#dont hold me responsible for this mess im tired and its almost midnight haha
kathrynmjaneway · 7 years
spoilers spoilers spoilers!
About the end of AAU pt.2!
Now that we have the first bit of information about part three of Aliens Among Us, I am once again wondering how they are bringing Yvonne back to the living world.
Especially seeing that she was converted into a Cyberman and as such pulled into the void, with no chance of coming back and definitely not as a human – after all there was a whole episode right in the first season about the fact, that once converted, there was no going back. The human was gone, made into a machine.
(Additionally, it always said that they would bring someone back that had to be dead, so while I/we/most of us assumed it meant bringing someone who had died back to actual life, maybe instead it means that the person that seems to be back, is still very much dead and didn’t really come back in that sense of being alive again, if this makes sense.)
So the Yvonne here is not the same Yvonne that died in her last appearance on Doctor Who. So what or who is she then?
There has been the theory going around of her coming back as sort of a projection, like Norton Folgate uses, but since the synopsis for episode 9 says that there is a (dead) woman locked into a cell, we can most likely dismiss this theory as well, seeing as Yvonne seems to have an actual physical form. (locking a projection into a cell seems hardly efficient after all) (and there goes the ‘ghost theory’ as well :’D) (jk)
So naturally I have a few theories, some more likely than others [or just, crack :))) ]:
Yvonne from an alternate dimension. Maybe it’s the one from Pete’s world – they noticed in time what their Torchwood was up to, Yvonne could still be alive in that dimension and since Torchwood was shut down there, maybe she’s looking for a different Torchwood to lead now. Or, she’s from a completely different dimension. And the consequences of crossing between different dimensions could be devastating. (if Rose managed to cross dimensions even after the Doctor closed the last bridges, then Yvonne can find a way as well, if she wants to)
Yvonne from the past, pre Doomsday. She could have come through the rift, after all she worked right next to one, and we know that the rifts are unpredictable and go through time and space. (or she got herself a time machine/vortex manipulator)
These theories make me wonder how and if Bilis Manger is involved with bringing back Yvonne. After all he opened the rift (as briefly as it was, it did happen) and sent out a message. (I’ve got another theory about what that was all about that is probably more likely, but still.) Even if Bilis wasn’t directly involved in bringing Yvonne to this time and dimension, maybe she used the instability of the rift for her own purposes. The rift was unstable before already (mentioned before in ‘More Than This’ as well), it’s unpredictable, who knows what the rift is capable of? The rift being opened like that again by Bilis might have just be at the right time for Yvonne to use it. Anything is possible in the world of Doctor Who)
A clone. I don’t really think they’ll go for that, but clones are good old scifi, so I thought I’d mention it.
Evil twin. Also a classic. (or if the original Yvonne was the evil one, it’s the good one now? or equally morally grey twins?) (ok, now I’m just bullshitting)
Shapeshifting alien that changed into Yvonne.
Hand in hand with that theory – the god storyline will be picked up in part 3 of AAU. Now I’m not saying that Yvonne is necessarly a god, but the Sorvix are looking for one and maybe that god has shapeshifting abilities or just takes the form of someone convenient??? (this has to do with my theory about the Sorvix god-search and Bilis’ message through the rift, I’m still working on that post) (I’m back to bullshitting, but who knows. I don’t.)
Yvonne isn’t back after all! Someone (Jack most likely) is dreaming/hallucinating. Jack has been gone for the good part of the last few episodes and his behaviour has changed drastically. Something is definitely going on with Jack, so maybe he got into some trouble that got him knocked out, injected/infected with something, who knows. It’s a possibility and something that Torchwood hasn’t done yet (to my knowledge) (The concept of ‘dream worlds’ has been explored in DW, so while this theory is certainly out there and probably unlikely, I wouldn’t completely rule it out *shrugs*).
Of course the question is (also in terms of the dimension-hopping), how much Doctor Who they are bringing to the world of Torchwood, since while both shows obviously take place in the same universe, they are still different shows, with different recurring themes and plots. The lines are blurring here and there and Yvonne is definitely one of those bridges (especially seeing that in Torchwood One: Machines an old enemy of the Doctor seems to come back [idk, not familiar with Classic Who yet])
Well, to be honest, I have no idea how much sense these theories or I am really making here, but I’ve been thinking about this a lot, even went through all the Yvonne Hartman content we have as of now (I even rewatched Doomsday, not good), but I really have no idea how they are gonna do it. I’m really so excited to find out though in FEBRUARY (that long wait is just mean).
Anyway, any thoughts about this? Any other theories (that make more sense haha)?
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