy Sunday 🌺
Him Being Protective Of You 🌺
Kisses On The Cheek 🌺
Hands On Mine 🌺
Getting Caught In His Room 🌺🔥 
Ennemy To Crush 🌺
Being His S/o And Having An Accent 🌺
Dating Him 🌺
Getting Caught Cuddling 🌺
Being In Love 🌺
A Lovely View 🌺🔥
When You Never Lie 🌺
First Kiss Scenario 🌺
Patching Him Up 🌺
When You Don't Return His Affection 🌺
Hidding Your Pjs 🌺
An Interesting Training Session 🌺
Him When He Kabedons His Girlfriend 🌺
Reacting To You Smacking His Butt 🌺
Asking Him To Slap You 🌺
When Your Phone Keeps Going Off While You're Both Trying To Sleep 🌺
Texting Him To Break Up With You For A Day 🌺
When He Realizes that You're A Worthy Opponent 🌺
Topless 🔥
Now Say You Love Me 🔥
Seeing Him Naked In The Shower ( 1 - 2 ) 🔥
You Like That ? 🔥
What Position He Loves 🔥
Why Are You Hidding You Moans ? 🔥
How He Reacts When You Give Him A Blowjob 🔥
Favorite Sex Positions 🔥
His Reaction When You Tell Him You Want To Have Sex 🔥
His S/o With A Cheshire Cat Quirk 🔥
Viagra Prank 🔥
Boyfriend’s Best Friend 🔥
His Favorite Position For Sex 🔥
How He Masturbates ( 1 - 2 ) 🔥
Cockwarming 🔥
Morning Wood 🔥
The Morning After 🔥
How You Accidentally Turn Him On 🔥
Sweet ( Like Honey ) 🔥
Tiktok Prank : Getting Naked In Front Of Him 🔥
Songs He’d Fuck You To 🔥
How He Uses His Hands While Doing The Do 🔥
Teasing 🔥
Animal Quirk 🔥
So Tight 🔥
Horror Movies 🔥
Toxic ( 1 - 2 ) ( x Dabi ) 🔥🌺😭
Cried During Sex 🔥
Gaming Headcannon 🔥
I Can Feel You Throbbing 🔥
First Time Having Sex With Him 🔥
My Jerk 🔥
Body Worship 🔥
My Kitty 🔥🌺
Random Headcannon 🔥
Falling For His Fuck Buddy 🔥😭
He Sees His Crush In An Intimate Moment In The Future 🔥
Fingering Headcanon 🔥
He Teaches You How To Touch Him 🔥
You Ask what Color He Wants His Cock Wrapped In 🔥
Seeing His Dick For The First Time 🔥
Skinny Dipping 🔥🌺✨💚
You Get Injured On A Mission 😭
Him Dealing With You Losing Your Memories 😭
Chat Fic :
I’ll Love You For The Rest Of My Life 😂
Ur So Hot 😂
Missing Hoodie ?! 😂
Using His Full Name 😂
Reacting To Him Being Hard 🔥
Telling Him I Love You For The First Time By Text 😂
Why Should I Hug Them ? 😂
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blushedarmybunny · 2 years
4:00 A.M, 1:00 P.M | Jung Hoseok One Shot
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❁ Pairing: Jung Hoseok x fem reader
❁ Summary: Hoseok is drunk or more like drunk in love.
❁  Word count:  1,7k
❁  Genre: smut, angst, fluff.
❁  Warnings: penetration, oral sex, intoxication, dirty talk.
The last thing you remember was how the hot guy in the movie for the million time had let down the protagonist of the series, soon you encounter yourself fast asleep on your very comfy couch in your cozy apartment, on friday night.
You were commonly considered as home buddy, so you love to stay at home on fridays and spend time with yourself, you went out from time to time but you were tired today, so you drank whole bottle of wine and started to watch a show on your waiting list.  
And you were dreaming about a good deserved vacation until the annoying ringing of your phone woke you up.
A name you recognized appeared on the screen.
The clock indicated it was 4 am, you declined the call, as if the person calling you had any valid reason to call you at this fucking hour, but it didn’t last long, the phone started ringing again making you angrier.
Hoseok, of all people had the nerve to call you this early.
You see, he was the guy you called when you needed a good fuck, to put it simply, he didn’t ask much questions and kept things simple, yes sometimes, just sometimes he stayed a little longer and you two would talk for hours, but it’s not like you went on dates or something.
So why on earth did he dare to woke you up like this?
“What is this?” you sounded more harsh than you intended, but you just couldn’t help it.
A loud noise in the background made you apart your phone from your face, the distorted techno music indicated that he was in a nightclub.
“Are you, yn?” an unfamiliar voice asked, that made you raise an eyebrow.
“Hey, I’m Taehyung, I’m a friend of Hobi and he is kinda…”he paused and sighted “He is very wasted and doesn’t want to come home, he keeps asking me to call his girlfriend so that’s what I’m doing” Taehyung said faster than your brain could process, so fast that almost made you past the fact that he referred to you as Hoseok’s girlfriend, almost.
“First off, I’m not his girlfriend and second of all I was peacefully sleeping before my own hangover kicks off and you are not helping my dude” more noise in the background and loud music, it seems they were discussing something.
“But he told me that you were, he got you on his phone as Baby, he keeps nagging me, please take him I…”
 then suddenly you heard Hoseok voice.
“Yn-ssi, Yn-ie, hello darling” his voice obviously intoxicated but still kinda cute made you not to hang up immediately.
“What is all this Hoseok? It’s 4 A.M”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah I know I know” he said fast “wanna see you, where you at?” he asked in the most casual way possible.
“And why should I tell you?”
“cuz I wanna see that pretty face of yours, your goddess presence that I need to experience in this very moment, your tight little p”
“Wow ok calm down homie, not happening” you chuckle at his words, but he changed his tune.
“Why not? I wanna see you so bad, please, pleaseee”he whined like a child “We don’t have to fuck, I want cuddles!” he demanded this time.
Your half drunk ass decided to accept his childish demands and 30 minutes later his friend Taehyung was leaving you with Hoseok at the front of your apartment’s door, he jumped in your arms giving you a bear hug, you thought you would scare him away with your comfy t-shirt as pjs and messy ponytail look, but he had quite the opposite reaction.
“You are so pretty and beautiful and also cute” his drunk speech only made him sound cute which help you not to feel annoyed.
“Don´t you are sleepy?” you asked him.
“Why sleep when we can do something better?” he asked smiling, a wide smile.
“don’t think so” you said taking his hand to guide him to the couch, but his sweater felt wet.
“Taehyung spilled his drink on me” he confessed, and it made you roll your eyes.
“You need to wash up” you said taking him to the bathroom, so you respectfully did all in your hands to not predatory help him when he took his shower, only leaving him in his underwear and instructed him to take a quick shower.
You had seen him naked a thousand times, and his semi naked body still send chills down your spine, but he was very drunk so it wasn’t the time.
You put his clothes on the washing machine and went to your bed, you were finally falling asleep but then two arms found its way to embrace you from behind.
Hoseok only had his underwear on so it felt very intimate when you both cuddle, too tired to protest you ley him hug you for the rest of the night.
When the morning came you two were still embracing each other, Hoseok did not let you go for a second, so when you tried to seat on t he pulled you to his arms tighter.  
“Let’s stay like this a little longer”
Gosh his morning voice was totally sexy, that did catch you off guard, so you returned to your original position, as the minutes passed you notice a familiar pressure on your backside.
You could not help getting hot as he strategically grip your hip with his long hand applying some pressure, his breath on your neck, his naked legs intertwined with yours.
“Gosh you’re so pretty” he said to you in a low tone making your nipples get erected “Are your pretty nips hard too?” his hand now was confidently sliding inside your shirt until they found one breast and started to play with your sensitive nipple making you moan.
“I bet your pussy it’s wet for me” Hoseok knew you so well “lets take this out of the way” he took away your panties, throwing them in the corner of the room.
His hard member up in all his glory was shamelessly grinding against your core, his underwear no near to be seen.
He flipped you to the bed, clearly aroused, on top of you, you were expecting the usual, but he actually came closer to you, took your face in his hand and…kissed you.
The kiss was hungry and passionate, he was taking his time.
Meanwhile you could feel his very hard erection on you lower belly, he wasn’t on any rush to fuck you.
Hoseok was looking at you in a way so lovingly, if you had to say, though he was sweet and gentle before, this felt deferent.
You felt his kisses on your neck, getting lower to your nipple, inside his mouth his tongue was making motions that felt amazing.
Soon enough his mouth was pleasuring your pussy sucking your clit and inserting his fingers to stretch you out, almost making you scream, he was enthusiastically taking your juices that would leak through his neck, his efforts resulted in a orgasm that left you trembling and gripping the bed sheets.
Then he looked at you, eyes dark with lust…and something else.
He ripped your shirt off and kissed you once again.
“so pretty” he mumbled in your lips, and again on top of you he put himself on your entrance but before he could penetrate you, he grabbed your hand and intertwined your fingers together, and looked at you and slowly penetrate you with a delicious pace swinging his hips in a wave like motion hitting just right in the spot.
This was some intimate shit.
This wasn’t a dirty rough sex, or a quickie or you trying out that new toy that he bought.
He was making love to you; the difference was abysmal.
You both were panting and moaning, his thrust more desperate.
“I like you so so much” he said with red cheeks for the physical effort, sweat dripping on his forehead “you got not idea”
You were both close.
“I like you, yn, I like you” he manages to say while he came inside of you, his warm cum filling you up so good, the orgasm was so intense that your legs were shaking, he hugged you tight.
“Hoseok, you are so good” you caress the back his neck while hugging him “you make feel so good always”
He turned to see you, his cheeks still red.
“I mean what I said, I like you, yn” he confessed” a little too much”
“Hoseok, in the biggening you said that…”you started you say.
“I know what I said, and I said it because I thought you wouldn’t want me for anything else, me the choreographer that takes antidepressants and pretends that everything is ok, that can not be loved and is too coward to properly date the only girl that made me feel completely alive, but I now I have so many negative attributes that I didn’t thought that you would ever give me chance, but I’m tired to pretend that I don’t have feelings for you because I do.”
You looked at him shocked at his words, it was only right you respond honestly.
“Well it does happen that I’m starting to like this guy” you said to him serious.
“Who?” he asked immediately.
“Let me finish, he thinks he has these things that made him unattractive but actually only made him a more complex and interesting person, he knows some moves! Well better said he does dancing for a living, he funny and can make me smile in seconds but when we talk we can do it for hours because he has always something interesting to share, he said he takes antidepressants but he is more like sunshine to me…”
“Wait, are you talking about me?” he asked surprised and excited.
“You are a little slow, aren't you?” you said, smiling to him.
He jumped to kiss you, sweet but hungry like he can’t get enough of you.
“You are my girlfriend, for real, I’m dreaming right now” he said almost talking to himself.
You turned his face with your hand, and gave him a quick peck.
“And you are my boyfriend now, and as my boyfriend you have to cook the breakfast” you demanded jokingly.
“Since is almost 1pm let’s better call for delivery, my treat” and he kissed you “but first let's take a shower” and he lifted you up bridal style while you both laughed.
Life was better than the day before, way better.
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80s4life · 3 years
Unfulfilled Wishes
Word Count: 1,452
Status: Not Requested!
Valentines Prompt: Sky
Relationship: Gordie Lachance x Reader
Fandom: Stand By Me 1984
Masterlist Stand By Me Masterlist Valentines Prompt Masterlist 2022
{Gif belongs to @mannytoodope​}
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Pushing Teddy off the tracks, you grumble just as he does, pissed off at the boy’s stupidity. “Do that shit again Teddy, I swear to God...”
“You’ll what? Kill me?” he smiles, just as mad as he spins around to ask you the question, spinning back on his heel to keep moving afterwards.
“No, I’ll do worse,” you smirk viciously, “When you’re all blood and guts on the side of the tracks, I’ll get Chopper to shit all over you. Then, I’ll get Ace to run you over too, Dumb Ass.”
“You’re sick, Y/N.”
“No, I’m trying to get you to stop doing things that’ll get you killed! What did you think you’d accomplish if we didn’t pull you off those damn tracks, Teddy? What if you did get hit? We’re all standing right here, and we’d witness that shit!”
Seemingly regretful at that moment, everyone bows their head collectively, the reality of what could’ve gone wrong burning in the forefront of their minds, left to their own imagination and gory details.
You didn’t mean to be rude, but he never sees the effects his actions cause, ultimately affecting everyone without truly noticing it. Especially you. You loved him. Even at the young age of 15, you still feel an overcoming sensation when you’re with him.
Usually, you would admit it was a crush, but as time goes on and as girls mature quicker than boys, you know its something more. You liked him before the age of 9, and you seemed to fall in love with him after witnessing your first dead body at 12. High school’s come around, and now, in your Sophomore year, you can’t get enough of him - even when he still does dumb shit like this.
Watching as the sky starts to dim after hours of constant walking goes by, you reminisce in the memories from the time of Ray Brower. Although they were sad, you guys left with stronger relationships and memories that would embed your skulls until the end of time. It was the time you truly fell for Teddy, to be completely honest with yourself. 
You sense some sadness or some sort of tension - guilt even. Turning, you look at your friends with confusion, noticing how Gordie averts his eyes to the ground, Chris seemingly just staring ahead, and Vern all jittery, constantly turning to look at Teddy whose straggled all the way behind you all.
Suddenly, all those feelings that lingered with the group had hit you. You were the one that did this; you let your feelings get in the way and said things that stung everyone. Sighing, you look at the ground, then look back up, walking ahead of the group to stop them.
Gordie’s head nudges into your outstretched hand, earning you a cute smirk. Chris almost walks right into you, not necessarily having been in the right set of mind while he walked. Vern stops, and Teddy stops a mile away - or so it felt.
