#doomfist // I am not your savior
jisatsu-tai · 3 years
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#3 for your whole squad 👀👀👀 - @xynchronicity​  3. How does their social personality differ from how they act when they’re alone? the whole squad WHICH I DESERVE
Abril: She is incredibly extroverted in person and speaks to herself when she’s alone. Sometimes doesn’t know how to be quite. [ “It’ll be fun they said, fly to Rialto they said” ]
Akande: Incredibly intimidating and professional among watching eyes. You have to be in this business everyone is looking to cut their strings [ or get thrown over a waterfall ] so it isn’t good to let his guard down. On his own time he’s rather somber. A man that likes to read and sit by the fire for some peace.
Angela: She is incredibly professional and rigid with nearly everyone having been in the medical field in most of her developmental years she’s got some emotional dissonance and struggles maintaining and keeping relationships. Which ironically is no different than she is on her own. Which is the MAIN problem.
Widowmaker: Widow is almost a ghost of  Amélie when she’s alone. She talks to herself in French, like she’s speaking to an entirely different part of her psyche sometimes. She says and does things she cannot explain, which are muscle memories from her past life. She is mostly silent and resolved when among others. Doesn’t speak unless spoken to.
Delilah: All my muses are so professional, they have an image to protect. Delilah is no different, she is trying to bridge the gap between humans and omics. Though it’s not going so well. Despite her peppy attitude, in her solitude she feels incredibly alone and sometimes seems to droop and sag when she’s on her own.
Delaware: Barz is the grumpiest old man to ever exist. He speaks his mind when around others. He doesn’t hesitate to give Ashe a piece of his mind because he’s been around long enough he feels comfortable doing that. You’ll often hear him grumbling like the old cod he is when he’s on his own.
Genji: Genji has a lot of self loathing he still struggles with on his day to day for the hand he played in his own fate and how he pushed Hanzo. But does his best to be upbeat and cheerful around others so that he doesn’t worry them. He’s may have recovered from his rage but it still exists. Don’t be fooled, Genji finds ways to take out that bottled up rage in a healthier manner than lashing out at others like he used to but normally does that on his own.
Jack: Angry. He’s so angry all the time, he lashes out so easily at others now even the people he was close to or loved. He has these large stone walls that incircle him. But on his own he just sits in silence reflecting on all the mistakes he made. Trying to figure out how he got here and how he can put an end to it.
Hana: Hana’s entire life is on the grand stage and people thing she’s this KAWAII DESU sort of gamer girl, but D.Va is a persona that she puts on to keep her people at peace about the dangers beyond. On her own, she’s far more serious, a hero complex in the making. Spending 90 percent of her time perfecting combat and the MEKA. She’d rather be prepared than famous.
Hanzo: Hanzo has a very bull headed resistant attitude to anyone that approaches him. But in his private time he refuses to look in the mirror, really against his own reflection because if he stares at it for too long he’ll realize he is the monster everyone says he is.
Soyon: Soyon does not express emotion in similar ways as people, she often has a fox like curiosity when around people, often shaped by the people she spends time with. She only turns feral around the Shimada’s, but she is one of their protectors. Soyon is a woman of very few words both in her own time and among others. She is a bit more sly when on her own though, sometimes smiling for no reason.
Moira: She’s a huge nerd, which is masked by her disdain for humanity and dislike for nearly everyone she works with. Her eye rolls are hard to take seriously when you know she’s rocking out to anime openings and j-pop, to which she knows all the words to and definitely sings to herself when she things no one is around.
BONUS: Echo: Echo is curious, constantly asking questions when she’s around people, often repeating things over and over - not necessarily because she didn’t hear you but becasue she’s saving those words in her data bank. On her own she often practices her impressions where they don’t freak anyone out.
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Tal Pai, Tal Filho
A write-up and discussion on the new Lúcio story revelations, interactions between Lúcio, Symmetra, and Doomfist, and Vishkar’s role in Talon and the larger world of Overwatch, and speculation on Sanjay Korpal
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Mercy: Lúcio, I never realized your father was the one who made Vishkar’s sonic technology! Lúcio: The core tech was his life’s work, owned and patented by Vishkar...but it’s mine now. (Note: in another post, I incorrectly wrote “core tech” as “cortex” whoops)
--- Lúcio: Vishkar’s using you - just like they used my father!  ...You just wait - you’ll see. Symmetra: Your father was a Vishkar employee.  He understood our company’s vision...a shame he never educated you.
