#don't forget to feed the fandom writers
avenger-nerd-mom · 2 years
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Sometimes, you leave a random comment in the tags, and you get the most heart-warming response mere seconds later.
I'm a "fandom old." I probably haven't posted fan fic since 2017? 2018? But just this one little message from @izhunny made my day! I've put my focus on my original fictions and just keeping my time for myself the last few years. I often think about my unfinished stories, and think "I should do something with that."
Simply knowing one person wants it makes me feel special. I've got some time off work coming soon, and I'm gonna finish up a draft I have of a Steve and Charlie story, just because @izhunny wants to see it!
Masterlinks: Steve and Charlie
Finding Warmth
What's His Number?
Merry Christmas, Steve
Happy New Year's, Steve
Safe and Sound
Word Travels Fast
My random comment came about from a post today about needing to get back to the "old stories" of Avengers Tower. I think I have two, maybe three drafts I never published? I don't even know if I remember how to load everything up! LOL But I'll do my best this week to get back to my roots.
Thanks for the encouragement, @izhunny It means EVERYTHING
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witheredoffherwitch · 5 months
Let's get one thing straight: I have no part in this chaotic mess (infact, I have blocked all the accounts mentioned below), but it's grinding my gears how it's devolving into another petty fanfic drama: case 607. I know this drama is getting the attention for certain individuals who are demonstrating mean girl behaviour and gossiping about other writers behind their backs. However, I am solely focused on addressing the racist and discriminatory remarks made by these individuals in the leaked text messages.
For those not in the loop, there's been a huge drama in the fanfic community involving leaked text messages from a group chat of four prominent members. In these messages, two users - Fae and Bel - have admitted to sending hate anons and talking smack about other writers behind their backs. Two other members left the group after it was revealed that B tried to make amends with someone who these two, Em and Ange, don't particularly care for. As a move to clear their names, Em exposed all the texts, trying to prove that Fae and Bel are the real villains here.
But wait, there's more! In these same chats, Bel not only mocked fellow non-English speakers but also bragged about sending rat emojis to an 18-year-old Pakistani writer who was already receiving racist anons. While everyone is focused on getting back at these two women for being shady af, it's mind-boggling how Em and Ange are suddenly jumping on the anti-racism train.
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These two ladies stayed in the same chat as a fellow Pakistani writer was driven away because of racism, knowing full well that one of their own was contributing to it, and said NOTHING! Zero discouragement, no condemnation - they only hopped off when things got personal.
So here it is… I've had it with all of you hypocrites. You praise and encourage these women at every turn, feeding their egos like they're the second coming of Beyonce. But let's not forget who's always stirring up drama in this fandom - hint: it's these same people with a sense of entitlement the size of a planet. The issue is groupthink and y'all have all jumped on the bandwagon. You're worse than HBO's marketing department because just like their shitty teams, everyone involved here SUCKS ASS. You don't have to pick a side because they are all petty, mean losers. Bel and Fae are facing the consequences of their actions, which they rightfully deserve.
However, Em's exposé on Bel's racism seems more like an opportunistic move and it's disappointing that so many of you are supporting it. It's a predictable cycle now; there will be a half-hearted apology, an announcement of a hiatus, and then tons of people will flock to their inboxes to shower them with praise and excuses. It's ridiculous! I know there are many who feel the same way as me but are afraid to speak up because they don't want to upset the "village elders" and risk losing their connections and engagements. It's a joke atp!
Instead of taking responsibility for their own wrongdoings, they will come up with a list of 10 different cyber crimes by others to divert attention from their own nonsense. These very same women have confessed to creating multiple fake accounts, secretly stalking servers without mods noticing, and constantly harassing individuals through anon messages.
Yet, we are supposed to consider them as examples of moral integrity and ethical behavior? 😒
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anonymous-dentist · 8 months
The QSMP fandom has a bit of a problem about reblogging, we know this, and it's absolutely heartbreaking to experience as an artist and writer because like? How else are our creations supposed to spread! We need people to interact with our posts and reblog them so other people can see our art!
But also? People are bad at commenting, and I don't mean that in "Wow, only two words? What a loser!"
Nah, I mean that in the "Why isn't anybody commenting :(" way, and it's especially bad these days. Writers pour hours and days into their writing, and artists pour just as much into their art, but at least artists can sometimes get keysmashes in their activity feed from people who like their art.
What do writers get? A like, if that.
This is how you lose your writers. You forget to cherish them (lol, Suite Life reference anybody?) But, seriously, leaving a comment or an ask or even a tag in a reblog is enough to let writers know that people are reading their work. Otherwise, writers feel like they're writing 5k words for an empty audience, and they lose motivation. They stop writing, and people wonder where they went.
QSMP fandom! Leave comments for your fanfic writers, please! Let them feel the same love the rest of the community feels! We're a wonderful community, we just need to share the love some more! If we don't, we risk losing our artists and writers, and literally nobody wants that
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hgejfmw-hgejhsf · 8 months
Thoughts from just another fandom writer
I am not a popular writer in my fandom. You may see that sentence and think, wow, what's about to come next, but just stay with me for a bit. I promise there's a point.
I am not a popular writer in my fandom. You won't see my name splashed across Twitter when a new update posts with the expectation that people are going to flock to my page. People don't recognize my fics by just a name. And none of my fics are ever going to be considered one of THE fics within the fandom.
Do I get sad about that sometimes? Sure. I'm only human. Do I write a fic and think that the amount of pride I have in it and in myself might mean that this is the one that people will recommend to all of their friends because they just HAVE to read it? Also yes. I think we all want that when we put a piece of ourselves out into the world in our art. And that certainly holds true for me, as someone whose huge, generous, ridiculous, indestructible heart is on the outside of her body.
But I also have an incredible group of humans who do loyally read my works, all of them (despite the ridiculous number I've published in just 7 months' time) and leave incredibly kind and thoughtful comments that bring me to tears every time. My writing, from just July until now, when I published a fic for the first time in 10 years because I couldn't fathom going another day without allowing these characters into my mind and heart through the typing of my fingers, has grown immensely, and I want more than anything for it to continue to improve as time goes on.