“I’m- I’m sorry guys. I know it was rude of me to take my worries out on all of you. I just don’t want to see any of you getting hurt, you know? You’re the only family I’ve got, and I don’t plan on losin’ it. I did too much; I’m sorry.”
“You don;t have to worry about it Y/N, sincerely. I just never thought about it like that,” Vern chirps, happy the tension is trying to be alleviated.
“Yeah, we’re good Y/N. Just scared me once you clicked the pieces together. We could’ve really lost him,” Gordie adds with a meek nod.
Chris doesn’t have to say much, his feelings having already been with you the first time Teddy had tried to do something like this. Last time, Chris had gotten the brunt of Teddy’s anger and misjudgment. Rather, Chris just slings an arm over your shoulders to give you a side hug, his piercing blues reading your mind.
Vern joins in the hug, as does Gordie, but not Teddy. Taking the opportunity, he charges ahead of the group, knocking into Chris with boiling frustration. 
“Hey Y/N, I think you should still talk to Teddy. He ain’t too happy,” Chris finally states, the group huddle breaking apart and dispersing once more, the mood lightening.
Soon enough, they all boost farther than Teddy again, giggling and laughing.Turning your head, you slow down the pace until you are beside Teddy, but not too close; you didn’t want him to explode on you, burst into flames and storm away.
Straightening his posture, he puffs his chest in the company of you, tying to intimidate you and get you to leave him alone.
“I’m not going anywhere,” you smile, looking straight ahead and watching the other boys.
“But, why?” Teddy asks.
Looking at him briefly, your eyebrows scrunch together in confusion, catching the swirl of sadness and confusion in his golden brown eyes. “Because I care about you? Because we’ve known each other for years? Doesn’t any of that ring a bell?”
He doesn’t answer you, instead building a wall, his face stern and cold.
“Teddy,” you tug on his arm, stopping him. “What’s the matter?”
“Nothing,” he yanks his arm from your grasp, stomping ahead.
“Teddy!” you yell after him, grabbing his arm once more, tightening your hold on him.
“They’re going ahead of us, Y/N. We’re gonna be left behind.”
“I don’t give a shit, Teddy. They aren’t gonna go anywhere, and we are sure as hell ain’t ever gonna be left behind. Not them, not us, not ever. What’s got you so upset? Why do you hate me so much?”
“I don’t hate you,” he looks at the ground, kicking at the leaves.
“Then what is it, Teddy? Because I’m starting to feel like it’s just me.”
“It’s you caring too much for me, Y/N. You put your heart into everything and it’s too delicate for you to be placing it on me all the time.”
“I ain’t something to be wasting your time on, Y/N. My dad doesn’t do it, my mom doesn’t do it, hell, even our own group doesn’t care enough to ask! So, why do you?”
“Is that what’s the matter? You feel like you’re nothing?” you look at him in disbelief. “Teddy, you can be whatever the fuck you want to be. That sure as hell makes you somebody,” you grab his hands and lift his chin, so he can take in every word. “Just because there isn’t a big crowd of people that know you doesn’t make you a nobody, it just makes you human. If you have doubts, or problems, or worries about things that nobody sees doesn’t make you invisible. It makes you a normal human being. It doesn’t make you less of a man to have feelings either. Everybody gets emotional some times.”
Teddy’s eyes start to water, creeping at the edges of his eyelids. Removing his glasses, he goes to push them away just as they fall, but you stop his motions. Rubbing them away with the pads of your thumbs delicately, he lets his arms fall to his sides, just simply staring at you.
“I love you, Teddy, even if nobody else does,” you finally admit, meeting his gaze.
His cheeks turn a crimson red, staring back at you.
“You don’t have to say anything,” you giggle, “I know it’s so sudden and-”
You are cut off by the soft press of his lips to yours, but they are just as quick to leave. Teddy places his glasses back on the bridge of his nose, pushing them upwards as he turns away from you. Stunned, you blink a few times before you come back down from your high, then stare at the outstretched hand swung behind his back.
You take his hand, just as you would continue to do so for many years to come. You would walk behind him, beside him, and even in front of him many times, protecting him or standing as his equal; being each other’s rocks when the world turns its back. 
That’s what made him your soulmate.
That’s what made him your husband of a lengthy 37 years, and even more as the years draw by. That’s what made him a man and an even better father than his parents ever were. He shares his love openly, and even if we’ve lost contact with our roots and old friends, he hasn’t lost that spitfire look of the young 15-year-old that he was.
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dirtyoatmeall · 4 years
Saying I love you (Various x reader)
A/N: here are some cute little drabbles of some of the boys saying I love you. It was originally gonna be I love you for the first time but I started imaging domestic softness and couldn't help myself. If there's anyone else you want to see let me know!
Pairings: Bokuto, Kuroo, Tendo, Osamu, Sakusa, Tsukishima, Ukai, Iwaizumi x reader (separate) established relationships, gn!reader
Warnings: None :)
You were walking home together after practice like every day, swinging your joined hands as you chattered about the day while Bokuto listened intently, giving feedback when needed. You were telling him a stupid joke and when you looked at him, lips lifting into a smirk, and before he could stop himself, he blurted out,
“I love you.”
He stopped as soon as the words tumbled from his lips, he had no idea what overcame him, this isn’t how he wanted to tell you, what if you thought it was too soon? What if you didn’t want to say it back?
Your eyes had widened momentarily, playful smirk melting into a loving smile. You squeezed his hand, returning his attention to you. You stepped closer, placing a quick kiss on his cheek before tugging him along again.
“I love you too Kou.”
It was your weekly date night, electing to stay in and escape the cold. You were lying in bed, on your back while Tendo was in between your legs, head resting on your stomach, reading the new Shonen Jump as you ran your hands through his hair absentmindedly, scrolling through TikTok on your phone. The two of you were silent, occasionally you’d show him a funny video, or he’d tell you his theories on the manga he was reading.
You sat up and scooched back slightly, resting more against the headboard and Tendo slid down to rest between your thighs. He looked up at you and you smiled, groaning softly as you stretched your arms above you.
“I’m in love with you.”
Your eyes opened and you looked down mid-yawn at the red head, surprised. He wiggled his eyebrows in response, and you laughed, letting your arms drop, weaving your fingers back into his hair and tugging lightly as you leaned down to kiss him softly, pulling back slightly, goofy grin replacing your surprise.
“I’m in love with you too dork.”
Graduation ceremony had just finished. You were both still in your cap and gown, taking pictures with your families. He watched you fondly as you talked with his mom and sister, making him take a picture of the three of you, bright grins evident. He pulled you to the side after, kissing you gently, he was so happy you got along with his family, hopefully they’d be your family soon enough.
“I love you (Y/N).”
You smiled wide, eyes becoming a little glossy, and you hugged him tight, exhaling shakily. You pulled back just enough to look up at him, expression full of adoration, mirroring his.
“I love you too Tetsuro.”
You laughed when you heard coos from behind you, your families no doubt already taking pictures of the intimate moment.
You finished closing the restaurant after a busy Saturday, Osamu was leaning against the counter, watching you as you took inventory, planning on placing a supply order tomorrow. He watched as you scanned the rows, chewing your bottom lip in concentration. Your brow furrowed, pencil tapping your chin as you contemplated something. When you decided on an answer you nodded once to yourself, small smile playing on your lips.
You turned to continue onto the next section, glancing at him for a movement before looking at him fully when you catch him staring. You rose an eyebrow, one hand on your hip. “What’cha thinkin’ ‘bout ‘Samu?”
He hummed before pushing away from the counter, waltzing toward you. “Oh nothin’, just thinkin’ ‘bout how much I love ya.” You hummed in response, watching bemused as he approached, snaking his arms around your waist, pulling you closer. “Yeah? Enough to finish inventory?” He seemed to think for a moment, “Hmm, I don’ know ‘bout that…” You laughed and playfully shoved him, though it did little to move him. You lightly tapped the clipboard on his head,
“Well lucky for you, I love you enough.”
He pinched your bottom, chuckling when you yelped, moving to wrap his arms around you again, this time pulling your back to his chest as he read over your shoulder.
You were making dinner when he came home from practice, sizzling of the pan audible from the doorway. He called out a greeting, you turned down the music before you popped your head out of the kitchen. “Hey babe! It’ll be a little bit before I’m done, why don’t you go ahead and shower? Dinner should be done by the time you’re out.” Kiyoomi smiled and nodded, heading towards your shared bedroom.
He stood in the doorway to the kitchen, hair still slightly damp, as he watched you cook. You were in your own little world, humming along to the music, hips swaying slightly as you stirred the contents of the pot in front of you. You caught sight of him when you turned to grab seasoning, jumping slightly in surprise before smiling,
“Gosh you scared me Kiyo! One sec, lemme me wash my hands.” You moved the pot off the heat, moving to the sink to wash up as Kiyoomi walked towards you. You finished drying your hands by the time he reached you, his hands finding their place on your hips. You mumbled a greeting again before reaching up to kiss him softly, fingertips resting on the side of his jaw for balance. He pulled back and kissed your forehead before smiling softly.
“I love you.”
You smiled brightly, “I love you too! C’mon lets dish up, I’m pretty sure I didn’t burn the meat this time.” Kiyoomi snorted, grabbing plates down for the two of you.
The sunlight filtering in through the blinds slowly stirred you awake. You groaned, rubbing your face before stretching, yawn escaping your lips. You glanced at the clock on your nightstand, stiffening when you saw the time.
“ ‘ts Sunday, go back t’ sleep.” Kei yawned next to you, tugging you back into his chest, nuzzling into your hair. You relaxed, turning in his hold, rolling your eyes at his groan of protest. Droopy eyes and a pout greeted you when you turned to face him, you smiled and kissed his pout, snuggling into his chest. He huffed and resumed his position, arms tightening around your waist as your legs tangled together. He mumbled into your hair,
“ ‘m love you” you laughed softly, rubbing his back, Kei was always more needy in the morning. “I love you too baby.” He pinched your hip, and you laughed louder when he rolled the two of you to face to the other way, now facing away from the window. He grumbled and pulled the covers up more,
“If you really love me, you’ll stop bein' loud and g' back t’ sleep.” You muffled your giggle in his chest, kissing his shoulder in apology before shifting slightly to get more comfortable, letting his heartbeat lull you back to sleep.
You settled into the chair behind the counter, sipping your coffee as you flipped through a magazine. You heard cursing and loud footsteps stumbling down the stairs leading to your apartment and you smiled into your mug. Your eyes flickered up to your husband, taking in his disheveled appearance and pout before turning back to your magazine. You raised your head when you heard him come up behind you.
Longs fingers pinched your cheek before grasping your chin to tilt your head back. You smirked at the grumpy frown on his face as he leaned down to kiss you in greeting. He pulled away grumbling. “Damned woman, lucky I love you, always letting me sleep late.” You hummed in agreement and held up his lighter, which he swiped before kissing your forehead, tugging a lock of your hair and stealing a swig of your coffee before he left.
“Love you!” You called after him, laughing loudly as he flipped you off as he walked out of the store.
You waved when the screen loaded, your boyfriend’s sleepy form on the other side of the screen, on the other side of the world. “Hey baby, it’s pretty late, you going to bed?” Iwaizumi nodded, rubbing his eyes. “Wanted t’ talk though.” You smiled softly. Even though there was a 16 hour time difference between the two of you, Iwaizumi never failed to skype you at least once a day, talking about your days or planning for when he’d come home next. Usually you’d talk when he woke up, which was right before you went to bed, but he had an early practice and wanted to move it later.
He was in bed already, and he listened as you talked about your day, humming every so often in response. Though after a few minutes of nothing from the other end, you looked up from your book and smiled warmly. Light from his bedside lamp illuminated his sleeping face, and you could hear the quiet snores escaping his lips. He must’ve been pretty tired. You said his name gently a few times, a little louder to try and wake him. He blinked blearily, furrowing his eyebrows. “Hey, you should go to bed.” He made a noise of protest, shaking his head slightly. “ ‘m awake, keep telling me ‘bout your day.”
You rolled your eyes playfully at his stubbornness. “Haiji, you literally were asleep a few minutes ago. As much as I’d love to watch you sleep, I bet your phone isn’t plugged in, and you should turn off your lamp.” He grumbled but complied, the phone shaking slightly as he fumbled to plug it in, before unplugging the lamp.
“Ok, ‘m gonna go t’ bed. I miss you baby. I’ll call in the mornin’. Love you.” You blinked away the tears forming in your eyes and nodded. “Alright, I’ll talk to you in a few hours, sleep well, I miss you too, love you so much Haji.” You ended the call, taking a deep breath, exhaling shakily. It was hard, living thousands of miles from your boyfriend, but it was worth it, he was worth any distance. You set an alarm for later tonight, grabbing an energy drink from the fridge to return to your studies.
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gingerthesimp · 4 years
Heartless monster
Nate Jacobs x Reader
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Warnings: kinda toxic relationship, slight cursing, mention of rape, drug use, violence and some smut at the end
Summary: Nate and y/n have been dating for a few months. She´s the complete opposite of every other girl her boyfriend has dated before. And when she wants to make it public he doesn’t approve, so she decides to make him jealous. Seems like her plan worked...  
Nate <3: im a mckays right now. i will pick u up a bit later.
“Fucking idiot!”, I muttered under my breath after taking a hit from my mango flavored puff bar. A million thoughts coursed through my head, “Is he really at McKay’s? What does later mean? IS HE TALKING TO OTHER GIRLS?” This is the real me. Insecure, nervous and possessive. I’m not the cocky bitch everyone sees in me.
 I tried to call Nate a few times but of course he had other things to do. After lying on my bed and waiting for him to call for another 20 minutes I decided to get up and go to Fez’ shop since he is one of my best friends. I was sure at least he would be happy to see me. 
