#dont know if I've ever said this but its so fun having a name like girthworm that people can make such fun nicknames for 😭😭🥺
chinomiko · 1 year
hi! i know it must be kinga boring for you recive questions about castiel bc ppl are obsessed ober him for years but like the other person who asked you a few days ago, i follow you (and ply mcl) for like 10 years and ever since day one my fav boy has been tiel. till this day at the age of 22 he's my favorite and my comfort boy so i joke that he's not a fictional character anymore for me and that i know him personally at this point lol
with that being said, i bet you can imagine that over the years i've been elaborating his personality beyond what the game gives us but he's your boy, you created him therefore you know him and your word is canon, so i'd like to ask a few stuff!! nothing too big, dont worry but here we go.
tiel is an amazing songwriter and since he's very emotional not very good at express it (he does it a lot better now that he's an adult 🥹) i bet his lyricism is very deep and poetic so i have this headcanon that he at first wouldn't like taylor swift because obviously lol but then he payed attention to her lyrics and ends up basically being a swiftie since he likes her writing a lot. what you think about that?
and what kind of music crowstorm sings? like there are any bands that you listen and think "hey this would be in a crowstorm album!" (i have a playlist with this name btw lol). im probably wrong on this one but since this is my fav band i like to think that catfish and the bottlemen are the irl crowstorm, musically speaking
and the last one: another thing that gives me so much comfort is the lystiel friendship. not having present parents, being so closed off i know that lysander is such an important presence on tiel's life because he was basically the only close person he had (specially after the debrah fiasco); if lys didnt had taken the farm and went to college and bla bla bla do you think he would still be part of the band with castiel? im not sure if im mixing the canon with a fanfic i read a while ago (lol) but the band was more of a fun thing to lys, right? he liked writing most (i always imagined him getting into a literature degree or something like this). i also like to think that he helps tiel with lyrics at times, even if he's out of the band (in my head the canon is that they are best friends and pretty close till this day, i pretend lys never left our lives just like armin)
anyways sorry for this big ask 😭 i dont even know if you will read it all but if you do, thank you! and dont feel like you have to answer, i know its too much its just that mcl is my hyperfixation till this day like for real, i have a fanfic that i write still and i even plan on making it into a book sometime. except from the main characters (who is my oc) all the characters will be based on the game's ones :)
ilysm take care and stay hydrated!!
Hellow !
Aww thank you so much and for all your love for Castiel ^^
What a long ask, I'll try to answer in order.
Castiel being a swiftie. No sorry, I don't think he would be. If candy likes her, I'm pretty sure he would try to listen. Also he is an open minded person for sure, so I'm sure he would be curious to listen and study what all the hype is about, it could also help as some sort of far away inspiration, but I don't see him being a fan.
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What kind of songs Crowstorm sings This is hard to answer because my musical knowledge is pretty limited and I'm sure I would miss on lot of potential groups or singers that would fit well. And it would require too much research time to have a real detailed and clear answer, but I still did check a bit and here is a little list of songs/groups that I think would have a fitting vibe for Crowstorm
City of the dead - Hollywood Undead The worst in me - bad omens Paranoid - I prevail Trauma Just pretend - Bad omens Ice Nine Kills - A grave mistake Catfish and the bottlemen sounds nice but I think its a bit too soft for what I imagine for Crowstorm.
What is his voice like I think something similar to this (not necessarily the song itself, just the voice. )
bonus, I think this song is so so fitting for Castiel's breakup song, I love it. Dial Tone - Catch your breath
Castiel and Lys friendship. It was'nt mentionned much in UL/LL because I didnt wish to bring too much drama by mentioning Lys when he was not there for the players, but of course Lys and Cast always kept in touch. It is very clearly mentionned in Lys' AL that they keep in touch, that Lys helps Castiel write songs and Cast also like to come to his farm to have a break and spend time together. You should play it if you havent, you'll have a good chunk of Cast and Lys friendship :) However yeah I can confirm that Lys would not like to do it serisouly and professionally, but he'll be all the way around to support and help Cast.
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dirtybitfic · 8 months
matt sturniolo fanfiction
contains ~ mask kink, party, drinking, smoking,running (you'll see what I mean), choking , slapping, (Nick names like ma baby slut and sir)SMUTTTTT
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y/n pov~
I was getting ready to go to this party in a graveyard tonight.
you may be thinking why the actual fuck is someone throwing a party in a graveyard. Buuuuut that's a very normal in the small town I live in . Everybody's parents are either always home or they'll snitch if someone has a party without their parents knowing so we have all our partys in the graveyard.
the grave yard is on the west side of town which is the more rugged part most of the super hot bad boys with tattoos like on that side of town. my side of town is the more "proper" side . My parents expect me to get a's and b's always have a clean room and never do anything that will look bad and bring shame to their name.
I HATE MY FUCKING PARENTS like im just a girl who wants to go out have fun and make bad decisions from time to time so when hallows eve rolls around I get EXTRA fucking excited for the weekend.
This year im dressing chuckys bride Tiffani. I think the movies are a good laugh and I just love the makeup for it so it was an easy choice.
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This is the entire outfit .
I had already put my dress on and decided to do some fake blood to spice up the look for some reason I feel really hot covered in blood.
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I based my makeup on this look but just kept my normal eyebrows and drew them in black and shaped them a little thinner. I decided it was time to get my wig on.
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My best friend Lena just got here so I went down to let her in and damn she looks so hot .
alright I'll wait in the living room.
okay ill just be a second
I went and threw on my stocking and boots and grabbed my pen and put it in my pocket in my jacket along with my phone.
Okay lets get going
we started walking and surprisingly the boots are easy and confortahbe to walk in so far . the walk is about 20 minutes.
we would drive but lena totaled her car last moth and since my parents are always gone on business trips they told me they didn't feel like buying me a car said it waisted their money. sooo yeah I don't have a car due to my parents greed. lovely right .
girl I can't wait to see the westside guys tonight.
same bitch same I need to see some men who actually have a personality and are hot all the guys on our side of town are boring
no for real they are bland and can't fuck for shit
I just know half these west side boys are crazy in bed
I bet they are dominant too
oooh bitch and if I see a man in a mask im jumping on his plain and simple
realest shit I've heard in weeks and trust girl if I see a man covered in tattoos with lights eyes and light hair he's mine plain and simple
you know I've always wanted to be fucked in a grave yard and chase through one and oh my god imagine a man dragging you into the crypts fuck that would be the best night of my life
fuckkk bitch that actually sounds like the actual hottest thing ever.
damn girl you really need some dick tonight cause wow that was a lot
buuuuut I agree
hahah yeahhh that's if I can find a man worth my time you know im picky
yeah I know but hey I have a feeling this hallows eve is gonna be a good one
I fucking hope so
we start to get closer to the graveyard and start to hear faint music as we got closer
we got to the gates and saw a shit tone of people in the further back of the yard drinking and dancing the music was a lot louder now as we walked through the gates and over around the people who were dancing.
I pulled out my pen and took a couple hits handing it to lena to take a couple hits.
hey y/n I hear behind me I turn around to see its a guy from my chemistry class I don't remember his name and honestly I don't care to try .
umm hi
you look really hot I almost didn't recognize you
oh yeah what gave it away
your ass I could spot it from a mile away
oh how nice well if you'll excuse me i'm gonna go get a drink
oh um yeah okay we'll see you in class monday
mmhm yeah bye
I hate men like what the fuck you could have said my eyes or my hands or anything else but my fucking ass but noooo
I was walking over to the coolers the I spotted a tall man holding a ghost face mask in his hand talking to some other super hot guys .
they looked a bit older maybe early 20s but fuck me the one holding the mask is so hot i'm drooling . I bent over to grab a drink and he turned around looking at something deeper in the woods I followed his direction and saw a crypt slowly peep out of the shadows.
it looked so ominous and creepy which excited me but I looked back at him to find him starting at me .
I took a deep breathe as we made deep eye contact he started smirking at me and then made his way over to me I just stood here maintaining eye contact as a small smile crept onto my face.
I know I said I was picky but fuck the man is everything I want and more he's tall, blue eyes dark hair , a sexy ass smirk, and is covered in tattoos. He has a lure to him and im determined to find out what it is .
as he stands infant of me I have to look up to meet his gaze .
god his face looks like it was carved from the gods his jaw is so sharp and his cheekbones are so sculpted along with his very dead boy eye that drive me up a wall.
what's your name beautiful
I almost folded right then and there his voice is deep and demanding it send sock waves straight to my pussy.
it nice to meet you y/n
its nice to meet you too uuuh
Matt its nice to meet you
so you in high school y/n
yep im a senior
nice nice so your like what 18
im a actually 19 I uh failed first grade
hmmm interesting
why is that interesting
it thought girls like you never failed anything so poised and perfect all the time
yeah well I guess it'll come as a shock to you im far from perfect and poised
oh really he says with a smirk
yep sure is
okay then what's the craziest thing you've done
I broke into my ex boyfriends house and smashed his car to pieces when I found out he was cheating on me
damn fiesty, I like that
yeah he messed with the wrong fucking bitch. most people think im little miss perfect when im actually just a psychotic mess
a very sexy psychotic mess
oh really
yeah princess this might come a shock but I don't normally talk to girls at these parties but there's something about you I just couldn't resist
as long as you don't say it was my ass well be good
why would I say it was your ass
ah some loser form one of my classes said the only reason he could tell I was me tonight was my ass because he could pick it out of a crowd pretty much
well that's objectifying
right like ew I mean yeah I know my ass is nice I mean I guess but why did he think that would make me like him
cause hes a little fucking high school boy
oh yeah so im guessing your not in high school anymore
nope graduated 2 years ago im 20
god I can't wait to be out of that hell whole and leave this town
yeah I get that small towns are meant for everyone
yeah its definitely not the place I wanna be living fir the rest of my life
same ... hey you wanna go for a walk go check out the crypts
id love too
he grabs my hand as we start walking further in the the grave yard I look back and see lena talking to one of his friends who I know is her type so she won't be missing me and I sure won't be missing her with Matt right next to me.
so you ever gonna it mask on matt
why do you want me too
maybe maybe not
I will later youll see
well that was kinda creepy wait your not taking me out her to murder me are you
no id never kill someone so beautiful it would be such a waste
I just looked up at him smiling at this point we already passed the first crypt he had been eyeing earlier and were so far form he party the music is no longer in ear shot.
the only sound is the leaves crunching under our feet and the cicadas its slightly creepy but it also has me becoming a bit turned on .
I sigh as I see flashes of Matt chasing me in his mask and dragging me into a crypt and fucking my brains out
what is that pretty little mind of yours thinking right now princess
what oh uhhh nothing nothing
that sigh didn't sound like nothing
okay fine I was just thinking about a fantasy ive always had about this grave yard and the crypts
okay explain he says as we come to a stop and he sits down on one of the raised graves. I go to sit next to him but he pulls me onto his lap.my breathe hitches as the sudden contact of my ass on his lap but I just stare off ahead of us at the willow trees surrounding the wooded areas.
