#dos2 stuff
dorianpavus · 1 year
help friends i'm choosing my dos2 romance at long last. no spoilers but should it be
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DOS2 fandom, show me your Godwoken? Tell me about your Godwoken? (For example:) Who are they? What is their damage? What do they look like? Are there any differences between their in-game model and how you imagine them? What is their fighting style? Who do they love and why? Anything else you'd like to share about them?
Everyone who sees this post, consider yourself invited. And feel free to tag your friends if you'd like.
@flower-khajiit, @divinityiswasted
Just do it. This is a threat.
EDIT: Also, there's no time limit on this thing. I don't care if you find it years later. Always happy to see some blorbos - show me.
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starfish-comics · 6 months
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Boy did this one go downhill fast...
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merrinla · 5 months
So true 🥲
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predninja · 2 months
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A bony lap Medhra would have no other
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blackwallmancer · 5 months
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Tiny DOS2 Ifan amigurumi be upon ye
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sweatandwoe · 1 year
everytime I think Larian doesn't have me by the coochie, they pull out some undead guy and I'm just dragged back in
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Didn’t expect to finish DOS2 today, but I did and now feel utterly emotionally drained…
Wanted to finally share with you my Sebille from my last year’s drafts
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oceanatydes · 5 months
i just finished dos2 and it was such an excellent game but what the hell was the red prince's epilogue scene??
he had so much character growth at the end, going so far as to give up what arguably was his birthright to be a god amongst men (aka lizards) and ruling to mc and trusting them as the new divine
then he turns around and says lol be my slave like what the hell?? where was the character progression?? the romantic acknowledgement that he literally tells mc he loves them?? what was that??
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plushchimera · 1 year
huh I sure do plan to play a lot of casters for someone who is using a fraction of available spells ^_^; 
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dorianpavus · 1 year
Have you ever played Divinity: Original Sin 2? (It's on sale rn) And if yes, what's it like? One of my friends says it's basically the same as Baldur's Gate 3 (+ same developer). :)
omg yes!!!! i LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE dos2 (actually i'm still playing it for the first time lmao but i'm already over 100 hours in it). it's an incredible game for many reasons, and many of the things i love about bg3 are just as celebrated in dos2.
like... there's so much depth to the world. if there's an npc, you can talk to them, they're not there just to be a faceless body in a crowd. and they won't just say, like "hi there" or "move along" or something, they'll actually have something interesting to say, or are tied to a quest. they matter. they bring life to the world. there's nothing that's put into the world that doesn't have a purpose. exploration is heavily rewarded, and just like in bg3, there's little secrets tucked away if you look carefully.
combat is definitely harder than i'm used to video games being (on their equivalent of normal difficulty). especially when i first started and was figuring out the mechanics, which luckily aren't too different from bg3 (as i was playing it became very obvious to me that they were the perfect studio to take on baldur's gate haha). the number of times i accidentally killed a companion by healing an undead or someone with the decay status... 😭 i've tpk'd multiple times and have had to reload. which i NEVER have to do when i play games on normal lol.
that said, it's SUPER SUPER FUN. tons of different ways you can build out characters, and the plot does have some early game similarities to bg3 lol. and just like bg3, you can mercifully save during combat. i'd say the biggest difference to bg3 is that the companions have less to say and feel less present. they're still there, and they have personal quests, but companions in bg3 feel like a much more vibrant and vital part of the game and world. that doesn't mean that the companions aren't still fun, though!
tl;dr bg3 basically takes what dos2 does and does it bigger, with more adherence to 5e dnd rules. so if you enjoy bg3, ABSOLUTELY give dos2 a go!!!! i hope you have fun!!! 😊💖💖💖
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emburbaguette · 1 year
That moment you go from knowing almost nothing about Baldur’s Gate 3 to almost everything bc they finally confirmed the Dragonborn race
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melancholia-ennui · 6 days
DOS2 Commander: Divine Majesty—Reveal and Review
Divine Majesty is one of four new Commander decks released as part of Magic: The Gathering's Larian Studios cross-over Universes Beyond Commander: Divinity Original Sin 2. This precon comes packed with tempting reprints and an interesting strategic mix of aggressive combat-oriented creature strats mixed with a light stax theme which will deprive your opponents of the resources they need to keep up with your aggressive game plan. But how well do these two sides of the deck play together—and is it worth the $40 price tag this deck is commanding at most local gamestores? That's what we're here to find out.
The next instalment in my custom MTG series, this time introducing the Divine Majesty deck in more detail. I have definitely improved markedly as a designer since some of these designs were first made, but it's fun to look back on what I was doing a couple of months ago and I did enjoy the task of writing in the "review" style.
With how long this took to put together, I would not expect the next instalment anytime soon, but I do hope to work through all four of the decks eventually!
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astrxealis · 4 months
final fantasy xiv. dragon age. uhhh elden ring. top 3 current obsessions ^___^
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i've been thoroughly enjoying my time with Divinity Original Sin: Enhanced Edition (all its rampant misogyny and mediocre writing aside) so i decided to check out the manual for Divinity Original Sin 2 to see what i have to look forward to and jesus fucking christ, we have lost SO MUCH in the art of the game manual, because why is this manual like completely fucking empty. like there's a sweet foreward about the development and about the Kickstarter backers and stuff and there's a safety warning and some basic information about like two new things that weren't in the first game, which ARE cool to be very clear, and then just an image of the default controls. that's it. nothing fucking else. we have lost so much. bring back proper game manuals, what is even supposed to be the fucking purpose of them if you're not even gonna bother making them interesting, like i know maybe it's not cost-effective to put in as much effort as older games bc people don't check out the manuals as much in the digital gaming age but you could try to do at least a little more than just pasting the most basic information in there like some fucking tips, some hints about what works or whatever, or like what you recommend starting with, or like at least some fucking flavor or personality please, dear god, bring back proper game manuals!
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saerisaerisaeri · 3 months
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Okay all origins are done~~! And dw, this is not the end, and still continue DOS2 stuff next >:3 thank you for following my DOS2 fanarts stuff~ stay tune for next things~~~
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