#don't be sorry anon there are people applauding you for asking
lavenoon · 2 years
Eclipse has again stolen my heart and I need to write but...how would accidently undercover eclipse deal with being in love/flirted with/having a crush. Sorry to be so needy but if I wrote it wrong I would die
The boy is popular, makes me happy <3 Let's break it up a little!
Flirting with Eclipse: He might not... get it at first. The combination of "unaware of many social cues" and "doesn't expect it" just means that the more ambiguous, subtle flirting may fly entirely over his head (which is. quite a feat at 8ft excluding sunrays). When it does click though, either because you persevered until you got through his dense "defenses" or because you skipped straight to the part where you say what you want? For one, small moment, there's doubt, while his mind struggles with the surprise. But then? He's ecstatic.
Chances are he's already tried making advances himself, but he's clumsy. There's no suave flirts or smug little grins at flustering you. His flirting may completely fly over your head, too - because for someone who was "born" forced to share before becoming his own person, voluntarily sharing is what he opts for. Sharing trinkets, sharing fidgets, sharing experiences - Do you want to be the one to screw the last bit on there? Do you want to be the one to push that button? Do you want a matching fidget? This greedy, curious little gremlin wants to learn new things with you. It's what's important to him, and he hopes that you enjoy it, too.
Having a crush: Puppy with no understanding of personal space. He'll back off when you tell him, obviously, but he wants to be close and he has little concept for how close is too close. He'd drape himself over you if you'd let him! He wants to be your backpack (on legs)! Then there's the sharing I mentioned above, cranked up to the max. Lovestruck little expressions when he makes you laugh, little dazed moments where he just thinks about how amazing you are while you're doing something completely mundane, and you may have to snap him out of it a couple times.
Being in love: The crush, but he's sure now, and that's about to become your "problem". Definitely the type that hesitates just a bit before confessing - he'd have his little "Oh." moment, and some doubt may creep up again. The fear of rejection runs deeply, and the track record for people staying in his life isn't quite the best. But if you've been friendly with him, if he knows you, he'll decide that knowing for sure will be worth it, and just desperately hopes it's requited. Anxious and flustered during the confession itself - may need multiple attempts, actually. He tries to make it look natural, and because he tries at all fails spectacularly. Maybe you're helping with an experiment - and wouldn't it just be so perfect to ask right that moment? But then the moment passes much faster than expected, and he fumbles, and oh no there's fire again. The only time he'll be mad about his explosive little experiments is when they draw his focus away from you. Once he actually says the words, it'll be accompanied by stutters and some stumbling over words, with the insistence that he'd understand if you say no, he won't be mad, he just needed to say something - feel free to interrupt him here, a kiss may be a bit hard unless there's a ladder right around, but taking his hand and saying yes with a smile might just be enough to shut him up.
Oops, now he's twirling you - hope you like bear hugs with four arms <3
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helloo, i stumbled upon ur mha x scp au and AHDSIHDSGISDGJ UR WRITING??? IS SO GOOD?? (also im new here hi, can i be 🎭 anon) more mha x scp au pls /nf tho
hii 🎭 anon :) i get a lot of requests for this au haha, sure!
previous part here
AU where MC is transported into the MHA universe with a SCP-summoning quirk. essentially a MHA and SCP crossover. you can read the rest of the parts under the tag #pp mha au
(note: i have never watched or read mha in my life and all of my knowledge is from fanfics and lazily googled questions! sorry in advance for any mischaracterizations or anything that just... doesn't make any sense? lol)
You lean forward, nearly falling off of your chair in the process. Squinting your eyes into narrow lines, you focus on one, crucial objective:
Trying to figure out what the hell is sitting right in front of you.
He looks like a cat, sort of. He reminds you of Josie, or, well, 529, with his feline-esque features and all.
Oh, you really should summon Josie here again sometime. It's been quite a while since you last have. That cat makes a good cuddle buddy. Even if she's missing the entire other half of her body.
You hum in thought, continuing to careen forward from your chair. No! This thing across from you is nothing like Josie. His ears look more like a bear, like 1048. Or could he be a dog? No, no... You've got it! He's definitely a rat!
Leaning back, you return to a proper sitting position and internally applaud yourself for finding the solution to your own ridiculous question. A rat, you think to yourself, face smug. Reminds me of a certain mask that drips black snot.
Wait a minute. The satisfied expression you adorn falters as you inspect the rat closer. What if it's not a rat, but a mouse?!
No, you're getting sidetracked! You take another bite of the banana you have graciously been given by your... captors? Do they count as captors if you willingly went with them?
The clearing of a throat. "Excuse me. If you could please answer the question..."
Oh, right. They're not really your 'captors,' just your interrogators, (that provide you with free food, might you add).
"What was the question again?" you ask, before not-so-elegantly stuffing the rest of the banana down your throat. You couldn't help but cave into your stomach's hunger; you haven't tasted this quality of fresh food in years! No more scavenging for meals or rummaging through garbage bins!
The man in uniform raises an inquiring eyebrow. You examine the badge attached to his right breast pocket: 'Detective Tsukauchi.'
He gestures to his side. "He asked you for your name."
Your eyes follow his hand's movements, and you find yourself gazing at the rat once more. "Oh, I wasn't paying attention." You admit shamelessly, grabbing another banana from the bowl placed before you. "I'm Y/N."
"Pleasure to meet you, Y/N." The rat smiles. You absentmindedly nod in response. "I'm Nezu, the principal of U.A. High. The man beside me is Detective Tsukauchi," you glance at the final stranger, "and this is Aizawa, a teacher at this school. He is also the one who found you. We would like to ask you some questions, as you are already aware."
"Sure," you comply, shoving another banana into your mouth. "I don't mind."
"How old are you?"
"Fifteen, I think."
"Who are your parents?"
You shrug, nonchalantly reaching for another banana. "Don't have any."
Nezu's grin widens slightly, and you watch him place a paw below his jaw. "Would you be comfortable telling us about what happened in that alley?"
Cocking your head to the side, you carefully peel off the banana's skin. "Which one?"
The detective speaks up. "The one you were found in."
Chewing another bite of your food, you tap a finger to your chin in thought. "Well, I was asleep until I heard a bunch of noise." Slowly, you turn to Nezu, replicating his ear-to-ear smile as you dramatically retell your experience.
"I looked up from my home, my beloved alleyway cardboard box, and saw two groups of people fighting. I decided to hide in my box until it was all over, but then one of them crashed into my home. They crumpled my box, and my hiding spot was revealed! The two groups started arguing about 'gang territory,' or whatever, and one of them decided to use me as a hostage and pointed a gun to my head."
You sink your teeth into your banana once more, oblivious to the horrified looks from every adult in the room.
"Oh, but it was fine," you casually continue, mouth half-full, "since, you know, I took care of it and all."
"When you say that you 'took care of it,'" the detective asks cautiously, "do you mean that you used your quirk?"