 “Mom? I’m meeting a friend of mine. See you later.”, I shouted after putting on my shoes. My mother was currently in a little midlife crisis and didn’t want to communicate with anyone and I respect that. 
 The walk to Fezco’s shop didn’t take long and I honestly really enjoy walking in the dark, even if I was risking getting raped or even worse. 
 “y/n! What are you doing here?”, Fez exclaimed after I opened the door to the little gas station and before coming up to hug me. “Oh you know Fezzie, I was bored again.”
 Fezzie. He absolutely despises that name but still lets me call him like that. 
”Well, feel free to stay here if you want then.“, he invited me. We then shared a little blunt and talked about random shit like always. After what seemed like an hour or so we saw a white truck pulling up in the driveway.
 “Wait....that’s Nate‘s car!“, I remembered. He picks me up sometimes with it so of course I would remember. But I didn’t say anything.
Instead one of the maybe dumbest but also greatest ideas came into my mind. I started kissing Fez on the neck. "Please, just make out with me. I know it`s weird but I need your help right now.“, I pleaded. The ginger haired boy looked like he wanted to say something but then decided to just play along. Fezco put his arms around my waist and started shoving his tongue inside my mouth. 
Suddenly I heard the door open. “Y/N WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!” , Nate Jacobs shouted while looking likes he’s about to explode. His jaw clenched and his fists balled. Me and Fezco stopped kissing and I turned to Nate, smiling innocently, “Why are you so furious? It’s not like I have a boyfriend or anything, right?” “Oh y/n, you are going to regret this very soon!”, he stated angry. And now Fez decided to speak up, “Calm down man, it’s not like she owes you anything.” “Don’t tell me what to do! Nobody asked for your opinion anyways.”, Nate exclaimed before punching my friend right in the face.
 I decided to step in before it could get worse, “NATE STOP! IT WAS MY FAULT! HE DIDNT DO ANYTHING!” Nate chuckled a bit before answering: “Well sweetheart, looks like you should`ve thought about that before practically fucking him in front of me.” Now I got really mad. FUCK HIM? We weren`t even close to doing that. Just as he wanted to hit Fezco another time I grabbed his arm. “Please stop hurting him. Do it for me, if you really love me.” Seems like my words made him realize he’s doing a mistake so he left Fez alone. Instead Nate grabbed my wrist harshly and I could only shout a quick, “I’m so sorry, I will explain later” to Fezco before getting dragged out of the shop.
 “Why did you make such a scene?”, I asked irritated. Nate just huffed clearly annoyed and didn’t speak to me until we reached his truck. “Get in.“, he ordered while opening the door for me.
 After a while he finally spoke up, “Why?“. “I don’t want to hide anymore, Nate. Why can’t you just tell the truth? Tell everyone that we´re in love?” I asked on the verge of tears and looking at my boyfriend for the first time today. “I do love you, y/n. I really love you. But I just can`t. We’re very different, you’re not like the other girls I’ve dated before.” “You can`t? Or are you just a fucking pussy? Scared of what daddy´s gonna think of you when it turns out you´re dating an outcast? Fuck you, Nate. I don`t need you anymore. You´re a stupid little spoiled boy who knows nothing about life.”, I screamed and when I tried to slap him he pinned my arms above my head with one hand and started choking me with his other one. “If I was you I would be careful with my words. I invented you. Nobody knew your name before me, so don´t be a ungrateful whore.”, my boyfriend whispered in my ear and just as I couldn´t breathe anymore he pulled his hands away.
 I pushed the passenger door open and exited the vehicle. “You´re a heartless monster, Jacobs!”, I cried with tears streaming down my face.
Then I ran home. 
-time skip 30 minutes-
I was scrolling through Twitter when I suddenly got a facetime call from Kat. I´m pretty close with her but she doesn´t know I´m dating Nate. 
When I accepted it I saw that she was filming my boyfriend, they were at McKay´s party and he was standing in the middle of the livingroom, talking about me. “I wanted to tell you all that me and y/n are dating.”, he shouted and clearly everyone in the room was as shocked as me when I heard what he said. “And we´re truly in love. y/n is an amazing girl and none of us actually deserve her. So if you can´t accept the fact that we are happy together you better shut up!, and with that Nate exited the room. 
Kat flipped the camera and looked more then surprised, “What the actual frick y/n? When did you plan on telling me that?”
I explained everything to her as fast as I could and then got up and ran to McKay´s house.
I felt the need to apologize to Nate for everything I did tonight. I was a real cunt.
-time skip 3 minutes-
When I got there I just saw him getting into his truck, “Nate wait!” He turned around and looked at me surprised, but I could see the little smirk that formed in the corner of his mouth. 
When I got to him I kissed my lover hard on the lips and he kissed me back. It was a long, passionate kiss. “I´ve been waiting to do that the whole day.”, he admitted and we got in his car. 
On the way to my house Nate put his hand on my thigh as always. But suddenly I felt it moving closer and closer to my clothed core and a moan escaped my lips. “You like that?”, he asked, giving me a playful wink. I could only nod when he put his large hand under my miniskirt and pulled down my red lace panties. 
When he stuck one of his calloused fingers in my tight hole and started rubbing my clit with the other ones I reached for Nate´s soft brown hair and gripped it as hard as I could. He quickly parked on the nearest free space and let`s just say it was a very long night.
omg guys! that`s the first fanfic i`ve ever written. i know it´s not the best but i still hope you enjoyed reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it! anyways, feel free to send me requests on what i should write next. :)
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wearebothdrunk · 3 years
“You will always be an exception to my rule”
Pairing: Bucky x fem!reader
Word counting: 1787
Warnings: fluff; some fight scenes. 
summary: You go on a mission with Zemo, Sam, and Bucky to Madripoor, but things don´t go as the plan. 
A/N: I tried to rewrite Madripoor´s mission but with Bucky´s girlfriend (you) on it. Hope you liked it!!! Requests are open.
*gif not mine*
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You and Bucky have been dating for four months. You and he met at one of your training sessions at the Avengers building. You were part of S.H.I.E.L.D., but you liked to break the rules too much, so most of your missions were to help Sam. You two were very close, so when you and Bucky started dating, Sam would tease you both and get very protective of you. "Y/N, Bucky has made a lot of enemies in his life, please be careful!" he would tell you.
Sam trusted Bucky, but he didn't trust his enemies.
You never gave much thought to that. You knew it wasn't his fault and that you could defend yourself.
With everything that was going on with the super soldiers, Bucky had to go on a mission to Madripoor with Zemo and Sam.
" I have to go to Madripoor tomorrow, babe" Bucky said putting your hair behind your ear.
"Okay. What time do we leave?" you said
"oh, you are not going is to dang-" you interrupted him
You gave him the look that clearly said don´t even try.
"6 AM," he said mumbling
" Okay, I'm gonna pack," you said, kissing him on the cheek.
* next day *
The four of you got out of the car, and when you looked up all you saw was a private jet right in front of you.
"Is this yours?" sam asked Zemo
"yes, now get in," Zemo said
you were still staring at the plane and smiling. You saw Bucky's eyes looking at you out of the corner of your eye. You looked at him and he smiled.
"Those sunglasses make you so hot babe," you said.  He smiled, looking down blushing, and kissed your hand.
You got on the plane. You sat in front of Bucky, Zemo in the other seat, and Sam behind you.
Zemo was explaining the details of the mission to you three. It wasn´t complicated, it was in and out, straight and fast. The only problem was being able to pretend to be someone else you never met, but you were trained for all kinds of problems, so you stayed positive.
"And you Bucky, you're going to have to bring back the person that you swear is no longer a part of you," Zemo said.
You looked confused at Zemo and then at Sam and then at Bucky. They were both silents as if accepting.
" No way! No fucking way you're going to put Bucky to do that-" you were interrupted by Bucky's comforting hand on your knees.
"It's okay," Bucky said, looking into your eyes to comfort you. You knew that he wasn't comfortable with the situation but you also knew that there wasn't much you could do. You clasped both your hands over his and he gave you a small smile. You looked at Zemo in a way that made him realize that you weren´t happy with the situation.
After three hours you finally arrived in Madripoor. Sam was the first to leave the plane, and right behind him were you and Bucky. Zemo was the last to leave the plane because he was saying goodbye to the butler.
"Shit, I forgot something! Go ahead, It'll be a minute" you said, getting back on the plane. You were alone with Zemo. You looked out the window of the plane and saw that Bucky was already inside the car with Sam.
When Zemo was going to the exit door you put your arm in front of him, blocking the exit. He looked at you confused. "Can I pass?" he asked you sarcastically. "If you do anything bad to Bucky or if you're in on one of your crazy schemes, I swear to God I will kill you the second I see you," you said, looking him right in the eye. He swallowed. "Don't worry, I won't stand in your way. Now can I leave?" you raised your arm and letting him pass.
The four of you were on your way to your destination. Meanwhile, you were already dressed for the mission and ready.
You entered through the bar. You and Bucky had to be strictly professional on this mission, there was no margin for error. The two of you could not let people realize that he was not the Winter Soldier. When you were passing the bar´s door, you felt a soft touch on the back of your hand, it was Bucky. It was killing you not to be able to look at him and tell him that everything was going to be fine and that he was safe.
After a few minutes, Zemo gave the signal for Bucky to attack. It was painful to watch. Fortunately, you were able to control yourself. When he was done, he looked at you making you feel calmer.
You went up some stairs towards a room that had a woman and 4 men. You looked around for exits in case things went wrong, but there were none. You then started to plan all the possible scenarios in your head when you were interrupted by the woman.
"A woman? In your super squad, Zemo? " she said.
"Don't worry, I'm not gonna kick your ass" you said
As you said this, two of the security guards started walking towards you, and then you heard Bucky taking a wrong step, the whole room heard. You kept looking directly into Shelby's eyes. She made a little movement with her hands to make the security guards standstill. 
She looked at Bucky and Zemo.
He fucked up the mission.
Shelby looked at Bucky rather suspiciously.
" Let's see what we have here," she said looking at Zemo and approaching Bucky. " A soldier trained by HYDRA to kill his enemies and who is controlled by a few simple words." she continued, grabbing Bucky's chin as if he weren´t a human. You felt your blood running throw your veins. She had zero right to do that.  " And to make it better, he has a metal arm.". She began to touch Bucky's metal arm. He didn't even blink. You felt your anger rising at seeing Bucky being treated like that, you just wanted to put a bullet in her head. Your fist began to close in order to control your anger. " If our deal still stands, I'm going to have to check my offer. I don't want some soldier trained for war, as you can guess, I'll have to check that this is indeed the winter soldier.". she continued.
Zemo seemed motionless and you and Sam were quite confused. You looked at Sam make him a sign that you used on your missions together. If this goes to shit, we have to step in.
She moved closer to Bucky whispering to him "kill her". Bucky looked at her but never out of character. You looked at Sam giving him the final sign. Bucky approached you, looking you straight in the eye and completely emotionless. Is this how he felt when he was the Winter Soldier? 
You looked at him a little scared, but you knew that he wouldn't hurt you. As he came closer to you the more your heart raced. 
Sam looked at the two of you so that he knew when his cue was. Bucky slowly took out his knife that was stuck in his belt. You looked at what he was doing and realized that you would have to protect him from the two security guards behind you. When he finally took the knife out of his belt, you turned around and punched the two men behind you. Sam did the same to the other two, and Bucky threw the knife towards Shelby who already had a gun in her hand. You and Sam had already taken care of the security guards.
" Let's get the fuck out of here," Sam said.
You went out to the back door because it wouldn't be long before some of the other security guards saw what was going on. As soon as you left the building you got into the car that Zemo had arranged for you to escape.
"Great plan," Zemo said ironically
" What did you want me to do?! kill her!? " Bucky said angrily
"Anything but kill Shelby!" Zemo said.
" Consider yourself lucky we didn't leave you thereafter what you put Bucky through. So shut up because we just saved your life" you said.
Zemo shut up.
You were sitting next to Bucky in the back seat. You put your hand on Bucky's thigh. "Are you okay?" you asked in a low voice. He looked at you and gave you a small smile. " Yes, don't worry.". You smiled at him and intertwined your fingers in his, leaning your head on his shoulder as he kissed you on the forehead. You spent the whole trip like that.
When you finally arrived at the hotel, the two of you went straight to the room where you were going to stay. You were super tired.
"I'm going to put on my pajamas and brush my teeth babe," you said to him
You then went to the bathroom leaving the door almost closed. When you came out you saw Bucky standing on the end of your bed with his hands clutching his head.
"Hey, Bucky, what's wrong?" you said worriedly.
"Nothing babe," he said not lifting his head.
you lowered yourself to his level. " I know you had promised yourself that you wouldn't be the winter soldier anymore. I'm sorry, maybe we should have done things differently and..."
"I don't regret saving you. I would never hurt you, not even for a mission. You will always be an exception to my rule," he said, raising his head and looking sincerely into your eyes.
You continued to look at him. You didn't know what to say. You never thought Bucky would be so sincere with you. You kept looking at him. "I love you, Buck," you finally said. It was the only thing that felt right at that moment. You just wanted him to know how much he meant to you.
"I love you too Y/N," he said.
He leaned over so that he could kiss you. You smiled.
"Shall we go to sleep?" he said
" yes, please!" you said.
You both got up. You leaned your head on his chest and hugged his waist. He pulled you into his arms and the two of you fell asleep. It felt like there was no one else in the world but the two of you.
like if you liked the story. 
if you want to repost my story, please send me message first!
