#don't have to study for or take any standardized tests
dear-tortured-adam · 3 months
❝ 𝐘𝐎𝐔'𝐑𝐄 𝐉𝐎𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆. . . ❞
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question : "Can a demon possess loyalty?" AKA demon brothers vs people trying to pry their way into their relationships.
pairing.s : Lucifer x MC, Mammon x MC, Leviathan x MC, Satan x MC, Asmodeus x MC, Beelzebub x MC, Belphegor x MC [all separately]
note : my first try on headcanons! or, honestly, posting my headcanons. These are just little sillies I thought of while listening to the first part of "There Are Other Ways" and I want to explore more on it. Sure we get snippets of the brothers rejecting people in the game, but I wanted to look more into it. So, here we are!!
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In our story, let's put the brothers in a simple experiment.
It's a common belief that unfaithfulness is linked to a demon's trickery. So much so that many partners caught in the act would blame the devil's work. "A Temptress" they'd speak, ridiculing both parties. As much as the act of sin contributes to their power, would they so much as indulge in such?
It's also a common principle to fuel your own power. As people of status, you'd care for your the fuel of your strength, wouldn't you? In the end, it's all trickery. It's all just a tempting vice. It was only temporary. Although, even then, there seem to be exceptions to the rule. No matter the amount of mock temptation, they remain the one thing contradicting the premise of their power: loyalty.
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LUCIFER ; "It's disgusting how you even thought of trying."
Excuse you? He's offended by that question.
Let's ignore his position of giving Diavolo his absolute loyalty — these are two completely separate cases.
Although yes it falls into grey areas that overlap with one another, though what's the change?
Demon Prince aside, Lucifer is utmost loyal to his beloved lamb. It was simply equal in priority.
In fact, he takes pride in his love for you no matter what others suggest. He's a private man, he doesn't need his relationships to take center stage.
Oh sure he's not as affectionate as he is behind closed doors, but does it equate to anything else? He belongs to you as much as you belong to him. His.
Anything less was pitiful, a stung at his pride. Settling for someone who doesn't meet the standard of his beloved is such a sad, sad thought...
You'd be delusional to think he'd do that.
So when he went on as an escort for an all-powerful witch, watching them all doe-eyed and fawning over him, Lucifer couldn't catch a break.
Convincing him to drop everything with his lamb and start anew is on the same plane as Solomon trying to make a pact with the avatar.
You'd be correct to say that the answer was impossible.
The audacity of this vixen is palpable. Perhaps even admirable.
Lucifer would immediately dismiss their actions. He doesn't have the time to engage with others — much less someone testing his patience.
He'd go and talk them out of it, making his feelings clear.
The quicker he's out of this ordeal, the better. What a bother... he wished he could ask for a more tolerable person.
Those pet names and whistles mean nothing to him, as he continues to walk away. If they follow him then he'd give them a well-deserved scolding. If he's feeling particularly stressed that day, then whoever witnesses the cardinal display ought to keep their mouth shut.
We wouldn't want any issue now, do we?
As soon as that's dealt with, Lucifer grabs his DDD. After all, don't ignore the message that orders you to come to his study later that night.
It's a stress relief; more or less.
MAMMON ; "What's ya deal? Yer getting on my nerves.."
Was that even a question? Are you challenging him, babe?
Ya better put more trust in yourself if you think the GREAT Mammon's going to be replacing you; hell he doesn't care if it's for a one-night stand.
His type consists of you. YOU.
And he's a greedy demon. Very much so. As soon as his sky-blue eyes lock their gaze on any precious item he wants, it's over. Much like the inherent nature, being greedy for a particular item allows someone to disregard everything else.
Yes yes it's bad for a mortal but does it even matter? You're his only for as much as he is yours. Your first.
When out at the Fall, Mammon would get the occasional flirts and staring. Honestly, it's an ego booster, plus, he's a model so can ya really blame them?
But when one particular candidate steps too far and tries to get passed his comfort zone... well...
This wasn't entertaining at ALL.
Though he really swears to his father. This bitch...
It was annoying. Very fucking damn annoying.
Hello? Are they deaf? He said he's not interested. They'd think they're better than his dear treasure? Pft-- a turd among diamonds. No more than a lowly piece of shit that will never do garbage justice.
If it's just the talking stage, then Mammon would just scoff and walk it off. He's impolite? Stop wasting the Great Mammon's plans, will ya?
The words that escape that bitch's lips were really ticking Mammon's desire to punch them in the face as a warning.
Instead, what he does is strain their ego. While pushing them away he goes on and about how you were just as GREAT as himself. He sees himself as having no partner other than you.
E..er- of course you don't find out! You'll never do... [You eventually did]
If things ever do get physical, then... Sorry darling. The Devildom was the last place you'll ever be shown mercy.
And don't mind if he goes clinging onto you as soon as he's back at HoL. His hugs are tighter than usual? No it isn't. Stop, you're hallucinating.
It's merely a reminder of how in a world of foolery he's struck gold. You're his jackpot and losing you to someone of lower value is...
Alright, quick, calm him down. Reward him, won't you? You don't have to, but he'll be happier.
LEVIATHAN ; "It's stupid, OK!? Can't even fucking aim .."
Him? Are you serious?
He can't even properly make eye contact with someone for the life of him and you expect him to even think of flirting back at others?
You give him too much credit that it makes him blush. Like- It's- well... actually is like (un)holy jeez you're adorable for that.
"But what if they want to be his duo partner?"
It's not very poggers of you to say that.
You're his only friend on Nekopets that he sends gifts to, if anything HE should be the one worrying about others flirting with you.
Levi swears that you're too good for this world.
But you know better. The otaku rarely sees how his classmates are probably crushing on him since he's only been focused on his syntax error self-esteem. Gamer boys are all the rage, especially a cute one that just so happens to be one of the lords of anime hell so...
Yes, he has experienced them. He was less than amused, wanting to just shy away locked up in his room --- preferably with you so that he can game all night, watch anime, and board games are up, yeah? Away from all the normies? That's the life.
The ones that do get annoying are those who flirt with him online. Like, oh, that's a new level of ew.
Like, excuse you? Are you really flirting with him on VC while he [and the other league members] are actually trying to defeat the enemy team?
It gets worse when the person acts like they no nothing about the game, or have a purpose sloppy gameplay in hopes that "dEaR lEv1aChAn WoUlD cArRy ThEm"
Ya know what's sexier? Actually playing the game you—
—well, that trash-talking aside, clearly he's off-limits. He'll even go as far as ranting about it in whatever group chat comes first. It goes especially worse when it causes him to lose focus/his MVP streak.
He has then never played online for a week after that encounter.
It is less likely to happen face-to-face out in the open, and he'll very much express discomfort.
But if the beloved snake boy texts you to come to his room all lowercase with a period? Be there and don't forget to bring snacks.
And a charger, because you'll stay there for a long time.
SATAN ; "Mercy? Oh, I'll make you beg for mercy..."
You got to be fucking kidding him.
The mere thought of someone even thinking of taking him away from his dear sends his blood boiling.
What's that? Do they think a mere act of seduction is enough? Pathetic.
He already knows what he's gonna do, would you ever prefer an option ranging from "immobilized" to "dead beyond repair".
It's all a sum of deathly solutions, but can you blame him? He sees no one but you who is capable of showing him the light in this darkness.
And so whenever he gets reminded of the thought, be sure to be there at his side.
Hold him, talk to him, in your room or anywhere where you're both away from the peering eyes of the world. Your presence alone is enough to satiate whatever wrath urges to burst out of his system.
You're the only one who makes him truly satisfied, and there's no one else. You should be grateful that he even lets you near his vicinity without being reduced to blood and ashes.
The threats aren't as serious when it comes to you.
So in this case where he was enjoying his leisure time alone, he was then approached by someone.
When they started talking it did irk him. 'Don't you have someone else to annoy?' would be his first thought.
Yet things do get worse when things escalate.
This person has some audacity to flirt with him while he is taken.
Asking him out in the library was one thing, but peering over him? Practically pinning him to the shelves?
How improper of them.
While it looks like he doesn't care at all for the other's actions, even so far as to seemingly reciprocate their feelings [which, honestly, really? dream harder], Satan had felt something fuming inside of him.
It was taking him a lot of willpower to not just outright lunge at the person's throat and make them regret every single word that escaped their mouth.
To maintain decency, Satan had also ratted them off for their actions. While sounding oddly polite, one could hear the anger in his tone. All flat and sounding like a mockery.
When it starts getting physical, that's where the Avatar of Wrath draws the line. The already paper-thin line was shattered to pieces as the surroundings get just a bit darker.
How foul their words were, and as how Satan would phrase it: disgusting.
Any nearby demon would go and lock the library as silently as they could. No one would dare become the fourthborn's next victim.
Some can say how the harsh threats turn into incoherent growls, as the screams draw quieter...
They'd hope they'd be lucky enough to just crawl out of this room permanently mute after the next few hours.
ASMODEUS ; "Sorry darling but this doll isn't for playtime."
[GASP] How rude~!
Real talk, he is MOSTLY the reason why we're having this discussion in the first place.
An oh, darling, if only the answer was just as simple.
You see, Asmo here has found a sweet grey area on all of this. Of course, his sin partially drives the force of desire towards himself.
As much as the Avatar of Lust adored the attention he gets from fans. they're nothing more than that. All the #asmobabies out there are nothing but his fans.
He likes to put on a show, he likes to play pretend; flirting back to get a cute reaction or blowing a kiss to hear the masses squeal.
Though, play close attention --- it's all an act. Half of these sweet compliments are empty calories.
Asmodeus is a showman, yearning for the world to have all eyes on him, and he loves it that way. He himself knows it's an act because at the end of it all was his heart tied to his one and only biggest fan.
Of course it's you!! Aren't you just the cutest? It's too cruel to disagree!!!
Though let's push him in the experiment anyway. Just because you embody all of lust doesn't suddenly mean you're a master of "no feelings necessary".
What a lucky day! One of his fans fiercely goes up at him as they're both isolated at the back of the RAD building.
Aww... how adorable...~
Indulging and using his sin against him? Someone's rather naughty.
Like the other occurrences, he'll tag along. That's right, boo, all doe-eyed for his captivating presence. Chant him praises --- he's heard half of those over a lifetime, honey~!
Oh? We're feeling a bit creative now, are we? Whoops! Distances, baby!
Hand on his waist? Peering over his shoulder? Whispering to him in a low tone? Asking him out for a drink?
Ah if this wasn't any least bit entertaining then Asmo would roll his eyes at them. This was practically the classic Asmo fan bingo [homewrecker edition].
To all that, Asmodeus looks at them with a mischievous smirk. Taunting them to move closer, maybe even grabbing their chin in the process... and what does he do...?
His gaze darkened amidst his sweet tone. All remnants of seduction in his voice were replaced with a playfully dangerous tone. It was a mystery on whatever did the Avatar of Lust said, but a few witnesses have commented on how it was one of the hottest scariest moments they have ever heard.
Anyhow~! That's just the final trick! Most of them back off as soon as Asmo starts singing sweet praises for his dearest!
Seriously, it just made him want to be even more affectionate with you.
BEELZEBUB ; "I appreciate your feelings, but it's a no."
At first, he probably hadn't heard the question, too busy munching down some food in your company.
He looks down at you with a confused glint in his eyes.
Okay? He acknowledges their feelings, but his heart already belongs to someone.
He has dealt with a lot of admirers in his many years. Look at him, tall, kind, one of the powerful lords of the realm, and also athletic? He practically hits the jackpot.
Most of the time they were equally as nice, understanding how the glutton won't ever return their feelings.
Though seriously, he gives the aura of a heartbreaker.
Beel has never realized how many hearts he's broken. The kindest rejections oftentimes are the ones that hurt most.
As far as the others go, he's more respectful when dismissing others' advances. A simple word, no questions asked, and you're good to go.
An example of it was when someone, probably a person he talked to once at RAD, approached him after one of his Fangol practices.
He vividly recalls them clutching onto a reddish-orange envelope, their face was very red.
Okay so the person offered to be his new partner -?? That was weird. They went on this weird tangent on how they'd cook him meals for eternity, offer water on all his games, and just overall blurted their heart out.
Beel was surprised. It's not every day that you get confessed to, and there was more in the letter? Should he be... glad? Would that be wrong?
Though as soon as they got too touchy for comfort that's where the orange-haired golden retriever jolted out a "No!"
He explained to them how he was not interested in this relationship, and that he was more than content with his current status. And with his precious pumpkin pie.
Though that person never stopped, leaning over desperately chattering out how they were better than that coltish human and it was..?
Let's just say that when he heard your voice calling his name from afar, he pushed the person away.
He was mad, but even then he apologized before running off to his sweetest. Hell's Kitchen? Beel was practically salivating at the mouth.
It was an odd story.
BELPHEGOR ; "I've already told you. Now scram."
Simple: Are ya the human? No? Fuck off.
That's a wrap, we can now end it here.
No one dies.
He barely even interacts with anyone so what gives? Do you pity him? He doesn't think so.
Alright, ugh, I'll give you a proper answer... You owe him at least a night's worth of cuddles for this.
You're one of the only exceptions. Be glad.
It doesn't get simpler than "Is this his cuddle bug or some asshole?" and it works 100% of the time.
Belphie doesn't get as much amount of these "harassments" as his brothers. He cares for very few people to even notice anyone gawking eyes at him.
But once he does notice, he sighs.
He knows it's his fault.
Therefore he initiates one of the few actions he's a master at while not requiring as much energy: ignoring people.
What? If ya aren't talking back then they'll just give up.
That was how most of those times went.
Like that pitiful moment when someone just kept going on while Belphie works on something else [sleep] without a care in the world.
Seriously, how long was this?
Belphie interfered when things were getting physical. And EVEN THEN he still looked up at him, infuriatingly annoyed, while flatly saying "Can you shut up? I'm trying to concentrate. Now, scram."
After that no one ever dared to confess to the avatar of Sloth while he was asleep.
Maybe if he is awake? Good luck with that.
If there's even a millisecond where he isn't in your close proximity.
ADDITIONAL A/N: I apologize [not] for how unserious half of these were :sob: But woo! First official post on this account! Can't wait to see what comes in the future. Oh, and, lemme know what you think! Do you agree? Do you have different scenarios? Are they a bit OOC or do they fit perfectly with the character? Let me know!! <33
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divider/s by @/cafekitsune | artwork by NTT Solmare
229 notes · View notes
phoward89 · 3 months
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Stepcest, Stepson!Coryo x Stepmother!Reader, Sub!Coriolanus, Switch!Reader, Crassus Snow x Younger!Reader
WARNING ⚠️ Coriolanus Snow is a warning in and of itself. Crassus Snow is a cold hearted asshole, but he's a hot asshole... Stepcest, older man/younger woman, arranged marriage, cheating, affairs, secrets, cussing, secret love child, Coryo is a bit selfish and too ambitious, Crassus decides to try and be a better husband/father
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Part 4:
Dinner has just been served, so you're gathered around the dining room table with Grandma'am and Coriolanus. Crassus isn't home yet, but you're not worried about his absence. He'll be home any minute. He always walks in around the time dinner's served.
In fact, you're expecting to hear the door open and your husband's footsteps echo against the marble floor at any second. Like you've been hearing every single night around this time since you moved into the Snow penthouse; became a part of the Snow family.
You’re picking at your food with disinterest while listening to Coriolanus brag about the praise he received from Dr. Gaul during his internship earlier in the day.
“Dr. Gaul wants me to help her conduct an experiment on a new test subject.” Coriolanus smiled proudly, icy eyes sparkling with excitement.
“Oh, I hope it's nothing too ghastly. Some of those science experiments can be atrocious.” Grandma’am says while cutting her chicken with such grace. Truly, her manners were from a time once forgotten- a time of gentleman and cavaliers. “Why, I remember when I was a girl our science teacher made us dissect frogs. Can you believe that?”
And suddenly the sound of the phone ringing fills the air.
Ring, ring, ring…
“I'll get it.” You announce, removing your napkin from your lap before standing up.
Coriolanus just nods before telling Grandma'am, “Oh, Dr. Gaul won't be having me dissecting frogs. Her experiments are more complex than that.”
Yea, the mad scientist will probably be having him dissect the latest drugged and numbed body of a district test subject turned mutt.
Ring, ring, ring...
You quickly make your way into the sitting room, which was closer to the dining room and had a phone in it.
Ring, ring, ring…
“Hello, Snow residence. Mrs. Snow speaking.” You answer in the polite way you've been instructed to take phone calls for the family. Yes, the Snows are an old and highly regarded family so answering the phone has to be a polite and professional affair.
“Y/N, it's me. Crassus.” Your husband says over the phone. Of course, the phone in the sitting room isn't a video phone, but a simple standard phone, so you can't see his facial expressions.
The video phones are in the living room and in your husband's study. Why, who knows. You really don't care either. Not like you talk to a lot of people on the phone anyways.
Sadly, the few friends you had drifted away from you once you married Crassus shortly after graduating the Academy. Apparently, your ‘friends’ didn't want to associate with you anymore because your husband's a middle-aged man; a cold-hearted war hero. Yes, you suppose that your husband intimidated your ‘friends’ just by his presence and that's why they all drifted away.
Sometimes your brother calls you to check in, but, sadly, he's too busy with his life as an Officer in 12. And your mother rarely calls. You don't know why, but for some reason you being married and a mother doesn't quite sit well with her despite the fact that she signed off on your arranged marriage contract.
Your brow furrows at hearing your husband on the phone. Shouldn't he be on his way home right now?
And as if he could read your thoughts, Crassus tells you, “I’m calling because I'm going to be late for dinner.”
As if he heard your mental musing, he explains, “I let my secretary leave early. It's his anniversary and he's taking his wife out for dinner.”
