#don't really carw for the other ones
adamcytryn · 10 months
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Some oc drawings :3
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pettydisco · 1 year
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cogbreath · 3 months
i read your recent posts and idk if i can help but i hope youre alright 😢💖
things arwnt alright rifht now
what might happen is after this it will go back to stagnation which i know is not a form of safety either but its the best that can be offerwd to us at this moment
lately we are trying to make money to have something it's not super bleak but this is still really some awful stuff that nobody should go through
my mom said some days ago if she didnt allow him to "save her life" that i probbalt wouldnt be here neither woild she
i cant feel graditude for it
i want to believe that there is a universe without him where i still lived and she still lived
i wonder if life is worth all this
it probably has to be right
but its hard to cope knowing that life comes at the cost of severe repeated trauma
i dont mind too much thst ill never be mentally stable or healthy
those cards were dealt half in the womb and the other before i could resist it
its made me who i am and i do love who i am
i just don't understand the point of the game i dont understand why i have to play the role that i do and how its beneficial surely it cant be
my enforced passivity cant possibly prevent anything truly
she says if we kick him out hed get worse and try to hurt us badly
that cant happen
someone would do something surely
our neighbors carw about us
one just brought us ice and food because of the current circumstances
its a smal gesture and its notjing that i need personally but it still has me tearing up
people online even care greatly such as yourself and others
tjis doesnt really end on any kind of note judt running rjougjts but thank you
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uncloseted · 5 months
i feel like no one cares about. its always me making plans and checking up on people. they are nice and agree and we have a nice time but it feels like no one tries except for me andit makes me feel like im not anyones priority and no onethinks about me
the only way it feels like ppl reach out if i dislike them a bit so im just politely distanced. why do when i carw about ppl i do more?
It's hard to be the person that initiates for sure. I think sometimes, people get used to one of their friends being the initiator, and so it just doesn't occur to them that sometimes it would be nice for that to be reciprocated. I also think that in the past few years, people have gotten much worse at initiating real-life plans, and for a lot of people, they just won't consider leaving the house unless someone else initiates. All of that sucks as the person who does the initiating, but my point is just that I don't think it's necessarily personal or a reflection of how much other people care about you. At the same time, I think it's normal to feel hurt or ignored when you're the only person that's initiating, even if you know that it's not really about you. And so it may be worth telling your friends how you feel, since it's possible that they don't even realize that you're feeling like they don't care about you. Communication is always the best first step when there are problems in friendships, even when it's hard.
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cpunkbubby · 1 year
10 & 11 & 22 & 31 :3 - dave
Multigender Ask Game
10) Do you have any analogies you use to describe your genders?
My gender is the sun & the undead & an abandoned house . My gender is multiple boxes stacked up high in an attic somewhere. My gender is a 400 hour music playlist put on shuffle.
11) Describe your ideal gender presentation, or physical form.
i want to be a shapeshifter 2 change how i look. I cant decide what my "ideal gender presentation/physical form" is bcuz it changes consistantly. I want to look like a rotting zombie but other times I wanna look like a little puppy. & then OTHER times i want to be a tentacle monster. I want a tail & wings & fangs & claws & sometimes at the same time & other times not. I dont KNOW !!!
When I first saw Hastur from Identity V like 1 years ago, I realised: oh my god. That's my ideal presentation.
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In normal human ways though: I am femme & enjoy being femme. & obviously, femme doesn't just mean physical presentation through clothes, but also I love dresses and skirts and doing makeup. I don't know if I want to go on T anymore, but I do want top surgery (I don't want to bind though). If it was possible, I'd love to have no genitals as I am angential, but unfortunately that's not possible so I'm fine with my vagina. I GUESS. I don't want it, but also I don't want a penis so I guess the middle ground is do nothing and ignore it forever. I want 2 million piercings & i wish my hair was both long & short at the same time.
I find it hard answering "what's your ideal gender presentation" because I don't associate any presentation to my gender? I also don't have a presentation I'm like "YES THAT'S THE ONE I WANT!", I just do whatever.
I think it's. Probably because I am nonhuman NAHDKSN
22) What multigender-related pride flag do you like the most?
I DON'T REALLY USE FLAGS LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. My flag is just... the rainbow one. So, I guess that one?
31) Free space! Share anything you would like about your multigender experience.
I've seen people talk about how hoarding genders can lead to you feeling like you need to find the most "perfect" label or lead to you feeling overwhelmed or more confused about your gender, but being multigender and hoarding terms has helped me.
