#don't tell me they needed to strip him down to build him back up. Thor went through that in Thor 1 and it was respectful
maple-seed · 2 years
Thrown - Chapter 12: Any Port in a Storm
Summary: Loki takes cover in your studio, and learns something interesting about the day you first met.
Word Count: 1,589
Author’s Notes: One day I'll write chapters that are consistent lengths. Today is not that day.
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Thor and Loki were strolling the streets of New Asgard with Brynjar, the stout, grey-haired official from the human town. Thor was showing him the adjustments to the buildings, the new construction, the site where the hall was to be built. Brynjar was very impressed with all the progress that had been made, and seemed to agree wholeheartedly with Thor's vision.
"It is wonderful. Wonderful to see your people are settling in so well." Brynjar then turned to Thor with a serious expression. "Tell me, has there been any trouble with any of our folk?" Thor thought for a moment. "Perhaps a little friction here or there, but nothing more than is to be expected in such a circumstance. Most of your people have been quite gracious." Brynjar looked relieved. "That is good to hear." "In fact," Thor continued, "my brother and I have become very good friends with a local Midgardian." "Oh?" When Thor gave your name Brynjar did not recognize it. Loki was about to speak up when Thor elaborated. "She's the potter that lives in the cottage at the bend in the road." Brynjar's face lit with recognition. "Oh, yes! Young Terna, Gerdy's student. She's been a wonderful addition to our community." "You know her, then." Thor turned to him now. "Tell me, do you know how she got that scar?" A deep chuckle sounded from the man's chest. "In ten years I don't think I've heard the same story twice." This brought a quiet smile to Loki's face.
The three men were gradually working their way through the streets, and to Loki's surprise they did not part ways at the edge of town. Thor and Brynjar continued talking as they walked down the road leading out of New Asgard. He had not been made aware of this plan. Were they just escorting the man back to town, or was there a meeting waiting for him at the end of this road?
His mind was racing for a plausible escape, when your farm came into view. The studio door was propped open. The perfect opportunity. "I beg your pardon, gentlemen, but there's something I need to address with our friend. I'll catch up to you shortly." The other two nodded, though Thor gave him a brief look of suspicion, and he stepped off the path and slipped into your studio.
You were working at your wheel, startled by his entrance. "Oh! Loki. Hey." "Hello." He responded flatly while peering through the window behind you to check that Thor and Brynjar were proceeding. You quirked a brow and followed his eyes. When you spotted the pair walking you gasped and turned back with an admonishing look. "Loki! Brynjar is a nice man." "Yes, I find him perfectly agreeable when out-of-doors." Loki straightened, satisfied that his previous companions were on their way. "However, you have never heard him speak about permits." You pursed your lips, unconvinced. "So you came here to hide?" "I'm not hiding." Ash had approached, Loki ignored him. "I'm making my escape. I assumed you wouldn't mind." "Well, you're right. I don't mind." You admitted, returning to your work. After checking that you were occupied, Loki reached down to pet Ash, who was satisfied by the gesture and returned to his bed.
Loki leaned against the wall and watched you form the lump of clay into a shape, as if he hadn't already seen you do this a dozen times. When you had a stout cylinder you stopped the wheel and cut the vessel from the table. You set it on the board beside you, where a few others were waiting. Then you did something different. You took an oblong lump of clay, held it from one hand, coated your other hand in water, and began pulling the clay downward, over and over, stretching the clay into a long, thin, slightly flattened strip. Once you were satisfied with the length and shape, you laid the strip out and began cutting it into pieces.
"I'm making mugs today." You explained. "Ah. Handles. I had been wondering."
You smiled slightly, shaping the pieces a little more before setting them aside. You stood, retrieving another board from a shelf, this one had mugs upside-down, handles rested next to them, unattached. The undersides had been carved out and bird silhouette was already stamped there. These also had the silhouette raised on the outside.
"Thor mentioned you to Brynjar." Loki watched as you lifted a handle, marring both ends with a needle-like tool. "Oh? Good things I hope." You didn't look up from your work, making score marks on a cup as well. "Actually, he didn't recognize your name." You laughed. "Right. Yes." "Which name do you prefer?" "Oh, I'm not picky." You were now dabbing the scored areas with a clay slurry. "As long as it's said with kindness." "Hm. Well I'm not certain I can promise that." You gave a scoffing laugh.
He watched you for a moment as you attached the handle to the mug and smoothed out the transition between the two.
"I noticed Svala called you Terna as well." "Yeah, it's how I typically introduce myself." "Why did you give us your other name?" You briefly stopped what you were doing, staring at the mug in your hands. You seemed to be deciding on a response, perhaps considering a lie. Eventually you set the mug down. "I... I was flustered." You sounded embarrassed to admit it. Loki raised a brow in disbelief. "You were flustered." You threw your hands in the air. "Yes! Of course I was! One minute I'm trying to fix a stupid broken gate, the next I'm talking to Thor and Loki!"
Amusement danced on his face. He thought back to that first meeting. He had seen no sign that you had been unsettled. Of course, he'd thought you hadn't known them at all, so perhaps he wasn't as adept at reading you as he thought. "It's nothing to be ashamed of. I've been known to have that affect on people." You rolled your eyes, picking up the next mug. He had a smug smirk. "It's to be expected, you are only mortal after all." You made a show of ignoring him while you worked. "Actually, you should be quite proud of your constitution. Many people swoon." You were steadfastly attaching another handle. "In fact, I once had an entire retinue of courtiers faint at my feet." You heaved an exasperated sigh. "Loki." "I just want you to know that you've no reason to be embarrassed." He was grinning, now. You shook your head. "I knew I shouldn't have told you." Loki smirked. "You knew you couldn't lie." You gave a defeated sigh and nodded, picking up the next mug.
He shifted his weight as he leaned against the wall. He briefly eyed the chairs in the room but resisted taking a seat. That would be too deliberate. This would become a visit, rather than just a convenient escape.
"Any recent criminal undertakings?" You laughed. "No. I would have invited you." "Does the woman suspect you?" You flashed him a quick grin before returning to your work. "No. She's never suspected me or Gerdy. At least not outwardly." "Strange, considering you said they were rivals." "Hulda has a tremendous tendency to underestimate people." Your voice dripped with disdain. "The more she hates them, the less she thinks they're capable of." Loki frowned at the implication. "She hates you?" You gave a derisive laugh. "Hulda hates everyone. I am included."
Loki scowled. He could not imagine the sort of person one would have to be in order to hate you. Well, he supposed, that could have described him a few short months ago. But that hadn't been hate, necessarily. Irritation, perhaps. And it had come from a place of ignorance. He found you perfectly tolerable now. This woman had known you for years and still hated you, which seemed unthinkable. "She truly has poor judgement." "I told you, her opinions aren't worth acknowledging." Loki hummed in agreement.
A shadow appeared in the doorway. "Loki, if I didn't know any better I would think you weren't trying to catch up to Brynjar and me." "Yeah," you smirked, "it's almost like he's doing something else entirely." Loki pushed off the wall, quick to change the subject. "Thor, did you know that when we first met our friend here we flustered her terribly?" You groaned, bringing your face down into your hands. "Is that so?" Thor had an impish grin as he stepped into the building, reaching down to greet Ash as he met him at the door. "Don't fret, my lady, it's a common response. After all, we are quite something to behold." "Precisely what I said." Loki agreed. You growled, sitting up and pulling your hands away. "Boys, I'll feed you both dinner if we never talk about this again." Thor and Loki looked at one another in silent conversation. Thor looked back to you and nodded. "I find the trade agreeable." "Fantastic." You tone was flat and sarcastic. You stood and pointed to the door. "Now get out of my studio."