"My... quirk?" You scratch the back of your neck. "I guess it's my quirk? Don't know too much about 'quirks,' to be honest. I've never been to a doctor, or whatever specialist you go to for checking those out."
"Could you describe to us what it was that you exactly did?"
You gulp down the rest of your banana before replying. "You mean, in that alley? I summoned, or, like, conjured up one of those, uh." You pause, replacing 'SCPs' with another word to prevent further confusion. "Creatures? One of those creatures."
Tsukauchi looks you in the eye. "These creatures that you summon." You glance at the detective's hands, and you notice that they're trembling. "What do they do? What do they look like?"
"Usually I summon them to help and protect me." You explain with a shrug, "Oftentimes I encounter people who want to hurt me for some reason. There's a bunch of, er, 'creatures,' that I can summon, and they don't typically look like your perception of what's 'normal.'"
You continue, "There are endless possibilities, really. One looks like a teddy bear, just covered in human ears." Tsukauchi's eyes widen, as if his suspicions have been confirmed. "There's some that are long and bony. Some of them have these gigantic claws and razor-sharp mouths. Some of them are all gooey and acidic-"
"I believe that's enough." You turn to the side, taking a brief glimpse at Aizawa, who is standing beside you. Those were the only words he's spoken this entire time.
Turning back to the other two, you're about to grab another banana when you catch sight of the detective. You stare awkwardly, your hand paused mid-air. He seems to have completely spun on his heel to face away from you, hands clutching the wall as he gags and dry heaves. You scoot back in your chair uncomfortably.
"...And you do not have a home, correct?" Nezu stands up from his seat, approaching yours.
"Well, I did, but like I said, my cardboard box was destroyed because of those two rival gangs, or whoever they were."
"I see." He raises a paw so as to pet the top of your head. You clumsily bend down in your chair, allowing the two-foot-tall principal to reach your height. "We can arrange something for you. You may stay in a personal dorm here for free, if you would like." He smiles, "So long as you attend this school, the police force has also gladly agreed to erase your criminal record!"
You gawk at him. "C-criminal record?" Well, you guess you usually do end up leaving a mess of dead bodies behind, but it's always in self-defense!
"You should know it is illegal to use your quirk unlicensed and in public, Y/N."
Surveying the room, you dart your eyes from person to person. In the corner of the room, the detective, who is on the verge of vomiting up his insides. The man beside you, Aizawa, who refuses to look at you. The one standing in front of you, Nezu, who is blackmailing you, but is also offering you free shelter and free food...
You huff, grabbing Nezu's paw and shaking it wildly. "It's a deal, then."
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whinlatter · 1 year
Cho Chang for the random character ask: 4, 9, 12, 27, 43
cho! this was actually so fun to think about. cho is an underrated character and a boss bitch and i for one have relished the opportunity to think more deeply about her, so cheers for that anon! (i'm merging the other ask i got about cho with this one for a bumper cho post)
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1. Canon I outright reject
i do not tend to outright reject canon because i am a boring yawn canon compliant girlie but i will say i find it weird to think that cho would be randomly checking/carrying her DA coin on the night that harry just happens to arrive back at hogwarts in DH. it’s not even for plot it’s just for the ensemble vibes. pointless cameo sorry! the whole point of failed high school romances is to never resolve them and just memory block them out for all eternity until you bump into them in the veg section at the big supermarket when you go home for christmas and make awkward small talk then see them again at the checkouts and want to die
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
part of the reason cho was so (understandably) distraught after cedric's death was because of a dynamic in their relationship of cho revering/idolising cedric that only deepened after his death as he became somewhat canonised in popular memory. when they got together, cedric was a seventh year and cho was a fifth year. often when you're 15/16 you definitely look at 17-18 year olds like they're the coolest people on the planet and you're lucky to be in their orbit basking in their great worldly wise glory (lol). and while i’m not doing up age-gap-is-problematic-discourse i am saying that if you're in the last year of school and your mate starts going out with someone two years below who is doing their GCSEs or whatever you do a) obviously take the piss out of them but more importantly b) tend to see a pretty big gap in maturity and life experience that often adds a weird power differential in the relationship. that's not to say that cho didn't really miss cedric's company, but also that the grief was made worse by the fact that she likely saw him as a saint-like figure she was in awe of, a view that only received mass endorsement after dumbledore's eulogy of cedric, so she's not even really able to mourn a real person, but just the idea of someone purely heroic and good who she will never be able to replicate again
4. Favorite line
“He asked me out, you know,” she said in a quiet voice. “A couple of weeks ago. Roger. I turned him down, though.”
in this house we stan 👏 petty 👏 queens 👏
“What about your parents?” asked Harry. “Well, they’ve forbidden me to get on the wrong side of Umbridge too,” said Cho, drawing herself up proudly. “But if they think I’m not going to fight You-Know-Who after what happened to Cedric —”
actually huge props for cho for joining a resistance fight club with no parental support for anti-ministry action. because in canon you have the weasleys whose parents are so politically involved, and whose sense of political right and wrong is (bar percy) so instinctual because it's how they were raised, it can be easy to overlook how significant it is when other characters who don't come from that family background/political lineage get involved in risky acts of open rebellion. like yes her defence of marietta is misguided, but cho is a boss bitch who lets her grief be fuel for a good fightback and i for one applaud it
8. Unpopular opinion about them
ok this is going to sound like me doing up pure ginny defender but for all ginny gets slated for having many a jealous moment (including with cho in DH) i do think it is Interesting that people overlook how insanely jealous cho is of hermione lol. i do like that element of cho's character - or rather, think it lets her be well-rounded and interesting, giving an insight into how the trio are perceived by other members of the student body, but also allows cho have this messy petty teenage side to her (people often tend to write her in fic as this very worldly mature grieving widow figure, instead of like, a girl going thru it and wildly acting out emotionally and developing a whole host of insecure abandonment issues that are mostly to do with her grief). but i love how she like sees red and goes full how many girls are you meeting after me!!! alexa play bust your windows!!! i am going to storm out and YOU are going to pay for these coffees!!! so yeah, my unpopular opinion is cho is petty and messy and obviously harry fucks up more but she does kind of act up and you know what, that's fine! she's still worthy of the world! (you know all i do is ride on my let girls giggle and be messy crusade)
9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character
i stan the temper tantrum cho has when she loses the quidditch final. go girl have your strop! she’s just like me fr
12. Crack headcanon
cho's gang of girlies wore potter stinks badges in the dormitory after that horrendous date to cheer her up. and she was like yeah you know what! he does!
23. If they were a scented candle, what would they smell like?
ohhh man i am going to have to pass on this because i literally cannot name any smells. she's too prestige and gorgeous to not smell lovely though!