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miraeluc · 4 years
he comforts you
prompt: “it was 2am, he was spending his time building his minecraft world - that is until you showed up at his doorstep crying”
pairing: kozume kenma x reader
word count: 983
warnings: tw! depression, reader explains how they feel and it’s not nice, mommy issues, self harm in the form of disordered eating
genre: angst, fluff
NOTE: its a bit short because this drabble is just me dumping all of my emotions out, it’ll get kind of dark, so sorry in advance. also this is based on my situation, but if you feel the same, please feel free to message me. not proof-read
it was 2am.
you were walking to your boyfriend’s house, tears streaming down your face after yet another argument with your mother
this time it was because you never sleep during the night, opting to sleep during the day instead
if only she knew she was the reason you slept the days away.
kenma knew of your mental health
he knew how hard days could get for you and he always tried to be there as much as he could, showing his support in every possible way if it meant it made you feel better. but sometimes, you couldn’t help and shut him out.
he could never break your shell when you got that way, isolating yourself in your own room, not showing any signs of life at all, and it pained him, truly, but all he could do was wait it out until you came to him again.
he still supported you - of course. he texted you every day, reminding you to eat meals, reminding you to brush your teeth and drink water.
sometimes he even stopped by your house to make sure you were still alive - your mother usually being the one to open the door, claiming that “they’re only in bed, no chance of getting to her. being lazy - as usual.”
it irked him to no end.
you weren’t lazy. you were struggling and she was one reason for it.
she was the reason yet she had the guts to talk bad about you.
he usually just dropped off something he wanted to give you, your mother bursting into your room and giving you whatever he brought, but not leaving without starting another argument.
other days, he would (politely) shove past your mother, walking to your room and just laying with you,
no words needed to be exchanged - he already knew. 
but lately, nothing seemed to be stopping you from closing yourself off.
it came to a point where he was truly worried for your health, fearing you didn’t take care of your body as he wished you would
so when he heard the doorbell ring at 2am, he was surprised, but he immediately knew it was you
when he opened the door, only to reveal you, who had been obviously crying a lot, judging by the red and puffy eyes, his gaze softened and he immediately pulled you inside the warmth of his home, away from the dangers the outside world held.
 you immediately broke down crying when he pulled you into a warm hug
“-kenma, what do i do?...” you cried out
he sighed softly, patting the top of your head gently 
“tell me what’s on your mind, angel? only then can i try to help.” he spoke softly, guiding you towards his room, pulling you down on the bed when you arrived, once again wrapping his arms around you 
“i just.. i feel so h-hopeless? lately, i have no motivation to get out of bed because my mother strikes up a fight every time she sees me- all i want to do is sleep.. i’m awake at night, wondering where i went wrong and why i don’t deserve a loving mother too, i sleep during the day only for my mom to wake me up at 6pm to yell at me about how lazy i am-” you stopped, a sob ripping through your lungs
kenma raked his fingers through your hair, letting you know he was listening, giving you the space to speak when ready
“a-and school work’s been piling up.. i think i’m failing most of my classes, but i’m scared to check.. i do-n’t remember the last time i checked my assignments.. all i do is cry all day, i don-’t even eat anymore, i just can’t get up to eat..”
he sighed softly, hand reaching to wipe at your tears 
“y/n, i need you to listen to me carefully. i know how hard it is - and i promise you deserve a loving mother too, it breaks my heart to see you suffer because of her.. but you can’t listen to what she says. as hard as it sounds, you’re not required to keep anyone in your life, even if it’s your mother. you’re allowed to cut her off - of course, it’s a bit hard right now, considering you still live with her, but until then, i’ll need you to stay strong for me and not let yourself get teared down by her harsh words and actions, ok? you’re so much more worth than what she makes you think. as hard as it is, i’ll be here with you, supporting you through whatever stones life throws at you. you will not feel like this forever, pain is temporary, as for your school work.. i can try and help you get back on track, but grades do not define your self-worth so don’t feel like you failed, you need to prioritise your mental health over your grades. i will be here to help you get back up on your feet and i’m happy to be, i’ll teach you how to love yourself, and it’ll be a long way, but you can do it, alright? i’ll forever be here, y/n, i love you.”
he then pulled you up to him, tugging you in a gentle kiss full of love
after he pulled away, he stood up, leaving the room, only to return with a glass of water and some snacks, smiling at you
you sniffled, also smiling
“thank you so much, kenma. i love you”
he shook his head, laying down beside you again 
“think you can stay over for a few days?”
you smiled softly, shrugging “probably, just need to get my stuff.”
just like that, kenma brought back the light that was slowly diminishing in your life, and for the first time in a long time you felt hopeful.
requests: open
read rules before requesting.
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hoe-kkotsu · 4 years
No Promises Inumaki x Reader
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Premise: Reader goes out of their way to get Inumaki to speak by annoying him to the ends of the earth
Genre: Smut, Kinda fluffy end
Word Count: 6k oops
Warnings: none
a/n: smut is about halfway through if you wanna skip, also feel free to notify me if you notice any issues !!
“Get fucked” was the first thing you ever heard him say. At least the first normal thing you heard him say. The silence that fell through the room as everyone stared in disbelief was terrifying. Inumaki’s scowl perfectly juxtaposed your own expression, sweet with victory.
“Does that count as a curse?”
Since your family was involved with the school you had grown up near it and were well acquainted with both students and staff. A blonde boy caught your eye during his second year, barely any older than you but you were too scared to introduce yourself anyway. It was his third year when you were finally forced into interacting with him and you quickly became confused by the way he spoke. “Cat got your tongue?” you asked. 
“Oh my bad, tuna got your tongue then?” he didn’t respond. You knew him to be a nice guy from your interactions with his schoolmates but they failed to mention his speaking quirk. 
You learned from your dear friend Maki that his name was Inumaki and that was just the way he spoke, “Don’t let it bother you,” she advised, “you’ll get used to it, he’s a nice kid.” You tried, but the more you were faced with him in the next months the more it bothered you.
While you were hanging around Maki’s room late one night he somehow came up in the conversation “He has his reasons why does it still bother you?” Maki asked from her bed while you sat facing her on her floor
“Everyone says he used to speak! I just wanna hear him say something normal” you whined. 
“What do you like him or something?” maki sarcastically snickered. It wasn’t the first time she suggested it. You stood up.
“Absolutely not! It just feels like some sort of game I have to beat,” you knew how awkward you sounded but still you defended yourself.
“I know, I know calm down” she laughed.
You decide it’s best to change the subject, “Whatever. It’s getting cold can you turn the heat on?” Even in the cold season, you’d still wear a tank top and shorts to sleep, you weren’t going to change that just because you were sleeping at Maki’s for the night.
“Nah the AC is broken, go borrow some pajamas from Megumi or something” Your friendship with Maki led you to being well acquainted with Fushiguro so even though you preferred not to bother him you felt comfortable enough asking him this favor. 
You left Maki’s room and tip-toed down the corridor so as not to wake anyone, but as fate would have it you encountered Sir Riceball himself, donning nothing but grey sweatpants and towel-drying his hair. This was the first time you’d ever seen him without that ridiculous uniform collar covering half his face, and most certainly the first time you’d seen this much skin from him. The blood ran straight to your face and in your surprise you tripped and fell to the floor, quickly alerting him to your presence. 
He helped you up without a second thought.
“Thanks” was all you could manage to say while avoiding his eyes.
“Shake shake” he responded. You could feel his eyes scan you and it felt like you were ten times more exposed than you were already. He let go of your hand and motioned to a clock with an inquisitive look on his face.
You tried to guess what he was asking, “What time is it?” he shook his head no and pointed to you then to the window revealing the night sky. “Why am I here so late?” you continued your attempt to decipher what he was trying to say and luckily he nodded to signal you were correct. “I was helping Maki with something and it got pretty late so I figured I’d crash on her floor tonight,” he tilted his head, “Oh! I got cold and her heats busted so I was gonna go ask Fushiguro to lend me some pajamas!” he cracked a small smile, of course you were cold dressed like that, it’s freezing out. But for some reason, your answer bothered him. He didn’t want Megumi to see you like that- the way the shorts hugged your hips and the cold breeze caused your nipples to peek through the tank top- yeah that wasn’t gonna happen.
He muttered something about bonito flakes and grabbed your hand to pull you towards his room. His actions surprised you but you had no reason not to trust him so you complied. In his room he fished out some fuzzy pants and a big t-shirt and tossed them to you, “Wait can I borrow these?” you asked and he rolled his eyes. Why would he have thrown them to you if not for you to borrow? 
“Shake shake,” he nodded and you smiled at him causing him to blush ever so slightly. He turned his head before you could notice. What he did not expect you to do was to turn around and start changing in front of him. Just the sight of your bare back caused him to strain in his sweatpants. The shirt was big enough that it covered your ass when you pulled your shorts off, he wasn’t sure if he should thank god or curse him for blocking the view. 
Once you were dressed you turned around to thank him again. You hugged his side without thinking and offered your thanks. He looked surprised but only momentarily. He looked like he was about to say something before offering just another “Shake shake” and you frowned.
“Just one word? Cant, you just say one word to me?” your tone bordered on begging but he shook his head and you sighed. “Whatever man, goodnight I guess.” left his room to head back to Maki’s.
He would be upset at the way you left if he wasn’t preoccupied with the thought of you in such little clothes, the way your midriff peaked out, and the way your chest perked in the cold. Not to mention the sight of your thighs could cure diseases and the curve of your back changing into his shirt drove him mad. The thing that truly set him off though was how your chest pressed against him while you quickly hugged him. His hand was in his pants less than a minute after you shut the door. He thanked the universe that you had not made it to Megumi, he got angry just thinking about his friend seeing you like that instead of him. Why did that have to bother him so much?
You pointedly avoided him whenever you were at the school for the next three or so months. After you made Maki return his clothes for you he knew something was up but he never got the chance to talk to you about it, after all, it’s not like he would even really talk. Were you that mad about him not speaking normally to you? 
No, you were embarrassed, you couldn’t look at him without seeing the barely dressed version of himself from that night and you were not willing to risk going red in the face just by being near him. Not a chance. 
It felt like years before you were comfortable being close to him again but considering the frequency at which you were around the school, it’s not like you could avoid him forever. You would only ever dare be near him in a group setting though.
One night after a particularly calm week you, Maki, and some school mates were hanging around in Yuuji’s room. The atmosphere had been tense ever since Inumaki showed up but eventually lightened up. Though, when he responded to one of Yuuji’s jokes with a simple “Salmon Roe” you got ticked off. 
“Dude just fuckin talk for once,” you snapped, and the tension was once again as thick as could be. No one ever asked but people noticed the way you were suddenly avoidant of Inumaki and they were all too curious to see the culmination of it. 
Inumaki rolled his eyes and offered no response which only served to irk you more.
“You’re gonna fuckin talk. I don’t care what it takes I’m gonna make you somehow” you stared at him before scanning the room around you. You huffed, realizing you made it horrible awkward, and left the room without another word. 
It took two weeks for you to even dare show up at their school again. 
When you return it became Inumaki’s personal hell. You used any and every tactic to try to make him talk and spared him no mercy. He refused to budge though, dead set on winning this unofficial competition that you’re both locked in.
It went on like that for months, you got under his skin and he did everything in his power to keep his cool. Eventually, they were in their fourth year, which you constantly teased them for even having. How many schools in Japan have an extra year? Hilarious. 
You knew Inumaki was getting tired though, on top of his already ridiculously stressful life as a sorcerer he had to deal with you acting like a child constantly just because you wanted to hear him talk. It would’ve been easy to just give you a simple word and you’d be happy and leave him alone but he is far too stubborn and you were in far too deep. 
Tonight, somehow, his room is the center of gathering, and of course, as his luck would have it, Maki has you in tow. You know you’re being weird in this situation but he’s not doing any better, its been almost a year now since you’ve been in his room and you hope he doesn’t remember the circumstance. What you don’t know was that it is WAY worse for him than for you. He can’t even meet your eyes.
Ever since that encounter he’s thought about you nearly every night, the way the tiny clothes barely covered you. He thinks about taking you on every possible surface in that room and he thinks about laying with you afterwards and gazing into your eyes. He’s truly fucked. And now you're HERE? in HIS room? AGAIN? The universe definitely has it out for him.
Of course the torment never stops though, you pull trick after trick to see him crack and tonight is no different, you’re on your A-game. 
“Dude you know she’d shut up if you just said one thing,” Yuuji voices what everyone is thinking.
“Nah he secretly likes getting all of (Y/N)‘s attention” Maki adds.
He stands up immediately to defend himself, mouth open as if to speak, he catches himself and mutters some regular old sushi crap and sits down while shaking his head but you still noticed the slight break. You have a positively brilliant idea. Instead of being hurt by how vehemently he denied liking you, you decide you can use it to your advantage. His disdain will be the mother of his downfall.
All eyes are on you as you make your way over to his bad and sit next to him, “C’mon man just admit it you’re obsessed with me.” Your presence makes him shift uncomfortably.
You lean up even closer, “If not me, then who? You’re a man, right? there’s gotta be someone you fancy.” He glares at you. Bingo. Though the thought of him having feelings for someone else hurts, it isn’t important right now.
“Oh? Right on the nose?” you put your weight on his shoulder “Is it Maki? Though you can’t have her I saw her first.” The giggles that fill the room are a stark contrast to the animosity in the way he looks at you.
“Or is it Kugisaki hmm? Didn’t know you had a thing for younger girls, Inumaki.”
“Or maybe our dear silent prince has a secret girlfriend outside of school?” you sure hope not.
“Get fucked” he says lowly. 
shit. shit shit shit shit shit.  wait.
Your face lights up. You actually did it. You won. 
“Does that count as a curse?” you chuckle while your friends stare in disbelief. Your victory is short-lived as Maki stands up to announce that she’s leaving before things go even more sour and everyone else files out behind her. You attempt to weasel out with them but when you’re halfway out the door he pulls you back in the room and locks the door.
“You and I need to talk” he crosses his arms.
You can’t help but roll your eyes, “wow so after how many years we’re finally on speaking terms?” 
“What the hell is your problem?” his agitation is unsettling but your defiance is unwavering.