I feel like knowing that I have multiple genders makes me feel more comfortable if I find a better label that fits me or realise I'm not actually [blank gender]. I understand my gender on a much more than I would have if I never collected genders. & I don't feel like I'm... "scrutinising" my gender or anything, or "worrying" about it too much (if anything I don't actually carw about it at all).
Obviously, everyone has different experiences, but knowing I'm multigender & using a million terms has helped me.
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catchmewjsn · 3 years
Ok so idk don't read if you didn't watch taxi driver and want to, or maybe read if you wanna know what's there
#actually i typed a long post but decided to delete and post in the tags bc if anything crrates discussion (doubt it but well) i wont have#time to reply and im in tired mood so... also i dont want to have this big wall of text#it probably wont show in the tags bc it will be long as hell anyway#so idk i feel like enjoy the show anyway especially lee jehoon parts and teh fond familg between the taxi team(idk aboit the head of it tho#like i dont like overreacting acting but his acting doesn't bother me.. i also (it's an unpopular opinion apparently) like the prosecutor#i know she doesn't get a lot of screentime but i enjoy her appearances and the way she talks to ppl and her persistence#and all the disgusting trash ppl there are really annoying#disturbing even.. i really like the ones that are taken carw of during the revenge 'cases' also i like how theyw ait with the revenge and w#can see more and literally get more and more frustrated with eebry second..plus its not just like murders etc were dealing with other thing#but then there comes so many things that are ridiculous and idk.. thats half of them are probably me being oversensitive too lately but som#are easy to ignore and some less easy..; like first of all idk whats with that small 'private' prison.. like i do know but also the way idk#how it will get taken care of in the show is bothering me?? the humans there are all disgusting but the way they show it is sometimes reall#??? i feel its sometimes just there to make viewers uncomfortable or idk satisfy something..usually i just feel like its only the first guy#also the way they deal with serious topics but sometimes i feel like the contrast between it and some literally comedic content is weirdly#big?#ofc there is also a big amount of ridiculous content and the way they do everything exactly the wy for the prosecutor team to almoar 'see'#them sksjs#plus the beating soemtimes to me feels like irs violent for sosm weird purposes? like i want them to be punished im here for the revenge bu#sometimes idk.. i dont really mind it tbh but sometimes im like..okay? the beating is needed but the way its shown sometimes (i don't reall#focus THAT much) is soemtimes wierd to me#oh plus the way doki bests them all up at one dkdjd lmao plus gets up after being smashed but like i said these are the parts that are supe#easy to ignore ofc bc who thought it wouldn't be like this?#the music is great btw#not me editing this twenty minutes later like someone reads it..but someone said irs knight rider reference and im here like 😶#alao the backstory of goeun ans her sister broke me to pieces tbh...#me talking about the beating: sometimes weird sometimes LMAO KSHSK#also i do know im complaining about some things that are like.. supposed to be in there like the comic relief (i just sometimes find the#constrast disturbing to ME) or doki beating them all alone etc skdjd IK IDC
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sheluma · 2 years
Headcanons/Thoughts on Final Fantasy XIV Races
I was going to make a little intro passage about summarizing about how I love the character creation and the races, but I'm impatient as heck to do that. SO LET'S JUST JUMP IN!
(The catgirls/catboys)
I honestly wish these guys leaned more into the cat features: for example, the male Miqo'tes have those markings beside their nose. What if we have given make-up/ tattoos just for their races?
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See how there's white under their eyes— kinda like eyeliner; something like would be cool! Although, I don't know if there's already something like that in the tattoo section...
There's another thing for this race( and honestly other races) is to have an opinion for vitiligo.
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There's so many people in the world with vitiligo, so why not? Oooooh, also— you know how these cats have all these designs in their coats? What if, we could put that on the Miqo'tes. It would be on their ears and tail, but extra points if it can bleed into their hair.
Last thing, the marking on the guys: it would be really, really cool if we can control how dark it is. Also... to allow us to put that one the girls too😢.
( The potatoes)
I really only have two ideas. One, what if they're closer in relations with Elezens than Hyurs; two, there's a chance of any race to have a Lalafell kid. Ok, ok, ok— I know the last one is really out there, BUT HEAR ME OUT! I am, however, givinf y'all a heads-up: I am no gene-wise, so most of what I say will sound like bullshit. Which, in all honesty, probably is.
So, for that to be possible, that would mean Lalafells share a common gene among everyone. With how I thinking, it's probably a rare recessive gene. Moving on— the idea is that any race can have a Lalafell baby, but there is a twist. That being the baby will share racial features of the parents.
If they don't share a race, then the baby will favor either the mom or dad. I got that idea from this FF14 theory video by The Eorzean Archive— y'all should check them out!