28. How they feel about insert character of your choice from the same fandom
i am kind of obsessed with a cho vs ginny bitter rivalry that doesn't actually have all that much to do with harry lol. cho is two school years older than ginny (given ginny is an end-of-august birthday baby, cho fully could be three years older than her, given hermione is two calendar years older than ginny and is only in the year above). so ginny is a little pipsqueak irrelevance to cho, whereas i expect cho lives in ginny's head rent-free while she's still in the throes of her deep unrequited crush on harry. then ginny goes out with michael, cho's teammate, and is in the DA, so probably is around a lot more, maybe they're semi-friendly, all going fine - until ginny pops up for the quiddich final in ootp and publicly demolishes cho on the quidditch pitch. can you imagine being a (almost or actual) seventeen year old getting the snitch snatched from under your nose by gryffindor's fourteen year old second-rate substitute seeker (especially after a year of playing badly?) i'd be fuming. no wonder cho cries and chucks her broom on the ground. so then ginny chucks michael for being a 'sore loser' (i think this must have also been a bit connected to cho, if all ravenclaw are having a great big public sulk lol), and then michael immediately gets with cho (canon implies that evening lmao). even if ginny didn't care about michael all that much, there is something pretty galling about your ex moving on to your sporting rival an hour after you break up lmao, and something very messy from cho to try and get back at the girl who just beat you by immediately hooking up with her ex lol. you can just imagine michael and cho bitterly slagging off ginny in between snogs at that post-match commiseration party. and then the following year, when ginny beats cho again, in a match cho 100% viewed as a re-match and a chance to finally best the person who humiliated her... i'm just saying, those two hate each other (at least as teenagers) and it doesn't even really involve harry lol. and i for one love it!
43. 3 favorite foods and 3 they despise
i am also bad at questions like these i'm so sorry 🫣 literally have no world/character-building capabilities to imagine people's favourite anythings. i do like the idea of cho being thoroughly unimpressed by the quality of the hogwarts cooking though! do i back a fleet of house elves living out their days in a castle in the scottish highlands to know their way around any kind of asian cuisine? no i do not. cho would have every right to fume
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vapolis · 9 months
ok I applaud to you and to the anon that was brave enough to write all the sex/penetration ask and you for answering! As a straight-ish woman 🤷‍♀️ all that flies over my head and its always really interesting to learn new things.
so I decided to be brave as well (as anon😂) and ask the question I always have when there are nonbinary characters that have they/them pronounce. I am attracted to masculine/male physic and when I romance nonbinary characters I never know what's really going on....you know...physically. Like is it up to our interpretation to imagine them like we want or there are actually set physical appearance for them?
if this ask is inappropriate or made you uncomfortable/offended or anything else, im really sorry I did not meant to! I just want to understand and im fucking scared to ask.
I'm queer myself but not nonbinary so I don't think it's entirely right to speak on how non binary people present themselves but from what I've learned and talked to people about a huge misconception is that they're supposed to look androgynous. that used to be a super popular trope not too long ago and entirely wrong bc while there are androgynous looking people, it's just not how they all look.
with characters in fiction, authors usually describe the characters as either more masculine or feminine leaning which doesn't make them either a woman or a man. it's simply the way they present themself whether through style or features we as people usually attribute to either or. that doesn't translate to what genitalia they have since both of those things are entirely different.
I can say that royal is more masculine leaning in terms of the clothes they prefer to wear and I've described their looks as well which is how I would like ppl to see them. that isn't possible of course bc everyone creates their own image of what characters look like.
but I think most (if not all) authors, whether books or IF have described their character in one way or another so it's not entirely up to how the reader would like them to look.
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thebroccolination · 1 year
Im the anon from yesterday who asked about your favourite win x team scene :)
Your favourite kiss scene?
Your favourite cuddly scene?
Your favourite romantic scene?
Your favourite “tease” scene?
I like to know peoples opinions so i hope this isn’t too hard for you to answer :)
Hello, Anon! Sorry for the delay! I wanted time to collect screencaps and the energy to write a lot of feelings. <3
This is a beautiful ask. A phenomenal ask. I applaud this ask.
I genuinely can't choose between two of them. From the same episode.
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Team's heel is the star of this shot. Prem is a genius. Even if he didn't do it on purpose, his subconscious is a genius. I know some people didn't like this wide shot and wanted to stay rammed up on their faces, which I totally understand, but I love the wide shot because it introduced me to my good friend Team's Popped Heel.
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The panting as they change angles? GEE. ZUSS.
Okay, fine, this one is my favorite. Like, holy shit, to bring this out in episode two was brilliant. There's no, like, "Team was so shaken by his first time, he doesn't know what he really wants." Nope. This is clear attraction.
(The BU specials honestly worried me when I first saw them in 2021 because of how hard they leaned into the weird heteronormative Nooooo I Don't Want to Have Sex with You for I Am and Have a Pure and Chaste Bottom angle, so watching this kiss at, like, 2am while I was in Japan for work reassured me that they weren't going to show Win as, like, some predatory bisexual and Team as stereotypically reluctant. Team's just as into Win.)
That kiss is legendary. They just look like they'll die if they don't make out next to the pool on camera. (Moment of silence for Dean.)
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Not just "the locker room scene kiss" because 1) they kiss a lot while they're back there, and 2) this one specifically. Look at Team! You can't see his lips (because Win is on them) but you can tell that he's smiling.
And whyyy?
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'Cos Win's a menace. <3
I love this whole scene because it doesn't exist in the novel! After their one-night stand in the novel, WinTeam don't kiss again until much, much later. Including this scene really establishes the nature of their physical relationship that, for me, made the upcoming struggle between True Intimacy and Casual Sex all the more turbulent and realistic.
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I mean, you've got Team biting his lip, the wrist-pinning, the panting. They're viscerally attracted to each other. This isn't just Win pursuing Team like he does in the last scene of episode one; this establishes interest from both of them. Team followed him in episode one, but he didn't give it much thought there. And he looks kind of like, "���…Well, fuck it, I guess."
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In episode two, he thinks about it much longer, and his expression is
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much more determined. He wasn't caught off-guard this time. Win asked for consent, he got it, they kissed, and then Win gave him space to decide if he wanted more. Team could have easily left! He already had his backpack, and he had his own car to get home.
Win, my Green Flag Son. <3
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I think this was one of the more challenging scenes for Prem based on comments he made early in filming, and I can honestly see why. Kisses are difficult to film. You have to think about technical aspects like what the camera can see while balancing the authenticity of what you're doing, and you're working with another person, so even if you're doing fine, your partner might not be. Like, I'm obviously biased toward WinTeam and BounPrem, but I genuinely think this episode has the most realistic kissing I've seen in any series. Because they both look starving for it. They don't just mash their mouths together and wait for the scene to cut. The heavy breathing, where they're looking, all the little details create a really nuanced atmosphere to the scene.