Of course, your husband lets his secretary leave early to celebrate his anniversary while you've never celebrated an anniversary let alone a birthday with Crassus. Hell, the only reason you celebrate holidays with your husband's because they're federal and all of the government buildings are closed for them.
“So, I'm afraid I'm not quite sure what time-” Crassus began to say, only to cut himself off mid sentence when he heard you sniffling over the phone.
Crassus couldn't help, but feel as if he's the reason you're sniffling. He doesn't know why, but it sends a pang to his cold heart. He's sitting at his desk, clutching his phone; listening to your sniffles turn into soft sobs and he has no idea how to deal with it. Crassus isn't a man that's a natural comforter; in fact he's naturally stern and aloof.
“Petal?” Crassus asks, the new pet name slipping from his tongue before his mind could think better of it. Before he could utter your name.
Petal? Since when does your husband use pet names with you? Are you hallucinating? Is your baby blues making you hear things? Wiping your tears, due to your rollercoaster emotions brought on by the baby blues, you compose yourself and tell Crassus, “I'll have your plate placed in the oven for you. You can reheat it whenever you get home.”
You didn't even give Crassus a chance to respond, just told him, “I'll see you whenever you get home. Bye.”, before hanging up on him.
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Instead of returning to the dining room, you opted to spend some time with your son in his nursery. Since Cassian's sleeping, you decide to just sit in the corner rocking chair while watching him.
Cassian was such a precious baby. Over the last few days he's started to settle easier; sleep a bit longer. He's a good baby; doesn't cry too much- just when he's hungry or his diaper’s soiled. Little Cassian Xandros is also a very happy baby. Even tho he's barely a week old, you swear he smiles at you every time his icy eyes (Snow eyes) lands on you- his mom.
You're not sure how long you've been in the nursery for, but you know it's been a while because Coriolanus enters the room with a frown maring his prominent and flawless face.
“You never came back to the dining room after answering the phone, mommy.” Coryo tells you, closing the door behind him and striding over to you.
“I wasn't hungry.” Is your excuse. Well, it wasn't an excuse per say. You truly did lose your appetite considering you were picking at your plate before Crassus even called. You're blaming that on the baby blues since you're feeling a bit melancholy.
“You can't skip meals, Y/N. You're a nursing mother; you need all the strength you can get to properly feed our son.” He chastises while towering over you.
Sighing, you remind your lover, “As far as legality’s concerned, Coryo, Cassian's my son with Crassus; he's his father while you're the older brother.”
Coriolanus' handsome face contorts as his baritone echoes out darkly, “Don't throw that minor inconvenience into my face. Despite what legal papers say I'm the baby's father and as his father I want what's best for him, which includes you eating properly in order to nurse him.”
The University student's berating sounds harsh to you. Perhaps it's because of your baby blues or perhaps it's because he's making you feel like he's attacking your abilities as a mother. But whatever the reason, his lecture has tears springing to your eyes. Tears that you just can't control.
Coriolanus' face skews up in bafflement. He can't understand why you're breaking down in tears over nothing. He's just having a conversation with you. And he's noticed that this isn’t the first time you've been weepy and dismal for no good reason.
Yes, over the last few days while coming and going from the penthouse, Coriolanus has noticed that you've been a sniffling, melancholic mess. But he can't figure out why. You have him and the baby he decided to give you, you should be happy- no, not just happy, but grateful for those things; not boo-hooing when you think you're all alone.
Frankly, the golden- haired devil with a halo of curls is tired of your tears. They have no merit. At least not in his mind.
Taking long, quick steps over to the baby's crib, your lover picks up the newborn, causing him to wake up with a loud wail of a cry, and storms over to you. Literally shoving the baby into your arms, Coryo callously orders, “Stop your mindless weeping.” As you soothe your baby, you're hiccuping while tears still continue to stain your cheeks. “You have me, who loves you, and the baby I gave you; there's no reason for you to be so out of sorts, mommy.” The platinum blonde tells you, trying to get you to see how unwarranted your cries are.
But before you can even explain that it's not your fault, that according to Grandma'am you have the baby blues, Coryo sees himself out of the room with the excuse that he was homework to do to ensure he's still the top of his graduating class.
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When Crassus gets home, his mother's up and waiting for him. “Crassus, I'm appalled and ashamed that you never came home for dinner.” Grandma'am chastised her only living son as soon as he set foot in the main room of the penthouse, briefcase loosely clutched in his large hand.
“Mother-” The cold and stoic man begins, only for his mother to cut him off with a firm and motherly, “Don't mother me, Crassus Xanthos Snow. Not when you come home 2-hours later then you should; missing dinner and quality time with your family.”, while rising from her seat and marching over to her son with as much speed as her old arthritis filled bones will let her.
“I called Y/N and told her I'd be late. Didn't she relay my message?” Crassus asks- using the question as his defense against being late.
“She received the call while we were gathered in the dining room for dinner; she never returned after your call.”
Great…him coming home late made you so sad that you couldn't even rejoin the family for dinner. Were you crying so badly that you couldn't control it; that you felt the need to eat perhaps after everyone else was done as a way to hide your sadness from them? Oh, hell, did he screw up not coming home for dinner?
He's a horrible husband.
A horrible, shitty, cold-hearted husband that doesn't know how to treat his wife, who’s 2-decades younger than him. But, despite being a cold, indifferent husband towards you he doesn't want you crying at the drop of a hat and being sad.
His first wife seemed so happy to be Mrs. Snow; she even seemed to smile a bit brighter when she shoved him out the door for work- and that was back when he was stationed in District 12 as the Commander and only came home to his Corso penthouse in the Capitol on furloughs. How is it that his late wife, Demeter, was never saddened by his absence while you are? You both married him at similar ages, both knew what was expected of you- being a proper socialite housewife of the respected heir of an esteemed founding Capitolite family, so what was the difference between you and her? Why is it that you're a mess, crying your eyes out, because he's emotionally cold and unavailable while his first wife wasn't bothered by it; didn't seem to mind his cold-hearted and stern ways?
Were you more emotional because you took after your father, Javani, more than your mother, Helenium? Were you more of an introverted, kind-hearted, sunshine and roses type then he originally thought? He remembers that Javani Halvir, his late best friend and your father, was very introverted and only opened up around those he was truly comfortable with, that he truly didn't have a mean bone in his body- hence why he got along so easily with just about everyone he crossed paths with, and that he always looked on the sunny side of life.
Oh shit…
If you truly have a personality like your father's then your marriage to Crassus is probably slowly killing you since he's not doing anything to make you feel comfortable. Maybe he should've looked harder to find you a suitable match with somebody younger and less jaded? But, truthfully, Crassus jumped the gun and married you in fear of General Byzantine (the former Commander of 2 that was on the rebels' side of the war before siding with his friend Strabo Plinth and joining the Capitol against the rest of the rebellion and ending the siege around Capitol City) using Strabo Plinth’s money to seduce your mother's soul into allowing him to have your hand in marriage. He knew that Javani would roll over in his grave and haunt him from Elysian if Crassus let Byzantine get his grubby, lecherous hands on you.
Giving her son a motherly whack on the arm, the type all mothers use for scolding, Grandma'am gives Crassus a much needed lecture on his skills as a husband. “Crassus, I draw the line at you missing dinner tonight. You're not a very caring or attentive husband to Y/N and maybe before my new grandbaby came I could turn a blind eye to it, but I can't do it anymore. You need to be more understanding and considerate of your wife's feelings, Crassus. She's a new mother to Cassian; her entire life is now devoted to raising the child that you gifted her, she deserves a husband that at least pretends to care about her and his newborn then one that blatantly doesn't.”
“Mother-” Crassus tried to dig himself out of the hole that was his mother's scolding, but was cut off by her snapping, “Crassus, I'm ashamed at how you're treating your wife. Being a new mother's very taxing on her; she needs your support, even if it's just faux support.”
“My first wife wasn't like Y/N; she didn't need my attention and support so badly.” Crassus points out as a weak way of defending his shitty actions as a husband.
“Demeter, bless her heart and rest her soul, was nothing like Y/N.” Grandma'am told her son. Not waiting from him to make a reply, the elderly woman explained her remark with, “She was a youthful, vapid, vain girl that viewed joining our family by marrying you as a way to get out from under her parents thumb. According to Pluribus, she batted her eyes and powdered her nose at you while plopping herself down at your table while at his old nightclub. She wanted a marriage, but was too insipid to truly want anything past the successful husband and the perfect family that includes a male heir to coddle and spoil."
Grandma'am grew to care for her first daughter-in-law after living with her for so long, since Crassus didn't take her on base with him, but she never saw her as having what it took to be a true Snow. She always thought the young lady was lacking something since she always seemed a bit dull, despite being a gentle-soul.
“And Y/N’s like her father, Javani.” Crassus stated what he'd only just realized a few minutes earlier.
Grandma'am patted her son on the cheek, a small smile gracing her lips. “It took you long enough to see it, my boy.”
Now, in Grandma'am's opinion you have what it takes to be a Snow. You're a lovely girl, very well rounded. But she's afraid that if her son doesn't support you during your baby blues then you'll turn into a former shell of yourself.
Grandma'am, unlike you, had the support of her husband during her boughs of the baby blues. Hopefully she can get her son to be benevolent towards you.
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After Crassus placed his briefcase in his study, he went to your shared bedroom only to discover that you weren't there. He knew that the only other place you could be was the nursery. He made a mental note to go to the nursery to see you once he was finished showering and dressing in a pair of fine silk pajamas.
So, that's why when you're in the middle of singing your son to sleep with a pre-Panem song that you remember your father tucking you into bed with before the war: Cat’s in the Cradle, Crassus walks into the room.
Your husband quickly realizes that you're smiling at the baby cradled in your arms as you softly sing to him. That you seem genuinely happy. Crassus can't help, but to wonder if the only time you're happy and not sad is when you're spending time with Cassian.
“And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon. Little boy blue and the man in the moon.”, You softly sing, only to be interrupted by your husband's deep voice saying, “I think he's asleep and it's time for you to join me in bed, petal.”
Nodding, you stand while holding the baby close to your chest. The sight reminds your husband of a fierce lioness with her cubs. “Did you get your dinner from the oven?” You ask while bringing your baby over to his crib.
“No.” Crassus shakes his head. “I thought-” He began, only to be cut off by you flatly telling him, “You should eat before going to bed, Crassus.” Placing Cassian into his crib, you add in the rhetorical question of, “It wouldn't be good for the breadwinner of the house to get sick from malnutrition, now would it?”
Crassus assumes that you ate once Grandma'am and Coriolanus were done eating in the dining room, so he doesn't ask you to join him in the kitchen for his meal of leftovers. No, instead he just nods and tells you that he'll join you in bed once he's done eating.
And when he does join you in your shared bed, well, you're already fast asleep. So, he quietly joins you in bed- making sure not to disturb you. Like his mother said, you're a new mother whose world revolves around your son; you need as much rest as you can get.
But as he lays his platinum curls on his pillow, he realizes that you look peaceful in your sleep. He can't honestly say that he's even seen you look so content before.
And for some reason, unknown to him, he wanted to see that look of tranquility on your face during waking hours as well.
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Leo Davis stepped off the elevator and went over to his desk. He was 15 minutes late, but he did have a very passionate night celebrating his anniversary with his wife last night. A celebration that started at dinner and ended in the bedroom of their modest apartment that they're paying too much rent for. And as soon as he sat down at his desk, the door to his boss's office flew open.
Oh no, was he in trouble for being late? Crassus was always in the office way before the official start time of 9 o’clock, so did he know that Leo just arrived? The secretary was scared to death of being fired for being late as he watched his boss emerge from his office. The imposing man, who was well over 6 feet tall, walked over to his employee’s desk with his coffee mug in hand.
Coming to a stop at Leo's desk, Crassus took a sip of his coffee and asked, “So, Leo, how was your anniversary with your wife last night?”
Leo Davis nearly choked on his own spit. Since when does the General Crassus Snow want to know about his personal life? The man was always shutting down all attempts at conversation that even remotely seemed to steer towards personal things, such as family. If it wasn't about work, a coffee, or a good order then Crassus didn't talk about it.
“Well, did you have a nice time?” Crassus asked as Leo just looked at him wide-eyed, like a deer caught in headlights.
“Oh, yes, yes, we had a nice time.” Leo nods, nearly tripping over his tongue as he answers his boss. Holy hell, he still doesn't believe what's happening. That his boss is asking him about the details of his anniversary.
Deciding to not look a gift horse in the mouth, the secretary smiles and tells his boss the details of his night. Well, the details that are safe for work that is.
“You should bring your wife to Palace Arms for your anniversary. You'll have to make a reservation and it's located in the Denver Palace Hotel, but it's worth it for a special occasion.” Leo advised his boss, just to be friendly. Perhaps being friendly will get him a lesser workload. Eh, wishful thinking never hurt anyone.
Nodding, Crassus simply says, “I'll keep that in mind.” He knows that since he didn't do anything with you to celebrate your last anniversary that the he'll have to make up for his lack of interest with the upcoming one. So, he truly means it when he says he'll keep the prospect of taking you to the Palace Arms for your next anniversary in mind.
Before seeing you crying in the corner of your shared bedroom, Crassus would never ask for marital advice- and from a lowly employee as well, but now all he wants is to make you happy. He wants you to stop crying so much; wants you to stop being sad. He also wants to know what to do to change things, so that's why Crassus straight up asks his secretary, “Leo, how do you make your wife happy?”
“What?” Leo asks, wide-eyed and taken aback. Did his boss really just ask him that?
“My wife's been sad lately and since you seem to be on good terms with your wife, I was wondering, how do you make your wife happy?” Crassus asks, explaining his previous question in length, before taking another sip of his coffee.
“Um, I suppose I make my wife happy just by doing the little things for her.” Leo answers while wishing he didn't accidentally leave his travel mug of coffee at home on the kitchen counter. He could really use some right now.
“What are the little things you do for her?” Crassus asks, clearly oblivious to what ‘the little things' means. The man was cold, stern, and indifferent by nature. He wasn't one to make gestures out of care of love. So, yes, he really has no idea what his secretary's talking about.
And that was the moment that Leo Davis knew he was doomed to be General Crassus Snow’s personal marriage counselor/advisor. Oh, how the stars seemed to play a cosmic joke on him, huh?
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Tags: @kuroosbby001 @purriteen @poppyflower-22 @meetmeatyourworst @whipwhoops @bxtchopolis @readingthingsonhere @savagenctzen @ryswritingrecord @erikasurfer @tulips2715 @universal-s1ut @thesmutconnoisseur @squidscottjeans @sudek4l @wearemadeofstardust0 @mashiromochi @gracieroxzy @belcalis9503 @shari-berri @aoi-targaryen @whiteoakoak @spear-bearing-bi-witch @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons @qoopeeya @mfnqueen1 @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 @v-love @swiftieblyth @joyfulyouthlover @princess-harvey @chxrrybomb22 @marvel-hiddles-stark @xjinnix @devils-blackrose @zombicupcake3 @jacesvelaryons @tempt-ress @nayveetbhh
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deepmochi · 2 years
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I don't own these images, and please just take what resonates.
Aphrodite (asteroid 1388) in the signs
Aphrodite was a Greek goddess; she was married to Hephaestus. Now, let's not sugarcoat Aphrodite, okay. People love to mention her good side but her wrong actions are part of this too. The public knows aphrodite for her sex appeal and her infamous lover stories, but Aphrodite was unfaithful and had many lovers (Ares & Adonis...). So, if you let this asteroid take control of you, it can lead to affairs.
In astrology, It depicts your sex appeal, charms, sensuality, and beauty. It's not like Venus at all, where tropical astrology describes the idea of give and take (love) in relationships. What do you attract and how do attract you. On the other hand, Aphrodite expresses your charisma in how you seduce someone you feel attracted to. Sex appeal and sensuality It shows the way you can attract others and your raw sensuality. To sum up, Venus is a more sweet type of energy and love, and Aphrodite is crazier in comparison; she represents our sex appeal. 
 Aphrodite in the signs
Aries: The native sensual self is present when they are edgy. When they follow their passions and go on adventures. This type of assertive behavior depends on what they desire, and it can be anything from fashion sense to a career. It's like a childlike wonder. They are reckless and passionate; their impulses and independence are highly attractive to others.
Taurus: Venus ruler is what comes to mind with Taurus; they have a sensual beauty charm. Aphrodite is proud of this native. One of her favorite children for inheriting her sensuality. It's possible that they possess the desired body, the beauty standard. Even if they don't think so, they are sensual because they take care of their body. Their grounded and stable traits are hot.
Geminis: their sensuality is described as fun. They know that to say and how to say it. Charming individuals and intelligent; this is how they attract people with their eloquence and beautiful voice. They can make you laugh and then they have you wanting more. Their witty and happy good lucky vibes attract lovers.
Cancer: Their charming energy goes more with gentleness like a mother's love. They are the wifey material that everyone mentions. They seduce with their nurturing. Their hotness comes when they are vulnerable. They possess roundness and softness in their body or aura, where others feel comfortable. They have that warm touch.
Leo: they feel the most sensual being when they are confident. Any Leo placement has its ups and downs even if they don't admit it. If they don't feel confident, they will fake it till they make it. It's Leo's secret weapon. Anyways, they have a regal charm like a queen/king in a ballroom. Their charm/sexiness shows with swimsuits, elegant clothes, and special occasions.
Virgo: they have a discrete view of sensuality. They will be the lady in the street and a wh0re in the sheets. A puritan woman/man is what others think. Virgo wants to see if you are enough, why push it? They are slow, so their sensuality will take time, but it's worth it. Study and pass the test. By this try to be clean and hardworking. Also, a good shower really set their mood.
Libra: another favorite child, the first one was more obvious. For you my love, people just perceive you as corruptible. You are pretty and almost too perfect to be real, okay, but people hope they will corrupt your mind, and body, just name it. Your charm is like the prom queen or the girl next door stereotypes. You were their first love, and they wish it to be their first time.