Which is why I scroll through the feed every day, searching for new works to read by new and old authors alike. Just today, I read a work by someone who was publishing their very first fic, who set it as a New Year's resolution for themselves. And I left a comment for them to see the next time they're online.
It cost me absolutely nothing to hit the kudos button and make a comment. And I hope that, like me, a kind word will go a long way towards encouraging that author to keep writing. To keep sharing their soul with us as a fandom. To keep loving it the way that I love it.
I'm writing this to encourage all of you, regardless of the number of subscribers, hits, kudos, or comments you have, or how many rec lists you've made, or where you are in your writing journey, to always remember that there was once a time when you were a brand new writer, too, and I urge you to remember how much something like a comment meant to you in your journey. I'll leave y'all with one of my favorite song lyrics to further emphasize my point:
When you get where you're goin Don't forget turn back around And help the next one in line Always stay humble and kind
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Really late because only yesterday I've started browsing the RWDE tag to see what the fandom has been up to, and saw some of your WF posts.
*rips off hair* Is it weird that I feel SO uncomfortable with the "redeemed Adam" AUs? I adore Adam 100% but every AU, even from some Adam fans, has that "Adam has to learn not to be racist" condescending vibe and punishes him more harshly than other characters. But, people, he WAS a literal SLAVE?! Doesn't matter if it happened when he was a child or a bit older, HE WAS A SLAVE AND HE WAS BRANDED?! PLEASE CUT HIM SOME SLACK?!
After a couple years of not being around I just feel that Adam fans as a collective still feel a bit traumatized from the discourse, so they try to justify their liking of Adam and overcompensate by punishing him harder, as if to say "See? I'm not that blind and biased as Adam haters say!".
I'm reading a fic currently that it's very good but even faunus are condescending and rude to Adam because of his 'racism' and my soul vanished. Instead of faunus trying to understand and support each other, isn't that even more isolating and alienating? Why are they cannibalizing each other? I know it literally happens in real life but as far as I've read, it's not bringing attention to that fact, but more like presenting it as a good thing. Again, I feel that everyone (fans) as a collective is FORGETTING ADAM WAS A LITERAL SLAVE and treating as if he had just been bullied in school for having horns. He shouldn't have other faunus policing his reactions (so far, he hasn't committed a crime, he just yelled and got very angry because he felt unsafe). It's clearly drawing a line where certain attitudes from trauma are "right" (being a cute crier, submissive, etc) and others are "wrong" (being angry, yelling, etc) because "it makes faunus look bad". Even worse, the faunus that scold Adam are generally on the cuter side of faunus traits. Isn't that just feeding into the ideas already set by humans? That faunus should be cute and behave well and that any faunus that is more aggressive and "dangerous" should be considered a threat?
*very deep sigh* I'm sorry for the long ask but I had to vent for a bit and see if I'm not that crazy yet. It's just that reading those fics makes me think we're gaslighting ourselves somehow, and how that can impact real life if we act like this over a cartoon, and it's really depressing. Thank you if you read all of this.
Long Post Ahead. Contains Spoilers for RWBY and Full Metal Alchemist. Mention of child slavery, genocide, systematic oppression, branding, disfigurement, violence, and racial abuse.
Don't apologize, babe, you're more than valid in your feelings regarding this issue. And yes, I do feel like there is a lot of overcompensation when it comes to how a lot of "Adam redemption" AU, but I believe that it's just because the writers haven't seen another way of writing his story without invalidating his experience yet. And that's understandable! This is a topic that is extremely complicated to explore, and to start one has to understand that there shouldn't be any separation of "good" and "bad" minorities, as well as the willingness to challenge the status quo that has taken characters like Adam on this path towards liberation.
I don't know if you have seen my post comparing the way RWBY and FMA writes a narrative of a minority opposing a racist system through violent means here, but the way that I see FMA succeeding in its efforts was that the narrative never demonize the way Scar feels about his hatred towards the people who wronged him and his people. And it rightfully shouldn't! His people were systematically murdered and experimented on, his brother who wanted to peacefully contribute to helping their people and was willing to learn about alchemy to find a common ground was murdered when he tries to protect Scar, which resulted in his arm being grafted onto Scar to save him, and the oppression of the Ishvalans still persist long after the conflict while the government oppressing them prosper. Scar has all the rights to be pissed off and went on a murderous revenge, and the narrative does. Not. Demonize him for that.
However, it criticize his actions when innocents are involved. And I'm not talking about Ed and Al, I'm taking about Winry. The daughter of the couple who saved Scar's life who he murdered in a fit of rage. The little girl who still extend her kindness to him despite not forgiving Scar for leaving her orphaned, because she broke the cycle of violence and that choice of hers let Scar pick an alternative to his violence. AKA, murdering the dictator who created the genocide of the Ishvalans. Again, the narrative of FMA doesn't make Scar out to be this monster who should be put down for not asking for his rights "nicely", it empathize with him, offer him new perspective, and gave him a chance to do the right thing while still getting his justice.
RWBY doesn't have this nuance to it, and I think that is why a lot of times, the "redeem Adam" AUs goes too hard on excusing his actions and/or overdo the criticism on his actions without attempting to unpack the systematic oppression that creates people like Adam and break it down. There's a balance you have to understand in order to write a convincing "redeem Adam" narrative that doesn't erase his own trauma, and it comes with actually calling out what happened to him as wrong and inhumane.
For Adam to "unlearn his racism", the authors have to look at the events that caused him to have this mentality and admit that it's a flawed system. They have to recognize that there is implicit biases like you mentioned between Faunus and how they're perceived in comparison to each other. The authors have to admit that Adam's hatred for humans and his actions were products of a hateful, racist society that sought out to kill him in every way that matters. You can't half-ass this topic by putting the blame on him; this isn't me saying that he shouldn't be called out for his violence on others, not at all, this is me saying that you need to see the forest, not just the tree. Adam unlearning and breaking the cycle of abuse requires him to be given some kind of hope, some kindness that he isn't a monster for rightfully being hateful towards people who oppressed him and his people. He needs to know that the world still have a place for him to heal and be better. And Adam shouldn't be the one to have to beg to see it by being "nice enough".
