#don't just sleep with the fishes. love the fishes. take the fishes out for candlelight dinners. marry the fishes. ( crack. )
fishermcn · 5 months
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"Imagine losin' all sense o'self and succumbin' to beasthood. Couldn't be me."
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pushing500 · 1 year
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Shockingly enough, Candlelight won this fight. My little Water caste T'au is getting better at melee, it seems. Maybe all those "practice" fights with Laurie have paid off. Candlelight left this fight with two bruises on her torso, and Andrei had two broken bones in his right leg and a broken left arm.
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What if we pushed our Rimworld beds together?
Jk, jk!
I know they all sleep in their clothes in-game, but that seems so uncomfortable. I'm going to just keep drawing everyone in pyjamas.
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Look, I don't like Wookshys, but I can appreciate a man who takes time out of his important chores (spending all day fishing) to remind his secret girlfriend that she is loved and very smoochable. As much as I hate to admit it, I think Albina is in good hands.
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julek · 3 years
May I please have, "I'll make you bleed," and Yennskier. first time sending a prompt, long time admirer <3
Yennefer let out a warning sigh, her eyes fixed on the open book on her desk.
Jaskier was not deterred. "Please."
She turned to look at him. Pant-less, only wearing a faded linen shirt and exactly one sock, he looked back at her from where he was lounging on the only chaise in the library. She raised an eyebrow.
"If you think you're enticing me to go to bed somehow, I must tell you it is not working."
(It was working).
(It deeply upset her).
The bard let out a gasp, full offense taken. He looked ridiculous. "How dare you! I am always enticing. Alluring. Tempting, even."
There was a hole in his sock.
"I'm busy," she retorted, not taking the bait. "Unlike some shaggy-haired, funny-looking people who can luxuriate in their free time, I have things to do."
She loved the way Jaskier's face went out of its way to fully contort its outrage. His pink little mouth, gaping like a fish as his brain processed the words and simultaneously planned a scathing comeback, his blue eyes bluer somehow, blinking several times. Not that she'd counted them.
(Always five times before launching into a speech dripping with indignation).
But instead of an endless (and unfortunately endearing) tirade, he cocked his head. "You need your rest, you know."
Oh. She hadn't been expecting that. The soft look in his face.
"You've been at it all day," he continues, voice too soft and gentle in the candlelight of the room. "The knowledge won't run from the pages, even if you close the book. You can keep going tomorrow, well-rested."
"Not that I'd know what being well-rested is like, with that incurable snoring you got going on."
There — gaping fish. Blinking eyes. She smiled.
But he closed his mouth. Damn the bard and his way of reading people. "Still. Come to bed with me."
She pursed her lips, looking back at her book. She could get an early night in, wake up tomorrow and keep going. She closed her eyes.
"I'll just stay a bit longer," she murmured. "You can go to our room. Don't have to wait up for—"
Her words melted into a gasp as she was suddenly lifted from her chair, strong arms wrapped around her.
"You will be coming to bed with me, Witch," he said, a triumphant, stupid, damn-kissable grin on his lips as he carried her in his arms, bridal style. "And you will be getting the rest you need— the rest you deserve."
"Jaskier, put me down."
He kicked open the library door. "Nope."
"Put me down!" She punched at his chest, uselessly. "I will kill you, bard."
"Not scared."
"I'll make you bleed."
"Mm-hm," he replied, moving down the hallway to their room. "But you already do— my heart bleeds oh so sweetly from your torns—"
"—twisted around each chamber, each ventricle— my blood sings for your name on lonely nights," he recited, and kicked open the door to their room.
At last, he gently deposited her on the bed, snuggling close.
"I will strangle you in your sleep, bard," she said with a frown, even as she cuddled closer to him.
"Mkay," he mumbled, pressing a kiss to her hair. "Sleep now, kill later."
"Ugh, I hate you."
"You don't."
(She didn't).
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choicesfanaf · 4 years
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The Meeting of a Lifetime AU Part 4: One Year of Togetherness
Pairing: Ethan x f!MC (Arundhati Kulkarni)
Characters: Ethan Ramsey, Arundhati Kulkarni, Ruby Ramsey (OC), Uma Kulkarni (OC), Alan Ramsey
Word Count: 1581
Rating: General
Summary: Ethan and Arundhati meet after 15 years.
Category: Fluff
Tagging: @nooruleman, @sophxwithers, @schnitzelbutterfingers, @jooous, @red-rookie
@nooruleman: Noorie, I am extremely thankful for your help, support and motivation. It was only because of you that I decided to write this series. You are a literal sweetheart. Thanks a lot for your help!
I sincerely apologise if this turns out to be messy or not up to your expectations.
On their first anniversary, Ethan and Arundhati decided to take Alan and the girls to the aquarium for a day of fun and relaxation.