I don't know that I'd call New a great director from an audience's perspective (especially if he was the one in the editing room for this series), but he's undeniably fantastic with actors. Filming a scene with this much raw honesty and physical passion could have been wildly awkward, but Boun and Prem are both visibly comfortable and that allows them to show the best of their abilities. Award-winning kiss, mwah.
OKAY SO. There are so many? SO MANY OF THEM in Between Us. And I'm very grateful for that because cuddling is my favorite. So it might be surprising that in the vast array of options I picked something so quick, but it's this:
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It's only seconds long, but there's something especially soft about WinTeam asleep together on Valentine's Day. Win's arm around Team all bundled up because Team runs cold, Team tucked into Win's side, the two of them all peaceful before Tul ruins their night. :'(
Also, like, poor View. Win probably called him like, "Go next door, our brother is unconscious," and View just like, "How…did you know? HIA, ARE YOU PSYCHIC."
Like, it's the implication that this is their new normal. They know what they are to each other now, and they're happy and safe with each other. I'm going to cry I love them so much.
Maybe it's an odd choice for this category but honestly, this scene:
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For multiple reasons!
Because I think it's the first time Win actually decides to rely on Team, which is something Team's made clear that he wants.
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Because I think it's the first time they're acting as true equals on an emotional level. Team wants to know Win better than anyone, and this is Win letting him see what he hides from literally everyone else in his life.
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And I think my definition of romantic has changed as I've gotten older, but to me there's nothing more romantic than trusting your moments of fragility and vulnerability to someone.
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Hands down this one:
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Because as much as I love cuddly, sweet WinTeam, at their core they're a feral pair of loud dumbasses. <3
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Do you believe racist authors deserve redemption? I love your blog and I’m interested in your opinion on this matter since you speak about racism in books.
hi anon!!! this is a great question, thanks for asking it!!!
i don't believe people deserve redemption. or that they have to 'qualify' to get better. if people want to change - its their right to change, to grow and become a better person. this is the kind of attitude i hold for authors as well.
but i think the harder part of the process comes after that. that there are consequences. some people will never forgive your racism, some people will never forgive that hurt even if you do get better, and that's....okay. its like - true change is always receptive towards criticism. it will always acknowledge the past to inform the future - and often authors (or white people in general) who want to change - just do. and they are usually understanding and introspective of the way they move in the world. bc once you see it, its very hard not to see where racism usually finds its footing. racism is learned - people are not inherently evil. but its also very baked into our foundation, so we are taught white supremacist ideologies from the moment we come out into the world.
i think the focus is oftentimes primarily put on avoiding or lessening the consequences. that an ‘I’m sorry’ will fix the wound.
racism is cruel. it has far reaching consequences - it isn't a buzzword. its fruitful to think about how racism affects its victims. how little children read literature and media and come away with the unconscious ideology that they are lesser. think abt the first racist moment in a book you read - something beloved. think about the trauma you carried when you realized the person you loved and adored and supported didn't even see you as a human being. every person of color, every black person has had that moment where they realized that a book they loved was not written for them; that they were meant to be the support, the helper, the friend, the maid, the 'perfect' girlfriend who just isn't good enough, the motivation, the body that served the vehicle for character development but never the main character. never a human being. never a fantasy.
and when you think about that - it becomes easier to see why people aren't willing to forgive how that racist author made them feel. bc we always have to carry that. we have to be the ones to unlearn hatred of ourselves. we have to carry the weight of the stereotypes, the ripples across media, the boxes we get put into.
personally - its a hard offense for me to forgive. its very hard for me to do so, because honestly my mind is always thinking about how there is there's often little motivation for some white authors to introspect bc the world is catered to them. its very hard to reflect when there's a foundation beneath you telling you there's nothing to reflect upon. so its extra work to actually make conscious change bc the world will always be content with the symbolic. people will always applaud the bare minimum. so its hard to gouge real change from just public shame. or kudos points.
in short - authors who want to change will change. authors who are empathetic and seek true change will always be vocal about it. and in those cases - i forgive. taking accountability, changing for the better and apologizing is all we can really ask. if an author doesn't do that than i have little interest in forgiving it. if an author cant say - 'oh i didn't mean that, and i recognize why that was harmful, i will do better.' then i cant take them seriously. its the bare minimum. staying silent and riding out the criticism without acknowledging what was harmful and how it was harmful means you seek none of the true change and it means im not interesting in supporting or forgiving, but alas that's just me!
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flower1622 · 4 months
Hey, this is so random but I just wanted to let you know I stumbled across your blog after not seeing it for months and I can see a noticeable improvement in your writing. In all honesty I used to (silently, I’d never send hate mail) judge your writing but it’s hard to do that when I can obviously tell you’ve gotten better. Like it’s truly improved since like January/February. Anyways super random but I just thought you’d like to know that your growth as a writer is noticeable
One thing though, if you want more people to read your work, I’d recommend using parentheses (“Percy, what are you doing?” Asked annabeth) and not dashes (-Percy, what are you doing?- asked annabeth). A lot of people (myself included) are less likely to read fics with formatting issues like that. Anyways it’s your work so feel free to ignore that (genuinely, you do you) but I just figured I’d throw that out there if you wanted your fics to gain a bigger audience
Also I just wanted to apologize bc even if I never said anything I was being shitty for judging your work. You’re not hurting anyone and you seem like a nice person and you’re obviously working on getting better at your craft, so I applaud you for that. Anyways. If I ever lurk on your blog again it will be to congratulate you for the growth of your writing skills. I genuinely wish you nothing but the best, have a good day<3
Thanks Anon for this message! It means a lot to me that someone recognized my work, I guess. 😅
I liked your suggestion, but the only problem to me is that I have difficulty to read with (") instead of (-). A big audience it's always good, but if the person doesn't get interested in my stories or writing, it's okay too. I'm learning to value my own work, even if it's not perfect. I try to improve, of course. However, if people end up liking or reading one of my stories, it will be something good too, but it's not really my focus right now. I like to write fanfics for fun. There was a person that thought I was a great author. God bless this person's soul! It made me really happy to be recognized at least by someone else. So, thank you so much for the suggestion. Maybe in the future, I'll try to use it (even with my problem to read this way 😅). If you ever felt or thought something about my writing, it's also okay. Everyone has your opinion about something. People who think like that are not wrong either. I always try to warn others that I'm not a good writer. So, if anyone ever sees my posts or stories, please don't take them too serious. I'm really not a good writer. English is not my first idiom either. I feel limited by it. I'm sorry if people get bothered by my writing sometimes. It's really complicated to write a story in an idiom you don't dominate 100%. I have to search on internet how to write some things in english. So, for the people who like my writing, I just ask a little patience. 😅🤣
Thanks again for the ask, Anon! I like when someone is honest with me. It's always good to see other opinions. So, if someone wants to send me an ask about something, you can do too.