Thank you for your ask, anon. Please take a step back if this discourse is too much for you, your well-being is much more important. And I hope that my answer to your ask is somewhat satisfactory.
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mindibindi · 1 year
⭐(Re)Visit a Classic XF Fic [7/7]⭐
So, as part of The X files 30th anniversary celebrations, I took it upon myself to highlight some of the AMAZING authors I first read in this fandom. They were a HUGE part of my experience of watching the show during it's original run. For shippers, the original run was a marathon in faith, frustration and endurance. We were judged, dismissed, ridiculed and gaslit throughout. But in fandom, we found solidarity, and in fanfic, we found solace. (AND we won in the end, so THERE).
As a retired author, I also have a vested interest in pleading the case of older writers. Fanfic archives are libraries, not social media sites. Don't just read whatever comes up most recently in your feed. Search. Discover. Explore. Experiment. Yes, there are some differences in older fanfic culture that are evident in these seven recs. Characters may be understood differently in their original context, narrative style may also differ (more 1st/2nd person address that even addresses the reader directly), there may also be less clear trigger warnings and fewer opportunities for feedback/community. I know we all love AO3 and are grateful for its good works. But don't forget that there are other avenues through which to explore fanfiction.
For this final rec, I want to return to the first author I rec-ed. I urge you to check out her other works. The characters are sometimes a little overwrought or OOC but even when they are, her stuff is tremendously messy, sexy and fun. Here Mulder and Scully are perfectly in character in a rather rauchy scenario. (If you're a babyphile and you don't know the politics at play then ask an auntyphile to fill you in). I will post links below for all the classic authors I have rec-ed, along with a few archives you may want to check out.
Rec #7:
MSR, obligatory stakeout fic
Prompted by current events, Mulder and Scully discuss oral sex
Some knowledge of the Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky scandal required
Rachel Anton (inc lots of Krycek content)
Suzanne Schramm
Narida Law
The search engine is not great but Gossamer IS still up and running:
X-Libris is a current archive that is doing a great job of recovering older works. You can suggest fics to be added to the site or even ask for a long lost fic to be tracked down!!
Smaller archives but also still up and running is Whispers of X and XFSM, both of which are good for different pairings, threesomes and a bit of kink, if that's your jam.
In particular, if you're into BDSM then you may want to check out Kristel St Johns "Aphrodisia" which does a beautiful job of putting Mulder and Scully in a v different, intense kind of physical relationship . The novel is unfinished but definitely still worth a read.
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areyoudreaminof · 9 months
King Under Your Control-An Azris Playlist
It's the final entry to the ACOTAR Playlist Project? Can you believe?!
I wanted to finish with a bang. Azris, the crackship to end them all. I'm also of the opinion that Azris has some of the best writers in this fandom, and this playlist is for them. This tracklist was inspired by all of the art and fics I've been blown away by. @iftheshoef1tz, @ofduskanddreams, @secret-third-thing, and @krem-does-stuff specifically. But there are too many to name.
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LISTEN HERE and take a look at the tracklist behind the cut!
King-Years & Years
I was a king under your control And, oh, oh, oh I wanna feel like you've let me go, so let me go Don't you remember how I used to like Being on the line? I dreamed you dreamed of me calling out my name Is it worth the price?
Zephyrus-Bloc Party
And all you said in your quietest voice Was "I needed you as much as they do" And all you said in your quietest voice Was "I needed you as much as they do" How fast must we run before we can just take off in flight? How far must we run before they do not recognise us? So let's take this from the start, you'll be me and I'll be you
Casanova-Allie X & VERITE
I'm here lying on the bed of your tongue My heart listens to the sound of your war drum Steady tiptoeing to your neck of the woods I feel danger on your lips but it tastes good
Sex and Violence-Scissor Sisters
Everytime I spend myself it never runs too low Woah, woah, woah I can't escape my need for
Sex and violence Never let you see them hand in hand One is with the other The softest touches deeper than the ocean Give it to me faster, feel it, feel it
NEW MAGIC WAND-Tyler the Creator
Ayo, take one look in the mirror, implications so clear I live life with no fear, except for the idea That one day you won't be here I will not fetch the ball Eyes are green, I eat my vegetables
Ties-Years & Years
And you're a dancer, well, I'm a spy It's so beautiful to see you lie Are you having fun? Then give it up, you don't need that stress You're still hungry for another test Are you having fun?
Under the Sheets-Ellie Goulding
We're under the sheets and you're killin' me In our house made of paper, your words all over me We're under the sheets and you're killin' me Like all the boys before
Bad Habit-Foals
'Cause if I go Where the flowers grow Into the deep below Oh, would you forget me now? And if I could Make the days okay Wash the stains away Oh, would you forget me now?