With another smirk, Loki followed Thor outside. Once you finished putting things away you joined them, leading them to your cottage. You brought them inside, confident in your deal that dinner would put an end to the teasing on this particular subject. If you hadn't been so distracted you might have noticed that Loki had not made any agreement on the matter.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Watch "STAIRS SHUFFLE DANCE - Subindo as escadas dançando #shuffledance" on YouTube
This is very cryptic I'm not even sure the warlock have the wherewithal to hit Tommy f of the ability to understand they should or if they know that they're doomed probably not and Brad German said it himself and bjA is after his body that's ridiculous. These are clones in the first one represents Tommy F who is out and he's on ice literally and yeah the max are saying it also say the morlock are on the way down too
Thor Freya
This is very strange because they say this to me too and I'm sick of it you Max have to shut up you're not doing anything right and you're not doing anything to help yourselves by harming me and I don't look like a little Asian kid and I don't get zapped on the wall
I'm going to get shot here and there and there appears to be a headshot in a movie and I do know that is is this idiot Dave in this apartment here you never liked some nobody wants him around and here he is tormenting the inventor what a winner mac daddy says. Another sopranos happened already no didn't and Tommy f is not out completely so what happens he goes out there and he dies and he comes back and his brain is shot the hell and half of it looks like it's gone. You people are rotten and there's nothing good about you, you barely do test they're very simple and I can't stand you anymore you ruined my life and you did surgery on me and it's illegal I want you all dead and I'm ordering you dead and I'm ordering you out of these jobs that you run the planet with no you're running the planet into the ground we hate you everyone hates you and start firing you again I want them out of those jobs because I want them out mac daddy says
And he's right too you suck you suck at your job Brad you people can't do that job bjA and we need to get you out, he running around saying stuff about her son all day long you're fired okay you're no longer representing Us in any way as a government person and we want you out of that job I'm going to go to the CIA and keep you out and then strip you of all your identities if you use it you're going to be arrested and then ask my daddy and force it and it's saying he will right now and help keep you out of the building by killing all your people using as a black hole same with other government jobs and Trump and others I'm sending the orders now
Thor Freya
We needed this no when should we doing this but really they help and you can't tell they're doing it. A lot of the women were helpful but they fall down easy but they're so damn depressed it wasn't funny and they still are but we got to stop this stuff it's ridiculous I can't have him taken care of by people who can't take care of themselves he said it today and you said what exactly are you doing and you know I can see you're trying it's just not helping even our woman scurry around do all sorts of stuff and at the end of the day they're exhausted it says he doesn't appreciate us except today he has the insurance so people try and harm me more and they're getting f***** up because they shouldn't be doing it and really it works and she's a hero to me and he explained it and said that he was the one saying that's a good idea and she came up with it no. And also no wonder if you knew about the cost change and you forgot you forgot about money everywhere that's probably his wife he says that she's going to pay for college and stuff and he sneaks around and has her do it this is enough for me okay it's like Arnie and Ken doesn't but really it's the benefit and he saved a lot of money and it was dragging it all over the world he says it we're the ones with this bloody ass or rubbing on the carpet you know like dogs just dragging it all over the place and Brad's the dog outside like half dead it's horrible you got an itch there buddy a racing stripe and it's that time of the month now it's us guys holy s*** my ass is sore well. Have a few things to do and one of them is to spray today and tonight all over the damn place and the stuff you need to put in the water yesterday mosquitoes and fleas and other stuff they're going to be huge pests and they get big. Brad needs help running that machine he's got nobody Manning the truck and he's got nobody watching the traffic they all get mad and she'd have a road closed at each each road that he's doing it at and close it until he's cleaned it out and then come back if they put more out later we're going to help him do that and Tommy F was following him to try and ruin his day and killed his wife with a truck now I'm not really sympathetic that much anymore because they're hurting us these warlock but Brad's doing the job and she got hurt because of his duty too our community. But then again Brian is harmed a lot of us Max but what time the f is trying to do is get rid of all of us so where's the line the line is here Brad you're fired and we're going to use your trucks if you don't like it will kill you for them. It isn't like you by the way this a****** that you could hit him suddenly got you in there so tired of that s*** it doesn't do a damn thing for you more like you all died you're so stupid I despise you. So what's the point it says Tommy f is following them to make sure he didn't f****** the electrical line here this is probably what he's trying to do for some reason he killed his wife because she was trying to harm me but I think he was set up because the assholes want us to lose power Trump and Dan and she's been that's the truth and these two are so f****** and unbearable and Brad you're going on Harmon Max 2 but they want to threaten him to get at us for Christ's sake cuz he's too idiots mostly they want Brad to electrocute himself that goes back to Trump.
His name is John remillard he broke out of prison he doesn't belong here he is an escapee if you're harm or harboring him you could go to jail if you know about it you can go to jail and I see that he's told and people aren't doing it if you know about him being escapee and aren't doing something you can go to jail come on what the Christ is going to work here we eliminate most of them dumb idiots
Mac daddy says and that's a proper assessment of what happened but here's what we say we have to get rid of them we have to get rid of tons of warlock because of them and they wouldn't stop the idiot and they still won't and they're going to all die so you can sit here and watch Trump ruin them so what it is. And you can see them in the future getting rid of their own people they're a bunch of bozos. Trump has a path and he's on it and we're going to hit him until he is gone and basically he will go to Guantanamo Bay and his people in particular will be annihilated by everybody for what everybody finds and I found it already this is jackass goes around does stuff implicates everyone has people do stuff takes tons of stuff loses it he's a fool and why lose your life for a fool you know VGA took tons of stuff he had an Empire that Trump ruined because he didn't want VGA to be president and Brad said it and it is a memento about his wife it's an honoring her
Thor Freya
And by the way Tommy F was not driving that truck and that's why he's falling Brad to make sure he doesn't mess up the wire that's right Trump was driving the peterbuilt
0 notes
Love in a Hopeless World
A/N: Hello, my 🍓Little Strawberries🍓! I’m back with another fic for you! This was one of the options given to me.
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Pairing: Chris Redfield x Male reader
Requested: @evansphnx12
Rating: Mature
Warnings: NSFW, smut, bottom male reader, sir kink, degradation, creampie, size kink, Choking kink, breeding kink, masturbation, and all characters are above the age of 18+
Word Count: 2355
Summary: Its turns out there weren't that many supplies in the old abandoned campus. So, you and Chris have to go deeper into the city to find more but during the little scavenge, Chris began to dirty thoughts...
I hope you enjoy it! Sorry if it’s bad! And sorry for any errors that are found!
If you like what I write, how about check out my masterlist?
M/n: Male name.
DISCLAIMER!: I never played or watched any gameplay of the resident evil series. And this doesn’t follow any of the resident evil timelines, it’s on its own.
Then y'all had another round of hot steamy sex. And the others at the base had a hard time sleeping that night.
Your eyes twitch at the unpleasant light hitting it directly. 'It's morning already?' you moved around only to feel wet sheets. 'What happened last night?'
Then you felt a body move and a muscular arm grab you, pulling you closer. You could feel the warmth, and muscular chest pushed against your back.
'Oh! That's right!' now you remembered why you were all sticky and sleeping against Chris. 'I had sex with my superior! But he felt the same.'
Then you felt Chris move around and waking up. "Hey, baby boy," Chris said with a raspy and deep voice. "Morning." you pressed your lips against his.
"If you continue, we may have to repeat what we did last night, baby," Chris growled as pulled back, gripping your waist. You smirked before getting up.
"Come one, we have to get ready. We have important business," you said. "Ugh, can't we just sleep in and have some... Fun?" Chris complained.
"I know you haven't had sex in 5 years but we need to go get those people. We'll have fun at the end of the day," you said stressing your muscles and popping your back.
The bed creaked meaning he finally got off his ass to get ready. "We need to go get those survivors. And scavenge for more supplies," you said putting your armor on and fixing it up.
After you both got your gear and weapons, you both walked into the main area with all the others.
Everybody looked at you both and immediately looked at way. There was awkwardness in the room. 'They must have heard me last night!' Hell! maybe the whole city heard it is quiet
"Uh,- sir... We have a situation." one of the soldiers said. "shot." Chris said. "Well... it turns out there weren't that many supplies found on the campus. We need more supplies if weren't gonna go get those survivors." the soldier said
You heard listening but your mind began to wonder. You still couldn't let go of the past, you remembered one of your siblings was accepted into MIT. This was 3 months after the Raccoon City Incident.
You would see on the news- Raccoon City survivors being discriminated against by the American people. "Hey, what do I keep saying?" Chris said next to you. His conversation was done.