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unioncolours · 8 months
Congratulations on the new number of subscribers. Surely I am one of them. So this is the prompt for your tiny giveaway.. I love ShikaTema, in the mood for AU and angsty storyline, but I choose I don't have time to bleed as the main one. Thank you for all your wonderful stories, you are one of my favourites of shikatema writer. I hope you always be in abundance of happiness, imagination, and creativity.
Oh, thank you, dear Anon 🖤 I am glad to hear you're subbed to me (and sorry for the lack of new fics...).
You said you're in the mood for an AU and angsty storyline and then I cannot not write a snip of that blasted Witcher AU that has lived rent free in my head since 2020. The snip here would most likely not be part of the main story in my head, but connected to it.
Thank you 🥰
Bleeding Fire
ShikaTema Witcher Au
Word count: 950 words.
Tags: Blood, Magic AU, inspired by the games not the show
“I’ve seen you in better shape,” Temari snorted when she closed in on Shikamaru. “I found this downstairs,” she added and waved with his silver sword. “They had taken good care of it. Were probably going to melt it and recast it as a silver chain, I’d wager.”
“You holding it doesn’t suit you,” Shikamaru replied through a tired smile. The blood from his nose had already dried along his upper lip and he was deadly annoyed at being in this position, trapped and bound by a pillar in some kind of attic just because one decoction failed and made him temporarily blind as the gang had caught up on him. During normal circumstances it would never have happened. He’s more skilled that this.
“I know,” Temari said and dropped the sword by Shikamaru’s feet. Her hands were splashed with blood – someone else’s blood, but the blade was shiningly clean. She observed her own hands. “As long as I didn’t touch the silver it worked. The hilt saved me.” She looked down at him. “Being bound in simple rope doesn’t suit you either.” Then she grinned and crouched down in front of him. “Or does it? I may like this position of yours.”
“For fucks’ sake, get me out of this, succubus,” Shikamaru muttered, but not even he could deny the slightest fun idea Temari’s suggestion gave him.
Temari reached over and her claw-like fingers worked fast on the rope, slicing it open so Shikamaru could get up.
“Why are you here anyway?” she asked after throwing the rope away. “Lost a game of Gwent? I thought you agreed never to contact me again, yet here I stumble upon you.”
“So I see you smelled me from quarters away, huh. And remember, I never gave any such promises,” Shikamaru said as he got up. His sturdy leather gloves were lying on the floor, and he dressed them on. Unlike the succubus Temari, he didn’t have claws, so this was next best protection. “I am assuming you killed them?”
“Of course,” Temari muttered. “They were part of the fanatics. Eternal Fire and all that crap. Which is why I am surprised you came here when you know they’ll prosecute you, mutant, for even existing. I told you to live a life –”
“Which is why I am surprised you’ve not run away yet,” Shikamaru shot back and placed the silver sword on his back. “When you know the Eternal Fire will kill you for existing. I saw it just yesterday at the square. I saw them burn someone at the stake, and who knows if she was a proper sorceress or not, but now nothing but crisps remain of her corpse. And people applauded.”
“This is my home,” Temari said, voice hard. She stared out of the window, down at the muddy, miserable street below them which was filled with activity. Beggers, merchants, washers, whores, children and cats. The horns sticking out of her head was visible in her reflection. “I lived here before the fanatics came, before that blasted Eternal Fire poisoned everyone’s mind. We created a home here, my family and I.”
“Listen Temari,” Shikamaru said and grabbed her shoulders. “The life you told me to live? I am a witcher. My life means risking it every minute of every day. People hire me to kill monsters and not all monsters are like you. Elementals can smash my skull into mush with one strike if I am not careful, leshens impale me with branches if I am one step behind and specters suck out my soul if I don’t oil my blade before encountering them. This is my life. But you, you have the power to change your life. Do not live here, risking your life every minute of every day – “
“So join me,” Temari said, cutting him off. Shikamaru stared at her and followed her down the wonky stairs. They walked over bodies lying in the staircase and he found his steel sword stuck into the back on one of the red-dressed dead men. Fanatics, not even soldiers by trade. He ripped the sword out and tugged a piece of cloth from the man to clean it from blood.
“No,” he continued. “Skellige is safe for your kind. I know the queen of Skellige, she’ll allow you shelter.”
“Skellige,” Temari echoed when they reached the lowest floor. “A freezing island in the middle of a freezing sea.” She pulled her hands out to exposed her mostly naked upper body, where her tattoos and markings made up a huge hourglass and different swirls. “I want to live in the warmth.”
“I know succubi who live on Skellige,” Shikamaru said and looked down at Temari’s legs which were covered in fur. “They survive just fine. Put on a jacket, maybe.”
“You don’t command me,” Temari hissed and stared out of the window of the door. “Join me, I said. Join me as we rid my beloved city of the plague.”
“And kill the fanatic king in the same breath, huh?” Shikamaru joked. Temari smiled.
“I could cry blood out of fury for all my brothers and sisters who has been prosecuted and killed since the fanatism started,” she said before turning around. “But I don’t have time to bleed. It’s time to put an end to the prosecution of magicians and non-humans. I can kill a king for it if it gives me my freedom back. Shikamaru, why did you come to Novigrad?”
Shikamaru couldn’t give her an honest reply. Temari smiled thinly.
“So help me, witcher,” she said. “You kill monster for hire. So, join me when we kill the true monster in our city. The king himself.”
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goldenpinof · 1 year
why? bc i was thinking about what i watch and what i'd like to see from dan, basically what you said to the previous anon. in late 2018 (at the end of the dan and phil era coincidentally) my taste shifted a lot from mostly comedy and vloggers to video essays and comentary so personally i'd love to see something like that from dan, but i have no idea what dan wants to do. what do you think he wants to do? what's something he'll find fulfilling and sustainable?
i'm going insane reading all these asks about what's next for dan's career. i lobe him i want him to succeed, i want him to get attention and i want to be entertained by him <3
me 🤝 you
sustainable? this is UNSUSTAINABLE!! (sorry, the last promo got in the eyes).
i think he wants (or wanted before wad) to get into stand-up comedy. at some point he proclaimed himself a comedian and started acting like one. unsuccessfully, in my opinion. he is a bad actor, but he is good at exaggerating his feelings. and this is why wad show worked for those who were familiar with Dan, his content, his internet personality and the phandom. i think he loves attention from real life audience, and he loves connecting to the audience while being on stage, so audience participation is an important part of what he wants. (let's count how many times i say "audience"). a not-so-strict script that allows to ask questions, react to answers, comment on people's reactions, make faces, laugh randomly, adjust the show to what is happening on stage – that's a stand-up show that hundreds of people are doing. and i think Dan would be very fucking good at it. the problem is the theme of said stand-up. and i think Dan would love for it to not rely on youtube as heavily as it did during wad (which wasn't an actual stand-up comedy).
