#donation list
zumurruds · 6 months
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Palestinian Children's Relief Fund
Palestinian Red Crescent Society
Medical Aid For Palestinians
Help Gaza's Children
Operation Olive Branch
IMEU Fundraiser
Adalah Justice Project
Electronic Intifada
Buy An eSim / Donate For Mass Buying
Fundraiser Masterpost
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lifblogs · 3 months
Hi, my name is Lif. I am a disabled adult with a brain injury who has recently lost much of my monetary support. I am in an abusive home situation and am facing neglect. I have compiled an amazon list of some donations I need. I would really appreciate anyone's support.
I was considering taking donations through paypal for these, but I think it might be best for you to see what your money is going towards. However, I do need money for food eventually, and for my cat's prescription diet. I will make an updated post after I attempt to talk to my abuser about the cat food situation. Thank you.
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thedevilsrain · 3 months
Hello, I am Mohammad from Gaza. I have lost my mother, father, and siblings, and I don't want to lose my three children as well. Can you help me share my story and donate so that I can protect my family? 🙏
hello mohammad. of course i can. good luck 🇵🇸🍉
please donate & share mohammad's story
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help-rawan-muhammad · 3 months
Below is a written piece by Rawan Muhammad, a Palestinian woman who needs our help. Please read her writing and donate to her GoFundMe. We have not even made 1% of our $50,000 goal. Please help us! If you cannot donate, please, please, please share her words and her donation link!
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Peace be upon you. I will tell you part of my story, which began on the seventh of October. The morning came and it was six o’clock in the morning. It was the first day of a new university for me. I was very excited to go after the summer vacation period. I did not reach the top of the street to secure myself transportation to take me to the university because that It was something we always suffered from, as we were on the border in front of this usurping occupier, with only a few meters separating us, until I found myself as if it was a great day that the heavens and earth could not overcome. I was very happy at that time, which... 
It's happening in front of me. This did not come out of nowhere. Indeed, this was implanted in the blood of every Gazan from the day of his birth in order to liberate his occupied land and his violated sanctities. For him to do that is a great honor. I contemplated and did not know what was happening at that time, but I understood at that moment that this was a great honor on our part. I returned home and was proud of what had happened. He was healed. The people of Gaza have been released for 70 years, and we have been under a permanent siege. There are no crossings or corridors. Everything is violated. We have our situation. We are not like the people of the world, who own everything with complete freedom. We are not like us, restricted by a usurping entity. I collected some of my things and we were displaced immediately, as we were directly in front of the border, and we know what will happen then. The great event that defeated the strongest army in the Middle East, despite its dangerous security system, in exchange for an organization with little equipment and equipment. He went relying on God only, but achieved a victory that amazed the world and created an unforgettable event that will forever be written in history.
The entity's terrorist system began to regain its strength at that time, and the afternoon of that day had not yet arrived, and we found ourselves as if we were on the Day of Judgment. Successive belts of fire measured in tons of internationally banned explosives. No one escaped from them. They burned the body and cut it into pieces, and from its horror, it descended what it destroyed deep into the earth over a distance of up to several meters. Meters away, no trace of the rubble remains, even despite its horror.
Night came then, and for the first time in my entire life, my body was shaking in this way from the horror of what I hear and see, and how they are going to annihilate us all. I sat in the corner of the living room of the house in which we were displaced, which is only a few meters away, and the fiery belts began to appear around us, as if it were a literal earthquake. I waited my turn then, contemplating whether... We will become pieces. This is how the idea took root in my brain. Then everyone went to sleep and I was left alone thinking about how all these high floors above me would fall on ourselves and destroy us and cut us into pieces. This was all my thinking. I went to my prayer and as soon as I prostrated, another belt of fire began. I stopped my heart while I was prostrating. I stayed for a while and I could not. Imagine what is happening, and I cannot get up from prostration. I say, “Whose turn is this until it is over?” I thanked my Lord for saving me then, and I remained in the corner of the house, seeing everyone sleeping in front of me. He wakes up only to the horror of the missiles, then returns to me, and I think until the morning comes. Everyone was laughing at me, but this was not in my control. My mother would check on me then, whether I had fallen asleep or not, and she would find me in the same place. Day would come and night would come, and I could not eat. Even then, I remained like this for two consecutive months without a single hour of sleep.
I remember, on my birthday, the entire Internet was shut down in the Gaza Strip on October 14. A week had passed since the war, until news came to me in the evening that made me collapse in tears. It was the martyrdom of my teacher, dear to my heart, for expressing only the word of truth. May God have mercy on her. My friend and her entire family were studying human medicine in the third year, and the sounds of the fire belts began throughout the night with the illumination of the lanterns. It was not until morning that the news came of my other friend with her family and my doctor at the university. Then I said that we will not stay in this life at all. Our turn will definitely come. It is all their fault that they are civilians in Gaza only.
