#don't pop your pimples kid
theotherendcomics · 2 years
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Pimples can’t actually swing a big bag of greasy fish sticks, no matter how big they are. this comic is so fake And hey! This comic features patreon patron Kaja as “lady with good pimple advice”! Check out my patreon if you wanna be a patreon patron guest star: https://www.patreon.com/TheOtherEnd
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fanaticsnail · 3 months
Don't you dare move, Captain
Hey Doc Masterlist Here
Word Count: 1,900+
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Synopsis: You dismiss your captain from duty to behave as your personal assistant as a form of punishment. While working, you finally notice something on the tip of his nose that you need to help him with
Themes: Platonic!Kid x gn!reader, softness, little bit of flirting, swearing, medical practice, patient x doctor, pimple popping, skin care, platonic kisses, reader is referred to as "Doc" - the doctor of the Kid Pirates
Notes: Something little to get me out of the writings block slump. These pirates need a good skincare regime for the amount of war-paint they wear.
Tag List: @mfreedomstuff @daydreamer-in-training @sinning-23 @gingernut1314 @i-am-vita @indydonuts @feral-artistry @since-im-already-here @sordidmusings @nerium-lil
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“Hey Doc, this one of the good ones?” the gruff voice of your captain called over to you without moving his head. Glancing over your shoulder, you witness his raised hand hovering over his shoulder. 
Looking at the white and cream cloth material, you notice the fray of the woven bandage was not as intense as the others and softly sigh. 
“You know, Cap,” you mumble beneath your breath, turning back to face your desk and sorting through your surgical equipment, “If I have to baby you each time you pick up a bandage and tell you whether it’s good to use, or we should chuck it, I’m gonna fly into a fucking rage.” Your captain Eustass Kid cackled at you, placing it into the discard pile and picking up another. 
“Yeah, that’s kinda the point, you know?” he muttered beneath his breath, furrowing his brows and concentrating on sifting through the supplies. “This is fucking boring, and I should be doing other shit. Remind me why I’m doing this again?” 
Pushing back your rotating desk chair, you swooshed through your office space and slammed the back of the chair against the wall in front of your captain, while remaining seated on the plush surface. Glaring down into his bowed head, he avoided your gaze with a soft grimace on his features to hide his sheepishness.
“Because I caught you with a needle in your hand, ball bearings flying through the air, and hovering dangerously close to Heat’s belly button as if to pierce it. We’ve spoken about it, you said you’d stop, and you fucking didn’t,” you chastise him, prompting him to further recoil from your fury. “So I dismissed you from your duties as captain, as is my prerogative as doctor on board, and you are to remain with me until I decide you’ve learnt your lesson.” 
He grumbled beneath his breath, mimicking your voice in a mocking tone back at you, and bobbing his head from side to side. Red flashed over your features, prompting you to reach down and harshly collect his chin beneath your grip and raise his face to meet with yours. Kid looked up at you in surprise at your intensity while expecting to be met with a violent glint in your eye, and lips curled into a snarl. 
In lieu of finding such an expression, he found your gaze unexpectedly perplexing. Eyes wide and partially glazed over, you held your gaze intensely against the pointed tip of his nose as a sick, sadistic grin spread across your lips. 
While still holding his chin in your grip, you blindly reached down and sought out a pair of latex rubber gloves, a gauze pack, a padded plaster, and a pair of tweezers from your left breast pocket. He darted his eyes between yours, shocked as you slid off your chair and straddled his lap, pushing him down onto his back and sitting comfortably on his stomach.
“Don’t you dare move, Captain,” you warned him, your voice low and intense. He gulped, sweat beginning to pool at his temple as he continued to study your face. Your eyes bore into his nose, the sickening snap of your gloves meeting your wrist causing his mind to flood with every possibility. 
“What are you-?” he began, halting as you bully his chest to lie flat down on his back with your elbow and forearm. 
“Don’t you fuckin’ move,” you growl down into him, pushing all your weight against his chest and pinning him beneath your thighs. Your hands draw up to splay over his cheeks as your thumbs anchor against his nose. “It’s ready.” 
“Oi, what’s ready? What’s ready?” he frantically panted, attempting to scramble back with his right arm pawing at his side. Raising your left leg, you stamped down on his right wrist and pinned him in place. 
“I told you all at the last place to use the goat-milk oat soap to wash your face with, especially after donning the paints and tints you all wear,” you whispered through your teeth, grinning down at him, “Or your pores get compacted and clogged, resulting in that fuckin' thing.” You pointed with your chin towards his nose, prompting him to cross his eyes in search of the object. 
Sure enough, the large compacted head of a blocked pore was swollen in a vibrant red surrounding the dark tip. The throbbing of pus beneath the surface of the welt pulsated and filled his face with a hot, achy swell. 
Kid gulped, looking from the tip of his nose up to meet with your dangerous gaze. Glaring at him, you deepened your lunge and bore yourself down on him with a deep scowl to scold him with. He couldn't move, feeling pinned and helpless against your body as you place your palms on either side of his cheeks. 
“I'm gonna pop it,” you whisper menacingly down at him, “And then I'm gonna wash your damn face.” Your captain did nothing to move, frozen in his place as you placed your glove-donned thumbs on either side of his nose. 
“Wire is the only one who listens to me about skincare,” you whispered, testing out the taut skin with a soft press of your thumbs, “And look at him. Man’s in his forties, and he's gorgeous.” Kid frowned at your comment and winced at your pinch. 
“Got a thing for the big, stoic guy, huh?” he growled out as you pressed harder against his nose, “Oi, this fuckin’ hurts. Let up a bit, would ya?” You glare at him and push your thumbs closer together as the dark tip to the welt begins to protrude from the red mound. 
“I don't have a thing for any of you lot, Cap,” you glare at him, moving the gauze to collect the small amount of puss that spilled from his nose, “You're being a baby. You've had your arm blown off, your face scarred and maimed. This is nothing.” 
You continued pressing, being as gentle as you could while extracting the blocked pore from his flesh. With one final press, it all came out with a ‘pop’ and a rapid spill from the welt. He groaned as you cleaned him up with gauze and cotton tips. 
“There now. Was that so bad?” you coo down at him with a mocking tone. He grumbled something inaudible beneath his breath and poured at you. Continuing to clean up the small amount of blood seeping from the oozing sore, he studied your face knit in concentration. 
Darting his eyes between yours before sparing a glance to how quickly you managed to pin him, he pursed his painted lips on deep thought. 
“Go lay down on the cot, and put your head on the pillow,” you order him, finally releasing him from your pin and raising to your feet. He laid there for a few moments and glaring at you as you began to gather a few items and placed them beside the bench. Washing your hands thoroughly at the sink, you wipe them on some paper towel before discarding them in your waste bin. 
Rising to his feet, he followed your order and laid flat on his back and stared up at the ceiling. Moving your rotating chair behind the cot, you cranked the side a few times to extend the height to hover over him. He scowled at you before his eyes widened in curiosity. 
Rotating a whisking brush in a small bowl, frothy suds appeared. You gathered the lather and began to roll it in your four fingers against one another. 
Kid remained silent, hypnotized by your motions as you drew your hands down to his cheeks and rubbing firmly against his face. He attempted to initially fight the hands that sought to tame him, but gave into the touch as you smoothed over his flesh with your skilled fingers. 
Removing the rent tint from his lips and dark paint over his eyes, his eyelashes met as he clamped them tightly shut to avoid the sting of soap. A hot, damp towel stroked at his skin, prompting him to release a lengthy sigh at the warmth. You hummed down at him as he gave into the touch. 
His shoulders relaxed their tension against the cot, his belly deflating as his back melted into the firm mattress. Captain Eutass Kid was putty beneath your hands, a small ghost of a smile rising over his lips the longer you dabbed at him. Cleansing his skin of the painted smears first, you spent time being as gentle as you could over the healing welt on the tip of his nose. 
Wiping away the crust of amber-tinged plasma, you applied a small amount of cream and antiseptic to the crater on his nose. Finding a small, star-shaped patch, you opened it and placed it over the small wound. His eyes opened as he gazed his wide eyes up to meet with your concentrated expression. 
“There,” you hum with a soft cock of your head. Taking a moment to yourself, you hesitate before leaning down and pressing your lips softly to the small spot over his nose. Pulling away, you narrow your eyes and tease down at him, “Was that so bad? All you have to do is wash your face every now and again and you won't-.”
“-The hell d’you kiss me for?!” your captain barked at you, immediately springing up in his seat and glaring down at your position at the head of the cot. You rolled your eyes at him and began packing up for equipment in a neat pile before turning away towards the sink. 
“Sorry, sir,” you abrasively apologized over your shoulder, “Forgot that wasn’t in your care plan.” He huffed behind you before jumping off the cot and stomping over towards you. Gently shoving your shoulder with his right arm, he turned you to face him. 
“What do you mean ‘your care plan,’ huh?” he spat angrily down at you, “Who’s care plan is it in? How long have you been giving them away? Why the hell isn’t it in mine?” You scoff at him while leaning your hips back on the sink behind you. 
“One: I have a file for different treatment preferences, and some of those preferences involve hugs and kisses. Two: Doctor-patient confidentiality.” You fold your arms over your chest while arching your brow high at him, “Three: Since you hired me. And, Four,” you step away from the sink and hold your ground, “Do you want it to be?” 
His brow was deeply furrowed, his lips curled back to reveal a deep grimace as he puffed out his chest and stared you down. From your shorter stature, you managed to look down your nose at him with an unwavering intensity. A short quiver was depicted in his grimace before it was replaced with a soft pout. 
He rounded his eyes, hanging his head and slouching his shoulders. His forehead brushed with yours as he leaned down to slump against you, uttering a single word with a soft sniffle. 
