#don't think I didn't see that you liked one 'a those vids
cosmicwhoreo · 1 year
I saw people stealing your art without permission on YouTube
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Before your can talk and explain, are you ok with people just stealing your art and just post it on YouTube?
First of all, you say that like I knew about either of them- And yes, like just about every other artist, I'd prefer it people just credited me for the art, DUH. But at the same time, from the looks of it; both of these dudes are clearly kids. They probably don't really understand the importance of crediting the artist yet and just reposted the art because they thought it looked nice from Pinterest... So I can't say I'm all that bothered over it. Please please PLEASE don't bully them over this, at most just ask that they at least credit me with like a link to my stuff or something. Inform, don't scorn. They're just being silly kids.
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wereh0gz · 2 months
"I don't support the lgbtq but I respect them" that literally means nothing but go off I guess
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caeunot · 8 months
Can you do a friends to lovers fic for johnnie with them being super touchy as friends
i love this !! thank you for also being my first ever ask<3
johnnie guilbert x reader
you and johnnie have been friends for a few months now, you two became close quite fast since you both have similar interests and world views. you didn't have a youtube channel of your own but you loved making lil cameos in johnnies vids or even jakes since you love eating almost as much as he does.
you were hanging out with jake and johnnie with a few other of their friends like jc and scuff, you guys had been out the whole day and you were exhausted. as you made it to the couch you slumped next to johnnie and complained about how tired you were, "im sure it's fine if you lie down for a bit" he said, you nodded and lay down on johnnies lap using it as a pillow. at first he looked a bit confused but he soon relaxed and started gently playing with your hair while still talking to the others.
your friends definitely noticed how touchy you two were, but to be honest your love language was touch and it was painfully obvious, so no one over thought when you were extra affectionate towards johnnie. when the two of you were together you would often fix his hair or if a peice of his clothing was folded you would fix, sometimes the two of you would even cuddle depending on the circumstances.
you didn't intend to actually fall asleep but you did, and when you eventually did wake up you felt a soft blanket on top of you, you then looked around and realized that everyone was gone. well everyone except johnnie. he was still on the couch with one hand on your waist the other on his phone.
"hey sleepyhead you finally awake?" you sat up and rubbed your eyes, "why did u let me fall asleep that's so embarrassing.. how long has it been" you say anxiously as you can see it's become dark outside. "only 4 hours" he says with a smug face, making you roll your eyes.
you dramatically fell forward into his shoulder, "four fucking hours" you mutter through his shirt. he puts his phone down and let his hands run through the hair by your shoulders before slowly pushing you up to face him. "everyone was already tired and left soon after you fell asleep and I didn't mind at all okay? I promise it's fine" he says with a reassuring smile.
you appreciate his words but demand that you do something for him in return, as your looking into his eyes you then decided what it is, "can I remove your makeup for you? as like a thank you!" he makes a confused face (which reminded you of a puppy). "you don't have to do anything, makeup wipes take basically a minute to use there's really no need"
but your mind had already been made, plus since you were staying over for the night you had brought all your skincare and decided to give him a mini facial.
you sat down on the side of their bathtub and johnnie sat down next to you, you took out a wipe and started removing the makeup. you then held his cheek in your other hand so that his face can be more stable. when your done you let him splash his face with water and you take out your foaming cleanser. to do this you sat even closer to him, basically feeling his breath as you took your hands and gently massaged the cleanser into his face.
"i don't think you could be a professional with those nails, like your so close to poking my eyes out" he says after you finished, he noticed your facial expressions change, "but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it" he says almost defensively.
as you finish off with moisturizer you can see he's on the verge of falling asleep, you knew you were done but a part of you didn't want this to end. "hey johnnie there's ooone more thing to do okay?" he nods and let's you lead him towards his room. "you can just sit down on your bed" you say confidently, as if there was an actual need for any of this. johnnie is that exhausted to the point where he is just mindlessly following your instructions, which made what you were going to do a whole lot easier.
when he sat down you also started yawning yourself, as if you didn't just come out of a nap but anyways. you took his hairbrush from his side tables and sat down next to him. without saying a word you started to brush his hair while gently moving it around. "are you having fun" he says, scrunching his face up slightly.
once you finished and put the brush down you decided to be a little more forward and leaned back against the end of the bed while gently moving johnnie so that he's laying on your chest. he didn't say a word until you started brushing your fingers through his hair, this time you moved it in a way where your long nails were massaging him and he accidentally let out a small whimper.
he immediately got embarrassed and sat up. "shit sorry I know you didn't mean it that way I'm just exhausted and it felt really good'". you noticed that from those words the tension between the two of you seem to change. "hey it's okay, just come sit back down". he bites his lip in slight hesitation but he then goes and sits back down in his original spot.
you massaged his head gently for a bit longer before slowly moving yourself lower to where you faced him on the pillow. "the spare room is so far away, can I just sleep here tonight?" without responding, johnnie slips his arm around your waist and tucks himself gently against your chest. "yes please".
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twwings · 2 months
was reminded recently that this month is the 10-year anniversary of my Leverage vid Parachute, aka one of the most popular things I've ever made. Happy ten years to this vid! I still adore this OT3.
AO3 link if you wanna kudos/comment after all this time 💜
a few making-of reminiscences about this vid below!
The sound of Parker's parachute snapping in the wind, at the very beginning, was from freesound.org, and one of the first times I put non-source audio in a vid! I love how that little sound takes you into the soundspace and focuses you on the central metaphor of the vid.
This was also one of the first vids where I edited the music in a levelling-up kind of way. I had cut songs before to make them shorter for vidding, but in this one, I needed to add more song—to make the transition from Parker/Hardison to Eliot have more space to breathe. So I copied the instrumental section from elsewhere in the vid and copied it to create some space between the chorus and the verse introducing Eliot.
I accidentally clipped a WHOLE BUNCH of Leverage in the wrong framerate for this vid? This is back when I was using MPEG Streamclip to make clips for vidding, and I input the wrong framerate. As a result a bunch of clips had extra frames that I had to cut out by hand (reclipping would have taken too long—this was in the last gasp days of using MPEG Streamclip when it would chug and huff away for ages to make a clip, because the footage was getting too big for the program OR my computer to really handle easily).
There's one shot of Hardison that I wish I'd colour-corrected (I colour-corrected some stuff in this vid but it was before my era of being super into colour correction). He's way too green! I notice it every time! Poor green Hardison.
Making this vid really taught me about how important it is to know what kinds of shots you've got and how to spend them—in order to create the OT3 in the vid, it's essential to withhold shots of the three of them in the same frame till almost the end. It's twosomes, twosomes, twosomes, up until the end when SUDDENLY you get these fabulous shots of all three of them in frame and it's such a RELIEF to see that. It's not like, a shot of the three of them in bed together or anything, obviously I didn't have that footage (Leverage Redemption, lookin at you) but the fact that those kinds of shots are withheld throughout the vid and then lavished on the viewer suddenly creates a feeling of something snapping into place, I think, that you wouldn't have otherwise.
When I was vidding the Parker/Eliot section, I struggled a lot, because they had the lyric "hand behind my neck/arm around my waist" and I was looking and looking for stuff where they touched, but the interesting thing about them is that they DON'T touch much, Parker just doesn't touch people who aren't Hardison very much, and the vid flowed much better when I gave up on matchy-matching that lyric that was literally about touch and instead showing the moments where Eliot is helping and respecting Parker (eg teaching her to fight, giving her a boost). Sometimes the lyrics should be disobeyed!
I loved making this vid so much that I made another vid right after it, using some footage that I hadn't used in this vid because it was a little too slow or too sad, and I love that vid too but it gets less attention. Anyhow if you like Parachute and you read all this way, please enjoy my other Leverage OT3 vid, which is called "too peculiar for love."
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"you're not going to get anywhere with that tone, you lack tact"
You don't listen to peaceful protests, you don't like angry protests, you don't like my tone when I'm upset, you think I'm faking oppression if I'm upbeat, you don't listen unless I'm suffering, but suffering too much is hard on you or means I'm faking it so I must understand when you neglect me for your "mental health". When you neglect me I make no progress but I'm the one to blame for that cuz Im just not trying hard enough, but try too hard to be heard and I lack tact which is such an affront that I'm not worth listening to no matter how dire my situation. You don't like unsourced posts but sourced posts are "too long" and I should really be more considerate and accessible if I want colonizers like you to-
I'm starting to think the tone & language aren't the reason you don't listen to the message, colonizer.
I'm starting to think you just dont like when I remind you that I'm a human being who deserves liberation from my oppression.
Unfollow me if you're like this. For real. I don't check my follower list so I won't notice you're gone.
Y'all need to understand, everyday I wake up and watch 20k people systematically ignore my posts on white supremacy and anything else that isn't a fun topic to talk about. I can literally see y'all in my notes skipping over my political/solidarity posts and reblog cute cat vids & memes I reblogged instead.
Those people are why I'm deleting my blog at the end of the year. Point blank.
I no longer care if you feel guilt tripped. Your feelings about oppression aren't my problem. As an oppressor they are quite literally your problem to solve. Don't like feeling guilty about this shitty fucking world of politics?
Care about someone else's comfort for a fucking change.
God knows the world isn't fucked like this because people like me didn't try hard enough. Take a long fucking look in that mirror.
And if you decide you just don't care enough to be an ally:
UNFOLLOW ME, you little shit stain white supremacist
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jojissalsa · 5 months
uncle leon being icky... (need him so bad)
tw: dead dove, incest (uncle-niece), slight dubcon, size difference, dumbification, mentions of alcoholism, descriptions of porn, leon being gross to bimbo reader (fem reader) MDNI, 18+ under cut (not proofread SORRY!)
a/n: i cannot stop thinking of vendetta leon finding that one pornstar that looks like him…. i just know he'd watch all his vids religiously cause he wants to be a skeevy little shit. love that sleaze ball so much <3
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you knew you weren't the sharpest tool in the box, it was just in your nature. never stressed about having to lift your pretty, manicured hands, because your parents did all that for you. sure, they were never around and that probably left a lot of emotional scars, but who cares about that when you get to wear designer?
you always thought it was a bit weird that your parents had your uncle looking after you even now that you were an adult. probably because you always had that habit of sneaking alcohol when they weren't looking, especially when you also sneaked your friends over. but isn't it ironic to have an obvious alcoholic to look after another? if only you knew what either of those words meant, thinking too much makes you bored. you shrug it off as you watch your parents let leon in so they can go on another date night. it's always hard to be happy for them when they make time for themselves but never make any time for you. who cares when leon's around though? he makes time for you, even if it's brief. he gives you a quick hug, saying he's gonna be spending the night. you can feel the flask in the pocket of his leather jacket, but you don't say anything. yet, at least.
your plans were to get to him when he was already tipsy, praying he didn't drink it all yet when you managed to catch him when he's off guard. you wait until he thinks he's alone, sitting on the couch with his laptop in front of him, headphones in. you assumed he was watching some kind of movie, so you hop over the back of the couch and sit next to him. "hey leon, whatcha doin'?" you grin as he shuts his laptop instantly, looking at you with a startled look. you weren't that dumb, he probably was watching some chick flic and didn't want you to tease him about it. "nothing, what do you want?" you pout at his dismissive tone, you'd think he'd be a little happier to be giving you attention. "what makes you think i want something? i just wanna spend time with my favorite uncle!" you move to cuddle up at his side, watching as he grabs a throw pillow and moves it onto his lap. weird, he must be cold. "really? you sure it's not to get a drink out of me?" the way he saw right through you made your face heat up, looking around as if to figure out some kind of excuse. "what?? no.. what were you watching?" your tone was a lot less confident and bubbly, sheepish as you looked up at him. "nothing a girl like you should watch, that's for sure." he scoots his laptop away but you press up against him to try and stop him. "c'monnn, it can't be that bad, right? just let me see!" you tug at his laptop to keep it near you two, seeing him start to smile from your curiosity. "you sure, sweetheart? you might think your uncle is weird." he pinches your cheek as if you're some dumb kid, blushing under his hand. "i won't judge, promise."