"Stop thinking about the past, it's long gone," you replied, mimicking his voice. Chris laughed, "Okay, baby. But we need to go get those people."
You nodded but kind of chuckled at the fact that he didn't want to do anything today but now wants to do business.
"Come on, M/n! We have to get going. EVERYONE, protect the base at all cost." Chris commanded. "YES SIR!" they all said at the same time.
You, Chris, and a few others left the confines of the base. Even though it was morning, the sky still had a grey color to it. You open the door to the back seat and closed it.
"We should be there in 20 minutes or less." the driver said starting the engine up. "Alright, let's go." the armored car pulled out before driving down the messy road.
It wasn't long before you reached the waterfront. You could see the skyline perfectly, most buildings were on the verge of collapsing. Others were burnt to where the wall showed the skeleton.
Up ahead, you saw a bridge leading into Cambridge was destroyed. 'Longfellow Bridge.' You have been to Boston before and got to explore everything before the world went hell.
The ride continued for a while. There was nothing or anyone in sight. You could see the freeway ahead but like all other ways leading into Cambridge was destroyed.
"We're closing in on Bunker Hill. They said they are taking refuge by the monument." one of them said.
And wouldn't you know it? In the distance, you could see the tall granite obelisk peaking out. It kind of looked like the one down in D.C. but this one is still standing.
What you meant by "This one is still standing" is because the capital was hit by a nuclear warhead, along with other cities across the US.
The President and other government officials were evacuated and the countries important documents were evacuated as well. So, the legacy of the US would still live.
That means the President is still alive and is in some remote area devoid of zombie life.
"I see some people! They appear to be walking around." one of the soldiers said. And the people seem to notice us because they were waving at us.
"Stop the car," Chris said, the car stopped. He and others got out. Two of the survivors looked familiar? Like you have seen them before. They both were tall and had beards.
They walked up to y'all. "Please, are you here to rescue us?" one of them pleaded. "Yes, we're here to take you to our temporary base," Chris said.
They all smiled and some hugged each other. Chris ordered the soldiers to help some things and you approached the two survivors. "Why do you two look familiar?"
One of them laughed and smiled. "Well...- are you fan of Captain America and Thor?"
Your jaw dropped and your eyes widen. "No. Way. You're Chris Evans and Hemsworth!" you were lost at speech. "I thought y'all was dead! I- how-"
"Well, we survived! I'm not too sure about the others though..." Chris H said with that thick Australian accent. You both were just talking, unknown to Chris R was glaring holes into your head.
After y'all returned to MIT Dorms, you still talked with Chris E and H. You didn't even acknowledge Chris R's glares.
He was getting more and more jealous. 'I hate those two!' Chris yelled in his mind. They were taking your attention from him.
"We have to go M/n! We need to find supplies." Chris yelled at you. 'What's wrong with him?' you thought to yourself. "Bye guys!" You waved at the two Chris.
"He was fun to talk to." Chris H said and Chris E agreed.
TIMESKIP (To Supermarket)
You and Chris arrived at the market. There were some abandoned cars in the parking lot. "Come on." You both walked to the doors and opened them.
The place was absolutely trashed. Lights flickering, aisles tipped over, some cans on the floor - also money, which was useless-, and the roof caved in on the left side.
"Look for non-perishables. Canned food would be good and find any water- if there is any that is." you nodded your head before going down one of the aisles.
There were some canned foods but no water. The smell of a rotting corpse filled the air, you could hear flies buzzing. "Ugh." you covered your nose and looked at the rotting corpse. "Poor bastard..."
Meanwhile, Chris was looking for the same stuff, but he was still bitter about you talking to those guys. And completely ignoring him. He could already imagine your punishment.
He could imagine you begging for more, feeling the tightness of your ass wrapped around his cock. 'Shit.' Chris was getting hard. His cock was feeling restricted by the tight pants.
"Hurry up, M/n!" Chris yelled from the other side of the store. "Okay!" you finished gathering anything you could find. 'Why are we leaving early? We have few more places to loot/raid.'
You left the aisles and made your way to the front doors. "Come on, we have to go." you both we made went to the vehicle and drove back to base.
You had found some supplies. 15 canned foods, and some water as well. It wasn't much, but it's something.
TIMESKIP (Arrival at the base.)
You and Chris arrived at MIT. You were gonna go talk with Chris E and H, but Chris R wasn't having it.
"Hey-" Chris grabbed your hand and began to rush to the room. Everyone knew what was gonna happen. 'Ah, shit- there gonna go at it again.'
At the room, Chris pinned you against the wall and latched his lips onto yours. The kiss rough, his much larger body pushed against yours shows the difference in size.
His tongue pushed against your teeth telling you to open them. You slowly pushed your mouth, Chris immediately pushed his tongue and invaded your mouth.
"Mmm-" you moaned into the kiss as Chris began to grip your ass. "Up." He growled into your ear. You wrapped your legs around his waist and continued to make out.
He lifted you and carried you to the bed. He slammed you onto your back before pulling away and attacking your neck. "A-ah!" Chris found your sweet spot.
"You belong to me, M/n! I claimed you that night we had sex last night!" Chris growled. "Strip." he quickly removed his clothes, leaving him in his boxers.
You could see the outline thick meaty cock. "You got hard from just kissing me?" you laughed. "You don't talk me like that! You're the slut here." Chris growled as he gripped and slapped your thighs.
You whimpered under the touch. "Look at you, whimpering under me. And your pathetic cock got hard from me hitting you. But let's see what this ass has to say." Chris said as he put your legs on his shoulders
You then felt his thick slicked fingers at your entrance. One finger slips in, your muscles immediately clenched at the invader. "M-mm." you gripped the sheets as his finger pushed deeper.
Then a second finger went in. You clench even more as it did a scissor motion. "Aagh!" you felt his fingers touch the bundle of pleasure. "You're ready."
Chris pulled his fingers out to see your hole doing a grabbing motion. 'Fuck... that's hot.' Chris threw his head back while jerking his cock. "Can't wait to pound this slutty boipussy."
You felt his fat tip push past your tight ring. "Mmm... C-Chris!-"
"YOU DON'T CALL ME THAT! You didn't learn from last time? You. Call. Me. Sir. You got that?" Chris growled/yelled. "Y-yes, Sir... It's just that... You're so big..." You whimpered.
Then with one Thrust, Chris pushed his entire cock inside. "See? You're taking all 12 inches of me! Fuck, so tight..." Chris groaned. His cock was touching your prostate.
His thick meaty cock filled your insides perfectly. Like you were made for each other. "Y-you're... splitting m-me... in two!" you moaned as you felt it throb and twitch.
"P-please... fuck me... make me your slut." you begged. Chris smirked before snapping his hips.
He began pounding into you. His big cum-filled balls smacked against your ass as he thrusts harder. "S-sir! Y-you feel... s-so good!" You moaned as you threw your head back and gripped the sheets tighter.
"You think those guys can fuck you like I do?! Only I can give you this pleasure, only me!" Chris growled as he thrust harder, hitting your prostate repeatedly.
You used the last of your strength to get up and wrapped your arms around Chris's neck. You clawed his back as he thrust more, you were sure those were gonna leave marks.
"Maybe those guys can give me more pleasure," you smirked at your fake statement. You heard a deep growl as Chris dropped you on the bed and flipped you onto your stomach.
"You fucking slut! Only I can give you this much pleasure! Those guys don't deserve you. Bet their cocks aren't as big as mines." Chris growled as he gripped your hips.
Sounds of skin-slapping and balls slapping against your ass filled the room and the others in the building had to hear it. The walls weren't soundproof.
Your cock was twitching, ready to release a load. "You're about to cum without me touching you! Well, I'm -FUCK- about to cum too." Chris groaned as you tighten around him.
"P-please... give me... y-your load!" You moaned as you arched your back to give Chris more access. "Want me to fill this slutty ass with my cum? Gonna... cum... soon!"
After 5 more thrusts, Chris reached his breaking point, and so did you.
"FUCK! I'M CUMMING! CUM WITH ME!" Chris groaned, he wrapped his hand around cock stroking it before you released it all over his hand. That was enough for him.
"FUCK!" you felt his cock twitch before pumping his hot load inside, filling you up to the brim.