The events began to increase and they did not know what they were using to annihilate us. They did not leave an internationally banned weapon until they tried it on us. The annihilation continued until the largest massacre occurred on 10/17. The first massacre took place in the Baptist Hospital near us. Half of my family was there, may God have mercy on them all. Then I heard the explosions and their sound was strange. As usual, it was in the form of a complete fire. My friend sent me that the number of victims had reached 500 martyrs. I collapsed in my corner and could not move, and we all started crying and trembling. Then we got up to pray and our tears fell and we prayed until she sent me again that the number of martyrs of the massacre had reached 800. Then I did not wake up from the shock. I said that it was inevitable. We will not survive, and we will become pieces like them, who are displaced civilians, since it is a hospital that has international protection, and that our turn will come. We continued praying, and our hearts were definitely trembling from hearing that. We did not sleep that day, we were all from the severity of the situation, waiting for our turn. 
Until the morning came and the fire belts began to surround us again. My mother, my little sister, and my brother were just going out to get a meal from the nearby groceries. At that time, no one could go out and move from his place and area to another place. Whoever went out was immediately killed by their damned planes, until a fire belt happened in... The area around our residence was destroyed. An entire residential square. Fragments of the belt and rubble began to fall on us everywhere. I did not care about that. I remembered that my mother had just left that place. I ran quickly in my prayer clothes, without which I could not sleep for 9 months. I found myself moving on body parts, dismembered bodies, and dark dust that I could not see. From it and wounded women and children coming out with their blood. Then I completely collapsed and said that my mother and those with her were martyred until the dust of the rubble disappeared a little. I found my mother hugging my sister who was not more than 3 years old in front of that horrific massacre at a neighbor’s door. She was stained with dust and rubble. I hugged her and prayed to my Lord so much that she was alive. Life, and I was crying even when I returned. I could not control myself. Everyone in this square was gone, except for one young man who was no more than 20 years old. His father had taken him out against his will to the grocery store on the other street. As if he knew their fate, he kept crying and imploring his Lord to take him with them and not feel sorry for them. This is how he told himself. A lot because he left at that moment for a few minutes that changed his life and took all of his family 💔😭 I returned home and I could not talk to anyone. Then I stayed in my corner awake and prayed for peace for my family and the martyrdom was not off my tongue for a single second because I knew that my turn would truly come with them.
Every night we were miraculously saved from God until one day they threatened our entire square. We started running, looking for the street number. Are we within this square or not? We sat thinking and writing what the threatened street numbers were. We found out that our street number was near those threatened, but it was not among them. We thank God. Until night came and we found ourselves inevitably between death, surrounded by successive tanks, fires, and bombardments. We all became those who were in the entire building, in the corner of the house at the bottom, from the horror of what was happening. Shrapnel was hitting everywhere, and quadcopters were hitting anyone who left or just looked out the window or door of the house. Until the morning came, we thanked God that we were still alive after everything we had lived through that night. We began to collect our things and decided to go out to the southern region, as this accursed occupation was claiming, that it was a safe area. We went out until we said to ourselves, “Death for once,” and when God’s decree comes, let us die in Our house and we do not leave it. In fact, we returned that day and the battle became more and more intense. We were alone. The ground war surrounded us with tanks and planes. They prevented us from getting even a drop of water. They withheld fuel and electricity. They shut off fresh water and closed the crossing. Since the first day, nothing had entered. We could barely get some water to drink and a little water. The sea is very salty for ablution, not for anything else. From that day on, we began to cook over the fire, wash on our hands, and wash the dishes without taps, only in a clean bowl. We were not able to fill the barrels of water and use them as before, due to the scarcity of water. We were satisfied with all of this, as it is God’s command and will. Every one’s destiny is written with God.
Until the day of the massacre of the shelter school for the displaced, where we had displaced my family on April 12, that day will never go away from my memory. My mother and I woke up and wanted to go to my grandmother and uncles to check on them because there was no transmission at that time. We continued on our way until I found myself directly in front of the tank. I did not know what was happening. My mother and I moved away directly and returned. We do not yet know how. We changed our route by which we came and did not cross our path until we heard the sounds of violent explosions. I began to look behind me to see what was happening. I found it happening in the school in front of me, and I on the other side cried. Then I wanted to check on who belonged to me there. Until I saw my uncle running to us and saying, “My grandmother was cut into pieces, and no one survived.” I held myself together because I was on the road and did not know what was really happening. We waited for hours, was this news true or not? He did not see them. He only escaped from under the tanks alone until we found my grandmother barefoot, covered in blood. The martyrs on earth were unable to walk at the time. That child said, “What is her fault for being like this?” She did not know that this child was dearest to her heart, and whom she had promised moments before her martyrdom to rejoice her on her birthday. She did not know that the date of her birth would also be the date of her death, and she was searching for her children and grandchildren. On the way, we calmed her down and said that everyone is fine, and we do not know what is happening in front of us. It is all in front of us, and we cannot move. We found the girl’s father, covered in blood, and she said, “My daughter was martyred in my hands. I could not save her, and she collapsed due to her helplessness. We could not control the news, and we calmed her down a little and did not.” She did not know that her daughter was injured, alone, hugging her little brother so that she could save him. She went to treat herself alone in the clinic next to them until she saw my other uncle’s bus carrying the martyred and injured people on it. She searched among them and kept looking at them to see her family. She found her little sister, hugged her, shrouded her, and placed her in front of the clinic’s door, and my father quickly went to get her. And her brother was among the tanks and snipers with my brothers. He brought her at night and also went in the morning to bury and honor her sister. They were sitting with us the day before in the school corridor and I was joking with her and talking to her. I did not know that it was the last time I would be able to see her, may God have mercy on her. It hurt our hearts.