in hind sight, you probably should've known. if you had a brain, that is. you sit up when he finally lifts up his laptop screen, your eyes widening when it reveals a porn video. one of those studio ones, but it wasn't the fact that it was porn. the guy looked like leon. like, a lot like him. you chastise yourself when you shiver at the thought, but is it really that bad? anyone can say their uncle is handsome, but seeing this guy was different. he was so much bigger than the girl in the video. and so strong too? never seen a guy hold someone up like that for so long.. "hey, you still here?" you must've been close to drooling, because you've been staring at the video since he opened his laptop. "huh? yeah, yeah." you wave him off to continue watching, because you've never seen anything like this before. sure, you've watched porn before, but this was different. it felt different, it looked dirty. the way his hands were bigger than half her body, all the things he was saying, it made your chest feel heavy and your panties feel damp. you barely noticed the throw pillow suddenly gone from leon's lap, his hand moving down your back, his fingers dangerously close to slipping under your shorts. "are girls really that small? or are guys just that big?" your question was genuine, you never paid attention to the difference like that. maybe now you'd think about it a bit more than most things. "mmm, dunno, you wanna find out?" his voice sounded just as husky as the guy in the video, and it nearly made you moan, unable to part your lips to say yes. so you just nod, your heavy breathes coming out in short little puffs from your nose.
you thought he was just gonna grab your hand and show you the size difference like the guy in the video, instead he moves his laptop to the coffee table, leaving you in front of him with your legs spread. you watch as his hand smooths over the back of your thigh before stilling right next to your clothed pussy, making you twitch at how close his hand was. "look at that, such a cute little cunt." he groans and you let out the most pathetic squeak that makes you cringe internally. "aww, you like that, huh? you wanna know if my fingers can fit in that tiny pussy?" you shake like a leaf in the wind at his voice, feeling the pulse in your cunt get just as fast as your heartbeat. "mhm.." you feel so meek, being this vulnerable, and in front of your uncle of all people. it was fast, leon was already peeling your clothes off before you even let the sound out. the relief washing over you from being freed of your panties short lived as his fingers swiped over your clit, slick sticking to his palm. "hold your legs up, baby." your nails nearly dig into the back of your knees as you hold up your legs, the sudden intrusion of his finger making you tense.
your mind could barely cling onto one thought for too long, drifting from one to the next. god, his finger is so thick. so long, too. i can't even reach that far, can i? he laughs like he can hear what you're thinking, digging his finger even deeper, making you gasp as your back arches. "not used to a finger reaching that far, huh, sweetheart? think you can fit my cock in here?" the way he talks is making you squirm, needing him to hold you down as he slips another finger in. "i wanna try, can i, uncle leon? show me, please." you clearly hit a nerve, his touch feeling even more needy just from your words alone. you whine as his fingers leave your hole so he can work on getting his cock out of his jeans, still holding your legs up. your eyes glaze over as he holds his cock over your tummy, his pre-cum leaking onto your skin. "look at that," he takes your jaw in his hand, making you look at how big he is compared to you, the tip of his cock barely an inch away from your belly button. "so fucking wet and i barely touched you. that video really turned you on that much?" your body tenses again as he holds his dick in place to hump against your clit, feeling the knot in your core get tighter and tighter.
you were so focused on the pleasure you were feeling you didn't realize he wanted you to answer him. his grip on your jaw got tighter, pushing your cheeks together to pucker your lips. "too dumb of a whore you can't answer? i haven't even stuck my dick in you yet and you're leaking like a faucet," your body practically convulses at his dirty talk, drool threatening to leave your shut lips. "do you even care that i'm your uncle? or are you just a slut for anyone with a cock?" you try to tilt your head back from ecstasy, failing miserably from his grip staying tight, whining from all the teasing. "'s not true, you're being mean.." your words are muffled, slurred from how cockdrunk you are. "aww, i'm being mean? what, am i teasing you too much, sweetheart?" you're on the verge of screaming at him to hurry it up before you lose it, the shame of doing this with your uncle long gone. not like it was there to begin with, you doubt you even grasp the meaning of shame. not because you're a whore, of course not. you're just a dumbass.
he can tell your whimpering is desperate enough to consider as begging, finally sheathing his cock inside you, groaning into the crook of your neck as he bottoms out. you've never felt this full in your life, you can't tell if the stretch is painful because he's big or because you haven't gotten laid in a while. meanwhile he's a little disappointed you're not a virgin, but you might as well be with how tight your walls are hugging him. he might as well be the virgin, trying his hardest not to come when your walls try to suck him in as he pulls out. "fuck, so goddamn tight, surprised i even fit." you gasp when he thrusts in deeper, hitting your sweet spot. he leans up to get a full view of you, his gaze trailing down to where he sits snug in your pussy, chuckling meanly at the bulge he sees under your tummy. "see?" he makes sure your eyes are looking where he is too, picking up his pace when he sees you lock in on it. "look at how much dick you're taking, so proud of you, sweetie." the condescending lilt in his voice sends you spiraling, tightening on him as your head hangs low on the couch cushion. that was all he needed to go even faster, watching your tits bounce as he pounded you into the couch. he wasn't just rearranging your guts, he was fucking your brain out of your head, watching as you drooled onto the plush surface your pretty, empty head laid on.
he could feel you getting closer, and he knew he wasn't gonna last much longer either with how tight you were. "you wanna make uncle leon really proud, hun?" you nodded feverishly, dying at the opportunity to please him. you feel his hand move from gripping your tit to thumbing your clit, rubbing harsh, slow circles. "cum for uncle leon, sweetheart, gonna make him real happy when you do." it was in an instant, feeling your toes curl as your vision goes white, only able to scream his name over and over as your nails nearly pierced the skin under your knees. "good girl, you needed that, huh? don't worry, you'll get a nice, fat load too." your ears were still ringing, so you only registered he was cumming inside you before it was too late. you were too delirious to care about the moral implications, enjoying the warm feeling of his cum spilling from your pussy. "tiny little cunt can't even hold my cum." you hear him breathe out before he pushes it back in with his fingers, laughing at your sensitive squirming.
he lets you sleep it all off, making sure to wake up before you so your parents don't catch you two sleeping in the same bed. why sleep in the guest room when you just fucked your niece? you sit on the steps as you watch him say his goodbyes to your parents, shooting you a mean smile before he leaves. you're the first to know how gross he is, but you're praying to the few gods you remember that his smile meant he was willing to do that again. you know you shouldn't crave the way he treated you, how dirty he is. but you can at least be safe knowing you have that video to keep you over until next time.
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p0rk-guts · 7 months
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Velvette if she served cunt
Design breakdown below 👇🏾(BEWARE IT'S VERY LONG)
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Alright going into detail about my gripes and edits. Like Velvette but her design is just. Not good to me. None of her (main) outfit details look like they fit to me— pinstripe pants + long fur coat paired with black crop top and scene sleeves? Skull earrings? TINKERBELL HEELS????? Tell me how any of that meshes well or even makes SENSE for the social media influencer persona she's supposed to have going on. Now that I think about it I'm pretty sure she's supposed to be clown themed... But I'm just gonna toss that idea out bc being a revered social media influencer and a clown at the same time just seems a bit oxymoronic to me, and the "clown" details aren't adding shit for me.
And don't think I forgot about her features. Pale ash grey skin and wavy hair at best. If she was supposed to be some type of creature where a nonhuman skin tone would make sense then maybe I could let it go?? But as far as I can tell she doesn't have an object or creature or animal theme like the other V's and if she does I shouldn't need to do detective work to figure it out. There is no reason for *any* of these poc characters to have grey skin, especially since they don't have any other poc features at all.
Sorry that shit gets me heated anyways. Onto my redesign. Gave her a more obviously black skin tone and textured hair bc I love a 30 inch buss down as much as the next girl but considering how there are no significant poc cast members with visibly textured hair I think she deserves to flaunt some coils if no one else will.
Ngl I'm not. A fashion girlie. Idk what's trendy idk what screams "influencer" so a lot of this was just throwing shit at the wall that I've seen around recently but it looks cute enough to me. And there was a bit of inspiration taken from Aliyahcore and ghetto fabulous fashion ❤️
If you can't tell this is shamefully inspired by lovesart23's Velvette reimagining because imo they had some outstanding ideas for Vel. I low-key stole their idea for those floating eyes in her hair that follow her around and help her keep tabs on shit it was just a superb idea for a social media overlord to me. I also took some inspo from @furbtasticworksofart 's redesign because vampire influencer sucking up the souls of her followers in exchange for content??? Too good (also the eyes were supposed to have bat/vamp wings I just forgot 😭) So yeah she's a vampire demon now. Without the features she was looking too human anyhow. Maybe she also feeds off of the energy of her followers through tech like after Vox mind controls them or whatever... Idk idk is that anything
Speaking of Vox, the screen glasses are meant to connect her to him w/ their color and shape while serving the purpose of being like a second phone she can post and check the web with. Like lovesart said in their reimagining vid, Vel doesn't really do more than pose for selfies and scroll on her phone when it comes to social media so in my head she's constantly flipping her shades on and off, using them to scroll and stay active, and they can show when she's not paying attention or respect to something/someone bc scrolling is more worth her time in the moment.
The hearts everywhere are also supposed to kinda represent social media likes + connect her back to Val w/ his heart patterns. That might've been what the hearts in her og design were for but. I just didn't like their placement bc I'm a nitpicker and a hater❕
I have so much more I could say about possible ideas for Velvette because I love evil black girls and I only want them to succeed in my media and I could treat her so much BETTER but I'll refrain bc this is way too long anyway.
Alright for reading/scrolling through all that rambling I offer you the sketches + some alt hair ideas I had
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P.S. I'm very open to constructive criticism but if I see anyone just dick riding in my replies or rb's I'm just blocking you on sight ✌🏾
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beatrixstonehill2 · 3 months
"Are you guys all set to see these massive titties get destroyed? I'm pretty nervous but super excited! I feel like every girl with huge boobs is getting a reduction and positing it on TikTok. I'm not lying, like two thirds of the other super big boobed girls I follow got their breasts removed or heavily reduced in the past year or so. I hate following trends but come on! I just have to. I don't want to feel left out. All these girls are doing collab vids and streaming together topless, comparing their scars and stuff. OK, to be fair lots of girls are just getting reductions down to a B or A, but you know how I am, I get soooo jealous and I want to go as big as I can! Or small, I guess.....
Hope you guys aren't too mad. I know you love my huge fat titties, and believe me, so do I! But I am just obsessed with how many gorgeous busty girls are getting debreasted or reduced to tiny ballet-girl tits. It's seriously all I think about. I'm even starting to get messages from other girls egging me on to get my boobs chopped off. I swear I watch more vids about girls eagerly going breastless or getting tiny flat boobs than I do anything else. I don't watch movies or stream TV, I just watch endless hours of perfect, huge breasts getting dismantled and destroyed, all as the girls happily watch and commentate. I never knew it was becoming such a popular genre, like thousands of girls are doing it all over the world every month and honestly if I don't I'll look silly carrying around these monster tits.
Soooo, I just have to get them totally destroyed. I wish each and every one of you could grope them and enjoy them before tomorrow but alas, it's not possible..... I know I'm probably making a really big mistake and in a couple years big boobs might be in style again but I refuse to be the only girl in my circle on Instagram keeping her giant melons all because I'm feeling all selfish and independent. Like hello, it's 2024, people don't just want to see big breasts get groped anymore...... well, they still do, but only if they get to see those titties get taken apart and ruined for good! It's like back in the day porn was pointless if the girl just kissed a guy but he didn't fuck her and cum. Well, times change! You used to be expected to have giant boobs and let men grab them and play with them, which I did! But now guys are being guys and all they want to see is their favorite toys get destroyed!