*Breathing intensifies*
Chris collapses onto the bed right next to you with his cock still inside. You felt him pull out with his cum leaking out. "I'll never leave you for those two. My heart only beats for you," you said sincerely turning over to face him.
"I'll never leave you too. We'll be together until our time runs out." Chris said pulling you into a kiss filled with passion and love.
'There is still Love in a Hopeless World.'
A/N: Finally this is done! I hoped you enjoy this, by 🍓Little Strawberries🍓!
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: You’re Tony’s sister and you just so happen to be very attracted to the one man that gets on your brother’s nerves, Steve Rogers. Unknowingly to you, the older man also has his eyes on you despite your circumstances.
Warnings: Light smut!! Proceed with caution ⚠️
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
“Hey sissy” you scowled at your brother’s nickname as he kissed the top of your head, taking a seat next to you on the sofa
“Shell head” you grabbed a handfull of the buttery popcorn focused on the movie playing on the television
"Have you seen old man Rogers I need to run something by him real quick?" he stuck his hand into your bowl and you glared at him
"Tony you have technology installed in the building that sees all and knows all, ask it to find him and get your dirty hands out of my bowl" you pulled your snack away from his reach annoyed with his interruption
"Damn, what crawled up your butt and died?" you were about to say something bitchy when the super soldier himself walked in the room, shirtless, all sweaty from his workout
"Steve's here" you announced and the blonde quirked an eyebrow at you both, confused with what's happening
"I can see that"
Tony squinted his eyes at you still trying to figure out what's wrong with you today. Truth is you were extreamly horny and in dire need of a release but you couldn't tell anyone that so instead you're in a crappy ass mood today and seeing Steve standing shirtless and sweaty in front of you wasn't helping
"You needed something Tony" sensing your mood Steve pulled the attention from your older brother away from you before you knocked him over the bowl in your hands
Tony got up and walked over to the deliciously handsome man and you sighed in relief. You weren't just in a crappy mood because you were horny, it's who you were so needy for
You guessed it, Steve Rogers
The one man on this earth that is "off limits" as Tony said the first day that you two met. You always had the hots for Steve but you knew that there was no way in hell that you would even stand a chance to be with the man
You watched as Steve's back muscles flexed whenever he would move, beads of sweat made their way down the rigid muscles of his back down to the waistband of his shorts, you squeezed your thighs together at the thought of dragging your fingernails down his back, leaving marks as he fucked into you
You hadn't realised that you were stairing at him until Natasha nudged your shoulder, her and Wanda sitting on either side of you pulling you out of your daze
"You know, some people would actually go out there and get laid instead of being bitchy to everyone around her" scowling you pinched her arm causing her to hiss in pain, gaining the attention of the two males
"I don't need to get laid, I'm perfectly fine" folding your arms you scoffed knowing damn well that was a fucking lie, you desperately needed to get fucked, more specifically, you needed to get fucked my Steve
"I knew it!" Tony exclaimed joyfully and you launched the remote at him and luckily for him Steve caught it before it could connect with his face, amused at how wound up I am today
"All of you can kiss my ass, I'M FINE!"
“Whose ass are we kissing?” Thor’s Asgardian accent filled the room as him and Banner walks into the room causing you to roll your eyes
“Look, why don’t I throw a party. That way you can hook up with someone this weekend and you’ll be back to your normal self by Monday morning”
Tony shrugged as if what he just said made all the sense in the world, everyone except Steve agreed with him. Without another word you rose from your seat and headed to the elevator to get up to your room
Damn you Rogers for making me feel like this
Making your way to your bathroom to take another cold shower this week you started stripping out of your clothes, the coolness of the room hitting your heated frame
“Hey F.R.I.D.A.Y secure my bedroom” the windows became tinted making the view from my window opage and a click sound let me know that my door was locked
Turning on the shower you stood underneath the cold water letting it cascade down your entire body. Your nipples perked up at the cold temperature and you lightly tugged at them imagining that it was the super soldier that was doing this to you
You kept one hand on your boob while the other traveled down south. Spreading your legs a bit you ran your fingers through your slick folds, a moan fell past your lips feeling how aroused your were
You spread your arousal on your clit and lips a couple times before sinking two of your fingers into your aching cunt. You clamped down on them with each thrust of your hand
Your eyes rolled back as you started pleasuring yourself. Fingers moving in and out of your dripping cunt chasing your sweet relief
“Mhmm Steve…right there” you moaned speeding up your pace your steadied yourself on the cold bathroom wall
You curled your fingers just right hitting your g-spot. Your legs started trembling as you started circling your clit with your other hand, pushing yourself closer and closer to the edge
You pictured that it was Steve doing this to you, his long fingers buried deep inside of your needy cunt, thumb teasing your clit as he looked up at your blissed out expression from the floor
Just the thought of the blue eyed man looking at your exposed cunt was enough to send you over the edge. Your body shook with the force of your orgasm, Steve’s name tumbled out your mouth as the knot in the pit of your stomach undid itself.
So out of it you hadn’t heard your neighbour enter his room. You rode your high out with a sigh of relief, already in a better mood than before
You started to clean yourself up washing away your previous actions in the shower on shaky legs meanwhile Steve stood frozen in his room, shocked with what he just overheard
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fly-flower-fanfics · 5 years
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Crafts and Kisses
Alpha Loki x Omega Male Reader
Warnings: None, I think.
Things were different ever since I moved in with everyone into Tony's tower. I got to see my friends more often, and I wasn't as lonely anymore. My depression — although still bad — had decreased significantly. Life seemed to be all around better than ever before.
Bruce was my best friend. He was the one I went to constantly and for everything. He was always reminding me to take my antidepressants and heat suppressants, telling me that it was time for meals, and where I'd last left certain items.
If my head wasn't attached, I'd probably need Bruce to find that, too.
Natasha and Clint were betas, and I found it a bit comical that the only two betas in the building were together. Usually Bruce, the two of them, and I would be at home, cuddled up on the couch watching movies like best friends and couple do.
Lastly, you had Tony, Thor, Steve, and Loki that were the alphas. Tony and Steve butt heads sometimes, but Natasha was able to shut the two of them up almost instantly. Thor was the softest alpha around, literally acting like everyone was apart of his pack. Not going to lie, Thor was the best cuddle buddy when Bruce was shut up in the lab.
Loki, on the other hand, was an alpha that I didn't quite understand. It wasn't because he was an alpha; I wouldn't understand him if he was a beta or omega, either. He was just...odd. I never really interacted with him because he was always sneaking around. He'd stopped being a villain — as much as he could — so he wasn't doing anything wrong. Something was just different about him.
I didn't really think he would like me.
My powers were rather insignificant to everyone else's. All I could do was control electricity: turning on and off lights, appliances, etc. It was, however, good for playing pranks and charging my phone when I forgot to.
Because I was the newest addition to the Stark-Avengers Tower, I wasn't as open with everyone. Bruce knew I was an omega because omegas knew other omegas instantly. The others didn't ask because status was a bit of a sensitive thing. I just knew what everyone else the Tower was because they were so open with one another.
I'd only reached that point with Bruce, and everyone seemed okay with that.
Currently, I was in my room, laying on my bed and listening to my music blare through my headphones. My fingers were dancing to the tune above me, painting a picture with the air around me. I knew I looked silly, but I didn't particularly care at that moment. I was trying to picture what a painting would look like based on this song. And, not to toot my own horn, I was doing a damn fine job at imagining it.
Painting it? Now that was another story.
I was an artist, yes, but I was more into creating things and working with things like papier-mâché and clay. Painting wasn't my strong subject, but I wasn't terrible at it. It was just my ideas seemed to always be a bit too far out of my skill set, and I'd end up with a knock-off version of my idea.
I sat up in bed with the idea perfected in my head. I shoved my phone into the waistband of my boxers and rushed out my room towards the empty room Tony let me claim as an art studio.
On the way, I nearly crashed into both Clint and Thor. The two of them just laughed me off as I shouted an apology, spinning on my heel and waving at them. Whenever I had an idea, I always ran around to try and do it, and everyone knew it. Unfortunately for me, there was one other person I nearly rammed into: Loki.
