#dont mind me. just being nonverbal at work where that is very much not an option lmao
myattman · 11 months
Ive been so overstimulated lately that it's making me evil
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earlysunshines · 2 months
woah okay wow jesus... still recollecting my thoughts I dont even know what to say... just...woah mo dani 😔 I've said it more then one time that I really love your works but the bad part of beingtoo shy and always replying on anon mode is the idk even your would recognize me from the other ask (uuh im the one of spiderjeans gang, gonna claim myself as 🤟anon too from now on) and well always accidentally writing long reviews, so here it goes 🤸 also your answer to that ask got me feeling all giddy🤭🤭
AND ALSO you said you breath fuffly but girl????ohmygoood the angst on this one, gonna jump to the end but woah the dani crying part genuinely almost made me tear up oh the to be whipping her tears omg ilymodani
also³ the way I had to contain myself so much to kicking my feet while reading this cause im at middle of work 🫣opened tumblr for curiosity and OOP priorities babe
n just at the started this I knew where this fake dating was going because imagine being fakedating dani and NOT falling in love with her?? impossible. this one just proved it
one petname from her and I would be tripping over my feet
and oh.... oh the ice cream scene.... oh...😮‍💨 never felt such a pang in my chest like this one, she being 'just happy' and getting closer aaaehrgh the caring kiss on her hairrr ooasrgrhh such idiots in love omg
kinda gonna blame my girl yn here for being drunk of her mind just cause she can't speak things up(i dont too) but hehe the 'dani living yn face by her chin' and the 'pretty' being let out 🤭🤭 woop
anyways, this was longer than intended sorrw i just love speaking my mind out on this feedbacks cause if it was to me i think if it was with me I would love so!! as always amazing amazing work thank you so much for feeding my delusions with little mo dani I loved it, hope you have a beautiful great day 🫵🫶
how could i NOT recognize u i await your feedback each time it gen makes me smile so hard and i appreciate it so bad i love my work being analyzed😞👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 and ily
the ending was acc very diff like i plan my shit out in my head and write but i changed the thing last min and thought of the whole crying thing out of nowhere bc i saw a pic on pinterest of her from her bday live of her crying😭😭
in the middle of work is crazy but yes right like i’m gonna fall for her regardless HELLOOO and i fully believe her fav pet names r sweetheart and lovely and some other cutesy shit like darling or smth
NOOO THE ICE CREAM SCENE WAS SO FUN TO WRITE I had to like sit in my room thinking it out and trying to make it as sentimental and like relaxing as possible and i love giving kisses to ppls like heads into their hair if that makes sense LMAO
nooo bc i sometimes ramble when im drunk but sometimes i go nonverbal and i decided to swap it LOL
hope u have an even better day beautiful
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bush-viper-cutie · 3 years
New Student, New Friend
Pairing: Young Snape x french!reader
Word Count: 2,751
Request: #1 “Hi! Can I request a young!Snape x french!reader where the reader's transferred from beauxbatons and isn't fluent in english/has a thick accent? Love your work!!”
#2 “Hi hi! Love your work! Can I request Young Snape x French reader? Sorry if I dont speak well, english is not my first language <3”
Warnings: none
A/N: Hello everyone again! :D I combined both requests because they are pretty similar so enjoy!
Posted: 9/10/21
~*~*~ = time skip
(Y/n) = first name
(L/n) = last name
~*~*~ = POV change
~*~*~*~*~ *~
There was a strange static in the air this morning, one Severus couldn't quite place. He brushed his long hair back behind his ear and listened in to the hushed whispers of passing classmates.
"...Beauxbaton, can you believe it?"
"Nice to not know someone for a change - "
Beauxbaton? Severus gathered they were talking about a new teacher perhaps? Although it wasn't that odd to get new professors in the middle of the school year. Just last year the Dark Arts professor was promptly replaced when he went mad after a spell backfired on him; In fact, every year there was a new one.
It was strange that the new teacher should be a transfer from another school such as Beauxbaton... Maybe they were fired and no one else wanted them, must be down on their luck. And if that is the case, how very fitting for Hogwarts, home of inadequacy.
Severus, still deep in his bitter thoughts, almost tripped over the shoe that had extended out in front of him. He caught himself and whirled around angrily. "Watch it!" he growled, straightening.
James Potter smirked. "Oh, Snivellus. Didn't see you there.” His Gryffindor friends snickered behind him, bolstering his ego. "I'd get along to class if I were you. Wouldn't want to be late on your first day back."
Severus grit his teeth and did everything he could to not growl his displeasure of being in so close proximity to the pinnacle of mediocrity that was Potter. It had been a week after winter holidays had ended but after another nearly fatal encounter with Black, he’d been forced to stay in the Hospital Wing un-zippering his mouth and a couple of fingers before being allowed back.
The memory of the experience made his knees weak, making keeping his riled demeanor that much harder. He was lucky he'd had the foresight to cover his nose before Black unleashed his hex. It wasn’t a quick run from the lake to the nurse, and he certainly wouldn't have made it with his nostrils zippered together as well.
"Mind your own business, Potter." Severus spat out his name like rotten apples, furrowing his brows in an attempt to seem more threatening however he could not help but notice the hallways getting emptier by the second. He knew better than to get caught alone with Potter.
He laughed and turned to catch up with his friends. Severus watched him go, only relaxing his shoulders after Potter had rounded the corner and disappeared out of sight. The hall was empty.
He turned and continued down the corridor when his hearing perked at the scuff of loud footsteps. He whirled around, hand plunging into his robes, but it was too late.
Severus' head snapped back as his feet whipped out from under him. He hung limp in the air, watching his wand roll away on the stone floor. His hair nearly touched the dirty ground.
James laughed. "Welcome back, Snivellus!"
He closed his eyes as his boiling blood rushed to his head. He was hanging upside down in the air, alone in the empty corridor. He couldn't scream for help, he'd just get yelled at for disturbing lessons, and he couldn't reach his wand - as long as his limbs might be, his wand might as well have rolled down into the dungeons. He'd have to hang there until classes were over or one of the portraits decided to help him out for once.
"Eh... Excuse moi?" A quiet voice wrapped in a thick French accent broke the silence.
His eyes flew open and stared straight into the face of a beautiful but completely unfamiliar student. She bent down low to meet his eyes. She must be the mystery person from Beauxbaton, the new student as it turned out.
This was worse, so much worse than being caught by anyone else in the school - except for a very select few. Severus looked around in search of anything that might make this all less embarrassing.
"You need help, no?" Her voice was more confident this time, laced with a hint of friendly amusement.
"Uhh..." He met her eyes and hoped this new student would excuse his red face to be due to all his blood rushing down.
She straightened and pointed behind him. "This is your wand? I'll give to you?" His wand was in his hand with one quick flick of her own.
His eyebrows automatically shot up at her use of nonverbal spells. "Thanks," he tried swallowing but ended up coughing. He covered his mouth and performed the counter-hex, dropping to the floor with a grunt.
She rushed forward, looping her arm through his and helping him up to his feet. She laughed and dusted the dirt off his back while he stood paralyzed.
"Better, no?" she smiled, facing him a foot from his stiff figure. "I'm new seventh-year transfer... And you?"
For a moment his mouth opened but no words flew out, and then all at once words poured out as fast as if under a curse. "I'm - oh - yes you're from Beauxbaton, right? Yeah - er - yes, seventh-year as well."