“Hey, everyone said you were nice when you used to talk whatever happened to that.” It dawns on you that you fucked up. You really fucked up.
“I don’t exactly have a desire to be nice to you right now” he unzips the jacket covering his face and for a moment your eyes are stuck taking in his all-too-often covered beauty. He points to the bed to tell you to go sit down but your head. “Fine. Be that way. Go sit” and you find yourself obeying his command because of his cursed speech. You realize should’ve thought that one through.
Once seated on the bed you peer up at him, “great I’m here now what?” 
“Now what? Now you’re gonna tell me where you get off on being a giant thorn in my side every minute of every day.” 
“I just wanted to hear-“ 
“No. This is about more than the speaking issue now. Why the hell do you feel the need to tease me about crushes when you already know how I feel about you.”  you are absolutely dumbfounded.
“What do you mean ‘How you feel about me’?” you quickly ask.
“Don’t play dumb I know you avoided me after that night because you knew I liked you” He feels like a child, arguing over something like a crush.
“I was avoiding you because-“ you don’t finish your sentence and instead wonder how you ended like this. Are you stupid or is he? Maybe both of you are just fart too oblivious.
“Because? C’mon spit it out” 
You don’t have a choice but to speak because of his cursed speech, “I was avoiding you because all I could think about was kissing you whenever I saw you and I didn’t want to embarrass myself” you choke out against your will. Inumaki pauses in shock and then smirks to himself. The situation is finally turning to favor him. 
“Oh? and how did you go from wanting to kiss me to wanting to make my life hell?” he peers down at you and walks closer to your spot on the edge of his bed.
You avoid his gaze and retreat farther into his bed. “The two aren’t mutually exclusive...” you trail off. He is loving this.
“I’m sorry what was that?” he leans over you and puts his hand to his ear. 
“Oh fuck off already” you whine and then he immediately has you pinned to the bed. 
“Babe, I think you forgot I get to give the commands here.” Why did he have to be so hot? You wriggle under him, struggling pointlessly against his grip, and finally meet his eyes. You instinctively tighten your thighs together and your face grows hot when you realized his proximity.  Your actions don’t go unnoticed.
“Say, (Y/N), do you remember the last time you were in my room?” you nod and swallow, remembering the way he looked with his hair wet and barely anything covering him. “Good, good,” he continues, “so you remember the skimpy little excuse of an outfit you were trouncing around in,” he leans closer and you can feel his breath as he speaks “or how you tore it off without a thought even though I was right there.” His gaze instills both fear and lust and each feeling intensifies as he removes one of his hands from its position holding you down and places it under your shirt to touch your side. 
The cold touch of his hand makes you shiver and he heavily considers stopping before he understands the extent to which you’re enjoying this. The realization makes him strain against his pants. “Did you think you would be safe because it was in front of me? Do you not take me seriously, (Y/N)?” He licks a stripe up your neck causing you to shudder and he proceeds to mock you with your earlier quip “I am a man you know” he trails his hand down ever so slightly and laughs when you whimper. 
“Why are you doing this?” your desire for the man on top of you is almost too much to bear, every word of his goes right to your and every touch sets your skin ablaze. The slick between your legs is already becoming a bother and he has barely put a hand on you. You’re aching for him to touch you.
“Well you have been making my life hell for a long damn time now I think it’s only fair that I get to teach you a lesson” his voice is as soft as usual and smooth as butter. You swallow thickly as he lowers his hand again until he reaches your hip bone, messing up your shorts a bit. 
“You said you thought about kissing me, right?”, you shift in his grasp again, embarrassed by your admission, but he goes on, “you wanna know what I’ve been thinking about?” you stare up at him inquisitively, silently begging an answer. He smiles and whispers “I’ve been thinking about fucking you on every surface in this room” The whine you let out is nothing short of embarrassing.
“Would you like that, (Y/N)?” he stares down at you. You know what he’s really asking and the weight of your response, and despite how much you want this, your self-consciousness forces you to avert your eyes and keep silent. “Ah? answer me.” 
You fall victim to his cursed speech again and quickly answer a soft, “yes.” He has you now. You hide your face in sheer embarrassment as he cockily smiles down at you.
“That’s what I thought. But somebody decided to be an insufferable bother instead of being a good girl and asking nicely for what she wanted. It’s a shame isn’t it?” he sighs.
You try to defend yourself, “I asked you to speak!” his hand squeezes your hip before rising up to grip your chin.
“We both know that’s not what I was talking about.”
He nips at your neck, “the only person you can blame for this predicament is yourself” when he reaches the juncture between your neck and shoulder he bites down hard causing you to gasp.
“I think I liked you better when you spoke in fish talk” It’s an obvious lie.
“Awe but princess whose fault is it that I had to break that.” He isn’t wrong and that makes it so much worse. He switches up and starts bombarding the other side of your neck. The hand holding your chin is left to explore your body, while the other hand is still holding yours down above you. It isn’t enough though, you need more of him.
 “Inu-“ you try to beg but he cuts you off.
“Toge” Your heart would jump at him wanting you to call him by his first name if you weren’t going crazy under him.
“Toge, please” 
“Please what?”
“Please hurry!” he snickers at your desperation. Bastard. 
“I think I’ll pass, doesn’t seem like you’ve learned your lesson.” He punctuates the sentence with a bite by your collarbone. You hate yourself for being turned on by this. 
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry and I promise it won’t happen again! Please!”
“God, fine,” he relents and moves his hand from your arms down to support himself but you didn’t dare move them even now that they’re free. ‘Cute’ Toge thinks to himself. Once he’s propped up he moves his other hand finally down below your shorts to your underwear, first feeling the wet spot on the outside and then moving them aside to dip two fingers into your heat. “You're soaked,” he says quietly, more to himself than to you.
“Shut up asshole, whose fault do you think it is?” you immediately regret your words.
He removes his hands and you whine at the loss, “Asshole? I wouldn’t complain when I’m giving you exactly what you asked for. Besides,” he moves from his position above you to the floor so he that he’s kneeling by your shorts, “I can be a lot more of an ‘asshole’ than this”. You finally move your arms down to support yourself so that you can see what he was doing and fall back down almost immediately as he sinks his teeth into your thigh. 
He’s an ass alright, he licks and nips and pokes and prods everywhere except where you need it for what feels like entire centuries.  You’re practically shaking with both frustration and anticipation. “This would be a lot easier if you didn’t move so fucking much” he hisses. 
“Well it would be a lot easier to stay still if you stopped teasing me and just fucked me already” he rolls his eyes at your response. You’re not getting what you want that easily. 
You jump when he leaves a particularly hard bite on your thigh. “Don’t move,” he commands and as his stupid ability would have it, you can’t move a muscle. You don’t miss the way he smiles to himself when he resumes his work tormenting you. 
When he at long last decides he’s done you inwardly jump for joy. Your celebration is short-lived though, “You're not off the hook yet,” he reminds you. 
“Can I at least move now?” you beg and he considers for a few seconds before speaking. 
“You can move now.” Thank god. If he didn’t release you who knows what might’ve happened. Probably not much since you couldn’t move but it definitely would’ve sucked. “Next time don’t make me use a curse to hold you still.” Next time? The thought of a next time fills you with both euphoria and anxiety. How would you deal with all of this again? Not to mention the main event hasn’t even begun yet. 
You’re stirred from your thoughts by him crawling up to finally meet your lips in a kiss. Generally, you kiss someone before you leave them a dripping mess but you’ll chastise him for that later. You’d prefer to savor this.
His lips are soft against yours and you’re pretty sure you can feel the cursed energy radiating off his mouth because of his ability. At first it’s soft and sweet, making you almost forget the nature of your situation, but it quickly grows aggressive with both of you wanting as much of the other as you could have. It’s messy and it’s grabby but it’s exactly what you need and you find yourself moaning into him. He pulls away to free himself of his jacket and t-shirt and you shamelessly ogle his toned torso. 
“Take a picture it’ll last you longer” he smirks at you from above.
“Not longer than this is taking Ill bet”
“Patience is a virtue, love, and this is still a punishment.” His words send shivers down your spine.
He crawls back on top of you. “You know, you’re always beautiful but seeing you desperate and panting is a special treat for the eyes.” you blush hard at his remark and try to squirm away before he holds you still. “Not so fast, princess, I thought you wanted this?” He runs his hand down your abdomen into your shorts and finally slips his fingers back into you. You mewl at the feeling and buck your hips unintentionally into his hand. 
It's practically bliss after all of the teasing he put you through. You lace your fingers in his hair and pull him in for another sloppy kiss while he finger fucks you. You’re in heaven. 
The boy knocks you out of your thoughts to whisper into your ear, “You know, babe, cursed aren’t the only thing my mouth is good for,” he slowly makes his way back down again between your legs. 
“Yeah I get it please don’t start back up with the teasing.”  You try to shut your legs in a strange attempt to deter him from resuming his earlier attack.
“Relax, I’m being nice, now arms up” he uses his power to command your arms back up above your head and finally pulls your shorts off of you. He pulls your underwear aside with his right hand and resumes his previous ministrations with his left, two fingers expertly stroking inside your most intimate area while you settle back into bliss. He smiles to himself and gently kisses your thigh before deciding to dive right into his next meal. You jump when you feel his tongue prod at your clit but you shudder with content when he finds his rhythm. Perhaps the gods actually are looking out for both of you.
He eats you like a five-star meal, savoring every moan and whimper that falls from your lips, he’s good and he knows it. You can’t even be sure if he’s doing this for you or for him. You’re so close and you desperately want him to finish you, “Toge, pleeeease” you moan and he quirks an eyebrow. Maybe it’s been a while but this certainly isn’t his first rodeo, he knows exactly what you're getting at. 
“What’s that? You wanna cum?” 
“God! Yes! Please!” you whine and he chuckles. Your orgasm is so close that you could reach out and grab it until he pulls his fingers out and you almost cry at the loss of contact. 
The shaman laughs at you, “Did you forget you were bad? If you want to redeem yourself you’re gonna have to cum on my cock.”  The way he speaks to you now is nothing like the normal Inumaki you know and the contrast would be frightening if it wasn’t so arousing. He stands up from his position kneeling in front of you and grabs your hips to pull you to the edge of the bed. “If I release you will you be good and stay there?” you nod furiously and he smiled, “you’re free” he whispers and you immediately use your arms to grab his neck and pull him in for another kiss.
Once he pulls away he grinds against you a few times. You lean into the contact. You’re so needy it feels like your skin is on fire and only his touches could put it out. He moves his hand to finally strip you of your underwear and discard it on the floor. 
You sit up to reach for his pants but he pushes you back into the mattress “What did I say?” you remember your promise not to move and stay down. He leans down to lock your lips in another deep kiss and runs his hands down your sides to reassure you. You’re sure he can feel your heart pounding. 
He pulls away so that he can reach and pull down his sweats and allow his erection to spring free. You’re surprised at the size he presents, considering how soft Toge’s presence generally is you wouldn’t have thought his dick would be so,,, imposing. But there you are practically salivating at it. He chuckles and you realize you’re staring. 
He pulls you even closer and spreads your legs, you quickly move to cover yourself but he stops you, “Awe c’mon baby, pretty girls shouldn’t hide.” he coos and leans over to kiss your forehead. 
He grabs himself and strokes against you to collect the slick still building between your thighs and you whine every time he passed over your swollen clit. It feels like you’re going to burst but you don’t want to disobey him and risk prolonging the torture so you keep as quiet as possible. 
When he decides he’s ready he puts his hands over your hips and slowly pushes in. He lets out a sultry groan that makes you clench. He lets his head hang back as he eases into his rhythm. You're sure you’ve never known such bliss. He fills every bit of you perfectly. His thrusts are steady and deliberate like everything else about him. He moves his hand just below your navel and grunts. When you look up to question him he takes your hand to rest it in the the same position and you’re shocked at what you find; he’s so big you can feel him from the outside. 
He could go on forever and you would be happy. It’s a perfect scene until his thrusts become frantic and then come to a halt. You whine and try to rock your hips into his but he holds you down.
“What’s wrong?” you ask him.
“Do you like me?” he quietly responds. 
“Do you like me?” 
“Are you serious?” 
“Do you want me to fuck you?” You nod your head aggressively to his question. “Then, Do you like me?” You’re surprised he’s asking you about your feelings right now like they aren’t obvious. It's especially evident that he was avoiding using his cursed speech to get you to respond. He wants you to say it of your own volition. He wants you to mean it. 
“like you mean it” 
“Yes. I like you! Since the first time I saw you walking the grounds. I like you a whole fucking lot,” you confess sincerely, “now please get back to fucking me!”
Like a new man, he bends down and kisses you before grabbing your hips up off his bed to pull you into him while he thrusts into you. It’s a slight difference but the new angle is twice as he’s and thrice as deep. Your moans grow loud but you can’t bring yourself to care anymore. 
You reach down to touch yourself but he quickly swats your hand away, “You can touch when I say so,” he huffs, “Only I get to touch you right now.”  
You plead with him, but your words came out in stutters because of his hard thrusts, “But..... wanna cum...... feels good.”
He tries to stifle a laugh at your desperation, “Baby, I don’t see what you’re not getting, you can cum when I say so.” You look up at him with pure need. “Do you think you deserve to cum?” you nod your head quite enthusiastically. He looks over you to take in your flushed face and the way your hair clings to the sweat on your neck, it's the most beautiful sight that has ever graced his eyes. “Are you sure?” he asks and you nodded again. He grins mischievously and leans towards your ear, “then cum.” 
He doesn’t even need to touch you for you to see stars. His cursed speech makes the knot in your stomach snap immediately. He continues pumping in and out of you while you writhe and spasm under him from the intensity of your orgasm. He adores the fact that it was him making you feel this way. He adores the way that tears prick your eyes from the overwhelming sensation. He adores the way you fumble for words. Mostly he adores you. Fuck. He’s close.