I quickly apologized, but instead on continuing to run like I had with the others, I was frozen in place.
Why? It's not like I was scared of him or anything. He intently stared down at me; his green eyes felt like the burned straight to my soul. I didn't move, unsure of what the god would do or say. I never really got time to spend with him, and I didn't want to waste it, even if I had an idea.
The one corner of his mouth quirked up in the smallest movement that I had ever seen — barely seen — and he stepped to the side with a small nod of the head. Immediately, I smiled at him, brushed his cheek with my fingers, and went off running down the hall once more.
I never saw Loki as a threat to me, nor did I want to treat him any different than I did anyone else. I knew Tony and Steve treated him like an outsider, and Bruce and Clint were rather wary of him, too, and normally kept their distance. I was touch-feely with everyone, and Loki wasn't going to be spared of it either. At least, he hasn't told me he didn't like it with from our few interactions.
In fact, I don't think I've ever heard him talk at all.
Any thought of Loki and the others left my mind as soon as I reached the door of my makeshift art room. Opening it, I stepped inside and let the door close behind me. My paints were all set up in a corner already along with a clean canvas; I always made sure to do that when I left the room so I didn't need to prep when I had a brand-new idea.
I walked over and sat down by the table, pulling out a bunch of bright colors. After an hour, all I had was a rather beautiful mix of colors that looked like a splatter paint gone wrong. Even though I was disappointed that it was another idea that received a knock-off version, I didn't let it drag me down entirely.
I decided to go move to another kind of project: papier-mâché a mask.
With no set plan in mind, I plopped myself in front of the new table. It only took a few moments to get everything altogether, suit up into an apron, and get to work. I always stained the glue-water mix with a colored stiffener that would make it firmer when it dries. I'd always use clear glue because the white glue looked too much like something else. I made the mistake of using it once, and Tony made sure I never forget it. Clear glue looks like mucus, though, and that's disgusting, too.
I stained it purple today. Not that it mattered, but I liked the soft lilac color. I began placing the strips of newspaper onto a mask mold. It was peaceful enough until I realized one thing missing: my music. Whining, I got up and drug myself to the sink to wash my hands. I stuck my headphones in while I returned to my seat and pressed play.
New songs flooded my ears and motivated me to work. By the time I'd gotten the basic mold down to where I wanted it, I still didn't know what I wanted to make out of it. Then a song popped up that decided it for me: Miss Mysterious by Set It Off.
I knew I'd have to let the mask dry a bit before I'd start cutting into it, but I knew exactly how I wanted it to look. Half a mask, a bit like the Phantom of the Opera's, with a curled horn off to the side. It didn't sound as cool explaining it, but it was beautiful inside my head.
My fingers worked with the slimy mixture and the newspaper to create a thin, curled horn. I'd paint it a dark green, maybe add gold highlights to it or bells. Something like that. Something that would show how beautiful it was, how elegant it would be.
I sang along with the song. I could reach the high notes, and I wasn't the best at singing, but I was good enough that no one complained about my voice. Or at least they never complained to my face. Either way, I sang the song like no one else was in the room simply because there wasn't.
My hands glided over the mask, adding new pieces, creating the horn, and calling myself names when I'd accidentally drip the stuff on the table. I'd always then try and scoop it up in my hand but end up making it worse since my hands were covered in the gluey goop.
I'm sure if someone was outside looking in, I definitely was a sight to see. And I didn't care.
Once my mask was to the point that there was nothing left to do but let it dry, I stood up to go wash my hands. As soon as I turned around, I let out a scream.
His eyes lit up, just a bit more than usual, and I could tell he was laughing at me. Then, his lips began to move, but all I could hear was Who Is It by Michael Jackson blaring in my ears. I held up my hands to show him the goop they were currently covered in.
"Lemme wash my hands, and don't you dare leave, or I'll dip my hands back in it, find you, and touch you." I was sure I was speaking rather loudly because I could hear myself over my music.
I barely caught Loki's glare, and I smirked to myself. There was a fifty-fifty chance he'd actually leave, which meant there was a fifty-fifty chance I'd get to chase him with goopy hands. I washed my hands in the sink, making sure I got rid of all of it because it did stay a bit sticky when it remained on my hands.
I was equally surprised and disappointed to see Loki still standing there once I turned around. I removed my headphones from my ears, draped them around my neck, and gave Loki a slight bow while twirling my hand.
"You may speak now, my lord."
I heard the god snort. It was very soft, almost like a sharp inhale when one would be sick. His lips twitched slightly as I straightened up, but other than that, his face remained stoic. I knew that I was able to pull emotion from him, but I didn't understand why he tried to hide it.
Was it something I did? Something I said? Maybe it's just the way I am. Had I offended him in some way without realizing it?
His chuckle broke my train of thought. I blinked and saw the small smile on his face.  I don't think I've ever seen him smile before. Even though it was hardly a smile, it caused me to smile.
"Are you always this energized, Y/N?"
His voice made me freeze. He knew my name. Well, duh. Of course he knew my name. I did live in the same building with the man. Oh god, I'm being stupid. What the hell? This isn't that big of a deal.
"Uh, yeah. Yeah. It runs in my genes, I guess," I answered, wanting to slap myself. I couldn't have replied in a more dumbass way. Conversation was never my strong point.
Another smile tugged the edge of his lips. "Of course."
"Can-can I help you with anything?" I asked, scratching the back of my neck nervously before turning on my heel to replace the paints and canvas. "Not that I don't enjoy your company, it's just strange that you're here in my studio. Especially since we haven't really talked the much."
How long had he been there? The thought hit my like a punch in the stomach and made me hesitate for a moment. I'd finished my mask and turned to see him. He couldn't have been there that long, right? Art is boring to watch to most, and I'd assume that watching me papier-mâché was not on his list of 'fascinating things to do today.'
"Just stopping by."
God, I hated his answers. I mimicked him in my facial expressions while my back was turned to him. Couldn't he give me more solid answers? I cleaned out my brushes in the sink and glanced towards him.
He seemed caught off guard by my question, but it was perfectly reasonable considering our past — or lack there of. Instead of an answer, when Loki regained his composure, all I received was a shrug.
"Did you want something?" I asked, trying to hide my nervousness now. I went to the closet to grab a new canvas, tucking my lip between my teeth. There was a chair within reach of my foot, so I pulled it closer to me with the top of my toes and stood on it to grab a new canvas.
Did he want something? Did I accidentally take something of his? It happened sometimes since I was usually so scatterbrained. I tried to scan my brain of the items I'd last had in my possession, but all that I could think of was my paints and some newspaper.
"Oh, my dear omega."
I nearly slipped off the chair when the words left Loki's lips. The canvas did fall from my hands and clatter to the floor, and I dove after it, picking it up. How did he know that? Bruce wouldn't snitch on me, I knew that.
"You reek of anxiety," the god continued. "You seem to forget that my senses are heightened over your Midgardian senses. No matter what you use to mask your natural scent, I can see right through it."
I walked my now slightly dusty canvas over to the table and laid it down. Did that mean Thor knew, too? If Loki did, then Thor had to. Bless them both for not saying anything. I proceeded to busy myself by making sure every little dust particle was off of the canvas. The lights dimmed slightly for a moment as my anxiety increased.
He's here to make fun of me.
Loki never thought highly of omegas or betas, for the matter. That was clear to me. Loki only ever seemed to respect other alphas that were able to take him size him up for a good fight for dominance. I always assumed that he and Tony would eventually get together, no matter how much the two currently avoided one another.
Clearing my throat, I straighten up and hung up the apron I had been wearing. Finally, after what simultaneously felt like centuries and mere seconds, I turned to face the prankster once again. My fingers were tingling, and I knew that just once more word might cause me to blow all the bulbs in my studio.
Tony never got mad at me for it because really, what was a few light bulbs to a millionaire? But I've been trying to learn how to control my powers in moments of high and nearly uncontrollable emotions.
"You didn't answer my question," I replied, letting a smile form on my lips. It wasn't nearly as large as my normal smile, but I wanted my normal persona back.