Doomfist: Symmetra, I am familiar with your work.  I look forward to seeing it in person. Symmetra: My purpose is to create order.  You are the embodiment of chaos.
Symmetra: Doomfist, you are mistaken - only with order can humanity evolve! Doomfist: Order...chaos... means to an end.
Important to this discussion: a review of the companies and corporations in the world of Overwatch.  A major thematic element in Overwatch’s story - and an increasingly large plot point - is the back-and-forth discussion on if a megacompany or megacorporation can ever truly be ethical (on the large scale), and how their actions affect individuals (for example, Satya Vaswani in Vishkar, or Fareeha Amari in Helix).  Almost every known company and corporation in Overwatch engages in (or is implied to engage in) unethical actions, either for profits or to protect corporate secrets.
The Sombra ARG focused very heavily on LumériCo, and while LumériCo will never be completely “irrelevant” to the plot or world of Overwatch, two other companies - Helix Securities and the Vishkar Corporation - have “taken over” as more active elements in the immediate plot.  Vishkar directly has ties to the Talon organization, through Sanjay Korpal:
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Now, we don’t know if Sanjay is present in Talon for his own personal interests, or if he is “representing” Vishkar in some sort of capacity.  However, he consistently wears his Vishkar uniform, which means he either doesn’t care that other Talon members recognize which company he works for, or his association with Vishkar is more important than a sense of “personal style” (which is...actually saying a lot for a Talon member, lol).
Vishkar has always been a major player in two characters’ lives: Satya Vaswani (Symmetra), who is employed by Vishkar as a “hard light architech” (spelled correctly, lol) and who works directly under Sanjay’s management, and Lúcio Correia dos Santos, a musician-turned-freedom fighter who “stole” the Sonic Amplifier and hard light skates from Vishkar’s new building in Rio de Janeiro and used them to rally members of his neighborhood to drive Vishkar out.
Several massive revelations about Lúcio, Symmetra, Vishkar, and Talon were dropped in the May 22, 2018 update to Overwatch.  You can find the majority of the new voicelines here.
(More under the cut!)
Legacy of Light and Sound
Vishkar is consistently described as a megacorporation, but it is far, far more than that.  On the surface, Vishkar specializes in rapid, advanced construction of large buildings or even whole cities - they use a technology they call “hard light” which can (apparently) weave solid or semi-solid material from light.
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However, what we know from both Symmetra’s Hero Profile and her comic is that hard light technology is extremely difficult to use, and “architech” require advanced training to use it.
Following the Omnic Crisis, the Vishkar Corporation of southern India began the laborious process of creating new, self-sustaining cities to house the nation's displaced population. One such city, Utopaea, was created using radical hard-light technology that enabled its architechs to shape the city's streets, utilities, and living spaces in the blink of an eye.
After she was identified as one of the few capable of becoming a light-bending architech, young Satya Vaswani was plucked from extreme poverty and placed in the care of Vishkar's architech academy, never to return home. Isolated and lonely in her new life, Satya immersed herself in her education and training. She quickly grasped the applications of the technology and was one of the top students in her class. Satya approached hard-light manipulation differently than her peers, with their more procedural, mechanical constructions, instead weaving her constructs in the motions of the traditional dance of her homeland.
However, reading between the lines, we can see that Vishkar is already unethical and outright dangerous here, as they blur the boundaries between education and child labor, and corporate loyalty and potential brainwashing.
Described in Lúcio’s Hero Profile, we learn that Vishkar imposes “control and order” wherever it goes and wherever it builds:
But Lúcio's close-knit community was thrown into chaos when the multinational Vishkar Corporation secured a contract to redevelop large tracts of the city. Lúcio and his neighbors had been told that the development would improve their lives. However, that promise never became a reality. Vishkar imposed controls on the residents in the name of building a more orderly society: enforcing curfews, cracking down on what the company perceived as lawless behavior, and exploiting the populace as a cheap labor force.
Extreme “loyalty”, militant control, unethical exploitation of work, and of course -
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A ruthlessness to destroy all competition, even to the point of harming innocent bystanders.
It is under this intense “corporate culture” that Lúcio’s father worked for Vishkar.