Her hands flew up and she waved them in front of herself with a laugh. "Slow please!" she laughed again. "One more time?"
Severus gave an awkward laugh that matched hers and nodded. "I'm also a seventh-year."
"Oh!" she held out a paper and pointed down to the class he was late for. "I am so lost! You help me now? Oui?"
She smiled up at him and his heart nearly leaped out of his mouth. He nodded quickly, "Yes - er - oui, I'll help you... Actually, that's my class too..."
"Oh!" Her smile widened, "I need partner for the class! You have one?"
For once Severus thanked his unlucky past self. His time in the hospital wing all week meant everyone would be already partnered up. "No, I don't..." his face flushed red again and he cleared his throat, looking away. "We could be partners?"
"Bon! Lead the way, partner," she motioned for him to lead, keeping a very close pace next to him as they walked. "I am lucky to find you, did not know anyone yet. You are only third person met!"
He gave her a small smile as they walked together, but he knew it wouldn't take long for her to find out his status at the school. Being a new student, he was sure she’d make all the friends she could ever want by the end of the day. Then she'd reconsider her luck after everyone tells her all about her lab partner, 'Snivellus'.
They made it to class late. The professor looked up and frowned, ready to tell them off when Severus' new ‘friend’ spoke up.
"Excuse us, Professor, I am new and got lost."
The professor sighed and waved his hand, giving her a pass. "And I see you're back Mr. Snape. Get to your seats, you'll both be working together - get moving."
The two back seats were empty and Severus was glad to be away from the front for once. His new partner set down her things, and as she bent to pick up her books Severus caught a glimpse of Sirius Black glaring at him from the front, a seat behind where Severus had been sitting the last term. Black had anticipated his return and was obviously annoyed with the change in seating.
"What may I call you, Mr. Snape?" The new student whispered, giving him her full attention despite the lesson continuing.
"S-Severus." He looked around to make sure no one was paying attention to him. He'd die of embarrassment if they started teasing him in front of her for daring to open his mouth. "And you?"
She smiled. "Severus Snape? That's a beautiful name." She looked back up to make sure their conversation was still private and turned back. She reached up and gripped his tie, pulling him towards her. She leaned and held a hand to his ear, moving her lips inches from his ear. "(Y/n) (L/n)."
Severus’ heart beat faster than it ever had before. The immense drumming in his ears almost made it impossible to hear her whispers. When she released him, he turned to look at her, feeling his face heat up either from proximity or from her warm breath flowing over his face. "(Y/n)... Good to know." He swallowed and realized he had not moved since she had pulled him towards her. He would have felt like an idiot if she wasn’t looking at him so playfully.
"You gonna kiss her, Snivellus?"
Severus pulled back quickly and clenched his jaw at Black.
The professor smacked Sirius' head with a roll of parchment. "Mr. Black, disturb my class again and I'll assign you an essay for every night this week." Severus smirked. "And you, Mr. Snape," the Professor smacked the board, creating a puff of chalk, "- will hand me your notes tomorrow before class - legible notes, might I add."
Severus nodded as the class snickered and turned away from (Y/n). The rest of the lesson went by agonizingly slow. Severus counted the seconds until he could run away to the library, away from taunting eyes. He hated himself for turning so red, but he hated Black even more for making him the fool.
You could tell the boy, 'Mr. Black', had embarrassed Severus greatly. He was hunched over his parchment, focused completely on the professor's words, and never once looking back up at you.
You read the words on the board but soon your eyes ventured down to look at the tall lanky boy currently trying to visibly shrink in his seat. The moment shared between you both still played on your mind. He had beautiful long lashes and deep dark eyes to match. It had been fun to see him so flustered over you, but the guilt of what you'd caused sat heavily on your chest. That boy had noted Severus had been in the perfect position to kiss her, which... did she kind of wish he had?... Just to see - for just a curious taste.
You didn't know what specifically was so alluring about Severus, but you could imagine yourself wrapped in his arms, pulling on his long hair, biting his lips, and hearing that deep voice of his purring for more. Something about him - or maybe everything about him - made you wonder how gentle those hands of his could be.
The bells rang in the distance, marking the end of the lesson. You packed your things and sat waiting for Severus to do the same. He was slow at first and then after a quick flick of his eyes up to you hurried along.
You stood at the same time and motioned for the door, scrambling to translate your thoughts into English. "Lunch now? We can sit together?"
People filed out of the class, which Severus watched closely before turning back to her and answering. "Look, this isn't the only time… I'm not someone to hang out with unless you like hexes and spells to be thrown in your direction."
You could see the hurt in his eyes, the way his brows furrowed, and his down-turned eyes filled with tears that wouldn't fall. Before you could bring yourself to respond, he sighed shakily, giving you pause.
"It's not your fault... I'll show you down and then I suggest you forget about being friends." He pulled open the door and held it open for you without meeting your eyes.
What could you say to him? You stepped out into the corridor, contemplating how to phrase what you were thinking when laughter pulled your focus.
"I see you've met our Snivellus." The stupid boy, Black, came forward talking to you but keeping his attention on Severus. He had long curly hair nearly as long as Severus' and was taller, with proud shoulders held in a loose demeanor that still made him seem important in some way. His eyes shifted to you, "Hope he didn't drip any snot on you while he tried for a kiss."
You scoffed, “You do not understand what you saw. Please leave us alone.”
“Love, maybe you’re not understanding me. For your own safety I insist YOU leave this sniffling slime alone.” Black took a step closer.
Severus pulled out his wand but held it low, at the ready in an instant. "I’m done with your games. Unlike you, you nitwitted tower troll, I have places to be." He finally glanced your way, "Excuse me," and made to leave.
Black blocked his way, laughing at the now pointed wand in Severus’ hand. "Go ahead, I’ll be glad if you finally get expelled for using wands in the corridors. Mine's not even on me."
You eyed the smirk on his face and the tiny shift of his hand towards his trousers pocket. Was that a lie then? Whatever the case, you had enough of this game too. "My friend, Severus, is showing me to lunch. We are going now." You stepped between Severus and Black, giving the taller boy an annoyed look.
"I’m telling you, be careful," Black chuckled. "He might try to kiss you again if you’re too nice."
You paused and stepped back, looking up at Severus, whose eyes were fixed on Black, staring daggers into him. You bit your lip and chuckled the same way Black had, finding a different kind of amusement than him in this situation. "I hope he will."
Severus' head snapped to you, his cheeks slowly going a light shade of pink all over.
Black made a disgusted sound and a show of his fake nausea. “Darling, I don’t think I understood you correctly. Check your dictionary and if that’s not the problem maybe your eyes.”
This boy was really getting on your nerves now. If you’d been back at Beauxbaton you’d’ve already hexed him into a soggy pile of starter yeast, baked him into the perfect Pain au Levain, and chucked him out the tallest tower window. “Move it,” you made sure your French accent coated the word heavily.
Severus’ hand wrapped around your arm, pulling you back. He kept his wand and eyes trained on Black but spoke to you. “Go down to lunch. I’ll stay here to have the chat Black so desperately wants to have with me.” He looked up again, “Let her leave.”
Black smiled, “That’s fine. Been meaning to ask how your winter holiday was after I last saw you.”
You turned to Severus, ready to protest when the door to the classroom opened, cutting Black off. You all stood very still and awkward, hoping to hide the atmospheric hostility that had been created.