We took the family and they were very sad and we took them to my grandfather’s house. As soon as they arrived, a massacre occurred next to us, killing 300 martyrs. From its horror, the windows of the entire house fell on us and some of the walls fell. I went out to look until I found pieces of children’s body parts at the door of the house. I could not control myself and quickly returned and went out to the roof of the house. I saw and saw a person, may God have mercy on him. The wounded were being transported first, quickly. The street became stained with blood. Everyone was running with their own wounded to rescue them, until they came to Bakara, the one transporting the donkeys, and they started dragging the martyrs on it, which consisted of chopped up, burnt body parts that you could not distinguish. And all the women were alone at that time in prayer clothes, all of them covered. This is the condition of all the women of Gaza, cannot sleep even in their prayer clothes for fear of being martyred while they are not covered. I and my family, who are sad for their daughter, began to cry intensely as we looked at ourselves at how we had survived. As soon as the night came, I was sitting waiting for the morning because of my intense hatred for the night and what happens at night, until I found glass on myself and my mother. And on my little sister and my aunt, we did not care about that. We bandaged the wounds and looked at where that massacre had taken place until we found it in the house of my brother’s friend in front of us, hours before he became a martyr. He was talking to them and promising them that if he came out in the morning and there was no martyr, he would distribute to them the lollipops that he had bought. He was working on. He spent two full months in the Civil Defense, and he survived every time without his friends, but his turn came and he knew it, may God have mercy on him.
This is part of the story that I will continue later in a more tragic way than that. Every second we have a story and miraculously survived, so how did we endure for 9 months? God is the one who gives patience to our hearts, and this is His will and judgment. There is no objection to His judgment.
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togamicchi · 2 months
Hello 👋
I hope you are getting well 🤗
I am writing to you and have full confidence in your urgent support and assistance to me.
My family is in great danger due to the war, and I am create a GoFundMe campaign to save them.
Could you reblog the post about my campain, please? You will find out on my profile
Every reblog can make a difference in my family's life. 🙏
Thank you for your kindness support ❤️🙏☺️
Of course ❤️ Please donate if you can!!!! Their goal is currently at €1,148/€27,000 as of July 18th, 2024.
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soullessjack · 18 days
inbox is Very full again and tumblr glitches when I answer too many asks at once (I guess?) so I’m making another donation list! also throwing in a reminder that I have 4 more lists in my pinned post to check out, share and donate if ur able :) thank u!
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prepchii · 1 month
Hi, I hope you're doing well. I'm writing to you with a heavy heart and an urgent request for help. My family is in a very danger situation due to the ongoing war, and I've launched a GoFundMe campaign to save them. Could you please share my campaign post from my profile? Each share could be a lifeline for my family. 🙏 Feel free to share it in any other social media platform if you would like. Our campaign has been verified ⭐️ by operation olive branch, and is entry number 26 on their spreadsheet. Also with ⭐️ Project watermelon,line 249/(212) on their spreadsheet. From the bottom of my heart I want to thank you in advance for all of your support and kindness.
of course!
if you guys can help donate to Haya's family from Gaza, they need dire care and are already half to their goal! if we're able to donate at least 5 dollars or more be so much appreciated! Donate to more campaigns that need help evacuating if you have the extra money!If you don't that's fine, simple reposting, liking, and interacting with this blogs goes a long waaay!
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doaaomar123 · 2 months
🙏🛑Please wait a minute‼️
Hello my friends, I am Doaa from Gaza. I studied fashion design and clothing manufacturing. I had my own project, which was hand embroidery, which is part of the Palestinian heritage. I used to embroider on clothes and bags and completely detail the bags. It was my source of income. I was helping myself and my family, but unfortunately with the war I lost my home. And the sewing machine and all the tools that I used, and I was able to leave Gaza to Egypt three months ago to survive with my autistic son after his condition deteriorated. Before I left Gaza, I borrowed the travel costs from one of my friends, which amounted to $10,000, and now the situation is very bad. Please help me buy a sewing machine and the tools needed to return. To work again so that I can meet my son’s needs and treat him, and I contribute to helping my family in Gaza, and I will show you some of the bags that I made By embroidering and sewing it, and I will put a link to the Facebook page for my work. I hope you will support me, because I am in dire need of this.
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I am writing to you that our morale is still high and that determination is present. After all the harsh circumstances we have been through, horrific events, but they will not destroy us, but rather they will make us stronger. 😫
@nabulsi @sar-soor @appsa @akajustmerry
@annoyingloudmicrowavecultist @feluka
@tortiefrancis @flower-tea-fairies @tsaricides
@riding-with-the-wild-hunt @vivisection-gf
@belleandsaintsebastian @ear-motif @ibtisams
@animentality @kordeliiius
@communistchilchuck @brutaliakhoa @raelyn-dreams
@troythecatfish @the-bastard-king @tamarrud
@4ft10tvlandfangirl @queerstudiesnatural
@northgazaupdates @90-ghost @skatehani
@awetistic-things @gentl3manly @baby-girl-aaron-dessner
@troythecatfish @loonarmuunar @dendrosys
Donate and share widely 🆘🆘 1100 Swedish krona = 100 dollars Every $5 will make a difference 🙏
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hualianisms · 4 months
verified ways to donate to gaza directly
[this post is outdated. up-to-date version here.]