You find yourself already quickly approaching another high, “Toge-“ he cuts you off.
“Shh, gettin close,” he says, “Can you manage another one for me? Wanna come together.” you nod to him and he smiled, “Atta girl, where do you want it?” 
It’s a considerate question but you’re embarrassed to answer, you don’t want to keep him waiting though. 
“.. Inside.... please,” you say it so softly he barely hears it. Once he registers your words he groans at the thought of you wanting him to coat your insides. This is his dream come true. 
He gives everything he had in his last thrusts, fucking into you like his life depends on it. “Are you ready?” 
“Ah-   fuck-   yes,” you moan out, “please, Toge.” Were you trying to kill him?
With the way you say his name he knows he can’t hang on much longer. He takes a deep breath in and leans down to whisper in your ear, “cum for me.” His cursed words flowed through your body as you come undone around him. As soon as Toge feels you contract around him he grunts, his thrusts become sloppy as he finishes inside of you and the heat emanating from it only intensifies your orgasm. He kisses you again while you both calm down. This one is softer than any other so far, it’s loving and reverent. It suits the calm and quiet Inumaki you fell in love with. He pulls away for air, taking a few deep breaths before he pulls out of you with a sigh. He wipes his length with the shirt he discarded on the floor earlier, tucks himself into his underwear, and pulls his sweats back up to his hips.
“Oh my god, how am I supposed to walk to the showers without anyone seeing me?” you panic.
“You just have to ruin the moment don’t you?” he sighs while walking over to his dresser and fishing for something. He pulls out a towel and heads back over to a water bottle on his nightstand, he offers you a sip before dumping some of it on the towel to dampen it. He pats the part of the bed closest to him so you crawl over. He uses the soft towel to gently but thoroughly wipe you off before doing the same to himself. 
“I guess that works,” He doesn’t respond to you but instead walks back over to his drawers to grab a pair of underwear and a large t-shirt to throw in your direction. “I am not wearing your underwear,” you protest.
“I don’t think you want yours,” he responds and you look at your underwear on the floor, wet and wrinkly. He isn’t wrong.
You step into the underwear he offered you and throw off your sweaty shirt in favor of his clean one, “Thanks,” you mumble awkwardly, not sure how to tread after what just happened. 
The shaman grabs you and plopped back into his bed, holding you to his chest, “So you like me huh?” he says quietly and you turn red.
“I guess I might’ve said that” you avoid his gaze but he turns you around to look at him. 
He kisses you on the forehead, “You’re finally mine,” he said softly, not possessive loving.
“I don’t recall agree-” you try to add but he cuts you off.
“Would you say no?”
“Well no but-”
“Then don’t complain” he kisses your cheek and you sigh. He gets out of the bed to go look for something and comes back with his cell phone, “here.” He hands it to you to put your number in.
“I can’t help but feel like we’re doing things backwards,” you snort.
“I can’t keep talking, at least this way we can write.” You set your contact name and put a little heart at the end, which he smiles at, and send yourself a text. Upon hearing the ding on your cellphone you go into the messages save his contact. 
He hops back into the bed with you and holds you close to him. He kisses your forehead again and pulls back to send you a text.
FROM: Toge️ <3
does this mean you’ve learned your lesson? 
You giggle at the message and peck him on the lips. You type out your response and he rolls his eyes when he receives it.
TO: Toge️ <3
i make no promises 
He smiles and shakes his head as he turns off the lamp beside his bed and he pulls you in tight as you both drift off to sleep. 
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emf005 · 3 years
Like Me for Me Part II
Sirius x Reader
Warnings: Probably some language
Part 2 out of 3
You were sitting on the bed staring at the wall when your friends came in.
“Hey, Y/N.” Lily greeted.
“Guess who’s going with James Potter?” She frowned. “To be clear it's you.”
“You got a date?” Marleen asked happily, jumping onto your bed.
“With who with who with who?”
“Hallelujah! Thank Merlin!”
“Instead of thanking a dead guy, try thanking Remus.” You offered. “He convinced him into taking me, for some reason.”
“You still don’t want to go?” Lily asked and slid next to you on the bed. You shook your head.
“Nope. I tried to get out of it, but he was persistent.”
“Come on, Y/N! It's going to be so much fun! Now we can really have fun!”
“Come on, Y/N/N.” Lily said with a nudge. “At least attempt to have fun. For us?”
“He’ll probably go out and dance with the girls he actually wants to dance with so I’ll be free the whole time.” You smiled. They both frowned at you. You had no faith in any type of male. “Fine. I’ll try and have fun. Ok?” They nodded excitedly and bounced to get ready for bed. But you weren’t as sure as them. You never would be.
“So she said yes.” Remus clarified with a wide grin on his face.
“Sort of.”
James sat up with a confused look on his face. “What do you mean, ‘sort of’?”
“Well, she actually turned me down at first because she claimed I was only asking her because Mooney told me to.”
“Which is true,” James reminded him.
“Right. So she didn’t want to go. She actually wasn’t planning on going at all, for some reason. She’s going to be here, so why not just go?” He directed his question at Remus. And, though he knew the answer, he just shrugged. “She also said her and I were doing You two a favor.”
“Like what?”
“I’m guessing asking her out was the favor for Remus. But I’m not sure what her favor for you was.” James shrugged.
“Maybe she’s going to get Lily to go with me,” he had a dorky smile on his face as he laid back and stared at the top of his bed.
“Sorry, mate. But no one’s that persuasive.” James threw a pillow at Sirius and mumbled a shut up.
“Hey, just don’t go being… you to her. Alright?” Remus asked. Sirius raised a brow at his friend.
“And what do you mean by that?”
“I hate to say flakey but flakey. She already has self-esteem issues-”
“Wonder why,” one of the boys in their dorm scoffed. They glared at him.
“And trust issues,” he continued. “I just broke the surface, please don;t make her worse. I am begging you.”
“Why would you even suggest I ask her? We aren’t each other's type, first off. Second off-”
“No second offs. Just be nice to her. Ok?”
“Sirius. Promise me.”
“Ok, ok, I promise. Jeez. Protective much?”
“Very.” Remus answered, making Sirius a little worried and scared. He had seen Remus make that face only once before when someone had made a comment about Peter and always hoped he would never be on the receiving end of it.
A few days had gone by and you had sent a letter to your mum about picking out an appropriate (emphasis on appropriate) dress for you to wear. You had yet to receive a response. No doubt she was struggling to figure out how to send it. She had trouble even sending a letter. You were muggle born so she wasn’t exactly uccumbstened to anything magical.
“So the dance is tomorrow, what are you wearing?” YOu shrugged and set your goblet down.
“Don’t know. Mum hasn;t sent me anything y-”
Hoot hoot hoot.
You three looked up to see your owl, Diana, soaring into the room. With her was a large box which she dropped in front of you and then sat on your shoulder.
“Oh no.” Your friends pounced up and began to take the lid off. “Not here,” you hissed. You didn’t like the looks you were getting from the rest of your table. “Who knows what she could’ve put in here.” They nodded and picked up the box, which was much heavier than just a dress would be. What had she done this time?
“Oh my god,” Marleen gaped at the dress in the box. You had hid your face in your hands and Lily was making the same face as Marleen.
“Y/N, we haven;t even pulled it out yet and its-its-its-”
“Gorgeous! Merlin, Y/N! You are going to be stunning! Look at these shoes and these hairstyles suggestions. And the makeup and the jewellery.” She was practically salivating.
“Mar! Snap out of it!” You snapped your fingers in front of your friend's face. She shook herself out of it and wiped the drool from the corner of her mouth.
“Sorry! Sorry! But my goodness! Y/N!This is going to be beautiful on you!” You sighed and sat down on your bed looking at the mass of fabric in the box.
You finished Lily’s hair and looked at her through the mirror.
“What do you think?” She smiled brightly.
“I think you still haven’t even begun to get dressed!” She scolded, looking at your attire. Sweats and an old tight t-shirt.
“I told him eight. No earlier. Now go get dressed! James’ll be waiting.” She smiled giddily and bounced out of the room to put on her knee length red dress. Marleen leaned on the doorway and looked at you with disappointment as you started to clean up your station.
She had been the first one out of your friends that you had done so she was in charge of getting everyone in their dresses. Lily was your last one before you could finish getting dressed. You looked up.
“Nothing. But hurry up. I want to see you there no later than eight sharp. Got it?”
“No promises, Mar. Have a good time. I’ll see you in a bit.” She frowned but went out to help Lily finish putting her dress on. You pulled out your mother’s drawing of the make up she had suggested and the hairstyle you had chosen and set them up on the counter so you could get ready yourself.
Your dress was a simple, straight dress that hugged the top of your body to show off your figure/ The sleeves were lace and it left your back exposed, only with one strap along the top of your back. The front had an identical strap going across your collar bones and dipped a bit lower than you would have liked. Which meant that your mother had chosen a dress where the smallest bit of your chest was exposed, you would have prefered a turtle neck.
The color of your dress was a deep crimson color with gold sparkles sprinkled throughout, making it glimmer. Your shoes were the same style as the dress, and the jewelry was gold and crimson, like the dress. When your mother shopped she shopped hard.
Out of the thousands of hair styles she had sent you, you had opted for the most simple. Hair wavy with a braid around the back of your head with crimson flowers. Your makeup was simple with red and gold and light blush and sparkles. You were glad that your mother had sent easy make up. You really didn't like to put it on yourself but sometimes it was a necessity.
You glanced at the clock and saw that it was seven fifty nine when you had finally finished getting ready. You were going to be late, but only by a few minutes. You took off your shoes and bolted out of the dorm room, through the common room and out into the hallway. You jumped on the banister, like you always did, and slid down hoping off and bolting to the great hall stairs. You looked up at the clock on the wall.
A new record.
You dusted yourself off and put your shoes back on and fixed your hair before you turned down and stood at the top of the stairs. You saw Sirius leaning against the wall. He looked bored and you couldn’t blame him. You hadn;t even started going into the dance and you were bored. You were also nervous as hell, but that's besides the point.
You began down the stairs and the clicking of your heels made him look up.
“I’m going to go out,” Sirius said, looking up at the clock. It said seven fifty five. “She should be here in about five.”
“Ok. And please-”
“I know, I know. Relax, it's not even a date. Ok?”
“Alright.” Sirius left his friend. He spied Lily and James on the dance floor. Lily was smiling, looking like she was actually enjoying herself. That put a smile on Sirius’ face. He felt bad for his friend sometimes. James really had always loved Lily, he was just super immature and didn;t know how to act around her. But this past summer he had really grown up, some.
Sirius leaned against the wall and looked up at the stairs waiting for you to show up. He g;anced back at the clock, 7 fifty-nine.
Where were you?
Not like he cared too much. He just didn;t want to waste his time if you were going to be a no show.
The minutes ticked by and just kept ticking. He was about to go back in, deciding that you had decided not to come and left him dateless when he heard the click of heels. He looked up and his jaw dropped.
You were drop dead gorgeous. Your Y/H/C was over your shoulders a bit and the top of your dress hugged your body in the right ways and places. Your eyes popped and the way you had done your make up wasn’t overpowering, but just enough that certain features popped, there was definitely an element of natural beauty.
You quickly walked down the stairs to him and stood in front of him, awkwardly and nervously. You put your hands behind your back and sucked your lips into your mouth, a bad habit you had picked up.
“Uh… Hi. You look lovely,” he held out his arm and you took it with a giddy smile.
“Thanks, you clean up nicely yourself.”
The two of you entered and you looked around, giving a shy wave to Marleen who was hanging by the punch table with her date. She gave you a thumbs up and you replied with the middle finger, causing her to laugh and blow you a kiss, mockingly. You were so going to kill her later.
“Y/N!” You looked up to see you were in front of Remus and his date, Maria. You never really talked to her, but you knew she was a quiet ravenclaw in your grade.
“Remus!” You gave him a hug.
“You look beautiful. No surprise though.” You rolled your eyes.
“You look nice too. I love your dress, Maria.”
“Thank you,” she said quietly, looking at the floor. “You look very beautiful too.”
“Thank you.”
“Want to dance?” Remus asked his date. She nodded and drug him out onto the dance floor, leaving you and Siirus alone at the table.
You stood in an awkward silence for a few songs. You had never actually ever been to one of these dances so you weren’t sure how to act or what you were supposed to do. You were also waiting for Sirius to leave the table to go dance with someone he wanted to. But he surprised you by staying by your side.
Finally he broke the silence.
“So, do you want to dance?” You looked up from where you were fiddling with your dress.
“Uh, yeah!” He smiled and you two walked out onto the dance floor. You looked around at everyone to see what they were doing and how they were dancing and tried to mimic it but you had no idea what you were doing. You still felt really stiff and awkward.
“You have no idea what you're doing do you?” He asked half way through the third song. You laughed.
“That obvious?” He laughed and you two kept on dancing to the music till it ended and a slower song began to play. You glared at the band playing. You had no idea how to dance, let alone slow dance. Sirius was about to say something but you interrupted him.
“I’m thirsty. Are you? I’m going to go get some drinks, do you want one? Great!” You literally ran off the dance floor leaving him standing there. He slowly headed back to the table, wondering what your reaction was about.
You were pouring some punch into two glasses, thinking about how stupid you had acted when you had heard the song come on. First off, you didn;t want to embarrass yourself dancing like you knew you would. Second off, the last time you had slow danced was with your father when you were a kid and that brought up some unwanted memories.You headed back to the table and set a glass in front of Sirius and sat down across from him.
“Going to talk about what that was about?”
“Nope.” He nodded and took a sip of his drink when he heard your stomach grumble. You cringed and he laughed and stood.
“I was going to grab something from the buffet table. Do you want anything?” You smiled gratefully.
“Anything you grab would be lovely.” He left you sitting alone at the table. You hadn’t realized how hungry you had gotten. Apparently having a good time would do that to you.