They have excellent videos on looking on the world of 14. They're definitely better than me coming with a theories; I'm literally duck-taping ideas together🤣!
The idea of Elezern and Lalafell being closer in relations than Hyur is another one of my duck-tape idea. It's really just me looking at the two races and go, "hey! They have long ears!" It's just— to me— it easier to make that connection to Lalafell due to that: besides, Hyur really only get connected to their round ears and hight. If that's really at that takes, then the roes should be connected.
Au Ra
(How to Train your Dragon)
While cutting close to Lalafells, these little lizards are my favorite! I only have to things in mind when I think about these guys: child-development and skincare...scalecare?Look, look, look— the skincare is kinda random, but when you get into skincare (or at least enough to take care of your own), then y'all wounder too! Do they have to take carw of their scale like skin?
There seriously can be a whole line of beauty care for just their scales! Is your scale oily, dry, or is it just not getting that shine you want? Dude— ache. Imagine, how bad it hurts, if they get one in-between a scale. Ouch.
So, the child-development is mostly focusing on the growth of their horns. Thank to StormBlood, we know they have them in, what looks like, 7-10 years old.
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I just wounder if they have their horn from birth, which ouch— again. Their mothers will probably never recover.
What if they're like deers: they just grow as Au Ra ag5e? That one seems pretty close. Those things probably hurt like wisdom teeth, but longer. There's also the scales, but I can 80% see they're born with them. It's kinda hard and, not to mention, painful if not.
But yeah! That's pretty everything; I hope it's not boring as I think it is... or too long. Which, it probably is😅.
Side note: I own none of these pics, found them through google. I didn't look for links— whoops. I might make another post like this, if there's people interested.
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notdazuzu · 6 years
Hey, I know how that feels, when no one responds, when no one cares. I know that feeling. But you can't give up on everything, okay? There's still hope, if those people didn't care, then you shouldn't bother with them. Try to make new friends, real friends who will actually care about you. You're amazing, just know that. I don't really know ya personally, but I care, even if we don't message each other. You seem like a really nice person, and I'm sorry people don't seem to care about you...
But I can't find anyone wjp carws
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ampmarie18-blog · 7 years
Blog #2
Letter to our parents
1. Maria Benedicta Benito
Dear Mama and Papa,
I know that you know that I love the both of you in different ways. You both work hard to support me in my studies. You've been always there for me whenever I need you the most even I disobey your rules sometimes. I know both of your sacrifices and I'm really sorry mama and papa because I can't do anything else more than those of all sacrifices that you've done for me. You have loved me for who I am and I'm greatly sorry about that because I know that my love for both of you is still not enough to fill all your love to me. You both have done everything to me but I didn't even done a half of that everything. I'm thankful that God had given me a parents who will always support me and guide all through way. Even though you both quite strict to me and overprotective but still I love you mama and papa. I hope both of your love to me will never last.
The only bb in your life,
Maria Bendicta Benito (Mar) 💖
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2. Amparo Marie Bernas
Dear Mom and Dad,
I would like you to know that I appreciate the help and support you have showered on me when I was a child. With your teachings and principles, you have indeed made a difference in my life. I remember how you taught my lessons and spent sleepless nights when I was sick. There are times that I needed your unconditional hugs, your presence at every school event I participated in, and the way you encouraged me to learn things are the special memories that I will always treasure. Mom and Dad, I would like to convey my heartfelt gratitude to you for teaching me what is good and what is not. You made me understand how to grow up with others and feel from them even when they may not belong to my family. You were the first to let me know how to share and carw for others, and I continue to share my blessings with the people around me. I would further say that you have given me the sweetest memories that make me feel homesick, and I understand that I was indeed loved and treasured. I have often misunderstood your intentions wen I was younger, but I am aware now that you did everything for my good. I hope this letter finds you in the best of your health and I once again thank you for giving me those precious memories of my life, which I shall cherish forever, I promise I will study hard to make you proud.
With love and respect,
Amparo Marie Bernas (Ampy) 💖
(P.S- I don't have a pic with my mom and dad so incase you don't know I am the one at the center wearing a bracelet.😁😁)
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3. Lonelle Alexandra Dadios
Dear Mama and Papa
Thank you for your kindness, love, care, and help. You are my guide, savior,and my teacher. You taught me from what is right and what is wrong, you are my hero when i have difdicult problems,you always guide me to my daily lives. I know that you know that i am the most hardheaded, lazy and above all maldita. Even though i am that kind of person i still love you with all my heart. I promise to you always, that i will give all of my love, care, and help like you did. I will always love you until the end.