I feel his breathe on my neck
tell me this fantasy ma
the nick name has me becoming wet its so hot
well its starts off with me being chased through the graves and the woods to the biggest crypt and the guy chasing me catches me and drags me down the stairs of the crypt and throws me to the floor fucking me as he calls me his dirty little slut amongst other things.
wow very detailed how long have you had this fantasy
since I was 16
hmm have you ever told anyone else about this before
yeah one of my ex boyfriends . I told him before we were coming to a party here seeing if he would make it a reality and he stopped the car told me to get out and walk and said I was mentally ill and disgusting and broke up with me.
what a pussy I mean a guy like me would have jumped at the chance for a girl to even have a fantasy remotely like that.
what do you mean a guy like you
a dominant man who isn't scared of a little fun and games
mmmm I moan as I shift on his lap
are you a submissive type of girl y/n
ye-yeah I guess
you like when a man takes control tells you how much of a slut you are as he makes you shake and cry underneath him hmm
oh fuck im so turned on right now I dotnt even know how to react
ohh yeah I bet you do . you like when a guy smacks you ass so hard it leaves a mark or when a guy slaps you across the face so hard you head snaps to the opposite side.
mmm yeah I-i d-do
someones a little turned on . aren't you ma
mmm was all I could get out a small moan answering his question
he slaps my thigh hard causing me to gasp.
answer me when I ask you a fucking question
ye-yes im sorry
im sorry what
im sorry sir
mmm good girl now stand up
what w-why
because I fucking told you too now stand up
I stood up and turned sound to face him I kept my head down as he stood tall and slim infant of me . I saw his hand holding the mask move up and I followed his movements he held the mask next to face smirking.
you got a mask kink ma?
wh-what I -
don't even think about lying to me right now
I sighed looking down yes I whispered
what was that im sorry I couldn't hear you
I said yes
drop the attitude
yes sir
good girl he says as he slips the mask on making my stomach flutter and a gush of arousal soak my underwear
now im gonna give you a head start
wh- a head start for w-what
your fantasy ma you better start running
b-but im in heels what if I--
I turn and start sprinting the best I can in these fucking boots. I can't believe this is actually happening right now the hottest guy i've ever seen is making my fantasy a reality. He had no hesitation and I know for damn sure he is gonna fulfill my needs just the way he carries himself tells me he knows how to make a girl feel good .
I start to run out of momentum I turn to see him coming in hot behind me as he runs into me grabbing me from behind causing me to scream from the impact.
caught ya
mm seems like it what a shame im breathing hard from running so far
he throws me over his shoulder causing me to let a small laugh out
get all your laughs out now ma cause i'll have you doing nothing but screaming in a second .
all I did was moan at the thought. He gave my ass a hard slap causing me to moan into his back
he came to a stop and set me down I turned to see why he stopped and was met with a large stone entry way with a door at the end.
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yeah creepy right
yeah but also beautiful
come on ma time to get you screaming my name
oh fuck I said as he grabbed my arm and started dragging me towards the door
he kicked the door open easily and started ascending the stairs I stumbled into his back causing him to yank me infant of him as he held me by the hair .
mm ow matt
keep fucking walking your fine
its so da-dark
what you scared of the dark or something
k-kinda y-yeah
aww cute
I heard the flick of a lighter and then there was light shining down the stairs I guess there was a torch on the wall because he lit it and handed it me so I could carry it and see as we kept walking down the stairs. Once we reaches the bottom I looked around taking in our surroundings.
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there were more torches on the walls so I went and lit them with the one I was holding then put it out so I could set it down.
I turned to look at Matt he had taken the mask off and threw it aside I could finally see his beautiful face again causing me to smile .
nothing just like looking at you
oh really and why is that?
I don't know your just so... beautiful ... dark and mysterious but you feel so --- safe and warm you know
wow ... ive never been described like that before
oh really? how are you usually described
dark, mean , cold, asshole , crazy
I don't think that at all
im glad you don't I like your description much more
yeah me too he walked towards me and stood right infant of me
he put his hand around my neck chocking me slightly making me look up at him.
( listen to My own summer and beware by deaftones and for the next part)
he leans down so are lips are almost touching .
Im gonna ruin you
do it
He attaches our lips the kiss is deep and needy.
His other hand moves to my ass giving it a squeeze making me moan into the kiss.
He moves his hand from my neck down to my jacket taking it off. then moving my dress straps down my arms pulling the top to bunch at my waist as he breaks the kiss and moves down to neck sucking and biting leaving marks in his way.
mmmm matt i moan as he moves to my tits liking and sucking my nipples.I tug at his shirt wanting him to take it off and he does .
Get on your knees now
I get down to my knees and look up at him waiting for his next move he started undoing his belt and I just watch as his large veiny hands move to his button and zipper of his jeans pulling them down.
He's left in his boxers and I can see his large dick print being confined by the thin fabric .
well are you gonna just sit there or do I need to tell you what to do
I move to remove his boxers as his dick pops out . I start salivating just looking at it he's pretty big and thick too .
I take him in my hand and pump a couple times before giving the head small kisses and licks I go down to the base and lick up them take him in my mouth
mmm fuck that's a good girl
I moan around his tip from his small praise and continue to suck hard but at a slow pace trying my best not to gag.
He takes my hair in his hands and starts thrusting into my mouth causing me to gag and tears to well up in my eyes.
Good girl sucking me in so good
I moan again causing him to throw his head back and thrust harder after a second he pulls out of my mouth as I start couching .
He kneels down in front of me putting his hand on my chest and pushes me back til im laying on my back on the rough ground.
Im gonna make you cum so hard your legs are shaking around my head ma
oh fuck matt please
He takes off my dress and panties so I’m fully exposed to him.
he moves down so his head is between my legs . I jump when he starts sucking on my clit and god the things he's doing with his mouth are enough to send me over the edge in under a minute.
feel good ma
yes fuck uhhh so good
mmmm he hums as he sucks on my clit sending me into a shaking orgasm.
mmmm FUCK MATT im cumming
mmmm good girl look at you shaking from just my mouth
I thought he was done but he keeps licking and sucking then he adds two fingers into me causing my legs to shake uncontrollably.
awww yes you can ma give me one more I know you can
mmmmm fuck... fuck matt im so close
mmm he groans as he licks my clit and moves his fingers in and out at a fast pace his other hand moves under my thigh lifting it over his shoulder .
My breathing is rapid as I feel my second orgasm moving in at a rapid rate. But this time I know damn well im gonna squirt so I chose to warn him.
M-MATT fuck im g-gonna squirt
mmmm good girl soak my face baby give it to me
f-fuck fuck oh my god
such a good girl you gonna quirt all over me
I scream as I quirt all over him
gooooood girl that's it ma
fuck matt I say as I come down from my high
awww look at your legs shaking
shut up
all 4s now
matt your so big I don't know if I can h- before I finish my sentence he grabs me by the neck
I wasn't fucking asking now do as your told
yes sir I say kind of bratty
fix your tone when you speak to me slut he says as he lightly slaps me across the face and fuck was it the hottest thing ever.
I move to all 4s and spread my legs for him.
Good girl he says as he lines himself up with my leaking entrance.
Go slow please matt I say knowing this is gonna hurt.
I will ma don't worry he says as he slowly starts sliding his tip in
mmm ... fuck I say as I felt him stretching me wide causing a burning sensation.
You okay ma he asks sweetly .
mmhm just h-hurts a little
I know you can take it ma its okay I got you
he bottoms out hitting so deep in me . It hurts so good
mm fuck your so tight ma
mmm- fu-fuck matt your stretching me s-so much
I know ma I know tell me when to move
I gave myself a little time to adjust
o-okay you can m-move
he starts thrusting slow and deep the pain starts to slowly go away and starts feeling like heaven.
fuck faster matt
try asking again he says slapping my ass hard causing me to gasp
p-please sir please fuck me faster
such a good girl for me
he starts pounding into me at a faster pace sending shock waves through my whole body .
mmm yeah you like that slut
fuck ...Y-YES FUCK
such a good slut taking me so well
the degrading name makes me clench around him
aww you like when I call you a slut huh
y-yes I-l-love it
he brings his hand to hair clenching it hard in his fist as his other hand goes onto my back making me arch even more for him causing him to hit so deep it makes my legs uncontrollably shake.
yes you can slut he growls out through gritted teeth
N-NO I CANT I say harshly bringing my hand back pushing on his stomach trying to push him away .
he grabs my arm harshly holding it behind my back as his hand in my hair moves to my throat gripping it hard.
your gonna fucking take it like a good little girl
no? he says harshly as his hips fault to a stop and he pulls me up to meet his chest as he grips my neck harder.
since you wanna sit like a fucking brat he says as he shoves me face down on the rough ground holding both of my hands behind my back
he lowers himself so his breathe Is hitting my ear causing me to shiver
ill fucking treat you like one he says as he starts thrusting rough, fast, deep and harder than ive ever been fucked in my life.
aww what's wrong am I being to rough
please what
you know your mouth is saying one thing but your pussy is saying something completely different
you like it when I fuck you like a bratty slut and you can't say no I feel you clenching my fucking cock
mmmm F-FUCK yes
yes what slut he takes both my hands in one hand and brings his down harshly on my ass
ye-yes sir fuck sir I lo-love it
atta girl you gonna cum for me
ye-yes sir mmm fuck he starts pounding me harder than I ever thought was possible as he slaps my ass harshly
cum on my cock me give it to ma
F-FUCK M-MATT MMMMM I scream as I cum all over his cock.
He keeps pounding into me harshly I started to come down. from my high as my legs were shaking and starting to give out under my weight.
m-MATT I ca-cant keep myself up m-much longer
he pulls out slapping my ass
flip over for me ma
I flip over laying on my back holding onto my legs trying to stop them from shaking but it doesn't help at all.
Keep eye contact for ill stop got it
y-yes sir
good girl he says as he lines himself back up to my entrance
he slides back in and starts pounding into me deep and slow he grabs my legs bringing them up onto his shoulders hitting me so deeply I can feel him in my stomach.
he brings one hand down onto my stomach as he feels himself inside me as his other one moves to my neck shocking me not too hard but the perfect amount of pressure to drive me crazy.
fuck your so fucking wet for me mama
mmmm fu-fuck matt i th-think I gonna squirt
the pressure he is applying on my lower stomach has me about to turn into a damn fountain.
squirt all over me baby soak me
F-FUCK MATT I- I can't even finish what I was saying as I felt myself let go all over him.
fuuuuuck your so fucking hot
mmm fu-fuck matt
he starts pounding into me again my legs won't stop shaking around his neck and I start to feel overstimulated.
m-matt i ca-cant take it a-anymore pl-please
yes you can baby I know you can
I try to push him out of me by pushing on his toned abdomen with only causes him to slap me across the face making me whine out .
keep you hands down understand
y-yes sir I-im s-sorry
good girl im getting close ma I promise just hold on for a little longer
f-fuck okay
he sets my legs so they are around his waist as he brings his body flush against mine as he fuck me deep and rough
I start clawing at his back from over stimulation .
fu-fuck ma I can feel you clenching again
I claw his back deeper as I feel pressure building in my stomach and then suddenly snap
fuck ma your squirting again jesus
I didn't even know I was squirting all I felt was extra pleasure run through me
F-fuck matt mmm god
I squirt over and over I can't seem to stop (nah cause this happened to me in real life it was Lowkey disturbing not gonna lie a bitch was in pain the next day)
Jesus y/n ive never seen some one squirt so much so close together
I c-cant s-stop
I know baby its okay
I claw down his back harder and I bury my face into his shoulder as I bite down as I squirt again my legs are shaking so much they start cramping but I literally can not stop squirting and its driving me crazy .
F-fuck ma your soaking me j-jesus christ
I-im sorry
don't be sorry this is the hottest thing ever
mmmmmm FUCK I scream as I quirt even harder from his hips angling even more hitting deeper
fuck ma im gonna cum
fu-fuck matt fill me up p-please fuck
yeah you wanna be a good little cum slut
Y-YES FUCK MATT PLEASE I scream I squirt yet again as it starting to make my stomach hurt
his hips start to sputter and his thrusts become sloppy.
f-fuck im cuming he says as I feel his warm cum fill me up I moan out as I squirt one last time before his thrusts stop and he pulls out .I feel our mixed liquids running out of my pussy.
fuck that was ... the best sex.. ive ever h-had I say as I laugh a little curling my legs into my chest as my entire body is shaking and tears are streaming down my face.