“Hey doll face.” You froze when you heard the voice. You weren;t sure whose it was, but you did know the tone of it. “You're looking a bit lonely over here by yourself. Why don;t we go for a dance, or a,” he put his hands on your shoulders and leaned down to your ear, “walk.”
“I’m just waiting for someone, thank you but I’m fine.”
“No boy in their right mind would make a lovely lady like you wait. Come on, just one dance.”
“I’m fine.” His hands stayed rooted on your shoulders.
“Come on. Someone as pretty as you-”
“I think she said that she was fine.” A familiar voice said from behind. Both you and the boy who had been asking you to dance turned to see Sirius with a plate of food in his hand and a raised eyebrow, looking anything but happy.
“I was just-” he stopped when he noticed Sirius’ eyebrow raise higher. He grumbled something and left you alone, but not before squeezing your shoulders as if to say I’ll be back. Sirius sat down and sat the heaping plate of food in between you two.
“Are you alright?”
“Yes, thank you . I never thought he’d leave.”
“Must say, never thought you were one to get shy like that. I half expected you to punch him like you did.. What is his name?... Albert Killingsby.” You laughed and reached for a piece of ham he had put on the plate.
“You remember that?”
“How could anyone forget that? We were first years and you punched a seventh year. Broke his nose if I’m not mistaken.”
“Yes, and knocked out his two front teeth.” He began to laugh again and popped something or other into his mouth from the plate. “Not to pat myself on the back or anything.”
“Oh of course not.” He paused. “It was an excellent punch, though.” You smiled.
“It was indeed. He was livid after that. I think I was almost expelled. He was some pure blooded creep or something or other,” you rolled your eyes. “Not saying all pure blood are bad. That is not what I was-”
“I know.” He smiled again. This one wasn’t teasing, but reassuring. It actually made you feel more at ease.
You and Sirius fell into an easy conversation full of a lot of laughter. The night wore on but you two really didn’t notice. Neither of you had ever had a real conversation yet the talking just kept going. Soon you grew tired of sitting and eating and talking (More the sitting rather than the eating).
“Care to go for a walk? My legs are falling asleep.”
“Sure.” He stood up and the two of you walked out of the Great Hall.
“Remus! Remus!” Lily shook him.
“Look!” she pointed to you and Sirius leaving the Great Hall. He smiled.
“What?” James asked, walking over with two drinks for him and Lily.
“Sirius and Y/N just walked out of here together!” She said excitedly.
“And you're ecstatic because…”
“Because she’s had a crush on him since third year!”
“And he might like her.” James’ eyebrows shot up.
“That's why you wanted him to take her?”
“That and she needed an evening where she got dressed up herself.” Remus answered.
“She was very beautiful tonight. I didn;t know you and Marlene were so good at makeup, Lily. Not saying anything in an offensive way.”
“That's all her.”
“She actually gets the girls and I ready every time we’re going out or anything.”
“So the other day at the lake when you asked her about getting ready?”
“I was being serious. She has the best style of everyone in the entire school.”
You leaned on the banister, suddenly wishing you had brought a jacket. It was snowing and your backless dress was just making you shiver, but it felt nice. You let out a sigh and you could see your breath fog in front of you.
“Legs still falling asleep?” Sirius asked, leaning next to you.
“Thankfully, not anymore. That is one of the worst feelings. Just pins and needles,” you shivered from both the thought and the cold. Sirius chuckled and looked out over the Hogwarts ground. “I’ve always loved snowy scenes.”
“Really?” You nodded.
“Really. Just something so calmingly chaotic about them. And everyone dresses in sweaters and sweatshirts, so I never really feel like the odd man out anymore.”
“Why do you dress the way you do? Not being rude, but-”
“I feel better in it around people. Boys, more specifically.”
“Do you mind if I ask why?”
“No.” He waited for you to elaborate.
“Not going to explain?”
“You only asked if I minded if you asked, never actually asked.”
“Well then, why?”
“I don’t like being pretty. I mean… I do, and it does make me more confident but… but the way boys can treat girls because of their appearance is just terrifying. You even saw an example of that tonight.” You let out a sad laugh and shook your head. “I’ve seen a lot of that at home. Men using girls for their looks only to just toss them away when they’re done.”
Sirius wasn’t sure what to say. You had always been so confident in sweaters. Never seeming to be shy or self-conscious around anyone. No fear or anything. And the fact that you had said that you were around it at home…
“Sorry. I said far too much.” You laughed awkwardly.
“No. I don’t know much about you. What else?” You laughed.
“You want to know more about my messed up home life?” You laughed. He didn;t answer and when you looked over at him his expression only said one word: “Yes”. “Wow, uh, ok. I had a twin brother, Nick. I live with my mum who is an independent fashion designer. Um… nothing much else, really.”
“Uh… I guess I got caught, huh? My brother died saving a kid from getting hit by a car. He shoved the kid out of the way but couldn’t get out of the way in time.” You kept your gaze out at the Hogwarts grounds. You and your brother had been very tight and you were still dealing with the loss, it had just happened a few months ago and no one knew around Hogwarts. You didn’t like pity, one of the reasons why you liked to be head of your class.
“I’m sorry.” You smiled weakly and looked over at him, only to see that he was already studying you.
“It's not your fault. It really wasn’t anyone's fault.”
“You're not angry?” You shook your head.
“What good would that do? It's not going to bring him back. And who would I even be mad at? The kid running after her ball? My brother for being brave? The man driving? It wasn’t his fault. It was just an accident.” He kept staring at you and you smiled. “What?”
“You're just… different. Not in a bad way, just different.” You shrugged.
“My dad used to say that a lot too. So did my brother. And my mum says it often now that I think about it.” You creased our eyebrows and thought about it for a minute. Were you really that strange? Sirius laughed. “What?”
“Oh come on, that's just mean. I’m not a funny person, so something must be making you laugh. Come on, tell me.” You jumped up onto the banister, regretting the decision immediately since you sat in a layer of snow. You slid back off quickly and he snorted again. You hit his arm playfully. “Come on, tell me.” You said through chattering teeth.
“Not a smart idea to wear a backless dress to a christmas dance.”
“You're avoiding the question.”
“And your freezing.”
“Come on. Why are you laughing! I get enough of that in the hallways, but I at least know what they are laughing about then.” His smile dropped.
“How often does that happen.”
“The comments around the school.”
You shrugged. “Often I suppose. Still better than being hit on. I’d rather be called nerd and ugly or four eyes rather than having the opposite.”
“Oh! Where are your glasses?”
“They’re actually fake. I have perfect vision, I just don’t like to be without them, they cover up some of my face and make me look different.”
“I don;t think I’ll ever understand you.” You laughed.
“You’ve been talking to me for a few hours and you think that's enough to understand my intense way of thinking?” You joked. You started to shiver again as the wind picked up. He took off his jacket and offered it to you. “Won;t you be cold then?”
“Nah. I’ve survived worse. Come on.” You took the jacket and threw it over your shoulders, it immediately warmed you up.
“Did you charm this? It's really warm.”
“Nope. It's just really expensive.” You touched the inside.
“Fur lined? Wool? Christ this is an expensive brand.” You mumbled and he was slightly surprised.
“You know clothing?”
“My mum is an independent designer. I am well versed in cloth and styles and brands.”
“Oh that's right. I forgot you said that.”
“Yep. I am very stylish and very good at hair and makeup, the works.” He nodded and noticed a small smile play on your lips. “My dad though, he was a wreck.” You laughed. “Sorry. Saying too much again. Please just get the subject away from me.”
“Nope, I want to hear more now.” You groaned.
“I really hate you sometimes.”
“No you don’t. Come on.”
“Um well… he was a school teacher. He taught at a very prestigious college, that's where he and my mum met, actually. They went to the same college and he was writing a paper on fashion and got assigned her as the designer to interview. He fell head over heels, how my mum tells it at least. She was just insulted by his lack of fashion. He became her new project. Very romantic,” you added sarcastically. “Um… my mum is beautiful. But he loved her for her, not her looks. They were the weirdest couple I have ever met. I came down stairs one night to find them arguing one night.”
Sirius’ heart stopped. You had always said had or was when it came. And his curiosity overtook his capability to keep his mouth shut. He was waiting for divorce or something like that.
“And when I snuck in I started to laugh. They never fought, ever. And they were staging in the kitchen at three in the morning arguing over who got the last chocolate pudding.” You smiled and shook your head. “They ended up sharing it. They were the definition of perfect.” Your smile fell. “He died when me and my brother were seven. After about a year, mum decided that we needed a father figure. She asked if it would be alright if she got back out there and, of course we said yes but… but no one could be our dad. None of them love her… or even really like her. They despised me and my brother when he was alive. They’re just.. Horrible. They’ve aged her. And it's all because she’s beautiful.”
“So you don’t trust looks.”
“If I fall in love, I don’t want to have someone love me because I’m pretty. I want them to love me. That may be naive or foolish. But I guess that's me.” You hugged the jacket around your body again. “This is why people need to stop me from talking. I get way too personal way too quickly. Please change the subject.” He laughed for a moment and threw a friendly arm around your shoulders.
“Well, you don’t have to worry about that around all us. James has his eyes on Lily, Remus is Remus,” you laughed. “Peter’s already got a girl and I hop around.” You rolled your eyes and laughed. But that last part hurt a bit. Here you were finally talking to the boy you had had a crush on since forever, but, then again, so did half of the girls in Hogwarts.
“Yeah, well, doesn’t matter. I’m fine how I am. My friends are pretty and popular and I’m the nerd who opens her mouth too much.” You shrugged. “What can you do? So, now you have to tell me something completely and utterly embarrassing so I don;t feel alone here.”
“Is that how this is supposed to work?” He asked with a quirked eyebrow.
“Yep,” you hummed and started to walk away. He smirked and followed you.
You two continued to walk around Hogwarts for hours after that. Talking and laughing until you had finally reached your common room with (empty) mugs of Hot chocolate in your hands. He had your heels in his hand and you were still wearing his jacket. You had never had so much fun in your entire life.
“Well, thanks for putting up with me tonight. I hope you had at least a little bit of fun.”
“I had a great time, actually.”
“Actually?” You whisper-shouted, acting offended. He smiled and bumped his shoulder against yours.
“Shuddup, Y/L/N.” You laughed and leaned against the back of the couch.
“But in all seriousness, no pun intended, thanks for taking me. I honestly would be in the library right now if it weren’t for you.”
“Any time, Y/N. Really, I had a lot of fun. We should hang out more, if you’d like.” You were practically beaming.
“I’d like that a lot, actually.” You shrugged off his Jacket and reluctantly handed it to him. “I guess I’ll see you then.” He took it and handed you your shoes back.
“Yeah. I guess I will.” You turned and started up the stairs. “Hey, Y/N!” You turned and looked at him with a smile.
“Goodnight.” You smiled, a bit disappointed that's all he had to say, but what were you expecting?
“Good night, Sirius.” You left him standing in the common room. Everyone was already asleep, so you silently took your hair out and got changed for bed, making sure to get all the makeup off your face. You sighed as you looked at your self in the mirror. The wet wash cloth in your hands. It hadn't touched your face yet.
“Good night to you too. Who knows when you’ll come back out.” Then you gingerly removed all the makeup from your face and went to your bed for some much needed sleep. But that wasn't how it went for Sirius.
Part 2 done! I hope you're all enjoying! Let me know what you think! Part three will be posted tomorrow(Probably).
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gh0stly-shu · 3 years
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First kiss, kissing and making out headcanons for Kokichi with a fem!S/O
Warning: slight NSFW content under the cut.
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Ok so, your first kiss with Kokichi,,,,,,,,
He called you, very dessesperated.
-”S/O!!! It’s terrible!!!!!!” he screamed from the other side of the phone.
-”W-what is it Kichi? are you ok?!” you were a little scared.
-”I need you to come to my place, right now!!!”
-”O-ok I’m on my way!”
You were too scared to think in a possibility of this being a prank.
You got to Kokichi’s house and knocked on the door.
-”Kichi, it’s me!”
He opened the door and he kissed you.
You stayed astonished but, of course, you melted on Kokichi’s lips.
It was a sweet kiss, and one of those were you could sense the feelings of the other significant one.
After breaking the kiss, your face was still processing what had just happened.
-”Nishishi, did I surprise you S/O?”
-”I-I thought you were in danger”
-”Why would you think so?”
-”You called me almost crying today!”
-”Oooooh, that was a lie! I just wanted to kiss you, so I called you!” he then pulled you inside his house and he took you to his room
You were about to say something but you just sighted and just let him guide you.
Now for kisses in general, they’re usually sweet, always wanting to demonstrate you his true feelings through them.
But sometimes when the two of you are alone, those sweet kisses become in something more,,,, leading both of you to a make out session, or even sex.
It doesn’t matter when or where, being the leader he is, if he wants it, then he will lead you.
Of course that if you don’t want to, he’ll stop and apologize and then he would make a joke to get a normal atmosphare again.
But if you let him, he would put you against a desk, table, bed ANYTHING.
He then would start giving you small kisses on you check, then he would go to your neck, while he travels his hands all around your torso.
He “accidentally” rub one of your boobs, making you moan a little.
-”Nishishi, did you like that S/O?”
See the full post
92 notes • Posted 2021-01-31 00:19:37 GMT
Arataki Itto relationship headcanons with a GN!S/O
⋆𝖂𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙: 457
⋆𝕲𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊: fluff - sfw
⋆𝕬/𝕹: no pronouns specified! Also my first time writing for him, and expect more content because I just love him.
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⋆ Being in a relationship with Itto would include to have lots of patience.
⋆ He’s loud and he doesn't really feel shame.
⋆ Totally into PDA. If you don´t like it, he only holds your hand in public.