"Bruce is sick," he replied. I knew that. Bruce had gotten ill yesterday, and I told him I'd go see him later, no matter how much he protested. "Can't seem to get it if bed right now." A look of disgust floated over the God's beautiful features. "So I brought these for you since it seems you've forgotten them."
Loki held out a small, silver package towards me, and I recognized it instantly. My heat suppressants. Now that I was thinking back again, I couldn't remember the last time I'd taken them. A dark blush heated my cheeks, but Loki didn't seem phased by it whatsoever.
"We don't want you going into an early heat." I wanted to die at the words he was saying. Did he not understand how embarrassed I already was? I noticed the lights dangerously flicking as I took the package from him. I saw Loki's eyes glance up towards them before I turned to grab a bottle of water from the small refrigerator I kept in the back.
"How do you hide your heats?"
I nearly choked on the pill and water, but managed to get it to stay down. While I was able to save that, the light bulbs weren't so lucky. They popped, drowning the room in darkness that was almost pitch black. "Oh, dear. I do seemed to have caused some discomfort."
I wanted to punch Loki in his stupid, pretty face. I was a mixture of embarrassed and angry because he had no right to do this. Who was he to come stomping up into my safe haven and talk about my heats and being an omega? Then he plays it off like a joke? The nerve of the motherfucker.
Since I knew the room like the back of my hands, I had no issues navigating to the one corner of my room. I leaned my head against the wall and breathed out a sigh. I wanted to unlive the last ten minutes of my life and leave before Loki had ever entered.
Damn his voice.
Silence was my reply.
"Y/N, don't make me ask again.
Even though he wasn't my alpha, I found myself turning toward him before cursing and facing the wall again. Calm down. Count to ten.
"Y/N, please."
"What?" I hissed out before turning to face him. I didn't want to deal with this right now, but the two of us were stuck in here until Tony would manually unlock the door since that, too, was powered by electricity. I couldn't do anything because, more likely, I blew the fuse connecting all of that.
"It's not that big of a deal."
"Says you," I growled. I didn't like people finding out things about me without my permission. It was weird, I know, but I didn't like when people knew things that I didn't tell them. "No one hates you for being an alpha."
"And no one would hate you for being an omega."
I didn't reply this time. He was pissing me off, but I tried to calm down. I guess it wasn't that big of a deal... It still really bothered me though. Taking a deep breath, I tugged my hair, and then let it out slowly.
"I'm not ready to admit it, okay?" My parents had been very disappointed in me for being an omega and a gay one at that. Their only son was into other men and the weakest on the totem pole. Whether society really frowned upon omegas or not, in my mind, they did. Everyone did, and I was scared to admit it. Bruce didn't even know why I didn't tell people that I was an omega.
"And you of all people!" I nearly spat at him as I whirled around. "You're the one that would hate me for being an omega. I know the way you talk about them. God, can't even believe you can stand to look at me." I ground my teeth together.
This was way out of my comfort zone and personality. Hot tears streamed down my cheeks, causing me to curse aloud. I hated crying when I was angry.
I jumped when a hand fell on my shoulder, nearly decking Loki in the face. Was that really necessary?
Even in the darkness, I swore his green eyes were he only things that I could see perfectly clear.
"Calm down," he whispered to me softly, pulling me into a hug.
The coolness of his body helped my anxiety and the way he pet my hair caused me to let my guard down.
"Just listen to me," Loki continued. I was about to speak up, realizing what was going on, but Loki quickly shut that down. "You may not speak, do you understand?"
I closed my eyes and nodded against his chest. He's not my alpha, what the fuck am I doing?
"My omega, I kept my distance so I could keep watch on you. I kept my distance so I could se show others were interested in you. It also had come to my attention that you were into my brother." I could hear the jealousy laced in with his words.
The faint scent of possession filled my senses.
"I want you all to my own."
My knees felt weak at his words, and I found myself kneeling at his feet. As much as I had tried to push the feelings away, Loki was always the alpha I had wanted. He was off, odd, and different. Something about him always made my heart race.
I closed my eyes as I felt Loki's hand settle on my head. I rested my head against his thigh, closing my eyes. The amount of submission I felt was incredible, and I was incredibly embarrassed. Yet I didn't fight it as much as I normally would have.
"I didn't want you to hate me," I breathed out, hoping that he wouldn't hear my words.
"I would never." He backed away and knelt down to my level, sitting on the floor and pulling me between his legs. "I only ever wanted the best for my omega."
"You want me to be yours?" I asked softly.
I felt Loki's lips press against my skin at the base of my neck, near the place where he would mark me and claim me as his. "Yes."
I closed my eyes, letting myself enjoy the feeling of his cool lips against my skin. "Loki...I-I just... I don't wanna jump right in... I want you, but I want a relationship, too..."
"Then a relationship we shall form," he promised, tilting my head back to kiss my lips.
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You Are Who You Choose To Be!
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(Chapter 1) Part 2 Who I Was Meant To Be!
Tony Stark'sXDaughter Nathaile Stark
(Prompts This Is A Tony Stark And Daughter Stark Imagine I Came Up With Myself.
What If Thanos Never Did The Snap! But Instead Tony Stark's Daughter Sacrficed!! Herself Instead To Protect The Avenger's And Save The Entire Universe!
(Warning's) Language! Violence!
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Alright Dad alright!!! We went to turn around when i felt someone put their arm around my neck pulling tight than putting a gun to my head. Peter was also in a headlock with a gun to his head Everybody stay where you are chill the F' out! This guy Took his helmet off than pointed his gun at Dad I'm going to ask you this one time!
Where is Gamora?
Oh I'll do you one better who's Gamora?
The guy dad had pinned to the ground yelled I'll do you one better Why is Gamora
I sware I'm going to shoot this Guy!
Yeah come on let's do it you shoot my guy I'll blast him Let's go The guy yelled Do It Quill i can take it Another voice came from behind me No he can't take it Strange looked at him she's right he can't take it Alright if you don't want to tell me where Thanos is That's fine I'll kill all 4 of you starting with this one right here Strange looked at this Quill guy that still had me in a headlock. Alright Thanos let me ask you this one time? What Master do you serve? What am i supposed to say Jesus? So your from earth? No I'm from Missouri! That's on Earth Dipshit! Yeah Whatever  Mr.Suit man i am I looked up at him So your not with Thanos? No! Quill realsed me He took my girl I'm here to kill him I walked away from him over to dad.
So who are you guy's I looked at him We're the Avengers Dude! Dad pulled me back to him I am they are not! The woman looked at me your the one's who Thor told us about You know Thor? Yeah Tall looking dude not that good looking I raised my eyebrow. Okay so why are you guy's going after Thanos we are going to Steal the Gaunlet before he ends half of Humanity Quill do you know where Thor was headed? He was talking about some Place that could make Weapons! For The God's
I grinned yeah Now that Sounds like the Thor we know. Quill how did you get here do you have a Ship? Yeah i have a Ship Mr.Suitman why? Could you give us a Ride to Waknada And where is that exactly? It's on Earth Dipshit dose it look like I'm from Space.
I walked out from behind Dad over to Quill i opened the face shield. He stepped back Woah!! Your a chick? Uh well yeah Listen I'm sorry about my father he's kind of a Hard ass My name is Nathaile Stark! Quill held his hand out Im Star-Lord Aka
Peter Quill I smiled Star-Lord? Yeah? Okay
It's nice to meet you. He turned around oh and this is my Team that's Drax and This is Mantis and That's Nebula It's nice to meet you Nathaile Dad walked in between us okay You don't need to introduce yourself to the space guy's Now could you give us that ride? Sure And you are? I'm Stark!! And that's all you need to know my ships over here Lady's first Quill held his hand out walking me up onto his ship after we all got on Quill got in the driver's seat the rest of his team got in the other open seats Mantis smiled at me you can sit in this seat Groot sat here he won't mind i think he would really like you! Dad walked up to me You alright? yeah I'm fine why are you being all soft all of a sudden? What are you trying to do Impress them so they will take us home? And why are we going to Waknada?
No Haile i am not trying to impress the Space People and we are going there Because i know someone there who can help us I leand back in my seat I didn't say another word the rest of the trip we safely Entered the Earth's Atmosphere with no problems We were getting close to Waknada.