F-fuck after that I never wanna fuck anyone else
I laugh as I shake uncontrollably I th-think you broke me
aww baby im sorry was a actually to rough
n-no I fucking loved it I just don't think ill be able to stand let alone walk out of here I laughed casein g him to chuckle and shake his head.
he went and grabbed his clothes putting them on and then coming back over to me helping me up my knees immediately buckle so he has to hold me up against the wall so I don't fall as he helps me putt my outfit back on. I felt my back burning really bad as he slid my dress over my head.
OW FUCK I cried out as the stinging got worse
wh-what what's wrong
my-b-back is burning like another fucker
he spins me around JESUS im so sorry it must have been from your backing rubbing on the ground you have big strawberries all over your back
eh honestly I deserve it I definitely did a mean number on your back
uuuh yeah you think he turns around lifting his shirt showing me his back I gasp.
OH JESUS MATT why didn't you stop me those are deep and bleeding
well I uh- I have a pain kink so I thoroughly enjoyed it
o-oh well then I guess your welcome
yes thank you very very much he says as he turns around and gives me a sweet and soft kiss .
come on your coming home with me
I try to walk but my legs fail me and he laughs at me
stop laughing bitch you did this to me
watch that pretty little mouth or your getting round two when we get home
as much as I enjoyed this I could not handle anymore tonight so I brought my hand up to my mouth acting like Im zipping them and threw away the key
come on drama queen he says as he picks me up and I lock my arms around his neck and legs around his waist
I keep my head sizzled into his chest as he blows out the torches on the walls and grabs the last lit one and makes his way back up the stairs he blows out the torch as we walk out of the crypt.
as we approach the part of the grave yard the party was going on in I hear the faint music again I start to feel embarrassed about the state i'm in right now . He walks over to his friends .
Damn bro you have been gone for three fucking hours
God is she even alive anymore
I let out a small giggle at his friends statement.
Yeah yeah funny bro she's fine but were heading home so ill catch you guys later
okay bye bro
byeeee I say as I smile and wave at them as matt walks away from them.
they all just laugh and shake their heads
your friends seem fun
yeah their pretty cool
oh my god y/n
we both look over at my best friend
You been gone for three fucking hours I thought you were dead
no no im fine I promise
she smirks at me as her eyes run over my face and body that is still clinging to matt.
wow you guys had a lot of fun
yep sure did im matt by the way
nice to meet you matt well y/n I guess your going home with him huh
yep sure am I love you and we'll talk tomorrow okay
okay I love you
I love you too
matt walks us all the way to his car he opens the door and sets me down as he shuts the door and gets into the drivers side.
he starts up the car and drives to him house . he parks the car then hops out to help me out and we slowly walk to the door as he unlocks it and we enter.
wanna showers pretty girl
yes please
alright come on its upstairs
we get to the bathroom and he sets me down on the toilet .
go pee im gonna grab a change of clothes for us real quick
okay I finish up my business ad he come back in and helps me get my clothes off and I take my wig off and undo the braid bun I did under the wig.
wow I love your natural hair
aww thank you I said smiling
you wouldn't happen to have like makeup remover or face wash would you
um let me check my mom might have left some in the guest bathroom last time she was here
okay thank you
as he left the bathroom I smiled to myself and the looked over the work he did on my neck and chest then I looked down at my knees seeing that they are scraped and bruising.
I turned to look at my back and Jesus it was so scraped that there was blood and it was also bruising.
here you go my mom left these makeup wipes
thank you I said as I grabbed them and took my makeup off
you know I never thought about how bad a crypt floor would damage my body when I had my fantasy
yeahhh we probably should have thought about that
mm yeah. but hey it was worth it
sure was . You know I didn't even wanna go to that party but im glad I did
oh yeah? and why is that?
I would have never met the most beautiful girl ive ever seen and fucked her into oblivion
mmmm yeah I guess your right and thank you for the compliment
of course ma now lets shower
we hopped into the shower and we washed each others bodys both hissing when the soap and water hit our tainted backs .
we got out and dried off as we put on our change of clothes .
sorry I didn't you know have a change of underwear for you but I there yours in the wash so they are clean for you tomorrow
oh its okay thank you
of course wanna go to bed im fucking exhausted
yes please im spent
he led me to his room and we crawled under the covers as he turned on his fan .
we cuddled into each other as we started to drift off to sleep in each others arms.
hey y/n
yeah matt
I know we just met tonight and stuff but uh would you maybe wanna go out on a real date sometime
yes id love that matt I looked at him smiling as he smiled at me placing a sweet kiss on my forehead .
we fell asleep and that was that.
Gooooooooood NIIIIIIIGHT xoxo
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WIBTA for using my cousin's weed habit to convince my dad to let me go live on my own, making him pay higher rent? Hi so this is kind of a silly idea i had but wanted to see if it would be assholeish. Also it is not the only way out or anything, just a bit of a thought experiment. So i (24x) moved from mexico to the usa for grad school (2 years). For this first year i've been living with my cousin A (23F), A's college friend B (23F) and A's childhood/family friend, C (25F). Now they're lovely and really fun roommates, but honestly not very good to live with on an everyday basis. B and A are really messy (leave everything lying around - dirty plates, clothes, trash, you name it), and none of them are very clean. Other than them occasionally wiping the kitchen counters, emptying the dishwasher, or taking out the trash, i've done all the cleaning so far on my own (kitchen, 2 bathrooms, living room, hallways). I've made my frustration pretty clear (and even gone on strike lol, but i can't deal w a dirty toilet for more then 2 weeks), but nothing changes!! At this point i'm really fed up, and want to move elsewhere next year, preferably to live on my own. The problem is that we live in san francisco, and rent is... well, it's pretty expensive. Sorry californians you really got it rough. However, i've looked into the university's accommodation for grad students and it could be an option. I would be paying about $250 per month more than right now, but i would save on utilities (about $40 per month). The thing is, my dad is the one whose been paying for my living expenses ever since i went back to school. We used to have a rocky relationship (he was really frustrated with me not meeting his expectations; coming out as a homo, being a leftist, doing some weed as a teen...) and i think he sees this as 'making it up to me'. I really appreciate the way he has been trying to fix out relationship, and i'm obviously extremely thankful for the economic support. So i feel really guilty asking for more than he is giving me. Here is where my plan comes in -- my dad haaates drugs, and my cousin A has a pretty intense weed habit. WIBTA to complain about it ('waa the house smells like weed, theyre blazing it all day every day') to my dad, in order to convince him that me moving to the grad dorms is a good idea? EXTRA INFO: Would my cousin get in trouble? - not really i think. Its legal, and her parents are aware of her indulgences (i dont think they're happy with the amount she smokes, but they're pretty chill). I worry that if i complain to my dad, he would tell his sister (A's mom) and make it a huge deal, but as I said A's parents are pretty tolerant, and know of her 'addiction' anyway. Don't i have any money of my own? - not anymore lol, at least not enough to pay californian rent. I'm getting a job over the summer, but with visa restrictions (half time) i doubt i would make enough to make a difference. Working during term time is not possible for me (personal limitations). Also the increase in price would not bleed my dad dry or anything. Can't i just sort it out w my roommates? - they've proven to be admirably immovable objects on the cleaning issue. I mean, i can tough ot out, but at this point it's also the spirit of the thing that is pissing me off so much, rather than the cleaning itself. Do they just dont care?? T-T Do i have to 'manipulate' my dad? - um idk. It's definitely the easy (perhaps cowardly) way, but that's why i want to see if its too assholeish. Thanks for reading! Lay it on me
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no-nameno-face · 1 year
Auburn Thoughts (Pt.4)
Pairing: Reader x Ellie Williams
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Summary:  After a long night, and waking up with a raging hangover, Ellie comes to your aid.
Warnings: NSFW, 18+ ONLY, minors do not interact. You will be blocked. Mostly fluff this chapter, sub!reader, dom!ellie, mentions of alcohol and being drunk, biting, bruising, hangover, pills, taking pills
Author's Notes: this definitely isn't my favorite chapter ever, i have pretty bad writers block (i much prefer making audios, but I really want to improve my writing.) with that being said i still hope you guys enjoy it. <3 some more fluff and lovey dovey stuff. I love teasing (but caring) Ellie so much. I just know she so full of sarcasm but like insanely protective and caring. UGHHHHH shes so real to me :( I think (dont quote me on this) the next chapter will have an audio! I have some fun ideas!!!! Eeee <3 anywho if youre reading this ilysm and i appreciate you 
Part 3
Hands gripping sheets, white knuckles. All I see is her. Her… Her name rolling off my tongue, I can't say it enough. 
Ellie. Ellie. Ellie.
My eyes drift close as the current carrying my body resides, leaving me sensitive and aching in its wake. Heaving breaths fill the silence, hers and mine. Synchronated. 
I feel her fingers as they brush a hair out of my face.  And I look up to meet her gaze, a thank you in my eyes. A finally in hers.  
“What the fuck?” she says, lips lifting into a smile, shaking her head slightly.
“What the fuck!” I return, matching her expression. My voice shakier than hers. We laugh at the precarious situation beneath us. My arms shift to cover my bare chest. My cheeks a bright shade of crimson, replaying the events in my mind. Ellie sits up, the warmth of her knee leaving me. I watch as she leans over the side of the bed and grabs my shirt, tossing it to me before turning to grab her own. I pull it over my head, and flinch slightly as it scratches over my tender breasts. 
“You good?” she asks me with a smirking sideways glance as she pulls the black tank on. I chuckle.
“Umm.. yeah you could say that.” hands fidgeting in my lap. My eyes shoot up to her suddenly, brow furrowed. “Should I..” my gaze drifts to her hips, “Do.. do you want to?” I sigh, she smiles. “I feel bad.” She looks at me with amusement.
“No. I’m fine. Watching you was enough.”
“Jesus Christ Ellie,” I say, averting my gaze. Not hiding the effect of her words on me. She laughs at me. “Don’t fucking laugh, im trying to be.. Like.. accommodating or some shit.” 
“Accommodating?” she raises her brows at me. 
“I don't know man, I've never done this shit before,” Rolling my eyes. She squints at me.
“You've never.. Do you mean like.. With a girl?” she questions. My eyes widen when I realize the information I shared. 
“No! I- I mean, technically yeah.. but like its..” her eyes widened at me. “I mean I haven't with a guy either.. I just..” STOP TALKING! “It's not like it's the first time I’ve.. You know..” I stumble over my words, unable to stop my babbling.
“Came?” She raises a brow. I gape at her. “I’d sure hope not. That shit’d be bad for your health.” she says smiling. I glare at her. 
“Fuck off” she smirks, standing. She paces to the kitchenette in the corner and starts opening cabinets. “What are you doing?” She pulls out a glass.
“Getting you some water. It's been a long night.” she says, filling the glass from my sink, bringing it to me. 
“Aftercare? Who knew you were such a gentleman?” I take it from her, gulping it down. I didn't realize how parched I was.
“Did you expect anything less?” She sits next to me, the bed shifting at her weight. I meet her smirk.
“So.. you said I have no idea how long you've wanted this.. Me..” I say looking into her. 
“Well I..” her turn to be flustered. “I didnt know you wanted me… you know… in the same way. I mean don't get me wrong, I saw how you watched me in class,” I blush at this, “but I figured it was just in a weird ‘I like drawing so I observe everything’ sorta way I guess.”
“Ellie, I was totally checking you out.” I laugh. 
“Dude, I didn't even know you were into girls. You look like so straight.” 
“I look straight?”
“Yeah, you do.” She says matter of factly. 
“Hmm. Funny. Did I still look straight while I was on top of you?” I raise my brows, “Under you?” my confidence ebbing and flowing, dependent on her own. She rolls her tongue over her teeth.
“There's no winning with you, is there?”
“I'm hard to beat.”
“I'd like to take that challenge.” a moment passes us. I don't want it to end.