Raising your hand, your arm wraps and cradle his neck and drawing him against your shoulder. He rubs his freshly cleansed head against the ball of your shoulder before nuzzling into your neck. You roll your eyes and gently soothe him by caressing his soft, red hair and holding him firmly in place. 
“I suppose you expect a pay rise with this, huh, Doc?” his muffled voice questioned you with a soft hint of malice in his tone. You shook your head and drew his right arm around your back before hooking your other hand over his neck to rejoin the one there.
“No, Cap,” you coo at him, gently rubbing his shoulders, “This I'll do for free.”
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2hot444this · 1 year
Skin care 101
Know that you don't need a 10-step, expensive skincare routine for a good skin. But, you can do the bare minimum like--
#1 Stop touching your face. I don't get why people complain about acne and skin problems when they keep picking on their face, rubbing their nasty hands all over their face.
#2 Wash your face if you get sweaty. Don't wipe it with napkins/hand kerchiefs.
#3 Never pop/pick on your pimples. And there's nothing to hide either.
#4 Stay hydrated! Don't overdo it though. Drink a litre of water (on an empty stomach) right after you wake up. Your blood will actually be filtered by your kidneys more efficiently because it's more diluted. Then drink water as per your requirement in small instalments throughout the day. And after you come back from school/work drink a litre again. Do not over do it-- people have actually died. Never restrain from using the rest room.
#5 Off topic but never drink water right after your meal. Your stomach's pH value will be lowered and leads to indigestion.
#6 Consult a dermatologist. Don't self diagnose by these home-made DIY creams, face packs etc.
#6 Exfoliate 2x a week. You can take a handful of sugar and rub it along w/ your soap on your body.
#7 Invest in a gua sha tool if you can or just do face massage w/ your hands. It really works !
#8 Ain't nothing beats a good diet. Eat them fruits and veggies. I fixed my diet and it fixed everything in my life, not even kidding.
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uwusillygirl · 11 months
first and foremost, i'd love to thank everyone for such a fabulous kinktober. i was tentative about doing something within the community; i was worried no one would participate, or i would be organizing an event "wrong", or that people would feel limited by my prompts and suggestions. you all made sure that absolutely NONE OF THESE FEARS WERE WARRANTED! everyone came with the COOLEST shit.
here is a brief collection of some of my personal favorites; either just stunningly written, fascinatingly done, or personally my cup of tea (and i will not tell you which is which! lmao!)
@aicosu's "KNOCK KNOCK": oxy-addicted, adhd, dopamine hole eddie and fastidious, nerdy, ex-fundamentalist chrissy meet at the glory hole of a seedy sex arcade. visceral, headachey, and so hot.
@staceymcgillicuddy's whole series was awesome, but i LOVED their "humiliation + bladder control" prompt especially. nasty and mean!
@jewelledfoxes' also had banger after banger, but i really loved their bottoming from the top prompt, "i'd probably still adore you with your hands around my neck" .
the anonymously posted "if loving you is wrong, I don't want to be right": the most charming, sweetest little take on hybristophilia a girl has ever seen! chrissy sees eddie being very evil and bad (read as: harmless graffiti) and is simply swept away by his raw criminality. so cute, soft, silly, fantastic.
@bettercraic went big-brained as all hell with their jonathan/nancy/eddie/chrissy voyuerism installment, "let's make a team". quick and sexy.
@erythromanc3r wrote this mean and insane and nasty one-shot, "kiss me where you bruise me" that is the hottest anything ever. you're never gonna guess what i loved about it (kidding. you will. it's mean.)
FINALLY! i would like to thank those who stuck to THEIR OWN HARD LIMITS, CREATED WHOLE SERIES, OR WANTED TO DO SOMETHING ELSE! we had some people make whole cohesive (@hunter-gatherer-stuff) stories, we had some people come in and write about pimple popping, we had people write shit (@badlydrawnlips) based on my own indulgent little kink dynamics (sorry, couldn't not mention that one... so baller), and best of all, we had people write their own stuff when the prompts were not for them. that made my heart so happy.
if you are working on a kinktober series that's gonna take more time, if you have prompts in process that you suddenly have the urge to finish, if you wake up in a cold sweat on december 3rd and just NEED to write about spit, fucking do it and tag it. i love you so much. every day is kinktober if you are a true pervert. take your time, love your life, remember that fanfiction (like art in general!) should be an enjoyable effort and made under your own rules!
there is still some stuff i have left to read on the tag! and i loved literally everything i read, this is just a rapid-fire word vomit. i PROMISE i will get around to anything unread soon! i am so unbelievably pleased about this month, thank you all again so, so, so much!
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bulldyke-rider · 9 months
And then every direction you look in parenting discourse or any fuckin talk about kids, they're blaming people without kids for every idea they don't agree with.
"People who complain about kids crying in public just don't have kids" "people who say they'd hit their kid for acting like that don't have kids" no, I've seen many parents talking about how they'd hit their kids for this shit. I saw a video of a little girl crying because she didn't understand her Disney trip Christmas gift and thought she was just getting tshirts and travel stuff for Christmas, and half the comments was parents saying they would hit their kids for being "ungrateful brats." Tons of parents think beating your kid in the Walmart is the solution to them whining about not getting a batman toy. I see people all the time who scream at their kids for the smallest most inconsequential shit. "GET OUT OF HER WAY" when the mom is in my way not the fucking kid. I hate y'all's loud ass irritating children, but omfg, not nearly as much as y'all do.
"People who talk about iPad kids don't have kids yet" teachers are talking about y'all's kids being unable to hold a pencil because they haven't developed any fine motor skills. But sure, I'm just irrationally mad about your toddler playing pregnant Elsa pimple popping and eyebrow plucking on the thousand dollar iPad you bought her.
Bro, you can't blame every idea that contradicts you on people who don't have kids. There are parents who don't fuck with your parenting style.
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nuklearis-sutotok · 2 months
Answering all of these because @anonymous-badger-238 did.
Here’s some questions to ask:
If you could change your height, would you? And be able to reach something? That would be awesome.
What’s something that happened years ago that you’re still mad about? I made a very ignorant mistake and outside forces did not give me the chance to rectify it.
What was your favourite musician/band when you were ten? My brain does not process time this way... I don't know. I have long had an affinity for The Highwaymen. Willie has always been my favourite and the first artist I recall hearing.
Do you like sparkling water? Most of it tastes burnt to me. Some brands I have tried are tolerable. Maybe I am trying the wrong ones.
What’s the last album you listened to? I tend to listen more to individual songs or playlists... Dad has a High Kings album in the car atm, so I suppose that one.
Do you wear flip flops? I wear sandals indoors, but no, flip flops hurt.
What time do you usually wake up in the morning? This varies greatly and can range from not sleeping, the crack of dawn, 6, or 8ish.
If you could choose one language to instantly be fluent in, which one would you pick? I am currently working on it, but, Hungarian.
How long have you had your tumblr blog? Not this one specifically, but I joined in 2013.
What was your dream job as a child and is it anything like your current job? I was torn between music teacher, librarian, physics teacher, and comic artist... Currently I am looking to go back to become the third, I have been the second and done some of the first, have a degree of sorts in the last.
Did you usually have a cafeteria lunch or a packed lunch in school? I was home schooled for the most part, but usually packed a lunch whe. Sometimes I had cafeteria food... If it was food. This was in the 90's, nothing was certain.
Do you pop your pimples? Because of a tissue disorder my skin is unusually clear, but I tear at it. That is not as messed up as it sounds I swear.
If you could choose one celebrity/public figure to erase from history, who would it be? I assume this could have a potential nasty domino effect. You may erase some bad things, sure, but how much good do you erase as well? It is not, thankfully, for me to decide in any capacity.
How old were you when you first used youtube? Idk... When did youtube come out? I was there for that. So 10, I guess.
What was your first ever anime? That is hard to remember as well, it could have been Pokemon, DBZ, or Sailor Moon.
Were you more into disney channel, nickelodeon, cartoon network, or pbs kids as a child? Cartoon network and pbs. Mostly cartoon network.
If you could redo one year of high school, would you? And if so, which one? I didn't go to high school. I got a GED and went to college, so I guess none of them. There would be no point.
If you could make one fictional character real, who would it be? Myself. I'm kidding. I have no idea.
What video game have you put the most time into? Heck, that one is hard to decide... Could be something from the Final Fantasy series, could be one of the Suikoden games, could be a handful of others.
Do you like doing jigsaw puzzles? Yes but pattern recognition makes me feel like I am somehow cheating.
What’s your favourite dog breed? Wolves, huskies, big fluffy borfs but I like them all.
Do you prefer scented or unscented lotion? I like scented, but am picky about the scent. I like forest scents, amber, musky scents, cherry.
Were/are you a theater kid? If so, what’s your favourite play or musical? I was a media services professional, so yes, a lead stagehand. Probably the 1940's Radio Hour.
Do you collect anything unusual? Define "unusual." I collect books, sheet music, knives, wolves, foxes, Manhattan Project related things, art supplies, rocks, and whatever interests me... I suppose none of that is too unusual.
What’s your ideal weather and/or temperature? 68 degrees if we're just sort of there... But I like rain, storms, fall, and winter.
Would you rather take three five year olds or one fifteen year old in a fight? ... Why are we fighting children?
How long did you live at your last address? I have no idea, I have moved many times.
What’s your favourite sandwich? Ice cream ones.
Have you ever had surgery? Dental.
What’s your least favourite pokemon? Idk, I would have to think for awhile on that.
Do you have any accessories that you wear every day? What counts as accessories? No. I have some I wear often... A watch, a forint on a necklace...
Do you have plushies on your bed? Yes, a handful of them. A couple of stuffed goats, a couple of stuffed hedgehogs, a dinosaur, and a couple of foxes.
What’s your favourite lady gaga song? I don't know if I have a favourite but I do like her.
Do you prefer to make your own playlists or listen to ones that others have made? Depends. Typically I make my own but sometimes I listen to others.