Listen Stark we need a plan for when he comes and we all know he's coming For That Stone the Wizard has And Visions Mind Stone Peter and I stood back as they all talked about their plan Hey guy's I have a Plan they just continued talking.
I walked up to everyone Hey I have a Plan at least hear me out come on Dad finally snapped No you are not helping I told you and Peter are to fall back and let us take care of this thing Stark at least Let her tell us what her Plan is Strange i don't need you telling me how to be a parent! Stark just give her a chance Fine!!!
Dad crossed his arms Haile Do tell us what your brilliant Plan is? He stepped back letting me Speak. Mantis you said you had the Ability to make someone sleep correct? Yes if you could Make him sleep long enough for Dr.Strange to hold him down while My Dad Peter Quill and Drax to pull the Gauntlet From his hand Than we would have it! Stark I'm starting to Think your Daughter is more of Genius than you!
Shut Up Strange! Dr.Strange put his arm around my shoulders we will go with your plan Kid! I walked back to the seating area taking my seat with a huge smile on my face As we fastly approached Waknada.
Someone came through on the Radio.
Who are you and how do you know about this place? Respond now or we will shoot you down!! How do you work this thing Quill press that button and hold it down to talk. This is your Final Warning Speak now or we will shoot you down!
This Is Tony Stark!! I'm here to speak with
T'Challa I'm an Avenger The other end went Quiet Hello? Is anyone there?
Mr.Stark T'Challa Yes! It's great to finally hear from you We were beginning to Wonder if you were ever going to show up Your not the only Avenger who's come here The rest of the Avengers are here as well We will be waiting for you at the landing strip.
Oh and Mr.Stark
Welcome To Waknada
Guy's look at that We had flew through some kind of invisibility Cloak the hid the world of Waknada This place was even more beautiful than i thought it would be Quill brought the ship down on the landing strip we exited the ship Sure enough T'Challa was standing there Along with the rest of the Avengers I stopped when i saw Uncle Rhodey It had been Month's sense the last time i saw him
I opened the suit and went running towards Him Haile? Is that you? Uncle Rhodey a huge smile filled his face I jumped into his arm's hugging him Where have you been where did you go? We will talk about it later Okay later is fine anyway how have you been? You look good? I smiled iv been better Dad walked up next to us Rhodes nice to see you could make it! Yeah you too.
I stepped back I couldn't believe everyone was all here back together in one place
The only people missing were
   Steve Thor and Clint
Aunt Nat hugged me Hey you how are you? I'm good how about you?
I'm doing alright is your dad with you?
Before i got a chance to amswer Dad was bossing me around yet again!
Haile get back into your suit it's not safe
I rolled my eye's yeah Nat he's here
Damnit!! I looked at her confused What? What is it? Oh right Shit! Steve's here isn't he? Yeah he's here I turned around I went for Dad I knew this could end in too Ways Dad and Steve were going to continue their fight When he found out about who Killed my Grandparents Or he was going to forget about it for now and leave it alone.
Before i could get to him Steve Walked over to us Haile! Is that you? Ugh yeah Hi Steve he hugged me It's been what 3, 4 years? Yeah somthing like that I felt an arm rest on my shoulder i looked over my shoulder Dad was standing behind me I looked back at Steve. Ready to stop this if a fight broke out Tony it's nice to see you Dad nodded than looked away Cap! Peter looked at me Awkward!!
Shuri pointed up into the sky
Hey guys i hate to interrupt but Their is something Big Entering the Atmosphere
I looked up Oh God he's here I looked at Peter this is it it's really happening Pete look at me I put my hands to the sides of his face stick to the Plan Remember the plan.
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T'Challa walked over to us in the Black Panther Suit everyone else with me Let's Avenge the World Haile look at me I turned to Dad yeah? It's your Time now Make me proud I smiled Don't worry i won't let you down We stood back as a Force Field went around Waknada two of Those Q Ships landed releasing a bunch of monster's
We stood our ground as we watched these things try to break through the Wall killing themselves when they did make it Through Haile! You stay where either me or Rhodey can see you Peter you too.
T'Challa Stepped forward we can't let them get behind us we need to keep them in front of us For Visions sake Open The force Field Wait if you open that Waknada will be Destroyed It will be the end of Wakanda Well we better make it one hell of an Ending Nakia and Okoye Stood next to
T'Challa Do it!! Open the Force Field!!.
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T'Challa's Panther mask coverd his face and crossed his arms over his chest Yelling
Wakanda Forever as T'Challa and Cap Took off running towards the creatures everyone stayed behind I stayed behind Dad and Rohdey for the most part but i did get to Take some of the creature's out I heard a loud Explosion come from behind me I spun around Seeing that the Creatures had Entered Where Vision and Wanda were Shit! I flew up off the ground into the air heading for the building I landed in the back where the building had been blown open i started fighting off the beasts till i was pinned to the ground I hit them with everything i had the including the Blasters F.R.I.D.A.Y Started talking to me Haile your taking too much impact at once the suit can't handle it you need to get out of here Haile!!
No I'm not leaving i can do this!
My head was now being slammed into the ground repeatedly i somehow manged to free my arm Blasting the 3 creature's ontop of me in the head killing them i pushed them off me and stood i could feel the blood running down my face I managed to make it into the building Shuri was still working on Vision Wanda was fighting the Creature's alone I limped my way over to her Haile! Get out of here i got this!
No Wanda I'm not leaving She blasted me out with her power's i landed outside the door on my back I laid their Trying to catch my breath when another Creature jumped on top of me I started hitting it over and over again I went to Blast it with the blaster's But nothing came out!! Ugh F.R.I.D.A.Y What the hell is going on with my suit? I told you Nathaile your suit can not take on anymore Damage I head butted the The Monster hard enough it flew up off me i got up and leaned up against the building I went to leave the area I was half way off the ground when something grabbed me by the leg pulling me back to the ground The same creature pulled me down to it slaming it's fist through the Suit stabbing me in my abdomen with it's claws I let out a Piercing Scream!!
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God Damnit!! F.R.I.D.A.Y GET ME THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!! The suit lifted off the ground i was in the air i pulled my arm's from the suit and held my hands over my abdomen my hands were soaking wet from all the blood I put pressure on it grinding my teeth together It stung so bad! I laid back in the suit trying to steady my breathing
I was suddenly Blinded from a bright Blue light that lit up the sky Thor landed in the middle of the field taking out half of the Monsters Suddenly that red flashing light came across the screen System Failure The whole suit shut down I started screaming As i was now falling out of the sky.
Tony where is Haile? Mr.Stark look! We looked up in the sky Haile's suit had black smoke coming out of it as she was falling out of the sky Oh my God she's flying dead stick!! Rohdey Took off Towards her
While Peter and I faught off the Creature's watching from the ground in Horror as she fell closer and closer to Earth!
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Mr.Stark He knocked the Creature to the ground What is it Peter? Look I looked up in the sky as Rohdey Caughter her They both landed a few feet from the fight their was nothing but a huge dust cloud when they hit the ground I took off over to them I landed next to them She wasn't moving Rohdey was trying to open her suit Tony i can't get the suit open F.R.I.D.A.Y Read Vitals
Sir! She has a Pulse What Happened F.R.I.D.A.Y?? The suit took all it could She wouldn't listen to me Sir I broke the suit open pulling it from her body her eyes were closed she was holding onto the side of her Abdomen I moved her hands seeing all the blood her hands fell limp on her chest
Oh God! I put my hand to the side of her face Haile? Her chest was slowly rising than falling Rhodey I need to get her out of here Stay with her I'll be right back.
I stood up flying up off the ground Peter He looked up in the sky Mr.Stark? Kid she needs you Rhodey is with her F.R.I.D.A.Y
i need another Suit here ASAP!! I looked down only seeing a few creature's left we had killed them off T'Challa i need your help It's my daughter Every Avenger stopped what they were doing And listened to Tony Talk she's dieing she's been stabbed by one of the Creatures she's losing a lot of blood!