remember the last vidcon he attended and the panel that felt like a Ted Talk? it was a fail, i'd say. partly because the audience was too diverse in a sense that phannies weren't the majority. and i'm glad he didn't push this type of career path. wad was so much better, but it was also targeted at the people who already knew him. even if in the beginning i think he was trying to get a wider audience, the lack of funding or enthusiasm promo-wise made it impossible for the "outsiders" to make the experience strange for everyone, Dan including. wad happened to be for us. but was it successful or fulfilling, or sustainable? no. not in a money / audience growth / similar future tours ways. there should be done a lot of changes. and i guess completely changing his management was the 1st and very important step. it was fulfilling in a way that he met us, he saw what his coming out did and what an incredible impact he had on us (not to mention that ii was almost the same. a bunch of gays gathered together).
he clearly wants something bigger than we aka phandom can give him. and for that he must change the theme or/and concept of his shows. i do think that he will try to do a performance again. and i hope it's gonna be less acting and more improvisation.
i'm not sure about a filmed show. he sucks as an actor, and i don't want him to fail :( but if Joey Graceffa successfully put out Escape the Night and Liza Koshy had a series that didn't require more acting than her own skits, maybe something similar could be alright?! "danisnotokay" is an outdated title though. we need to change it, he is not 25 anymore, come on.
basically, he loves attention, complaining about his life, trauma dumping, edgy jokes, screaming, laughing, sex jokes, feeling liked, loved and wanted. he fucking beams when people applaud him. and for that he needs audience. he could get all of it minus an applause with a podcast or livestreams, but he is a stubborn asshole, so i do hope to see him on stage again. preferably a smaller one and with new topics to discuss.
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6okuto · 1 year
HI THIS IS THE ANON WHO SAID SHE LOVED UR POST AND i just realised u also write for cove holden ilysm do u have any romance visual novel recs?? so far i've only done cove's one & two demo ones (a celtic mythology one whose name i cannot remember & touchstarved the loml)
have the bestest day and thNk u
was the celtic one the good people (na daoine maithe) because i played that one too 👩🏻‍💻🫶 RLLY GOOD in typical nia fashion when my Type type isn't there i'm going 4 keagan and flannan
i saw u say error 143 in ur other ask UR REAL!!! ofc i must recommend blooming panic if u haven't played. xyx and toasty r genuinely just. Funny. i rlly liked toasty's va they did a great job. FIRST TIME I HEARD HIS LAUGH I WAS LIKE WOAH. i rlly liked how nightowl's route went w. Anger. u don't see it a lot and i appreciate it i was like WOWWW? AT ME? he's real. robo has answered a Lot of asks on tumblr so u can get loads of content after u finish!
https://gbpatch.itch.io/our-life-nf ... :) No words. Demo. i will build the audience for the 2nd game myself.
DEMO obscura is also vry good,, i haven't played in a Long time but i keep up w reading tumblr asks abt the LIs LOL. love the art and vibes. he isn't my type but iirc cirrus offers a rlly interesting dark romance route + aftercare/safe word system :)
DEMO online @ the perfect time is just,, i love the vibes and concept so far I LOVE WHEN CHARAS R FUNNY. HAVE MY HUMOR. rlly excited to see where it goes it's quite short so far BUT I WANT PPL TO PAY ATTENTION 4 THE FUTURE. PLEASE!
cryptid coffeehouse IS SOOO CUTE I LOVE ARTEMIS ☹️☹️ queer slowburn coffee shop romance BE SERIOUS no one fucking TALKS ABOUT MY ARTEMIS. WHY. so so many cute moments i was kicking my feet and giggling like WOWW
3 seasons is also VRY vry cute i don't usually play games w an mc visual but ivy is so pretty so IDC!!! u can play all the routes pretty easily they're all lovely like... it isn't super often i come out liking all the LIs pretty much on the same lvl. mamma mia!
....the persona 5 vn. IMCRYING I'm so fucking serious like. the characterization is REAL it's super well made. i'd like to say u could enjoy without playing p5 but um. probably not to the full extent. i played out of principle as a p5 enjoyer and for goro bc he's one of summer's fav charas ever and his route was so awesome actually. Epic Major Spoilers obvi. akira slayed also (my good ending completionist side..☹️)i won't say much abt him bc i'll ramble on and on but summer after finding out i had a crush on him yrs ago was like Yeah that makes a lot of sense he is so loz link.. like man
$30 gilded shadows (free demo) which i need to play again I WAS SUPPOSED TO FINISH ARI'S ROUTE MONTHS AGO rika said he was so my type and i trust them fundamentally. caissa my beloved. like the world building + charas it's just,, well done y'know
$12 when the night comes haven't played but rika rlly likes it so i'm putting it here anyways. LOL
NOT VNs. they are IFs...like there's Literally no visuals. read in browser. but i stand by the night market (1st book finished!) which i've rb'ed a bit + speaker . both fantasy,, love both casts i love everything they're doing i'm genuinely so so excited to see where they go!!! PLEASE!!!
YANDERE DEMOS separated for if they aren't ur thing which is obvi Valid. i erm. went down a bit of a rabbit hole. pls read their warnings! always read game warnings. but like. ok anyways
DEMO 14 days with you yeah. ren. i like when mc notes that smth is Off abt him. lots of asks answered on the tumblr! I can fix him.
DEMO something's wrong with sunny day jack jesus Christ . some of the best vn va work i have ever come across like Genuinely wtf. and the concept is rlly cool. was put off for a long time bc of.. jack's appearance.. sowwy. but wow it is just. really well done.
bitter/sweet blythe orange masc blythe va ?? did such a good job?? like srsly what. sorry wow that's the main thing i just rlly wanted to applaud them a bit. also I LOVE THE PARTIAL OST??? i want it so bad i was humming it for a couple hours after like
DEMO our dollhouse I'm so serious when i say i didn't realize it was for yanjam so when i came to my own realization of Oh Shit He's Sus and checked i was like FUCKCKDJ 😭😭 OBVIOUSLY... but srsly love the art and i'm excited to see how mc figures it out and what happens. did a good job at making a pretty Understandably oblivious(??) mc. like yeah i can see why u wouldn't expect him.
DEMO favor Z Intrigues Me. had to try so hard for the secret ending but now i am more intrigued like OKAYYY WHAT HAPPENED BROTHER 🤨 i like the tail animation also. also when u say u like possession horrors woah hey. hey. pal
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admirxation · 1 month
what are your thoughts…on yelena? 😵‍💫
omg hello hello hello, thank you for gracing my inbox again, especially with more aot questions. You're feeding my tendency to never stop yapping, we all know that I do not know when to shut up but hey you asked for it, and thank you for letting me yap over a piece of media that I will never stop obsessing over lmao.
Just wanted to say I'm not trying to start character wars here, I'm just giving my personal opinion and if people disagree that's cool. But if someone sends me death threats for my opinion on a character (like a certain few anon's I used to have hmmmm) please f off, this is just yapping and opinions over a character.
Anyways let's get yapping.