We don’t know when Lúcio’s father began working for the company, though at bare minimum, it had to be after the Omnic Crisis ended.  And until it is canonically stated otherwise, I will interpret Lúcio’s father as also being a Brazilian citizen, and a resident of Rio de Janeiro.  At the very least, Lúcio’s Hero Profile stated that he “grew up” in the city, and loves his community.  However, it is possible that Lúcio’s father either left Rio de Janeiro to live in Utopaea full-time, or that he made frequent trips.  It is also possible that he rarely left the city, and did live with Lúcio while he worked for Vishkar.
Lúcio: Vishkar’s using you - just like they used my father!  ...You just wait - you’ll see. Symmetra: Your father was a Vishkar employee.  He understood our company’s vision...a shame he never educated you.
At the very least, it sounds like Lúcio feels like Vishkar used - and then possibly abandoned - his father, while taking credit for his father’s work.  He also believes that Vishkar will abandon employees or workers when it no longer finds them useful.  Symmetra, meanwhile, states that Lúcio’s father knew the company’s values and visions, lowkey implying that he knew what he was getting into and what sacrifices he would have to make (much like her own, perhaps?) to uphold those.
Again, it is a question of loyalty and commitment to the company versus brainwashing or intellectual theft, as well as who deserves “the recognition” for “doing the real work” - a parallel we see consistently across the Overwatch universe (from Overwatch and Blackwatch, to scientific experimentation and ethics, to Omnics and robotics, even to Talon itself).
Lúcio is clearly in favor of crediting “the individual” over “the collective” (which is interesting, considering how he is also extremely community-oriented), or perhaps it would be better stated as he values individual agency and recognition of that, especially when it is willingly used for a greater good (again, an interesting point considering that Symmetra believes she is doing exactly that).  He appears to believe that his father’s work is being misused, and therefore, he is in the right for “reclaiming it” for himself.
Mercy: Lúcio, I never realized your father was the one who made Vishkar’s sonic technology! Lúcio: The core tech was his life’s work, owned and patented by Vishkar...but it’s mine now.
Important in Lúcio’s Hero Profile is the implication that his father’s work is being abused in a way his father would not have wanted (or did not design it for):
Lúcio wouldn't stand for it. He stole Vishkar sonic technology that had been used to suppress the people, and he converted it into a tool to rally them to action.
We have seen this concept of an “inherited legacy” several times in Overwatch: arguably, it is one of the more important thematic elements.
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(Excerpt from “A Clash of Kings” and the discussion on “legacies”)
From Ana to Pharah and Widowmaker, to Torbjörn and Brigitte and Bastion, to Sojiro and Hanzo and Genji, to “The Savior” Doomfist to “The Scourge” and “The Successor”:
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Arguably, even to Jack Morrison and Winston and Tracer:
Soldier: 76: Think you can do my job, do you...?
Winston: Someone has to.
Inherited “legacies” versus “true legacies” is a recurring motif, and Lúcio and Symmetra add a new “plotline” to it for us to consider:
Who is the one who “truly” inherits the legacy of light and sound?
Satya Vaswani is talented, accomplished, and innovative in her ability to weave hard light.  Arguably, she is an “artist”, a master of her trade, just like Torb and Brigitte in engineering, or Ana and Widowmaker in sniping.  For the time being, Symmetra embodies Vishkar’s “public” vision: a world where order is aligned, perfectly symmetrical, everything in its place.
If there is anyone who is going to “perfect” hard light technology and all its potential, it is her.
Synesthesia is a perceptual phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway. People who report a lifelong history of such experiences are known as synesthetes.
Another common form of synesthesia is the association of sounds with colors. For some, everyday sounds such as doors opening, cars honking, or people talking can trigger seeing colors. For others, colors are triggered when musical notes or keys are being played. People with synesthesia related to music may also have perfect pitch because their ability to see/hear colors aids them in identifying notes or keys.
(Source: Wikipedia page on Synesthesia)
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“Synaesthesia Auditiva” directly translates to “Auditory Synesthesia” in English.
In an in-universe article, Lúcio describes his work:
Synaesthesia's positive early reception has delighted Lúcio, but he's even more interested in what people will think of his tour. "I've spent two years working on new technology for the show. It'll bring the music to life. You're going to do more than just listen to it," Lúcio said. "You're going to feel it. See it."