Donate to a Palestinian family directly:
gazafunds.com - Donate directly to a Palestinian family in urgent need of evacuation, medical treatment, daily necessities or more. Site run by Palestinians, all GFMs verified (full list here). Spotlights 1 stagnant GFM at a time. (*If you can't decide who/where to donate, just go to gazafunds.com & donate to the 1 GFM they show you!)
masterlist of 200+ verified Palestinian families' GFMs: Operation Olive Branch
Help provide tents:
The Sameer Project: Currently providing tents & transport for families in Rafah who urgently need to evacuate to Deir Al Balah. Has a team on the ground in Gaza who have supplied tents to 1% of the displaced population in Rafah. Run by Palestinians. (paypal) (gfm)
@helpgazachildren: Currently helping Palestinians in a refugee camp in Rafah flee the Rafah invasion to Khan Younis. Funds go directly to Hussam, a Palestinian in Rafah who hosts a refugee camp. Funds will cover the cost of tents & transport fuel. Managed by a Palestinian @.fairuzfan. (gfm)
Care for Gaza: Palestinian charity on the ground in Gaza distributing food, cash, medicine & other essentials to displaced families. Proof of their work found on their Twitter. (paypal) (gfm)
We Feed Gaza: Team of Palestinian volunteers in the heart of Gaza distributing food & water to 344+ families. More details & proof in their gfm. Vetted & promoted by LetsTalkPalestine on IG. (gfm)
Direct Aid for Gaza: A Palestinian activist on the ground in Gaza distributing food, cash & other essential supplies to displaced families. Proof of their work found on their twitter. (paypal) (gfm)
Water (*urgent and crucial!)
Gaza Municipality: The official Municipality of Gaza is doing vital, life-saving work to rebuild the water pipes in Gaza City to restore access to clean water & waste management services for the people of Gaza.
eSIMs (*very urgent):
guide to buy & send esims to gaza
Crips for eSims for Gaza: donate any amount to this team of volunteers who pool funds to buy & maintain gaza esims regularly (see their financial accountability document).
Medical Aid:
Gaza Wound Care: Palestinian doctors in central Gaza treating injured/sick children & mothers in neglected displacement camps far from hospitals. Facing a severe shortage of medicines, equipment, and medical supplies. Currently raising funds to support their efforts to battle infectious diseases in refugee camps. (gfm) (paypal) (gogetfunding)
international charities: Palestine Red Crescent Society, Palestine Children's Relief Fund, Medical Aid for Palestinians
How to help if you can't donate:
Share & amplify Palestinian fundraisers in your irl & online circles
Organize or help to run an online/irl event to raise funds for Palestine
Get involved with a protest/strike/direct action in your area
Contact your reps
Educate yourself & others both irl & online
Daily clicks on Arab.org
(you can even adopt 1 fundraiser campaign to regularly boost it & make materials promoting it online, or print posters/flyers about Palestinian fundraisers to encourage others to donate. (poster/graphic about gazafunds.com: here, flyers about esims: here, flyers about gazafamilyfunds: here)
(longer masterpost of all ways you can help)
(*all these links and more now in this rentry page. will no longer be updating this post, instead refer to the rentry page)
Last updated 3/6/2024 with Gaza Wound Care & We Feed Gaza. Wanted to focus on Palestinian-run grassroots initiatives that will actually reach Gazans on the ground, so all of these except eSIMs, PCRF, MAP are by Palestinians. Donating to international orgs is not ideal rn as aid is still being stopped at the border. Please focus on Palestinian-run initiatives on the ground in Gaza.
Remember, small donations really do add up. Any amount counts, even $1!
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samerpal · 2 months
🚨Trapped Family in Gaza Appeals for Help to Survive🚨 🕊️🇵🇸 🍉🌹
Hi 👋 my friends My name is Samer Abu Ras, and I am reaching out to you with a heavy heart and shattered hopes after the war in Gaza destroyed my life and my family’s. Our days were once filled with peace and security, but now we are homeless, without shelter or income, facing a bleak future. My wife Shorouq and our three children are suffering from psychological and health traumas due to this catastrophe. We lost our home and our jobs, and now we seek warmth in cold streets.
“Please note, The goal of our fundraising campaign is to raise $43,000, which is = equivalent to 450,000 SEK.
My friends, the currency used in the fundraising campaign is the Swedish Krona (SEK), and every 50 SEK is equivalent to 5 USD.”
10$ = 100 SEK
50$= 500 SEK
100$= 1000 SEK
200$= 2000 SEK
My original story link
🕊️🇵🇸Member at Gaza vetters🇵🇸🕊️
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My children 🧒 👧 , who once lived in safety, are now gripped by fear and displacement. As a father, I feel deep sorrow and helplessness for not being able to protect them. Today, I am making a humanitarian plea, asking for assistance to rebuild our lives and find a safe and stable environment. Every donation, no matter how small, will make a significant difference in our lives.