The Professor locked the door with a flick of his wand and looked at everyone with concern. "Off to lunch, no need wandering the corridors. Now." He ushered everyone down the stairs, walking close behind in equal silence.
You reached the floor second to last, after Black and then Severus, and pulled on Severus' arm the second your Professor had turned towards the staff room. You kept your hand on him to make sure he didn’t decide to leave before you could talk to him. Before Black could step towards you to continue the ‘conversation’, other Gryffindor students pulled him towards a small crowd gathering across the floor. Whatever it was seemed to be of higher interest and he left with only single backwards glance.
You both watched him go dissolve into the rowdy group and suddenly the air around you shifted. Severus turned instantly, searching your eyes with an intensity you could almost feel. You blushed and slid your hand down his sleeve and lingered on his bare hand. Neither of you said a word but the electricity connecting your eyes and the comfortable silence that enveloped you both spoke volumes. "We could eat together, no?"
His eyes settled on your hand still on his until you let go. "Oui," he whispered with a smile pulling at his lips. “Lunch then.”
As you both walked on, he slowly crept closer with every step, making your shoulders brush against his arm. His pinky tickled the skin on your wrist, making you cough to hide a giggle as you entered the Great Hall. Your eyes flickered up at his and you smiled, seeing a gentle blush and an even gentler smile on his face.
~*~*~*~*~ *~
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moth--blood · 2 years
i give you: hcs with my favorite horror characters
part 1 probably
featuring: the sawyer brothers, og/rz michael myers, tiffany ray valentine, vincent sinclair, billy lenz, brahms heelshire, randy meeks
the Sawyers (Nubbins, Choptop, Bubba, Drayton)
nubbins is ratgender, and uses rat/he pronouns! rat doesnt really know what xenogender or ratgender is honestly. he just knows that being called rat makes him feel good about ratself so the others have no problem going with it
choptop is trans, and uses he/him!
nubbin's blue shirt was originally drayton's, and he's had it entirely too long. regardless how many times it gets ripped or gross nubbins refuses to get rid of it
jumping off that; chop's sweater was also from Drayton. he takes better care of it than rat does (i.e doesnt deface graveyards with it yk). it still gets ripped often but thats when we ask bubba to sew it lol
nubbin's is asexual! rat's not exactly sex-repulsed, but definitely not favorable. he doesnt see the appeal.
the twins bracelets and jewelry are all either handmade or stolen from victims/the people nubbins hitchhikes with
the name "choptop" came as a slight jab to his head injury, and he never really minded too much. eventually it just stuck.
nubbins doesn't identify with the trans label, but regardless "nubbins" is rat's chosen name. he got the idea once choptop came out and if rat's honest, he doesn't remember where he got nubbins from. just that it stuck and rat likes it :)
bubba's genderfluid! they dont really mind what pronouns you use for her, as long as its not it/its.
he loves sewing! they picked it up just after choptop left for vietnam, and has a bunch of little patches sewn into her apron even if it was never ripped
drayton uses he/him!
he's gay and asexual! definitely sex-repulsed.
Randy Meeks
randy's gay and trans (ftm) and uses he/they pronouns! he realized after stu and billy came out in middle school, but randy waited til their freshman year.
they're aegosexual! similar to nubbins he's not really repulsed but definitely not favorable by a long shot.
he has/had a thing for everyone in the group, excluding casey who wasnt really around that long. he has mild tourettes, and has a few verbal tics from movies; the majority of them are physical.
he has a lot of trouble controlling their volume when excited and goes nonverbal when they're stressed
Tiffany Ray Valentine
tif uses she/they!! she's probably experimented with heart or doll centered xenos, but they never stuck
pansexual!!! i love her sm
definitely had a thing for Martha Stewart or Jennifer Tilly. celebrity crush type thing yk
i mean, okay- you cant tell me she didnt have a thing for tilly. she literally was like "i HAVE to have jennifer tilly, charles. it is a need :((".
uses a kitchen knife to do her eyeliner :)
a very good baker
Michael Myers (og)
this man does not know what pronouns are dude
hes the type to go ",,,im a guy"
ESPECIALLY old myers.
i love him but its TRUE (╥ w ╥)
definitely aro-ace
he probably doesnt know what that means either tbh.
Michael Myers (rz)
hes also asexual! :D
it's bisexual, probably has a preference to men
he has tourettes!
making/wearing his masks is a giant comfort, regardless of how old he is. mans wore those things year-round, including to school
unlike og myers, he actually know what his labels mean ಥ‿ಥ and he likes them! they're the most accurate to him and make him comfortable
Vincent Sinclair
aegosexual! pretty sex-repulsed ngl
trans!! :D ftm!
selectively mute; when they do talk, he's never loud
sweater paws. i will not elaborate.
likes having his hair down while hes working, even if its a hazard. it's a mix of the weight/blinder effect is comforting, and so his mask is hidden from victims
that being said they are a GOD at braiding.
very good at painting, too!
Billy Lenz:
sex-favorable asexual
is a whore for weirdly flavored candy canes
is THAT person who plays christmas music year-round.
it'll be dead quiet in the house and the girls just hear a very quiet "all i want for christmas is youu" and none of them can find the source
it thinks barb is the funniest to annoy, mainly because she actually gives him reactions
Brahms Heelshire
uses he/they pronouns!
a straight man sobs
he genuinely did like gretta (even though she SUCKED) and her leaving was a bitch to get over
has eaten a rat before.
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osdd-1bitch · 3 years
Notes on why specific alters formed: (by Cassie)
Chloe (Integrated) she/her
So, Chloe was a easy one. shes very maternal because we(im just gonna refer to everyone else at any given time as we bc idk when this happened) were v young and had 0 fckin communication w other people and absive parents.
our bio parents were neglectful and absive and our grandparents who did a lot of the work raising us did not speak *any english* for a long time and we never learned their language, so we had literally no one to talk to and struggled to communicate basic wants/needs as a child a lot.
Chloe was that sort of ideal mother figure, soft and loving and wise. She was also incredibly quiet, preferring to listen instead and provide nonverbal comfort which was vital to our emotional state at the time, where sharing any negative emotion,  would quickly elicit a yelling match or confusion at any more complex or abstract issues.
Owen Grady (Active) he/him
Now, Owen, who is still around, is obviously a fictive, but we've never directly interacted with his source. the portrayals of him were rather chaotic and we werent particularly sure why we split him. His role never seemed obvious to us and we had no idea wtf he was doing here...but taking a step back he makes a good ISH. He's a natural in the jungle which is full of more animalistic alters and trauma, and he's incredibly patient and kind with these guys. He might also count as their gatekeeper as he keeps them from leaving their part of the headspace (and causing major issues throughout the system). He's brave and loves exploring which are good traits for that subsystem. He isnt a large part of our collective, but his presence is known and valued (by me lol)
Sia&Nia (dormant?) she/her both
Sia and Nia are twin catgirl alters, and exist to be cringy in a way. Both were important protectors, but are currently mia due to a traumatic event that sent the vast majority of known jungle alters into dormancy.
anyways Nia was a social/emotional protector. She was loud, and defiant and very sure of herself. She knew she was 'cringe' and didnt mind being mocked or teased at all, and she was very moral and energetic. She helped a lot with self advocacy because she would not stand back and let us be ignored, although that ultimately led to her tenure being so short.
Sia was the physical protector, who didnt particularly care about others opinions or ideas on what they could do to us. She also had a strong sense of justice and was a important protector.