So I'm just being smart, really. Keeping up engagement and all that. And, well..... I am sorta obsessed with the idea of watching my boobs get destroyed, live and streaming of course. It's like a sexual revolution, only we're realizing our boobs aren't just for milking and squeezing, they're there for men to jerk off and watch as they're chopped off and tossed in the garbage! Nothing new.... It's just hot girls getting railed and gangbanged, then discarded with a new coat of paint! And it'd be such a shame to let these beautiful breasts go without getting ripped to shreds and dropped down a garbage chute, wouldn't it? ❤️"
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dnpbeats · 7 months
drop the dan loving goblin phil essay rn
(in reference to my tag on this post)
OKAY SO! In BIG dan says this about phil: "And this is when, through the magic of the internet, I met Phil. And obviously we were more than friends but it was more than just romantic. This is someone that genuinely liked me. I trusted them. And for the first time since I was a tiny child, I actually felt safe. [...] Especially to anyone that has experienced the kind of self-hatred that I have dealt with, one person accepting you can make all the difference" (ty @goldenpinof for the transcript 🕺). Now obviously, this is in the context of dan being gay so for the most part he's referencing his sexuality here when he talks about being accepted, and I am not trying to undermine that at all. But I think that phil's acceptance of dan went deeper than just his sexuality (goblin Phil comes into this I promise lol).
dan also talks a bit in BIG about how he was nerdy and was bullied for that before he was bullied for being gay. He's also mentioned other times how being nerdy/geeky didn't use to be accepted. In the 4/13 stereo show, dan says: "Before YouTube, if you were a nerd, you felt like you weren't a valid member of society unless you were, like, captain of the football team or whatever. [...] Now, thanks to social media, it's like 'oh, okay, well if someone like Hank Green can exist, I'm fine.'" What's extra interesting about this example specifically is that dan is talking about representation in response to a fan prompting him to talk about queer representation in media. So like, yes the majority of dan's struggles in accepting himself were surrounding his sexuality, but I do also think there was a layer of being a nerdy kid at a time when it wasn't cool or fun that added onto him not accepting himself. And I do not think that that's completely separate from his nonacceptance of his sexuality.
So, what exactly does this have to do with dan expecting phil to be super debonair and then having those expectations shattered? But then still wanting phil, arguably even more than he did before? Well, I think that phil was (and is) unapologetically himself, and that was inspiring for dan to see. dan said in BIG that he didn't meet an out gay person until he was 18, so either that person was phil himself or he met phil shortly afterwards and phil was therefore one of the first out gay people dan knew. and we know from phil's coming out video that he wasn't ashamed of his sexuality at that time. but phil's acceptance of himself goes beyond his sexuality, like just look at his YouTube content at the time. he was doing experimental stuff that was weird as shit (I don't mean that in a bad way I like his old vids!). most people probably would not have the confidence or self-assurance to make the stuff he was making, let alone post it. and then, beyond that, he was just a nerdy guy himself! but it was something that he openly talked about online and we know he and dan bonded over video games/tv shows/etc.
And now let's think about this from dan's perspective. He's been watching this guy's videos forever. He's been talking to him online for the past couple of months, and while he was talking with phil (rather than "amazingphil"), I'm sure there was still that element of like "wow holy shit I can't believe I'm talking with amazingphil!" Hence why dan says in the mean girls video that he was expecting phil to be all "hi, I'm amazingphil! 😏" when they first met (also side note, when dan starts to make this joke phil starts doing it at the same time, so I'm sure this is a discussion they've had before lol). but Phil wasn't like that!!! he was all hunched over and awkward and dorky! because he was nervous!! BUT he wasn't ashamed of that. he wasn't trying to put on some AmazingPhil™ Smooth Operator Refined front. He was just himself. Unapologetically so. And for dan, I think that that meant so much in terms of accepting himself, but also feeling accepted. because how was he going to believe phil when he said "dan I love you for who you are" if phil was hiding himself around dan?
So yeah, I think that's why dan saw goblin phil, not amazingphil, and was still like "yeah I want to build my life with this person." Because for him, phil represented self-acceptance and being accepted and a safe place and someone who he could be on the same wavelength with and true unconditional love and someone he can geek out with and someone who will let him yap for an hour about whatever the hell dan has decided to talk about that day. of course he would like phil more than whatever version of amazingphil he had built up in his head. because phil loves dan for who he truly is and dan loves phil for who he truly is :)
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mustainegf · 22 days
OK SO SEOUL 2006. you’re up front watching Kirk do that solo after fwtbt, and holy shit you’re abt to freak, and he LOOKS AT U with this crazy ass look. after the show, security takes u backstage and Kirk fingerfucks tf outta u in the dressing room…
(If u don’t know what I’m talking abt btw I’ll send u the vid)
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𝐒𝐄𝐎𝐔𝐋 ²⁰⁰⁶
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It was finally Metallica day. For years I've waited patiently to go see them live in South Korea. I grew up listening to 'Master of Puppets' with my dad, always dreaming of being in a mosh pit and getting crowd-surfed during the classics. And here I am standing front row at Olympic Gymnasium Hall, one of the best seats I could possibly hope for.
They're just finishing one of my favourite songs, For Whom The Bell Tolls, when the lights go dark and Kirk's solo pierces the air of the stadium.
I'm hooked. My eyes shoot wide and I'm basically ogling at him as he drips with sweat, his head rolling back as his bare chest shone.
There's something about an older rockstar that turns me on- the mystery and sexiness. I know he's seeing me through his smoky haze of sweat and effort.
It felt like he was looking straight into my soul. Like he knew what kind of thoughts were racing through my mind.
Those dark eyes, usually so sweet and awkward, almost evil as he staring at me, his sweaty fingers bending at the string like a madman, his other hand pounding down in the whammy.
He plays like he means it, and you can't help but feel every note.
His tongue is dripping with saliva from biting his lips hard, trying to keep control of himself in a room full of girls going crazy.
I lick my lips and squeeze myself together, knowing exactly where I want those lips. As he makes this last note, every guy around us goes nuts. I can hear screaming, clapping, yelling... I don't give a damn.
My mind and soul are only focused on him for the remainder of the show, he looks the sexiest he ever has.
After the show finally concluded, I find myself in the grip or a security guard, a man leaning in a telling me something.
He nodded his head and pointed behind me. I turn around to see Kirk smiling, pointing over his shoulder, as if he wants to leave.
Its only seconds before I'm being led down a dark hall. This couldn't be real. I walk to the dressing room door, which had been left open and peek inside.
"Hey", someone shouts from the side of the room, I turn to see Kirk walking towards me. "Nice to meet ya"
"I- um. hi.." I greet him awkwardly, unable to suppress my goofy smile.
I'm a fan girl all over again. Kirk holds out his hands like a knight greeting his lady in shining armour. He's shirtless still. His hair slick with sweat, his muscles strained from singing and playing guitar.
"In the dressing room, now." he smirks, pointing into the room.
I didn't hesitate, stepping past him into the dimly lit dressing room, filled with sound equipment and worn leather couches.
Kirk follows close behind, glancing over his shoulder to check no-one is watching. He shuts the door softly and steps closer to me. He leans in and whispers, "what do you think?"
I lean forward too, smiling widely. He notices I'm not wearing any bra underneath my black t-shirt. My nipples poking against my tight sports bra.
"I think we should get better acquainted." I whisper. That set him off, laughing loud enough to make sure there's nobody outside the room, then smiling slyly at me, turning away to sit on the couch.
I watch him sit, taking in the view of his naked torso. Kirk snickers and pats his thighs, so I follow his order and turn, sitting in his lap and leaning my back against his chest.
Our hips pressing tightly together, grinding slowly. He runs his hands up and down my stomach, scratching lightly.
I love how rough his hands are, he keeps glancing over at my tits swaying back and forth, feeling his cock growing under my ass. He wraps his arms around my body, lifting me up slightly.
His mouth presses on my neck, sucking gently. I moan loudly, my legs twitching. He presses his crotch against mine, letting me grind into his rock-hard dick.
"Is that what you wanted to get better acquainted with? You're such a naughty little thing." I look over at him and kiss him deeply, feeling our tongues dancing.
A faint noise of kissing starts, along with some light voices from people outside. I grin cheekily at him, my hands rubbing up and down his strong arms, feeing his bare back pressing on my chest. "You like that baby? Huh?"
Kirk slides his hands down my breasts, over my waist and carefully unbuttoned my jeans.
His hand moved down, sliding under my underwear. Pressing firmly against my mound, rubbing his fingertips against my clit. I gasp, putting both hands over his, applying more pressure to my pussy.
His wet fingers slide smoothly inside me, fucking my hole gently. I shut my eyes and lean my head back against his shoulder. I let out long low breaths.
Feeling his fingers moving in and out of me slowly, making small circles with each movement. "Mmmhmmm." I moan in approval, turning my face and looking directly into his eyes, winking at him.
"Do you like my hands baby? Do they feel nice?" he asks, teasing me. I look at him with pleading eyes. It was getting harder to restrain myself. "Ahh yeaah.. mmm." I struggle to get words out.
His fingers were working their magic, massaging me deeper and harder until I felt a wave of pleasure radiate from my loins. "Fuck!" I shout, my eyes rolling back into my head. His hands never stop touching me.
"Lets get this sexy thing off of you," Kirk snickers into my ear before pulling his fingers out to slide down my lace thong.
I lift my hips to help him slip it down my legs. My panties crumpled in his fist.
Kirk tosses them to the ground and slides his hand back between my legs.
His middle finger finds my hole easily and slides right back in. I whimper at the sensations shooting through my core. "Ahh! Oh yeah..."
I groan quietly, arching my back, grinding my pussy hard against his hand. "Shit yes... Just keep doing that..." He spreads his thumb over my swollen clit and begins a slow circle motion.
God damn it feels good.
I grind harder, driving his finger deep inside my cunt as far as it can go. I breathe heavily, lost in the moment, my mind blanking out.
"Yesssss... just... oh god. don't stop." I pant desperately, feeling my orgasm building up from somewhere deep inside me.
"Do you want to cum for me baby?" Kirk growls in my ear. I shudder violently, my voice shaking. "Please,
pleaseeeeeeee" I beg him urgently. His index finger joins the other, stretching my walls even wider.
My clit tingles as he rubs feverishly. I can feel it coming, heat rising inside me, my skin starting to burn. His other hand holds onto my breast tightly, squeezing it roughly as he sucks on my neck.
His fingers pump wildly inside me as I reach my climax. The wave of ecstasy surges throughout my body, I cry out as every muscle in my body clenches hard, convulsing uncontrollably. I spasm all over the place. "Kirk!" I whine.
"That's it, love... breathe through it... oh yeah, I bet that feels real nice." he mumbled, giggling under his breath.
Slowly he slows down his rhythm and pulls out of me. All I could do was lie there completely exhausted. He pulled my back to him and held me close, nuzzling his nose in my hair.
Kirk kisses my temple with a sigh and a smile, bringing his fingers to his mouth and sucking off my juices.
"Good girl... real good.."
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billthedrake · 5 months
I tried not to go wild. I still was married and still had my normal corporate guy life in Kansas City.
But doing porn turned out to be addictive. It was the combination of a deep exhibitionist streak I was discovering in myself and the access to incredibly hot men willing to suck me or get fucked by my big tool. It made me feel like a total stud... less middle-aged, I guess.
And work trips were the perfect cover. I really was doing the road warrior thing for my company, so I wasn't lying to Kate THAT much. But I did sometimes add a night to my travels.
Like the week after Easter. I had a business trip to Denver, but I added an extra evening and squeezed in a quick connector flight to San Francisco on my dime with miles. Muscle Pup Mike, my son's friend and escort/pornstar buddy, set me up with a versatile OnlyFans star there. I shot two scenes with him, actually, one oral, one with me masked as we had a nice, long 50-minute fuck scene. I didn't feel a deep chemistry with Kevin, aka "Jeff Reed," but I felt a deep chemistry with the two cameras that were on us. Besides, sex with a muscular 28-year-old hunk was hard to beat.
