#don't do this to me nora ill never recover
kevindavidday · 8 months
everytime i think of kevjean...the night we met by lord huron starts playing somewhere in the bg
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yandere-fics · 8 months
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(Thank you sooooo much, I really doubted anyone would care about my writing this much, it's incredible! I hope you don't mind but I chose just a really bad cold as the sickness. I really really enjoyed writing this, let me know your thoughts!)
♡ How They Take Care Of A Sick Darling ♡
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♡ Nora is not the best when it comes to caring for her darling, even when she was mortal she was in tip top shape so she is panicking a little bit when she wakes up next to you and you're unable to get up out of bed from how sick you are. Are you dying, does she have to go find The Boss immediately to prevent your death? When she finds out you're not sick she calms down but not by much considering her reason for living is still incapacitated in her bed and there is nothing she can do to help. ♡
♡ If she's not there and returns to you being sick then it's even worse! She needs camera's set up in the apartment and she's upset she hasn't been a good enough girlfriend for you to automatically call her the moment there's a problem, she promises to remedy this issue as soon as she can so eventually your first instinct will be to call her, she'll do better! ♡
♡ The Boss will just have to put up with her not doing her job for a week or two until she's entirely sure you're better. Nora is not a good cook, she's barely passable, which reminds her she really needs to practice for in the future in case you ever do want her to cook for you, for now though you will have to deal with her ordering food for you and spoon feeding you herself, don't you even dare try to pick up the spoon, she will swat your hand away and force you to allow her to care for you. ♡
♡ She'll prop a million pillows under your back because laying down all day long can't be good for you though if you insist on laying down all day, instead she'll roll you on you back and give you a massage to guarantee you don't get any bedsores, even though you literally haven't been laying there for very long at all. She's doing her best to not press down too hard but in all her stress she still winds up pressing down a bit hard. ♡
♡ Once you have recovered she's not letting you out until she feels like you have enough layers on because she can't risk you falling victim to these stupid mortal illnesses. Especially when The Boss refuses to give her any more days off for awhile so she wouldn't be there to take care of you as intensely next time and while The Boss did offer to send a doctor for you, Nora really doesn't trust having anyone else touch you. ♡
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♡ Sawyer is very bad at this because she can't use her powers to get rid of something as minor as a cold. If it were something worse then she could snap it away but doing that for something minor carried the risk of accidentally messing things up severely so instead she was forced to watch you suffer while she could do nothing to stop it. She would have to get you on a strict regimen of vitamins and things like that quickly so this could never occur again. ♡
♡ She already has cameras set up in the penthouse for occasions like this but she still feels awful that she didn't check the cameras for an hour coming back to see you lay in bed sick. She's out of the office so quick, not bothering to tell anyone why she was leaving for the day or giving them any instructions, once she's back at the penthouse then she'll figure out what she's going to do, for now she has to be by your side. ♡
♡ Sawyer can't just take a break for this so you're coming to the office with her. Don't worry she already called her people to make them put a bed in her office and there will be doctors there waiting to take care of you under her command. Highly trained doctors who know to be very careful or they will suffer a fate much worse than death. ♡
♡ Any touching will be completed by her at the instruction of the doctors, if you must be rolled over to adjust the sheets or you need a massage to help your aching joints, the doctors must tell her to do it and if they dare to try to do it themselves she will strike them down. This is the first time she's really taking breaks from her work to eat because she has to take a break to spoon feed you, there's no way she would consider allowing the doctors to do something so intimate for you. She's very attentive, she's just also very busy so she's trying very hard to balance her two responsibilities right now. ♡
♡ Once you're better she's getting a nutritionist and a fitness coach so they can advise her on what vitamins and things she needs to get for you in order to boost your immune system. If they can't help her make sure that you never get sick again then she'll pull some strings with the elves to get immune boosting items to ensure your health is at peak condition, she's never going to allow this to happen again although she actually didn't mind it too much. Caring for you was pleasant and she liked the bonding experience but not to the detriment of your own health. ♡
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♡ Theanna is very good at this considering she was not the heir to the throne her whole life so when anything went wrong she cared for herself and never received a single bit of help on anything so when she was sick she had to sneak the medicines that her siblings with more backers were allowed to receive. Compared to that, caring for you with all her wealth and power at her disposal is a breeze so she's not stressing herself out. It's only a mild cold anyways plus it makes you so cute and weak for her. ♡
♡ Theanna is appalled to leave a meeting and have the head maid inform her that her favorite maid is sick. While she's grateful for the head maid caring for you while Theanna was busy, she would have rather she just barged into the meeting room and let Theanna know immediately. That's a new rule, from now on if anyone has news pertaining to her darling, they must come to her instantly, it does not matter where she is or what she's doing, they better tell her. ♡