'Who wants to go to the aquarium?', Arundhati burst into the living room, clearly excited, forming a plan in her head.
'Me! Me!', the girls shouted.
'Then let's start packing up! We're going to leave once grandpa is here.'
'Is grandpa coming with us?'
'Yeah, he is.'
'Then the trip is going to be even more fun, isn't it, Uma?'
A few hours later, they were on their way to the aquarium, when Alan realised why they were going on a trip in the middle of the week.
'Happy Anniversary, my children. Forgive me, for I just remembered it right now.'
'That's fine, dad, all that matters is you wishing us', Ethan mentioned.
'Yeah, dad, don't worry much about it.'
'Are we there yet?', the girls asked, eager to reach the aquarium.
'No, kiddos, but we will reach there in half an hour.'
As soon as they reached, the girls started pulling their parents towards the entrance.
'Wait, girls, don't run, the aquarium isn't going anywhere!', Aru said, scared that they would slip and fall.
'Aru, don't worry, I'm right behind them.'
The girls were mesmerised by the vastness of the aquarium.
'This aquarium is huge!'
'I know. It has many floors. How cool is that!'
'Wow', Uma said, looking around, deciding where to go first.
'Where do you want to go first, girls?'
'To see the penguins and the octopus!'
'Okay, let's go.'
'Look, they are giving him toys.'
'He's coming out to get them!'
'Go buddy go, you can do it!', the girls cheered along.
'Good job, bud!'
'What are these spiky ball-shaped things here?'
'They are called sea anemones.'
'They are so small and cute! I love them!'
'I know, they are so colourful and pretty!'
'What are those cup-like things, dad?'
'Oh, they are the suction cups, sugar. Octopuses use them to feel and smell things.'
'That's so cool!'
'This was amazing! Let's go to the penguins next, mom!'
'Okay, chipmunk, let's go. Slow down, girls, there is no need to run. You might hurt yourself!'
'Look how cute they are, Uma!'
'I know, they look so cute flipping their arms around.'
'Look at that penguin hop!'
'It's so funny to look at.'
'There are so many of them... How many do you think they have, Uma?'
'I think around 90-100. What about you?'
'I think around 200..'
'But why are they shouting? They are hurting my ears..'
'Looks like they are talking to their friends!'
'Come on, let's go to that fish tank over there', Ruby pointed out.
'Wait, grandpa, why are the bottles present in that fish tank?', Uma observed.
'Hello, I'm Stephen. How may I help you today?'
'Could you please answer some questions that the girls might have?'
'Sure! Ask away!'
Why are there bottles here?'
'They aren't your regular bottles, they are treasures!'
'Treasures, that's so fantastic! Are they pirates?'
'The people who run this aquarium..'
'Oh, sadly, that's not the case. But, the people who bring them, called divers, are similar to pirates.'
'Sometimes, when searching for fishes, they find various beautiful objects, which they keep as a collection in this tank to make the fish comfortable and to let them feel as if they are still living in the sea.'
'That's amazing! They look so lovely.'
'Where do they come from?'
'They come from Eastport Maine. It is one of the old fishing ports of the USA.'
'Wow!!', marvelled Ruby.
'We only include natural materials and keep away materials like plastic as they can cause harm to the fishes.'
'How do the fishes use these treasures?'
'Some of them use it for laying eggs, while some use it for hiding.'
'That's so awesome.'
'Do you have any more questions, girls?'
'Okay, thanks Stephen, you helped us a lot.'
'No worries, it's my job.'
'Okay, who wants to have lunch?', Ethan asked as Stephen walked away from them.
'What are we going to have?'
'Let's go check the canteen!'
'Yes please, my stomach is rumbling', commented Aru.
After getting the kids what they wanted, Ethan and Aru were going to sit down, when Alan approached them.
'Don't you want to spend some time alone?'
'What do you mean, dad?'
'Isn't it your anniversary today?'
'Then go, celebrate it privately.'
'How can we do it now?'
'I meant, after taking the kids home.'
'Don't worry, Dad, I already have something planned.'
'Care to tell me what it is?'
'Sure, but not in front of Aru.'
'So, are you ready to explore more?'
'Do you want to see the seahorses next?'
'Yeah, let's go, grandpa.'
The girls were in awe of the seahorses.
'Look at the different colours of the seahorses! Some of them are pink, the others are purple. It looks so splendid!'
'Look at those baby seahorses, Ruby!'
'They look so cute!'
'Will they eat the small fish here?'
'No, sugar, they might eat the same food, but they won't harm each other.'
'Grandpa, what are they eating?'
'Wait a moment, chipmunk' he peered as close he could get, 'I can't say if it's exactly that, but it looks like shrimp to me.'
'Is this seahorse changing its colour, Ruby?'
'There might be a little bit of change. I wonder why...', the kids discussed amongst themselves.