Turns out, the next night would beat it. I flew to Denver bright and early in the morning and had my sales meeting all day. I was rolling my business-style carry on into my hotel room right around dinner. I undid my tie and sat down to unlace my shoes before calling Kate to check in.
Yeah, I felt pretty bad knowing I was stepping out behind her back. I'd deal with that guilt later. Either stopping porn cold turkey or making a break or separation with my wife. At this point I wasn't ready to do either.
I wasn't a frequent poster, but managed a video every 2-3 weeks. And I had a growing following of fans willing to pay a modest subscription for just that. Sure, I got some comments complaining that I never took my mask off, but apparently I had the body and blond-furred looks a lot of guys went for. And my cock size helped - a lot. I was careful about not talking on camera, or I just edited those parts out, but I'd learned to be verbal with my grunts, to show appreciation for my sucker/bottom and to let viewers get that thrill. It worked.
I sat, alone in that quiet hotel room, thinking just how wild my double life had become, and I fiddled with my phone again. Chicago was an hour ahead and now would probably be a good time to call. I pulled up Travis's contact and FaceTimed him.
"Hey Dad," my son greeted.
"Hey," I said, leaning back and feeling my boner ride up in the crotch of my trousers. "I didn't catch you at a bad time, I hope?"
"Nah," he said. "Just getting back from the gym." Indeed, he had a workout zip-up on and I could see the familiar kitchen from his condo in the back.
"All sweaty?" I teased.
That got a laugh out of my son. He was surprised how horny I was sometimes, how much I'd leaned into this weird affair we had going on. "Something like that. How'd your shoot go?"
"Real well," I replied. "Kevin is a real professional. Made it easy."
"Just a professional?" Travis asked, with a teasing smile on his cute face.
"Just fucking," I said. "Not a ton of chemistry, I'm afraid, but I think I got some good footage for the next two vids." I'd always sent Travis the digital files via encryption, and he did the editing magic on the material. As amazing as my son was at being on-screen talent, he also had a knack for making great porn behind the camera.
"Don't take this the wrong way, Dad," he said. "But I think you're a natural adult performer."
I smiled. "Is that what the kids call it?" I joked.
That made my son laugh. I loved seeing and hearing his laugh. "OK... you're a natural porn star, Dad.... You know, it's really hot to say that. I get so hard watching you perform, you know."
My throat got dry. Travis knew how to work me up. "Jesus, Trav. You have no idea how much I've watched your videos."
That made my son laugh again, those dimples forming. "I have a pretty good idea, Dad. You've told me before."
"I lied," I teased. "I figured if I told you the real number, you'd get freaked out."
"Turned on is more like it, Dad," Travis said. "Why don't you show me how much you like em. You hard now?"
"Rock hard," I said. I turned the phone down to show off the rod forming a ridge in my trousers.
"Fuck," Travis hissed. "My dad has a real porn star dick. I have a shoot in a couple of hours. I'll definitely be thinking of your cock."
"Who's it with?" I asked. This was the wild phase Trav and I were at now. Father and son, lovers, flirts, and professional colleagues in the adult entertainment business.
"Bud and Spike," he said. I recognized the screen names of two muscle daddies from Dallas, into the more hardcore stuff.
I made a wince of an expression. "Go easy with those guys, buddy," I said. "For real." I felt strangely protective of my son. Which was weird, because in general he was the one looking out for me as I began doing porn more regularly.
Travis smiled. "I will, Dad. Promise. We're planning a more vanilla scene than they normally do." He gave me a wink. "Listen, I gotta go get ready, actually."
"All right, buddy," I said. I wished we had time for some phone sex because just talking to Travis was turning me on big time. "I can't wait to see your scene. And I'll be in Chicago in a couple of weeks. We'll catch up then, OK?"
"You bet, Dad," he said. "Love ya."
"Love ya, too, Big Guy."
We hung up.
I let out a hiss of air. I was horny now. Turns out "Jeff Reed" hadn't drained me. I did have a back up idea. There was some University of Colorado kid who'd been emailing me on the anon account Travis set up for me and linked to my OnlyFans. Call me a narcissist, but I'd been eating up the fan mail, and something about this college dude Bryan won me over. Maybe it was the pics he sent. Cute as fuck, brown haired, boy-next-door looks. And the nude pics that showed a surprisingly built body for a college kid - either a jock or someone who hit the college gym regularly. Smooth body with just a dusting of a treasure trail, creamy white skin, washboard abs, hard cock, amazing bubble ass.
Or maybe it was the request that I hit him up if I was ever in the Denver area.
So far I'd only done pro-amateur porn stars in the OF circuit my son and MusclePup Mike worked in. Some of it was the self-justification that it wasn't fully emotional cheating, just porn I was doing. Some of it was caution. All the arrangements went through Mike and because of my mask, no one knew my identity.
But I was horny now and sent this Bryan kid a message. I didn't expect a reply, but it was worth a shot. I set down my phone and undressed to take a quick shower. It was only 6:30, but it had been a long day.
There was a message waiting for me. "God yes, man," Bryan wrote. "I could be there in about an hour and a half," he wrote. Then almost nervously, there was a follow up. "God, I must seem overly eager. But fuck you're so hot. Let me know what works for you."
"How bout 8:30?" I typed back and gave my hotel name and room number. I wanted to get some food in me.
"Awesome. Yeah. See you soon," came the almost immediate reply.
I had only business casual clothes packed, so I got dressed to grab a bite at a restaurant near my hotel. I got back to my room with about ten minutes to spare. I brushed my teeth and checked my appearance in the mirror. I wasn't crazy about getting older, I had to admit, but I could see the "DILF" look that Travis and Mike were always raving about. Well-preserved was the expression, I suppose.
I was actually a little nervous when I heard the knock. I had no business fooling around with a guy like this. Not making a porn vid but actually having a cheating hook up. The messed up thing is that most guys would consider the videos a worse infraction, but this felt naughtier in a way.
Bryan looked great. Better than great. He was cuter than his pictures, and I think his nerves made him more attractive to me. He forced a smile but was shaking.
"Hey," he said.
"Hey," I smiled. "Come in, bud."
He was shorter than me, and his size made his collegiate muscle look more compact on his build. Maybe not collegiate wrestler exactly, but definitely that wrestler body type. A little thick, even. MusclePup Mike would have called him a twunk.
"I didn't know what you'd look like," Bryan said softly. His gray eyes were taking me in.
I remembered now he'd never seen me outside of my videos, all masked up. "You came over anyway," I observed.
"Oh yeah," he enthused. "You're my favorite porn star, hands down." He blushed but didn't stop gushing. "You probably know this... I guess most guys don't pay to watch your videos, but I subscribed to your site so I could email you."
"For real?" I laughed.
"Yeah," Bryan replied, that nervous smile growing bigger. "You're not on Twitter or Insta," he explained. His eyes swept up and down my frame. "God, you're even hotter in person. I knew you'd be hot, but... wow."
I was eating up his flattery. "You're not so bad yourself, buddy... bring it in..." I held up my arms to gesture him to come in for a kiss. He did. He was nervous and that turned me on for some reason. But once we started making out, Bryan got real into it, meeting my tongue with his, before practically sucking me into his mouth.
His hands were feeling it up, tentatively at first, then all over. He chuckled as he pulled back so he could feel me up better. I stood there and let his hands roam over my button-down shirt and the gym-toned muscle underneath. At that moment I was VERY glad for the personal trainer Travis set me up with.
"I hope you don't mind my saying," Bryan said, "But it's so wild to be with a porn star."
"Don't mind at all, buddy," I hissed. I was now experiencing the other thrill of doing porn. I knew I was into the exhibitionism of it all, but now I was feeling the hero worshop, the adoration of a young guy like this. I was rock hard.
He gulped as I reached down to undo my khakis, unzipping them and reaching in to haul out my dong. "I guess you really like my cock, then, huh?" I growled.
This wasn't me. At least it wasn't Brad Connors. Married father of three. Road warrior corporate guy. But being MaskedDaddy gave me the sexual confidence and freedom to be someone else.
"Fuck yeah," Bryan gasped as he saw my prick. "That cock's so fucking big..." His eyes were wide, taking in my size before he looked up at me. "OK, if I touch it?"
"I'd be disappointed if you didn't, buddy," I said. "That's why you came over isn't it?"
He nodded, like a chastised kid. Then tentatively he stepped in again and reached forward, like he was afraid of being branded by a hot poker. But once his fingers made contact, the hesitation was gone. The college dude circled his fingers and round me, griping my hardon and gently stroking a couple inches of it to get a feel of the girth and heft. "You don't know how much I've jerked off to your videos," he said. "I wasn't gonna admit to that you, but fuck...." His voice was heavy in his ragged breathing but still had that frat-bro collegiate kind of tone.
"I think we talked about you sucking that dick," I grunted. In our texts, Bryan had offered a blow job, and his presence now was making me really want this. In a surprising way, his realness was making me click with the college kid more than I did with a megahot porn star. Maybe it was the opposite of what Bryan was feeling, where he was living out his porn dream.
"Yeah," he nodded. But he gave me a sheepish shrug. "I, um, don't have a lot of experience."
I patted his cheek. "Give it your best, bud. Please. Daddy's really fucking horny." Yep, this was porn me talking, but it was the magic words for Bryan, who couldn't get down on his knees fast enough.
The young stud actually whimpered as he pulled my dick to his face and began licking it. It was slobbery and impetuous, and his attempt to take me into mouth was more urgent than skilled.
"Easy, buddy..." I urged as he choked a little on my size. "Daddy's got a big cock... take your time."
He nodded and moaned around my prick, flashing those gray eyes up, a little teary. Fuck.
I wouldn't say he got the hang of, but he got a lot more comfortable. Slowly, he sucked me, a few inches at a time, working up the focus to get an extra one back into his throat. The young dude was so excited to blow me, and I was loving this. Slowly I stroked his hair and encouraged him. "That's it, sport... you don't need the training wheels do ya? You go right for the big ones. OH FUCK, that feels nice."
"Yeah?" Bryan asked as he spit out my cock and swallowed the excess spit. I could tell he wanted to make sure he was sucking me right, but more than that he struck me as a young man who craved positive feedback in sex.
"You're doing great, buddy," I said.
There was something about this connection which was night and day different than "Jeff Reed." Bryan was a real guy, a college stud eager for me and not just playing out sex for the camera. And yet...
"You interested in filming this, Bryan? It's SO hot to watch you, buddy."
I could see two reactions in his face at once. A fearful shock at the idea. And an excitement to even consider it. "Oh man," he responded, not giving me a hint which one was the bigger emotion.
I slowly stroked my rod in front of his face, working in his spit over my dong and letting it get steel hard for his gaze. I had toyed with using viagra for my shoots, but even with my size I didn't have an issue getting real hard erections like this. I just loved sex too much.
"If it helps, I packed a spare mask," I offered.
Maybe another dude would have wondered why I had a mask with me, much less more than one mask. But Bryan had been used to seeing me in one, so maybe it just seemed normal to him.
"This is crazy," he said, his fearful look breaking into a smile.
"Is that a yes or a no?" I asked, gently tapping his cheek with my dong.
"Yes," he muttered excitedly before taking ne into his mouth once more.
I let him work me for a few seconds then pulled back. I went to my carryon back and retrieved the masks. I wouldn't need one, I suppose, but I tossed both over Bryan's way while I got my portable tripod, a compact digital camera, and a spare cameraphone, an old Iphone I used for extra handheld footage.
I was worried I was killing the mood setting everything up and fiddling with the lights. But I loved shooting porn, and if anything my dick was harder in anticipation with shooting a different kind of scene. Me with an amateur costar. Even if Bryan wasn't an experienced I just knew this would be a hot video. And if not, I'd enjoy jerking off to it.