Scorpio: Babe, co-rule by Mars, you are a crazy mess. Say thanks, anyways, a magnetic and mysterious image is what you present to others. However, your sensuality comes when you are showing your true self. Are you ready to show the real you? Your sensuality is there, but the more confident you are, the more prominent it became.
Sagittarius: You are charismatic and free; people love that "don't restrict me" vibes. You can be tame, so you are like a leaf flying through the wind. Your mind is also so wise and interesting. You can be so young but know about many topics. This combination makes you incredibly irresistible to others.
Capricorn: Your work ethic and your responsible approaches to life make you attractive. Don't even think you are boring or something. Ma'am, your charm is your practicality. The way you go after your career or goals in general. Your discipline and how well you follow your duties. It's charming and sensual how mature you are.
Aquarius: Your appeal comes from another way of thinking and makes your ideas fresh air. Your appeal is not everyone's cup of tea; it's only for a reserved number of people. You attract others with your new perspectives and logical take. With those shiny eyes when you talk about your favorite t.v show, book, or even a planet.
Pisces: You attract people with your romanticism towards life. How you are in love with life, and the sensitive side you offer. Those views painted with baby pink make others follow. You give them a new sense of hope. For those who hope to transcend, your charms are over the human eyes spectrum.
Where to find the asteroid?
You can find this asteroid if you go to astro.com (astrodienst) and click where it says extended natal chart. In the bottom, there is a part that reads selection from following list, under you see asteroid name/number list click the letter "A" and search aphrodite(1388).
Take care, lovelies 💚
credit to: @deepmochi
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cinnamonest · 1 year
I'm thinking about Childe fuckboy sex pest whiny dramatic little bastard tendencies again. It's haunting my brain and compelling my fingers to type so endure my ramblings
His most infuriating tendency is just being so pushy and self-centered. Very overdramatic and whiny about it too. He's that typical boy who just cannot process there being anything that should take priority above him getting his dick wet.
He does genuinely care about you though. Like, if you get sick or something he understands. Will hold your hair back while you're sick and will get you water and stay by your side and hold you and all.... but once it's over and you're finally feeling less queasy after your multi-hour sickness session, laying there in bed, he sort of snuggles up to you, hard-on pressing into your thigh like "so you're feeling better now right 👉👈"
Or you're exhausted, you have a headache, you're just worn out and he's all "But? :( my dick tho? :(" because God forbid he have to so much as conceptualize going without getting to empty his balls in you for a span of over 12 hours. He will get sad if he can't get his dick wet at a moment's notice. As in, he expects you to just drop everything you're doing.
Which is a pesky thing of its own. You, unfortunately, have this tendency to do things, to perform tasks and activities, which is problematic because these things often get in the way. How, pray tell, is he supposed to get the necessary daily dose of pussy if you're doing things you can't immediately drop? It's literally a matter of his well-being and health?? And yet you say "just a minute" or "let me finish this" as if it's not a dire situation, because you are heartless and/or don't understand what he's going through. So he'll just be sure to stand there moping and looking dejected until you can get to a pausing point of whatever you're doing, so you understand the importance of the matter.
Sometimes it's worse and you are actually committed to some task. Yes you have that huge test you have to study for or that thing you have to do for your work but like... what about him. Where does he fit into that schedule of yours, because you mentioned how you're gonna divide up your hours for the night and not once did you mention taking regular breaks to give him attention and pussy and love. Do you just not care, is that it? You don't love him. You clearly hate him and you want him to suffer. Heartbreaking.
He gives you the standard "you wouldn't understand you're not a guy" speech, that you can't comprehend how strong the urges are, the fact that it is preposterous to expect him to exhibit any self-control when horny or to endure the agony of tfw no pussy. You wouldn't get it, it's literally a need and he can't be expected to function normally without getting to cum. No jerking off won't suffice, he can't go back to that because it's not good enough anymore, he has to cum and it has to be in you or else he will be in an unwell state of health and you will be responsible. This is literally like starving a person to death. Cruel. Barbaric. You would never do this if you really loved him. Would never want someone you really love to suffer like this.
He just lays there flopped on the bed or couch next to you, looking utterly miserable. Occasional dramatic groaning. If you're not paying enough attention he'll shuffle closer and wriggle his way under your arm to rest his head on your lap. Following by more "pay attention to me" groans.
And yes he will try to compare his lack of pussy to whatever objectively much worse ailment you're undergoing. He really does feel bad for you with your chronic pain or period cramps or migraines and all that — BUT, blue balls is equivalent to if not worse than any of those. Difference is you're inflicting this suffering on him. Imagine if he was inflicting your ailment on you, that would be unthinkably cruel right? So logically you should feel bad and pity him and fix the problem.
Why are you looking at him like that. Are you upset? ...You know what would probably make you feel better? Oh, now you look more mad. Why are you picking that thing up like you're about to throw it at him. So mean.
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Qualifications of Critique
Fem!Reader Words: 1130
AN: This is very much a test to see if I can write him in character. Also, my first time posting a fic for HSR
Dr. Ratio flipped the page of the chemistry book he had begun to study enjoying the peace and quiet of the university library. A welcome change of pace after spending most of the day grading papers that hadn’t met his standards. There were a handful of students he had hoped to step to the plate but only a few of that group continued to show promise—a pity.
The library had been mostly quiet only gaining more silence as students left for the day. Something he would have done himself if not for the horribly late faculty meeting that had been scheduled in a few more hours.
There was the quiet tapping of heels against the carpet floor getting ever louder. It was an easy sound to ignore but should have served more as a warning with the voice that spoke from behind him. “If it isn’t the worst teacher to ever grace the cosmos.”
He closed the book, turning his head around to see one of the professors who worked there alongside him. She stood there with a bag around her shoulder and her arms crossed. “Excuse me?” He asked, already annoyed that his break had been interrupted.
“I’m being asked, actually that’s the wrong word. I’m being told to move my classroom to make room for a new study hall dedicated to trying to improve the rate of three percent of your students passing.” She complained.
”Don’t take this up with me. It’s not my fault your class was being moved.” He stood up. It would be best to go back to his office and lock the door if he wanted any ounce of peace.
”It is. This study hall wouldn’t have been created if you were better at your job.” She glared up at him, tapping her shoe attempting to calm herself down at the information she had recently been told.
”Have you considered that these students should have to work at grasping the material? It isn’t my fault that they are too foolish to understand simple concepts.” His book had been abandoned on the table.
”Of course, it’s simple to you. You already know it!” Y/N rolled her eyes at his reasoning. “How can you be so smart but still not even understand that being a good teacher means your students should be passing your class?” Any students still lingering around in the library were rushing to pack their things with hushed gossip over the argument that was unfolding.
Arguments between the two of them were slowly becoming famous across campus. Students and professors wondered when the tension between them would finally break. As entertaining as they could be to watch, no one wanted to risk being caught in the crossfire and being forced to take a side.
”I am passing those who put in the work. That’s what should be done.”
”I’m not saying to just pass everyone. Yes, pass those who put in the work. But you also should be putting the work in to make sure they have a chance at understanding the work that is being asked of them.” She explained. It wasn’t like that should be a hard thing to comprehend.
”I put the effort in.”
The bag on her shoulder fell to the floor as she uncrossed her arms. “You do not. You talk a big game of ridding the world of ignorance but can't even take the time to learn how to be a better teacher to do just that!” Her bag had been left on the floor as she took steps forward, shortening the distance between the two of them. “It's such a joke that you consider yourself so smart but are too stupid to see that.”
The distance between them was almost closed as they stood near each other. She had been the only person in this university to challenge his intelligence. Other professors had been quick to praise him but she focused on pointing out his faults to say where he could improve. It was infuriating but a welcomed difference to see someone who could clearly think for themselves.
“I don't see how insulting me adds to your critique of my teaching abilities. I'm not even sure if this qualifies as a critique.”
“Have you ever done a critique yourself? It involves saying what should be improved and then offering advice to guide that person in the right direction, sometimes showing them step-by-step what to do. It makes the base for anyone even interested in teaching. I’m surprised that critique is even in your vocabulary.” 
His eyes didn’t mean to wander down at her lips. Glossed to absolute perfection as she spoke a mix of insults and advice. “Do you ever shut up?” He asked, missing the peace and quiet that the library was known for before she had stepped in.
“Occasionally when those I am conversing with have value to add. If you would take the time to reflect on what I have been saying we wouldn’t have to keep having this conversation. Do you understand how your actions have an effect on me?”
“I wasn’t aware that you would let others have any sort of effect on you.”
“It’s when I’m able to move on with my life. You just keep causing me roadblocks. First, my program loses funding that gets diverted to yours because you have a big name. Now I lose my classroom for a study hall for students struggling with your class. What are you going to change in my life next? I would at least appreciate some sort of warning.”
“If that is what you would consider life changing then I believe we are both using separate definitions.”
She rolled her eyes before speaking in a sarcastic tone. “Oh won't the great Veritas Ratio enlighten me then.”
Maybe it was the way that she knew how to stand her ground against him. Or maybe it was that she saw the humanity within him to acknowledge his flaws instead of defaulting to praise like others had. Could it have been that when she came to complain about his teaching she treated the argument more like a debate something that could be seen past the insults? 
He placed his hand underneath her chin holding her gaze on him. Y/N let out a small gasp. “Veritas…” The boldness in her voice had dropped into almost a whisper. “I meant a definition, not this.”
“Everything you said has made it sound like you pride yourself on a proper example.”
“So you do know how to listen. You’re just horrible at application.” She leaned her head to the side, her boldness only dropping momentarily as it returned to her voice. “We should revisit what a life-changing moment is once your class has upped the passage rate.”
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Not Mushroom for Love (Genshin Impact)
Pairing: Tighnari x reader
Word Count: 2.6k
A/N: I love Tighnari he's so cute i just wanna AAAAAAHHHHHH
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Tighnari was a hard ass. It was for good reason, sure, but it didn't mean that it annoyed you any less. Another thing that annoyed you was how much you wanted to prove yourself to him. Not only did you want to be a worthy forest ranger, but you wanted to be someone worthy of his love. It was frustrating, not only to be in love with your superior, but to also know he'll never see you the same.
Love was never meant to be, when it came to Tighnari. It was like the two of you were polar opposites. He was smart, consistent, and stern. You were aloof, not the brightest, and tended to bend the rules. You honestly had no clue how you fell in love with him. Was it the way his ears twitched when he was reading a book? The way his tail swung happily from side to side when he was talking about something new he learned? Maybe it was the way he pulled his hair back while doing an experiment? Whatever it was, one day you realized you had loved him. And it was terrible . How can someone as stupid as you love someone as incredibly smart as him?
You had failed your promotion exam. It was the fourth time in the row you tried to become a Forest Watcher. Some people were fine with being Rangers their whole life. But not you. You wanted to make everyone proud. Prove them wrong. You weren't just some stupid Ranger that always got in trouble or made mistakes on tests. Yet here you were, sitting with Collei as Tighnari stood in front of both of you with his arms crossed. 
"You got more questions wrong than the last time," Tighnari shook his head. "I thought you were studying?"
You sighed in frustration. "I am! But for some reason, I can't- the material just doesn't stick."
"Well, it needs to. It can be a life or death situation when you're out there."
You rubbed your forehead in frustration as he turned his attention to Collei. This happened all the time. You barely were able to learn the material to become a Ranger. It was the field test that had given you your position. It was your ability to act fast in a situation and keep your calm that made you keep your position. You stared down at your test, seeing the big marks of ink that glared at you. Mockingly. As you read over your answers, you realized that you did know all of this. So why did your mind always blank when it came to testing?
"Are you listening?"
You were pulled out of your thoughts and raised your head. "Huh?"
"We need to talk about your rescheduled test."
"I can do it tomorrow."
"Why not?" You frowned.
Tighnari motioned to Collei who looked uncomfortable. "She needs to rest since she's been having more flare ups recently. I think it would be wise of you to use this extended time to think about your path."
"What about my path?"
"Well," His head tilted to the side. "You have been consistently failing in the tests. You don't seem to take in information like the others. We should consider keeping you as a Ranger instead of trying to become a Forest Watcher."
Collei looked between the both of you. She could tell that things were going to get heated. "Uhm, why don't we discuss this at a later time?"
"But Tighnari, I know what I'm doing!"
"Your test scores say otherwise."
"I know my stuff! Can't I have a field test instead?"
He shook his head. "We have standards that we need to uphold. Knowing things in the moment is good, but you need to be able to know this stuff outside of that as well."
"That doesn't-"
Tighnari said your name sternly. "You know we have rules for a reason."
You stood up. "You just don't trust me."
There was a pause. The two of you stared at each other. It would have been easy to follow what Tighnari was saying. He was smart. He knew what he was doing, saying, and teaching. But there was something inside you that left you feeling frustrated. So you wanted to challenge what he thought of you. 
"I don't trust you to go out there alone."
"That's all I needed to hear."
Collei and Tighnari's calls fell on deaf ears as you left. You weren't stupid. You can be trusted. It was your job as a Forest Ranger. You've been doing this for years, for crying out loud. You clenched and unclenched your fists in anger. The one thing you hated about yourself is that you cried when you got angry. It made you seem even more weak and stupid than you already were. You took slow, deep breaths to keep your cool and your tears inside their ducts. The scent of last night's rain made you calm down, only a small bit. You stomped down the path through the village.
"Wait up!" You turned your head to see Tighnari running after you. Your heart skipped a beat. "Why did you leave?"
You tried to not let your feelings for him let you soften. "I need to go for a walk." 
"Can I come?"
"Why?" You huffed as you continued to walk. "Do you not trust me to even take a walk?"
"No," Tighnari spoke in a matter-of-fact voice. "I don't trust you to go off into the forest on your own. You know, a Forest Ranger is even stronger in pairs or more. Not only that, but if something were to happen, you have someone to have your back."
"Forest Rangers go out on solo patrols all the time."
Tighnari sighed. The two of you were now walking precariously over a fallen log. "That's not what I mean."
"Of course not. What you mean is that I'm too stupid to go out on my own."
He stopped. "Is that what you think?"
You turn towards him. "It's what I know. Don't act like you don't want to get rid of me."
"I don't!"
"Liar!" You point towards his chest. "The disappointment in your eyes whenever you see my test scores, the sigh when we go on patrol, the constant lectures. Admit it!"
"Oh please." He rolled his eyes. "Don't be so dramatic."
"I am nothing but a liability to you!" You poked at him again, slowly making stepping forward. 
"Watch it," Tighnari reached out towards you. "Just calm down."
"Don't touch-"
Your words were cut off as you lost your footing on the log. Tighnari called out your name, trying to catch you. Of course, this was why Tighnari didn't trust you to be out alone. Of course the wood was slick. The rain still didn't dry out. A log as big as that one would take a while to become safe to walk across. But it was too late. You crashed through vines and branches. The wind was knocked out of you as you landed on the hard ground. You desperately gasped, trying to get air back into your lungs. You stared up at the sky, the log you fell off of nothing now looking like a faraway stick.
After gaining back a semblance of normal breathing, your training kicked in. Wiggle your fingers. Check. Wiggle your toes. You winced, your left foot sending a shooting pain all the way up to your lower back. Ok, not good. You raised your arms. Some cuts and scrapes, new bruises forming. That was ok, something you can handle. You slowly, very slowly sat up. Your bones and muscles ached. You turned your neck from side to side. It seemed you had no spinal damage, which was a relief. 
"Oh, archons have mercy."
Your left leg was swollen and twisted in an unnatural angle. Adrenaline pumped through your veins, enough to keep the scathing pain of a broken leg away. You took a deep breath. There was no way you could set it on your own, but the least you could do was move it in its right position. The pain pulsated as you slowly turned your calf, and then your ankle. That was when the pain really started to flare up. Tears streamed down your face as you reached into your pack that was snuggly attached to your waist.
"I'll be ok," You whimpered to yourself as you took out an antiseptic balm and started applying it to your cuts and scrapes. "Just don't focus on the pain. Focus on cleaning the cuts. You've trained for this."
"Are you ok?"
Tighnari had already made his way to you. He kneeled down, his eyes searching your body for any terrible injuries. You started to sob. You felt like a child who had fallen and scraped their knee. Your hands tried to desperately wipe away the tears to no avail. Tighnari's arms wrapped around you, pulling you into a hug. 
"Hey, it's ok! It's ok. I'm here."
You clung to his sweatshirt. "I'm so stupid!"
"Shush, no you're not."
"Yes I am. Just look at me-" You pushed him away and sniffled. "I almost killed myself."
"Well," He looked at your arms. "It seems to me that you did exactly what you were supposed to. Now your wounds won't get infected. Good job, Ranger."
You rolled your eyes. "You're just saying that. I wouldn't be surprised if you want to kick me out after this."
"Why do you keep saying stuff like this?" His voice grew dark as he started to wrap your arms up in bandages. "It's- I just…I can't have you out here!"
"Because I'll just do something stupid-"
"No! I don't want you to die out here! Do you know how scared I was when you fell? I could've prevented that. I wasn't fast enough. I couldn't save you in time, and I failed at what I'm supposed to do as a forest watched. I thought…I thought that if you were to die, it would be my fault. Because I couldn't teach you. I was the one who wasn't good enough." Tighnari's ears lowered, and he hid his gaze. "Let me finish bandaging your arm."
Your eyes widened as you stilled. You couldn't speak. If you were more delusional, you would have thought he sounded like he was in love, more than a teacher and coworker. His hands were gentle as he finished fixing you up. He then sat back on his legs and looked at your leg. His breathing was shaky. You swallowed.
"I- uhm…"
"Are you in pain?"
"I would be lying if I said no."
He scooted forward. He took out a pair of shears and snipped up your pants. The gasp he let out sounded even more painful than your fall. "It's definitely broken."