Pink + White
That's the way every day goes Every time we've no control If the sky is pink and white If the ground is black and yellow It's the same way you showed me Nod my head, don't close my eyes Halfway on a slow move It's the same way you showed me If you could fly, then you'd feel south Up north's getting cold soon The way it is, we're on land Still, I'm someone to hold true Keep you cool when it's still alive Won't let you down when it's all ruin
Sweet Dreams-Angel Olsen
Every time I take a breath Something once living inside me has left Yes, it's alive but it's just passed through It's just left me and it's just left you On your own
Only He Can Heal Me-Bloc Party
When the trappings of the body Lead me to that hopeless place And I feel my spirit crumble Under strain and under guilt Lay me down in rivers cleansing Where the tall grass grows and grows And let me wait until My saviour comes home
In My Room-Frank Ocean
Got this lust for life in me, yeah Horny for the game, uh First they kiss, then they bite soft, uh Then that bitch wanna play it off, huh Fuck it, I'm pretty still in a pit of snakes While serpents shake some brand new scales I need a new face, I'm tired of these weirdos
Wolf Like Me-TV on the Radio
Dream me, oh, dreamer, down to the floor Open my hands and let them weave onto yours Feel me, completer, down to my core Open my heart and let it bleed onto yours Feeding on fever, down on all fours Show you what all the howling is for
Genghis Khan-Miike Snow
I know there's no form And no labels to put on To this thing we keep And dip into when we need And I don't have the right To ask where you go at night But the waves hit my head To think someone's in your bed
Dancing past the point of no return Let go, we can free ourselves of all we've learned I love this secret language that we're speakin' Say it to me, let's embrace the point of no return
I’m Done with the World (& It’s Done with Me)-Foals
The fox is dead in the garden The hedges are on fire in the country lanes And all I want to do is get out of the rain An autumn day, an autumn day My daughter's asleep in the garden The leaves are on fire in the country lanes And all I want to do is get out of the rain On an autumn day, on an autumn day I’m done with the world and it’s done with me All I wanna do is get up and leave Sun falls into the garden I’m on my knees
TAGLIST: @iftheshoef1tz @ofduskanddreams @krem-does-stuff @secret-third-thing @queercontrarian @born-to-riot @yanny-77 @acourtofladydeath @witch-and-her-witcher @fieldofdaisiies @chunkypossum @thelovelymadone @velidewrites @octobers-veryown @asnowfern
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touchoffleece · 1 year
Reflecting back over the last few years of AO3 and why it was made in the first place (to archive fan works) and older fanfic enjoyers trying to warn about purges of days gone by
It feels ironic that we're now experiencing a new fanfic purge in some sense. Either authors are trying to hide their works for a sense of control over unwanted AI Scalping in AO3 because of it's success as the best place for fanfiction hosting. Meaning unregistered or people not logged in won't be able to find fanfictions because they are behind a curtain now essentially "purging fics" from the public. Not that I blame any author who chooses to do this, I actually am pro authors doing what they feel they need to. I've decided to private fics because I really don't even like the idea of it possibly happening to my shoddy drabbles if it hasn't already and feeding into the misuse of AI by people looking for easy money. Or we see this other type of 'fanfiction purge'. New generation of fic readers being more demanding of free passion projects to the point of being rude, and driving the authors to stop writing, or even have authors publicly state the increase in considering just deleting their works because of the shift in attitude in what fic readers decide to comment under works. This observation made from looking at comments of newer fandoms (be it ao3 comments or social medias) and seeing more and more comments just be "update soon!" (and those comments only ask for more) or some veiled demand for more content under the guise of 'a joke demand for more'. And while there is nothing wrong with letting a author know you like the story and would like to read more, when it's just constant "more" comments with no acknowledgement of anything that goes on in the story/update it comes off as dismissive of the work someone put into an update. It sucks to see people act entitled to demand more from fanfic authors who are generally associated with distress but willing to put updating a fanfiction above irl commitments because of the love they hold for their fanwork, only to get asked for more and more. We have seen and know of the memes, but hey: fanfiction writers are humans, humans with emotional limits regardless of outlandish sounding some author's notes come off of to people without context. Entitled comments more likely then not lead to burn out, or authors just deciding to stop writing or decide to take their works down to not feel harassed by people asking for more. I really don't know many creative oriented people who take constant demands for more and more work without some type of reward well; and while some might try and ask "Aren't comments in themselves a feel good reward for the authors? Isn't that enough?" It probably depends on the author, but when the comments are just constant "more!" "I need the next update now!" ect, it doesn't give much feel good vibes after the initial "oh someone liked what I wrote" because more often then not they will wonder "I wonder what they liked about it" only to see the comments are just people rushing to order more free fanwork to be devoured as fast as possible without appreciation to what was already shared to the public for free. This has turned into a venting rant from what I originally had thought when I got the thought in my head late at night, but I do want to include that this probably can be linked back to people underappreciating or being apathetic about comparative literature, media literacy, or just appreciate taking art and doing some deep thinking on it, and it's a damn shame it seems it has lead to what feels like a new fanfiction purge in a place meant to be a safe space for fanfictions. Another example of history repeating itself because of complacency and forgetting or choosing to ignore our past mistakes.
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bonearenaofmyskull · 7 months
There appears to be a conflict between those against the Hannigram ship and its supporters. Some individuals opposed to the ship are trying to convince people to leave the ship or the fandom altogether. If you've noticed people feeling uncertain about the relationship, do you have any advice for them? I've seen many posts expressing confusion on my feed.
I think the best defense is just to watch the show a lot. Someone told me (IDK if this is true, I'm not in a position to judge) that their impression of new fans is that they watch the show, get excited, go to Reddit which has like 75,000 members, and there through pinned metas that are heavily biased toward the dark!Will Graham view of Hannigram, and they let those biases dictate their understanding of the show. Then everything gets one-sided, people who don't agree get frustrated, and then people get driven out of those spaces, and they end up here having the same facile discourse that they were having there.
IDK. Sometimes people just need to put down other people's opinions and go back to the source material, and remember why it was that they loved it, and to forget all the noise. The fandom also has a lot to offer besides discourse: there's memes and gifsets and fanfic and fanart, and if you ask three meta writers their opinions on things, you'll get four different interpretations.
And if that nuance isn't happening, then maybe they're asking the wrong people.
So let's just remind people that the loudest voices aren't always the most insightful or even the most popular. And there can be enjoyment in reading multiple opinions before you form your own.
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hotchfiles · 4 months
Lari, I apologize in advance, but I really want to add to the discussion of writers supporting writers, because it makes my blood boil sometimes, lol, and I'm sorry if this gets long, and if i sound like a bitch but....
Okay, first off, interaction is important, period! Doesn't matter if you have no followers, if you are a writer with a few followers, or a writer with a lot of followers interaction is important, in every sense! And writers with a lot of followers should be VERY aware of that, because once upon a time, they were a smaller blog too, wishing for people to interact with their works.
Writers especially feed on the interaction, and especially seeing people's thoughts and opinions on their works, and that's where the comments and reblogs come into play!