While it has never been officially confirmed in canon, it is implied that Lúcio is a synesthete - specifically, that he has chromesthesia, or a version where he can “see sounds” and “hear colors” (though many synesthetes will say that making a distinction between the two is effectively impossible, as their sensory perception of both is immediately linked).
This raises a few very important questions:
Why was an employee of Vishkar (a company specializing in light technology) working on sonic - sound-based - technology?
And what did he hope to accomplish with it?
Was it specifically for Vishkar to use?
Or was he working on it for a more...personal legacy?
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For his son, who could see music and hear light?
Mercy: Lúcio, I never realized your father was the one who made Vishkar’s sonic technology! Lúcio: The core tech was his life’s work, owned and patented by Vishkar...but it’s mine now.
Lúcio’s synesthesia and his knowledge of his father’s core technology could potentially explain why someone without extensive “architech training” is able to use the hard light skates and Sonic Amplifier in a relatively short time after “acquiring” them.
Symmetra believes that she and Lúcio’s father represented Vishkar’s vision.
But Lúcio
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Represents “light” itself.
Arguably, Lúcio does not “see” a difference between light and sound, and similarly, he does not “see” a distinction between his father’s work and his father’s legacy.  In fact, I think it is very interesting that Vishkar’s biggest “threat” to their “vision” isn’t Overwatch, or Blackwatch, or Talon, or anything else.
It is an artist who can “see” them for what they really are.
And who has the ability and perception to use their “tools” against them.
Not only does the revelation about Lúcio’s father tie him closer to Vishkar on a personal level, but it also brings him much closer to the main “plot” of Overwatch.  As one of the few people - or perhaps the only person - capable of fighting Vishkar on “asymmetric” terms (a massive corporation versus a community rallied by a single hero), Lúcio’s abilities, perceptions, and his innate power could potentially make him a great “player” against Vishkar’s vision.
And against Talon’s.
Visions of (Dis)Order
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Again, we don’t know for certain if Sanjay is in Talon as a representative of Vishkar, or if he is there for his own personal reasons, but in “A Better World” he espouses an ideology that is...extreme, to put it “lightly.”
Sanjay argues that “the greater order” is all that matters, that if destruction and chaos are means to producing “rebirth and growth,” then using them as tools to that end is acceptable - a concept which Satya finds...disconcerting.
Initially, this ideology and vision for the world appeared at odds with Akande’s, whose mantra is “Only through conflict do we evolve.”
After all, Akande’s “grander vision” involves pushing the world towards a global conflict which will force humanity to “rise or die.”
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Ages ago - before the “Masquerade” comic came out, actually - I wrote an essay that argued that “Doomfist” was not merely a “title” handed down from gauntlet-bearer to gauntlet-bearer.  Instead, it represented a lineage.
A legacy.
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Now, this is something I wanted to elaborate on in another essay, but it is extremely relevant to this discussion on Lúcio and legacies.
Akande is a male Yoruba name meaning "firstborn." Ogun is a Yoruba god of war and metalwork, and dimu is Yoruba for "grasping." Akande Ogundimu can therefore be roughly translated as, "heir to the god who grasps iron and war," likely referring to his role as Akinjide Adeyemi's successor.
Akande’s name and his title, “The Successor”, appear to refer to him as the inheritor of Akinjide’s (The Scourge’s) legacy.  And of course, described above, Akinjide’s name implies his royality, his regality.
But is that the “legacy” Akande wants?
Soon after the events of “Retribution”, we see that Akande squares off against Akinjide:
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And - like Lúcio - this leads to an interesting question:
Who is the “Doomfist” who truly inherited the “legacy” of the first (“The Savior”) - Akinjide, a man who was “content to profit from raids on Numbani”, or Akande, a “commander” to saw a much greater potential - a grander vision - for Talon?
...And for the world?
Adeyemi was a useful asset to Talon, but the organization saw far greater potential in Ogundimu, with his intelligence and his ability to inspire as a commander. While Adeyemi was content to profit from raids on Numbani, Ogundimu had a grander vision. This difference in aspiration would lead Ogundimu to kill his teacher and take on the mantle of Doomfist, along with the eponymous gauntlet.
It was Akande.
It is not a coincidence that his Hero Profile has language that mirrors Sanjay’s dialogue in “A Better World.”
