#dont worry um not gonna do anything stupid to myslef but i just
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tmabutlesbian · 4 years
this is a kinda personal post and I’ll be talking about my own mental health but because of covid i cant see my friends, we all know we talk better to each other when in person, we’re all kinda waiting to spill the tea and dump everything on each other when we next meet, so. I need a place to. Place. My thoughts?? To vent. I’m gonna vent so. This is your warning.
(VERY LONG POST ahead so. Yeah.)
Some time ago, I asked a blog that I won’t tag cause. I feel like, i have to be on my best behavior around this person? But um, basically I asked them about like, adhd and stuff and they decided not to answer (which very much fair, mistake on my part truly) but! They did help me get like a little help to talk about it, because I’ve been learning more n more abt neurodivergency and I just felt like every adhd post just hit way too close to home too regularly to be normal so! I got help and then... because of other very useful developments with my family, I got to see a therapist!!
And i love her to bits!! She’s so fun, sometimes a bit too energetic for me but she’s very cool! Our first session isn’t very useful for this post so let’s skip over to session 2. I wanted to go to therapy for my possible adhd, right? And i told her that and she told me that she has been diagnosed with adhd! Which is so nice!! I was afraid of not being able to explain it? Mind you, our country doesn’t have english as the primary language so i was afraid she wouldnt know about it or something. But she did ofc.
So then we started talking, I tolde her some stuff, she did the same, and her symptoms were very ‘severe’ (i guess its the word? we used that word so im gonna use it). Like stiches and getting hurt all the time and bruises and. I dont have that. She told me it doesnt change anything, adhd is a spectrum so its gonna be different for everyone. So anyways, she ends up saying she can see some things that could be adhd, but she needs more stuff, so she gives me a task of writing down stuff that i think may be weird stuff that i do that may be adhd or smth else.
And. I did it? But it was HARD like so hard to do it, cause so many things repeated themselves (like everyday), i would be like ‘oh ill remenber afterwards!’ and then i wouldnt so it was a mess. Combine that and im inability to fucking explain myslef and youve got a big load of shit.
But i did have some stuff there that i thought could be smth so. I just went with it, was honest with her, and in our session 3 we got to reading my stuff.
And it was. Very unhelpful? Just, useless i guess for a ton of reasons. Like, every single one or the majority of things that others talked about and said they were symptoms or things that ppl with adhd do/have or just other stuff really, she kept debunking them? And lots of shit was said and i get very weird thinking abt it so basically...
She told me that I’m probably not adhd, just hyperactive. And very tense, thats why my chest hurts all the time n stuff. I run around a lot, i move a lot, so im hyperactive. She told me that if i do have adhd, then its so... light? That it doens’t even affect me much and i can just live my life normally with it (we’re still working to see if my chest pains r rly tenseness or smth else but yh).
And it’s. Weird. Because i dont wanna have adhd, if i can help it i prefer to live with any disorders/illnesses/whatever. But i guess i just felt very lost? I kinda just, didnt wanna read anyhting i had anymore because, what was the point? Everything boiled down to me being: hyperactive, tense, and weird. And that’s it. Idk why i feel so bummed out for, what, not having adhd???? like??? thats great! I just feel so lost and confused. Everytime i see a post abt adhd and i relate im like ‘do i rly relate to it? this person suffers everyday with adhd, you probably dont even have it, why are you relating to this person if you can live normally, only with some weird quirks here n there?’. Idk. Its so weird, weirdly discouraging.
I just think that a lot of what i read abt these things i dont rly get!! What if what i thought i related to is nothing like that at all? What if im misreading everyhting?? Do i even relate to this really? Do i truly feel like this, and this, and this???? I’ll read smth and ill get what that person is saying but, like!!! For example: breakdowns, mental breakdowns. I understand what they are. But do i really?? Have i had them before?? Wouldnt i know?? How does it feel like?? And its not like i can just ask these questions like these because theyre so personal!!! I dont understand all the medical stuff, fuck!!
Another thing is that, apparently, i already have ways to help myself?? Like me jumping around and running around my house helps my tenseness (i dont think so but we shall see), which in turn means im helping my hyperactiveness??? I dont understand. If im already helping myself, if im already so good at managing this shit, if im so. ‘stable’. Why do i feel like smths wrong with me?? Just not right. i dont fucking know. I dont know anyhting i feel like, it stresses me out so much. 
What if ive been bothering these ppl with my questions when there wasnt anyhting to worry about?? I feel so stupid. Talked to my friends abt if ffs. Fuck.
This genuinely makes me so upset and i cant rly breathe right, right now? my chest’s feeling tight again so i dont fucking now. Im bitter abt it which is so stupid too. She’s helping me ffs. Fuck.
I dont knwo what to do with this post but ill keep it up. I dont care about reblogs, do it dont it, its same shit just dont be a dick in the tags/comments. This is upsetting to me, but im hoping somebody may know. smth??? idk. Im just lost rn.
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