#dont you worry
yokowan · 27 days
It was early in the autumn last year, just as the leaves were beginning to turn, that I found myself in the company of the most peculiar maid. Or, so I call it, for want of a better word. You see, by my very nature I am extremely disorganised. My clothes cycle between the floor and my person, maybe finding themselves in the wash from time to time if I feel so daring. Papers and writing implements are strewn about every level surface of my residence. Soiled dishes pile high and are not cleaned until I entirely run out or the smell becomes intolerable. My absent and aimless mind has led me to live in a kind of squalor that the most rancid maggots might turn up their noses at.
One weary late night, I readied myself to sleep. As I always do, I picked up the pile of clothes off of my bed and tossed them approximately in the direction of a chair. Imagine my surprise, then, when I looked over and saw the clothes had somehow perfectly folded themselves as they flew through the air and landed in a neatly squared stack. If not for the dreadful hour of night I probably would have stepped in to investigate, perhaps attempting the same a few more times. Instead I laughed at the bizarre coincidence, and collapsed in my bed.
That following mid-afternoon, after I had awoken and persuaded myself out of bed, I lumbered into the kitchen to prepare a cup of coffee. As I approached the counter I stopped and rubbed my eyes. There was already a cup of coffee there, piping hot. Perhaps I sleepwalked? I've always known myself to be a restless sleeper, tossing and muttering through the night, but never have I seen evidence of myself walking about, let alone brewing an entire cup of coffee. Well, I've never been one to refuse a spontaneous gift, even one from an unconscious version of myself, so I picked up the beverage and took a sip.
It's sweet.
Perfectly brewed, just as I like it, but I always take my coffee black. In my waking state I don't even know where my sugar dish is!
I brushed the miscellaneous on papers on my couch to one side and sat down to ponder the event as I drank. Had I, in some trance, managed to go through my entire morning routine and then return to bed with absolutely no recollection of these events, I surely would have at least made my coffee by muscle memory. Somehow not only had I made the drink, but I'd also found the sugar which I most certainly purchased at one point but has never been used since. And all this done without disturbing a single thing in my kitchen! It's so unlike me!
Perhaps it wasn't me. Perhaps some strange and bizarrely covert infiltrator entered my house and helped themselves to my kitchen before being turned away by guilt. Or, perhaps I could have been under the spell of some benevolent coffee-making warlock, or possessed by a spirit, or somehow otherwise under the influence of some magicks beyond my comprehension. Or perhaps, and oh how I laughed when the thought crossed my mind, the coffee just did that on its own! Remembering the spontaneously folded pile of clothes from the preceding night, I considered that maybe the clockwork of the universe aligned just so that the moisture in the air would come to rest in my cup and powdered coffee would fall from my shelf in just the right measure and sugar would appear from God-knows-where and…
What a preposterous idea.
I arose to investigate around the kitchen some more. The dishes on the counter and items in the cabinets were all in precisely the same order, or rather disorder, which they were in the night before. Odd. Absentmindedly, my fingers find themselves brushing against the kettle. It's stone cold. Even more odd. The coffee was hot as if just brewed when I found it, surely the kettle wouldn't have had time to cool down by now. I checked the stove, too, for good measure. Cold as well.
I sighed and stared vacantly as I took the last sips of my coffee. What a perplexing mystery indeed. I set my cup down on the counter. I nearly failed to notice before walking away, but it had just barely caught my attention that the bottom of the cup was entirely clean. I picked it back up and scrutinized it further. Not only was it clean but it was completely dry. As if there had never been any coffee in it at all! Perhaps I had hallucinated the whole ordeal, maybe the beverage in its entirety was illusory? But I could still taste the coffee on my breath! I ran to the closest mirror to look my teeth and indeed the residue of coffee still stained them slightly. No, the coffee could not have been an illusion.
I sat down on the couch with a frustrated "harumph!" What sort of silly games is the universe playing on me. Perhaps this is all a dream? Maybe, but it feels much too real. And besides, it would be a completely useless wager to make; if I'm wrong I'll wake up anyways.
My eyes wandered to the other end of the couch, where I noticed the pile of papers that I'd shoved off to the side. They were organized. Neatly in a stack. The unpaid bills that I'd intentionally shoved to the bottom of the pile some days ago had all found themselves on top, as well.
What sort of treacherous divine mockery is being made of me! Is some bored ancient deity teasing me for my carelessness? Or has the machinery of creation at last taken pity on this dreadful sloven? "What is happening to me!" I cried out in desperation.
As if in response, a stiff draft blew through an open window, lifting an empty bread bag into the air, from where it drifted ever so gently into my wastebasket. I slumped back in my seat. It seems lady luck has made herself a maid.
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robobarbie · 1 year
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firelord-boomerang · 3 months
well the atla live action sounds like it's going to suck but as soon as it releases i will be here ranting about it
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ellethespaceunicorn · 6 months
Vent post, I guess.
I had a panic attack that I might not be able to post a chapter of The Howling in Claw Creek Forest this week. I'm working on it. But my mind is elsewhere. And my mental health matters to me more than notes right now. I have this horrible way of thinking where I base my worth on what I can produce and I really have to stop that.
Don't worry though. Soon, my loves.
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aquared · 3 months
im ok
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shakira-fan-page · 6 months
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New behind the scenes photo of Shakira on set of the "Don't You Worry" music video, shared by Black Eyed Peas.
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featherlouise · 8 months
please god make the guy - 👹
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embraquil · 1 year
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Character I made for a group a few months ago. Unfortunately we didn’t get in but man love his character still.... His name is Kalskelivoran Aesur-Acharoresk, he fights using one arm and He is the epitome of 
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arom-antix · 1 year
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@blended-ice FOUR MORE YUURI BROWS!!! And even three surprise Yuuri hands :0
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flargablarga · 14 days
Runs onto your dash to redistribute All The Confetti™️ I accumulated.
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You have no idea how much I wheezed seeing this
Thank you.
May your days be bright and filled with confetti
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"egon dies the end"
disengage completely
naive character
well WELL
egon dies the end
he was A good dog.
stolen and crushed into Carrera.
fear turns to grief turns to laughter turns to joy.
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bornetoblood · 1 year
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finally caving to the urge and drawing the bloodborne men in dresses
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twyz · 1 year
I dunno if anyone has noticed but I'm actually in love w magenta 🤭🤭
She's the prettiest lady
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patchworkgargoyle · 7 months
I feeeeeel~🎶
Hot Garbage~🎶
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intervoids · 6 months
Bestie are you uh good?
like honestly, absolutely the fuck not, like i dont think id even know what the streetsigns look like in good nor what the waters of hope smell like anymore
that being said, we'll be alright my sweet little aperitif
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stinkyme · 1 year
i feel guilty when im reading smut and my cat is sleeping on my lap. i feel like she is judging me
no need to feel guilty, I am sure she is chill and just wants some cuddles unaware of what you are doing, I write smut when my cat is on my lap and we just chill :3
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