“It's really late,” she sighs. 
“Shit,” I say looking at the alarm clock on my bedside table. 2:47 AM.
“I'm gonna head back to my place, I don't want my bike to get towed.” I feel a small pang of disappointment. 
“Yeah, no, that totally makes sense.” she starts putting her flannel back on.
“It seems a bit late to ask but, can I have your number?” She smiles at me.
“Mmm.. No. Sorry. I'm not into girls.” I tilt my head at her. She pokes her cheek with her tongue. I laugh, sticking my hand out. She gives me her phone and I put in my number. I stand up and give it to her, walking her to the door.
I watch her put her shoes on. “Get home safe,” I say leaning against the wall, crossing my arms. She gives me a sideways smile and in a split second she is gently grabbing my cheek and kissing me. Much softer than before.
I'm too flustered to respond before she leaves the door. Fuck me. I'm left standing there staring at the wall. Holy shit. HOLY SHIT. Did that just happen? Oh my god. My hand shoots to my lips. My knees squeeze at the memory of her touch.  I sit here for a minute trying to process tonight's events. 
I need to go to bed, I tell myself trying to break the chain of my thoughts. I go into the bathroom and grab my face wash. I splash some cold water on my face and take a pump of the soap, scrubbing. I rinse it off and grab my towel blindly. I pull the towel down my face, finally looking myself in the eye until… my eyes dart to my neck. A FUCKING BITE MARK. I gape at it, already bruising. Part of me is mad that she would be so reckless, but the other is saying Hers. I'm marked as HERS.
I flop onto my bed, lying there. Wishing she was still here with me. My fingers drift to the mark, and push on it enjoying the dull pain. A reminder of her mouth on me, and a thought of the other places I would like it to be-
I shoot up looking for my phone, I grab it off the nightstand and check it anxiously.
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I fumble with my phone, seeing the 8 missed calls. Shit. I had completely forgotten to tell her where I went. I press on the missed call and my phone starts dialing.
“Hello?”  she sounds upset.
“Hi!! Chloe i'm so sorry I-”
“Where the fuck are you? Dude I was scared shitless”
“I’m fine! I just got too drunk and a..” I look at my bed, where Ellie lounged earlier, “a friend took me home. It's fine!”
“Its not fucking fine,” she still sounds drunk, her words slightly slurring together “Seriously you didnt even tell me where you were going!”
“I tried! I couldn't find you!”
“Then you should've tried harder!”
“Maybe you shouldn't have left me in a house full of drunk men, did you think about that?” 
“Oh fuck off, youre a big girl. You couldn't be alone for 10 seconds?”
“You fucking ruined my night. I've sat here worried about you for the last hour, stressed out of my mind.”
“I understand, I'm sorry.” I say, resigned to the conversation. She's drunk, she doesn't know what she's saying.
The phone hangs up and I stare at the now dim screen. I'm too tired to be upset, I'll talk to her later about everything. I fall into my pillow and pull a blanket over my legs. My mind is drained, the adrenaline of my high crashing into heavy eyes and deep breathing as I slip into sleep. 
My eyes drift open, everything is blurry and way too bright. I squint as pain shoots through my skull. I definitely drank too much last night. I reach, patting my bed trying to locate my phone. Finally, when my fingers find it I roll onto my side to see who texted me. An unfamiliar number. Ellie.
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I make my way, slowly, to the kitchen looking in the fridge. Eggs and milk. That's it. God, I need to go grocery shopping. I pour myself a cup of water and dig in my drawers until I find a small bottle of pills. I pop one while I walk back to my bed. Setting my cup down, I fall onto my mattress. I turn on a YouTube video and cover my head with a pillow. Trying to drown out the raging light. 
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After not hearing anything for a while, I pressed the pillow back into my eyes and waited for the meds to kick in and take the edge off of my raging headache.
My brow furrows against the cushion. 
I groan and sit up, it must be the hall director checking in. It had been about a month since her last drop in so that would make sense. But god, bad timing. I sluggishly made my way to the door and swung it open. Green eyes met mine. 
“God you look awful.”
“Ellie!” Oh my god. I very quickly became aware of how disheveled I was. She walks by me, holding up a brown bag of food. 
“Cheeseburgers!” she announces, setting it down on the counter. I'm still at the door while my pained brain plays catch up. I finally make my way to her, she's pulling out loads of food and laying it all out. She hands me a wrapped burger,
“Eat.” she commands. 
“Umm Ellie.. I'm vegan.” I look at her with concerned eyes. Her face drops. My worried look shifts to humor as I laugh, “I’m fucking with you. You should've seen your face.” she furrows her brows at me, “God you're so cute.'' I say taking the burger. And striding to the bed. 
“That was mean.” 
“Was it? I thought it was pretty funny.” I sit on the bed. She grabs a burger too and sits next to me while I unwrap my own. It hit me all at once, my brain finally acclimating to the situation. I told her I didn't have anything, and she went out of her way. For me. My heart flutters.
“Thanks for this Ellie. I really appreciate it.”
“Is that one of your jokes too?” I nudge her with my shoulder. “How are you feeling?”
“Ibuprofen, greasy burgers, and you? Shit, I'm not complaining” I say as I take a bite. She beams at me. Her smile is so beautiful. “Do you wanna watch something?” 
“Yeah!” she says, settling against my headboard, scooching closer so our shoulders touch. Butterflies flew through my shoulder into my belly where they fluttered happily. I turned on The Office and we sat there together, eating and laughing and comparing the characters to each other.
“You're definitely Dwight.” 
“That's so rude!” I smack her shoulder playfully. “If I'm Dwight then you’re Andy, and that is arguably worse.” I suggest.
“Ouch, that's just mean. At least Dwight is funny.” I raise my brows at her.
“You see my point!”
She bites her lip. “You're kinda cute when you're a smart ass.” I feel my cheeks turn pink. She notices and uses it as an opportunity to fluster me further, laying her hand on my upper thigh. My breath catches in my throat. She smiles at this, settling back to watch the show. My eyes are on the tv but my thoughts are stuck on her fingers, and the many places I wish they would be. I feel warmth grow as I think about her fingers on me. In me… Two can pay at this game.
I move closer to her, closing the space between us, laying my head on her shoulder. I put my hand on hers and start drawing lazy shapes on her knuckles. I see chills decorate her tattooed arm. Her hand squeezes my thigh ever so slightly, and I exhale a bit too loud. It's almost like I can see her ears perk up.  I see her eyes, in my peripheral vision, settle on my hand and trace up my body. 
“You're in the same outfit as last night.”
“Okay, Jesus, don't call me out like that.” I sigh. “I was too tired to change.”
She turns to meet my eyes and I notice a mischievous glint shine across them. “Do you wanna hop in the shower?” The butterflies that settled in my stomach migrate to the warmth between my legs. I sat there blind sided by her question. She liked to one-up me, and she's damn good at it. 
“Its okay if not,” she shrugs
“No!” my voice comes out a bit too high-pitched, I correct it, “I- if you want to, I'm okay with it.” she smiles before standing and walking towards my bathroom. I'm frozen to my mattress. She turns to me when she reaches the door and tilts her head at me, playfully.
“Are you coming?”
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
I'm Stepping Away For A While...
Over the past week, and then some, I have been called a multitude of names in an effort to make fun of me and rude names including wh*re, p**sy, bitch, a liar, a fake, etc. I've been told I'm a fake/bad ARMY, a fake jikooker, etc. Ive had people call my friends deragatory names and misgender them. And I've also had someone in my DMs try to gaslight me into believing that this was not harassment or Bullying, but that I should apologize to my followers for threatening to block people and that people were just expressing strongly worded commentary over how my actions hurt them. And that I needed to take responsibility for creating the drama at all. And none of that is okay, and honestly it's been a lot. And the way people just brushed over the name calling and harassment regardless of if they disagreed with me or liked me, that was a lot too.
Blocking people to curate my space is not harassment or bullying or disrespectful. Its simply protecting myself and trying to curate a safe space for me personally. Nor have I ever started a hate campaign to try and drive another blogger off the platform. And if a post of mine encouraged people to send messages or hurtful asks to someone else, and I KNEW about it, I would've said something and asked them to stop. Sharing an opinion or disagreeing with someone is not me sending anyone hate. Nor would I ever want that for anyone regardless of any disagreements we had over whatever topic.
I've lost quite a few followers over the past week, people believing things that are being said and that's fine, i was never here for the numbers anyway. Id rather you unfollow or block me peacefully if you dont like me or my posts. Some of the people engaging with this hate against me were honestly surprising. But it is what it is. But I don't feel safe in this space anymore. I honestly haven't for a while. Blogging isn't as fun anymore. I don't want to post while it feels like a chore. And that's not because of anyone or anything in particular. I opened this blog because it brought me joy and it was fun. And it's really sad that something that brought me happiness is no longer doing that for me. It's not just all this drama either. It's probably been awhile coming, making my timeline posts for longer posts felt more like something I had to do for you all instead of something I wanted to do for me. And that's not what I want for this space.
So I'll be stepping away for awhile. When or if I come back will depend on if I can get that joy back for doing this and I feel like this can be a fun corner of the internet for all of us together again. And also for if I feel like I can do this without it being so mentally draining and just not good for my mental health like it has been lately.
I'll leave my blog here and my masterlist because I know that a lot of people enjoy the archive of some past content I have cataloged there. I don't want to take that away from anyone for that reason alone since I want people to be able to access that content if they can't otherwise find it. I also want the option to be able to come back to this blog again at some point. So I don't want to delete it or say I'm stepping away permanently, nor do I want people wondering what happened to me or anything. I just need a break. I do apologize for all the post series I have started that are remaining unfinished now for a little while.
If you want to unfollow me knowing that I'll be absent from here for awhile or for any other reason, that's totally fine. Honest. No hard feelings. I wish you well and hope everyone will continue to do well and enjoy the next few months of music, content and love from the members. Maybe I'll try to be back in time for JJK1 whenever that happens.
Again, this is just something I need. I'm okay, I'm not hurt or upset. I just need a break. I appreciate you all understanding. I'll still be in this fandom and be ARMY for life. I'll still be around for the next day or so. Thank you for understanding. I do love you guys and hope to back as soon as I'm able to.