'Wait, why are those big seahorses dancing?', Ruby asked, pointing to a pair of seahorses near the end of the tank.
'Chipmunk, you can look it up after we go home, okay? I'm sorry that there is no one here to answer your queries.'
'No problem, dad, I know it's not your fault.'
'Mom, I'm tired, can we go home now?'
'Are you sure, chipmunk? Don't you want to explore?'
'No, dad. I just want to go home and sleep.'
'What about you, Ruby?'
'I agree with Uma.'
'Okay, then, let's go home. But first, who wants to get some souvenirs?'
'Me! Me!', the kids shouted.
'Let's go then.'
Ethan waited outside while Alan and the girls went in to get what they wanted.
'So, what did you get, girls?'
'We did not want to get anything, dad.'
'Why may I ask?'
'It was too boring, and the same stuff, everything was printed with their logo. Nothing felt interesting.'
'Oh.. and what about you, dad?'
'I did not find anything that I liked.'
'I hope that's not a problem.'
'Not at all.'
'Good, let's get going, shall we?'
The girls were so tired that they crashed on their beds as soon as they reached.
Ethan and Aru used this golden opportunity to celebrate their anniversary.
'Happy Anniversary, darling.'
'Happy Anniversary, love. You are the best gift I have ever received in my life and every day I thank God that we met again after all.'
'Aru, my love, my life has changed for the best since I met you. You have made me a human capable of emotions simply by existing. I will truly never be able to thank you enough. You have made me the man I am today.'
'Ethan, you always know how to make me feel all warm and fuzzy.'
'I have a surprise for you.'
'What is it?'
'Let's go to the kitchen to find out.'
When they entered the kitchen, Ethan started playing a romantic track.
'Wow.. this looks magnificent, Ethan. The candles smell so lovely. When did you get the time to set all this up?'
'I have my ways.'
'Candlelight dinner with such beautiful roses and amazing tender music... who knew that the great Ethan Ramsey is such a romantic?'
'I think everyone started to know that after we started dating, Aru.'
'What do we have for dinner, sir?'
'Oh, we have chicken alfredo, vegetarian lasagna, chocolate cake and red wine.'
'That's a lot of food. How did you manage?'
'As I said, I have my ways.'
'Okay, Dr Terminator, keep your secrets, but I must say, it looks very tempting.'
'Thanks. You will never stop using that nickname, will you?', he asked.
'Good, I'm quite fond of it.'
'Mmmm... this is indeed heavenly. I've never had anything this good. You are an amazing chef, Ramsey.'
'Why, thank you.'
'The wine goes so well with both the chicken and the lasagna, great choices, Ethan.'
'I know, that's why I chose them.'
'I don't think I will be able to eat anymore, darling. I'm too full.'
'At least have a bit of the cake...'
'Okay, honey. But only a teeny weeny bit.'
The girls walked in just as Ethan and Aru finished cleaning up.
'Hi girls, how was your sleep?'
'It was good. What's for dinner? I'm really hungry.'
'Chicken Alfredo, Veg Lasagna and Chocolate cake.'
'That sounds really delicious.'
'Thank dad for it, he is the one who made everything.'
'Wow, thanks, dad! When did you get the time to make all of this?'
'That's a secret, kids. But I can tell you tomorrow when mom is not around, okay?'
After cleaning up and tucking the kids into their beds, Aru and Ethan collapsed into their bed.
'Today was an amazing day, darling. Thanks a lot for everything. I love you.'
'Oh honey, thanks for everything, too. You are my everything. I wouldn't be here without you. I love you', he cuddled with her before dozing off to sleep due to exhaustion.
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fishermcn · 5 months
someone easy on the eyes, flirty smile on their lips and a hand reaching for his: hey there sailor
sam, immediately lighting a molotov cocktail: i won't hesitate bitch.
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fishermcn · 4 months
samuel whist: one drink won't do me, 'm good mate
samuel whist after that drink:
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fishermcn · 5 months
@vulpesse said: 'bear trap' could be a wonderful way to describe ahri's maw so you know what ? she's taking this as him wanting to smooch her, you're very welcome sam :)
An actual bear trap goes snick-snap before anyone's lips get too close.
"No comparison." If there's a way to lovingly caress a bundle of iron teeth and springs, Sam's somehow managing it. Even his masked cheek's pressed against it. "Done thing's with this ya ain't believe... and it don't smell like wet dog."
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fishermcn · 5 years
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sam: londor’s a place? thought it was like the clap.
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fishermcn · 5 years
of-the-detested replied to your post “// sam vc: londor’s a place? thought it was like the clap”
f u kc
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fishermcn · 6 years
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sam: why would anyone in yharnam want to fuck with kosm when oedon’s been fucking them all for years now
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fishermcn · 6 years
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tag dump.
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