After all, Sanjay believes in Akande’s vision.
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(Or he does for now, at least.)
And that makes one of the new Doomfist-Symmetra lines very important:
Symmetra: Doomfist, you are mistaken - only with order can humanity evolve! Doomfist: Order...chaos... means to an end.
For the first time, Akande has expressed that - if he had to - he would use “order” (just as he uses “chaos” and “conflict”) as a means to an end: to create war, and to simulate the development of human technology and “progress” however he needs to.  We can see very clearly how Akande and Sanjay can, in fact, share the same “vision”, where one of them “creates chaos” while the other can “impose order” to push-and-pull the future of the world towards their goals.  Talon acts as a destabilizing and conflicting agent, creating chaos and disorder, and Vishkar can sweep in to pick up the pieces and rearrange them into a new “order,” one that is very rigid, controlled, and oppressive.
But there’s possibly another element to it.
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Oh man.
Y’all don’t even know how excited I am to have it confirmed that the tech developed by Lúcio’s father was held by Vishkar before he reclaimed it.
In fact, I really thought I was going to have to hypothesize and argue tooth and nail for the “the Assassin uses hard light technology” theory.
But then these interactions came out and I’m ready.
“Assassin”: Like the enforcers, Talon’s assassins possess enhanced speed, stealth, and balance and have proven extremely elusive, as their movements are near impossible to track.
You remember those essay drafts I said I wasn’t very happy with?  Well, I already had most of this written.
The Assassin (gif of the Assassin gameplay: https://gfycat.com/LongGleefulBullfrog)
(We’re getting deep into speculation territory here.  Super deep.  Remember, I can only provide you the evidence that we currently have and help argue about hypothetical conclusions here - these can easily be confirmed or denied by later story revelations.)
I know a lot of people were confused by my “quick remark” that the Talon Assassin uses Blink/Recall.  A lot of people argued (reasonably, in my opinion) that the Assassin has more in common with Genji: a “dash”, along with wall-climb, “blades,” and a very “ninja-like” stance, posture, and figure.  I agree that the Assassin being a highly-trained cyborg, possibly based on Genji’s cybernetics, is actually very plausible.
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Originally, I wrote that I thought the Assassin might have been using a variation of “Blink/Recall” - a prototype of teleporting technology which Vishkar could have supplied Talon (and one that was too “experimental” because it hurt the Assassin to use).
However, a more...intriguing hypothesis (to me at least) is that the Assassin uses a different sort of technology:
One which has the ability to make strong, “glasslike” material objects
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Which also has the ability to teleport
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Which also has the ability to wall “climb”.  
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When a Korean hacker managed to “unlock” the Assassin and use the character/model in actual gameplay, the “teleporting” ability isn’t present - but neither is “Genji’s dash.”
https://youtu.be/pQxvSjeYtfk?t=31 (time: 30 seconds)
In fact, what was “playable” was a character/model who appeared to move at a high “speed” and could easily cling to or “ride” walls.
Now, it’s hard to say how canon the gameplay is.  And the hacked Assassin “hero” barely seems to function as a fully-playable character.  Her title and her “blades” make her much more comparable to Genji than Lúcio, so I won’t disregard the argument that she’s meant to be more like him, a cyborg ninja, than Lúcio, a musician-freedom-fighter.
However, now that we know that Lúcio is intimately tied to a branch of Vishkar’s technology - one which is all about speed, sound, and light - and that Lúcio’s father directly contributed to the core technology that enabled his Sonic Amplifier and hard light skates, it seems significantly more plausible that the same technology made the Assassin.  Though we do not know for certain that Sanjay Korpal was a part of Talon at the time of Retribution, there are names “redacted” on one of the memos still.
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It is also important that - following the event of Retribution - Overwatch investigates an “active threat” in Rio de Janeiro, years before Vishkar formally “moves in” to the city.
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We know from Moira’s Origin Video that Overwatch would investigate scientists and engineers that in considered unethical.
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If Overwatch traced parts of Talon’s equipment and technology to Lúcio’s father (who may or may not have had any idea of how his tech was being used by Vishkar > Sanjay > Talon), then yes, it seems plausible that they were investigating him and his work.  We also know that the man who embodied Overwatch itself has a deep distrust of companies and corporations, even in the present-day story:
Soldier: 76: I wanna know what LumériCo's been up to.