One thing, that apparently, some big blogs seem to either forget, or not give a sh*t about anymore, because they are just too big now. People are interacting with their works, so they've made it, right? Wrong, because once again, your readers, and their interaction with your works made you big! So, instead of being high and mighty, return the favor by boosting the works you liked reading, written by smaller blogs! (Side note, I'm not hating on anyone, calling anyone out specifically, or etc. But I was a writer in another fandom once, and it was much the same, and it grated on my nerves then, and it's grating on my nerves now)
I was a writer that only used to like, when I was running my old blog, but on this one, reblog, reblog, reblog. Doesn't matter that I don't have a huge number of followers that can benefit from recs, I'm supporting the writer, and to me, that's the most important.
On the mutuals matter, I think you said it right. My works might not be my mutuals cup of tea, or theirs might not be mine. One thing i wanna add here, even if I have mutuals, who's works I don't read because x, y, z, every once in a while I'd reblog a work of theirs and be like "check out this person's works, they write great (character) fics". To me that's just a way to boost your moots, and who knows, maybe someone that follows you actually likes their works.
On indirectly being asked to read their stuff, I think there's nothing wrong with that, BUT! Like you said, if I'm going to support you, I'd expect you to support me too. It's not hard. I myself have asked others to read my works (on my old blog), but I've made sure to interact with them via asks, read and interact with their works, before and after asking! And not because I want to be transactional or anything, but because I genuinely enjoy their works, and asking them to read mine, yes, it might boost me up, but i just want to hear what some of my favorite writers think about something I've written. Later, those same people became my mutuals and I loved that we lifted each other up!
Finally, if some people aren't comfortable interacting, that's completely and totally fine!  What I wrote is for the writers, that honestly should know how tumblr and the community works, well enough to know that boosting people and interacting with people makes for a greater overall experience!
And to the anon that started this whole thing (if they are even reading this, lol), continue being supportive and interesting with the blogs you love, and the works you enjoy! If you still want to read the works of the writers you talked about, be a silent reader, lol. Like you said, they're doing fine! Devote your time and energy and interact with the people that will support you back, and are sweet and kind to you! And, be the person you are now, supportive, because it seems some writers tend to lose sight of where they came from when they grow, and to the ones that don't, you rock!
Again, I'm so sorry for this being so long, lol🥴 (also, if I'm being too bitchy, feel free to ignore and delete this, lol)
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i dont even have anything to add you said it perfectly
i love that you mentioned the transaction part because YEAH its not about being a transaction or anything of the sort, its about being reciprocal, and treating others works like you want yours to be treated
i genuinely love reading and helping so i dont mind at all when people ask for me to do that, i just feel like that if you enjoy either my fics enough for that, i should be seeing you reblogging or commenting my fics and the people (really, people, it happens quite frequently) i mentioned just never ever ever reblogged or commented on any of it 😭
i honestly thought i was exaggerating it but it seems its been happening to a lot of writers so
please, writers (especially if you complain about comments and reblogs)
be reciprocal
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davekat-sucks · 4 months
I want to get my thoughts out on this because I think I'm starting to really figure out what it is I dislike so much about certain parts of Homestuck. Looking at different forms of media really helped put things into perspective.
I watched a YouTube video recently about metal vs nu metal fans. A fan of nu metal claimed that metal / hard rock fans usually talk about obscure concepts, like sex or satan or war. And nu metal fans sang mostly about "this is what I'm going through, this is how I feel." I like nu metal but it does feel like it's more for teens or more like a joke. It really seems that way when compared to something like Black Sabbath or even newer bands like Jinjer. If you listen to Nu metal there is a lot of "I" "Me" maybe the occasional "In my self-righteous suicide."
There is something about nu metal that feels more immature, it's fun but there is still this childish quality to it. It's more whiny. Now, this is the pot calling the kettle black, I am the empress of whiny. I know whiny when I hear it.
You can hear the difference in tone perfectly here, "I play Russian Roulette every day, a man's sport. With a bullet called life." VS. "Day of judgement, God is calling. On their knees, the war pigs crawling. Begging mercy for their sins. Satan laughing, spreads his wings."
Listening to people talk about nu metal reminded me of how Indie fiction reads now. "This is my life, I hate my dad!" Of course, everyone puts themselves into their writing and art, that's kind of how expression works. The thing is that now characters are straight up self inserts. Everything comes off like it's a venting session, there isn't really any part of these stories that even read like a power fantasy, which is the fun part.
This also reminds me of the difference between everything we read in Acts 1-3 vs how Act 5 started to focus a bit more on drama, but it was still so fast paced that and abstract. Eridan and Feferi's relationship still felt abstract because killing people's guardians to feed a princess's mom is kind of an insane plot. It's so alien and removed from reality. That's the part that makes it entertaining.
Then the Alpha Kids come in and it's nonstop "This is how I feel. I'm confused. I'm trying to figure myself out. I'm so in love and I'm going to focus on that, oh yeah, there is an alien empress trying to use me and my friends." The story didn't have anything for the characters to do for a while too so it was nothing but looking at the characters flaws. I notice how many of the fans still in the fandom like that part about Act 6, that it's about "identity." Though I argue it isn't. Act 6 to me is more about "confusion." And the "Confusion tone" we sat through was married with the "Isolation and separation" tone the story always had. I dislike the tone Act 6 gave us. I think most everyone who checks this blog does. But, I suppose this is just how things kind of go over time.
Any art form or genre or trope will be played straight but then as the idea deviates it becomes more and more of a joke. It's somewhat like how slasher films were on the way out until scream was made as satire. And then scary movie later parodied that satire film.
I'm not saying anything novel by pointing out Homestuck has now turned into a full blown parody of itself but it's gone through maybe five cycles of this so far. I think we just experienced the tone of Homestuck 2 change again.
I'm not sure yet, but doesn't it seem different? This newer vibe the story is running with seems more "the writers are horny for the characters and hiding it behind a thin veil" and "I know we're going into battle but don't forget who my main love interest is. Man I hate how much I love Dave because everyone knows who you end up with defines you! Right, Kanaya?"
It's still an immature vibe but it also feels better than what we've had for years. I'm still not sold this is an improvement. The characters still seem so selfish, focus on their own feelings and not the world around them. Key word is focused. At least now they are fighting for something, but their enemy should have never been Jane. They can not write themselves out of this hole. SKILLED writers would have tried to get the Candy universe out of the way as quickly as they possibly could. I see no real skill here but I do see some promise. Talent and skill aren't the same thing. Creativity doesn't mean much without tactful execution.