Yours truly,
Lonelle Alexandra Dadios (Alexa) 💖
4. Caryl Anne Yvonne Gaylon
Dear Mama and Papa,
There are not enough words to describe how thankful I am to the both of you.I know that I don't show how grateful I am enough,but I really am.You both have taught me so much,and being apart from the two of you has made me realize how much you both mean to me.I am really sorry for the things that I have done wrong that I made you feel hurt and disappointed.Thank you for your patience and understanding to me even though we argue and have misunderstanding with each other.Thank you for your endless amounts of love,even when I probably don't deserve it.Thank you for all your support,no matter what;for listening to me when I cry on the phone,no matter what time of day,and no matter what reason;for listening to me rant,ramble,or just talk at you over the phone;for knocking so me sense into me when I'm acting rash;for the meals,presents,and everything in between;for making me so happy;and for all the advice,even when I don't take it.I know that you'll always be right.Working so hard to be able to send me to school.That means the absolute world to me,and for that,I will never be able to repay you.Most importantly,thank you for giving me the life every child deserves,and being such wonderful parents.Thank you for always being there for me.Without the two of you,I don't know where I would be.I realize I do not thank you enough for everything.And for that,I apologize.If I have learned anything while being away from you,it is that you are the most important people in my life,and I love you both more than anything.
So,Mama and Papa thank you for everything and I promise that I will always work hard to make you proud.
Your lovely daughter,
Caryl Anne Yvonne Gaylon (Kaye) 💖
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5. Ericka Faye Gil
Dear Papa & Mama,
For all the sacrifices and efforts you've given and done, I want to say thank you. I know I've been a naughty brat when I was little and is still a headache to you both. Even do I act childish and amateur sometimes, thank you for your patience, support and for the unconditional love. For always cheering me up in times of trouble. Keeping my spirit high when I'm down. For always backing me up and for always being here at my side. For the never ending lectures and discipline which molds me to be the person I am now. A loving and God fearing family. My family. The one I am most proud of. I know that you've sacrifices alot just to secure a good future for me and ate. You've always tried to give us the best. Securing and planning whats best for us and for whats lies ahead. When we go to store, you always bought things for us, prioritizing us, over yourselves.I can see that through ups and down, our family is solid and united. Your love is unconditional, pure, loyal and true. When time comes I promise, I will give back unto you and. I will work hard on my studies and do my best so that all the effort and sacrifices youve made will not be wasted. I promise, study first before anything else. Love you pa and ma. Thank you for everything and sorry for all the troubles and headache I cause you. I love you all. Take care always mwuahugssss.
Your daughter,
Ericka Faye Gil (Honey) 💖
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6. Shannen Phoebe Sedigo
Dear Mother,
I would like to show my love and gratitude for you through this simple letter. Thank you for everything that you have done especially for all the sacrifices that you have endured for me. Thank you for all the things that you have given to me despite of my attitude. Those things are priceless and irreplaceable. Thank you for the unconditional love and endless care you've made me feel. Thank you for the moments we've shared--happy and sad moments. I'll keep those moments in my heart until my last breath. Making this letter of gratitude can't sum up how much I am really grateful to you and to God for giving me a loving, pretty and a petite mother like you. Sorry for all the shortcomings that I've done. Sorry for being a headache for you. Sorry if I'm one of the reasons why you're sad. Sorry if I don't listen to you sometimes. Sorry for being the cause of your problems. Sorry for all the wrong things I've done. Maybe I was not able to write down all my mistakes and shortcomings on this letter but I just really want to ask an apology for all the things that I've done and I also like to ask for your forgiveness. I admit that I've committed a lot of mistakes and some of them are intentional. We've been through a lot. We've faced a lot of problems, circumstances, and calamities. We've experienced a lot of downfalls. Despite all of this, we're still here, standing firm. Let me say this to you, I may not be able to stay at your side forever but I promise to be with you until my last breath. I will be with you through thick and thin, in sickness and in health. My dedication song for you is "Grow old with you" and "Salamat". I love you from the bottom of my heart. I love you today, I loved you yesterday, I will love you tomorrow and for the rest of my life. Papa may not be physically here but I know that he's spiritually present and is watching over us just like our guardian angel. I just want you to be happy. I want to see those beautiful smiles on your lips especially if I'm the reason behind. I want you to have longlife and good health. I also want you to feel loved and welcomed by everyone around you. All the achievements I gained in school is all for you and for God. I really couldn't ask for more. Thank you, sorry and I love you!
Shannen Phoebe Sedigo (Shang) 💖
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