Let us make hope triumph over despair and restore smiles and dignity to my family.
Thank you to everyone who listens to my plea and offers a helping hand and donation to change our future for the better.
With heartfelt gratitude and appreciation
Note our campaign vetted by
@sar-soor @el-shab-hussein @nabulsi @ibtisams
Verification source: number 196 on users el-shab-hussein and nabulsi's master list
Attached is my Instagram account, my friends, for more information and details.
@schoolhater 🌹@victoriawhimsey 🌹
@pocketsizedquasar-2 🌹
@turtletoria 🌹 @rinnie
@ut-against-genocide 🌹
@ethanscrocs 🌹 @punkitt-is-here 🌹 @plomegranate 🌹 @gazavetters 🌹
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palms-upturned · 4 months
(Emoji description: two uses of the Palestinian flag emoji, end description)
UPDATE, July 8th 2024: I am no longer updating this post. My master list has now moved to this post on @vetted-gaza-funds so please check there instead!
UPDATE: I’ve hit the link limit on this post, so here is part two of this list!!
(Emoji description: three Palestinian flag emojis, end description)
Laila Shaqoura: €23k/€45k
@/lailashaqoura, number 152 on the spreadsheet linked up top
Wafaa Alnhal: €24k/€50k
@/wafs-posts, number 171 on the spreadsheet linked up top
Ruba Shaban: €26k/€100k
@/rubashabansblog, number 90 on the spreadsheet linked up top
Issam Aziz: €21k/€25k
@/haifaaziz98, number 179 on the spreadsheet linked up top
Amneh Sharif: $8.6k/$90k USD
@/amnehsharif10, number 140 on the spreadsheet linked up top
Nada Saftawi: €11k/€16k
@/nadasaftawi, number 182 on the spreadsheet linked up top
Iyad Sobhe: £11k/£60k
@/iyadsobhegaza, number 173 on the spreadsheet linked up top
Dr. Nasser Mohammed: £6.2k/£50k
(terminated, formerly nassermohamed9), Verified by nabulsi
Nahla & Amal: €3k/€80k
@/jrk85, number 178 on the spreadsheet linked up top
Ahmed Iyd: £10k/£150k
(terminated, formerly ahmediyds), number 116 on the spreadsheet linked up top
Renad Magid: £15k/£25k
@/renadmagidnew, number 128 on the spreadsheet linked up top
Amira Alanqar: €11k/€20k
@/ameera-anq, Verified by nabulsi
Mohammed Hilles: €21k/€37k
@/hmzamahamed3, number 176 on the spreadsheet linked up top
Rania Ibra: £13k/£35k (LINK NOT WORKING, WILL UPDATE)
@/ranibra71, number 154 on the spreadsheet linked up top
Malk Al Zaeem: $18k/$50k CAD
@/malkzaeem, number 129 on the spreadsheet linked up top
Amal Abu Shammala: €55k/€60k
@/amalisam96, number 24 on the spreadsheet linked up top
NOTE: Amal’s family has been evacuated to Egypt, but Amal is continuing to raise funds to support her displaced relatives and to recover from losing her job and being scammed out of $20k in the process of evacuating her family. Please keep on donating to her both the above campaign and this second campaign, which has raised $2.4k/$10k!
Nael Helles: $16k/$50k USD
@/nael-helles, number 85 on the spreadsheet linked up top
Ahmed & Dina: €23k/€35k
@/zinaeleenyamin, verified by nabulsi
Hani Al-Hajjar: €31k/€50k
@/skatehani, number 75 on the spreadsheet linked up top
Mohammed Alanqer: €32k/€38k
@/mohammedalanqer, number 174 on the spreadsheet linked up top
Salaah Bilaal: €50k/€70k
@/bilal-salah0, number 132 on the spreadsheet linked up top
Shahed Muhammad: $8k/$50k USD
@/shahednhall, verified by nabulsi
Nader Shoshaa: €6.4k/€120k
@/nadergaza, number 153 on the spreadsheet linked up top (thank you to @/rubashabansblog for sending me this campaign!)
Iman Eyad: £6.6k/£60k (LINK NOT WORKING, WILL UPDATE)
@/imanblogs, number 150 on the spreadsheet linked up top (thank you to @/rubashabansblog for sending me this campaign!)
Aya Maher: €4.3k/€25k
@/ayamaher44, verified by 90-ghost
Hamsa Mohammad: €5.4k/€30k
@/hamsamohammad, verified by nabulsi
Alaa Al Khateeb: £25k/£56k
@/alaaalkhateeb, number 99 on the spreadsheet linked up top
Mohammed Hoboub: kr17k/kr300k SEK
@/mohammedhaboub, verified by 90-ghost
Youssef Helles: €2k/€23k
@/omaryousef, number 206 on the spreadsheet linked up top
Amani Hasan: $18,934/$17,732 CAD GOAL MET!!!