♡ She can take a break whenever she damn well pleases, her advisors will simply have to put up with dealing with her crappy handwriting telling them how she wants them to handle everything for the day. It's super cute to see you squirm and whine about how she shouldn't take a day off on your account. You're so worried about how improper it is for the crown princess to take a day off all for a simple maid and she simply shushes you and questions if you're disobeying her orders. ♡
♡ She insists on doing everything for you even though she could just as easily get one of the maids or doctors to treat you. Instead she simply makes them deliver the medicine to the door and get the fuck away. She can't let them inside the room because she wants to be the only one who knows what you look like when you're so weak and vulnerable. In this state she can finally care for you the way she wants to without all your silly whining that it's improper and whatnot. ♡
♡ When you've recovered she's a bit bummed out that she can't push you around anymore and you won't let her take care of you again. She would have thought that getting sick would have helped you to realize how nice it is for her to take care of you. Well even if you won't let her continue to baby you once you're feeling better, she's going to insist on taking care of you because now she's realized how nice it feels to care for you and there's not a damn thing you can do to stop her. ♡
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♡ Abigail is bad at this. Her family never gets sick, her bloodline is very strong plus where their manor is situated, is the perfect moderate weather all year long so even the civilians rarely get colds and such. She has seen people get sick since her arrival in the capital but she doesn't socialize much and her knights usually just walk any illness off and she never cares to pay enough attention so she wouldn't notice if they were sick anyways. She notices you're sick the moment your stance is even slightly off though. ♡
♡ If she returns from an important meeting to discover you are sick she will freak out that none of the other recruits stopped you from training. Sure she makes everyone else work through their sickness but you are obviously different so they should have known there's no way she would permit you to remain here while you are ill. She understands why they didn't inform her instantly but they still should have made you rest in her quarters and fetched a doctor for you. ♡
♡ She is unable to take too much time off work for this because it's not a fatal illness but this does make her grow to resent Theanna even more. She wishes she could go claim her title as duke now and just give up all this nonsense instantly because what good is being the top night if she can not take a break to care for her darling even if her care would be no help. ♡
♡ She'll have to make the doctor take care of you while you're resting and then you are permanently banned from the training ground because you are too stupid to know when to rest. If you fight the doctor or refuse to take your medicine because it tastes so bad she will storm into her room and force you to take it. At night when she returns she gives your aching bones a little massage in order to speed up your recovery. ♡
♡ When you're recovered she still doesn't believe you, you're permanently required to refrain from training. She can't believe you pushed yourself so hard in order to become a knight, it doesn't matter if you got sick for a different reason and weren't actually pushing yourself, or that all the other nights already constantly push themselves, she doesn't care, you matter more than any of that and it's time you accept your role as her lady. If you miss the training grounds then you can visit but only as her future duchess. ♡
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♡ Veronia is great at it. She already takes care of sick animals occasionally when she's bored and has nothing better to do. Taking care of a sick bear is way harder than taking care of a little human who can't really stop her. I mean she's a strong seven foot dragon woman so like what are you gonna do, especially when you're sick and weak, your punches feel like she just got poked. Aww isn't she so cruel for laughing at you, she'll make it up beloved. ♡
♡ When she comes back to the cave and finds you sick she's panicking because she thought you would be fine while she went out to get food, she didn't realize you had kicked the blanket off of yourself as soon as she left so you had gotten sick in that time from being exposed to the air. She'll wrap you like a burrito next time to make sure you can't kick it off. ♡
♡ She can't really afford to take a break from guarding the territory daily but she'll make her rounds very quick so she can return to you. Plus all her hunting is necessary but she'll get much better at hunting this week since now she has to find ways to speed the process up much more. She'll be by your side the rest of the time though. ♡
♡ She has to admit, she's kind of into this. Though she wouldn't say it out loud because she feels bad for thinking this, she finds this extremely appealing to her fucked up defenseless princess versus dragon roleplay. Even if you said you were okay with it, she would never act on that desire because your body badly needs to recover so sadly she will just be a good diligent mate and try not to think about how good you look right now as she massages your back trying to ease your ache. ♡
♡ Once you're better she is taking you with her when she secures the perimeter, she will put you in an adult sized bjorn if she has to. Though she will eventually give up on that idea when she realizes it might make you nauseous, still she will unfortunately have to make sure you are awake when she patrols because she can't let you kick the blankets off again. You'll be fed and bundled up, plus set up with maybe some books or an activity before she leaves from now on. ♡
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writtenicarus · 2 years
Fuck The Extra Content
The way Nora wrote mental illness especially around Andrew's future is vile and portrays people with trauma to constantly feel the full effects of it all the time and never recover. Andrew will never be an entirely functional human being but give me: Andrew and Neil who DO GET MARRIED even if they don't say I love you because it's just not in their vocabulary, give me Andrew who smiles for Neil, who has dimples and throws his head back when he laughs. He isn't a heartless monster and trusts Neil with his life, it takes time but slowly he DOES get better. Everyone does.