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miss-ery-3 · 6 months
i dont have much to report on weight wise, as i havent weighed myself since thursday, because i've been drinking alcohol and therefore i am retaining water
i can feel how i am all swelled up rn - my rings feel tighter than normally. i'll weigh myself again once the water retention goes down
but, ofc, i have even more stuff about my whole ✨love life situation✨
i am seeing my bf tomorrow, and i will tell him that i dont think our relationship is going that greatly, and then i'll take it from there. i dont really like to think too much about it, but i also feel more at peace w it - and i think my lil crush is a huge part of that. i really dont need anyone to tell me that i'm a horrible person - i am truly doing my best, both in terms of navigating my feelings and my relationship and my mental health. i'm really not in a good place right now, but at least i can kinda pretend, that my troublesome feelings are some fun new drama that i can share w my friends (you guys teehee)
if you don't care about my love life drama, then its totally ok. if you are, you're in for a treat (maybe idk)
lets call my crush-situation W
aight, so W and i talked all night thursday, and i have quite a lot to report about that night, and then a little about last night
my friend started talking about one time i had a ons w one of my friends, like 3 years ago, and i was quite embarrassed to talk about it. but the others laughed and idk, i figured it was fine. W switched between not laughing at all, just looking down at the table, and then awkwardly laughing a bit while looking at me, and then the table. i dont know what that means??? just as the conversation ended he was like "do u wanna go for a smoke" and then we went outside, and talked about other things.
we had been drinking and joking all night, and he decided to tell some group of girls sitting in the bar, that he and i are childhood friends (big lie, i've known him since summer). and i was like "aight, whatever" and then he lied and told them that i had written him tons of love letters when we were children. and i just laughed and lied and said "yeah haha, i was totally in love with you". when we left the bar, like 2 hours later, and we were all alone, i teased him about something we told the group of girls, and then he was like "yeah yeah whatever, i know that you'll just send me another love letter. you're like tooootally into me hahaha" and i was like "oh yeah, haha, totally. u got me" while walking away and laughing. i might just be fucking overthinking everything but also... why lie about writing love letters? there are much more embarrassing things (for me) he could've said. idk, help me
he texted his girlfriend throughout the night (i think) but looked quite annoyed/not happy whenever he did, and at some point he left the table for like 15 minutes (probably to talk to her). idk
he kept touching my stuff. like my cigarettes and my lighter, he would just sit with them and play with them. i found it quite cute, idk
OKAY, and then to last night (friday) i was in another bar last night, helping out, 'cause i kinda work there (ish, like, volunteer-work) and W was supposed to have a shift later in the evening
he calls me to tell me that he will be running late, 'cause he was at an event, and shit hit the fan, idk. then he asked me if i could cover for him, and i said that i for sure could cover for him. we only talked for 1,5 minute, but idk. my fucking hands went sweaty and i couldn't stand still. i don't think i've ever picked up that fast. uuuughhhhh i feel so weird. whatever
he showed up like 1,5 hours too late (but it was ok, 'cause there really wasn't much to going on), and went directly out to find me (i was smoking) to hug me and apologize for coming so late. then i kept feeling his eyes on me, and i could hear him mention my name a lot of the night
we ended up doing some cleanup together afterwards, and it was just... really nice. we have such a good time whenever we're together and i feel so comfortable around him. except for the part where i keep thinking about how hot i think he is and how want to give him a big old smooch. i had hoped to talk to him some more, but we both went home when cleanup was done, and idk. its fine
i have not been able to keep him out of my head all day. its truly torturous
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kingspacebar · 6 months
Is there any particular artist, show, game, or movie that inspired ur art style? It’s so pretty ^^
I have so many!!! I definitely can't name every single one but heres a few that have been extremely influential to me!! This took me 2 hours to write i am SO sorry lmao
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Puyo Puyo (Specifially Fever, Quest, and Tetris)
CUTESY BRIGHT BRIGHT COLORS!!!!!! Thats everything I love!!!!!! I'm pretty sure I talked about this when I first got into puyo puyo but I for SURE instantly decided that yep Im steering my style in this direction sorryyyyyy!!! I just think its so fun and silly and cute and rahhh it makes me so happy.
Especially for the work I do most often, which is character portraits without backgrounds, I will often look at puyo puyo posing just to get ideas!! (I've drawn Arle's dumbfounded pose 100000000 times becus I love it so much). The puyo puyo anatomy has very noodly arms and legs but with big ass shoes and accessories which is probably my favorite design thing in the world....
I seriously recommend just looking through the Puyo Puyo Nexus wiki for pose ideas (if you want something cute/silly of course) because every single one is just perfect. I am trying to get out of some dumb art habits of my own right now, but hopefully in the future you'll be able to see more goofy poses with sillier effects :3
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Muse Dash Again I want you to look at the COLORS. Its so bright and this time you can really tell where I took my shading style from. I dont want my shadows to be dark I want them to be PINK or PURPLE. thank you. For my own art, I really try to make it so the darkest "black" is actually a deep purple or blue, and as I keep making art that dark color keeps getting just a bit lighter haha...
This is also the reason I color my lineart the way I do. I just really want to add as many colors as possible into the image. And if the image looks a bit more pink after that then thats just an extra perk!!
I also need to bring up the animation because they're just so bouncy and alive!!! This is like an instant stunlock for me, I have to look at them, theyre so BOUNCYYY!!!!!! I don't do much animation but every other week I get the sudden urge to try tweening again just to eventually get to the point I can make something similar to these for my own ocs lol
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Great Pretender This show has some of the most gorgeous art ive ever seen. All the backgrounds are so bright and colorful. I dont usually draw art with backgrounds anymore sadly, but when I used to I really tried to study these for them. And I hope in the future I can make more art and show how far I've come.
Though I;ve changed to a more chibi style in recent times (thanks puyo puyo), this was still one of the first times I had ever watched a show and said "Oh my god I love this artstyle I need to get better at art" and Its always in my mind for that reason.
Ive definitely stolen lots of elements from the style. Though they've gotten more subtle over the years. I dont really know how to describe it any further but I hope you understand what I mean by looking at these screenshots,,,
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dobiemart · 2 years
# — 01:02, ive got my eye on you.
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paring, neteyam sully x na'vi! reader
wc, around 600
wrns, uhhhhhhhhh being outside idfk, the use of the word you is irritating as shit im so sorry
notes, prob ooc but ive obviously never written for him before so please dont banish me, its also been a hot minute since ive written in general
i dont really like this fic but yawl have it cause i cant delete a story with my husband in it
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the beauty surrounding every inch of pandora was enough to keep you distracted for ages. each living thing had its own story to tell, a purpose to live, a partner to share their grounds with.
you took in the scenery with great detail, noting every reaction of what eywa had created for the people to enjoy. it was very easy to get lost in the patterns of plants aligning the pathway you strode through often.
as you continued walking, alerts to something – more less someone – traversing with you became more apparent. a twig snap here, a rustled bush there, and stifled laugh or two thrown in the mix.
the sounds became closer and closer, stalking its way close near you. a small smirk couldn't help but bully its way onto your face, knowing what was to come in a matter of seconds.
you heard the creature release one last breath, before starting to charge and pounce on your tall frame before–
“don't even think about it.”
though you couldn't see, you knew his shoulders deflated after you’d recognised him, his ears and tail drooping in defeat.
“how’d you know it was me?” neteyam huffed, disappointment laced in his voice. he took a series of large steps to get in front of you, sporting a small pout to exaggerate his emotion.
“you act as if i've ever fallen for it. a different tactic would benefit you, skxawng.” you snickered back at the boy.
since you were introduced by him accidentally sneaking up on you, he'd to sneak up on you like a predatory viperwolf everytime he had the chance.
after the first time, he never succeeded, yet he tried. the determination to get one small scare from you was quite cute.
“must you always ruin my fun, y/n?" he gave a goofy smile and a huff, repositioning himself to walk beside you.
“must you always invade my walks? one day i’ll be fooled into thinking you were a pack of nantangs. 'm gonna send you to eywa early,” you jokingly scolded, emphasizing your words with a small flick, earning a slight hiss.
unlike usual, neteyam didn't retort with a sassy remark. he’d gone deathly silent. if you couldn't feel his large presence beside you, you’d think he’d gone.
turning to see what had made him quiet, you were met with his luminous eyes staring daggers into your skull. his gaze wasn't broken by being caught, instead focusing on the glint in your eyes.
“what? is there something on me, nete?” you questioned, still immensely confused from the sudden mood switch.
“no. nothing is on you, my tsahìk. i just like looking at you, that is all.” he said, as if it was common sense. it brought a sudden heat into your skin, spreading throughout your body.
you covered your mouth, not wanting to show the childish smile sprouting upon your lips. though, neteyam didn't appreciate that. he moved himself in front of you again, blocking you from continuing on the path.
looking down at your slightly smaller frame, his mothers gaze shining through, neteyam gently pulled your hand away. he needed to see your smile, knowing that he was the one that put it on your face.
“you don't ever have to hide from me, my love.” he paused shortly, wondering if he’d used the name he heard his dad use right. “i want to see you. i do see you.”
he rested his forehead against yours, gaining a sweet smile of his own when you returned his gaze.
“and i see you, neteyam.”
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additional talk, wake up!! its the first fic of the month!!!
i toldd yawlll i go on hella hiatusesss... but im back because my avatar phase is reuniting for neteyam and lo'ak and jake and neytiri and did i mention neteyam and my baby daddy neteyam (if u cant tell i love neteyam.)
i cannot explain how much i love every single second of anything avatar related and im glad everybody is realizing these 10 foot motherfuckers with hourglass bodies are fuckable loveable.
there will mosttt def be more fics coming soon (and i promise ima hit those requests asap), along with my annual monthly blog revamp and such and such yada yada whatever i miss my boy and im tired goodnight.
© dobiemart 2023 — ☆ (OH MY GOD ITS 2023 JHAHSHF)
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the-ghost-of-a-spirit · 2 months
watching mha season 6, ep 1-14
i may or may not have watched all this in the span of 3 days, but thats okay
Episode 1
so this is the paranormal libaration war arc i've heard so much about
not a fan of this intro
am not mentally good enought to get this, so typing it down so it sticks. we got 2 groups, endevour and edgeshot. each group does a thing and students help them
why does this have to start with plot. can we have a fun bit at some point?
"i'd never imagined he'd keep us in the loop like that" -natuso(?) about endevour
i need something fun to happen, can we get something funny to happen?
scary mic sure is something
Episode 2
"who else is gonna step in train all my useless children" dadzawa confirmed
mirko is cool
assuming nomu have basic anatomy, wouldn't they be really easy to defeat? their brains are literally exposed
kaminari/jiro ?
kaminari is cool in the last scene
Episode 3
"Nice line, you sound cool!" "Leave me alone" - see, this is why i love tamaki
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tokoyami is so small what. baby bird man
okay, so hawks and twice were having a moment, now we got dabi
so, hawks has been training to be a hero since he was a kid, he looked up to endevour (had an endevour doll) ans said him and fire don't mix. his name is also kaygo takami, and dabi knows that. hawks may also have killed best jeanist?
twice no
i'm not okay about this
Episode 4
i like fatgum, but only fat fatgum, not skinny fatgum
hawks has trauma, doesnt he (dont they all)
at some point someone has tried to have a staring contest with aizawa. no one ever wins against him.
so mic/aizawa is a thing right?
Episode 5
love how the 2 birdmen are both weak to fire (tokoyami cause light, hawks cause fire burns)
"booty incoming!" - fatgum is now on the favourites list
oh hey, makiya is doing stuff now. thats not good
Episode 6
deku and shigaraki should become besties.
deku using blackwhip is so spiderman
i'm not okay about ryukyu (i'm a sucker for dragons, what can i say)
Episode 7
shigaraki does not want to become afo
oh hey its big guy (I don't know his name)
Episode 8
makiya is the Villan ashido faced in kirashimas backstory?
impressed at how long aizawa has been going for
aizawa got shot with the anti-quirk bullet
Episode 9
hey... uh, is aizawa okay, like mentally? he was going on some rant AND CUT OFF HIS FUCKING LEG while thinking about eri?? like man. and then we get hit with the intro.
oh hey, its todoroki (shoto)
so, aizawa lived, he's got that going for him
okay, golem guy's name is gigantomachia/machia (had to google it)
so no one has died yet (i think, at least no one important)
is majestic important? i don't think i've seen him before, but momo knows him
also if they've been at ua for a year now, does that make them 2nd year's now? does that mean the big 3 have graduated?