Ranboo (unknown) he/they/end
Ranboo was actually a rather important trauma/anxiety holder. the beginning of 2020 was incredibly stressful and traumatizing, considering now we were trapped in an absive home, w a//phyx///ia//tion being a strong trigger, black, and very close to certain...events. this made the host at the time feel incredibly unsafe and dissociated, and they momentarily hyperfixated on Ranboo the streamer. His presence took a great deal of pressure off of the host at the time, and well he is/was a rather small part of the system, his split was still helpful
PostContent (Active) it/he/they
PostContent is a fictive of a character on this one youtube channel by the same name.
tw///mentions of dth, crpses, eds, sui
on said youtube channel PC's 'corpse self' (the videos are highly up to interpretation as intended so I'm summarizing a lot) is in constant conflict with the main character due to being more self aware. it knows what if feels and wants and is very blunt doing so. at the very end of the first season the two seemingly 'merge'. this was something that really, and obviously, spoke to us and this split was actually needed for a long time.
see, theres been a basically lifelong fight between Need and Independence. Need is dependant, craves toxic relationships, is obsessive and, well, needy! if you give it a inch, it will want miles and miles. i dont know if it can even feel full bc whenever its in power we eat so fckin much and are always hungry. attention, food, whatever. Need feels emotions explosively and wants validation
On the other hand, Independence wants no dependence on anything. it cuts off friends, doesnt eat for days at a time, is cold ect ect. It believes things like being hungry or tired are inherently bad and 'weakness' that must be trained out of the body. Emotions are an even larger weakness that must be destroyed.
PC calms both of these factions by existing. he feels incredibly deeply, it's a very deep and dark depression, but, being dead he can simply ignore it and put it off. is being dead not the ultimate freedom from needs? is being dead not the ultimate freedom to do and want whatever you want? he also fufils both sides su//ici///dal thoughts, bc hes already dead.
PC did not end this internal war, not even close, but has helped us cope with it, making him a large and rather influential alter in our internal politics. *deep sigh* id rather deal with american politics sometimes..
///////// tw over////////
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lady-charinette · 4 years
Adrien Agreste =/= Sociopath - About Adrien Salt
I've seen a lot of posts going around about Adrien being a sociopath or the other (harasser, abuser...etc.)
What I find most of those posts lacking is looking at the big picture, or just zeroing in on certain moments of the show and even disregarding the context of those selected moments to unfairly rule judgement on a child (in canon) no less.
Definition of sociopath: A sociopath is a term used to describe someone who has antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). People with ASPD can’t understand others’ feelings. They’ll often break rules or make impulsive decisions without feeling guilty for the harm they cause.
People with ASPD may also use “mind games” to control friends, family members, co-workers, and even strangers. They may also be perceived as charismatic or charming.
We have to analyze the context and the surroundings Adrien is in.
Family, social life, relationships (platonic and romantic), personality, age, environment...etc.
We know Adrien has a father who is controlling, preferring to micro-manage every aspect of his son's life to continue to have a semblance of control at all times. We assume (heavily implied in the show), that his mother was kind, warm and emotional (whether that emotional is the "out-there" kind her twin sister has, it remains to be seen.)
According to a snippet from "Simon Says", Adrien also has "Quite a temper, you remind me of someone" according to Gabriel's own words, we can assume the "someone" is Emilie, Gabriel says this when Chat Noir refused to follow his orders and told him to basically "get off his high horse". In this context, anyone who defies Gabriel in such a way would either be branded as "disobedient" or to "have quite a temper".
According to Adrien himself in "Adrien's Double Life" (from Miraculous Secrets) he describes being Chat Noir as "...I can finally do whatever I want to do, say whatever comes to mind." He doesnt feel as restricted and controlled since that's the one aspect of his life his father has no knowledge of.
Social life:
Adrien has had no or very little interaction with peers.
Evidence: Chloe being his childhood friend. Felix commenting on Chloe's appearance in the video she sent for Adrien's birthday, saying "Chloe. Just as annoying as usual." suggests he knows her from before, maybe even as early on as their childhood days.
This makes Felix and Chloe the only kids, of spoiled and rich background, with whom Adrien interacted.
Felix is shown to be good at manipulating people and keeping up appearances (potentially connected to insecurities within the family? Not confirmed), Chloe is openly mean and bullies others (with underlying insecurities also connected to her parents).
The only positive adult (if Gorilla isn't as involved and Nathalie had been solely Gabriel's secretary and not Adrien's caretaker since there was Emilie) in Adrien's life would be his mother, who also fell into a coma during Adrien's formative years (and still during a time where he's figuring himself and his emotions out: puberty), leaving him with his father.
Moving on, even if the writer's sometimes may not always successfully show Adrien being awkward in social interactions, it doesnt mean they dont exist.
This interaction between him and Marinette, asking for her autograph, very formal in his question, awkward in posture:
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He's picked up on some speech patterns from his frequent interactions with Nino ("dude", "Hey man." "Totally dude.") showing he's, like many people, mimicking his friend's behavior and speech to grow more favorably in their eyes.
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The same pattern can be observed with Gabriel and Adrien: Adrien adopts his father's formal speech whenever talking to him, since that appeases him.
Adrien has had very limited friendly interactions with his peers, romantic interactions are basically non-existent. The scenes where Adrien is being chased by his fans, who obsessively adore him, cant be linked to Adrien experiencing healthy romantic contact (Lila doesn't count since she only uses Adrien to further her goals). Marinette doesn't count since Adrien's isn't even aware of her romantic feelings for him. (Again, difficulties picking up social cues due to only ever being homeschooled > limited social contact with peers)
So no, in my humble opinion, Adrien sometimes doesn't understand other people's feelings not because he's a sociopath, but because he's an awkward kid with very little experience about making friends and having healthy relationships with them.
Let's be direct here: Gabriel is an abusive as*hole.
If the writer's wanted to show Gabriel struggling or having remorse for his actions being Hawkmoth and putting his son through danger, well... They blew it. "Gorizilla" was a 5 second reaction of Hawkmoth showing concern after letting Adrien fall from a skyscraper. Applause. After that? Not much.
Nathalie: Adrien likes, she takes care of him, his schedule, was the one to convince Gabriel to let him attend public school. There are moments in the show where she softens up towards Adrien, but always carries that air of professionalism on her to (possibly, assumption) not grow too close. Gorilla is...Gorilla, but at least the man tries with his nonverbal support and affectionate grunts. Lol.
Gabriel: He loves his father. It's his parent, after all. However, Adrien's reactions to him are vastly different than to how he reacts when thinking of his mother. He shows signs of fear (tensing up, growing obedient...etc.), he excuses his father's excessive controlling tendencies to just be "he's just worried about me", "that's the way he always was", "father cares and protects me". Adrien shows to be frequently disappointed with Gabriel, one of the first scenes being that Gabriel couldn't attend parent's day at school, Adrien was talking on the phone alone in the school hallway. He was genuinely surprised by the blue scarf his father gifted him (not knowing it was Marinette), since all he used to get were pens (again, not even from Gabriel, but Nathalie). This is my assumption but: Adrien has previously begged his father to go outside more or attend public school, but this time it worked only because Nathalie managed to convince him.
Friends from school: Nino is his best friend, Adrien seems to be good friends with Alya too, basically everyone in class, with varying degrees of closeness. Chloe is a childhood friend whom Adrien is fond of but also grows exasperated with and corrects her behavior if she's too harsh.