I hate the fact that she said Neil would never see Andrew laugh or cry. It was a survival instinct for Andrew to shut off all of his emotions and act like they didn’t have any effect on him. 
He would have, even if he never said it, wanted to get better for Neil. To be able to give things to Neil that Neil would be too respectful to ask for. Of course, he would have felt bad when he saw how the foxes comforted Neil on bad days, how he cursed himself for not being able to do the same yet.
Andrew’s love for Neil is raw, everything Neil makes Andrew feel is raw and real and nothing short of just what Andrew needs. Neil never gets too close, but he is never too far either.
So fuck the extra content. Andrew Joseph Minyard is a beautiful man. And he is getting better.
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bloody-wonder · 4 years
ok so i've totally been rampaging through all of your aftg posts and i absolutely agree with you on everything except! i do think that andrew being bipolar is really the only thing that makes sense (not saying he can't have cptsd or anthing because he totally does!) even without nora confirming that's what she intended. 12am on tumblr has some really good posts i'll link in a different ask but u don't have to read them if u don't care lol. one of them is about the realistic and unrealistic (1)
hi there! i’m gonna just copy the rest of your asks in here and answer them as one :))
parts of his medication and basically what i got out of it was that the situation that gets him on his meds is pretty much unfeasible but the meds do make sense only if andrew is actually bipolar and misdiagnosed with depression, thus he's put on antidepressants. and andrew's only off his meds for about 4? months in the books so we really just may not have time to see him in a manic state (or, as another post says, he could have had a short hypomanic episode that neil never noticed). (2)
obviously a lot of what people might construe as poor bipolar rep is mostly just the effects of his trauma, but i personally do think andrew is actually bipolar ii alongside having cptsd. nora definitely didn't have a disgnosis in mind while writing and she admits it herself but a lot of how she wrote him does actually line up ok sorry for invading ur inbox lol!! i just love all of ur takes and when i saw that i wanted to share what i think
the posts you sent me are really very informative and written by people who actually know things about medicine and bipolar disorder in particular.
this one is about why they might have put andrew on pills, what kind of pills they might be and what lasting consequences on his mental health it might have
this one is about how andrew’s drug-induced mania is different from bipolar mania
this one dives deep into andrew’s mental problems
this one does the same but is shorter
it looks like both of them come to the conclusion that andrew has bipolar II. i didn’t even know there are different types so obviously i thought that andrew’s bipolar is either not there or misrepresented. i won’t say that andrew isn’t bipolar so matter-of-factly in the future bcs there’s obviously enough evidence to interpret him that way (and it’s confirmed by the author and we must welcome the rep). however i think it’s also important to note this remark op makes
More often than those things, we see depressive episodes in Andrew when he’s off his meds: feeling tired, thinking about death, feel empty, low activity levels, don’t enjoy things, hopelessness. It’s worth noting that a lot of those things are just Andrew. He’s got PTSD, and he’s depressed. If someone is always irritable and tired, those aren’t symptoms of an episode, it’s just their personality.
they also say that while there’s room for interpreting andrew’s diagnosis, there’s also no single canon answer. i suppose irl as well there are patients who can’t determine what exactly is “wrong” with them, all the while trying to discern their own personality traits from the symptoms of some disorder. my issue here is probably not with whether andrew is bipolar or not bcs it changes nothing in my perception of him, so much as with this - once the disagreeable behaviors that he has are framed as symptoms of a mental illness that’s where what i call “the fandom recovery narrative” kicks in: andrew has to recover which means he has to get rid of those disagreeable traits, he has to smile more, he has to express his emotions in “normal” ways etc. unless he does, he doesn’t recover, and if he doesn’t recover, then what’s even the point? what is a person who “doesn’t recover” even worth? why have we even wasted our time reading a book about them? 
do you see my problem?
but ultimately what i knew already but still learned once more while writing this post is that my boy andrew is an intricate mesmerizing MESS and it’s important that we love him the way he is, no matter what diagnosis he has exactly.
just like neil does.
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