And I'm preventively going to agree Homestuck has always been immature and childish but it was more fun when it didn't take everything so personally.
It really did stop becoming a story that has silly and/or epic moments with the characters. Developing the characters' personal issues, their dreams, and relationships are fine. But the execution of it makes them kind of insufferable. It says nothing about them as people besides being assholes. Characters like the Beta Kids, were set up to grow and become better people. That the audiences and readers themselves, will take that lesson to heart and do the same for the real world. And if they do cool or funny stuff, it will be a lot memorable not only for the character, but the scene they are in too. We only got characters acting like rude assholes or being morons and the people behind it trying to justify it. Like the bullshit reason why John Egbert didn't use his wind powers to stop the bomb blowing up his home when the first sign of someone getting hit with the Retard Stick became obvious as the writers try to justify that John was in some emotional state and his dumbfuck mistakes had to be pointed out BY OTHER CHARACTERS WITHIN THE STORY. The authors themselves don't try to correct it or apologize for what they did. They try to give crappy reasons for why things go the way they did, not wanting to admit they fucked up in the story telling department. And it happened again when Vrissy confused psiionic and psychic and HICU trying to say in a Patreon post that Vrissy was just retarded because she skipped school lessons as a reason why she made that error. I get that it's hard to admit mistakes. We are all human and too prideful. But I think guys like WhatPumpkin and now James Roach with HICU, making lots of excuses to save face. They really want to believe they are talented writers, but in actuality, they are not as great. Them denying their faults just makes them worse.
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ca-suffit · 3 months
How do you rationalize the violence of the characters on this show? Imo, it's easier when it's self defense or when they're just killing to feed, specially the latter since most are just extras and we don't get to know or be attached to those characters. But there are more complicated cases, including physical and psychological abuse and literally everybody has been the abused and the abuser at some point. Not to/with each other, but definitely other people. There is power imbalance in all of the dynamics. Some may forget that since they keep jumping through timelines where things are perfectly okay or they're closer to making amends and making up. And also because the actors are friends and have chemistry on screen (speaking about the whole cast, not any duo in particular). But technically all main characters have abused each other. Nobody is "safe". So, where to draw the line? Psychological abuse? Physical abuse? The severity of the action (like continuously torturing someone who can't respond or match your strength is definitely worse than one punch, for example)? The frequency of the action, like, as long as it happened once it's okay? When a character is still redeemable/forgivable giving the fact they are immortals, so, in theory, they have eternity to better themselves and see if they can make it work? Or should they all be narratively punished (end up alone, suffering, locked up, dead etc)? What are your thoughts? Btw, I'm genuinely asking. I've become obsessed with this show recently and I haven't been able to talk about it with a lot of people, but I have these questions in my mind. Personally, the more I think about it, the less I know, tbh. It's part of why I love the show and I'm asking, btw. I want to see if I reach some conclusion lol. P.S. I understand if you can't/don't want to answer and I'm sorry this got too long. And if you do answer, feel free to make it long as well if you want, even if you want to make comparisons, add interviews etc. I love reading people's takes hehe. Anywa, thanks!
I don't try to rationalize it tbh. I think that's a goal of the show and the original books as well. What are u supposed to do if u have to "endure" each other forever? What still holds meaning if ur all immortal, how do u have relationships, hobbies, not get bored? Especially when everyone is born from trauma and sometimes that trauma was yesterday and sometimes it was 1000 years ago or 5000 years ago from a society u don't understand at all. How do u bring together so many ppl like that and not erupt on each other?
Trauma and mental illness and whatever else is not always pretty. Violent reactions to things are common and, at least in a society where punitive justice is the norm, we get used to putting these things in these boxes. "u did this bad thing so now ur going to jail / hell." The eternal question of the VC books is where do vampires belong, anyway? Where do they go when they die and for what reasons? Anne Rice never gives a v clear answer on this and it's not just bcuz she wasn't a good writer, the point rly is to just ask the questions. We don't have these answers as humans now, we can't confirm or deny if there's an afterlife and whether these things we do matter for a "soul" or not. We create social rules for many reasons but even those are not actually built on the back of "justice" the way ppl are made to think they are.
I don't think these stories are asking u to find a true "good" or "bad" character or characters. I think we're just meant to watch their choices and reflect on them, reflect on our reactions to them. The fandom's desire for Louis to have done something to "deserve" the drop is all about racism and nothing else. They blame Claudia for "manipulating" Louis into killing Lestat bcuz a black girl is never allowed to be a victim either. She's not even a girl to them anyway, adultification of black girls is another angle they use all the time ("she doesn't look 14 to me!"). They'll say look what Louis did to goad Lestat into fighting him more but they'll never say look what Lestat did to hurt Claudia and push her to that point, as someone who was acting as her parent for most of their lives together. That's always "ooc Lestat." What's happening on screen is a rorschach test for us as the audience and as individuals.
Like I wrote, I don't believe in punitive justice, so I don't think long term these stories are going to focus on that much. The trial was a sham to begin with and Lestat was never "rly" dead or meant to be gone forever. They're going to hurt each other and isolate each other in different ways, but if the show wants to focus on any real character growth, it needs to focus on ways the characters can learn to understand each other instead of banishing / killing each other. Relationships take real work like this too. Anne Rice could never write any of this but I'm hoping the show does. Seeing Lestat have awareness of the pain he caused Louis and the reasons he did it fr was a step in the direction I was hoping the show would go. The big question *is* how does a relationship recover from that? For immortals? How will it make others feel too, particularly Armand, if Louis and Lestat get back together? Will Armand reflect on his own abuse too? They all have a lot in common and they all want to be loved. If that's brought out into the open and treated with kindness and understanding, then the desire to maim and kill each other will greatly diminish tbh. Everything these vampires do to each other originates from a place of personal pain, feeling unlovable. "love is a monster" is one of the taglines for a reason.
