#dorohedoro ask
surelysilly · 6 months
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i was reading about Klarion the witch boy.... for reasons... and something said he came to Earth specifically to harass humans... so... yeah...
i wanted to give him a very serious and cool mask like some of the ones in Dorohedoro but... this was funnier.
the devil knew exactly what she was doing.
Danny: Ok... Let me get this straight... You're from an alternative reality where devils make masks for magic users and you're just here to be annoying... culturally...? (No joke?)
Klarion: Yes. (Heh.)
Danny: (Wha...) ... Can you show me? (Are you lying?)
Klarion: The sheer awe of my greatness may stun you. (No.)
Danny: (...) I'll be fine. *squints*
Klarion: Very well. (uwu)
Klarion: Behold. (Impressed?)
Danny, stunned, dying laughing internally: (OMG.) O-Oh. (He's serious.)
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ghoooooooooooooooost · 7 months
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passionpeachy · 6 months
are you excited for dorohedoro
no. honestly I really don’t give a fuck what even is a dorohedoro
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luckyjorabbit · 2 years
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old habit
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whoishotteranimepolls · 7 months
ngl i'm a little disappointed that this is the poll senshi is losing in.
i love me a big lady but the artist in me looks at that screencap and is wondering what's wrong with her proportions? her arms look off bent like that, her head is so tiny, and why does her lower torso look unfinished?
it feels like people are voting for her just because they're tired of senshi winning rather than because they think his competitor is hotter.
noi deserves better.
Art major here. Totally understand what you're saying. Because this is the panel they're trying to replicate
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But this is how it looks in animation something's off proportionally, don't quite know what it is it could also be a deliberate stylistic choice and I need to watch the anime to understand.
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And this anime is handled by mappa and everyone knows they know how to make beautiful animation despite everything that we now know is happening behind the scenes so I don't know what's going on. My friend thinks it's because it's a Netflix anime. So the studio had all the veteran animators who knew what they were doing working on the last season of Attack on Titan and Jujutsu Kaisen season 1. So the studio was already very busy and Dorohedoro the 13 episode Netflix anime was probably very low on the priority list. There is also a chance in the middle of making Dorohedoro the production of Vinland Saga season 2 probably would have started so that pulled even more resources away. That's probably what happened is what I'm guessing. Hopefully everyone now understands why those poor animators are complaining. They're overworked. This was their release schedule for 2020 early 2021 they were busy. It's only gotten worse since then.
And I'm not saying Noi is ugly. She just looks better in that manga panel and I really can't find good photos of her from the anime that are not blurry. Other than that one. Please don't come at me. I am going to watch that anime because of how many times she has been requested for these polls.
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turndecassette2 · 5 months
I do remember those magic knight people! Every once in a while I go back on your blog to try to track down those drawings because I like them and the concept in the description so much. I would love to hear more about them. Do you have a story planned out?
yeah, vaguely. so for the cosmology; there's this dystopian city I desperately need to draw a map of built above the fossilised remains of an ancient hell. the city mines the hell for 'hell-flesh', a semi-sentient magical substance that's kind of the physical container of the souls of the damned. I suppose this is like fantasy rare earths for fantasy compute or w/e. this has been going on for a while and the city is, kiruna-style, gradually falling down the pit. also as more of the hell is laid bare, semi-autonomous demonic creatures are let loose, maybe as a kind of immune response against human incursion.
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(imagining this sort of thing + branching passages. but in the middle of an italian intra-feuding city-state w a population ca modern day singapore)
a kind of grid of bridges and fortresses has been built above the pit to protect the fancier, upper parts of the city from the decaying/descending bits below. the lower city is mostly miners etc & due to the fucked up mutagenic influence of living near a hell & touching hell stuff all day the people in the upper city treat them with suspicion. there's a 'join the US navy-army-whatever to get health insurance & education & basic human dignity' or like french foreign legion situation where by joining the elite magic army manning the little fortresses, ppl from the lower city can gain some access to the upper. in the reverse I guess for the upper city ppl it functions a bit like 'the wall' in asoiaf where criminals, noble bastards etc go to maybe redeem themselves or die horribly.
the fire magic used by the guards to fight demons etc is derived from the burning corpse of a god that is said to have been there since before the founding of the city (presumably the entity responsible for the hell situation in the first place). by swearing fealty to this dead(-ish) god one gets the ability to summon his divine flame but you forfeit your chance at an afterlife, or maybe you go to hell (no-one is quite sure). everyone kind of assumes once the body is fully burned the god will return/reincarnate (and either save or destroy the city, depending on who you ask).
the politics part; at its founding the city was part of some empire that has since collapsed (pretty recently). the city is dependent on trade to stay viable/fed and to appease the new warring states/mini-empires that have sprung up around it. the current ruler is a reclusive young queen & she has her favourite lord/advisor, an ageing academic who is sort of trying to liberalise the place or make it superficially less fashy. other lords dislike this & are working to either find her a proper king or hasten the return of some deity or other that will return the place to its former glory.