Were/are you ever able to find souvenirs with your name on them? I think I found one once, but I don't remember what it was and I was shocked to find it. I believe it was at a store on the local reservation.
Do you own a bike? If so, how often do you ride it? I used to, not now, no. I used to love riding. I don't know if I still could or not.
Do you prefer iced coffee or iced tea? Allergic to tea... Probably like coffee a little too much.
What’s your favourite big cat species? All of them. Floofs.
When was/is your golden birthday? I was 4.
Have you ever run a stoplight while driving? If so, was it an accident or on purpose? I don't drive.
What family member, immediate or otherwise, do you get along with the best? Living or...? Living, one of my sisters, dead, my great uncle understood me fairly well. My grandparents.
How many times have you cried in the last week? I don't keep track.
Do you prefer barbie dolls or bratz dolls? Action figures.
How many shirts do you own in your favourite colour? One is close... My second favourite colour? Most of my closet is black.
Do you currently live in the state/province you were born in? Yes.
Would you rather have bird wings or bat wings? Bird.
Are you good at swimming? I sink like a rock. So many people have tried to teach me, I know how, I just can't. I don't even float. It's just straight down.
If you could pick one craft to instantly be good at, which one would it be? My first thought is blacksmithing, Idk. That is probably not what I would choose in reality but at the moment it sounds good.
Do you know how to play any trading card games (pokemon, yugioh, magic the gathering, etc)? Several, yes. Pokemon, Yugioh, Magic, DBZ, Digimon... I collected a lot of cards for awhile, I don't anymore. I wouldn't mind collecting again in the future.
How long was your shortest relationship? That is a difficult and complicated question to answer. Pass.
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transbeamrooikat · 4 months
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the sillays <3 read ATYD a week ago and I've been gripped by a deep hyperfixation ever since lmao
ramblings about them + transcriptions under the cut :3
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the tallest & lankiest of the group <3
he's a sweater cunt through and through (I would say it's a pain during summer but I've been to wales in summer and it's not cold enough that it'd be an issue)
I think he's welsh <33 idk if he'd be able to speak the language tho (I do kinda project onto him a little in the sense that I hc that he spoke it as his first language as a kid but was forced to stop speaking it to "better assimilate" to living in England + learning English, and now he struggles to speak it but really wishes he was still fluent/is actively trying to re-learn it)
he and Peter attempted to give themselves muggle dye jobs for the shits and giggles (I'd say sometime around year 4 or 5, the year I've drawn these in is deliberately ambiguous tho - sometime around the latter years (post year 5 I think? around then))
obviously scaring all over, he tries to hide it (at least on his face) for a while before giving up (when he did try to hide it Sirius helped him out as he's really experienced with beauty charms that cover scars)
has some acne, but not as much as Sirius and James - when he gets more comfortable with them, he jokes that its good, cause he "already has his fair share of scars"
Light brown hair, verging on blonde - begins to curl once he hits puberty, and gradually becomes even curlier than Sirius'
wears his hair somewhat long, in a shag – goes through cycles of cutting it, hating how it looks, thinking this time will be different and cutting it again, ect
like Sirius, he has "wolf-like" behaviors, but goes to lengths to hid them, and so they only come out when he's comfortable or really tired
has freckles in the summer
can't decide on whether he'd have a hooked or a straight nose
I hc him as trans to a certain extent (up yours jk rowling) but i also dunno how he'd have done that in the 70s... I see him as being pretty removed from his family, if not an orphan, so maybe in going to hogwarts he saw an opportunity and took it? he's obviously trying very hard to be stealthy tho, and researches magic to hid that he's going through AFAB puberty/especially go on T (although I don't think he'd necessarily know about HRT) (I figure Sirius would help him out once he finds out)
yellow stained teeth
Aquiline nose – or, a prominent nose in some way
Obviously black hair, curly - i don't think he'd let it grow much past his shoulders tho (maybe to point where he can feel a little on his back?)
I don't think that he'd like to tie it up, I think that'd freak him out (meeee core)
ACNE!! I feel that they all had acne to some extent, but Sirius covered it with a beauty charm (he keeps this secret till Remus find out, and Remus teases him for it) (I think his neck + lapels would be especially pimpled, given the hair)
blue eyes, but a muted kinda blue, with green and gold specks
sticks his tongue put when tired – doglike 
pops his acne as a form of SH/rebellion – he's ashamed of his scars, unless he wants to upset his parents (once Remus knows about it, he confides in him that they seem to care about it more than he does sometimes) 
was invited to join Remus and Peter on their their dying expedition but refused b/c he didnt wanna fuck up his hair, as it's something he's really proud of (which fair enough - there was a bit of an exploding bleach situation in their dorm room bathroom)
he wears silver rimmed glasses, much to Remus' horror – he stops when he finds out Remus is a werewolf, and he first trys to wear a gold pair, but doesn't like it – he ends up trying out a copper framed pair and loving them
his acne is just as bad as Sirius', but he doesn't hide it, he thinks it "adds to his charms"
unlike Sirius tho, his ache goes away when they grow up
I don't think he'd be white – i think of him as more white and Indian mixed? I'm not incredibly fussed about any of their races though 
His hair is a much darker brown than Remus', but he wears it in a similar cut, although it looks quite different on his wavy hair
He doesn't take care of his hair at first, horrifying Sirius (yk that one fluttershy meme? yeah lmao)
His acne is worse around his nose, where his glasses rest
He's got a significantly stronger build than the other marauders, despite being the shortest of the group – in fourth year, they placed bets on whether he or Peter would end up being shortest (they find it very funny that his deer form ends up being the tallest in the end, and he jokingly insists that they pay him back for the bet)
really nice dark brown eyes :D (not Hazel tho)
not many hcs for him... difficult to put my thoughts to words
I think he's the least acne prone of the group, much to Sirius' confusion ("i SWEAR he doesn't even wash his face in the morning Moony–")
I don't mind the hc that's he's fat, but I do worry it can sometimes cross into jkr's weird fatphobia 
I think he has very short straw blonde hair, and that he keeps it in a military cut - he doesn't like to let it grow out
green eyes (Sirius often jokes that he looks a bit like a Malfoy)
straight nose
text around Remus:
teeth get sharper closer to/around the moon -> (unlike Sirius', who's stay the same)
Animalistic-type eyes (like Sirius') bc, yk, werewolf
text around Sirius:
idk something about his face i cannot get right...
has the eye-courners I normally reserve for animal-esque characters
(note: he tends to cover his acne & the scaring from it w/ beauty charm [sic] unless he's relaxed/around the marauders)
cainins [sic] become more pronounced after he becomes an animagi
text around James:
sticky up hair pieces is ESENSIAL [sic]
his glasses are... I don't wanna give him 70s glasses
has more acne around his glasses (just like me fr fr)
text around Peter:
as much as I love characterizations of him like in "just lovers (like we were supposed to be)" [sic (?) here - I forgor to write 'and'] there is obviously space for how he's characterized in ATYD (and I love those characterizations too!!) - but I feel either way he lacks depth :(
he's very... plain? I think his conformitizm [sic] would have him be hesitant to join in w/ the marauders when they fuck with their appearances [which, just to add, doesn't mean he never does, he just has more caution around it]
he is SUCH an interesting character to me... m8 wdym you've betrayed the friends you've had since YEAR 7?? [note - year 7 is equivalent to hogwart's first year] i wanna get in his headdddd
okay Mr. Eyebags
him being named Peter is also so interesting to me - is the reference to the disciple intentional? In a way I kinda disagree with it. fuck you jkr (choke and die) I know better <3
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gabby-i-guess · 5 months
ADHD PSA #3: Bath time 🛀
So I just moved into a new house, and for whatever reason, the gremlins living in my brain have decided that the new shower has ‼️BAD VIBES‼️ and therefore will only agree to let me have a shower when ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. I've been trying to figure out ways to bribe them into liking the shower, so here are a few ways I've tried to make my shower ADHD accessible.
1) DIY waterproof phone holder
Yes I know I sound like an iPad kid, but if having an audiobook/music/YouTube video playing while I shower lets me shower, I'm ok with that.
All you do is take a sturdy ziplock bag, pop your phone and a large bull clip inside, and zip it up tight (give it a lil squeeze to make sure there are no gaps). Now you can clip the bag onto your shower caddy from the inside, or another ledge or something (get creative), and voila - your phone stays totally dry and you stay entertained. You can even somewhat use your phone through the plastic, so you can change songs etc. When you're done, unclip the unopened bag, take it to a dry place, and you can open it and take your phone out there.
Here's a photo for demo:
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2) Sort your shit out
Personally, I get super overwhelmed by all the steps in self-care tasks, including but not limited to showers. Routines like that involve like 10 steps that call on skills ADHDers really struggle with, like decisions, organisation, memory, executive functioning, and planning. So I've made things as simple as they can possibly be for me.
I have 4 little baskets in my cupboard for each of my regular routines:
morning (with makeup, sunscreen, moisturiser, and deoderant)
evening (with vitamin C serum, makeup wipes, pimple patches, and floss)
regular shower (with antibacterial soap, shampoo, conditioner, leave in conditioner, and a hair brush)
and ✨fancy shower✨ (with a razor, shaving cream, nice smelling soap, body moisturiser, curl cream, and a candle)
Now I can just yank out whatever basket I want and use whatever is in it on autopilot. Then, when I'm done, I can dump it all back into the basket and shove it all back into the cupboard. This method reduces how overwhelmed I get by so goddamn much that my fucking dentist commented on the noticeable improvement in my teeth, because I had actually consistently had the energy to floss. And when you're consistently flossing - well, it's only up from here baby 😎
3) DIY bath
The sensory experience of showering can be truly horrendous. And while I can't fix a lot of it, I can at least make it a little less... much. Yk?
So here's my solution:
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I got myself a blow up pool.
For my shower.
I am officially the coolest person alive.