Fortunately, Bryan seemed excited too. I could see the excitement in his eyes, even behind the mask. He'd taken his shirt off, maybe to be less identifiable but was on his knees still, hands braced on his thighs. "I can't believe I'm going to be in one of your vids," he said. Yeah, the dude was into this.
I sauntered back, my dick leading the way. "If you're not comfortable with the results, we don't have to post anything," I said, remembering how important that veto power was for my comfort level for my first vid with my son. "Otherwise, I'll take this as your consent."
"Got it," he nodded.
The second his lips touched my prick again, I let out a gasp. He looked up at me, excited, and I took in his green eyes looking up through the mask holes. I pointed the phone camera at him to capture that. I wasn't gonna shoot that angle the whole time, since I preferred to enjoy getting head instead of playing cameraman the whole time. But the snapshots of him looking up would add to the effect.
Bryan's technique wasn't better this time, but his enthusiasm had tripled, at least. I set down the phone and eased my stance back, my posture upright. I was still in my business casual attire as this horny college kid blew me. I urged him to go slower at first with a quick deep grunt.
I heard the guy moan around my meat as something relaxed in his throat and he was able to more steadily take more of my dong into his throat. Working me up and down, I reached behind his head and massaged his scalp through the mask, gently urging him deeper.
"Yes," I choked in response. "Suck me." I'd gotten pretty good at deguising my voice. Using my porn voice. "Suck Daddy."
That did it. Bryan pulled off for a quick breath, then descended all the way down. I'm a big guy, and even some of the OnlyFans studs had a hard time swallowing my sword. But they weren't feeling the crazy sexual thrill this kid was.
He held a second then it was too much, and he pulled off with a sputtering cough. I could see his eyes watering even through the mask holes.
"Sorry," he breathed, as he tried to regain composure.
"It's OK... take your time," I said in my normal voice. Travis would have to edit that out. All for the best. I gave Bryan a second to catch his breath and then I leaned down and met him for a sensual kiss.
"You're doing real good," I said. Then leaning up, I offered my hard dong again. It had gone down a little, but was still pretty heavy. "Ready for more?" I asked.
He nodded. "Yeah," he said, his gray eyes looking back up at me.
His mouth on me got me rock hard once more. I pulled out some to let the camera catch my full hardon, then pushed back in between his wet lips. Bryan was novice, but that was OK. I was turned on from a change of pace from the OnlyFans dudes. This was a real guy, young and eager. I let him suck and get into sucking.
"Yeah," I grunted, I ran my fingers through his hair again and took the chance to push him down on my meat some more.
Byran was up for the challenge. He grunted around my prick but his throat relaxed and swallowed more of my thickness.
I started cumming. I wanted to ride out the orgasm in his college kid's throat but instead I pulled out and shot a couple of jets onto his mask and his lips before pushing back in just a few inches to let him suckle the remaining dribbles of semen.
I caught my breath a half second then picked up the cameraphone again. I hadn't taken too much handheld footage, so now I got a good view of Bryan slurping on my sated meat, licking up and down and outright worshipping my cock. Thankfully I wasn't too sensitive after nutting, and even if I lost a little of my rigidity, my dick kept a heavy firm meatiness that looked good.
I finally pulled back and turned both cameras off. "You were amazing, buddy," I said with a smile.
Already Bryan was pulling his mask off. I was glad. The guy was real fucking cute. "Dream come true for me," he said.
I could tell he was still horned up and at full sexual arousal from servicing me. "Get on the bed, kiddo," I urged. "Lie back."
He didn't seem to know what was going on but he complied. His body was shaking some as I undid his jeans and yanked them down.
"What are we gonna do?" he asked with some apprehension. Still he raised each leg to let me pull off his jeans. And his boxers showed a thick boner beneath the cotton.
"Your turn to get off," I said, not really answering his question.
Still, Bryan nodded and hooked his thumbs in the elastic of his boxers to slide them down. I let him take them off as I stepped into the bathroom to get lube out of my toiletties bag.
Bryan was now lying back on the bed, fully naked, his creamy white muscle looking even better than I anticipated now that he was stripped nude.
"You an athlete?" I asked as I flipped open the cap on the lube.
Bryan's eyes were nervously only the lube. I think I knew what he was worried about, and a part of me enjoyed playing with his nervousness. I'll give him credit, he put on a brave face as his eyes met mine to answer me. "Yeah. Wrestling.""
My guess had been spot on. "It shows," I said. "You have an amazing body."
"Thanks," he said, watching me get on the bed, me making a show of drizzling some lube on his hardon. His dick twitched, untouched, he was so turned on. "You have more the football build."
"Baseball was my sport," I answered. "And golf. But my trainer has helped me bulk up."
"You're my fantasy," he said softly. "The whole package. None of the guys know I'm into this, though." I could read in his face that he wasn't sure if he should be getting emotionally open like this.
I patted his thigh and set down the lube on the night stand with my other hand. I was fully dress, with my cock sticking out of the fly of my khakis still. I wasn't sure I wanted to get off again, but I knew I could. Bryan was hot as fuck, and I was grooving on his clear attraction to me.
"A shame," I winked, trying to make the conversation sexy again. "Maybe you could have some fun. With you coach, too."
That got a laugh from him. Bryan had a sexy smile. "I've definitely thought of Coach. A lot."
I rubbed his legs some more more, outright caressing them now. His quads were solid as fuck, hard brawn that contrasted with the soft collegiate fur. I copped a feel of his ball sac, lightly haired and ran my fingers up the lubey length of his shaft.
"Lift your legs, bud," I urged, my tone friendly even as my words were commanding.
He got that deer in the headlights look. "I've never done this," Bryan said softly.
I had a good idea what he meant. "You a virgin?" I asked. My eyes doing their best friendly look I could manage as I played with his hard dick and his balls. Not stroking him, more exploring his rigid younger dick. Getting him excited to play more.
"For fucking, yeah..." he replied. "Sorry."
I don't think I realized till then how much I wanted to tap this hot wrestler's ass. Maybe his innocence was fueling some of my desire, too. "Not gonna do anything you're not ready for buddy," I said. "Come on, just lift your legs for Daddy."
Maybe that was the magic word, because Bryan leaned back and raised his legs up.
"You can pull em back," I instructed, taking a good look before leaning forward and crouching down.
"Holy FUCK!" the kid gasped at the first swipe of my tongue. His hair down there was light, and I enjoyed the contrast with hairier guys or even the OnlyFans dudes who shaved smooth. It was a delight to lick up and down the trench and then focus more on his tight pucker.
"Jesus," Bryan gasped. He wasn't naturally verbal, but I could tell his mind was being blown. Surprised, maybe a little ticklish but he definitely loved getting rimmed.
I pulled back. That ring was drum tight all right. It made me realize I'd never eaten out a cherry hole before. My son's certainly wasn't virgin. "Go ahead and stroke off," I urged. I relished the ability to speak in my normal voice now that the cameras were off, even as some of my Masked Daddy persona came out anyway. "I want you to come kiddo."
I watched as he excitedly gripped his boner and start to stroke it. Then I dove back in. Not just rimming but fully eating him out, munching the tightness of his asshole.
"Oh fuck, oh fuck," the kid gasped. I knew his orgasm was starting. I held onto the back of his meaty thighs and even pushed back a little to angle him perfectly to got to town with my tongue and my sucking mouth.
"NMNGGH!" came the grunt of his cum. Bryan's whole body was tensing up and I knew he was giving up his load in a big way.
Indeed as I pulled back I saw that beautiful creamy white wrestler muscle sprayed with splotches of his sperm. I began licking it up off his abs and chest, saving it in my mouth before I finally met him in a kiss to share it.
The snowballing caught him by surprise but he was way into it, accepting his own cum then pushing it back into my mouth, our tongues working it back and forth and frothing it up with our own saliva.
He had a big, content smile on his face when finally parted, swallowing what little seed was left on our tongues. "I thought..." he started then stopped himself.
"I know, buddy," I said. I patted his chest gently. "I won't lie... I came THIS close to pushing your boundaries."
He nodded, emotionally raw. I could tell he half wanted me to. But only half. "I know. I don't know how, but I could tell."
His hand reached up and ran along my arm through my button down shirt. "I'll probably be kicking myself for not going all the way. But I wasn't ready," he said.
"It was all great, buddy," I assured him.
"I should go," he said. "I got a long drive back to Boulder."
I pulled back and gave him one last pat as I eyed up his nakedness one more time. Bryan was the real deal. Not a "jock" for pay. I felt a strange emotional connection even with the sexual chemistry. I'd have to process why I was feeling that.
For now, I let him up and I went to piss while he got dressed again. When I stepped back from the bathroom, he was mostly dressed again, and had a dreamy, moody expression.
"Thanks for that... fuck I don't even know your name."
"Will 'Daddy' do?" I asked with a wink.
"Guess it will have to," he said with resignation. "You've made my dream come true."
I stepped up for a final kiss, then I showed him to the hotel room door.
I was glad Bryan didn't sleep over. I needed a good rest and I had a busy schedule with my client visit the next day.
It felt like naughty fun messaging Bryan when I got a chance, though. It started off with "had a great time" kind of texts, but Bryan admitted how he wished he'd gone all the way.
"Maybe if you're in town again, I'll have the courage," he admitted.
"I'm in town another night if you manage to get that courage, kiddo."
There was silence on his end. Like an hour and a half before I got another text, and even then it was a half hour before I had a break after my afternoon presentation.
"Sorry," Bryan wrote. "Was in class and my prof goes apeshit if we're on our phones LOL."
I texted. "I worried I'd spooked you."
This time the reply was quicker. "Dude, you don't know how horny I've been all day. You're definitely not spooking me."
I bit my lip and looked around. I probably looked like I was doing business texts on my phone. But fuck I was getting horny too. Somehing about this Bryan kid got under my skin. "Is that a yes?" I wrote. "You gonna give me your cherry?"
I was pushing boundaries now for sure, but Bryan seemed up for it now, more than the previous night. "I wanna. Yeah."
"Daddy wants to get in your hole SO bad, buddy." Then, "I'll go easy on you."
"God yes," came his reply. "I'm hard as fuck now."
God this was gonna happen. One more boundary to push. "Will you let me fuck you on camera?"
There was a pause now. Then, "Masked?"
"As you like," I wrote, almost hoping Bryan wouldn't wear one, even if I knew he would. To coax him, I added, "I'll tell you my first name if you let me film us."
"Deal. LOL."
I looked up. Folks were filing back into the conference room. I hoped my chubbed cock wouldn't show. "I gotta go. But maybe plan for 8:30? I have a work dinner before."
"God yes. I can't believe we're going to do this."
"We're going to do it, Kiddo." I assured him. "I want you so bad."
I got a blushing emoji in return and had to smile. "All right," he wrote. "Talk later."
I went into my meeting and was able to get my mind off Bryan's creamy smooth wrestler build and his cherry hole. Somehow.
I checked my messages after we wrapped up, before heading off to a business dinner. It was close to my hotel thankfully and these things never ran late. I hoped to see a message from Bryan, but there was nothing.
I did google some instructions for preparing to bottom. With the OnlyFans guys and my own son, that routine was down pat, but a newbie like Bryan could use some guidance, and I wanted the ease and comfort of topping a clean hole. I forwarded the site to Bryan.
I held off to one glass of wine during dinner. I wanted a clear head for later. By 7:40 I'd paid the check on my corporate card and bid good night to my client contacts. I had to laugh at myself by how excited I was to get back to my hotel. I did have time to stop at an office supply store and pick up a spare small camera. I figured this scene would be worth the extra vantage point.
Bryan texted when he was on his way. I stripped down from my business clothes and hung them up in the closet. I was rock hard already, and dripping in anticipation. I hadn't felt this excited since my last time with my son. I took a quick shower and put on the plush hotel robe, tying it to cover up my midsection.