Marinette: likes and respects her, but can't read her well or at least when he thinks he's got her figured out, she claims the opposite. Marinette has been sending mixed signals, on one hand even making Adrien believe (and fear) they weren't friends. "Chat Blanc" contrary to popular belief, showed that Adrien is delighted at the prospect of Marinette being Ladybug (he'd severe doubts when Chloe or anyone else was brought up as a possible option).
Kagami: likes her, respects her, admires her fencing skills, learned to have fun hanging out with her and playing as kids usually do since she also has a controlling parent and they both know some ways/tricks around their boundaries to sneak off and meet their friends. Adrien and Kagami have similarities in that respect, Gabriel pushing Adrien to be a model, Mrs. Tsurugi pushing Kagami to be a master fencer.
Lila: At first defended her, was friendly towards her since she was a new student from overseas he sympathized because surely it would be lonely? The new girl would need a friend who supported her through all this things that were new for him too. However, as soon as he caught wind of Lila's schemes, he changes his tune. He feels uncomfortable around her overstepping his boundaries, expresses anger when Lila accused Marinette of crimes she didn't commit and even makes a deal with her to not bother Marinette again (but use him instead, doing photoshoots together...etc.) to keep her safe.
A 14-15 year old, having lost his mother, the only positive, healthy relationship in his life. Surrounded by a controlling father, not much free time, many extracurricular activities and being a superhero alongside Ladybug.
Some of the signs of being a sociopath include: Breaking rules and being impulsive.... Didn't Ladybug do those too?
Breaking the rules: (since LB and Marinette are the same) stealing phones, sneaking into places where she shouldn't, using the miraculous for personal gain (latest example: getting Kagami away from Adrien), giving Adrien the snake miraculous due to personal preference instead of drawing logical conclusions. Sneaked into the Agreste mansion.
Impulsiveness: Marinette's daily fantasies (sharing a future life with Adrien and their hamster-who-must-not-be-named), when Lila's "precious family heirloom necklace" was "stolen", Marinette was quick to include her classmates in the list of potential perpetrators for it (without ill intent, but still..)
You know who the real potential sociopath in the show is?
Some of you might include Lila too (since she fits all the criteria for being a sociopath), but the key difference is: Lila is still just a kid.
We don't know much about her family life. Just that her mother is busy with work, we don't know where her father is, who her friends were/if she even had them. She might be lying and manipulating people to follow her own agenda, but she thrives in attention, when people notice and praise her. In some aspects, that could've been Adrien. With one neglectful parent, a missing parent, no friends (prior to going to school)...etc. There is also a lot we don't know about her.
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creacherkeeper · 3 years
sorry if this bothers you but you seemed like a good person to talk to about this. im like 97% sure im autistic and ive done a lot of research but my mom doesn’t believe me because i’m not like the boys she’s seen on youtube. and its just awful because i’m not eighteen yet and im a black girl and i know how parents are important in the diagnosis because of childhood behavior. i just feel like no one will believe me about a diagnosis.
hi nonny
first off, not a bother AT ALL, no worries. im always happy to talk through situations like this
secondly, im sorry for the situation youre in. its one that a lot of autistic people find themselves in, so youre not alone, but its a very difficult thing to go through, especially when youre a minor without access to many resources. so know that someone sees the struggle. when i was trying to get diagnosed my parents were the exact same way. they didnt believe me at all because their only concept of autism came from rainman
so, some advice:
until youre an adult, take this time to learn as much as you can about autism, the autistic community, your own neurodivergence and how it affects you, and whether or not you actually want a diagnosis. having that official word is important for many people, and it gives you access to accommodations at work and school. but there are a lot of drawbacks to a dx as well. in situations where you are forced to disclose, there is a lot of stigma, and people may treat you poorly because of it. depending on where you live, you may be disqualified for live saving medical treatment such as transplants. it makes it infinitely harder to adopt or win custody battles. etc etc. there are many reasons one would choose to get a dx or not, so learn more, talk to people, and take this time to make a decision. if you choose self-dx, know that there are many in the autistic community who chose the same and you are loved and welcome as one of us
if you do chose to get a professional dx, know that its going to be an uphill battle. it's expensive, for one, so if you're planning on attending college or live near a campus, try finding a university teaching psych center that charges on a sliding scale. they're also going to have young professionals who hopefully are more up to date and not so set in the old conception of autism. youre also going to have more of a difficult time getting a diagnosis as a black girl, because so much of the psych field was built on sexism and racism, as well as the inherent ableism of the field. youre doubly more likely to get misdiagnosed with a behavioral or mood disorder, so know that you are allowed to stick up for yourself and be clear about your needs in the process. many (especially older) professional's picture of autism is still 10 year old nonverbal white boys. before seeing someone, ask on the phone (or have someone ask for you) whether or not they have experience diagnosing adults, women, and people of color. that could really make a difference. but also keep in mind that if one person doesnt work out, you can always see someone else. i've been misdiagnosed with things several times, and i choose not to disclose that when seeing new medical or mental health professionals unless its relevant
all that said, you do NOT need your parents to get a diagnosis. mine were not involved in my process at all when i got dx'd at 19, because i knew they would do everything in their power to convince the doctor i wasn't autistic, even if it meant bending the truth or lying. i brought them to my results session, but that was it. they argued with the doctor but she had already made her diagnosis, so it didnt matter. the rest of it was just me and the diagnostician, and i answered all questions about childhood the best i could. its totally fine to write down a list of childhood behaviors or memories before you go in if you think youll forget or miss something. for me the biggest reason i got diagnosed was the hugely variant scores i got on my IQ test, which is a common thing with autism (my scores ranged from low 30s to 99.8th percentile, with not much being average or in the middle). so the diagnostician will not only be looking to childhood or family members. there are plenty of people seeking diagnosis who dont have access to willing family anyway
i think thats all my advice as of now. but i understand how scary the situation is, or how scary it seems while youre in it. if you have any more questions or just need to talk, feel free to message again or dm me. im more than happy to listen or try to help more
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pliskin · 4 years
im gonna talk about some doomvega stuff idk where else to post it 
slayer hc
I like selective mute slayer the most... nonverbal communication most of the time, his body language/expression vega gradually eases into learning, then for longform communication its typing into vega’s console, morse code into vega’s palm (<3) or sign language.  the few times he speaks is very curt and short, maybe just quick affirmation from vega for whatever (kisses <3) and the gayest reason of all... so he can say vega’s name tenderly 
lots of hobbies, which is more or less canon, but it's cute to think about... particularly his cooking magazines make me think he would be a good cook in a umm domestic au... but I like that he enjoys many creative things also like reading/writing/music, in addition to a scientific/engineering bg, hes kind of like... full package husband material
I dont have a ton of slayer hcs... I think hes mostly introverted, more into his hobbies, cultured... I think my only self-indulgent not canon compliant hc is he gets embarrassed easy and pretty expressive but has rbf.  hes like the shy boyfriend in the “excuse me he said no pickle” meme with vega
vega hc
vega for drawing purposes I like to make an android, tho in a fic im more inclined to regular AI vega especially in character studies and introspective writing... there's something a lot more poignant about vega reminiscing about almost being shut down while not assuming any kind of physical form... idk im just talking about what I like on a scale bc I love tons of vega interpretation
android vega:  I like to imagine an android body was created for vega per samuel’s instruction a little bit after vega became operational... kind of like a flex to match with uac creating the first cyborg body as well.  since samuel is a bit of a dick to his dad he doesnt make him w maykr proportions in mind and instead vega is given a very average human male body: about six feet tall, gentle (fatherly -_-) disposition, dark hair and brown skin, unnatural blue eyes... I think this would be good for vega to “blend” into the personnel, build camaraderie w him, though I think samuel would pull the plug on it in the long run for reasons my brain can’t put together atm lol.  this kind of self-indulgent but I like vega’s “virtual age” being 50 bc he’s samuel’s dad, and I like vega w a completely average body but thin waist like a maykr... which is a subconscious decision by samuel bc hes more accustomed to makyr bodies... but I am also just a bastard that wants thin waist dilf vega
this is maybe a reach of the fortress’s resources but I think the slayer could manage to build the same body for vega he had on the base if vega gave him the materials and instructions for it... just like a project, nothing exactly urgent, vega’s body slowly being worked on until completion.  but then... the slayer finds himself a bit attached because vega is like 100x more pleasant and soothing when he can see vega smiling at him.  im corny
I also like vega being a bit catty and passive-aggressive, but in his customer service voice.  he’s definitely not a doormat as an AI, and hes a lot more direct as umm god.  god vega I like aesthetically (SO MUCH) but I think I will hold back on my interpretation till ancient gods.  even his visual design I know will be probably significantly different from that 6-wing maykr angel concept art (if hes shown at all) but I like the aesthetic of it and will probably keep that if no canon physical body for vega is shown...