You let out a weak laugh. "You should've seen it when it was all twisted. That was really bad."
"You moved it all by yourself?"
"I'm strong."
"You know you don't have to be," Tighnari looked around and found two sticks. You grimaced, knowing what was coming. "I'm here. I want you to rely on me."
"But I want to prove to you that I am capable of doing things on my own."
"You don't need to prove anything to me." He positioned the two sticks by your calf, pressing them gently against your skin. He took out a thick looking cloth from his bag. "I'm going to wrap some cloth around the ankle first."
"I do. It's because I want you to see me as an equal. Then, maybe, I can confess my feelings for you."
Tighnari suddenly wrapped the cloth around without warning. You let out a shout and fell onto your back, trying not to writhe in pain. Maybe confessing your feelings while he was trying to attach a splint was not a good idea. He glanced at you, then continued wrapping your ankle. He then moved on to the middle of your calf. You balled up your fist and stuck it in your mouth, closing your eyes. Don't pass out. Don't pass out.
"All done." You opened your eyes and saw Tighnari standing. "Ready to get up?"
Your heart sank as he didn't acknowledge what you said. You sat up. "Yeah, sure."
He grabbed your hand and slowly hoisted you up. You tried not to put pressure on your leg, or think about the extreme amounts of pain you were currently in. After wobbling slightly, you were finally upright.
"Lean on me," Tighnari whispered, his arm wrapping around your waist. "I'll keep you steady."
"Well, let's try getting back."
Tighnari didn't answer. Instead, his free hand reached up to grasp your chin and move your face towards his. The only thing you could think of was how soft his lips were. They tasted of a floral balm that you've seen him put on countless times before. You leaned into him and his grip on your waist tightened. It wasn't long before you were breathless. 
"Are you still in pain?"
You shook your head. "N-no."
"Good. Let's go. I'll make sure to get you back quickly so you can get proper care."
It was silent as the two of you started slowly traversing through the forest. Your lips craved his again. Your heart craved his affection, his love. It was full knowing that he had confirmed his feelings. It didn't seem like him to act like this. But love made people act out of character.
“Do you know when I first fell in love?”
"Hmm?" You glanced at Tighnari who decided to finally break the silence. A blush creeped across your face as you registered the word 'love'. “When?”
“When you became a junior ranger. We were on our first outing as a group. You always had a habit of straying, but seeing your eyes wide with wonder as you asked me every single question you could…how you listened with the utmost attention, the way you complained when I told you to be quiet, how you would recklessly touch something without knowing what it was-“
“Wait. Isn’t that something you hate?”
“I could never hate anything about you. Because it is you. I don’t want you to be different.” He looked off to the side as if this was something he'd kept hidden for a while. "You'd make a great Forest Watcher one day. I care for everyone. I care for you. But I guess love got in the way of me being an actually good teacher. I should have realized that testing just isn't the method for you to learn things. I should've taken a different approach. Because of me, you started to doubt yourself."
"I have strong feelings for you. I want to go about it properly. Relationships are something that are built slowly. And I want to spend all my time with you."
"Are you asking me out?"
You forced out a pained smile. "That's very sweet of you, Head Forest Watcher."
"You sound upset. I also wanted to apologize for how I've been treating you. It wasn't fair."
"I appreciate that…" You trailed off. Ghandarva Village slowly came into view and you sighed. "I only sound upset because I'm in immense pain."
"Oh." Tighnari's ears fluttered. "Right. As soon as we get back, you need to be on bed rest for at least six weeks. After that, we can talk about your promotion."
You leaned your head against his shoulder. "Thank you, Tighnari."
"No complaints?"
"I think I'm going to rely on you a little more."
"I'll always be by your side." 
You smiled to yourself. Just like the forest, there needed to be a balance to everything. Tighnari was there to make sure you had someone to fall back on when you got in trouble. You were there to push Tighnari out of his comfort zone. Previously, you had thought that being opposites meant that you weren't compatible. But you two fit together like pieces of a puzzle. It was meant to be.
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mazeinthemiroh · 1 year
Skz but it’s academic rivals to lovers 😩
stray kids as academic rivals to lovers
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genre: academia, general, slight crack and angst?
word count: 0.7k
warnings: cursing
please like and reblog if you enjoy <3
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friendly competition.
he doesn't really like to have any hard feelings with anyone
even with someone he views as somewhat of a rival
he has the incurable need for people to like him despite him being competitive in most of his subjects
so he views your academic rivalry to be more of a friendly rivalry. the best person wins, in a sense. he's not going to get bitter and salty if you do better than him in an exam, and he expects you to follow the same sort of standard
and this friendly competition sparks a flirtatious energy that leads to something more...
teasing and testing.
he likes to push your buttons
he's a stirrer. we know this, this isn't new information
he likes to get under your skin any chance he gets
if you get a lower score on a test, he's there ready to shove his high score in your face like the little shit he is
if you raise your hand in class and answer something that is wrong, expect to hear a mocking snort from mr minho himself
yeah he just loves to see you get riled up by him, especially since you're his academic rival. he takes pleasure in irritating you.
flirty and shameless.
even though you guys are supposed to be 'rivals', changbin has different intentions with your heated competition
what was once an intense rivalry to obtain better grades, binnie thought it would be much more fun if he flirted with you instead of causing negativity
because he doesn't like causing any drama and just wants to have a bit of fun, so there's no harm in getting a little playful whilst trying to do better than you academically
but this flirting leads to a relationship he wouldn't expect to have
dramatic flare.
he secretly lives for drama despite being one of the more quieter students in class
he is especially competitive with subjects he feels most passionate about, like art, english and dance. he wants to exceed and do well in these classes, and likes the feeling of being the best in his class
but when you come along and give him a bit of competition in his beloved subjects, then he has a problem
you give him the fire to push himself and do better. and suddenly he becomes better and better thanks to your 'threatening' presence
and soon he grows to appreciate you for pushing him and making him the person he is today. and he can't help but admit that you two make a powerful pair
shits and gigs.
honestly he doesn't care if he does better or worse than you
he's there for laughs and laughs only
it's not his fault that he's naturally talented and has a bright head on his shoulders
things just come easy to him and it absolutely infuriates you
he's the type to not do any homework or study for a test, but then get one of the best grades in class
which angers you, especially when you dedicate your time to improving yourself academically and your efforts don't always pay off
this is how he slowly becomes your rival
although it doesn't help that he's so damn charming and handsome... no matter how hard you try and hate him, he's always got you right where he wants you
camouflaged adoration.
what you see as a rivalry, he sees as a way of getting close to you in his own little way
of course he wants to do well, and with a little competition, he feels charged and ready with any exam just so he could impress you with the outcome
but he ends up leaving each class feeling more admiration for you than he would have ever thought
just the way you are so well-versed in your subjects and have a great drive and passion for them is amazing to him
just you expressing yourself in class and showcasing your intelligence does something to him that he can't quite explain
his love language.
he thrives off of academic competition
most definitely ends up being insanely attracted to you purely because you are intellectually stimulating and he just loves that
is mean sometimes. makes snide comments and remarks. but that's his way of flirting, honestly.
he likes being playful in his own little way. there's always a sparkle of mischief in his eyes when he sees he's riled you up, but he always makes sure not to take it too far or personally
he's masterful really in the way he plays with you. and he is so much more attracted to you when you know how to handle his witty remarks
love-hate combo.
he can't tell whether he's attracted to you because of your equal competitiveness
or whether he's just super pissed off
it changes on the day, to be honest. it basically depends on if he's doing better than you or not; succeeding academically is the underlying factor of your relationship and he's not sure how to feel about it
and he loves to be a tease if he is succeeding faster or at a consistent rate compared to you
but he can't seem to take the teasing when he's on the receiving end, which gives you a bit of a rush
it's very back and forth with the both of you lol
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scrubbinn · 2 months
_____ HRT: 14 months “_____”
Cw: strong language
“Hello? Hello- ah, you must be Ms. Abigail, you called about Ms. Mulberry being in an unusual condition? I don't normally do house calls, but after T.H.E.M.S contacted me specifically, I assume it's something urgent.”
“Yeah. Urgent is a word you could use. You're Dr. Erian right? May's told me a lot about you. She's in her room right now. I don't know what you gave her exactly, but now you're going to fix it.”
“There's no need to get abrasive. Now let's all calm down and I'll take a look at the situation……… That's a cocoon… I believe I see why I was called.”
“What. The fuck. Did you give her?” A fucking cocoon?! Why would a slime go into a cocoon?! Why don’t you try explaining it to me, because right now, I don’t know whether to sue you, or beat you! You dumb, dumb, dumb old… AUGHHHH FIX IT ALREADY!”
“Look Ms. Abigail, I understand you’re upset, but threats are not appreciated, and what I would appreciate is a bit of respect for what I do. Now then, everything will be alright. It will just take some time while I figure out what is wrong.”
“What’s wrong? It’s your insane medication, that’s what’s wrong! I think it’s obvious as to what the problem is! May was right. You are a quack doctor. You just say whatever pops into your head! Slimes don’t do this! They don’t just go into a cocoon! I literally checked. No one has a clue what the hell this is! Not another slime, not even the other doctors! I’ve asked everywhere I could. Now tell me already, what the hell did you give her?”
“Please tell me you didn’t send out pictures of this. Ms. Abigail, this is a grave breach of trust. You can’t share this sort of thing around. This is simply a job for professionals. Asking around is simply an awful idea that could lead you towards a rash decision. It’s also not something I can readily reveal to you. Even if you are close to Ms. Mulberry. It would be best if you deleted any messages or photos you sent out.”
“Why should I? I’ve heard what’s been going on with her. Directly from her. You’re not giving her the standard medication are you! She lets me listen to her recordings, all of them. I have the last one saved and I’m going to send it out to every news outlet in hyper city if you don’t explain yourself, and yes, I am blackmailing you. So start talking!”
“...That’s quite a threat… What I’m about to tell you must never leave this room Ms. Abigail. Do you understand me?”
“Oh, sure, uh huh. Yeah ok.”
“I am quite serious. If anyone finds out, gods forbid that witch finds out… She would, well I could stand to lose a lot more than just my job… Look, when I started this path, I did it with noble intentions. Sure it was a lucrative untapped market, but there were other reasons too. I chose this career because I truly believe it makes people happy. When Mayday, or anyone else arrives, I see someone who needs help. That is what I do. That is-”
“Get to the point, don’t give me your bullshit.”
“Sigh… When Mayday requested a type of slime with color and texture changing, well that sort of thing requires a control that slimes just don’t have, I attempted to tell her this, but you must understand, she was insistent on this. I knew the normal medication wouldn’t give her the happiness she was looking for, so I, changed, the medication myself to something else. I’ve studied our medication long enough to create my own recipes, and I already had every ingredient I needed. There were some initial tests that looked promising. Of course, Mayday was the first human to test it. But you se-”
“YOU WHAT?!!! You gave her something you had no clue about!!? WHY??”
“You wouldn’t understand Ms. Abigail. When someone is suffering you help them. I know for a fact my own formula is stable, whatever is happening to Ms. Mulberry is simply part of the process. The memory problems were, unexpected, but continuing the medication was her idea, not mine. I simply wasn’t given enough time.”
“Then why didn’t you ask for some time? Or you could have asked someone else, you mentioned like a witch or something, you could have asked her. Or something!”
“Ms. Abigail, you don’t under-
“NO! You don’t understand! You talk about being kind and helping others, but all you’ve done is take shortcuts! You don’t even have the energy to care about the people you apparently want to see happy! You just treat it like it’s another day of your crummy work where you sit around and make people feel like they’re freaks! Do you know what Mayday goes through every time she visits you? Every single time she has an appointment with you! I get a phone call from her crying, feeling disgusting, feeling like she’s worthless and invalid. Do you know what it’s like for the people you supposedly care so much about helping? Do you think they walk out of there thanking you? …Just get out, this was a waste of time. We’ll figure something else out without you, and if you want to be useful. You’ll actually talk to people for once, and you’ll ask for help, rather than trying to validate whatever sick ego you have!”
“I see… Perhaps I’ll have something to think about on the walk back. If Ms. Mulberry still wishes to take her medication when she meets the waking world again, I will do my… I will do better, for the both of you. I wish you both the best of luck. Goodbye, Ms. Abigail. Perhaps we can meet under those better circumstances. In the meantime, I think I have to make a few calls. Do what you will with that recorder, and I hope you’ll see that despite my flaws, I am trying.”
“Yeah. We all are.”
Start - Prev - Next
Mention list: @a-shramp, @calliecwrites, @be702, @respectfulevil, @hyacinthdoll1315, @aster-is-confused, @bloodandbrandywine
Hey! Guess who finishes the next part way too early! It's us! Hope you're enjoying Slime HRT, though I guess it's slowly no longer just Slime HRT is it. If you can guess the twist, you'll get a virtual cookie!
Either way, we really hope you enjoy. This is the first part that was almost entirely written by someone who isn't Navi. So hope you enjoy! I hope to help out writing more of the story. Love you all for supporting us and hope you'll continue reading!
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taomyou · 11 months
The Paradis Marriage Pact
Author: taomyou Pairing: Levi Ackerman x Reader Summary: Do you believe in soulmates? No. Do you believe that Jean's coding project can introduce you to someone special? Not really, but your mind can be changed. Word Count: 6.1k Tags: modern au, university au, strangers to lovers, fluff, meet-cute, matchmaking, one-shot
The Paradis Marriage Pact
"Hey, do you think Levi believes in soulmates?" Hange asks, looking up from their laptop at Erwin. The two friends are in a study lounge reviewing for midterms, but it seems that Hange's taking a break since they're asking weird questions.
"I'm not sure. Why do you ask?"
To that, Hange angles their screen towards Erwin so he can see what they're looking at. The website they're on looks simple enough: it seems just like any other standard testing site. "This second-year in my biotech lecture sent out the link to everyone! It's a matchmaking form for students here!"
Looking closer at the screen, he sees "PARADIS MARRIAGE PACT" in big, bold letters at the top of the page. What's this got to do with whether or not Levi believes in soulmates?
"You didn't answer my question, Hange. What are you planning?"
Hange dramatically leans back into the sofa, arms crossed and a sinister grin on their face. "I'm filling this out on our dear friend's behalf!"
"And does our dear friend know about this?"
"Of course not!" Hange laughs, "he'd skin me alive if he knew!"
"Well, you're right about that," says Erwin.
Hange nods at him before moving back to their earlier position closer to the table in front of them. "Wanna help me fill it out?"
With a laugh, Erwin shakes his head but starts putting away his own laptop and books. Once his bag is zipped, he scoots over to sit closer to Hange. "Sure, why not?"
"Really? I'll text Levi and ask about the whole soulmates thing, but we can just skip that for now!"
"I don't wanna take it!"
"You can't not take it! The rest of us just did it!"
"Yeah, Connie's right," Sasha says, poking at your shoulder.
You groan and swat her hand away.
You and your friends have spent the last several hours in one of the library study rooms. Connie organized it as a "group study session," but you're sure you and Jean are the only ones actually being productive. You're not sure about Connie since you can't see his screen from where you're sitting, but Sasha's spent this entire time playing Overcooked! 2 in multiplayer mode with who you assume is him. Then, about 30 minutes ago, Connie started complaining about his engineering midterm, which prompted Sasha to complain about her physics midterm, which then prompted Jean to talk about his semester-long coding project.
"Could you guys fill this out? I need at least a thousand participants by the end of next week to get an A on this, and I already sent it to everyone I could," Jean asked, forwarding the link to the group chat.
You click on it and are brought to the website.
PARADIS MARRIAGE PACT: Fall in love today!
Leave it to Jean to choose to make a matchmaking website for his final project. Sasha and Connie found the premise to be quite fun, whereas you rolled your eyes at the page.
"Love calculators already exist," you criticized, exiting out of the tab immediately. Jean flipped you off from across the table, not appreciating your comment.
Which brings you to now, where Connie, Sasha, and Jean have been trying to pressure you into filling out the Paradis Marriage Pact. You don't really get why they want you specifically to do it, since you know Jean's popular and he could probably get enough responses, but it's probably more about annoying you than it is them actually wanting you to find the love of your life.
"If you need responses so bad, I can use my extra emails to spam random answers," you offer.
Jean shakes his head, tutting loudly. "You have to input your school email. Besides, if those answers paired you with someone who made the Pact honestly, they'd be heartbroken."
"So? Serves them right for taking some random sophomore's mandatory coding project seriously."
Connie and Sasha burst into laughter, which earns them a glare from Jean. You sigh dramatically and rest your head on your hand.
"Don't be mean! I put a lot of effort into this project!"
You never doubted that he did, him being a CS major, but it was still entertaining to poke fun at him.
"I have an idea! Why don't we fill it out for her?" Sasha suggests, and you see her open the link to start typing in your name. You immediately perk up and try to get her to stop, but she hurriedly picks up her laptop and rushes over to the other side of the table where Jean and Connie huddle closer to her. "Do either of you know her school email?"
"She forwarded me something a while ago, I can check," Connie says, opening his own laptop to find your information.
It's then that you know that you can either do it yourself or let these fools try to guess how you'd answer, and one of those possibilities is infinitely worse than the other.
"Okay, fine! I'll do it!"
All of them smile and immediately get up to crowd you, the sound of their rolling chairs filling the room as they push them to your side of the table. Sasha offers her laptop to you, and you place it on top of one of your textbooks. You type in your school email and some other information, and then you're brought to your first prompt.
It's okay that my partner drinks.
□ Agree □ Disagree
You check off the box for 'agree' and move on. The next couple of questions are easy enough, just asking what activities you're okay with, but your friends are still watching you intensely, and it unnerves you slightly.
After confirming that you are, in fact, not okay with your partner doing hard drugs, you're faced with the next question.
Do you believe in soulmates?