I spent the rest of the time setting up the cameras. The lighting wasn't perfect but it was enough.
The knock made me realize I was a little nervous myself. I'd gotten comfortable doing porn, maybe a little too comfortable, but taking Bryan's cherry felt like a certain responsibility. I wanted it to be an incredible experience for him, and I was realizing I was totally green when it came to easing a guy out of his virginity.
Still, the sight of him made my heart beat. He was just so fucking cute and hunky. Particularly was we realized each other was nervous.
"Hey, Daddy," he said stepping in.
"Brad," I said. "You can call me Brad. Or Daddy," I smirked.
Our kiss was soft, surprisingly soft given the act we were about to do.
"You good for his, buddy?" I asked, running my hands along his outer arms.
He nodded. "I'm nervous as hell, but I'll be kicking myself if I don't do it."
"You feel like stripping down?" I asked. "There's a mask for you on the table."
I pulled mine on and then went around made sure all the cameras were on. I was pleased to see Bryan's naked body, that thick muscle lean and compact with just a dusting of hair. God, even with that build he looked every bit the 20 year old he was. Like I say, the real deal.
And I was doubly pleased to see him throwing hard. That thick five spike standing up from his lightly furred crotch, nerves notwithstanding. I watched him pull on his mask. It was a shame the viewers wouldn't see how cute he was but his body rounded out that college jock look for sure.
I pointed the camera at him. "So... we're about to have sex for a video that will be released through OnlyFans. Do you agree for me to share what I film?"
I half expected some questions, but he just nodded. "Yes."
"Good boy," I said with a laugh. That made Bryan chuckle, too, which made me glad. "Why don't you lie on the bed, face down?"
I could sense his nervousness. Maybe he anticipated face to face for his first time. "Don't worry buddy, I'll ease you into this."
He nodded silently and then complied, walking over to the hotel bed, while I filmed him with his natural jock gait. It was hot as fuck, seeing him strut and that ass of his work. Then his full body stretching out face down.
The other cameras would get a good angle - one angled on each side nightstand, the other from behind where I stood, just a little off to the side. I held the camera phone as I stepped closer, letting the camera rove over his strong back and amazing ass, up and down his legs. Maybe more jock-worship footage than we'd use, but Travis could work his magic.
Finally, I stepped back and propped the camera phone off to the side. maybe it would work for another angle. Bryan turned back to look at me, and I got off on how his back muscle flexed with his motion. Stepping up, I ran my hands along his calves, working up the length as I climbed on the bed.
I knew I'd be in good view of the cameras now as I kissed from one side of his hamstrings to the other knotted leg. I took my time working my way up.
Bryan was ready for the rim job now. Hiking his ass up, he parted his legs enough to let me in. My hands gripped his buns and did the rest.
The college kid's sigh was deep and sexual as I began licking. I wanted to put on a show. I loved rimming a guy and sometimes felt there was never enough of it in porn videos. It was always a quick lick before the top was lining up. I went full in now, eating out Bryan for a solid five to ten minutes, alternating speed and tonguework. Sometimes Bryan relaxed and let me do my magic, sometimes he bucked up against my face to maximize the contact.
I pulled back and with a hungry growl gave him a light pat. "Turn over," I urged in my deeper voice. Spittle wetted down the chin of my mask. I really wished he and I could do it without these, but the masks allowed us to fuck on camera, both of us.
I was amazed to see Bryan's prick hard and leaking clear sap everywhere. He was majorly turned on. I pulled up enough to let the cameras get a good view of his ripped, modestly jacked body.
"How many guys have fucked you?" I asked tersely. I sure hoped the "MaskedDaddy" voice was enough fo a disguise.
Bryan didn't change his voice, but his soft response was sexy as hell. "No one yet," he said.
I leaned in and kissed him. Just enough sexual urge, and enough romantic finesse. Bryan responded in turn, sucking my tongue into his mouth and moaning against me. He was nervous, sure, but also getting the case of the major horns.
I loved this, putting on a show and yet connecting one-to-one with this fine young man. I pulled up and muttered, "nice," patting his chest. I rolled off to the side and undid my robe. My hardon bounded out and both Bryan and the camera could see my exposed body with its blond fur. I pulled him to me and we started making out again.
Silently I guided him down and the kid knew what to do. Slowly he began kissing and worshipping my big prick, wetting it down with his tongue before taking me into his mouth. Practice hadn't made perfect, but he was getting much more accustomed to my size and better at blowing me.
I was determined not to get overheated. I just lay back and enjoyed this, the sensation of Bryan's soft, slow blowjob and the view of his nakedness kneeling in front of me in servicing position.
Soon, though, it was feeling too good. I nudged him off. He came up to meet me for a kiss, taking the initiative now, until I regained the upperhand in rolling him back on his back, with me on top. I could feel his hardon against mine and the warmth from his body.
Placing my mouth at his ear, I whispered, "You like being a porn star too, dont ya kiddo?"
"Yeah," he grunted back.
I knew I needed to be a little verbal with him. If the camera picked up my words, Travis could edit them out. "You're just about the hottest guy I've ever fucked, Bry."
His body actually shivered at that. The time seemed ripe. I lifted off and leaned over to pump out some lube.
He let out a hiss of air the second my greased fingers touched his pucker but he didn't flinch. Instead he spread his legs and looked into my eyes. This was gonna be good.
I pushed a digit in. Bryan was real fucking tight. But I worked him slowly. Back and forth, in and out.
"Another," I said curtly.
"God," he hissed as I penetrated him with two fingers. It wasn't bad-uncomfortable for him, but it was certainly unfamiliar to him. We stood still eyes locked, him lying back, me between his legs. Until I started finger fucking him again. I applied more lube and fingered him some more.
Finally I pulled back and removed my robe entirely, slipping it off my body and tossing it aside. Bryan's hands were on me, excited to feel up my DILF body. I let him. Between his attention and the cameras I was getting real excited. I was the one dripping now. I caught a thick thread of precum in my fingers and brought it down to his virgin hole. I fingered him up with that too.
The third finger was slow going, but I got him to relax.
"No rubber?" I have asked and half said.
"No sir," came his excited reply.
I was gonna get blue balls soon if I didn't fuck. I scooted up and pressed my prick head in place. I pressed super slow against his ring, working against the spit-slick tightness and smearing my precum against him.
I could feel Bryan's body shake beneath me, and he looked up, a real deer-in-the-headlights look in his eyes beneath the mask. I worried if I waited longer his nerves would get the best of him. I pushed in.
"UNNH!" he whimpered loudly. I felt bad the entry hurt and bad that he was doing his bravest to pretend it didn't.
"Easy, bud..." I hissed, reaching down to run my hands along his hot body. This fine young man was giving me a major gift. My prick jerked an inch or two inside him, feeling the tightness of his ass clamping down on him, as I held still, then gave the shallowest of thrusts, back and forth more than in and out.
I looked at him, trying to communicate silently. Then I leaned in, pushing his legs back with my body. "You're doing good," I said.
We kissed. My cock slipped out of its toe hold but I didn't care. He needed this, and I wanted it. This was about the only time I lost track of the cameras. When I wasn't putting on a show. I connected with this college kid in a deep, soulful kiss. And kissed him som more.
I pulled back. This time I didn't rush, but I didn't delay. I pushed back into him. Bryan somehow trusted me, because his ring gave way more easily. He was virgin tight a few inches inside, but I gently thrust back and forth, working that knot inside him. I pulled out and added more lube. Now showing off for Bryan and the cameras both. Then I placed his ankles on my shoulders.
"OOH FUCK!" Came his cry when I broke through. But he wasn't in pain, just overwhelmed by feelings he didn't have word for. I plowed all the way in and held it. I could see his muscular chest rise and fall, taking deep breaths.
"Got your cherry, kiddo," I hissed.
"Thank you," he actually replied, his voice heavy in emotion. That got me going. My dick felt like stone inside his warm, tight guts.
"Feel good buddy?" My hands massaged his calf muscle as I looked down on him and restrained myself from just plowing his hot ass.
Bryan nodded.
I pulled and out thrust in. Then again. I was fucking for real now. Bryan's first fuck. Maybe more than he bargained for when he came over the previous night. But I knew this was his deep fantasy and why he reached out to me.
I wasn't hard or rough, but I fucked with a steady determination. I wanted to give this kid the best first time experience possible now. I puffed my chest and used more of a swivel action of my hips, in and out, in and out, as my eyes stared down at him. I'd probably read his facial reactions better without the mask, but his eyes and mouth were enough. I was getting to him, hitting that spot.
I paused just a second and reached to pump out more lube. This went onto his prick. He gasped as I slicked him up then got the picture once I pulled my hand away.
I grabbed a pillow and slid it underneath his hips. It made for the perfect angle, and I took quick advantage, resuming my steady plow of Bryan's no-longer virgin hole.
Turns out his masturbation was just what Bryan needed, flipping the switch to full pleasure now.
"Yeah?" I asked. Fucking heavier now.
"Yesss," the college hunk hissed back. He was jerking faster now, not frantically but eagerly and in synch with the fuck.
I saw his pisslit dilate and a clear spurt fly out. Not his ejaculation yet, but the prelude.
"Fuck yes," I grunted, throwing my hips into harder pounding. I was getting close to the finish line, and I wanted to speed up to catch up with this stud.
My harder thrusts felt amazing giving how much his ass was clenching and releasing on my dick spasmodically. But it really made Bryan's prostate sing. His pale skin grew pink and flush and his wrestler muscle tensed up.
"Shit!" he yelled and timed with each shove his nuts gave it up, and his prick spurted heavy ropes of semen over his perfect body.
I went at it even harder, leaning in some, powering my hips in rapid jabs. I didn't say anything but my grunt was unmistakeable as I shoved in and unloaded. My cum threw off my rhythm, but I held deep a second, then my hips jerked involuntarily for another hard shove to discharge my seed deep inside Bryan.
The kid winced at that one, which made me feel bad. I got myself under control and held myself steady, gently massaging his leg and then easing back. He'd been a trooper but now needed a break. I leaned back and showed off my slickened dong, though most viewers eyes would probably be on the cum-covered collegiate muscle of my bottom.
Leaning over I picked up one of the cameras. Time for the money shot.
Even if Bryan wasn't an experienced bottom, he'd watched enough porn to know what I was after. Rather than drop his legs down, he pulled them back, spreading them enough to show me and the camera his fucked and seeded hole. No longer drum tight, it has a slight gape and was thick with my cum. I'd shot a lot.
I got a good shot of it, then angled the camera up to capture his whole ripped and cum-wet body. Nothing would ever top watching my own son in porn, but Bryan was a close second.
I finally set down the phone and pulled off my mask. That was the cue Bryan was waiting for and he eagerly peeled his off.
"You OK, buddy?" I asked. My normal voice returning.
He nodded. "God yeah. I'm so glad we did that."
I gave a sly nod to the camera. "Your first time's preserved as a memento," I said. A little teasing in my voice, but checking in where his head was.
He smiled and god he was so fucking cute with that pearly white smile. "I didn't think I was gonna enjoy it at first," he admitted. "But damn..."
I ran my fingers through the cum that had turned liquidy on his chest. "You shot like gangbusters," I said.
"My cums are pretty big normally," he said. "But your dick did something inside me that made me go wild. I've never felt anything like that."
"I'm glad," I said. I leaned forward for another kiss, this one tantalizingly soft and slow.
Afterward, I let Bryan get up and shower off while I checked my phone. Then I figured I'd join him. The look on his face told me my presence was quite welcome.
"Hey," he grinned, shyly. God, he was star struck and that made me feel like a real stud.
"Hey," I said. Our wet bodies connected and we took the time to soap each other down.
"You married to a man or a woman?" he asked as he nodded to my gold band.