doomvega hc
very slow burn... mostly on vega’s part, but I like the almost innate way the slayer is more friendly/gentle with vega and his upgrade bots, so I think the slayer is sweet on vega
vega wondering about why the slayer chose to back him up is always a fave... and ik its not the exact reason for why dg is back in urdak but I like thinking about him going back for vega or at least I hope they make it a point in the dlc that dg is looking for vega amidst all the chaos... it would really cement their relationship together and would be so good for vega as not being seen as a tool to be thrown away (god stuff aside).  like he’s the slayer’s partner and not just an assistant or something like that
its canon that the slayer has ptsd so I think vega (in an android/robot body) can help him through episodes/nightmares... and this is pretty corny and self-indulgent but I think vega’s touch calms him bc of like... god reasons... and vega is not really sure why it feels so right to hold the slayer and comfort him but its god reasons
slayer also likes to hold android vega and his arms wrap around him easy, and vega is flush against his chest (<3) I like to imagine this after some kind of... very heartfelt “thank you” or confession from vega.  I also really like the idea of vega confessing his feelings first I think because he would have to also deal with thinking his “feelings” are real or not since he’s AI and not human and all of those schlocky sci-fi romance tropes
then theres the slayer x father vega dynamic im speculating a little about but want to wait till ancient gods to see... it seems like the slayer is vega’s right hand this time which is so exciting for them... it adds so much more versatility to their dynamic 
this got too long already I just wanted to contextualize some of my art... I want to add more later though.  anyway I love them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  theyre good
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bugli-bugli · 4 years
TW: insults towards depression and anxiety, toxic behavior, father/parent mention, trauma discussion, self-harm mention, suicide idealization
just a rant because im just too fucking tired of the bullshit of other sites.
i’ve really taken for granted how non-toxic tumblr is in the nice little corner i’ve tucked myself into. since i’m pretty desperate for money, cause now i think ill just have to live off disability if i can even get it.
I gotta say my mutuals and the people who reblogged my donation post, im so fucking grateful for you and i cant thank you enough. but besides the point, rant.
posted my donation post on twitter and later reddit, like the naive fool i am. the first comment i got on the twitter one was very homophobic and the guy was just an overall creep upon a quick look on his tumblr. i responded to him but immediately deleted it cause i knew thats all he wanted was to make me angry. think i was able to get him banned but fuck if i know.
this is more about the lovely reddit post i got
Tumblr media
sigh im not going to bother replying and i just reported them, but i wanted to get out of me all the shit i wanted to say. just, first of all i know trolls and shit just do this to get attention, but this on the fucking r/donate subreddit like??? why isn’t it moderated better?? besides the point
i dont care if you believe my donation post is a scam, whatever, believe what you want and move on. i understand there is a lot of people out there trying to get money they can easily get themselves, instead they take it from goodhearted people.
you need to grow the fuck up. i redirect back at this person because, you spent your time, what? hating on a post that might be a scam. and they regularly do this to from just a quick look. so immature and annoying. this hurts so fucking much to hear too cause it strikes a perfect nerve of trauma.
anxiety and depressions are perfectly valid reasons to not be able to hold down a job. they sound like my fucking dad. i have panic attacks when people raise their voice or if there is too much going on around me, like tvs and crowds and what not.
ive mostly been sleeping lately and cant even make myself do simple physical tasks. not just because of my depression but because of my chronic joint pain that i still haven’t fucking got working medication for yet.
plus i have 472147921 other disorders that i havent been able to get diagnosed or help yet because of my stupid fucking parents. who finally are getting me help after years upon years of having obvious mental issues. ONLY BECAUSE a big argument that my sister had to speak for me in, because i went nonverbal and was hysterically laughing because my dad denying he called me fat.
but yeah i cant even brush my teeth, or shower, the only hygiene habits i have are because if i didnt do them my brain would make me have a panic attack or some intrusive thoughts of self harm.
how is it fucking entitled to ask strangers to donate, H O W? i dont think i deserve this, i dont think that im better then other people, im posting this because others who are in similar/worse situations posting donation posts gave me the confidence to do so.
yes im so entitled to be begging on my hands and knees for money because capitalism and my body and mind are working against me. im not even saying HEY DONATE AND IF YOU DONT DONATE YOU ARE A FUCKING HORRIBLE HUMAN BEING. or anything even remotely close to that.
i gave the needed information and background as to why we would need money, and why we struggle to get it ourselves. and asked that people at least share, but there is no obligation to go any of these things.
i know i cant live my entire life on freelance transcription but it is LITERALLY THE ONLY JOB I CAN GET. yeah just simply go out and get a real job, because you can totally form sentences around strangers and dont feel like you are going to throw up from anxiety. its not that hard.
i totally have the endurance to do whatever it is necessary in whatever shitty ass 8 hour shift job i could get, because every step i take doesn’t physically hurt. because after walking too much, my knees wont give out ever, that never happens. because i dont have a fear of failure because my dad totally didn’t get mad at me when i took to long to learn something. i have no trauma related to that at all. im a totally capable human being. 
all of these last two paragraphs are sarcasm btw if that wasn’t obvious
i dont even know what couch sufing on craigslist even is. i had to look it up. how is that advice, how. oh yeah just live on other peoples couches, people you dont even know. thats not dangerous at all like HUH?!?! fuck no. if i wanted to get myself killed id do it myself.
also shelters are totally safe, and never have any issues whatsoever. i didnt ask for fucking advice that was going to make our situation worse you p.o.s.
also i know what im fucking doing, im researching and trying to make the most feasible and realistic plan to leave. even if that is i have freelance transcribing jobs and disability and my sister has whatever job and my so probably in the same boat as me. im not just going to move out without the needed things unless i was kicked out. which, as of the moment, none of us are currently at risk of that, yet.
if it really came down to it where Brutus would need to be rehomed, we’d probably do it. but he means so fucking much to us, we dont want to rehome him because we dont have anyone we can fucking trust to take care of him and we arent just going to give him away to whoever. Brutus and my pets and my sisters are all part of our family, and we aren’t just going to fucking give them away.
whatever, the rage is gone, im tired and i want to cry, this wasn’t posted for attention or anything i just wanted to rant. please dont leave negative comments im not in the goddamned mood.