@/amani93hasan, number 169 on the spreadsheet linked up top
Ahmad Turk: €7.1k/€70k
@/ahmadturk00, number 96 on the spreadsheet linked up top
Ahmed Ziad: £3.9k/£30k
@/ahmed-ziad, verified by nabulsi
Mahmoud Helles: €1.1k/€50k
@/mahmoud92hells, number 198 on the spreadsheet linked up top
Sujood Odeh: £53k/£70k
@/sujoododeh, number 64 on the spreadsheet linked up top
Mohammad Al Manasra: €11k/€40k
@/save-mohammad-family, verified by ibtisams
Mohammad Awni: €2.1k/€45k
@/mohamedawnisblog, verified by nabulsi
Raghad Qanou: £3.2k/£55k
@/rhq274, verified by nabulsi
Iyad Sami: CHF5.7k/CHF20k
@/eyadeyadsblog, vouched for by mohamedalanqer
Ahmed Al Ostaz: €12k/€70k
@/4665440875, organized by @/mo98h, number 125 on the spreadsheet linked up top
Yousef Hussein: $7.3k/$50k USD
@/06679799, verified by 90-ghost
Nesma Ahmed: $66k/$80k USD
@/nesmamomen, verified by nabulsi
Abdelrahman: €7.1k/€20k
@/anqer, vetted by el-shab-hussein
Mahmoud Balousha: €14k/€50k
(terminated, formerly mahmoud26), verified by blackpearlblast
Samer Abu Rass: kr59k/kr450k SEK
@/samerpal, number 196 on the spreadsheet linked up top
Dr. Mohammed Al Deeb: €18k/€30k
@/mohammedaldeeb, number 212 on the spreadsheet linked up top
Fadi Ayyad: $18k/$35k USD
@/mayadaayyad, number 144 on the spreadsheet linked up top
Tahani Shorbajee: $16k/$50k USD
@/tahanishorbaje2, number 112 on the spreadsheet linked up top
Yazan Ashraf Abu Safiya: €3.5k/€50k
@/yazanabusaia, number 180 on the spreadsheet linked up top
Mahmoud Saleh: €4.6k/€20k
@/mide444, verified by ibtisams
Ahmed Abu Shammala: €9.8k/€100k
@/ahmed8311, number 161 on the spreadsheet linked up top
Mohammed Thalatheeni: €21k/€35k
@/mohammedtalatene, number 135 on the spreadsheet linked up top
Ahmed Thalatheeni: €4.1k/€35k
@/ahmedaltalaten, vouched for by mohammedtalatene
Mahmoud Khalaf: €10k/€30k
@/mahmoudkhalafff, number 152 on the spreadsheet linked up top
Basma Al Ghoul: kr9.2k/kr400k SEK
@/basmaalghoul, verified by nabulsi
Mahmoud Hilles: €20k/€25k
@/hillesmahmoud, number 170 on the spreadsheet linked up top
Ezzideen Shehab: €29k/€75k
@/boshradaoud1 (organizer), number 2 on the spreadsheet linked up top
Farah Haboub: $1.3k/$120k CAD
@/farahhaboub, vetted by 90-ghost
Firas Muhaisen: $1.7k/$82k CAD
@/firasmuhaisenn, shared by 90-ghost
Shaheen Family: €2.7k/€35k
@/shaheenfamily1, shared by 90-ghost
Walaa Ahmed: $3.9k/$50k CAD
@/burningnightgiver and @/ahmed79ss, shared by 90-ghost
Ghada Saftawi: €1.3k/€10,250
@/ghadasaftawi, shared by 90-ghost
NOTE: Ghada’s family has been evacuated, but it took all the money that Ghada had! This fundraiser is to support her children while they are displaced in Egypt with no savings left.
Diya Shamaly: $23k/$90k CAD
@/familydeea, verified by nabulsi
Basel Ayyad: CHF2k/CHF60k
@/basel-1995, number 214 on the spreadsheet linked up top
Alaa Ayad: $2.5/$20k CAD
@/alaa-pales, number 395 on Operation Olive Branch’s master list
Mohammed Iwais: kr15k/kr500k SEK
@/mohiwais, shared by 90-ghost
Khalil Abu Baker: €1.3k/€30k
@/khalil95, number 187 on the spreadsheet linked up top
Firas Salem: €33k/€65k
@/firas-salem, number 111 on the spreadsheet linked up top
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poobirdy · 5 months
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xin mo did not become the demonic op sword of all three realms for this!!! for @kawouwu who asked for binggeyuan sillies! thank you for your donation to svsss' gotcha 4 gaza!
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help-rawan-muhammad · 4 months
Below is a written piece by Rawan Muhammad, a Palestinian woman who needs our help. Please read her writing and donate to her GoFundMe. If you cannot donate, please, please, please share her words and her donation link!
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My name is Rawan Muhammad, and I am communicating with you from northern Gaza. I am studying in my third year in the Engineering Department. My future, my dreams, and my university have been destroyed. I am seeking to restore my unknown future because of this damned war, like the rest of the world’s students. My family and I are facing unimaginable hardships. Imagine an entire sector without water or electricity. There is no food, hospital, education, or home. We are on the verge of famine in the north. The terrible loss of our entire family shattered our lives. Our home was completely destroyed. Not only that, we became homeless forever because it was taken into the entity's buffer zone, we were left with nothing, leaving us alone in a world full of uncertainty and despair. With no source of income or support, we find ourselves navigating through these difficult times amid the ongoing atrocities of the occupation. Every second a new massacre is committed and rings of fire that no person in this world can bear. During this ordeal, I appeal to you to extend a helping hand to us, and to offer hope and comfort in our darkest hours. Your generosity can make a profound difference in our lives, providing us with the means to rebuild and forge a brighter future.
