#dont look too closely it's wonky af
chubsette · 8 months
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belly rub loop
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lacertae-dreamscape · 2 years
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i just felt like doing this?
ive been doing a lot of traditional doodles recently (which. i need to clean up and post but they’re all for my friends and different fandoms so it’d be a lot of clutter, haha) but then i thought i wanted to use colours?
but i dont? i don’t colour. traditionally. (even digitally im like. ‘oh no i gotta colour this’) skdjfhskjdhf but. mandala art...
anyway i ended up doing it anyway and it was fun! the lines of the art itself are. all wonky af so don’t look too closely i only did it for fun!
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dumbbitch89 · 4 years
RWBY V8 E1 thoughts- SPOILERS
yall im rewatching it and i have so many feelings like yall wtf.
yang and blake get speaking roles that affect the plot wtf, im so used to the action scenes im pleasantly suprised by the amount of dialogue being used. adding onto that, everyone is speaking more in general and i love it.
yang is showing some personality by finally standing up for something instead of following orders
blake said something for once, weiss’ hair isnt that lumpy anymore, not suprised about the ruby/yang conflict but ruby rly does needa broaden her horizons when leading, im glad juane stepped in and the ruby/yang conflict didnt turn into a fight although with all the back and forth shots i can assume the conflict is still gonna play a part in the plot.
im pretty biased but im going team yang for this one, even though i agree with ruby as well. the communications tower thing needs to be finished but the priority is always the civilians, which is why i prefer yangs group (also i love yang “wow op i couldnt tell at all” yeah ik ik i have a huge bias)
penny being so sad makes me sad but robot girl go brrrrrr
the longing looks from blake and weiss as yang leaves have my bees schnees heart oozing but at the same time whiterose has been seen together more than twice for a whole season so im rooting for them too. also ladybug?????? has had more interactions in one episode than like all of last volume so hell yeah for anyone who ships them
the animation in general has gotten sm better and i love it, the style in faces and everything else is a lot more consistent and there are less wonky moments and it makes close up shots more appealing now that its cleaner and it makes everything flow a lot better.
im gonna touch on this again because yk its a main plot point, i know the divided teams were like forcibly hinted at last season but at the same time, nora was always for putting mantle first above ironwood, but then she doesnt go to help evacute them first and protect mantle? like i understand the bigger picture but you would think it would be the opposite way around with nora and ren considering last volume but eh oh well its just something i noticed. maybe they did that for a specific reason that will change everything later on or not who knows.
the opening is a whole monster in itself its great i love it.
i love the two moments where whiterose’s weapons r together and so r bumbleby’s and i LOVE that they finally remember that theyre partners like fuck yeah finally give weiss and ruby some partner time together. and like its just looks so pretty and like idk i just love it.
youll notice im not talking about the villains bc idk i simply dont rly have an interest in them like other ppl which is fine, you do you, i just dont care to talk about them when i can talk about the one character that never leaves my head. yang yang yang yang yang yang yang. but anyways neo is cool and the only villain i can stand
winter looks hot af in the opening and im glad that the opening is covering all aspects and storylines like its not just the main conflict in the opening its all the side plots as well like nora/ren conflict, the schnee family as a whole, yang/blake and nora/ren having symbolic moments that r literally the same thing and i am losing my mind they really said here shippers go wild.
the scene in the opening with penny and the mirror breaking hurt, i will admit to that.
the final clips of the opening where team rwby falls thru the ice and everything after that is very cool and i would like the personally thank whoever made that part specifically like holy shit. the symbolism not only in the fact that their weapons r lost, but that fact that it looks cool as fuck and it hints that the end wont be as simple as they believe it to be. but im glad that its just team rwby because we need team bonding time pronto.
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