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Every number that has a "1" in it
1. “is a kiss considered cheating” i mean like. if it’s like a party game or whatever then no lmfao. otherwise probably yea, but like, pretty low on the seriousness of it imo. i dont know how non-polyam people work tho and it’s literally impossible to cheat on me because i’ll just b like “why didnt you trust me enough to tell me, i would have been happy for you ;-;” lmfao
10. Who was the last person to disappoint you?every interaction i have is full of minor excitements and disappointments. currently my father is at the top of the list though, he’s not a flat earther but he is a 9/11 truther and brought up lizard people
11. Do you like your body?sure? I know I’m cute, and I’m pretty much near-constantly in pain and/or nausea, but I’m pretty indifferent to my body as like, having feelings towards it. It sure is my body!
12. Can you keep a diet?no, why would I?
13. If the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say?i would panic and go nonverbal tf you mean? lmfao. I’d probably start ranting incoherently about anarchism though
14. do.....do i work? bitch? do I work? im on my 10th day in a row of working shut up lmfao. (i work at subway, for those of u not in-the-know)
15. If you could choose only one food to eat to the rest of your life, what would it be?marie callender’s (im looking at the box ive been spelling it wrong this whole time) chicken pot pies. ideally the bacon cheddar ones but i understand if that is not accessible
16. Would you get a tattoo?i want a snail tattoo so badly .... i figured out where i want it, too. i want it on my left wrist (palm side). im crying thinking about it
17. Something you don’t mind spending all your money on?the music game i play, apparently. i just got a 3-month subscription for 20 bucks. i think that puts me at like 80 bucks ive spent on this game in the past 3 years. lanota is just too good. i was gonna say like rent or car but like, i DO mind those, fuck capitalism
18. Can you drive?legally, yes, with a licensed passenger aged 21+. physically? no
19. When was the last time someone told you you were beautiful?i think my mom is the only person who’s ever said that specific word to me, but my partner called me pretty like three days ago
21. Do you keep a journal?don’t have the willpower for that lolz. I do sometimes but only for like days or at max a month
31. Something you did and you are proud of?Moved out of my mom’s house the moment I turned 18. I’m hella fuckin proud of that lmfao
41. What was the last concert you went to?Muse in Boston, back in April
51. Who are you most comfortable around?my partner lol, and like one or two of my other friends
61. Something you find romantic?hand-to-cheek contact is the most intimate possible physical interaction. god forbid it be both hands/cheeks. it’s very romantic and soft and i would absolutely melt if anybody ever did that to me
71. Have you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally?can’t think of anything in particular but I’m sure I have. I get passive-aggressive with customers pretty often so I’m sure that counts.
81. How long have you been on Tumblr?since like, october 2015 or something like that
91. Perfect date idea?I always spring for the “go to the park and have a picnic” idea myself, when the topic of dating comes up. Going to the movies or loud restaurants sucks because you can’t talk, cafes are kind of awkward because I feel like somebody is gonna eavesdrop. I’m sure there’s something more creative you could do--idk, a museum or whatever local tourist spot or something, but that’s so location-based that I can’t really give that as an answer to a generic question like this. Picnics are intimate, calm, private. It’s not great as a first date for this reason but it’s lovely for a steady relationship.
100. Can you keep a secret?Of course. My primary skill is being good at talking to people, and one of my favorite things to do is get to know people. It would be kind of silly to sabotage that by telling everybody’s secrets. 
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ft-ca · 6 years
forcing myself to write this/not numb my loneliness for half an hour bc fam left and its an empty house again
ok so 2 years later im thinking exchanging i miss you texts with my professor. my married with 2 daughters professor was probably a weird thing
why am i thinking about this 2 years later? i had a beautiful moment of human connection yesterday at work and i think the last time i felt this way or experienced something like this was 2 years ago, with mw, the above. i dont know how to explain it or put it into words but i’ll try.
its when you meet someone and you dont really know them, and you havent talked that much. like a little. but not that much. and theres still more to know and more to discover. but meanwhile, there’s a mutual awareness. of presence. of always subconsciously knowing where the other is in the room. of whether they are in the room. of scooching in when the other has to pass. of being aware of their awareness of you. there’s the eyes. always the eyes. contact. knowing looks. stolen glances. and the call. out of everyone in the department, she calls you. you figure something out together. the texts that follow. and its just you and her. no one else. she thinks youre special. you think shes pretty rad too. no one has any idea any of this has happened.
it was the same with m. we had the connection, the same looks, the texts, that no one else knew about but us. my verbal communication could be better, but my nonverbal is there. i get along best with people who can read me. not everyone can. not everyone wants to. the people who can and want to, make me feel seen. deeply seen. and being seen is the best, most life-giving gift of all.
i think im starting to become who i want to be. taylor asked me how much money he should contribute to the coffee fund. i think its bc i found his watch for him. dude, i dont drink coffee. but i told him $5 should be fine. there were 4 other people in the room, he couldve asked. and honestly, couldve asked anybody in the dept. im becoming a person that people go to. im proud of myself. ive always looked for people that i could go to and look up to. ive also witnessed so incredibly generous and affirming and validating people. ive always aspired to be one of them. and maybe im starting to now that im here. ive been struggling to find my place in this dept. but maybe this is what and who i can be.
theres ways to go. the parents have gone back. i need to call some therapists to see if they can accommodate my rotating shifts. to deal with childhood traumas and to names the things that have happened and are still happening. im also seriously questioning where i am in the lgbtq+ spectrum. ive met this guy whos literally so kind and so thoughtful and well groomed and like perfect. but i have this discomfort. idk if its bc its been a while/never since i did this. or some other reason. i dont know. determined to find out in 2019. i feel like none of this would feel like such a big deal if i grew up NOT with a christian background. i just dont feel very free to explore this part of myself. and i can hear my parents voices in the back of my mind. and maybe even my own. i think its good i havent been to church in 6+ months. de-constructing my faith and rebuilding it slowly to a non-toxic, more loving, truthful version is necessary. its also difficult. what has been drilled into me since infancy. difficult. and i dare not tell my pastor parents about any of this. which is pretty sad on their part, because theyre missing out on my story with the (or the feeling of the) environment and mindset theyve created.
2019 bitches. looking forward to how this connection with cr develops, hesitantly looking forward to more dates with k, looking forward to therapy, a new roommate, looking forward to growing and maturing always. 25 for 7 more months and then its the late twenties. excited to see who i’ll be at the end of the year. lots has happened since residency ended/my life started. hopeful for whats still to come.
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retvenkos · 4 years
hi lovely!! congrats on 2.5k! if u don’t mind could i please do me a 🔥 for marvel, harry potter (marauders era) and then a harry potter golden trio era please?
i’m a straight girl, intj and a slytherin. i’m tend to be really shy, observant and quite reserved. i do have a natural resting bitch face which often makes me unapproachable. i’m extremely sarcastic and witty. if you know me, i tend to be really outgoing and loud. but this is only with people i’m comfortable around. i’d say i can be brutally honest. i’m also stubborn too. but i’m not easily manipulated. i’m a hopeless romantic and if i’m around someone i like, i can get flustered and shy extremely quickly. i also tend to isolate myself from other people due my anxiety and depression. i enjoy astrology, reading, dancing (which just consists of me dancing around my bedroom), writing which i’ve loved doing since a young age and painting. i dont like people who are really full of themselves, it makes me cringe or people who act as if they’re extremely modest but in reality they’re highly arrogant. and people who constantly guilt trip others. thank u sm!!