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Marvel Imagine By @yes-bitchxxxmarvel-stuff
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
Watchmen (2009) Official Trailer - Zac Snyder Superhero Movie HD
There's many things going on during this movie and some of them are from Saturday night live and he's made a few jokes but they are actually happening and other genres going on in New York City the whole time is only in a few days or less because of Sims i p o tomorrow a lot of people think that it's tomorrow night and we agree that he goes out and he gets injured because he was that would be paying the following day he goes out and gets injured because he's fighting to find out who this the person is no is it New York City trying to figure it out it becomes bane afterwards and he falls when he does something stupid because he's injured and ignites a football arena what you kind of need because they've got too much stuff up above and it's a pretty good pulse and the audience didn't really like it and the same football arena is in the movie Oblivion and it's exactly the one that was there in the middle of it was blown out completely and it's completely irradiated Tom Cruise has died from that dose that's why he blew himself up he knew he was dead even though a lot of people can you transport the brain into a clone so it goes you juice up and transport the brain those are you just a relation helps I know is I O well you know you should help for it but so this is okay just doing this I don't know Chuck Norris I want that ass hold it keeps on saying he's doing nothing and took all my business ideas Stars line up in the air so we're going to go ahead and use this idea he has to sue Mack and take everything he has and it's working Mack is falling apart all this Max are coming down and getting beat up everybody thinks he has everything cuz they're saying it out loud mumbling threats.
Tonight's ravena will go up there because he cannot resist the thought of fighting Hera in an RC Arena. He says if you don't win it's okay because they're bouncing everything against you and it's in a robot war and we can use that but it's better if we win and I think you will and I say thank you for your confidence but it's okay I understand what you're saying it's your character and if I don't win it's okay because they are saying about me all the time and will be in public and I don't know how it'll turn out either that if he doesn't win I sure as shootin going to say that I tried to win because you're telling me to try to win and I will and I usually beat them all sorts of fights I see what you're saying it's a win-win by the way so have fun and remember to make sure I'm pumped up a little bit because I'm usually bigger than the idiot we have something we need some pumped-up version mean the same size but you look bigger cuz you were and people see it there's so many people that are going we're going to put big screens everywhere even outside we're going to get permits all over to put them in at restaurants McDonald's wants one downtown Sarasota when he keeps on getting hung up and then while I'm at the drive-thru and Hillsboro and this drive-thru is all over the place we're going to put a drive-thru in in fort Myers for the bout and we're putting it in Vegas and already has two odds and it's closed and he's betting money on Hera and he spending his money and house is not out of your personal money you crazy man he wants to put $100,000 on her to win a real money and he get really paid and that store to get it to him Rd and Mac. And me Bitol and we all agree and wie and BJ the addition of course we would is the amount of money that you had last time to go to China and it would be the sign but really what you're saying is you better hundred thousand and if you win you make more money but it's a hundred thousand that people would remember and you're winning more money because of the hundred thousand so start understand something that's a really weird thing and it would be a way to go up there usually never works wei can understand why we understand that you wanted to go up there because you want to go in there when he's there and see what the heck happens. We all want to do that is a great idea so going to pay Tommy to throw the match and you probably won't because he'll be overcome by Dan is probably shoot his brain out in his diaper happens sometimes. I'm rooting for Hers because she's our girl a little baby girl Hera... Okay Father I agree. And she's our baby girl 2 Hera is. And she's my actual baby child and she's my girl and little girl was brought up myself and educated myself she came out perfect and you love and I want you to win not because I don't like Tommy F if I don't it's because she's a girl she needs to win because she's having a tough time with the treatment and he's receiving.
While pushing for her to win and for him to win some money on it so I'm going to put some money on him to win and real money and you can try and do something about this big company in cages and also the stuff you can't take it says he's tried and he's trying and what he's doing is not much but other people doing fine last night make it way worse starship troopers has everything you need. Well so I can get something he's chained units and he shouldn't cuz it's illegal so we're going to try this and see what happens
Mac daddy says and we agree he's done way too much already and we just going to sit here and try and help him no we can try and make this work and seems he's found something interesting to do have himself fight people cell channels into fights so I'm suggesting a fight and says okay Dan going to fight me get up there into the ring and fight the enemy Tron robot after practice with another enemy trying that looks just like you we need you to go up there early so we can scan you and that's a strip down in a private room it's like Tron in this machine goes on in these lines go all over you and scans your body and you're wearing a probably Tommy F banana smuggler but he can loan you injured and it scans you and it gets your exact dimensions and exact face and it makes them old really fast and it's out in minutes examine it and stuff and then do the makeup and everything on it and you'll be amazed what just like you and it's a risk of course a lot of people don't want to do that kind of thing but there's a ton of people who want you to like Bill it will and mac and others cuz he want to see how they do it and where it goes and where to take the data stuff like that so I got to go up there and do that and stop saying full of stings to me dances what's a deer you're provoking me all the time and get out because you're too teeny and you're sitting there pushed up against me and you won't stop and other people remove your brain to have you do it and you can ask around tonight because the great 5150 meeting and I have John C Reilly take you aside and give you a little talk you know how to get the alcohol breath in your face kind of explain what I'm talking about in your language cuz you're not really getting it and you know it's not really filing it just seems valid so I agree it seems violent but he's up for it because he wants me to ride the 5150 and Sebastian's making him from scratch she says and he knows about it and he's getting a deal so he's going to try and help and it's going to be a spokesperson for him I didn't do it for us so it's going over there now and since need you and Randall Tex Cobb format that's what people buy what's up I'm starting to see something we're both branding it and it's going to be the same cuz we use the same little brass piece that they were using that our bikes are built differently and it's not really the Hard knocks so it's going to start a fight and start a fight tonight and his timing and we're going to continue against damn and he asked me if I want to do the second fight and say I want Thor to do it and so Thor accepts and see will probably fight someone and he's pics bja and he says BJ you want to go there in person it's fine and it really hit that hard and says no that's okay then I would allow it so he's willing to do it they'll scan tall format we probably won't make it up there like that and they'll end up looking like Danny g she get his ass kicked
Hera Zues
I said most of this and I put most of it together it's kind of masochistic but he's going sweet everyday for no reason so he wants to do this show you what he can do to you we can do it tends to you are we going to it's a perfect night for it
Bitol and Goddess Wife
There's no reason for any of this happening I'm helping Father and Mother saving you help save us and yes the idea came from you guys since going back and it's a perfect time we need it in Olympus loved it and I put forward to them and he's saying finally this is what I need as you capitalize this is Us
Savage Oppress
I'm going to give him a big gift and I'm going to do the other side of it and start to do it now cuz they're building up forces to try and threaten to win and we're all working on it but I'm going to head it up I'm also going to ride up there on the hand of God cuz I took the bike cuz I can't stand these assholes we have demanded back use of a ton of blood supply we have a bunch of them then we're going to head up to the Bronx cuz it's an insult probably lose the whole damn thing
Darth Maul Darth Talon
So give me go up there with a smile on her face and a smile in a heart and saying that this is all fun and Mac is being a party pooper just took all the companies and wants to sit there and do nothing and think that nothing will happen to him instead of having a great time and distracting everybody like he is
So wondering what you're saying and it seems like he understands it but he probably doesn't it's all about caju you and this is what we needed and people are gross in our realm and they could be eating this stuff and I was going to give me thoughts. This reminds me of some kind of nightmare I had this week and I was sleeping I went to this place and they're all cage you I'm sitting here cussing him out cursing them out yelling at him like you do like you guys trade me too and they're turning around saying it's us so I think it's a premonition and he says it is and they do it in certain ways to me it's real hard to understand cuz I think I'm always make a genius last times I miss it I'm sorry ignore it sometimes you tell me he says what I didn't ignore this and it says this is going to happen and here it is happening and I can't believe it and sometimes my people believe I spent this is happening because he came up with this idea and it's kind of the cage effect if you're fighting them in any way for any reason all this weird stuff starts happening to you and he's helping us and not helping us so it's kind of a weird person
We now see this it could be why Daniel Justice pain because what he said is a mouthful and it's absolutely true and up there is a huge gay Jew and it's right up Rock of Gibraltar that's probably like these monsters that were blocking the Midwest from the East
Well now we're finally talking about it I'm shooting my mouth off and now it's got a fight with Chris the robot how interesting what I'm going to say is Jaime the robot
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