Im having a hard time again. Its feels like you left again. I won't ever stop loving you Dakota. I have to run away soon. I don't know what else to do.
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chofisrad · 6 years
So, I'm solo-drinking and watching old glee videos. The ships are coming up and nostalgia hits up, so I'm inches from taking my phone and texting "hey, lets grab a beer tomorrow"... but I know i shouldn't.
Self control is hard
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zeuxil · 6 years
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so today, i tried to find a good home screen that can stop me from messaging my ex or attempting to do something related to that. but guess what? i found nothing! so i made one myself! here's a simple lock screen that i made if you're already on that phase after a break up (or if you just want to move on from a crush) leave a heart if saving ❤️ it would tell how many people *liked* my work p.s: original bg photo not mine. credits goes to the rightful owner.
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hoyin33 · 6 years
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今日既音樂會就由一入去就見到Serrini, 然後有stuff serve 第一杯手工啤 #花釀年華 開始. 大家chill住聽歌, 大家無介意佢唔記得歌詞, 好開心地接受聖水噴霧, 同埋無諗過會係一個飲酒地方可以crossover音樂會. 其實有時細細地嗰場, 大家又可以好close, 笑吓玩吓真係幾正。 當然最愛仍然係哀樂無名喇! #die蚊 #seeahole #serrini @princessserruria #趣緻的響鈴 #油尖旺金毛玲 #pinksong #donttexthim #哀樂無名 #花釀serrini仙樂飄飄飲み会(在 Second Draft)
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sink-or-swim-1215 · 4 years
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diese-sandra · 5 years
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He‘s not worth your time.
#donttexthim #tumblr #wallpaper
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medusaindumentaria · 6 years
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Estamos en Calle 12 #1143 (e/55 y 56)
#LaPlata, #BuenosAires, #Argentina
Sos del interior?
Enviamos a todo el pais por medio de nuestra #TiendaOnline,
ingresa en www.goo.gl/DpfztY
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I should've known better. Really.
You were supposed to love me forver. When did that change?
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hoyin33 · 7 years
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好多謝 404NotFound 搞今次既巡演, 令我哋幾個朋友可以上去廣州支持Serrini, 估唔到廣州站係可以打爆一個可以容納800人既live house, 對香港獨立音樂打咗支強心針! 成晚表演氣氛好好,大家都好投入地唱同配合Serrini既要求, 好開心佢有唱曬我鐘意既歌,同埋最後仲同佢合照同攞咗佢既簽名,大滿足!😊 最後當然更開心可以同我哋廣州朋友傾吓偈catch up吓喇,就係音樂令我哋認識咗大家! #樹妮妮2018好兒童巡演 #serrini幼稚園 #die蚊 #油尖旺金毛玲 #donttexthim #哀樂無名 #drinkndance #pinksong #404notfound #seeahole #serrini (在 Guangzhou, China)
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To the women that don't realize that they devalue themselves. To the woman that doesn't know how strong she is. To the carrier, the life giver, the innovator. To the center, to the multifaceted, the creative. To the loner, the popular, to the warrior. To the chef, the healer, the provider. To the artist, business owners, and care givers. To The Queens That We All Are. Know when enough is enough. Know when it's time to love YOU more than them. ✊🏽💕👑
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I wish he still loved me. These thoughts wound like knives
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thatnoisegallery · 8 years
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Infringement is bound to happen but large companies often taken advantage of independent artists because they know we probably won't say anything and "there's nothing we can do" but that's not true. Know your rights! You have intellectual property rights even without filing for copyright. @zara stole my #donttexthim design (the SAME one @pacsun ripped) as well as designs from over 20 other artist for their new collection. If this happens to you speak up because they're counting on our silence. Visit shoparttheft.com for more info 💪🏽
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Out of my court
It’s been over two weeks since I last heard from Bristol Man (aka Mr Normal/Perfect) having left the ball firmly in his court. When he last texted, he still seemed very interested to meet, explaining he had to postpone due to an important job interview plus moving house, but would definitely be in touch again when less busy to arrange a date.
Things aren’t looking good. I know I should just leave it, and yet I want to get that ball back across to my side of the court; I’ve never been good at waiting.
*trying really hard not to text him right now*
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hoyin33 · 7 years
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Thank you James! Telling me there is hidden message inside Serrini CD. That's so interesting and creative for that! I said Don't Text Him But I just did it again ! #seeahole #serrini @princessserruria #donttexthim #hiddenmessage @chankwaihojames
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junie-may-july · 9 years
Note to self:
If you have to beg for their attention, they don't deserve yours.
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