I find Yelena an interesting character, though she isn't one of my favourites nor a character I will rave about with love, she is still one that has interesting qualities and a good inclusion to the story so I have a neutral stance but can still appreciate her characterisation.
My interest in her did fade after the episodes progressed, however, her introduction was still compelling and she added an interesting point to the story, she's just not one of my favourites y'know, but I will give credit where credit is due.
Her introduction was compelling and she added an interesting point to the story, she did a really good job at piquing interest despite not having the exact same spotlight our main cast has had and the cast we have grown attached to, she provides a gravitational ripple to the story that certainly calls for attention on her character.
I don't love her character and she isn't in one of my favourites, and I am sorry I wasn't on the band wagon of editing her to Kate Bush's 'Babooshka' and drooling over her (but hey if you was good on ya); while I do not love her nor favourite her, I do appreciate a good characterisation. (the english literature student is coming out people !)
I might sound like I am glazing over Hajime Isayama, but, he's a good creator and I can't help but admire his craft. He does a really good job at creating plot, but also characters; they all have distinct personalities, motivations, mannerisms, strengths, weaknesses, ideologies etc. Even if a character frustrates me to no end, and has me screaming at the screen, I cannot help but still appreciate how well they were written and what they contributed to the story's depth.
Yelena is a character that is intriguing to me because while I do not agree with what she did, her intelligence was certainly something you have to applaud; the wine plot left me shocked and honestly impressed, and her sly intelligent characterisation is certainly a captivating part of her that is written well. I absolutely did not agree with her ideologies, like Zeke's sterilisation plan, but I can understand why she wanted to go through with it because sterilising the eldians would eliminate the power of the titans which would make a domino effect on Marley's power as they relied on the titans as their main weapon. I do not agree with her but her motivation was there, written out well with WHY she had it. I also found it intriguing HOW she acted out for the materialisation of a reality she wanted to happen.
She isn't a character I love but hey she still piqued my interest and I gotta applaud good writing when I see it even if the character didn't end up in a favourites list.
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wetcatspellcaster · 2 months
The last chapter of A Honest Lie had been incredible! I was at re-read of A Bleeding Heart, and Astarion's POV IS GORGEOUS. You manage to capture his mischievous self so well. It shows he did not change that much, he is still the Astarion Rose (and we) met, but there is also some subtle way she has influenced him. Also, the way you managed to save everyone, I'm applauding your commitment. I gave up on the third try.
And oh how I understand Astarion considering Wyll's father. I would have left him there to rot for what he did to my precious Wyll. But then Wyll would have been so sad, and probably less agreeable to go in Avernus with Karlach, so yeah. Live Ulder. For now *rubs hands in Dark Urge*
And wow, I can see Rose from Pieces in this Rose so clearly. The bossy Rose. I like her. Very much. Maybe too much.
I am so sorry you feel down. I'm sending you peanut butter cookies (hope you don't have allergies) and a very nice cup of tea. Please take your time and don't push yourself, as a writer I know how draining it can feel. Hope you will feel better after some rest! And may all the stress fade.
alas, anon, i did not save everyone in the Iron Throne, and my steel foundry was bugged and thus a fucking bloodbath (it must be known just how much of my fanfic is to make up for my utter uselessness as a gamer, the fic is always the game I *wish* I'd played lmaooo. I log my play hrs in gdocs rather than steam these days, don't ask me how i fair in QTEs plz plz plz.)
honestly, I wrote Astarion's hesitation in that scene from a place of "I don't want this much responsibility, I'll only fuck it up, fuck this" as opposed to his opinions on Ulder. He didn't want to have to play hero, particularly for Wyll's father, as then the stakes are high in a way where failure is a consequence. I can't imagine Astarion relishing that prospect in the slightest! If I were to be honest about my characterisation of him, I imagine it hasn't occurred to him to question Wyll's narrative about Ulder that much yet, bc that would involve him introspecting on other's peoples stories which um... I reckon that's post Cazador lmao, bro's plate if full rn with his own and his gf's mental illness.
And yes, we love a woman in charge 😌
As for your message! thank you! I'll take the cookies. Unfortunately for me and fortunately for everyone who reads me, fic is one of the few reliable sources of serotonin I have, which means there will be two honest lie chapters this week I think x
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antirqrin · 3 months
(there will be a lot of personal rambling, you don't have to answer or read this anon ask at all, you can linger with answer as long as you need or just ignore and delete /gen)
hello, i hope this is not violating of your dni, but i am radqueer who considering leaving this community, and i really feel very lost and have no idea what to do
i am adult, but i rather still in mindset of a minor, and if rq community truly is as horrible as antis say, then this is unsafe place for me. nothing bad happened with me so far, i haven't been groomed or abused, i just not sure if staying in rq spaces will be safe for me. i met many people i like to hang around, got much acceptance and positivity, and it's hard to give up everything i've got. i almost stopped logging in my rq account, but i still have the urge to "come back" and remain active. how to leave/convince myself to leave, if it's mandatory? is being ex-radqueer still shameful? i afraid that i won't be accepted anywhere like i was accepted in this community, and this is the main reason why i am so hesitant
(sorry for messy text and thank you for reading this rambling /gen)
Just wanna start out my response with the fact that, even if you can't leave right away, you are SO SO brave for even CONSIDERING leaving the radqueer community. I applaud, and many others do too.
I know it can be hard to leave. We had those urges to go back when we did this too, but I promise it gets better. My advice might not be the best, but what we did when we decided fully to leave and were still having those urges to go back, was change the password of your radqueer account to some gibberish that you won't remember if you aren't deactivating the account entirely yet. Being an ex radqueer is NOT shameful, and in fact, it's honestly more of an "I survived" mark, for us at least. Even if you aren't going to be active in the anti radqueer community, there are other spaces where you're welcome and that are just as inclusive of other identities as the radqueer community is. I recommend, if you need spaces that are inclusive, r/XenogendersandMore on reddit! They're a very inclusive, but not radqueer, space. It's xenogender focused, but everyone is welcome there.
If you are having genuine, or just general, concerns for your safety then you are making the right decision, trust me. Leaving before anything bad happens to you is one of the best things you can do in these situations. I'm relatively new to being an active anti-radqueer, so I don't have the best advice, but I can offer some more of what we personally did to convince ourselves to leave. You're welcome to DM us anytime if you need more advice, but what we did involves looking to other people. Find friends who aren't radqueer, or are anti, start joining communities like servers and such that are anti radqueer and make friends, surround yourself with things that AREN'T radqueer until you realize that you don't need those radqueer spaces. I know it's hard to give up everything you had, and it is, but it's honestly not always like that. Build new things first so that you won't be dependent on those things you had, them cut them out.
And there are spaces where you will be accepted, don't worry. They might take a bit of building. I had to curate my online experience and tailor it to see just the right positivity, and it took time, but I promise you. IT DOES PAY OFF SO WELL. It really does.
It gets better.