This baby was $10 at Kmart, and is 80cm wide and 18cm deep - basically, cross your legs and it will not quite cover your thighs. To provide a little more insulation and some padding, I also popped an old towel under the pool. It's really not much, but it means I can sit down in comfortably warm water and splish-splosh myself clean. As opposed to showering, which (especially in a large bathroom/shower like I have now) is alternately way too cold and way too hot, way too loud, way too (I literally don't know how else to say it) "fast", way too out of control (so much splashing and water going everywhere, UGH), and just kinda generally way too much.
A bonus perk: I can finally use some nice pink bubble bath bombs from last Christmas 🥰🥰
I really hope one of these tips helps one of you out there. Keeping yourself clean is one of those "basics" that neurotypical/mentally well people don't realise is actually really hard.
You are doing a truly awesome job, and I'm truly, truly proud of you. Sending you love and warm, clean, sudsy thoughts ❤️
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I'm gonna post this on main but i absolutely, totally, unabashedly fucking hate the morning show host for one of my local radio stations.
Let me preface this with saying i have no/minimal control over me listening to them. I work an early morning job and we listen to the radio over the PA speakers. I don't subject myself to this willingly. i can't wear earphones due to the nature of my work. it is entirely against my wishes.
I hate you Ed.
If i found out we were in the same building i would have to be physically restrained. I would pop the brain out of your skull with my bare hands like the pus out of a pimple. You are an absolute blight on my every working day. I HAVE to endure you five days out of the week. Endure. your presence is something to be suffered through.
do you know this?
You are not a good host.
Your presence is awkward. your demeanour and flow has a terrible stench of artificial friendliness. you rely far too much on colloquialisms and aussie phrases to carry you through. every conversation you have is, allegedly, "having a yarn". Every "interview" you have is just you asking 2 or 3 leading questions while the subject awkwardly answers in between your grating mannerisms. They're uncomfortable. Arguably they're the best part of your show because they're actual human beings.
you aren't funny. you aren't a "good bloke". you aren't down to earth. you aren't good to listen to! you aren't interesting! you aren't stimulating! you are worse than dead air. I would prefer the speakers to cut out and be silent in between songs, because honestly that would be more intellectually stimulating.
you have the cadence of a year 9 oral presentation by a popular kid, on his favourite thing, who also plays footy. You have all the confidence with no charisma to back any of it up. all you are is confidence. its all you have. absolute charisma vacuum.
you interview local artists in your show but never play any of their music. Why? we both know why. they're not in the playlist. so why the fuck would you interview them, and claim to care so much about local music, then not throw them a fucking bone and give them 3 minutes out of your three hours on the air? the only point is to give lip service and give the facade of caring, which is insulting above all else. fuck you man. fuck you.
speaking of guests, they all appear to be made to feel so awkward to be interacting with you. we all know its a contractual/advertising thing most of the time. we aren't stupid. you don't converse well. ask your vapid questions about whatever they're flogging but don't pretend you're being hard hitting, or even NATURAL in your delivery. they go along with your shit jokes so you'll shut the fuck up faster.
We aren't catching up and having a yarn, this isn't about your wife/"partner in crime", and things like that, and catching up, and stories, and being local, and all the other crocks of bullshit you blather on about every fucking weekday. GO HOME AND SHUT THE FUCK UP. Drink in the silence. absorb it. acknowledge it and its function. BE QUIET! SHUT UP! GO AWAY!
you talk a lot but you don't have anything to say.
the only thing worse than dead air is zombie air.
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littledemon154 · 2 years
Hello everyone! Michael Myers x reader
I'm here to tell you something before we continue.
The (y/n) which is "your name" will have a disorder. It will be ADHD, you have severe ADHD. What ADHD is...
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common mental disorders affecting children. Symptoms of ADHD include inattention (not being able to keep focus), hyperactivity (excess movement that is not fitting to the setting), and impulsivity (hasty acts that occur at the moment without thought).
I have ADHD...so luckily this story will be interesting and these are the things I deal with every day.
Haddonfield, Illinois 6:30 am (fall)
"Honey, It's time to take your pills!"
I groan when I heard my mom's voice echoing through the house. I rolled over to the edge of the bed and lazily moved my leg out. I felt the cold hitting my leg, and I tense up bringing my leg back in. Having the warmth makes me feel so good, I never wanted to leave...
I jumped off the bed quickly feeling my heart pumping. I could hear my heart so loud in my ears that I didn't even notice my mom looking at me angrily. "(Y/n)... You have school today" I started fidgeting my fingers at the thought of going to this new school. "Listen (Y/n), I know you are nervous but, I promise you... You will have a good time." she said with a calm voice.
My eyes started looking down at the pill in my mom's hand, I grabbed the pill and looked over to the warm can of soda on my nightstand. " we just moved in and your room is already a mess" I looked at her lazily not wanting to bother with her nagging away about my mess. I walked off to the bathroom and started getting ready . " your hygiene needs to be better too, so make sure to wash your face, brush your teeth-"
I got more annoyed and yelled out to her "why do you think im going to the bathroom!". I slammed the bathroom door and got ready
Time skip
I walked into the kitchen to see my dog (name), laying on the floor lazily wagging his tail. "hi buddy, aren't you being lazy today". I giggled when I saw (name) started coming toward me. I rubbed their head feeling the fur between my fingers. The feeling of the fur makes it so satisfying. " (y/n), come on we got to get going or we gonna be late as usual". I stopped rubbing the dog's head and ran to the bathroom once more to make sure I was looking ok. I saw I had a pimple on my forehead and I had to pop it, seeing how big it is, I put my two fingers on it. I pop the pimple finally only to see a red marking on my forehead
"oh fuck you got to be kidding me"  I started looking around the bathroom to see if I can fix it.
"(y/n)!" I jumped when I heard my mom's annoying voice calling out for me. "ok mom im coming!"
I got out of the car only to see the Haddonfield Elementary School. It was a decent size, and seeing the kids coming in made me more nervous though. "(y/n) don't worry you will make it, I know you will make friends".I look back to give my mom a fake smile to reassure her that I will be fine, promising her that I won't freak out. She smiled back at me and drove off.
I slowly started walking into the school thinking that I should just turn back. "no (y/n) you got this, don't disappoint your peers!" I try to look confident as best I can to show other students that im, not a loser. As I walked around the halls more, I noticed my back felt a little lighter. A realization started hitting me as I noticed I forgot my bookbag. "oh fuck! I can't believe I forgot my book bag" I start to feel the negative impact hitting me left and right as my mind tells me how stupid I am. Suddenly I bump into somebody,  I look over to my shoulder to see a dirty blond with an AC DC shirt. "im so sorry about that! I-i.. wasn't paying attention." I gave him a nervous smile, noticing that I might get yelled at, as usual, He gave me a cold glare, looking up and down at me. I stood there frozen not knowing what's gonna happen.
To my surprise, he just walked away.
I stood there confused not knowing what to do next but just keep staring at him. "excuse me"  I jump up a little scared, just to see a teacher with a stern look on her face.
Phew ok guys sorry it's short but I just want to give you guys a little tease soon the good stuff will happen
I hope you like it please like follow or read lol
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Cw: Body dismorphia, body shaming, mention of eating disorder
I think a lot about my body and not in the way I used to. I'm thankful for this. Also I'm going to jump around my life for this one since a lot of it is at very different times in my life.
I mentioned before I listen to a lot of true crime and indeed discussions about abusive relationships. These discussions always make me think of my mom.
I had pretty bad acne as a teenager. To be honest, I still do, from time to time. None of my friends ever made fun of me for it. The closest that maybe happened was a friend jokingly trying to pop a pimple I had and I asserted that one is mine! It was along my hairline, and was hurting all day, and dammit, that pop was my revenge!
Anyway... At home this was very different. If I had a pimple on my nose, no matter where it was, I'd be called Rudolph. Honestly, he's the coolest of all the reindeer, but at the time, this hurt a lot.
The thing is, this wasn't the end of the body shaming. It also wasn't the beginning. That began with my teeth.
I had pretty messed up teeth when my adult teeth started coming in. I honestly don't think I'd have thought much of it if it hadn't been for my family making fun of me. I would keep my mouth closed for pictures, I wouldn't smile much. It's easy to recognize this as the result of ridicule now, but it's still so heartbreaking.
I did get braces. The whole process for that was a pain, I had to get teeth pulled in order to get retainers first, and then braces. Braces suck. If you've never needed them, you're lucky. Now, I don't know how Invisalign is, that was very new closer to the end of my treatment, and VERY pricey at the time. I also have a hard time discussing anything about teeth, or braces, or even listening to or watching anything about teeth. Typing this, I feel the memory of pain of my braces getting tightened. It still hurts, and I got them off before high school.
One super awful very distinct memory I have is when we went to visit family out of town one weekend. I went to get my braces tightened earlier in the day on Friday, and then we left. When we got to where we were going my dad wanted the buffet. And then proceeded to complain when I only ate jello. Because it was all I could eat.
Actually, this is one of those rare times my mom stuck up for me. I guess she needed to defend the investment in my teeth, since she was the one paying for it. Still, f**k braces.
After I got them off, I still had a permanent retainer on the bottom. This didn't hurt that much, but it was annoying. And then one day I finally got it off. I don't fully remember when, I just remember being so excited I didn't have to go back to the orthodontist again.
Well, sometimes when that happens, your teeth can move. One of mine got shoved back a little bit behind the rest of my bottom teeth. Now, it's not a lot. Maybe a couple millimeters, really not a big deal.
My mom and I met for lunch one day at the mall. I don't remember exactly WHEN it was but I remember it very distinctly because there was also a child slapping themselves a lot. Not entirely sure what was going on with that kid, but the slapping was very loud. My mom commented that it was annoying. I have a relative idea of about what year it was.