⋆ Still, he would walk through the streets of Inazuma showing you off to everyone, because he loves you and he feels very lucky to have you at his side.
⋆ He also wants your attention all the time, and he does anything to get it.
⋆ He might be tough sometimes, but with you is a total sweetheart and is super clingy.
⋆ If you are working on something, he most likely would come from behind and hug you.
⋆ -”What is it Itto?” you asked softly.
⋆ -”Can you cuddle me? You have been ignoring me all day...” he said pouty.
⋆ -”Itto I literally stop cuddling you thirty minutes ago-”
⋆ Yes he exaggerates a lot, but is just because he loves to spend time with you!
⋆ If you happen to walk into him during the day while you are working or doing something, he will totally scream your name to get your attention.
⋆ Dates with Itto are usually on a bar with his gang, thing that is cool because everyone in there thinks that you are a nice person, and they all admire how are you capable of dating someone like Itto.
⋆ Despite those dates in the bar, he also wants some moment alone with you, so in these cases he takes you to a quiet part of the island, where you can sit together and watch the scenery, while you talk about anything or eat something.
⋆ Talking about eating, he’s actually a decent cook, but he’s a messy one as well.
⋆ One time he tried to surprise you with dinner, but when you came home you not only found dinner but a dirty and messy kitchen.
⋆ -”H-hi (S/O)! Uhm... dinner is ready hehe...” he said embarrassed while scratching his neck.
⋆ You couldn't be mad at him, after all, he did this for you, so you had dinner and after that the two of you cleaned everything.
⋆ You then hugged him saying how grateful you were and that you loved him, making him blush.
⋆ Oh yes that reminds me, he absolutely loves making you all shy with his pick up lines and with his compliments.
⋆ You can be still half asleep in your bed in the morning and he would comment how cute you look like that, squeezing your cheeks.
⋆ Basically being in a relationship with Itto requires patience, but he’s learning how to be in one, so give him time please he’s trying his best and, despite all his flaws, he loves you and will do anything to keep you by his side.
See the full post
110 notes • Posted 2021-11-29 05:05:31 GMT
Nagito, Kokichi, Kaito, Tenko and Maki reaction and thoughts on a child in the killing game headcanons
Warnings: Spoilers from Goodbye Despair and Killing Harmony.
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He’s kinda surprised. “Is the kid an Ultimate talent too?” he would thought at first.
But it doesn't matter if they aren't an Ultimate or not, is a child and they must survive “After all, children are also the future hope of this world!”
He would actually take good care of them; even when he was prissioned, he asked Hajime if he could take care of them while he was there.
He would protect them with his life /srs.
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110 notes • Posted 2021-05-28 01:31:05 GMT
Platonic hand holding with Rosaria and Xiao
⋆𝖂𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙: 257
⋆𝕲𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊: fluff/comforting
⋆𝕬/𝕹: Ik they r short I’m sorry :{
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☾ Rosaria would mostly hold your hands when she sees that you are sleepy, she knows you are a little clumsy when you are like that so she would mostly do that to prevent you to get hurt.
⋆ -”Hi Rosaria” you said walking towards her while yawning.
⋆ -”Hello there, (Y/N), how are you?”
⋆ -”I’m *yawn* fine, just a bit slee-” you couldn't finish your sentence because you had tripped over with one of the steps of the church.
⋆ Rosaria was quickly and catched you on time before you hitted the ground.
⋆ -”I see, then come with me, I’ll help you get to your home so you can rest”
⋆ She grabbed you by one of your hands and start walking, making sure you didn’t fall again.
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116 notes • Posted 2021-11-01 19:09:34 GMT
Shuichi, Hajime, Gundham, Fuyuhiko, and Kaito with a GN!S/O who gently bites the boys when they’re upset with them
Warning: A few harsh words under the cut .
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Shuichi Saihara:
Shuichi was contacted by the police detective department. They've heard about the skills that he had, so they decided to call the Ultimate Detective for help.
Because of that, you haven’t been able to talk to him a lot.
When you called him, he usually responded only with -”hms” and -”ok”.
You were getting tired of this.
You decided to go to his house without telling him.
When you arrived, you knocked on the door and waited a minute for him to respond.
When Shuichi opened the door, with a sleepy but rush tone voice he said -”Thank you so much for coming detec...tive...”. He was surprised, he didn’t expect you at all.
-”S-S/O? what are you doing here?”
-”What I’m doing here, you ask? That’s the first thing you’re going to say to me after two weeks in which you haven’t seen me?” you said with an angry tone in your voice and while walking inside his house.
-”I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean it! I’m just surprised. You didn’t told me that you were coming.”
You were about to answer when you notice how messy his living room was. There were lots of different papers, documents and coffee cups in the table; there was a white board with pictures and words on it, along with some lines connecting all the stuff there. Books and other materials could be distinguished on the floor, stairs and sofa as well.
-”Oh.. so you’ve been doing this?” you said more quiet than before.
-”Y-yes. The investigation department of the police called me for some help, and it’s a very hard case. The good new is that I think I’m about to ending it.” he said with his typical quiet voice while hugging you.
You turned around and faced Shuichi, accepting his hug and bitting his shoulder.
He didn’t say anything about it, because he was kinda used to it.
The two of you settle things down and you stayed in his house for helping him with some little things of the case, with doing some real food for both of you and, of course, lots of love.
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285 notes • Posted 2021-01-30 01:03:28 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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mrs-dynamight · 3 years
Be Nice To Me 2
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Part 1.
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Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x fem!Reader, Denki Kaminari x fem!Reader
Warnings: Eventual mature content, angst, hurt/comfort, love triangle, the reader is lowkey toxic, everything will be adressed in every episode (:
Chapter warning: Swearing but just a little bit of it. Mentions of past relationships between the 1A students. Everything else is pure Fluff.
Chapter: 2/? Still don't know how long this is going to be, I just have so much to write ;-;
Synopsis: You're in love with your best friend Bakugou, and you're cofessing to him but things get a lot more complicated when Denki starts to treat you different *wink wink*
Word count: 1.7k
Author's note: I love friends to lovers troupe sm, this chapter and the next one gave me butterflies writing it O=w=O
Chapter 2 Do you want to die together- Stars
We walked the rest of the way talking about hero equipment and how much of a cry baby he is and about that new shojo magazine every girl (and Bakugo ofc) have been reading.
In the front door of the UA was Ochako and Tsuyu, they saw us walk together and gave me a thumbs up, I was so embarrassed that I could feel my heartbeat in my throat. Bakugo just said his usual “Tch” and kept walking, I just said “see ya” and waved. As I walked towards my friends I noticed a strange look on their faces so I asked them if there was something wrong.
-Y/N, you really like Bakugo- Said Ochako with a big grin in her face
-I mean yeah, I guess that I like him a lot- I say a bit embarrassed and a light pink flush in my cheeks
-No but, you actually love him, we can tell just by looking at you- Said Tsuyu followed by a classic Tsuyu “Kero”
-I can’t believe you haven’t made a move yet, I think he likes you back, I mean it’s Bakugo, you can never tell, but you are way too obvious, since day one- Said Ochako
“Since day one…” I think my friends knew I was falling for him way before I did, besides that I didn´t wanna admit that I had feelings for my friend.
The first one to notice was of course Tsuyu-Chan, she saw us coming out of the gym one late afternoon and I was mocking him about how ridiculous was every option he had for his hero name and Bakugo being Bakugo was angry as he can be, telling me how “an extra like me” would never get an awesome name even if it punched me in the face.
-You like him- Said Tsuyu, it wasn’t a question, and it didn’t have any rude intentions, for her it was a mere fact.
-WHAAAAT?? Fcourse not- I said blushing.
-Y/N, I’ve seen how you look at him, you even blush when he addresses you- Tsuyu said.
God, what if she’s right?
-He’s just my friend, maybe a little crush, I’m sure it’ll pass -
But it didn’t, if anything only became more painful obvious and difficult to handle, I caught myself staring at him in class, thinking about him any time I saw something spicy, every time I saw a Pomeranian my head automatically went “Bakugo”, any skull related thing had his face imprinted in my mind, every song had his drums in it, even when watching fashion shows with the girls at UA dorms made me think about his family issues. It was undeniable I was falling deeply in love with Katsuki Bakugo. I didn’t wanna ruin our friendship, so I just sucked my feelings up and keep on with our routine like I wasn´t completely captivated by everything that boy did. That was until I decided it was enough. It was now or never, the last year, I had to make my move.
That was one of the longest weeks in my whole student life, I spend most of the time avoiding any kind of contact with Bakugo, and it was obvious to everyone, I usually hang out a lot with the whole Bakusquad, but this time I just simply started walking the opposite direction every time I crossed them in the hallways.
-Are you sure you’re doing the right thing avoiding him completely? - Said Deku with a concerned look in his face
-I just don’t wanna say something stupid in front of him and have him regretting having a date with me- I replied giving a big much to my lunch
-I’m sure he thinks that anything anyone besides him say it’s stupid, so I wouldn’t worry about that Y/N- Said Shoto
-Yeah, and besides, you were the one who said that you didn’t wanna ruin your friendship, so don’t do it and just keep everything normal- Said Ochako.
Normal… Nothing will be “normal” again between us after today, in the worst scenario possible we will stop talking, our friendship will be ruined completely and there will be no turning back to how things were before; in the best, the feeling is mutual and we start dating. Dating Bakugo, I’ve pictured it a hundred times before, but now that it might happen… No, focus Y/N there is still a long way before that actually happens, first I have to survive today without throwing up all these years of butterflies in my stomach.
It’s finally the last class for today, just this last one, going back to the dorms for a quick shower and a change of clothes, and I’ll be having my first date with the boy of my dreams; but before I entered the room someone grabbed my hand and pulled me into an empty classroom, it was Denki Kaminari.
-Denki wha…- I started saying but he interrupted me abruptly
-I don´t know what I did Y/N but please talk to me again, I’m so sorry if I did or said something wrong, I’m really really sorry but please don’t ignore me like that- He said with tears in the corner of his eyes.
Me ignoring Denki? Oh shit, I didn’t thought of that when I was avoiding Bakugo, I didn’t even realized it, was so worried about don’t messing it up before today that I forgot that his friends were also my friends
-Denki I’m so sorry, you didn’t do anything wrong, it’s my fault I was so caught up with my stuff lately, I didn’t realize that I was ignoring with my friends-
He looked a little confused when I said that, he looked directly in my eyes.
-You weren’t ignoring me specifically? – He almost sounded offended
-Of course not, I guess I was being distant with everyone but you were the only one who noticed it, I’m sorry Denki- I went for a hug but he stopped me
-You don’t have to apologise Y/N, is just that I wanted to talk to you this past days but anytime I ran into you, you seemed to run away from me and I just, I don’t know, I thought you didn’t wanna be my friend anymore and I was so scared and…-
This time he didn’t stopped me and I hugged him. He put his head in my shoulder and sighed.
-I wanted to be like this for so long- He said wiping the tears in his eyes and looking away
-We should head to class, if we are late again Aizawa will kill us- I said grabbing Denki’s sleeve, but he stopped me.
- Y/N wait, I wanted to talk to you, it’s kinda important- He was as red as an apple and his eyes were fixed on his shoes.
Is Denki Kaminari confessing to me?!? I mean, yeah he has always been kind to me, and we do spend a lot of time together, and have sleepovers with mina and sero, and I go to every one of his gigs, and that box of chocolates for valentines, and those playlists, and the pinterest moodboard, and… Oh fuck, Denki Kaminari likes me. Before I could say or think anything he says:
-I have a gig next week, I know you come to every one of them, but this one is special and I would love seeing you there, not like the others weren’t special, because they were, you know how much I like when you come to see meUS! I was thinking maybe arrive a little earlier with me, to the soundcheck, I know it’s a little boring buuuuut I get really nervous if you’re not there and I just…, please come with me next week- He was clearly a handful of nerves, and knowing Denki he rehearsed that words over and over, he was so cute.
What? I could have sworn he was going to tell me something else, but a Gig? I’ve seen every performance ever since the first one at the cultural festival from first year, he didn’t have to get so nervous for that, unless there is something else he isn’t telling me, or maybe I misinterpreted all of it, maybe it was actually something special and he is afraid of asking anyone else for emotional support, yeah that makes sense, we always have been there for each other when things got tough, when he found out that Jirou was in love with Momo in first year he spend a whole week crying in my dorm, when he and Shinso broke up I had to force him to come out of his bed and act like a semi-functional human being, that was a whole semester of romantic comedy, sad music and junk food, thank god we both passed the year; it makes sense he came to me if he was feeling nervous about anything, nothing more, right?
-I would love to, Denki, I love seeing you on stage. I didn’t knew you get nervous when performing- I say with a chuckle.
-Well I usually don’t but this time I’m going to sing a song, and let me tell you, the struggle is real, have you heard Bakubro criticism? In the last rehearsal he made me cry five times-
Denki is going to sing?! OMG, usually Jirou is the one who takes the lead vocals, he just sings the harmonies, I’ve only heard him actually sing in karaoke nights, this is going to be so much fun, of course I wouldn’t miss it for anything in the world
-Yeah, Bakugo tends to be a real pain in the ass sometimes, but don’t worry I wouldn´t miss this gig for anything in the world-
-Pinky Promise? – Asked Denki with his best puppy eyes
-Pinky promise- I replied intertwining our pinky fingers and feeling a little electrical buzz
-OUCH! What was that for? – I said giving Denki a playful punch in the arm
-That was for ignoring me all week, I really missed you Y/N- And then he lean in and kissed my forehead -Now let’s go before Aizawa wakes up and see we are not in class, I don’t want to clean the common room in the dorms, again-
“And before someone sees us and thinks something wrong” I thought to myself.
Part 3 here
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OMG! I have so much fun writing this, remember if you want to be in the tag list just message me, hope you enjoy reading it as I had writing it
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