Thanks for reaching out, and again you're welcome to dm us if you need or want to. Leaving is hard, and you might not achieve it right away. But it truly is amazing and the right thing to do if you to attempt to leave. Sorry if my response was a bit long, and best of luck leaving the radqueer community. I know you can ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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tatakaeeren · 3 months
They propose to you in PUBLIC with people, music, food, basically a whole ass party as they declare their never ending love for you,
You have to hurt the feelings of one and publicly HUMILIATE him and CRUSH his soul beyond NO RETURN in front of his peers.
Would you rather reject
Yuji Itadori
Kyojuro Rengoku
At this point I don't know if this is pure genius creativity on your part anon... or if you are simply cruel 😂😂😂 I applaud you for both anyways because damn you make these things harder and so much fun.
I would rather reject Itadori, because he is my one of my children so I can't see him as anything else and I think he would take the news better than Rengoku, I mean obviously, it would hurt but he would be able to get over it a lot faster and let's be honest here... I am not his type like at all, I think I am considered more on the "tall" side but HA HA HA... I am flat an ironing board so.. sorry Itadori and todo 😂😂😂
Tumblr media
“have you evers” and “would you rathers” ask game...
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enneamage · 4 months
As I am very certain I am the anon whose ask you are gently folding away, I would like to let you know that I don't feel ashamed by that ask. I have watched so much content of his that I think my viewpoint was very reasonable. But don't paint me to have rose colored glasses here. I am also the same anon who has sent you a lot of other asks about who he is. I gave you the list of streams that she wanted to do with him that never happened. I told you about Phil calling him a dick. I am the same anon on a since folded blog that listed ways he was not a good friend and his need for control, which you applauded in the comments. Thing is, I could have sent just as many positive things about him as well. One can't watch 1000 hours of content (literally) and not have an idea of who someone is. That recent 52 second video? I have no idea who that is. But to be honest, I am finding myself seeing an end in the near future. And I suspect what I am going to be left with is just feeling sorry for him. All that I can see is the amount of shame he is feeling with parts of his life is too much for him to handle. But I can't see myself sticking around if he is so willing to not address it at all.
Yeah, I just didn’t want to put you on the jumbotron for bad timing. It wasn’t unreasonable, it just didn’t turn out that way right now. 
You’ve been here for a while, so you’ve seen the highs and lows. It looks like he can’t cope with what he’s done right now, so it looks like he just won’t, or will try to handle things by walking around them. The story feels very brittle right now and the tension is even clear in the video, I think that even if I didn’t know what had happened I would find the vibes to be off. I treat him as being beyond the line not just for Shelby but for the rape allegation from Alice so I think that a lot of people involved, including him, are sceptical that he could make meaningful ammends. He has always been very aware of what is worth being ashamed of on a certain level, he just didn’t behave within those expectations. Reconciling public persona with how he has actually behaved is mind-breaking; It makes him ‘vulnerable’ mentally and socially in a way that I don’t know he has the ability to cope with.
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emilykaldwen · 7 months
Definitely issues within the different communities on here including the OC community in the past few years for different reasons like stealing ideas etc and having all these people come forwards saying they had been stolen from and they'd been saying it for a long time but they were constantly told to basically shut up because the instigator had a huge following and influential friends. The person in question was part of a group of people who held hierarchy here once but the thing is a good percentage of them were fine, they didn't act like they were the hierarchy. It was others who made them like that through perception and the way they treated those people wanting their attention etc. It was the minority who abused the position they found themselves in.
However I feel the OC community is now currently dead in the water because that hierarchy has been dissembled, and it shows how much we gathered around them as an epicenter. They dictated trends for fandoms and what we made OCs for etc. There is people trying to form a new hub by making challenges etc but it feels like flagging a dead horse. Plus some of them have bad rep for just courting so called popular people. You can't build community that way but I think they're making the effort now to be better and make a difference.
A few people in the hierarchy who I admired well their true colours show now like hate reading fic etc. I still can't believe they believed their own hype to the point they thought they were superior to other creators on here. Also the person who stole from so many people. That was really bad. Another person I admired would get upset if a new 'contender' emerged whose amazing edits and ideas would naturally get attention. They would openly say how upset they were at this, say they saw this other person as a rival and anyone who sent this rival asks was a backstabber and it was up to the rival to comfort and reassure them and downplay their own talents to be accepted. This person was then applauded for being vulnerable and open? Like what? You rip down this other creator passive aggressively resulting in them crawling on their belly to appease you and offer comfort, as if THEY did something wrong. Again this was a person I really admired once. But talent doesn't make them good people.
Fandoms are the same there is all these toxic elements. I would just love to enjoy the view and share my stuff and other people's stuff. But people only want to like stuff for some reason. I don't mind if it's to bookmark it but for real I wish they would goddamn disable the like button. If you like it enough to like them surely it stands you like it ro reblog?
You're doing the right thing keeping to your friends. Ignore people who call you a clique. They're the reason why we build walls around our friendship groups and ourselves. People are always on the attack or dictating or social climbing. If you find a good person then ofc you're going to protect that friendship and yourself.
Anon, first off, I just wanna say I'm really sorry you've dealt with all of this. The last majorly active fandom (fic wise) I was involved in was over two decades ago, but I have heard and seen the horror stories. I've had friends cry over having things stolen, of hearing the horror stories over people out there who want to rally up and drag anyone who dares call out the theft and bad behavior.
We are human, and we are creative human and wanting recognition and validation for our hard work is never a bad thing. We love being told good job! Well done!
I have dealt with a person like this last summer who I thought made friends with, but then twisted themselves into thinking everything I did in pursuing my own stories was a direct attack on them/in direct response. I had to have friends step in because I was so utterly fucking confused and frankly hysterical.
I'll say this: it's rarely ever just one person. It's the people around them who enable it, who don't call out behavior, because again, we like validation, we don't want to rock the boat. If someone is stealing, or being a bully, call them out. And if they don't listen, just dump them. You and everyone else will be better for it.
I'm in my mid-30s at this point. I've been around the drama friends before and I want no part of it. I'm not here to have a million followers. I'm here to make connection with people that feel meaningful. And others may see that connection as alienating. But I mean... I walked into this fandom and saw... a lot happening. A lot that I didn't want a part of.
Fandom is meant to be a place where we can support each other creatively. And if you're jealous, that is a you thing and it's nothing to be ashamed of feeling, but it is your responsibility to handle. (and I mean a general YOU, not specifically you, anon). This was the issue with the friend I broke away from last year.
There is, in fact, enough internet to go around. How often do we go searching for stories of the same trope and same pairings? No one is going to complain about more chocolate chip cookies at the bake sale.
As an OC writer, I don't know where I stand in fandom. I try to keep my nose out of it, but I do get heated when I see friends and otherwise chill people getting caught unfairly. I just want to write my fic that I'm working really hard on, and I'm sharing it because I want to reach other people and make connections.
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