She asked if my tooth moving back bothered me though. And I just kinda looked at her, and explained how I saw it at that point; I'm alive, and I think that's a much bigger issue than if my teeth are straight. I had already been dealing with severe depression, and she'd even brought me to the hospital before this, and to our crisis unit. But hey, crooked teeth, super awful right? Also, when I bite into a banana, I find the bite mark entertaining. I don't really know why, it's just kinda funny to me to see the little bump that shows where that tooth is.
But so much more damaging has been my body. Now, I don't exactly know how I didn't develop an eating disorder. I've been very thankful I haven't. Looking back though, I recognize times when I would just forget to eat, but that was as close as it got. Thanks undiagnosed ADHD! It's also why I kinda need to keep snacks around so I can eat while I do things.
This wasn't so bad in high school... Very surprisingly. Oh wait, it's because I was a twig. But even then, there were some issues, and I don't know how I managed to escape their repercussions.
My mom would CONSTANTLY talk about how when she was my age, she weighed x amount, which was always something like 15-20lbs less than what I did. Except that I'm a head taller than her, and she was probably mal-nourished. She idealized it. I idealized chips. I was also still a stick. Well... A stick with what she considered a "bubble butt" and my butt wasn't even that big.
Fast forward to adulthood, I got sick. I'm not entirely willing to divulge exactly what I have, but I'll say it affects my gastrointestinal system. At least for now, I may divulge a little later.
Before we found out what it was though, I fainted, hit my head on the ground, all because I was pretty mal-nourished at that point. I wasn't starving myself, but I was very sick and what I have was messing with my ability to absorb food. Also vertigo, paired with low blood pressure because of how mal-nourished I was, there was a point I couldn't really prepare food for myself. I lost a bunch of weight and weighed about the same I did in high school, after being a perfectly healthy weight for a few years.
There were two pairs of skinny jeans at the time. One was really tight before this, the other was a little looser. The tight ones fit like the loose ones.
My mom was thrilled. My doctor was worried about anorexia. So he told me to eat and also eat a lot of salt to get my blood pressure up. I still have pretty low blood pressure from this, but it's nowhere near as bad as it was at that point, and I can pretty much eat all the salt I want without worries.
Here's a weird aside... My mom retired from her job and I went with for the party since I used to work there too, and we had had a few drinks. As we're leaving, my mom is chastising me that I'm going to raise my blood pressure. This was WELL after the whole illness.
For some reason we were stopping at the pharmacy, where they have a blood pressure machine that gives a printout, so we all did it. Mine was only a little lower than normal. So drinking to raise my blood pressure raises it to normal. I know my body, and even then, was not getting sloshed.
Anyways, I finally gained some weight even with everything going on. Every. Single. Time. My mom saw me from that point, she'd pinch my side and remind me I'm gaining weight. Many times she would say "getting fat" specifically. This is actually one of the reasons I don't want her around me anymore. Because it's always the pinching on the side, the "love handle" as it were, and telling me I'm fat.
The way weight has been weaponized against girls has always broken my heart. Everything from abusive relationships where someone is trying to control our weight, to horrifying stories of models and what they are expected to do, to the bullsh*t that is the BMI, and the way it's just normalized, it's so awful. And the diet ads... Ugh.
I once, just to get her to shut up, started the green coffee bean crap that Dr Oz pushed. It didn't work, but the cleanse I was using kept me regular in the bathroom department so that was nice. It was like metamucil but with other stuff with it. It was pretty good in smoothies and honestly... I may use that stuff again just to keep me regular but it does not really help your weight.
I did keep my weight at a pretty good place for awhile. I was working out, I was strong, wasn't quite as fast as I wanted to be, but I was getting there. And then my friend died, and I was also sick with pneumonia all at the same time. I have not been able to work out since and every time I try, my lungs hurt. I have never gotten them back to where they were before pneumonia. I also gained weight and of course was met by the pinching.
Quite frankly, I survived losing two friends in less than a year, plus a bunch of other sh*t, my weight is the least of my concerns. Granted, I'm not healthy, and I could stand to work out and do yoga and such, but it is very difficult for me. Not because of the relationship with food, or "getting fat" or anything like that. It's just really hard to get me moving at the best of times, which is something I hope to change, but if we're being honest, I have been hoping to change that for years and it still hasn't happened.
While my weight doesn't really impact me in any negative way exactly, I still don't feel good when there's discussion about it. Nor anyone else's. It's upsetting and I see the pattern where it comes from and where that type of shaming can lead, if not for the person but those who witness the shaming. There were plenty of times when my mom would comment on other people's weight, and I've had to consciously train those types of thought out of my head, and even then, it still comes up from time to time, and it always feels icky.
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actionyak · 2 years
I don't actually have a mustache, for whatever reason the acne scars on my upper lip darkened the skin in a way that they didn't elsewhere so it just looks that way
don't pop your pimples, kids, you might get cursed with an illusory mustache!
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mandareeboo · 3 years
Glitch Techs drabble prompt? Five and Miko just casually having each other's backs bc my baby's need more love
Five originally asks to come to her house, but Miko is currently in a bit of a stand-off about the kind of video games he's requested at her house, which leads to her climbing through his fire escape instead.
"Alright alright," she says, brandishing enough HNES games to suffocate a small animal. "What're we playin', Chief?"
"How's about a little Galactic Dingo?" he replies, but there's none of his usual cheer.
Miko slams that bad boy into the system with gusto. "A man of culture, I see. You want first play?"
"Nah. If it's cool, I just kinda... wanna watch for a bit."
She takes that as her cue to turn the system on and settles back against the side of his bed. There was something wrong about sitting on a bed to play video games. The floor was just better. "Righty-o, Fiver-o."
Miko is, admittedly, not at her top form. Galactic Dingo had aged like fine wine, but it was still sharp, pixel-y wine. The flashes of color and movements tended to draw her eye, leading to quick deaths. She whistles at her first game over. "Retro games really are brutal."
Five clicks play again for her. "Yeah, I guess. It was one of my dad's favorites."
Miko clucks her tongue. "You wanna talk about it?"
He redirects it to her, the clever fool. "You wanna talk about why you're ditching all your HNES games with me?"
"It's my love language," Miko replies, straight-faced, but shrugs. "Momma thinks one console is enough for the house. But I bought these myself, so I wanted them to go to a cool dude I know will take care of my pixel babies."
Five pulls his scrawny knees to his equally scrawny chest. "It's not fair how they treat you, you know."
Miko's quiet, for a moment. She knew she should probably talk to her parents about how she was feeling. She knew, logically, with her little logical mind-brain, that it wasn't intentional. The other kids just had things more worthwhile. Sports, and band, and good grades. She was the clinging fiber that blared Guitar Heroine and sometimes forgot to eat because she was too excited about getting out of the house. She didn't have friends outside of work and she didn't do much with her time except fix consoles. And she knew, deep down, in the emotional, glitchy-flavored part of mind-brain, that it was probably for the best. That she didn't feel like she'd earned their full attention.
"I'm over it," is what she settles on. It's too complicated to unpack right now, anyway.
"Yeah," Five says, after a pause. "I am too."
The game over screen feels like it's mocking her at this point, but Miko hits play again anyway. Galactic Dingo was needed for realsies right now.
Finally, after what feels like forever, Five says, "My dad has a parole hearing this weekend."
"Really? That's awesome, dude!" She holds her hand up for a hi-five, but gets nothing in return. Left hanging, Miko wilted. "Is that... not awesome, dude?"
"It'll get denied. Always does. This is, like, his fourth one." Five flicked an imaginary speck away from his kneecap. "Guess they think his hacking is too dangerous or something."
Miko hit pause, set the controller down, and leaned against his shoulder. "That sucks, man."
"Yeah. It does."
"You don't deserve that. And, like, I know I don't know your dad, but he sounds super cool, and he doesn't deserve that either."
"He doesn't," Five agrees, pulling her closer for a hug. "We don't deserve it, either."
Miko squeezes as tight as she can, hoping to pop that sad sack like a pimple. It doesn't work. It never does. But that won't ever stop her from trying.
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proship-bill · 2 years
My joyfriend and I were talking about YouTube's trademark brand of incompetency with the content on their platform and possible solutions for the issue of "advertiser friendly" content, and my idea was to have a little checklist type thing that you would fill out when you upload a video. Clearly it shouldn't be a huge list of every possible thing that could be included in your video but there would be categories like swearing, stage/fake fighting, cartoon violence/mischief, actual violence, blood, and so on, and you'd just check the stuff that applies to your video. Then advertisers could pick and choose from the checklist what category of videos they'd prefer their ads not to appear on, and maybe which ones they would actually want their ads on.
My example was a pimple popping video and how there might be some blood in it, you could mark on the checklist that there's blood in the video and advertisers could choose not to have their ads play on any videos with blood in them. But the fact that there is blood in it doesn't make it a terrible violent video that needs to be scrubbed from the platform, it just means there's blood in it. We also discussed the issue of people not being honest when filling out the checklist, or forgetting to tick boxes, and I think the solution to that would be to just have a moderator check the video out. If the moderator finds something that didn't get accounted for in the checklist, they could tick whatever box was missed. YouTube is huge and this wouldn't be a solution that fixes everything but I'm coming at this from the angle of what I would personally do if I was making a clone of YouTube.
The whole "for kids vs not for kids" option would still be around because I think that's a helpful distinction especially for animation, but maybe I'd include a "for teens" or something. Having a checklist would also really help for trigger warnings and stuff, so individual creators wouldn't have to add trigger warnings in a title card at the beginning or something. YouTube kind of does this but there are lots of videos that could use a trigger warning that don't have one, so having it be attached to the checklist would be helpful.
Anyways I'm just brainstorming.
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childish-ish · 4 years
pairing: michael myers x reader
soulmate au; soulmates that make choices for each other.
part two!
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"Bro. I got this bitch ass pimple on my face - what should I do?"
soulmate chooses: let it do it's thing.