I ship you with T’challa!
first of all, both of you have some very similar traits that would make you two click really quickly... even if you don’t act on your emotions right away.
both of you are witty and sarcastic while still be reserved and respectful. you both are also very stubborn and true to your word, which isn’t a bad trait to have, and while you are both fairly wary of those around you, you also make deep attachments to people, and are rational enough to be willing to forgive, if the situation required and deserved forgiveness.
furthermore!!!! both of you are the romantic type, out here believing in love, even if it’s hurt in the past or even if you haven’t found it, before. when the two of you are around each other, you are the literal definition of heart eyes, and it would be very sweet if it wasn’t so annoying, sometimes. (shuri makes a lot of “not in my lab” comments or “really? right in front of my tech?”)
i get old friends to lovers vibes, but you could also meet later in life on some kind of “save the world” mission or another and have an allies to lovers story line. point is, the two of you work really well together, and when you finally get together, it’s a long time coming and literally no one is surprised - not even the two of you.
i think t’challa would love your honesty - it’s not something he often gets from just anyone, and he’s smart enough to see reason in it. you’re one of the few who can knock some sense into his head, so you end up talking to him a lot - the two of you have a running dialogue at all times, and even before you were together, he trusted your judgement and honesty more than anyone else's.
and astrology and reading? t’challa loves your lowkey interests more than anything else - when the two of you are just able to relax, he’s at peace and it’s really nice for the both of you. even before you got together, the two of you spent a lot of time with the other, and both of you really enjoy it. this world moves so fast - sometimes you just need to sneak out and look up at the stars.
but the two of you can also have fun at parties, if not dancing than making jokes about the guests, and it makes any function much more bearable
i also think that t’challa would love your more shy nature - he thinks its very cute when you clam up and will tease you about it. but, of course, you are quiet stubborn and will get back at him. spoiler alert: he almost loves your comebacks more than the actually teasing you part.
but i feel like both of you would be able to easily juggle the serious yet playful nature of your relationship - there’s a lot of banter mixed with really meaningful moments and times when you have to rely on each other, and a lesser relationship wouldn’t be able to take it, but both of you are extremely versatile and flexible - no challenge would be too great, when the two of you are together.
and i do think that t’challa would be great at balancing out those harder, more strong emotions. he has struggled with loss and felt depressed afterward, maybe with little direction, and so he can empathize with you and help you grow through the challenges you face.
HP Marauders:
I ship you with Remus Lupin!
a gryffindor softie and a slytherin babe? it’s wasn’t the expected match, so a lot of people were shocked (some not so pleasantly) when they found out.
both of you were shy and awkward when you first met - probably in potions, where the marauders were mercilessly separated so the class could continue. the two of you worked rather quietly, but by the end of the class, you were helping remus catch up with some homework that he was behind in, and the two of you have warmed up to the other.
at first, the other marauders don’t think much about it, but then they notice that remus is sneaking off to the library or the courtyard at odd times, and the decide to follow him. they find... remus hanging out with a slytherin? (james was very disheartened that remus wasn’t trying to schmooze with lily, telling her all about how great james is)
and remus was rather quick to get a baby crush on you. i mean, it’s not very hard??? you have sarcasm and wit that rivals his, you share his determinedness and drive, and where he is more meek, you are honest and stubborn and ready to fight, if need be. you’re inspiring and interesting, and underneath your intimidating exterior, you’re warm and kind. remus had fallen for you, and pretty hard too.
meanwhile, you are in a similar predicament because it’s near impossible to not fall in love with someone like remus lupin, right? so there’s a lot of flustered apologies when you’re studying and touch hands or when you catch the other staring.
but i mean,,,, both of you clearly know the other likes you back. and if it weren’t for remus’ terrible self-esteem, you probably would have gotten together sooner. but we all know the two of you had to have many talks before you get together, and that’s probably best for both of you, ngl. despite having a romantic streak, both of you are a bit clueless when it comes to relationships, so by talking about it a lot, you get used to it, and you know what you want and what you have to do.
also! i love to think that remus draws, so the two of you will often do art together - he loves your painting and you think his sketches are amazing. often, the two of you will have books that you bought the other, and the inside of the covers will be filled with drawings. it’s the way you personalize them, and it’s really cute. 
i have the feeling that remus, despite being such a reader, isn’t the greatest with words, so he’ll do a lot of nonverbal things for you - drawings are one, gift giving is another, and you know he will pull you to your feet to dance with him in your dormitory.
that’s also why he especially loves your candor! you have no trouble putting your thoughts into words, and it’s enchanting! he loves how forthright you are. (it also makes his life a lot easier, lol)
HP Golden Trio:
I ship you with Blaise Zabini!
i kind of get enemies to lovers vibe from this ship, but not 100% enemies, just like,,,, some parts of your personalities clash and so at first you don’t get along too well... but over time things change and you’re like,,,, i actually like blaise zabini? gross.
because you can be shy at first, blaise got in a lot of snide remarks or teasing, but you’re stubborn and are always wanting to get in the last word, so you often shoot back insults. both of you are a bit above name calling, but there was just a lot of rude words passed between the two of you in the early stages of your journey to lovers, and while blaise hated it at first, by his third year he actually enjoys your banter, and he’s less infuriated by your comebacks and more impressed that you can hold your ground, despite being so shy at other times.
i imagine the two of you start to get close in your fourth and fifth years when you’re more mature and have to begrudgingly work together in arithmancy or dada.
you both end up rolling your eyes and making sarcastic (or just brutally honest) comments about draco, and while you’re shocked that blaise seems to find draco annoying, despite being his friend, you make him smile wryly at a few of your comments.
and now it’s kind of a game between the two of you - who can say something so funny and out of the blue that it makes the other smile the widest? so far, you hold the record, which shocks both of you. the stoic blaise zabini? smiling at your dumb comments about snape’s hair?
but it’s actually when you’re talking to a friend of yours before class that you make a terrible pun, and blaise makes an odd sort of choking sound - like trying to stifle a laugh. and you find out,,,, blaise likes terrible puns? well, now you have a new weapon.
but, around this same time, blaise figures out that you get flustered very easily, and now that he likes you,,,,, well.... there’s no harm in teasing, right?
it’s a surprise to many that you end up getting as close as you do, keeping up a friendly sort of rivalry while you sort out your growing feelings for the other.
and you start noticing blaise in the common room more, playing chess with theo nott or having conspiratorial conversations with pansy while you’re reading or writing, and then one day, when you open you book for reading, you notice there’s a note slipped in between the pages, and you know it’s blaise. and your gut reaction tells you to not trust him, but you soften to him quickly.
now the two of you are leaving notes in the other person’s belongings, and eventually, he kisses you - in the library, you’re probably searching for some book or another, and he finds it for you and you kiss amongst the shelves.
okay, i went long with the backstory, but you guys would make such a great power couple - you are able to balance seriousness with playfulness nicely, and you have a lot of history with each other.
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