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thehighfiveproject · 2 years
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Round three of the Fandom Boost Bingo is ready to go! This round, Astrocat has found love and is celebrating with a Valentine Edition!
The round officially starts Wednesday, February 1. Feel free to grab the card and get going! Remember, there's no need to sign up, but if you would like us to share your card (whether you just fill one square or get a whole blackout), the due date to @ us is February 15. That's right: two whole weeks to share high fives and love across the fandom universe!
Astrocat and Aliencat would also like to encourage anyone who's interested to join them in celebrating love with a special Valentine's OTP Edition. Feel free to focus your high five efforts this month on your one true pairing -- whether that's your favorite romantic ship ever or the best gen buds that you love so much. (For the nonromantic, Aliencat wants to assure you that you can just fill out a regular card if hearts & flowers aren't of interest.)
As always, a list of definitions for each of the squares is below the cut. Don't forget to include a link to each fanwork or creator you high fived when it's time to share your card!
☆ How do I fill my card? How is each square defined?
Here’s the way we’re defining the activities associated with each card. If any of this is confusing after you read it over, send us a message and we’ll help!
- ‘leave kudos on a fic’
This is the easiest one! Just go out and find a fic you like and leave a kudos on it, if you haven’t already. It’s a small gesture but it makes an author know that someone actually read their story!
- ‘reblog/retweet an art post’
Find any art post you like and share it! Here’s the catch: you need to interact with it a little. When you reblog/retweet, please tell the creator what you thought about the piece – you can add some tags, or reply to the post, or quote-retweet or add a comment, or anything! A simple “I love this!” is nice but some details are even better (“your linework is so good!” or “that shade of blue is perfect”). One thing to think about: a lot of art on Tumblr is reposted (like when a user posts another artist’s work from Pixiv, say), so it’s nice if you make an effort to interact with posts that are actually from the creator if you can. That way the artist will see your comment!
- ‘reblog/retweet a fic post’
Same as the above, but for fic! Again, tags/replies/comments are needed, preferably with a little detail. You don’t need to be super eloquent or leave a detailed review (although if you have time/energy, that would be appreciated!); a tag as simple as “that was really cute” or “great characterization!” will do. Like with the art posts, it’s nice if you reblog directly from the writer (if you can) – some fics are posted by AO3 feed bots and the like, so the author may not even know a reblog has happened.
- ‘reblog/retweet an edit’
Same as the above, but for edits! Edits can include a gif set, or a set of screencaps, or even a fanvid. And, again, some simple tags/replies are needed. “I love that song choice!” for a vid or “great coloring!” on a gifset can let people know their work is being appreciated.
- ‘comment on a fic’
Find a fic, on any fic-hosting site you like, and leave a comment. That’s it! Again, no need to leave a novel-length comment (unless you’re inspired!) – a sentence or two is all we’re asking for this square to be considered complete. This is a great opportunity to let a writer know how their piece made you feel, or what section you particularly liked.
- ‘message a creator’
‘Creator’ here can mean anyone who makes *anything* to do with fandom: art, edits, fic, meta, knitted sweaters with character faces on them – if they’ve made anything, they’re a creator, and now’s your chance to let them know they’re appreciated. Send a message (anonymous or not!) letting them know that you enjoyed their work!
- ‘make a rec post’
This is a chance to tell your fandom friends about something they need to see. You can rec a fic, a blog, a fan event, an artist, an author, that person who knits sweaters with character faces – any kind of fandom thing that you want to make sure people see. This doesn’t have to be long or complicated, but feel free to go into as much detail as you want! Just make your own post, on Tumblr or Twitter or wherever else seems best to you, and give that thing you loved a little fanfare.
- ‘interact with a meta post’
A little love for our analytical friends! Here, you can reblog/retweet any kind of meta post for your fandom, whether it’s a three sentence headcanon or an essay-length dissection of why Character X is the absolute best character in Fandom Y. It’s even better if you respond to the meta, whether that’s agreeing or (respectfully!) adding your own thoughts, but sharing it is the main thing here.
And here’s the non-decorated version, in case you feel like making it your own. Get creative, if you want!
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
The Ask Box is EMPTY
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The ask box is empty and would like feeding please!
Prompt Lists - If you should need any - it doesn't have to be off this list if you already have one in mind. Don't forget to put the full prompt instead of just a number.
The Rules:
- Only pick people off this character list for each fandom.
- I don’t write things like Voight’s daughter/Hondo’s friend/Adam’s sister
- I also don't write really specific asks eg: reader is a firefighter/doctor/cop who has this/does this. They meet and do this/and this and say this... it is way to stifling creatively for me as a writer.
- I don't write other people's stories. If you have a story idea, do not bring it to me.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to give me a shout!
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cookinguptales · 1 year
1 and 25 🖤
the character everyone gets wrong & common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
I think I can answer these together, tbh.
There are some criticisms of 4.09 I think are very valid, and others... less so. Personally, I didn't like the writing in the episode at all. I was annoyed at the wasted potential of the Marwa and Freddie storylines and just... did not think the script was there, honestly.
(I am also irritated by a lot of the backlash to the backlash, especially the people who insist that Marwa was never an important character and there's no reason to be irritated at the way she was written off.)
That said, there are some criticisms of the episode that kind of make me roll my eyes.
I usually just ignore takes I don't agree with, but one that I keep getting over and over in my inbox is that Nandor was so uniquely awful to Guillermo in 4.09 that the ship is Over, that no one should ship them anymore, that Nandor deserves to suffer before he gets the God that is Guillermo, etc. and like.
Okay, I've already written about how Nandor's characterization was actually pretty normal in 4.09. He hurt Guillermo terribly but he didn't mean to. He was selfish and oblivious but ultimately meant well and was willing to sacrifice his happiness for Guillermo's. We've seen this pattern since s1, with particular parallels in the literal first episode with the glitter portrait. I'm not actually that bothered by Nandor's behavior in the episode.
I'm not here to talk about Nandor, though, actually. I get much more annoyed by the way people talk about Guillermo. Like... I love Guillermo. He's probably my favorite character on tv. But I love how complicated and fucked up he is. I love how most of his problems are entirely of his own devising. I love that he is every bit as selfish, fucked up, and cruel as the vampires are if not more.