"What a bitch. When i meet my soulmate I'm gonna fucking punch 'em in the fucking neck." You sigh, then snicker right after - "If i can even reach them."
Usually, you start off your day with a huge huff of cocaine and a box of Kelloggs™ cereal with the milk with the purple lid. Just kidding! You don't eat Kelloggs, instead, you eat Lucky Charms! Mostly for the marshmellows. Anyways.
You get dressed. Having been naked and looking at yourself in the bathroom mirror, contemplating on whether popping the 3 pimples on your face - one above your eyebrow, very - not visible. Another on your cheekbone - the other on your nose. You popped the one on your nose and washed your face, yesterday, so two pimples.
Anyways. You dress in regular jeans, pull over a plain grey t-shirt over your head, and slip on some socks, then your sneakers, then a hoodie. You checked over yourself and decide you look hot as fuck, and step to your bed, pull off your phone from your charger, shove that bitch in your pocket - and leave.
soulmate chooses: take a bus to school.
"Awh! They care about me <33."
"Hm." You look over the choices you get to pick - buy a donut or have a balanced breakfast.
"Haha!" You laugh, clicking on the 'balanced breakfast'. "Homeboy gonna eat good tonight. Whether they fucking like it or not."
You exit your home, keys in your pocket, and a lollipop in your mouth. You totally forgot to the brush your teeth, but gurgled some mouthwash hoping it would be enough.
You jog towards the bus, enter said bus, and sat next to your friend.
"Hey, kiddo." She waved. Neon pink hair clashed with black hair as it fell over her left blue eye, a major contrast to her paper white skin. She wore a black hoodie with some red symbol, something to do with creepypasta, black pants with large rips, fishnet tights under, and regular ol converse. Red, to be exact. Converse Chucks, to be exact.
"Shut the fuck up, don't call me that." You pull out your phone and lean down, entering your password as the bus begun to move.
"Ah, babygirl, you know that turns me on, aha - " She bites her lip and rubs her hand together like she was rubbing in hand sanitizer.
"Ah, right. I love you."
"Ew." Cheesebird laughed. Some random ass nickname you gave her because she didn't like her name.
soulmate chooses; go to classes
"Ugh." You roll your eyes - had thought about skipping class.
You look over your choices. steal a car, or walk.
Well. You don't want your soulmates feet to hurt.. so. Steal a car.
After the bus pulls up to the school, you exit with Cheesebird. You're a Senior in highschool.
You enter first period. Homeroom.
You sit in your assigned seat, thankfully, next to Cheesebird. You two discreetly passed notes, never getting caught - only once by a substitute.
"Hey, so, i know a neat place to go trick-or-treating. You up for it?" Cheesebird asked, placing her Gir themed backpack next to her feet, under the piss yellow desk -
You shrug. The day carrying on, kind've. You're in fourth period. Gym, when Cheesebird asked you the question again.
"Honestly, I'm thinking of starting in tonight. I have this fucking weird ass bad feeling.." You rub your bare arms, feeling unusually comfortable in the red booty shorts the gym made you wear.
"I can respect that. After i get all my candy, I'm gonna dip over to your house, is that okay?" Cheesebird asked, fiddling with a lollipop stick. She ate the lollipop already, stealing it from someone's backpack because of her soulmates choice - so the stick acted as a candy cigarette of some sort.
"Yeah, that's chill. What are you gonna be?" You swing your legs back and forth. Ankles crashing against the bleachers, giving you a dull pain.
"I'm gonna be a goblin. You know, if i were to guess what you were going to be, you would be a fucking astomi. Cause like, I'm gonna be a goblin.. and you're basically a goblin.. and i don't like talking.. except like, with you." Cheesebird explained awkwardly. She begun to chew on her lollipop stick.
"Yeah, i got it." You chuckle.
soulmate chooses: apple, water, and chicken nuggets.
"Oh, sick." You nodded.
"Oh, did your soulmate choose something? What was chosen your majesty?" Cheesebird asked.
"I got chicken nuggets for lunch. Want them?" You ask, looking over the freshmen that chose to play volleyball on one side, and basketball on the other.
You turn to Cheesebird, watching her eyes peek up.
Her eyes flick to you, and she nods with a smile, "Thanks bro!"
"Ah, yeah." You breathe, "No problem."
You look over your choices. clever or chef's knife.
You make a look, furrowing your eyebrows and jerking your head back slightly before choosing chef's knife.
"Another? What'd you choose?"
"My choices were clever or chef's knife." You tell her with confidence.
"Holy shit - your soulmate is a cooker! Lucky.. mines a fucking idiot."
You snort. "Lucky you.. mine could also be a murderer." You shrug.
"Hot." Cheesebird wiggles her eyebrows at you. "Oh, dude! Remember that guy - Boogeyman of Haddonfield?"
"Dude, they say he escaped some institution! They might cancel Halloween cause of his bitch-ass." Cheesebird rolled her eyes and leaned back.
"Ah, what a fuck. If it actually gets cancelled, you wanna come over and watch some movies? Maybe order some pizza?" You offer.
"Oh fuck yeah man! Thanks." Cheesebird laughed, clapping you on the shoulder once.
"No problem!" You say enthusiastically, punching Cheesebird on her bare upper arm.
"Ow! Fuck.. you whore." Cheesebird sucked in a breath.
You laugh, quieting down and patting ehr on the thigh. "Wanna go to the lockers? It's almost time to go. Like, 15 more minutes.." You say absentmindedly, gazing at the red blinking numbers.
"Oh yeah. Let's go." Cheesebird was ready to hop off. You count down to 3 to 1 and jump off the bleachers with Cheesebird, jogging across the court and entering the locker room.
soulmate chooses: wash face
I didn't even do shit, though? You shrug off the thoughts and get undressed after putting in the combination for your little locker. After shoving your gym clothes into said locker, you pull on your clothes, slipping on your shoes easily and picking up your backpack. You jog over to the bathrooms, go to the nearest sink, and splash your face.
You look up - the choices; grab a water or get a beer.
You choose water. Gotta stay healthy.
You wait by the gym doors for Cheesebird. And, hooray! She comes. Don't take that out of context.
Lunch speeds by. So do your classes. After school, you walk home with Cheesebird and say your goodbyes. You pull out your keys, inserting the key and unlocking the door.
You enter, closing the door behind you. You toss the keys on the stand next to the door and kick off your shoes, throwing off your backpack and jogging to the living room. You recieve a call from your mom. Saying that she was gonna be late. Maybe coming in around midnight or even later.
soulmate chooses: order pizza.
"hey cool."
And, you do just that. You call some pizza place with breadsticks, grab some money from your room and jog back downstairs. You watch Adam Sandler movies while you wait for the pizza.
The doorbell rings after 15 minutes of waiting. You jump up and run to the door. Opening it and seeing a cute pizza boy.
"Thanks." He salutes, recieving a tip from you.
You call back a 'no problem' and shut the door, placing the pizza on the table in front of the couch. You lie down, pulling a blanket over you.
soulmate chooses: take a nap.
You feel so.. tired now. Fuck it. Let's go to sl-
You awake. The T.V. off, lights out, and warm-ish pizza. You were obviously disoriented. You go to pull out your phone from your back pocket once you sit up.
The brightness blinds you - you quickly put it at a lower brightness.
You yawn, vision vlurry before it subsides and you quickly look over your notifications. A text from your mom 'hey honey, gona b stayin l8r than usual luv u'. You smile, rubbing your eyes and holding your phone with one hand.
You stand, flashing your flashlight. You drop your phone - gazing at the large figure in front of you.
"Who.. are you?" You take an anxious step back, you can feel a stream of cold sweat stream down the side of your head - from your temple. It was fucking disgusting. So.. so dark.
You see the glint from his hand - a knife. A knife. A knife. A knife. He has a knife. He has a knife. He has a knife. Run. Go. Run. Go. Go. Through the backdoor. Now. Fucking GO!
You turn on your heel and bolt through the living room and through the kitchen. Why did you even fucking ask that? 'Who are you' - like?? You don't know him, and he's in your house. Like?? You should've just pulled a knife. Just kidding! You would've been too fucking pussy to do that :\
You inhale and exhale heavily - otherwise known as breathing. You were really close to hyperventilating - but somehow, you slow down your breaths as you quietly slip through the backdoor.
All you wanted to do - you sob in your mind, was eat some fucking pizza - you heave, as you shuffle towards the backyard entrance, that lead to the front yard. And maybe watch some fucking pornhub.. all my plans.. ruined.
soulmate chooses: go back inside your house.
You choke. Eyes growing uncomfortably hot, your bottom jaw trembled as you clench your arms, hugging yourself. Was this - this fucking stalker your soulmate?
You did have control of your body as you calmly walk back through the gate. Your eyes well up, tears blurring your vision. You wipe the tears away and wipe them on your hoodie harshly. You trace therock trail that lead around the corner of your home.
You enter through the backdoor. Closing it behind you gently. You huff, and turn around.
You immediately make eye contact with large breasts that were covered by a dark blue fabric. A zipper in the middle and a single pocket.
"So.." You begin; voice cracking. You feel your face grow hot out of embarrassment. After clearing your throat and looking into the black holes of the mask that mocked a human face, covering the whole ass fuckin head of the tall, buff male, you instantly feel small. You rub your hands together, clenching your hoodie in your hands now.
"Uh.. what's uh - what's your name?" You come to a realization of how fucking stupid that was. Asking a large scary man what his name was - he's your soulmate! A part of you pleaded for some reason. Anyways, we live for the confidence.
You gawk at the man - wasn't he "Michael Myers? Killed - killed.. four teens back in -" you couldn't remember the year. All you could honestly think about the man that was looming over you threateningly. Where the FUCK was your mom?!?
He painstakingly slowly brought up a hand, and dropped it onto your shoulder. You feel tears well up in your eyes once more as you shake under his hold.