"A woman," I said. "I'm not the best husband."
He gave a nod of acknowledgment. "Don't take this the wrong way, but I'm glad you share yourself."
"I have news for you kiddo," I said, turning off the water and running my hands over his wet muscled body. "You've shared yourself now, too."
"Still can't believe it," he said. "When will you post it?"
"In a couple of weeks," I said. I wasn't going to bring up Travis or my process for putting the vid together.
His hands reached up to feel my body too, my chest but also my shoulders and arms.
"I'm hard again," Bryan said. "I can't believe it."
"You're 20," I joked. "It happens."
"Yeah," he laughed.
I patted his arm. "Feel like sleeping over?" I asked. "I have a morning flight to catch but you're welcome to stay."
He nodded, like an eager puppy. We dried off and made our way back into the room. I downed a bottled water to rehydrate and tossed him one. "Remind me to tip housekeeping extra," I said as I pulled down the sheets. "We made a fucking mess."
He slipped into the bed next to me. His body was cooler now, and felt great against my warmer bod. We made out. His dick was a spike and I got hard once more, but I wasn't eager for another fuck. And Bryan seemed to go with the flow.
"So..." I finally said. "No longer a virgin..."
"No sir."
"Any regrets?" I asked, leaning back in the bed against the headboard, pulling my hands behind me. Bryan nestled in, resting his head against my upper chest and running his hands along my fur.
"None. It was hot as fuck," he said. "But even if it hadn't been, I just feel relieved, you know?"
"Not exactly," I smiled knowingly.
"Ha," he said, picking up on my meaning. "I'm surprised your so good at breaking a guy in if you're cherry too."
"I'd like to say I had some secret," I admitted, "But I just did what felt right."
Maybe it was the sex. I mean it was getting late, but not that late. Bryan was dozing some as he rested up against me. I ran my fingers through his hair.
"Ready for bed, kiddo?" I asked.
"Yeah, Brad," he said and rolled off to the side.
My son did his magic crafting two separate scenes from the footage with Bryan, as well as a very hot teaser. "Taking College Jock's Cherry" was the title of the second. The on-screen chemistry was real, and it was clear that we weren't faking it. I really did take the young dude's virginity on screen.
"God, Dad, this is fucking incredible," Travis said to me on the phone before he posted the scene. "I've shot three times to it."
I smiled. I was in a semi-public place and had to be a little discrete. "I'm very glad to hear that," I smirked. "A little payback to the one you did the other week."
"Bud and Spike?" he asked.
That one was one was OK, but not my favorite. "No, the other one," I said, cagily.
That got a laugh from Trav. "Oh, MiamiMuscles... dude's a crazy power bottom, right?"
"Yeah," I said, my throat getting hoarse with lust I was trying to hide. "I like watching you in action like that."
Travis picked up on my need to be discreet, though he had no constraints on his end. "You prefer watching me fuck, Dad?"
God, my son knew how to drive me crazy. "I do," I admitted.
I detected a hesitation on his end, which wasn't Travis's normal response to anything. He paused. "Dad... you ever think about, you know, me fucking you?"
Just hearing those words were going make me go from chubbed to boned. "It's a little scary to think about," I replied. "But yeah... I do."
"Oh fuck," Travis hissed. Only then did I realize he'd been dreaming of that very act. Topping me. Taking my anal cherry, like I'd done with that Denver kid. It surprised me actually, given our bedroom chemistry with my son bottoming for me, eager for his dad's cock. "We'll talk about it next time, OK?" he said. Not pressuring me but letting me know this was on his mind.
"Yeah," I said. "I'll probably chicken out, son. But I wanna explore the idea." I was nervous just vocalizing this.
"Sure, Dad," Trav said. "God you know I love everything we'd done together. If I were there right now, I'd suck your cock, you know that." My son was getting into deep lust mode now.
"Fuck, Trav, I should probably go," I said. I knew if I kept talking like this, I'd get in trouble. "Later, son?"
"Yeah, Dad," he replied, his voice rich with lust. I knew he was probably going to jack off when I hung up. I was going to find the time myself at the first chance. Pull up one of Travis's videos where he topped and stroke off imagining him pounding me, too.
My Denver videos were popular. I wasn't surprised that my fans responded to the realness of them, but I was surprised by the messages I got. They changed my porn career and it's probably not an overstatement to say they changed my life.
The first one came two weeks after the video with Bryan dropped.
"Dear MaskedDaddy, I loved your latest video. God, it's like my deepest fantasy. I'm 23 and live in DC. I don't have that college jock's bod, but I'm working on it. I've been too scared to let a guy fuck me, but if you want to be my first, I'd love to star in one of your vids. I wouldn't even need a mask."
It was a wild email, and I figured the kid's horniness doing the thinking for him. I pawed my crotch and laughed at how forward the offer was. I started to send a polite thanks but no thanks reply.
But then I thought about it, and I figured what the hell. I asked for the young dude's pictures. He was cute as fuck. Not quite as twunky as Bryan but still good looking, kind of that boy-next-door type.
Travis handled the OnlyFans money my site brought in. I didn't do porn for the money, and in any case I didn't want my finances impacted lest Kate find out.
I sent two more texts that night. One to DC guy. "If you're serious, lets plan for something three weeks from now." I knew I had some work travel on the East Coast I could piggy back on.
My other I sent to Trav. "I need your help arranging a DC visit. Gonna pop another dude's cherry."
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trynafindbarbiee · 1 year
🇵​🇷​🇴​🇴​🇫​ 🇹​🇭​🇦​🇹​
Hey everyone! ♡
I'll not be here for a month so before I go I decided to post pictures of my manifestation to proof that LOA ( Law of assumption ) , VOID , MANIFESTING is real !
Literally tbh I got so bored of manifesting again and again instantly from void like seriously!... you remember those days when we used to script , visualise , listen to subliminals , making vision boards trying new methods etc etc ? I really enjoyed doing all this stuff so I was looking for a fun way to manifest and I came across this vid on YouTube
I knew about SATS but I never really tried it....and gorgeouslypink also shared this same vid so I decided to give it a try coz why not :)
"use SATS to ur advantage to manifest ANYTHING in ✨ 3 days ✨ do NOT sleep on this | law of assumption" on YouTube
I used this to manifest a new phone for my sister and headphones for me as I broked my previous ones 🤫💗
Here are the picture proof :
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It was so funn to do this ! You have to give it a try
For those who wants to use SATS for entering the void state but don't know what to visualise -- You don't necessarily have to visualise! Just pic any one affirmation and repeat it in ur head as u fall asleep but still if want to visualise then u can simply visualise yourself going to sleep and then waking up in a space like place ( void ) affirming for ur desires then leaving the void and seeing everyone of ur desires being manifested in front of ur eyes OR you can visualise how ur life is gonna look like after u have manifested everything from the void
And please don't get discouraged if u didn't enter the void in your first try just stick to this method and practice it daily and eventually u will enter the void I PROMISE but u have to do it with patience ! Sometimes you need to get uncomfortable to get comfortable
Y'all , void is real af !! Your existence proofs that void is REAL PERIODTTT
I'm also thinking of sharing the proof of what I manifested from the void like my db , df etc so u guys can get ur shit together and stop doubting the void ! But ofc I'm not sure yet coz LOA community is full of creepy people , sry but this is what the truth is !
Vi amo tutti ♡ ( I love you all ~ in Italian hehe )
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lunas-side-anime-blog · 9 months
aot veteran/104 corp icks bc im back on my bullshit
someone requested AOT veteran icks, they didn't specify nsfw or not so I did both and also added sasha connie and jean bc i luv them:) feel free to message/inbox with requests!
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(levi, erwin, hange, jean, sasha and connie)
will visit ur place and organize things without you asking. he'd just be like "ur welcome, now your kitchen makes sense" and ur like sir, I don't know where anything is now??? also he'd def the type to proclaim he's better than you for only getting two hours of sleep when you got four. honestly so many icks come to mind for this one, imma limit it to those two for now (stay tuned lol)
nsfw: tries to be rough with you but forgets his own strength. will try to throw you on the bed, but he does it too hard so you completely miss the bed and fall on the other side of it and he's just standing there like "🧍🏻...my bad."
you cannot convince me this man doesn't wear water shoes at the pool. you guys say you want a dilf until you actually get one bc this is the type of shit it entails^^
nsfw: erwin cannot dirty talk for shit. im srry but if you're a lil kinky this isn't the man for you. try to call him daddy and he'd be like "we don't have kids?" and you explain the kink to him and he'd just say, "have you considered therapy?🤨" now he's concerned, boner gone, you feel called out, just go to sleep tbh
they're def a firm believer in natural deodorant and won't take the graceful hints that it's not working. prob wouldn't chill w them on a hot day is all i'm saying
nsfw: feel like they'd be really good in bed tbh like i'm struggling to think of an ick. hange has big dick energy, weirdos just do it better idk. i think maybe hange would try to spit in your mouth (they a freak) and they have so much and its thick and globby like the back of the throat type spit, your gonna choke bro im gagging as a i type-
bring back toxic masculinity because Jean's hair care routine is so good to the point he'll call out your split ends, i just know it
nsfw: a fucking chatterbox like his homies know everything. you've walked in on him telling connie in extreme detail how he had you in a full nelson last night while you screamed bloody murder and he doesn't see why ur mad. "babe, if anything i'm bragging about you 😏" fucking idiot istg. also kinda gross but I think he's the type to keep sniffing his fingers after fingering you like well into the next day EWW
obvi she can't share for shit so I think she'd be an annoying person to eat out with. like yk when you're with your friends and only one person puts their card down so the rest can Venmo them? I think you can ask her to Venmo 20 and she'd send 15 and say something like "oh I didn't eat as many fries" but she fr did. never puts her card down either so believe it or not? jail.
nsfw: will literally be on her phone mid-sex with you. feel like she'd be really into the subway surfer vids and yeah, you go down on her and look up and she brought her own entertainment? ipad child behavior
i think he'd say "we" when talking about his fave sports team as if he contributed. like, "really connie, you helped win the superbowl? did you score a touchdown?" grow tf up
nsfw: insane bush on this one, i feel like he doesn't groom for shit and whatever, that's your choice! but I also feel like college-aged modern connie would talk shit about women who weren't bald down there and won't eat it unless it is. HYPOCRITE!! I think when he gets to his mid-twenties tho he'd mature (sasha beat his ass)
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petrssecrethideout · 5 months
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"Bro, do you wanna hear about something crazy?"
"I mean sure, go ahead,"
"Alright, so I was just relaxing, scrolling TikTok,"
"Already a bad idea."
"I know, I got beef with that fuckin' algorithm let me tell you. I follow a couple of bodybuilders, post a couple of gym vids and suddenly my For you page is filled with the biggest assholes alive. Anyway, I'm scrolling, and I see this guy, he's doing that whole 'alpha top dog' thing even though he's not that big."
"Okay wait pause, how big is not that big?"
"I don't know, I have more muscle in my arms than he has in his whole body, real gym influencer type."
"Alright, for anyone listening to the pod at home, I should probably just say that this guy could be anywhere from 150-300 pounds from Dale's description of him, okay? He's not good at judging what normal guys look like anymore."
"Yeah, okay, you got me. Anyway, this guy keeps going on about his great advice, so I stick around to hear it. You wanna know what he said? 'Stop Cumming, its killing your natural testosterone' What kind of bullshit is that!?"
"I mean that is a big part of the current fitness world, these guys will say anything to get more followers, and a lot of their followers are so desperate for progress that they'll take whatever advice they're given."
"It's a shame, because he's also wrong! I tried that whole 'No Nut Whatever' and its been the only time in these last 5 years that I've plateaued."
"... Really?"
"Yeah! If I'm not cranking a load out every day I can kiss any potential gains goodbye."
"Like after my workouts, when I got a huge pump going, I just have to crank one out, like what good workout would it be if I didn't"
"Dale c'mon,"
"And its not like I can just hit up a guy on Grindr and go to town every time I need to, there aren't enough guys on Grindr for that."