I guess the story? has this noble child bastard protagonist from a shady family* of word-mages who is sent to the 'centre' fortress & works her way up to become the apprentice of some hero-knight demon slayer guy with a possibly shady past (I think rn the name I have for the guy is Chaimé & idk if this is a good name? like the spanish jaime but w more e, & the tiny bastard is Myia I think). I imagine her being the sasuke to a happier, more popular girl who saves her from a demon (embarrassing) then is outed as a half-demon herself (she's the redhead in the drawings) & Myia warms up to her as she (demon girl) becomes increasingly isolated from the outside city (being supposedly dangerous or too powerful? I don't think Myia has much natural magic or w/e in her aside from being a nerd & very persistent).
sorry there's a lot here that would be SPOILERS if I ever actually made this into something coherent enough to be an actual comic ha ha. the knight/mentor guy gets dragged into a kind of fantasy 'business plot' & I guess part of that would be like, seeing to what extent he goes along with it & if he's actually a good person ha ha. + there's a bunch of other characters w stuff going on that I haven't figured out the looks of yet but. they're important in my head. the big bear-ish bf guy who gets sent on an expedition down the pit etc
* I have a distinct image of these people living hidden away in some gormenghast-style estate. they've habsburged themselves into being mostly deaf but the only ones around who can fully read/write the divine language that lets them do word-based magic & the other houses kind of have to put up w their weirdness. also scheming nobles in dune using sign language is 1 of my favourite things in the new film adaption & I like the idea of outsiders being forced to learn to sign (or else being cut-off from higher level magic) as some sort of power move? I don't think they involve themselves that much in politics since that's below them but are def part of the 'bring the gods back' thing, for better or worse. anyway after 'avas demon' (GUILTY PLEASURE I know it has such pretty colours but comes from such an unhinged part of the internet, will never stop apologising for this) started posting again I realised it had a character w the same look & vibe so will try and re-design protag girl to look more like this cute person I saw in a fashion post on IG
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... let's see how this goes. came up w all this BS after some viz lady at comicon asked me if I wanted to make them a manga but it's grown from being too little to being too unwieldy to pitch. will see after I finish up my current projects. how much blood, swearing & genocide can a story have before it stops being YA. I think chainsaw man is sort of YA but dorohedoro isn't
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salsayz · 9 months
Since you've drawn nikaido, have you drawn best girl noi?
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up until now i've only drawn nikaido bc i'm nikaido obsessed alksjfl but here is a noi!! whipped her right up bc she truly is the best girl. I want to draw ebisu at some point tooo, i'm thinking of making stickers!
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nomgeonmunchie · 28 days
The gyoza fairy from dorohedoro?
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turkey from dorohedoro is transgender (canon)
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submitted by anonymous
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starrysharks · 10 months
thoughts on dorehedoro ??
they should release season 2 of the anime methinks
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jack-crow-lantern · 2 months
Silly Game Time: Who are some of your favorite reptile characters? And what do you like about them?
They could be fully a real reptile (snakes, lizards, crocodilians--heck I'll even let you include amphibians like frogs, toads, newts, and salamanders if you want), partially reptile (like naga a partially humans and dragons are partually anything else), humanoid from fantasy or sci-fi (kobolds or silurians, etc.), or something else entirely. All that matters is that they're reptilain or reptoid.
helloooo :3
Kaiman from Dorohedoro
Kaiman is just an all around silly guy. I respect his love for gyoza.
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Falin from Dungeon Meshi
It’s Falin. Do I have to say anything more??
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Just look at her.
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codegayass · 2 years
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❤️🍄 my mushroom catdog and me 🍄❤️
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yandere-daydreams · 1 year
Not that anon but personally I don't care about lore unless it's actually important to the fic and confusing me. I always look up character names to see if they're hot though.
truly there is no worse feeling than watching a writer you really like get super obsessed with a character you're unfamiliar with, reading their fics with that character because you blindly trust their taste, then looking that character up and quickly realizing that you've been reading smut about a fried egg of a man for weeks. it's like the fanfic version of having the 'if he makes you happy ig :|' conversation with your straight friends.
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passionpeachy · 5 months
thankyou for using your platform for a good cause by spreading awareness (abt dorohedoro s2)
Just wait till it actually releases I’m going to be so annoying.
(actually surprised it’s not more popular on tumblr? twitter was melting down when season 2 got announced)
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kzzd · 2 years
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dustail · 1 year
kaiman 🤝 nikaido
he/she pronouns we’re so right for this
it's literally so canon to me
nikaido: so..... what're ur pronouns
kaiman, was a headless corpse 5 mins ago: idk man .......... what are yours?
nikaido: he/she
kaiman: he/she
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