deku has unlocked new quirk called float, so he has 3 now (base ofa, blackwhip and float)
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take a minute to look at this
istg if bakugo dies cause of that
Episode 10
give my guys a break, let them go to school and do normal stuff for a bit
"with no sun in sight" -i could take this places, but i wont
holding out for a shigaraki redemption arc
a toga redemtion arc would be nice too
i dont trust that old lady
Episode 11
i wonder if this episode is the dabi-todoroki reveal (its called dabi's dance so maybe)
so jeanist did not die, wonder what happened to him
bakugo lived
so we got the big reveal (dabi dumped some liquid onto his hair, which made it white and said "call me toya cause its the name you and mom gave me) so lets see where this goes
dabi, shirtless on tv "ive killed 30+ innocent people" like dude, can we just chill for a bit
whoo, explaination time! so, why is your skin like that. please tell me
dabi is not okay, like dude is going full on villain monologue
wait what's natsuo's quirk? fyumi has frost, dabi has fire, shoto has both, but what about him (googles it) okay its frost also
its best jeanist
Episode 12
i need to see a hero who does puns. jeanist does comparisons, but thats not a pun, i need to see someone make bad jokes. for enrichment
"great explosion murder god dynamite" bit long, bit violent, but hey
love how ida used his name, like he straight up used that sentance as bakugo's name
Episode 13
can we spare a minute to talk about dabi's flames, specifically the fact their blue. i dont know much about this stuff, but blue fire is alot hotter than normal fire, so yeah, thats interesting
theres something wrong with jeanist, like he's been bleeding a bunch
deku is right. we need to redeem shigaraki
also this music is sad as hell
machio reminds me of the httyd bewilderbeast.
wow alot of people got hurt
Episode 14
okay so there's a guy in a car and I think he's evil. he looks familiar but idk who he is
yep he's evil
we got a new intro
so this looks like the start of a new arc. I'll do this episode then I'll do a new post
in the intro there's a purple haired person, also young shigaraki.
so there was a summery tldr shigaraki and some nominations escaped
is the whole they said no students were there thing important? it feels important
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spare a thought for the endeavour doll just sitting there. most colourful thing in the shot
this scene, of them trying to save everyone is Something.
midnight died
"don't be a wimp. we got 5 weenies on out side" shoto should make his hero name 5 weenies. it'll be funny. but seriously, that kid though
so afo is possessing shigaraki and is getting the nomu to free his body. nice
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
Splendorman headcannons; catchup edition
General hcs plus some of the prompts that I did for multiple characters!! Idk how this is gonna look but we'll see (I tend to write these notes before writing the actual... post..) so!! Yeah!! I've been meaning to expand the base list of characters I do for hc posts; esp since it's so small and I dont feel comfy writing romantic stuff for a lot of the popular characters in this fandom <\3
Anyways! I'll have this split off into like. Segments. One for basic hcs, and different areas for prompts I did in the past (ex. Pet names, plushie stuff, ect!!)
This is gonna be a looooong post
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General hcs;
To be fair, I'm still fleshing out how I want to interpret Splendor, and how I want to write him into my au
Obviously he's going to be related to Slenderman; as well as Trenderman (whether or not I add trender to this blog isnt decided yet, since I feel like not many people would be interested)
Most days he couldn't hurt a fly even if he wanted to.. however on the off chance he does need to fight/defend himself; he will
He can be just as, if not more, devasting than his brother
"The devil shivers when a nice guy loses his temper" except its splendorman and he actually is a nice person with a rare but hot temper
Usually his ugly side doesn't show itself unless someone tries to hurt those who are innocent
Perfect segway into the concept idea I have for him in general/in the au; but I like to think of him as a guardian
Now I may be getting silly, since he reminds me a bit of itward from fran bow; but I wanna use itwards whole imaginary friend/whimsical being as a basis for splendor
Also this is propaganda for fran bow; go play it, it's a nice game and it's been a hyperfixiation of mine since it released
Carrying on
But for splendor, rather than solely appearing to children, he appears to all
Bros like an anti dementor; adds life into a room
Actually he's kinda like scp 999
Guys can you tell my minds all scattered with vague ideas
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Similar height to slenderman; about 11-12 feet by default but he can also shift his height around for intimidation/convenience
Going with the hc that he has bells on his tentacles; you can hear him walking around/j
Said bells are also semi sentient; they still bend to his will most the time but sometimes they can snip at people... lil bites n stuff; like you know how bells usually have those lil.. gaps? In them? Idk what they're called but the X shaped things on them; that's the "mouth" for each bell
Actually unlike slenderman, you can actually see splendorman walk around, whereas slenderman just. You blink and he's moved.
Gives the absolute best hugs; also does the thing LJ does, and snakes his arms all up around you
Adding onto the idea that splendor is basically itward/scp 999, he basically shows up for people who need company, or need their spirits raised
Torn between giving him an actual face, or making it a blank face line slenderman where the smiley face is just markings; if he does have a face I'm also torn on whether to give him a perma smile or not
I like both ideas
Has clown/magician logic. Can pull next to anything out of his hat and/or suit sleeves/pockets
Reaction to s/o having plushies;
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Doesnt mind it one bit!
In a way he finds it cute, and endearing!
Would never ever make fun of you for it; in fact he wouldn't make fun of you ever
Seemingly manifests plushies and accessories and all that for you
Does one have a stain or tear? Hes already working on fixing it!
Makes you handmade plushies as well; they have that charm to them, some having mismatched fabric patches, button eyes, ect
Yes he WILL smooch each of them if you ask him to, even if you ask as a joke
AND he will tuck them in!!!!!!
What he calls you/wants to be called;
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He calls you: sweetheart, sunshine, my dear, sunflower, schnookums and similar dumb lil names! I feel like those would be more teasing/joking
He wants to be called: he has no preference, as long as the term is endearing and meant for him, hes happy
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Off days with Splendorman usually are filled with fun and activities
If you want to spend time outside, he will pull something together. Gardening, picnics, stuff like that! Unfortunately, since hes still considered... a monster, he needs to remain out of sight, so walking out in broad daylight is a no go for him, unless the area is isolated - so that does make things a little limited in terms of time and location :(
But if you want to spend time indoors, he's more than happy to stay!
Baking, arts and crafts, ect ect! If it's something fun that at least two people can do together, its an option!
I feel like he would have lots of fun reenacting things with you; like dramatic retellings of your favorite books or movies or whatever
He gives a passionate performance
Ideal Partner;
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Like most the other characters in the other post I made on thing, he doesn't have many preferences when it comes to partners: both in regards to personality and looks
Looks really mean nothing to him, you could be tall or short, fat or skinny or buff, guy or gal or anything else, and he wouldn't care so long as you're you
Personality? As long as you aren't a bully or otherwise cruel, he can love you with his whole being
That's really it, Splendorman isn't very picky
Just don't be a jerk and you're set
Though he will be thrilled if you share the same energy as him; though it's not required
Perfect date;
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I covered a lot of things in the downtime section, so this spot isn't going to be too long, as to avoid me just repeating the same thing reworded
But this dude has a list of ideas as long as he is tall; he is not picky!
He doesn't really have a "perfect" or "ideal" date, as he's down for anything and everything
Well almost
Anything that puts ANYONE in danger in an immediate and hard no, same goes for if it puts anyone in emotional or physical distress
Otherwise anything else is possible! He's free to let you pick and take the lead; however he'll hardly mask his excitement if you tease the idea of doing something he very much enjoys/wants to do
It's kinda like watching a dog get excited after mentioning a treat or a walk
Romantic hcs;
Writing this first before I have the chance to forget: but when hes about to leave, he'll kiss you.... and when he turns around to leave, he'll let the lil bell monster things on his tentacles kiss you all over the face as a extra bit of affection
Now onto how I wanted this segment to start
S tier partner, out of the (creepypasta) characters that I have written for thus far, at least in my opinion
Great listener and willing to give advice, amazing comforter, and generally adds an air of excitement to life while also keeping things stable
Moving on
He gives the best hugs, as mentioned in the segment above, his can snake his arms around you in a similar fashion that LJ does
Speaking of that segment, depending on how you see his face working kisses can go multiple ways
If he does have a face, kisses go as expected; but if he has a perma smile it can get awkward since his face is constantly pulled into that large grin
But if its the "the smiley face is a group of markings" route, he can't really... kiss you.. at least not in the traditional sense
He'd approach it the same way slenderman does and imitates the act by gently nuzzling/knocking his lower face against you
He loves quick little pecks; on the cheek, forehead, and mouth, nose, loves it all
Always gives you flowers; usually defaults to sunflowers and daisies but if you have any particular favorites he'll provide it
Likes using that hat trick of his to present gifts
Takes off his hat, puts his hand in it, and BOOM ! He pulls out a bouquet of flowers for you
If you get sick he'll be a mother hen and fret over you; won't back off until you're back at full health, and even then he'll hover over you for a few days afterwards just in case
He always let's you know how much he loves you; he'll remind you at least once a day
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captainmera · 10 months
Mera, i honestly dont know you put up and manage so many people asking you for stuff-
like today, ive only ever gotten one request (that i realised was a full on commission once i accepted) which i then spent atleast 3 HOURS on. not even to get paid T-T
so i just gotta say on behalf of the Mera crew, thank you so much for putting up with us and our shit.
Thanks I appreciate inte that. 🙇💗
I hope they weren't rude, that you still had fun, and that you learned something from it on how you want to proceed going forward with people requesting things from you.
I dont think people who approach me are shit or anything, it can be a little rude or disrespectful at times, but I boil that down to a few people. It's not the majority. Most people are nice and behave like they would if this had been in person.
I like drawing things, and it helps me fill my day with something.
Sure, It can be a little hurtful when people take advantage of that by just throwing a request/ptompt at me like they're putting paper into a copy machine, without consideration or empathy for me and my time.
Some people come in with the energy of "since you have the time you should do things for me, you're nobody without my attention, and if you don't appease me I'll be upset and think you're a selfish bum." Which is, yknow, unpleasant to put it mildly.
Like, sure, I've put myself here. I post things online, and I like when people are interested in my work - who wouldn't be? I do think it's fun to take prompts. It gives me cause to be social and creative at the same time. But just because I'm willing and open for something doesn't mean it gives people an allowance to be entitled to demand things. They speak as though they have paid me enough with their approach alone.
Yes, I spend between 10min-5hours on pieces depending on if they're doodles, fully rendered pieces, or comics.
I think it is especially a bit entitled to go "I NEED PART TWO GIMME!!!!!!" Right after something like a comic, as though I didn't just finish something that took a while to make. It's not very empathetic.
But I don't take it to heart. People show who they are in their actions. I'm within my right to ignore, block, or politely decline. It doesn't serve me to sulk or get sad over people getting mad, calling me names, or get too pushy about what I should or shouldn't draw.
I understand its excitement, but please behave, yknow? You're not a toddler at the toy isle who hasn't developed a temperament resistance yet. Some people, I think, have an issue with instant gratification.
Have some respect in how you treat and speak with people online. The way you treat others reflects who you are.
If you wouldn't yell at someone irl to make you something, don't do it here either. I promise it doesn't reflect well on you, and I don't care that this is online and we are time zones apart; I will judge you. As will others.
You don't treat people like that.
And I won't let anyone treat me like that either. I've had enough of that in my life, and I'm tired of people calling me gullible and dumb for being polite and kind or giving people a benefit of doubt.
What I have is self-respect. It has taken me a lifetime to build it up, and I still wobble a little on whatever or not I can defend myself sometimes when people are mean. But nowadays, I can more confidently say, "You don't get to treat me like that. It hurts, and it is mean."
If you are the sort to take advantage of someone who is willing to do things for the fun of it, and who don't mind the effort it takes sometimes: then you are most unwelcome here and I host no guilt in removing you however I see fit.
But, like I said, the majority of people who approach me are friendly and level-headed, even when they're awkward or excited.
There is a difference between; "I need X so give me X!! Raarghargh Im going to die!!!" And "aaaa! I really enjoyed Z, if you have the time, I'd love to see more of Z!"
You know? <:T
Just food for thought I suppose.
I hope, though, that you keep doing right by yourself and don't let others discourage you.
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forlorn-crows · 10 months
You can't just ask me this crow, I'm so bitchy bestie-
So I'm gonna give you two I'm most bitchy about :)!