"Uggggh dude, we are never getting a sponsor with you talking like this."
"What, so all the straight alpha dudebros can talk about semen retnetion and get a ton of followers, but I get censored for talking about jacking off and getting tons of ass?"
"Yeah, we will."
"Well then, listeners, go subscribe to the patreon so that I can talk about my actual tips for growing, and so that you can help Mark get bigger. I'm telling you, I'm gonna make this boy huge with your help. Audio listeners make sure to check the videos so you can see this boy get huge. Now bro, help me out here. You don't want those Tiktok gymfluencers to win do you? How often are you jerkin off?"
"Oh god I can't believe I'm answering this... A couple of times a week maybe?"
"A week? That's fucking crazy. My average is like 4-5 times a day. More if I'm really feeling horny. If I'm being honest I jerked off a few weeks ago on the pod, like I forgot to before I came here. One of the comments mentioned something about my grunting that episode."
"Jesus christ dude, how do you even manage that?"
"Well, you gotta work up to it. I couldn't do that starting out, but once I started growing I was so horny I had to do something about it. I think that's what these guys don't get. You gotta get those balls working, give them a reason to keep making that sweet testosterone. How are you supposed to do that if you aren't jacking it? Honestly dude, I feel like I gotta prove these guys wrong now."
"What, you're gonna be a cum warrior?"
"Hell yeah man, I'm gonna be fighting the war on jerking it, on the side of jerking it!"
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jmdbjk · 1 year
Fan service
Just going through my 5GBs/800 images and vids in (just) my Jikook folder and noticed a lot... A LOT of fan service type images and stuff. Staggering. The amount of thoughtfulness and preparation Jungkook and Jimin have done for us through the years, sacrificing themselves all in the name of fan service...
Like this obviously staged and scripted reaction from Jungkook, sitting there waiting for Jimin to show up in comments:
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Actually, go look at almost any of JK's lives and see him performing flawlessly. The timing is impeccable, how he spots Jimin's comments is 🔥 level reflexes.
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This ultimate fan service live when Jungkook set up an hour and a half of fan servicing about Jimin:
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Of course the fan service has been going on for YEARS...
This fleeting moment that someone snapped for fan service:
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Was it Tae or Hobi that snapped the pic? We'll never know, they didn't bother to take a pic of themselves during this gorgeous sunset with either of these guys because... it was only for fan service.
And this random Instragram person who was in on the fan service agenda, and JK with the eagle eyes finding it amongst the 100s of 1000s of questions/comments:
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I wonder if maybe he telepathed some questions out to the universe so these people from all over the place would know what to ask/say, like secret code shit?
And H.E.R. doing her part in fan service, its great to have willing participants for your fan service agenda:
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I bet she's done this before too.
And of course this ultimate, elaborate and expensive fan service weekend getaway... anything for the fans:
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The best part about it is, Jungkook didn't tell Jimin he was filming all this for fan service. Made him stay in a hotel room with no privacy in the bathroom in a hotel that caters to couples... the lengths... the sacrifices... bless them.
And here they are again, the never ending fan service, so tiring:
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I bet they staged the entire Jack in the Box listening party just for jikook fan service. I wouldn't be surprised. Rented out the top floor of the HYBE building, catered it, all for fan service.
The general public is in on the fan service too. A random person taking sneaky fan service pics, great timing and teamwork:
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And this random person too in on the sneaky fan service agenda, everyone playing their part in the charade:
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This was one of many photos from this particular dinner (fake) date with non-celeb friends.
The general public really are the stars of fan service:
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Another (fake) restaurant date but this time with other celeb friends.
But the eyes on the back of JK's head seeing his cue for FS? 💀:
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How can he see through his hair though? That's my question. Sheer talent! 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥
And JK's eyes on his face automatically performing fan service, must be muscle memory or something:
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And his hands too, more muscle memory from all that fan service practice:
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I can visualize it now... "Jimin, hold still, I need to practice feeling you up, stop squirming, I'm gonna have to use those handcuffs you brought home if you don't stop trying to get away..." um... wait... that went a little too far...
And this pre-planned-the-night-before fan service, they are such professionals always thinking of fan service, practicing, perfecting...I wonder how many times they had to do THIS to get it just right? :
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I could say a lot here about "practice makes perfect" but I will refrain...
Hobi going off-script here taking Jimin by surprise... maybe it was something Jimin and Jungkook were practicing for fan service and Hobi almost spilled the beans?
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And this ingeniously pre-programed mechanical ear reaction fan service...so clever:
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This happy-as-shit-to-be-going-overseas fan service, JK and his fake bouncy happiness, Oscar-worthy. I wonder if they practiced in the car on the way to the airport:
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The general public doing that fan service shit again... wonder how much they get paid for this? I want in on it:
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Jungkook telling Jimin, "we have to go around a bunch of times to make sure that random person gets it right."
It's never ending, 24/7 fan service with these two. It must be very time consuming to come up with new fan service moments. I wonder what they will show us next?
[please read the tags for heavens sakes]
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babiebom · 1 year
Bachelors and what kind of ~dere they would be
A/N: I thought this would be something cool to write headcanons for especially because I've played through the Sebastian yandere mod and have watched vids on the others being yanderes. Personally I feel as if some of them don't really fit the yandere category and others would fit them more.
Tw: none as far as i know. Does sort of spoil one of Sam's heart events and a game event.
Word count: at least 10 bullet points per character
Describes as often plays it cool and even in the most stressful situations they're calm and collected. They never panic and often remain distant and analytical until the end.
I feel like Sebby doesn't often show his emotions, especially because he seems introverted.
But the thing is he doesn't seem like the shy uwu scared of people introverted he's more of a voluntary introvert and just prefers being along but has no problem interacting with people
So for that I'm saying he's more the type to always be calm around the person he likes, never making his feelings obvious and never treating them any different than he would treat anyone he sees as a friend.
Kinda reminds me of an anime scene(I forgot the name but its space themed)
Of where the girl basically confesses her feelings and calls the guy an idiot after they talk about what they plan for the future and she says her dream is to become his wife and why can't he see that
And his reaction is basically ? I thought we were already together what?
And she's like ???? You've never made it clear that you like me and he's like yeah didn't think that i had to? I thought we were already together.
He gives off those vibes.
I also feel as though if he did open up it would be in a nonchalant way, it wouldn't be dramatic or romantic I think he would just be stating his feelings as facts.
And I feel like people often forget that this man is a huge nerd and super smart at least in my opinion
I mean he codes from home and plays dnd.
Even if he isn't a robotics and super science nerd like Maru is I think he is a smart and rather analytical person. I don't think he would be on the emotional side of things
If you get together he doesn't change much but does show his affection through touch and acts of service rather than his words.
Described as shy, quiet, and asocial is most situations. Stays quiet to avoid conflict
I feel as even though he's the town doctor he doesn't have many friends
Like he's only close to Maru bc she works for him in the clinic
And we usually see him hanging out alone or in his room looking at planes and stuff
I feel as though if he developed feelings for you either you would notice right away with how weird he acts around you or you wouldn't notice at all because you assume he's quiet with everyone unless its medically related.
So maybe not shy but quiet does describe him.
Obviously he opens up around you little by little the more you interact with him but it takes a lot of effort on both if your parts
On yours you have to consistently bother him and talk to him which is a lot of work especially when its not reciprocated at first
And on his he has to allow himself to be vulnerable and open with a person, its even harder when you feel romantic feelings for that person because what if they don't really like you in that way or they decide they don't like you after getting to know you
Very sweet man when you get together, still quiet but in a more comfy way.
Described as hostile and cold on the outside and sweet and kind on the inside
And I feel like that exactly describes Shane
While he is an alcoholic(recovering or not based on how you see him and play the game)He is very sweet even if not to people other than you(once you get to know him), jas, and his chickens.
Does seem like the type that once he starts feeling things for you he would start helping in small ways but also tries to not make it obvious
Oh he sees you walking from the woods with a big ass bag of fiber rocks and wood?
He'll offer to carry it if you need help
Sees you out and about in town, asks what you're up to and if you need help with anything
But don't think that he'a doing this because he likes you
He doesn't he just wants to pay back the kindness you've given to him back to you so he doesn't owe you anything
Ends every sentence to you with stupid or idiot if it allows without seeming genuinely mean
Does really like you and slowly starts showing you that once you show you aren't going anywhere
Does still get incredibly flustered when you do something sweet for or to him
Though if you get together is more open with his affection.
Described as a person that is very loving and affectionate to their loved one until it becomes a constant obsession leading them to become overprotective, violent, and psychotic towards anyone they deem a threat to their loved one, even the loved one themself
First of all his yandere mod was the scariest one yet like ooof
And while he does not seem like a violent person
He is a writer, which means he is some sort of delusional, creative, and or imaginative that I think he could have a mental break and carry out the things he imagines. 
We see that due to him being a writer, he is basically a hermit because all he does is stay in his cabin and write all day
Like yeah he's friends with Leah but how often do you think he actually leaves his home seeking interaction?
I feel like he would meet you and then suffer from a writers block and its your fault because now all he can think about is you
You're his muse
And due to that he becomes obsessive over you, no one else can have you he needs you at the very least more than they do.
Would 1000 percent stalk you, in his mind he's just watching over you to make sure nothing happens to you
Whether that be in town, on your farm, in the mines...he has to keep you closeby.
Speaking as a writer that does get very obsessed with things to the point of me changing what i write about and how often I think about or daydream about it
I think he is the most likely candidate for this kind of 'love' towards a person
Your imagination can delude your thinking, paired with living in a cabin alone with only your thoughts and silence it's no wonder he would be slightly insane.
Described as clumsy, stupid, and lacking in common sense when dealing with things in their life, but also very optimistic, and having a carefree, child-like innocence.
While this may seem like I'm roasting him I'm not
I do think he sometimes seems clumsy or dumb or even maybe like a teen especially because he's just playing guitar or skateboarding or playing video games
But there are glimpses of him being responsible and caring
Like how he actually had a job, even if it's part time
Or during his heart event when Vincent asks if their dad is going to come home before we find out that he indeed does come home
He covers his true feelings with optimism and happiness even if he's worried, which makes me think he fits this.
He only wants his loved one to be happy, and while constant optimism may seem or be annoying so certain people, he wants to be that light in your life.
And because he's so optimistic he is naturally kinder to others, while others like Sebastian, Shane, or Haley are standoffish when you meet them, Sam is sweet and is happy to meet you which translates well into getting to know you and then shifting into a romantic relationship
So while he may seem dumb to others, even to you with how positive he's being he's actually far from it even if he is a little reckless and clumsy sometimes
He turns down the constant optimism after getting together, but never stops being positive towards you, no matter if you succeed or fail, he's there to pick you up again with kind words and unwavering support.
Also Bakadere
but for a totally different reason
the dude is basically a himbo, though some of the things he says can be seen as iffy or mysogynistic
im pretty sure he doesn't mean any of it though, and while he can come off as dumb and out of touch he is shown to be sweet and caring and using his frat boy persona as a way of keeping people at an arms length
due to that i see him as similar but different to Sam
both boys seem kind of dumb, annoyingly optimistic, and sort of innocent in a way.
and both boys tend to use that as a surface personality, and until you actually take time to know them(Sam's worries, Alex's background and current worries) they seem like the type of people to be positive in any situation
Also seems as if he would take on a leader role simply because everyone voted for him to be it because of his positivity.
another thing is how certain(though inside he's not as) that he will become a gridball player.
Like the dude only talks positively about his dreams and is constantly working towards his goal
as well as we see in his dialogue that the farmer does indeed sometimes get annoyed at his words such as when he says things like "what why're you looking at me like that"
exactly as an anime character in this role would do.
Though after marriage is still sorta a dummy which is low key kinda cute.
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