□ Yes □ No
You click on 'no,' but before you're able to tap the button to move on, Jean speaks up.
"What do you mean, 'no?'"
You turn to face him, completely deadpan and unamused. "You made this quiz, why would you even ask if you're gonna get butthurt about people not agreeing with you?"
"It's not about that! You just seem like you'd be into that sort of thing."
You hum, looking back at your screen. "Nah, I think soulmates are kinda stupid."
Midterms came and went, but that "end of next week" deadline came even quicker for Jean. He managed to get the thousand answers he needed for the chance at an A, but he was stressed as all hell up until the very last day when he finally got enough participants. Unfortunately, it didn't get easier for him since he's been stressing about the next part of the assignment, so you, Sasha, and Connie decided to invite him out to dinner to try and help him destress. It's probably not working if all he's doing is complaining about his professor.
"Seriously, what kind of professor requires a thousand participants in that amount of time? This is a lower-division coding class, for fuck's sake, not Advanced Media Advertising!" He complains, taking a long sip of his soda.
"He sounds terrible, but, hey, at least you got enough answers," says Connie.
You and Sasha nod along while Jean takes another sip before speaking again.
"You guys don't get it! He's the actual devil! You guys are so lucky you'll never have to take his class!"
"What's left for you to do, anyway?" You ask.
"There's a report I have to write. I have to prove my project was successful, too, so I gotta find a couple that the program matched."
"And how exactly are you going to do that?"
"The program should've sent everyone an email with their match's name and contact information by now. I just need a couple to reply to it and agree to get interviewed."
"Man, good luck with that, nobody checks their email," Connie winces.
Jean buries his face in his hands, groaning in agony. "I know! That's why I'm still so worried!"
"Couldn't you just lie?" Sasha inquires.
Jean shakes his head. "The professor wants the audio from the interview and a picture of the couple together. It's so fucking stupid, what do either of those things even have to do with the class?" Suddenly, his face brightens, and now he's looking between you, Sasha, and Connie. "Can't one of you guys just go out with your match? Oh, I'm a fucking genius!"
The three of you awkwardly make eye contact with one another, mostly to avoid looking at Jean himself.
"Uh, dude, I don't really think any of us are up for that," Connie says.
"Yeah. Don't get me wrong, the questionnaire was fun to do as, like, a personality quiz, but I'm not down," Sasha adds.
Jean's face falls, and he turns to look at you.
By now, his hands are in a prayer position.
The likelihood of anyone getting back to the email Jean sent is slim-to-none, nevermind the likelihood of a couple replying.
You know how hard he works—the two of you study together practically every other day in the library—and despite his popularity, he's not one to go out often, instead staying in to work on projects or research. He really is adamant about doing well on this project and you know he could somehow make it out with a decent grade, but maybe you could do this tiny favor to help him out. It's not like it'd be all that hard, right? Meeting with your match and getting interviewed doesn't sound like too much of a hassle, especially since you're already close with Jean.
You can't really believe that you're choosing to help him, considering how much of a fight you put up when you were asked to take the Pact in the first place, but whatever. You smile at Jean and give him a thumbs-up.
"Sure, I got you."
Jean practically jumps out of his seat to give you a hug, laughing and smiling brightly. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
You give him a firm pat on the back before prying him away from you so he can go back to his seat. "Really, thank you so much! This makes everything so much easier!"
You blush in embarrassment, not really used to affection from Jean, but hey. He looks like a weight's been lifted off his chest, and that's why you're all out tonight anyway. "Yeah, yeah, let me check my email for a name, though."
Jean eagerly nods, a smile still on his face. Sasha and Connie don't look like they have anything to say, but they pay attention to you, probably also excited to know who your match is.
You don't have any sort of hopes for who it could be, not having your eye on anyone anyway, but you just hope they're understanding enough to agree to an interview. You open your mail app and tap on the "Search mail" prompt to type in "Paradis Marriage Pact." There's only one email related to your search, so you click on it to find your match's name in big, dark letters.
"Any of you guys know somebody named Levi Ackerman?"
Somewhere in an empty lecture hall across campus, Hange, Levi, and Erwin are all lazing around after their last class. Levi's laptop is connected to the projector, and he's just scrolling through different streaming sites.
"Why the fuck are we even in here? We can just watch something at home."
"Because, Levi, tuition's too expensive to not make use of the grand halls at our disposal!"
"Imagine not being a scholarship student."
Erwin and Hange laugh, and the latter gets up from their seat to go over to Levi to help him choose something to watch. He refuses them at first, but they just shove him around enough to get him to give up and go sit where they just were. In the middle of some more aimless scrolling, they notice that there's a tab opened to Levi's email.
Hange did overhear someone last week telling that second-year that they got their results back from the Paradis Marriage Pact, so they get the stupid genius idea to try and look through Levi's email for his match. Switching tabs, they type in "Paradis Marriage Pact" into the "Search mail" prompt.
"Oi! What the fuck are you doing?" Levi exclaims.
Hange waves him off, not looking up from the screen. Erwin just has to sit back and watch it all unfold in front of him, the projector magnifying everything that Hange's doing. Finding the unopened email, they click on it and see a name printed in the same font as the initial title for the questionnaire page. Next to the name is a phone number.
Levi still doesn't really understand what Hange's doing, but whatever it is can't be good. He gets up again and rushes for his laptop, disconnecting it from the projector and closing it before Hange can try anything else.
"What do you think you're doing?"
"Nothing!" Hange nervously laughs and looks past Levi's shoulder at Erwin for back up.
Levi follows their eyes over to the man as well. Erwin gets up from his seat, joining the other two at the front of the hall.
"Just forget it, Hange. It was already wrong of us to submit answers for Levi."
"Again, what the fuck are you guys talking about? And what the fuck is the 'Paradis Marriage Pact?' Did you sign me up for a mail-order bride or something?"
Hange extends out both their arms, frantically waving off the accusations and shaking their head. "No, no! This kid in my biotech programed some matchmaking site, so I thought it'd be neat to submit something for you," Hange explains.
Levi exhales deeply, pinching his nose between his fingers. "So you think I need help from a fucking website to find a girlfriend? Just how pathetic do you think I am?"
"You literally have not dated since, like, high school!"
"And? That's a problem how?"
Erwin puts a hand on Levi's shoulder, though it gets swatted away just as quickly. "It isn't, we just thought it'd be fun. We're sorry," Erwin says.
It's certainly frustrating that Hange acts this way, interfering with his personal life, but he knows they mean well (emphasis on "mean.")
Erwin does too, so as much as he hates this, he'll let this one slide. It's a Friday, and the week has been exhausting enough. Erwin and Hange look at one another while Levi reaches into his back pocket to take out his phone. He felt a buzz, so he probably got a text from someone. When he turns on his phone, however, he sees that the notification is a text from a number he doesn't have saved.
Unknown Number - 6:27 PM
is this levi ackerman? this is your match from the paradis marriage pact
He frowns at the text but doesn't say anything. He'll deal with it later.
"Just don't do this again, so help me, God."
Hange's eyes bug out of their head. "You're not mad at us?"
Levi scoffs. "I'm mad, but I'm too tired of your shit to beat you into the ground right now."
"Let's go back home now, yeah?" Erwin suggests, his body facing the door.
After Levi wordlessly puts his laptop in his backpack, the three head back to their shared apartment. Erwin occasionally greets people that recognize him on the walk over, but other than that, they travel in complete silence to avoid pissing off Levi any further.
Once Levi's in his room, he shrugs off his backpack to put near his door and takes out his phone, walking over to the chair he has at his desk. He sits down, turns on his phone, and stares at the message he got.
In the first place, he has no idea what the fuck this Paradis Marriage Pact shit is.
Yeah, sure, Hange described it as a matchmaking program, but it's not like that's much to go off of. He switches over to his mail app to find the email sent from the site.
There still isn't much information—just the match's name, phone number, and a message at the bottom: Please reply to this email if your match is successful and you'd like to be interviewed! He rolls his eyes—the email looks formal enough, but there's no way anyone's going to actually reply to it. He also compares the number that texted him earlier and the number listed on the email.
They match, so he replies to the text.
Levi - 7:33 PM
Yes, this is Levi
Unknown Number - 7:39 PM
sorry if this is weird but i need a favor
Levi - 7:40 PM
Sorry, not interested in dating
Unknown Number - 7:40 PM
me neither
...Doesn't make much sense to text a match from something called a "marriage pact" if you're not interested, but alright. Levi isn't going to question it; he's doing the same thing replying to this person.
Unknown Number - 7:41 PM
could we meet up?
Levi - 7:42 PM
I said I'm not interested You literally just agreed with me
Unknown Number - 7:42 PM
no its not like that!!
Levi - 7:43 PM
Ok, then what's the favor?
Unknown Number - 7:43 PM
my friend is the guy who made the paradis marriage pact program and he needs help getting data from a successful match
Levi - 7:45 PM
And you want me to help because the email asking for it was so pathetic that he needed to get help from someone he knows personally?
Unknown Number - 7:46 PM
exactly! so are you up for it?
Levi - 7:46 PM
Unknown Number - 7:47 PM
we'd just have to answer some interview questions together
Levi - 7:47 PM
I said no already
Unknown Number - 7:48 PM
i already told my friend that i'd help him :( please?? i can buy you a drink
Levi - 7:50 PM
Why not just make up the data?
Unknown Number - 7:50 PM
... they need a recorded audio file of the couple talking and a picture
Levi - 7:51 PM
That's an awful lot for just a project
Unknown Number - 7:51 PM
if it means anything, he has dr pixis
Levi frowns.
He had Pixis for Intro to Python in his first year, and it's the only class he's gotten a B in since enrolling at Paradis University. Pixis is notorious for being a harsh grader, but there's only one other professor that offers lower-division technology course requirements for CS majors, so everyone has to take him at some point. It makes sense now that whoever made the Paradis Marriage Pact is scrambling for data. It's stupid that whoever made this decided to reach out for information over email, nevermind over school email, but Levi knows it's too late in the semester to try something else.
Unknown Number - 7:55 PM
ik its asking a lot and i have no idea who you are but if we matched then maybe it wont be so bad
Levi - 7:56 PM
I didn't take it My roommates did it for me and they probably answered it differently than I would've
Unknown Number - 7:57 PM
even better!! we already know we arent a match so theres no expectations
God, she isn't going to stop asking, is she? Levi can't judge their dedication to the cause, though; it's admirable that she's willing to reach out to a complete stranger just to help her friend.
Levi - 7:57 PM
If we aren't a real match, doesn't that make your friend's project a failure?
Unknown Number - 7:58 PM
technically, that isn't his fault
Levi - 8:00 PM
You're not giving up, are you?
Unknown Number - 8:01 PM
i will if you say no again
Great, she's a good friend, and she's respectful.
Levi himself can't believe that he's seriously about to go along with this.
For all he knows, this girl could be a fucking axe-murderer, but, at the same time, he knows how fucking miserable it is to have Pixis for any class ever. She can't be that bad if she hasn't prodded him for any actual information, and she sincerely seems to not be interested in getting to know him.
Just an interview, some pictures, and he'd never have to cross paths with her again?
Yeah, he can do that.
Levi - 8:03 PM
Okay, but you're still buying me a drink
Unknown Number - 8:04 PM
deal!! thank you so much!! let me ask my friend when we can do the interview
"What do you mean you can't come? You're literally supposed to interview us in," you pull your phone away from your ear to check the time, 1:55 PM, "5 minutes!"
"I'm so sorry! I forgot I had a midterm today, and I can't get to you guys and make it back in time!" Jean says.
You groan and change the hand your phone is in. "What the fuck, man, midterm season was over, like, a month ago."
"I know! But Shadis kept pushing it back because people kept asking for more time to study!"
"So what do you want me to do? He already didn't want to do this, and I don't want to inconvenience him even more by changing the date this late."
"I can text you the questions, and you can go through them together."
"What about the audio file?"
"Just record it on your phone, and I'll edit in my voice so it sounds like I'm actually there."
You roll your eyes. "Are you sure that's a good idea?"
"I don't really have a choice."
"Well, you're right about that. Let's just hope this Levi guy is okay with this."
"Okay with what, exactly?"
Looking towards the voice, you see a raven-haired guy around your age dressed in a neat black shirt and dark jeans. Before this, you texted each other the details of your outfits so you could find each other in the café Jean picked out for the three of you to meet, so you know that it's Levi. He seems to have a frown on his face, but you just hope that it's not directed towards you.
Despite that, though, he's.. really attractive.
You try not to dwell on that as you motion him to sit in the booth with you. He does so wordlessly and takes out his own phone to busy himself.
"I'll owe you forever, okay?"
You sigh, putting your elbow on the table. "Damn right you will. I get it, though. I'll try to make it work." You can hear him sigh in relief on the other end of the line.
"Thank you! I gotta go now, but send me the audio after! Don't forget the picture too!"
"It's no problem, Jean. Good luck on your midterm, you got this," you say, then bringing your phone away from your ear to end the call.
Levi clears his throat from across you to get your attention. "Is your friend on the way?" he asks.
You nervously laugh. "Yeah.. so about him, he can't make it."
"Is he who you were just on the phone with?"
You nod, looking away from him. "He called me and said he has a midterm today," you say.
He nods in what you want to interpret as understanding, but he's probably just confused. "Bit late for midterms, no?"
You nod, anxiously laughing again. "I told him the same thing, but he said his professor pushed it back."
"Pushing back a test that far sounds like a fucking terrible idea, but okay."
You hear a buzz come from your phone, so you pick it up to see a text from Jean. Opening it, you see that it's the questions Jean's supposed to be asking you and Levi. You put your phone back on the table and slide it over to Levi to look at.
"He sent me the questions, if you wanted to look at them."
"Just send them to me," he says, ignoring your device. You nod and take your phone back, quickly copying the text and forwarding it to Levi. "I assume we're still going to do this without him?"
You smile sheepishly at him, bringing your hands together in front of your face. "If it's okay with you. I understand if it isn't, but let me at least pay for you to get a drink before you leave. I've bothered you enough asking you to come here in the first place."
He looks up at you for a second before looking back at his phone to skim the questions.
"I don't care."
Tough crowd, huh.
Before you start, a waitress comes to your table asking what you and Levi would like to drink. You tell her you'll have a grapefruit green tea while Levi orders a cup of black tea.
"I'm gonna record the audio on my phone, and then we'll take turns answering, yeah? Jean said he'd edit in his own voice." He hums in understanding, and so you go to open your voice-recorder app and tap the "record" icon before placing your phone between the two of you. "I can answer first, since you have the questions."
He sighs.
"'What's your name?'"
You answer, and he does the same. Easy enough to start.
"'What's your major?'"
"I'm a public health major. You?"
"I'm in CS," he replies. "'How did you find out about the Paradis Marriage Pact?'"
"You forced me to take it," you say, voice wavering as you're unsure if you're supposed to pretend Jean is there or not. Levi looks up at you, his frown now replaced with a neutral expression.
"Are we going to pretend your friend is here?" He asks.
You groan and put your head down. "You're right, it's probably stupid."
He shakes his head. "No, it isn't. It'll help trick Pixis into thinking he's actually here."
You bring your head up and nod slowly, bobbing your head.
For someone who said he didn't care, he sure is nice. Well, as nice as you can be to a complete stranger.
The waitress comes back with your drinks, and you both thank her. 
Levi glances back down at his phone. "'Did you know each other before the Paradis Marriage Pact?'"
"You didn't answer the last question."
Levi rolls his eyes. "I mentioned it to you before. My roommates took it for me, so I didn't even know what this thing was until one of them brought it up to me."
After reaching for your cup to take a sip, you speak up.
"Well, we gotta make something up. You could say they showed it to you, and you decided to take it," you reason. He sighs.
"Okay, then. My roommate showed it to me, and I thought it was worth taking," he says, taking a sip of his own drink. "This is good."
Having never been at this café before, you can't agree or disagree, so you just smile. You notice that he's holding his cup by the rim, which is a bit odd, but it feels fitting for him.
"And no, we didn't know each other before this. It's kind of late now, but it's nice to meet you. Thank you for agreeing to come."
"It's nice to meet you, too."
The two of you continue like this: answering questions, slowly making your way down the list. They're all pretty general—just asking about things like what careers you're aiming for and what hobbies you have. You find out that he's interested in tea tasting, and he finds out that you're interested in gardening. Quite a bit of time passes, and soon enough, it feels like you're just having a conversation with a friend and not recording an interview.
You notice that he hasn't taken a drink in a while, so you speak up to ask him about it.
"Are you out of tea?" You ask.
He nods, scrolling down to the next question. Looking around for the waitress, you call her over to your table.
"What can I help you with?" She asks.
"Could we get two more cups of black tea, please?" At the mention of the drink, Levi looks up at you and the waitress.
"Of course! Let me get that for you," and with that, she's headed off for the drink bar.
"You didn't have to get more, you know." Levi says. "Why'd you get two cups?"
You smile, bringing your cup back up to finish the last of your grapefruit tea. "If you like it, it's probably worth trying. You said you try teas a lot, so I trust that it's good." He rolls his eyes, but you can see the corner of his mouth twitch upwards into a sort of half smile. "Anyway, next question?"
"'Are you happy with your match?'"
"Well, since Jean's supposed to be interviewing a successful match, I'll go along with that. You've been good company too, so yes, I'm happy with my match."
"I feel the same, then." You're glad he goes along with your answer, so you smile over at him. "'Why do you think you were paired together?'" He reads.
"Could you answer this one first? I don't really know how we could lie about this one."
He hums, looking up at you again. "I don't know what kind of questions were on the Pact, but from our conversation so far, you seem like a good person."
You're taken off guard, so you avoid his gaze, looking down at your empty teacup. "You think so?" You can feel your ears start to get red, so you feign fixing your hair to try and cover them. You didn't expect any answer like that from him even with all the talking you've been doing, so you're flustered.