Also in the present-day story, Sombra - another character who appears to distrust and dislike corporations - has linked LumériCo to:
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And if you buy the theory that Sombra and Reaper are working together to infiltrate Talon, that makes the fact that they both know how corrupt Sanjay is, and how he might have misused and weaponized a technology that was supposed to help people with light and sound...
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It makes their role in Talon that much more interesting.
Where will Lúcio go?  What will he do?  What will he accomplish?  He is very clearly sympathetic towards characters like Winston, Tracer, Orisa, and D.Va - “heroic” characters who are fighting for justice and hope - but if Sombra holds information that Lúcio is interested in (his father’s work, Vishkar’s unethical decisions, Sanjay’s corruption), what could she persuade him to do?  
And...what could she “reveal” to Symmetra?
Could she change her mind the way she did with Zarya?
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But more than Sombra influencing other characters - 
What will happen when Symmetra finds out that her illusions aren’t real?
Doomfist: Symmetra, I am familiar with your work.  I look forward to seeing it in person. Symmetra: My purpose is to create order.  You are the embodiment of chaos.
What will she do when she realizes the legacy she thought she was embodying is a lie?
There are so many possible different directions for this plotline to take - all of them very exciting and very intriguing.  Lúcio and Symmetra are being woven deeper into the core story of Overwatch, and the decisions they will make in the future could have profound repercussions.  It’s not necessarily about who is “right” and who is “wrong,” but rather a discussion of...perception.
That is...
Unless another character decides to take matters into his own hands.
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He could step out of the shadows
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And into the spotlight.
And with Symmetra getting a major gameplay rework in the near future, it might be time to explore what else hard light technology - and hard light tech users - are capable of doing.
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pensola · 7 years
Saga loves hiking in the mountains, and traveling in general.
Kim calls Saga “mamsen”, while she calls Ragnhild “mamma”.
Saga’s biggest weakness in photography is portraits. She is used to take pictures on-the-go and without warning. Having to direct people and find the right position and lighting feels awkward for her.
There are not many pictures of Saga and Kim together from when Kim was a child, because Kim got the habit of refusing to be photographed unless Saga was behind the camera.
Saga has studied law over the years to feel safer about her work, knowing what is legal and what can technically be legal if done or worded right.
She has a chunk of the upper part of her left ear missing, looking like a hole. Many think it is from a bullet because of her work, but she actually woke up with it after a crazy weekend of drinking when she was 30. She still has no idea how she got it, but is too embarassed to say it.
Asside from Norwegian, Sami and English, Saga speaks some Spanish, Swiss-German and Chinese. Spanish from her high school, Swiss-German over the years she lived in Switzerland, and Chinese because she figured it could be helpful since she had to travel all over the world.
Saga likes to cook plain and boring food that is quick and easy to make. She doesn’t mind eating complicated or spiced meals, but she feels it’s a waste of time to make herself when she can be nourished by simpler, cheaper food.
If she had to choose between never having to sleep or never having to eat, she’d choose never having to eat.
She doesn’t like to admit it, but she loves to read comments about herself and her articles both on her own website and on various forums. It is a way for her to remember what she has done and what she does have meaning. She never replies or comments back, though.
She sleeps in on Sundays and doesn’t work until 12AM.
Here are also more voice lines that Saga would say in-game, since that could help humanize her too, I guess?
Interactions with Allies:
Torbjörn: I never thought I would be fighting side by side with a Norwegian. Saga: What about side by side with a-... Ugh, no, I don’t want to say it.
Torbjörn: At least, we CAN agree that we’re better off than those darn Danes. Saga: *laughs* Right you are, Torbjörn. Screw them.
Saga: Morri- Hmm, Soldier: 76, is it true that you KNEW about Overwatch’s dark side and did NOTHING? Soldier: 76: They didn’t exactly promote me to do what I wanted.
Soldier: 76: You’re trying to look for truth where there is none, what makes you think you make a flick of difference? Saga: If you ask me, I’ll ask you.
Saga: Angela Ziegler, what do you feel about the accusations that your work can be considered unethical and inhumane? Mercy: All I want is to save lives as best I can. What could be wrong with that?