Ghoul characterized wrong? It's Rain. Oh my god. It's rain all the way, people either make him a shy little thing uwu boy or he's a massive bitch. Not even a fun bitch, like genuinely I've seen some people write him as being so snarky and nasty for literally no reason and it drives me up the walls!!!!! Like yes he can be bitchy, he's a little sharp tongued at times, but he's not? Malicious? Or cold-hearted? Honestly it's more recent I've noticed the shift towards bitchy Rain than anything else, like end of last tour coming into this one but this one especially. It frustrates me to nooo end because like, stop it, I'm putting him up on a shelf you can have him back when you learn to be nice to my babygirl.
Ghoulette? Cumulus but especially Lus when she's shipped with other ghouls. By herself she's seemingly always the mom casted character (I'm pretty sure you've heard my feelings on this already so I won't bore you with that rant today) and just sooooo bland, but when she's shipped with any of the boys (90% of the time it's Mountain specifically) it feels like she literally doesn't care about them? Feels like she's written as just tolerating their affections, its rarely ever her being actively in love with someone else.....?? I think thats why I'm so fond of the way you write her and Mountain tbh, because it actually feels like she, yknow, likes him.
I have opinions man.
- Void
we're here to biiitch lets goooo (though i said it already, when it boils down to it, there is very little i seriously have a problem with when it comes to how we as a community write ghouls that technically dont even have fucking names lmao. its just interesting to see what irks people, and how true some of the patterns can be amongst fellow creatives)
malicious is def the word i was trying to find when speaking about dew being written as mean. look, i love mean rain as much as the next person. bc mean rain is hooot. but hes not 'mean for the sake of being mean' like i said. as a person. obviously kink and scenes are very different, i'll try to stick to speaking about character as a whole. but, i get what you mean, its like, im pretty sure he exists somewhere in the middle there?
and some others have some thoughts about the 'uwu boys' as well. and yeah, honestly? i want my ghouls to read as old as fuck hellbeasts. i dont want them reading like innocent children. and i dont want to get in a debate about agre either, bc thats a different boat, but thats part of the reason i dont read or write agre. rain is not a dainty shy innocent uwu little creature. he is strange and offputting and confident and reserved when he needs to be etc etc.
again, ive got specific stuff to go over about lus. but, i do think you bring up a good point about writing the ghoulettes in relation to the ghouls. which, as a bi woman, why dont we write different gender pairings moree????? hello????? again, different topic, not the task at hand. but i think it has to do with what you're saying here. its like there's a piece missing in their interactions. and sometimes it can get into objectification territory bc they arent fleshed out properly.
if were saying the ghouls are poly....then the GHOULS. ARE. POLY. you know what im saying?? its not just the group of 'boys' and the group of 'girls'. i want the in between too. and i'll always make a point to write more of it. thank you for being fond of my mountlus, bc i am very fond of them and their relationship.
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lustrous-dreams-art · 5 months
What do you think their gonna do for Brave Alfonse? :0 Also, do you think that they will make more Feh merch seeing that he won 1st this year? :D
Have a good rest of your day! ^^
god I have so many wants for Brave Alfonse I hope I like whatever they give us!!
my biggest hope is that they dont go the based on a parent route, and if they do it will be towards Henriette insted of Gustav. Not because I dont like Gustav but this outcome is the most predictable and quite honestly boring for me. He's already got a lot of his appearances based on Gustav but to have him hone his mom's fit/weapon especially with her recent part in the new book will be the better option being said if they dont go either I've seen so many fun options to base him on. Bruno, the summoner, Askr to name a few would be fun. If they had to make it based on someone I would love to see him be based on Lif. Not our Lif we know, but the real first king of Askr Lif. I think its a bit up in the air if we will ever see what he actually looks like or not and to give us lore tidbits through Alfonse would be such a fun treat!!
However I hope they come up with a new design for him, completely his own just like they did for Veronica. I want to see him with either a souped up Folkvangr or a new weapon all together. Im really excited to see what he ends up being like!
As for merch, I dont really pay much attention to feh merch productions. I know they have been doing the duo standees recently but if they see how popular Alfonse actually is and gives him a figure I may be in trouble financial wise LOL
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teadrop-12 · 6 months
I really love the headcanons they're honestly so spot-on and very fun to read through if its not too much can I have hcs from you of my girl Dos🙏🙏🙏
YYESSS MY BELOVEDDD OMG omg u already know a lot of hcs n u made me have a lot more so ty 4 that omg
right off the bat. does not get along with kids. either that. or she is the cool mom to them. but her experience with every kid in the show says otherwise
her real name is MAYBE Dahlia.
bi. 100% bi, with a preference for women
terrible at math but good at everything else
when i said shes bi i mean like. kinda stereotypical bi. with like the leather jackets and also falling head over heels with a woman at first sight but it takes her months to actually start to like a guy
like. i adore acaiberry right.
and rizdos
but u know how dos went and infiltrated MATA and Bakar tried to flirt with her n like she was uninterested. what if like she ran into the most ethereal woman ever (geetha,,maybe i dunno,,,,just a suggestion,,,)
and that just causes her to almost fail the entire mission because of ONE OLD ASS LESBIAN
well geetha isnt that much older than her bc shes like,,,the same age as rizwan?? apparently?? but this isnt about her
owns a motorcycle. much cooler than rizwan's, like its got purple lightning on it and stuff.
if i was to compare her to a toh character shes like eda and lilith combined. like she takes wildly unnecessary risks but also completely stoic and unwavering at some.
but really she also reminds me of elle from tlou2
has a lot of jewelery, just rarely wears it
i said before she is not good with kids but her skills at makeup and being fucking awesome are what get her by. like she can get any kid to like makeup and motorcycles in three hours
really close with trez, again, thanks to you bella i have this headcanon. but like hes like her brother, maybe they grew up together?
she brags about being in a band but really she was only in it for a month (girlfailure)
never really caring unless its someone she knows like family, like MAYBE Trez, Rizwan is an exception
either she doesn't like music or she listens to heavy metal, but like with her partner she'd have their own music taste in her playlists and stuff
whoo time for some cringe dark heartwrenching headcanons!!
when she was in the numeros she was unknowingly cloned because before rizwan she was the strongest of the numeros. but that backfired bc it turned out to be a child.
and im not saying who that is because bella you know this headcanon all too well and no one else can know until i've fleshed out everything but a hint is she was homeless until MATA
like the clone ran away when she thought she'd be terminated and thats why she was homeless.
genuinely cries a lot when she thinks of losing people she loves. like she'd go in private and cry her eyes out and come back like nothing happened
when she dated jenny she had a plan in the back of her head to run away with her and off the grid from the numeros.
we all know that can't happen now
shes been through so much shit as a kid and always thought she was so mature and that she should have been able to handle it so if she ever has her own like single or adopted or with someone i dunno, she would cry because she realized she was that small and innocent once and she didn't deserve that
i hate it here
i might be projecting
i dont even have this many headcanons for my spiky haired daughter
i might be projecting on this one a little but i also got this hc from a comic by catboymoments
anyways!! i think thats all for now but if i think of any more i'll add them ilysm bella also feel free to ask anything else!!
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baylardo · 7 months
me type some of my Voyager episode ideas for Threshold AU chronologically,,, FOR FUN :)
BIG POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i made it up to season 3 lmao 😂 ill try and do more sometime but i piddled out
s2e1 The '37s - amelia name drop idea, but no ones really thinking about it yet.
s2e4 Elogium - somewhere in here, kathryn confides in either Chakotay or Neelix about the name "Philippa" that Mark wanted to name a daughter if they ever had one. :) her and chakotay have that intimate little scene in her readyroom/quarters i think, and neelix is just on the fence about having children (until he isnt) and i think kathryn would maybe have a lil conversation with him about her and mark's plans for their future or something idk.
s2e7 Partriution - tom and neelix bonding, something something laying foundation for kid naming ideas that comes up later.
s2e15 Threshold - obviously where stuff goes down. some less obvious side notes i have on it are that the re-evolution happens between Threshold and Meld. kathryn and tom are aware of their children existing on the ship by Meld. also need to mention somewhere that i think Kes would be the one to suggest they use "Edward" for the boy's name, she tends to suggest the names of her relatives to the doctor, i think she'd just kinda one track mind it haha. and maybe neelix or tom would stink "Owen" 'cause Tom hasnt worked through his daddy issues yet. the more i've sat on the naming process ideas the less i like chakotay, tom, AND kathryn being involved in it lol. i dont think amelia would be an obvious choice to chakotay. MAYBE he's the one to suggest philippa if kathryn did tell him about the name's significance to her (or neelix). its not super important but its something i ruminate on. babies end up getting situated in chakotay's quarters. neelix and kes (mostly neelix) do a lot of the babysitting while the babies' parents are on the bridge. oh i guess also like, its REALLY conveniently in a scene showing that the spy on voyager is in contact with the kazon -> seska. so they're like, vaguely aware at this point of how the warp 10 experiment went,, probably are aware of the triplets being kathryn and tom’s. kathryn and tom are avoidant of their children. tom for his mentioned daddy issues, afraid he'll mess them up, doesnt know how to parent, doesnt want to, etc. kathryn has this huge complex about being unfaithful to mark and that being so visibly apparent to her with these children, ummmm i think shed also beat herself up about being the first to have children on voyager, what her crew must think of her, etc. (before naomi is even born!!! IDIOT) aside from her struggles with her appearance too like yikes girl, visible failure moment. ALSO i think deep down shed know (and even said in the ep) that she was the one initiating things down on the planet and that she wanted children and everything so shes gotta grapple with this act she somewhat knowingly performed and got a clutch of eggs out of haha. oh my gosh ALSO!!!! idk where to mention this but i REALLY dont think belanna would be that involved with the triplets like, all that much if ever especially in earlier seasons. doesnt really seem all that interested, you like, never see her interact with naomi (yes itd be cute but weird that it doesnt happen all too often if at all i cant think of any times rn). like her daddy issues are mad buried and tom's not interested, theyre not even dating yet!!! YES in later seasons i think shed dabble in it just as tom is, and maybe she even pushes him to because of how uninvolved her parents are! but as of right now shes like nty about it haha.
s2e16 Meld - conveniently you dont see kathryn on the bridge in this episode, only her senior officers are seen visiting her in like her readyroom and sickbay and stuff. she's avoiding the bridge for a bit post-Threshold because shes feeling a little insecure about things and hates the looks her crew gives her. but mean!tuvok in this ep does not pull punches and i think hed berate her on like, her avoidance of the bridge or w/e. maybe say the warp 10 experiment was a bad call and she signed off on it idk, she feels really vulnerable afterwords but its an ugly truth thing for her that gets her to overcome her trepidations.
s2e17 Dreadnought - its still early post-Threshold and kathryn's 100% okay with blowing up the ship to save lives and doesnt really consider her children at all.
s2e18 Death Wish - the first time Q tries to tempt kathryn with turning her human again. :) establishing Q being into kathryn while in her hyperevolved state.
s2e20 Investigations - tom has his arc of being sassy with chakotay and overall a bad crew member. add onto it with the au that he and kathryn are both avoiding the children like a plague and leaving chakotay to take care of them. really funny that i think tom walks in late to his shift and bragging/lying about delivering Sam's baby like YEOWCH salt in the wound for chakotay he sure wasnt that ecstatic about his own kids. MAYBE theyre sleeping with each other to relieve lizard tension. chakotay's not vibing this situation at all. so understandably the two boys are a BIT on edge with each other for a surplus of reasons both fake and real. seska gets to see hyperevolved TOM for the first time in this ep but not kathryn!!!!! like to think him and seska would have a little quip about being lizards lol.
s2e21 Deadlock - just another early post-Threshold scenario where Kathryn's not really lingering on her children being part of the equation still. naomi is born in this ep, thats something haha. this might be an ep where she starts to linger on it though, feels somewhat guilty for neglecting them. maybe her and her other self would talk about it before one of them dies.