Can you describe this and focus with me for a moment, but try the feeling of every Gazan among us. 8 months ago, this damned war on the Gaza Strip began. It did not come out of nowhere, but rather because of the siege we are living in in this beautiful city. There are no free crossings open to us like other countries, no trains, no jobs, and no people’s most basic rights. Simple in any country, everything is controlled by a murderous Zionist entity that controls us
Every Gazan among us had dignity and self-esteem that was distributed to the whole world, and he sat at home happily, despite the sorrow we were experiencing. We were satisfied, relaxed, and thanked God for the little things. Everything was simple and made us happy. Our demands were simple, despite what made our specializations under this, including usurpation. It was considered... He made a great effort in the Middle East and stood alongside the largest countries in the world with the largest weapons in the world towards simple adaptation that did not have the equipment and equipment, but always relied on God.
Come, listen and focus on what Al-Ghazawi has been experiencing since October 7. No one has remained in his home since that day. We have all become displaced from place to place, under the belts of fire, under the remains of innocent women and children, under the rubble of houses that have become graves for their people. During this period, only one ambulance was able to go out. Anyone who left as a martyr was directly targeted, even if he was under international protection
They did not spare an ambulance or a journalist to broadcast the truth and the crimes committed by this accursed occupation. They were doing so to conceal the hideous truth that they were committing against our children, our women, and our elderly. I remember during that period, I did not sleep for just a single day due to the intensity of the bombing, the fire belts, and the hideous massacres. I was saying every second, “Here it comes.” It was our turn. We were all bearing witness to ourselves. Perhaps it was our last breath. No one would accept us to sleep alone. We were gathered in the same room. You can imagine why, so that none of us would feel sorry for anyone.
It was committing massacres in a very crazy way. The sound of the drones and the warplanes did not leave the Strip for a single day. Imagine, 24 hours a day, you hear that sound. Dear listener, our people were deceived into leaving to the south, considering it a safe area. More than 2 million people were displaced to this area. They tasted the scourges of torment in this small, inexhaustible outpost. It can handle this number due to its small area and the army entering every area and destroying it. After they used to rest in their homes, they began to move in tents from one area to another every now and then due to the ground entry of the occupation. Have you tried living in a tent and enduring its extreme heat, dear? You can imagine since that day there is no internet. In the Gaza Strip, there is no reassurance transmission, and there is no drinking water, and since that day, this city has not been illuminated
We now walk very long distances to obtain water. Our most basic rights are not potable water, but rather well water. We use it for drinking and other means. We no longer have a washing machine to wash clothes. All of this happens in the hands of the women of Gaza. We cannot fill a single barrel to use it to rinse the utensils. We fill the utensils and wash them. You can imagine. How difficult this is. There is not a single gas point in the Strip to use for cooking. We buy wood at very high prices for cooking. There is no electricity to charge the phone or battery to use for lighting. You have to walk some distance to find someone who uses solar energy to help you charge to meet your needs at nominal prices. Can you imagine? This suffering is not the hunger that afflicted us for months in northern Gaza because no aid truck has entered since the beginning of this aggression.
Everything has become insanely expensive due to high prices. The Strip has become on the brink of famine. Imagine your child waking up to get a living and you cannot meet his request in northern Gaza due to the lack of a living. My people in the north were going under death, under tanks, and over the bodies of martyrs who rose to get food. Every night, a new massacre was committed against these civilians who went to silence their starving children. Otherwise, they were deprived of their education, as their schools became shelters for the displaced, and there were no banks from which to spend your salary. If you wanted to receive your salary, you would receive half of it because of the high commission, so the sector became on the verge of poverty. Due to the lack of banks, everything in Gaza was destroyed. There was no house, street, mosque, hospital, school or university left to complete my dream and future that I started with. Everything was completely destroyed and nothing remained in Gaza except the complete destruction of the infrastructure. This is the goal of this damned war 😭
To this day, we cannot buy anything. We were deprived of all kinds of vegetables and fruits for 8 months in the northern Gaza Strip. Even if they are available in small quantities, their price is so crazy that you cannot buy them. You can imagine all these crimes happening in a small city in exchange for an organization that relies on God. Save what is left of us in This great city conveyed our voice to the world 💔😭
The situation is very bad in the north. Famine is hitting us again. We cannot really get food now. There is no gas or wood for cooking. The situation is very bad. We do not have our most basic rights. For 8 months, we have not eaten meat, vegetables, fruit, or anything that is found in malls, such as chocolate and chips. 💔 And we were satisfied. We ate the grasses of the earth and animal fodder here in the north for 5 months, and here the famine returns again.