Saga: Zenyatta, don’t you think it is insensitive to be a fighting omnic with the second Omnic Crisis around the corner? The past is not that easily forgotten. Zenyatta: The people I protect far outweight possible consequences based on memories and fear. For a better world, we need to move beyond our past.
Saga: If another God Program activates, it can take over normal omnics with no warning. Don’t you see that is reason for humans to worry? Zenyatta: Not as much as omnics worry.
Saga: Mako Rutlegde, is it TRUE that you lead the Australian rebellion and caused the Outbacks to become a toxic wasteland? Roadhog: *growls threateningly*
Saga: Lúcio dos Santos, DJ, musician and famed savior of Rio de Janeiro! I have SO many questions! Lúcio: Sure, but let us save them to after the mission! I’d be happy to answer them when we’re safe and sound.
Winston: You went against your job by openly criticizing Overwatch, why are you on our side now? Do you regret your actions? Saga: The truth at the time was that Overwatch had become corrupted and overstepped human rights.The truth today is that the world needs heroes working together. There is nothing more to it.
Saga: Reaper, just what was it that made you a spree-killing psychopath targetting former Overwatch agents? Reaper: You should ask the actual psychopath about that.
Saga: Satya Vaswani, alias Symmetra, do you have any idea what the Vishkar Corporation is doing to people they claim to help around the world? Symmetra: No commments.
Ana: Your camera is certainly old, it looks before my time. Won’t the light give up your position and make enemies aware of you? Saga: Who says that wasn’t my intention?
Winston: You and Olympia Shaw from Atlas News seem to have a lot in common. Ever met her? Saga: I wish, but no. Her reports of your resurgence turned my view on Overwatch, and I would like to thank her for that.
Sombra: You know, I’m sure we could do amazing things together. Saga: I don’t want ANYTHING to do with you.
Sombra: What is really the difference between us two? We both seek knowledge, after all. Saga: The difference is that I’m fighting to reveal the truth to people for the right thing, and you are cheating and destroying lives to gain knowledge for yourself.
Doomfist: It has been a long time, Mrs. Sara. Saga: Not long enough, Ogundimu.
Receiving Things Lines:
Armour: “Takk som byr!” (Thanks for the offering!”)
Healing: Feels great, thanks!
Nano Boost: Scoop of the year, here I come!
Quickwheel Lines:
Hello! / Hei! / Heisann!
Thank you! / Takk! / Takker!
Understood. / Forstått. / OK. / Ikke no’ problem. (No problem.)
I need healing / Need some bandaids over here!
Respawn Lines:
“Arbeidet adler mennesket” (”Work honours the person”, proverb)
“Etterpå er hvermann klok.” (”Afterwards, everyone is wise”, proverb about hindsight)
“Oh well, in a hundred years it’s all forgotten. ...Hopefully.”
*in a teasing voice* “Ris gjør ungen vis.” (”Spanking wisens the child”, proverb)
(killed with Sightsee active) “I will never forget the one that got away.”
Hero-change to Saga: “Saga is on the scene, reporting live!”
Map-Specific Lines:
Temple of Anubis: “Den som ikke i hete vil svette, får i kulde sulte.” (”Those who do not want to sweat in the heat, shall hunger in the cold”, proverb)
Temple of Anubis: “It is hard to trust Omnics when you know there is a God Program that could make them suddenly change side with no warning.”
Oasis: “This. Is. The. Worst. I am sweating a waterfall here and they won’t even let me keep any of my pictures when I leave. What am I DOING here?”
Volskaya Industries: “Better badly dressed than naked, I guess.”
Numbani: “This city is an ideal, but everything casts a shadow.”
Junkertown: “Huh, this place has improved a lot since last time I was here. That’s kind of sad.
Battle Lines:
Solo-eliminating an enemy: “Den som vil være med på leken, må tåle steken.” (”If you want to join the game, you have to handle the pain./No pain, no gain.”
Thirty seconds left: “A good day is never too late! Let us do this!” / “Better to die standing, than live kneeling! Let’s keep this going!”
Destroying enemy turret: *mockingly* “MAI TUHREHT! Buuhuuu! *nonchalant* Anyway enemy turret’s gone.”
Killing your killer: “You never live long enough to leave grudgeless.”
Killing Torbjörn: “Have you heard that joke about the Swede that died?”
Killing Soldier: 76/Reaper: “Now, Overwatch can start anew.”