"You didn't know who I was, and you went this far to help your friend with his project. Even after I told you I'm not actually your match, you still wanted to get the data for him. I think most people in your situation would've let him figure it out on his own." 
You laugh good-naturedly, putting your hands in your lap. You look up to see him still focused on you, and the blush on your face feels a little hotter.
You want to thank him and try to answer Jean's question, but before you can say anything, the waitress comes back with two new cups of black tea and takes away yours and Levi's empty cups. The two of you reach for the cups set in front of you, and you take a sip together.
"You're right, this is good," you say. He nods in agreement, and the two of you put your cups down.
"Alright, this is the last question. 'Both of you selected 'no' when asked if you believed in soulmates. Why do you believe that?'" Levi recites from Jean's questions. He pauses, a new frown forming on his face. "One of my roommates texted me to ask this a while ago. No wonder."
You laugh at that, covering your smile with your hand. "At least we don't have to come up with another lie."
He nods. "Yeah."
"Well, there's not really much to say. I think the idea that there's only one person destined to love you is pretty limiting, and then the chances of meeting them would be slim-to-none," you answer. You see Levi nod from the corner of your eye, so you continue. "Falling in love with them would be even harder. It's not really worth believing in soulmates, in my opinion."
"I feel the same way, more or less," he adds. "The idea is there, though."
"Yeah, it'd be nice if there was a way to know someone's perfect for you. Ever heard of the Paradis Marriage Pact? I've heard it's worked wonders," you joke.
He looks pretty unamused, though.
"Yeah, sure. It's so successful that the person who made it has to ask his friend to pretend they've found the love of their life," Levi says.
You laugh, nearly spitting out your tea. "Well, at least we agree that soulmates aren't real! Besides, anyone can fall in love if you spend enough time together."
"I suppose you're right."
Levi did say that the question about soulmates was the last one, so you get your phone from the middle of the table and tap the "stop recording" icon. The two of you don't initiate any further conversation, so you both sit in silence and finish your teas.
The quiet isn't awkward. It's... nice.
You flag the waitress over when you're finished, and after you pay for everything, she asks if you need anything else.
"Actually, could you take our picture for us?" You ask.
She nods, taking your phone from you to snap a quick picture. You smile, and you thank her as she hands the device back to you.
"You guys are so cute!" She coos, waving goodbye to you both. You and Levi both make eye contact, but neither of you say anything.
You check the time on your phone: 3:45 PM. You have a class at 4, so you get up from your seat to start heading over. You look down at Levi who's still sitting and wave goodbye to him.
"It really was nice meeting you, Levi. Really, thank you for agreeing to get interviewed, even if my friend couldn't make it. I hope it wasn't awkward for you."
"It wasn't."
You smile at him, tucking a piece of hair behind your still-red ear.
"Well, that's a relief," you say. You turn to leave the café, but before you can take any steps, you hear Levi clear his throat. You look at him, but he doesn't meet your gaze.
"Did you mean it when you said you were happy we matched, or did you only say that because of your friend?" He asks, looking down at his cup. You see a bit of red at the tops of his ears, so you giggle. "What's so funny?"
Even though he can't see it, you smile at him before answering, ignoring the latter question.
"I think I meant it."
You walk away before you can see his face, but you feel a buzz from your phone as soon as you're out the door. When you look at it, your smile gets even bigger.
Levi - 3:50 PM
I think I meant it too
Jean yawns, stretching his arms above his head. He's finally back home for winter break, the semester having ended a week or so ago.
Despite that, though, Pixis hasn't released his grade yet, and he's getting worried.
Did Pixis somehow figure out that he messed with the audio file? Jean swears he did everything else perfectly, so it's gotta be that if he hasn't gotten his score back. As far as he knew, everyone else in the class got theirs back already. He's been sweating it all winter break.
For the hundredth time that night, Jean goes to refresh his school email. In addition to an email from the university's gradebook, however, there's an email from Dr. Pixis himself.
"Dear lord, please let this be good." He takes a deep breath before opening it. Realizing what it says, he screams out in joy. "Holy shit!"
"Jean-boy, what's the matter?" His mom asks, opening his door to see what all the noise is about. He excitedly motions her over to his desk, a big, bright smile on his face.
"Mom, look!"
Hello Jean, I am very pleased with your project. What an inventive idea—a program to match up students. Easy A. Thank you for not turning in the same boring project as everyone else. This may be a bit out of the blue, but I would also like to extend you a position as one of my TAs for next year's fall semester. You have proven yourself to be highly proficient in the course material. Attached to this email is the paperwork to formally accept. I hope you consider it. Also, good job finding a couple to interview. I seriously doubted that you could when you sent in your first round of data. Actually, I saw them the other day at the ice skating rink downtown holding hands. They look cute together, makes me believe in love again. Consider launching a similar program for professors, will you? I look forward to hearing from you. Best, Professor Dot Pixis.
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intersex-support · 2 months
(half vent half ramble about intersex, medical neglect, and the racialization of gender and sex binaries)
I am going to lose my mind. There is Something Wrong with my reproductive system. I know this much. It doesn't act how every single piece of (modern, reputable) medical literature I can find says is "normal". At this point I think the reason I can't get any doctors to take me seriously is because I'm mixed race. I pass white easily, and I'll discuss my symptoms with a doctor, show the physical, visible proof of endocrine weirdness on my body, and they look concerned, willing to discuss, in agreement that there's something weird. Then they look over my medical history and profile before doing anything in depth. They see I am biracial. They suddenly insist that everything is normal and that I'm overreacting.
I have some friends that are studying medicine, including one that has particular interest in intersex and general queer medicine (and has her doctorate even). She agrees that there's something different by any metric. All of them are in agreement that I likely have something unusual with either my reproductive system, endocrine system, or both. They all agree I should get proper testing but can't authorize it due too the ethical issue of them being my friends.
So I go to new doctors regularly and the cycle repeats every time. The oddities are only getting more apparent. How long will it be before people can put down their perception of different races as different species? There are differences between us. But they are not as drastic as people make them out to be. How strange must my body become before a doctor can no longer blame it on my mixed heritage?
I'm so tired of being Schrodinger's intersex. We need to put down the idea that traits can only be intersex in specific races. The amount of poc that are struggling from this is almost certainly larger than we can imagine. The only reason I think this problem becomes so obvious with me is because of my white passing biracial-ness. I feel like the canary, making it particularly clear how much the racialization of gender and sex hurts all of us. I'm so tired
Sending so much solidarity and support 💜💜💜
The amount of racism from doctors is so incredibly fucked up, especially when it comes to the racialization of gender and sex and how that creates so many barriers for accessing care. We've talked a lot on this blog before about how some diagnostic standards for certain intersex variations are just explicitly racist--hirsutism scales and the way that they're talked about, for example. There are so many ways that white supremacy works together with intersexism/compulsory dyadism and a key part of intersex justice is fighting against all these connected systems of oppression.
on this blog we understand that there are so many barriers to getting testing and diagnosis in the current medical system, which is one of the reasons why we support informed self-diagnosis. if you're at all interested in participating in intersex community spaces, InterConnect has online and in person peer support groups, including a peer support group specifically for intersex people of color. Know that you are absolutely welcome here, even if you don't have a confirmed medical diagnosis.
I really hope that you're able to find the answers you need--you deserve better than you've been treated, and I can absolutely imagine how exhausting the discrimination through this whole process has been. Please feel welcome to send in any more asks, whether you need resources, have questions, or just need to vent.
best wishes, anon 💜💜💜
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max1461 · 1 year
I was asked by @cardassian-artistry:
I don't want to argue or anything, I'm just curious. What are your critiques of Marxist economics?
Ok, so, I want to clarify that I am neither an economist nor a Marx scholar. I am an informed lay person, who has also had the opportunity to spend a lot of time talking to my close friend who is an economist (well, sort of; his work is at the intersection of econ and CS). He's also very left-wing, and we've both read the relevant portions of Marx and have discussed Marx's place in the history of economics quite a lot, so I have, I think, more informed opinions on this particular topic than most people.
Right, ok, so there are a few things to note about Marx's economic theories. The first is that he does not really propose any sort of economic model in the modern sense. Ideally, an economic model should be predictive (probably a lot of Marxists will already disagree at this point, but I think it's not worth arguing with them because I doubt I will convince anyone). That is to say, an economic model should look at measurable quantities about some part of the economy, and relate these quantities to other measurable quantities, so that we can make predictions about how the economy will behave under different conditions.
Many modern day, orthodox economic theories do not meet these criteria. Those theories are also bad. Or, more accurately: they aren't even theories at all, they're just like, vague ideas. We should have higher standards than that for our economic models.
Anyway, predictivity: Marx mostly doesn't attempt to achieve this. He sort of gestures at a specific, predictive model when he talks about "congealed labor time" (I'll get to this) and so on, but he doesn't make it mathematically or measurementally precise enough to actually use it for anything, or to test if it's true. So there's a sense in which, by the epistemic standards I hold at least, Marx's theory of the economy is not actually saying very much to begin with.
Marx does, however, make some qualitative but testable claims. These are mostly sort of divorced from his economic theories as such, it seems to me, but they are claims pertaining to the economy, so they're worth evaluating. Most prominently, he claims that capitalism is bound to undo itself and give way to communism, via proletarian revolution. He very much thought this was going to happen in his lifetime or in the period immediately after. This did not pan out. You can make excuses for why this hasn't happened yet, as the early Christians did when the rapture didn't come, but I don't think any of these excuses are very convincing. He claimed this and he was wrong. As others have pointed out, at least Marx made a claim which could be proved wrong, which is braver than many thinkers—and probably cannot be said of many of his contemporaries in classic economics.
The second big point about Marx's understanding of the economy is that it comes largely from Adam Smith, whose work he studied intensely. Marx's early work is less concerned with the technical details of the economy, and was of course influenced above all else by Hegel. But Marx's later, more economic work draws very heavily from Smith.
Adam Smith's work has all the same problems. Economists like Smith, Marx, and Ricardo set the groundwork for what would come later, but their understanding of how economies actually behave was both far too simplified and far too mathematically unsophisticated to be useful as such.
And, right, this brings us to the labor theory of value, which Marx also gets from Smith. Well, modern economic theories tend not to use a "theory of value" at all, because… what does that even mean? How do you measure "value"?
Is "value" price? That's something you can measure! But Marx seems to say "no", value is not just price. And if value was price, then Marx's theory of value would be straightforwardly false. Marx claims that the value of a good is proportional to the average labor time it takes to produce that good in the given society in which the good is being produced. Well, this is not true of price (in Marxian terms, "exchange value"). So Marx's "value" cannot be price, if his theory is to hold water.
What is it then? Well, Marx and Smith don't really say. And they definitely don't say how to measure it. So their claims about value and labor time and so on don't amount to much, they don't really amount to testable claims about the real world. They amount to claims about this ill-defined idea of "value" that has relevance only internally within the system of Marxian thought. As such, many of Marx's economic claims don't actually say anything about the economy to begin with.
The upshot is that a lot of Marx's specific claims about the economy are either untestable or simply wrong, which is pretty damning. His theories are far too simplistic to model the economy accurately, and his dialectical method—far from remedying this simplicity—simply introduces more vagueness into his claims.
Marx did not know calculus. With a few lucky exceptions, it is generally difficult-to-impossible to model any real world process of significant complexity with any precision without calculus. Basically every modern day economic model makes use of differential equations. Marx, Smith, and Ricardo did not. A priori, therefore, it would be very surprising if their ideas turned out to be correct. And they don't.
So, I've been pretty hard on Marx. Is there any value to Marx's thought?
Well, I think, yes. Quite a lot, in fact.
Marx's work is sometimes split into an "early Marx", for example as represented in the 1844 Manuscripts, and a "mature Marx", as represented in Capital. People debate the degree to which there is continuity between these two periods, or whether the periodization really makes sense at all. But it's undeniable that Marx's thinking evolved significantly over the years. In particular, Marx's early work is much more concerned with the humanistic effects of living under capitalism. This is where Marx's theory of alienation comes from. He is concerned, everywhere but especially in this early writing, with how it feels to be an industrial worker in a capitalist society. And I think his analysis here is absolutely spot on. It has, in fact, been pretty influential on my own thoughts about markets and private property.
Marx also advanced a materialist conception of history, and of society generally. I think Marx's materialism was too teleological, and too wrapped up in nineteenth century ideas of Progress, but I still think that to a first order approximation his assertion that history is driven by the factors of production was basically correct, and was not remotely obvious at the time. For this I think he should be celebrated.
I think Marx was, in a certain sense, a victim of his time. Almost all the critiques that can be made of his economic theorizing per se are found in the writing of all the classical economists. And it is in this domain where I think he makes the most demonstrable errors. That is to say: most of what is bad in Marx is not that new, and (I think) most of what is new in Marx is quite good.
There's another reason to take Marxism seriously, too. I think that a really significant amount of good thinking about history, society, and the nature of wealth and power has been presented under a "Marxist" heading, or assumes fluency with Marxist ideas. From Marxist humanists like E.P. Thomson to the revolutionary leaders of Third-Worldism. Not that any of these people are above critique, to be sure. But anyway, in this regard I think Marx's thought is a lot like Bertrand Russell's work on logic (I love the Marx/Russell comparison, because they both would have hated it): less important for its actual content than for the work of the people it inspired, and for the century+ of ideas they produced.
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wandafiction · 8 months
In Every Universe - Part 5
Warnings: Brief mentions of death, angst, hurt
You groan at the incessant beeping you hear as you start to wake up, squeezing your eyes shut as you feel the burn of bright lights above. You attempt to move your hands to rub your eyes, hoping to soothe the pain, only to find them stiff and sore but also locked in place. Your ears pick up in the sound of metal hitting metal and you can only assume you are back in handcuffs. 
Attempting to draw from your powers, you feel nothing but pain causing you to writhe in the bed as energy pulses through you but has nowhere to go. You gasp as your powers settle down, choosing not to attempt to use them again, and you can only assume they are power dampening.
Oh how you hate the power dampening cuffs, or anything of that matter, as your body needs to constantly release and take in energy to remain stable. The Hydra scientists had explained how normal human homeostasis works and how your body is no different but with the additional energy your body's homeostasis is harder to maintain. 
You try to even out your breathing, trying to slow your heart, when your ears concentrate back on the beeping that has increased in rhythm. You swallow slowly, your throat extremely dry and sore, wetting your lips with your tongue. You know you're I'm a hospital bed, or at the very least a medical bay, and with the additions of handcuffs you know you are still in the avengers compound. 
"Fucking hell." You turn your head to the side, trying to hide most of your face in the pillow as you slowly open one eye. "This is worse than a hangover."
"I'm not surprised, you've been out for nearly a week and you pretty much drained yourself of energy." You startle slightly at the male's voice, looking over to see a smaller man looking at his clipboard. 
"You must be Doctor Banner, also known as Bruce or the hulk. So to whom am I speaking to out of the three of you?" You smirk as the man looks at you over the rim of his glasses.
"Dr Banner. And may I ask how you know such information about us. Reviewing the footage with Agent Romanoff we could see small tells and little actions you did when looking at the people who entered the room. Almost as if you recognised them." You hum shrugging.
"Well I mean Hydra's not dumb, they taught us about you guys. They have a profile on each and everyone of you, and I made sure to learn them off by heart. For example Mr, sorry, Dr Banner. You did have a very lovely lady friend that you fell in love with, the hulk saved her once but she was the daughter of the guy who was trying to kill you. So I can only assume that didn't work out, so with that in the past you've decided to concentrate on your studies trying to get the other guy out of you so you can live your life. Without fear of, what's it called -ah yes - hulk smashing the people you love to death." You chuckle as he shuffles uneasily on his feet clearing his throat.
"Well -uhm- you will be cleared to go back down to the cell soon. Just got to do some final tests and we will get you back down there." You pout as he avoids your gaze.
"You're no fun. You're all I'm Mr Serious just here to do my job, get paid, and not kill people. How boring." Bruce doesn't give you any sign that your little quips are bothering him, instead he just continues to check your monitors and write things down. 
"Just so you know, your mind might get more flashes than it has already had." Your eyes move to look at him as he looks at you before quickly diverting them and looking at the hospital standard painting in your room. 
"Don't know what you're talking about."
"Neither do the others since I haven't told them. But when I have tech that can give me accurate brain scans and I see passive activity that a normal brain does not hold, I can only assume you are having flashbacks. Am I correct in assuming you've had one or two but kept it to yourself?"
"I don't like doctors." You choose to say instead earning a chuckle from the man, your eyes slowly moving to look back at him. 
"And I don't like the hulk all that much but we all have to deal with things we dislike and just move on from it, right?" He gives you a lopsided smile and you hum slowly nodding.
"Right." You say slowly your eyes taking in the man's features trying to gauge whether you can trust him enough. 
"So if the thoughts in your mind become too loud, the pain turns from a low thumping to a stabbing like pain just press the call button on your remote and I will come to give you some meds."
"What sort of meds?" You shuffle uncomfortably in your bed, your hand brushing over the IV in the back of your hand, small flashes of how Hydra would have you hooked up to an unknown amount of concoctions whenever you were on a medical bed.
"Just painkillers and maybe some relaxants that will help you sleep easier."
"How long do I have to stay here before I'm kicked back to the cell?" Bruce closes his folder, putting it at the end of your bed, taking his glasses off as he pockets his pen. 
"Until I give you the all clear." 
"And how long would that take doctor?"  Bruce pretends to think about it for a second before smiling with a shrug.
"Let's say until the flashbacks stop being so powerful and the mind wiping and control ease off." 
His hand gently lands on your calf giving it a small squeeze. And you take in his relaxed form, he isn't afraid of you he is just helping you. You scrunch your brows as he gives you a smile, questioning why he wouldn't have you sedated or on so many meds you don't even know your own name. 