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pitflight · 23 days
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list of palestinian fundraisers from people who have reached out to me- each has a name, tumblr @, amount raised/goal, gofundme link, verification, and any additional info. please donate if you can and share these families’ fundraisers. additionally, visit their blogs and gofundmes and read their stories in their own words. all of them have persevered through so much, and as many of them have said, it’s not easy to ask for help- take some time to listen to them. this post will be edited regularly with updated information and additional fundraisers. please check the original post and reblogs for updates and share the latest version.
version date: 9/16/24
1. dina @dinamahammed99 $5,985/$15,000 gofundme pinned post verification
2. karam al nabih @karamrafeek £45/£7,000 gofundme pinned post post with verification new gofundme (previous had problems, stopped at €13,880)
3. mohammed salem @save-salem-family2 €5,284/€10,000 gofundme pinned post with verification
4. fidaa @fidaa-family2 $30,837/$75,000 gofundme pinned post with verification
5. bilal @shadowyavenuetaco £5,480/£50,000 gofundme main post verification nephew of @/yasermohammad, current short term goal of £5,500
6. mahmoud ayyad @mahmoudayyad €5,701/€55,000 gofundme pinned post verification
7. asmaa ayyad @asmaayyad €20,509/€45,000 gofundme pinned post with verification
8. muhammad imad abdel latif sharab @d-mohammed and @adham89s €4,628/€100,000 gofundme main post verified by 90-ghost on prior blogs that are now inactive
9. motaz @motaz225 kr58,229 SEK/kr250,000 gofundme pinned post verification
10. ahmed jehad @ahmad-syam-blog $4,557 CAD/$40,000 gofundme post with verification
11. sara hussein @sara-97a €1,342/€50,000 gofundme post with verification
12. asmaa @asmaamajed2 $9,809/$50,000 gofundme pinned post verification (90-ghost reblog)
13. mohammad @yasermohammad €22,493/€35,000 gofundme pinned post verification bilal @/shadowyavenuetaco’s uncle and family, frequent short term goals
14. salam @save-salam-family €23,281/€40,000 gofundme pinned post verification (90-ghost reblog)
15. marah baalousha @freepaleatine95 $10,086/$50,000 gofundme pinned post verification
16. falestine @falestine-yousef $22,284/$40,000 gofundme post with verification and her family's other gofundmes, including doaa and tahrir (below)
17. ola @olagaza $49,351/$85,000 gofundme pinned post with verification (vetted list links match)
18. ahmad @ahmad-gaza $5,601/$35,000 gofundme post with verification
19. khaled smeer @khaledgazacity $758 AUD/$60,000 gofundme main post no verification yet but gofundme is donation protected and very new and reverse image search is clear
20. amal @amalgheelan and @amalgaza99 $1,945/$5,000 gofundme pinned post verification
21. doaa @dodoomar12345 and @free-gaza2 kr208,147 SEK/kr300,000 and $6,616/$12,000 gofundme 1 gofundme 2 pinned post 1 with verification pinned post 2
22. hanaa @hanaa-yousef and @hanaa987 £17,876/£50,000 gofundme pinned post with verification
23. aseel @aseelo680 $25,987/$50,000 gofundme pinned post verification and art raffle
24. tahrir @tahreer-199 and @tahreer-1990 $9,310/$65,000 gofundme pinned post verification
25. nabila @nabila58 and @nabelamohamed $3,580/$10,000 gofundme main post verification
26. safaa asaad @safaa18mero $15,381/$75,000 gofundme pinned post verification
27. hashem @hashemsh12 and @hashemsh92 €9,860/€45,000 gofundme pinned post verification
28. ahmed @ahmeddahlancampaign €168/€35,000 gofundme main post no verification yet but likely legit
29. youssef @yousefjehad3 $8,427/$15,000 gofundme pinned post with verification
30. anas al-sharfa @anasalshrafa €8,396/€50,000 gofundme recent post no verification yet but likely legit
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soullessjack · 7 days
Hello my friend 🙏🍉 I am Ahmed. I used to live with my family, my father, my elderly mother, and they suffer from chronic diseases. My mother had open-heart surgery on October 7, the first day of the war. I used to work fishing on a large boat. Everything was destroyed, and now I am injured from the bombing, my house is destroyed, and my children and I have nothing left. Children suffer from diseases due to lack of hygiene and unhealthy food. Please donate and support my campaign and help me and my family escape from the war of extermination. Have mercy on us, please 🙏😭
Donate of you can
Reblog my pin post 😓
You can save our life 💔 https://gofund.me/315b0b3c
i got a lot of asks at once so I’ve added you to a donation list!
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prepchii · 1 month
Hello everyone
I am Nour from Gaza
.I need your help if you can
Please donate to save my life and the lives of my children
I'm asking for a small donation of $25 from each person. $35 will save my children from death and help me cover expenses and rebuild.
Through the link (please see my CV) https://www.gofundme.com/f/donate-to-help-nour-and-his-family-escape-the-war-in-gaza
My account has been verified by @90-ghost
if you guys can help donate to Haya's family from Gaza, they need dire care if we're able to donate at least 25 dollars or more be so much appreciated! Donate to more campaigns that need help evacuating if you have the extra money!If you don't that's fine, simple reposting, liking, and interacting with this blogs goes a long waaay!
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