"H - hey.. aren't we uh.. soulmates? Sh - should you really be h - HOLDING me that tight?!" You squeak, now trying to pull away. "I'm - not fucking going anywhere - "
The Boogeyman brought up his other hand and let the hand fall on your other shoulder, the hold gradually getting tighter.
You could barely see his actual eyes, due to the not-so-bright moonlight. Despite this, you see some irises..
"I - i.. I go to school.. " You blurt, "I - I have a f - family."
He didn't respond. You get anxious quite quickly due to the circumstances. You feel your eyes well up as he fucking gripe you tighter before picking you up and throwing you over your shoulder like a dead body. His actions were clear - they said 'you aren't fucking getting away'.
He held you with one arm, caging you in over his shoulder. You sob softly, but couldn't help but admire his nice ass as he walked towards the front door.
what's to become of me?
You thought. You couldn't scream - could you?
You couldn't believe you missed Halloween for this shit. You could still see some kids - they would probably run away due to their fragility.
Fuck this. We are not fucking dying. We're soulmates. But what kind of fucking soulmates does this shit? I wish my soulmate was Adam Sandler.
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michael: you the bitch thats been making HEALTHY decisions for me??
you: no..?
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Title: Just Gotta Stay Calm
Word Count: 3966
Fandom: Gravedale High
Ship/Pairing: Vinnie Stoker/Reggie Moonshroud
Tags: First Dates, Vampire Family, Tradition, Awkward Crush, Vampire Boyfriend, Werewolf Boyfriend, First Kiss, Dorks in Love, Awkward Dates, Boys in Love, Friendship/Love
Warnings: First Works of the fandom, swearing(small), awkward, fluff
Vinnie let in a breath as he examines himself in the special vampire mirror on his bedroom wall. He quietly checks every inch of his face closely before opening his mouth to check his fangs.
Good, He thought with a charming grin to himself. No pimples, no stuff in my teeth, no flaws in sight.  Vinnie went to his dresser and takes out some cologne he bought specifically for today, a scent of calming forest rain, and sprayed some on his neck and a little bit in his shirt. Not a lot just the basic stuff to seem simple and posh.
Vinnie and Reggie are finally getting themselves a date.  A real, really real, true date.  Just the two of them.  And Vinnie could be more happier then this moment!
Vinnie has been meaning to ask his best friend out for quite some time, since the first moment he noticed his feelings were a bit more then platonic bashful moths in his chest and stomach actually.  It took him a total of two full months to completely wrap his head around the fact that he - Vincent "Vinnie" Stoker - was wings over heels in love with the world's one and only Reggie Moonshroud.  However, it took him nearly a YEAR to get up all the courage to ask the boy out. Honestly, if it weren't for his friends this day might've never happened.
The young vampire left his bedroom and hurries down his stairs, only to be stopped by the voice of his old man, "Vincent, can you come here please?" Vinnie let out a silent shutter as he mentally cursed himself.
He slowly turned his body fully towards the older vampire sitting in his velvet chair with a pipe in between his lips, small puffs of the smoke emerging out the ends. The teen slowly walked over. "Y-Yea pops?" His voice rarely stammers when speaking, hasn't since he was in the 6th grade, at least not when he nervous beyond his wits like when he tried to get the chance to ask Reggie out and plan out what to do on said date.
"Are you going to go on your date soon?" Asked Mr. Stoker. Vinnie nods some in reply, his hands fumbling into his jacket's pockets. This was not what he wanted to do.  The older vampire stood up from his chair, pipe still puffing out smoke, his eyes focus out the window of the chilly autumn gray skies. He takes a puff before continuing, "I want to give you some simple advice for your first date Vincent. Vampire to vampire." Vinnie practically shrunk his head down into his coat's collar.
Defiantly not what he wanted to do. . .
"That's okay pops, I got it covered-" He began as he slowly creeped his way to the front door. "The year was 1880. . ."  Vinnie bite back a groan, knowing very well that once his dad starts it's hard to stop him.  "I was simply a beginning apprentice to the one and only Dracula. Mostly paper work and long mornings. I thought I had everything cut out for me, a great job and nice home, until I realized I was missing something important when I first saw your mother wandering through the local cemetery." Mr. Stoker smiles fondly as he light strokes his black beard. "She is my first and only love as I'm sure you know. And it took me decades to ask her on a single date, I feared she might not want a simple vampire apprentice who barely knows how to turn into a bat, but alas she surprise me with a yes."  Vinnie nods, "Yeah yeah I know. And you two spent many years together, got married, had two kids, and lived happily ever after. Dad, I know the story pretty well you know."
He didn't mean to interrupt his father's tale, he just already has his nerves up through the roof and he just want to hurry for the plans.  His father turned and looked at his son right in the eyes as he spoke, "I know you do. I'm just trying to tell you that last night I was certain to give you some advice for your date, a vampire tradition my father gave me as his father gave him and his father so forth. I know you're nervous and it's perfectly natural. Just remember, be courteous. Be engaging. And above all, have a plan." Vinnie nodded. "Don't worry pops, I got it covered. Now can I go and do the date itself?" He asked the older vampire, who nodded to his please. He didn't wait any few seconds to open the front door and flying off with a snap.
This will go well, He thought to himself as he feels the wind go through his black hair. Reggie will enjoy the date I have planned for us. This is a piece of blood orange pie. Vinnie smiled as he spaces out on today's plans. Slowly, though, his brain began to swim to a memory of when he got the nerves to finally make that choice he's been walking back and forth on. . .
~   ~   ~
Vinnie taps the heels of his shoe onto the cold hard floor of the school's classroom as he watches the clock tic away, his eyes going to the clock and to the werewolf just a desk away from him.  Today was the day, Vinnie told himself throughout the hours. Today I'm going to do it.  As if proving his luck, the bell rings out around the school, signalling everyone to grab their stuff and hurry the Hell out of there for the weekend.  Vinnie stood onto his feet, catching Gil and Sid giving him a thumbs up as they run out the classroom, and looks over at Reggie who is still putting his stuff away.
The vampire took a breath in and walked his way over to the red head's desk, his feet feeling kind of heavy as he gets closer. Be cool Vinnie, just do it. "Hey Reg." His voice called out suddenly, the rest of his body slowly just going with the flow.  Reggie turned his head and smiled up at his friend. "Hey there Vinnie. You usually are gone by now, is Mr. Schneider Sir seeing you after class again?" He asked as he puts his books away in his bag. Vinnie smiles warmly, he enjoys Reggie's voice. The way his small lisp happens between the small gap of the front of his teeth.  The way his voice cracks sometimes in the right moments. Just generally how comforting it is...
The vampire quickly shook his head when he finally notices Reggie is standing up and looking at him with cocoa brown eyes that warm up Vinnie's dead chest, "No no. I just wanted to know...if...um...i-if you don't mind me asking...I uh..."  "Yes Vinnie?" Reggie pressed on. Honestly, it's like he knows what he's doing to me. Vinnie took a gulp from his dry mouth before he spoke a retry, "I just wanted to know...if...if...well...if you're free this weekend? Maybe...we could...go out?" He didn't know if he sounded needy or not but he didn't care, he finally said it!
Reggie blinked a few times before replying, "Of course we can hang out Vin. We often times do already."  "No, Reggie, I meant...go out...like a...date...?" Vinnie was so scared to look at Reggie in the face yet he has to in order to watch his reaction.  And boy was it a reaction... His cute wolf ears were perked down in a way his shyness shows, hard to tell but behind that fur his cheeks were very rosey and red, just looking at him gave Vinnie so much heat on his face he for sure thought he was going to die.
~    ~     ~
Vinnie chuckled softly when Reggie's face on that day came to mind.
Well, yeah, the reply was a day late but nevertheless he said yes.  And the day has finally came.
Vinnie soon landed at Reggie's place, a pretty big home of four stories with a even bigger yard surrounded it of 6 aches each side. He knew Reggie's family owned a big home for such a big family but he honestly wasn't expecting something so... human dream life. A white picket fence wrapping around the areas of land, green grass in perfect height, the house painted in a nice paint of soft blue with the windows having a white coat to the edges, a cute porch sticking out from the big dark brown oak made front door, and to fit so perfectly a nice little porch swing with a small coffee table.  In all honesty neither Vinnie nor Reggie been to each others' houses despite being friends for years. Always staying at the dorms the school gave them for half the week.
The vampire slowly made his way to the porch and gently pulled the rope that rings the door bell loudly it echos around him and to the forest not far from the house itself. He tripled checked in his head the plans of the date as he waits a few seconds before the door opened and Reggie's head popped into view. "Hey Vinnie." Reggie said with a smile and opened the door already for him to step out. "Hey there Reg-" Vinnie nearly chocked on his words upon seeing Reggie. He wasn't wearing anything out of his comfort zone but something Vinnie was expecting obviously... Let alone something his heart was ready for.  There standing in front of him with the shine of the afternoon sun glimmering a special effect through the tree leafs Reggie wearing a typical white button-down shirt and well ironed dress pants but wears also a well knitted beige and blood red pattern pullover sweater vest and a black Letterman jacket with a big red R stitched to his chest's right side, his hair combed in a messy side bangs style to the left side of his face. Honestly, Vinnie doesn't know if this was more cute or sexy and he was pretty scared of both.  "I-I could change if you want..." Reggie stated, snapping Vinnie out of his daze to realize he's been staring holes into the poor werewolf. "No no you're okay Reg. Just uh...caught me off guard is all. It's cool." Vinnie spoke up with his hands up in defense.
Reggie giggles some, causes Vinnie's undead heart to for sure jumble in beats like a drum.