Seeing allied Lúcio killed: “And the world lost a great hero that day.”
When shocked by Winston: “Au, au, au, au, au!”
Ability Lines:
Using Sightsee: “Ah, just a sec I want to ask you something!” Using Sightsee on Soldier:76: “I’ve got you in my sight!” Killing Sightsee target: “Thanks for the interview, see you again never!” Ally kills Sightsee target: “I’ll make sure to mention you in the article!” Sightsee target suicides: “Oh, I’ll... write the eulogy, I guess.”
Using Emergency: “Here’s some stuff, come get it.” / *imitating Tobjörn* “Come getcher bandies!” / “Come over here for healing!”
Ultimate Line:
Allies: “Picture time, everyone! ...Smile!”
Enemies: *singing* “Smil til the skulte... kamera!” (”Smile to the hidden... camera!”, the intro of an old Norwegian hidden camera show)
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doomfist-speaks · 6 years
“I am not your Savior.”
To think that the Doomfist Gauntlet to bring down a skyscraper. That had made joining Akinjinde’s crew so appealing, after all. Watching him level buildings as Talon agents scoured banks and markets. To feel unstoppable...Akande was sure encouraged joy and pride in equal measures. 
The dust had just cleared from the rubble, crowds of people mangling their skin over the rocks just to flee the sight of the Scourge. Akande approached him, the bloodlust and eagerness still overwhelming the poor creature. “Antonio is dead.” Akande told him, feigning shock and fear. 
The Scourge raised his head, occupied with cornering several civilians. “And?” Akinjinde replied, striding towards him. “This is no place for this discussion. Be sure the loot is secure!” Akande snarled, “The loot is gone, Scourge! Our men have been driven out of the bank!” 
“Then we retreat,” Akinjiinde yells back, “Find another weakness later!” Akande steps forward again, feeling power and strength surge through him. “They know these tricks, Doomfist. They waited for us to strike again. You’ve made us weak by attacking Numbani...again and again!” 
The Scourge’s face seemed to drop, his expression fraught. “What are you doing, Akande?” He raised the Doomfist, intent clear through his eyes. “You dare challenge me here!?” Akinjinde’s footsteps disrupted the rubble, the Doomfist priming as he charged Akande. 
His right hand the spear, his left hand the shield, Akande took his Dambe stance. The shield went for the Scourge’s striking arm, redirecting the massive club-like fist pumping at him. His lead leg pushed down on his opponent’s leg, disrupting the steadiness of his mentor’s strike. He was suddenly in the ring, a familiar adrenaline suddenly rushing into his ears. 
An imaginary crowd was cheering for him, even as Akinjinde got up and continued his assault. “OGUNDIMU!” They roared, their voices crescendoing as Akande batted around the enraged fool with ease. His enhanced right arm, nowhere near the strength of the gauntlet, was easily capable of deploying blow after blow into his opponent’s frame. 
The civilians watched as an unnamed Talon soldier took the Doomfist’s arm in his right leg...and snapped it with a flex of his muscles. Their features were motionless as that same soldier took hold of the Doomfist gauntlet and ended the Scourge; a triumphant smash into the earth that spread dust into the air and Akinjinde’s insides into Numbani’s soil. 
Akande awoke from his battlelust to cheers, sobbing of relief. Other Talon agents seemed frightened at the new change in leadership. The new Doomfist experimented with the gauntlet, testing it as it began sensing it’s new master. His eyes gazed to the civilians, suddenly his voice commanding them to turn their rifles at them. “B-but you...you!” They cried out, Doomfist shaking his head as his men opened fire. 
“I am not your Savior.”
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jisatsu-tai · 3 years
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07 . a kiss on both cheeks as a greeting - For Akande - @danseher​
She had been away for a while. Work had pulled them in different directions and that was always how it would be, wouldn’t it? The job always came first. But he waited for her, as she came back for a mission and reported back to him from where she had been. She looked cold, and not in the ironic way, but the tension in her shoulders. He put his hands up to cup her face, warm it with his hands though he was sure she’d never retain it.
                          “How was your flight?” he muttered.
Softly into sides of her cheek as he kissed one, and then the other, in greeting. Taking her hands to lead him toward the fire that was roaring in his office. The shark tank illuminating most of the office aside the fire.
                    “Tell me what you found...”
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jisatsu-tai · 3 years
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