s2e25 Resolutions - forced exposure therapy for kathryn!!!!! learns while on New Earth that she likes bugs. Unfortunate <3 she also discovers she has an instinctive fondness for heat; she keeps slinking into chakotay's bed to snuggle up against him for warmth, wakes up next to him its real awkward, both choose not to read into it in the beginning but hahaha im trash for bed scenes like that where chakotay stirs to leave and kathryn would squeeze him tighter or something so hell stay with her. ummmmm i think her and chakotay would argue a lot about the kids for a while, then after the storm she kinda changes her tune and FINALLY gets more involved with them. had a side plot idea that Ed gets sick and kathryn gets REALLY frantic about it, like as its happening and his fever's getting worse shes begging whatever deities will listen that shell change and do better for these children if they let him live IDK HAHA.
s2e26/s3e1 Basics - seska gets to see threshold!kathryn here for the first time and she can BULLY HER about it. >:) i wanna dabble with these eps like, THOROUGHLY and i really havent yet, but i think seska would get a little booty injured about chakotay choosing kathryn's weird lizard offspring over his own son. SPEAKING OF SON i love the kolopak stuff about fatherhood it compliments the AU SOOOOO MUCH bc kolopak's like talking about the illegitimate children of a tribe being taken in despite their heritage JUST LIKE HIM!!!!!!! like chakotay could easily be talking to kolopak about his struggles with caring for these three infants that arent even his or something. maybe its vague haha. but inbetween Resolutions and Basics, kathryn's DEFINITELY pulled back on all that growth she did, like its a little different, but chakotay's frustrated about what to do. ALSO minor thing, but kathryn gets to eat weird eggs and bugs in this ep for survival and gets to make her crew do it too and i think that's awesome. :) also tiny note that the planet they get stranded on is hot and dry and i think kathryn and tom and babies would struggle with that so i think she'd be grouchy.
s3e8/s3e9 Future's End - just have to start that this ep has its opening with janeway as her like practicing tennis in her room and saying she's out of practice and 5000% AU associate her rusty skills with having a tail. :) canon compliance kinda necessitates these episodes have kathryn and tom look like, normal human. :/ the AU has to compliment proposed/used/failed solutions down the line in episodes as they organically occur like Ashes to Ashes where that's their FIRST time testing something to try and make Lyndsay Ballard look human, which to me means they wouldnt have attempted it prior to that episode and its waaaay in season 6. theres potential like, temporary disguise/genetic alteration ideas too like what they do with neelix and chakotay in some episodes, but i dont think theyd be able to do anything about hiding their tails! and these are the eps where the holographic emitter is ESTABLISHED so they dont even have that haha. the solution that seemed the EASIEST to me is like, some technobabble explanation accompanied by the weird time travel shenanigans voyager experiences in these episodes causing their genes to revert BACKWARDS just like they do in time. :) so theyre like, legit back to normal for a bit. but the triplets remain unaffected because they were born that way. i think building up to these eps, kathryn's like DABBLING in parenting but kinda noncommittal. this is also around the time that the triplets would start i think likeee talking or walking? put a pin in it i guess lol. kathryn and tom are hyped to look like themselves again, maybe act a little overindulgent on earth, being able to not stand out and get weird looks and all that. was thinking maybe the babies dont recognize her when she looks normal and a part of her feels sad about it. eventually they turn back when they return to their own time.
s3e11 The Q and the Grey - Q being infatuated with the only hyperevolved lady in existence real? i dont have some of the important details and ideas figured out in this ep, only that i can have fun with kathryn getting turned human and chakotay getting hyperevolved for a time. :) was thinking that when Q takes janeway to the continuum, that's when she gets forcefully turned human, i think she'd decline if he tried bribing her again. subsequently ms. Q feels a little threatened by janeway and she agrees to work with chakotay to help win Q back. i think the idea i'd had was that she'd hyperevolve chakotay to try and get janeway interested in him and not Q but idk if i like that idea. or she just does it for giggles. ANYWAY janeway at this point is kinda over it in regards to getting turned human again, it doesnt work. i think she'd assure chakotay that he doesnt need to change for her. :)
s3e12 Macrocosm - liked the idea of kathryn being alone but finding philippa uninfected and crying somewhere in a jeffries tube or something so she has to carry the baby around while she saves the ship.
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poolboyservice · 3 months
(look here for more context)
well, well, well, isn't it by far the longest list I'll probably ever make in my existence as an alter, let alone our life? let's just cut to the chase: I'm ranking all of my fanfiction on Quotev. And by golly is there a lot!
Keep in mind that while I do have original stories such as Comet Boy, I am gonna be ranking solely my fanfiction.
Under this cut, we're going through a ranking of 11-1, going from least to most personal favorite, which is the total fanfiction I've written ever basically. This is excluding quizzes and unfinished fanfiction that aren't published. We'll start with the ranking, then I'll reblog with the quizzes, and unfinished works later, because the ranking alone is really long.
ALSO, TO CLARIFY: All the fanfiction I am mentioning is on Quotev. There's not really any other way for you to read them atm, but I am planning on publishing some to AO3.
I'm genuinely terrified to post this, but without anymore fluff, let's go.
#11: child of a vampire, lover of a killer (sus mcr x reader fic owo?), MCR parody fic, link
This is my least favorite fanfiction of all time. I fucking regret writing this disgrace and I hate it with my heart. Ignoring the fact that I didn't put my heart into it, everyone LOVED this fanfiction the most, and for a while it felt like no matter what I posted or what I did, the only thing that mattered to my followers was just that stupid parody fic. I don't think I ever really hated something I made until I made this. I'm glad more people are starting to gravitate towards my more genuine works but god.
#10: Something's Not Right..., killjoys au, sigh... link
So you know how I said I fucking HATED child of a vampire? Well this one is a second. It's not really the idea I hate (au where the Killjoys names are taken literally), actually, I kinda made a revamp of this fic after with some changes!, but the execution along with frankly its revamp is bad... I am horrible at life advice, but dear future me: DONT DO THIS EVER AGAIN. The plot is basically nonexistent, and you can hardly even read what Fun Ghoul and Kobra Kid say, because for some reason I thought people fully understood what the fuck they were saying, so I didn't provide ANY translations!! It's not the worst I've written (flashbacks to my creepypasta era), but god it's definitely bad.
now, finally, with my grievances out, this is where I actually show you stuff I don't hate with my bones
#9: The Travel To Headbutt THE OLD GOAT, goatsim x mcr mashup, link
not really bad, per se, honestly, I could even say it's cute. It follows my average gameplay in goat simulator basically, featuring a totally underused (sarcasm) Bulletproof Heart reference in the end. It's only lower because I didn't even finish the first chapter. Surprisingly, this is a fanfic a lot of people like, despite its.. weirdness.
#8: Slightly Tilted (A Killjoy AU Fic), title explains itself, link
This one isn't actually that bad, and it actually has finished chapters. The dialog with Kobra Kid is ten times better, and I even explained some of the AU (at least with the characters) so there's given context! Honestly, I only put it in a lower ranking because I'm salty i never mentioned the Girl and the constantly changing perspectives. At least it was one perspective per chapter. Also, this becomes a more common problem with some fanfiction I wrote in 2022, but for some reason I wrote dialog like " This ". Whenever I get to posting all of these lovely cringefics on AO3, I will be fixing that, along with updating that on Quotev. For the meantime, we will need to deal with it.
#7: Confused Spider, killjoy au, link
Honestly, it's not bad, but it's really not good either. Unfinished, unnatural interaction. You can tell I have never talked with a neurotypical person or really anyone in years. I don't really like how Party Poison is characterized. I don't know what I could really say here, it's just really a nothing fic. Dialogue spacing problem like " this " still persists.
#6: Odd Place (Party Poison x Reader), killjoy y/n fic basically, link
Unironically? It's bad, really bad. Despite this taking me an entire year writing, and me actively avoiding every y/n cliche I saw, I accidentally made this fanfiction even more like a y/n self insert. The grammar is bad, the prologue is shit, the paragraphs are completely disorganized, the characterization is horrid, and so help me god if I see another "author's note" in ANY PART OF THIS FIC. Ironically? Genuinely a funny fanfic. It is so bad, it ends up being funny. I 100% recommend getting on call with your friends and reading this out loud because you will be howling by the end of it.
#5: pretty, pretty fangs, Twilight oneshot, link
Yeah, pretty startling surprise compared so everything you just saw, right? Even more shocking, it's actually turning 1 year old in 2 days as of writing. This was written in honor of one of my friends writing a really good AU where instead of Bella and Edward, it's Bella and Alice, where I then wrote about Jacob and Edward. I actually never read or watched Twilight when I wrote this, so I was really using memes and what said friend has said about the characters. My friend and other people really liked it, so I think I characterized Jacob and Edward pretty good in this. As said, I haven't read or watched Twilight in any way except for maybe the very last movie, so I really know nothing lol. enjoy your werewolf-vampire yaoi ig
#4: Coffee Machine (Frerard) [clickbait title], not frerard, but a MCR AU about ghosts, link
Contrary to what the title says, it has nothing to do with Frerard! I just felt like being a dick and added it to the title to catch the viewer's attention. Honestly, I kinda like this one. I was more than aware about how ridiculous the concept is that Gerard Way is literally a coffee machine, but despite that, I still treated this with respect and took it seriously. This was/is one of my more popular fanfiction amongst my followers, aside from the wretched 'child of a vampire', and I guess I see why. Little bonus fact: This was inspired of a fanfiction I heard of where apparently Gerard was a housefly, do what you will with that.
#3: A Second Chance, Take a Life, Another Mission, MCR zombie AU, link
A dark twist on a fanfiction I wrote before this that has yet to be mentioned, but will show up later. Honestly, out of all of these, this one is frankly the longest fanfic I wrote, both in length, and how long it took me to write this. Like, I think chapter 1 alone took me three months, and chapter 2 took me seven. One of my older fics, yes, but I think it aged pretty good for the most part. There are some gripes I have but they're mostly personal, rather than anything in terms of actual writing skill. I will say though, I feel with how I described things and stuff, this should've been an animation rather than a text.
#2: Burning Bolts, scientist au, link
Despite this being only 1 chapter long, and franky really silly, this is one of my personal favorites. Sure, it is very unrealistic for Gerard or even literally the laws of science and physics, but I genuinely had fun with it. I was actually inspired by one of my childhood shows, The Adventures of Figaro Pho. Honestly, one of my regrets is really not continuing on this. There isn't much I can really say.
and, finally...
#1: Zombie Disco, MCR zombie AU, link
This.. I have a lot to say about this one specifically. To start, wow is this writing and storyline actually insane. Most of this was written on mobile, and it really shows. The dialog spacing issue is EXTREMELY bad here, the extra spacing between paragraphs, the drawings I did for this one, the exaggerated grammar (i.e. "WHAT THE FUUUUCK?!"). THE BONER JOKE. This has it all, this was my Frankenstein's monster. This is my baby. I have no words, it's genuinely hilarious. Ironically, this is my favorite fanfiction, and it's one of the earliest fanfictions I wrote. I have changed a lot in progress and it really shows if you look at what I write now vs. this fanfiction. I would hate but honestly, I love it. The sole reason this even happened was because I was having a horrible panic attack in the middle of the night, and in an attempt to calm myself down, I wrote the entirety of the first chapter, and I liked it so much afterwards, I published it. This fanfiction means a lot to me, even if it's probably the worst I have ever written, writing skill wise. Currently, I'm actually rewriting this, and yes I will include the infamous joke in some fucking way because I don't think I could've written anything funnier than having Frank Iero comparing a zombie's involuntary craving of flesh to a boner. I'm sorry, I'm being like a 12 year old rn, I don't care, that's funny!! 2022 me was whack.
and... that's it! that took me a long time to do but hey, I did it. I feel really scared of posting it but it's whatever.
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