"I know you don't want to believe we used to be friends, used to be the same team. That's what Hydra does, but just know that even if you don't feel like you can right now you can trust me to help you get your memories back. And the handcuffs are just for precaution, you lost control of your powers - I can only assume from a flashback - and we don't need it happening again when they start coming thick and fast." He doesn't offer any more information turning towards the door and moving to leave.
"I remember the kid." His movements stop, closing the door quietly as he turns to look back at you. "Peter, the kid, I remember him. Or I remember some bits. I had a flashback about a movie night we had, and uhm the feelings and emotions came rushing back. I know he's not my brother but I love him as one."
"And Tony when he rescued me and brought me here. But that's it really." He gives you a smile in return as you tilt your head curiously. "Why haven't you told anyone you know about the flashbacks? And I mean now I've confirmed it. Will you tell them?" 
"No I won't. If they find out then they are all going to try and get you to remember things and them and it's going to be extremely overwhelming for you and your brain. It needs time to heal, not a group of loud and unruly people telling you things you don't whether are true or not. We just have to let your brain fix itself. There's no saying how long and if it will completely fix itself but you will remember them all without their intervention."
"Thank you Doctor Banner, truly. I know I'm still the enemy and to me you're just the same, but I don't have fear of you hurting me so I will happily cooperate with any medical things you require from me."
"It's appreciated. And please just call me Bruce or Banner, there is no need to be formal." 
"Okay well thank you Banner." 
"Of course Y/n. If you need anything or are in pain don't be afraid to press that call button and I will be here as soon as I can, if not it will be Dr Cho." You give a nod in acknowledgement. "Anything else I can do for you at all Y/n before I disappear to check on other patients?"
"Yeah how is Peter and everyone else involved in my …. Mishap."
"He is completely unharmed." Banner smiles softly looking at you. "Thanks to you and your quick thinking."
“Thank you Dr banner.” Bruce chuckles with a shake of his head.
“What have I said about calling me that? Anything would be better, even green giant would be better.” You chuckle.
“Sure. one last thing, am I allowed visitors?” 
“I don’t see why not.” With that he leaves without another word leaving you slightly confused but nonetheless relieved now that you are alone and can have a moment to adjust to your new surroundings. 
It’s not that you didn’t like hospitals and Doctors, well if you were being honest you didn’t like them, but it's more you had nowhere to go. Your mind kept playing the fact that you had been unconscious for a week now, and you had already been in the cell for nearly a week also. The first question to pop into your mind was why was Hydra not trying to rescue you. 
You were also trying to fight off the flashes of a time before Hydra, which is hard to come to terms with since you could only ever remember being a part of Hydra. You remember Peter and you remember Tony so surely that means that they are telling the truth, but you also think maybe they are using Wanda to plant fake memories. Get you to fall into a trap, to trust them, for you to help them and then find out it was all made up. 
The rational side of your brain knew that this was probably very far-fetched and from what you are feeling from the flashbacks you were sure it wouldn’t be a lie. However, if it wasn’t a lie and you have been missing for over a year then how do you even begin to get back to who you were. 
“Knock, knock.” Your rambling thoughts quiet as the door to the room slowly opens as a smiling ex-assassin enters the room. 
“Miss Romanoff, to what do I owe the pleasure?” She quietly closes the door making her way to the bed silently, your eyes watching her movements as she looks at the handcuffs. 
“I’m just here to see how you are feeling sweetheart.” Her eyes glide up to look at you, with a soft but also sad smile as hand slowly moves to push some hair behind your ear. “My sweet child, what have they done to you?”
“You don’t have to pretend to like me to get information out of me?” You turn your head, her hand dropping to rest on your shoulder, missing the pained look on her face.
“I was really hoping you’d remember, but that's okay. I’m here to get you out of the handcuffs.” Your head whips around looking at her with scrunched brows.
“But Dr Banner, Bruce, said that they had to stay on.” You eyes watch as she unlocks the handcuffs allowing them to drop to the floor. 
“Well he is right you do have to have some power dampening thing on you, just for your safety as much as everyone else. But that's why I have this.” She holds up a small, thin silver bracelet.
“I’m not really a jewellery type of girl Miss Romanoff, and anyway I thought I was meant to be in love with Wanda.” You quip earning an ‘are you serious’ look from the older woman. “Sorry, explain it to me.”
“It is less restricting than handcuffs, so you won’t have to have someone unlock them just to go to the restroom. Also it will still dampen your powers, but not to the same degree. It will allow energy to flow easily so it doesn’t build up like it did in the cell, but you won’t actually be able to use your powers because any surge in energy will just make the power damping increase.”
“So I don’t need to be allowed to go to the toilet and I won’t cause an explosion. Guess that's a fair trade.” You chuckle as Natasha holds the bracelet up and you easily lift your hand up.
“So how are you feeling honey?”
You trudged into the common room, your gaze on the floor, in sweatpants and a hoodie with the hood up. You aimlessly wander into the kitchen opening up the fridge only to stare at it when nothing in there seemed to be anything you wanted. You could feel their eyes on you as you closed the door only to open it again when your eyes spotted the chocolate bar you had yet to finish hidden behind the fruit. 
You easily grabbed the chocolate, putting it in the pocket of your hoodie before also grabbing some grapes and once again closing the fridge door. You turn around bumping into someone who definitely wasn’t standing there a minute ago, their hands landing on your shoulders as your eyes look up at them. Your lip trembles as you see who it is.
“Oh my sweetheart.” Are the only words muttered before arms wrap around your shoulders and pulling you against them, your head in the crook of their neck as you finally let go of the tears you’ve been holding in. 
The grapes are carefully taken from your hand, hearing the whispered voices next to you but not listening to what's being said. Your arms, that have been hanging limply, slowly wrap around the torso of the person who is now slowly pressing kisses to the top of your head. 
“Let's get you some water, maybe run you a bath and into some fresh clothes. Then we can go to my room and cuddle under the blanket while watching a movie. How does that sound?” All you can do is simply nod, another kiss is placed to the top of your head as you do.
The arms easily lift you off of the ground, your legs instinctively wrapping around their waist, your arms moving to snake around their neck as you continue to hide  your face in the crook of it. Gentle hands held your thighs, to keep you from slipping down, as they started to walk out of the kitchen. 
You only let go of the person when they bent down to sit you on the edge of the bed, pulling your knees up to your chest and wrapping your arms securely around your legs. You looked up at the woman in front of you, your bottom lip trembling your eyes filled with unshed tears. 
“I miss them so much. Natty, I miss him so much it hurts.” Your words are broken up by gentle sobs as Natasha crouches down in front of you, her hands cupping your face.
“Oh my sweet girl. I’m sorry I can’t take the pain away, I wish I could take this pain from you. Your brother would be proud of who you have grown to be. I mean look at who you have become, and I don’t mean an avenger but as a person, you have grown up so much this past year. He would be so proud.”
“You think so?” You sniffle using your sleeve to wipe the tears from your eyes.
“I really do.”
“I really wanted him to meet the person I love, you know. I always knew I wanted him to walk me down the aisle on my wedding day, be the godfather to any children I have. He was my little brother, I was meant to protect him but instead I was the one who hurt him. Killed him.” Natasha’s thumbs rub soft circles on your cheeks as you say your piece, getting what you need to say out. 
“So would he have approved of your little crush on our witchy resident?” 
“Don’t know what you're talking about.” You hide a smile at the thought of Wanda, mumbling into your knee as you rest your chin on top of it, your eyes avoiding Natasha’s smug smirk at all costs.
“Sweetie, I'm a spy, you can’t hide shit from me.”
“That's a dollar in the swear jar.” You smile cheekily as Natasha rolls her eyes lightly hitting your shoulder.
“Hey, no going off topic. So when do you plan to tell Wanda about your not so subtle feelings towards her?”
“I don’t. She is my friend, and I don’t want to ruin that so I will just bury it down.” Natasha shakes her head in amusement.
“I think the little witch might surprise you if you do tell her.” Your eyes flick up at that, your heart thumping in your chest.
“What do you mean?” Natasha doesn’t answer, instead standing up and moving towards the bathroom door.
“Oh when did we get a swear jar?” You giggle with a grin, Natasha had always been good at getting you out of your emotional pit. 
She used just the right amount of distraction. One where you still felt like you could allow yourself to feel what you were feeling, but it never consumed you so much that you got lost in it. Natasha had been there for you since your first day, sure she may have given you a little bit of tough love during training but you found out it was because she cared about you. Something about reminding her of her sister who she hasn’t seen in many years, so she took you under her wing. 
As you follow Natasha into the bathroom, watching her fill the bath with warm water and adding the bubbles and making sure there are plenty of them by swirling her hand around in the water, you feel the sense of being safe enveloping you. The way that Natasha could so easily read you and know what you need, how she did her best to comfort you and allow you to have your independence as well as giving you some restrictions to keep you safe. 
It was all you ever wanted from your own mother. Yet you never did feel like she would ever treat you like a mother should, and you knew that it was wrong the way your mother (and your father) treated you. The way people in highschool would talk about their parents, saying how they wished they had more freedom and didn’t have to deal with them just because they weren’t allowed to some party on a school night. 
You knew you couldn’t tell anyone that you didn’t feel safe in your own home, too scared of your parents finding out about it, so you simply moulded your replies and answers to what seemed to be the norm. You always made similar excuses to those you heard around you, and no one ever questioned it.
So as you stand there watching Natasha be that person you had always wished a parent would be like you couldn’t help yourself. 
You got Natasha’s attention by hugging her side tightly, since she was sitting on the edge of the bath it was a little awkward. Neither of you say anything and for a moment silence fills the room, only the sound of running water to be heard. You took in a deep breath having so much to say but not sure how to say it.
It had only been a few seconds since you had latched onto Natasha’s side but the moment she bent her left arm so her hand could rest on the outside of your arm everything seemed to fall into place. Her thumb rubs circles on the outside of your arm as her fingers wrap around slightly until they are resting on your bicep and giving it a gentle squeeze. In that moment, with the smallest amount of affection she could show you feel the most comfort you think you ever have from someone who isn’t your brother. 
“You okay honey?” Natasha reaches her other arm out to turn off the tap as she turns her head to look at you. 
You bite your lips as your eyes search her features for anything that could be hiding in the facade of care you can see. Her soft eyes look to yours as you continue your search, drying her hand off on her shirt before cupping your cheek with it. The warmth you feel on your cheek radiates around your body and you feel like you can completely relax and you know you’re safe.  Natasha tilts her head in silent question as you release a small breath.
“I’m okay. Just thinking.”
“And what’s got you thinking so hard?”
“A lot but mainly me and you.” Natasha brow lifts slightly as she tries to predetermine where this conversation is going.
“What about me and you?”
“Just how you’ve been more of a mother than my own mother, which is really crazy to say out loud, but you have and I just kind of see you more in that light than I ever did her.” You ramble quickly.
“What are you saying sweetie?”
“I just, well, you well. Wow, uhm. I just wish I could have had you as a mother growing up but I’m really happy I get to have the chance now. But I mean if it's weird for you then that's okay, I know it sounds kind of crazy and weird saying that but you do feel like a mom, like my mom. I’m sorry I don’t even know what I’m saying.” Both her hands now cup your cheeks as she moves her body to face you more.
“Hey, hey. Calm down, take a breath for me.” You do as she says, all while smiling and giggling embarrassingly. “Good. It's not weird Y/n, because I think of you as the daughter I never would be able to have. You’ve managed to find a home in my heart and I will gladly step up to that role if you want me too.” 
“It’s not weird?” Natasha shakes her head smiling. 
“Not at all.” 
“Wow.” You let out a breathy chuckle, Natasha’s smile widening at the sound.
“Honey.” You hum as your eyes meet Natasha’s warm gaze. “You can say it, it's not weird.” 
“Mom.” You barely whisper it but you know Natasha heard it when the tears build in her eyes and her smile stretches up even more.
“Hi sweetheart.”
“Hey Y/n you okay?” Her voice brings you back into the room, realising you completely zoned out staring at nothing in particular.
“Yeah I’m okay.”
“You sure? You went quiet on me for a while.” You nod humming.
“I’m okay mom.”
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linkemon · 5 months
Vivi (Baji Keisuke x Reader)
Friendly reminder that English is not my first language. You can check my Masterlists both in English and Polish here. Consider supporting me on Ko-fi. You can also check out my commissions if you’re interested.
Other oneshots can be found here.
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[ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ] ᴄᴏᴍᴇꜱ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴄʟᴜꜱɪᴏɴ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ꜱʜᴇ ꜰᴇʟʟ ɪɴ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʙᴀᴊɪ ᴋᴇɪꜱᴜᴋᴇ. ꜱʜᴇ ʙᴇɢɪɴꜱ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴘᴇɴᴅ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜɪᴍ, ᴏɴʟʏ ᴛᴏ ꜰɪɴᴀʟʟʏ ꜰɪɴᴅ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ ɪꜱ ᴀꜱ ꜱʜᴇ ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ…
ᴀᴅᴅɪᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ ɪɴꜰᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: 1. ᴏɴᴇꜱʜᴏᴛ ᴛᴀᴋᴇꜱ ᴘʟᴀᴄᴇ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰɪʀꜱᴛ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇꜰᴏʀᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀɪɴꜱ ꜱᴘᴏɪʟᴇʀꜱ.
[Reader] looked around the library. Dust particles danced in the bright light streaming from the huge windows. Some students fought over access to computers. The teacher on duty tried to calm them down. Most people, however, sat quietly, with their noses in books. They were cramming for exams. Two people glanced her way quickly from time to time. That's why she always hid in that corner, away from watchful eyes. The rumors about meeting Baji outside of class didn't do her any good. No one close to her approved of this. They heard various things about him, often untrue. They were afraid and rightly so.  
She looked at her notebook again that afternoon. She did all her homework. She also managed to study for all the tests. She had nothing left. She tapped her fingers impatiently on the table. She was dying of boredom. How long can you do one exercise? Keisuke has proven to her many times that there are people in the world who are not suitable for mathematics. No matter how much she tutored him, he was hopeless. Many times she wanted to give up but then she remembered his mother. Mrs. Baji fell into despair after her son had to repeat a grade. She didn't want it to happen again, so she actually begged her young neighbour to do something about his hopeless state of knowledge. She didn't have much money but she often cooked her favourite dishes and invited her to dinner. To this day, the girl still doesn't know how she managed to make up for all the gaps in the boy's education. The worst thing was that he really tried. She supervised him at every opportunity. Sometimes, late at night, she saw the lamp on in his room. And yet, he simply couldn't stick certain things in his mind forever.  
— What strategy did you use? — [Reader] asked, wanting to break the silence. She couldn't sit like this forever.  
— None — Keisuke coughed. — I don't know how to start this task.  
— Why didn't you say anything?! — The girl ran her hand over her face resignedly.  
— You seemed deep in thought — he replied calmly.  
— Take off those glasses. Right now.
She couldn't look at the pair of glasses on his nose anymore. Not only did he not look like himself but his eyesight was also ruined. The guys in the gang told him that if he put them on, he would become smarter. It didn't really work. And certainly not when it comes to school.  
— What for? — he asked.  
She reached towards him. He had more beautiful hair than herself. She admitted it reluctantly. He wore his long black locks in a ponytail. She pulled the elastic band off, letting them fall freely. He looked very handsome. If he walked like this every day, many students would surely send him love letters. Maybe it was better that only she had the privilege of seeing him like this...  
— Standard tactics don't work on you — she said. — When you're getting ready for a fight, you look like you do now. Imagine that these exercises are enemies and you're about to kick their ass.  
— How do you know what I look like when I fight? — Baji grinned. — Someone is watching me...  
— First of all, I'd be a fool not to look at you. — The boy's reaction was priceless. For a moment he was completely confused. He wasn't used to anyone responding to him like that. Certainly not apart from the people of Tokyo Manji. — And secondly, focus. — She pointed to the notebook.  
He cracked his neck and clenched his fist. For a moment, he looked like he was really about to go and kick the young students a few shelves away. Eventually, however, he began to read the text eagerly. He used two large sheets of paper. He drew and scribbled furiously. After a few minutes of scribbling, he gave girl the exercise. It's true that he calculated the delta incorrectly but it was a start. Especially compared to what was before.  
— If I do the next task, will you give me a kiss? — His low, gravelly voice sounded somewhere close to her ear.  
She knew he was teasing her but it still felt nice. He didn't joke like that with everyone. Keisuke didn't allow women near him at all. Outside of her. And she was very flattered to be the exception.  
— We both know you won't do it — She leaned towards him.  
The academic level of difficulty was clearly marked with the exercise. While she would have had a chance against it, he would almost certainly have failed at the very start.  
— I was hoping you'd care enough to help me. — He laughed. — It's time for me — he announced, getting up from the table.  
Toman was probably going to the meeting again. He'll put on a black jacket, get on his bike and go give someone a good beating. It never really scared her. Yes, he could be brutal but he never attacked people who didn't know what they were getting into. She had seen him deal with guys who harassed girls at school more than once. He often saved his younger colleagues from being attacked by nasty bullies. He didn't brag about it at all. He did it after class. Usually, no one recognized him afterward anyway because he looked very different at school and outside of it.  
It was no exaggeration to say that she had fallen in love with Baji. He showed her his other, softer side. Like when he held her hair to keep it from falling into the bowl of ramen. Or when he helped her get to class on time because she overslept. And he once even said that if he had to choose one girl and go on a date, it would be [Reader]. The latter was an overheard conversation between him and Chifuyu. Somehow it turned out that she was just returning to her apartment. The boys sometimes liked to sit on the playground near the estate. It was then that the truth dawned on her. It wasn't flirting anymore, it was something else. Some kind of bond that they will probably develop into something more soon. She enjoyed it.  
She didn't even notice how much time she spent in the library.  