The first stop of this little date for the two monsters was a nice little fly over the town to the date's main destination. Reggie clings to Vinnie from behind, his face so close to his their cheeks are barely touching softly, his eyes watching the town below them. "Gee Vinnie, this is beautiful." He whispered but Vinnie heard it very well, his warm breath gently dancing across Vinnie's ear, his cheeks warming up in a soft shade of pink, a smile appearing on the vampire's lips. If anything, if he had a chance to say it, Reggie was the most beautiful thing to Vinnie's eyes. Though as a sad as it had pained him he knew he would crash into something if he doesn't focus.
His eyes scanned around the area before carefully landing in front of a cafe looking place. Reggie looked around the place when he climbed down from the vampire's back as he tucked in his wings. "Um... Vinnie." Reggie mumbled softly as he dragged his feet closer to Vinnie. Vinnie let out a hum, "Yeah Reg?" "Correct me if I'm wrong but this is a human cafe is it not?" Indeed it was.  "Yeah. I figured to have a nice bite here for a change." "True it's just... don't you rather want to go to Ms. White's Diner? It's one of your favorites right?" Vinnie had to fight back the urge of going to his favorite 50's diner and share a monster shake with Reggie, he had a plan and he's sticking to it. He gently takes his paw and said, "This is just as good Reg, promise. Plus they serve your favorite here. Trust me."  Reggie looked at the place and at Vinnie, seemed to be small on numbers of humans... So it could be okay right?
The two monsters entered the cafe and walked it's way to a table right in the center. The place was nice, clean, quiet, cute, and had a nice nature aesthetic with potted plants hanging from the ceiling and the smell of coffee and tea with some sweets filling your sense of smell. "This place is nice." Reggie said, his eyes focused on every little detail around him.  The V-Man couldn't help but smile proudly, the date's going so well so far.
A waiter walks over to their table with a notepad and spoke to the two teenage monsters, "Afternoon gentlemen. What can I get you for drinks?" Vinnie opened the menu.  "I'd like a black coffee with a side of milk creamer."  The waiter nodded and looked at Reggie waiting for his answer.  The werewolf quietly looked through the menu, his eyes widening like space saucers. "O-Oh my...Um...w-water would be fine..."  The waiter wrote the orders down before hurrying to the back.  Reggie looked at Vinnie with a raised brow, "This place is expensive Vinnie. They don't even serve your favorite drinks here. And I think you need it, you look ill..."
Vinnie knew Reggie was worried, he can hear it in his voice, but he can't simply explain it... Since the night before last he hasn't had a drop of blood to nibble a sip from due to how stressed and nervous he was getting over asking Reggie out and planning out this perfect date. Black coffee was the best he could get to that bitter goodness. And if not, the creamer would do the trick.  Still, he knew he can't say all that to Reggie, not to seem not cool in front of his crush but also because he doesn't want the werewolf to feel bad or blame himself. Instead he just smiles his traditional smile and leaned back in his chair as he coats his voice with soothing calmness, "It's fine Reg. Everything fine actually. I just... had a big batch during breakfast and need the coffee here is good as I'm told. Plus, the money, don't worry. I got it covered." He finishes with a wink and another smile which caused Reggie's shoulders to calm down slightly.
After a few more seconds the waiter returned with their drinks and a notepad still in hand, "Here is your black coffee with a side of milk creamer and your glass of water sirs. May I interest you into something to eat?" Vinnie glances at the man's meaty neck and silently licked his fang out of sights, his brain wracking him inside his skull to try and not accept the urge to chomp down onto that neck and drink up. His hand quickly grabbed the coffee cup as soon as it was set and took a big gulp of it. Bitter. Not as bitter but still helps a little. He thought, feeling his nerves calm down a bit more.  He glances over at Reggie and smiles, "Why don't you order first? I'll follow after."  Reggie fixes his glasses and looked over the menu, a few times his eyes peeking at Vinnie as if asking for his help. "G-Gee...there's a lot of good options... Um..." He pondered out loud, Vinnie could see the human tapping his pen in a annoyance type manner. He bite down on his bottom lip some to fight back his new urge to range his neck.  Before the urge could happen for real, Reggie's voice rang out to Vinnie's ears, "I-I guess I can have the Pea & Carrot Soup with the Greek Salad as the side?"  "And you sir?" Vinnie had to remember how to talk before he took a quick glance at the menu before blurting out his order, "I'd like a French Onion Soup." And like before the man walked away after writing the orders down.
Vinnie noticed Reggie seemed more awkward and fidgety then his usual form.  "Everything alright Reg?" Vinnie asked, his voice truly worried. He truly is worried for Reggie. Maybe he caught that waiter's rudeness towards them because of their race? Maybe it's the fact it's clearly two boys out doing things beyond friends? The vampire's head is just about to explode over the thoughts on what could be wrong with his Reggie- My Reggie? Vinnie thought of having Reggie of his very own before... I mean it did sound nice to him but would Reggie be down to being...
Reggie softly shook his head with a mumbled, "It's nothing, really..." But Vinnie knew something's been bothering his pal. Maybe... Vinnie felt sick thinking this, Maybe he's not comfortable being on a date with me... Before he knew it the food had arrived but the two didn't seem in the mood to enjoy it... Vinnie gulped down the rest of his coffee and stared down at his dish.
Great, my nerves are all over the place now and Reggie ain't having a good time... He thought as he watched Reggie gently nibble on his soup and salad, the two barely having one or two small conversations. This date is going terrible...
The two left the cafe quietly and quickly after paying for the bill. The two were still pretty silent. Reggie broke this awkward pause in the air with a smile, "The food was pretty good Vinnie." Vinnie doesn't reply. "Vinnie..?" Suddenly, the second monster on this date let out a groan like sigh before slumping his body down a grass area in the side walk, "That stupid waiter! 50 bucks and all he had to do is make it nice!"
Reggie tilt his head at this and quietly asked, "What do you mean...?"  There was a pause when Vinnie looked away with no answer, causing it to click to the smarter of the two.  "Vinnie Stoker, did you pay a human waiter for our date?"  Vinnie sighed, "Not just paid Reggie, I paid the guy $50 to hold off any other reservations so it can be just us... I know you don't like really crowded places but that guy ruined it. I wasted 50 from my allowance just to have a guy be rude to you." Vinnie covered his face with his palms. "I'm sorry Reg...I really am..." Surprising Vinnie, Reggie grabbed his hand and pulls him up before guiding him somewhere.
"Hey Reg, where we going?" He asked, but his question fell on deaf ears as the werewolf still guided him silently.  Suddenly the vampire began to feel a new kind of nervous. Was Reggie mad? Was he going to yell at him for bribing a human? Does he know he hasn't been drinking his daily sips of blood?  He felt sick at the ideas of any of those being true and he blew this date... His one chance... And he blew it major time... There might not even be a second chance in this... "Look Reg..." Vinnie started, hanging his head low in shame. Reggie stopped him, "You didn't have to do any of that Vinnie. I would be perfectly fine going to any place we usual go."  Vinnie did not want this date to be ruined. He did not want his friendship to be tainted. All Vinnie wanted to do was do what he planned, even if it was sudden...
"I like you Reggie!"
Reggie stopped suddenly and whipped his head around so fast he must've felt dizzy.  No turning back now huh? Vinnie thought, taking a deep breath in, "I've always liked you Reg... And I mean really like you... Like...Like... I always get happy in the mornings because I get a chance to be near you at school, it's the only reason why I don't ditch as often. And when you're not there I feel sad...so sad I feel sick... I often re-read the messages we send back and forth after school because I miss talking to you that much... A-And that time when I was running for School President and you were helping me... Reggie, I felt so happy just being around you...seeing you so happy at what you were doing... I know this isn't stuff you want to hear instead of a apology...but I swear to you it's truer then true Reggie... I really like you... I've liked you for so long...I don't know when but I know when I figured it out... when you were fallin from the sky and I was running to you... All that's been runnin' around my head was "I can't let him go"... Reggie... you matter to me so much the idea of you not here with me is killing me..."
Vinnie was so scared to look up at his friend, scared he made it worst... "I just...I know this date ended up bad... but I-" Vinnie's words were cut short when he lifted his head to finally face his nerves, quickly his lips were covered by the soft fur of Reggie's lips.  The teen vampire felt his undead heart beat for miles and miles as every second slowly passes by between them, his eyes widen more then the usual wide but slowly his body began to melt by the warmth of Reggie's lips and they slowly blinked to a close while his lips push pressure back into the kiss.
The kiss lasted about a extra minute before the two pulled away, Vinnie's ears catching a soft small puppy like whine coming from deep back within Reggie's neck. "You like my lips that much Reg?" Vinne asked with a tease in his voice, smiling more when see that same expression of bashfulness Vinnie witness when he asked Reggie out in the first place. "Okay, I'm sorry... does...this mean you like me too...?" He asked, hopeful of his words being a positive. Reggie giggles softly, "Of course it means I like you Vinnie... Why else would I agree to go on a date and kiss you?" Vinnie felt stupid asking such a obvious question.  "And...why else would I do this?" After Reggie said that, he guided Vinnie again towards a secret spot. A nice little isolated hill spot overlooking the entire town and beach. Reggie...planned this? The vampire looked at Reggie in disbelief, now noticing the blush fur on his cheeks. "I... I like you too Vinnie... A lot... I've always had felt it too but that day when you risked everything just for me was when I realize it was more then a simple crush... And I wanted to show you how I felt since then...but I was too chicken to even bring it up in conversation... So, when you asked me out, I was nervous that I might miss my shot...so..." "So you ended up setting this up?"  Reggie nodded some, his bangs sweeping over his warm brown eyes in a cute shy manner.
Vinnie smiles softly and wrapped his arms around Reggie's frame, his lips lightly touching a small peck on his cheek. Sure, this wasn't the date I had planned... Reggie giggles and gently sat on the grass, Vinnie following after. The sun was just about going darker as the stars began to appear above them like candles they used to have lit from their old fears of the unknown... Vinnie could help but smile when seeing Reggie's happy face when he cuddles into him.  But I honestly couldn't ask for anything better.
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