His smiles get to me as much as anyone and I think he's adorable! Endearing! Warm and fuzzy and sweet! But he's also a character that specifically preys on the weak in order to make his own life cushier. He specifically seeks out lonely humans and pretends to be their friend in order to feed them to his family. He makes fun of how "pathetic" they are largely to mentally separate himself from prey. I feel like he's especially scornful towards anyone who reminds him too much of himself, honestly, and he shows them particular cruelty.
He hurts humans to get in good with the vampires, but he also does it because it makes him feel powerful. It makes him feel like he's better than all the other stupid livestock he feeds to his family. It makes him feel like he deserves to be turned. When he destroys them, it's a way for him to metaphorically destroy the parts of himself he hates, too.
Guillermo! You talk mad shit about virginal nerds for a dude who plays Fortnite with your nerd-ass friend and was afraid of kissing for 30 years!
So when I get comments on my fic or whatever telling me that Guillermo is far too sweet and good and understanding for mean, evil Nandor I am just like??? On what planet???
The two of them are both disasters and they deserve each other. The living embodiment of this AITA judgment.
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And being real with you, I think the fandom characterization of Guillermo as a cinnamon roll who's never done anything wrong (actual phrasing in some messages I get) is boring. Guillermo is fun because he can give as good as he gets.
Like -- I genuinely think the reason why 4.09 didn't work for so many people is that the writers forgot that Guillermo has power. At the end of the very first episode, Nandor forgets how long Guillermo has been serving him, he gives him the portrait instead of turning him, he hurts his feelings -- and the scene ends with Guillermo visibly considering exposing him to sunlight. Their relationship works only because Guillermo consents to it. He could leave at any time. He could kill Nandor at any time. He just chooses not to because he's just as fucked up as Nandor is.
But in 4.09, the bad things that happen to Guillermo largely are not because of the choices he's made. (Like lying to Freddie, which he never really seems to need to answer for.) Freddie mistreats Guillermo, Nandor mistreats Guillermo, the Freddie clone really mistreats Guillermo, and Guillermo never gets any of them back. The last shot of him is him crying, heartbroken, through no fault of his own.
I think that's what really bothered people. The weird tilt in the power differential that didn't make a lot of sense or fit with other writing decisions in the series. Guillermo is repeatedly victimized for weak laughs in that episode, and he's not given the chance to stand up for himself other than briefly yelling at Nandor and then getting victimized further. It's just... not fun to watch when it feels more like it's punching down, y'know?
I think the writers framing Guillermo as a weak and helpless victim in that episode is as boring as the cinnamon roll stuff. I need the push and pull of Guillermo's own decisions and selfishness tearing him apart. I need the weird, fucked-up power play between him and Nandor. I need Guillermo to have a fallback plan, which is that the door is always open. His stakes are always sharp.
I guess I just feel like people forget that Guillermo belongs in this horrible little family because he's horrible, too. He does not deserve better than the fucked-up thing he has with Nandor because he designed the fucked-up thing he has with Nandor. Every morning he wakes up and consents to the fucked-up thing he has with Nandor. He's addicted to the fucked-up thing he has with Nandor.
Because! Guillermo! is fucked up! too!
He's power-hungry and petty and vindictive and cruel and one of the sweetest people on tv. I love how complicated and interesting he is. How he treats people in his in-groups vs. his out-groups. How easily he can dehumanize and depersonalize his victims. How uncomfortable he feels when they are forcibly humanized without his consent. How he can simultaneously be so kind and caring and so utterly soulless.
Guillermo is victimized by the vampires because he allows them to do so, and then he takes out that frustrated powerless feeling on the people he deems weaker than him. And I love that for him.
So I guess my answer to both questions is -- yeah, I hate the way people characterize Guillermo sometimes, and I'm tired of hearing about how a nasty person like Nandor doesn't deserve a blameless, faultless victim like Guillermo. It makes them both less interesting!
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ashensgrotto · 1 year
Time for a Heart to Heart chat on where I stand as a writer
Alright. I need to get this out in the open and cover my butt before someone starts an anti-ashensgrotto page.
I'm sure many of you are aware - there has been several posts going around about a couple of members in the Twst fandom that post certain styles and types of art - I'm not going to say who or what they draw or post nor the people I'm seen make posts about them because that's not fair to myself, the posters, or the creators. I will say, some people in the fandom find this particular style of art uncomfortable and have blocked the artist - and announced it on their blog.
The problem I have is that some of these people are forgetting that these are characters in a game, not real people. I get that the character reference sheets have specific ages for each character - however, in fandoms specifically, there are going to be a few people that will increase the character's ages to make it more closer for consent. That is something I do myself when I write out my stories, I'll admit - I head cannon most of the characters to be between the ages of 19 and 25 when I write out these stories. And - in the case of Raison D’être - the female lead is at the age of 19 and the others are immortals around the ages of 500 to 1,000 years old, though they might look between the ages of twenty and twenty-five or a little older.
The reason why I'm also putting this out here is because I DON'T agree with many concepts I write out and I SPECIFICALLY put WARNINGS on all of my works and give fair warning to those who might take offense. I write the way I do because it allows me to explore my creativity and see how far I can go with some things as well as develop my skills as an author/fanfiction writer. I can write with the guidelines that have been set for these characters - but that's what they are. Guidelines, not rules.
And it's not just the Twst fandom either - every fandom has something like this and yes, it's not okay in the real world and as long as you know and understand that, please give the creator the ability to express their love for the fandom in a way they can. You don't have to follow them, or like their art or writing, or whatever.
But please use common sense and be respectful - you have no idea what someone is experiencing on the other side of the screen. Their art or writing might be their only escape from reality because their life literally sucks.
I know I might lose some followers because of this - but that's okay. You guys do what you need to do and I will do what I need to do; I will continue to post my warnings on my works for all of you to know before you read my works. I will also make sure to tag things so that if any of you have a tag that is blocked, my piece does not show up for you in the feed.
Thank you for reading this message and I will see all of you shortly in the next piece.
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