— [Reader]-chan, have you been sitting here all afternoon? — Her friend touched her arm gently.  
— Almost — the girl nodded.  
Sashimi had been very worried about her lately. She insisted on walking her home. She also often asked them to go out together. She didn't mind, although the frequency with which they did it was starting to tire her a little. In the end, though, [Reader] let her be dragged and they had a good time.  
— I thought you were just talking to someone... — Her friend looked worried.  
She probably guessed she spent time with Baji. She didn't want to upset her because Sashimi never liked the boy. She had formed an opinion about him a long time ago. Gangs were bad, dangerous and that's it. She would go even crazier knowing that this famous legend goes to the same school.  
— You must've misheard. — [Reader] waved her hand carelessly and put her things into her bag. — Let's go.  
Something banged hard on the window. [Reader] took off her headphones, trying to figure out if she had misheard. The autumn wind sometimes blew a lot of garbage towards her house. Especially on days like this, where the sky looked like it was going to rain any moment.  
And yet the sound repeated itself. So she went to the window. She didn't expect to see Keisuke on the other side of the glass at all. A fat black tomcat trotted next to him. He wagged his tail impatiently and mewed loudly. He certainly didn't like this weather.  
— How did you get here, Baji-kun? — The girl glanced at him and then down.  
She let him inside, feeling the cool breeze of the approaching storm.  
— I climbed the tree. — He dusted the small brown leaves off his jacket.  
— Where did you leave the motorbike? — She glanced out the window again. There was no sign of his beloved vehicle anywhere.  
— One street away. Don't worry, I'm not that stupid. I know your folks don't like me.  
She breathed a sigh of relief. Her parents didn't like the boy. They certainly wouldn't be happy to see him. Recently, they clearly reminded their daughter that it was not a good idea to associate with such people. She protested for a long time and eventually they reached a compromise. However, she decided to stay out of their sight for now when the two of them are together. A sudden meeting certainly wouldn't improve the situation now.  
— You mentioned you weren't feeling well, so I came. — Keisuke sat down on the soft, plush carpet. He lazily stretched his legs and turned his head towards the ceiling.  
[Reader] widened her eyes. She had indeed written him a message but the last time she checked, he had not read it or replied. She thought he wouldn't really care. After all, everyone can have a bad day sometimes. Meanwhile, he escaped from the meeting with the gang. In addition, he made this strange but impressive entrance. She felt stupid. She was wearing unsophisticated, crumpled clothes and funny, old-fashioned slippers. She furtively brushed her hair as he admired the photos in her room, just to look a little more put together.  
— Cool slippies. Do you feel like a grandma already? — Her friend grinned.  
He seemed genuinely amused by the concept of stuffed cats on her feet.  
— Says the guy who wore glasses and thought they would make him smarter... — [Reader] showed him the middle finger.  
She felt embarrassed. Not that she didn't like wearing those slippers but now her neighbour certainly wouldn't let her live. He definitely won't miss the opportunity to remind her about it during some tutoring.  
— I thought if I brought him back it would make you feel better — Baji nodded at the animal hanging out in the middle of the room.  
The fat cat put his head under the girl's hand. She took him onto her lap. She stroked the fluffy ball steadily. The black fur was extremely soft. Baji certainly brushed it. She knew that the boy dealt with stray cats. He devoted what little time he had left from the day to taking care of them. His mother complained about how much fur they left in his room. And also what part of the monthly budget they consume. But she could always be placated. All it took was the pleading looks of a few animals and the promise that her son would start studying. Everything had been going on this way for several years. There were no signs of change.  
There was something nice about sitting here with Keisuke in the warmth when it was starting to rain outside. Talking about trivial matters brought peace of mind. Even if they didn't cover any specific topics. His mere presence helped cheer her up.  
— Why exactly did you feel bad today? — Baji asked at one point. — Do I need to beat someone up?  
She saw in his eyes that he was asking seriously. If someone actually hurt her, he would be ready to go and hit whoever she pointed out. He probably wouldn't even ask what, how or why.  
— You don't have to hit anyone. She laughed. After a while, however, she sighed heavily. — I've just had a terrible headache lately and I'm not in a good mood. There is no specific reason.  
The boy looked at her carefully, then put his hand to her forehead and immediately took it away.  
— What are you doing? — [Reader] looked at him, amused.
— I'm checking for a fever — he said.
She put her hand to her mouth to stifle a giggle. Still, she snorted quietly. She couldn't help herself.  
— You wouldn't be able to check anything by swatting your hand like that! Have you watched some kind of romantic movies?
His face confirmed that yes, he had watched the them. As silly as it was, it was also a bit romantic. Therefore, she spared him further suffering and changed the topic of conversation.  
A black kitten was circling the room. At first he acted normal but then he became a bit uncomfortable. He walked around in circles, unable to find a place.  
— What is it about? — The girl scratched him behind the ears.  
— He probably misses me — Keisuke said.  
As if on cue, the animal began to meow. A long wail echoed through the room.  
— [Reader], is that a cat? I thought you were talking to someone. — Her mother's voice came from the living room.  
She was probably watching TV and the sound only now reached her ears.  
— It's just a new ringtone on your phone! — the daughter shouted. — I talked to Sashimi!  
She looked pointedly at her guest. They should have been in bed long ago. Tomorrow was another day at school.  
— I think it's time for me to go — Baji said, straightening his jacket.  
She opened the window. The cat jumped out first, even though it was already starting to rain outside. He meowed goodbye and jumped straight into the tree. Keisuke followed him.  
[Reader] was walking along a quiet street with Baji. The area was desolate. Few people were out this late in the evening. And certainly not in November. However, the starry sky encouraged them to continue walking. So she pulled her jacket tighter around her, trailing after the boy.  
At one point, she saw a familiar, blond hair. It stood out in the grey-brown landscape. The light from the lamps reflected from it from a distance.  
— Matsuno-kouhai! — she exclaimed.  
The younger colleague turned towards her. Keiji gave her a scolding look. It was supposed to be just the two of them. And now they will have company.  
— Good evening, [Reader]-san… — Chifuyu's face showed concern. He stood still for a moment, as if he didn't know what to say. — How do you feel?  
He had always been formal with her but probably not that formal. She suspected that he had a crush on her some time ago. However, he felt respect for Baji and that was probably why he tried to suppress his feelings. Since she realized this, she saw him less often. She didn't want to break his heart even more.
— All right. Thanks for asking, although it's a rather strange question. — The older friend smiled slightly.  
— You took it the worst of all of us and it seemed to me that… — The unfinished sentence hung in the air.  
She noticed with horror that tears were dancing in the corners of kouhai's eyes. He lowered his head and quickly wiped them away.  
— What are you talking about? — asked the girl. She felt like she was missing something. As if it was something she should know.  
She looked at Keiji. However, he shrugged. Apparently he had no idea what was going on either.  
— I don't think we understand what you're talking about.  
— We don't? — The boy looked at her with surprise. He seemed genuinely shocked.  
— Something's wrong? We have no idea. We were here all evening. — She gave him a worried look.  
— [Reader]-senpai, what what kind of we are you talking about? — he asked with a serious expression.  
— Me and Baji-kun. Who else do you see here?  
Chifuyu's eyes widened for a moment. Like he really couldn't believe something. She didn't understand at all why he had this reaction. He grabbed her shoulders tightly and shook her.  
— [Reader]-senpai, Baji-san is dead…  
She felt as if someone had hit her. She grabbed her head. Excruciating pain ripped through her skull. As if something was trying to come to the surface. Everything inside her was turning over. She felt like vomiting.  
— But... he's here...  
She wanted to say that he was still here but when she looked back, she saw no one. Only an empty sidewalk and a few rustling leaves.  
— He was here just a moment ago! — she shouted desperately, looking around.  
She looked fat the boy in disbelief, feeling something bursting in her head. Some fragments of memories seemed to deform and blur. Was he in the library with her? Did he come to her room? Was she walking with him just now? 
— He committed suicide. Less than a week ago. On Bloody Halloween — Chifuyu said in a quiet, pained voice. — You were with me at his funeral. You are standing in front of a cemetery. — Matsuno hugged her tightly.  
She looked uncertainly to her right. He was right. Her legs brought her here. There was a gate in front of her. And beyond, there were rows of tombstones, decorated with flowers and incense sticks. Slowly everything came back to her. The sight of his cold, lifeless body. A gentle smile on his face as she said her final goodbyes to the corpse. His mother's despair as he was cremated. These senseless condolences from all my loved ones. As if they were going to bring him back to life.  
— It's not true! — she protested.  
She sobbed. His black jacket was darkened by the tears that dripped profusely down her face. She felt snotty. She sniffled again and again. The lights of the lamps were blurring more and more. The boy pulled her towards him. He held her very tightly and she knew he was crying too, although more quietly. She howled with shock and anger. To the world for being so damn unfair. At herself for not noticing anything. At Baji for leaving and not thinking about how she and his mother would feel. At Hanemiya because he was the one who pushed him to do this. And also on Tokyo Manji because they were shitty friends. Everyone was guilty. And now there was nothing that could be done about it because there was no way to turn back time.  
She blinked hard. She thought she saw Keiji for a brief moment. With his cheeky smile, on a motorbike and a black cat next to him.  
— Don't go — she sobbed.
[Reader] took out Peyoung Yakisoba from the bag and handed Chifuyu the chopsticks. They ate in silence. This became their ritual. Ever since their friend left, they kept their promise. They left him his favourite dish according to his last wish. They emptied the package halfway and then placed it on the monument. They hoped he would like it. 
The woman extended her hand towards Matsuno. He grabbed her and squeezed it tightly. They didn't give up. Even though everyone around seemed to have come to terms with Baji's death. They were still working. With each passing day they were getting closer to getting rid of Kisaki. Revenge became, as it were, their driving force. And yet, somewhere in these negative feelings, there was also room for love. 
For a long time, they wondered what Keiji would say if he saw their relationship. He would probably laugh and say he was jealous. But then he would wish them luck. She knew it. If it weren't for this feeling, they certainly wouldn't have decided to do all this.  
She had support in the man walking by her side. He understood her better than anyone else.  
— So where are we going for dinner today? — [Reader] asked.  
— I have no idea. There will probably be a lot of food at the board meeting but I wouldn't want to eat at the same table with them. We'll figure something out when I get back. — Matsuno wrapped his arms around her waist and they moved towards the tall building towering over the entire city.  
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tobiasdrake · 7 months
Break time's over. Heading on up to the... second floor? I think this is the second floor.
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I am going to remember this and retcon your personal history with it.
Wow, having a temporal awareness is weird. That sounded like a threat but actually I think it's going to be a good thing?
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Can I just say how much I love this entire nation of LGBT normalization? This is such a rich culture of gender freedom.
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...given the context, I think Odile just admitted to being trans.
I'm not 100% sure that's what she meant by that. But that feels like what she meant by that.
Either way, good for her.
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...given the context, Isa definitely just admitted to being trans - Well, genderfluid, but nonetheless living his best gender life. I am 100% sure that's what he meant by that. There is no other way to take that.
Good for him.
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A second one of these. The last one we fought had a strange crest that let us delete Tears from our path.
Looking at it now... I kinda wonder if these things are what's producing the time-freezing Tears? It does look like it's actively crying.
Then again, it's a Sadness. They're all Sadnesses. So any of them could be making Tears. There's no reason to assume it's a specific kind that's doing it.
I dunno.
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But this one is clearly tied to the Tears in a way that none of the others are. What is it's deal?
Also, it's a Star crest. And the Nostalgie looks like a star. But stars are on our side.
But stars are also directly connected to time manipulation. And the Tears freeze things and people in time.
There is something here. I can't see the full picture. But I see connections.
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Bonnie and I are of one mind. It's stealing requisitioning time.
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The funny thing is, I see both sides of this. On the one hand, there is something funny about extending respect for chosen names and pronouns and stuff all the way to regal titles. Like can I become Duke of Vaugarde by telling everyone that I'm Duke of Vaugarde now? The answer, it seems, is yes.
But you also have to realize that despite the King being the King, Vaugarde nonetheless still is not a monarchy. Calling him the King conveys no actual political authority to him. The big threat here is that he's going to freeze time; That's not a political thing.
So even though it sounds like a regal title, the people of Vaugarde aren't doing anything different from just. Like. Respecting his chosen name. So I can become Duke of Vaugarde by telling everyone to call me that, but I don't gain any authority from doing so. I just get to be called Duke of Vaugarde.
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We already knew this but it's a nice reminder of the source of Mira's insecurities: Fear of inadequacy in the shadow of the Head Housemaiden. It's not easy, trying to live up to a great mentor. I don't think anyone ever feels truly ready to take on the responsibilities of the people that shaped them.
I would like to say that no one could have done better than Mira already has but I've been mashed into salsa by a giant rock twice.
Both of which were my own damn fault. I'm just saying. Perhaps. Mira could work on her hiring standards.
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This House has too many giant rocks. Someone needs to do something about that.
It's gotta be me. The House keeps throwing Rock because of my Scissors. It knows.
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But I rifled through it THOROUGHLY. Ugggggggh. Yeah. I get it. With the rock in the way, we are utterly screwed in this revolution. Only one thing to do now.
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I'm about to kill myself so anything I do right now is consequence free. Now is not the time to test me.
Hey. Hey, Odile?
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I think your field of research is the study of HOW TO BE A BUTT
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Hahahaha catch me now, suckers!
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Hi there, I was recently told by my dermatologist that she’s 90% sure I’ve got vitiligo (she wants to take a sample to test to make sure there’s nothing else going on before she diagnoses me for sure.)
I went online to look for tips for caring for my vitiligo and the like but found so many people so uncomfortable in their skin because of it and trying to get rid of it and I struggled to understand why. I’ve always thought it beautiful, so it really confused me.
I am fat, disabled, autistic and visibly queer so I don’t really feel the same weight of beauty standards because of being so on the outer edge of societal norms. I am also privileged in the way that I am white and pale so my vitiligo doesn’t stand out all that much. I think I’ve been ignorant and insensitive and I want to fix that.
I would really love to be more informed and understanding about the community going forward so that I don’t do any harm and I remain mindful. Do you know any good resources that I can read or research? I’m having a hard time finding anything that isn’t about getting rid of it.
I sincerely apologize if any of this comes off poorly, thank you for your time.
Yeah it's rather unfortunate that a lot of the material surrounding vitiligo is about getting rid of it </3
I'm sure your dermatologist has probably already discussed this so sorry if I'm just repeating stuff you already know lol. But when it comes to caring for vitiligo the main things you want to pay attention to are things like sun exposure and UV intensity. Wearing sun screen as frequently as possible is also a really good idea. Usually the worst time of day is around noon to one pm but during the summer time it might be an all day thing.
I am not a doctor/dermatologist so cant really offer any medical advice besides the few things I remember my dermatologist telling me when I first got diagnosed years ago.
Idk how in-depth you want to go with the research stuff but there are medical studies out there that talk about genetic factors and what not. A few years ago I did a presentation on it for a biology course in college and luckily I saved it to my personal slides account so I still have the bibliography that I used!
Spritz, Richard A, and Genevieve H L Andersen. “Genetics of Vitiligo.” Dermatologic clinics vol. 35,2 (2017): 245-255. doi:10.1016/j.det.2016.11.013
Al-Shobaili, Hani A. “Update on the genetics characterization of vitiligo.” International journal of health sciences vol. 5,2 (2011): 167-79. 
“Vitiligo: MedlinePlus Genetics.” MedlinePlus - Health Information from the National Library of Medicine, https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/condition/vitiligo/#frequency. Accessed 12 Apr. 2021.Boggs, Will. 
“Autoimmune Diseases Common in Patients with Vitiligo - The Rheumatologist.” The Rheumatologist, https://www.the-rheumatologist.org/article/autoimmune-diseases-common-in-patients-with-vitiligo/. Accessed 12 Apr. 2021.
“Vitiligo: MedlinePlus Genetics.” MedlinePlus - Health Information from the National Library of Medicine, https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/condition/vitiligo/#frequency. Accessed 12 Apr. 2021.
“Medico-Historical Study of ‘Kilasa’ (Vitiligo/Leucoderma) a Common Skin Disorder - PubMed.” PubMed, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17154114/. Accessed 12 Apr. 2021.
As for when it comes to the community the best research will probably be from just talking to people who've had the condition! Personal anecdotes are def the way to go, so searching for any community groups might be worth a shot!
Also don't worry you don't have top apologize <3
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ahammz · 10 months
Not everything is Postable!
Talking to beginner artists, I've noticed a trend: many feel that every time they put pen to paper, something Postable should come out. Posting is the final stage of all drawings; the crown that makes it complete. And if the drawing isn't of a quality worthy of posting...it's personally frustrating to the artist. And the beginner artists -- and experienced ones too, sometimes -- feel caught in that frustration.
But it's good and normal to draw a lot of pictures that are, in the end, more flawed in your eyes than good, by your own personal standards. This is how you get better at art! And if you embrace the bad art as part of the process, you have more fun.
Very little of what I draw is intended to be shared. To demonstrate that, here is like...1/8th of what I've drawn this year but never posted.
Some drawings, I tried to make good, but just weren't coming out the way I wanted. Some were never intended to be good -- I was just having fun, warming up, testing a thought, copying another artist for practice (marked below), etc. I am embarassed by a lot of these lol.
I hope this doesn't seem like I'm positioning myself as an expert by any means. Drawing has been important to me since I was very small (I did my first study from life out a hotel window when I was 5, I wish I still had the drawing!!!). I would like for fellow hobby artists to let go of any feelings of not-good-enough or Must Post, and have fun too. :3
If you are self-teaching drawing, and you feel like most of what you draw is rough... you're normal. This is what it means to be an artist. Welcome. One of us, one of us. Please don't let it stop you!
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And here is my dog helping me take photos of the sketches.
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